Testosterone in the body. Symptoms of low testosterone in men

Testosterone is an androgenic male sex hormone. However, it is present not only in the male body, but also in the female body. Testosterone production in boys begins during embryonic development and it is carried out by the testes and adrenal cortex. This is necessary for correct formation male genital organs. Some testosterone is produced in childhood, and when a boy reaches puberty, the secretion of the hormone increases sharply. As for girls, their ovarian cells and adrenal cortex begin to produce testosterone only during puberty. What do you need to know about the production of testosterone in male and female bodies?

Testosterone production in a man's body

Testosterone is the main hormone in the male body. It is responsible for sexual functions as well as gender characteristics(formation of an attractive muscle and torso relief, the ability to conceive children and maintain potency). In addition, testosterone protects a man from the harmful effects stressful situations and stimulates him physical activity.

Testosterone plays a major role in proper development testicles and prostate, secondary sexual characteristics and the course of spermatogenesis. He is also responsible for mood, takes part in brain functions which relate to learning and memory. Normally, testosterone in a man’s body should be from 11 to 33 nanomol/l.

Testosterone affects male body in anabolic and androgenic directions. In the first direction, it actively participates in the synthesis of proteins, insulin, endorphins, in the physical development of a man and his growth muscle mass. In the second, he is responsible for sexual development, as well as the formation of secondary male characteristics in young men during puberty.

In addition to all of the above, testosterone affects resistance to stress, physical endurance, and takes part in metabolic processes, stimulates muscle gain and sexual desire, protects against diabetes and diseases of cardio-vascular system, regulates the formation and production of sperm.

Symptoms of decreased hormones

When there is not enough testosterone in a man’s body, this immediately affects his vitality. He feels constantly tired due to loss of energy, and interest in life is lost. A man experiences a decrease in libido, potency and testicular density. He has memory problems, absent-mindedness, frequent irritability, tearfulness and depression. He becomes sensitive and soft, that is, effeminate. The man loses weight, suffers from muscle weakness, osteoporosis, decreased performance and sleep disturbances. Immunity also decreases.

Changes also affect secondary male sexual characteristics; there is less hair on a man’s face and body. And due to a decrease in the metabolic process, fat begins to be deposited in the same places as in women - on the chest, abdomen and hips.

What does it depend on?

  • Time of day. The maximum concentration of the hormone in the blood occurs immediately after waking up in the morning. In the evening it gradually decreases and reaches a minimum before bedtime.
  • Physical activity. As you know, testosterone increases after exercise. However, if the loads were excessive and the man was overtired, then the hormone in his there will be blood to decrease.
  • Age, which has a direct effect on the glands internal secretion and over the years, testosterone levels become lower. The highest concentration of the hormone occurs in young people during puberty, and when they reach 25-30 years of age, testosterone decreases by 1% annually.
  • Lifestyle, on which the production of testosterone in the male body depends. If a man plays sports and eats right, then the hormone will be in his high level. But if he leads a sedentary lifestyle, suffers from obesity, drug addiction or alcoholism, then he will certainly have problems with the production of testosterone.
  • Psychological state. A lot depends on it, since depression or frequent stress don't contribute in any way increased production hormone, but vice versa. All because of cortisol (stress hormone), which blocks the synthesis of testosterone in the male body.
  • Physical health. A number of endocrine and oncological diseases can affect the production of male sex hormone. It is very important, if you notice something wrong with yourself, similar to the symptoms described above, to immediately seek help from a specialist.

How to increase the hormone?

When testosterone decreases in a man’s body, his vitality. A man is experiencing discomfort, which were mentioned above, so he begins to think about ways to increase the hormone in his body. Medicines for normalizing testosterone, of course, exist, and there are quite a lot of them. However, you should never take them on your own. Only a doctor can prescribe medications, and then only after the patient has undergone an examination and identified the cause of the changes that have occurred in his body. First you can resort to more safe ways increasing testosterone. They will be discussed below.

Through training

With a decrease in testosterone, physical activity and sports should become the norm for a man. By keeping himself in good shape, he will thereby ensure the harmonious functioning of all systems of his body.

