I smoke how to cleanse my lungs. Removing nicotine from the body

Respiratory diseases are not uncommon these days. In addition, not everyone can quit smoking. All this not only affects human immunity, but also leads to respiratory contamination. To prevent further complications, the body is cleansed. Especially in the deplorable state of the smoker’s bronchi.

Smoker's bronchi need cleaning

Why is cleansing necessary?

If we take a healthy human body, then the bronchi and lungs cleanse themselves. This process is ongoing. If you examine the bronchi, you will see that they have many “cilia” on which dust, mucus, and microbes settle. The respiratory organs regularly cleanse themselves, and there seems to be no point in interfering with their activity; they can easily cope with their task. But sometimes the recycling process is disrupted, the bronchi and lungs become overfilled with phlegm and mucus. When does this happen?

  • Poor nutrition. If a person eats a lot of fatty foods, he leans on flour products and sweets.
  • Frequent respiratory diseases. Sometimes you have to be treated for pneumonia or bronchitis and other similar diseases. It’s one thing if you’ve been sick once, it’s another thing if they recur constantly. As a result, the epithelium of the bronchial tree is damaged.
  • Smoking. Often the bronchi are damaged by a heavy smoker. Therefore, it is important to clean the bronchi after smoking cigarettes. The longer a person smokes, the greater the changes in his respiratory system. Even in the initial stages, nicotine irritates the internal surfaces of the bronchi, which causes active mucus production.

How to cleanse your lungs after smoking

If you want to cleanse your lungs after smoking cigarettes, use proven recipes. But the main rule is to give up cigarettes. There is no point in doing a cleanse if you do not plan to give up the bad habit.

How do you cleanse your lungs from cigarettes? How to rid your lungs of tar and mucus filling them? Here are some recipes.

Collection of herbs for cleaning the lungs

Buy the following herbs (17 components or at least 8 of them): poppy, sweet clover, horsetail, primrose, istod, licorice, pine buds, pikulnik, lungwort, plantain, tricolor violet, thyme, elderberry, elecampane, sweet violet, fennel, soapwort. If you collect all these herbs, you will make a good lung cleanser.

Place 1.5 tbsp in a jar. l. herbs, pour boiling water (250-300 ml) over everything. Leave for 2 hours. Drink it before going to bed. The cleansing lasts 2 months. If you start drinking the infusion, a cough will appear. This is not dangerous, because it is necessary in order to rid the lungs and bronchi of accumulated dirt.

To cleanse your lungs of dirt that has accumulated due to smoking cigarettes, you can use pine buds. You can prepare a remedy from both fresh and dried buds.

Fresh pine buds

  1. Collect pine buds in spring or early summer when they become useful. You will need a large number of kidneys.
  2. When you bring them home, you can start preparing the healing remedy. To do this, place pine buds at the bottom of a liter jar, then make a layer of granulated sugar.
  3. Alternate sugar and kidneys. From time to time, use a rolling pin or other clean wooden object to compact the buds and fill the jar again.
  4. When it's full, close it and put it in the refrigerator.
  5. Let it stay there for 3 weeks.
  6. Then take the contents of the jar and strain it through cheesecloth. You will receive syrup. This is the best cleanser after smoking cigarettes.
  7. Take this syrup 1 tbsp. l., 3 times a day.

Pine buds have medicinal properties

Dried pine buds

If these are dry kidneys, then cleaning is done differently. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. kidneys and pour 1 tbsp. boiling water Let it all sit for 1-2 hours. Drink a third of a glass in the morning, afternoon and evening after meals. The cleansing lasts for half a month or a month.

Oat cleanse

This is an old Russian recipe that can clear mucus from the lungs. It is easy to prepare at home. To do this, take 1 tbsp. oats, pour into a saucepan and add 0.5 liters of milk. Cook over low heat. Evaporate until the volume is reduced by half.

Then these oats must be ground through a sieve. You should end up with a paste that will take about half a glass and taste sweet. Drink this liquid before meals, half a glass. You need to take oats with milk 3 times a day. If you continue treatment for a week, you will feel that cleansing has begun. This manifests itself as a cough.

Clear mucus from your lungs using an old Russian recipe

Breathing exercises

Those who have just given up smoking need to do exercises in the morning, afternoon and evening. If your health has returned to normal, you can reduce it to 1 time.

  • Take a deep breath and don't breathe.
  • Exhale the air forcefully, but not all of it, but a little at a time.
  • Don't breathe for a second.
  • Then exhale a little again and hold your breath. Repeat several times. This is the easiest and safest cleaning at home. After parting with cigarettes, it should become a healthy habit for the smoker.

