Visual impairment due to the computer. Eyes and the computer: how the computer affects human vision

The total amount of time spent watching TV, tablet, phone or computer is increasing. All age categories affected by the above electronic devices. In order not to worsen your health, it is worth knowing whether the computer spoils your eyesight and how you can save it.

Can a computer harm your eyesight?

Disputes on this score have not subsided since the appearance of the first monitors. The discussion has been going on long years, although it is difficult to imagine a person who does not interact with monitors at all. Each side has reason to believe its opinion is correct.

The first monitors released had built-in electro-ray tubes. The radiation from such a device had a negative effect on a person, affecting not in the best way right before your eyes. Modern monitors manufactured using a different technology, they are equipped with a liquid crystal screen that does not emit anything.

But it should be understood that the influence of a computer on vision is noticeable not only because of the device of the monitor.

Why does a computer harm eyesight?

Vision deteriorates for several reasons:

  • Incorrect monitor setting. In preparation for work, you need to properly adjust the image characteristics. The lack of a clear picture, hard-to-read font and poor-quality text design lead to excessive eye strain. You need to set the correct resolution on monitor B ideal you need to achieve clarity of the picture, which will be easier to perceive with the eyes.
  • Excessive time being at the computer. Prolonged work can lead to a deterioration in vision from the monitor (whether it deteriorates completely or there is a chance to save it, we will consider it in preventive measures). At office workers, after a day of intensive work with a computer, there are unpleasant sensations in the eyes. There is a feeling of dryness, redness and fatigue of the eyes.
  • Lack of lighting. If you have to work in a dark room, there is a serious impact on optic nerve. It is difficult for the eye to quickly change from a light screen to a dark room.
  • Computer location. It is necessary, according to the norms, to install a computer and a monitor at a distance of 60 centimeters from the eyes.

Visual impairment symptoms

Every person's eyesight deteriorates with different speed. Some people sit at the computer for days without fatigue, while others find it hard to spend half the day at the monitor. The main symptoms by which you can determine that vision is falling from the computer look like this:

  1. Unpleasant sensation In eyes. The main indicators of eye fatigue: dryness, burning, tearing. Such symptoms are manifested, as a person, concentrating attention on the monitor, blinks less often.
  2. Blurring in the eyes. it next stage after being tired. If you work in a room with smoke or with insufficient lighting, your eyes will get tired faster.
  3. The appearance of pain in the neck, shoulders and back indicates that the body is in an uncomfortable position, which leads to insufficient saturation of organs with oxygen and blood, including the eyes.
  4. Dizziness and pain in the head. Considered the most dangerous symptom, which manifests itself when working at a computer for a long time.

Here the question immediately arises - does the computer spoil vision? With a fair degree of certainty, it can be argued that it spoils. But this process is different for each person. In order to prevent such a situation, it is necessary to give the eyes time to rest.

Possible Complications

All of the above symptoms appear due to long work at the computer. But these signs can also apply to serious illnesses eye. In order not to confuse the symptoms, it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist several times a year.

Prevention measures

A person will no longer be able to give up computers and all kinds of gadgets, so it is necessary to reduce the risk of spoiling the eyes. To do this, you need to follow simple rules, thanks to which it will be convenient for the eyes to work. The main rule is to use high-quality computer monitors that are safe for the eyes. Specialists give the following recommendations to save visual function up to the mark:

  • For painless work, it is recommended to set the smallest resolution on the monitor with a frequency of 80 Hz.
  • The contrast of the monitor is adjusted to the maximum, the picture should be clear.
  • The optimal eye distance from the monitor is 60-70 cm, and its inclination should not exceed 15 °. It should be deployed so that there are no extra glare.
  • When reading any information or watching a video, it is not recommended to stare hard at the object.
  • The eyes need rest: preferably every hour for five minutes.
  • Try to blink more often to prevent dry eyes.
  • If you have to spend a lot of time at the computer every day, you need to add foods that can positively affect vision (carrots, celery, blueberries, nuts) to your diet.
  • For work, they also wear special glasses that can relieve eye strain.
  • You should visit the ophthalmologist regularly.
  • Do exercises for the eyes at any free time.

