Blood came from the nose, ears and eyes. Bleeding from the ears: causes, how to treat

Bleeding from the ears is a warning sign that may indicate a serious illness.

The causes of bloody discharge from the hearing organs can be very different: mechanical damage, infectious-inflammatory and oncological processes.

The appearance of blood from the ear may indicate the following diseases:

  • Injuries. Ear bleeding can occur when the outer structure of the ear is damaged with a sharp object. In this case, the skin may be affected or an open wound may appear against the background of damage. In the second case, if the infection gets inside, serious complications may develop. Blood not only from the ears, but also from the nose with a severe headache can be observed due to a traumatic brain injury.
  • Ear candidiasis. Ear candidiasis, which is caused by a fungus, can also cause bleeding from the ear. In this case, itching appears and deafness may develop.
  • Myringitis. One of the complications of otitis media is myringitis. This disease is characterized by the appearance of blisters with blood in the eardrum. When they begin to burst, blood flows from the ear as a result.
  • Otitis media. With otitis media, bleeding from the ear may also occur. Against the background of inflammation of the middle ear, pus is released along with blood.
  • Furuncle. A furuncle in the ear canal may appear due to a weakened immune system and a staphylococcal infection.
  • Neoplasm. A neoplasm in the ear is one of the causes of bleeding from the ears. They can be of a different nature, so it is necessary to undergo an examination, after which treatment is prescribed.
  • This symptom may appear with a change in pressure. This often occurs in people with hypertension when there are pressure surges. A sharp pressure drop can also be observed when immersed in water at great depths. In this case, the eardrum may burst, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Danger signs

Bleeding from the ears can be accompanied by various symptoms, depending on the cause that provoked its appearance:

  • If blood from the ear appeared on the background of otitis media, then the patient is worried about throbbing and sharp pain, ear congestion. In addition, the body temperature rises and pus is released with an admixture of blood.
  • With the formation of a furuncle of the ear canal, severe pain in the ear, hyperemia and swelling of the ear canal appear. When opening a boil, pus flows out along with blood.
  • For miringitis, inflammation of the tympanic membrane, symptoms are characteristic as in external otitis media: itching, burning, pain, serous exudate release along with blood.
  • If bleeding from the ear occurs with candidiasis, then a cheesy, white coating, itching, and discomfort are also noted in the ear canal.
  • A great danger is frequent bleeding from the ear without pain. This indicates a malignant process. In severe cases, the patient has severe hearing impairment and an unpleasant odor.

It is necessary to take timely measures to eliminate not only this symptom, but also its accompanying ones, in order to avoid the development of possible complications.


If you do not take measures to eliminate bleeding from the ear, then this can cause a number of serious consequences.

In advanced cases, the following complications often occur:

With the complication of purulent-inflammatory processes in the ear, the development of otogenic meningitis is possible. The patient's body temperature rises, symptoms of intoxication, headache, vomiting and nausea, symptoms of Kernig and Brudzinsky appear.

Hearing loss is characterized by hearing loss and speech communication is difficult. A more serious complication is an abscess of the external ear. This pathology is characterized by filling the cavity with pus in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. It develops after the penetration of infection into soft tissues.

If otitis media in a chronic form is accompanied by spotting, then the inflammatory process passes by contact to the facial nerve.

With parotid lymphadenitis, the lymph node increases in size and becomes painful. The pain radiates to the ear and jaw. With purulent lymphadenitis, against the background of bleeding, a lump appears behind the ear. The patient complains of severe headache, fever, loss of appetite, worsening sleep.

More information about otitis can be found in the video:

In order to prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow all his recommendations.

Treatment Method

Only after the examination and the diagnosis, the doctor can prescribe an effective treatment.

When the patient complains about blood from the ear, the otolaryngologist, after establishing the cause of this symptom, prescribes medication. In severe cases, the doctor may refer you to the hospital.

With the appearance of dizziness, vomiting, nausea, ringing and bleeding from the ears, you need to call an ambulance. Before the arrival of medical workers, the bandage should be folded several times and applied to the ear. In case of injury, it is necessary to moisten a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide and insert it into the ear canal.

If a boil bursts, then near the outer opening, treat it with boric alcohol, carefully removing the remnants of pus with a cotton swab.

After identifying the cause of bleeding, the otolaryngologist prescribes a comprehensive treatment that is aimed not only at eliminating the disease, but also the symptoms:

  • With ear candidiasis, the following drugs are used for treatment: Miramidez, Pimafucin, Candibiotic, Clotrimazole, etc.
  • With otitis, antiseptic solutions are prescribed: Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, etc. Special antibacterial drops are also used: Otofa, Otinum, Anauran, Dexon, Polydex, etc.
  • To reduce the temperature, anti-inflammatory drugs are used: Nurofen, Ibuprofen, etc.
  • If bleeding from the ear is accompanied by purulent discharge, then systemic antibiotics are used: Ceftriaxone, Amoxicillin, Azithromycin, Amoxiclav, etc. The dosage for children and adults is determined solely by the doctor. It is important to drink antibiotics for 7 days and not finish treatment when improvement occurs.
  • When a cancer is diagnosed, an operation is performed to remove the tumor. Bleeding usually stops after the cause of the pathology is eliminated.

Treatment with folk remedies

Non-traditional methods to eliminate bleeding and other symptoms of ear diseases should be used only after consultation and under the supervision of an otolaryngologist. Folk recipes can only be used for external and otitis media, which are accompanied by bleeding from the ear.

Some prescriptions for the treatment of otitis media and bleeding from the ear:

  • Hydrogen peroxide. Dilute hydrogen peroxide in water to 0.3% concentration and instill in the ear 5 drops three times a day.
  • Garlic drops. Take a few cloves of garlic, finely chop until gruel is obtained. Next, add a tablespoon of boiling vegetable oil and leave to infuse. Bury in each ear canal 3 drops 3 times a day.
  • Onion juice. Take a small head of onion, peel and squeeze the juice. Next, add 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt and 50 ml of olive oil to it. Put on fire for 5 minutes. After it cools down, drip 2 drops into each ear 3 times a day.
  • Decoction of bay leaf. Take a few small bay leaves, boil for about 3 hours. Then cool and instill 10 drops into the ear and take 3 tablespoons of the decoction inside. Perform 3 times a day.
  • Walnut leaf juice. Squeeze the juice from fresh walnut leaves and instill into the sore ear 5-7 drops 3 times a day for a week.

It is strictly forbidden to use traditional medicine methods without consulting a doctor. This can lead to serious consequences.

It is important to know that it is forbidden to do warm-up procedures, so the condition can worsen.

In order to prevent the occurrence of bleeding from the ears, you must carefully consider your health:

  • Ear canals should be regularly cleaned of wax buildup. The procedure should be carried out carefully, especially in children.
  • Cleaning with cotton swabs is recommended no more than 1 time per week. It is strictly forbidden to use matches, toothpicks, pins, etc. for cleaning.
  • Thoroughly wash your ears when swimming.
  • When signs of a cold appear, it is necessary to start treatment on time in order to prevent the development of complications in the form of otitis media, etc.