Cleaning the lungs after respiratory diseases

Lung cleaning is often required for serious illnesses such as bronchitis. Then you can use the following herbal mixtures. But you can’t be treated only with herbs; if the doctor prescribed medications, they also need to be taken. But they will help cleanse the lungs, especially after an illness.

Cough, bronchitis. Take the following plants:

  • coltsfoot, leaves – 10 g;
  • plantain – 20 g;
  • horsetail – 30 g;
  • spring primrose flowers – 40 g.

Prepare an infusion or decoction from them. Drink a quarter glass warm.

For pneumonia and pleurisy.

  • coltsfoot leaves – 5 g;
  • black elderberry flowers – 5 g;
  • asparagus – 5 g.

Mix the herbs and pour 1 cup of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 1 hour. Drink instead of tea in the morning, afternoon and evening.

The human lungs are a kind of filter through which many tiny particles pass, ranging from tobacco smoke to ordinary dust. To reduce the risk of developing diseases of this important organ, it is worth taking preventive measures in a timely manner. In this article we will describe all the ways to cleanse your lungs of dust and other contaminants, and find out what advice doctors give.

Lung functions

Until relatively recently, there was an opinion that the main role played by the lungs in the human body is breathing. However, scientists have come to the conclusion that the functionality of this paired organ is much broader. In addition to the fact that they are responsible for gas exchange in the body, they are also a kind of filter that purifies the blood and air from various harmful impurities, participate in almost all types of metabolism, including water, and can directly affect the composition of the blood.

But this is not all that this important body has to do. Thanks to the lungs, the likelihood of damage to the heart during a blow is minimized. If you compare the human body with a car, then the lungs are a shock absorber. Also, without a fully functioning paired organ, a person will not be able to speak, since they are responsible for the air flow, without which it is impossible to make a sound.

Why is lung cleansing important?

Before deciding how to cleanse your lungs of dust and dirt, it is worth understanding how they become contaminated and who is at risk.

Do not think that this organ is polluted only in those who smoke. Yes, nicotine tar and other harmful substances negatively affect the condition of the lungs, but they are not the only factors that can harm the organ. Along with heavy smokers, quite often people whose profession is related to construction ask themselves the question of how to clean their lungs after dust.

In addition to them, miners, people working in chemical plants, as well as those whose activities are related to the woodworking, metallurgical and paper industries are also at risk. Even if production facilities comply with all safety requirements, and employees work in protective suits and masks, some harmful dust and dirt still penetrates the lungs and accumulates there.

Over time, this can lead to diseases and complications that will require a more expensive approach than simple methods with which you can not only learn how to cleanse your lungs of construction dust, but also quickly get rid of all the harmful substances accumulated in this organ .

When to clean

If a person wonders how to clear dust from his lungs, this means that his health is far from ideal, and he is beginning to be bothered by unpleasant sensations and symptoms. When to think about this procedure:

  • allergic reactions appeared for no apparent reason;
  • cases of acute respiratory infections have become more frequent;
  • constantly stuffy nose;
  • there was discomfort in the throat;
  • suffers from a lingering cough that cannot be cured with conventional medications.

All these signs indicate that you urgently need to inquire about how to cleanse your lungs of dust and other harmful substances and begin procedures immediately. The huge advantage of all methods is that they can be done at home without the help of doctors.


This method is perfect for those who, for example, while doing renovations in their apartment, inhaled dust. How to cleanse the lungs using inhalations and do you need to buy medications? Typically, medications are not necessary. Medicinal herbs and ordinary mineral water will come to the rescue.

If you have a nebulizer, you can use it, but an ordinary enamel pan will do just fine. What herbs and plant materials can be used for procedures:

  • plantain;
  • pine buds;
  • eucalyptus;
  • elder;
  • juniper;
  • chamomile;
  • cedar.

You can take one ingredient, but it is better to use a mix of several plants. The raw materials of coniferous trees are especially effective; with its help you can not only remove dust from the lungs, but also strengthen the immune system.

For the procedure, you need to prepare 1 tablespoon of raw material, pour half a liter of boiling water over it and leave for half an hour. After this, pour the broth into a container, cover with a towel and inhale the warm vapors for 15-20 minutes. It is better to do such procedures before bed, because after them it is not recommended to talk or go outside for at least 30-40 minutes.

Mineral water can be poured into a nebulizer and the inhalation procedure can be carried out. To enhance the effect, doctors recommend that people working in hazardous industries gargle with mineral water daily.

