What is a spot in the eye? Why do we see invisible flies before our eyes? White and black spots, flashing before the eyes - causes and treatment

Conditions that appear for the first time always cause concern, but not everyone immediately runs to the doctor to find out the cause of what happened.

It is not always possible to notice the appearance of symptoms, but when you look at a white surface, it is easier to notice black or white flies.

Floaters before the eyes can appear for a number of reasons, but they require addressing the issue as soon as possible after they begin. It is especially necessary to pay attention if the manifestations appeared after an injury or began suddenly in large numbers.

Flies can be of different types:

If the destruction is based on the compaction of the connective tissue of the vitreous body, then the form of flickering particles in the form of strips, threads, and with further deterioration in the form of cobwebs, jellyfish, etc.

If particles of vitreous fiber appear in the internal environment of the vitreous body, then the floaters will be round, ring-shaped, or dotted.

Reasons for the appearance of floaters before the eyes

Often the appearance of symptoms can be noticed in people who suffer from visual impairment in the form of myopia. A person’s age is no exception: in old age, floaters appear more often.

The reasons why floaters may appear before the eyes are different: this may be associated with pathologies of the visual organ itself or be a sign of concomitant diseases.

  1. The reasons that are associated with the eye relate to impaired transparency of the vitreous body. Anatomically, this organ fills the cavity between the retina and the lens. consists of water and nutrients. A change in its composition disrupts the necessary ratio of body structures and causes the appearance of separately moving opaque molecules of substances.
  2. The second reason that causes floaters before the eyes is a change in the location of the same eye structure. The vitreous body begins to migrate and enters the area of ​​the optic nerve, as a result of which black spots, sharp flashes and darkening of the image appear.

The appearance of flies may also be observed.

The reasons that are not related to the violation of the structure and location of the vitreous body are quite numerous:
  • myopia;
  • diabetes;
  • and their long-term consequences;
  • poor circulation of the cervical spine due to osteochondrosis;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure, development of hypertensive crisis;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • toxic damage to the central nervous system;
  • bleeding of various locations;
  • pregnancy with threat of eclampsia;

In the case of bleeding, floaters before the eyes are caused by loss of blood from the central bloodstream. A decrease in the volume of circulating blood causes a decrease in pressure, which provokes weakness and flickering of flies.

Black flies most often appear in the presence of eye pathology, white ones appear when there are sudden changes in pressure. This condition can be observed when a person suddenly gets out of bed.

To determine the cause of the symptoms, you must first contact an ophthalmologist. Physical examination methods will allow you to quickly determine the pathology of the vitreous body or retina. If this reason is excluded, then the person is referred to a therapist, neurologist, or endocrinologist specializing in pathology. To make a diagnosis, the first step is to conduct a detailed interview with the patient. You can suspect the exact cause based on complaints and the history of the appearance of flies.

Floaters before the eyes should bring a person to the doctor immediately if there was a head injury and these symptoms appeared, as well as if their number began to increase sharply. An increase in the number of flies after turning on the lighting in the room should also alert you.

Treatment and elimination of floaters before the eyes

Treatment of flies should be carried out after the cause of their appearance has been established. It is quite obvious that pathology not related to the organ of vision should be treated by eliminating the underlying disease.

Treatment of pathological manifestations is carried out in the following areas:

  • conservative treatment;
  • laser correction;
  • surgical removal;

Since the cause of the appearance of floaters often lies in the pathology of the vitreous body, treatment with medications does not have an effect. So far, no means have been found that could help cope with the appearance of flies. However, agents that improve blood circulation have proven certain effectiveness. Such local remedies include emoxypine drops and Wobenzym enzymes for internal use.

Vitamins with lutein can also help to some extent prevent the development of pathology and strengthen the structures of the eye.

It justifies itself if the cause of the appearance of the elements is associated with retinal pathology. Tears and detachments of this eye structure are easily eliminated with a laser beam.

Surgical treatment is not welcomed among professionals, since it is not always possible to predict the consequences of the operation and possible complications. This treatment includes several techniques:

  1. Using special equipment, the resulting opaque particles are crushed to a size at which they will not interfere with vision. The consequences of such an intervention have not been studied, so treatment in this way is considered dangerous. However, exceptional cases in which the technique was applied confirm the effectiveness of the method of influence and stable results.
  2. The second method is to remove the affected vitreous and replace it with a container of saline solution. However, a foreign structure of the eye can cause rejection of other eye structures: the appearance of cataracts or hemorrhage.

