Angina name. Types of angina in children and adults

Angina is an infectious disease that affects the entire body, but its local manifestations are most pronounced in the so-called pharyngeal ring. This ring represents several groups of tonsils, consisting of lymphoid tissue. Surrounding the nasopharynx, they protect the internal environment of the body from infection. With angina, the palatine tonsils are the first to suffer. The classification of angina is based on the degree of their involvement in the process.

In our article, we will talk about the symptoms of the most common sore throat, bacterial, caused by nonspecific microorganisms (streptococcus, and others), affecting the palatine lymphoid formations.

Types of disease

The prevalence of the pathological process can be different. According to this sign, which determines the symptoms, the forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • catarrhal (superficial);
  • follicular (with the formation of purulent nodules);
  • lacunar (with the formation of purulent plaque);
  • necrotic (with foci of necrosis).

The severity of the disease depends more on the presence of common manifestations: fever, signs of intoxication, complications. There is no complete correspondence between the form and severity of the course of the disease, but usually catarrhal angina is easier to tolerate, and the most severe for the patient is necrotic.

There are cases of inflammation and other tonsils of the pharyngeal ring. At the same time, laryngeal, lingual or retronasal angina develops.

Clinical signs (symptoms)

The time between infection and the appearance of the first signs of the disease is in most cases from 10 hours to 3 days. The disease begins acutely, without warning. At first, the temperature rises suddenly and very quickly, this is accompanied by chills and trembling, joint and muscle pain, severe, pronounced weakness.

Pain in the throat quickly joins. They can be located only on one side or be bilateral, spread to the ear, temple. Before this, for some time, soreness, sore throat, dryness, a feeling of pressure in the throat may disturb. Nearby lymph nodes (cervical, submandibular) are enlarged. Often there is a nasal voice, a painful spasm of the masticatory muscles. The severity of all these symptoms depends on the form of the disease.

Catarrhal angina

Only the surface of the tonsils is affected, because pus does not form on them. Local manifestations are caused inflammatory reaction. This is redness of the throat and swelling of the tonsils, accompanied by a sharp pain when swallowing. Intoxication is either absent or mild. There may be a feeling of weakness, a moderate headache, the temperature reaches 37.5 - 38 ° C. Sometimes catarrhal angina passes without fever.

With pharyngoscopy (examination of the pharynx), its bright red posterior wall, hyperemic palate is visible. Sometimes the tonsils themselves and the arches behind which they are located turn red (become hyperemic). The tonsils are infiltrated (impregnated) with blood plasma and immune cells, due to which they are edematous. The tongue is dry, covered with a light coating.

The duration of the illness is up to two days. Then it ends with recovery or goes into a more severe form. Catarrhal angina can be treated without the use of only antiseptics but only on prescription and under the supervision of a physician.

Follicular angina

This is a more severe form. It is characterized by fever up to 38 - 40 ° C, pain in muscles, joints, heart, head, weakness, sweating.

On examination, it can be seen that the follicles of the tonsils are affected. These are accumulations of white blood cells that normally mature in the tonsils and then enter the bloodstream to protect the body. With the follicular form, the tonsils are very swollen and enlarged. Purulent nodules appear through their membrane - follicles, which consist of dead leukocytes.

The size of such nodules does not exceed 3-4 mm, they are yellowish in color and open on their own, forming small erosions and a limited plaque of pus on the surface of the tonsils. Defects of the mucous membrane are restored quite soon. The illness continues for a week.

Lacunar angina

The general condition of patients suffers greatly. They have a high body temperature. Patients complain of pain in the muscles and joints, heart, lower back.

With pharyngoscopy, it can be seen that purulent plaque from the recesses of the tonsils (lacunae) extends to their entire surface without leaving the pharyngeal wall. The tonsils are enlarged, edematous, sharply hyperemic. The plaque is loose, yellowish color, forms islets or a continuous purulent film. It is easily removed with a spatula, leaving the intact surface of the tonsil under it. If plaque covers the tonsils completely, forming a dense film, they speak of the fibrinous form of angina.

The duration of the illness is about a week. Often, on one side of the pharynx, the patient has follicular, and on the other, lacunar tonsillitis.

Necrotic angina

The general condition of the patients is severe. Characterized by persistent fever, vomiting that does not bring relief, confusion.

The tonsils are covered with a greenish-gray coating, extending into the depths of their tissues. The surface of such a film is uneven, looks dull and pitted. Often dense necrotic masses are impregnated with fibrin (a serum protein responsible for blood clotting). In this case, they are often rejected with the formation of a bleeding tissue area. After rejection of dead foci, defects are formed - pits up to 2 cm deep, having an uneven relief.

Similar sites of death with rejection can also affect the surrounding tissues of the pharynx. Necrotic angina is often accompanied by severe complications.

With the formation of abscesses in the tissues of the tonsils, the patient complains of severe pain in the throat, regardless of swallowing. The patient tries to keep his head still or tilted to the affected side. due to swelling soft palate voice changes, nasality appears. The patient can take food or liquid with great difficulty, but most often refuses to eat.


Complications of angina - part clinical signs of this disease, which appears with a severe course of the disease. They are early and late.

