Rosehip oil for internal use. What are the properties of rosehip oil and its uses?

It became known recently that it is possible to obtain oil from rosehip seeds. Today you can take vegetable oil for treatment internal diseases and skin problems. How to carry out treatment using rosehip oil, what are its properties? The instructions below will tell you about this.

Useful qualities

Rosehip oil is ideal for the skin around the eyes against wrinkles. The instructions recommend using the product for thin and delicate skin around the eye area. Rosehip oil can be used as a independent means or in combination with eye cream. The composition allows you to get rid of wrinkles, allows you to clear your nose of blackheads, providing therapeutic effects. Rosehip oil for the face is applied with light patting movements using fingertips.

Rosehip oil can be used undiluted for aging and dry skin; its composition will restore youth and elasticity around the eyes and nose. Recipes for use recommend using the composition pure or diluted with cream. For combination skin, it is recommended to apply rosehip oil only to dry areas: the area around the lips, cheeks, avoiding the T-zone: chin, nose, forehead.

If treatment of skin diseases is required, to accelerate wound healing and eliminate cosmetic defects, you need to thoroughly soak the sterile gauze with a napkin, applying it to the required areas of the skin for 20 minutes. To benefit from the procedure, it must be repeated 3 times a day. Essential oil has found use in cosmetic massage face, as well as in the form of a base oil for creating homemade creams.

The healing properties of the oil have been proven when added to lotions and other cleansers intended for aging and dry skin. Rosehip oil is recommended for use in creating homemade masks for the area around the eyes. Various recipes will allow you to select a composition for any skin type, providing cosmetic and therapeutic effects.

Essential oil should be applied to the lips. The composition and properties of the oil make it possible to replace regular hygienic lipstick for dry skin. Rosehip oil for the face can be used against wrinkles, it helps rid the nose of blackheads. Moreover, its composition is absolutely safe and cannot cause harm to the skin. The properties of the oil allow you to create recipes for every day from it.

Oil in capsules

Rosehip oil for the face has unique properties, but the benefits of this drug in capsules are no less high. The use of the product in capsules is recommended as an immune-boosting, vitamin and general strengthening agent for burns, frostbite, infectious diseases and atherosclerosis.

The unique properties of the oil make its use effective for inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the gallbladder, with liver damage. The benefits of oil for internal reception promotes the production of gastric juice and improves digestion processes.

The benefits of the oil remain in capsule form, providing effective action for a number of diseases. This form of release is due to the presence of a bitter aftertaste.

There are numerous recipes for taking oil capsules internally for various diseases. Its beneficial properties make the drug effective for a number of diseases.

Essential oil

Essential oil for skin contains big number useful vitamins, microelements, as well as glycerin and beta-carotene. Such components are distinguished by their moisturizing effect. Essential oil for the skin around the eye area and against wrinkles has a high regenerating property.

For many years, essential oil has been used to treat burns, ulcers, and wounds. In addition, the use of the product reduces external manifestations wrinkles, scars and stretch marks. If used correctly, the product will not harm the skin.

Essential oil should also be used for flaking, dry, irritated skin. First positive result will be noticeable immediately after application. You can take the product in the form of lotions on the affected areas of the skin: nose, area around the eyes. It can be taken orally weak immunity, low acidity, disorders of the gallbladder, dermatoses.

The oil effectively fights the formation of wrinkles around the eyes, it regular use allows you to improve overall color face, saturates and moisturizes the skin with the nutritional components it requires, prevents the formation of wrinkles, makes the skin velvety and beautiful. Helps clear the nose of blackheads. Using oil regularly makes your nose clean and your pores narrow. Rosehip oil for hair effectively treats split ends and dry hair.

Harmful use

It is difficult to find a remedy, even if you just need to clear the nose of blackheads, that could not cause harm. Incorrect use or failure to comply with the dosage can cause harm to the body as a whole. Rosehip oil can be harmful if a person has an allergy or individual intolerance.

Harm from using oil is possible if you have pancreatic diseases. The use of rosehip oil externally is contraindicated if oily skin face, acne and boils.

Oil for stretch marks

Most women face the problem of stretch marks on their skin. When you suddenly gain weight or lose weight, stretch marks may appear on your skin. Pregnant women are especially at risk. Using rosehip oil helps prevent the formation of such a defect. It can be used to remove dark spots, which also occur during pregnancy.

To prevent the formation of stretch marks, it is recommended to use the oil in the first months after conception. In this case, you can use rosehip oil in in kind or mixed with rosemary and neroli essential oils.

Several times a day it is recommended to massage the body using this oil. Within three weeks the first results will be visible. In addition, this oil can soften and nourish the skin. The oil can penetrate deep into the skin cells, resulting in cell regeneration.

Rosehip oil is different the widest spectrum actions. It can be used externally as an excellent regenerating agent for the skin, eliminating various diseases.

Nature can give us everything we need for health. And one of these unique and natural gifts is the rose hip.

Surely each of us was given tea from its fruits to strengthen us in childhood. But today we will talk about the oil of this plant, which is in no way inferior in its beneficial properties to other similar products.