Treatment of vision through lifestyle correction

The safest treatment is through lifestyle changes, although it cannot be said to be exceptionally effective.

The assumption about the possibility of influencing the composition of the vitreous fluid arose from studies of its composition. Reasons that may affect the composition are violations of diet and rest.

Eliminating nicotine and alcohol from the diet and adding more vegetables and fruits to the diet had a positive effect on the condition of the vitreous body. This allowed us to draw the appropriate conclusions.

In addition to nutrition, it is necessary to increase physical activity, which will provide an influx of oxygen and slow down the aging of the body and eye structures, including.

At the same time, it is necessary to refuse or limit as much as possible the presence of a computer screen and contact with a mobile phone.

Performing eye exercises may have an indirect effect.

Traditional methods of treating vision

Since conservative therapy has not been found, and not everyone will decide on surgical treatment, treatment with folk remedies is used.

These methods include eye massage: it stimulates blood circulation in the vitreous body, thereby preventing the spread of the process. It is performed by closing the eyelids, while gently pressing on the area of ​​the eyeball in the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. The massage is carried out with patting movements for 2-3 minutes. It is important to perform the procedure regularly, in courses.

Other remedies include drops prepared from a mixture of aloe juice and honey. This composition is instilled into the eyes, 2 drops 3 times a day.

Treatment with folk remedies also includes the use of propolis infusion with shungite water, which is also instilled into the eyes for pathology of the vitreous body. If a shungite solution cannot be found, then use ordinary water.

When blocking the blood vessels of the eye, a tincture of clover heads and clove seasoning, 10 pcs., which is placed on top of the inflorescences, helps. After the container is filled with vodka, the solution is infused for 7 days in a dark place. It is necessary to take 10 drops orally before meals.

More and more visitors are coming with the same problem. The most common cause of concern is described as follows:

“If I look at light-colored things without glasses, I see different transparent threads, small circles, dots, and they seem to flow down like glass.”

“A week ago, when he woke up in the morning, he discovered in one eye a feeling like a haze was floating in front of his eyes, he explains how cigarette smoke floats like a cobweb, but his vision has not deteriorated.”

“Almost 3 years ago, small circles appeared in both eyes, translucent hairs, and over the course of 3 years, more and more of them gathered into clouds.”

To summarize, most often people see the following picture: floating dots before their eyes; floating spots before the eyes; midges before eyes; black spot before the eyes; spots before the eyes.

All these “objects” are usually best seen against a light background and in good lighting. They move smoothly when the eyes move and continue to move after the gaze is fixed.

In some cases, these visual effects may be accompanied by sparks and lightning. A well-established name for this effect has emerged - flying flies. In medicine, the term “destruction of the vitreous body”, abbreviated as DST, is used for this pathology.

Depending on the degree of severity, these floaters can either not interfere with a person at all, or bring psychological discomfort, and in especially serious cases, significantly interfere with vision. What is destruction of the vitreous body?

Vitreous body

The vitreous is a gel-like substance that fills the cavity of the eye between the retina and the lens. More than 99% of it consists of water and less than 1% of collagen, hyaluronic acid and other substances. Despite being present in such small quantities in the eye, collagen and hyaluronic acid are extremely important components. Hyaluronic acid provides the gel-like structure of the vitreous body. Collagen serves as a framework for it. In addition, collagen, hyaluronic acid and proteoglycans form a complex that also affects the structure of the vitreous body.

The vitreous body is normally absolutely transparent and this is achieved due to the strictly defined structure and composition of the molecules of the substances that make up its composition. Under the influence of various factors, these molecules can disintegrate into fragments, which leads to a qualitative change in the composition of the vitreous body, and its volume also changes. This process is called destruction of the vitreous body. As a result, particles appear in the vitreous body that do not have optical transparency; it is these that our vision perceives as flying flies.

In some cases, a change in the structure of the vitreous body can lead to a mechanical effect on the retina, “irritation” of the photoreceptors occurs and, as a result, a person sees sparks or lightning. However, it is necessary to differentiate the causes of the appearance of floaters. Flies are not always DST. The ingress of blood, drugs and other substances that should not normally be in the vitreous body can cause a visual effect similar to that seen during the destruction of the vitreous body.