Early Complications

These symptoms occur during the disease itself. They are associated with the spread of infection to surrounding organs. These include:

  • paratonsillar abscess (an abscess in the fiber near the tonsil);
  • peritonsillitis (inflammation of the tissues around the tonsils);
  • purulent lymphadenitis ();
  • (defeat paranasal sinuses nose);
  • (inflammation of the middle ear);
  • mediastinitis (spread of infection into the mediastinum).

Late Complications

These processes are associated with the reaction of the body to the antigens of pathogens and the formation of processes when the body's defenses are directed to their own tissues. They develop about a month after suffering a sore throat:

  • acute rheumatic fever with damage to the joints;
  • rheumatic heart disease with the formation of heart disease;
  • acute (kidney damage);
  • pneumonia ();
  • sepsis ("blood poisoning").

Which doctor to contact

When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you need to contact an ENT doctor or an infectious disease specialist. If this is not possible, a therapist or pediatrician can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, as well as family doctor. With the development of complications, a cardiologist, nephrologist, rheumatologist is involved in the treatment of the patient.

- this is an acute inflammation of the palate, lingual and nasopharyngeal tonsils. Most often, the palatine tonsils become inflamed. Angina refers to acute infectious-allergic diseases. In the course of the disease, the palatine tonsils become inflamed, as a rule, the causative agent of angina is hemolytic.

Causes of angina

A sore throat infection can be transmitted by airborne droplets, through food and drink, as well as by direct contact with a sick person. Angina develops most often in the cold, damp season (spring, autumn), it can be a consequence of hypothermia or a manifestation of diseases such as diphtheria, scarlet fever, whooping cough, and in some cases blood diseases.

However, you are mistaken in considering hypothermia main reason sore throats. The cause of angina most often (in 90% of cases) is hemolytic streptococcus. Therefore, it is possible to get infected by airborne droplets from a healthy person who is a carrier of the bacteria. Another way of transmission is contact (through dirty dishes). You can also get infected through food, for example, if you drink raw milk from a cow with mastitis. And sometimes a person infects himself. In such cases, angina may be the result of chronic, rhinitis, diseased teeth, and other permanent foci of infections in the body. The situation is complicated by unfavorable conditions: hypothermia, decreased immunity, and allergization of the body.

Symptoms of angina appear after the incubation period ends, which is most often 24-48 hours.

The main symptoms of angina can be called the following:

    Angina has an acute onset. In a person, in the background full health, the state of health deteriorates sharply.

    Body temperature rises, chills occur. The mark on the thermometer can reach 40 degrees.

    There are symptoms of intoxication with headache, aching joints, general weakness.

    The throat is very sore, the pains are aggravated during the process of swallowing. On the second day, pain reaches its peak and is present on an ongoing basis.

    Appetite worsens, sleep suffers.

    Lymph nodes increase in size, become painful on palpation. First of all, the submandibular nodes suffer.

    The tonsils swell, increase in size, dot formations can be visualized on them yellow color. Their size is 2-3 mm. This picture is characteristic of follicular angina. With lacunar angina, the tonsils are covered with purulent plaque in the form of enclosed areas of irregular shape.

    If the disease is severe, then areas of necrosis are formed on the tonsils, which are dark gray in color. Dead tissues are torn off, being replaced by defective areas 10 mm in size.

As for paratonsillitis and paratonsillar abscess, these conditions develop as complications of angina. First, the tissues surrounding the tonsils become inflamed (peritonsillitis), after which they are melted under the influence of pus (peritonsillar abscess). There are similar complications after 2-3 days after a sore throat. A person begins to complain of severe unilateral sore throat, body temperature rises sharply, salivation increases. A person intuitively tilts his head in the direction where the inflammation is localized. Thus, he seeks to reduce stress in damaged tissues.

On examination, there is significant asymmetry. The tonsil on the side of the lesion is enlarged and displaced to the center, the tongue is pushed aside, the soft palate is swollen.

Seeking medical attention should be immediate if you experience the following symptoms:

    blanching skin, the appearance of a bluish tint;

    Change of excitation to lethargy;

    A sharp drop in body temperature;

    Violation of consciousness;

    Reducing the volume of urine separated (a symptom of infectious-toxic shock);

    The appearance of convulsions, loss of consciousness (involvement in the process of inflammation nervous system);

    The appearance of hemorrhages (damage to blood vessels, disturbances in the processes of blood clotting);

    Difficulty breathing, inability to open your mouth, increased intensity of sore throat (paratonsillitis);

    Feeling short of breath, dull pains in the lower back, behind the sternum, in the side, pain during emptying Bladder, discoloration of urine (damage to the kidneys and heart).

In the event that the body temperature persists for 5 or more days, the treatment regimen should be changed, as this indicates its ineffectiveness.

The most important symptom is angina, and not ORZ, are rapid rise and keeping the body temperature within 39 degrees, the appearance of an acute unpleasant sore throat. It becomes painful to eat, drink and even talk. Later, the patient begins to have seizures. severe fatigue, malaise, begins to ache in the joints. If you already have these first signs of the disease, you should immediately contact your local doctor.

If the doctor, after your examination, determines an increase lymph nodes, as well as a change in the color of the tonsils, soft palate, celestial arch and tongue, then he will appoint necessary treatment. In some cases, abscesses or small areas of accumulation of pus may form on the tonsils.

Many people confuse the first symptoms of a sore throat with the symptoms of a cold., but as practice shows, angina is much more difficult to endure. If the sore throat lasts more than a week, and it only gets worse, then in this case there can be no talk of a cold. In such cases, it is very important to start targeted treatment on time, and not to start the disease.

