Milk thistle oil beneficial properties and application reviews. A gift from the Mother of God - milk thistle

Milk thistle oil is produced by cold pressing from the seeds of the plant. This is unique natural product, containing many useful substances. Milk thistle seed oil has long been used in folk medicine and as a cosmetic product.

Composition and properties of milk thistle oil

Oil components:

Beneficial features

Carotenoids have antiallergic activity, accelerate the regeneration of liver cells, and stimulate the functions of the liver and heart muscle. Carotene and vitamin A are essential for good vision, as they make the retina more elastic and durable.

Being a kind of oxygen depot, carotenoids in atherosclerosis improve oxygenation of damaged tissues and blood vessels. Another component of milk thistle oil is tocopherol. This substance prevents the development oncological diseases, slows down the aging process in the body, stimulates rejuvenation and tissue regeneration. B vitamins are essential for proper functioning nervous system.

Among the polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in milk thistle oil are: great importance have linoleic, arachidonic, oleic, stearic, palmitic acids. All of them are necessary for metabolism, as they participate in the construction of cell membranes, the removal of harmful cholesterol and normalize hormonal balance. Vitamins A and E, being the main natural antioxidants, prevent the aging of the body, restore elasticity and firmness to the skin, and have antitumor activity.

Together with unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E is needed for the functioning of the reproductive system and proper development embryo. Vitamin D is needed for the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin K improves blood clotting, preventing bleeding and hemorrhage. Milk thistle oil contains trace elements necessary for the synthesis of insulin in the pancreas. These are magnesium, zinc, selenium and manganese. Chlorophyll is a component of oil that gives it a greenish tint. It has an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect, accelerates wound healing.

Important! This compound also has a beneficial effect on the functions of the digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory and endocrine systems, prevents stone formation in the urinary organs.

Silymarin is a special component of milk thistle seeds. This is the strongest natural antioxidant, which in its antioxidant capacity is superior to vitamins C and E. Thanks to silymarin, milk thistle has the ability not only to prevent the negative effects of toxins, but also to restore damaged liver cells.

Areas of use

Milk thistle oil is used in almost all areas of medicine. This product when various diseases, and also as a preventive and restorative drug can be taken orally or used for local treatment.

  • Dermatology: for the treatment of thermal and chemical burns, various dermatitis, trophic ulcers, abrasions, cracks, wounds. This oil is used for exacerbation of psoriasis. You can find out what other methods of combating this disease are used at home in the article about
  • Cosmetology: the rejuvenating, regenerating and stimulating properties of the oil allow it to be used as a component of various cosmetics. This herbal product added to creams, shampoos, face and hair masks and other products.
  • Dentistry: for treating the oral cavity with stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease.
  • Gastroenterology: beneficial features Milk thistle oils are used in complex therapy ulcers of the 12th intestine and stomach, atrophic gastritis, nonspecific ulcerative colitis and other diseases accompanied by the formation of ulcers and erosions in the digestive tube. The oil promotes the healing of defects without the formation of rough scars.
  • Hepatology: due to its hepatoprotective properties, the oil is widely used in the treatment of hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver, and acute alcohol, drug and other damage to the liver tissue. Even when poisoned with the strongest poison of the toadstool, this oil has a positive effect.
  • Hematology: with reduced blood clotting, weakened immunity.
  • Diseases vascular system: Milk thistle oil is used for treatment varicose veins and atherosclerosis.
  • Gynecology: for the treatment of many female diseases reproductive organs starting with erosion uterine cervix and ending with infertility.

Milk thistle oil is also used in treatment purulent wounds any location, cracks anus, hemorrhoids.

Methods of use

For preventive purposes, for general strengthening body, protect the liver, increase immunity, the oil should be taken one teaspoon a day for one to two months. It can be consumed in its pure form, or you can season salads, cereals, vegetable dishes - this product has pleasant taste and aroma.

For hemorrhoids, colon ulcers, and anal fissures, microenemas with milk thistle oil will help. First, it is recommended to do a cleansing enema, and then use a small bulb to inject 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of oil. The procedure must be done daily.

At skin diseases(psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema), wounds, burns, apply a gauze pad soaked in milk thistle seed oil to the affected areas of the skin. To treat erosion of the uterine cervix, every day before going to bed, insert a cotton wool and gauze tampon soaked in milk thistle oil into the vagina. Even with long-term non-healing erosions, this method allows you to achieve good results. The duration of treatment will be determined by the attending physician in accordance with the dynamics of the disease.

Milk thistle for treating the liver: you should drink the oil half an hour before meals, twice a day, a teaspoon. Continue taking it for one month, take a break of 7 days and repeat the course. In this way, hepatitis, cirrhosis, as well as ulcers of the 12th intestine or stomach, and atherosclerosis can be treated.

Important: before using the product, you should consult your doctor.


Milk thistle oil is contraindicated when individual intolerance. Also, you should not use it during exacerbation of cholecystitis and stones in the gallbladder. Thanks to the lack harmful substances the oil can be used even in young children after consulting a pediatrician.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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Milk thistle oil is prepared from the inflorescences of the plant and is widely used in cosmetology field, therapy and prevention of many diseases. However, inappropriate use of oil can be harmful to the body and lead to deterioration of the skin condition.

