What are the benefits of mint decoction? The benefits and harms of mint decoction, tincture, tea for women, men, children, pregnant women

Hi all!

I really love autumn mornings. For cheerfulness, transparency of the air, a feeling of change. Take a deep breath. Can you feel it?☺

The smell of sea and mint also gives such freshness and energy.

I have a special relationship with mint.

I like everything about it: appearance, the color, so fashionable this season, the smell of fresh and dried leaves, the taste.

I even like the word ☺

IN Greek myths nymph Minthe was attracted male attention sweet - a gentle, awakening mint aroma, and Aphrodite considered mint to be her favorite herb.

The incredible fragrance and belief in the cleansing and life-giving abilities of the herb and mint leaves have made it one of the most popular in the world:

this plant is used in eastern temples and western churches for air purification and energy, as a symbol of hospitality in the Middle East and a warming drink in America.

I want to take a closer look medicinal properties peppermint.

From this article you will learn:

Peppermint - beneficial properties and uses

Chemical composition of mint leaves

Peppermint is an absolutely versatile plant that can be eaten, drunk, and used as medicine.

Mint does not lose its medicinal properties either in fresh or dried form, or as an essential oil.

Mint leaves contain up to three percent essential oil, the main component of which is menthol, as well as ascorbic acid, carotene, tannins. Various trace elements: manganese, copper and vitamin C.

What exactly is peppermint good for?

Healing properties of peppermint:

  • This plant relieves muscle spasms, especially in the intestinal area, so drinks and infusions based on mint or mint oil can relieve problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, colic in children, nausea, including from chemotherapy, and flatulence.
  • Peppermint stops the growth of various bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, coli, some fungi.
  • It is recommended to gargle with diluted pepper oil, inhale it and do it in case of respiratory diseases and even tuberculosis, use as an external remedy in creams to soothe itching and redness
  • It's easier to breathe with mint. People suffering from asthma and allergic rhinitis, you should try dropping a little oil on a handkerchief and inhaling it.
  • Oil is added to water during cleaning and humidifiers to disinfect air and surfaces and eliminate unpleasant odors. It is very useful to add it to the water in a bath or bath.
  • Peppermint tea is good for headaches. Another great option– use mint tincture. Massage movements It is rubbed on the temples, wrists, and neck area.
  • Regular use of mint leaves helps cope with constipation and worms.
  • Recent studies have shown that this herb is very effective in complex treatment from the virus herpes simplex, easing its symptoms.
  • Peppermint tea helps cleanse Airways, acts as an expectorant, antiviral, and diaphoretic.
  • The oil can be diluted in warm water or add to toothpaste, this will help get rid of sore throat, problems with mouth sores, unpleasant odor, and even...
  • During tense and stressful periods, when your eyes are already dark from fatigue, the smell of mint will help: surround yourself with this smell using peppermint oil instead of perfume or heating a few drops in a water bath. You can add it to your bath and aroma lamp. This will invigorate, relieve headaches and dizziness, and increase performance.
  • Antibacterial properties help fight acne and dandruff - for this, mint tincture or oil is added to water or skin cream.
  • Relief of muscle pain and spasms - added to olive oil, for example, for massage, or in a bath.
  • Peppermint oil can be used to treat infections urinary tract, as it has rich antibacterial properties.
  • The oil can also be used externally in wet form to relieve pain, as menthol provides a cooling effect and helps reduce swelling.
  • Products with mint are used as immunostimulants; they also increase blood circulation and saturate the brain with oxygen.

What is the difference between peppermint and lemon balm or lemon balm?

Peppermint and lemon mint are often confused.

Strictly speaking, lemon balm is not called mint, but lemon balm, which has many similarities in appearance with mint.

Both of these plants are perennial, of the Yamnotaceae family, essential oil and medicinal.

But chemical composition, the taste and smell are still different, and the properties are accordingly different.

Melissa has a lemon smell, it contains less essential oils, it is used in cooking more as a seasoning, while peppermint is used as a flavoring and edible herb.

How to collect and prepare peppermint?

Photo of peppermint leaves

It is collected and grown in most regions of our country from late spring to autumn, but you can buy it in fresh almost the whole year.

And it even takes root on many people’s windowsills. It is better to collect wild mint in dry weather during its most active period, in June-July.

