Polyarthritis and methods of its treatment. Traditional treatment of polyarthritis

What's happened rheumatic arthritis? The answer cannot be unambiguous; this is a disease in which several joints are affected simultaneously or the inflammatory process occurs sequentially. The clinical picture of the disease is that the disease affects the tissue around the joint, after which the same happens in all joints where inflammatory processes in the soft tissues were observed. But it occurs not so much in the soft tissues as in the synovial membrane that surrounds the joint. The treatment is long, complex, long-term rehabilitation. If the disease is not cured, the outcome is disability.

Most often, the disease can be caused by past hepatitis B or Lyme - these are the main culprits in the occurrence of rheumatic arthritis. Doctors say that it occurs as a result of complications after suffering another disease, often infectious. The outcome can be sad, especially since internal organs are affected and the eyes suffer. Main - timely diagnosis, only medications prescribed by a doctor, diet, preventive measures, and then you won’t have to look for an answer about the reasons.

Causes of polyarthritis

As already mentioned, the causes of occurrence are complications after brought diseases. But these are not all infectious diseases. Also, clinical facts indicate that the causes can be attributed to the following diseases:

  • Rubella;
  • Mumps;
  • Viral hepatitis;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Food poisoning;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Syphiolis;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Allergic processes in the body;
  • Joint injuries, fractures;
  • Gastrointestinal tract infections.

Depending on what disease caused the manifestation of polyarthritis, its types are distinguished. Rheumatoid polyarthritis is the most common. In addition, there is infectious, crystalline, psoriatic, reactive, polyarthritis of the legs and fingers.

Symptoms of polyarthritis

The answer to the question about symptoms is quite extensive. Since not only joints are affected. Main features of this disease directly depend on what type of polyarthritis occurs, as well as the reasons for its occurrence. In the presence of infection in the body, infectious polyarthritis manifests itself. In this case it is typical following symptoms polyarthritis: swelling, redness of the skin over the joint, limited mobility.

In the initial stage, rheumatic arthritis may not manifest visible or painful symptoms. The disease is manifested only by minor joint pain that occurs during weather changes. Bad weather, aching joints? The answer is simple - this is how polyarthritis begins. At first, these are minor pains that go away if you take painkillers. Sometimes joint pain is accompanied slight increase temperature. This period is characterized by weight loss and lack of appetite. In some cases, the diagnosis of rheumatoid polyarthritis is based on high fever, pain in individual internal organs.

At first, the pain is quite mild, and swelling in the joints is almost invisible. In some cases there is elevated temperature However, more often symptoms of polyarthritis include decreased appetite and weight. Often the patient wonders why all this? The answer cannot be clear-cut. This is both heredity and wrong image life, ecology, ignored diet with an abundance of prohibited foods, sedentary lifestyle.

But in some cases, with rheumatoid polyarthritis, the temperature increase can be very strong, and diseases of the internal organs occur. This may already indicate a severe form of polyarthritis and diseases of the internal organs. Treatment is long and not always successful. It's not obligatory disabled carriage, but joint problems are guaranteed for life. And the most main symptom at this stage, these are progressive, irreversible deformations of the joints. It is almost impossible to cure this stage.

Classification of polyarthritis

In modern medicine, polyarthritis is classified according to ICD 10. ICD is an international specialized classification of diseases. ICD classification is used for timely diagnosis, even in the first stages of manifestation. Polyarthritis in the system international classification is under ICD code 10. There are a total of 21 diseases in the system. The answer to the question of what kind of qualification this is should concern only the doctor. It is better for the patient to follow his recommendations. Then the outcome will be predictable and positive, but diet and rehabilitation methods become an integral part of the daily routine.

The task of doctors is timely diagnosis, clinical changes and full treatment, precisely using this ICD classification. This is the data necessary for doctors. Only patients who have suffered from this disease for a long time understand them. But the most important thing is timely diagnosis. Moreover, modern medicine in the early stages helps to completely cure this disease.

Diagnosis of rheumatic arthritis

About the importance early diagnosis has already been written. Early detection of polyarthritis, timely treatment, diet, exercise therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures, rehabilitation and prevention will help you forget about the disease forever. But diet, exercise and prevention should become the norm of life for a person who is faced with this problem. The treatment and prevention recommended by Dr. Alefirov can be a good aid in this matter.

Don't forget about heredity, which plays a big role important role in diagnostics. Hypothermia and infectious diseases can cause illness. Mostly women are affected by the disease. Men do not suffer as often. Despite the fact that Dr. Alefirov is a hereditary doctor, he devoted a lot to this scientific works and treatment methods that are based mainly on medicinal herbs.

Diagnosis of the disease is difficult, symptoms are episodic. Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it doesn’t hurt, sometimes it swells, sometimes it doesn’t. Therefore more accurate diagnosis give clinical laboratory examinations, MRI of joints, x-ray. Based on the data obtained during the survey, it is analyzed clinical picture and treatment is prescribed.


Treatment of rheumatoid polyarthritis begins in the diagnostic field when the causes of the joint disease are clearly clear. It has already been indicated that it is impossible to completely cure the disease. Treatment presupposes what the outcome will be. Disability is possible when diagnosis and treatment were started too late.

When inflammatory processes appear in the joint area, progression is observed within six weeks. Only a notorious lazy person would fail to notice such signs and not begin treatment. You can only look for the answer to the reasons for a negative outcome in yourself. In the first stages, treating the disease is not difficult. Sometimes, as Alefirov advises, herbal infusions, teas and compresses are enough for treatment to stop the progressive process.

Before prescribing drugs, the doctor uses a special test, which is also provided for in the qualifications according to the ICD. This test, even if there is no obvious manifestation of the disease, gives a positive result in thirty percent. Along with treatment, the patient must regularly undergo x-ray examination feet and hands to avoid complications.


One of the most difficult complications after joint diseases is disability. But such an outcome can be excluded if you treat it in a timely manner, follow the recommendations, and undergo regular diagnostics. A salt-free diet and good nutrition will help avoid complications. But it is worth remembering that once the disease appears, its manifestations can occur throughout life.

Control over the condition of the joints, diet, and a set of measures for rehabilitation can be carried out at home. Then you won’t have to look for an answer to why the disease has returned. It is characteristic that when the disease returns, a slightly different character of the symptom appears, which is also noted in the ICD classification.

  1. Lesions of the mucous membrane of the eyes.
  2. Skin rashes.
  3. Inflammation of blood vessels.
  4. Pain in the heart area.
  5. Concerns from internal organs.

This is due to the fact that rheumatoid nodules can appear on internal organs and on the surface of the skin. All this causes some discomfort, so there may be manifestations depressive states. Now we also need to treat the internal organs. To exclude this, long-term rehabilitation will be required, the methods of which must be carried out at home.


Rehabilitation after this disease is a long, complex, life-long process. Now various medications, diet, and preventive measures become a daily routine for a person who has suffered from the disease. Even if the disease was diagnosed at early stage and it didn’t take long to treat it; the patient must clearly understand that from now on he has a special lifestyle, diet and medications are his constant companions.

Disability is far from the most sad outcome. This disease can lead to vision loss. If noticed a sharp decline visual acuity, then the answer must be sought precisely in polyarthritis. The attending physician must know this in order to take it into account when prescribing medications.