Eye drops

To save vision, a person who spends a lot of time at the monitor needs eye drops from tired eyes. From the computer, namely, from its harm to the body, drugs of the following categories can help:

  1. Acting on the restoration of the mucous membrane of the eye.
  2. Providing hydration.
  3. Drops against edema.

The table below will help you understand this.

Gymnastics for the eyes

With the help of eye exercises, you can not only restore vision lost at work, but also achieve optimal performance. They are held twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. In this case, the head should be in a stationary state, and all exercises are performed with the same eyes. Their movements should be as amplitude as possible. The following course is running:

The whole complex consists of 8 repetitions for each exercise. After completing the execution, the eyes need to be given a rest (rapid blinking). After the end of the general gymnastics, you can cover your eyes with your hands and rest for at least 10 minutes.

To complicate the task for yourself, the exercises are carried out with closed eyelids, so the lens of the eye is additionally massaged.

Whether it spoils or falls for other reasons, but the above exercises can help restore it if the case does not belong to the category of neglected ones.

How to relax after a long work at the computer?

After a long day at work, the eyes need proper rest. Playing in computer games or watching TV shows, this will not work. Useful are:

  • warming up all the muscles of the back and neck;
  • do not forget about exercises for the eyes;
  • recommended to drink plain water and eat fruit;
  • wear eyeglasses;
  • drink tea to improve vision, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.

Quite a few important point It is considered the use of vitamin A, it is useful for the retina. It is recommended to drink it in courses, permanent application forbidden.

So, does the computer spoil vision? Yes, it is clear to everyone what spoils. But it is also clear that following simple rules prevention and giving rest to the eyes after hard work, you can not complain about its deterioration for many years.

In our age of rapidly striding forward technical progress an increasing number of people are faced with one or another visual impairment already in quite young age. One of the main reasons for this is great amount the time that modern people spend looking at the monitors of various electronic devices that have become indispensable attributes Everyday life. Visual impairment is especially common in people who, by the nature of their professional activities, have to work at a computer for a long time.

Why is this happening

The main cause of vision problems from working at a computer is constant stress, which leads to eye fatigue. There is a common misconception that modern LCD monitors do not harm eyesight, but this is not true. Of course, they cause less damage to the eyes than older models with high radiation. However, research convincingly proves that the perception of text or pictures from the screen of any monitor causes a lot of eye strain.

The image on the screen, in fact, consists of constantly flickering dots, and in order to perceive it normally, a lot of energy is required and an increased consumption of rhodopsin, the main visual pigment that is produced in the retina. And when not proper organization workplace, insufficient or too strong lighting and the absence of interruptions in work at the computer is negative impact increases many times, leading to overwork of the visual organs.

The result of all this is a violation of the work of the eye muscles, overstrain, circulatory disorders, soreness, dryness and redness of the eyes. If you do not pay attention to these alarming symptoms, then as a result, various violations refraction, and premature aging retina, leading to very serious pathologies.

What to do

In order to maintain vision when working at a computer, first of all, attention should be paid to the proper organization of the workplace and routine. labor day. If the light falls directly on the screen, the image becomes faded, which causes additional eye strain. You should also avoid placing the monitor in front of a window opening, as the sharp contrast causes eye strain. In addition, you need to make sure that the screen is clean, since its pollution also affects eye strain.

At long work at the computer, it is absolutely necessary to take breaks about every forty minutes and do gymnastics for the eyes in order to normalize blood circulation and the work of the eye muscles. You can also use special "computer glasses" that protect your eyes from overexertion.

You should also pay attention to your diet. With elevated visual loads it is necessary to provide the body with foods rich in vitamins A, C, D and E, drink special herbal teas for eye health. Blueberries are very useful for vision.

If at permanent job at the computer, a decrease in visual acuity, pain in the eyes and other anxiety symptoms, you should seek help from an ophthalmologist as soon as possible to avoid the development of more serious consequences.

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Myth 1. Carrots and blueberries are very good for vision.

Partially true. But in order to support good vision, these products should not be eaten much, but a lot. For example, for a person to get daily allowance vitamin A along with carrots, he should eat at least 5-6 kg per day. And the retina needs not only vitamin A, which everyone knows about, but also substances such as lutein and zeaxanthin. For example, there are a lot of them in marigolds and spinach. So they can also be included in the list of the most useful products for vision.

Myth 2. Cosmetics of poor quality or left overnight can ruin your eyesight.