To obtain just a small amount of the product, you need to process a handful of seeds found in rose hips. It is mined in two ways:

  • Thermal extraction;
  • Cold pressed.

The resulting bitter liquid has a hue ranging from pinkish, orange to brown. Such diversity should not be surprising: it depends on the type of plant, and also in what conditions it grew.

The properties of rosehip oil are due to the content of 15 types of polyunsaturated fatty acids, thanks to which the necessary liquid is retained on the surface of skin cells for a long time. In addition, they can become protection against negative influence those around external factors. Among them are oleic, linolenic and linoleic acids.

to his useful qualities the oil also owes vitamins such as A, C and E. They are responsible for nutrition, rejuvenation and restoration of epidermal cells. These are excellent antioxidants that help synthesize collagen, which is beneficial for the skin.

A huge set of microelements accelerates the exchange between cells. Among them are vital iron and magnesium, useful phosphorus and potassium, necessary for the body manganese, copper and stontium.

All these substances give rosehip oil other very useful properties. For example, it can be used as a choleretic agent. Thanks to it, there is less cholesterol in the blood, and the walls of blood vessels become stronger.

Strengthens the body as a whole, gives it healthy vitamins and helps resist various infections.

Thanks to rosehip oil, the skin receives nutrition and protection. It can also rejuvenate and regenerate.

In addition to all its wonderful qualities, rosehip oil is a powerful antidepressant that can improve your well-being and help you burn a couple of extra pounds.

Rosehip oil properties and uses is not only one of the traditional medicines. And officially it serves as an alternative for getting rid of some ailments.

  • The beneficial properties of rosehip oil reduce the secretion of bile. It is also faithful assistant in the fight against cholecystitis and hepatitis.
  • Rosehip oil also treats gastritis. It affects the production sufficient quantity gastric juice, which helps relieve heartburn. To do this, you need to take one large spoon every hour before meals. The course is a month.
  • It is possible to use rosehip oil for anemia and atherosclerosis.
  • If you want to resist infections during exacerbations of ARVI and influenza, then use rosehip oil. It can also fight pneumonia and whooping cough.
  • It also treats diseases of the throat and nose, for example pharyngitis or rhinitis. They need to be dripped into the nose. To be more effective, you can soak cotton wool in oil and place it on each nostril. This is done 5 times a day.
  • The beneficial properties of rosehip oil are also manifested in the healing effect. They can be used to treat minor wounds, abrasions and scratches. It will allow them to heal faster. It will help heal cracks around the lips, minor burns and minor skin injuries. Girls who have recently become mothers can treat cracked nipples with it.

Use in cosmetology

The cost of anti-aging and moisturizing products is usually high. High price is not a guarantor good result. Find an inexpensive one, but effective remedy possible at the pharmacy. It costs a maximum of 200 rubles (this is in the worst case, usually its price is 50-100 rubles). Rosehip oil is known for its use in cosmetology.

  • Its regular use will not only reduce the number of wrinkles, but also get rid of them and prevent the formation of new ones. And the skin will gain firmness and elasticity.
  • Thanks to the miracle oil, metabolism is activated and the skin is nourished. It also cleans itself.
  • Rosehip oil is also an enemy of microbes.
  • It slows down aging as it blocks the influence ultraviolet rays.

Despite the fact that the product is called oil, it is light and does not give a greasy shine. But when using it, you need to take into account one nuance: those who have oily skin and also have rashes on it are not recommended to use it. It can only worsen her condition. The product is best suited for dry and aging skin.

Lotion and cream

  1. There is no need to waste time preparing a new cosmetic product. It is enough to just pour drops of four miracle oils into the cream and apply as usual.
  2. A tampon soaked in the product will provide emergency assistance. They just need to treat the areas that are causing problems.


You will need rosehip oil (10 drops are enough). Mix in the same amount of vitamin B2. Join them olive oil(about 20 drops) and aloe juice (dessert spoon). The base will serve baby cream, so it is needed in the amount of 40 grams.

For the skin around the eyes

  1. You can use super-oil without additives, or by mixing it with any gel intended for the eyelids.
  2. Take our remedy (large spoon). Add vitamins A and E to it in liquid form (three drops each). Apply to eyelids. If after 15 minutes there is excess left, simply remove it with cotton wool.

Application for hair

  1. It is recommended to use the product without additives, and then wash the curls (after 20 minutes). Or mixing the product with shampoo (a spoon for 10 tablespoons of shampoo). This therapy will delight dry hair.
  2. Take miracle oil (half a teaspoon). Its effect will be enhanced by nettle infusion (1 tbsp.) Add the same amount lemon juice(1 tbsp each). All that remains is to add calendula tincture (dessert spoon). Before washing your hair (about an hour), apply the resulting product to your hair.

It has long been known that rosehip oil has properties and uses for the skin that help overcome stretch marks. You need to apply it to the chest and stomach, as well as treat the thighs and buttocks.

This is believed to help restore elasticity to the skin. This should be done during pregnancy and the first time after childbirth.