Rehabilitation has quite positive dynamics. But when returning to to the usual way life, it is necessary not to forget about the peculiarities of nutrition after this disease, include in the diet vitamin preparations. Do not forget about the recommendations of Dr. Alefirov. Then sad consequences will not arise.


Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis at home with folk remedies

Today, the most common disease among older people is arthritis. This disease causes inflammation of the joints, among which the hips, knees and elbows are most often affected. And although scientists around the world are working to create drugs to cure arthritis, unfortunately, it is still not curable.

Injections and tablets only on a short time relieve inflammation and relieve pain. But there is a large number of folk remedies that are not only effective in the treatment of arthritis, but also publicly available. They are aimed at preventing relapses and keeping the patient in satisfactory physical shape.

    • Hydrogen peroxide for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
  • Sabelnik for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
  • The healing effect of gelatin
    • Bay leaf for the treatment of various arthritis

The disease is associated with disorders of the immune system and is characterized by inflammation of many joints of the limbs. Its causes can be infectious diseases, hypothermia, injuries, increased stress on the joint, genetic predisposition, fungi and bacteria, flu and colds, stress.

At the initial stage of the disease, patients note:

  • swelling of the joints;
  • severe pain;
  • morning stiffness of the limbs.

Small joints are most often affected. When the disease begins to progress, large articular joints become inflamed.

Over time, small nodules appear under the skin in the affected areas. The patient begins to feel lethargy, weakness, and malaise. He develops fever, chills and increased temperature. There is burning and itching in the eyes.

Some patients report numbness in their limbs. As a result, joints become deformed, blood flow is disrupted, and muscles lose their functionality.

Folk remedies help cope well with inflammatory processes, but they are only an addition to the main treatment for arthritis, which should be prescribed by a doctor.

Traditional treatment for rheumatoid arthritis

After making a diagnosis, the specialist prescribes a comprehensive treatment, the main task of which is to eliminate the main symptoms, reduce inflammation, and prevent complications.

Fever and pain are treated with corticosteroids and non-steroidal drugs. To reduce the production of antibodies and stop the inflammatory process, immunosuppressants are used. Various ointments and gels are used in the treatment of arthritis.

Quite often, specialists prescribe local treatment:

  1. Acupuncture.
  2. Mud balneotherapy.
  3. Physiotherapy.
  4. Therapeutic exercise.

Diet is very important for arthritis patients. It is necessary to include calcium-rich foods in your diet. It is imperative to avoid acute and fatty foods, as well as from citrus fruits.

Folk remedies for treating arthritis

When choosing folk remedies, you should remember that they will not eliminate the disease itself, however, they will help cope with its manifestations and consequences. Folk remedies in the form of compresses, baths, ointments will improve blood circulation and eliminate pain and inflammation.

Effectively relieves joint pain and stiffness sea ​​water, from which it is recommended to make warm baths. The iodine contained in it has a good effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Soothe the signs of rheumatoid arthritis with a compress of apple cider vinegar. To prepare it, moisten a warm cloth with vinegar and apply it overnight. Self-massage using chamomile, lavender, and rosemary oils eliminates inflammation and is gentle.

Soothes inflammation and pain when heated mustard oil, to which a few drops of camphor oil are added. A substance from red chili pepper, capsaicin, causes blood flow to the affected area. Creams containing it are irritating nerve endings, thereby diverting pain from the brain.

Rubbing joints with radish juice and honey brings effective results. To do this, a cavity is cut out in the radish and filled with honey. After 4 hours, the folk remedy is ready. In the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, a mixture of 50 g mustard, 50 ml camphor, 100 g helps well. egg white and 100 g of vodka or alcohol. The resulting composition is rubbed into the sore joint overnight.

You can make baths from the herb wormwood, add 1 tbsp. l. raw materials with a glass of boiling water. The infusion can be used after 2-3 hours in a warm form.

Hot pads filled with various herbs effectively relieve pain. They can be filled with hops, black elderberry, chamomile, and clover. Linen bags are filled with well-heated grass or a mixture of raw materials with a small amount of water. You can apply it to the sore spot for about 20 minutes. The course of treatment is 10−15 days.

You can forget about pain for a long time by wrapping your joints with fresh leaves of cabbage, burdock or coltsfoot. They need to be used within several weeks.

Treatment with a decoction of wild rosemary, which should be used to wipe the sore spots, helps with arthritis. Four teaspoons of crushed raw materials are poured into a glass of boiling water and simmered for 30 minutes over low heat.

A bath with a decoction of calamus roots will have a distracting analgesic effect and stimulate peripheral blood circulation. The water temperature in the bathroom should be 35−37C. A decoction prepared from 250 g of calamus and 3 liters is poured into it cold water which must be brought to a boil. You can add 250 g of thyme herb to the calamus root.

Spruce needle baths are very effective in treating arthritis. They need to be poured with boiling water and left for at least 30 minutes. Feet or arms are immersed in a bath at a temperature of 38C. After half an hour, the limbs need to be wiped well, wrapped warmly and lying in bed for an hour. The course of treatment should be at least 5 baths.

When salts are deposited, an onion cut in half helps a lot. For the best effect, you need to drop a drop of tar into the middle of each half and apply it to the problem area.

By pouring 5 liters of boiling water over 200 g of straw and boiling everything for 30 minutes, you can get an excellent decoction for treating arthritis. Immerse your feet or hands in it for half an hour. The temperature of such a bath should not be lower than 37 °C. A course of at least 5 baths.

Hydrogen peroxide for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Professor Neumyvakin recommends treating joint inflammation with hydrogen peroxide, which can be used externally and taken orally. This folk remedy has little scientific evidence, but is used by arthritis patients. Contraindications and limitations for the use of hydrogen peroxide:

Peroxide compresses are prepared from 50 ml of water and two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide solution. The resulting solution is moistened with a soft cloth, which is applied to the problem area. From above, everything is covered with film and a warm scarf or towel. After an hour, the compress is removed and the skin is lubricated with a nourishing cream.

Internal use is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. One drop of 3% peroxide is diluted in 50 ml of water. The resulting solution should be taken on an empty stomach two hours after meals or half an hour before meals.
  2. The next day, 2 drops of peroxide are added to the same amount of water.
  3. Thus, one drop is added every day until the dose reaches 10 drops of peroxide per 50 ml of water.
  4. During three days there is a break.
  5. For three days, take 50 ml of water with 10 drops of peroxide.
  6. Break 4 days.

You should know that under no circumstances should you treat with undiluted hydrogen peroxide.

Sabelnik for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

To treat joints, many experts recommend using cinquefoil, which perfectly helps relieve pain symptoms. Based on it, decoctions, tinctures, rubs and compresses are prepared.

An infusion of cinquefoil for oral administration is prepared from one tablespoon of crushed raw materials and a glass of boiling water. The infusion, left for two hours, is filtered and taken 70 ml an hour before meals throughout the day.

At home, you can prepare oil from the rhizome of cinquefoil, which can be used to massage problem areas. The crushed root is poured with olive or vegetable oil. The folk remedy is infused in a dark place for a month. Before use, it is strained and filtered.

Ointment with cinquefoil will help relieve joint inflammation and pain symptoms. To prepare it, mix the following components:

  • one tube of hand cream;
  • a teaspoon of cinquefoil alcohol tincture;
  • 10 drops of vitamin E;
  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • a teaspoon of red pepper tincture.