Method of cleansing from Bolotov

A famous scientist gives his recommendations on how to cleanse your lungs of coal dust quickly and effectively. To do this, he recommends going to the steam room; a total of 6 procedures are needed, which are carried out every other day. While in the bathhouse, he advises drinking diaphoretic teas from any medicinal raw material: it could be cranberry, currant, raspberry, linden or coltsfoot.

After the steam room you will need to drink special kvass, which is prepared as follows:

  • celandine leaves crushed into powder - 200 grams;
  • whey - 3 liters;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • mix all ingredients thoroughly;
  • leave for 5 days in a shaded place.

After each trip to the bathhouse you need to drink 130-140 ml of this drink. Within just a few days you will feel easier breathing and improved well-being.

Breathe according to Batulin's method

The lesson is conducted as follows:

  1. Immediately after waking up in the morning, sit on your bed and try to completely relax your whole body.
  2. Raise your head slightly and inhale air through your nose. You need to feel how it penetrates deeply into your lungs. The mouth cannot be opened.
  3. You need to inhale as deeply and as long as possible. There may be some pain in the rib area, but this is normal.
  4. After this, you need to hold your breath as much as possible.
  5. After this, you need to exhale air through your mouth in small portions.
  6. Repeat all steps 3 times.

This exercise helps eliminate harmful substances from the lungs; it can be done several times throughout the day.

Tibetan monks recipe

Quite strange, but people living in ecologically clean places on our planet also know how to clear dust from their lungs. Tibetan monks offer their own method. For this they recommend using aloe.

From a plant that is at least 5 years old, you need to take several leaves, a total of 300 grams should be obtained. They need to be wrapped in a plastic bag and refrigerated for a week. After this time, the medicinal raw material must be taken out, washed under running water and the juice squeezed out of it in any convenient way. Mix the resulting liquid with Cahors in equal proportions and add a glass of liquid honey. You need to take this cleansing mixture up to 5 times a day, one tablespoon at a time. Do this 1 hour before eating.

Drinks with cleansing properties

Natural juices and herbal teas will also help cleanse your lungs of dust. How to prepare and take them? There are several effective recipes recommended by traditional healers:

  • Linden blossom and licorice root. Take an equal amount of each ingredient and mix. Steam 1 tablespoon of the resulting mixture with a glass of boiling water. Wait 15 minutes and you can drink (strain first). You can add honey or sugar to improve the taste.
  • Tricolor violet and oregano. Mix the herbs in equal proportions and separate a tablespoon. Brew the raw material with boiling water (500 ml). Leave with the lid closed for at least one hour. Use three times a day until relief is felt. This drink can also be used for prevention. To do this, they drink it every other day for a month, then take a month-long break and start using it again.
  • Juice therapy. Using beets, carrots and black radishes you can quickly cleanse the pulmonary system. To do this, mix freshly squeezed juice of each vegetable in equal proportions. Drink half a glass twice a day for 10 days.

Treatment with oats

Many workers at wood processing plants and furniture factories begin to feel worse over time and wonder how to cleanse their lungs of wood dust that has accumulated over years of work in production. A simple recipe based on milk and oats will come to the rescue.

How to prepare a healing drink:

  1. Prepare half a liter of homemade milk and a glass of oatmeal (cereals will not work in this case).
  2. Bring milk to a boil and add oats.
  3. Cook until the mixture has reduced in volume by half.
  4. After this, rub the resulting medicine through a sieve and cool until barely warm.
  5. You need to drink this remedy three times a day before meals (half an hour before).

Do not be alarmed if after a few days of such use the cough intensifies and sputum begins to flow intensively. At first it may be gray, and then almost black. This is a normal cleansing process, as all harmful substances are removed from the lungs. You need to drink this drink until the phlegm disappears.

They also advise periodically going on vacation to the sea coast. The healing sea air helps cleanse the bronchopulmonary system not only of dust, but also of toxins.

In addition, you need to spend more time outdoors on weekends. Trips to a pine forest or walks in parks away from busy highways and manufacturing plants are recommended.

The lungs are a vital organ in the body, so it is important to pay special attention to cleansing the lungs. The first step is to quit smoking if you haven't already. Many respiratory and pulmonary diseases arise precisely due to contamination of the lungs with harmful substances. Everyone knows that the lungs can become polluted not only from smoking, but also from harmful substances in the air. Therefore, it is necessary for all residents of large cities to cleanse their lungs, even those who do not smoke.

