Medical treatment of flux. How to quickly get rid of the flux: signs and causes of pathology, methods of drug and alternative treatment

Flux - so called purulent abscess, which occurs under the periosteum as a result of infection. Also, the disease is called periostitis, and a dentist should treat it. Should anything be done to make the flux break through faster at home? Depends on the situation the patient is in.

You can suspect periostitis by unpleasant pain that constantly appears closer to the root of the tooth. The disease develops in several directions and often ends with a breakthrough of pus:

  • primary flux - accompanied by swelling of the face from the side of appearance;
  • inflammation spreads to nearby tissues, causing purulent process;
  • the gum pocket between the teeth and soft tissues becomes infected;
  • there is an extensive swelling of the face and a strong swelling on the part of the diseased tooth.

While periostitis develops, it cannot be opened additional methods. During the purulent process, the patient feels a jerking pain, his temperature rises, and painkillers do not work.

Inflammation should be treated with antibiotics, which are prescribed by a dentist.

At home, flux treatment is dangerous because of the risk of complications. If the swelling becomes global, phlegmon may begin - the purulent contents of the tumor penetrate between the muscles of the face, into the neck, and can seep into chest. The result is sepsis infected blood penetrates the brain and leads to coma or death.

If you open the abscess with a needle or other mechanically, the patient will feel some relief. But after a while, the process will resume with renewed vigor.

Abscess delivers discomfort, severely hurts and unnerves the patient. But it is impossible to pierce a bump on your own to break through pus. You can speed up the process of maturation of the abscess using medicines and folk remedies.

The pus that broke into the oral cavity from the bump during the breakthrough is no longer so dangerous.

At home, you can do the following: rinse your mouth with a disinfectant solution, make sure that there are no cracks, wounds, open caries in the abscess area. Then the fingers are treated with alcohol or chlorhexidine. If the flux is well ripened, lightly press on it. The walls must burst.

The resulting pus is spit out - penetrating into the stomach, it can cause infection. Then the mouth is rinsed again with an antiseptic ("Miramistin" or chlorhexidine). Remember that decoctions medicinal herbs in this case will be useless.

Rinse your mouth for another 1-2 days until the remaining wound heals. Make sure it doesn't collect new pus. Maintain good hygiene to prevent recurrence oral cavity.

To make the flux break through faster, you can make a solution from "Rotokan" - a tincture consisting of yarrow, calendula and chamomile:

  • dilute 1 part of the product in 10 parts of water;
  • rinse your mouth;
  • repeat 4-5 times a day.

The drug eliminates inflammation, destroys bacteria and anesthetizes. Instead of Rotokan, calendula tincture on alcohol is used to break through the flux.

To make the abscess break faster, you can use other herbs. An infusion of sage and green tea is used to rinse the mouth.

In the treatment of the disease, it is impossible to heat a purulent abscess, since under the influence of heat the abscess spreads to nearby tissues and worsens the patient's condition. If you do not treat tooth decay, the abscess will constantly return. Destruction bone tissue lasts up to 20 years, and during this period there is a sluggish infection in the body that weakens the immune system.

Rinsing solutions are prepared from some dry mixtures: 1 part of grass is taken for 5 parts of water and boiled for 15 minutes on low heat. Suitable for this: plantain, coltsfoot, sage, chamomile, calendula, oak bark. You can make combined infusions:

Melissa. For 1 liter of water take 0.5 tbsp. dry grass. Pour the mixture with boiling liquid and cover with a warm towel. After an hour, filter, rinse every 2-3 hours so that the abscess breaks faster.

oak bark and sage. Take 1 part of lemon balm herb, oak bark, sage. Pour boiling water so that it is 3-4 times more than the mixture. Rinse your mouth 7-10 times a day.

hyssop grass. For 2 st. l. dry composition take 1 cup of boiling water, pour for 2 hours. Strain, mix with 10 drops table vinegar. Rinse your mouth several times a day to quickly break through the bumps.

mint and Birch buds . Mix 100 g of dry heel, 50 g of angelica, 50 g of birch buds and the same amount of periwinkle. Pour a liter of boiling water for 50 minutes. Rinse should be every 3 hours.

oak bark. Mix 0.5 liters of boiling water with 2 tbsp. l. dry composition for 30 minutes. You can rinse every hour to relieve pain and speed up the breakthrough of the bumps.

