Vacuum massage - vacuum therapy - the benefits of vacuum. Vacuum therapy - indications for use

Vacuum cupping therapy- one of therapeutic areas, which consists in a local reflex effect on the human body with rarefied air.

This method was known to many peoples in ancient times. For local blood retraction in different eyelids and in different regions They used vessels of all kinds of shapes made of wood, bamboo, porcelain, glass, and clay. This therapy is still popular today.

Abdominal decompression - a method of lymphatic drainage by vacuum (abdominal) decompression (vacuum massage) is effectively used in combination with other treatment methods:

in urology: male infertility(low sperm motility, infections, varicose veins of the ovary, diabetes), prostatitis, urethritis, erectile weakness;
in gynecology: inflammatory diseases internal genital organs, dysmenorrhea, infantilism, primary and secondary infertility, threat of miscarriage, malnutrition and hypoxia of the fetus, toxicosis of pregnancy;
in angiology: vascular atherosclerosis lower limbs(the duration of remission is 3-4 times longer than in patients receiving conventional drug treatment options), varicose veins, trophic ulcer;
in traumatology: fusion of bone fragments, 100% wound healing and 98% trophic ulcers;
V sports medicine: training and rehabilitation of athletes, recovery from injuries;
in cosmetology: prevention and treatment of cellulite, elimination of excess fat deposits in problem areas;
in gastroenterology: liver diseases - chronic hepatitis, hepatoses (alcoholic, toxic, hepatitis C), portal cirrhosis, enterocolitis, colitis, dysbiosis;
in proctology: rectal fissures;
in toxicology and narcology in combination with the use of enterosorbent;
neurology: depression, neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia, syndrome chronic fatigue;
damage to the joints of the lower extremities: deforming osteoarthritis, metabolic-dystrophic polyarthritis, aseptic necrosis femoral heads;
hypertonic disease: It was accidentally discovered that in patients with concomitant hypertension, blood pressure decreases during an abdominal decompression session.
We started to apply this procedure for hypertension and obtained good results.

It has been experimentally established that one procedure increases the effectiveness of detoxification by 30-35%, and a course of procedures restores blood microcirculation and lymph flow.

Special noted positive influence to the glands internal secretion, liver, nervous system and joints.

Currently, both traditional therapy and new therapeutic techniques are used: dynamic cupping vacuum massage, vacuum vibration massage (using electrical suction devices), cupping electropuncture.

To perform a dynamic canning vacuum massage, the cans are placed in the same way, then, after 2 minutes, without breaking the tightness, they begin to move. With this massage, it is recommended to stop in especially painful places until the pain signal is removed (especially in the “pain nodes” on the shoulder blades and lower back), as well as (if high blood pressure) place a stationary jar on the sacrum.

The criterion for exposure time is the appearance of persistent redness of the skin (usually another 3-5 minutes). Movements are made in a centrifugal circular direction, but always end in the direction venous outflow- up along the spine and to the sides or down to the lower back and groin.

Typical areas of influence of all types of vacuum massage: collar area and neck, back, lumbar region, thigh, shoulder, lower leg. When using the technique on the back, many therapists try to bypass the heart area.

Traditional medicine uses this method even more widely - it can be used on the spine to relieve pain and prepare for gentle manual therapy. The technique is also used on the abdomen (for prolapse of internal organs in the abdomen, pelvis, and even for a hernia immediately after its appearance). In this case, a special massage is carried out beforehand.

This effect causes activation of peripheral impulses, which tones and restores peripheral nerve fibers, through baro, thermo and pain receptors of the massaged area, has a beneficial effect on the entire cardiovascular system, improves lymph circulation, stabilizes various functions body.

The result of the method is local redness caused by arterial congestion and some venous congestion, a change vascular tone. As a result, small internal hemorrhages appear, in some cases (with hematomas) effects comparable to autohemotherapy occur. Vacuum reflexology performed on muscles and tendons causes myofascial release. IN folk medicine this method It is also used to “raise” displaced vertebrae.

This method can be used both for preventive purposes to increase the body's resistance and immunity, and in complex treatment together with other therapeutic and preventive measures, such as acupuncture, manual therapy, exercise therapy, and drug treatment.

It should be noted that in addition to the above advantages, this technique has the ability to remove poisonous toxic products from the skin, as well as remove toxins from the entire body as a whole. It is also successfully used in the fight against cellulite.

A very interesting method of vacuum therapy used by L.N. Luvsan is cupping. In this case, the skin is wiped with alcohol and a 200 ml jar is placed on it for 3-5 minutes. Then the jar is removed and in its place 9 notches are made with a 3-sided needle (like a watch dial in a circle and one notch in the middle). The jar is placed again in the same place and held until the blood flows (before clotting begins). Usually 2-3 such sessions are carried out every 3-5 days. The effect of using this method is very high.

