Olga Nagornyuk

Three Secrets to Extending Life

The question “How to live long and not grow old?” has excited the minds of many since antiquity outstanding people. According to scientists, the average life expectancy primitive man was only 25 years old, a citizen of the Roman Empire - 35, and a resident medieval Europe- about 40.

Progress has brought with it cures for many diseases and reduced traumatic risks, thereby increasing the life expectancy of our contemporary to seventy. However, scientists say: this is not the limit. Reserves human body designed for 120 years. We will tell you how to increase your life by a quarter of a century.

From ancient elixirs of youth to modern gerontology

The first mentions of man's attempts to deceive death, snatching it from its tenacious clutches eternal life, found in Sumerian myths about King Gilgamesh, dating back to the 2nd millennium BC. e. The inhabitants of Mesopotamia believed in the existence of a magical flower that could give eternal youth.

The ancient Egyptians approached the issue of life extension more practically: their scientists saw the source of longevity in certain dietary restrictions, which, however, did not prevent them from practicing other methods. So, the great Cleopatra from the Ptolemaic dynasty surrounded herself with babies, firmly believing: their presence makes her younger.

Residents Ancient Rome They sincerely believed: the source of longevity is contained in young blood. Therefore, after gladiatorial fights, older people went down to the arena to wash themselves with the blood of defeated fighters.

In the Middle Ages, they practiced prolonging life with the help of virgins. Enterprising people made a good business out of this, renting out girls to old men. The rejuvenation course lasted 24 days; to get the desired effect, a person just needed to sleep next to young girls who did not know a man.

More or less serious research regarding the phenomenon of aging were found in the works of the ancient Greek physician Asclepiades (128 - 56 BC), who argued: the cause of old age is the smallest, invisible to the eye particles that make up the human body. In young people they are in constant motion, while in older people they are stagnant. Walking, traveling and physical exercise can make the particles move again and the body rejuvenate.

Since that time, science has stepped far forward, but the elixir eternal youth Scientists have not yet found it. But as a result of research, gerontologists were able to understand how to delay old age and extend the life of an elderly person by an average of 20 years.

Three Secrets to Extending Life

Israel is a country whose life expectancy is one of the highest in the world. Scientists have conducted a number of studies that have helped to identify factors that allow a person to live 20 years more. The results we want to share with you were published in the journal Personality & Social Psychology.

It turns out that a person’s life expectancy is only 25% dependent on genetic predisposition. The rest is determined by lifestyle. What prolongs youth and allows you to live longer?

1. Moderate physical exercise+ 6 years.

The hackneyed phrase “Movement is life” best reflects the conclusion of Israeli doctors. Daily physical activity for older people is 150 minutes of brisk walking. It can be divided into several parts, the minimum duration of each should not be less than 10 minutes.

Almost any physical activity is beneficial, but due to increased bone fragility in older people and decreased flexibility and endurance, doctors advise following forms sports activities:

  • bike. With low stress on the heart, it perfectly trains the leg muscles, stimulates lung function, develops coordination of movements and allows you to maintain mobility. hip joints. No - arthritis, gout and shortness of breath;

  • fast walk. Most affordable way which helps strengthen the heart muscle and walls arterial vessels, as well as promoting mobility of the joints of the hips, ankles and knees;
  • gymnastics. It puts stress on all the muscles of the body, keeping them in good shape, maintaining flexibility and developing the vestibular apparatus. Yoga classes are ideal for older people, which give maximum effect with minimal stress on the cardiovascular system;

  • swimming. Relieves pain from chronic arthritis, trains muscles, relieving additional load from the joints, which is very important for women during menopause. Doctors say: swimming promotes the production of endorphin - the hormone of happiness, and it, in turn, prolongs life.

2. Low-calorie diet + 11 years.

Why should food be low in calories? As we age, the body's ability to remove free oxygen radicals, which shorten our lives, decreases sharply. Energy-poor food leads to a decrease in their formation, automatically extending our life by an average of 11 years.