Only skillful use of oil will lead to a positive effect.

Composition of milk thistle oil

Natural thistle oil contains:

IN chemical composition The product contains 60% linoleic acid, 20% oleic acid, 8% palmitic acid, 5% stearic acid, 2% each of behenic and arachidic acids.

The benefits of milk milk

Medicinal properties of the plant:

  • lowering cholesterol and normalizing blood glucose levels;
  • improving vascular elasticity;
  • normalization of heart function and oxygen metabolism, lowering blood pressure;
  • stabilizing the functioning of the immune, genitourinary, nervous and endocrine systems, improving the functioning of the brain;
  • cleansing the body of poisonous, waste and toxic substances;
  • restoration of liver cells, removal of stones, improvement of bile outflow, elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • stabilization of metabolism;
  • reducing the risk of developing cancer-type diseases.

Correct use of the product based on medicinal plant has a regenerating effect at the cellular level, reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack.

By purchasing ready-made remedy, pay attention to the method of preparing the oil - only preparation using the cold-press method preserves all the healing properties of thistle.

Benefits of use in cosmetology:

  • accelerates the healing process of wounds;
  • eliminates wrinkles;
  • slows down skin aging and makes it more elastic;
  • has a nutritional effect;
  • eliminates redness, blackheads and pimples.

Milk thistle oil has a beneficial effect on the skin

Also, indications for the use of milk thistle oil in the field of cosmetology are:

  • weakened hair;
  • dandruff;
  • split ends.
  • thin and brittle nails;
  • inflammation of the cuticles, tears in the skin in their area and hangnails.

Benefits for women

In gynecology, milk thistle oil is used to prevent diseases of the reproductive system in women:

  • stabilize hormonal background;
  • accelerate the treatment of vaginitis and cervical erosion;
  • improve a woman’s well-being during toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • increase breast milk production;
  • eliminate dryness of the vaginal mucosa.

Oil can increase breast milk production

Remedy for short period time improves psycho-emotional state women at stressful situations or due to postpartum depression.

Benefits for men

Normalization of erection, treatment of prostatitis and elimination of potency disorders are the main benefits for men from taking medicinal products.

Benefits for children

Beneficial properties for a child:

  • improvement of metabolism and natural bacterial flora;
  • promotion protective functions body;
  • elimination of symptoms of dermatosis;
  • normalization of digestion.

The oil has a positive effect on dermatosis

How to make natural oil at home?

Making oil from the seeds of the plant at home is not difficult. Grind 50–60 g of seeds to a powder in a coffee grinder and combine with 500 ml of corn, vegetable or linseed oil. Boil the mixture in a water bath for 15 minutes. Next, cool the composition, strain and leave for a day in a dark place.

You can buy the following ready-made drugs based on milk thistle oil:

How to use milk thistle oil

The product is used both externally and taken internally - the method directly depends on the existing problem.

In medicine

How to use the medicinal product:

In medicine, milk thistle is often used for liver diseases and some gastrointestinal pathologies.

    Diseases of the liver and stomach.

    Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day along with meals or add in the same amount to salads. The duration of continuous use is 1–2 months, after which take a break for 2–3 months.

  1. Cervical erosion. Half an hour before bedtime, insert a tampon, pre-soaked in oil, into the vagina. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the condition, but lasts at least 10 days. For douching, combine milk thistle oil and tea tree in a ratio of 5:1. Before going to bed, inject 3 ml of the mixture using a syringe without a needle. After completing the procedure, lie on your back for 10–20 minutes. Average duration treatment – ​​14 days.
  2. Deterioration of the heart and blood vessels, ulcers, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver. Drink 1 tsp. 30 minutes before breakfast and dinner. Continue therapy for 1 month, then rest for 10 days and repeat treatment.
  3. Skin lesions, eczema. Soak gauze with the product and apply compresses 2 times a day until the problem is eliminated.
  4. Excess weight. Drink 1 tsp. oil on an empty stomach in the morning half an hour before meals for a month. Repetition frequency therapeutic therapy should not exceed 3 times per year.
  5. Combine 6 drops of tea tree oil with 1 tsp. milk thistle, apply the resulting mixture 3 times a day to the affected areas of the skin.
  6. Psoriasis. Take 1 tsp half an hour before meals. the drug 3 times a day for a month. Apply the heated product to the areas of manifestation of the disease in the morning and evening. It should be left on the skin for 30 minutes, after which the residue is washed off with warm water.
  7. Pancreatitis. Mix 200 ml milk thistle oil, 100 ml oil pumpkin seeds and 5 drops of mint essential oil. Use 3-4 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals for 1 month.
  8. Inflammation of the pancreas. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day an hour before main meals.
  9. Prostatitis. Mix pumpkin and milk thistle oil in equal proportions, drink 1 tsp. 2–3 times a day. The duration of taking the medicine is 1–2 months.

In cosmetology

Uses in the cosmetology field:

In cosmetology it is used to strengthen nails

  1. Strengthening the nail plate. Lubricate them up to 3 times a day with slightly warmed oil. Apply the product to previously cleansed hands.
  2. Mask for the face. Combine milk thistle and lavender in a 2:1 ratio, apply a sponge soaked in the composition in the morning and evening for 30 minutes.
  3. Strengthening hair. Before washing your hair, rub the product into the scalp, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse. To cure hair after dyeing or chemotherapy, mix 1 tbsp. l. gelatin with water. Add 1 to the resulting thick mass egg yolk, 1 tbsp. l. milk thistle oil and 1 tsp. hair balm. Apply the mask to the roots of your hair and stretch along the lengths, leave for an hour, then wash your hair.