No. It can ruin the eyelids and skin.

Myth 3. Vitamins and dietary supplements are very good for the eyes.

Yes, it’s true, but it’s worth using them without fanaticism. After all, they contain a complex of vitamins: for example, selenium and zinc, which are important for each of us, which also affect general state body and vision. They do not need to be drunk constantly, but doctors advise their patients to take such strengthening agents for three months, after which they should take a break.

Myth 4. Green color good for eyesight

This is partly true. Green has a beneficial effect on the psyche and calms, and yellow, by the way, too. But they have little to do with the eyes.

Myth 5. LCD screens protect against vision problems

No it is not true. Radiation comes from any television or computer screen. And the vision strains in front of any of them, even in front of a very good and modern one. Protective screens or LCD screens can absorb only part of the radiation, but not completely remove the danger.

Myth 6. To the modern child With early years not to do without TV and computer

This is a misconception that leads to vision problems in children due to the carelessness of their parents, who at the age of three sit the baby in front of the computer, and at five they are surprised that he does not see something. Ideally, a child aged 5-12 years should receive TV and a computer in doses: about 30-40 minutes twice a week. And for small children, a TV and a computer should be contraindicated at all.

Myth 7. School tablets are completely harmless.

More likely no than yes. Tablets can only be recommended to high school students and only if certain visual hygiene is observed. The teacher should make sure that every 10-15 minutes the children are distracted from working in front of the screens and switch to another type of activity.

Myth 8. When a child goes to school, the load on vision becomes so great that it will still fall.

Not true. There are certain rules, simple and important, that many of us know, but are too lazy to follow. And they, meanwhile, can help keep your eyes in order. AT lower grades the teacher should conduct gymnastics for the eyes. The lighting in which children work, read or write is also very important. Houses workplace for a schoolchild should also be equipped with all hygiene requirements. We also note that it is better for schoolchildren to visit an ophthalmologist several times during the school year, since it happens that in September the child has “1” vision, and in the spring he already sees only half of the table.

Myth 9. If children are given cuffs, the child may lose their sight.

The truth is that occipital part The brain is responsible for vision, so its damage is really fraught with vision problems. Well, cuffs in any way should not be given to children.

Myth 10. In a person working at a computer, the vision adapts to daily high loads.

Not true. Those who work at a computer need to visit an ophthalmologist every six months. Then on early stages you can detect some “malfunctions” with the eyes and try to eliminate them or slow down the development of the disease. If you wait bright severe symptoms, you can become one of those patients who, at the age of 35 or 40, come with the words: “Doctor, I can’t see anything.” And the doctor looks into the eyes and understands that the vision in one of them has already been irretrievably lost, while in the other it is rapidly declining.

Myth 11. Phones, iPhones and electronic books spoil vision

Yes, and they cause no less harm, but due to their own size and voltage, even more than stationary computers.

Myth 12. Reading books is no less harmful than playing at the computer.

Not true. So often argue those who themselves in childhood spoiled their eyesight, reading books under the covers with a flashlight in their hand. If you follow elementary rules in particular to monitor the lighting and right position while reading, it will not bring harm. Vision will deteriorate if you read in the dark, lying down or under the bright sun.

Myth 13. If I start wearing glasses, then I won’t tear them off

Not true. With minor changes in vision, it is enough to wear glasses for several months to see changes for the better.

Myth 14. Sunglasses bring more harm for the eyes than good

Look at the glasses. Sunglasses made of cheap Chinese plastic are definitely harmful, high-quality glass ones are useful. The fact is that glass absorbs the ultraviolet spectrum, while plastic transmits it.

Myth 15. It is useful to bury urine, honey and blueberry juice in the eyes.

Do not experiment with your vision like that. Urine therapy in the treatment of vision problems should not be carried away at all, and honey and blueberries can cause serious irritation and an allergic reaction. For those patients who really want to try similar methods eye healing, I advise you to bury honey, diluting it in a ratio of 1 to 10, and only in the absence adverse reactions make these drops more concentrated. Naturally, you should first make sure that the patient is not allergic to bee products.

Myth 16. Vision problems can help unconventional methods treatment: homeopathy, herbal medicine, acupuncture

Everything is good in the aggregate. They can help but not solve problems. I have not met a single patient who was completely cured by these methods. Many have lost their sight...