Initial ones are suitable for this purpose. strength exercises with dumbbells with a slow increase in loads within the walls of the gym or at home. The instructor will select a set of necessary exercises, or you can easily find them on the Internet. The main thing is to avoid overexertion during physical activity and alternate it with rest. This will avoid achieving the opposite results from training. Initial loads include presses, squats, pull-ups and parallel bars. Strength training should be performed a maximum of three times a week.

Using products

You can also increase testosterone levels in the blood with the help of correct mode nutrition. It is very important to develop the habit of observing it. This can be done without much difficulty - it is enough to eat 4-6 times daily in small portions, and consume the largest amount of calories before lunch.

As you know, some products only cause harm to the male body, preventing the hormone from being produced in the required quantity. These include:

  • Products with various chemical additives, dyes and preservatives in their composition that destroy the testosterone present in the body. You should completely stop eating chips, lemonade, canned food, and fast food in favor of healthier foods.
  • Caffeine, which, when it enters the male body, stops the production of the hormone almost completely. Instant coffee is especially harmful because it transforms testosterone into estrogen. It is better to drink tea, but if a man cannot give up coffee, then you can drink just one cup of natural coffee.
  • Large amounts of sugar and salt have a detrimental effect on testosterone levels.
  • Products containing soy reduce the production of male hormones.
  • Carbonated drinks that are not only harmful due to excessive amounts of sugar, but also make you stronger oxidative processes in the body, preventing testosterone from being produced.
  • The meat is imported and often contains female hormones, which are injected into the animals while they are still alive in order to speed up their weight gain. These estrogens also have a detrimental effect on a man’s hormonal background.
  • Smoked products artificially. As you know, smoking liquid has a detrimental effect on a man’s testicles, preventing them from producing the hormone.
  • Mayonnaise and vegetable oils(except olive) contain a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which can lead to a decrease in the male hormone.
  • Nicotine and alcoholic drinks, being poisonous, have harmful influence on testicular tissue and their functioning in general. Over time, a man may suffer from impotence, decreased testosterone levels and the quality of his sperm will become much worse.

You should give preference to foods that stimulate testosterone production:

Testosterone production in women

IN female body, in contrast to men, the amount of testosterone produced is much less, and its effect is to:

  • regulation of egg maturation and corpus luteum together with estrogen;
  • maintaining the normal course of pregnancy;
  • sexual desire and sexual attractiveness;
  • formation of mammary glands;
  • participation during puberty in the growth of bones and skeletal muscles;
  • regulation of protein and fat metabolism.

How to increase

Despite the fact that testosterone is considered a male hormone, in a woman’s body it performs important function– provides normal functioning nervous, endocrine and propulsion systems, promotes rejuvenation, keeping the skin elastic, improves mood and stress resistance. If there is not enough testosterone in a woman’s body, this will immediately affect her appearance and cause discomfort.

Testosterone formation in insufficient quantities is often caused by unimportant reasons and may be due to:

  • lack of vitamins in food;
  • diets low in carbohydrates and animal fats;
  • lack of physical activity and maintenance sedentary lifestyle life;
  • obesity;
  • lack of sexual activity for a long time;
  • menopause;
  • smoking and alcoholism;
  • taking estrogen in the form of contraceptives containing gestagen.

All these reasons can be easily eliminated and everything will return to normal. However, there are also diseases that provoke insufficient testosterone levels in a woman’s body:

  • endometriosis;
  • surgical menopause that occurs after surgical removal ovaries;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • pituitary adenoma.

These causes can be eliminated only with the help of special medicines.

When it turns out that there is not enough testosterone in the female body, the doctor will recommend starting treatment in order to eliminate the causes that caused the hormone deficiency, as well as increase its concentration. Testosterone can be increased by taking medications and eating the right foods.


Drugs to increase hormone levels, as a rule, are hormonal, so they should only be prescribed by the attending physician after an examination and taking into account individual characteristics female patients.

U hormonal drugs there are various side effects, but nevertheless, there are cases when it is simply impossible to normalize without them hormonal background. Prescribing hormones and especially for long time, the attending physician must warn the patient about the necessary passage medical examinations in order to check the condition of the kidneys, liver, heart and hormonal levels themselves.