This remedy is also contraindicated for thrombophlebitis and thrombosis.

An allergic reaction is also possible. Therefore, before use, it is still better to do a test on a small area.

Rosehip oil is very beneficial and necessary for the body product. It has very few contraindications and many medicinal properties. It is easily digestible, it can be used daily not only to get rid of ailments, but also for prevention.

For many centuries, vegetable oils have replaced us with newfangled cosmetics, expensive seasonings, and even pills for serious diseases. Some deny miraculous power organic components, others, on the contrary, refuse to use the wealth of scientific progress. “Liquid sun” made from rosehip seeds has long attracted attention with its bright packaging and promising properties declared by the manufacturer. Whose side is the truth on and how can rosehip oil serve modern people?

general characteristics

The liquid obtained from the berries is popularly called the “king natural oils" What did the product deserve such a high regalia? The ingredient has a whole range of beneficial properties: toning, regeneration, hydration, nutrition, counteracting inflammation, infections and microbes.

The plant is widespread in the Euro-Siberian area and is found from Scandinavia to Lake Baikal. Red berries do not move into the Arctic zone and only occasionally descend to the steppe territories. The plant is especially popular in the European part of Russia, the southwest of Transbaikalia, Kazakhstan and Altai.

The medicinal golden liquid is obtained from 2 main varieties of rose hips: May and cinnamon. Both varieties belong to the rose hip family. The specific development of bushes and berries is almost identical. Rose hips grow up to 2 meters in length. The powerful base is entwined with thin branches that are very similar to plastic rods. Each branch is harmoniously covered with sparse thorns, and between them there are pairs of angular leaves.

As the rosehip matures, it produces beautiful pink flowers that look like exotic flat roses. The flower grows solitary, slightly flattened. There are a total of 5 petals and many uncountable stamens. The palette of shades is not limited to just soft pink. Flowers can be painted in any color in the red spectrum. The fruits are round (in the shape of a regular stretched ball), smooth, bright red with a very pleasant sweet-sour taste. Inside the fruit there are several seeds, from which a medicinal liquid is subsequently prepared.

The unique properties of the plant began to be used back in the 17th century. Essential oil was initially isolated from rose hips, the only value of which was considered to be its delicate viscous aroma. Later they began to treat with “liquid sun” skin pathologies, organ diseases abdominal cavity. Over time, ladies became interested in the fragrant liquid and began to use it as a nourishing and moisturizing cream.

Method of obtaining oil

The oil is obtained by extracting or cold pressing rosehip seeds. The process is quite labor-intensive, and the final product yield is minimal. The seeds are extracted from the berries, thoroughly dried, and then crushed in huge industrial vats. After extraction or cold pressing, an oily liquid with a pronounced plant aroma and a pleasant shade (from golden pink to rich brown) is obtained from dense rosehip seeds. The taste of the final product is slightly bitter.

The component is enriched with healthy fatty acids and carotenoids. The product is used in cosmetology, cooking and traditional medicine.

Useful properties of the product

Our ancestors squeezed rosehip oil for further medicinal use. Modern medicine has made several impressive steps forward, proven the beneficial effect of the ingredient, and also launched the production of medicines. The liquid is used in both pure and processed forms.

Pure liquid is consumed as cholagogue. The oil really helps to cope with the symptoms and root cause of hepatitis, cholecystitis and other pathologies associated with the secretion of bile. Moreover, the component affects the secretion of gastric juice, which leads to increased appetite and normalization of metabolic processes. Prepared using rosehip oil medications that fight gastritis, ulcerative colitis and other abdominal diseases.

The multifunctionality of the product lies in its effect on most body systems. Besides gastrointestinal tract the cardiovascular, nervous, skeletal system, skin covering, mucous membranes of internal organs. Long-term use liquid component leads to normalization of blood levels. This not only protects the heart/vessels from possible problems, but also helps to cope with excess weight.

The components contained in the oil act as unique building blocks that maintain the integrity of the walls of organs and blood vessels. These building blocks prevent the development of atherosclerosis and the appearance atherosclerotic plaques(have the properties of resolving existing formations).

Based on extracts from rose hips, not only medicines are created, but also. They help saturate the body with missing vitamins (especially important in the autumn-winter period), strengthen the protective function of the immune system, make nails and teeth stronger, hair longer, face cleaner, and look more confident.

Internal use of a component

The component is used internally in the treatment of: stomatitis, gingivitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, and other pathologies of the mucous membrane oral cavity and nasopharynx. The dosage depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the characteristics of the pathology that needs to be affected.

Do not self-medicate, contact your doctor who will help you deal with the problem as quickly as possible and provide competent therapeutic assistance.

The oil has a calming effect and acts as a kind of antidepressant. After ingestion, a person feels relaxation and harmony, and depressive thoughts fade into the background. But improved mood, self-confidence and self-confidence may be temporary. If depressive states torment you often and for no reason - contact a specialized doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination.

The component can be used internally not only pure form, but also in various combinations. The body will receive a double dose of vitamins and nutrients, which will accelerate and enhance the desired result.