Application herbal decoctions does not guarantee the desired result. They are prescribed to accelerate the healing process, disinfection and anesthesia of the flux.

Other means

Here's what to do to make the flux break through faster using additional preparations:

  • breed 3 drops of iodine in a glass of water, rinse your mouth;

  • take aloe leaf, cut in half, attach the mucous part to the damaged area (do not forget to remove the needles from the sides so that they do not injure the gum). Change the application after 4-6 hours or after eating;
  • application cabbage leaf - the vegetable is poured with boiling water for 10-15 minutes, then a small piece is cut out of the cabbage. It must be soft. Then the agent is applied to the damaged area;

  • application of propolis- a piece of cotton wool is moistened in alcohol tincture, applied to the damaged area;
  • carnation flower- grind the spice and apply it to the flux.

Application alcohol compresses dangerous for the mucous membrane, test before applying to the damaged area. If dryness, burning or other discomfort occurs, do not use vodka/alcohol recipes.

Medicinal ointments

Stimulate fast opening flux some homemade ointments as well pharmaceutical products. Best medical preparations- these are "Metrogil Denta" and "Levomekol".

"Levomegol" eliminates inflammation, helps with purulent processes and accelerates the healing of the damaged area after the breakthrough of the flux. "Metrogil" relieves pain and destroys all bacteria.

At home, the ointment is prepared from pure beeswax:

  • 1 tsp wax is melted in a water bath;
  • add 1 tsp. vegetable oil;
  • grind the boiled yolk.

Apply the product 2-3 times a day. It is necessary to apply the ointment at the first symptoms of the flux, it accelerates its maturation and prevents infection of nearby tissues.

Additional Products

To make the flux break through faster, you can make a compress from soda. For 1 procedure, they take a teaspoon of soda, wrap it in a bandage, apply it to the inflamed gums and press it with my cheek ( inside lips). You need to change the compress every 3-4 hours. Whether the soda flux breaks through or not depends on the state of the process. With a pronounced tumor, 1-2 days are enough.

Helps to break through the infusion of sage and mustard plaster. Cotton wool is moistened in a warm liquid, applied to a sore spot for several hours. You can supplement the procedure by rinsing with “dead” water.

Yolk mixed with linden honey has similar properties. They are added to the base - a mixture of wax with vegetable oil. Apply the remedy to the damaged area along with a cotton swab.

Vodka tinctures

You can quickly break through at home using alcohol or vodka tincture. They are sold in pharmacies, but if you have the resources, it is better to make the medicine yourself:

  • for 90 g of propolis take 0.5 l of vodka;
  • within 2 weeks insist in a dark place, shaking occasionally;
  • strain and pour into a dark glass bottle.

Apply the product using a cotton ball. It is necessary to prepare the drug if the flux appears 2 or 3 times. Long-term aging of the tincture is the only minus of the remedy, since it will not work to use it at the first signs of an abscess.

Preparations for quick breakthrough of the flux can be prepared independently or bought at a pharmacy. However, none of them will be 100% effective in all cases. Treatment needs to be dental office, subject to the relevant sanitary norms. At home, there is a high risk of infection in nearby tissues.

How to quickly remove the flux at home, everyone should know. Unfortunately, no one is immune from the appearance of swelling on the face in the jaw area. And she never announces her appearance in advance. Knowledge of the methods of dealing with edema will help to quickly neutralize the problem.

How not to remove the flux?

There are several common mistakes that many make when starting to treat a flux:

  1. Very often, patients try to cope with the tumor warm compresses. Under no circumstances should this be done. Microbes that contribute to the formation of pus - and inside the swelling is filled with pus - feel best in warmth. Therefore, after warming, they will only begin to multiply more actively. As a result, there will be no relief.
  2. It will not be possible to quickly remove the flux at home if you rewind your cheek with scarves or bandages. They work in exactly the same way as warm compresses.
  3. It is very undesirable to sleep on the cheek where the tumor is located.
  4. You can not take antibiotics and other medicines without the appointment of a specialist.
  5. At the time of treatment, you will have to give up hot baths and showers. And it doesn’t hurt to limit yourself to eating too warm food.

How to remove flux at home?

It is necessary to choose the necessary treatment tactics based on where exactly the inflammation is localized, what form it has taken and where the affected tooth is located. Of course, it will be quite difficult to get all the necessary information at home yourself. Only a specialist can do this correctly. But you can do everything that at least some symptoms of the flux will quickly remove, you can.

It is important to understand that the inflammatory process in the root of the tooth is a very serious and dangerous phenomenon. And if you do not go to the dentist with it in time, then there are great chances to lose this tooth in the future.

How to remove the flux at home with red elderberry?


  • - 1 handful;
  • water - 3 cups.

Preparation and application

Bring the water to a boil and throw in the elderberry. For a quarter of an hour, the future medicine should be boiled over medium heat, and after that it should be infused for another couple of hours. Rinsing with liquid will help alleviate the patient's condition, relieve pain.

How to remove the flux at home with herbs?


  • - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • oak bark- 2 tbsp. l.;
  • St. John's wort - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 1l.

Preparation and application

Dry herbal mixture chop, boil water. After that, mix the ingredients and put in a tightly closed container. glass jar. After the liquid is well infused, it must be divided into ten parts, which will subsequently be used for rinsing throughout the day.

How to remove dental flux at home with baking soda?


  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • iodine - 2 drops;
  • water - 1 glass.

Preparation and application

Boil water and pour salt with soda and iodine into it. Use the resulting rinse solution every three to four hours. The liquid must first be cooled.

How can I remove calendula flux at home?


Preparation and application

Pour dry flowers into a glass and pour pre-boiled water. Rinsing should be infused for at least an hour. And just before use, it should be carefully filtered.

Among other things, flux can help with pain cold compress. To prepare it, any of the above mixtures is suitable. In the chilled liquid, a piece of gauze is simply wetted, which is then applied to the sore spot.

Causes of toothache with flux

Flux, which has the medical name periostitis, is an acute complicated form of caries that occurs against the background of an inattentive attitude towards oneself and an elementary unwillingness to visit a dentist. Caries occurs against the background of the penetration of harmful bacteria into the pulp - loose connective tissue. Pulpitis is characterized by severe toothache, which is quite difficult to get rid of. Toothache can only disappear when the tissue dies. In addition to caries, toothache during flux can cause mechanical damage oral mucosa, the occurrence of angina, the entry various infections, for example, at the time of treatment. The provoking factor of the disease may be incomplete dental treatment. A filling with arsenic, not removed in time, has a destructive effect on the tissues of the tooth, resulting in excruciating toothache and gumboil.

Flux toothache symptoms

Flux is an acute inflammatory process in the tissues surrounding the tooth. Flux symptoms are manifested in:

  1. A sharp increase in body temperature;
  2. Strong swelling and redness of the gums;
  3. The appearance of severe aching pain in the tooth, which cannot be relieved.
  4. The formation of swelling of the tissues of the cheek, behind which there is a diseased tooth.

In the area where the diseased tooth is located, the wing of the nose and lip, lower eyelid and cheek swell. The patient experiences severe malaise, relieve pain, from which painkillers help. Temperature rise from acute pain and malaise is the body's response to infection. Other symptoms of the disease include the appearance of dull aching pains around the diseased tooth with reddening of the gums. Getting rid of a toothache is almost impossible. Toothache can intensify and radiate to the temple or ear, depending on the zone of localization of the flux. If flux appears on upper jaw, the tumor develops over upper lip or under the eyes. In case of inflammation of the tooth in mandible there is swelling of the lymph nodes and the chin area. Sometimes there is a spontaneous opening of the abscess, but the inflammatory process of the tissues does not stop there. Very often, the flux appears due to tooth extraction, as a reaction of the body to mechanical impact on the tissue, in this case, swelling and pain disappear within a few days.

In cases sudden appearance flux with acute toothache and general malaise, you should immediately seek help from a medical specialist. untimely and wrong treatment flux can lead to serious complications in the form of phlegmon. Weakened immunity increases the risk of complications by an order of magnitude.

Flux Diagnostics

The disease is diagnosed in a visual way. Suppuration of the gums is manifested by toothache, which cannot be relieved. It is possible to relieve prolonged pain for a short time with the help of painkillers. Toothache is aggravated by pressure on the gums or by eating. Flux is characterized by swelling of the gums from accumulated pus and swelling of the tissues surrounding the tooth. When the area of ​​the periosteum is affected, the pain has a aching character, and the cheek and gums acquire a pronounced swelling. At this stage of the disease, flux is diagnosed with flux.

Flux toothache treatment

On initial stage diseases, methods are used conservative treatment with the use of antibiotics and other anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the pain of flux. With the active development of a purulent process, surgical intervention may be required. In such a situation, the opening of the abscess is carried out under local anesthesia and the affected area is treated with antiseptics. After the incision is made for 12 hours, it is possible to relieve the pain of the flux. For a good outflow of pus in the affected area, drainage is established and anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs are prescribed at the same time. If the inflammation does not stop and it is not possible to reduce the pain in the tooth, an abscess is diagnosed, which can only be more difficult treatment. With the correct implementation of the treatment, it is possible to relieve pain with flux in almost a few days, the tumor disappears, and the incision site is delayed. Flux treatment is not recommended to be performed independently. Do not use antibiotics without a doctor's prescription and use untested folk methods treatment.

To reduce pain with flux, the treatment of periostitis requires the implementation of some rules:

  1. When a flux appears, the use of warming compresses, leading to the activation of the purulent process, is prohibited. Heat promotes the growth of harmful bacteria and further development diseases.
  2. It is not recommended to take painkillers before a visit to the dentist, as the effect of their action can make it difficult to determine the diagnosis.
  3. After the incision is made, the use of aspirin, which increases blood circulation, is prohibited.
  4. If 8 hours after the removal of pus, it was not possible to relieve the pain, you should re-contact your doctor.

Medicines for toothache with flux

Treatment at home does not guarantee one hundred percent disposal of the flux. The use of antibiotics and folk ways flux treatment helps only relieve pain for a short period of time, but does not solve the problem. Treatment of periostitis on early stages It is carried out using anti-inflammatory and painkillers, which can be purchased at a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription. Simultaneously with these drugs, the reception is prescribed antibacterial agents to help reduce pain, inflammation and eliminate fever. Antibiotics medical specialist appoints depending on the severity of the disease, with the use of individual scheme within a certain number of days. most accessible and effective drug from the flux is lincomycin hydrochloride, which allows you to relieve pain and inflammation and normalize blood pressure. Ortofen helps relieve pain. Ortofen is recommended to take 5 pieces during the day, with a decrease pain the dose is reduced.

Despite the fast effective result these drugs have side effect. For example, the use of lincomycin hydrochloride can provoke migraine attacks, and Ortofen tablets raise blood pressure. More safe method treatments are folk remedies.

Folk remedies for toothache with flux

During the treatment of flux, it is recommended to take Herb tea with chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, mint. And also to drink green tea, which is an excellent antioxidant and has a good antibacterial effect. As medicinal rinses oral cavity, solutions with soda, cooking and sea ​​salt, furacilin. The solution is prepared from two tablets of furacilin, a teaspoon of soda or salt and is used for one rinse. It not only has an antibacterial effect, but also helps to reduce pain.
For rinsing, it is also effective to use calendula tincture, or tinctures based on eucalyptus and clove oil. The solution is prepared at the rate of 30 drops of tincture per glass of water.

Helps to relieve pain and use for rinsing infusion of green tea with sage herb. Half a teaspoon of salt is added to the solution. Rinses are performed with a hot solution throughout the day. The next day after such treatment with the help of such a rinse, the complete disappearance of the flux is observed. Rinses with flux should be carried out with a hot solution to increase blood circulation in the area of ​​tissue inflammation. It is recommended to use for these solutions various fees with sage, which is herbal remedy, allowing to remove inflammation of the tooth and get rid of pain. If sage could not be found, any medicinal herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect are used. The solution for rinsing the mouth is prepared using forest angelica, peppermint, birch buds, small periwinkle. All components are taken in the amount of 3 tbsp. spoons and brewed with one liter of boiling water with the addition of alcohol or vodka. Rinses are performed up to six times a day.

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The word “flux” often brings to mind Ivan Vasilyevich, an absurd character in the famous comedy by Leonid Gaidai. Only in a situation where “the cheek leads to the side”, no one is laughing. And the pain is no laughing matter.

Only correct solution- Seek immediate medical attention. But sometimes, for a number of reasons, a visit to dental clinic postponed. And here home methods of treatment can come to the rescue, capable of temporarily relieving (or drowning out) pain and stopping the inflammatory process. But first of all, let's talk about this insidious disease.

Causes of formation, stages of development of the disease

Flux - scientifically odontogenic periostitis - bacterial disease, caused mainly by non-observance of elementary hygienic requirements. Timely unremoved food particles undergo putrefactive decay, while the pathogenic microflora affects both the teeth themselves (caries) and nearby tissues (for example, gum pockets).

Other reasons for the development of flux are:

  • incorrectly performed treatment (infection by a doctor, poorly sealed root canal);
  • chronic inflammatory infections (for example, furunculosis);
  • mechanical injury.

The inflammatory process initially goes without the formation of pus (the initial stage of the disease). There is pain when biting, and sometimes spontaneous pain.

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Over time, pus forms acute stage diseases), which moves from the top of the tooth to the periosteum and cannot find a way out. The seal that occurs on the gum increases rapidly.

start to swell soft tissues faces. The pains intensify, sometimes becoming unbearable, including a pulsating character.

Further development of the disease leads to general malaise and an increase in body temperature. With absence medical care complications may arise(for example, an abscess is a blood poisoning), threatening the patient's life.

Sometimes the disease (especially in people with weak immunity, including in the elderly and children) has a faint severe symptoms or becomes chronic. During periods of remission, pain almost disappears (until the next exacerbation). At the same time, delaying treatment is fraught with no less serious consequences than with acute form illness.

Methods of surgical exposure

There are two methods of treatment:

  • With tooth extraction. After removal, the dentist-surgeon makes an incision in the gums (1-2 centimeters), cleans the tissues, installs a rubber strip (drainage).
  • No tooth extraction. The doctor removes pus through the incision, unseals and cleans the root canals, installs drainage.

In both cases, antibiotics and other drugs necessary to eliminate inflammation are prescribed, and the patient is observed by a doctor and undergoes appropriate medical procedures within a few weeks.

How dentists deal with this disease - we learn from the following video:

home methods

Baking soda

To obtain a solution, take 1 teaspoon of soda and table salt. According to the first recipe, the mixture is poured with boiling water (200 ml), cooled to room temperature and used to rinse the mouth every two hours. According to the second recipe, dissolution is carried out in warm water, the intervals between treatment procedures are reduced to 30 minutes.

IN ready solutions you can add 2 drops of 5% iodine.

Rinsing is carried out until reaching positive effect. In addition to relieving pain, soda-salt solution helps the abscess ripen as soon as possible..

Additional effective tool(in addition to rinsing) is a soda compress. A teaspoon of soda is placed inside a swab made of cotton or gauze, which, in turn, is wetted warm water and is placed between the cheek and the diseased area of ​​the gums for 2-3 hours.


Iodine 5% (which is in any medical kit) helps a lot with home treatment flux: the sore spot of the gums must be lubricated three times with cotton swab. To achieve a greater effect on the outer part of the cheek, opposite the abscess, iodine must be applied several times a day.


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Aloe leaf juice is a storehouse of healing substances that have antibacterial and analgesic effects, contribute to the fastest healing wounds. And very well if valuable plant is always at hand.

For the treatment of flux, it is necessary to mix freshly prepared leaf juice with an equal volume warm water.

Rinse your mouth with the prepared solution at intervals of 2-3 hours. From the second day medical procedure must be done 3 times a day.

In folk medicine, freshly prepared gruel from aloe leaves and celandine is also used (in a ratio of one to one). Grinding is carried out using a blender, the resulting homogeneous mixture is wrapped in several layers of gauze. Therapeutic compress applied to the inflamed gums for 2 hours.

Other Methods

For the treatment of odontogenic periostitis, many healing herbs, vegetables, and bee products. Here are a few folk recipes preparation of infusions for rinsing:

  • sage and mustard herb(60 grams each) is brewed in 1.5 liters of boiled water (the treatment procedure must be carried out at least 8 times a day);
  • sage, oak bark and St. John's wort(60 grams each) insist in 1 liter of boiling water (rinse to carry out about 10 times a day);
  • oak bark, nettle leaves, calamus rhizomes(10 grams each), sage leaves(8 grams) are placed in a saucepan, add 1 liter of boiling water and keep for about an hour in a water bath, rinse your mouth with the resulting decoction every one and a half to two hours;
  • brew green tea and sage leaves(the solution must be applied hot, adding a little table salt there);
  • periwinkle, angelica, birch buds, peppermint(60 grams each) brewed in 1 liter of boiling water (carry out the treatment procedure 6-12 times a day);
  • take in equal amounts chamomile flowers, acacia, birch buds and sage leaves, 2-3 tablespoons of the resulting mixture is poured with half a liter of boiling water (use up to 5 times a day);
  • pharmacy propolis tincture dissolved in half a glass of non-hot water, used for rinsing and lotions.

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To enhance the effect of the medicines prescribed by the doctor, a tincture is prepared according to the following recipe: knotweed (20 grams) and plantain (40 grams) are poured with 2 cups of boiling water and kept for several hours, the resulting infusion is taken orally three times a day.

To relieve severe puffiness, the following remedy is used: 1 tablespoon of calamus roots (dried and crushed) is infused in 0.5 liters of boiling water for about 3 hours. The solution is used in a warm form for rinsing the mouth after eating.

Such simple folk methods have a good anti-inflammatory effect:

  • cabbage leaf is boiled for 1-2 minutes, cooled and applied to the inflamed gum area;
  • freshly made juice onion soak a cotton pad, fix the resulting compress in the area of ​​the flux.

To alleviate the symptoms of the disease, an ointment is prepared according to the following recipe:

Refined oil is heated in a water bath sunflower oil(200 milliliters), dissolved in it beeswax(matchbox), add crushed half chicken yolk, mix well. After 10 minutes, stop heating the container.

Allow to settle for 7-10 minutes, after which the mixture is filtered through a nylon cloth into a glass jar and placed in the refrigerator. Before use, this ointment is slightly heated. Rub into the sore gum twice a day.

As for the children

The child's immunity is still weak, so odontogenic periostitis is fraught with child's body complications up to blood poisoning. If it is impossible immediate appeal to the doctor (which is highly desirable) you can resort to the methods of folk healing.

