What can be done to make stomatitis go away? Aphthous type of inflammation

The human immune system always responds to external stimuli. The consequence of such a natural process may be a progressive “thrush”, which characterizes the inflammatory process of the oral mucosa. The disease is successfully treated, but in the absence of intensive therapy it becomes chronic.

How to treat stomatitis in adults

Before suppressing the symptoms of this infectious disease, it is necessary to find out the cause of its exacerbation. Only in this case is it possible to get rid of stomatitis forever; treatment in adults will be as productive as possible. It is also important to determine the type of pathology, for example, aphthous, catarrhal, traumatic, ulcerative or herpetic stomatitis. The main goal of intensive therapy is to remove plaque from the oral mucosa, suppress acute pain from ulcers, and speed up the process of regeneration of affected tissues.

  • final refusal of hot, salty, hard, spicy fatty foods;
  • taking warm drinks, medicinal decoctions;
  • the use of antiseptics to suppress pathogenic flora;
  • taking painkillers and antibiotics only on the recommendation of a specialist;
  • vitamin therapy to strengthen the body's immune response.

Stomatitis, treatment at home

This infectious disease is caused by increased activity of viruses. If stomatitis progresses, treatment in adults at home provides positive dynamics with an integrated approach to the problem. It is necessary to take antiviral drugs, supplement them with traditional medicines, and take multivitamin complexes. Features of intensive care are determined by the stage of the pathological process and the nature of the disease itself. Below we describe in detail how to eliminate the disease.


Foci of pathology in such a clinical picture appear on the mucous membrane of the cheeks, gums, tongue and lips, and unpleasant and painful aphthae are formed. This pathological process often becomes a consequence of injury to sensitive tissues, a complication of a thermal burn when eating too hot food. It is important for an adult patient to know how to treat aphthous stomatitis, so as not to trigger the painful condition. Home treatments are given below:

  1. Taking antihistamines: Suprastin, Fenistil, Diazolin, Tavegil, Claritin.
  2. Everyday rinsing of the mouth with the proven antiseptic solution Miramistin.
  3. Use of local antiseptics: Anestezin, Stomatofit-A, Cholisal-gel.
  4. Use of regenerating agents: Solcoseryl gel.
  5. Stimulation of weakened immunity: Imudon, Amiksin.


If the pathological process is caused by increased activity of the herpes virus, then stomatitis has a corresponding name. It is necessary to treat it with anti-inflammatory drugs and immunostimulants, and one should not forget about the enormous benefits of natural and combined vitamins and folk recipes. When herpetic stomatitis is diagnosed in adults, treatment involves the following regimen:

  1. Antiviral drugs in tablet form: Valtrex, Acyclovir, Valavir, Famvir, Menaker for oral use.
  2. Antiviral solutions for external use: Viferon, Miramistin.
  3. Immunostimulants: Imudon, Amiksin.
  4. Antiherpetic drugs: Gerpevir, Fenistil-Pentsivir.
  5. Multivitamin complexes: Alphabet, Duovit.


If inflammation of the mucous membrane and tongue is provoked by increased activity of fungi, thrush in the mouth of the candida form progresses. The first step is to eliminate the pathogenic flora, and only in this case the intensity of the symptoms will significantly decrease. There are several ways to treat candidal stomatitis in adults, but you definitely need to consult with your doctor. The intensive care regimen is as follows:

  1. Antifungal ointments: Miconazole, Levorin, Mycozon, Lugol.
  2. Antihistamines: Loratadine, Cetrin, Claritin.
  3. Medicines for the regeneration of affected areas of the epithelium: Vinilin, Karotolin, Propolis spray.
  4. Folk remedies: a steep solution of baking soda for rinsing the gums and the inner surface of the cheek.
  5. Vitamin therapy as recommended by a doctor.

Treatment of allergic stomatitis in adults

Before getting rid of stomatitis, it doesn’t hurt to understand the reasons. If you find out why painful ulcers and white plaque appear on the gums and tongue, the healing process will noticeably speed up. Effective treatment of allergic stomatitis in adults begins with eliminating the dangerous allergen, only after which the doctor prescribes medications to quickly restore the affected areas of the oral mucosa. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Antihistamines: L-Cet, Tavegil, Suprastin.
  2. Medicines for rinsing the mouth with antiseptics: Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Cholisal gel.
  3. Local antiseptics: brilliant green, soda solution, blue.