If you follow these simple rules, you can prevent the development of ear diseases and the appearance of bleeding on their background.

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What to do if blood flows from the ear, what consequences can this lead to

Bleeding from the ear signals that a person has a serious problem that should be resolved promptly and without delay. The fact is that the appearance of bloody discharge indicates that the situation is out of control, which means that the person has inflammation, rupture, the tumor has acquired those forms that can no longer be left without attention and proper treatment. Otherwise, it may endanger a person's life.

Why does the ear bleed

Despite the fact that blood from the ear is a rather rare symptom, it still occurs. The main feature of this kind of secretions is their danger.

After all, most likely, the problem is now so deep that it has affected many important components of the auditory system, be it the middle or inner ear. The severity of the symptom also lies in the possible hearing impairment or its complete loss.

Bloody discharge is nothing more than a loss of blood from the circulatory system. These discharges can appear, both from the vessels inside the ear, and from its damaged tissue areas.

Blood does not always indicate injury. Thus, the hope that a scratch or a small boil has formed inside the shell should not stop you from going to a specialist.

Types of bleeding from the ear


The formation of blood in the ear canal and its systematic leakage can occur for several reasons. Most often, these causes are associated with trauma to the ear canal, but usually such manifestations are easily eliminated and are noticed by a person almost immediately, as soon as they form.

There are other reasons that can cause the appearance of blood, which is so frightening to an ignorant victim who has found clots of fluid near the auricle.


In the first place of the causes that cause blood, there are mechanical damage. Most often, they are the culprits for the appearance of this symptom. This usually happens under the following circumstances:

  • A blow to the head, an accident, a head injury - a small amount of blood appears from the ear, which passes quickly enough. Minor headache, dizziness, nausea are possible.
  • Incorrect cleaning with ear sticks is a common occurrence, in connection with which the eardrum is traumatized. In this regard, blood or ichor appears with an admixture of spotting.
  • Injury to the eardrum - can occur due to a sharp jump in pressure inside. Most often this happens when traveling by train, by plane, as well as during music concerts, during artillery shelling. In this case, prompt medical attention will be required, as hearing loss is likely.
  • Trauma of the skull - in case of fractures of the bones of the skull or trauma in the temporal region, a significant amount of blood is always released.


Discharge of blood from the ear is not excluded during infectious, as well as inflammatory processes. The thing is that when the state is neglected, the virus or infection in the body progresses and spreads quite quickly. Therefore, it is not surprising that having ear pain, fever and malaise, you will soon find purulent discharge with blood.

Often, blood appears with otitis media of the middle and inner ear, which is of fungal and viral origin. However, the appearance of spotting is an alarming signal indicating the extreme neglect of the disease.

Also, blood inside the ear canal can form due to polyps. Most often, a sick person is unaware of the presence of this problem in himself, so there is an instant spread of the infection area.


Various neoplasms can also make themselves felt by the appearance of blood from the ear canal. This does not necessarily indicate the malignancy of the tumor, but the symptom suggests that it is growing and doing so more than rapidly.

Additionally, a person can seriously suffer from headaches, ripples in the eyes, sharpness disappears, weakness and dizziness appear.

For diseases not related to ENT

Rarely enough, but sometimes it happens that blood appears due to the ingress of a foreign object into the ear cavity. Due to tissue injury, blood formation occurs, which does not go away if the object is not removed and the necessary assistance is not provided to the victim.

Also, blood may appear due to the formation of a boil on the outer part of the auricle. When it is opened or carelessly burst, blood appears, and pain and burning are also felt.

Candidiasis of the ear is not excluded, in which bleeding from the ear is not uncommon. This pathology is provoked by special Candida fungi. They lead to inflammation of the walls of blood vessels, thinning them and thus causing the release of blood.

First aid at home

At home, you can not take anything radical. That is, no self-administered drugs and means.

Also, you do not need to try to find out what caused the blood by carefully examining the cavity of the auricle and using handy items for this.

The blood must be wiped off. It is advisable to do this with a sterile bandage using hydrogen peroxide or warm water. If the blood continues to flow and does not stop, insert a sterile swab into the ear, it is not necessary to moisten it with anything.

After these simple procedures, you should go to the doctor or call an ambulance if you have a headache or nausea from additional symptoms.


Diagnosis takes place directly in the office of your treating ENT. He examines the outer integument of the ear, assesses the degree of discharge and palpates the parotid area.

Not always the problem can have an ENT origin. Therefore, if after conducting a series of studies, taking an anamnesis and taking tests, the doctor does not find the cause, the surgeon is connected.

However, in most cases, research conducted by a doctor is sufficient. Together with the surgeon, they can prescribe objective treatment and physiotherapy, which will stop the bleeding and bring the patient's condition back to normal.


The type of treatment is prescribed by doctors depending on the type of problem present. So, in the presence of an inflammatory process and infection, the patient is almost always prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy, a number of physiotherapy and auxiliary drugs that contribute to the speedy healing of damaged tissues.

If the problem is caused by an injury, then the surgeon prescribes the treatment. The patient is recommended complete rest, droppers, restorative drugs and dressings are also prescribed in case the discharge does not stop for a while.


With the help of drugs, such pathologies are treated:

  • ear candidiasis - antimycotic agents are used for treatment. Most often, ointment and drops "Candibiotic" and "Clotrimazole" are prescribed. In more serious cases, antibiotics may be needed.
  • purulent and acute otitis media - antibiotics, antimycotic ointments, and drops are used. To improve the condition, folk remedies are used to wash the ear canal.
  • furunculosis of the ear canal - it will be necessary to treat abscesses with special means, antibiotics in the presence of a serious inflammatory process, after a breakthrough, treatment of the place after the abscess with a solution of boric acid.


Surgical care is necessary for serious injuries of the skull, when suppuration occurs in the immediate vicinity of the brain. Also, surgery is needed when neoplasms are detected.

Often resorting to surgical intervention for purulent otitis media, when it is possible to save the patient from unbearable suffering only through manual cleaning and elimination of the focus.

What is possible and what is not

The first thing to remember for a person who has blood from his ear is that you cannot ignore the problem, eliminating only its initial manifestation. Do not try to clean the blood using ear sticks, it is better to use soft sterile swabs.

About the causes of bleeding from the ear in our video:

Recovery and prevention

With correctly prescribed professional treatment, recovery occurs relatively quickly. However, so that the problem does not return again, it is better to follow some tips:

  • consult a doctor in a timely manner;
  • be careful when flying in an airplane and traveling by train;
  • beware of skull injuries;
  • take care of your health;
  • strengthen immunity.

Caution and respect for your body will allow you to maintain your health for many years, as well as protect you from all sorts of troubles associated with various diseases.