Proper nutrition

In some cases, it is possible to correct the abnormal level of testosterone in a woman’s blood independently with the help of nutrition. the right products. The list of such products is quite diverse.

  • Nuts are the first food on the list of foods that increase testosterone. They are the source vegetable fats, which are actively involved in the absorption of minerals and vitamins by the human body, as well as in the synthesis of the hormone.
  • Seafood can also boost testosterone well, all thanks to zinc and fatty acids contained in their composition. The most healthy seafood– crabs, shrimp and fatty fish.
  • Vegetables, a real storehouse of vitamins, show excellent results in normalizing testosterone and enhancing its effect on the female body.
  • Fruits also provide great benefits to the body and increase hormone secretion. The healthiest ones will be oranges, pineapples, melon, apricots, persimmons, peaches, grapes and pears.
  • Porridges should also not be avoided, as they do an excellent job of increasing testosterone in the blood. The fiber contained in them improves blood circulation and has useful action to produce the hormone in the body.

Does testosterone production depend on the time of year?

Surely many people will be interested in this point: is there any relationship between the level of testosterone in the blood and this or that time of year? Managed to prove hormonal dependence people of different sexes from the saturation of workdays with emotional situations and events that lead to fatigue at the end of the day. When the working day is especially responsible and busy, at the end of it a person’s testosterone decreases significantly, and he feels passive, tired and exhausted.

If you trace the change of emotions in different times years, a certain dependence can be identified. Since many people associate summer and winter with holidays, relaxation and memorable moments, testosterone levels are significantly higher during these seasons. And in the autumn, an analysis of the patients’ condition was carried out different genders And age categories showed that hormonal balance slightly reduced. This is attributed to bad and chilly weather, dirt on the streets, and cold winds.

However, the hormone level can be maintained at a high level at any time. It is enough to try to avoid stress and be in a good mood as often as possible. Refuse bad habits, stick to proper nutrition, exercise. And if you have any suspicious sensations, immediately consult a doctor. You just don’t need to think about self-medication, otherwise additional problems will inevitably arise.

Interesting video:

Increase testosterone in men if it has decreased due to wrong image life and/or the presence of a number of diseases, you can naturally or by medication. In the first case, it is necessary to change your lifestyle, including your diet. If you are unable to normalize the hormone level on your own, you should consult a doctor.

How to prevent low testosterone levels in men

To prevent low testosterone levels in men, the following measures are recommended:

  • maintaining normal weight bodies;
  • balanced diet;
  • avoidance of stressful situations;
  • avoiding excessive physical exertion, while maintaining sufficient physical activity;
  • rational work and rest schedule, a good night's sleep;
  • adequate sexual activity;
  • refusal self-administration hormonal medicines, including testosterone preparations to increase its level in the blood or build muscle mass;
  • strengthening the immune system (hardening by dousing is especially effective cold water, since short-term exposure cold water helps increase testosterone synthesis);
  • avoiding exposure to the body unfavorable factors external environment.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Testosterone - what is it? How to ensure that its amount in the body is at a sufficiently high level? Such questions begin to trouble every man at a certain period of his life. Unfortunately, the need to increase testosterone arises much earlier than we would like.

Testosterone completely controls the male body and most directly affects sexual activity, condition of muscle tissue, systems and organs. Ultimately, the level of testosterone in the body affects a man’s standard of living and career success.

What processes in the body is testosterone responsible for?

The hormonal “cocktail” in the male body is very diverse in its components, but the key element in it is testosterone. This hormone, like a regulator, controls the activity of the entire body, affecting not only health, but also a man’s way of thinking, his behavior in society, his creative inclinations and energy potential. The importance of testosterone for a man cannot be overestimated.

Testosterone is sometimes called the royal hormone - successful men, leaders who have achieved great influence in society, have never experienced problems with testosterone. The component largely determines a man’s ability to show initiative and take full responsibility.

What determines the level of testosterone in the body?

The lion's share of the royal hormone is produced in the testicles by a unique cellular structure discovered by the German physician Leydig. Testosterone begins to be synthesized at the 23rd week of the embryo's existence. It is at this time that it becomes possible to determine who the couple is expecting - a boy or a girl. Male embryos have several times more testosterone in their blood.

