Joint stiffness in the morning is a symptom of what disease. Morning stiffness in joints (knees and fingers): symptoms and treatment of the disease

Inflammatory disease of the knee joint is called arthritis. There are three main types of disease. Depending on what caused the inflammation, the symptoms of knee arthritis will vary.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis of the knee
  • How to identify and treat the disease?

Rheumatoid arthritis

This pathological process, which usually affects several joints at once and has characteristic manifestations. Rheumatoid arthritis can develop in both children (called “juvenile”) and adults.

The cause of the disease is still unknown. It is believed that in order to develop joint lesions, a person must have a defect in one of the genes of the immune system. When some provoking factor acts on the body, the immune system reacts in the “wrong” way, resulting in joint damage.

Factors that provoke the occurrence rheumatoid arthritis, the following:

As a result of the action of a damaging factor, “incorrect” antibodies are formed. These antibodies are perceived by the body as antigens, and “normal” antibodies are formed against them (they are called “rheumatoid factor” and can be determined by a blood test). Antigen-antibody complexes, even though the antigen is the protein of one's own immunity, damage the joints: inflammatory changes occur in them, which lead to irreversible deformations of the bone joints.

How does rheumatoid arthritis manifest?

The knee joint is usually affected first. Inflammation is often symmetrical: first one knee suffers, then the process “spreads” to the other. In addition to the knees, other joints suffer (especially on the hand), and often also internal organs.

In children, rheumatoid arthritis most often occurs as an acute form: first, weakness, apathy appear, and body temperature rises. And only after a while the joint suffers. The disease can also have a subacute onset, which is also typical for adults:

  • Morning stiffness occurs in the joint: it becomes difficult to straighten the leg for half an hour or more. Children under two years old generally refuse to walk. If only one joint is affected (this is typical for girls), then vision also suffers. There may also be a peculiarity that juvenile rheumatoid arthritis begins with damage to the eyes, and then the joints suffer;
  • the joint swells, the temperature in it rises (it is not red, but somewhat hotter to the touch than healthy ones);
  • The appearance of pain in the knee is noted, which has a characteristic rhythm: it occurs towards the end of the night, is very pronounced until noon (provided that the person leads a “daytime” lifestyle), then under the influence of physical activity and walking the pain subsides. There is no pain in the evening and until 2-3 am;
  • may form under the skin rheumatoid nodules– these are compactions up to 2-3 cm in diameter (like a pea), painless. There are usually only a few of them and they are most often located below the elbows, but they can also be on the hands, feet and other places, under the skin. They are clearly visible in the photo.

Rheumatoid arthritis almost always affects the joints of the hands, which are subject to such characteristic deformation that the diagnosis is beyond doubt.

Rheumatoid disease is the most common cause of arthritis in children. In adults, as a result of rheumatoid arthritis, a Baker's cyst is formed: a formation in the popliteal fossa, which is formed due to the flow of inflammatory fluid between the fibers of the calf muscle.

Osteoarthritis of the knee

This disease is common in adults, especially those who suffer overweight or received frequent injuries knee

It consists in the gradual “wear and tear” of the articular cartilage, to which inflammation has joined. It manifests itself in the form of pain in the joint, which may not be severe at first, and may be felt as discomfort in the knee. The pain tends to increase. The joint swells and it becomes difficult to bend and straighten the leg.

Pain and swelling in the joint worsen in the morning and after resting in a sitting or lying position; stronger knee starts to hurt after climbing stairs, walking, or kneeling. Knee pain “depending on the weather” is also typical.

Reactive arthritis

Arises due to infectious diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, protozoa. Most often occurs in children after acute respiratory viral infection, kidney or urinary system diseases, scarlet fever or intestinal infections.

It manifests itself in the form of swelling of the knee, increased temperature above it, pain when walking and with simple movement (flexion-extension) in the joint.

How to identify and treat the disease?

In order to make a diagnosis, the doctor is guided by the patient’s complaints, examination and palpation of the joint, and x-ray data. Sometimes it is necessary to perform an MRI or computed tomography joint

Next, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease: it is rheumatoid, reactive arthritis, osteoarthritis, and also differentiate it as a complication of gonarthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout. To do this, various blood tests are used to determine rheumatoid factor, and antibodies to chlamydial infection. Sometimes an x-ray is also the most important aid in diagnosis.

Treatment will depend on the cause of the disease. The general activities are:

  1. It is necessary to reduce the load on the joint: special supports, splints, walking with a cane, and so on.
  2. Therapeutic gymnastics classes.
  3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen, paracetamol; Celebrex, Vioxx) are used as medications for all types of illness: they relieve inflammation and relieve pain.
  4. In case of significant inflammation of the joint, intra-articular administration of hormones (hydrocortisone, Kenalog) is used.
  5. Further therapy is determined by the cause of the pathology: antibiotics for purulent inflammation, gold preparations for rheumatoid arthritis, allopurinol for gout.
  6. Massage and exercise therapy are mandatory procedures; they can only be done when inflammation in the joint subsides.