Apply milk thistle oil to your face an hour before going outside to protect your skin from negative impact sun rays, chapping and rejuvenation.

Side effects

During the first days of use, a feeling of discomfort and weakness may appear. painful sensations– if the symptoms do not go away after 3 days, replace the product.

Taking a herbal preparation in excess of the recommended dosage will not increase therapeutic effect, but, on the contrary, will harm the body. When itching occurs, allergic rashes on the skin, migraine and performance impairment digestive tract, stop taking it and get tested.


Contraindications to taking the medicine:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, blood vessels in acute and chronic form;
  • oncological diseases and psychological disorders;
  • age under 2 years;
  • epilepsy.

Contraindicated for children under 2 years of age

Use the oil in the last trimester of pregnancy, when breastfeeding, bronchial asthma and severe shortness of breath is possible with the approval of a doctor.

What are the beneficial properties and contraindications of milk thistle oil? Is it as effective as is commonly believed? How to use the product to treat liver diseases, improve skin and hair? Techniques for preparing oil at home and its use in the treatment of diseases and cosmetology.

Milk thistle oil is obtained from the seeds of the plant. Contrary to popular belief, the formulations offered in pharmacies contain far from “ pure product" Its production technology involves soaking the seeds in olive oil, and it is with an admixture of this component that the product goes on sale. Using a similar technology, you can prepare it at home.

Product Features

Milk thistle oil is considered the most valuable form of the medicinal plant. This is true for the treatment of a number of diseases. It is used to treat the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs - the liver and gall bladder. But when taken orally, it is important to take into account that the volume of silymarin - the main component that has a hepaprotective effect - in the oil is lower than in the extract. Therefore, the indications for use of the drug differ from others. dosage forms milk thistle in powder and tablets.


To prepare milk thistle oil, you will need the seeds of the plant. They must be collected after ripening, in late August - early September. The seeds easily fall out of the dried baskets, which just need to be opened and shaken. The remaining petals are separated from them and placed in a glass container.

Seeds insist on vegetable oil. The ideal combination of valuable substances is provided by combination with olive oil. They pour the seeds in a ratio of one to two, that is, for a third of a half-liter jar of seeds you will need approximately three hundred and fifty milliliters of olive oil.

The composition is sealed and left in a dark place for twenty-one days. During this time, milk thistle seeds swell, become saturated with olive oil and easily release their contents. After three weeks, the raw materials are squeezed out. Ready oil separated and poured into a clean container.

It is not recommended to throw away the cake. According to herbalist Andrei Varenikov, it is difficult to find a more delicate and effective remedy from constipation and intestinal disorders than this meal. It contains fiber and traces of oily substances that help in treating constipation. At the same time, taking the meal from the oil infusion reduces cholesterol levels.

Composition and properties

The use of milk thistle oil in therapeutic and prophylactic practice is associated with its rich composition. It contains several active substances.

  • Chlorophyll. Biological agent that stimulates cell regeneration. Promotes tissue renewal and rejuvenation of body systems. When used externally, it demonstrates high wound healing activity. When internal, it affects the tissues of the mucous membranes and liver, creating conditions for the formation of their healthy areas.
  • Carotenoids. These substances are found in the form of pigments in red and orange foods. In the body they participate in oxidative processes. Essential compounds needed to form the retina and maintain its health. They have an antihistamine effect.
  • Tocopherols or vitamin E. All natural oils rich in this valuable component. Tocopherols have antioxidant activity, which is why they are called fighters against old age. In fact, tocopherols do not prevent aging as such, but at the cellular level they actually work. They warn education free radicals- substances that cause cells to work incorrectly, causing their mutations, including development cancerous tumors. Tocopherols eliminate the formation of free radicals, supporting correct rhythm cell function and tissue regeneration.
  • Fat unsaturated acids . These substances are also called the source of youth, primarily because it is thanks to them that the skin is renewed more actively. Our body does not produce these compounds, but the human body needs them vitally. Fatty acids are involved in the formation of the brain and its function. They support heart and vascular health. They increase the tone of the skin, eliminating dryness and premature formation of wrinkles. Milk thistle oil contains a large amount of acids, the main share of which (more than sixty percent) is linoleic acid. More than twenty percent of the product contains oleic acid, stearic and arachidic acids are present.

Chlorophyll complex, fatty acids and tocopherol has a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Increases the intensity of epithelial renewal, which is used in therapeutic practice and cosmetology.


Instructions for use of milk thistle oil contain recommendations for the use of the product in the treatment of liver diseases: cirrhosis, fatty degeneration, toxic and alcoholic impairment. One of the indications is the use of the composition in the treatment of hepatitis.

However, the effectiveness of the liver oil will be lower than when taking the dry extract or water infusion. The main value in the treatment of liver diseases is the complex of substances silymarin, the volume of which in the oil composition is extremely low. More productive is the effect of oil on the mucous membranes of internal organs and systems, and the skin.