As the male body continues to exist, the amount of hormone secreted by the testicles decreases. Unfortunately, by the age of 35-50, the amount of testosterone released in most men reaches zero. Due date " male menopause“depends on how strong the testosterone release was initially. This process is sometimes called andropause, and for many men it sounds like a death sentence.

Andropause is approaching negative factors, in particular:

  • Vegetarianism

Even in ancient times, people knew that refusal to eat meat leads to gradual degradation of a person. In men, a lack of meat in the diet leads to a drop in cholesterol levels - essential component during the production of testosterone. Of course, vegetarianism and fasting will not cause a man to soon lose his sex drive, but his male power will fall many times.

  • The presence of female hormones in the body

Some representatives of the stronger sex have a level female hormone extremely high in the body. And it’s not genes that are to blame for this, but lifestyle. A large amount of beer and genetically modified meat will not increase testosterone in the body. Brewer's yeast is an excellent way to make a man a woman without surgery.

  • Climatic features

Northerners suffer from a lack of vitamin B, which is involved in the production of testosterone. Some doctors believe that stormy sex life in southern resorts is associated precisely with an increase in the level of the royal hormone due to the hot climate.

  • Alcohol abuse

Alcohol is the worst enemy of the testicles. During medical tests It was found that alcohol suppresses the production of the royal hormone. Products containing alcohol are dangerous because they short period time it increases sexual attraction, but the retribution for this will be immediate and severe. Again, a drunk person is reduced to the level of an animal that does not need the male hormone.

  • Nervous tension, stress

Depressive states and mental shocks have an extremely negative impact on men's health, which quickly affects the formation of testosterone. Stress also reduces a person's life expectancy.

For example: a man took out a large loan from a bank, and this debt became a heavy burden for him. Of course, his testosterone levels will be steadily reduced. Weak hormone levels mean poor ability to pay off debt. Vicious circle.

  • Heating the testicles

As contraceptive some men use special baths to heat the testicles. This method makes it possible to make sperm unable to reproduce, but it also has a detrimental effect on the body, in particular on the production of testosterone.

  • Tight briefs and swimming trunks

Tight underwear made from elastic materials- the right road to infertility. This was proven by employees of one of the leading Italian scientific institutes. But lovers of the so-called “family panties” can remain men much longer. So everyone chooses for themselves - to be a man in family shorts, or a pseudo-man in tight swimming trunks.

  • Viral diseases

Urological diseases caused by viral pathogens can reduce testosterone generation rates. Hepatitis and urethritis are especially dangerous in this regard. lead throughout the world to a decrease in the quality of the male gene pool.

Natural Methods to Increase Testosterone

The methods are simple and even obvious, but very effective.

Method one. Regulating your diet

The famous saying that a person’s future can be determined by his diet is very true. The body must be constantly nourished nutrients, Firstly:

  • minerals. Minerals are the most important cellular material. In fact, it is from minerals that human body. If a person is deficient in zinc, the testicles will stop producing testosterone. Get required quantity You can get zinc by eating fish, crabs, shrimp, squid, pumpkin seeds and various nuts.
  • vitamins different groups. Without vitamins, a person will become weak and will not be able to even perform simple work. Without receiving the required amount of vitamins, the body stops generating testosterone. SEV vitamins, which are rich in citrus fruits, wild berries, fatty fish and nuts, are of primary importance for the synthesis of the royal hormone.
  • protein, carbohydrate foods, amino acids. These components take part in all biological processes occurring in the human body. Meat contains the most proteins and amino acids. Medical experts We are unanimous in our opinion that without meat, testosterone will drop to levels close to zero.

Method two. Give up a nocturnal lifestyle, adjust your daily routine

Sex hormones are synthesized when an individual falls into deep sleep. If a person suffers from lack of sleep or insomnia, any methods of increasing the level of the royal hormone are powerless. Dream healthy person lasts 7-8 hours without breaks or getting out of bed.