Myth 17. An ophthalmologist can only check visual acuity and fit glasses.

Not true at all. Some diseases such as diabetes or neoplastic diseases in the brain, often the first to be detected by ophthalmologists. Also, the state of the retina shows the consequences of traumatic brain injuries and some other conditions of the body as a whole.

The human eye is by nature a mobile organ. In them, the process of accommodation is constantly going on, that is, switching the gaze from distant objects to near ones. This allows a person to navigate in space. The eyelids also move. A person blinks about 20-25 times per minute.

Blinking keeps the surface of the eyes moist. When a person stops blinking, the mucous membrane dries up and an unpleasant burning sensation appears. And in principle, a person rarely looks at one point, preferring "slide" view of the world around.

The achievements of science and technology, of course, make human life easier and more interesting, but at the same time cause significant harm to health. Very noticeable damage was received by vision with the development of computer technology. It is difficult to imagine a modern person without a computer. We read from monitors, watch movies, print texts and watch the news.

Everyone who works at a computer has at least once noticed how tired their eyes are by the end of the working day. There is a characteristic burning sensation, a certain sensation "broken glass" In eyes. The blood vessels burst, leading to redness and a headache. All this is due to eye strain. For a long time and continuously looking at one point, we deprive the eye of movements of accommodation. We do not move our gaze around us. Blurred peripheral vision. And we stop blinking.

When working at a computer, the blinking frequency is reduced by five times. Looking from the keyboard to the monitor, we imitate blinking. Eyes are closed, getting certain part moisture, but this movement is not enough. All these negative points are also present when reading books or writing, but a very important point is that the book is a solid text with the same brightness of the pages and solid lines.

A computer monitor is made up of thousands of tiny dots of light. They all flicker. We don't realize it, but for our eyes it makes things harder. Reading or typing, we do not take our eyes off and translate it as much as possible from side to side. This is an unnatural movement for the eye. Therefore, reading from the monitor is the most harmful process.

Even watching a movie causes less harm to health. In addition, the monitor is surrounded electromagnetic field. Charged dust particles, of course, interact with the human body, and the fact that they negatively affect the body as a whole has not yet been proven, but the damage to vision is obvious. These dust particles settle on the cornea of ​​​​the eye, irritating the mucous membrane. Damage to the eyes can be caused by incorrectly set monitor brightness, image contrast, too small or pale font, too colorful pictures that you have to peer into.

Too bright light from the screen will cause pain In eyes. A blurry image will make the already overstressed eye muscles even more tense. In addition, the eyes, like any other organ, develop some kind of habit. Constantly spending time at the computer, they lose the habit of seeing what is on the side. They get used to focusing on an image that is straight ahead, ignoring peripheral vision. The person begins to see unidirectionally. Vision is by nature three-dimensional, and looking at the monitor we see only a two-dimensional picture.

As can be seen from all of the above, interaction with a computer is not normal process for our vision. Everything that happens when working with the monitor is unnatural and harms physiological data human eyes. However, vision is spoiled by books, writing, and performing complex small jobs (for example, needlework). People do not refuse these processes. A vast experience of generations in the preservation of eye health has been accumulated.

The same should be done with computers. Refuse to interact with screens modern man impossible, which means you need to accustom yourself to observing the simplest hygiene of vision. It is quite possible to devote very little time to eye health and avoid the negative impact of the monitor.

  • The simplest methods of maintaining eye health while working at a computer

    Gymnastics for the eyes

    The old and familiar recommendation of ophthalmologists to do gymnastics for the eyes is ignored even by professional programmers who, like no one else, are prone to negative influence computer. In fact, everything is very simple. Eye movements provide the same muscles as all other muscles in our body. And why are we too lazy to go to GYM's and pump the press, but we can’t devote quite a bit of time to maintain eye health?

    Muscles get used to the same type of movements, which are much smaller than nature intended. Vision becomes defocused. By doing exercises once a day that will force the eye muscles to perform the necessary movements, we will prevent negative habits from forming and entering into everyday life.

    Force your eyes to carry out the natural movement of accommodation. Look very close (for example, at the bridge of your nose) for four seconds. Then look far away (preferably out the window). And look into the distance for another six seconds. By repeating this exercise five times, you will stretch the eye muscles.