Sometimes the fly-fly effect can be associated with increased blood pressure. In this case, blood pressure control is necessary, especially when floaters appear. Seeing a therapist may clear things up.

Causes and risk factors

DST is a consequence of the natural physiological process of aging of the human body, therefore, by a certain age (40-60 years), most people notice the appearance of flying flies to one degree or another. However, there is no clear age limit. Floaters can also appear in adolescence.

Myopic people are at risk of early development of vitreous destruction. The higher the degree of myopia, the higher the risk of developing DST and the appearance of floaters. Mechanical injuries to the eye, inflammatory processes in the eyes, metabolic disorders and many other factors that are difficult to systematize can lead to DST and the appearance of floaters.

What to do when flying flies appear?

The best thing to do when flying flies appear is to consult an ophthalmologist. It is advisable to see a fundus specialist - a retinologist. There is a doctor of this specialty in every clinic that deals with laser vision correction, as well as in centers that specialize in diseases of the posterior part of the eye. In addition to examining the fundus, it is advisable to do an ultrasound of the eyes. It is especially important to consult a doctor as quickly as possible in case of a spontaneous increase in the number or size of flies and, even more so, when sparks/lightning appear.

However, you should not panic when flies appear, especially if there are small numbers of them, which cause psychological discomfort rather than real vision problems. There are “floaters” that a person sees in bright light, when looking at snow, at a blue sky, and they are almost constant. Sometimes a person pays attention to them, sometimes not. Do not be surprised that in some cases the doctor will not detect problems with the vitreous humor at all. The size, structure and composition, as well as the location of the floaters, are all important in identifying the cause of the phenomena that bother patients.

Treatment of vitreous destruction

In some, however rare, cases, flies may disappear spontaneously. Most often, opacities in the vitreous body do not physically disappear, but simply disappear from the visible zone. If the doctor has not detected any vision-threatening problems, then this situation does not require treatment; it is only necessary to psychologically adapt to this phenomenon and not pay attention to it. However, this is not always possible. In some cases, destruction of the vitreous body manifests itself in optical effects that significantly reduce the quality of vision. Let's consider the known methods of treating DST.

Healthy lifestyle. Let's start with the non-drug and non-surgical option. It is assumed that the condition of the vitreous body may be associated with the general condition of the body. Thus, if there are systemic problems, for example, diabetes, then it is necessary to treat this disease. Standard recommendations for maintaining a healthy lifestyle - giving up bad habits, maintaining physical fitness - this is, perhaps, the entire arsenal that the patient has at his personal disposal.

Medicines. At the moment, there are no drugs with proven effectiveness that can remove existing floaters or prevent the appearance of new ones. Unfortunately, many manufacturers of medicines and dietary supplements speculate on this problem and claim the effectiveness of their products against DST.

Laser treatment - vitreolysis. This procedure is performed using a neodymium YAG laser. The doctor uses a laser to target the opaque fragments, breaking them into small particles that should no longer interfere with vision.

At the moment, this procedure is not widespread and there are not many ophthalmologists who practice it. Perhaps the most famous are Scott Geller and John Karickhoff from the USA, as well as Brendan Moriarty from the UK.

It is believed that the consequences of such a method can have very serious side effects that exceed the therapeutic effect. And the manipulation itself has some peculiarities. Unlike capsulotomy and iridotomy, which also use a YAG laser, vitreolysis is technically more difficult, because you have to work with moving objects.

For the above reasons, very few doctors perform this procedure. In Russia, there are no doctors practicing laser vitreolysis, or at least they do not widely advertise this activity.

To complete the picture, it is worth noting that doctors who perform this procedure claim that this method is highly effective. There are also articles 1,2,3 in the scientific literature that report the safety and effectiveness of this procedure. But so far, a sufficient amount of data has not been accumulated that would allow the widespread use of vitreolysis.

We can only hope that over time the problem of DST will be solved in the early stages and using safer methods than now.