Method three. Sports activities

Strength exercises with iron are an excellent method to increase the synthesis of sex hormones. In addition, testosterone will help make your figure more masculine and more attractive to women. Of course, you need to approach sports activities competently, without self-torture.

Method four. Achieving inner peace

Relief from stress and nervous tension doctors call important step to increase the level of the royal hormone. Good mood, an achievement in sports or in life is thrown into the blood large doses testosterone. Of course, this release is short-lived, but if maintained positive attitude, replenishment will be constant.

For best effect you need to combine the above methods.

How much testosterone is normal for women?

Traditionally, testosterone is considered an exclusively male prerogative, but we should not forget that it is also found in the female body, and not in the smallest quantities. The level of this hormone in women determines the voice timbre, body type and so-called libido.

In women carrying boys, it is possible that testosterone is released into the blood during hormonal exchange between mother and fetus. The hormone enters the bloodstream, affects the mood of the expectant mother, the metabolism useful components in her body and even on sexual desire.

Medical science is confident that testosterone in the female body should fluctuate at a level of 0.45-3.75 nmol/liter. This indicator is considered normal for a woman. For comparison, men have 10 times more testosterone. If the indicator is increased upward, the woman’s body will not respond with the best manifestations.

How much testosterone is normal for men?

There are two main ways to find out the level of the main sex hormone in the male body: a blood test and control external characteristics. When figuring out this indicator, you need to take into account that it is dynamic and constantly fluctuates throughout the day. The most testosterone in a man’s body is during the day, and the least in the evening and night hours.

The standard amount is considered to be 11-33 nmol per liter. This is the indicator a man should have – and age discounts should not be taken into account.

Medications that increase testosterone production

Pharmacology produces many drugs aimed at activating the production of the royal hormone. Every athlete knows that anabolic and steroid drugs increase the percentage of testosterone in the blood, making it easier to endure training and achieve best results. Other drugs have an effect that increases sexual libido. Here are the most effective drugs:

  1. Tribulus terrestris. A drug that acts on a unique part of the brain responsible for the synthesis of sex hormones - the pituitary gland. The pharmacological corporation that produces this product assures that it is based only on natural ingredients plant origin. The drug is safe, non-addictive and has no effect on the body negative impact. Athletes also agree with the producer of Tribulus terrestris. Of course, you cannot exceed the dosage of the drug.
  2. Testosterone Enanthate. Biologically active ingredient, used only by masters strength sports. If a person does not have heavy loads, he does not need Testosterone Enanthate. The product releases a lot of androgenic hormone into the blood, relieves painful sensations during strength work, it has an anabolic effect.
  3. Testosterone undecanoate. The product has virtually no side effects. Undecanoate has a gentle androgenic effect on the body without inhibiting testicular function. This drug does not cause harm to humans. Undecanoate is used to enhance masculinity, but it does not affect the growth of muscle tissue. pharmacological agent doesn't have any effect.

Materials about testosterone

Doctors, athletes, and fitness trainers talk about the importance of testosterone. The famous doctor O. Butakova recorded a series of video lectures on the male hormone. The lectures are ambiguous, with humor about men and their nature. Butakova tried to talk about complex problem maximum in simple language, and she succeeded.

– a sex hormone that is produced in the male and female body. But still representatives of the stronger sex produce this hormone in much greater quantities, it is thanks to testosterone that men have characteristic features: an abundance of hair on the face and body, the development of specific gonads, a low voice, coarser facial features, a special manner of behavior.

Photo 1. Testosterone determines a man’s character, making him more aggressive and risky. Source: Flickr (Testosterone Booster Reviews).

Note! Testosterone is responsible for the formation and functioning of male reproductive system, determines libido and sexual activity.

Male sex hormone testosterone

Testosterone is a hormone secreted in the male body by the testicles.(testicles) and adrenal glands, which performs a lot of different functions in the body. The main one is stimulating the development of the reproductive system in puberty and regulation of spermatogenesis during reproductive age.