Sabelnik tincture is prepared from 0.5 liters of alcohol and two tablespoons of crushed rhizome of the plant. The raw materials are placed in a dark container, filled with alcohol and infused for 20 days. It is recommended to take the tincture with 1 tbsp diluted with water. l. 3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts 21 days, then a break of 7 days should be taken.

Rub the ointment into the sore spots in a circular motion. Stored in the refrigerator. You need to know that cinquefoil products are contraindicated during pregnancy.

The healing effect of gelatin

Arthritis can be treated with gelatin, which will help restore joints that are destroyed by the disease. However, healing effect it will only work in high concentrations. Regular jellied meat will not be enough.

The use of gelatin internally is contraindicated for people with vascular and gastrointestinal diseases, but compresses can be used by everyone.

A gelatin compress is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • Fold gauze into several layers, moisten it in warm water and wring it out.
  • Place one piece of gauze on thin layer gelatin and cover it with the second part.
  • Place the compress on the problem area, wrap it with film and a warm cloth.
  • Remove after 20-30 minutes.
  • Repeat the procedure daily for 7-10 days.

Very easy to prepare water solution made from gelatin, which effectively relieves pain from rheumatoid arthritis. You need to drink it twice a day for three months, and prepare it from a tablespoon of gelatin and a glass warm water. Everything is thoroughly stirred until completely dissolved and taken orally.

Milk jelly has a more pleasant taste, which should be consumed daily. To prepare it you use:

  • 150 ml warm milk;
  • two teaspoons of gelatin;
  • honey or sugar to taste.

All ingredients are mixed and left to swell for half an hour. The liquid is then heated over low heat. As soon as the gelatin has dissolved, remove the milk jelly from the heat. The cooled medicinal product is placed in the refrigerator to thicken.

Most often, gelatin is taken in the form of a tincture. She's getting ready in the following way:

  1. Two teaspoons of gelatin are poured into 100 ml boiled water, which should be warm. The resulting mixture is infused for 10-12 hours. It's best to leave it overnight.
  2. Another 100 ml of warm water is added to the resulting infusion, which can be replaced with juice.
  3. Stir everything until completely dissolved and consume half an hour before meals.

It is recommended to treat inflamed joints with this tincture for a month.

Bay leaf for the treatment of various arthritis

To treat arthritis, gout and rheumatism at home, you can successfully use an ancient folk method - a decoction of bay leaves:

If problems with urination occur during treatment, the volume of water should be increased. Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis at home should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. First of all, you need to put accurate diagnosis and identify the causes of the disease.

After this, the doctor will prescribe drug treatment and procedures, and will also recommend folk remedies for treating inflamed joints. By using traditional medicine the disease can be dealt with much faster, especially since it has virtually no contraindications and is not addictive.

How to treat polyarthritis of the fingers with folk remedies?

If a person feels that his hands are starting to hurt, the shape of the joints changes, and nodules appear on them, this may indicate the development of a disease such as polyarthritis. This pathology is very serious and can prevent a person from working with his hands. Therefore, it should be treated necessarily. Moreover, you can do this at home.

What is the disease and how does it develop?

So, polyarthritis of the hands is the most complex form of arthritis, which can affect more than one joint. Polyarthritis is degenerative and appears more often in older people who are over 50 years old.

Polyarthritis of the hand joints develops gradually:

  1. First, the synovial membrane becomes inflamed. In this case, the joint swells, pain appears in the hands, and the local temperature rises.
  2. Further, synovial membrane begins to thicken. The cartilage becomes hard. Under the skin, such a seal on the joint can already be felt by palpation. Every finger is crooked.
  3. Destruction of joint bones. In this case, the pain intensifies and becomes constant, the joint becomes deformed, and the fingers stop moving.

Reasons for the development of pathology

Before starting treatment for polyarthritis of the fingers folk remedies, needs to be considered possible reasons the appearance of pathology. Among them may be the following:

  • Blows, injuries, bruises, as well as surgery on the finger.
  • Frequent hypothermia or frostbite of fingers.
  • Pathologies infectious nature both in the joint itself and outside it.
  • Hereditary predisposition (it is not the disease itself that is transmitted, but irregular structure bones, too thin cartilage tissue or problems with its restoration).
  • Disturbance of metabolic processes in tissues.

Before starting treatment for polyarthritis with folk remedies, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the pathology is already so advanced that they simply will not help.

Symptoms of the disease

Polyarthritis of the fingers manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  1. Finger immobility on the affected hand. It lasts for some time after sleep. Over time, the stiffness goes away.
  2. Dense “nodules” form on the phalanges. That is, each finger becomes deformed.
  3. Periodically, the phalanges may swell and become numb. Often a person feels weak in his hands.

Once the symptoms and causes of the disease have been established, treatment can begin. You can deal with this at home. However, all folk remedies must be used exactly as described in the recipe. If a good effect from treatment is not observed, you may need to change therapy.

Effective recipes for infusions and decoctions

This treatment will make it possible to restore cartilage tissue and prevent its destruction:

  • Bay decoction. It effectively fights bacteria, inflammation and eliminates salt deposits in the body. To prepare, you will need 5 grams of dried bay leaves, pour 300 ml of boiling water over them and simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes. There is no need to cover the container with a lid. Next, the broth is poured into a thermos, where it is infused for several hours. It is better to steam the leaves in the evening so that the liquid is ready for use in the morning. Treatment of polyarthritis of the hands in this case is carried out as follows: the resulting product must be divided into small portions and drunk within 12 hours. You should not drink the entire volume of liquid at one time, as this may cause internal bleeding. In addition, you should not treat polyarthritis with this remedy if the patient has accompanying pathologies kidney, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis.
  • Infusion of marsh cinquefoil herb. Such folk treatment will make it possible to preserve the integrity of cartilage tissue, reduce pain, and restore synovial fluid. For cooking, you can use both the plant itself and its roots. This will require 1 tbsp. crushed dried raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water. Next, this folk remedy is left in a water bath for about 10 minutes, and then additionally wrapped in a warm towel for another half hour. The finished infusion needs to be strained, the cake squeezed out and boiling water added to bring the total amount of the mixture to 200 ml. You can buy it at the pharmacy. The pathology should be treated as follows: the infusion is taken one tablespoon three times a day. It is advisable to drink the substance after meals.

Recipes for baths and compresses for local treatment

Treatment with these folk remedies helps to significantly reduce the pain and swelling caused by polyarthritis. At the same time, the joint is restored, blood circulation in the tissues improves. So, at home you can prepare the following remedies:

  • Pine infusion. It is necessary to pour 3 tbsp. needles with a liter of boiling water. Next, you need to cool the mixture to room temperature, pour it into a bowl and place your hands there. You need to keep your fingers in the liquid for about 15-25 minutes. While taking such a bath or after the procedure, it is advisable to lightly massage each finger.
  • Paraffin compress. It is necessary to heat the raw material to 50 degrees and slowly lower the joints of the hands into it. Next, the fingers are removed for a few seconds. After the paraffin has dried, you need to put your hands back into the heated mass. So, it should be repeated at least 5 times. This folk treatment warms up each finger well. And since the skin tightens slightly when the paraffin cools, this has a slight massage effect for each joint.