Therefore, indications for the use of the oil composition when taken orally are peptic ulcers of the duodenum, stomach, gastritis in chronic and acute stage with symptoms of heartburn.

For external use The product is effective in the treatment of skin lesions, extensive wounds, and burns. Its benefits are also valued in cosmetology in programs for the care of problematic, sensitive and aging skin and hair.

Medical and therapeutic practice

The beneficial properties of the product were identified during clinical trials of various types. The benefits and harms of the drug in the treatment of burns were assessed, peptic ulcer, gynecological diseases, dental practice.


Extensive clinical trials were carried out by two reputable research centers Russia. Based at the Center for Thermal Injuries of the Institute of Surgery named after. A. Vishnevsky observed patients who received thermal and chemical burns. Specialists from the Moscow Institute named after. N. Sklifosovsky conducted research comparing the effects of milk thistle and sea buckthorn oils.

The following dynamics of skin regeneration were observed.

  • On the third to fifth day. Marked reduction in the manifestations of the inflammatory process. A decrease in swelling and skin hyperemia was observed in the affected areas. When dressings, the contents of the wounds were separated evenly, without causing discomfort or pain to the patient. Traces of marginal epithelialization were revealed, which indicated the beginning of localization of the process.
  • On the fifth to seventh day. The dynamics of epithelization increased. Skin lesions formed along the edges of the wound areas and along their plane.
  • On the twelfth to fifteenth day. Even with primary extensive thermal burns complete epithelization of tissues was observed. The total duration of wound healing was about two weeks.

Based on the results obtained, it is recommended to use milk thistle oil in the treatment of burns when the burn surface area is no more than twenty percent of the body surface. Compared to the effects of sea buckthorn oil, a greater effect of the milk thistle drug can be seen. It does not cause allergies or burning sensation when applied, and does not “stick” the dressings to the wound, which eliminates pain when replacing them.

Heart and blood vessels

The use of milk thistle oil in the treatment of heart and vascular diseases is not a common practice. But, according to a number of studies, the inclusion of the drug in comprehensive program treatment allows us to better correct the patient’s condition. Thus, during the tests, a positive effect of the composition on the effectiveness of the treatment of angina pectoris observed in hypertension was revealed.

It has been proven that taking the drug corrects metabolic metabolism, changing the structure and content of protein compounds. The amount of protein in patients with angina increases, while the level of globulins decreases. Normalized lipid metabolism and the level of cholesterol, which causes blockage of blood vessels, is significantly reduced.

Even in cases chronic processes with metabolic disorders, milk thistle oil normalizes metabolism, stabilizes the condition of patients with various forms angina pectoris, including in the phase of active progression.

Ulcers of the stomach, duodenum

The drug can be used in complex therapy peptic ulcers. Its value lies not in its ability to envelop membranes, but in correcting the metabolism of tissues and internal organs. Milk thistle oil corrects lipid metabolism, improves functional indicators liver, lowers cholesterol.

Its effect was observed in the treatment of patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers. During the two-week trial, a significant improvement in blood laboratory parameters was detected, while in the group that did not take the drug, all main markers remained unchanged.

Thanks to the correction of lipid metabolism in tissues and normalization of metabolism, there is reason to recommend milk thistle oil for weight loss. The product restores healthy cellular metabolism, while healing organs and systems.

Cervical erosion

In modern gynecological practice there is only one the right remedy for the treatment of cervical erosion. All existing practices are partial or cause significant trauma to the mucous membranes with long period their healing.

The use of milk thistle oil as an alternative to existing practices demonstrates positive dynamics of tissue healing. When eroded surfaces are lubricated, signs of inflammation disappear within a few days with the development of healthy epithelium. Clinical trials have shown the high wound-healing ability of the product in gynecological practice, which allows us to recommend it for use in similar areas.

Milk thistle oil, according to doctors, can be used as an anti-inflammatory and active regenerating agent in proctology, in particular, for the treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

Admission rules

For external use, the composition is applied to the affected surface. Traditionally it is used in the form of applications, moistening soft cloth or cotton pads that are applied to burn areas or wounds. The duration of wearing the bandage is determined individually.

For small wounds, short-term sessions are preferable; oil can also be lubricated on injured areas. The burn surfaces are treated under a breathable bandage. The dressings should be replaced according to the doctor’s recommendation, cleaning the surface of the wound from purulent contents and applying a portion of fresh oil.

In recommendations on how to take milk thistle oil internally, it is important to consider the duration of the course. It is at least one month, but doctors and herbalists advise monitoring your own condition. If persistent improvement is observed while taking the drug, you can extend therapy for three or six months. In some cases, it is recommended to take it for up to a year. To be so afraid long-term therapy not worth it. Medicine It does not accumulate in the body, has no toxic effects, and no side effects. Its use is completely safe at any age, with the exception of rare cases individual intolerance.

The dosage of milk thistle oil is one tablespoon thirty minutes before meals. Repeat the dose three times during the day. The dosage of the product in capsules is determined by the manufacturer’s recommendations.


In cosmetology practice, milk thistle oil is used for hair and skin. Rich in carotenes, tocopherols and regenerative components, it has a renewing effect, promotes the formation of young epithelium, and stops inflammatory processes.