The fastest and easiest way to cleanse is to use herbal remedies. The best time to cleanse the lungs is from mid-September to mid-November.

Symptoms of lung pollution:

  • weak breathing, speech
  • shortness of breath on exertion
  • cough, asthma, pulmonary diseases
  • facial swelling, mucus in the nose, nosebleeds, venous diseases, urology, eczema in the elbow
  • the person has a quiet voice when speaking and yawns frequently

Herbal tea to cleanse the lungs

Mix herbs: plantain, lungwort, mullein and speedwell flowers (1:1:1:2). Take 1 teaspoon of the mixture and brew 150 ml of boiling water. Drink the infusion throughout the day, and the next day prepare a new infusion. This tea will help cleanse the lungs of mucus and toxins. Cleansing course: from 14 days to 1 month. Essential oils can be used in parallel with cleansing tea.

Essential oils

Mix 50 ml olive oil with essential oils (tea tree oil, oregano, eucalyptus) about 10 drops. Rub the oil mixture onto the chest area morning and evening to help naturally cleanse the lungs.

Curry for the lungs

Good news for former smokers. According to research conducted by the National University of Singapore, curry seasoning increases lung capacity by 10%. Former smokers should add this seasoning to all dishes daily. Antioxidants contained in curry repair and relieve inflammation. Curry seasoning can be mixed with any sauce, mustard, sour cream, etc.

Strengthening the respiratory tract

To strengthen the respiratory tract, plants that contain silicon (horsetail, knotweed) are suitable. To do this, prepare a slightly bitter drink.

Centaury 10 g

Goldenrod 15 g

Thyme 25 g

Nettle 25g

Marshmallow root 30 g

Knotweed 20 g

Brew 2 tbsp in a teapot. spoons of prepared collection from these herbs. Add 15 drops of echinacea tincture to each cup of tea. Take this strengthening tea once a day for 14 – 20 days.

Removing mucus and toxins from the lungs (instructions)

1 Before cleansing the lungs, you must not consume dairy products for 2 days, because they can interfere with the detoxification process.

2 The night before your first day of cleansing, drink 1 cup of herbal laxative tea. Tea can be purchased at a pharmacy.

3 In the morning, drink lemonade: 250 – 300 ml of water + juice of 2 lemons. This drink should be drunk 30 minutes before breakfast.

4 For breakfast, drink 300 ml of fresh grapefruit or orange juice. These juices contain antioxidants that improve respiratory health.

5 Between lunch and dinner, drink 250–300 ml of carrot juice.

6 For lunch, drink 350 ml multi-juice: carrots, spinach, parsley, seaweed (pass through a juicer).

7 Before dinner, drink cleansing tea: rosehip, ginger, mint (steam 4 tablespoons in a thermos (500 ml) for 12 hours).

8 At night, drink 300 ml of pure cranberry juice. This way you can clean your lungs once a month. Cleaning is carried out within 3 days.

Tips: Avoid drinks that contain chemicals. Drink only fresh juices. To prevent blockages, drink cranberry juice and visit the bathhouse (sauna). Take a walk in nature every day; a brisk walk is especially good for your lungs.

Increase your intake of foods rich in vitamin C. Eat more vegetables such as garlic and horseradish. Minimize your consumption of foods that contain white flour. Avoid coffee and black tea.

8 Best Herbs to Cleanse Your Lungs

For health and cleansing the lungs Herbs that have a number of benefits are suitable. They can be expectorant, i.e. allowing you to remove mucus from the lungs and increase blood flow to the chest. Some herbs help soothe irritated nasal passages and airways. Let's take a look at eight of the best herbs that are perfect for keeping your respiratory system healthy and cleansed!

1. Osha Root

Osha Root grows in mountainous and rocky areas. The roots of the plant contain essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract. The herb improves blood circulation in the lungs, facilitating the act of deep entry. For respiratory infections, Osha Root helps soothe irritated airways.

2. Eucalyptus

Australian natives, Germans, Americans, Russians, etc. use eucalyptus to improve the health of the respiratory system and also to treat sore throats. Eucalyptus is a common ingredient in cough syrups and lozenges. The active compound cineole has many benefits - it is an expectorant, can relieve coughs, and soothes irritated sinuses. In addition, eucalyptus contains antioxidants that support the immune system during colds or other illnesses.

3. Lungwort

Lungwort has been used to treat respiratory problems since the 1600s. Lungwort in appearance resembles lung tissue. The plant contains compounds that destroy germs, viruses, and improve lung health.

4. Oregano

Oregano contains many vitamins and nutrients that are essential for supporting the immune system. Oregano has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects.