  • Alcohol-honey compress. The alcohol, previously diluted in a 1:3 ratio with water, should be mixed with the same amount of honey. Next, the mixture is set to water bath and warms up for 10 minutes. It is very simple to treat joints with this remedy: you need to moisten a cloth with the resulting liquid and wrap each damaged finger. It is best to do such a compress at night, although with severe pain syndrome Daytime use is not excluded. The presented folk treatment can be used for a long time.
  • It is good to treat polyarthritis of the joints of the hands with compresses made from heated flax seeds. To do this, the raw materials are poured into a small bag made of soft fabric that will not scratch the skin, and placed overnight on each sore finger. For treatment in this case, you can also use the leaves of the plant.

Traditional therapy can cope well with polyarthritis if the joint is not yet severely deformed. Therefore, the most effective use of such funds is considered to be initial stages diseases.

Features of using homemade ointments

Submitted traditional therapy blood circulation increases, removes harmful substances from the body, increases the effectiveness of the fight against polyarthritis. The following recipes can be used for rubbing:

  1. ointment from mustard powder and kerosene. To prepare it, use 100 grams of powder, the same amount of table salt and kerosene. All components are mixed well until a creamy paste is formed. The ointment is used to rub into the affected joint.
  2. The following remedy also works well against diseases such as polyarthritis. You need to combine 50 grams of mustard powder, the same amount of camphor and 100 ml of alcohol. Next, 100 grams of egg white is added to this mass. After this, all components need to be kneaded well. This ointment should be used once a day. In this case, you need to rub it into your fingers until it is completely absorbed.

Contraindications for use

It should be noted that traditional therapy may not always be used. There are the following contraindications:

  1. Allergic reaction of the patient to the product or its components.
  2. Some chronic pathologies.
  3. Individual intolerance to the composition.

As you can see, folk treatment at home is very effective, although you should consult a doctor before starting it. In addition, it will be more effective if the patient follows a diet at the same time. That is, it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid consumed, diversify the menu with vegetables and fruits (especially citrus fruits). You will have to forget about excess calories. Be healthy!

Maintain joint mobility long years- difficult task. Professional activity, living conditions, financial capabilities, personal characteristics, chronic diseases do not always allow strict adherence to the principles healthy image life. Polyarthritis occurs as a consequence of pathological processes in the body, their occurrence is associated with many factors. Treatment of a painful illness is lengthy and requires a complex of therapeutic measures, among which traditional medicine methods occupy an important place.

What is polyarthritis

Inflammatory processes that affect several joints at once (5 or more) are diagnosed as polyarthritis. In most patients, the disease affects the joints of the limbs;

  • knee;
  • hip;
  • phalanges of the toes;
  • brachial;
  • elbow;
  • phalanges of the fingers.

The location of pain and discomfort is constantly changing. For example, today the shoulder, hip, and knee joints hurt, and the next day - the elbows and toes. There is no consensus in medicine regarding the root cause of the disease. There is a theory that it fails the immune system. It begins to identify healthy cells of the body as foreign and starts the process of their destruction. According to other experts, polyarthritis occurs against the background of severe stress, severe hypothermia, and serious hormonal imbalance.


The nature of the disease is different. Conducted exclusively symptomatic treatment polyarthritis, it is not possible to diagnose its root cause. Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves differently and depend on the type of polyarthritis. It is classified as follows.

  1. Rheumatic. Large symmetrical joints and nearby connective tissues become inflamed. The most severe form. There is swelling, redness of the skin, limited mobility, and severe pain.
  2. Rheumatoid. The disease is of an autoimmune nature, destruction of cartilage tissue occurs. It passes more gently, discomfort is observed in both symmetrical joints as the weather changes. Without treatment painful sensations are intensifying. In some cases, there is increased body temperature, convulsions, lack of appetite, weight loss, and the occurrence of diseases of internal organs.
  3. Reactive. The disease is caused by migratory infections (for example, chlamydia). Accompanied by pain and numbness in the joints. At the same time, symptoms of cystitis, urethritis, conjunctivitis appear, and abdominal pain occurs.
  4. Crystalline (or gouty). It occurs against the background of metabolic disturbances, which result in an increase in the concentration of uric acid salts and their crystallization. The range of motion in the joints is greatly reduced.
  5. Psoriatic. Develops as a complication after suffering from psoriasis.

The first symptoms of polyarthritis are minor - slight swelling of the joints, swelling, mild pain, morning stiffness movements. As the pathology develops, local symptoms clearly appear. For example, when the joints of the fingers are affected, they become bent. Inflammatory process at the knee changes gait. Polyarthritis of the feet causes deformation of the fingers, and flat feet develop. TO general symptoms diseases include rapid attack fatigue, loss of strength.

Treatment of polyarthritis

Achieving a complete recovery from polyarthritis is very difficult. Need to pick up correct treatment and adjust your lifestyle. The patient must be prepared for long and labor-intensive procedures and strictly follow all doctor’s recommendations. The first tangible results will appear in 1-3 months. Treatment of polyarthritis at home is practiced, but severe forms diseases require therapeutic activities in the hospital. Methods of traditional and folk medicine are used.

The patient’s desire to overcome the disease is the key successful treatment. The principles that underlie complete recovery:

  1. Treatment of the disease with basic anti-inflammatory drugs should be started as early as possible.
  2. The treatment regimen must be reviewed and, if necessary, changed every 2-6 months. It is important that the drugs are active.
  3. The symptoms and stage of the disease determine the complex of therapeutic measures.
  4. Avoid factors that lead to exacerbation of the disease (smoking, drinking alcohol, poor diet, physical overload).
  5. Support normal weight bodies.

Drug therapy is the most effective way treatment of polyarthritis. To alleviate the condition, a group of drugs is prescribed that provide different pharmachologic effect:

  • eliminating the cause of the disease;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • relief of symptoms.

TO non-drug methods Treatment of polyarthritis includes physiotherapy, dietary management, regular exercises physical therapy, swimming. Including them in complex therapy, manages to slow down pathological process, strengthen muscles and ligaments, increase mobility. Massage speeds up recovery. There are folk remedies for polyarthritis. They are effective, safe, proven by many years of use.

Treatment with folk remedies

Proper treatment of polyarthritis with folk remedies will only bring benefits to patients. It is part of a set of measures to help alleviate the patient’s condition. These are ointments, decoctions, tinctures, compresses and others dosage forms. The possibility of their use must be agreed with the attending physician. Even treatment of rheumatoid polyarthritis with folk remedies (this is the most severe form of the disease) gives positive results. When choosing a drug, it is necessary to take into account possible hypersensitivity to components, the presence of contraindications, and allergies.

Radish and horseradish are used to prepare warming compresses for polyarthritis. Plants contain mustard oil in large quantities, which irritates skin receptors and increases blood circulation. When using potions based on these plants, you need to be careful. After prolonged warming procedures, cases of burns are common. Polyarthritis is treated with Jerusalem artichoke juice ( earthen pear). It is taken orally, and the cake is applied to sore joints.

A very popular method of treating inflamed joints is celery. 0.5 kg of plant leaves and lemons are ground through a meat grinder and 0.5 kg of honey is added. They insist for 3 days. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times an hour before meals. Regular use of the product relieves pain in the joints and restores their mobility.