In Transcaucasia, there is a method that uses vacuum decompression to relieve migraine headaches. To do this, a shallow skin incision is made in the area of ​​the seventh cervical vertebra and the jar is placed on it until this pain is completely eliminated (3-15 min.)

The range of uses of vacuum reflexology is very wide. It successfully treats diseases such as hypertension, angina pectoris, headaches, spinal diseases, gynecological diseases, prolapse of internal organs, hemorrhoids, immunodeficiency, vegetative-vascular dystonia, insomnia, nervous fatigue, etc. This method has long been known among the people as a good improvised means from various colds, cough, upper respiratory tract diseases.

Effects of vacuum decompression:

Cellular micromassage.
Local increase in temperature.
Increased blood circulation.
Local increase in metabolic rate.
Increased permeability of cell membranes.
Cleansing blood vessels.
Stimulation of collagen and elastin synthesis.
Improvement of endolymphatic movement of proteins.
At the cellular level - cell revitalization.

The impact leads to improved cell nutrition and stimulation
division (rejuvenation) of cells in the basement membrane.
On muscle level, toning and strengthening the fibers.
At the vascular level, by toning the walls of blood vessels and relieving capillary spasm, leading to increased venous-lymphatic activity and promoting the drainage mechanism
(especially the activity of slow-acting lymphatic vessels).
Vacuum reflexology. Theory of the method.

This is the effect of a vacuum element on the back area, due to which blood circulation and back muscles are increased reflexively


This technique helps reduce swelling in organs with impaired blood flow, and also perfectly stimulates the immune system.

In addition, vacuum therapy is used for injuries to normalize blood and lymph flow, relieve pain, resolve swelling, hematoma, regenerate and repair tissue, and normalize redox processes.

The vacuum created during vacuum reflexology increases the supply of oxygen to tissues, increases the metabolic rate, and improves blood circulation. These effects help to renew and strengthen the skin, and stimulate lymphatic drainage, which even leads to the elimination of the effect<апельсиновой корки>.

Vacuum reflexology provides both cosmetic and therapeutic effect. In cosmetology, vacuum reflexology is actively used to treat local cellulite in the buttocks, on the back of the thighs and areas<галифе>, as well as to eliminate the orange peel effect. But vacuum reflexology can be performed on the whole body.

Treatment regimens for cellulite have been developed, where vacuum reflexology is combined with vibration massage and electrolipolysis. The latter destroy fat cells, and vacuum reflexology, increasing lymph flow, cleanses the body of their breakdown products.

In addition, vacuum reflexology tones the muscles, providing slight lifting, restores skin elasticity, and promotes the resorption of scar tissue and stretch marks.

Therefore, vacuum reflexology is used to improve and strengthen contours

body, that is, modeling the figure, to smooth out wrinkles, improve complexion and correct local imperfections of the oval face, double chin.

Vacuum reflexology has a wonderful healing effect for muscle pain in the back. In this case, the emphasis is on particularly painful areas until the pain signal is removed (especially in<узлах боли>on the shoulder blades and lower back). Vacuum cupping massage performed on muscles and tendons causes significant relaxation.

Common areas of influence of therapeutic vacuum reflexology: collar area and neck, back, lumbar region, thigh, buttocks, shoulder, lower leg. Cups are also placed on the stomach - when internal organs prolapse in the abdomen and pelvis.

In addition to pain relief, vacuum reflexology is used to treat

hypertension, angina pectoris, headaches, gynecological diseases, vegetative-vascular dystonia and insomnia.

Vacuum reflexology is carried out through a contact medium - petroleum jelly or vegetable oil with the addition of aromatic oils, lipoactive gels that have medicinal properties. Special cups are applied to the lubricated skin, which should adhere firmly to the skin. The vacuum in the jar is created by a special vacuum suction device. After this, the jar is placed on the skin. Then the massage therapist moves the cups, which causes a local rush of blood to the skin, boosting metabolism and destroying fat cells. The usual duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

Based on the principles of reflexology, according to which the surface of the body is divided into zones closely related to the function of internal organs, the created vacuum affects not only skin receptors, but also active points. This leads not only to local, but also to a general healing effect on the body, relieving nervous fatigue and stress. Most often, vacuum reflexology is included in complex treatment together with other therapeutic and preventive measures, such as acupuncture, manual therapy, exercise therapy, and drug treatment.

Vacuum reflexology is rightfully recognized as a universal medical and cosmetic procedure, which is reflected in the wide range of its applications. Rare moments when you will be advised to refrain from treatment with this method are acute inflammatory diseases of internal organs, skin defects in the area of ​​exposure, bile and urolithiasis disease, and recurrent thrombophlebitis. The appearance of multiple bruises on the skin is not a complication, but normal reaction skin to vacuum reflexology, they will go away on their own in a fairly short time.