If only leaves are collected, they are laid out on a clean cloth or paper. And the leaves with stems are tied into bunches and hung in a dark, cool and well-ventilated room.

The main thing is to avoid exposure to sunlight.

Store-bought mint can be dried in the same way, you just have to rinse it first and shake off the water thoroughly.

After drying, store it in a tightly closed jar or fabric bags.

How to grow mint at home?

Medicinal mint is easy to find in gardens, villages and on the side of paths, where it grows without special care.

If you want to grow the plant at home, then at the end of summer and beginning of autumn you need to dig up a bush with a lump of earth and replant it in a pot with drainage and moistened soil.

Avoid overcooling and pinch off leaves evenly different sides bush, without damaging the junction with the stem.

How to keep mint fresh?

Finally, a few rules for buying fresh herbs.

The leaves should be bright green, without spots or moisture. The smell is predominantly menthol and light spicy-hot pepper.

My favorite restaurant suggested an excellent way to store mint, and any herbs, fresh.

Place clean, dry stems and leaves with damp paper towels in a sealable container.

A layer of mint is a layer of towel. Cover tightly and store in the refrigerator.

The towels gradually release their moisture, and within a week you will have fresh grass.

Peppermint - methods of use

How to use peppermint:

  • Mint water

It's very simple to do - just add a few fresh mint stalks to the water, you can first rub them between your fingers.

The dried leaves are brewed as tea, but if this drink is too rich for you, you can take two-thirds black or green tea leaves and one-third mint leaves and brew them together.

My favorite option is Herb tea with the addition of grated ginger, a spoonful of honey and a few fresh leaves mint.

During cold season, you might like a combination of elderberry, yarrow, linden color, mint and ginger.

  • Mint decoction

Fresh or dry leaves are boiled for 10 minutes, then left for half an hour and filtered. Or pour it overnight hot water in a thermos.

This decoction is drunk prophylactically in case of stomach problems, increased excitability and stress, during colds half a glass 2-3 times a day.

  • Mint tincture

The crushed leaves are infused with vodka in a ratio of one to two for a week in the refrigerator. The tincture is used mainly externally: for rubbing, bathing, gargling.

Essential Peppermint Oil

Peppermint essential oil has all the same properties as fresh mint.

It refreshes, restores and invigorates, refreshes, has an antiseptic and stimulating effect.

Awakens the skin, cleanses the skin of acne (see recipe), normalizes work sweat glands, increases blood circulation. Essential oil also helps great with hair problems, read more

You can buy real peppermint essential oil Here

In general, I can sing the praises of this grass for a long time!

In warm weather it gives freshness and vigor, in cold weather it helps to warm up and survive the worst weather. And then, it's delicious!

It is especially popular in the kitchen now that I am puzzled by useful and healthy eating. Here are two of my favorite recipes.

Delicious recipes with mint

  • Light salad with mint

Mix dill, onion, oranges and mint leaves in equal proportions. If you place grilled shrimp or fried pieces on top chicken breast- it will also be satisfying.

  • Salmon with mint sauce

Steak or any other red fish can be cooked in the oven, grilled or pan-fried.

The main thing is the sauce.

You need to mix one tablespoon each of finely chopped fresh mint, cilantro and chopped onion, grate about a teaspoon fresh ginger, one finely chopped tomato without skin and seeds, 3 crushed cloves of garlic, two tablespoons each olive oil and lemon juice, a pinch of pepper and salt.

I just make the sauce while the salmon is cooking in the frying pan, literally ten minutes and the restaurant is on-site at your home!

Video about the beneficial properties of peppermint

Mint is a fairly common and unpretentious plant. The beneficial properties of mint are widely used in different areas: cosmetology, pharmaceuticals, medicine, cooking. Mint in reasonable quantities has a beneficial effect on men's and female body s. The characteristic smell of the plant is easily recognizable.

Mint has many beneficial properties. First of all, it has a relaxing, calming and healing effect. It is not without reason that mint is used in toothpastes - it heals wounds and eliminates inflammatory processes.

The plant normalizes blood pressure. It will be especially useful for hypertensive patients. Peppermint has been proven to lower blood pressure. It is successfully used for headaches (put sprigs from this herb on your head or rub menthol oil into your temples, back of your head and forehead), relieves nausea, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach.