5. Plantain leaves

Plantain has been widely used in folk medicine for hundreds of years. Plantain is effective in treating pulmonary diseases. The plant relieves coughs, relieves inflammation, and soothes irritated mucous membranes. Plantain leaves are used to treat dry cough.

6. Elecampane

The Greeks, Romans, Chinese, and even Indian Ayurvedic medicine use elecampane to support lung health. In the 1800s, the first cough drops were produced from elecampane root. Cause? Elecampane relaxes the smooth muscles of the trachea. There are two active compounds in elecampane that provide the beneficial effects - inulin and alantolactone. Inulin calms bronchial congestion, and alantolactone relieves expectoration and treats cough.

7. Lobelia

Lobelia is the most valuable medicinal plant. The plant contains an alkaloid known as lobeline, which thins mucus and removes it from the lungs. In addition, lobelia stimulates the adrenal glands to release adrenaline, which relaxes the airways and makes breathing easier. The herb is ideal for treating respiratory conditions, breathing problems and cleansing the lungs.

8. Mint

Peppermint and peppermint oil contain menthol, a soothing substance that relaxes the smooth muscles of the airways and promotes free breathing. Mint has an antiallergic and decongestant effect. In addition, mint is an antioxidant.

To successfully cleanse your lungs of the effects of nicotine addiction, you need to know a list of certain procedures that will help with this. The article contains the necessary information that will bring you closer to a speedy recovery.

The main reason why it is necessary to cleanse the lungs from smoking is the consequences that ultimately await the addict. The main risk is the formation of a cancerous tumor in this organ.

In most cases, the cause is the harmful effects of nicotine. The main toxins are nitrosamines and radon.

Another, less dangerous outcome is pulmonary bronchitis. This disease leads to degeneration of the underlying tissues and destruction of the mucous membrane. Lung damage leads to an overall decline in quality of life and is accompanied by some typical symptoms: severe cough, bloody discharge, bad breath, pneumonia and severe, persistent chest pain.

The essence of the effects of tobacco smoke is simple. First, the trachea becomes irritated, then the performance of the organ decreases, the air sacs are damaged, and due to the deterioration of the immune system, the risk of infection becomes extremely high.

In some cases, when the situation is severely advanced, removal of the affected organ is required.

The level of oxygen supply then decreases, and the patient suffers from illnesses for the rest of his life.

Is it possible to completely cleanse your lungs after smoking?

The first thing the body does in order to protect itself from toxins is to increase respiratory movements at the reflex level for proper blood circulation in the mucous membrane. For complete recovery, it is necessary to remove not only nicotine, but also the oily coating that penetrates the walls of the lungs much more strongly.

Consequently, it takes more time to get rid of this plaque. To normalize the functioning of the alveoli, a surfactant is required.

It begins to form in the required quantities only after quitting cigarettes. This stops the inflammatory processes and minimizes the risk of cancer.

On average, the amount of surfactant is replenished on the third day after quitting smoking. The resinous film is not removed so quickly.

In order for it to disappear as quickly as possible, it is necessary to begin a comprehensive solution to the problem and begin treatment for bronchitis. Complete cleansing of the airways ends after 3-9 months.

Much depends on the desire to recover from addiction, the smoking experience and those procedures (gymnastics to increase volume) and medications (correctly selected antibiotics) that were prescribed by the doctor.

Medical cleaning

How to quickly cleanse your lungs after smoking? Of course, with medications. Medicines are the most effective and recommended methods.

The action of the drugs is aimed specifically at getting rid of mucous deposits with sediments of toxins. Along with this, there is an antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect. It should be remembered that when choosing a medicine, contraindications play an important role; you can read them in detail in the instructions.

The most effective medications are:

  • Bromhexine. Thanks to active stimulation for the production of mucus, it causes expectoration;
  • acetylcysteine. Has an anti-inflammatory effect and detoxification;
  • lazolvan. Actively replenishes surfactant secretions. Thanks to it, the alveoli do not fall off, as a result of which exudate does not accumulate in the bronchi - a protein, blood mixture that has a detrimental effect on the respiratory system;
  • gedelix. The drug is plant-based (ivy extract), available in the form of syrup and drops. Dilates the bronchi and kills all bacteria;
  • mucaltin. It is distinguished by its affordable cost and plant-based composition. The composition consists mainly of polysaccharides. Effective when the duration of tobacco addiction is short. Removes phlegm by stimulating the secretion of bronchial secretions.