You can sign up for cupping therapy by phone: 8 928 624 54 20 Zakhar Belinsky (member of the professional association of visceral therapists)

Cupping massage– this is wonderful ancient technique, which has found application in modern medicine. The effect of cupping massage is based on stimulating blood flow to the skin and irritating skin receptors due to the created in bank vacuum. The vacuum causes a local rush of blood and lymph to the skin, which has a reflex effect on the vessels of the internal organs. In addition, biologically active substances are formed in the area of ​​influence that stimulate metabolic and recovery processes. Therefore, cupping massage improves blood circulation, eliminates stagnation of interstitial fluid (lymphatic drainage effect), stimulates metabolism and skin respiration in the massaged area of ​​the body. The skin becomes elastic, its tone and elasticity increase.

History of cupping massage

The prototype of the cans in them modern form It is considered to be the hollow horns of animals. They were used to suck out poison from the body after snake bites and toxins from skin lesions. Over time, the horns evolved into bamboo bowls, which were eventually replaced by glass bowls. Cupping massage techniques developed along with the design of its main instrument. The exact origins of cupping massage are unknown.

The Chinese expanded the scope of cupping massage - they used banks in surgery, to divert blood flow from the operated area. Ultimately, cupping massage has become an independent type of therapy used to treat the most various diseases. Ancient Chinese sources say: “acupuncture and cupping help cure more than half of ailments.” Ancient Chinese doctors note that cupping massage eliminates stagnation of blood and Qi energy, and also helps reduce the effect of external pathogenic factors that affect poor health.

In an ancient Egyptian medical text, cupping massage is prescribed to treat fever, pain, dizziness, menstrual cramps, poor appetite and accelerating the “crisis” of the disease. The Greeks adopted cupping massage from the Egyptians, and over time it spread throughout the Ancient World, as well as in many countries of Europe and America. Conducted in the 20th century Scientific research confirmed the clinical effectiveness of cupping massage. In China, this type of therapy is included in the set of official treatment methods, and cupping breast massage is traditionally used to relieve inflammation of the mammary gland during breastfeeding (this is how the practice of milk sucking arose).

The healing properties of cupping massage

Cupping massage can be used either independently or as a complement to traditional massage, physiotherapy, facial and body care procedures. It has a calming effect on the nervous system, and the massaged person often enters a state of deep relaxation. On a therapeutic level, cupping massage is useful in treating many diseases and conditions, including hypertension, anxiety, fatigue, chronic headaches, fibromyalgia and neuralgia. Body treatments combined with cupping massage help eliminate cellulite; overstrained or stiff muscles quickly relax and become toned after just a few minutes of cupping massage.

Cups are used to massage large areas of the body, such as the back. big size, and strong vacuum action allows you to achieve the same effect as with a moving deep massage, but without the accompanying discomfort. The movement of the cups can be smooth, or intense and stimulating (this allows you to relax tense muscles and restore the movement of blood and lymph in deep tissues). With a strong vacuum effect, the skin becomes very red, which indicates blood flow to skin. Often, after a cupping massage, ointments, creams and essential oils are rubbed into the skin - they are easily absorbed into the skin and penetrate deep into the tissue. After a cupping massage, the person being massaged feels a pleasant warmth, emanating as if from the depths of the body, and also slight tingling skin.

Cupping massage does not cause skin inflammation and does not harm internal organs. It can relieve inflammation, but not increase it. The cupping technique is very effective when used as a contrast therapy with hot or cold compresses or ointments.

One of the most popular uses of deep cupping massage today is the treatment of cellulite. Although in the modern spa industry there are many effective hardware solutions for eliminating this cosmetic defect, cupping massage remains the leader among anti-cellulite procedures. The vacuum effect provides good drainage and stimulates blood circulation, which eliminates stagnation of interstitial fluid and gets rid of the annoying “orange peel”. For cellulite, cupping massage of the thighs and buttocks is performed. Banks move in circular, zigzag and straight-line movements. To enhance the effect, the massaged surface is lubricated with anti-cellulite cream or oil. The results of anti-cellulite cupping massage are noticeable within a month.

You can sign up for a cupping massage by phone: 8 928 624 54 20 Zakhar Belinsky (member of the professional association of visceral therapists)

Vacuum therapy– a method of external influence on the body, widely used in practice oriental medicine. This is one of the therapeutic areas, which consists of a local reflex effect on the human body with rarefied air. This method of treatment is popularly known as “cupping” or “cupping massage”.

All methods Tibetan medicine are based on the principle of interconnection of all internal human organs, therefore the principle therapeutic effect Cupping massage consists of beneficial effects vacuum on biologically active points of our body associated with certain organs.

Vacuum therapy has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, restores body tissue and helps eliminate toxins. With help Tibetan massage the whole set is eliminated painful symptoms, allowing you to enjoy life to its fullest. After a course of vacuum massage, you will feel a clear improvement in the functioning of the body as a whole.