Blood from the ears: causes and treatment

Ear bleeding can cause a real shock in a person, because physiologically it should not be there. The outer ear consists of the ear canal, which ends with the tympanic membrane, which protects the middle and inner parts of the organ. As a rule, blood comes after cleaning the ears if the ear canal is injured. However, another option is also possible, when the blood goes on its own, flowing from the ear. Let's try to figure out why this is happening.

Why does the ear bleed: reasons

There may be several causes of bleeding, but only a specialist can accurately diagnose after examination. There are several causes of ear bleeding.

Damage to the ear canal during cleaning

This is what often happens with unsuccessful cleaning of the ears, when a sharp object pierces or scratches delicate skin.


Polyps appear due to the pathological growth of the tissues of the ear canal. Often polyps have purulent discharge and bleed. They can only be removed surgically.

tympanic membrane rupture

If the blood is not very plentiful, but at the same time dizziness, vision problems, nausea began, then the eardrum was most likely damaged.

Glomus tumor

This is a benign formation that appears only in the bulb of the jugular vein. The tumor presses on the ear canal, damaging it. There may be tinnitus and heavy bleeding.


If a furuncle appears (inflammation of the hair follicle), then the ear becomes red and swells. A person may feel severe pain that radiates throughout the head. After the boil matures, blood and pus can be released from it.

Inflammation of the eardrum

Many are perplexed why there is blood, because visually there is nothing in the ear canal. In fact, the blister is located in the depths, so it is not visible. The blister exudes pus and blood.


This malignant tumor occurs in the middle ear, affecting its epithelial cells. The tumor strongly presses on the surface with blood vessels, which is why bleeding occurs.

Acute otitis media

Perhaps this is the most common reason. For some reason, many people tend to consider otitis as something like a cold, while it may well provoke such a formidable disease as meningitis.

skull fracture

After that, the blood always goes, its presence can be called confirmation of the injury, along with other symptoms.

fungus or candidiasis

This disease is caused by yeast-like fungi that settle on the middle ear. The infection is accompanied by the release of blood from copious to weak.

Injury after impact

When blood vessels rupture after a blow to the ear, the blood usually bleeds for a long time, but not very profusely.

If you cannot understand why the ear is bleeding, it is better to consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment.

What to do about ear bleeding

First aid for internal ear injuries is to lay a cotton swab with an antiseptic. They can also wipe small abrasions or torn pimples on the ears. If you have otitis media, then analgesics are usually prescribed, as well as warming up.

You can do it in the hospital, but why not try it at home with warm camphor oil. After warming up, the ear is washed with a normal saline solution, which is sold in every pharmacy. Ear injuries and a ruptured eardrum should only be treated in a hospital.

Why You Shouldn't Delay Your Visit to the Doctor

If it turns out that the blood from the ear provokes not a scratch at all, but something more significant, you need to be on the lookout. The ear is in close proximity to the brain, which is why there is a danger of infection.

All changes in the body should be observed very carefully. If, in addition to bleeding, any other symptoms are present: nausea, itching, hearing loss, headaches, fever, you must definitely inform your doctor about this.

In the event that nothing dangerous is revealed, the wound will simply be treated for you. But real ear diseases sometimes require long-term and serious treatment. For example, severe otitis media is most often overcome in a hospital, because, among other things, it is accompanied by fever.

Benign and especially malignant ear tumors require an early examination by an oncologist who can decide whether urgent surgery is needed. If you delay the solution of oncological problems, this is fraught with serious threats to health.

The material was updated on 05/11/2017

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The material is published for informational purposes only and under no circumstances can be considered a substitute for medical advice from a specialist in a medical institution. The site administration is not responsible for the results of using the posted information. For diagnostics and treatment, as well as prescribing medications and determining the scheme for taking them, we recommend that you contact your doctor.

Bleeding from the ears: causes, how to treat

Bleeding from the ear is a dangerous symptom that occurs as a result of injury or a number of diseases. Ear bleeding indicates a pathology in the body. This phenomenon is a serious reason for contacting an otolaryngologist, who will determine the cause of the appearance of blood and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The special structure of the auditory analyzer and earwax, which has a bactericidal effect, protect the inner ear and brain from infection from the external environment. When exposed to adverse factors, sulfur loses its beneficial properties, liquefies, ceases to protect the human body from microbes, making the ears most vulnerable.

The causes of ear bleeding are very diverse and very serious. Ear bleeding is a warning sign that should not be ignored.


Mechanical damage

  • Scratches and abrasions are formed on the skin of the ear canal as a result of cleaning the ears with cotton swabs. This is the most common cause of ear bleeding, which is minor and ends in a crust. Dried blood must be removed. Scratches and abrasions of the ear canal heal on their own and do not require treatment and observation.
  • While cleaning the ear canal with a stick, a push of a person under the elbow is possible. In this case, pain occurs, and blood appears on the stick. At the appointment, the doctor finds a blood clot in the ear and an intact eardrum.
  • An injury to the eardrum leads to a slight release of blood from the ear. Cleaning the ears with improvised objects damages the ear canal, the membrane ruptures, blood is released in small quantities and quickly stops.
  • Injuries to the skull are almost always accompanied by bleeding from the ears, which is a threat to life. When the bones of the skull are fractured, the temporal region and the tympanic cavity are injured, the tympanic membrane is torn, the main vessels and the mucous membrane of the middle ear are damaged, and bleeding occurs. A skull fracture is a fairly rare occurrence that occurs as a result of severe trauma. The cranial bone is considered one of the most durable structures of the human body, which is associated with its main function - protecting the brain from damage. When the skull is fractured, severe bleeding from the ears occurs, which can lead to deafness. Treatment of a fracture of the base of the skull is carried out in the traumatological or neurosurgical department of a medical institution.
  • With an ear injury, ear bleeding often opens. The blow causes damage to the blood vessels, they burst, and blood flows out of the ear. Ear bleeding in this case is prolonged, but not strong. It is almost impossible to stop it on your own, you need the help of a specialist.
  • In children, a common cause of blood from the ear is a foreign body - small parts of toys, coins, buttons. It is not always possible to detect these objects in a child's ear in time. A foreign object in the ear leads to the development of inflammation and bleeding, which requires a visit to a specialist.


Infectious and inflammatory pathology of the tympanic membrane - miringitis develops as a result of infection from the external environment or the tympanic cavity. Patients are concerned about pain, intoxication, tinnitus. If untreated, a severe form of inflammation develops, which is accompanied by ear bleeding. In children, miringitis is manifested by the appearance of blood and vesicles with serous contents.