Depending on the severity and the specific nature of angina, it always proceeds in different ways. It is customary to distinguish symptoms by type:

    Catarrhal angina usually develops very rapidly and acutely. In most cases, a person falls ill suddenly, malaise, dryness and sore throat appear. After the first discomfort the patient feels swelling in the throat and pain when swallowing. The palatine tonsils, when visually examined, appear reddened and swollen, and probing the neck in the region of the submandibular lymphatic gland usually causes quite severe pain. As a rule, the pain increases when swallowing. After a few hours, the human body temperature reaches 39 degrees. Angina is accompanied by severe chills and excruciating aches, migraines provoke delusional states.

On average, a sore throat lasts about two weeks, in babies - a little longer. Angina is highly contagious, so isolation of the patient is mandatory.

Is it worth it to cut tonsils? What serious complications are dangerous angina? These questions will be answered by the therapist Alla Protasova:

Forms of angina

There are several forms of angina catarrhal, lacunar and follicular:

    With catarrhal sore throat, the patient complains of a slight sore throat, headache, fever, a feeling of heartburn.

    Follicular angina has a more severe course: strong pain when swallowed, expressed general weakness, joint pain. Body temperature can rise up to 40 °C. Lymphatic submandibular nodes are enlarged, painful when pressed. Tonsils are enlarged, very red, single pustules can be seen on their surface.

    At lacunar tonsillitis also a hard move. The disease begins with a very high temperature, severe sore throat when swallowing. Children can also have indigestion. The palatine tonsils are enlarged. Separate purulent strips are visible on the mucous membrane.

In addition, angina is divided into primary, secondary and specific:

Primary angina

There are many forms of angina, one of them is primary. Primary angina is an acute disease infectious nature that affects the tissues of the throat. Most often, primary tonsillitis is provoked by streptococci, manifested in an increase in body temperature, in inflammation palatine tonsils and lymph nodes, in painful sensations.

Main danger primary angina lies in the fact that there is a high probability of manifestation of an autoimmune process in the patient's body. Similar complication occurs most often in the case when there is no adequate antistreptococcal therapy. The patient may develop glomerulonephritis and rheumatism with damage to the kidneys and heart.

The causative agent of angina in 90% of cases is beta-hemolytic streptococcus. In 8% of cases, inflammation is provoked Staphylococcus aureus(possible combined infection staphylococcus + streptococcus). Microorganisms such as Haemophilus influenzae, pneumococcus or Corynebacterium cause angina very rarely.

You can get a sore throat from a sick person who is a carrier of the infection. People with an upper respiratory tract infection are especially at risk.

The airborne route of infection with angina predominates. Outbreaks of infection are often observed in close-knit teams, when people are in close contact with each other. However, the alimentary route of infection is not excluded, when healthy man eats foods inseminated by staphylococcus aureus.

It is worth noting that not every contact with a person with a sore throat will necessarily lead to infection. Thus, the risks increase with violations in work. local immunity palatine tonsils. Other provoking factors are: hypothermia, stress, overwork, etc.

Streptococci multiply mainly in the palatine tonsils. Lingual tonsils and lateral ridges rear wall throats are involved in infectious process less often. Bacteria, after getting on the tissue of the tonsils, overcome the protective barrier, penetrate inside and begin to actively multiply there. This process is accompanied by the release toxic substances which leads to inflammation. Damage to regional lymph nodes is not excluded. Most often, the infection process is limited to the tonsils and lymph nodes, although it is possible for bacteria to spread to nearby tissues (peritonsillar abscess, paratonsillitis) and even their penetration into the blood (sepsis). Sepsis is a life-threatening condition, as bacteria spread through the bloodstream throughout the body, affecting blood vessels, kidneys, liver, heart and other organs.

The heart muscle can suffer from angina even without septic infection, since the tonsils are associated with it. neural pathways. Therefore, any violation in the work of the tonsils provokes malfunctions in the work of the heart.

Does not always respond adequately to angina the immune system organism. Immunity develops to fight infection immune complexes, which settle on the kidneys, on the tissues of the heart and begin to destroy them, perceiving them as foreign agents. Thus, an autoimmune fever develops. Untimely started treatment, a person's predisposition to rheumatic diseases, incorrectly selected therapeutic regimen. If a sore throat develops in a person every year or several times a year, then it is called repeated.

Angina is of several types:

    Follicular, with suppuration of the follicles of the tonsils;

    Catarrhal, involving only the mucous membrane of the tonsils in the inflammatory process;

    Lacunar, with a breakthrough of purulent follicles in the tissue of the tonsils;

    Necrotic, with the death of the tissues of the tonsils.

Secondary angina

Secondary angina is an inflammation of the tissues of the throat against the background of an infectious or non-infectious lesion of other organs or organ systems.

Diseases that are accompanied by anginal changes in the throat:

    Diseases of the hematopoietic organs (agranulocetosis,);

If the patient develops scarlet fever, then angina manifests itself in the first days from the onset of the disease. In this case, the mucous membranes acquire a bright red color. After 4-5 days, the symptoms of angina will disappear. Scarlet fever is characterized by the so-called "crimson" tongue with swollen papillae, redness of the cheeks, blue nasolabial triangle, rash on the body.