Operating principle of vacuum therapy

With static vacuum therapy, the cans are placed along the spine for 15-30 minutes, and with the dynamic (sliding) method, the doctor moves the can along the patient’s body, focusing on energy meridians. Cupping massage removes toxic metabolic products from the body and activates metabolic processes in the body, stagnation is eliminated, energy “accelerates” occurs. As a result of the procedure, cerebral circulation also improves. In addition to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, of cardio-vascular system, bronchopulmonary system and gastrointestinal tract, cupping massage is widely used in the treatment of neurological disorders.

Therapeutic effect of cups

The basis of treatment using the cupping method is the preliminary determination of treatment goals and the impact on the corresponding energy points associated with internal organs. Vacuum therapy has an incredibly broad field of influence - from sports injuries to post-traumatic rehabilitation.

Indications for use

Removal stagnation in organs and tissues

Conducting effective lymphatic drainage

Correction of the position of internal organs

Recovery of the affected vascular bed(varicose veins, hemorrhoids)

Restoring sluggish intestinal motility

Regulating and restoring the function of the stomach, gall bladder, kidneys and other organs

Carrying out diagnostics of the state of lymph and blood circulation of the body

Immune stimulation (non-invasive autohemotherapy)

Treatment of colds

Relieving stress and pathological cellular memory from structural connective tissue and eliminating the cause-and-effect chain of some chronic conditions

Losing excess weight

Cosmetic effect (increased skin tone)


Tumors of any nature and location

Acute infectious diseases and fevers

Severe vascular sclerosis with a tendency to hemorrhage and thrombosis

Neuroses with affective states and seizures

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Fungal and purulent lesions skin

Thrombophlebitis and varicose veins of the second and third degree

Second half of pregnancy

Features of the procedure

In terms of depth of impact, vacuum massage has no equal, has a long-lasting effect and at the same time is good method diagnostics By the nature of the spots or swelling, one can judge with high certainty the internal state body.

If we consider extreme conditions from exposure vacuum cans, then a strong micro-effusion on the skin indicates venous stagnation And poor condition the walls of the vessel, and the absence of a spot indicates a complete or partial disappearance of blood flow.

It should be noted that the vacuum therapy procedure is carried out at the Naran clinic qualified specialist taking into account the psychophysical state of the patient. Mobilization of the body's internal reserves with the help of vacuum therapy leads to lasting improvement or elimination of many diseases. This good prevention aging and premature decline of the body.

Don’t you know why they put cans on athletes’ backs? Let's talk. Excessive physical and psychological stress experienced by athletes significantly wears out protective forces body. This leads to loss of strength, impaired internal circulation and painful sensations in the muscles.

To reduce the negative impact of distress, affecting both physical and psycho-emotional aspects, vacuum gradient therapy (VGT) is widely used. This technique effectively affects the tissue microcirculation system using vacuum, thereby stimulating performance, improving the patient’s well-being and mood. Vacuum massage has been used for a long time, for example.

Efficacy of VGT, terminology

Circulatory disorders, especially the microvasculature of soft tissues, is the key to understanding the development of human diseases according to modern scientific concepts. Objective markers of such disorders are extravasates (spots varying intensity coloring), local edema , deep muscle compactions , which are diagnosed using VGT.

It has been established that, along with ischemia, the primary formation of venous-interstitial-lymphatic stagnation (WILZ syndrome) , which are the fundamental basis for development congestive ischemic soft tissue disease (CSID) body. ZIBMT- a key mechanism that causes the occurrence of not only diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but also pathologies of internal organs (coronary heart disease, disorder cerebral blood supply, diseases of the lungs, stomach, kidneys, etc.) (P.P. Mikhailichenko, 2005).

Numerous scientific and clinical researches vacuum therapy performed by specialized specialists, show the uniformity of transformations that occur during the procedure, both in patients and in absolutely healthy people, as well as for athletes experiencing stress varying degrees intensity.

Photo of Chinese swimmer Wang Qun before the 2008 Beijing Olympics

The first treatment procedures, during which a pressure of 200-300 mmHg is used, may cause slight discomfort associated with bruising in most patients. Small extravasations that appear on the skin can be accompanied by pain and swelling, which, however, quickly pass. In athletes and people with well-developed muscles, localization of tissue edema is possible in areas of muscle knots and seals, as well as in areas of articular arthrosis.

Features of the development of VIL syndrome and the influence of VHT on neutralizing the consequences

In most cases, VILDS syndrome, accompanied by the development of PVD, develops regardless of a person’s lifestyle, although regular physical exercise should minimize the possibility of lymph stagnation in the tissues. In order to understand the origin of this paradox, one should take into account the peculiarities of the occurrence of stagnation.

In fact, exercise has a positive effect on large and small blood flow, significantly increasing its speed. However, each individual section of tissue is capable of independently regulating blood flow and controlling its level depending on the speed of its own metabolic processes. As a result, even regular exercise is not can have a visible impact on the efficiency of distillation and circulation in tissue structures. That is why those who professionally engage in sports or physical labor often suffer from arthritis and other soft tissue pathologies. In this case it is vacuum therapy is a procedure that maximally alleviates the patient’s condition.