The ability of mint to regulate digestion has led to the fact that this herb is used for colic, in the fight against diarrhea and flatulence, as well as overweight. It removes toxins, normalizes metabolism and perfectly reduces appetite.

Noted beneficial influence mint for skin condition. For women this is an important factor. Mint soothes irritated skin and relieves fatigue. This is familiar to those who take mint baths or use mint-based skin care products (masks, lotions). The sensations and results are obvious. Mint tightens pores and removes oily shine.

To smooth out wrinkles, frozen mint decoction is often used, wiping the face with it every morning. It is also good to use mint in hair care. Strengthening and healthy shine of colored or damaged hair are ensured.

Mint strongly supports women Health. It will relieve inflammation during gynecological diseases, will help reduce the symptoms of menopause. Mint is a harmless remedy, so you can use the decoction during pregnancy. It will relieve nausea during toxicosis and help relieve heartburn. But you should be careful in the amounts of use - there are contraindications. In pregnant women, large doses can cause labor, and in those who give birth, breast milk may disappear.

In too much quantity, mint has a negative effect on men's health, more precisely, on potency. It should be noted that when you stop using herbs these symptoms disappear. So the benefits of mint for men outweigh the minor side effects.

Mint is a good alternative chemicals, natural product. Widely used for colds - use menthol ointments for rubbing, inhalation, with the addition of a few drops menthol oil in water. It's good to drink warm tea with mint and chamomile. Mint gets rid of the skin. It should be ground with salt and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. This procedure for frequent use will allow you to forget about this illness for a long time.

Stocking up on mint

Mint is good in many ways. It does not lose its benefits when dried. It is best to store dried mint in a dry, ventilated area, in paper or linen bags. By preparing mint, you will provide for yourself useful product, which can bring health to every home.

Mint very affordable product, she can be placed on summer cottage, it quickly grows, spreads, and will soon delight you with a whole glade of medicinal herbs. You can use mint in baking and cooking. The beneficial properties of the plant will find their application, even if you limit yourself to a mint drink.

This tonic mint drink is easy to prepare. There are 2 ways: fill dried grass(1 tablespoon) a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour and strain. The drink is ready! It's good to drink warm tea with mint and chamomile. The second method is more suitable for those who are struggling with excess weight - prepare yourself mint tea by brewing the leaves and let it brew for 5-8 minutes. This drink tones and refreshes. It can be consumed both warm and cold.

Watch also a short video review about the benefits of mint:

IN folk medicine a huge amount is used different herbs, but not all of them are so useful that they are used by official medicine. One of the most famous and at the same time useful plants is mint.

This aromatic herb and how it affects health will be discussed in this article.

Photo and description

Mint is a very aromatic plant, which, thanks to its healing properties widely used in medicine.

Composition and calorie content of mint

Energy value mint is 70 kcal per 100 g. The plant contains the following number of basic elements:

  • proteins - 3.75 g;
  • fats - 0.94 g;
  • carbohydrates - 6.89 g.

In addition, the composition contains the following substances:

  • EFA - 0.246 g;
  • water - 86.65 g;
  • ash - 1.76 g;
  • dietary fiber - 8 g;
  • vitamin PP - 1.706 mg;
  • acetyl acid - 31.8 mg;
  • B vitamins - 0.82 mg;
  • vitamin A - 212 mcg;
  • manganese - 1.176 mg;
  • zinc - 1.11 mg;
  • copper - 329 mg;
  • iron - 5.08 mg;
  • potassium - 569 mg;
  • phosphorus - 73 mg;
  • potassium - 569 mg;
  • calcium - 243 mg;
  • sodium - 31 mg;
  • magnesium - 80 mg.

Benefits for the body

The health benefits of mint are: unique composition: it contains many vitamins and elements that a person needs to maintain health. Let's look at why peppermint is useful for the human body and in what cases.


Mint contains a large number of useful substances, which have a beneficial effect on the body. However, the effect of this aromatic herb on the stronger sex must be considered individually. It is believed that mint has a negative effect on male potency. Today, the opinions of many scientists on this issue are ambiguous: some are confident that this plant is harmful, while others believe that consumption in small quantities will benefit the male body.
Let's look at the benefits of eating mint:

  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalization of the general condition of the digestive system;
  • improvement of condition nervous system;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • beneficial effect on the condition skin, in particular reducing the level of sweating of the feet.
Knowing the benefits and possible harm aromatic plant, everyone decides for themselves whether to use this herb or not.