Treatment of stomatitis with folk remedies

Some patients do not know what to do for stomatitis, and effective drugs are not at hand. Don’t be upset, because alternative medicine with its eternal recipes will always help. Folk remedies for stomatitis are no weaker than medications, no matter whether it is an ointment or a solution. The main thing is to eliminate the risk of side effects, and for this you need to consult a doctor. Below are decent options for treating stomatitis in adults in the mouth:

  1. Take a teaspoon of soda for a glass of boiled water, combine and mix thoroughly. Rinse your mouth with soda solution up to 5-6 times a day. This is the most effective way to cure stomatitis without special financial costs.
  2. Prepare a chamomile decoction in a glass of water, add a teaspoon of honey, stir. Use the solution for repeated antiseptic rinses. In addition, with the help of pharmaceutical chamomile, you can restore the affected mucous membrane.
  3. To prepare a medicinal ointment, in one container you need to combine a matchbox of beeswax, previously melted in a water bath, and a chicken egg. Stir until smooth, add a spoonful of aloe juice. Place the finished ointment in the refrigerator for several hours. Apply to painful ulcers and aphthae up to 5 times a day for several days.
  4. You can prepare potato ointment, and for this you need to grate a medium-sized root vegetable and add an egg. A homogeneous paste should be applied to the foci of pathology for 15-20 minutes. As an alternative to how to treat stomatitis at home, it is recommended to drink fresh potato juice.


Stomatitis is a common disease that occurs in children and adults. This is the formation of small painful ulcers on the oral mucosa. They need to be treated on time, otherwise they begin to grow and many new sores appear in the mouth. The course of the disease is complicated by the fact that it becomes difficult and painful for a person to chew food; eating and drinking brings a burning sensation and discomfort.

Stomatitis is accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms - fever, decreased general condition, loss of immunity, enlarged lymph nodes. Ulcers form on the cheeks, tongue, and palate. It becomes painful not only to eat and brush your teeth, but also to speak. The gums swell and bleed, salivation increases, and a whitish coating appears on the oral mucosa. Inflammatory processes are accompanied by bad breath. But where does stomatitis come from and can you get it? Let's try to figure it out.

Causes of stomatitis

  1. Viral stomatitis is certainly contagious. Therefore, the main reason for its appearance is contact with a patient with stomatitis. This is usually common in preschool institutions, where a sick child is brought into a large group of children. The incubation period for the development of stomatitis ranges from three days to two weeks. This disease can be transmitted by airborne droplets and contact. Therefore, when you are surrounded by a patient with stomatitis, try to protect yourself and your child as much as possible.
  2. Stomatitis can occur due to insufficient oral hygiene. If you don't brush your teeth regularly, food debris can accumulate in your mouth, which can rot and cause ulcers.
  3. Viral stomatitis can enter the oral cavity through unwashed fruits and vegetables. Infection through seeds is especially common, because we cannot process, wash or disinfect them. They enter our mouths directly with the peel, which is by no means sterile.
  4. Often sores in the mouth are the result of eating excessively salty, sour or cold foods. Aggressive components corrode the delicate mucous membrane.
  5. Sometimes stomatitis is a consequence of a disease of the digestive system. Gastritis or colitis is the presence of bacteria in the body that can also affect the upper digestive organs, for example, the oral cavity.
  6. Another common cause of stomatitis in people with weak immunity is prolonged use of strong medications. Stomatitis usually appears after antibiotics.
  7. If a person has a weak immune system, if he lacks vitamins, the risk of contracting stomatitis increases significantly.

When diagnosing this disease, the doctor prescribes a set of measures that will help you quickly and effectively get rid of this disease.

First, the doctor determines the type of disease. Stomatitis can be candidal, herpetic and viral. For bacterial stomatitis, in addition to local disinfectants and painkillers, antiviral drugs are prescribed. Along with this, medications are needed that increase the overall resistance of the body. In advanced cases, the patient is recommended to take antibiotics. To prevent these same antibiotics from becoming an impetus for the appearance of new ulcers, a course of beneficial intestinal bacteria is prescribed along with antibiotics.

Oxolinic ointment is prescribed as a local antiviral agent in the fight against stomatitis. You need to lubricate the affected areas of the mouth with it throughout the day. To anesthetize and, as it were, “freeze” the mucous membrane, throat sprays are used. They contain a large amount of pain-relieving components and mint, which reduces mouth sensitivity. These sprays help relieve inflammation and swelling of the tongue, gums and cheeks.

Zovirax or Acyclovir are used to treat herpes stomatitis. These effective ointments quickly heal herpes lesions. You should not use the ointment often; you need to maintain intervals of at least three hours. Metrogyl Denta will give an antiseptic effect. But Cholisal ointment is a special dental product to combat stomatitis. If you need to get rid of pain right away, but the indicated drugs are not at hand, streptocide is used the old fashioned way. The tablet must be crushed and the powder applied to all affected areas.