There are several key factors, directly affecting the occurrence and development of FTI in athletes:

  • Heredity. The ability to adapt and recover is inherent in us at the genetic level.
  • Micro and macro injuries of soft tissues, as well as regular excessive loads on skeletal muscles.
  • Violation of water-salt balance during training.
  • Consequences of emotional distress.

The combination of these circumstances is the cause of the occurrence of VILS and SIBMT in athletes. As a result, the body's defenses are noticeably reduced, immune defense falls, and functional-adaptive abilities quickly disappear.

In order to prevent the occurrence of pathological changes in skeletal muscles in people involved in sports, as well as to treat the consequences of such stress-associated factors, VHT is used. It has been noticed that thanks to the procedure, not only does it improve general state circulatory and muscular systems, but also improves mood and increases the effectiveness of training.

Features of VGT in athletes

Carrying out vacuum-gradient cupping therapy in athletes follows the classical scheme, however, to increase efficiency, some methodological features are possible that are designed to improve the regenerative effect:

  • The main purpose of conducting VGT during the period intensive training and preparations for competitions is normalization psycho-emotional state athlete, as well as preparing muscle tissue and skeletal apparatus for increased loads. This allows you to prevent inevitable microtraumas and reduce the consequences of major damage.
  • During the procedure, special attention is paid to the person’s back, after which the emphasis moves to other parts of the body that are also actively involved in the load. The duration of the procedure varies depending on the characteristics of the load, the condition of the body and other individual indicators. It is recommended to complete the VGT no later than 60 minutes before the start of the warm-up.
  • During preparations for competitions or in case of increasing the intensity of training, it is recommended to carry out therapy with a three-week course of 7-9 procedures, which ends a week before the expected competition.
  • During the recovery period, the procedure should begin several hours after completion of the loads, paying attention to functional state athlete. In this case, a gentle influence is practiced, leading to a state of relaxation.

Several Yet useful tips for athletes from Yu.N. Smirnova (excerpt from a speech from the exhibition “ Healthy image life" 2015, St. Petersburg)

In general, the use of VHT in athletes has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect and can improve the effectiveness of physical activity.

Most often, athletes use classic sets of massage cups with a pump, or more powerful massage cups with a valve, which can have a much deeper effect on the body.



This method, despite strict scientific name, is known to everyone. Well, maybe not everyone, but rather, people over 40 years old - precisely those who were prescribed for bronchitis in childhood medical banks. Lately the jars were squeezed out with mustard plasters, ointments, and antibiotics.

Application experience vacuum gradient therapy at the most various diseases, including for psychosomatic pathology, as well as for preventive purposes in healthy adults, children and athletes, convincingly indicates that the VGT method is a safe, highly effective and fairly universal tool with a wide range of therapeutic and health effects. The effectiveness of this technique is evidenced by the high effectiveness of many years of clinical practice.
Academic medicine uses a standard arsenal of therapy, which is mainly symptomatic. Unfortunately, we have to admit that, despite the centuries-old history of using vacuum exposure, both in traditional and folk medicine, its high efficiency and harmlessness are underestimated by specialists. The VGT method meets with stubborn resistance from the medical community, in best case scenario- indifference, which is apparently due to professional stereotypical thinking and imposed standards from above.

However, a deep understanding of the causes of diseases, knowledge of the mechanisms therapeutic influence vacuum, and most importantly - positive results Applications of the developed method lead to the conclusion that vacuum gradient therapy is practically the only tool for direct influence on the disturbed microcirculation system of the interstitial fluid of the human body. Dosed exposure to cupping is the most physiological way to restore damaged soft tissues.

It should be noted that in last years Society's interest in cupping as a method of active treatment and prevention of many diseases is undoubtedly increasing. Thus, textbooks for medical universities and reference books on physical therapy for doctors include relevant sections on the use of vacuum for therapeutic purposes. The latest computerized systems are appearing abroad, designed for the use of vacuum in medical and for cosmetic purposes(LPG systems). In July 2004, an episode was shown on television in which the famous Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow appeared at a party in an open dress, and on the skin of her back, along the spine, multiple pronounced dark spots were visible from the vacuum therapy procedure she had received the day before .

10 years ago I introduced into my practice as a healer this method of therapeutic and health effects on the human body - vacuum - gradient therapy - a method of deep tissue treatment. The use of the method allows for diagnosis, prevention and treatment of many diseases associated with disorders of the structural and functional state of the soft tissues of the body, vessels of the circulatory-lymphatic system and the peripheral nervous system. As well as tightening and training the muscles of the body, including the muscles and skin of the face.

I want to provide you with an interview with a doctor who was one of the few who revived the unjustifiably forgotten method of natural healing...

This method has been used for many years in Russia, was demonstrated in the USA, Switzerland, and was clinically tested in a Zurich clinic. Positive feedback has been received throughout.