Morning stiffness in joints (knees and fingers): symptoms and treatment of the disease

Osteoarthritis also has the following names: spondylosis deformans and degenerative disease joints.

The disease is characterized by the fact that the cartilage tissue lining the articular surface is affected. Osteoarthritis develops as a result of wear and tear on the joints. Pathological changes in the joints begin at the age of 20-30 years, and by the age of 70 this disease can be observed in every person.

Most often, the disease affects the joints of the arms, legs, neck and back. The main symptoms of osteoarthritis are morning stiffness in the joints and painful sensations in them.

Important! The basis of treatment for osteoarthritis is to reduce overweight and regular exercise. The use of medications plays a minor role. Pledge favorable outcome diseases – maintaining a good weight and an active lifestyle.

NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) can relieve symptoms to some extent. Pain and stiffness in the joints of the fingers, toes, knees and cervical diarthrosis can be relieved with glucosamine sulfate.

Some joints undergo irreversible pathological changes. In such cases it is indicated surgical replacement joints with a synthetic implant.

What is osteoarthritis

First of all, the disease affects the subchondral bones, which form diarthrosis and cartilaginous tissue of the joints. In the end, all tissues that are somehow connected with the affected joint undergo pathological changes. The cartilage lining the joint wears out.

The body tries to restore the damaged cartilage structure, resulting in bone tissue growing around it. It is these bone growths that irritate and destroy the joints of the fingers, toes, knees, neck and back.

The joints lose their physiological lubrication, flexibility disappears and crepitus appears - a crunching sound characteristic of osteoarthritis.

Causes of the disease

Until recently, doctors believed that the disease develops due to wear and tear of the joints. Today, the subtypes of osteoarthritis are taken into account. Some of them have a more complex etiology – immune.

Inflammatory process in cartilage, its erosion and degenerative changes in adjacent cartilage can develop as a result of a reaction of the body’s immune system against itself. This subtype is called erosive osteoarthritis.

A complex system of biochemical and biological enzymatic mechanisms in the body constitutes immunity. Once even one element fails, osteoarthritis will not take long to occur.

The slightest change in the microenvironment of bone tissue can cause the development of pathological changes that initiate joint disease and stiffness in the morning.

Such deviations include:

The probable causes of osteoarthritis are prolonged overload of the joints or their injuries.

Doctors are inclined to believe that the disease has a genetic etiology. This is especially true for osteoarthritis of the end joints of the fingers and the spine.

Who is at risk

Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease today. Typically, the first symptoms appear in the fourth decade of a person’s life. And on the seventh, the disease affects 60-70% of the planet's population.

The disease is more common in women, but as a person ages, these differences practically disappear. Osteoarthritis is hereditary, especially affecting the joints of the hands and fingers. It has been proven that the genes that contain the code for cartilage collagen may have abnormalities. This is what can explain the presence of the disease in the entire family.

The first symptoms at an early age and hereditary predisposition to the disease increase the likelihood of developing osteoarthritis. A person whose both parents have a history of this disease will likely also become a victim of it.

Excess weight is an independent factor that can lead to stiffness of the knee joints. A patient who has weight problems may experience osteoarthritis after a certain period of time.

The connection between obesity and joint disease is obvious - excessive mechanical stress. Although a significant role in the development of joint disease is played by a violation of the metabolism of bone and cartilage tissue, which occurs as a result of excess weight.

Another risk factor is increased mobility joints. In some people, the joints are so mobile that this causes permanent injury or early onset of osteoarthritis in the joints of the hands, feet and fingers.

How does osteoarthritis manifest?

The joints of the hips, neck, small joints of the fingers and toes, and knee diarthrosis are the main “victims” of osteoarthritis. The disease begins with an inflammatory process. Stiffness in the hands and mild swelling are sure signs of the initial stage of joint damage. The disease begins to develop gradually and imperceptibly.

During physical activity, the patient begins to experience pain, which intensifies over time. Morning stiffness of the finger joints is temporary. Usually it lasts no more than half an hour, but after prolonged immobility or being in a “sitting” position can manifest itself again.

Physical exercise helps overcome stiffness in the joints. As the disease progresses, mobility in the joints decreases, and crunching and pain appear in them. Eventually, the articular surfaces of the fingers or knees increase in size, and this process is irreversible.

If the tendon, for example, in the knee joint weakens, the instability of the diarthrosis increases and the pain intensifies. A symptom of progressive osteoarthritis is unnatural rotation of the joint and pain on palpation. At this stage of the disease, patients experience pain caused by spasms and contractions of the muscles surrounding the joint.