Milk thistle oil for hair is valuable for its content of vitamins and microelements, with which it enriches the skin and hair follicles, stimulating hair growth, heals it, renews its structure.

For face

Cosmetologists advise using milk thistle oil in the care of different skin types.

  • Problematic. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory effect of the product, the severity of inflammation decreases, existing micro-wounds heal faster. Caution should be taken when oily skin, avoiding facial treatment with oil-containing formulations. In this case, you can apply the product to the affected areas pointwise with a cotton swab.
  • Dry. In winter, it is recommended to include the composition in the care program for sensitive, dry skin, prone to the development of allergic reactions to cold and dermatitis in the form of peeling and persistent redness of the epidermis. In addition to direct applications to the affected areas, add the product to your daily routine. cosmetic products: tonic, cream. This is how you raise them nutritional value for demanding skin.
  • Aging. The composition will be the right choice for aging skin. Apply it in the form of applications (masks) to a cleansed face twice a week. Leave the product for twenty minutes and blot with a napkin. The antioxidant and rejuvenating effect of the oil will help maintain youthful skin.

In cosmetology, milk thistle oil is used in its pure form. There is no practical sense in combining it with other oils, for example, olive, since the composition is made on its basis.

For hair

The composition is applied to the roots while warm. Rub into the skin with light movements, then cover the hair. plastic bag and wrap it in a towel. The duration of the mask is thirty to sixty minutes. Then the hair should be washed with regular shampoo.

The effect of therapy will be noticeable with regular use. Apply the oil before every hair wash for one month.

Milk thistle oil contains a complex of valuable substances that accelerate the regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes, nourish the skin and hair. Used in medical practice for healing wounds and damage of various nature, including erosions, ulcers and burns. IN home cosmetology The use of milk thistle oil is important for the care of sensitive skin prone to inflammation and for healthy hair.

These lilac flowers that grow along roads are considered by many people to be a useless weed. In fact, this herb can give a person both health and beauty. The following describes in detail the beneficial properties and contraindications of milk thistle.

Beneficial properties of milk thistle oil

The importance and necessity of using milk thistle in therapy various ailments recognized not only traditional healers, but also representatives of official medicine. Many popular medicines contain oil and seeds of the plant in question. And herbalists also use its leaves and flowers for their recipes.

For the heart and blood vessels

For the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system and their treatment, milk thistle oil is usually chosen. This remedy effectively fights atherosclerosis. From the very first days of use, it reduces cholesterol levels, makes blood vessels stronger and more elastic.

The active substances in the oil stimulate oxygen metabolism in the heart, thereby increasing its energy resources, and also protect the system from inflammatory processes. This natural medicine used as part of the prevention of heart attack, stroke

For the gallbladder

Most famous among the people medicinal properties milk thistle for the liver and gallbladder. Proper Use different parts The plant allows you to cleanse the pathways that remove bile and stimulate digestion processes.

Milk thistle can be part of maintenance therapy for different forms hepatitis A. In addition, the plant promotes the formation of cells that make up the liver and prevents toxins from penetrating into it.

It is also included in various drugs, prescribed to remove stones from these organs. Milk thistle is used for cirrhosis, inflammation of the gallbladder itself and ducts. For such serious illnesses, the patient is usually prescribed the drug Silymarin in capsules or tablets. They include dry milk thistle fruit extract and some auxiliary components.

For diabetes

The unique composition of the plant allows it to have a positive effect on the diabetic body in several directions at once:

  • normalize the functioning of the nervous system and hormone levels;
  • regulate blood sugar levels;
  • activate the production of leukogen, without which the body will not be able to independently fight a dangerous disease.

Besides, medicines based on milk thistle prevent frequent complications diseases (for example, gangrene lower limbs) and help the patient in the fight against excess weight.

For problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Tincture of seeds, leaves and oil of milk thistle (milk thistle) is used to treat various gastrointestinal ailments. Such drugs improve secretory and motor functions systems, regenerate the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, and generally normalize their functioning.

Milk thistle meal (crushed seeds) enhances the activity of the digestive system. Used to combat gastritis and even stomach ulcers. The plant relieves inflammation of the mucous membranes gastrointestinal tract and quickly relieves constipation. You can even use it to relieve poisoning.

For the reproductive system

Milk thistle oil is excellent prophylactic from diseases of the female reproductive system. The product normalizes the patient’s hormonal levels.

Douching with the oil of the plant under discussion will speed up the process of treating vaginitis, colpitis, and cervical erosion.

Milk thistle in the form of a decoction also benefits pregnant women. This remedy relieves the condition expectant mother with early toxicosis.

Also, decoction and meal of the grass promotes speedy recovery. female body after severe stress. For this reason, drugs are prescribed to patients during the postpartum period. During breastfeeding, milk thistle activates milk production.

The use of milk thistle oil in cosmetology

Even in antiquity, the beneficial properties of milk thistle oil were discovered. Since then, women began to use it to take care of themselves. The product improves the condition of the skin, hair, and nails. It generally cleanses and rejuvenates the body from the inside, forcing all its systems to work at full capacity.

Benefits for the skin

The anti-inflammatory property of the product under discussion has made it indispensable in the fight against acne and other skin imperfections. To do this, just wipe your face in the morning and evening. healthy oil. In just a couple of weeks, the skin will become noticeably cleaner and smoother.