In addition to medicinal products prepared from plant materials, blue clay applications are widely used for polyarthritis. Its composition determines medicinal properties. Clay organically combines silicon, manganese, calcium, aluminum, and other important elements. It has a strong effect on sore joints antiseptic effect, promotes tissue restoration. Professor Neumyvakin describes a method for treating joints with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. It is applied to diseased areas, administered intravenously, orally, depending on the patient’s condition.


  1. Ice. Non-standard, for patient patients. Ice should be well packed in cellophane and wrapped in natural fabric. Leave for 3-5 minutes. Remove the compress, lightly massage the joint, and wrap it warmly. Repeat the procedure 20 times without taking breaks.
  2. Fir oil with sea salt. Wrap the salt calcined in a frying pan in a cloth (or pour it into an old sock) and apply it to the sore joint. Warm up for 15 minutes. Apply a small amount of fir to a piece of paper, tape it to the sore spot, wrap it up, and hold it for no more than 20 minutes.
  3. Onion. Grate 2-3 onions on a fine grater. Boil the gruel for 5-10 minutes over low heat with a small amount of water and a teaspoon of salt. Stir the mixture constantly. Apply the cooled paste to the joints, cover with a cloth, and secure the compress with a bandage. Carry out the procedure until the pain disappears completely.


Decoctions are prepared from fragrant herbs, so they can be consumed as tea. Treatment of polyarthritis with folk remedies includes these effective dosage forms. The following decoctions are popular:

  1. Based on string, chamomile, wild rosemary, juniper, lingonberry. Herbs are brewed separately or a collection of them is used. 1 tablespoon medicinal collection(or one of the herbs) pour 0.5 liters of water, simmer over low heat for 2 minutes, remove from heat, wrap, let stand until completely cool, strain. Take 100 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  2. Based on bay leaf. Helps cleanse the body of salts. Pour several laurel leaves into 0.3 liters of boiled hot water, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Wrap the broth or pour it into a thermos. It is better to prepare the drug in the evening, drink during next day in small portions.
  3. Based on elecampane. Mix 10 g of plant rhizomes with 10 g of burdock roots and pour 1 glass of water. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Wrap, leave for 4 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.


Ointments have a strong analgesic effect homemade. The technology for their preparation is simple:

  1. From birch buds. Mix 400 g of fresh kidneys and 800 g sunflower oil. Transfer the finished mixture into a clay vessel, close the lid, and keep in a warm oven for 24 hours. Pass the medicinal mixture through a sieve, add a pinch of camphor powder. Place the drug in a cold place. Apply ointment to joints if pain occurs.
  2. Mustard-salt with paraffin. Mix 100 g mustard powder and 200 g sea salt. Divide the dry mixture into three parts. Melt a small piece of paraffin in a water bath. Mix the melted substance with one part of the previously prepared mixture. Lubricate the area of ​​inflamed joints overnight. After the paraffin hardens, a thin film forms; in addition, the affected joint should be wrapped in woolen cloth. Use for three days.
  3. WITH fir oil. Mix 20 ml of fir oil with 200 g of fresh pork fat, add 30 g of coarse salt. Rub the ointment into sore joints at night.


Treatment of polyarthritis using traditional medicine methods includes the use of tinctures from medicinal plants. They relieve pain, swelling, inflammation. Popular:

  1. Tincture of marsh cinquefoil. Grind 200 g of plant roots and 100 g of cinquefoil roots. Place in a 3-liter glass container, add vodka, leave for 3 weeks. Take the medicine 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.
  2. Amber tincture. Raw amber raw materials are used. It needs to be crushed and ground in a mortar. Pour 50 g of amber powder into 0.5 liters of medical alcohol. Infuse the mixture for 2 weeks in a warm place. Shake occasionally. The prepared tincture should be rubbed on sore spots. Perform the procedure at night.
  3. Watermelon tincture. Dry a few large pieces watermelon peels, chop them and brew them. For 2 tablespoons of prepared raw materials, add 1 cup of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours. Take 100 ml of water tincture before meals 2 times a day.


A healing, pleasant procedure are baths with burdock, knotweed, pine needles, nettles, and birch leaves. They relieve inflammation, reduce pain, and prevent joint deformation. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before bed every day (or every other day), its duration is about 30 minutes. For polyarthritis, baths with red clover and chicory are effective. To carry out the procedure, a decoction of medicinal herbs is first prepared:

  1. With pine needles. Wrap 0.5 kg of fresh pine needles in a cotton cloth, dip in 7 liters of water, and boil for 30 minutes. Add the decoction to the bath, carry out the procedure for 20 minutes every day for 30 days.
  2. WITH medicinal plants. Has a powerful restorative effect. Mix 8 tablespoons of willow bark, 4 tablespoons each of rosemary, lavender, thyme, black elderberry. Dry crushed raw materials are used. Pour the mixture of herbs into 3 liters of boiling water, simmer for 15 minutes over low heat, strain, and pour into the bath. Perform the procedure daily for 2 weeks.
  3. With sage. Pour 20 tablespoons of dried plant shoots into 5 liters of boiling water and let it brew for 3 hours. Add 1 liter to the bathtub. Carry out the procedure for 7 days, take a break for 5 days, repeat the course.

Poultice with mustard

Poultices with mustard are effective for joint pain. They are used provided that there is no acute inflammation. To prepare the poultice, take 2 handfuls of mustard seeds and heat them well in a frying pan. Place the heated plant material on gauze, wrap it, and apply it to painful joints. Heated mustard seeds do not irritate the skin.

Herbal mixtures for oral administration

For polyarthritis, infusions are prepared from a mixture of herbs for oral administration. The following recipes are interesting:

  1. Take 50 g each of horsetail, violet, goldenrod, yarrow, willow (bark), nettle, lemon balm, black currant (leaves). Mix herbs. Pour 1 tablespoon of the plant mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for 3 hours, strain, and heat the drink immediately before use. Take 1 glass of infusion 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  2. Take 50 g each of dandelion (root), knotweed, willow (bark), meadowsweet (flowers), rue, motherwort, hawthorn (flowers). Prepare a mixture of herbs. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of plant material, leave for 3 hours, strain. Warm the drink before drinking. 1 glass medicine Take 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day for 30 days.

Turpentine rubbing

Turpentine is obtained from pine needle waste. This natural remedy has an excellent therapeutic effect for polyarthritis. A rub is prepared from it. Mix 1 tablespoon of turpentine, 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of honey. Rub the resulting medicinal mixture for joint pain. Apply the rub 2 times a day for 30 minutes, then rinse warm water.


Proper nutrition for polyarthritis enhances the effectiveness of treatment. It helps relieve the symptoms of the disease and improve the patient's condition. To compile useful menu you need to follow the rules:

  1. Pay attention to products that contain healthy fats. This is fatty sea fish (especially boiled) and seafood.
  2. Give preference to dietary meat - veal, chicken breast, rabbit, turkey. Liver must be present as an offal, preferably chicken.
  3. Avoid alcohol, tea, coffee, marinades, and pickles. It is highly undesirable to consume hot spices. The exceptions are ginger and turmeric.
  4. Reduce calories, but nutrition should be balanced. The patient must receive all vitamins and organic matter. Include a large amount of seasonal, zoned fruits and vegetables in the diet.
  5. Minimize your intake of sugar and salt.
  6. Include foods rich in calcium. Eat low-fat foods daily lactic acid products.
  7. Replace drinks with herbal tea.