This is confirmed by the example of the inhabitants of the island of Okinawa, who are considered long-livers among the Japanese, whose life expectancy is already the highest in the world. What allows the islanders to live to 100 years of age and remain active is that they are poor in calories, but rich in vitamins and minerals food of marine origin.

Doctors have proven that you can add more than ten years to your life by following the following rules:

  • We adhere to the daily calorie intake:
  • We increase the protein content in food to 110-140 g per day (the ratio of proteins of plant and animal origin should be 1:1). Protein is needed by muscles, and we need muscles. We eat porridge with milk, sochniki, dumplings, boiled lean meat and fish. We limit the consumption of aqueous extracts from fish, meat and mushrooms (broths). They cannot be eaten every day, it slows down the metabolism and contributes to the development of gout;
  • we reduce carbohydrate intake: the daily norm for an elderly person is 3 g per 1 g of protein. By doing this we relieve the pancreas and prevent the formation excess weight. Alas, fat people live 7 years less than slim people.

Try to get carbohydrates from vegetables and fruits, buckwheat and oatmeal, whole grain bread. Avoid sugar, baked goods and carbonated drinks;

  • fats are important, but they are needed in limited quantities - at the rate of 1 g per kilogram of weight. Difficult to digest and poorly absorbed fats of animal origin should be replaced with vegetable ones (olive, corn, sunflower oil). This will reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and improve metabolic processes.

Rich in vitamins A and D butter it is relatively easy to digest, and therefore doctors recommend introducing it into the menu of an elderly person at the rate of 30% of the daily fat intake;

  • in the diet of older people mandatory Vitamins C, A, E, B 1 and B 6 must be present. They affect immunity, fat absorption, vision and reduce the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis, ultimately adding a couple of years to your life.

Where to look for vitamins?

  • consume less salt and drink more fluids - at least 1.5 liters per day;
  • cleanse your intestines twice a year - this not only facilitates the digestion process, but also rejuvenates the body;
  • switch to a 4-meal diet with 4-hour breaks between meals. Distribute your diet in the following way: 1st breakfast - 30% of the diet, 2nd breakfast - 20%, lunch - 40%, dinner - 10% (no later than 2 hours before bedtime).

If you have increased appetite, eat 5 times a day, but in small portions, not exceeding daily norm calorie consumption.

3. Positive attitude + 7 years.

Statistics show that optimists live longer. Positive attitude promotes live communication with other people, an active lifestyle and the presence of hobbies. Don’t isolate yourself and confine yourself within four walls, choosing TV and a grumpy neighbor as your interlocutors. Remember: your life is in your hands.

What shortens life?

Gerontologists have found out what factors negatively affect longevity. Here is the scientists' conclusion:

  • Excess weight takes up to 10 years from a person’s life. Every 15 extra kilos shortens the human lifespan by 3 years, extreme degree obesity will take you a whole decade;
  • Chronic stress will take 8 years. Therefore, it is important to always remain calm and have a positive attitude;

  • A sedentary lifestyle accelerates aging by 9 years. Lying on the couch and doing nothing has a detrimental effect on metabolism, triggering degenerative processes in cells;
  • Smoking, which causes shortness of breath, cough, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and increased cholesterol in the blood, cuts your allotted years by a dozen.

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American medical portal WebMD has compiled a list of recommendations for those who want to live happily ever after. Most of the advice is obvious, but for some mysterious reason many people don't follow it. But in vain! We have the power to change not only the quality of life, but also its duration, without any financial investment.

Protect your DNA

As you age, the telomeres located at the end of your chromosomes shorten, increasing your risk of acquiring various diseases. But favorable changes lifestyle changes can increase the production of telomerase, an enzyme that lengthens telomeres. Positively influence their condition and sports and healthy diets. In other words, healthy habits slow down aging at the cellular level.

Analyze it!