Important! Fans of natural mint drinks are advised to remember the relaxing effect of this plant, which helps to weaken attention and reduce reaction, which is important when driving.


The beneficial qualities of mint for women are also due to the presence of biologically active compounds in the composition. The most important is menthol, which is released from mint in the form of essential oil. Most often, mint tea is made from this aromatic herb, which not only has pleasant taste, but also useful.
This drink helps solve a number of the following women's problems:

  • relieve pain during menstruation;
  • minimize menopause symptoms;
  • treatment inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • remove extra pounds;
  • overcome insomnia;
  • relieve headaches;
  • reduce overgrowth body hair
In addition, mint teas and other products based on this plant have favorable influences in appearance.
Tonics, lotions and masks help the skin:
  • remove irritation;
  • refresh;
  • normalize the functions of the sebaceous glands;
  • eliminate oily shine;
  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • minimize age-related skin aging.

Did you know? Mint extract is present in large quantities pharmaceuticals, which are prescribed for heart problems, disorders of the nervous system and symptoms of ARVI.

What are the benefits of mint in tea?

Let's look at the benefits of mint for both women and men if you add it to different teas or supplement it with additives.


Black tea has beneficial properties and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Mint, when added to black tea, enhances all its qualities. Black tea with mint tones and cleanses the body of bad cholesterol. After drinking a cup of drink it decreases headache and fatigue goes away. Also, black tea with mint strengthens the immune system and is a strong antioxidant.


Green tea contains about 500 different elements and a large amount organic compounds. Many of them give the body a surge of strength and add vigor. Theine in the drink activates physical and mental activity.

In this case, adding mint will make the drink lighter, while saturating the body. big amount useful substances. This tea is recommended at night to relax the body and allow you to fall asleep easily.

With additives (lemon, ginger, honey)

Any additives that are added to a drink made with mint will only bring additional benefits, since lemon, ginger and honey strengthen the immune system. These products can also be used to treat colds without taking them. medical supplies, if you start using them immediately after the first symptoms appear.

Medicinal drinks

In addition to adding fresh leaves to drinks, various potions are also made from mint. Let's consider what benefits they will bring to the body and whether they can cause harm.

Infusion and tincture

Peppermint tincture has many uses due to its healing qualities. In addition to medicinal purposes, it is also used in cosmetology.

The tincture is used in the following cases:

  • severe emotional shock;
  • gallbladder problems;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • migraine and neuralgia.

Take no more than 10 drops orally, diluted in ¼ glass of water. You should drink it no more than 3 times 30 minutes before meals. You can buy peppermint tincture in a pharmacy ready-made or make it yourself.
To prepare an infusion or tincture, you must first prepare the leaves. Collection should be carried out during flowering. The following remedies are made from dried leaves:

  1. Alcohol tincture. It is prepared from 50 g of leaves and 250 ml of alcohol. The components must be combined and infused in a dark place for 14 days. After this period, the tincture should be filtered and taken orally, 30 drops.
  2. Water infusion. Pour 10 g of leaves into 500 ml of water. Put on fire and boil for 15 minutes. Then leave until completely cool and strain. Take 1 glass of infusion once a day.

If the dosage is observed and there are no contraindications, these drugs will only bring benefits.

Video: How to prepare mint tincture

A decoction, unlike an infusion, has high concentration useful substances and is used when it is necessary to have a profound effect on the body. With its help you can help in the treatment of many diseases, as well as solve some cosmetic problems.

To prepare the decoction, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of mint into 500 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes, then it is recommended to leave for another 15 minutes in a closed container. Strain before use. Drink the resulting composition half a glass three times a day.

Is it possible to drink when planning pregnancy?

When planning a pregnancy, doctors recommend completely eliminating mint in any form from the diet. This warning is due to the presence of menthol, which suppresses the action of gonadotropic activity in the hypothalamic-pituitary system, and thus reduces the action of hormones important for proper conception.

At the same time, mint normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens the immune system and nervous system, which has a positive effect on the condition of the entire body. Based on this, each woman should personally decide whether to use mint or not.

Mint for pregnant women

Many who know about the properties of mint often have a question: is it possible to drink tea from this plant while pregnant? Let's consider whether this drink is suitable for pregnant women and what features of use depending on the period.