The diet for each type of polyarthritis has its own characteristics. Except general recommendations In terms of nutrition, you need to consider:

Type of polyarthritis

Prohibited Products


Juices, vegetables, fruits, rosehip infusions, rice

Broths: meat, fish, mushroom, dairy products

Take food 5 times a day. Do not eat very cold or very hot food.


Garlic, honey, fish oil

Flour products

The diet should consist of fish rather than meat


Cereals, vegetables, fruits

Smoked meats, broths, caviar and salty fish, sorrel, legumes

Vegetarian dishes should predominate, with occasional dietary meat


Turkey, fish with white meat, oatmeal, rye, wheat, rice, barley, bran

Red meat, legumes, legumes, mushrooms, raspberries, wild strawberries, strawberries, sushi, salted fish, pomegranate, citrus fruits, potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes, Bell pepper

Strict salt restriction


This article proposes the most effective folk methods for treating polyarthritis, according to reviews from readers of the newspaper Vestnik ZOZH.

What is polyarthritis?

Polyarthritis (arthritis)

is a chronic inflammatory disease of several joints at the same time.

Big medical encyclopedia gives the following definition:
Polyarthritis is simultaneous or sequential inflammation of several joints. Polyarthritis affecting 2-3 joints is called oligoarthritis. (Polyarthritis - Greek word, poly - many + arthron - joint)

Doctor's advice:

Polyarthritis can be observed in many diseases: infectious diseases (gonorrhea, yersiniosis, dysentery, erysipeloid, viral hepatitis, rubella, etc.), metabolic disorders (gout, ochronosis, hemochromatosis), blood diseases, tumor processes, rheumatism and related diseases, systemic vasculitis, serum sickness, some chronic diseases intestines (Crohn's disease, nonspecific ulcerative colitis) and etc.

In the occurrence of polyarthritis, infections, immune disorders and genetic predisposition play a major role.

Clinical signs of polyarthritis:

This disease is characterized by symptoms such as pain, swelling of the joints, increased temperature in the area of ​​the affected joints, sometimes hyperemia of the skin over them and a feeling of stiffness.
Polyarthritis is completely reversible.
The nature of treatment depends on the cause.

For the treatment of polyarthritis Various non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are widely used. Corticosteroid drugs are used with extreme caution, especially for chronic polyarthritis. In some cases, quinoline derivatives, gold salts, D-penicillamine, immunosuppressants, immunostimulants are prescribed, and various physiotherapeutic, balneological and surgical treatment methods are used.

Source: Big medical encyclopedia. Nesterov A. I. and Astapenko M. G. On the classification of joint diseases, Vopr, revm., No. 3, p. 47, 1971; Handbook of Rheumatology, ed. V. A. Nasonova, M., 1978.

How to cure polyarthritis at home

Folk method of treating polyarthritis of the hands and feet with diet and bath:

At the age of 40, a woman fell ill with polyarthritis. My arms and legs were suddenly swollen and very painful. I could hardly walk and became disabled. A neighbor gave her some folk recipes- how to cope with the disease. The woman followed the advice and after a month all the pain went away and she came to VTEK absolutely healthy.
What remedies helped:

  1. Nutrition - vegetable diet, fish 2 times a week no more than 150 g at a time.
  2. Bath - I steamed 3 times a week, in the bath I rubbed honey and salt into my joints.
  3. Herbs - drank thyme infusion instead of tea and carrot tops. (Source: newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2001 No. 17, p. 18)

Folk remedies for treating polyarthritis with herbs.

The man fell ill with polyarthritis of the fingers, was treated with many medications, but his condition worsened every day, after three months of treatment he could no longer hold objects in his hands, could not stand or walk, and could not sleep at night from pain. Then it was decided to treat polyarthritis with folk remedies. At first, tumors on the joints were removed vodka compresses, then they stopped helping. Clay compresses replaced them; they helped a lot in the treatment of polyarthritis. Baths made from hay dust and baths with pine infusion did not help. But baths with medicinal herbs: agrimony, burdock leaves and roots, knotweed, nettle, Jerusalem artichoke. The baths were used every day for 30 minutes, the temperature was 36 degrees. A month later, the condition began to improve.
Simultaneously with the treatment of polyarthritis of the joints herbal baths, the man drank a decoction of knotweed, rubbed his joints with a rubbing mixture: 0.5 liters of denatured alcohol, 2 crushed bitter peppers, 2 tbsp. l. kerosene, 1 tbsp. l. Datura seeds - leave for 15 days.
The man drank knotweed infusion for two years and took baths twice a week. Gradually the illness passed. (Source: newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2001 No. 17, pp. 3-7)

Chicory and clover baths

The duo of red clover + chicory gives good results in the treatment of polyarthritis with folk remedies. Many people were helped to cure illness by taking a bath with the addition of a decoction of these herbs, taken in equal proportions. If the joints of your hands hurt, you can steam your hands in the broth. (Source: newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2002 No. 12, p. 18)

Treatment with cinquefoil, elecampane and galangal.

The man suffered from osteochondrosis for many years, then he developed polyarthritis - all his joints were stiff, he could not walk, sit, or hold a spoon. Any movement caused severe pain. His wife prepared him cinquefoil-galgan tincture and gave him 2 tbsp. l. three times a day. I rubbed my joints with ointment from galangal and cinquefoil 2-3 times a day. After 10 days, the swelling on the joints subsided, and after another ten days the pain disappeared.

Preparation of tincture: Grind 200 g of cinquefoil roots and 100 g of cinquefoil roots, pour into a three-liter jar, top up with vodka, leave for 21 days in the dark.
Preparation of ointment: 200 g cinquefoil, 50 g galangal, 50 g elecampane - finely chop dry rhizomes to powder, heat together with 1 kg vegetable oil or pork fat. (Source: newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2009 No. 3, p. 30, Healthy Lifestyle 2009 No. 20, p. 9)

How to treat polyarthritis of joints with cold at home

Very durable and quick results gives cold treatment for polyarthritis. For this purpose, some hospitals have cryosaunas: a small cabin into which cold air. The patient's head is outside. The procedure takes place at a temperature of -160 degrees, the session lasts 1-3 minutes. For polyarthritis, treatment in a cryosauna for 20 days is recommended. Several sessions are performed daily.
Cryosauna treats all joint diseases. Many patients with the most severe form of polyarthritis become fully capable after a course of treatment.

Because treatment in a cryosauna is not available to everyone due to at a high price and remoteness, for the treatment of joints as well cold packs are used: Ice or snow is placed in a plastic bag and the bags are wrapped in cloth. This package is applied to the sore joint. Hold the bag for 5-10 minutes until it begins to prick and burn, withstand these sensations for 1 minute. Then the joint is massaged and kneaded. Due to the anesthetic effect of cold, there is no pain in the joint. After 10 minutes, the treatment procedure is repeated. Then they do the same for the third time. And so on for 20 days. After the procedure, warm the joint. (Source: newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2002 No. 11, pp. 8-9)
Example of cure for polyartitis:

A woman with polyarthritis began to experience severe pain in the joints of her hand. She decided to treat herself with cold - she mixed snow with salt, put a paper napkin on her brush, then snow with salt and covered it with plastic. There was severe pain, she only lasted 4 minutes. My hand was burning and covered with purple spots, but the pain in the joints subsided, it only throbbed slightly, and after three days the pain went away completely. There was no skin burn (Source: newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2007 No. 17, art. 12)

Treatment of polyarthritis of the joints with simple folk remedies.