External use of the component

Rosehip oil can be safely applied to the skin. It easily copes with wounds, burns, radiation injuries, scars and stretch marks. A rapid regeneration process is launched in the skin, which, importantly, acts softly and delicately. Doctors recommend using oil to treat sensitive areas human body.

For example, nursing mothers who are faced with the problem of cracked nipples need the most gentle product that will not push the baby away from the breast, but will moisturize the skin, relieving the woman of pain and suffering. Rosehip oil is just such a miracle cure. Within a few hours after application, the woman will get rid of discomfort, and after a few days she will completely forget about the problem.

For external use, it is recommended to acquire a basin (or herbal medicinal infusion), cotton sponges and gauze napkins. A napkin or cotton pad is dipped into the oil, and then the affected area is carefully treated. The average processing time is 5-10 minutes.

Use of the component in cooking

In culinary practice, the ingredient is used extremely rarely. A sour taste can easily ruin a dish and blur the overall palette. But not a large number of oils can, on the contrary, place several necessary accents and turn the usual wheat porridge into a dish that claims to be a culinary masterpiece. The component is added to all cereal porridges, it is used to season salads and is added to dough to create sweet pastries.

Follow the recipe exactly. 1 extra spoon of the ingredient will turn even gourmet dish into a rancid mass that is impossible to eat.

The component can only be used in its pure form, without subjecting it to heat treatment. When exposed to high temperatures, the structure of the product changes and the oil is deprived of its entire range of beneficial properties.

Use of the component in cosmetology

Rosehip oil can really replace the lion's share of women's cosmetology arsenal. The texture of the component is so light that the skin instantly absorbs the received dose of vitamins/minerals and does not leave an oily sheen (the main thing is to apply the optimal amount of product).

The effect of the product on the skin is:

  • regeneration;
  • rejuvenation (smoothes out age-related changes);
  • increasing elasticity;
  • normalization of the secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • eliminating irritation and its root cause;
  • acceleration of intracellular metabolism;
  • support protective function dermis;
  • protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

The product is best suited for those with dry aging skin. Fading beauty does not have to be restored with the help of a surgeon or beauty injections. If you take care of yourself in advance (starting from the age of 20-25), then it is quite possible to avoid the manifestations of premature aging. Thanks to vitamins, the oil will improve skin tone, strengthen blood vessels, and remove the stigma of age and fatigue from your face. Moreover, the soft texture of the product is suitable for the most sensitive part of the face - the area around the eyes. Apply a drop of golden liquid to this area every day and after 1-2 months you will notice amazing results. The skin will tighten, become velvety and moisturized, and signs of fatigue will disappear.

The product made from rosehip seeds is prohibited from using for acne, acne and various manifestations allergies. Skin problems need to be addressed specialized drugs, which are selected individually by a dermatologist. Rosehip oil can only aggravate the situation and make the treatment process longer and more difficult.

Storage conditions

Do not store oil beyond the stated expiration date. The product will lose not only its taste and aroma characteristics, but also its beneficial properties. Consumption of expired oil is fraught with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, serious food poisoning and exacerbation of current pathologies of the abdominal cavity.

There is no need to reinvent the wheel when storing rosehip oil:

  • Screw the cap tightly after each use to prevent the liquid from oxidizing and going rancid;
  • avoid exposure of the ingredient to ultraviolet rays;
  • in view of special way rosehip processing, oil is best stored in the refrigerator;
  • The product's sales period does not exceed 6 months.

Storing in the refrigerator will not affect the taste and aroma of the product. The oil does not thicken, oxidize or become excessively hard when exposed to low temperatures.

Contraindications for use

The benefits of rosehip oil are not available to everyone. Some patient groups may be seriously harmed by the seemingly curative component. External use of the ingredient is strictly prohibited for acne, acne and post-acne. Those with oily skin will have to stop their cosmetic experiments, as they can significantly aggravate the situation. The ingredient can be used for dry, normal and combination skin (avoiding application to the T-zone).

Skin problems indicate various problems within the body. Skin like the most large organ human body, cannot hide irregular schedules, lack of sleep, fast food and internal illnesses. To restore a healthy tone and natural glow to your face, consult a dermatologist.

Oral use is prohibited for stomach/duodenal ulcers, gastritis and high acidity. The component can cause inflammation, exacerbation of diseases, or transition to a new, more dangerous stage.

Given the high concentration, the product made from rose hips is prohibited for heart failure of the 3rd degree, thrombophlebitis, endocarditis. Phylloquinone is responsible for an increase in blood clotting, which can lead to disastrous consequences.

Before use, be sure to consult a doctor to determine the body’s need for vitamin enrichment, calculate the dosage and duration of therapy. Incorrect (independent) administration is fraught with depression of the pancreatic insular apparatus and the development of withdrawal syndrome.

With specialists and amateurs studying traditional medicine, know a lot medicinal plants. In some of them, only fruits or flowers have healing properties. For others, for example, wild rose, – almost the entire plant. Rosehip oil, squeezed from seeds, is no less in demand among connoisseurs than bark, berries or shoots. It has been used in practice for centuries to get rid of diseases, become more beautiful and look younger.