In the early stages

At the beginning of pregnancy, peppermint helps against toxicosis, which manifests itself in the form of morning sickness. Since it is a mild anesthetic, there is a slight effect on the gastric mucosa. To alleviate the unpleasant condition, you can use the following remedies:

  1. Cool tea. It is consumed before meals.
  2. Warm decoction. You can not only drink it, but also use it for simple rinsing.
  3. Fresh leaf. Rub it between your fingers and inhale the aroma.
There are no contraindications unless there are any individual restrictions. With your doctor's permission, you can enjoy your favorite drink, which will help solve some problems with the body.

Important! Drinks can be prepared not only from fresh or dry leaves, but also from pharmaceutical mint, which is packaged in convenient tea bags.

In the later stages

For pregnant women in the 2nd trimester, mint helps with feelings of heaviness in the abdomen, as well as bloating and diarrhea. To reduce these unpleasant sensations, just add a few fresh leaves of this aromatic plant to a salad or other dish that cannot be cooked.
At this time, the use of mint is allowed in the following cases:

  1. When itching appears on the abdomen as a result of severe stretching of the skin, and on the legs due to problems in the functioning of the gallbladder.
  2. During times of fear and anxiety. And as you know, these sensations often accompany a woman throughout almost the entire period of pregnancy.
When your pregnancy reaches the 3rd trimester, it is better to avoid mint as the relaxation obtained from this plant can cause premature labor.

Depending on the type, mint has different effects on lactation. Substances from peppermint, after consumption by the mother, will definitely enter the baby’s body and have negative impact in the form of a decrease in blood pressure.

In addition, menthol when feeding a baby can cause problems heart rate and even lead to cardiac arrest. In addition, menthol contains estrogen, which suppresses testosterone, therefore, it is undesirable to feed a boy with such milk. However, despite the disadvantages, tea with two mint leaves is useful during breastfeeding, as it causes a rush of milk, which is important for unstable lactation.
Curly mint, unlike the previous type, is completely harmless for a nursing mother. The presence of carvone in this type of mint instead of menthol makes it useful for breastfeeding, as it stimulates lactation. However, it is always necessary to monitor the baby’s condition during feeding, and if any discomfort It is immediately recommended to stop drinking any mint-based drinks.

What cures and can you drink mint?

Thanks to a huge number beneficial substances contained in mint tea are used in the treatment of many diseases. Let's look at what mint cures and how to take these healing drinks correctly.

Did you know? The family that mint belongs to also includes rosemary, basil, valerian and oregano.

For a cold

Peppermint tea is an excellent remedy for strengthening natural immunity during colds. When coughing, an aromatic drink to which you can add honey can relieve inflammation of the mucous membranes and make breathing easier.

During menstruation

A drink made with mint not only has a pleasant aroma, but will also help reduce pain and eliminate other problems that arise at this time. Getting rid of pain occurs due to the presence of menthol in mint - one of the main components, which has good antispasmodic properties. To obtain the desired effect, it is enough to drink 1 cup of mint tea 2 times a day.

Under pressure

People who suffer from high blood pressure also need mint tea. This is especially true in hot weather. Its popularity is due to its vasodilating effect, which reduces blood pressure. It is important to understand that such a drink is prohibited for hypotensive people; it can only be consumed with high blood pressure.
The drink is prepared from 10 g of leaves (dry or fresh), which are poured with 250 ml of boiling water. After 15 minutes of infusion, it is ready for use. If you have high blood pressure, you are allowed to drink up to 3 cups of this drink per day.

For stomach problems

Peppermint-based formulations are most often used to treat gastrointestinal ailments. In addition to essential oil, its leaves contain a large amount of vitamins, microelements and amino acids, which are useful for increased acidity stomach. With the help of these substances, spasms are relieved and colic is reduced, as well as increases appetite and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Most often, peppermint is used to treat:

  • gastritis;
  • duodenitis;
  • gastroenterocolitis;
  • ulcers.
The drink is prepared in the same way as for other problems with gastrointestinal tract(this will be discussed below). The intake that doctors recommend is 3 glasses a day.

For constipation

Due to its relaxing properties, this tea, drunk before bed, will help relax the intestines and, as a result, solve the problem the next morning, without the use of medications.