Patients with stomatitis are recommended to eat a diet that excludes the consumption of sour, spicy and hard foods. No crackers, chips or soda. Food should be soft so that it does not need to be chewed, because this brings discomfort and pain. The best choice would be various vegetable purees and broths.

There are many effective traditional medicine recipes that have been tested for decades.

  1. Honey and bee products have antiseptic and healing properties. For rinsing, it is better to prepare a decoction of propolis. To do this, pour a glass of boiling water over a piece of propolis and cook over low heat for half an hour. Then you need to let the propolis brew until the broth cools completely. Rinse your mouth with the prepared product as often as possible. Ready-made alcohol tincture of propolis is sold in pharmacies. You can also lubricate wounds with fresh and natural honey.
  2. Aloe has excellent antimicrobial properties. You need to choose an old plant, it has more benefits. You need to lubricate the sores with aloe juice or simply chew a leaf of the plant. Instead of aloe, you can use Kalanchoe.
  3. A herbal decoction will help relieve symptoms of stomatitis and heal wounds. To prepare it, you need to take calendula, chamomile and mint in equal proportions. Pour boiling water over the mixture and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. After removing from heat, cover the container tightly with a lid and let it brew for a while. After cooling, the broth must be strained. This remedy perfectly helps with stomatitis. Calendula disinfects wounds and prevents the appearance of new ulcers. Chamomile soothes the mucous membranes, relieves swelling and redness. Well, mint gives an analgesic effect; it kind of “freezes” the skin. You should rinse your mouth with this decoction as often as possible.
  4. An excellent remedy for relieving pain and inflammation is a decoction of oak bark. You need to prepare a rich decoction from the bark and rinse your mouth with it twice a day. The decoction contains a large amount of tannins, which block pain and prevent the development of sores. It is worth noting that you need to brush your teeth an hour after rinsing, because the oak bark decoction stains your teeth.
  5. Another effective recipe for fighting stomatitis. You need to warm half a glass of milk with a tablespoon of honey. Add chicken yolk to the mixture and mix everything thoroughly. Wrap a bandage or piece of gauze around your finger, dip it in the prepared liquid and treat the oral cavity. Change the bandage to a clean one more often. Carefully treat all affected areas - tongue on all sides, gums inside and out, cheeks, palate.
  6. Sea water, which you can prepare yourself, will help get rid of pain and heal wounds. To do this, add half a teaspoon of salt, a pinch of soda and a few drops of iodine to a glass of warm water. Rinse your mouth with this solution three times a day.
  7. Garlic and onions have strong bactericidal properties. A little garlic and onion should be crushed into kefir, sour cream or yogurt and allowed to brew for a couple of hours. After this, you can lubricate the sores and wounds with the prepared mixture.

When treating stomatitis, it is important to maintain oral hygiene. Change your toothbrush often and rinse your mouth after every meal. When treating stomatitis in infants, strict hygiene must be observed. For example, before each feeding with breast milk, treat the breast with a soda solution. You also need to regularly rinse the pacifier with a soda solution, which can become a source of relapse. If a mother feeds a child with stomatitis breast milk, then she should also take treatment.

Regular oral care can treat and prevent many gum and dental diseases. Start treatment at the slightest sign of stomatitis. Take care and monitor your body to maintain health and youth for many years.

Video: how to treat stomatitis

Inflammation of the oral mucosa is called stomatitis. This is a disease in which single ulcers form in the mouth, covered with a white or yellowish coating, and sometimes causing great discomfort, if not pain. Stomatitis may go away on its own within a week, but if this does not happen, you should definitely consult a general practitioner to identify its causes, and they can be very diverse. Of course, anyone who is sick wants to know how to quickly cure stomatitis, but relieving symptoms does not mean getting rid of the disease.

Why does stomatitis appear?
The most common opinion is that stomatitis occurs when a previously unknown molecule enters the body. The immune system aggressively tries to “get used to” this molecule and, with the help of increased production of lymphocytes, “attacks” it. It is this interaction that causes the formation of white ulcers on the mucous membrane. However, stomatitis can have completely different causes:
  • viral infection on the oral mucosa;
  • weakened immune system;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • gastritis;
  • damage to the oral cavity;
  • general dehydration of the body;
  • improper oral hygiene;
  • caries;
  • smoking;
  • hormonal changes;
  • malignant tumors in the nasopharynx.
Of course, stomatitis is not always caused by these very reasons, but the first thing you should do is put aside the desire to limit yourself to self-medication and be examined by a therapist. Having identified the suspected cause, he will give you a referral for proper treatment.