Another etiological factor in bleeding from the ear is the furuncle of the external auditory canal. Injuries and abrasions on the skin are the entrance gate for viruses and bacteria that enter the wound and cause limited purulent inflammation of the hair follicle. With a decrease in the overall resistance of the body, saprophytic and epidermal staphylococci penetrate the hair follicle and cause the development of a pathological process. A furuncle can reach enormous sizes and outwardly resemble a giant pimple or neoplasm. In addition to local symptoms - throbbing pain and swelling in the ear, patients have signs of general intoxication - fever, chills, weakness. The furuncle bursts after maturation, pus is released along with the blood, the condition of the patients is normalized. Only a specialist has the right to open the abscess. He makes an incision, removes the purulent contents and treats the wound with antiseptics.

Ear candidiasis is an opportunistic mycosis that affects the skin and mucous membranes. The causative agent of pathology are yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. The walls of inflamed blood vessels lose their elasticity, become thinner and break. This is how ear bleeding develops. Pathology is manifested by itching in the ears, the appearance of copious discharge, maceration of the skin and often leads to deafness. Blood from the ear is a severe complication of candidiasis that develops only in advanced cases in the absence of adequate treatment.

Ear bleeding sometimes occurs with acute otitis media. Usually its appearance is preceded by fever, earache, purulent discharge. Blood from the ear departs along with purulent contents.


  • A tumor in the tympanic cavity often causes bleeding from the ear. A neoplasm, depending on the size and location, can be detected with the naked eye in the ear canal. It can protrude beyond the outer ear or be located in the tympanic cavity. In patients with this, there is pain in the ears, dizziness, hearing loss.
  • A polyp in the ear canal is a local complication of chronic suppurative otitis media that develops in the absence of timely treatment. This is a pathological growth of the tissue of the ear canal, which periodically bleeds. Polyps are attached to the mucous membrane with a wide base or thin stem. Purulent and bloody discharge are symptoms of polyps in the ears. They can only be removed surgically.
  • Ear carcinoma is a malignant tumor that grows from the epithelial cells of the middle ear. Reaching a significant size, it puts pressure on the blood vessels that are damaged. This is how ear bleeding occurs.

Change in pressure

  1. In people with hypertension, ear bleeding is the result of high blood pressure. Patients are concerned about headache, dizziness, nausea, throbbing in the head, pain in the back of the head, flies before the eyes, redness of the face. With a sharp rise in pressure, blood flows from the nose and ears at the same time. An antihypertensive drug will help normalize the level of blood pressure. Since nosebleeds are a dangerous symptom, you need to call an ambulance.
  2. Divers are most prone to bleeding from their ears. This is due to a sharp dive to the depth and rise to the surface. Sudden pressure surges lead to rupture of the eardrum, which is often accompanied by the appearance of bloody discharge from the ear.


Treatment for bleeding from the ears depends on the underlying cause. To determine it, you need to contact a specialist who will examine the ear and provide qualified medical care.

At home, the patient must be seated and tilt his head down and to the side. This will allow the blood to flow out freely. It is forbidden to close the ear canal with tampons. Only after making sure that the bleeding has stopped, you should treat the lesion with an antiseptic solution and apply a bandage. Ice will help stop bleeding from the ear.

  • Scratches and abrasions of the auricle and ear canal are usually accompanied by minor bleeding. The blood stops on its own, forming a crust on the surface. In this case, the ear must be washed with warm water, and the scratch should be smeared with any antiseptic.
  • If a foreign body has become the cause of ear bleeding, then you should not pull it out yourself. This can lead to pushing the object inside and worsening the patient's condition. Sharp objects in a child's ear can damage delicate internal structures.
  • For the treatment of bacterial otitis, antibiotics are used, fungal - antimycotic ointments and drops. At home, you can rinse the auricle with warm saline and drip warm olive oil into the ear. If there is blood from the ear in acute otitis media, this indicates damage to deep-lying tissues and the development of purulent inflammation and even meningitis. Treatment for this condition is more serious, including antimicrobials, painkillers, camphor oil, badger fat.
  • The general treatment of the furuncle of the ear canal is to strengthen the immune system, relieve pain and use antibiotics, local treatment of the abscess in the process of maturation with boric acid, and after opening it, removal of the exudate with warm saline.
  • Damage and rupture of the eardrum is always accompanied by bleeding from the ear. Usually, patients clean their ears and find blood on a cotton swab. It is possible that the membrane may be damaged during cleaning of the ears with improvised means, careless children's games, with a sharp immersion under water or rising to the surface. A patient with a damaged membrane and ear bleeding needs rest. A swab moistened with an antiseptic is inserted into the affected ear.
  • With injuries of the skull, blood flows profusely from the ear. The condition of patients is critical, they need qualified medical care. A hematoma forms in the cranial cavity, which ruptures over time, and blood flows out. It is necessary to lay the patient down, ensure an unhindered exit of blood and call an ambulance. It is forbidden to stop bleeding or treat the ear on your own.
  • Treatment of ear candidiasis is carried out with antimycotic agents. For this, the patient is prescribed Candibiotic drops, Clotrimazole ointment, in advanced cases, oral tablets Intraconazole, Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Nystatin.

Blood from the ear, whether it is a slight discharge or its profuse leakage, requires a mandatory and urgent consultation with a doctor. The fact is that there can be many reasons for bleeding from the organ of hearing, and some of them are very dangerous. Only a specialist will be able to find out the causes of the pathology affecting the ears and prescribe adequate treatment.

Causes of bleeding from the ears

If you find yourself bleeding from your ears, then first of all, you need to understand the cause of the bleeding. In the beginning, you need to carefully examine the visible surface of the ear, since abrasions and scratches, both the auricle and the external ear canal, can lead to minor bleeding. With this type of bleeding, not much blood is released, drying up, it forms a crust. All that is required of you in this case is to rinse your ear with warm water and, if necessary, lubricate the abrasion with an antiseptic.


If ear bleeding is accompanied by symptoms such as ear congestion, pain in the pinna, throbbing pain in the head, then it is possible to assume that you have developed - middle ear filling.

By its origin, otitis can be infectious, viral and fungal etiology. This fact should be taken into account when prescribing treatment for otitis media. So if otitis is of fungal origin, then antibiotics will not help. You need to use antifungal ointments that are placed in the ear.

Predisposing factors contributing to the onset of the disease include:

  • hypothermia of the head and ears,
  • long listening to loud music in headphones,
  • infectious processes in the body,
  • bathing in natural reservoirs that do not meet hygienic standards.

With any type of otitis, it is advisable to refrain from treatment for the first twenty-four hours, since there is a possibility of spontaneous recovery. In this case, the auricle should be washed with warm 0.9% saline. A good effect can be obtained with the help of heated olive oil, it should be dripped into the ear 2-3 drops.

If after a day, relief has not come, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe a more specific treatment. If timely and complete treatment of acute otitis media is not carried out, then according to the anatomical continuation, the inflammatory process can go further and lead to complications. In this case, the disease will already be called, and this is already much more serious.