For heartburn

Doctors do not recommend using mint for heartburn, despite the fact that it helps with stomach cramps, as well as nausea and vomiting. This plant stimulates the appearance of appetite and, accordingly, the production gastric juice. All this leads to increased work of the stomach glands, which means it will further provoke the manifestation of heartburn.

For diarrhea

Thanks to its composition, mint-based tea allows you to cope with gastrointestinal diseases, which are accompanied by flatulence, cramps and stool with unpleasant smell. Most often, after drinking just 1 glass of tea, you get rid of most of the unpleasant symptoms.
The drink is prepared from 20 g of plant leaves, which are poured with 250 ml of boiling water. Leave in a closed container for 10 minutes and then consume. Within 1 day you are allowed to drink up to 3 glasses.

For insomnia

The benefits of mint tea have been known for a long time, and people have been taking this drink before bed for many centuries. This tea will make your vacation calm and long due to sedative effect, thanks to which the body relaxes and calms down, the tension accumulated during the day goes away.

To prepare the drink, pour 20 g of leaves into 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for 5 hours, and after straining, drink half a glass before bed.

Harm and contraindications

Mint, like other medicinal plants, has a number of contraindications that you need to know so as not to harm your health. Negative properties may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • itching and skin rashes;
  • breathing problems;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • bronchospasm;
  • skin redness;
  • Strong headache.

To prevent this, you need to know about the known contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • low blood pressure.

So now you know about everyone useful qualities mint and can easily use it in the most different cases. The main thing is to follow all the rules for its use and not use it if there are contraindications.

Many people are interested in how mint affects the human body. It is known that soothing baths, to which essential oils are added, help relieve stress and relieve insomnia. Tea from its leaves helps a person relax and fully rest. To understand how mint affects blood pressure, you need to understand the properties of this amazing plant.

Features of mint

This plant rightfully occupies one of the first places among medicinal herbs. Many people are interested: mint increases or Before answering this question, you should understand what this plant is.

Mint is distinguished by its aroma, which many people like. It has been used for a very long time in cooking, industry, and medicine. There are a large number of varieties of this plant: pepper, aquatic, fragrant, Japanese, field, etc. All these varieties have an amazing aroma and contain menthol. It is recognized as the most fragrant, which is why it is very popular. This crop is bred by humans, so it cannot be found in the wild. It has found its application in cooking, medicine, perfumery and cosmetology.

Japanese mint is also very popular among cosmetologists. Its essential oil is used to make shampoos, creams, lotions and other hair and body care products. Most known method applications of this herb - production of care products based on it oral cavity, and all thanks to the aroma of menthol. In Rus', mint was used in the bathhouse, steaming brooms in fragrant water. And of course, such a plant has been used for centuries in medicinal purposes, as it has many beneficial properties. This herb is mint, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed below.

Useful properties of mint

Due to the fact that this plant contains menthol, it is characterized by a wide range of valuable qualities.

Mint in a positive way affects the nervous system, calming and stimulating brain function. It also helps to cope well with insomnia.

It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic effects, helps to cope with headaches and discomfort in the intestines and stomach.

Mint normalizes the functioning of the digestive system, improves metabolic processes, increases appetite, removes toxins. All this helps to increase protective forces body.

Mint is also effective in the treatment of colds. It is used for cooking medicinal tea and inhalations. Quite often it is used in the manufacture of warming ointments and nasal drops.

This medicinal plant characterized by remarkable bactericidal and antiseptic properties.

Decoction and tincture of mint have a choleretic and diuretic effect.

This is useful medicinal herb for angina pectoris, it lowers blood pressure well, as it promotes vasodilation.

Mint is rightfully considered a “female” herb. Its benefit for women is that, thanks to the phytoestrogens it contains, they reduce painful sensations during menstruation, and menopause is also well tolerated. During pregnancy, this plant helps to tolerate toxicosis more easily.

Contraindications to the use of mint

You need to know that mint contains bioactive substances that many people cannot tolerate. It can cause allergies, so when making mint tea, only a small leaf is enough. In addition, it is better not to give it in any form to children who are under three years old.

Mint is contraindicated for people with liver and kidney disease, as well as for women during lactation. Excessively large doses can adversely affect the condition of people with bradycardia and bronchial asthma, since menthol can inhibit the functioning of the respiratory center.

Mint and blood pressure

Menthol can provide a tonic and relaxing effect, and preparations made from it have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. So does mint raise or lower blood pressure? It helps to lower it, so if you have hypotension it should be taken with caution.