What are the types of stomatitis?
In order to quickly cure stomatitis, you need to understand what variations it has. The main types of stomatitis are traumatic, allergic, infectious and catarrhal. Treatment, which should work quickly and efficiently, depends on the type of disease.

  1. Traumatic stomatitis occurs from physical impacts on the oral mucosa. This could be a burn from hot water, chemical elements (such as alkali or acid), or constant scratching of the cheek by the sharp edges of an unfilled tooth. The main treatment for traumatic stomatitis is treating wounds with painkillers and healing agents, as well as grinding teeth to avoid relapse.
  2. Allergic stomatitis can occur both from foods and medications, and from unsuitable denture material. The main symptoms of this variety are dryness and burning in the mouth, as well as general swelling of the oral cavity. Anti-allergy drugs are used for treatment - of course, they can only be prescribed by a doctor after identifying the allergen.
  3. Infectious stomatitis usually begins with the activation of the herpes virus in the body. As is known, this virus can appear in childhood and periodically recur. The main symptoms are fever, general malaise, headache and pain when eating. Infectious stomatitis should be treated comprehensively, with anti-inflammatory drugs along with vitamins and general strengthening of the immune system. Interferon is well suited for this purpose.
  4. Catarrhal stomatitis is caused by insufficient or, conversely, excessive oral hygiene. Excessive hygiene is when the desire for sterile cleanliness of the body completely kills all microbes, including the microflora and the mucous membrane itself. Catarrhal stomatitis can be recognized by redness of the mucous membrane, increased salivation, bad breath, white coating on the mucous membrane and general malaise. The main treatment is the elimination of inflammation with the help of decoctions (for example, chamomile or St. John's wort) and antiseptics, as well as complete sanitation of the oral cavity to avoid transition to the chronic stage.
How to quickly cure stomatitis in a child?
Despite its relative safety, stomatitis can bring a lot of unpleasant sensations to its owner. And if an adult is able to endure pain, then for a child it becomes a real source of suffering, therefore it is necessary to begin treating stomatitis in a child as early as possible. As soon as the first signs of stomatitis appear - redness, swelling of the mucous membrane and discomfort in the oral cavity - you can begin treatment with an ordinary soda solution. Dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water, dip a sterile cotton pad into the solution and gently wipe the sore. This procedure should be performed three times a day for a good effect. During treatment, it is better to give up sweets - this way you will prevent the appearance of additional bacteria that can complicate the treatment of stomatitis.

How to quickly cure stomatitis in an adult?
If a very limited number of drugs are suitable for treatment in children, then for adults this list is much more diverse. Any treatment for stomatitis is primarily aimed at disinfecting the oral cavity, reducing inflammation and generally strengthening the immune system, so you can use both well-known medications and folk remedies.

  1. Having noticed the first signs of stomatitis, start rinsing with warm water and herbal decoctions before and after meals. Decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort, sage and oak bark are well suited for this purpose - these herbal infusions can be bought at any pharmacy.
  2. Adjust your diet. During treatment, you should refrain from sour, sweet, spicy foods and excessively hard foods. Make sure that the food temperature is at room temperature - the less strong impacts on the mucous membrane, the faster it will recover.
  3. Severe pain can be relieved with hydrogen peroxide. Dilute half a teaspoon of 3% peroxide in 130 ml. boiled water, and rinse your mouth with the resulting solution.
  4. For ulcers on the cheeks, raw potatoes cut into slices help well - you just need to apply it to the sore spot and hold it for 15 minutes. The procedure must be repeated every two hours.
  5. The most effective remedy is chamomile decoction. Boil a glass of water with two tablespoons of dry chamomile for 10-15 minutes. After this, the broth should be cooled and rinsed three times a day, preferably after meals.
Of course, as with any disease, it is better to refrain from self-medication, because it is unknown how your body will react to remedies that help other people. Use the recipes you know wisely and only to alleviate the condition before going to the doctor, and the doctor will prescribe you the right treatment, tailored specifically to your body.

Stomatitis is an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of any structure of the oral cavity, including the cheeks, gums, tongue, and palate. In the broadest sense, a disease can have many different causes and manifestations.

Numerous pathological factors lead to the development of the disease, and the disease itself causes a lot of inconvenience to a person.

Causes and symptoms

Inflammation of the oral mucosa usually occurs for the following reasons:

  • violation of oral hygiene rules;
  • nutritional protein deficiency;
  • poorly fitting dentures;
  • injuries to the mucous membranes of the mouth, such as burning with hot food or drink;
  • allergic reactions to medications;
  • radiation therapy;
  • infections of various etiologies (bacterial, fungal, viral);
  • severe anemia.