If a person has syphilis, then a sore throat may appear with the oral method of transmission of the disease. After 21-30 days from infection, an increase in the size of the tonsil is observed (the process is unilateral), after a few more days, a chancre forms on the tonsil. The most common form of angina in syphilis is erosive angina with the formation of a shiny, even erosion up to 1 cm in diameter. In secondary syphilis pathological process Both tonsils are involved. Plaques 0.5 cm diagonally are formed on them. The plaques have a bright red border, rise above the surface of the tonsils.

If the patient has tularemia, then all three main forms of angina are possible (necrotic, catarrhal, membranous). First, areas of yellowish plaque appear on the tonsils, after which they merge, covering them with a thick film. The cervical lymph nodes swell, become painful on palpation. In parallel, the spleen and liver increase in size.

If the patient has leukemia, then the sore throat first has a catarrhal form, after which it becomes necrotic. When plaque is rejected, bleeding areas with a bumpy surface remain on the surface of the tonsils. In parallel, the patient's body temperature rises, headaches occur, chills appear. Leukemia is characterized by the appearance of hemorrhages on the skin. In the blood test, a significant jump in leukocytes is observed.

If the patient has infectious mononucleosis, then angina manifests either from the first days from the onset of the disease, or after 5 days from the start of the disease. At the same time, the tonsils are covered with a loose coating, which is collected in lacunae and is well removed. In parallel, all lymph nodes are affected: subclavian, behind the ear, inguinal, and not just the cervical. The spleen and liver become larger in size.

If the patient has agranulocytosis, then angina proceeds according to the type of inflammation in leukemia. However, a blood test indicates an extremely low white blood cell count.

When a patient has a sore throat against the background enterovirus infection, then a rash appears on the tonsils in the form of bubbles, which soon open up and form painful sores. From above they are covered with a white coating. Body temperature rises to 40 degrees. The illness lasts about a week.

The doctor can make a diagnosis based on the symptoms of angina. Perform tank seeding as needed. This allows you to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to a particular antibiotic. Blood biochemistry and electrocardiography are necessary to detect complications of the disease.

In medicine, there are specific forms of angina.

    Fungal angina. Mycotic sore throats are provoked by yeast-like fungi, which begin to actively multiply with a decrease in the body's immune forces. Often they occur against the background of antibiotic therapy. Symptoms of fungal tonsillitis are reduced to a slight increase in body temperature, to a slight intoxication of the body. During the examination, plaques resembling curdled films are found on the tonsils. They have a loose consistency and are easily removed. Under the plaque, the inflamed mucous membrane of the tonsils is visible.

    Diphtheria of the pharynx. According to the symptoms of diphtheria, the pharynx resembles primary tonsillitis.

    It is customary to distinguish three forms of diphtheria:

    • Diphtheria is common, in which plaque is found not only on the tonsils, but also on the soft palate, and on the surface of the back wall of the throat.

      Diphtheria localized, in which only the tonsils are covered with plaque.

      Diphtheria toxic, in which the entire pharynx and neck tissues swell.

    With localized and widespread diphtheria, plaque has a dense texture, it is quite difficult to remove it from the mucous membrane. If it is nevertheless removed, then the tissues under the plaque bleed, and the separated film itself is difficult to grind or dissolve in water.

    If the patient is not injected with antidiphtheria serum, then the disease continues to develop, involving more and more large areas of the throat in the process of inflammation.

    Angina Simanovsky-Plaut-Vincent. The disease develops when oral cavity fusiform rods and spirochetes coexist. Provoking factors can be: poor oral hygiene and smoking. The disease manifests itself in mild intoxication, one tonsil is affected by ulcers with areas of necrosis. In the first 2 days, a plaque appears on it gray color, after which a deep ulcer is formed at this place. It has an uneven edging and a dark gray bottom. It is possible that the plaque will spread to the tissues behind the tonsil, but the second tonsil is never involved in the pathological process. The duration of the course of the disease is 14 days.


Angina requires immediate treatment, and it must be comprehensive. should be adhered to bed rest especially in the early days. Gargling is a must. antiseptic solutions or decoctions of herbs (calendula, chamomile, sage). It is recommended to drink plenty of liquids: with lemon, raspberries, lime blossom, honey.

Well proven in the treatment of sore throat drugs for local application- lozenges and lozenges, with drugs being more effective complex composition. For example, the drug Anti-Angin ® Formula tablets / pastilles, which include vitamin C, as well as chlorhexidine, which has a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, and tetracaine, which has a local anesthetic effect. Due to the complex composition, Anti-Angin ® has a triple effect: it helps fight bacteria, relieve pain and helps reduce inflammation and swelling. (1,2)

Anti-Angin ® is presented in a wide range of dosage forms: compact spray, lozenges and lozenges. (1,2,3)

Anti-Angin ® is indicated for manifestations of tonsillitis, pharyngitis and initial stage sore throats, it can be irritation, tightness, dryness or sore throat. (1,2,3)

Anti-Angin ® tablets do not contain sugar (2)*

*With caution when diabetes contains ascorbic acid

Even before that? as you are going to go to the doctor, you need to start gargling, and every hour, if not more often. You can rinse with a solution of salt, soda or water with iodine. Your doctor will likely prescribe antibiotics. Therefore, after the treatment of angina, you should carry out the prevention of dysbacteriosis. Without antibiotics modern medicine can't get by. Treatment of angina with folk remedies does not have such side effects, but do not forget that you should consult a doctor for advice in any case.