For a more effective selection of medication, you should consult a specialist.

Help from folk remedies

As a result of the prevalence of the problem, there are variations of traditional methods.

Their advantage is low cost, efficiency and safety.

How to cleanse your lungs after smoking using folk remedies:

  • linden blossom and licorice root. To prepare a decoction, you need to grind the ingredients, mix and pour boiling water. After 30 minutes, the decoction is filtered and taken orally warm three times a day, 150 ml;
  • unrefined oats. A glass with thoroughly washed oats is filled with warm milk in proportions of 1x2. After this, the resulting contents are brought to a boil until they are reduced by approximately half. After this, the melted mass is crushed and completely drunk before eating. For maximum effect, it is recommended to take 3 to 4 times a day for no longer than ten days;
  • lemon with honey. The mixed ingredients are infused and after that, the resulting mass is taken for a month, 1 tablespoon daily;
  • onion tincture. One large onion is finely chopped and mixed with sugar. After several hours, the infusion is drunk in one day in several doses;
  • pine needles, which have disinfectant properties, are excellent for cleaning the lungs. The needle shoots are still green and are collected in early summer or late spring. A one-liter jar is filled with sugar and several layers of sprouts, then the contents are infused in the refrigerator for three weeks, then filtered. The resulting syrup is drunk with a dessert spoon 3 times a day.

Proper nutrition and hygiene

Due to the fact that cigarettes provoke the formation of a large number of free radicals, the main problem for smokers is a lack of antioxidants. You can replenish their supply by including fruits and vegetables in your diet. These include:

  • peanut;
  • legumes;
  • green vegetables: Brussels sprouts, spinach, broccoli.

To strengthen the immune system, which is weakened in anyone who quits smoking, attention should be paid to foods containing vitamin C:

  • kiwi;
  • spinach and greens;
  • black currant;
  • rose hip.

Everyone has long known that rapid weight gain is becoming a particularly pressing topic. To protect yourself from this, you should adhere to a certain diet, which includes the following foods:

  • sour apples, which cleanse the body thanks to fiber and pectin;
  • instead of sugar - cinnamon, which perfectly normalizes glucose levels;
  • bitter dishes perfectly discourage the desire to return to the old habit;

Tar and nicotine are the main culprits of tartar, yellow plaque, stomatitis and gum inflammation.

Basic hygiene usually includes:

  • special toothpastes containing solid particles;
  • irrigators that remove large plaque deposits;
  • fluoridation of enamel by a specialist. The procedure involves applying a solution containing calcium and fluoride to the teeth.

You should also remember to regularly visit the dentist, who will prescribe appropriate procedures that can solve the problem as soon as possible.

Benefits of physical activity

Physical education refers to active methods of cleansing the respiratory tract. The most effective and proven exercise is running, as well as swimming in the pool.

They activate the lungs and provide ventilation, which is important for productive cleansing. If we talk about running, it is better to choose a place with clean air, not polluted by car exhaust. The ideal option would be a park, square or pine forest.

Running and swimming remove waste and toxins accumulated during smoking. The endurance of the cardiovascular system increases significantly, and the risk of heart attack is minimized.

Body weight is normalized by increasing metabolism. This also improves detoxification of the body as a whole.

In combination with a proper diet, physical exercise will bring maximum effect and will allow you to get rid of the craving for cigarettes forever. Now that you know how you can cleanse your lungs after smoking through exercise, all you have to do is put it into practice.

Gymnastics for detoxification at home

The most suitable would be breathing exercises borrowed from yoga therapists. To begin the exercise, you first need to take a deep and slow breath through your nose.

Thus, the bottom of the lungs fills, and the stomach swells as a result of the active work of the diaphragm. After this, the air moves to the middle and upper regions of the lungs.

To make the exercise as easy as possible, you need to engage your shoulders and move them upward, following the movement of your chest.

Then, when the lungs are full, you need to keep the air inside as long as possible. At the end, exhale slowly and smoothly through the mouth. In total, you need to do about twelve such breathing movements.

To perform the third exercise, you need to take a standing or sitting position. Then you need to take a smooth breath and exhale sharply. After performing five such movements, you should speed up the whole process.

It is important to concentrate your efforts on the larynx area. This procedure cleanses the airways well from residual air. The functioning of the thyroid gland and blood circulation improve.

Bath and inhalation procedures

It is not a sauna that is suitable, but a Russian bathhouse with an oak or birch broom. An important addition will be essential oils that have expectorant properties: fennel, eucalyptus, anise, thiamine. Such oils act due to aromatic carbohydrates and terpents.