But first, a little background.

At the end of winter - at the most flu-like time - it is always impossible to get through to a pharmacy. And the impudent young man, who immediately climbed to the window, naturally caused irritation among those patiently standing in line. “Calm down,” he waved it off, “I just have to ask,” and he turned to the pharmacist: “Girl, do you have medical jars? I need about sixty.” “How much?” she was surprised, “you have such a big family? We never have that much - now no one is treated with them. Better take Faringosept or cough lozenges.” “Yes, I don’t have a cold, but osteochondrosis, and a severe one, I don’t need lozenges.” “Darling,” the old woman from the queue affectionately addressed him, you’ve got everything mixed up - in our time, cups were used for coughs and bronchitis, but they don’t treat osteochondrosis, especially in such quantities.”

“They’re treating me, grandma, they’re treating me,” he cheerfully answered her on the way out. And they cured me—that’s what I’m looking for for banks.” homework", for prevention, so to speak. They treat osteochondrosis, and sinusitis, and cerebral palsy, and relieve blood pressure - they don’t treat anything. You haven’t heard about this, have you?”

And here is what the chief transfusiologist of the Military Medical Academy from St. Petersburg, candidate medical sciences S. Sidorkevich:

“At first I was quite skeptical about the method of vacuum gradient therapy. And two months ago, the shoulder - scapular periarthritis worsened. I turned to a specialist. After several sessions, the pain in the spine completely disappeared, and after 5-6 sessions I didn’t even notice how it had stopped my left shoulder hurts. From my personal experience, I was convinced of the effectiveness of this method. Such a deep study of tissues and muscles, which is achieved by the vacuum gradient therapy method, cannot be achieved by any of the known physiotherapeutic methods:"

But this is, so to speak, aerobatics - treatment complex diseases. Here the specialist connects the whole system of his special cans and skills classic massage, and some vacuum systems. But the most important thing is that this method is widely used for osteochondrosis, arthritis, muscle pain, high blood pressure, to remove toxins from the body and much, much more.

"HLS" - I always thought that cupping is a rather cumbersome method of treatment - and it’s difficult to apply, and the stains remain, it even becomes scary .

M : Well, of course, taking a pill is much easier. And then another and another, to smooth out the damage from the previous one. That any chemical invasion into such a delicate and fragile system as human body, is fraught with many negative consequences, people, alas, do not think about it. For some reason, a person does not want to work for the sake of his own health. And he forgets the methods that were developed by ancient healers. When I began to seriously study the method of vacuum gradient therapy, I was simply amazed - it is capable of mobilizing the internal reserves of the body and treating a lot of diseases, not just colds.

Do you know that the scientific interpretation of this procedure - cupping - was given before the war by the therapist V.Kh. Vasilenko? Later, in the sixties, the method was tested, tested, researched, was recognized as “extremely necessary and effective” and was called “vacuum therapy”. He owes this name to Velkhover, who described the effect of using “cupping” - immediately after the procedure, systolic (upper) pressure decreases by approximately 25 mm Hg. column, the pulse rate slows down by 20 beats. The blood picture changes - the number of leukocytes decreases by 15 percent, the number of lymphocytes increases by 20 percent. This increases blood clotting. It was then that an attempt was made to deeply study soft tissues and the extremely beneficial effect of such procedures on the body was proven.

"HLS" Does vacuum therapy use regular medical cups?

M: And ordinary, that is, well-known to everyone, medical, and the most ordinary - mayonnaise (250 ml), half-liter, seven hundred grams (in this case you need to make sure that the edges are smooth, without chips) - but this, of course, is more likely for home use . By the way, do you know that the shape of medicine jars is the same as those of the doctor of the gladiator school - the famous Galen?

And only recently - about twenty years ago, pharmaceutical jars changed their shape and only thanks to the clinical neurologist E.S. Velkhover. He created various banks functional purpose- different volumes, diameters and configurations (for example, for vacuum massage thyroid gland, testicles, sigmoid colon etc.) You see how many different jars and jars I have (Indeed, on the spacious table there were a variety of configurations - from huge bottles to tiny “troughs” - special “finger jars” - author’s note)

But, of course, for home use you can use medical jars - a little further I will give a technique on how to use them for various diseases.

"HLS" Why does this rather traumatic skin procedure help?

M: This is where you are mistaken - this procedure does not injure the skin!

"HLS" Well, what about these purplish-red hematomas on the back after the procedures? Because of them, people are even ashamed to undress.

M: Well, first of all, these are not hematomas. Hematomas are a limited accumulation of blood in tissues due to rupture of the walls of blood vessels. This creates a cavity containing liquid or clotted blood.