1. Delaney YM, Oyinloye A, Benjamin L. "Nd:YAG vitreolysis and pars plana vitrectomy: surgical treatment for vitreous floaters." Eye (2002) 16, 21–26
2. David P. Sendrowski, et al. Current treatment for vitreous floaters. Optometry (2010) 81, 157-161
3. Wu-Fu Tsai, Yen-Chih Chen, Chorng-Yi Su. Treatment of vitreous floaters with neodymium YAG laser. British Journal of Ophthalmology 1993; 77: 485-488
4. H. Stevie Tan, Marco Mura, et al. Safety of Vitrectomy for Floaters. American Journal of Ophthalmology. Article in Press.

Many people see spots before their eyes (the reasons and treatment will be described below). As a rule, most of them do not attach much importance to this phenomenon, since it appears very rarely and only under certain lighting. Although some people still wonder why they periodically see spots before their eyes. We decided to describe the causes, treatment and symptoms of this phenomenon in this article.

general information

Before answering the question of why flies fly before your eyes, you should tell us what they generally look like. As a rule, this is an image with a haze, in which black dots with white dashes are clearly visible. In other words, a person who has such a deviation looks at the world as if through a dirty lens.

Who gets it most often?

By the way, this unpleasant phenomenon is often observed after a person begins to actively rub his eyes with his fingers. That is why, if you get something into the mucous membrane of the visual organ, then under no circumstances should you rub it. In this case, your eyes only need to be rinsed with warm, clean water.


It is better to prevent any disease than to treat it. To prevent problems with vision, as well as with the nervous system and blood circulation, you should be very careful about your health. You shouldn’t test your own body’s strength.

So, in order to see a doctor less often, it is recommended to forever forget about such bad habits as smoking and drinking alcohol. You also need to watch your diet. Do not eat fast food, but rather prepare a delicious and nutritious lunch yourself, using only natural ingredients without dyes or additives.

It should also be said that for early detection of possible pathologies, you should definitely visit an ophthalmologist once a year and conduct a medical examination.

Let's sum it up

In this article, we talked in detail about why a person may periodically or regularly see spots before their eyes. To summarize, I would like to briefly state that in case of such a deviation one should:

  • Make an appointment with an ophthalmologist, or better yet, with a retinologist (that is, a specialist in the fundus of the eye). This is due to the fact that the appearance of streaks and floaters may be the first sign of a disease that requires immediate treatment.
  • Take the pills prescribed by your doctor regularly and put drops in your eyes.
  • To prevent vision problems, lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Try not to rub, touch or scratch your eyes if anything gets in them.
  • Constantly perform eye exercises.

Many people have encountered the phenomenon of flies flashing before their eyes more than once in their lives. In healthy people, they appear due to the fact that the eyes, after a long stay in the dark, do not have time to quickly adapt to the light, but such floaters disappear after a few minutes or even seconds. However, if black and white spots, as well as cobwebs in the eyes, begin to constantly bother you, then these may be symptoms of a serious illness and in this case, immediate treatment is required. To understand where these points come from, you need to better understand the structure of the eye.

When we look at an ordinary object, it seems to us that we see it as an object, but in fact, we only see the light reflected from it. This light first hits the densest part of the eye - the cornea. It collects all incoming rays, focuses them in the anterior chamber of the eye, where they are refracted and transmitted to the iris. In the center of the iris there is a pupil; it transmits only the central rays through itself. The light flow passing through the pupil enters the lens, it serves as a kind of lens that focuses the flow of light. Finally, the filtered beam of light passes through the vitreous body to the retina, where the finished image is projected.

Eye diagram

The reason for the appearance of black and white dots, flies, and cobwebs in the eyes is a change in the composition of the vitreous body. This disease is also known as vitreous destruction or, in medicine, myodesopsia. Normally, the eye contains 99% fluid and 1% auxiliary substances, but if this composition changes, then we are dealing with various types of destruction of the vitreous body. It comes in two types:

  1. Filamentous destruction. With age, the fibers of the vitreous body lose their usual transparency or stick together due to deterioration of metabolism.
  2. Granular destruction. Cells - hyalocytes - penetrate into the vitreous body. They form the structure of the fibers of the vitreous body, but over time they become dense and stick together. Because of this, we begin to see dots and circles before our eyes.