In addition, milk thistle oil has the following effects on the skin of the face and body:

  • nourishes and makes it more elastic;
  • reduces the negative effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • speeds up the healing process minor wounds and damage;
  • the fat one skin regulates sebum secretion.

The oil works great against wrinkles. It rejuvenates the skin and restores its tone.

You can add this natural remedy to any creams and ready-made masks. Or make them yourself, for example, from homemade dairy products and milk thistle oil.

For hair

Oil has a positive effect on the condition of hair. It is capable of:

  • enhance hair growth;
  • improve the condition of damaged strands and stop further splitting of the ends;
  • completely eliminate dandruff;
  • reduce hair loss.

The oil can be used as a stand-alone hair care product, or as an additional ingredient to your favorite masks. For example, mixing oil with cosmetic clay, bee honey, dairy products and other basics.

For nails

Ideal oil for daily care behind the nail plates and cuticles. Apart from this, you will not need to use any additional funds so that your nails always remain beautiful and healthy.

It is enough to lubricate the nail plates and the area around them with slightly warmed oil 2-3 times a day. Apply the product only to clean hands.

How to take milk thistle oil correctly?

Recommendations for how to take milk thistle oil will depend on the purpose for which you plan to use the product. Very often, oil is prescribed to prevent various diseases, to protect the liver (for example, during long-term therapy with strong medications), as well as to strengthen protective forces body. In this case, it is enough to take 1 teaspoon of oil per day for 30 days. Then take a month break and repeat again. Taken after a hearty meal. In this case, the patient will feel a surge of strength and energy within a couple of weeks.

If a person fails to comply strict regime If you take oil, then for preventive purposes you can limit yourself to adding it to food. The main thing is that the product is not exposed to heat treatment at high temperatures. The best solution would be to add oil to ready-made, slightly cooled porridge, or to vegetable salad dressings.

For hemorrhoids and intestinal ulcers, the oil is injected with a pear into the rectum immediately after a cleansing enema. 25-35 ml of non-cold product is enough. The procedure is carried out daily until complete recovery.

For the treatment of stomach ulcers, cirrhosis, hepatitis, diabetes mellitus and any diseases of the cardiovascular system, drink 1 teaspoon twice a day. It should be taken half an hour before a full meal. Full course treatment lasts 30 days. If you need to repeat it, then after completion you must take a break for 7 days. It is very convenient to use milk thistle oil in capsules. In this case, you need to follow the instructions on the packaging of the product.

The oil in question is also used externally. For example, for the treatment of various skin ailments, wounds and burns. For this purpose, a sterile bandage soaked in the product is applied to the damaged areas. The compress should remain on the skin for at least half an hour.

Contraindications and possible harm

U unique oil Milk thistle has virtually no contraindications. It is absolutely safe for patients. But this applies only to those cases when a person takes the drug in strictly permitted doses. Under no circumstances should they be increased, thereby trying to enhance the therapeutic effect. Otherwise, the oil will only cause harm to the body.

Caution should be taken when taking the drug for epilepsy and shortness of breath. It is not recommended to use the oil under discussion for women in the last stages of pregnancy.

Milk thistle is widely used in the medical field. Milk thistle oil in capsules is convenient to take, and besides, the benefits and harms of this dietary supplement have been studied far and wide. Before taking the supplement, you need to familiarize yourself with the main indications and contraindications, and also study the instructions. Let's look at all the nuances in order.

Milk thistle oil in capsules – indications and contraindications for use

The supplement has an impressive list of beneficial properties that have a therapeutic and preventive effect. But we do not recommend self-medication; take dietary supplements according to the indications.

Taking capsules is prescribed in the following cases:

  • accommodation in an area with increased radiation or smoke;
  • long-term treatment with medications, taking harsh antibiotics;
  • increased arterial pressure(hypertension);
  • a sharp decline in vision, eye pain due to working on a PC, driving a car, or prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • diabetes;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • difficulties in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • systematic exposure nervous overstrain, depression, apathy;
  • sleep problems, nightmares;
  • high accumulation of cholesterol in the cavities of blood channels;
  • recent completion of a course of hepatotherapy or treatment with hormonal drugs;
  • food poisoning, salts heavy metals, pesticides, etc.;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • menopause;
  • premature aging of body tissues.

Milk thistle oil has some other indications for use, to which you can add:

  • systematic use of antidepressants;
  • recently implemented drug interruption pregnancy;
  • chronic alcoholism, which puts enormous strain on the liver;
  • working in contaminated industrial enterprise, entailing a load on the liver;
  • long-term non-healing wounds, burns;
  • exposure low-calorie diets which negatively affect the functioning of the endocrine and hormonal systems;
  • physical or mental loads in large quantities.


Like all other dietary supplements, milk thistle oil in capsules has certain contraindications. The benefits and harms directly depend on this active ingredients for the human body. Before taking the drug, make sure you read the instructions for use. The capsules contain a lot of phosphorus and calcium, which can have the opposite effect.