And spots on the skin after the procedure are an “effusion” of blood through the walls of blood vessels, and not their rupture! And this “exudation” contains not only blood elements, but also protein substrates of blood plasma, physiologically active substances such as histamine, neurotransmitters, hormones, etc. These elements have already spent their time, so they are quite unstable - as waste is now called . And as soon as they are removed in this way (with a vacuum vacuum cleaner), the body immediately begins to produce new vital elements with redoubled energy. Blood, lymph, tissue fluid are renewed. The mechanism of intensive production is launched. And all systems that were “idle” until this time are turned on.

Moreover, the intensity of this “effusion” can be used to judge the degree of painful processes in the body.

"HLS" Are you saying that you can tell how far the disease has progressed by the color of the spots after the procedure?

M: And how polluted the body is. Moreover, now I first do express diagnostics to see what degree of disease and what kind of slagging I’m dealing with.

Comparing the pattern of spots with the nature of the disease, I came to the conclusion that dark purple spots with a bluish-violet tint and swollen edges - this is a sign of powerful stagnant processes deep in the tissue. Red spots with pinpoint hemorrhages, but without swelling indicate more superficial changes in deep tissues. Hard to believe?

But it is so. The most interesting thing is that with a repeated session of vacuum massage, the spots no longer form the same color. The work of cleansing the body has already been done.

"HLS" Do children get spots? Do they also have sludge in their bodies?

M: Different children have spots of different intensity. Sick children have bright spots, because even in infancy metabolic products are formed during illness, in healthy children - barely noticeable spots, but they also form, because in our ecology the immune system often does not work the way it is supposed to work in a healthy body.

"HLS" So, the main task of vacuum therapy is to improve the health of the body and cleanse it of toxins?

M: I would formulate the possibilities of vacuum therapy as follows: firstly, powerful treatment of soft tissues - removal of stagnation by “raising to the surface” of toxins. In other words, improving the health of the body is its prevention. Secondly, the treatment of many diseases, since the procedure gives a powerful impetus to the intensive work of all body systems.

This is a universal method that allows you to cure the most various diseases. No medicine works as well as this method.

"HLS" What diseases does vacuum therapy treat?

M: very, very many. But let me name only those diseases that can be treated independently with the help of pharmaceutical cups applied to the back area, that is, at home.

This - osteochondrosis, muscle spasms, radiculitis, lumbago; for chronic fatigue of the body, bronchitis, chronic pneumonia, bronchial asthma; diseases of the cardiovascular system - hypertension of 1-2 degrees, angina pectoris, in recovery period after myocardial infarction, with vegetative-vascular dystonia; peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum in remission phase.

And, besides, anyone healthy person In order to prevent these and many other diseases, it is recommended to receive regular vacuum therapy sessions for deep cleansing of the body.

"HLS" How often should preventive vacuum therapy sessions be done?

M: Once a month, after a course of procedures. With regular vacuum therapy (initial course followed by preventive sessions), a noticeable restructuring of the soft tissues of the body is observed within six months - its rejuvenation occurs. The skin becomes elastic, myogeloses (muscle compactions), the so-called “humps” - tissue compactions in the area of ​​the seventh cervical vertebra - disappear. Body weight decreases, joints begin to work “without crunching”.

"HLS" Is it possible to do it yourself? healing session vacuum therapy at home?

M: Of course, complex diseases can only be cured by a specialist - a vacuum therapist. And eliminate pain syndromes (pain that occurs in the neck, back, lower back, with increased blood pressure, insomnia, headaches, fatigue) perhaps by yourself.

There is no need to be afraid of stains: on the one hand, this is a kind of indicator of stagnation in the body, and on the other hand, stains, or rather biologically active substances that come out along with toxins, begin to have a healing effect.

In subsequent sessions, which are carried out after 1-2 days, the spots gradually resolve, swelling disappears and no longer occurs.

Vacuum therapy procedures lasting 15 minutes are carried out the second time, and then the session can be increased to 40 minutes; the course of treatment averages 9-11 procedures. Even if the pain has disappeared, several more procedures must be performed to consolidate the result. And regularity is very important.

"HLS" Are there any contraindications for this procedure?

M: Certainly. The first rule is that cupping should not be used if the body temperature is above normal, during feverish conditions, during inflammatory processes in the acute period!

Absolute contraindications:

tumors of any nature and location, exhaustion of the body, acute infectious diseases, vascular sclerosis, vascular thrombosis, neuroses with convulsive seizures, diseases of the cardiovascular system: acute inflammatory processes in the myocardium, endocardium, pericardium, heart defects, grade 3-4 hypertension, heart attack myocardium in the acute period, frequent attacks angina pectoris, acute cardiovascular failure, varicose veins grade 2-3, purulent and fungal infections skin, second half of pregnancy.

Relative contraindications:

Unclear diagnosis, condition after heavy physical activity, after a hot bath (before the procedure, rest for two hours), infant or senile age (after 80 years), alcohol intoxication, mental disorders, as well as the negative attitude of patients towards the procedure.

Take care of your body so that your soul wants to live in it!