Menthol dilates blood vessels, helping high blood pressure decrease. It should be remembered that this substance is part of such vasodilating drugs as Validol and Valocordin. Thanks to them, spasms of brain vessels are relieved and heart function improves.

The healing properties of mint tea

Does mint increase or decrease blood pressure? We have already dealt with this issue, so you need to know how to take it correctly. The best option It is considered brewing tea with this plant. To do this, it is best to use two or three fresh leaves, which are poured with boiling water and steamed for 10 minutes. You can also buy dry mint at the pharmacy, which should be brewed one teaspoon at a time.

Drinking mint tea can significantly reduce blood pressure, so it is recommended to drink it during an attack of hypertension. You can also carry out a course of prevention for two weeks, in which you should drink half a glass of mint tea at lunchtime and evening time. It is very useful to add a teaspoon of honey to a glass of such a drink, and if you drink it before bed, you are guaranteed a restful and deep sleep.

In extreme heat, people with hypertension feel very unwell, so cool mint tea with the addition of a slice of lemon lifts the mood and general tone body. Also green tea with mint lowers blood pressure, so its regular use significantly improves the well-being of hypertensive patients. But it is not recommended to drink more than four glasses a day.

Precautionary measures

Mint can be harmful if used incorrectly. It's important to remember that this medicinal plant, which should not be abused. If you take it in large doses as a choleretic and diuretic, dehydration may occur.

A pregnant woman should take this with caution aromatic herb, and during lactation, mint helps reduce the amount of milk. It is also undesirable for men to consume it in large doses, because the plant affects hormonal levels.


Here it is amazing plant- mint, the benefits and harms of which we have examined. It will only be beneficial if consumed in the recommended dosage. And to the question of whether mint increases or decreases blood pressure, we can confidently answer that it reduces it, and quite significantly. Therefore, it is strictly prohibited for hypotensive patients.

And it is used in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. The essential oil content in it is 3%, mint contains pinene, piperitone, and tannins. There are more than 25 species of plants. In addition to menthol, mint contains ascorbic acid and carotene.

Highest content useful substances in mint, which is collected before flowering time. Mint decoctions are used internally and externally, in the form of tea, tinctures (find out how to properly prepare a mint tincture) or compresses. Menthol contained in mint is used in pastes, essences, drops and various ointments and tablets.

Beneficial properties for the body

This plant has been used since ancient times in alternative medicine for the treatment of various diseases. It is known for its healing, soothing properties, and is even used in the production of cosmetics. It contains many essential oils, menthol, which determines the smell and taste of mint, and is also a bactericidal agent.

The beneficial properties of mint include:

  • painkiller;
  • vasodilator;
  • soothing;
  • tonic, etc.

Peppermint tea is good for treating colds and viral diseases. Fresh tea will relieve headaches and migraines, and eliminate the first symptoms of a cold.

For a cold

Pour 1 tbsp into a porcelain container. spoon of mint leaves (dried), then pour 200 ml boiled water. Cover the broth and leave it for 10-15 minutes in a dark place. Then strain the resulting decoction and you can drink it


For children, you should not make such a strong decoction; 1 tbsp will be enough. spoons of mint leaves poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water. In addition to treating colds, peppermint tea is used to treat a variety of illnesses. Mint contains quite a lot of menthol, which is used for skin diseases , to relieve itching or rash. Mint decoction is used for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, diseases of the stomach and intestines. Such tea, metabolism, nervous and.

of cardio-vascular system

Mint tea for stomach problems

Take 2 tbsp. spoons of mint and pour 400 g of boiling water over them. Let the decoction steep for about half an hour, then strain and drink this tea before meals.

  1. For headaches
  2. Dried mint leaves, 1 teaspoon, pour 200 g of boiling water.

Add lemon or lemon zest, a spoonful of honey and drink instead of tea throughout the day.

  1. For skin diseases
  2. Brew 1 teaspoon with 10-200 ml of boiling water.

Let the broth brew, then strain and rub into problem areas on the skin.

Brewing rules There are a few worth remembering simple rules

  1. You can brew mint only in glass or porcelain containers.
  2. You can only drink this tea fresh, because the next day the tea will lose all its beneficial properties.
  3. For children, it is necessary to reduce the mint content by 2 times.
  4. Tea should not be brewed with boiling water, as this will kill all the beneficial properties.
  5. You can add lemon or pieces of fruit to your tea. You can also add mint to black tea or any other tea.