Complications of angina

Angina is very dangerous for its complications. One of them is a paratonsillar abscess, which is a continuation of a sore throat. It seems that recovery has come, but suddenly the patient has a severe sore throat, which is constantly increasing. After 2-3 days, swallowing becomes impossible, the temperature rises, salivation increases. Soon the patient's condition worsens so much that during swallowing, as a result of swelling of the soft palate, food can enter the nasopharynx and nose. Difficulty breathing. In this case, only urgent hospitalization and surgical intervention.

There are other complications as well. There are local and general manifestations. Acute purulent lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes), neck phlegmon belong to the local ones. To common complications-, myocarditis, infectious, pyelonephritis, sepsis,. That is why after a sore throat, it is imperative to double-check the blood, urine and make an electrocardiogram to make sure that there are no complications.

1. Instructions for use medicinal product Anti-Angin® Formula in dosage form lozenges

2. Instructions for use of the drug Anti-Angin® Formula in the dosage form of lozenges

3. Instructions for use of the drug Anti-Angin® Formula in dosage form spray for topical use dosed

There are contraindications. It is necessary to read the instructions or consult with a specialist.

Education: In 2009 he received a diploma in the specialty "Medicine" at Petrozavodsk State University. After completing an internship at the Murmansk Regional Clinical Hospital, he received a diploma in the specialty "Otorhinolaryngology" (2010)

Angina is an infectious disease accompanied by acute inflammation palatine tonsils and / or other lymphoid formations of the pharynx. For many people, getting a sore throat is as simple as eating ice cream or getting their feet wet. Development is also facilitated by other diseases of the nasopharynx and irritants that enter the throat (alcohol, dust, tobacco smoke and so on). The following pathogenic microorganisms can provoke the development of pathology: viruses, bacteria and fungi.

In the article, we will take a closer look at the causes and first signs of angina, talk about the symptoms in adults, and also tell you which treatment is most effective.

What is angina?

Angina is a common disease, inferior in frequency to acute respiratory viral infections and flu. Most often, the palatine tonsils become inflamed. This is a seasonal disease, usually manifesting itself in the autumn and spring periods.

About 75% suffer people under 30 years old, of which a larger percentage belongs to children under 15 years old (about 60%).

Angina is highly contagious, so isolation of the patient is required.

Angina is caused by various microbes, mainly streptococci, which enter the throat more often with household items used by a patient with angina (for example, dirty dishes and etc.).

In some cases, microbes that are in the pharynx and usually do not disease-causing, are activated under the influence of some adverse conditions, for example, during cooling or sharp fluctuations in ambient temperature.

Types and forms

Depending on the clinical course, the frequency of the disease and the causes of angina, they are divided into different groups.

In adults, there are 3 types of angina:

  • Primary angina. Primary angina is understood as an acute infectious disease, which has predominantly streptococcal etiology, with relatively short-term fever, general intoxication, inflammatory changes in the lymphoid tissues of the pharynx, most often in the palatine tonsils and the lymph nodes closest to them. Duration incubation period ranges from 12 hours to 3 days. It is characterized by an acute onset with hyperthermia, chills, pain when swallowing, an increase in regional lymph nodes.
  • secondary or symptomatic. There is a lesion of the tonsils in the pharynx against the background of such pathologies: diphtheria, agranulocytosis, leukemia, and so on.
  • Specific angina. It is caused by a specific infectious agent (fungi, spirochete, etc.).

Classification of angina in adults:

  • Catarrhal angina. Usually develops very quickly and sharply. In most cases, a person falls ill suddenly, malaise, dryness and sore throat appear. Duration from 3 to 7 days.
  • Follicular angina. The most characteristic sign of this form of angina is the accumulation in the gaps fibrinous exudate. At the same time, whitish plaques are formed on the edematous and hyperemic mucous surface of the tonsils, localized in the mouths of the lacunae. More often they are separate formations, less often they merge together and cover most of the surface of these organs. The duration of the disease is 6 - 8 days.
  • Lacunar angina. Tonsils are affected in the area of ​​lacunae, followed by the spread of purulent plaque on the surface of the palatine tonsils. During pharyngoscopy, there is infiltration and swelling of the tonsils, severe hyperemia and expansion of lacunae. This sore throat lasts 6 to 8 days.
  • Necrotic angina. On the surface of the tonsils, large areas of dead tissue are visible, extending into the depths and covered with a lumpy coating of gray or yellow-green color. The foci of necrosis are impregnated with fibrin and compacted. After their removal, bleeding occurs, and then an ulcer is formed up to 2 cm in size, with jagged edges.
  • Phlegmonous - this type of angina most often occurs against the background of supposedly passing classic signs of angina - the tonsils begin to swell again, the soft palate turns red.
  • Herpangina. Most often develops in children. Called A, it is a highly contagious disease. The virus carrier is a sick person, in rare cases they can be pets.
  • Ulcerative membranous is angina without fever. The patient usually has necrosis of one of the tonsils with the formation of an ulcer. The patient complains that he feels when swallowing foreign body, his salivation increases, a putrid smell is felt from his mouth.