Unlike simple otitis, when there is no general reaction of the body, in this case, there is an increase in body temperature to 38.5 - 40.0 degrees, malaise. At the same time, on the part of the ear, there is severe pain, with a large amount of pus flowing out of the ear with an admixture of blood, in the morning, instead of pus, a significant amount of blood can flow from the ear. And this is not a completely favorable symptom, which indicates that the filling of the middle ear began to progress and capture deeper tissues.

A high probability, with such a symptom, is the development of a serious brain disease, meningitis. Therefore, if you feel severe pain in your ear, notice bleeding from the ear and the fact that the temperature has risen more than 38.0 degrees, you should immediately consult a doctor. To relieve pain, analgesics can be used, in order to facilitate the process of instilling warm camphor oil into the ear, there is nothing better from folk methods for treating otitis media than badger or bear fat.

Having dripped an ear with such fat several times, you can forget about otitis for a long time. Do not forget that purulent otitis media can also occur as an independent disease. This happens from hypothermia, reduced immunity. Bleeding from the ears can occur when boils form in two or one ear, this is a replenishment of the hair follicle.

It becomes inflamed when the body's resistance is low, when the defenses are so weak that staphylococci, which are found in any person on the surface of the skin, penetrating into the hair follicle cause inflammation. In this case, at the beginning of the disease, only soreness in the auricle is noted, but after 2-3 days, you can feel a painful, fluctuating swelling, which can periodically bleed.

During this period, general changes in the body begin to appear, headache, fever, both general and local in the ear itself. The ear is swollen, reddened, enlarged. Subsequently, the boil bursts and pus with an admixture of blood is released from it. General treatment should be aimed at strengthening the body's immunity, lowering body temperature, and relieving pain.

And as a local therapy, at the stage when the boil is just beginning to mature, lubricate it several times a day with a solution of boric acid. After the boil opens, remove the accumulated exudate with warm saline.

Tympanic membrane rupture or skull fracture

Bleeding from the ear can also occur under the influence of mechanical factors, in this case, or a fracture of the bones of the skull occurs.

A rupture of the eardrum can occur due to careless cleaning of the ear with improvised means, in children during the game, in divers or people involved in diving from a sharp ascent or dive under water. A fracture of the skull bones can occur both in an accident and in a blow to the head, or a person, for example, can slip and fall, hitting his head hard.

After an injury, bleeding can develop immediately. In this case, there is an abundant discharge of blood, and may not appear at first. In this case, the victim will feel tinnitus, headache, dizziness. These signs mean that after the injury, a hematoma began to form in the cranium, which at any moment can burst and the blood will either remain in the cranium or flow out of the ear.

In the event of ear bleeding of this etiology, in no case should the ear be washed with anything, and nothing should be dripped into the ear. All that is needed is to create complete rest for the victim, to give a horizontal position, it is possible to insert a swab moistened with an antiseptic solution into the ear and urgently call an ambulance.


Against the background of long-term use of antibiotics, in the treatment of any disease, candidiasis can occur, it is caused by a yeast fungus from the genus Candida. With this disease, the main symptoms will be progressive deafness, itching in the ear and bleeding. For treatment, you need to use antifungal drugs, such as nystatin, levorin, they need to be taken orally. For external use, it is possible to use any antifungal ointment, laying it in the ear.

What to do if blood flows from the ear

What to do if, under the influence of some external factors, there was a discharge from the ear (or from the ears) of blood? Since self-medication with the appearance of bloody discharge from the ear can only aggravate the situation, you need to urgently consult a doctor to find out the reason that caused this condition. A prerequisite for abundant bleeding from the ear canal will be a manifestation of calmness, the patient should remain at rest, preferably in a supine position.

If the blood from the ear is caused by a blow or an accident, no active action is required. It is enough to lay the patient on a hard surface, in the passage of the outer ear, you can put cotton swabs to absorb blood and prevent infection from getting inside. Calling a doctor in this case is mandatory and urgent.

When blood is released with existing boils in the ears or a shallow wound or damage to the skin of the ear canal, you can wash the affected area with a disinfectant solution (for example, a very weak solution of potassium permanganate), eliminating the possibility of pathogenic bacteria entering the wound that can cause inflammation in the tissues. It is also good to put a loose cotton swab in the washed passage to stop and absorb the outgoing blood.

Ear bleeding treatment

Prevention of bleeding from the ears

As a preventive measure to prevent bleeding from the ear, it is necessary to carefully monitor the inflammatory processes in the body and treat them in time.

It is impossible to deeply penetrate foreign objects into the ear when cleaning them. Do not categorically use sharp objects when cleaning the ears, they can pierce the eardrum.

One of the main preventive measures is the observance of hygiene rules. At the slightest sign of the appearance of blood from the ear canals, it is necessary to appear to a specialist for an initial examination and the appointment of a set of measures to eliminate this unpleasant syndrome.

Questions and answers on the topic "Bleeding from the ear"

Question:Hello, 4 days ago, I received a blow in the ear with the hand of another person, there was blood and ringing in the ears, the ear does not hear half, in the morning blood flows out of the ear, what to do, I don’t want to see a doctor)

Answer: You need to see a doctor for examination and treatment.

Question:Hello! We have suppurative otitis media. In the morning, the flow of blood and pus, what do you advise us.

Answer: The main treatment for acute suppurative otitis media is an antibacterial drug (for example, amoxiclav). Additional measures - the toilet of the ear canal (gently clean the discharge with a cotton swab), as well as drops in the ear: dancil or otofa. But, you need to see a doctor for examination and treatment. Perhaps, in a severe form of the disease, therapy in an otolaryngological hospital will be required.

Question:Hello, the problem is this: my son, 12 years old, dived in the pool, took water in his ear, felt water in his ear for two days, there were no complaints about pain, temperature too, pressed on the tragus - he complained that it hurt. I dripped otipax at night, in the morning I saw traces of gore. There was no temperature and no pain either, the throat was slightly red. Lor diagnosed acute otitis media and said that the membrane was perforated, prescribed otophane treatment and antibiotics. Drops inside the ear do not pass, everything pours out. Sulfur deposits and traces of gore are visually visible. How do drops get inside? Is the treatment correct?

Answer: Hello. Yes, the treatment is correct. Additionally, you need to make an ear toilet: 3% hydrogen peroxide solution; instill a couple of drops of room temperature into the ear canal, wipe everything that flows out of the ear with a napkin or cotton swab, without getting deep. Do this procedure 2-3 times a day, then you can use otofu. I would also supplement the treatment with a nose drop Protargol 2 drops 2-3 times a day and an antihistamine drug at one standard dose 1 time per day. It is important to protect the ear from water and heat. After 3 days of treatment, a re-examination and a complete blood count are mandatory.