Vacuum therapy- (lat. Vacuum- emptiness) therapeutic local application of air with pressure below atmospheric. Synonyms: local decompression, cupping massage, vacuum massage, endomassage.

Vacuum therapy in cosmetology is represented by:

  • vacuum;

Vacuum massage and lymphatic drainage are used in both. is a gentle way to cleanse skin pores. Local decompression in cosmetology is most often used in complex procedures breast shape correction.

Effects of vacuum therapy

Vacuum therapy is therapeutic method, which can be used to solve medical and aesthetic problems.

The emerging visceral skin reflexes change the blood supply to internal organs segmentally associated with the affected area.

Thus, vacuum action on tissue causes the following effects:

  • reflex-therapeutic;
  • draining;
  • defibrosating;
  • microcirculatory;
  • immunomodulatory.

Spots after vacuum therapy

Pinpoint hemorrhages (petechiae) very often accompany vacuum therapy.

This phenomenon has been studied and described in detail in P. Mikhailichenko’s book “Vacuum Therapy”.

“What are the stains that form after exposure to vacuum cans? Many researchers agree that spots are dosed hemorrhages on the skin, including the following substances: shaped elements blood, protein substrates of blood plasma, endogenous, that is, internal origin, physiologically active substances such as histamine, prostaglandins, neurotransmitters, hormones and others.

This whole set of substances in microdoses has a powerful stimulating effect on the entire body, and on a certain area, powerfully “shakes up” soft fabrics. And this effect lasts for several days - until the stain resolves”...

“Substances, the release of which occurs immediately after exposure to vacuum and which cause the appearance of spots, initiate increased microcirculation of blood and lymph in the capillaries, normalize the flow of interstitial fluid and generally stimulate the entire immune system organism."

"There are quite interesting features the appearance of stains. Usually, after a vacuum massage session, even with minimal degrees of vacuum, small pinpoint microhemorrhages form on the skin - spots, sometimes with swelling at the edges. They appear already in the first minutes and even seconds after exposure to vacuum. Sometimes the appearance of spots occurs more slowly, 1-2 hours after a vacuum massage session, even at high degrees of vacuum. In most cases, the appearance of spots on the skin coincides with the areas pain or pain syndrome."

“The process of stain formation usually occurs during the first four sessions of vacuum massage. In subsequent sessions, their development is reversed, that is, the spots completely resolve and no longer form. This indicates the disappearance of the conditions for their development: normalization of capillary blood and lymph flow occurs, activation of the processes of structural and functional restoration in tissues, signs of stagnation in tissues disappear. All this is accompanied by improvement general well-being, pain syndromes disappear.”

“Thus, spots can be considered as a kind of indicator of the condition of tissues and the movement of fluids in them.”

Indications for vacuum therapy

Neurological disorders and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system:

  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • myofascial pain in the neck, back, limbs;
  • myositis;
  • radiculitis of vertebrogenic and discogenic origin;
  • sciatica;
  • arthrosis;
  • scoliosis;

  • neuritis and neuralgia;
  • headaches of a vertebrogenic nature;
  • diseases associated with impaired blood and lymph circulation: endarteritis, elephantiasis;
  • initial manifestations of deficiency cerebral circulation and their consequences;
  • cervical-brachial syndrome.

Internal illnesses:

  • chronic tracheobronchitis;
  • chronic pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • chronic constipation.


  • post-traumatic and postoperative rehabilitation.


  • premature;
  • double chin;
  • cellulite;
  • obesity;
  • breast shape correction.


Since vacuum therapy is used not only in cosmetology, we provide an expanded list of contraindications for various age categories patients.

Absolute contraindications:

  • tumors of any nature and location;
  • severe exhaustion of the body;
  • acute infectious diseases and febrile conditions;
  • severe vascular sclerosis with a tendency to thrombosis and hemorrhage;
  • neuroses and psychoses with affective states and convulsive seizures;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system: acute inflammatory processes in the myocardium, endocardium, pericardium, heart defects in the stage of decompensation, stage III hypertension, myocardial infarction in the acute period, frequent attacks of angina pectoris, acute cardiovascular failure;
  • varicose veins of II-III degree, thrombophlebitis;
  • purulent and fungal skin lesions;
  • second half of pregnancy.

Relative contraindications:

  • unclear diagnosis;
  • conditions after heavy physical exertion;
  • infancy or old age (over 80 years);
  • state of alcoholic intoxication;
  • mental disorders.

Attention! Vacuum massage should not be performed on the heart, eyes, ears, or on the abdominal area for pregnant women. Vacuum exposure to the area of ​​the mammary glands is carried out only in special procedures.

Special contraindications in cosmetology:

  • Vacuum massage cannot be performed for 2-3 days after the session (except and).
  • During a course of injection ozone therapy, vacuum massage is contraindicated.
  • A contraindication for vacuum treatment on the face is gold reinforcement.
  • The action of drugs based on


2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs