Burns from cans on the back. Precautions when performing the vacuum canning procedure

Folliculitis is the term used to refer to hair follicle pathology. The disease occurs when inflammation occurs in the hair follicle, and purulent formations begin to accumulate in it.

Hair grows on many areas of the skin, which means that the disease can be expected to appear anywhere (in men, the back and chest are at risk).

Causes of the disease

Inflammation of the hair follicles is initiated by pathogenic microorganisms: fungi, mites, viruses and bacteria.

The hair follicle becomes the place of residence of these organisms due to external factors or due to a person's health problems.

Thus, the causes of folliculitis are conventionally divided into:

  • exogenous (external circumstances);
  • endogenous (diseases that create optimal conditions for the life of pathogenic organisms).

Exogenous causes include:

  • injuries skin(cracks or microcracks);
  • incorrectly selected clothing (made from “non-breathable” and (or) synthetic materials, tight);
  • high temperatures environment;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • skin pollution caused by poor hygiene or specific human work (work on land, activities requiring contact with certain reagents, chemicals(locksmith, car service employee, etc.).

Among the endogenous factors are:

  • obesity;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • diabetes;
  • liver diseases;
  • malnutrition, due to which the body experiences a deficiency of certain substances.

Sometimes folliculitis is initiated by strange, not at first glance, reasons: caries, tonsillitis, gingivitis, pharyngitis, periodontal disease.

It would seem how it can become inflamed hair follicle on your hand due to a sore mouth or throat?

The point here is pathogenic microorganisms localized in the mouth and throat. They are carried by the blood throughout the body, without even passing through the hands. A weakened immune system is unable to put up a reliable barrier around healthy organs: bacteria (viruses) reach the hair follicles and settle there.

Epidemiology and statistics

There are no exact statistics on the incidence of folliculitis, since patients often do not give special significance illness and self-medicate.

Observations of those who applied for professional help, allow you to highlight 3 groups of people, more often than others susceptible to folliculitis:

  1. Representatives of the “dysfunctional” environment. In this case, the skin infection is caused by a whole range of reasons: poor nutrition, kit bad habits and lack of proper hygiene.
  2. Representatives of certain professions: road workers, combine operators, tractor drivers, etc.. In working conditions, people are forced to experience unfavorable weather conditions, spending a long time in sweaty clothes, and the inability to keep their bodies clean (exposure to road dust, dust from the ground).
  3. Residents of southern latitudes, experiencing the influence of a hot climate.

Clinical symptoms

The onset of inflammation indicates itself redness of the skin in the area of ​​the hair follicle.

If the lesion appears around one bulb, they speak of single folliculitis. In fact, there may be 2, 5, 10, several dozen such formations... This is multiple folliculitis.

Often the first sign of the disease is ignored, and the disease develops. Grows at the site of the lesion globular abscess yellowish color . When it is opened, the red surface of the damaged skin is exposed.

With multiple folliculitis it is noted increase lymph nodes located near the lesion.

Species diversity of folliculitis

Depending on the cause of the disease, its location and the characteristics of its course, several types are distinguished.

Candidal folliculitis

Develops under an occlusive (i.e., waterproof) dressing, such as an adhesive plaster. The risk of pathology increases if ointments (gels) belonging to the group of corticosteroids are applied to the skin under the bandage.

Eosinophilic type of pathology

It is registered only in HIV patients.


As the name suggests, it is caused by staphylococci. Typically, the pathology is recorded in the area where bristly hair grows (the area to shave on the face in men). Repeated occurrence of the disease leads to the formation of scars on the skin.


The location coincides with the previous species.

Depilatory folliculitis of smooth skin

Most often observed in hot climates. The disease targets middle-aged men, affecting their legs. Characterized by symmetry, leaves scars.


Fixed after acne treatment antibacterial agents. Instead of the expected deliverance, a person gains strength.

Pseudomonas disease or “hot bath syndrome”

Infection occurs after taking a bath with water Bad quality containing pathogenic microorganisms.

Folliculitis caused by dermatophytes

It appears on the scalp. The disease first affects upper layer, and then the entire hair follicle, including the hair shaft.

Acne syphilide

An unpleasant consequence of syphilis, it is distinguished by a faded red color. Elimination of folliculitis is possible only if syphilis is treated and eliminated.

Folliculitis caused by fungi

This species affects the neck and face, shoulders and back. Most often recorded in tropical and subtropical latitudes.


The causative agents of the disease are gonococci. Occurs against the background of gonorrhea. Marked on the genitals.

Occupational type of pathology

Prefers forearm flexion area and back side brushes Appears as a reaction of the follicle to chemical substances with which a person is forced to come into contact due to work.


Occurs after a tick bite and requires long-term treatment.

Impetigo Bockhart

Arises due to increased sweating or the warming effect of a bandage. A pustule (vesicle) swells above the affected hair follicle, the size of which varies from 1 to 8 mm.


Describing the damage to the hair follicles, the doctor analyzes the severity of the disease, the cause of its occurrence, and the number of folliculitis. These indicators form the basis for the classification of the disease.

Possible complications

Usually folliculitis is harmless.

However, due to a number of circumstances, the disease can cause complications.

These reasons include:

  • lack of treatment for deep folliculitis;
  • weak immunity;
  • lack of measures to eliminate the root cause of the disease (lack of attention to hygiene and wardrobe).

In such conditions, complications may arise in the form of deep skin lesions. It's about about abscesses, boils, follicular scars, carbuncles and dermatophytosis of the scalp.

Weak immunity can further aggravate the situation: an infection from the hair follicle through the bloodstream can spread anywhere.

With the connivance of the weak immune system pathogenic organisms receive a new registration. Nephritis, meningitis, pneumonia... This is far from full list serious illnesses, initiated by such a frivolous, at first glance, folliculitis.


To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor does:

  • visual examination of the patient;
  • studies laboratory data.

The examination allows the doctor to make a preliminary diagnosis. This conclusion is based on the localization of the pathology (around the hair) and the characteristic red rim (it is designated by the term “hyperemia”).

For more successful treatment The doctor asks the patient questions to determine the cause of the pathology.

To confirm the presumptive diagnosis, the doctor writes a referral for laboratory tests:

  • Gram smear;
  • skin biopsy;
  • sowing the contents from the pustule;
  • blood sugar test.

These studies are needed to exclude suspicion of other skin diseases that have similar features to folliculitis (Devergie's disease, ingrown hair, or acne vulgaris, Kirle's disease).


Treatment of the disease depends on the degree of damage to the hair follicle.

If the inflammation is superficial, it is enough to treat the abscess with the well-known brilliant green, fucorcin, salicylic alcohol (2%) .

A deeper lesion requires opening of the abscesses. After which the wound is treated twice a day with the means indicated above.

IMPORTANT. The opening of the abscess should be performed by a doctor. Self-squeezing is not allowed, as this aggravates the pathology and can cause complications.

For chronic folliculitis antibiotics are used.

If the cause of a chronic illness is diabetes mellitus, the patient should observe strict diet . This prevents relapses of the disease.

Drug therapy

Prescription of medications takes into account sensitivity pathogenic microorganisms To active ingredients medications, so for different types For folliculitis, different medications are prescribed.

Let's give a few examples.

Dandelion decoction taken orally, for which one tablespoon of raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered, cooled and divided into 4 doses.


Folliculitis - disease with a favorable prognosis.

The average duration of the disease is one week (with the exception of severe cases of the disease: acne syphilide, gonorrheal folliculitis, etc.).

IN in rare cases inflammation of the hair follicle leaves a slight scar as a souvenir.


If folliculitis happens to someone once in a lifetime, it is immediately forgotten. And only if the disease begins to recur with sad regularity, the issue of its prevention appears on the agenda.

The main condition for healthy hair follicles is clean skin. Selecting loose-fitting clothes made from natural fabrics will help you avoid illness. At the same time, the wardrobe should create a feeling optimal temperature: “neither cold nor hot.”

All over the human body, and not just on the head, you can see hairs that originate from the deep layers of the skin where the hair follicles are located. Some skin diseases can affect not only the skin, but also the hair follicle, causing a pathology such as folliculitis. What kind of illness is this, what are the causes of the disease and is it possible to cope with this problem?

What is folliculitis

Few people know that such a disease exists. Very often it affects people in certain professions, for example, miners, miners, mechanics, oil workers, because there are all the prerequisites for the development of pathology. But almost no one is immune from this disease.

Folliculitis on the skin is purulent inflammatory process V upper sections hair follicle . A papule is formed more often Pink colour, in its center an abscess gradually forms, through which the hair passes. If the pathology forms on the face or other parts of the body, but not on the head, then the hair may not be visible.

The entire process of development of pathology takes several days, and then a crust forms, which most often disappears on its own.

Need to know. If the factors that provoke the development of folliculitis are not eliminated, the disease can become chronic.

Folliculitis belongs to the group of pyoderma, which is most often caused by staphylococci, fungi and some viruses.

Provoking factors of the disease

Inflammation of the hair follicle can occur due to various reasons. To begin treatment, it is necessary to find out what caused the disease. Most often, provocateurs can be:

  • Violation of the integrity of the epidermis after shaving in men, hair removal, mechanical injuries.

  • Prolonged exposure to high or low temperatures.
  • Violation of personal hygiene rules.
  • Weak immunity.
  • Hyperhidrosis.
  • Chronic poisoning.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Presence of dermatitis or eczema.

There are also risk factors that can increase the likelihood of inflammation of the hair follicle:

  • Diabetes.
  • Diaper rash in skin folds (occurs especially often in hot climates).
  • Use of corticosteroid drugs.
  • Therapy with antibacterial agents.
  • Immunodeficiency.
  • Skin exposure to chemicals, such as lubricants, kerosene.

reading information

Classification of pathology

Depending on the severity of the lesion, staphylococcal folliculitis is divided into two forms:

  1. Surface Shape: osteofolliculitis, superficial folliculitis, folliculitis decalvans.
  1. Deep folliculitis: boil, carbuncle, undermining Hoffmann's folliculitis.

Staphylococcal folliculitis is usually located on the chin, around the eyes. Often affects men who grow a beard and mustache.

Manifestations of the disease depend on the severity of the follicle damage. If a superficial form is observed, then the disease is different light current. A small abscess appears on the skin, which practically does not cause concern. Sometimes there may be slight soreness. A few days after its appearance, the abscess breaks out on its own, a crust forms, which gradually falls off.

Deep folliculitis is manifested by the formation of large ulcers, reaching a size of up to 10 cm in diameter, and pain is observed. Gradually the pathology disappears and a small scar remains in place.

Need to know. Folliculitis can be single or multiple. In the latter case, skin itching and enlargement of nearby lymph nodes are observed.

If folliculitis is not adequately treated, a complication may develop in the form of a carbuncle, boil, or abscess.

Treatment of folliculitis

How to treat folliculitis? Treatment of the disease depends entirely on the etiology. If the pathology is caused by fungi, then you cannot do without antifungal drugs; Staphylococcal folliculitis must be treated with antibiotics.

Treatment is carried out in several directions:

  1. Drug therapy.
  2. Physiotherapeutic methods.
  3. Use of traditional medicine.

We treat folliculitis with medications

If the disease occurs in mild form, then you can get by local drugs , For example:

  • For staphylococcal folliculitis, treat the affected areas with antibacterial ointments, for example, Mupirocin. This must be done 2 times a day.

  • If the disease is caused gram-negative bacteria, then the use of benzoyl peroxide topically is indicated.
  • Herpetic folliculitis can be treated using Acyclovir ointment.
  • Use for any form of disease local antiseptics, for example, Fukortsin, Chlorhexidine.

Need to know. To prevent the spread of infection to healthy areas of the skin, it is necessary to treat them with boric or salicylic alcohol.

If hair follicle inflammation cannot be treated local means, then you will have to resort to taking antibacterial drugs orally.

Antibiotics are also prescribed if:

  1. The disease became chronic.
  2. Inflammation of the lymph nodes is observed.
  3. The process quickly spreads to neighboring areas.

If the infection is caused by staphylococcus, then the following is prescribed:

  • Cephalexin up to 4 times a day.

  • Erythromycin.
  • Minocycline if staphylococcus is resistant to other drugs.

Pseudomonas folliculitis, which occurs in severe form, requires taking Ciprofloxacin 500 mg 2 times a day.

For fungal folliculitis, the following is prescribed orally:

  • Itraconazole
  • Terbinafine.
  • Fluconazole.

The drug is selected depending on the type of bacteria. For herpetic folliculitis, antiviral agents are prescribed orally.

Any treatment must necessarily include the elimination of the provoking factor, for example, if diabetes mellitus aggravates the course of folliculitis, then it is necessary to carry out its therapy.

At severe course pathology requires systemic therapy.

Need to know. Any form of folliculitis during therapy requires avoiding washing the affected areas with water and taking hot baths.

Treatment with physiotherapeutic methods

Physical therapy can greatly help in treating folliculitis. Physiotherapy has the following effects:

  • Relieves the inflammatory process.
  • Suppress the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Activate the process of formation of vitamin D in the skin.

The most commonly used methods are:

  1. Exposure of lesions to short ultraviolet waves.
  2. General Ural Federal District.
  3. Low-intensity UHF therapy.
  4. Laser treatment.

  1. Magnetotherapy.
  2. Dry heat.

Use of traditional medicine

Hoffmann's folliculitis and other forms can be treated using folk remedies, but they must complement the main one drug therapy and must be agreed with your doctor.

The following recipes have proven their effectiveness:

  1. Use of chamomile decoction. It perfectly relieves inflammation.

  1. You can take a decoction of burdock or dandelion root internally. To prepare the medicine, you need to take a tablespoon of raw material and add 0.5 liters of water, boil for 10 minutes. After 2 hours of infusion, take 50 ml 2 times a day.
  2. For compresses on the affected areas, you can use thistle leaves; Unfortunately, this method can only be used in the summer. The leaves should be crushed and applied to the inflamed areas.
  3. For compresses, baths and bandages, you can use a decoction of spiny root. To prepare it, you need to pour 50 grams of dry raw material with half a liter of water and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes, and then leave for 2 hours.

Forecast and prevention of the disease

Most often, it is quite possible to completely defeat the disease if therapy is started in a timely manner. If deep folliculitis is observed, then scars and areas of pigmentation may form at the site of the abscess.

If the therapy is chosen correctly, then it is possible to cope with the pathology in a few days. But the lack of effective treatment and non-compliance with doctor’s recommendations is fraught with the development of complications:

  • Furunculosis.
  • Abscess.
  • Lymphadenitis.
  • Folliculitis can result in dermatophytosis of the scalp.
  • To the very serious complications may be attributed to meningitis.

TO preventive measures can be attributed:

  1. Compliance with personal hygiene rules.
  2. Correct selection of skin and hair care products.

  1. When shaving, use special cosmetics.
  2. Use antiseptic agents if even minor abrasions and damage appear on the skin.
  3. You should not overuse antibacterial soap, it not only kills pathogenic bacteria, but also breaks the protective barrier.
  4. Provide timely treatment for diseases that can trigger the development of folliculitis.

Any disease is easier to treat at the very beginning of the development of pathology. This directly applies to folliculitis. Treatment should be selected by a specialist taking into account the cause of the disease, then the effectiveness of therapy will be 100%.

IN reproductive organs women repeat themselves regularly very complex processes, thanks to which the birth of a new life becomes possible. The egg develops inside a capsule that protects it from damage and provides it with nutrition. The number and quality of follicles in the ovaries determine whether conception can occur, how hormonal levels will change, and what health complications may arise. There are methods that allow you to determine the size, quantity, and degree of maturity of such capsules, and determine the chances of pregnancy.


What are follicles, their role in the body

Follicles are sacs containing immature eggs. Each woman has her own ovarian reserve of eggs, which is laid during the period of embryonic development, starting from the 6th week. The formation of follicles in the ovaries stops at birth. Their total number in the ovaries can be 500 thousand or more, but for the entire reproductive period(on average 35 years) only 300-500 follicles fully mature, the rest die.

They have 2 main roles: protecting the maturing egg from external influences and producing estrogen.

In the first phase of the cycle, under the influence of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland), the growth of several follicles begins at once. A capsule with strong walls protects the egg until full maturity, which occurs in the middle of the cycle. The volume of liquid gradually increases, while the walls stretch. At the moment of ovulation, when the egg is ready for fertilization, the capsule bursts, giving it the opportunity to come out and move into fallopian tube, where the meeting with the sperm occurs.

In each cycle, only one follicle (dominant) usually reaches full maturity. The rest intensively produce estrogens, which are responsible for the development of the endometrium, the formation of female mammary glands and many other processes.

The follicles in the ovaries are filled with fluid containing proteins, salts and other elements necessary for the development of eggs.

Types of follicles

Distinguish the following types follicles:

  • dominant;
  • persistent;
  • antral.

Dominant- This is the main follicle in the ovary that reaches maturity and ruptures during ovulation. Most often he is the only one. Much less often they appear on both sides at the same time. This happens, for example, when treating infertility by stimulating ovulation. In this case, the birth of twins is possible.

Persistent. Its appearance is indicated when the capsule does not rupture, the egg in it dies. This cycle is called anovulatory. Conception in this case is impossible.

Antral. This is the name given to those few follicles that begin to grow at the beginning of each cycle under the influence of FSH. After one of them becomes dominant, the rest stop growing and then die.

What is the significance of the number of antral follicles?

The number of antral follicles in the ovaries determines whether a woman can become pregnant.

Normally, there should be from 11 to 26. In this case, the probability that ovulation will occur is 100%. The chances of conception are maximum.

If their number is 6-10, then the probability of ovulation is 50%. In the case when there are less than 6, conception naturally impossible for a woman. In this case, only artificial insemination(ECO).

If there are no follicles in the ovaries at all, they speak of the onset of early menopause and final infertility. However, a woman will be able to give birth if a fertilized donor egg is transplanted into her uterus.

The quantity is calculated using a transvaginal ultrasound sensor. The study is carried out on days 2-3 of the cycle. This indicator may be affected by changes hormonal levels, the presence of diseases of the uterus and ovaries (polycystic disease, endometriosis).

If a woman has a deviation that indicates the impossibility of conception, this is not a death sentence. The situation may change next month even without any treatment if, for example, the cause of a hormonal imbalance is stress. In case of persistent infertility, a woman requires examination and, possibly, stimulation of ovulation with the help of special medicines.

How do follicle sizes normally change during the cycle?

At the beginning of each menstrual cycle If everything is normal, under the influence of FSH, the development of new follicles in the ovaries begins (folliculogenesis). The process develops as follows:

  1. From days 1 to 4 of the cycle (average duration 28 days), the size of the antral follicles increases to an average of 4 mm.
  2. From days 5 to 7 they grow at a rate of 1 mm/day.
  3. On day 8, one of them becomes the main one, continues to increase at a rate of 2 mm/day, and the rest regress and disappear.
  4. By day 14 (the moment of ovulation), the size of the dominant follicle is 24 mm.

What is folliculometry and why is it performed?

To determine the number and size of follicles and control their development, transvaginal ultrasound (using a vaginal sensor) is used. This method is called folliculometry. In the first half of the cycle, the state of the endometrium and eggs is studied, and in the second half, observations are made of how the follicles develop in the ovaries after ovulation.

The method is used to examine women suffering from various menstrual disorders or infertility. With its help, you can accurately determine the date of ovulation, determine on what day conception is most likely, and control multiple pregnancy, determine the cause of cycle disorders and the nature of hormonal imbalance, monitor the progress of treatment of ovarian diseases.

To get a complete picture, the study is carried out repeatedly, on different days of the cycle.

At the same time, other diagnostic methods are used, such as a blood test for hormone content (FSH, LH, estradiol, progesterone, anti-Mullerian hormone), ultrasound of the pelvic organs to determine the size of the ovaries and detect various diseases uterus and appendages. If necessary, a puncture is performed to select and examine the liquid contained in the capsule.

Note: In the same way, the egg is retrieved before the IVF procedure. The ovaries are first stimulated to obtain several high-quality eggs.

Disorders due to improper development of the dominant follicle

The reason for a woman's infertility is often the lack of ovulation in the cycle, when the follicle grows to a certain size and then does not rupture. Subsequently, the following processes may occur:

  1. Atresia is a stunting of growth and subsequent reduction of the dominant follicle in the ovary. If this happens to a woman constantly, then she is infertile, and she may not have menstruation, but similar bleeding appears 2-3 times a year.
  2. Persistence. The follicle grows, but does not burst, remains unchanged in the ovary until the end of the cycle, and then dies.
  3. Formation of a follicular cyst. The unruptured follicle is filled with secretory fluid, its wall stretches, forms a bubble 8-25 cm in size. Over the course of several cycles, the cyst can resolve, as the follicle gradually decreases and dies.
  4. Luteinization is the formation of the corpus luteum in an unruptured ovarian follicle. This occurs when the pituitary gland produces too much LH. The cause is a disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary system of the brain. In this condition, a woman who has normal cycle and menstruation, infertility is observed.

Disorders may be caused by diseases thyroid gland and other organs endocrine system, usage hormonal contraceptives. Anovulatory cycles are often observed in adolescents at the beginning of puberty, as well as in premenopausal women with sharp fluctuations in hormonal levels.

Warning: To eliminate such a pathology, folk remedies should never be used. You should not try to cause rupture of the follicle artificially using gymnastics or increased physical activity. All these measures are not only useless, but can also cause great harm body, cause a complete cycle disorder, promote the formation of cysts.

Video: Causes of anovulatory cycles, how treatment is carried out

Regulating the process of follicle maturation

The goal of treatment is to restore the menstrual cycle and get rid of infertility. This is achieved by stimulating ovulation and regulating the process of maturation of follicles in the ovaries.

Stimulation of ovulation

It is carried out to reduce the number of anovulatory cycles and increase the likelihood of pregnancy. Contraindication is complete exhaustion ovarian reserve (the onset of early menopause), as well as obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

Drugs (for example, clomiphene) are used, which are taken according to a strictly defined regimen. In the initial phase of the cycle, the production of estradiol and follicle growth are stimulated, and then the drug is abruptly discontinued, which increases the production of LH and rupture of the follicular capsule.

In order to prevent the formation of cysts, an injection of drugs pregnin or gonacor containing hCG hormone, inhibiting the growth of the follicle membrane.

Decreased number of antral follicles

At increased content antral follicles in the ovaries, therapy is carried out to normalize hormonal levels (regulate the production of FSH, LH, estrogens, prolactin and progesterone).

Treatment is carried out using combined oral contraceptives(COOK). Depending on the nature of the deviations, drugs containing estrogens (estradiol), progesterone (Duphaston) or a mixture of them (Anzhelik, Klimonorm) are used.

Clostilbegit is also used. It regulates estrogen levels by acting on the estrogen receptors of the ovaries. Depending on the dose, the drug may also weaken or enhance the production of pituitary hormones.

Is it possible to increase the number of antral follicles?

The number of follicles depends only on the content of anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) in the body, which is produced by ovarian cells regardless of the general hormonal background. It is impossible to enhance the production of the hormone with medications or other means. It only depends on genetic characteristics woman's body and age.

If her health and conception problems arise due to a lack of antral follicles in the ovaries (and, accordingly, eggs), then you can only increase the chances of their successful maturation by stimulating the work of the ovaries. For this purpose, drugs containing biologically active substances are used, as well as vitamins, agents that have an anti-inflammatory effect and improve blood circulation.

Video: Polycystic disease, its consequences and treatment in the “Live Healthy” program

A person is sensitive to his health, and in particular to the condition of his skin. Any irritation, inflammation or ulcer may cause suspicion and be a reason to visit a doctor. Among skin diseases, folliculitis is common - an inflammatory process at the location of the hair follicle. Timely diagnosis and treatment of such a diagnosis will help avoid complications.

Features of the diagnosis of folliculitis and its symptoms

Folliculitis- This infectious skin disease, affecting the hair follicle. It is characterized by purulent inflammation at first superficial area follicle, and when further development process - damage to deeper layers.

The infection enters the skin when it is scratched, through cracks, small wounds, cuts. This disease manifests itself in the form of one or more purulent pimples, which when opened turn into ulcers. Most often they form in places where hair grows on almost any part of the body:

  • in the armpits;
  • in the groin area;
  • on foot;
  • on the skin of the face or scalp.

After healing, the ulcers leave virtually no traces; only in the case of deep skin damage, scars may remain.

The main symptoms of folliculitis:

  • redness of the affected area;
  • itching and painful sensations;
  • the presence of pimples on the skin - pustules with whitish purulent contents, often they appear in the place of hair growth;
  • after opening the pustules, bleeding ulcers appear, which after a while become covered with a crust.

In regions with hot climates, the percentage of distribution similar disease much higher than in cold countries.

Causes of the disease

There are several reasons for this diagnosis:

Additional factors for the development of this disease may include:

  • increased sweating;
  • neglect of personal hygiene rules;
  • wearing clothes that are too tight;
  • the presence of diseases associated with itching and constant scratching of the skin;
  • diabetes mellitus, anemia and liver disease;
  • malnutrition;
  • decreased immunity and the presence of immunodeficiency states;
  • prolonged skin contact with certain ointments or chemical liquids - industrial oils, kerosene.

To prevent any kind of skin diseases, including folliculitis, it is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene when shaving, depilating and other similar procedures, as well as during a visit public places– swimming pools, gyms, baths and saunas.

Classifications of folliculitis

There are several classifications of such an unpleasant skin disease:

There are many types of folliculitis, according to external signs sometimes similar to others skin diseases. Therefore, it is better not to self-medicate, but to entrust the doctor with setting accurate diagnosis and purpose therapeutic measures.

This type of inflammation of the hair follicles is characterized by purulent rashes on the skin caused by a fungal infection - yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. Distribution area – armpits, groin area, face and head.

The main symptoms are redness of the skin in the area of ​​the hair follicle, in place of which a pustule is formed, which subsequently opens, forming a wound or ulcer. In most cases, when timely treatment The rash goes away in about 2 weeks.

This type of folliculitis is the result of a disease such as syphilis. Distinctive feature A similar diagnosis is the presence of groups of damaged areas of the skin - inflamed follicular sacs, usually pale red in color.

Treatment of syphilide is possible only after getting rid of the main cause of its occurrence - the diagnosis of syphilis.

The name staphylococcal folliculitis speaks for itself. Its causative agent is staphylococcus, the most dangerous of which is aureus. The disease can affect adults and children, and the method of infection is usually airborne or contact.

Symptoms of this disease are the appearance purulent rash on the skin, which can be chronic. IN childhood possible increase in body temperature, weakness and deterioration general well-being. As a treatment, in addition to medical intervention, personal hygiene and nutritional correction may be recommended.

This pathology usually develops on the scalp and may be accompanied by damage to the hair shafts. It is caused by infection with dermatophytes - molds.

The disease in question is quite unpleasant. It is characterized by inflammation of the epidermis in the area of ​​the hair follicles with the formation of purulent pustules, which subsequently turn into ulcers - bleeding or with a crust formed.

This type of folliculitis is associated with being in dirty, contaminated water - most often these are places common use– swimming pools, beaches. The infection from the water gets onto the skin, and through minor damage, cracks, and wounds it enters the body, forming inflamed areas and purulent pustules, usually round in size and red in color. They cause a person unpleasant feeling itching.

In most cases, the rash disappears within 7-10 days. Additional treatment prescribed by a doctor after taking the patient’s medical history.

This type of folliculitis is associated with professional activity and the specifics of some professions - working with chemicals, gasoline, technical oils and lubricants. Prolonged contact of such substances with the skin causes irritation, redness and the formation of inflammatory foci.

Most often the disease spreads to the back of the hands and outer part forearms. One of the treatment options, in addition to therapy, may be to avoid working with specific chemicals.

A type of folliculitis that can occur after being bitten by insects such as ticks. Its symptoms are in most cases similar to standard features similar diagnosis. Treatment for this disease will be prescribed after studying the specifics of the insect and getting rid of the consequences of the bite.

As a rule, tick-borne folliculitis takes much longer to cure than other types of similar diseases.

Gonorrheal folliculitis is a consequence of an untreated or complex, long-term disease - gonorrhea. The causative agent in this case will be gonococci.

This rare disease, as a rule, affects the perineal area in women, and in men - foreskin and manifests itself in the form of rashes in the indicated places. Treatment of the disease in question will be fruitful after getting rid of gonorrhea.

Folliculitis caused by a fungal infection is no different special symptoms. It manifests itself in the form of a purulent red rash accompanied by the appearance of ulcers. To clarify the diagnosis and treatment methods, it is necessary laboratory test to identify the source of the disease.

The most commonly prescribed therapeutic measures are antifungal ointments and similar drugs.

The cause of the development of such a disease is weakened human immunity. In most cases additional factor may be taking antibiotics or hormonal drugs. A distinctive feature of the disease is its rapid development - the appearance of a purulent rash on the face and, in rare cases, on the chest and arms.

Depending on the severity of the disease, gram-negative folliculitis is divided into deep and superficial. Its treatment will depend on the severity of the disease and general condition patient's health.

The disease in question usually affects men. Damage area - lower limbs. The main symptoms are formation purulent inflammation on the skin of the legs, both single and group. Their distinctive feature– symmetry.

An additional factor provoking this diagnosis may be hot climate And heat air.

The causes of this disease are not fully understood. According to some data, the main one is the presence of immune system cells - eosinophils in the skin near the hair follicle. To identify such a disease, a biopsy and blood test are performed, based on the results of which treatment is prescribed.

Symptoms of eosinophilic folliculitis include redness of the skin in the area of ​​inflammation, the presence of itching and purulent pustules. different sizes on the face, scalp, back, arms. The disease is observed in both adults and children.

The peculiarity of this disease is the presence of hemispherical pustules of different sizes on the surface of the skin. As a rule, they are not solitary, but spread in groups.

The main reasons for the appearance of Impetigo Bockhart are maceration of the skin - a violation of its integrity, as well as excessive sweating. Often, an additional factor for the development of such a disease can be the use of warm compresses.

Most often, this disease occurs in middle-aged men and is accompanied by the formation of pustules, fistulas and nodules on the top of the head. The chronic course of the disease may be accompanied by the appearance of scars.

The causes of the disease may be acne, decreased immunity or its unusual reaction to external influences, bacterial infection. Antibacterial drugs or corticosteroids may be prescribed as treatment; in rare cases, surgery is indicated.

The causes of the disease in question have not been fully established; perhaps they are related to the characteristics of the patient’s body. This type of folliculitis is different chronic course, the appearance of papules and pustules, as well as the subsequent formation of scars at the site of inflammation.

Affected areas – hairy part head, groin area, armpits.

Timely diagnosis of the disease

The patient can detect the first symptoms of folliculitis himself - the formation of pustules, ulcers, and itching of the skin. When visiting a doctor, the primary diagnostic method is an external examination of the patient - the symptoms of this disease are most often quite characteristic, which makes it possible to establish a diagnosis and select treatment methods.

In addition to the inspection, the following procedures are carried out:

  • collection of anamnesis - medical history with a description of symptoms, complaints, dates of identification of signs of the disease;
  • general blood test and determination of glucose levels;
  • bacteriological culture and microscopic analysis of samples taken;
  • biopsy;
  • dermatoscopy;
  • in some cases an immunogram may be required.

A similar series of procedures is necessary to establish the cause of folliculitis and differentiate it from others similar diseases- different types of lichen, acne, keratosis pilaris, prickly heat.

How to cure folliculitis

If an accurate diagnosis is made - folliculitis You must follow your doctor's orders. They will depend on the nature of the disease:

  • bacterial folliculitis is treated with antibacterial ointments - Erythramecin or tablets intended for oral administration - Cephalexin and Dicloxacillin;
  • fungal – antifungal agents As a rule, such drugs include Flucanazole, Intraconazole and Bifonazole 1%;
  • in the case of a gram-negative type of disease, attention should be paid to restoring immunity;
  • in the presence of diabetes mellitus, special treatment methods are considered - therapeutic diet, special drugs.

For the treatment of folliculitis, brilliant green, fucarcin, salicylic acid, special lotions and creams from the “Clerasil” series. When severe forms For diseases, antibiotics from the “sulfonamide” group and compresses with ichthyol ointment can be prescribed.

In some cases, the state of health is reflected in a person’s skin, and, despite the fact that folliculitis is infectious in nature, its development can be facilitated by malfunctions of any body systems. Therefore, it is important to promptly consult a doctor if you have suspicious symptoms, which will make it possible to maintain the health and aesthetic appeal of the skin.

Articles on the topic

Called inflammatory infectious process in the upper parts of the hair follicle. A follicle is a hair follicle consisting directly of the hair root and surrounding tissues. During folliculitis, a blister of pus forms in the hair follicle, surrounding the hair shaft and the sebaceous gland. Palpation of a follicle damaged by a pathological process causes painful sensations; the dense contents of the follicle are palpated.

Despite the fact that a person often comes into contact with pathogenic microflora, folliculitis does not develop in every case. There are a number of factors that increase the risk of developing folliculitis:

  • increased sweating, staying in hot regions;
  • wearing tight, synthetic clothing;
  • frequent superficial trauma to the skin (in particular shaving), the presence of dermatoses and allergic skin reactions;
  • taking certain categories of medications (GCS, immunosuppressants);
  • the presence of diseases characterized by weakened immunity (AIDS, diabetes, etc.);
  • long-term wearing of compressive bandages, adhesive plasters, which complicates skin contact with air;
  • violation of personal hygiene.

The location of the rash often depends on the type of folliculitis:

  • staphylococcal folliculitis and folliculitis caused by gram-negative bacteria develop on the face;
  • deep staphylococcal folliculitis (sycosis) and pseudofoliculitis due to ingrown hairs often develop on the chin and nasolabial triangle; Dermatophytes, candidiasis and herpetic folliculitis, demodicosis are localized immediately
  • the scalp is usually affected by staphylococcal and fungal folliculitis;
  • the neck becomes an area for pseudofolliculitis, staphylococcal folliculitis, keloid acne;
  • In the armpits, shaving can cause staphylococcal and pseudomonas folliculitis
  • Staphylococcal folliculitis develops more often on the buttocks than fungal folliculitis.

The elements of the rash are small red inflammatory papules and pustules located in the cells of the hair follicles, surrounded by a corolla of erythema. The pustules are destroyed, forming erosions, on the surface of which crusts form, and hypo- or hyperpigmentation is observed at the site of their falling off.

In cases of chronic folliculitis, rash elements simultaneously appear on the different stages development. They are often grouped, less often solitary.

How to treat folliculitis?

Only etiotropic is effective folliculitis treatment, which means it is aimed at destroying the pathogen.

Treatment of staphylococcal folliculitis involves local treatment of foci of the disease with bactroban, ioddicerin, chloramphenicol, miramistin, trimistin. In disseminated and chronic cases, oral antibiotics and sulfonamides, antistaphylococcal gammaglobulin, and immunotherapy with levamisole are appropriate. Treatment will not be successful if the factors that provoke folliculitis are not eliminated, antiseptic soap (Safeguard) is not used, skin areas prone to the development of folliculitis are not wiped with chloramphenicol and personal hygiene rules are not observed.

Fungal folliculitis requires the use of antifungal medications. Folliculitis caused by fungi of the genus Pityrosporum is more common in tropical and subtropical zones. It is treated with ketoconazole, itraconazole orally and local application clotrimazole, miconazole. Candidiasis is eliminated, accordingly, with anti-candidiasis drugs (for example, fluconazole).

Pseudomonas folliculitis tends to develop after taking hot baths (37-40 ° C) with insufficiently chlorinated water. It is typical that the exclusion of such factors allows you to get rid of the defect within 7-10 days. If the case is severe, then ciprofloxacin will help.

Folliculitis caused by gram-negative bacteria usually occurs during treatment of common acne with antibiotics, which means that stopping these drugs will help positive result. In severe cases, taking biseptol is appropriate.

Herpetic folliculitis is eliminated with antiviral, antiherpetic drugs, in particular acyclovir.

Acne-like syphilides or secondary syphilis requires application specific therapy syphilis and complex treatment this infection.

Demodicosis is eliminated through the use of benzyl benzoate cream, sulfur ointments, ioddicerin.

If pseudofolliculitis occurs - inflammatory papules against the background of ingrown hairs, then the most effective method treatment is to regrow previously shaved hair; tretionin and benzoyl peroxide can be applied topically.

Folliculitis, which develops against a background of suppressed immunity, often requires thorough therapy - antihistamines with sedative effect(for example, diphenhydramine, diprazine), topical corticosteroid ointments with a strong anti-inflammatory effect, 5% permethrin cream. In severe cases, corticosteroids (notably, they have an inconsistent effect), isotretionine, itraconazole, and UV irradiation are appropriate.

What diseases can it be associated with?

Folliculitis develops as a result of pathogenic microflora - pathogens - entering the body, which means that such diseases affect not only the skin, but also other organs with the development of corresponding symptoms.

The likelihood of developing folliculitis is higher for people with existing skin diseases- , . Persons who are sick and are considered prone to the development of folliculitis.

Treatment of folliculitis at home

Treatment of folliculitis It can be easily done at home, but consultation with a specialist is important. This is explained by the need to establish the origin of the pathology in order to prescribe specific treatment. At home, it is important to maintain body hygiene, available chronic diseases strive to put it into remission. It is strictly forbidden to squeeze out pustules or take hot baths.

What medications are used to treat folliculitis?

For staphylococcal folliculitis, the following are appropriate:

  • Trimistin.

For fungal folliculitis the following is prescribed:

  • Ketozoral,

For demodicosis the following is prescribed:

Pseudofoliculitis or inflammation of the follicles due to ingrown hairs is treated:

For eosinophilic folliculitis, the following are appropriate:

  • Diprazine,

Pseudomonas folliculitis is treated with Ciprofloxacin, herpetic folliculitis with Acyclovir. Biseptol will be prescribed if folliculitis occurs due to the activity of gram-negative bacteria.

Means for local use applied in a course of 7-10 days, applied daily 2-3 times a day. If there is a need to take antibiotics or other drugs orally, the dosage regimen is discussed with your doctor individually.

Treatment of folliculitis with traditional methods

Treatment of folliculitis folk remedies demonstrates sufficient effectiveness. Diversity folk remedies widely, but it is best to discuss any of them with your doctor before using them.

One-component products:

  • oil tea tree- apply 3-4 times a day to lubricate affected areas of the skin;
  • calendula decoction - pour 5 grams of calendula with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain; apply 3-4 times a day to lubricate affected areas of the skin;
  • chamomile decoction - pour 20 grams of chamomile with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain; apply 3-4 times a day to lubricate affected areas of the skin;
  • crushed thistle - crush the leaves of freshly picked thistle into a pulp, apply it to the affected areas several times a day, cover with a gauze bandage on top.

Multi-component products:

  • combine 200 grams of viburnum and rosehip berries, add 100 grams dried nettle and 10 grams of crushed shells walnut; 3 tbsp. pour a glass of boiling water over the resulting mixture, simmer for 10 minutes over low heat and leave to steep under the lid for 24 hours, then strain; Combine 50 ml of strained broth with 50 grams of honey and cottage cheese, use for compresses three times a day for 20 minutes.

Treatment of folliculitis during pregnancy

The development of folliculitis in pregnant women is possible due to the weakening of the body's defenses and the barrier function of the skin. This facilitates the penetration of infection into the hair follicle and causes the development of folliculitis. In combination with other predisposing factors, it is likely to occur in pregnant women, but it is quite easy to avoid. It is necessary to monitor the condition of your skin, lead a healthy lifestyle, maintain body hygiene and get quality rest. Despite the fact that immunity may weaken somewhat during pregnancy, a responsible approach to future motherhood will help avoid discomfort from the development of folliculitis.

If you still cannot avoid the disease, its treatment must be carried out together with a specialist who is aware of your situation. Self-medication is contraindicated. The doctor can conduct specialized diagnostics and prescribe bactericidal drugs. If the disease is not aggravated, then you can do without the use of antibiotics, which is naturally a priority during pregnancy.

Which doctors should you contact if you have folliculitis?

Maximum effective treatment of folliculitis there will be one, the appointment of which was preceded by careful, including differential diagnosis. It is important to identify the causative agent of the disease.

Basic is clinical diagnosis, an additional bacterioscopy is prescribed, bacteriological examination. Conclusions are drawn about the location of the defect (back, shoulders, face, neck), its size, inflammatory papules and pustules in the follicle cells are examined, the history of the disease indicates the presence of itching, excoriation, and the absence of comedones. Staging correct diagnosis Information about what preceded the development of inflammation (taking antibiotics or glucocorticosteroids, treating acne, the presence of other diseases) will help.

In eosinophilic folliculitis, cultures do not give growth of pathogens, many eosinophils are detected in pustules, eosinophilia is also visible in the blood, perifollicular and perivascular infiltrates of eosinophils are histologically detected.

Differential diagnosis is made with dermatitis, simple chronic lichen, scabies and other types of folliculitis.

Differential diagnosis of any folliculitis is made with acne vulgaris, acne rosacea, perioral dermatitis, steroid and iodine acne, ingrown hair. Folliculitis differs from ordinary acne in the absence of comedones.

Diagnosis of acne-like syphilides is based on the presence of other syphilides and positive serological reactions for syphilis.

Treatment of other diseases starting with the letter - f



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