The primary focus of inflammation is formed in the lymphoid tissue of the oropharynx. The causes predisposing to the disease can be local and general hypothermia, dusty and gassy atmosphere, increased dryness of rooms, decreased immunity, etc.

In most cases, angina develops, which reduce protective functions epithelium in respiratory tract thus opening the way for infection.

From person to person, angina is transmitted by airborne droplets or alimentary (food) routes. With endogenous infection, microbes enter the tonsils from carious teeth, paranasal sinuses () or the nasal cavity. With a weakened immune system, angina can be caused by bacteria and viruses that are constantly present on the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx.

Ways of penetration of infection into an adult organism:

  • Airborne (the most common route of transmission).
  • Enteral (together with contaminated dairy products).
  • Hematogenous (with blood flow from organs and tissues infected with the pathogen).
  • Endogenous (in patients suffering from gastroenteritis, purulent sinusitis, and caries).
  • Artificial (during surgical operations on the nasopharynx and nasal cavity (traumatic tonsillitis)).

In addition, the following reasons can provoke a disease in adults:

  • improper and irrational nutrition;
  • severe overwork of the body;
  • living in adverse conditions;
  • absence enough sunlight;
  • constant dampness.

Considering that angina in the vast majority of cases is caused by streptococci, and rheumatism, glomerulonephritis occurs precisely with streptococcal infections, treatment begins with penicillin antibiotics.

Symptoms of angina + photo

The incubation period (the time that captures the period of introduction of a pathogenic factor into the human body until the first clinical symptoms) on average lasts about 10-48 hours.

Common symptoms of angina in adults:

  • Temperature rise. Specific reaction of the human body to the pathogenic activity of bacterial agents. Heat promotes the speedy removal of toxins from the body, enhances the immune response, and also reduces the rate of bacterial reproduction;
  • chills and malaise;
  • headache appears due to intoxication of the human body with waste products pathogenic microorganisms;
  • increased fatigue;
  • pain in the articular joints (a symptom is typical for both children and adults).
  • Difficulty in swallowing. This symptom develops as a result of inflammation of the tonsils. This reduces the opening of the oropharynx, which leads to difficult passage of food through it. Also, when swallowing, they increase pain, which causes the patient to be careful when making swallowing movements.
  • If the disease is severe, then areas of necrosis are formed on the tonsils, which are dark gray in color. Dead tissues are torn off, being replaced by defective areas 10 mm in size.

Adults become infected from a carrier of the infection, which releases it into external environment. A significant role here is played by a close team at work, the use of common cutlery, crockery, and a careless attitude to the rules of personal hygiene.

In the photo below, you can see what a sore throat looks like in an adult:

The photo shows the accumulation of pus on the tonsils - this is a characteristic sign of a sore throat

Symptoms in adults
Catarrhal angina The inflammatory process affects the mucous membrane of the tonsils, while provoking unexpressed pain during swallowing. Appears:
  • Subfebrile temperature (temperature rise up to 37-38°C)
  • slight malaise
  • Possible swollen lymph nodes
  • Enlargement and redness of the palatine tonsils themselves
Is purulent tonsillitis, and its development is accompanied by the appearance of suppuration on the tonsils in the form of light yellow bubbles.
Appearance characteristic features any age:
  • pain in the throat area,
  • increased swelling of the palatine tonsils,
  • rise in body temperature,
  • the appearance of signs of intoxication of the body in the form of headaches, bouts of nausea and vomiting,
  • an increase in the size of the lymph nodes in the submandibular region,
  • the appearance of plaque in the mouths of lacunae (colored in yellow-white color).
Necrotic Form Accompanied by the following symptoms:
  • persistent fever,
  • headache,
  • vomiting, confusion.
Viral The main symptom of viral sore throat is severe pain in the front of the neck. In addition, the patient has symptoms such as:
  • chills;
  • feverish state;
  • sore throat;
  • grayish coating on the tonsils;
  • swelling of the neck;
  • bad breath;
  • voice change.

What to do when the first signs appear?

The first signs of angina occur very quickly. In most cases, a bacterial form develops, in which the patient complains of sore throat and plaque on the tonsils. Viral angina often accompanied by lacrimation, runny nose and others. Treatment depends on the type of pathogen (bacterium or virus).

The patient is isolated in another room, he is given separate dishes and care items. He must abide by the following rules:

  1. bed rest in the early days of illness, especially at high temperatures;
  2. limitation of physical activity;
  3. non-irritating, soft food, mainly vegetable and dairy, plentiful warm drink.

Complications for the body

Despite the fact that tonsillitis seems to be a non-serious disease and many people ignore its complex treatment, it is fraught with numerous complications. Complications of angina are conventionally divided into local and general.

Local complications of angina:

  • abscesses of the surrounding soft tissues (the formation of large cavities filled with pus);
  • phlegmon (diffuse accumulation of pus, unlimited);
  • otitis;
  • swelling of the larynx;
  • bleeding from the tonsils.


  • rheumatism;
  • kidney damage;
  • damage to the gastrointestinal tract;
  • penetration of infectious agents from the throat into the chest;
  • spread of infectious agents into the cranial cavity;
  • - most severe complication sore throats.

To avoid these complications, it is necessary to consult a specialist in time to choose the right tactics for the treatment of angina.


When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you need to contact an ENT doctor or an infectious disease specialist. If this is not possible, a therapist or pediatrician, as well as a family doctor, can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. With the development of complications, a cardiologist, nephrologist, rheumatologist is involved in the treatment of the patient.