Instructions for use of milk thistle oil in capsules

If you have decided on the indications for taking the drug and have received approval from a specialist (preferably), study the recommendations. Milk thistle oil in capsules has the following instructions by application:

  • children over 14 years of age and adults should take 2 capsules (750 mg each) or 4 capsules (300 mg each) twice a day with meals;
  • the duration of therapy is 1 month;
  • for prevention purposes, re-appointment is carried out after six months (you need to take the course in the fall and spring).

Remember that milk thistle oil, although in capsules, is not a cure for all ills. The benefits and harms will directly depend on your state of health. Before taking dietary supplements, consult your doctor.

Benefits of milk thistle oil in capsules

Skin problems

The beneficial properties of milk thistle oil in capsule or liquid form extend to people who suffer from dermatological problems. Ingestion is carried out in the presence of trophic ulcers, burns, long-term non-healing wounds and abrasions, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, lichen, acne, diaper rash, rash and allergic reaction to the skin. But in addition to taking the capsules, you need to lubricate the affected areas with liquid oil. Then healing will take place quickly and effectively, and there will be no scarring.

Unfavorable environment

If, due to your line of work, you are forced to work in a polluted, smoky enterprise or live in an unfavorable ecological environment, the capsule form of milk thistle oil will come to the rescue. The product will remove toxins, cleanse the respiratory tract, and prevent oncology. Indeed, under such conditions, the body becomes contaminated with radionuclides, salts of heavy metals and poisons of other nature.


Diabetes is characterized by high levels of sugar in the blood. Cells do not have the appropriate receptors to pull glucose in, so it accumulates on the surface. Due to lack of carbohydrates, healthy tissues die. But milk thistle oil in capsules will increase sensitivity to insulin. The benefits and harms for diabetics have been proven repeatedly, but before taking, you need to study the dosage indicated above in the instructions for use.

Problems with the heart and blood vessels

The drug has a pleasant ability to cleanse blood channels from cholesterol plaques. Oil in capsule form also prevents their subsequent appearance. All this has a good effect on blood vessels and arteries, increases the elasticity of the canal walls, and reduces the likelihood of capillary rupture. The dietary supplement is recommended for use by people who have a tendency to develop atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, coronary disease heart, myocardial infarction, stroke, varicose veins, hypertension. In all listed cases the drug has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect.

Diseases of a female nature

Milk thistle oil is often prescribed for women with problems gynecological nature. With severe colpitis, cervical erosion, atrophic vaginitis the drug will have a healing effect. To enhance the result, you need to moisten the tampon in liquid milk thistle oil and insert it vaginally.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Milk thistle oil in capsules has positive influence to the organs of the esophagus. The benefits and harms in this matter have been widely studied. Before taking the drug, visit a gastroenterologist. Dietary supplements are taken if gastritis, ulcers, enterocolitis, or colitis are suspected. The composition enhances digestive processes, reduces the frequency of food rotting, restores motility and intestinal microflora. The oil also heals ulcers in the stomach and prevents it from “getting up”, which ensures constant and correct work internal organ.

Difficulties in liver function

With congestion in the liver and gall bladder, a person feels much worse. The situation becomes more complicated if hepatitis, jaundice, or cirrhosis are suspected. Milk thistle oil has its own uses for the liver, which we will discuss below. After treatment course bile ducts and the bladder are cleared of tumors, the structure of the liver is restored and its work is facilitated. Experts show oil in capsules for use when inflammatory processes gallbladder.

ENT diseases

Doctors who specialize in ear health oral cavity, throat and nose, advise patients to introduce oil into their treatment in capsule or liquid form. The first option is suitable for oral administration, the second - for external use in the form of instillation and rubbing. The main ailments that oil treats are rhinitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. A squeeze of the seed is used to lubricate skin problems and post-operative sutures.


Milk thistle oil in capsules is ideal for women during menopause. Benefits and harms vary depending on symptoms. Before taking the drug, it is advisable to visit a specialist. Beneficial properties are aimed at reducing the number of “hot flashes”, eliminating hormonal imbalance, improving the psycho-emotional environment.

Rehabilitation period

After suffering from an illness, a person loses his craving for food, feels dejected, and loses a lot of weight. The same thing is observed during rehabilitation period after surgical intervention. Oil in capsules is prescribed for consumption during chemotherapy or radiation exposure. The drug helps to get rid of radionuclides, toxins, and the consequences of taking antibiotics.


Milk thistle has always been considered female plant, and this is not surprising. It contains many acids of organic origin, iron, and B vitamins. All these compounds work in a complex manner. Oil in capsule form increases hemoglobin levels and prevents iron deficiency anemia(anemia), eliminates apathy and loss of strength during menstruation. It is advisable to take capsules on the expected date of the onset of PMS (a week before your period). Then the benefits will be impressive.

Problems with the male reproductive system

Not without value for the male reproductive system and reproductive activity. Milk thistle oil in capsules is recommended for use, because the benefits and harms are unequal. The beneficial properties clearly prevail; a man’s potency increases due to increased blood circulation to the groin area. Before taking the drug, we recommend visiting a specialist. The oil also improves the quality of sperm and the “hotness” of sperm, thereby increasing the chances of conception. Milk thistle in any form is introduced into the menu for those who soon plan to continue the family line.

The benefits of milk thistle oil in capsules for weight loss

1. Judging by numerous reviews, milk thistle oil prevents excess weight gain. This effect on the body should not be confused with the fact that milk thistle burns fat. Taking capsules prevents the accumulation of fatty tissue by cleansing and restoring the liver, stomach, and circulatory system.