Normally, the volume of testosterone in a man’s body ranges from 12.5 to 40.6 nmol/l, with such indicators it successfully performs the main tasks:

  • ensures the full development of the male reproductive system organs(penis, testicles, prostate);
  • stimulates the expression of secondary sexual characteristics(hair growth on the face and body);
  • participates in protein synthesis in muscle tissue, leading to muscle enlargement;
  • helps fight fat accumulation in abdominal cavity, distributing it evenly throughout the body and reducing cholesterol levels;
  • influences the formation of low voice timbre;
  • controls blood circulation, improving it, thereby ensuring a healthy erection;
  • affects parts of the brain, shaping sexual desire;
  • regulates the psychophysiological functioning of men(forms stereotypical male character traits and behavior).

Although testosterone synthesis occurs around the clock, production does not always remain at the same level - at 6-8 o'clock in the morning the release of the hormone into the blood is maximum, at 20-22 o'clock it is minimal.

Where and how is testosterone produced?

Basic processes of male production steroid hormone are happening in the testicles, where testosterone itself is produced (approximately 5-12 mg/day), as well as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA), androstenedione and estrogen.

Not only the testicles are responsible for the production of testosterone, but also adrenal cortex, although their share is in the process of hormone production.

Synthesis hormones carried out located in the testicles Leydig cells and tubular epithelial cells, the main starting material is cholesterol, which enters a man’s body with food.

It happens like this:

  1. Cells obtain cholesterol from the blood in the form of acetate(the first link in the biosynthesis of this substance) or low density lipoproteins(compounds of proteins with fat-like components).
  2. Happening sequential chain of reactions converting cholesterol to androstenedione.
  3. After the fusion of two androstenedione molecules, the final hormone is formed - testosterone..

The process of hormone synthesis is controlled by the hypothalamic-pituitary system. There, the hypothalamus produces a special hormone, GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone), which controls the pituitary gland and constant allocation they are gonadotropins - luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone (the first regulates the maturation and functioning of Leydig cells, the second helps the production of spermatogenic epithelium).

The work of the hypothalamic-pituitary system is that the hypothalamus receives a signal from the testicular cells about the amount of testosterone synthesized. The principle works here feedback. Normal hormone production produces a standard amount of gonadotropins. If testosterone becomes less or more, the level of gonadotropins is adjusted accordingly - by increasing or decreasing.

What affects the production of male hormones

The production of the hormone testosterone involves a large amount of the body's different processes and activates the work of a number internal organs. Every man should take care to help his body cope with such a difficult process.

To do this, you need to know what affects the production of the hormone.

Healthy sleep- lasting at least 7-8 hours, taking place in darkness and silence, awakening after which is accompanied by cheerfulness and good health;

Nutrition– complete, made up of fish, seafood, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables, filled with:

  • minerals (especially zinc, but also calcium, magnesium and selenium);
  • vitamins (C, E, D, group B);
  • omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids;
  • proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

It is important! Any food consisting of fast carbohydrates(baked goods, chocolate, White bread), excessively fatty foods and carbonated drinks based on large quantities Sahara.

Water- at least 1.5 liters per day, and it is purified water, and not carbonated drinks, juices or tea and coffee.

Weight control– the more overweight body, the more actively female sex hormones are produced from adipose tissue, suppressing the synthesis of testosterone.

Physical activity– an increase in the volume of the male sex hormone occurs with moderate (one hour twice a week) exercise with weights, as well as with regular walking, sprinting, and performing exercises for the pelvic muscles.

Photo 2. Regular gymnastics is the path to a long and healthy life.

Testosterone is the leading androgenic hormone in the male body, which is responsible for sexual functions and the regulation of spermatogenesis. It stimulates muscle gain, physical activity, and protects the body from stress. Testosterone deficiency negatively affects both physical and mental health. emotional condition. How to increase testosterone in men?

The hormone is produced in the adrenal cortex and testicles. The norm is 11-33 nanomol/liter. How does testosterone affect the male body? Its impact occurs in two main directions:

  • androgenic: regulation of the processes of sexual development of the body. Progesterone activity promotes the development of sexual characteristics in boys during puberty,
  • anabolic: synthesis of proteins, insulin, endorphins occurs, muscle fibers are formed, physical development body.