Question:Hello. A couple of weeks ago, during the usual procedure for cleaning the ears with a cotton swab, not deep, in the right ear, blood remained on the cotton. Assuming a possible detachment of the dried crust, we left this ear alone. However, recently, again during cleaning, again blood and unpleasant sensations when touched with a stick (everything was done very carefully, it was hardly possible to cause tissue injury during this procedure). Looking into the ear a few days later, they found either crusts or something membranous, quite close to the exit to the auricle. At the same time, the hearing did not become weaker. Thank you!

Answer: Hello. The skin of the external auditory canal is very delicate and it is possible to injure it during the toileting of the ear (removal of wax) even with little effort. In view of this, it is recommended to carry out the toilet of the ears outside. Conducting it in the deep sections of the ear canal can lead to injury, as well as injury to the eardrum, followed by the development of inflammation. Therefore, in order to finally understand the situation, to avoid the development of inflammation, it is advisable to contact an ENT doctor.

Question:Hello. My mother-in-law had a severe earache in the evening. On the advice of her father-in-law, she put cotton wool with boric alcohol in her ear. After a while there was a hiss in his ear and blood gushed out. Advise what to do?

Answer: Hello. An immediate ENT examination is required.

Question:Hello. What to do if the ear is damaged with a cotton swab?

Answer: Hello. When blood appears from the ear cavity, it is necessary: ​​carefully examine the ear, identify damage; wash the affected area with warm water; lubricate with antiseptic. If the injured place soon became covered with a crust and the pain disappeared, then the eardrum is intact and there is no reason for concern. For prolonged discomfort in the ear canal, you should consult a doctor.

Question:Hello. Why does the ear bleed?

Answer: Hello. Bleeding from the ear can be due to several reasons. If you carelessly remove wax from the ear, and even using sharp objects, you can damage the skin of the external auditory canal and even the eardrum. Blood can come from the ear with otitis media when the eardrum perforates. With head injuries, there may also be bleeding from the ear. In some diseases, the vessels become fragile, the slightest scratch can lead to bleeding. A certain amount of blood is also released when an abscess is opened in the external auditory canal.

Question:Hello, please tell me what it is, from what and what to do, my daughter began to cough and a runny nose began, they called the doctor to the house, they sent us for an x-ray of the lungs, they didn’t find anything, and tonight blood came from the ear, she didn’t complain about pain.

Answer: Hello. This is similar to bullous otitis, usually occurs when a virus is affected. I do not know the age of my daughter, but it is better to be treated permanently. There may be ear problems.

Question:Hello, they removed the sulfur plug from the baby and in the evening blood began to flow. What is this?

Answer: Hello. Hello! Most likely they upset the skin of the external auditory canal during washing. Place a cotton swab with Chlorhexidine to prevent infection.


The situation, when the bridge of the nose and the head hurt at the same time, most often indicates a pathology of the nasopharynx, a cold, or a neurological problem. In each of these cases, the patient needs specific assistance, the quality of which depends on the speed of his recovery. Taking painkillers in this case should be only one of the many components of therapy. An integrated professional approach to combating anxiety symptoms will allow you to achieve relief in a short time, reduce the risk of complications, and prevent the development of side effects.

What can cause nose bridge and head pain

Soreness in the region of the nose against the background of cephalalgia in 90% of cases occurs as a result of a runny nose. Swelling of the nasal mucosa leads to an increase in its volume, blocking the normal air flow. This provokes oxygen starvation of the brain, which is manifested by pain in the head. The situation is aggravated by the presence of an inflammatory process, intoxication of the body.

If the bridge of the nose and forehead hurt, but there is no runny nose, this may be a sign:

  • wearing uncomfortable glasses - inappropriate lenses force a person to strain their eyes. A frame that is too tight disrupts the flow of blood in the region of the bridge of the nose;

Learn more about the impact of uncomfortable glasses on cephalalgia in this

These problems can manifest themselves exclusively as pain in the head and between the eyebrows, which complicates the diagnosis. If you experience discomfort, do not act on your own. It is better to immediately seek help from a professional in order to prevent the situation from aggravating.


A viral infection is the result of the vital activity of an aggressive pathogen. The sooner profile treatment is started, the lower the risk of complications. Pathology develops rapidly, is clearly manifested, it is difficult to ignore it. At the same time, cephalgia is initially localized in the region of the bridge of the nose and forehead, gradually capturing the entire cranium. It becomes a reaction of the body to the release of toxins by the virus, dehydration of tissues.

Signs to help recognize the flu:

  • a sharp jump in body temperature up to 38-40 ° C;
  • soreness in the joints, aching muscles, worsening of the general condition;
  • headache is obsessive, intense, radiates to the eyes, practically does not respond to analgesics;
  • nasal congestion, the release of clear mucus from it at the initial stage;
  • cough on the second day.

Therapy should be aimed at eliminating the pathogen. If you start taking antiviral drugs on time, relief will come in 2-3 days. Additionally, there is a fight against dehydration of the body, exceeding 38.5 ° C temperature. The patient's immunity is strengthened with the help of vitamins, natural or chemical biostimulants.

Swelling of the nasopharynx

An increase in the volume of the nasal mucosa can occur in response to its irritation with mechanical particles, allergens, pathogens, an increase or decrease in ambient temperature. The patient feels bursting sensations in the nasopharyngeal region, but at the same time, his forehead does not necessarily hurt. Often the discomfort is concentrated in the back of the head. Treatment is selected depending on the causes of the problem. This may be the local use of vasoconstrictor drugs, washing the nasal passages with saline or an antiseptic, taking antihistamines.


Inflammation of the organ of hearing is often accompanied by a headache. The sensations are sharp, shooting, give to the temple, forehead, bridge of the nose on one side.

Sometimes, against this background, a runny nose occurs. The disease itself is characterized by discomfort in the affected ear, decrease in its functionality, discharge from the ear canal. Depending on the degree of organ damage, body temperature may rise, signs of intoxication of the body appear. The diagnosis is made by the ENT, he also selects a treatment regimen. Most often, it is based on taking antibiotics, local treatment of the problem area, symptomatic therapy.


In people who neglect the treatment of colds, acute respiratory viral infections or flu, pain in the nose area often turns out to be a sign of damage to the paranasal sinuses. Inflammation of the cavities in the texture of the skull becomes a consequence of a violation of the outflow of mucus from the nose, the passage of pathogens to nearby tissues, and the filling of voids with pus. At the same time, the clinical picture intensifies, all symptoms become aggravated. The patient is rapidly getting worse, alternative methods of therapy and self-selected medicines cease to bring relief.


With inflammation of the frontal sinuses, cephalalgia is localized in the region of the nose, extending to the front of the head, temples. Bursting and pressing pains on the forehead are complemented by a general deterioration in well-being, discharge from the nose, and fever. Often, swelling appears between the eyebrows, the upper eyelids swell. Palpation of the area or tapping on it exacerbates the symptoms.

The pain also increases with bending over. It is especially pronounced immediately after waking up, may be aggravated by prolonged stay in a horizontal position. Treatment involves taking antibiotics, draining the affected cavity, fighting the symptoms of the disease.