Lack of iron, vitamins B2, B3, B6, B12 and folic acid in the body can cause genetic downregulation of these elements, which leads to impaired regeneration of epithelial cells.

Stomatitis can be mild and localized or severe and widespread, but in either case it is very painful.

The disease is characterized swelling and redness of the mucous membranes, the appearance of painful ulcers on their surface. They interfere with swallowing, chewing food and often cause dehydration and malnutrition.

The disease is accompanied by fever, sometimes up to 40 degrees, salivation, difficulty swallowing and chewing, and bad breath. Depending on the type of stomatitis, ulcers can range in color from white to bright red.

Treatment of stomatitis, as a rule, is successfully carried out at home. Therapy for this disease is medicinal, i.e. with the use of pharmaceutical preparations (tablets, ointments, gels, powders, etc.), and folk, i.e. means of traditional medicine.

Before starting treatment, general recommendations should be followed.

  1. Family safety. If erosions and ulcers are detected on the mucous membranes, it is important to take care of the protection of other family members. A sick child must be provided with a set of linen and eating utensils.

    After each meal, it is necessary to thoroughly wash and treat it with boiling water, and also make sure that no family member uses the sick child’s towel.

  1. Following a special diet. The child’s diet during the period of illness should be gentle; rough or spicy foods should be avoided so as not to injure painful wounds in the mouth. You should also avoid sweets, hot or cold foods, which, in addition, should have a homogeneous consistency, similar to puree.

    The diet should include soft-textured vegetables and fruits (for example: bananas, peaches, melons), soups, juices and low-fat dairy products. After drinking milk, you should rinse your mouth thoroughly.

  2. You should take vitamins to strengthen your immune system. It is important to prevent the infection from spreading throughout the entire oral cavity.

How to help children

Stomatitis occurs quite often in children. The reason for this is the child’s weak immune system, the habit of putting his hands in his mouth and tasting everything.

Sometimes stomatitis can become a concomitant disease. In this case, treatment is carried out in parallel.

Stomatitis in children can be successfully treated on an outpatient basis, but for this it is important that the disease is detected at an early stage and therapy is started in a timely manner.

Treatment of the disease with medications at home should be aimed at:

  • reduction of pain in the oral cavity;
  • reduction of symptoms of the disease.

To effectively treat the disease outside the hospital, the following medications are used:

  1. Pain relievers. They help reduce pain and restore appetite (after all, with stomatitis, children often refuse to eat). Such means include:
  • lidocaine, benzocaine, trimecaine;
  • asept, instillagel;
  • lidochlor, kamistad.
  1. Means for cleansing mucous membranes from ulcers. Bacterial plaque interferes with the healing of wounds and ulcers. To prevent the disease from developing into a permanent, sluggish form, the oral cavity should be regularly treated with special preparations. Such means include:
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • carbamide peroxide;
  • chlorhexidine bigluconate.
  1. Antimicrobials. The use of such drugs is advisable for re-infection of the mucous membrane. This method is aggressive and is not used on young children.

When using folk recipes to treat childhood stomatitis, you should remember that not all medicinal plants are equally beneficial for the child’s body. Many of them can be poisonous or toxic to the child. Before starting to use medicines from traditional therapy recipes, you should agree with your doctor.

Traditional methods include rinsing with decoctions and solutions.

In the next video you will find a “sweet” recipe for stomatitis made from nettles and honey, which children will definitely like:

How to help adults

Stomatitis in an adult can be treated both with medications and traditional medicine recipes. Drug therapy for stomatitis in adults is similar to childhood treatment. To combat the disease, creams, gels, ointments, as well as tablets and capsules are used.

Before stomatitis is treated for an adult, he needs to give up smoking and alcoholic beverages. Otherwise, the therapy will be ineffective.

Also important diet, do not eat sour, salty or sweet: such food provokes the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and causes pain.

Traditional medicine for adults is slightly different from recipes for children. The most popular recipes are given below.

Using soda

Soda is an amazing remedy that is used in cooking, everyday life and to treat certain diseases, which include stomatitis. The use of this substance helps reduce pain and speeds up the healing process of mouth ulcers.

In addition, it has the following beneficial properties:

  1. Destroys pathogenic bacteria and acts as an effective antiseptic.
  2. Helps neutralize increased acidity in the mouth.

Treatment of stomatitis with soda is safe for the health of both adults and children, including newborns.

As a medicine, soda is used for rinsing the mouth, wiping wounds and ulcers with a gauze swab dipped in soda; individual ulcers can simply be sprinkled with “medicinal powder.” Procedures should be performed regularly, 3-5 times a day until complete recovery.