The viscous liquid has a specific bitter taste and a sugary aroma with woody notes. The color changes from dark red or orange to golden pink: the terrain, the conditions under which a particular shrub grew, and its type play a role. The main components of the raw materials are vitamins: almost all fat-soluble ones known to science, as well as C, B ( full composition), K, F. This chemistry set:

  • helps maintain normal vision and immunity;
  • strengthens cell walls;
  • useful for mucous membranes and skin;
  • improves hormonal levels.

The oil contains trace elements (calcium, phosphorus, strontium, potassium, copper), saturated and unsaturated fatty acid, antioxidants. They stimulate intracellular metabolism, slow down aging, accelerate tissue repair, provide a distinct anti-inflammatory effect and help in the prevention of cancer.

The listed properties are characteristic of raw materials obtained from dried and crushed seeds of wild plants of the genus Rosa (“rose hips” with Latin language). Cultivated varieties are not suitable - the fatty acid composition is not so rich. Two processing methods are used in industry - hot extraction and cold pressed. The first is cheaper, but less reliable: exposure to heat reduces the quantity and quality of components that have a healing, nutritional effect.

How to choose oil?

The product can be used internally or externally. Accordingly, you should focus on the price of the finished product. If direct contact with mucous membranes or wounds is not expected, you can buy the cheaper one, intended for cosmetic care. Aging or dry skin of the face and scalp will be effectively nourished useful substances, saturate with moisture. Will intensify protective properties, hair loss is prevented. At the same time, you can remove stretch marks and scars, especially those left after acne.

High-quality edible oil is suitable for treating frostbitten areas of the body, various injuries, and burns. It should be taken as a choleretic agent (for cholecystitis, hepatitis), in the treatment of atherosclerosis, gingivitis, runny nose, pharyngitis, stomatitis, and sinusitis. This is an excellent antidepressant that acts actively, quickly, but gently: it allows you to get rid of permanent stress and depression.

Cooking at home

You need to stock up on seeds purchased at the pharmacy or taken from the bush berries you collected yourself. They are easy to dry in the fresh air (you will have to spend several days), in an oven or in a device for processing fruits and vegetables. Then grind the raw materials using a regular coffee grinder. The smaller the fraction, the more useful components will go into the finished product.

Pour the powder with vegetable oil (1:10), put the solution in a warm and dark place for a week. Then boil, hold for 15-20 minutes on low heat, cool. Wait another 10-12 hours, filter. Transfer the liquid to a darkened glass container.

Another option is to properly prepare the extract. It is necessary to clear the seeds, chop and dry the rose hips, fresh but not frozen (they are almost devoid of bioactive substances). Add oil, keeping the proportion 1:3. Leave for 7-10 days, as in the first stage of the previous recipe. Properties and uses are approximately the same as those of pure pomace.

Storage conditions

You need to choose a cool place (no higher than 20°C), preferably a dark place. This could be a refrigerator or a cellar in a private home. The use of a kitchen cabinet is permitted provided that the contents are reliably protected from moisture.

Use of rosehip oil for treatment

The use of herbal medicines even with best characteristics cannot serve as the main way to combat diseases. It is necessary to take medications prescribed by a doctor. However, infusions, decoctions, and extracts of natural raw materials are recognized as excellent auxiliary, strengthening, and supporting agents.

ENT pathologies

It is easy to get rid of a runny nose or rhinitis if rosehip oil (preferably diluted) is dripped into the nose. Another option is to soak cotton pads in it, place it in the nostrils for 3-5 minutes and lie down for this time. The second option is preferable. When fighting sinusitis, the number of approaches is increased to 6-8 times in 24 hours. The inflamed cavities should be cleaned first; the anti-inflammatory effect will be more pronounced.

Infections of the upper respiratory tract such as sore throat or pharyngitis go away faster after regular (three times a day) gargling. Take 1 tbsp. l. pure product should not be swallowed, as there is a high risk of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, especially the pancreas. To be on the safe side, it is allowed to lubricate the mucous membrane using a tampon on a long stick. They need to be manipulated carefully, dexterously, without touching the root of the tongue, otherwise it will work vomiting reflex. In the same way, the affected area is treated with mash (1 egg white per 1 ml of oil). You can also take it in small sips, and then refrain from drinking any liquids for 60 minutes.

For diseases of the stomach and intestines

The product helps fight gastritis, accompanied by decreased secretion. You need to drink it 1 teaspoon about half an hour before meals for 21 days in a row. Damaged mucous membrane regenerates faster, pain decreases, inflammation is relieved. Ulcerative colitis additionally treated with enemas. Instructions for use: 50 ml of oil, heated to body temperature, should be administered overnight anus. Course – 2-4 weeks. For hemorrhoids, use cotton swabs rectally (keep them daily for 1-2 hours) or simply lubricate the anus 2-3 times a day. The affected tissues heal, vascular permeability decreases, and bleeding goes away.