When making a diagnosis, take into account clinical picture diseases, anamnesis data, as well as the patient is prescribed pharyngoscopy and cultural bacterial research. Mandatory is carried out differential diagnosis angina with SARS, acute pharyngitis and throats.

The main signs that allow you to determine a bacterial infection:

  • severe redness and swelling of the tonsils and tongue;
  • with areas of gray plaque;
  • plaque on the tongue;
  • enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes;
  • the formation of a peritonsillar abscess, in which one tonsil is pushed to the center of the soft palate, to the tongue, is a sign of a severe degree of the disease;
  • pain accompanied by salivation, difficulty speaking, difficulty swallowing and breathing.

Treatment of angina in adults

In most cases, angina is treated on an outpatient basis, but in the case of severe course- hospitalization of the patient infectious department. Do not forget that you should limit the communication of the patient with family members so as not to spread the infection.

Give the patient separate dishes and a towel. With proper and timely treatment, recovery occurs in about seven days.

Medicines are prescribed to the patient, depending on what symptoms he has. In case of strong pain syndrome he needs to take anesthetics.

Drugs for the treatment of angina:

  1. Fusafunzhin (Bioparox) - inhalation 4 inhalations by mouth every 4 hours for 4-5 days. May cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, bronchospasm, allergic reactions.
  2. Ambazon - keep the tablet in the mouth until it is completely dissolved (adults 3-5 tablets per day, children from 3 to 7 years old, 1 tablet 3 times a day for 3-4 days). After taking the tablet, refrain from eating and drinking for 3 hours.
  3. Gramicidin - a tablet is kept in the mouth (behind the cheek) until it is completely dissolved. Apply 2 tablets (one after another for 20-30 minutes) 4 times a day for 2-3 days.
  4. In severe form of the disease, the use of the following agents is recommended: Geksoral Stopangin Strepsils lux Lugol.
  5. Antihistamines. Showing drugs such as: Suprastin, Tavegil, Fenkarol, Claritin, etc.
  6. To reduce body temperature and reduce pain, antipyretic drugs and analgesics are prescribed.
  7. With angina, the symptoms subside due to absorbable tablets with menthol-based preparations. Instead, you can use special aerosols. Their use contributes to the removal of pain syndrome, which is subject to the throat with angina.

In that case, if body temperature persists for more than 5 days, the treatment regimen should be changed, as this indicates its ineffectiveness.


In adults, at the first signs of the disease, antibiotics can not be used. They are shown only if bacterial nature infections. With the right choice antibiotic therapy the patient's condition improves rapidly. But the doctor's task is not only to speedy recovery patient, but also in preventing the development of complications. This is achieved by the complete destruction of the pathogen, which occurs when antibiotics are used for at least 10 days.

How many days, in what way, and what dosage of the medicine should be taken, the attending physician prescribes.


It is important to remember that when gargling, pathogenic microorganisms are washed out from the mucous membrane, so this should be done as often as possible. When gargling at home, you can use solutions:

  • herbal decoctions
  • furatsilina
  • hydrogen peroxide.

After recovery, the patient is assigned a control laboratory research, and, in case of detection of signs of complications, consultation and subsequent treatment with a specialized specialist is strongly recommended.


This meal includes the following:

  • Porridges on water or milk (oatmeal, rice, semolina) are liquid in consistency resembling jelly.
  • Pureed soups, broths (with slices of bread).
  • The bread should be white, without yeast and not too fresh, but not stale either.
  • Boiled and preferably mashed or mashed vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, pumpkin.
  • Pasta, but smaller ones are better.
  • Boiled eggs, omelets.
  • Dietary varieties of fish: bream, pollock, cod.
  • Steam or boiled dishes: cutlets, meatballs. They are prepared from dietary meat: chicken, veal, rabbit.
  • Dairy products should be low fat. Cottage cheese take a cream-shaped consistency.
  • Fruits need to be baked or boiled.

In the treatment of angina, it is necessary:

  • reduce the amount of proteins (up to seventy grams), carbohydrates (up to three hundred grams), fats (up to about sixty grams);
  • increase the number of meals up to five times, eat in small portions;
  • boil food, steam it, and then serve it in crushed form;
  • eat vegetables, different cereals;
  • do not eat hot and cold dishes;
  • drink drinks containing vitamins: fruit drinks, herbal teas, jelly without sugar.

Folk remedies

Folk methods of treatment are aimed at reducing inflammation in the pharynx, strengthening defensive forces organism, speedy recovery after illness. For these purposes, decoctions of plants with anti-inflammatory action (chamomile, sage, oak bark), teas and infusions of berries with high content vitamins (currant, cranberry, rosehip).

  1. Calendula inflorescences, plantain leaves, wormwood grass- just the same. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes, strain. Gargle with warm solution every 2 hours.
  2. Beet juice. Grate the beetroot, squeeze out the juice and gargle with it. By the same analogy, carrot juice can be prepared, which is used alone or diluted with beet juice.
  3. Sage leaf - 3 parts, chamomile flowers - 3 parts, love spell grass - 3 parts, brew 1 teaspoon of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Gargle with sore throat and.
  4. 3-5 pieces of spicy cloves pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Infusion take 50 g, but it can be all depending on the severity of the disease.
  5. Grate a glass of beets, pour a tablespoon of vinegar, let the mixture settle. Then squeeze the juice, gargle with it and swallow 1-2 tablespoons.