The essence of inhalation is to introduce drugs into the body by inhalation. The main component is a decrease in the viscosity of sputum and its subsequent removal.

The most optimal would be warm-moisture inhalation using infusions or decoctions, which are prepared on the basis of herbal preparations from juniper, pine, fir, eucalyptus leaves, sage and mint, calendula and chamomile flowers. Phytoncides are also suitable. They can be found in garlic and onions.

For inhalation using sage you need to take 1 tbsp. of this herb and 200 ml of water. All this is placed in a container and put on fire until it boils.

You can also use pine needles, you need not 200, but 250 ml of water and boil for ten minutes. Before you start breathing above the steam, cover your head with a thick towel.

How to Tell if Detoxification Was Successful

The first obvious sign is an increased sense of taste and smell. Due to the cessation of nicotine intake, stable functioning of taste buds is finally restored.

Coughing and expectoration of sputum completely disappear, and the total volume of the lungs increases significantly.

Shortness of breath and severe chest pain also go away due to the fact that the performance of the cardiovascular system returns to normal.


It is worth giving up tobacco addiction because it significantly improves the quality of life and overall health. For the greatest effect, you should perform the above methods in combination and preferably accompanied by a doctor.

  • use medications that will act specifically to detoxify the body and relieve inflammation;
  • reinforce with folk remedies aimed at softening phlegm and promoting its faster removal;
  • include in the diet food that replenishes the body with missing elements and use personal hygiene products that help cleanse the oral cavity from the effects of smoking;
  • develop the lungs with the help of special breathing exercises and jogging to tone and return to their former volume;
  • do not neglect baths and inhalations.

For more information on clearing your lungs, watch the following video.

The Russian way to cleanse the lungs of mucus: take a glass of whole oat grains (preferably unwashed), pour 0.5 liters of milk into it and evaporate over low heat, stirring until half the volume is reached. When the oats have evaporated, they are rubbed through a sieve. The end result is about half a glass of liquid (the color of coffee with milk) gruel. It tastes sweetish. This half a glass of sweet gruel should be drunk at one time before meals. This medicine must be prepared and consumed three times a day.

The cake from the grains can be washed through a sieve with milk and this liquid can be drunk (in severe cases). The remaining cake is thrown away.

After about a week, the lungs begin to clear mucus. The lungs are cleansed in the form of a strong and prolonged cough for 20 to 30 minutes. Those who have been seriously ill with pneumonia may pass green sputum in compressed chunks. What methods do you use to cleanse your lungs? Tell us!

PINE MILK is the most effective and safe means of cleansing the lungs and bronchi for smokers and people suffering from respiratory diseases (chronic bronchitis, pneumonia).
PINE MILK should be prepared as follows: 3 green cones + a piece of pine resin with a diameter of a large coin, pour 0.5 liters of boiling milk. The cones must first be thoroughly washed under cold running water. Leave for 3 - 4 hours in a thermos. Strain through 6 layers of gauze. You don’t have to throw away the cones, but wash them under cold running water and use them 2 more times. Drink 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed. Course 1 - 2 months. Pine milk cleanses the lungs and bronchi from phlegm. This cleansing is especially indicated for chronic bronchitis, asthma, and smokers.

This composition is good for colds, asthma and bronchitis.

Three previously well-washed green pine cones and a lump of pine resin, the diameter of a ruble coin, pour 0.5 liters of boiling milk. Place the mixture in a thermos and leave for 3-4 hours, strain through 6 layers of gauze.

Rinse the cones again, because... they can be used a couple more times. Add resin as needed, because it gradually “washes away” from hot milk.


For acute or chronic bronchitis, use TINCTURE OF GREEN DRY MOSS from pine forest with vodka (arbitrary proportions), leave for 2 weeks in a dark place, apply compresses to the chest (2-3 compresses per day for 20-30 minutes). This tincture has the unique property of drawing out liquid (phlegm).
Many people suffer from lung diseases in their youth. This is due to the fact that at this age the life principle of Mucus is strong. Eating foods with a sweet taste (bread, butter, sweets, fats) causes mucus to accumulate in the lung area.

Cleansing the lungs using folk remedies

Pine milk

This folk remedy is considered one of the most effective; it is suitable for people with chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi, and is also quite safe for smokers.

Mix a small piece of pine resin (the size of a 5-ruble coin), three green cones, previously washed, 500 ml of boiling milk. Leave for 4 hours. Next, you need to strain thoroughly through cheesecloth.