An 80-year study has shown that thorough people who pay attention to detail and think carefully about their decisions and actions live longer. They take more care of their health, work on family relationships and consciously choose a career, which together provides them with best level life.

Make friends

Here is another reason to be grateful to our friends. They prolong our life. Dozens of studies have proven a direct relationship between our social activity and longevity. So don't forget about your friends!

The more friends you have, the higher your chances of living longer and maintaining a clear mind in old age.

...but choose them wisely!

The habits of your friends reflect on you, so be friends with fans of a healthy lifestyle. Your chances of becoming obese increase if your friends are overweight. Smoking is also contagious, but there is good news. Quitting smoking with a group of people is better than quitting alone.

Quit smoking

Everyone knows that quitting smoking can prolong your life. But here are a couple of numbers that will amaze you. British researchers have found that if you quit smoking at 30, you could give yourself an extra 10 years of life! If you do this at 40, 50 or 60, you will live 9, 6 and 3 years longer, respectively.

Use protective equipment

Protection is never too much

In the United States, accidents are the fifth leading cause of death for age group from 1 to 24 years. Wearing protective equipment increases your chances of living a long time healthy life. Seat belts in vehicles reduce the risk of death or serious injury from an accident by 50%! For motorcyclists and cyclists, the leading cause of death is head injuries, so don't forget to wear a helmet every time you saddle up your iron horse.

Follow a Mediterranean diet

Eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, olive oil and fish. This diet will become your serious protection against metabolic syndrome– combinations of obesity, high level blood sugar high pressure and other conditions that provoke diseases of cardio-vascular system and diabetes.

Eat like an Okinawan

Once upon a time, the inhabitants of the island of Okinawa, in Japan, were the main centenarians of the Earth. And all thanks to the traditional low-carb diet of green and yellow vegetables. Alas, the younger generation does not respect tradition and does not live that long anymore.

Have a drink! But in moderation

Did you know that heart disease is less common in those who allow themselves the occasional glass than in those who don’t drink at all? But excessive love entails the appearance of extra kilos on the waist, raises blood pressure and provokes various diseases. Women can drink no more than one glass of wine a day, men - no more than two. But if you haven’t drunk yet, then don’t start, there are others to support your heart.

Find your spiritual path

People who attend religious services live longer. Scientists spent 12 years studying the health of 65-year-old believers who attended church meetings more than once a week. It turned out that the level of the key for immune system The protein in their body is higher than that of those who do not go to church! The miraculous power comes into play again social activity, which was mentioned above.

Tie the knot

Married people live longer than single people. Researchers explain this by the fact that spouses support each other morally and financially. But even widowed or divorced men and women die at higher rates. late age than those for whom Mendelssohn's march has never sounded.

Oaths of allegiance are not empty words. Spouses support each other and prolong each other's and their own lives


The ability to let go and forget is the key to good health. Constant grievances provoke heart and lung diseases, heart attacks and other problems. Forgiveness reduces anxiety and normalizes blood pressure, and also helps you breathe full breasts. You will receive the full reward for your ability not to harbor evil in old age in the form of additional years of life.

Do not stop!

Movement is life!

The benefits are obvious. Those who move a lot live on average several years longer than lazy people. Regular exercise reduces your chances of heart attack, heart disease, diabetes, some forms of cancer and depression. Plus, your mind will be clearer as you age! Even a 20-minute exercise, but every day, counts.

Lose weight

If you have overweight, losing weight can protect you from diabetes, heart disease and other ailments that take years off your life. Fat around the waist is especially dangerous, so focus your weight loss efforts in this area. Eat more fiber and exercise regularly.

Relax after lunch

The afternoon siesta is a tradition in many countries, and now scientists have proven that sleeping after a midday meal increases life expectancy. Those who like to relax and sleep for an hour or two after lunch reduce their risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by 37%. This happens because during sleep the levels of stress hormones decrease, and this heals the heart.