Eye with destruction of the vitreous body

Causes of floaters before the eyes

If a person is healthy, then he is not bothered by cobwebs and extraneous spots in the eyes. Therefore, if you notice that eye floaters haunt you all the time, do not neglect this problem. Treatment must be carried out in a timely manner to avoid unpleasant consequences.
It happens that black and white flies only bother you at first, and when a person gets used to them, he simply stops paying attention to them. This should not be done under any circumstances, since these symptoms may indicate many dangerous diseases (including during pregnancy). Let's look at some of them:

  1. Diabetes. This is a common disease that causes vascular damage, which also includes the vessels of the retina and brain. Dots that appear during diabetes mellitus indicate that the blood vessels have already been severely damaged.
  2. Low blood pressure. With this disease, spots appear before the eyes due to the fact that the vessels are poorly filled with blood.
  3. Hypertension. When blood pressure rises, a person begins to worry not only about cobwebs and blackheads, but also about drowsiness, irritability and mood swings.
  4. Poisoning. Another reason for the appearance of cobwebs and dots in the eyes is poisoning by various toxic substances; when they penetrate the body, they affect the nervous system, including the optic nerve. In case of poisoning, in addition to flies, double vision may occur.
  5. Cervical osteochondrosis. Destruction of the vitreous body occurs with cervical osteochondrosis, as blood circulation in the arteries of the spine, which supply blood to the brain, is disrupted. A person begins to worry about fatigue, irritability, and black flies.
  6. Traumatic brain injury. If you have white spots in front of your eyes, this may indicate and is one of the symptoms of head injuries.
  7. Internal bleeding. This is a serious and dangerous condition that is difficult to determine in the first minutes. White spots before the eyes can sometimes be the only symptom.
  8. Floaters in the eyes during pregnancy. The reason for the flickering of dots and cobwebs in the eyes during pregnancy is a rather dangerous disease known as eclampsia. Most often, this disease manifests itself in late pregnancy and is considered the highest manifestation of toxicosis.

Pregnancy as a cause of floaters and black spots before the eyes

Now let's look at the appearance of floaters before the eyes during pregnancy in more detail.
The disease eclampsia, a symptom of which is the appearance of black dots before the eyes, manifests itself in the form of attacks. This attack begins with a headache and vomiting. But this is a normal condition during pregnancy, so it is not paid attention to. Then spots appear before your eyes, or everything around becomes foggy. However, it is worth noting that these are only harbingers of eclampsia. The attack itself is divided into three phases:

  1. Loss of consciousness - the pregnant woman does not respond to external stimuli, her gaze is focused on one point. This phase lasts up to 30 seconds.
  2. Tonic convulsions - the girl’s whole body arches in an arc with her head tilted back. Breathing stops, jaw clenches tightly. A pregnant girl can be in this state for 20-25 seconds.
  3. Clinical convulsions - arms and legs begin to move randomly and muscles contract. It all ends with a loud exhalation, foam appears at the mouth.

When the attack is over, the pregnant woman may be in a comatose state from several minutes to several hours. Involuntary urination occurs, the reason for this is a weak bladder during pregnancy.

Eclampsia is dangerous because the fetus is left without oxygen for a few seconds, which can be fatal not only for the child, but also for the mother. Therefore, during pregnancy you need to be very careful about your health and when the first symptoms of eclampsia appear, it is better to immediately call an ambulance.

Eye diseases as a cause of floaters

In addition to the above diseases, black and white floaters appear before the eyes with some eye diseases.

  1. Retinal detachment. This disease is indicated by the appearance of flashes of light in the eyes in combination with the flickering of flies;
  2. Mechanical eye injury. Violation of the integrity of the eyeball as a whole or some of its parts causes the flickering of flies;
  3. Myopia can cause cobwebs and floaters to appear in the eyes;
  4. Uveitis - an inflammatory process in the eye can also cause the appearance of flies and cobwebs;
  5. Ocular migraine is blurring of certain areas of vision.


There is currently no treatment that can completely eliminate this problem and its causes. However, there are several medications, as well as folk recipes that help those who are sick.


These include drugs that promote the resorption of fibers and hyalocytes that form floaters:

  • “Emoxipin” drops, take 1 drop 3 times a day;
  • Wobenzin tablets are taken in combination with laser correction. Correction treatment is carried out 5 times a day for a month, “Wobensin” is drunk 5 tablets 3 times a day, 14-28 days.