In addition, testosterone performs a number of vital functions functions:

  • accepts Active participation in metabolic processes,
  • regulates weight gain and formation anatomical shape bodies,
  • controls blood sugar levels,
  • stimulates resistance to stress,
  • supports the level of libido and activity of a man.
Testosterone is responsible for sexual function men, his appearance, masculinity, character

Testosterone is a natural anabolic substance that is absolutely safe for the body, unlike its synthetic analogues. The maximum concentration of testosterone levels is observed at the age of 18, and after 25 years it begins to gradually fall. By the age of 35-40 years, hormone production decreases by about 1-2% every year. This decrease in hormone levels is natural process and does not require treatment.

The effect of testosterone on the body different periods male development:

Embryonic period Under the influence of testosterone, the sex of the child is formed, then the fetus develops a prostate and seminal vesicles.
Puberty (transitional age in boys) · Expanding rib cage, shoulders, chin, forehead, jaw increase.

· Increases muscle mass.

· Sebaceous glands can work in an intense mode, which often causes a rash.

· Hair appears in the pubic area, armpits, and on the face. Gradually, hair appears on the chest, legs, and arms.

· The genital organs become enlarged and libido increases.

· The ability to conceive increases.

Mature men · After 35 years, the level of the hormone gradually decreases, libido fades away.

· Along with a decrease in testosterone levels, heart and vascular diseases develop, osteoporosis and disruptions in the functioning of the autonomic system may develop.

· As you age, your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease increases.

But the process testosterone production may be affected by unfavorable factors:

  • smoking, alcohol abuse,
  • inactive lifestyle,
  • chronic diseases,
  • some drugs
  • unfavorable environmental situation,
  • excess weight, constant stress.

Testosterone levels: normal and abnormal

With age, the amount of testosterone gradually decreases; by the age of 60 it can drop by 50%. Moreover, an increase or decrease in hormone levels is noticeable even with a deviation from the norm of 5-15%. General content The hormone in the blood consists of a free part - 2% and a part that is bound to proteins - 98%.

Causes and consequences of decreased male hormone levels

A decrease in testosterone levels can be primary (testicular damage) and secondary (pathology of the hypothalamic-pituitary system). Unfortunately, reduced level hormone is a common phenomenon in modern young men. What is the reason for this shortage? The following may influence the decrease in testosterone: various diseases, and a way of life.

A decrease in hormone levels immediately affects metabolism and has typical symptoms:

  • aching joints, decreased muscle mass,
  • memory problems,
  • erection problems, premature ejaculation,
  • breast enlargement, excess weight,
  • insomnia, decreased libido,
  • reduction of hair.

Hormone deficiency provokes an increase in excess weight, a man becomes irritable and prone to depression, and the risk of developing various kinds diseases. Factors, helping to reduce the level of sex hormones:

  • stress,
  • unbalanced diet,
  • alcohol abuse,
  • STI,
  • taking certain medications
  • genital injuries,
  • sedentary lifestyle,
  • irregular lovemaking,
  • unfavorable environmental conditions.

If you see a man with overweight, know that his blood testosterone level is definitely low.

How to increase testosterone levels in men? Of course, there are effective drugs for such cases, but only a specialist can prescribe them after examination. First, let's look at natural and safe methods.


Hormone production difficult process, which implies working together organs and systems. What foods increase testosterone in men? For normal androgen production, you must first provide the body with useful substances:

Minerals To increase testosterone levels, it is important to consume enough zinc. With its deficiency, a drop in testosterone levels is observed. Zinc is found in the following foods:

· seafood (shrimp, squid, oysters, crabs),

· fish (herring, anchovies, carp),

· nuts (pistachios, walnuts, almonds).

It is important to provide the body sufficient quantity selenium, magnesium and calcium.

Vitamins For good health The body requires vitamins:

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, responsible for protective forces body, inhibits the production of cortisol,

Vitamin E – helps insulin in the fight against high blood sugar levels,

· omega-3 and omega-6 – essential acids necessary for the production of testosterone,

B vitamins

Proteins and fats The basis of nutrition and testosterone synthesis. It is important to balance your diet in such a way that there is no deficiency in either protein or fat.

Healthy fats: flaxseed, peanut, olive oil, bananas, salmon, egg yolks.