Treatment with salted wool

Take 2-3 tbsp. l. birch leaves, knotweed grass, rose hips, put them in a liter jar and pour boiling water to the top, put everything in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then dissolve 4 tbsp. l. salt. Soak a woolen cloth in a warm infusion for several minutes, then dry it and apply it to the sore joints. Salt removes harmful substances from the body and treats arthritis. (Source: newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2003 No. 2, p. 18)

How to treat polyarthritis of joints with hydrogen peroxide and magnets.

The woman was diagnosed with rheumatism, polyarthritis, and arthrosis of the knee joint. My joints ached all day long, I moved around almost losing consciousness from pain, and at night I couldn’t sleep because of cramps in my legs. I was already waiting for death as a release from pain. I once read an article about hydrogen peroxide and decided to undergo treatment. I took peroxide for 9 months. Gradually the pain in the joints went away, but the cramps remained. One day she decided to attach furniture magnets to her calves with tape; at first there was terrible pain for 10 minutes, then she went to bed with the magnets. The magnets had a diuretic effect, and the woman ran to the toilet all night. And in the morning she did not recognize her legs: no swelling, the huge rheumatoid bumps disappeared overnight, and there was not a single cramp at night. After two weeks of overnight stays with magnets, the varicose veins in my legs decreased significantly. Now the patient is in a cheerful and functional condition, no pain, swelling or cramps. (

Joints are the part of the musculoskeletal system that connects the bones and provides movement throughout the human body. Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joint, which can occur for various reasons. Polyarthritis is multiple inflammation of the joints. Today we will talk about the treatment of polyarthritis.

What kind of disease polyarthritis is and how to treat it is of interest to many patients. Joint inflammation is a serious pathology that can lead to disability and chronic joint pain. For this reason, polyarthritis must be treated correctly, under the supervision of an experienced doctor.

The first question that arises among patients is which doctor treats polyarthritis of the joints. If the patient experiences symptoms such as joint pain in the morning or when moving, swelling around the affected joint, redness of the skin and impaired motor activity, then you should consult a therapist as soon as possible.

The fact is that polyarthritis is a whole complex of pathologies that arise according to the most various reasons, and depending on the type of disease, different specialists will be involved in its treatment.

Doctor general practice will be able to take an anamnesis and evaluate the patient’s complaints, prescribe blood and urine tests. Based on such an examination, the specialist will refer the patient to the specialist who is needed in a particular case.

If joint pain is associated with injury, the patient will be referred to a traumatologist or surgeon. In case of gout, treatment will be carried out by a rheumatologist, and the patient will also need to consult a nutritionist and endocrinologist. For rheumatoid arthritis, the patient will be advised to consult a rheumatologist and immunologist.

We figured out which doctor treats polyarthritis of the fingers and other joints, but the question remains open, which hospital can you go to for quality treatment. You can check your joints at any local clinic completely free of charge under your compulsory medical insurance policy. To do this, you need to visit a therapist who will give you a referral to other specialists.

If the patient does not want to wait his turn at the municipal clinic, he can undergo examination and treatment for polyarthritis for a fee. Paid services They are provided both in clinics and in private clinics, but before going to an unknown private clinic, it is recommended to make sure of the professionalism of the doctors.

Effective treatment of polyarthritis is also carried out in clinics abroad, Israel, Germany and other countries with a high level of medicine. In order to undergo treatment in a foreign clinic, you must select medical institution, contact your doctor and agree on treatment.

In Israel, polyarthritis is treated in clinics such as Assuta, Hadassah, etc. These medical institutions known all over the world, they accept experienced specialists that provide highest level medical care.

How to treat polyarthritis at home

Polyarthritis requires complex and long-term treatment, but most often therapy is carried out on an outpatient basis if there is no need surgical intervention. How to treat polyarthritis of the joints on the fingers, glenohumeral polyarthritis and its other types, the doctor must decide, since it is first necessary to make a correct diagnosis.

Therapy for polyarthritis is very different, depending on its type, let's look at how polyarthritis can be treated with medications:

  • To relieve pain and inflammation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, for example, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Nise, etc. Such drugs effectively relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Such drugs are used in the form of tablets and ointments on the affected area.
  • Corticosteroids are prescribed for severe pain and inflammation, most often in advanced stages of polyarthritis. The drugs are injected into the joint cavity, which helps to quickly relieve the symptoms of the disease.
  • If polyarthritis is associated with metabolic disorders, as happens with gout, then medications are prescribed that remove uric acid from the body.
  • If polyarthritis is associated with infection, then antibiotics and antiviral drugs are prescribed.
  • For rheumatoid polyarthritis, taking basic medications is indicated.
  • In cases where destruction of cartilage tissue is observed, vitamins and chondroprotectors are prescribed.

The doctor treating polyarthritis must prescribe rest to the patient during the period of exacerbation of the disease. It is forbidden to load the affected joints; this is necessary in order to prevent the destruction of cartilage tissue. Physiotherapy is indicated to relieve inflammation and pain in polyarthritis. therapeutic treatment.

After relieving inflammation and pain, patients are recommended to engage in physical therapy, undergo massage, and for polyarthritis, balneotherapy is very effective, that is, treatment mineral waters. Following all the doctor’s recommendations will help avoid relapses of the disease and extend the life of the joints.

How to treat rheumatoid polyarthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis requires special attention, as it is a complex autoimmune pathology, which is not so easy to get rid of. The disease is called polyarthritis if five or more joints are inflamed.

In general, the answer to the question of how to treat seropositive rheumatoid arthritis is simple; the prescriptions usually coincide with the treatment of ordinary polyarthritis. Patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory and painkillers, vitamins, and therapeutic treatment. An exception is the use of special basic medications, which are necessary to suppress the body’s autoimmune reaction and stop the destruction of joints.

Depending on the age and condition of the patient, the stage of the disease, the doctor prescribes the following basic drugs:

  • gold preparations;
  • immunosuppressants;
  • antimalarial drugs;
  • sulfonamides;
  • d-pennicylamine.

All these medications are taken only as prescribed by a doctor, as they cause serious side effects. Uncontrolled use of basic funds can lead to severe complications, and even to death.

An important part of the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is a special diet. It has been noted that some foods can provoke exacerbation of polyarthritis, these include milk, pork, corn, citrus fruits, wheat and oatmeal. The consumption of these products should be reduced to a minimum, or better yet completely excluded from the diet.

How to treat rheumatoid arthritis at home

It is not recommended to treat rheumatoid polyarthritis at home, as there is a need to take basic medications. During the period of exacerbation, the doctor must monitor the patient’s condition in order, if necessary, to cancel the prescribed drug and replace it with another.

After consultation with a doctor, you can be treated on an outpatient basis; in this case, the specialist prescribes therapy for the patient and recommends regular examinations to assess the dynamics of the body’s condition.

For rheumatoid arthritis, traditional medicine recipes can be used, but it is worth remembering that they are not a panacea and will not get rid of the cause of the pathology, but will only slightly alleviate the symptoms of polyarthritis.