Disease prevention

Everyone knows that it is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it later. To prevent stomatitis, the following requirements should be met:

  • observe the rules of oral hygiene;
  • eat right, take vitamins;
  • harden the body;
  • avoid hypothermia and infections;
  • avoid burns to the mucous membranes of the mouth (do not drink hot drinks or eat hot food).

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  • Benjamin

    April 1, 2015 at 12:38 pm

    I would not recommend hydrogen peroxide in its pure form for rinsing the mouth, as it acts too actively on the inflamed mucous membrane and can cause severe pain. It is better to use a solution with clean water.
    You can also replace hydrogen peroxide with ordinary salt, one teaspoon of which must be dissolved in a glass of water.
    There is a way to treat stomatitis at home by rinsing with water and adding a few drops of iodine.
    For children, the most suitable methods of treating stomatitis are rinsing with infusions of chamomile or oak bark; they taste better than medications. And, of course, be sure to see a dentist! I personally encountered the fact that the local pediatrician diagnosed a child with suspected stomatitis, but the dental clinic did not confirm the fact of the disease, revealing inflammation of the gums as a reaction of the mucous membrane to the eruption of the first teeth.

  • Victoria

    September 21, 2015 at 5:53 am

    I myself have started to have stomatitis, so I’m so afraid I won’t infect my child.

  • Alyona

    September 9, 2016 at 9:24 am

    I noticed that the child has round ulcers on his tongue with a white rim, I think this is stomatitis. The question arose: how and with what to treat them and why do they appear? Can they arise from sweets? Our hemoglobin is also slightly reduced. Or is it because he sucks his fingers? Or maybe we don't brush our teeth well?
    It’s even more difficult with our treatment; he won’t let you wipe his tongue, and he still doesn’t know how to rinse his mouth. Please advise what we should do? And how to prevent the occurrence of stomatitis. Thank you.

  • Victoria

    October 12, 2016 at 8:41 am

    Stomatitis is my problem. On average, once every 2-3 months, ulcers appear on the mucous membranes of my mouth. In the first day or two it’s still okay, tolerable. But then, when they get big and burst, the nightmare begins. I have trouble speaking and chewing, and it feels like my whole mouth is one big sore. At the first signs of stomatitis, I start rinsing my mouth with chlorhexidine, soda and Odol, which my grandmother brings us from Germany. To reduce pain, I lubricate the sores with baby gum gel. It usually goes away within a week.

  • Irina

    November 2, 2016 at 7:25 am

    Victoria, don’t you know that chlorhexidine is dangerous? Even San Pin issued a ruling banning its use in oral hygiene products. So my advice to you is not to risk your health. There are safe means, for example periodonticide. This remedy will help get rid of stomatitis and is completely safe. It contains essential oils and other medicinal components that are excellent in treating stomatitis.

  • Elena

    November 29, 2016 at 01:51 pm

    I cured stomatitis with Aftofix - this is a balm, it is produced in Switzerland, so the quality is excellent. I applied it to the ulcers, a film formed on them, under which healing occurred. It helped me quickly, so I highly recommend it from my own experience.

  • Elena

    March 21, 2017 at 4:54 pm

    I mixed peroxide with water and rinsed, and then immediately dissolved Trachisan tablets to kill bacteria in the oral cavity. The wounds heal within a couple of days.

  • Agnia

    April 21, 2018 at 03:14 pm

    I also encountered stomatitis, and it turns out that it hurts quite a lot. I even went to the doctor because I didn’t know how to treat it. The doctor recommended using Cholisal according to the instructions, it has antimicrobial properties and helps reduce pain. I really felt better when I started using it.

Stomatitis is one of the most common pathologies of the oral cavity, which affects every second person at least once in their life. Relapses of the disease occur when it recurs at different intervals and it is very difficult to get rid of the symptoms. The irritant can be various diseases of the internal organs, as well as a basic violation of oral hygiene. Treatment of stomatitis at home often gives positive results and allows you to eradicate it in the early stages.


Among the main causes of stomatitis in adults are:

  • unhealthy diet – excessive consumption of carbohydrates;
  • lack of B vitamins and microelements: iron, zinc, selenium;
  • weakened immunity, due to which the protective properties of the mucous membrane are reduced and it is affected by infection;
  • poor-quality prostheses or their incorrect installation;
  • bad habits: alcoholism, smoking;
  • damage to the oral mucosa due to a burn, biting the cheek, injury from a splintered tooth or hard food;
  • violations of oral care rules;
  • allergic reactions to medications, toothpaste;
  • drying of the mucous membrane due to taking certain medications, diuretics.