If the head in the region of the nose hurts a lot after a cold, flu or hypothermia, it is important to exclude inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. The condition is accompanied by fever, bursting cephalgia, swelling of the cheeks, weakness, loss of appetite. In the absence of treatment or non-compliance with the doctor's recommendations, the condition can become chronic. The clinical picture will not be so pronounced at normal or slightly elevated temperatures. Therapy is aimed at combating the pathogen, eliminating inflammation, strengthening immunity. In advanced cases, the sinuses are pierced, then drained and washed.

Neurological pathologies

The front of the skull is riddled with numerous nerve endings. Their inflammation, pinching or irritation by swollen tissues can also provoke the appearance of local cephalalgia.

Pain in the head and nose area may indicate:

  • neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve - a consequence of untreated sinusitis according to all the rules. The pain is arching, paroxysmal, pressing on the head in the nose area, aggravated by bending over. It can keep for several days. On the skin of the nose, around it, on the surface of the mucosa, a herpetic rash often appears;
  • ganglioneuritis - inflammation of the nerve node, which extends to its processes. The pain is concentrated in the bridge of the nose, it can capture the eyes, teeth and gums. Attacks lasting from a couple of minutes to a day are accompanied by lacrimation, redness of the skin, mucus discharge from the nostril on the problem side.

Treatment of conditions is carried out strictly under the supervision of a physician. Attempts to cope with the problem on your own will not give a pronounced result. Experiments with analgesics, heating, compresses can cause complications.

Features of diagnostics

With discomfort in the area of ​​​​the bridge of the nose, it is better not to delay a visit to a specialist. In the absence of concomitant symptoms, you can try to remove cephalalgia using folk methods. Against the background of a vivid clinical picture, it is recommended to go to a therapist or ENT. It is mandatory to pass a general blood and urine test, measure temperature, blood pressure, pulse. Additional diagnostic methods for different types of headache are selected by the attending physician. This may be an x-ray of the affected area of ​​​​the skull, the collection of biomaterial from the nose, functional tests. Sometimes the situation can be sorted out only with the help of CT or MRI.

Principles of treatment

The treatment regimen, regardless of the complexity of the diagnosis, is selected by the doctor. In some cases, everything is limited to general strengthening measures, in others, systematic washing of the nasal passages is required. Medicines are also allowed only with the permission of a specialist. Attempts to cure viral diseases with antibacterial agents will only worsen the situation. Untimely refusal to take medication threatens the transition of the acute form of a number of diseases into a chronic one.

With a mild symptom, you can try the following methods of alleviating the condition:

  • acupressure - stimulation of the biological point between the eyebrows is permissible in the absence of signs of swelling of the tissues;
  • cold on the bridge of the nose - a towel soaked in cool water is applied for 5-7 minutes, after which the effect is evaluated. Can be repeated up to 4-5 times;
  • aromatherapy - inhalation of essential oils will help only in the absence of nasal congestion;
  • inhalations with sea salt - with a strong swelling of the mucous membrane, inhalation of hot steam from water with the addition of this natural ingredient helps a lot.

With the permission of the doctor, washing of the nasal passages is allowed. To do this, you can use ready-made pharmaceutical solutions based on sea salt or self-prepared liquids. For these purposes, decoctions with chamomile or sage, a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate are also used.

Pain in the head in the region of the nose can be aching or bursting, intense or slightly distinguishable. Due to the specifics of localization, even with a mild degree of severity of the problem, it is necessary to establish the cause of its occurrence. Refusal of diagnostics and therapy threatens with chronic pathologies, brain damage, and the development of emergency conditions.

Headache and nosebleeds are signs of serious illnesses that can threaten a person's life. The reasons for the frequent occurrence of these conditions are very diverse, therefore, if such symptoms appear, you should immediately seek advice from a doctor who will identify why it develops and how to deal with it.

Specialists distinguish the following two types of nosebleeds:

  1. Front. It has a low intensity and, as a rule, stops on its own or after first aid.
  2. rear. It occurs as a result of damage to large capillaries, is more intense and can lead to serious blood loss. It is almost impossible to stop this type of bleeding on your own.

There are also cases when the red liquid rises up the nasolacrimal canal and exits directly through the orbit.


The factors for the occurrence of spasms in the occipital, temporal and frontal regions of the head, along with bleeding from the nose, can be of a different nature. These include both ordinary mechanical damage due to impact, and signs of serious pathologies.

In adults

In children and older people, the causes of the appearance of such conditions differ. In most cases, the development of such pathologies is observed in the fairer sex, less often in men.

External factors

Regular nosebleeds and headaches occur precisely because of external factors. Among them are the following:

  • dry indoor air, which increases the fragility of blood vessels and reduces their elasticity;
  • overheating of the body its signs are fever, nosebleeds, fainting, ringing in the ears, weakness and headaches;
  • pressure surges(flights, high ascents or deep diving);
  • traumatic brain injury or damage to the respiratory system;
  • excessive use of vasoconstrictors;
  • radiation exposure;
  • allergic reaction;
  • electric shock;
  • burn of the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • body intoxication;
  • coughing(tracheitis, bronchitis);
  • use drugs;
  • side effects from taking medications.

Physiological factors

The causes of epistaxis (bleeding from the nose) and headache are some features of human physiology or various ailments, including the following:

  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • hormonal imbalance (adolescence, pregnancy, medication, menopause);
  • stroke;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • meningitis;
  • sudden jumps in blood pressure as a result of weather changes;
  • overwork of the body;
  • malignant tumors in the brain or nasal cavity.

To avoid possible serious consequences, with frequent headaches and bleeding, it is recommended to consult a doctor for an examination.

Hypertensive crisis

This condition is characterized by high blood pressure. It can be identified by the following features:

  • starts dizzy;
  • swelling of the face;
  • vision deteriorates;
  • in the ears are heard hum and ringing;
  • goes nosebleeds;
  • arises headache;
  • starts feel sick;
  • appears tachycardia.

If a person notices similar symptoms caused by something (for example, a flight), you should immediately lie down and call a doctor.

Inflammation in the upper respiratory tract

As a result of the action of these factors, the patient experiences spasms when tilting the head, congestion of the nasal passages and poor health.

Inflammatory processes can be provoked by:

  • drying of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx;
  • excessive blowing;
  • use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops.


Common factors that cause headaches and nosebleeds are damage to body tissues by external influences. It can be both bruises, foreign bodies entering the nasal passages, and compression of the brain.

Injuries can be accompanied by low blood pressure, dizziness, nervousness, sleep disturbances, and trouble concentrating.


Various allergic reactions cause headaches resulting from a large amount of mucus in the organ of smell. Pressure in the nasal passages can cause epistaxis.

For the treatment of allergies, antihistamines are used (Suprastin, Zodak, Prednisolone).