Benefits and harms for women

Women often use mint as a means to remove toxins and waste from the body. It helps normalize metabolism, which can lead to weight loss or weight gain if necessary. This plant is widely used by many cosmetic companies in the production of cosmetics because it has good influence, both on the body and its organs inside, and on the condition of the skin.

Read about the body and its contraindications in our article.

Tea with ice:

  1. Boil the water. Add a few mint leaves to it.
  2. Let the tea brew for about 25-30 minutes.
  3. Then cool the drink and add ice cubes.

Arabic mint tea:

  1. You will need half a liter of water (boiling water), add 3-4 tablespoons of tea (black or green) to it.
  2. Cook for about ten minutes, then add mint and sugar.
  3. Continue cooking for another 25-30 minutes. Let the tea cool and you can drink the drink.

During pregnancy

Peppermint tea is no less useful for women who are pregnant and expecting an unborn child. Since mint does not have a negative effect on the fetus, many women prefer to be treated with mint. It can help a pregnant woman with colds, heart and vascular diseases, and stomach problems. But you should not overuse mint decoctions, especially highly concentrated ones.

Important! Pregnant women are often nervous and worried about future births and the condition of the unborn baby. Tea with mint will help you calm down, relax, and get distracted.

Indications for drinking tea:

  1. Constant nausea, toxicosis.
  2. Flatulence, colic, diarrhea and other stomach problems.
  3. For insomnia, headaches.
  4. Skin inflammation.

For nausea (toxicosis)

3 tbsp. Grind tablespoons of dry mint through a sieve or in your palms. Then pour 200 g of boiling water. Let stand for half an hour. Cool the broth and drink it a few minutes before meals.


Because it is full of useful properties, but we must remember that you should not abuse tea with mint or its decoctions.

It contains female hormone, it can cause premature contractions and labor. Mint reduces blood pressure, so if you suffer from low blood pressure, then it is necessary to limit its intake. If future mommy suffers from varicose veins veins, then you should not drink mint tea often either.

Benefits and harms for men

The effect of this plant on the female body is harmless unless there are contraindications due to illness or allergies, but men should be careful and limit themselves to taking mint tea.

  1. . Tea with mint helps with diseases of the intestines, nervous system, blood vessels and heart. It helps men relax at the end of the working day or calm down before an important meeting.
  2. Harm. The biggest disadvantage of mint for men is its harmful influence for potency. At frequent use mint, male hormones begin to be produced less frequently and less actively. Therefore, you should not abuse this plant.

Mint tea for the heart

Mint is sedative, so tea with it will help you normalize sleep and blood pressure. This tea can be drunk to prevent heart attacks and hypertension. A decoction of mint will also help with heart pain, as it has an analgesic effect. Peppermint tea will help normalize your heart rate.


If you suffer from hypertension, then you should consume mint in small quantities and not too often. Tea with mint has a calming effect on the adult body. But the effect on the child’s body is not fully known. Mint, because it contains menthol, can cause allergies in a child. itchy skin

, rash. Peppermint tea should be given to a child over 3 years of age, and preferably after consultation with a pediatrician, to avoid adverse effects. Attention! If your children suffer from diseases of the kidneys, nervous system and urinary system

  1. , then you should refrain from drinking mint and tea with it.
  2. Add 5-7 petals of the plant to 1 teaspoon of tea, pour in 500-700 g of water (boiled).
  3. Let stand for 5-7 minutes, strain if necessary and drink.

Harm and contraindications

Children can add lemon or grapefruit to their tea. In front of everyone beneficial properties mint, beneficial effects on the body and general state person, remember that it has contraindications. If not correct use

  1. can cause harm rather than benefit to the body.
  2. Mint does not have a favorable effect on potency, so men must follow the rules that were described above in this article. Must be observed correct proportions
  3. when making tea for children.
  4. If you are allergic to mint or menthol, you should avoid drinking this tea.
  5. Also, for heartburn, infertility, and drowsiness, doctors do not recommend using it, as it will only worsen the condition.

In this article, we examined the benefits and harms, as well as the effect of mint tea on the body of men, women and children. They demonstrated several recipes for mint tea for various diseases.



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