Many patients prefer traditional medicine recipes, so let’s look at how to treat polyarthritis of the fingers with folk remedies so that the therapy is as effective and safe as possible. First of all, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to the components of the product, and also be sure to consult a doctor.

For various types of polyarthritis, the following folk recipes will help relieve inflammation and pain:

  • Mineral and salt baths are good for polyarthritis; they are carried out during periods of exacerbation of the disease and for prevention. Instead of baths, you can make lotions with saline solution; for this, sea salt is dissolved in hot water and a clean cloth is soaked in it.
  • A compress made from cabbage leaves and honey has an anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare it, you need to crush a leaf of white cabbage with a rolling pin and grease it with natural honey, apply it to the sore joint overnight.
  • Tea made from rose hips and currants is very useful for polyarthritis. To prepare it, rose hips are poured into a thermos and poured boiling water, left for 8 hours, then filtered and grated currants are added to it. The resulting drink should be drunk throughout the day instead of black tea.
  • Many patients are interested in how to treat polyarthritis with an Adam's apple. This fruit is used to cook medicinal rub, which helps reduce joint pain. The Adam's apple needs to be washed and grated, the pulp should be placed in a liter jar and filled with 200 grams of alcohol. Cover the product with a lid and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Rub the product onto your joints twice a day for two weeks.

Article publication date: 01/29/2013

Article updated date: 12/01/2018

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease connective tissue joints, affecting mainly small joints. Today it is one of the most common diseases of older people. Many of them know that traditional medicine can sometimes work real miracles: Often, traditional treatment for rheumatoid arthritis can help even more than traditional methods. From this article you will learn some of the most effective recipes time-tested treatments.

Photo of feet affected by rheumatoid arthritis

Brief description of the disease

The causes of rheumatoid arthritis are not fully known. Some doctors believe that rapidly deteriorating ecological situation, deterioration of water and food quality. Hereditary predisposition, smoking, drinking alcohol and poor lifestyle significantly increases the risk of developing the disease.

Disruptions occur in the body, as a result of which the immune system begins to show aggression against the tissues of the joints of its own body. Infectious diseases can also provoke such a reaction.

Despite its popularity and huge number positive feedback, folk remedies cannot completely cure the disease. Moreover, this pathology not only continues to be considered incurable, but is also getting younger every year: if earlier rheumatoid arthritis affected mainly older people, today people of almost all age groups suffer from it.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis using folk remedies is aimed at containing relapses and maintaining the patient in relatively good physical shape. Such therapy is usually based on restorative diets, compresses in combination with massage, therapeutic exercises and some other ways. Some folk methods are practiced and official medicine, but in a slightly modified form.

Raw potato compress

One of the simplest and most effective means for relieving pain during exacerbation of the disease is a compress of raw potatoes. Grate the potatoes on a coarse grater and place the pulp in a sieve. Then the sieve is lowered into hot water for a couple of seconds. Without squeezing, immediately transfer the potatoes into a cotton bag. This compress is applied to the sore joints at night, covered with plastic wrap and bandaged. The procedure is repeated daily for a week.

Weak vinegar solution

Take off sharp pain and a weak vinegar solution will help warm your joints. One tablespoon of 6% vinegar is mixed with 0.5 liters of hot water. Then soak a towel in this solution, wrap it around the sore spots and cover with a warm blanket.

Pine balsam

Coniferous balm does not cause any addiction, and therefore this remedy can be used for treatment for a long time. The balm helps reduce inflammation and relieve pain. To prepare it you will need:

  • 40 grams of pine twigs,
  • 2 tablespoons rose hips,
  • 1 tablespoon chopped onion skins,
  • 1 small garlic clove, minced.

Pour all the ingredients into two liters of water, boil for half an hour and let the broth brew in a warm place for about a day. Then strain the infusion and drink throughout the day (no more than a liter per day).

You can also take pine baths during an exacerbation of the disease.

Bay leaf decoction

For inflammation of the joints, a decoction of bay leaves is useful. To prepare the product, you need to grind one tablespoon of bay leaf leaves and pour boiling water over them. Cook for about ten minutes, pour into a thermos and leave to brew until morning. In the morning, the infusion must be filtered. Take three times a day, about 1/3 cup half an hour before meals. The duration of the course is two weeks.

Blend against aches and pain in joints

Mix two glasses of freshly squeezed black radish juice with half a glass of vodka, then add half a glass of honey. Dissolve one tablespoon of ordinary table salt in the resulting mass and mix thoroughly. This tool rubbed into the joints, which are then covered warmly.

Homemade liquid ointment

This ointment helps relieve pain and reduce inflammation. In a deep bowl, thoroughly mix 1 yolk from a fresh homemade chicken egg, a teaspoon of turpentine and apple cider vinegar. Apply the resulting mixture to the affected area before going to bed.

Fresh plant leaves

Many famous traditional healers When pain in the joints occurs, it is advised to wrap them with burdock, coltsfoot or cabbage leaves. To do this, fresh plant leaves are slightly crushed in your hands or pierced in several places with a needle and applied to the sore spot. Wrap the top with a warm cloth. This compress must be changed 2 times a day until the pain attack is relieved.

On the left is a burdock leaf, on the right are coltsfoot leaves

Red wine

An excellent treatment for rheumatoid arthritis is red wine, which is rich in valuable antioxidants that eliminate inflammatory phenomena in the joints. To prepare a warming remedy, you need to take a glass of warm red wine and two large tablespoons of mustard powder. Soak a piece of cloth generously with the resulting mixture and apply a compress to the affected area for about 15 minutes. If necessary, the procedure is repeated several days in a row.

Recovery diets

Traditional methods of treatment include not only a variety of compresses and lotions. Very effective method are the so-called recovery diets. One of the most effective is a diet based on the gradual introduction of sea fish into the daily diet. It has been proven time and time again that omega-3 fatty acid contained in large quantities in fat sea ​​fish, have a positive effect on general state joints and reduce inflammation.

Still exists therapeutic diet based on boiled rice. It is believed that boiled rice promotes the dissolution of unwanted deposits in ligaments and joints, which are the cause of impaired flexibility of connective tissues.

To prepare medicinal rice, you need to soak a glass of cereal overnight. In the morning, the water in which the rice was soaked should be drained, pour about two glasses of clean water and cook the rice in it until tender. After which the rice is washed and divided into four portions, which are eaten throughout the day.

If you follow such a diet, then to replenish essential vitamins in the body throughout the day you should drink fresh rosehip decoction. Half an hour before each meal of rice, drink half a glass of plain water.

Parsley has 2.5 times more vitamin C than oranges

Proper nutrition

To make traditional medicine methods more effective, you must adhere to proper nutrition. This does not mean at all that you need to sit down strict diet. But it’s worth adding to your menu green tea, asparagus, apples, cherry and dogwood berries. Lingonberries, rowan, sea buckthorn, black currant and watermelon pulp are considered beneficial.

The diet must contain milk and fermented milk products, chicken eggs, meat and fish (boiled or steamed), a large amount of vegetables, herbs, buckwheat, oatmeal and millet cereals, bread with added bran.

But eating fatty foods meat products, any animal fats, smoked meats, canned food, pickles, marinades, savory snacks, spices and seasonings are undesirable. It is also not recommended to consume pastry, ice cream, strong tea, coffee, chocolate and alcohol.

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