Relaxing and unwinding after lunch is good for your heart! And in general it’s nice

Don't sacrifice sleep

By getting enough sleep, you reduce your chances of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and mood swings. Sleep helps you recover faster. Night sleep The body simply needs at least 5 hours to recover, because throw away all your midnight activities and go to bed!

Manage your stress

It is impossible to completely avoid stress; you can learn to control it. Yoga, meditation, or simply deep breathing in difficult life moments. Even a few minutes a day is enough.

Fill your life with meaning

Hobbies and other activities that are important to you can extend your life. Japanese scientists have found that people who understand that they are needed by someone or have a purpose in life are less likely to die from heart attacks or heart disease. Understanding what you are doing and why you are doing it reduces your risk of becoming a victim of Alzheimer's disease.

Tips on how to prolong life. How to extend a person's life

Since ancient times, people have been searching for elixirs of youth and longevity. And even modern science with different devices, research, technologies, he cannot derive a formula for longevity. But the work done also produced results that should be paid attention to. As it turned out, our life and its duration depend only 20-25% on genes, everything else depends on ourselves. So what should we do to change the quality of life and its duration for the better?

1. Laughter.

Laughter actually extends our life by several years. Scientists from Norway spent a decade and a half conducting an experiment in which about 50 thousand volunteers participated. What conclusions were drawn from: people who sincerely rejoice and laugh every day have significantly fewer heart and vascular problems, chronic diseases lungs, infections and even oncology.

2. Stairs.

Scientists with Medical center Geneva is confident that if you run a couple of dozen steps every day, you will be able to live 20% longer. This warm-up will reduce the risk of heart-related diseases, relieve arthritis of the joints, and reduce the likelihood of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

3. Communication.

Some scientists, based on observations, argue that the level and duration of life is influenced by the number and circle of friends. Of the hundreds of thousands of applicants surveyed, those who communicate a lot with relatives, often have get-togethers with friends, and make new acquaintances felt happy. Over the 5 years that the study lasted, the people surveyed never suffered from chronic diseases.

4. Pets.

Having a pet in the house plays a role important role in our lives, in particular for health. If, for example, a cat or a dog lives with you, then you probably never have depression, even blood pressure and your cholesterol levels will be normal. Such statistics have already been confirmed experimentally more than once, so it would not be superfluous to once again recall this method of life extension.

5. Optimism.

Self-love, awareness of your age, enjoying every day you live, optimistic views on things will certainly make your life brighter, happier and longer!

6. Altruism.

In the modern understanding, volunteering means being useful to society, to one’s own karma, and also, according to research, to one’s health. Scientists have determined that approximately 100 hours of such work per year will extend our life by 5-7 years. Of course, as with any other activity, you have to enjoy volunteering to find joy and pleasure. Therefore, if this work is not to your liking, you should not force yourself.

7. Foreign languages.

Knowledge of several foreign languages ​​significantly prolongs brain activity by long years. If a person trains his brain all his life, he will always, even in old age will remember information well, solve problems easily complex tasks, feel happy and young.

Appreciate your life and everything you have today, enjoy every day, take care of your health and spend your time actively so that you don’t regret anything later.

Science does not stand still and the question is how to prolong life, is one of the top priorities.

Our article will help you understand how extend life , and will break the stereotypes that have probably settled in your head.

Where does old age come from?

In order to fight something, you first need to understand the whole problem itself.

What causes old age? Scientists have still not been able to come to a common answer to this question. We will present to you the most famous theories about the causes of aging.

Most scientists adhere to the theory “ wear and tear" She says that our body simply becomes decrepit over time. Aging occurs as the body's systems wear out.

Any mechanism has spare parts that start when the main ones break down. Likewise, our body has one kidney, a lung, and so on in reserve. But it is clear to everyone that the functioning of one organ has more low efficiency than two.

After a certain number of such failures, the body enters a state of instability. For example, atherosclerosis can cross the line of failure, covering too much large area arteries, or infection too large quantities joints that have nothing to replace. Serious violations Some systems lead to violations of others. That's when the body becomes worn out.