2. The drug in the form of a dietary supplement acts a little differently than other weight loss products. Capsules will not help you burn fat once it has already appeared. But prevent similar phenomenon and keeping your figure in good shape is a piece of cake for you.

3. Capsule form aimed at comprehensive cleansing internal organs from toxins, slagging, heavy metal salts. It is important to know that if your body is polluted, it is almost impossible to lose weight. Therefore, as soon as you start cleansing, comfortable weight loss will occur.

4. Milk thistle oil in capsules accelerates the processing of fats obtained from food. Numerous reviews from girls about the use of the drug indicate its benefits. There are no contraindications or harm if everything is in order with your health. Before taking dietary supplements, you need to switch to proper nutrition.

5. The value of the presented drug lies in the accelerated processing of fats that come from food. That is, as soon as you start taking capsules, fats will not be deposited in prohibited places (waist, hips, etc.). Also oil in any form controls carbohydrate metabolism, turning sugar into precious energy.

6. The drug normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and this is extremely important when losing weight. Absolutely everything speeds up metabolic processes, as a result of which food is digested many times faster and does not ferment in the intestines. Oil in capsules improves the absorption of heavy foods.

7. It is also worth highlighting the laxative and diuretic effects of “slimness capsules” (as they are called by lovers of diets and proper nutrition). Conclusion excess liquid relieves swelling, volumes melt before our eyes. The oil weakens, so the intestines are cleansed and possible constipation is eliminated.

Rules for taking milk thistle oil in capsules for weight loss

In the process of using the oil in capsule form, girls and women wrote their reviews, which were confirmed by nutritionists. If you are trying to lose weight, follow the recommendations below.

1. Reception is carried out according to the instructions for use, which are indicated above. The duration of the weight loss course is 2 weeks. Then you need to take a break of about 10 days and continue taking it for another 2 weeks.

2. Repeated use of dietary supplements is allowed after six months. It's best to aim for taking milk thistle oil capsules in the fall and then in the spring. Benefits and harms will depend on systematicity. How to take slimming capsules - 2 times a year.

3. While losing weight, you need to drink at least 1.8 liters. purified water daily. Boiled water is not suitable; it is better to drink melted or bottled water.

4. Be sure to exclude from the menu canned and sausage products, quick snacks (fast food), soda, packaged juices, alcohol and anything that slows down metabolic processes. Eat steamed, boiled, stewed.

5. Dress salads and other dishes with a mixture of olive oil and vinegar or lemon juice. Milk thistle oil in liquid form should not be used to season dishes, because it quickly oxidizes upon contact with air (this is of no benefit).

6. In no case should you exceed the recommended daily norm. When losing weight, adults are recommended to take 4 capsules of 300 mg. or 2 capsules weighing 750 mg. while eating. You can divide the total volume into several meals. To enhance the effect, the drug is washed down with a decoction based on dandelion inflorescences or still mineral water.

7. If this is your first time using milk thistle oil capsules for weight loss, start getting acquainted with the product with small doses. For the first few days, take 1/3 of the recommended amount. Gradually increase the “portions”.

Milk thistle oil for the liver

1. Milk thistle oil in capsules or fresh has one main feature. The benefit lies in positive impact on liver cells. Contraindications and harm largely depend on specific disease. How to take the drug for the liver?

2. For 2 months you need to drink 1 teaspoon of oil in liquid form 3 times a day. There is no need to drink the product; it should be taken 30 minutes before the main meal. We recommend that you obtain your doctor's approval before treatment.

3. The use of milk thistle oil for the liver allows you to speed up digestion processes, cleanse internal organs(including liver) from toxic substances. The oil restores the structure of the liver and prolongs the life of patients diagnosed with cirrhosis. The composition alleviates the condition of the patient with chronic hepatitis.

Harm and contraindications of milk thistle oil in capsules

1. The good thing about the drug is that the body tolerates it even with long-term treatment. In this case there are practically no side effects. But this very side effect is expressed in the development of diarrhea, an allergic reaction, and increased sensitivity to dietary supplements. The listed symptoms should encourage you to stop taking capsules. Start taking probiotics right away to normalize your health.

2. Milk thistle oil in liquid form or capsules is not prescribed for use by girls who are in an “interesting” situation. Because the benefits do not exceed the contraindications and harm. Since it is dangerous to take, the drug may cause miscarriage or early birth. During lactation, consumption is also prohibited so as not to reduce the quantity and quality of milk.

3. Oil in any of its manifestations appears in the form cholagogue. But this property can also be harmful if you have cholelithiasis. With increased outflow of bile in the ducts, the movement of stones may begin, which will lead to blockage and pain in the right hypochondrium.

4. Studies have shown that silymarin, which is part of the product, acts as an estrogen. If there are hormonal imbalances (endometriosis, etc.), it should not be taken without the consent of a doctor.

5. If you have been diagnosed allergic reaction milk thistle, the use of all products based on it is contraindicated. Also included in the category of prohibitions are people with chronic asthma.

Milk thistle oil, which is available in capsules, is considered a truly valuable drug. In addition, the benefits and harms of dietary supplements have long been studied. But before you take the presented product, study all the details.



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