Most in a safe way is rinsing with soda-salt solution (half a teaspoon baking soda and table salt is dissolved in a quarter liter of warm water). The procedure should be carried out within a few minutes whenever possible.

Use of pharmaceuticals

Has a strong anti-inflammatory effect chlorhexidine. Take for mouthwash water solution with a concentration of 0.05%.

The procedure is carried out for 15-30 seconds, 2-3 times a day. Do not swallow the solution. After rinsing, it is advisable not to eat or brush your teeth for an hour.

Rinsing with solutions also helps. chlorophyllipta(tablespoon to one glass of warm water) or malavita(a product based on medicinal herbs and silver ions, used in accordance with the instructions).

There are special ointments and gels for the treatment of flux, for example, stomatophyte.

For application to the inflamed area, you can use the mixture applied to a cotton swab. equal volumes ointments: ichthyol and streptocid.

During the entire treatment, the following rules must be followed:

  • you can not warm the inflamed place, you must refrain from taking hot baths and visiting the bath;
  • do not use bandages, as they create a thermal effect;
  • excessive physical activity is contraindicated;
  • you can not take painkillers before a visit to the doctor, especially ketanov and aspirin: they negatively affect blood clotting;
  • absolutely not recommended self-treatment with antibiotics;
  • as soon as possible, you need to contact a dental clinic;
  • at sharp deterioration feeling unwell, call an ambulance immediately.

Conclusion. The importance of timely visits to the dentist

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Odontogenic periostitis - serious inflammatory disease that does not go away without the provision of professional medical care.

The described methods can only temporarily alleviate the condition of a person and slightly slow down the development of pathological processes.

To avoid serious complications(including lethal outcome) you need to visit the dental clinic as soon as possible. After all, taking care of your health is, first of all, your own business. Be healthy!

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Flux on the gum is a serious dental disease, due to which an enlarged abscess, phlegmon or blood poisoning may occur.

  • Flux, or periostitis, is an inflammatory disease of the tooth root, as a result of which the tissues surrounding the tooth swell, including the cheek.

    The primary cause of this process is often caries.

    Leukocytes (protective cells of the body) rush to the site of inflammation, during the decay of which pus is formed.


    • Toothache, which is acute in nature and increases from pressing on the tooth;
    • The appearance of a purulent bump on the gum;
    • Swelling of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and periodontal tissues, noticeable swelling of the cheek;
    • Temperature increase.


    Odontogenic periostitis does not occur by itself, its appearance is provoked by the following factors:

    • Caries progressing over a long period of time;
    • Mechanical damage followed by bone inflammation or hematoma formation;
    • Availability infectious process developing during a sore throat or furunculosis;
    • Poor oral care.

    What to treat?

    Odontogenic periostitis is serious illness, which requires timely diagnosis and proper treatment, as the consequences of this process can be deplorable. Timely treatment that is not provided can cause blood poisoning, which has a risk of death.

    For the treatment of flux are prescribed the following types treatment:

    • Antibacterial drugs with anti-inflammatory action, including antibiotics;
    • Local treatment in the form of ointments, rinses, lotions, and compresses.

    There are also surgical methods getting rid of this disease, which are incisions in the gums in order to extract the contents of the abscess.

    There are many effective methods flux treatment at home with recipes traditional medicine. Many doctors respect and even advise using some of them, but only after visiting the doctor's office.

    Folk remedies for the treatment of periostitis can be used in the following cases:

    • At the initial stage of the disease, when suppuration is absent;
    • During the period of calm inflammatory process;
    • At joint reception antibacterial drugs;
    • To reduce pain, during the course of the disease without complications;
    • At chronic form gum flux.