For skin lesions

Rapid regeneration is achieved using a sterile napkin. It must be soaked in oil and applied to the area requiring treatment (burnt, frostbitten). Secure with a bandage, change 1-2 times a day until recovery occurs. This principle is used to prepare compresses: a damp cloth is additionally covered with wax paper. The goal is to remove trophic ulcers and bedsores.

Another indication is dermatitis. Treatment is comprehensive. Sore spots need to be covered with applications - “paint” the skin twice or thrice a day for half an hour, drawing lines with a cotton swab. At the same time, drink 1 teaspoon of oil every 24 hours (it is not advisable to replace it with tincture). For eczema, 10 ml of fruit pomace is added to 5 drops of lavender, a napkin is moistened in the mixture and applied to the affected areas.

Nursing mothers get rid of cracked nipples this way - wet gauze should be kept at the breast for a week for 30 minutes after each feeding (do not bring the baby closer to you during this time). Use pure blackthorn extract. By the way, if you massage it, stretch marks disappear within a month.

For gum health

It is not forbidden to supplement medical treatment of gingivitis or stomatitis traditional methods– 4 times a day, drip essential oil onto a cotton pad and gently lubricate the sore spots. At the same time it is easy to remove bleeding and bad smell from mouth. In the first case, you need to take tea from linden petals with oak bark, into which 20 g of thorn pomace is poured, to rinse the throat and larynx. In the second - mint decoction with a few drops of additive. Both products are infused for 20-30 minutes before hourly use. You should first consult with your dentist.


Thanks to its strong bactericidal and regenerating effect organic product helps to get rid of cervical erosion and thrush safely and without problems. They treat cervicitis and endometritis with it, and sometimes more effectively than traditional ones official means. Methodology: douching, insertion of tampons. The mode and terms of use are indicated by a specialist.

Childhood diseases

Blackthorn squeeze is used if it is necessary to cure a teenager, strictly according to the instructions of the therapist. It is allowed to consume 2.5 ml a maximum of three times a day. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should use highly active wild rose seed extract externally only. Contact with mucous membranes is unacceptable.

Oil in cosmetology

It is especially successfully used in procedures that support fading (aging), dry or combination skin. Not suitable for oily or problematic skin with many areas of inflammation - boils, pimples, blackheads. It can be used locally when it is necessary to cope with all kinds of scars, small wrinkles, wounds, microcracks, tightness and sagging, circles under the eyes, pigmentation, and unhealthy complexion.

Hair masks

They make hair fuller, thicker, add shine, make it easier to care for and comb – especially after intense coloring. Use only for those with dry or normal scalp. The oil should be slightly warmed, rubbed into the roots, put on a plastic cap, and wrap a terry towel on top. Wait 30-40 minutes, rinse with regular shampoo. It is not contraindicated to simply add to it (or other store product) extract at a rate of 1:10, stirring thoroughly before use. Vitamin supplement becomes more saturated.

Stimulation of growth and strengthening of eyelashes: moisten them with a drop of oil, take a perfectly clean, thoroughly washed brush, carefully distribute the liquid from tips to roots, avoiding contact with the eyes, wait 1 hour, rinse. Repeat 2-3 times a week, removing makeup in advance. It is better to do this in the evening or at night, when you can relax. It is allowed to use a pharmacy or homemade mixture of rosehip raw materials and fish oil, ratio 1:1. Improvements are observed after a few weeks.

Skin masks

Apply 3-5 drops to a cotton swab or add to your daily cosmetic cream (lotion) for the face. Use regularly, after washing your face, or apply wet pieces of napkins to problem areas for 15-20 minutes. It is enough to do this 2-3 times a day. It is not prohibited to enrich finished or homemade masks, pouring 1 teaspoon per serving, making a microemulsion.

A popular recipe against dry skin: grind 2 yolks in the specified amount of extract, apply to a face cleansed of cosmetics for 15 minutes. For combined oatmeal, you can prepare oatmeal (2 tablespoons of cereal per 3 tablespoons of boiling milk), let cool, add the squeeze, apply for 20 minutes.

The product is especially useful for the eyelids: mix 1 tbsp. l. with purchased capsule vitamins E or A, massage into the skin around the eyes twice a day with your fingertips. Regular application also makes lips well-groomed and smooth.

Side effects

In case of overdose or improper use, irritation (itching, hives, rash), discomfort, internal and external burns may occur. Use without consultation with doctors is strictly prohibited. The product should not be used to treat:

  • runny nose, problems with the nasal passages in children under 12 years of age;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract in people with ulcers, increased secretion of gastric juice - ascorbic acid irritates the damaged mucosa, sometimes insulin ceases to be produced;
  • those who suffer from business interruptions of cardio-vascular system(vitamin K thickens the blood);
  • those who have allergies or individual intolerance product (classical contraindication).

If it turns out that a person has had an unexpected reaction to shipshina oil, its use should be stopped so as not to apply more more harm, then consult a doctor.