The body itself can be blamed for the wear and tear of the body. Each cell releases waste products, including toxic ones. free radicals. They disrupt the functions of proteins and other molecules by binding to them. Over time, these disorders accumulate, and the body wears out - it loses its previous performance.

Why then does the aging process last for many years? For every poison there is an antidote. In our case, these are antioxidants that remove radicals from the body by first absorbing them. They reach us through plant foods. As we age, it is usually advised to increase the amount of antioxidants we consume.

Hormonal background also plays an important role in aging. A decrease in the production of testosterone and growth hormone has a detrimental effect on the body. Now scientists are trying to teach the body to live longer, leading to hormonal balance back to normal.

The second theory completely refutes the first in comparing the functioning of the body with the work of the mechanism. This is explained by the fact that our cells are constantly reborn, old ones are replaced by new ones. Adherents of this theory explain aging as a programmed process that was already inherent in us from the very beginning and is a product of evolution, because what is the point of striving for survival and procreation to preserve the species if the body is not doomed to obligatory death?

Proof of this could be that each species has an average lifespan, such as spiders live on average 25 years, and humans 70.

The Hayflick effect is also associated with this aging mechanism. It lies in the fact that in certain moment telomeres turn off cell division, which leads to their death. However, one of the recent discoveries is the enzyme telomerase, which lengthens the size of telomeres and they do not “end” during cell division, which prolongs the life of cells, and therefore delays the moment of aging. It is possible that developments in this direction will help us live longer.

The third thought about aging is that wear and tear is caused by inflammatory processes. Thanks to inflammation, our body fights infections and viruses, but at the same time it harms itself. In fact, first of all, inflammation develops into chronic diseases, such as atherosclerosis, angina pectoris and so on.

Our body is a habitat for many viruses and other pathogens that manifest their activity under certain conditions. In old age, the body weakens, viruses wake up and the number of inflammations increases in accordance with the number of “awakened” microorganisms. In order to avoid such situations, it is necessary to engage in disease prevention, which is much easier than treatment, which is much easier. best effect, because every previous illness leaves its mark, not to mention diseases, at the stages of manifestation of which treatment makes no sense.