Stomatitis in adults symptoms

The primary symptoms of stomatitis in adults are slight redness of the oral mucosa. Over time, they swell and a burning sensation is felt. The next stage is the appearance of small round ulcers covered with a thin film. If left untreated, the ulcers become larger. They cause pain, especially when eating. The mucous membrane of the mouth swells, swells, an unpleasant odor and a white coating appear. Salivation may increase. The patient's general condition may deteriorate: fever, headaches.

Treatment with medications

The choice of drugs and methods for treating stomatitis on the tongue in adults depends on the cause of the disease. An integrated approach is encouraged. For pain relief, Kamistad, Lidochlor, Dentinox are used. For different types of stomatitis, different treatments are used:

  1. Bacterial is treated with Metrogyl Denta ointment, Hexoral, Chlorophyllipt sprays; solutions of Furacilin, Chlorhexidine.
  2. Herpetic - Zovirax, Acyclovir, Oxolinic ointments. It is important to strengthen the immune system.
  3. Fungal – Clotrimazole cream, Nystatin ointment, Miconazole gel. Rinsing with a soda solution (1 tablespoon per glass of water) is effective.
  4. Allergic – Claritin, Fenistil, Zyrtec.

To treat stomatitis in adults, topical preparations and mouth rinses are used. Among the first ones used: Lugol, Iodinol, Fukortsin, Acyclovir, Metrogyl Denta, Kamistad, Nystatin, Hydrocortisone. Chlorhexidine, Furacilin, Hydrogen Peroxide, Chlorophyllipt, Rotocan, Miramistin are used for rinsing.


Acyclovir is an antiviral agent and is used mainly for herpetic stomatitis. It prevents the appearance of new ulcers and helps existing ones dry out. Before using Acyclovir, the mouth should be rinsed with an antiseptic. Then you need to apply a small amount of ointment to the affected areas. Frequency of use: 4–6 times per day.

Metrogyl denta

Metrogyl Denta is an effective antimicrobial drug. It prevents the infection from spreading and has analgesic properties. The gel is applied to the affected areas twice a day for a week. It is used in the treatment of adults and children over 6 years of age.

Treatment with antibiotics

Stomatitis in adults is rarely treated with antibiotics. The exception is cases of severe form of the disease, as well as when stomatitis is an additional symptom of other serious diseases. Effective in such cases are: Lincomycin, Penicillin, Ampiox, macrolides, cephalosporin group. Drugs that are prescribed for the treatment of severe stomatitis are Sumamed, Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Amoxicillin.

Treatment with folk remedies

To treat stomatitis at home, you can quite successfully use folk remedies.


Soda is an effective remedy for the treatment of stomatitis, as it has antiseptic properties, kills pathogenic bacteria, and neutralizes high acidity. The most effective way is to rinse your mouth with a soda solution (1 teaspoon per glass of warm water). The procedure should be carried out every two to three hours. Young children can wipe the oral mucosa with a swab dipped in a soda solution. An adult can also sprinkle baking soda on the affected areas.

Hydrogen peroxide

Rinsing your mouth with peroxide has a disinfecting effect due to its antiseptic properties:

  • For one cup of warm water you need a teaspoon of peroxide, stir;
  • rinse your mouth three times a day to achieve the fastest effect.


Propolis is most often used as one of the ingredients in products for the treatment of various diseases of the oral cavity and teeth, so in the treatment of stomatitis it will have a strong anti-inflammatory effect:

  • purchase propolis tincture and dilute in equal proportions with clean water;
  • rinse several times a day for at least a week.


Aloe has perhaps the widest range of healing properties among plants; when getting rid of stomatitis, the following recipe is recommended:

  • pick a few aloe leaves, use a juicer to extract half a glass of juice and rinse your mouth several times a day;
  • It is advisable to chew an aloe leaf in combination with rinsing, after washing it thoroughly.

Important! In the absence of aloe, it can be replaced with Kalanchoe, which has no less beneficial properties.


Due to its strong bactericidal properties, it is recommended to use products containing garlic for the treatment of stomatitis:

  • chop a few cloves and mix with rich sour cream;
  • keep it in your mouth for as long as possible, at least half an hour several times a day.

If you have a juicer or other opportunity to extract juice from garlic, pay attention to the following tool:

  • squeeze the juice out of several large cloves of garlic;
  • moisten gauze generously in it and apply it to the affected areas of the mouth for a few minutes.

You should be aware that this remedy severely burns and irritates the mucous membranes and can worsen the course of the disease. Garlic should not be used in treating children.