As for the prognosis of treatment, with catarrhal tonsillitis, the prognosis of treatment is favorable in all cases. Especially quickly the disease passes with timely treatment. Favorable prognosis in the treatment of follicular and lacunar tonsillitis. However, they can still lead to the development chronic tonsillitis.

Severe complications are caused by transferred necrotic tonsillitis of any form of complexity. The most common complications are rheumatism and glomerulonephritis.


Prevention of a disease is always more profitable and easier than its treatment. Prevention of angina is no exception. At home, you can do some simple procedures and follow the rules that reduce the risk of getting sick:

  • In order not to catch a sore throat, it is also important not to maintain contact with a person with a sore throat, not to use common subjects household, etc.
  • daily charge, hiking on the fresh air rubbing and dousing with cold water, cold and hot shower- all this can work wonders with immunity;
  • Proper nutrition. It directly affects the immune system, therefore, it should be saturated wholesome food, which carries vitamins and minerals to the body, and not fat with cholesterol.
  • And one of the basic rules for adults is the sanitation of the oral cavity, timely treatment diseases such as caries, nasal congestion,.

At the first symptoms of a sore throat, be sure to consult a general practitioner or ENT doctor for competent treatment.

There are many inflammatory diseases of the throat, but often we are only concerned about one symptom - pain. When, many talk about angina, but it is important to distinguish this disease from other similar ones.

angina is acute inflammatory disease tonsils and palatine arches caused by streptococcus or staphylococcus aureus.

The tonsils consist of lymphoid tissue and are a barrier to infections, so they become inflamed very often, but not every inflammation of the tonsils is called a sore throat. There are also specific tonsillitis, when the inflammation is associated with a specific microorganism (Simanovsky-Plaut-Vincent's angina) and secondary ( herpangina, with syphilis, infectious mononucleosis).

Symptoms of purulent tonsillitis

Angina begins acutely, the temperature rises sharply to 39-40⁰С, the patient is shivering, he refuses to eat, is very weak, lies a lot. If you look into the throat, you can see the inflamed and enlarged tonsils. Sore throat is especially pronounced when swallowing, this mainly explains the refusal to eat in children. After some time, purulent raids appear on the tonsils. Lymph nodes are enlarged in the region of the tonsils: under the jaw and near the ear.

With classic purulent sore throat, there are no catarrhal phenomena: runny nose, cough, lacrimation.

Types of angina

catarrhal- superficial lesion of the tonsils. The general condition is disturbed much less than with other tonsillitis. Body temperature is often subfebrile. When examining the throat, inflammation and redness of the posterior pharyngeal wall, soft and hard palate, palatine arches and tonsils. Such a sore throat can end on its own in three days, but often it becomes the beginning of a lacunar or follicular sore throat.

Lacunar- is manifested by the formation of pus in the lacunae of the tonsils, while the purulent plaque can be spread over the entire surface. At the same time, the lacunae look like expanded furrows filled with yellowish-white contents. Plaque remains only within the tonsils, is easily removed with a spatula from the surface, leaving no erosion or wounds ( differential sign diphtheria).

Basically, the follicles of the tonsils are affected. When examining the throat, sharply edematous tonsils interspersed with purulent islands that appear through the epithelium are visible. Pus is periodically released from the follicles, remaining on the surface of the tonsils.

Necrotic- dense green-yellow-gray plaque, heterogeneous surface of the tonsils, ulcers after rejection of plaque areas up to 2 cm in diameter. The general condition is severe, severe intoxication, vomiting, high fever, disturbance of consciousness. Plaque is not limited to the tonsils, and can be in all adjacent areas of the mucosa.

Complications of angina

There are early and late complications sore throats.

Early ones are caused by the spread of infection to neighboring tissues: paratonsillar abscess, sinusitis, otitis media, purulent inflammation lymph nodes, mediastinitis.

Late complications are infectious-allergic in nature and affect internal organs: rheumatic heart disease, glomerulonephritis, acute rheumatic fever, rheumatic lesion joints.

Treatment of angina

If you suspect a sore throat, you should always seek medical help. It is impossible to cure a sore throat with any rinses and folk remedies, all this can only relieve the condition for a short time. Angina is treated only with antibiotics. Delay can lead to damage to the heart, kidneys and joints.

Usually, angina is treated on an outpatient basis, with moderate and mild degree the severity of the disease. Necrotic angina is an indication for hospitalization.

After completing the course of antibiotics, a blood and urine test is required to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

With the right and timely appointment antibacterial drug the condition improves already on the second day, but it is important not to stop taking the medicine until the prescribed course is over. With the premature termination of the antibiotic, the likelihood of developing a chronic infection and complications is high.

Regardless of the course of the disease, lacunar and follicular tonsillitis often lead to the development of chronic tonsillitis.

Secondary angina

Acute inflammation of the tonsils in a systemic infectious disease is called secondary tonsillitis. Such a sore throat can develop with diphtheria, measles, rubella, infectious mononucleosis, syphilis.

Herpetic sore throat - manifestations of a severe form herpetic infection, on the tonsils and pharynx, a rash characteristic of herpes appears.

With secondary tonsillitis, there are always other specific signs of the underlying disease.



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