    Make circular movements with your eyes. Having twisted in one direction, stop and peer into the distance. Then turn your gaze to the other side.

    Move your eyes to the side. As far as you can. Then sideways and down. Then sideways and up.

    Alternate between fast blinking, relaxing (with eyes closed), and looking into the distance. Repeat this several times.

    The problem of children's predilection for computers is very acute. From the early age kids know how to use computers. Basically they resort to games.

    Even if the games are active, the child focuses on the image, peers at the screen, strains his eyesight and it deteriorates. Why is it more harmful for children to sit at a computer for a long time than for adults?

    Everything is very simple. Their muscles are not strong enough, and skills are formed very quickly. eye muscles quickly unlearn to look into the distance and the child will earn myopia. Peripheral vision will be significantly spoiled.

    He should sit at a distance of 70 cm from the monitor, on a comfortable chair, so as not to spoil the spine, and spend no more than an hour a day at the computer. If these rules have not been observed before, do not despair. Children's vision can be quickly restored, it is enough to exclude negative factors of influence, and do the simplest, described above, exercises for the eyes.

  • Computers and laptops have firmly entered the everyday life of modern citizens. Some have a PC connection professional activity others use them for entertainment. In both cases, prolonged exposure to the monitor negatively affects eye health. Does the computer damage your eyesight? Yes, if you do not follow the simple rules for dealing with an "iron friend".

    There are many factors that negatively affect visual acuity. Often the "root of evil" lies in the violation of functionality internal organs and systems, in this case the problem with the eyes, is only concomitant symptom. This category includes general malaise, stressful situation, beriberi, etc.

    If, in addition to a drop in visual acuity, the patient notes a strong headache, heaviness of the eyelids and redness of the protein, you need to urgently seek medical care. Since in this case there is a high risk of developing problems with the eyeball.

    What disease can this factor be a symptom of?

    In addition to the main ophthalmic ailments (myopia, cataracts, hypermetropia, glaucoma), accompanied by a decrease in visual acuity, this symptomatology characteristic of the following pathologies:

    • venereal diseases;
    • Demotion or promotion intracranial pressure. The anomaly is caused by a disturbance in the circulation;
    • Infectious diseases.

    Modern methods of recovery

    Nowadays, many effective methods for "reanimation" of eye health. The following procedures will help to fully restore vision:

    • Correction with a laser;
    • Surgery (practiced for cataracts);
    • Medical treatment;
    • Correction of refractive errors with night lenses. They are used when mild myopia and hyperopia.

    Not less than important role corrective optics plays a role in restoring vision. Most often, optometrists select lenses varying degrees stiffness individually for each patient.

    Any technique is assigned only after passing a full-fledged medical examination. You should not make a decision on the use of this or that method without first consulting a doctor. Incorrect choice will not bring the expected effect or even aggravate the situation.

    The main enemy is the screen

    Working at a computer, a person strains his eyes a lot and not at all in order to consider small text. The structure of the organ of vision resembles a camera in its design. In order to clearly “photograph” a picture consisting of numerous sparkling points, the eye must constantly change its focus. And this requires serious energy costs, in addition, the pigment rhodopsin is consumed in an enhanced mode. In people with myopia, it is spent even faster, and this negatively affects eye health. Therefore, myopia increases.

    Why do you think painters almost never suffer from vision problems? The answer is simple, they regularly train the eye, periodically shifting their gaze from the canvas to the object. Therefore, do not forget about the rules for working with equipment, let your eyes rest every sixty minutes and regularly perform special gymnastics for training the muscles of the organ of vision.

    They get as close as possible color scheme display to the spectral sensitivity of the visual apparatus. Those who do not suffer from problems with refraction can purchase optics without diopters.

    How to work with a computer?

    First of all, dose the load on the eyes. On average, it is recommended to spend no more than six hours at the computer during the day. For teenagers, the figure is even less - four hours. AT without fail Take breaks as you work, every sixty minutes if possible.

    At this time, do simple exercises for warming up the body and gymnastics for the eyes. Importance has a workplace. Of course, this will take a little time, but the result will justify all the costs. It is important to adhere right angle field of view and the distance at which the monitor should be placed. Do not forget about lighting, when working in the dark, vision from a computer deteriorates even more.