Ways to extend life

  1. Develop your mind. According to statistics, people working in the field mental work, have a mortality rate 4 times lower than others. Read books, learn poetry, solve crosswords. Even such a simple exercise as replacing a working hand will help develop the mind. If you usually sit at the computer, the mouse is in right hand, then change it to the left one. This way a new skill is formed. The formation of skills occurs due to the formation of connections between neurons in the brain, the development gray matter. Thus, brain development does not only occur during mental activity.
  2. Tomatoes will help extend your life years. Add them to daily diet, because due to the presence of large amounts of potassium they will reduce the risk cardiovascular diseases by 30%.
  3. The Harvard Medical School staff made the following statement - people who conduct a lot of time with family, the pressure is at in good condition. It is also easier for household members to get rid of bad habits than those who prefer to spend free time not with family.
  4. We all know men's fear of marriage. As it turned out, it was very vain, because according to research by Italian scientists, married men live three years longer than bachelors.
  5. Surround yourself with silence and eliminate all objects that make sharp sounds - a loud alarm clock, a sharp ringtone, a whistling kettle. All this can cause heart attack, and especially in those suffering from high blood pressure.
  6. It has been proven that bread lovers are less likely to get cancer. The bread crust contains eight times more pronyl-lysine, which is an anti-cancer substance, than the entire loaf.
  7. Be lenient with opinions those around you and this will help you prolong your life. German scientists adhere to this point of view. But how can you overcome excessive anxiety due to people whispering behind your back?
  8. Exercise. For example, on the way to work, loudly and confidently repeat after the driver the names of all stops. At first it will be very difficult, and the amazed looks will make you blush. But don't stop under any circumstances!
  9. Life without friends is completely unimaginable. But furry friends at home will help protect you from stress and stabilize your blood pressure. If you had a cat, then you probably encountered a situation where she lay down on an inflamed organ and the pain went away. And if it wasn’t, then correct this situation as soon as possible!
  10. According to modern statistics oncological diseases occupy a leading position among all lethal diseases. That is why it is very important to think about their prevention, because in some cases treatment is powerless. Polyphenols- a great way to be safe from cancer. The largest number of them found in chocolate, but only in clean conditions. In addition to those already mentioned cancer diseases, these substances will also help prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  11. Think about your music preferences, because it is she who can influence your life. Add classic songs to your playlist. According to Oxford scientists, Beethoven helps muscles relax and blood pressure stabilize.
  12. Sun not only illuminates our lives, but also enriches the body with vitamin D. It reduces the risk of skin cancer, diabetes and helps fight stress. But stress, as we know, can become an impetus for almost any disease.
  13. Dance. French scientists have proven that salsa is the most suitable dance for extending your life. It is this style that develops the lungs and has a beneficial effect on the spine.
  14. Reduce calorie intake. In fact, we use a lot more food than our body requires in conditions decreased activity. By reducing calories by just 20-30 percent, we reduce the risk of diabetes by 50%, and cancer by as much as 70. First of all, reduce your sugar and salt intake. Excessive use salt can lead to stroke, and sugar has a detrimental effect on the brain, heart and pancreas, disturbances in which lead to diabetes.
  15. Sleep in the dark. Light stimuli disrupt the production of melatanin, which plays an important role in immunity, and especially anti-cancer protection. “Rebooting” the body during sleep is carried out precisely thanks to it. Violations in this process do not give good rest, for which sleep is intended.


A lot of people are afraid to live a long time experiencing fear of old age. But is there any point in this fear?

Let's look at the myths that surround longevity.

1. All old people are necessarily sickly.

Scientists have long proven that those who led a healthy lifestyle in their youth and did not give it up in old age do not have big problems with health at any age. Refusal alcoholic drinks, nicotine and regular physical activity will make your old age easier.

2. Older people find it difficult to learn new things..

Of course, the perception of old people loses its strength compared to young people, but by setting yourself a specific goal and being filled with desire, you can learn new skills at any age.

This also includes the myth of obligatory memory loss. Memory refers to mental processes that, like muscles, weaken without training. Load your brain - learn a verse, a couple of new words every day foreign language and then you will always be of sound mind and bright memory!

3. Old age cannot be reversed.

In fact, when we lose something as we age, we can regain it through appropriate exercises. Remember that the key to everything is a healthy lifestyle.

4. With age intimate life is on the decline.

Interest and abilities in this matter are determined primarily by health status, and not by age. And as was already said above - Your health is completely in your hands.

5. Aging is genetic.

Of course, genes determine predisposition to aging, but their role is only 30%, and the remaining 70% is taken up by factors such as lifestyle and environment.

Summarizing We can say that how long you will live and how exactly aging will proceed depends only on you. Choose correct image life, surround yourself positive emotions and to the maximum ecological environment, and then old age will not bring you almost any problems! Stay a full-fledged person and at 90 years old it is quite possible!

And the Lord said: My Spirit will not forever be despised by men; because they are flesh; let their days be a hundred and twenty years.

Being. 6:3.

The officially recorded longevity record was set by the Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment; she died at the age of 122 years.

Want to extend your life by 114 years?

I present to your attention my translation of a recently published "The Independent" articles by Roger Dobson ( Roger Dobson) "How to live to 114 (in theory)".

Doctors can now tell us which habits can prolong our lives, and how many “extra” years they can give us.

Happy people who are sexually active, avoid debt, eat chocolate, go to church and are vegetarians live longer than unhappy people, abstainers and the poor. A new study clearly shows how many years longer people who lead a healthy lifestyle (non-smoking, non-overeating, vegetarian and positive-minded) can live.