    The following folk remedies are used in the treatment of gumboil on the gums:

    • Decoction of oak bark- 10 gr., Nettle leaves - 10 gr., Calamus rhizomes - 10 gr. and sage leaves - 8 gr. A mixture of herbs should be poured with a liter of boiling water and insisted in a water bath for one hour. Rinse the mouth after 1.5-2 hours;
    • A mixture of knotweed and plantain- 40 gr. knotweed and 20 gr. plantain pour two cups of boiling water. After a few hours, strain the mixture and drink three times a day. It is used as an enhancement of the action of other drugs.
    • Propolis has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, in addition, relieves pain syndrome with flux. Propolis tincture is diluted in half a glass of boiled water and used for rinsing, it can be applied to the gums in the form of lotions. Propolis tincture is sold in a pharmacy.

    There are a number of contraindications in the treatment of dental flux with traditional medicine recipes.

    These include:

    • The period of suppuration;
    • Development of complications;
    • Severe condition of the patient.


    The attending physician prescribes special rinse solutions that have an antibacterial effect. These include the following drugs.


    Destroys almost all types of bacteria, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Rinsing the mouth with chlorhexidine with flux is carried out 3-4 times a day until the pronounced manifestations subside. Safe for people of all ages.


    The composition of the funds contains exclusively natural herbs, as well as silver and copper ions, which destroy bacteria, relieve swelling and prevent further spread of infection. Medicine in the amount of a few drops, according to the instructions, you must add to the water and rinse your mouth with the resulting solution.


    You can get rid of an abscess on the gums with the help of various ointments and gels purchased at a pharmacy, for example Stomatofita. Local application this tool allows you to stop or prevent the development of a purulent process, eliminate swelling and inflammation, as well as relieve pain.

    With a flux, many "advisers" recommend using Vishnevsky's ointment to eliminate purulent formation in case of odontogenic periostitis. But it is not recommended to use such a tool, because this ointment intended for external use only.

    A mixture of streptocidal And ichthyol ointment can be applied to a tumor formed near the tooth. To do this, use an equal amount of both funds. Apply a mixture of ointments with a cotton swab or disc.

    Taking antibiotics

    According to many experts, taking antibiotics with flux is necessary step in the treatment of the disease. It is the data medications stop the purulent process in the body, preventing further spread of infection.

    Before taking antibiotics, it is recommended to pass a test to determine the pathogen. With streptococcal and staph infection appointed the following antibiotics: Lincomycin, Doxycycline, Ampiox, Cifran and Amoxiclav. The duration of treatment depends on the stage of the disease. The dosage is prescribed individually for each, depending on age and weight category.

    Treatment in children

    Odontogenic periostitis is for the health of the child serious danger in the form of blood poisoning. In addition, the flux inflammatory process can lead to tooth loss. That is why when the primary symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately go to the dentist.

    If it is impossible to visit the doctor's office, the child can be helped to relieve pain and stop the inflammatory process. For this, you can resort to simple means folk medicine.

    The safest and most effective folk remedy is a mouthwash soda solution, for the preparation of which you should take 250 ml. boiled water room temperature and dissolve in it half a teaspoon of table salt and baking soda. Rinse your mouth for several minutes, as often as possible.

    gum incision

    At surgical treatment gum flux specialists make an incision in the gums under anesthesia. After the incision procedure, given area insert a drainage gum in the form of a strip, with which the purulent discharge from the formation on the gum.

    After surgical intervention V without fail appointed drug treatment, which necessarily involves taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Repeated consultations of a specialist are also prescribed, during which an incision condition is observed and drainage is removed after the end of the pus removal procedure.

    Video: flux treatment

    • In the treatment of flux, the use of heat compresses is contraindicated, which can lead to the rapid spread of infection and cause the development of severe complications;
    • Do not take anti-inflammatory drugs on your own antibacterial drugs, since improperly selected treatment can slow down the recovery process and aggravate the condition;
    • For Get well soon and prevent the development of complications, one should be guided by the advice of a dental specialist who will prescribe treatment in accordance with individual features course of the disease for each case separately.


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