The following method involves only using raw potatoes:

  • Cut a medium potato into slices or grate it on any grater and apply it to the affected areas of the mouth several times a day.


Carrot juice has a healing effect, which will be important for large and painful formations:

  • squeeze the juice from several carrots and dilute with boiled water in the same ratio;
  • Rinse your mouth with the solution at least three times a day.

Important! You can use cabbage juice for the same purpose, also diluting it and consuming it with the same frequency.


In the treatment of stomatitis, rinsing the mouth with infusions or decoctions of medicinal herbs has a great effect:

  • buy dried chamomile, calendula, sea buckthorn, St. John's wort, raspberry, blackberry, and currant leaves at the pharmacy;
  • take two teaspoons of herbs (not necessarily all of the above, at least a few), mix and pour a cup of boiling water;
  • let it sit for a few hours and rinse your mouth daily for two weeks.

Not only onions, but also onion peels have a disinfecting effect:

  • Boil three to four tablespoons of crushed husks in half a liter of water, cook for about 15 minutes;
  • leave for five hours, strain and rinse your mouth three times a day.

To relieve inflammation and promote speedy healing of wounds, prepare the following decoction:

  • buy dry string, chamomile and sage at the pharmacy;
  • Pour two teaspoons of flowers into three glasses of boiling water and leave until cool;
  • strain and rinse your mouth with the broth after each meal.

Antibacterial agents

Zelenka, iodine or blue can have an antibacterial effect when used regularly:

  • dip a cotton swab into one of the above products and carefully treat the formations.

Important! Be careful when using these products, as applying too much may cause irritation to the mucous membranes.


There is a recipe for an ointment made from honey, but there is no point in listing all the variety of its healing properties:

  • mix three tablespoons of honey with a tablespoon of fish oil and three grams of xeroform;
  • mix thoroughly, apply the mixture to the entire affected part of the mouth several times a day.

Alcohol solution

If your stomatitis has already reached a severe stage, the following alcohol solution will help you, after which improvement may occur within a few hours:

  • Buy an alcohol infusion at the pharmacy and apply it as a lotion or rinse your mouth several times a day.

Egg white

  • dilute one egg white in a glass of warm water, beat;
  • rinse your mouth at least six times a day to maintain the bactericidal effect.


Flax seeds are known for their ability to stimulate tissue regeneration. Therefore, when treating stomatitis, the following recipe gives one of the best effects:

  • Pour a tablespoon of seeds into two glasses of water and boil for a couple of minutes;
  • strain, rinse your mouth several times a day.


Blueberries, despite their very modest size, have a storehouse of useful vitamins and microelements that will help cope with the disease:

  • Pour a small amount of leaves into a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour;
  • rinse your mouth several times a day;
  • Instead of a decoction or in combination with it, it is also permissible to use the berries themselves.


Chamomile in its pure form is an effective anti-inflammatory agent:


Another recipe with cabbage, but used in a slightly different form:

  • Grind several leaves of fresh cabbage into a pulp on a grater or using a knife;
  • wrap the mixture in gauze or bandage and apply to the wounds for a few minutes.

For mouth rinsing without using herbs, this solution is recommended:

  • dilute a pharmaceutical antiseptic solution in equal quantities with boiled water;
  • rinse your mouth every few hours.

Tea mushroom

If you have kombucha in the house or have the opportunity to purchase it, be sure to use this remedy to cure:

  • Rinse your mouth with Kombucha infusion at least five to six times daily;
  • maintain regularity, the visible effect will occur on the second day;
  • the course of treatment should last at least one and a half weeks.


Silver water helps kill infection due to the strong antibacterial properties of silver itself:

  • leave clean water to steep in a silver vessel for at least a day;
  • drink three glasses a day for two weeks.

Doctors dispute the effectiveness of this method.


Aniline dye will cope with infection in the oral cavity no worse than regular dye:

  • buy a solution of methylene blue at the pharmacy, dip a cotton swab or swab and lubricate the formations in the mouth;
  • the effect will be noticeable on the second day, but continue the course of treatment for at least a week.

The last recipe that requires honey and egg whites:

  • take one tablespoon each of sunflower oil, egg white, honey and add one ampoule of novocaine;
  • Mix thoroughly and keep in your mouth on the affected area for at least ten minutes.

After the stomatitis disappears, continue the course of procedures for at least another five days to prevent the infection from returning again. Be sure to visit a doctor so that he can monitor the treatment process and prevent the disease from developing into a more complex form. During treatment, the consumption of spicy and hot foods and drinks, as well as foods high in chemicals, such as chips, is strictly prohibited.



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