A Harvard University study that followed the lives of 600 people over 60 years identified seven lifestyle factors that are key to understanding how long we live and how long we stay healthy:

1) avoid alcohol abuse,

3) have a strong family,

4) exercise regularly exercise,

5) maintain optimal weight,

6) be patient

7) engage in constant self-education (including learning to be rich).

“Long life is not only the result of heredity or fate. Choice healthy image life paves the way for a long life full life. The lifestyle you choose determines how long you will remain energetic and happy,” says one of the study’s authors.

Cambridge University researchers claim that following the four good habits- Exercising regularly, eating 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily, not smoking and drinking alcohol in moderation can extend life by 14 years.

The study also shows the importance of a successful marriage, extending life by 10 years, at least for men. As for women, it’s more complicated: some researchers even suggest that the stress and strain of an unsuccessful marriage can shorten a woman’s life expectancy.

How to extend your life by 1.8 years?

Be a winner!

According to the study Warwick University, scientists who became laureates Nobel Prize, live almost 2 years longer than those who were nominated for this award, but did not become laureates. According to the study Toronto University, whose researchers studied all the actors nominated for an Oscar, those actors who received an Oscar live several years longer than those who did not win. Winners of these awards live on average 4 years longer, and those who have won twice live 6 years longer. Believed to be high social status gives a positive effect.

How to extend your life by 2 years?

Eat chocolate!

Research says dark chocolate is great for your heart and can increase your life expectancy. A Harvard graduate study found that chocolate lovers live on average 1 year longer than those who do not indulge in it. People who eat one to three chocolate bars per month reduce their risk by 36%. premature death. This is due to the action of antioxidants, high content of which dark chocolate is especially famous.

How to extend your life by 2.5 years?

Have more sex!

Most studies confirm that sex has many health benefits and can increase life expectancy. Research from the University of California shows that sex can extend our lives by more than 2 years, and research from the University of Bristol says people who orgasm frequently live longer. Those who have sex at least twice a week have half the risk of premature death than those who have sex less than once a month. Exercise and weight training increase sexual desire.

How to extend your life by 3 years?

Believe in God and have friends!

Regularly attending church or chapel is as good for your health as jogging. A study from the University of Pittsburgh found that attending church services weekly extends life by 2 to 3 years. For comparison: physical exercise prolongs life by 3–5 years, and taking statins ( statins- This medications, reducing cholesterol levels in the blood by inhibiting cholesterol biosynthesis in the liver – V.S.) – for 2.5–3.5 years. “Regular church attendance is comparable to traditional therapy and is more cost-effective than taking statins,” the researchers said. It is believed that going to church reduces the severity of stress, and the community of people in the church helps to cope with these stresses. Friendship has a similar effect. A Harvard University study shows that people who do not like to attend church, travel, or take part in social activities, are more than 20% likely to die earlier than those who are active social life. Anyone who rarely and little engages in activities such as work, shopping, or gardening has a more than 35% chance of dying prematurely.

How to extend your life by 3.6 years?

Eat less meat!

Diets with low content meat and vegetarian diets reduce the risk of premature death. American healthcare experts analyzed the study Loma Linda University and found that, as a rule, those who rarely—less than once a week—eat meat prolong their life by 3.6 years. “Research results clearly show a direct correlation between low meat consumption and higher life expectancy"say the researchers. Health effect at high consumption fruits and vegetables is explained by the fact that the body is less saturated with fats and more with antioxidants.

How to extend your life by 3.7 years?

Lead active image life!

Someone who maintains a high level of activity can extend their life by 1.3 to 3.7 years. Dutch researchers Erasmus University We are confident that the main reason for this beneficial effect is that physical activity very good for the heart. In addition, exercise helps combat overweight and improve quality of life.

How to extend your life by 4 years?

Drink wine!