Rose hip recognized as the absolute “world champion” among wild vitamin-containing plants of the earth for vitamin WITH. Some of its species contain vitamin D in their fruits. WITH(or ascorbic acid) 10 times more than black currants, and 50 times more than lemons, and 100 times more than apples - this is a huge amount of ascorbic acid. Only 1-3 fruits can provide daily requirement in vitamin C for an adult.
In addition, rose hips contain many other vitamins: IN 1, AT 2, AT 6, TO, E, R, RR, provitamin A. IN ripe fruits rose hips contain 66% water, 24% carbohydrates, proteins, dietary fiber, essential oils, sugar (their content reaches 18%), tannins, pectins, organic acids (malic and citric), iron, zinc, copper, chromium, molybdenum, cobalt, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, flavone and anthocyanin compounds .
16 free and 18 bound amino acids were discovered and determined in rose hips. Rosehip extract contains 18 free and bound amino acids, including essential ones. Rose hips contain phylloquinone, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, tocopherol, malic, citric and other acids, flavone glycosides (kaempferol, quercetin), pectins, sugars, pigments (rubixanthin, lycopene), salts of iron, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, trace elements (copper, strontium, molybdenum). Found in seeds fatty oil, which contains unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, carotenoids and tocopherols; the leaves contain a lot of chlorophyll, tannins, ascorbic acid, and phytoncides. Sugars, tannins of the pyrocatechol and pyrogallic groups, ascorbic acid, phytoncides were found in the roots, and a large amount of rose oil was found in the flowers.

Use of rose hips

Even in ancient times, they used fresh rosehip greens, grinding them with sugar and treating boils, various skin diseases. People with increased excitability nervous system They advised to sit near the “rose bushes” and inhale their aroma. And petals ground with honey can be taken for bronchitis for more effective removal of phlegm. We can also use these old recipes, but we can come up with our own, especially since we have a wonderful doctor - rosehip, who, according to our ancestors, is worth seven doctors.

More than a thousand years ago, Avi-cenna wrote about rose hips: “Rose cosmetics eliminate the stench of sweat if used in a bath... tumors and pimples. Some people claim that if you eat roses crushed, they will remove all sorts of warts. If you boil their petals and, without squeezing, apply them as a medicinal bandage to hot tumors, the tumors will resolve. This also helps with erysipelas. Roses help against ulcers, build up flesh in old ulcers and heal ulcers from abrasions between the thighs and in the groin, soothes headaches and pain in the eyes..."

Rose hip - effective assistant in the fight against malaria, scurvy, gum disease, diseases genitourinary system. It helps break down stones gallbladder and in the kidneys. It is used in the treatment of anemia because it enhances metabolism in the body and very effectively helps cleanse the blood supply system.

Recent research by scientists suggests that rose hips help activate the gene that is responsible for the production of cartilage cells and collagen. These cells are “responsible” for normal condition joints. Therefore, we can say that with the help of rosehip preparations, arthritis can be prevented.

How to be treated with rose hips: recipes

How to brew rosehip correctly

1. Be sure to clean the berries from hairs (if they get into the body, they will cause severe itching) and grind them by turning them through a meat grinder. If you brew rose hips unchopped, there will be fewer vitamins in the tea.

2. Do not leave it in a thermos all night - this will destroy many vitamins, but make a decoction. To prepare it, simply boil a handful of berries in 300 ml of water for 15 minutes.

3. Before use, pass the broth through cheesecloth, again, to avoid accidentally swallowing hairs.

Improve your health by taking 1/2 cup daily, 2-3 times a day before meals. The course of admission is one month.

Classic drink:
5 tsp Grind dried berries, add water, boil for 10 minutes. This drink needs to be infused for 2-3 hours so that everything healing properties went into the water. Drink like regular tea or juice, adding honey or any juices to taste.

Prepare the drink for two days, store in the refrigerator.

Rose hip tea

To make rosehip tea, place a tablespoon of berries in a thermos and pour into a glass hot water. Infuse the tea for several hours, then you can reuse the berries. Along with rose hips, you can infuse a couple of clove sticks or a little mint for taste. You can add honey to the finished tea if you don’t like the sour taste.

Rosehip oil:
Rosehip oil is produced from the seeds contained in the fruit of the plant. They contain a lot of vitamin C, A and E, so this product is highly effective. It is stored for no more than three months, because... essential substances quickly disappear.

The oil is used for tissue regeneration, to smooth out scars or to improve skin color. Moreover, it is effective even with old and deep scars. Psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, and dermatosis are treated with rosehip oil. For better effect it is mixed with lavender oil. Also used in the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis, bedsores, cracked nipples and burns.

Rosehip oil is an excellent moisturizer, so it is successfully used to care for dry and dull skin. It can also protect the skin from harmful effects sun rays.

How to make rosehip oil at home:

Rosehip oil is not difficult to prepare at home:
To do this, grind 200 g of seeds and fruit pulp and boil for 15 minutes in 0.75 l vegetable oil or leave in a water bath for 5 hours. After cooling, be sure to squeeze in a juicer and strain.