Take 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach, the same amount in the evening before bed. The course of this cleaning method lasts 1-2 months. This milk perfectly cleanses old phlegm.

Pine jam

It removes various harmful substances very well, and is suitable for cleaning the lungs of old mucus, as well as for smokers.

Rinse green pine cones with a white coating of resin with cold water and fill them so that the water is 15-20 cm higher. Cook over low heat for about 8 hours, skimming off the foam. Afterwards, strain thoroughly, add sugar in a 1:1 ratio, and boil for another 1 hour.

You should take 2 tablespoons of this jam on an empty stomach. If the body does not accept it, then you can after a meal. The finished product does not smell of pine at all, the smell is more like raspberries, such treatment will be a joy.

Viburnum decoction.

This remedy will not only remove old phlegm, but also strengthen the immune system.

Add 1 liter of boiling water to 1 cup of viburnum fruits and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Pour in 3 tbsp. spoons of linden honey, let it brew for 4-5 hours.

Take 100 ml 3-4 doses per day.

Onion-garlic syrup

The essential oils of these products have cleansing properties, and the phytoncides contained in them have antimicrobial properties. In addition, they help strengthen the immune system.

Finely chop the onion head along with several cloves of garlic and cover with sugar. Leave for 2 hours in a warm place to form a syrup.

Take 1 tablespoon three to four times a day. During an exacerbation of the disease, it can be consumed for up to 5-7 days, if there are no stomach problems. For prevention, 1 day a week is enough.

Vegetable peeling

This folk method will help not only cleanse the respiratory system, but also other body systems.

Take 0.5 liters of vodka, pour in the same amount of carrot, black radish, and beet juice. Mix everything, close the lid, and paste any dough on top to prevent air from getting inside. Simmer in the oven for 60-90 minutes, then leave there to cool.

Take 3 times a day before meals, 50 grams. The duration of the course is 30 days, after 10 days you can re-clean if necessary.

Corn silk

They help perfectly both with acute forms of pulmonary diseases and with old coughs.

Grind dried corn silk to a powder, add honey in a ratio of 1: 2. Consume 3-5 doses per day.

Oregano and violet

Tea with them is considered a good antiseptic that protects against allergies; in addition, it activates the bronchial epithelium.

1 tbsp. a spoonful of tricolor violet, the same amount of oregano, add 0.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew for 60 minutes. Drink without sugar instead of tea 3 times a day. Over time, the infusion clears the lungs of dust, tar, sputum and pus without causing a cough reflex.

Oats with milk

This folk method of cleaning the lungs is one of the most effective; it is suitable both for smokers and for cleaning the respiratory system of old mucus.

Add half a liter of milk to 1 cup of oatmeal. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly until the mixture is reduced by half. Then rub the oats through a fine sieve and then mix with the liquid. You will get about half a glass of the finished product with the consistency of gruel.

The finished decoction is drunk before eating in 1 dose. Number of uses per day - 3. It is always necessary to prepare a fresh product. Course duration is as necessary, but not less than 1 week.

After about 7 days, the cleansing process begins, which looks like a coughing attack lasting up to half an hour, sputum will leave the lungs.

Marshmallow tincture.

3 tbsp. spoons of marshmallow pour one liter of boiling water, let it brew for one night. Use warm in the morning, afternoon, evening before meals, 0.5 cups. The course of cleansing is 6 weeks. Can be repeated if necessary after a week break.

Honey, aloe and Cahors.

250 gr. fresh aloe leaves (do not water the plant for 2 weeks beforehand), wipe with a damp cloth, chop finely. Pour 0.5 l. Cahors, 350 gr. honey, mix everything, put in a place protected from light for 14 days. Then strain and squeeze out the raw materials.

Drink the prepared infusion three times a day before meals, 1 tablespoon. The duration of the course is until the entire prepared amount of balm is consumed.

Cleansing the lungs with breathing:

  • We inhale deeply with our entire chest.
  • We hold our breath for a few seconds.
  • We press our lips tightly together, as if we are preparing for a whistle, and do not puff out our cheeks.
  • We push some air out of the lungs with a strong push.
  • We stop, continuing to hold the air.
  • We exhale a little more air and stop again. We continue the exercise until there is no air left at all.

For the purpose of treatment, it is advisable to use this breathing technique three times a day; for prevention, one training session is enough.

As you can see, to be healthy it is not necessary to spend large sums on treatment. Folk remedies and advice will help get rid of diseases and protect against them in the future, as well as strengthen the immune system. Systematic cleansing of the lungs is the key to a healthy respiratory system.



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