According to a study from a Dutch university, drinking wine regularly – in small quantities! – can extend life by 4 years. Researchers Wageningen University found that those who drink half a glass of wine daily have a 38% reduced risk of premature death. Researchers are convinced that drinking wine in moderation is good for the heart, and also prevents the formation of blood clots and lowers cholesterol levels.

How to extend your life by 4.1 years?

Monitor your blood pressure and cholesterol levels and don't let them rise!

According to the message Yale University, those who have low blood pressure and cholesterol levels can extend their life by 4 years.

How to extend your life by 5 years?

Get a higher education, play golf!

According to a Harvard University study, women with higher education live 5 years longer than their peers with no education, while men with a university education can extend their lives by 7.8 years. Conscious choice of a healthy lifestyle (by those whose level of education is higher) is one possible explanation for this, and another is different approach to assess the significance of heart diseases. A study by Danish scientists found a more modest increase in life expectancy - 2.7 years for educated men and 2.2 years for educated women.

Swedish research Karolinska Institute showed that golfers live 5 years longer, while the risk of premature death is reduced by 40%.

How to extend your life by 6.6 years?

Eat right!

Following the Diet Suggested by Researchers Erasmus University, allows you to increase life expectancy by 6.6 years. This diet includes daily consumption dark chocolate, almonds, fruits, vegetables, garlic and wine, and fish 4 times a week. This reduces the risk of heart disease by 76%. “This diet is an effective, safe, inexpensive and tasty alternative for reducing cardiovascular disease and increasing life expectancy. life of the population“say the scientists.

How to extend your life by 7 years?

Get rid of excess weight!

Losing excess weight can extend your life by 7 years. A group of scientists from the University of Oxford believes that people aged 40 who are obese - whose body mass index ( body mass index, BMI) exceeds the norm by 30 points - they die, as a rule, 7 years earlier than those with normal weight. A study by Harvard University researchers found that people (ages 20 to 50) who gained no more than 5 pounds (2.3 kg) were at risk for diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and cholelithiasis one-third less than those who gained 11 (5 kg) to 22 (10 kg) pounds.

How to extend your life by 7.5 years?

Be optimistic!

A study of 660 people over the age of 50 found that those who have more positivity in their lives tend to live 7.5 years longer than those who are perpetually unhappy. Results of a 23-year study Yale University, confirmed by the work of Dutch scientists, show that optimists live longer. Optimists have a 55% reduced risk of premature death. Researchers say that pessimists are more susceptible to bad habits and diseases, such as obesity and hypertension.

How to extend your life from 8 to 10 years?

How to extend your life by 10 years (for men; for women - by 4 years)?

Get married (get married)!

According to a University of Chicago study, married men, on average, live 10 years longer than unmarried men, while married women live about 4 years longer than unmarried women. One theory is that married men have longer life expectancies because they lead less risky and healthier lifestyles as a result of the commitments they made when they married. Married women live longer as a result of improved marriage financial condition. However, Swiss researchers found a reduction in life expectancy of 1.4 years in some married women, - perhaps this is the result of the stress and strain they constantly experience when living together with their husbands. An Australian government report found that the risk of premature death increases by 10.6% every 10 years for confirmed bachelors, and 9.4% for divorcees.

How to extend your life by more than 10 years?

Be happy!

A study done on nuns shows that happy people live 10 years longer than the unfortunate. A two-year study from the University of Kentucky found that happy nuns were less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease. According to one theory, happy people quickly discover that they feel bad and need help, and they are less susceptible to stress.

How to extend your life by 14 years?

Change your lifestyle!

A Cambridge University study based on 20,000 people over the age of 45 found that adopting just four habits could add 14 years to your life. Researchers have found that those who exercise regularly, eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily, and drink alcohol in moderation live 14 years longer than those who do not have such habits.

How to extend your life by 20 years?

Be rich and live among rich people!

Rich people live longer than poor people. One striking contrast was discovered by health officials in Baltimore. In poor areas average duration life expectancy is 63 years, and in rich suburbs - 83.




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