Rosehip juice:
Rosehip juice has everything beneficial properties fruits You can prepare it like this: fresh fruits Wash the rose hips in cold water, then dry and remove the seeds. Blanch the fruits for 2 minutes in boiling water to soften, then grind with a pestle or strain through a sieve. Add honey or sugar to the fruit decoction (200 g of honey or sugar per 1 liter of water). Mix the resulting syrup with the pureed fruits, bring to a boil and pour into hot jars, roll them up immediately.

You can also make juice from dried peeled fruits, which is especially valuable because it contains pulp. You just need to cook the fruits for ten minutes, then grind them, mix with the broth, add sugar to taste.

Dog-rose fruit used for hypertension, for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, gastric ulcers and duodenum, trophic ulcers, gynecological diseases and lack of vitamin C. They are used as a choleretic, tonic, to enhance potency, improve sleep, with inflammation of the gastric mucosa with low acidity, and many other diseases accompanied by a decrease in vitamin C content.

To prepare the infusion, pour 2 tablespoons of dry crushed fruits with 1 glass of hot water, keep in a closed enamel container in a water bath for 30 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, filter and pour into a tightly sealed container. Take 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day after meals.
Rosehip flower petals, boiled in honey, are used externally for erysipelas skin. A decoction of the root is prescribed for inflammation Bladder and for baths for rheumatism.

An infusion of rosehip seeds is taken for kidney stone disease, diarrhea. 10 gr. Pour the seed powder into 200 ml of water, leave for two hours, strain. Drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day. You can also prepare a decoction of the seeds: Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a teaspoon of crushed seeds, boil for 15 minutes, leave for two hours, strain. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.

Colon ulcers are treated with rosehip seed oil, using it in the form of a 50 ml microenema. The course of treatment is 15-30 days. The procedure is done daily or every other day. For trophic ulcers, bedsores and cracked nipples, wipes soaked in oil are applied to the sore spots. They change them daily.

Seed oil is used to lubricate wounds, ulcers, bedsores, burns, cracked nipples, and inflamed gums.

Rosehip roots used for heart disease, kidney stones, cholelithiasis, gastrointestinal tract diseases.
IN Chinese medicine Rosehip roots are used as a digestive improver and anthelmintic.

Hepatitis B tincture
Grind the rosehip root and take it at the rate of 2-3 teaspoons per 1 glass of water. Boil it for 10-15 minutes, leave for 30 minutes and take with the addition of 1 tbsp. spoons of honey 1/3 cup three times a day.

For nail diseases
Take 1/2 liter of 56° vodka and place finely chopped rosehip root in it. Leave for 21 days in a warm, dark place, shaking daily. Take 25 ml 2 times a day 1 hour before meals.
Make a compress from a decoction of rosehip root on the sore spot. To do this, grind 20 g of root, brew 1 liter of boiling water, and simmer over low heat for 3 hours. Then mix 1 glass of broth with 1 glass of cold boiled water, make a warm compress at night and wrap it well. Use for spurs, growths on nails, salt deposits anywhere.

For joint diseases. Take 1.5 cups of rosehip root and infuse it with 300 g of vodka for 10 days. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

At urolithiasis - A decoction of rosehip roots is considered a good stone crusher. The decoction is being prepared in the following way: 4 tbsp. Boil crushed cinnamon rosehip roots for 15 minutes in 400 ml of water and leave until cool. Drink 1 glass of decoction 3 times a day for 30-40 days. After 10 days the course can be repeated.

For bad breath - 3 tsp. crushed rosehip roots pour 3 glasses of cold water, leave for 8 hours, strain and drink slowly 2 tbsp. 3 times a day, keeping the infusion in your mouth for a long time.

For gout - Grind 20 g of rosehip roots, brew 1 liter of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 3 hours. Then add 1 glass of cold boiled water to 1 glass of steam. Make a warm compress with this mixture on the sore areas at night, then wrap them well.

For cystitis, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal diseases - 1 tablespoon of crushed roots, pour 400 ml of boiling water, cook for 15 minutes, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals

For liver diseases, kidney stones, hypertension, inflammation of the bladder, paralysis - Boil 40 g of dried crushed roots in 200 ml of water for 15-30 minutes, leave for 5 hours, then strain. Drink 200 ml 3 times a day for 7-10 days Take baths for paresis and paralysis of the lower extremities.

Contraindications to the use of rose hips

  • Gastritis with high acidity, with peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum are the first contraindications when taking rose hips, because it contains a lot of ascorbic acid;
  • Thrombophlebitis, grade 3 heart failure, and endocarditis also do not allow rose hips to be taken due to the fact that it increases blood clotting;
  • To protect your tooth enamel from destruction due to the acids contained in the rosehip infusion, rinse your mouth warm water after each dose of rosehip infusion.
  • Consider ability alcohol infusion Rosehip increases blood pressure, and water rose hips decreases it.
  • Hypertension will not allow you to take a decoction of rosehip roots. It will also reduce bile secretion and increase the risk of constipation.
  • Gas formation and bloating when taking rosehip syrup can be neutralized by combining it with parsley, dill or celery juice.
  • Not recommended long-term use large doses rosehip preparations due to the risk of disruption of the pancreas.


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