Diseases of the circulatory system

As a result of the development of a large number of serious illnesses (flu, vasculitis, rubella, etc.), the walls of the capillaries become thinner, which leads to the destruction of these vessels. Pathologies of the kidneys, adrenal glands and heart increase pressure, as a result of which the integrity of the capillary walls suffers. Diseases associated with impaired blood clotting lead to constant bleeding from the nose.

Epistaxis usually occurs on one side of the organ, but if excessive resistance occurs, it can also move to the other.

In children

The most common causes of bleeding and headaches in teenagers are:

  • mechanical damage to the nose, including injuries and foreign objects in the passages;
  • TBI;
  • wrong therapy diseases of the mucous membrane of the olfactory organ.

In young children, the development of such ailments can be provoked by:

  • nose picking;
  • recurring SARS;
  • incorrect blowing technology;
  • sensitivity of the nasopharyngeal mucosa to external factors.

With dizziness, nausea and bruising, it is not recommended to self-medicate - you should consult a doctor.

During pregnancy

Women in position are often tormented by headaches and nosebleeds. However, these conditions are not dangerous if they occur less than once a trimester.

The main causes of discomfort are the following factors:

  • hormonal changes, accompanied by dizziness, nausea and nasal congestion;
  • lack of essential vitamins and microelements;
  • failures in the mechanism of blood coagulation;
  • high or low blood pressure, which can become a serious threat to the life of the fetus;
  • late toxicosis;
  • rhinitis, SARS, acute respiratory infections or influenza;
  • overheat organism;
  • mechanical damage nose.

A woman should regularly undergo examinations by a gynecologist and take all the necessary tests, then the unpleasant consequences of ailments can be avoided.


To accurately understand the picture of the disease, which results in nosebleeds and cephalalgia, the doctor prescribes a series of studies to the patient, including:

  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • smears from the pharynx and nose;
  • general urine analysis;
  • head CT;
  • rhinoscopy;
  • research on toxins;
  • echo and rheoencephalography.

First aid

In the event of cephalalgia and blood from the nose, you need to be able to stop these symptoms. If in cases with a headache it is enough to take painkillers, then in case of bleeding it is important to know how to provide first aid:

  1. First of all, a person should not remain in a standing position. It should seat or help to take a semi-recumbent (head above the chest) position.
  2. Then you need to immediately unfasten top buttons or take off the scarf for oxygen access.
  3. The bridge needs to be cooled down, putting on it, for example, ice in gauze (no more than 10 minutes).
  4. To the back of the head recommended apply a cloth soaked in cold water.
  5. nostril from which blood flows pinch with your fingers or insert a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide or saline into it.
  6. Must be accepted headache medications("Analgin", "Paracetamol", etc.).
  7. After stop epistaxis The tampon must be removed very carefully. so as not to provoke damage to the mucosa.

If the blood does not stop for a long time and the person is in serious condition, then he needs to be laid on a flat horizontal surface, and his head turned to one side. Thus, it will be possible to prevent the flow of vomiting into the respiratory tract during a stroke. Only after taking these measures can you call an ambulance.

When bleeding from the nose, it is forbidden to tilt the head back so that the blood does not end up in the esophagus or respiratory tract.


To avoid such unpleasant phenomena as nosebleeds and headaches, the following recommendations must be observed:

  1. It is forbidden use too hot food and drinks.
  2. If recently Human already faced with the occurrence of epistaxis, That sports should be postponed for at least a week.
  3. Should accept drugs, strengthening capillary walls("Ascorutin", "Venoruton", nettle decoction).
  4. If recent bleeding episode, necessary wash your nose with sea salt for a while.
  5. It is recommended to include in the diet olive oil, seafood, legumes and cereals.
  6. The medicinal complexes taken must contain vitamins C, A, E, K, PP and group B.
  7. It is necessary to monitor the humidity and temperature in the room. In this case, it is recommended carry out regular ventilation and purchase a humidifier.
  8. Important avoid all possible situations that could lead to head injury.
  9. Recommended avoid conditions accompanied by severe fatigue and get more rest.
  10. Should limit time stay in the sun.
  11. Important completely refrain from drinking alcohol.


Bleeding from the nose, accompanied by a headache, requires special attention. This phenomenon may indicate various diseases and injuries, therefore, if such a condition occurs, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. To exclude the possibility of its occurrence, we advise you to lead a healthy lifestyle, do not overwork, monitor your well-being and take vitamins.

Fortunately, bleeding is not always a sign of a truly serious illness. Although, nevertheless, the appearance of blood is always a red stop signal: stop and check if everything is in order with you. This time we will tell you how to act with bleeding from the nose and ear.


One of the main reasons is a jump in arterial or intracranial pressure, which loads the vessels, and the weakest of them (in the nose!) burst, releasing excess blood. It’s worth worrying if nosebleeds happen regularly and no more than two weeks pass between them.

Another possible reason is the curvature of the nasal septum, due to which the integrity of the mucosa is violated, and the capillaries located in the nose are injured. The blood is usually sparse, watery, it does not flow in a trickle, but simply stains the handkerchief.

A similar dirty discharge occurs when you stay in very dry air for a long time, which makes the capillaries in the nose brittle and fragile. In these cases, ordinary water saves, which you need to wash your nose in the morning and evening. And vitamin C helps to strengthen blood vessels in the nose.

Other causes are overheating, strong, hypovitaminosis, physical overload, stress,. In all these cases, the bleeding is light, spotty, and irregular.

Dangerous! You should be wary if the blood comes often, if it is thick and plentiful, if the bleeding is accompanied by dizziness. Such symptoms can talk about, about serious, and vessels.

How to stop. It is not necessary to specifically stop minor, staining bleeding, it goes away on its own in a couple of minutes if you sit up straight and lower your head forward (not back!). In other cases, including those with injuries, ice or something cold should be placed on the bridge of the nose, inhaled deeply through the nose and exhaled through the mouth.


A common cause is trauma: abrasions, invisible damage to the auricle or ear canal. Even a pimple that has been torn off can “spray”.

If, in addition to slight bleeding, there is a feeling of congestion, pain in the ear and head, the cause is most likely otitis media. Worse, if it has passed into the stage of purulent, then the ear hurts unbearably, the blood flows out intensively, the temperature creeps up.

Bleeding from the ears can also appear during the formation, while along with the pain comes a feeling of swelling in the ear canal. When the swelling disappears, which is accompanied by an increase in the release of blood and pus, it means that it has burst, and then it will become easier.

Injury to the eardrum due to careless cleaning of the ear or while diving also leads to bleeding, and usually in this case, at first the bleeding is intense, then it stops. Another reason is a traumatic brain injury with the formation of a hematoma in the skull. Here the blood may not go immediately, but after the hematoma matures and spills - either (at best) from the ear, or (at worst) - inside the skull. With such an injury, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Blood from the ear begins to ooze with a fungal disease of candidiasis, which is accompanied by temporary deafness and itching in the ear.



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