    Dosage of eye loads

    • Time of continuous work: for adults - six hours, for children - four;
    • Take a break every thirty or sixty minutes;
    • alternate different types activities when working with a computer, for example, entering and editing text, take turns;
    • High school students can spend half an hour without a break, kids - twenty minutes.

    If you follow these restrictions, the harm from the equipment will be minimal.

    Even if you are among the lucky ones who do not suffer from eye problems, then you should not ignore preventive actions. Thus, you will protect yourself from the appearance of ophthalmic pathologies in the future and strengthen the body.

    Gymnastics for the eyes

    If you spend hours sitting at the computer without resting your eyes, then get ready to invest in glasses or contact lenses. The organ of vision needs a break. In addition, the eye is constantly tense because of the flickering monitor, so dryness and irritation of the mucous membrane develops, and headaches begin to torment.

    To catch a clear picture from the display, the eyes make incredible efforts, as a result, the blood circulation process slows down and visual apparatus tired. At the same time, there is a lack of oxygen and accumulation of metabolic products in the eyeball. The body tries to fight negative manifestations by vasodilatation. Therefore, a person feels pain in the eyes with a long stay at the PC.

    To avoid many problems, it is enough to blink more often and perform simple exercises in between work:

    • Rub your palms to warm them up and press lightly on your eyelids. Repeat twenty times;
    • Rotate eyeballs ten times in one direction and the same in the other;
    • Close your eyes tightly and open your eyes wide. Repeat five times;
    • With your fingertips, tap on the head, in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head;
    • Blink, then close your eyes. Do ten sets.

    If you want to restore your eyes after a long day at work, try the following gymnastics:

    • Drive your gaze into different sides, top - down, diagonally;
    • Look at the tip of the nose;
    • Watch badminton players, more precisely, their ball;
    • Rotate your arm in a semicircle at shoulder level, while following the movements with your eyes;
    • Focus on the near object, then on the distant one.

    Exercises are required to be performed every two hours, for teenagers after forty-five minutes, kids are recommended to do it after fifteen minutes.

    Learn more about how to properly charge, learn from the video


    If you notice a drop in visual acuity, you need to apply emergency measures. With the help of a doctor, select a vitamin course and drink it completely. With a lack of vitamin A, a person develops the so-called " night blindness”, he practically does not orient himself in the dark. In fact, there are many vitamins and each of them has its own purpose:

    • "A" - strengthens cornea, normalizes night vision. AT large quantities found in carrots, liver and fish;
    • "C" - responsible for the saturation of the eyes with oxygen. There is a lot of vitamin in sea buckthorn and citrus fruits;
    • "B1" - regulates intraocular pressure and "delivers" nerve impulses. Contained in the liver and cereals;
    • "B12" - responsible for strengthening nerve fibers. It can be found in milk and chicken eggs;
    • lutein. An indispensable substance for eye health, useful for retina and lens. It is concentrated in large quantities in spinach;
    • Riboflavin. Strengthens the walls blood vessels reduces the risk of cataracts.

    Moisturizing drops

    Prolonged work at the computer leads to eye fatigue, the appearance of pain and irritation. For elimination negative symptoms need to pick special drops to moisturize the cornea.

    • Natural tear. The medication does not contain preservatives, suitable for daily use;
    • Medicines containing hyaluronic acid. Do not cause overdose and side effects.

    The following drops will help get rid of redness and moisturize the organ of vision:

    • "Vizin";
    • "Vial";
    • "Opti".

    At inflammatory processes worth taking advantage of antibacterial drugs. They suppress the abscess, and prevent the development of complications. For babies, buy special baby drops:

    • "Albucid";
    • "Tobrex";
    • Synthomycin.

    The selection of a drop should be carried out by a doctor to avoid the risk of developing allergic reaction and overdose.

    Folk remedies

    Their main purpose is to restore metabolism. These activities include:

    • Menu correction. Be sure to include carrots, blueberries and other foods rich in vitamins A. It is recommended to consume more dairy products;
    • Use a variety of tinctures to combat ophthalmic pathologies. For example, mistletoe is suitable for the treatment of glaucoma;
    • Apply oils for eye massage. Geranium, burdock, etc. are suitable for these purposes. They are concentrated a large number of vitamins and nutrients;
    • Perform compresses based on chamomile infusion twice a week.


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