Water Sufficient consumption clean water necessary for coordinated work body.

Seafood is known for its ability to increase potency.
  • include parsley, spinach, dill in your menu - plant forms testosterone,
  • Dried fruits are very useful, they contain lutein,
  • be sure to eat porridge - fiber is necessary for the body,
  • avoid soy products,
  • exclude beer, fast food, carbonated drinks, fast carbohydrates (baked goods, sweets),
  • limit the amount of salt
  • You can drink no more than one cup of natural coffee per day,
  • products that increase testosterone in men should be natural, so try to buy meat in the markets, as imported meats can have the opposite effect. The fact is that to increase body weight, large cattle fed with supplements containing hormones. And 80% of the hormones that are added to pig feed to quickly increase the amount of fat are female.

Weight normalization

How to increase testosterone production in men? Overweight men need to get rid of extra pounds. It has been proven that obese men have reduced levels of testosterone production. Male sex hormones are converted into female hormones in adipose tissue. Therefore, sports and proper nutrition are the companions of a real healthy man.

Physical exercise

It has been proven that power training with weights contribute to the production of testosterone. Basic recommendations:

  • The optimal duration of training is an hour,
  • number of workouts – 2-3 per week,
  • you need to train the large muscles of the back, legs, chest,
  • take the weight so that you can do the exercise 8 to 10 times, the last one with effort.

Get rid of bad habits

Under influence alcoholic drinks testosterone is converted to estrogen. Any type of alcohol negatively affects the process of hormone production, and beer contains analogues of some female sex hormones. The exception is high-quality red dry wine, which in in moderation healthy.

Physical exercise level up male hormones.

Limiting the amount of sugar in the diet

Elevated sugar levels lead to decreased testosterone production. In addition, excessive consumption of sweets leads to excess weight gain. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the amount of sugar and fast carbohydrates (pasta, baked goods).

Normalization of sleep

Healthy sleep is very important for men's health. Interestingly, most of the hormones are produced in the phase deep sleep. This is why lack of sleep leads to sharp decline testosterone levels.

Avoid stress

Stress negatively affects the body as a whole and also contributes to the production of the hormone cortisone, an antagonist of male sex hormones. Try to maintain a stable emotional state.

Regular sex life

Active sex life stimulates the production of male hormones and has a beneficial effect on the entire body, it is pleasant and effective method increase testosterone in men. If you do not have a regular sexual partner, do not forget about safety, since STIs are dangerous to men’s health and often cause complications. It is also noted that simple communication with the fair half of humanity significantly increases testosterone levels.


The sun is not only a source of vitamin D. Research has proven that Sun rays stimulate testosterone production. Therefore, in summer, do not forget to sunbathe.


Testosterone is the hormone of winners. Rejoice even in your minor achievements, enjoy life in all its manifestations.

A little about drugs

Only a doctor can prescribe medications containing hormones!

Medicines that increase testosterone in men are prescribed by specialists when the level of the hormone is below 10 nanomoles per liter:

  1. Testosterone injections are prescribed for disorders of the gonads. Side effects– retention of fluid and salts in the body, swelling, increased libido.
  2. Oral medications (tablets).
  3. Gels.
  4. Testosterone patch.

Drugs that increase testosterone levels in men can only be prescribed by a doctor, since long-term use similar drugs may provoke development complications:

  • inhibition of hormone production by the body,
  • development of gynecomastia (this is a pathology in which the mammary glands swell),
  • the risk of developing heart and vascular pathologies and cancer increases.

Increased testosterone levels

Signs increased testosterone for men:

  • increased body hair,
  • well developed muscles,
  • increased libido,
  • impulsiveness, such men are very aggressive,
  • On the head, unlike the body, a bald spot may appear.

The consequences of increased testosterone in men can be testicular tumors and infertility. Causes higher level hormone:

  • tumors in the testicles,
  • pathological processes of the adrenal glands,
  • heredity,
  • taking medications containing hormones,
  • excessive physical activity.


  1. Gladkova A. I. " Hormonal regulation sexual function in men." Kharkov, 1998.
  2. S. Krasnova. " Hormone therapy", 2007.


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