There is a surgical method for treating this disease; it involves replacing the vitreous with a saline solution. However, this method of treatment has a large number of contraindications and is used very rarely.

Folk recipes

Treatment with folk remedies consists of massage and instillation of honey drops into the eyes. Massage improves blood and lymph circulation, thanks to which flies dissolve faster. Honey drops are made from honey and aloe juice. Instill this mixture 2 drops 3 times a day.
In addition to these two methods, an aqueous solution of propolis is used in the treatment of flies.
These methods are quite effective, but should be used as an auxiliary therapy. The main treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.


You can carry out treatment on your own, but there are also cases when an urgent visit to a doctor is necessary: ​​floaters begin to bother you constantly or, in addition to them, other symptoms bother you (flashes of light in the eyes, pain in the eyeball area and headaches).
If floaters are not a symptom of a serious illness and do not require drug treatment, then you can get rid of them by changing your lifestyle: quitting smoking and alcohol, eating right, and exercising.

From time to time, when looking at a light background, a feeling of some kind of flickering appears both before the eyes and inside them. Visually, this is similar to the movement of air molecules in the atmosphere, but this is only a comparison, not an explanation of the reason.

Speculation about origin

Most often, when faced with this phenomenon, a person tries to find the reasons for its occurrence. There are quite a lot of popular explanations for “gnats” in the eyes: the movement of molecules, liquid secreted by the eye itself and noticeable as a result of a focus failure, very small insects in the air and even the souls of the dead surrounding a person. All this is not a complete list of assumptions regarding this phenomenon.

What's Really Happening

If we discard mysticism and try to explain the situation from a scientific point of view, there is nothing unusual in this case, and the reason should be sought within. “Mid flies” actually appear before a person’s eyes as a result of hardening of the vitreous body of the eyeball. In ophthalmology, this phenomenon is called destruction of the vitreous body (VHD).

What it is

The vitreous body, the clouding of which causes the appearance of “midges,” should be understood as a gel-like liquid located between the lens and the retina. For the most part, this substance consists of water, but it contains collagen, hyaluronic acid and other substances that provide elasticity.

At the same time, the vitreous body of the eye remains completely transparent and does not interfere with vision in any way. As a result of various factors, a change in the molecular structure occurs, as a result of which the substance changes its structure and loses elasticity, which is why mysterious “midges” appear.

Causes of loss of elasticity of the vitreous body

Experts in the field of ophthalmology have not yet agreed on the exact causes of this phenomenon and what to do when it occurs. Some doctors are sure that the vitreous body of the eye becomes denser as a result of overstrain of the visual apparatus:

    sitting at the computer for a long time,

    painstaking work,

    even stress.

Why the vitreous body is prone to deformation is still unknown.

Other reasons for the appearance of midges

In addition to standard destruction, this phenomenon can be triggered by an increase in blood pressure and the entry of foreign substances into the body of the eye. In this case, you should contact an ophthalmologist urgently and find out how detrimentally the current situation can affect the visual system.

Who is at risk:

    Aged people. Although there is no clear age limit in this case, this disorder is still statistically more common in people over 40 years of age.

    People who spend a lot of time at the computer, do painstaking work, or are constantly in very bright light.

    Suffering from myopia.

    People experiencing inflammation in the eye area or suffering mechanical damage.

What to do when “midges” appear

First of all, you should not panic. Almost 100% of the world's population faces this problem. The main advantage of this disorder is the absolute lack of impact on the quality of vision. In fact, the destruction of the vitreous body is harmless.

To find out what exactly caused this disorder, you should contact an ophthalmologist for advice. The causes and further development of destruction can be clarified by studying the fundus and ultrasound of the eye.

How to treat this disorder

Both the causes and methods of treating destruction are not yet precisely known. However, there are a number of recommendations on how to treat the disorder. First of all, to get rid of the problem, you should switch to a healthy lifestyle, and most importantly, to good sleep.

There is no guaranteed drug treatment for this problem yet, however, it is possible to get rid of “midges” using a laser. It should be noted that this procedure is used quite rarely, and many ophthalmologists report serious side effects.

Sometimes it happens that the “midges” go away completely on their own, without any intervention. Healthy eating, exercise and good sleep can solve this problem.



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