Arthritis hip joint characterized by a decrease in range of motion and increased rigidity. For a person suffering from this disease, simply climbing stairs or lacing shoes can be very difficult tasks.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joints differs from hip disease in that it is accompanied by sprained ligaments.

Diagnostics and prevention

To make a diagnosis, the doctor takes into account all manifestations, symptoms and results x-ray. A blood test is done to rule out other types of arthritis. The initial phase of osteoarthritis may not show up on x-rays. But it is impossible to observe the further development of the disease without exposure to X-rays.

Hence the conclusion: the main ways to diagnose osteoarthritis are clinical examination and x-rays.

It is not possible to prevent the onset of osteoarthritis. But maintaining a normal body weight and an active lifestyle can significantly improve the course of the disease. It is very important to identify risk factors at an early stage.



Treatment can be symptomatic or disease-modifying. Symptoms are eliminated using painkillers:

  1. Paracetamol and its derivatives.
  2. Tramadol (an opium-based drug).
  3. Codeine.

These medications bring relief to the patient and are safe.

NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) treat both pain and the inflammatory process itself. But these medications pose a danger to the stomach. New selective NSAIDs have an improved safety profile: etoricoxib, celecocoxib.

Painkillers for joint pain do not provoke serious complications from the gastrointestinal tract, but their effect on cardiovascular system has not yet been thoroughly studied. Therefore, doctors do not yet prescribe these drugs to people with heart problems.

Cortisone in tablets has no effect special effect in the fight against diseases of the knee joints and finger joints. At the first signs of inflammation, cortisone injections are given into the joint.

There is evidence that glucosamine sulfate plays a significant role in the treatment of joint stiffness and pain. The substance is obtained from the skeletons of crustaceans. But the drug is contraindicated for those who are allergic to seafood.

From shark cartilage and large cattle receive chondroitin sulfate, which has a beneficial effect on sore joints and reduces their stiffness.

The more the patient is informed about his disease, the better for treatment. The patient must understand that, despite the pain, it is necessary to maintain motor activity in the joints.

Daily exercise increases your range of motion and relieves stiffness in your muscles and tendons.

Stretching is very useful in this regard. Complete or partial immobility in a joint, even for a short time, can aggravate the course of the disease and determine an unfavorable outcome.

Surgical treatment of osteoarthritis

Today, joint transplantation operations are very successful. Nowadays, it is difficult to surprise anyone with implantation of hip or knee diarthrosis. Thanks to hip joint replacement, in 95% of cases, mobility is completely restored and pain disappears.

Note! A high-quality implant can function reliably for at least 10-15 years. The number of successfully performed operations to replace small diarthrosis of the fingers is growing every year. It would be useful to note the achievements of modern surgery in the treatment of progressive arthritis of the thumb joint. In addition, knee replacement is performed.

The patient's own cells are used to restore bone and cartilage tissue. The question of surgical intervention arises when drug therapy does not bring results and the functions of the joint are impaired.

If an elderly patient does not have any contraindications to surgery, it can be safely prescribed. For younger patients, surgery is recommended only if the situation becomes critical.


Provided that the patient leads an active lifestyle and controls his weight, he can avoid complete immobilization of the joints. But the insidiousness of osteoarthritis is that the development of the disease often begins asymptomatically. Therefore, usually at the very beginning of the disease no measures are taken to prevent its further development.

When you find yourself the following signs the patient should immediately consult a doctor:

  • The joint begins to ache and swell.
  • The joint has lost mobility.
  • When moving, pain and stiffness appear in the joint (this is especially noticeable when going up or down stairs).
  • If a person knows that he has osteoarthritis, but the treatment methods taken do not bring positive results, he decides to replace the joint.

In addition, if the patient’s close relatives have a history of osteoarthritis of the joints, and he himself suffers overweight, the likelihood of developing the disease in this case is very high.

Back pain after sleep can occur in people of any age and gender. Pain syndrome brings a lot of discomfort and negatively affects a person’s daily activities. Most people do not attach much importance to morning back pain, attributing the occurrence of the syndrome to an uncomfortable body position during night sleep.

Certainly, this factor does occur, but daily morning pain is unlikely to be its consequence. Most often, the pain that a person feels every day in the morning is a signal of the development or exacerbation of some pathology that may require urgent treatment.

What to do if you experience morning back pain? When should you consult a specialist and what are the causes of pain syndrome could they really be?

You can understand the possible reasons why your back hurts in the morning after sleep by listening to your own body and answering several questions:

  • Where exactly is the pain syndrome localized?
  • How exactly does your back hurt in the morning (the nature of the pain)?
  • What additional symptoms are present?

Possible diseases


Degenerative-dystrophic chronic pathology that affects the intervertebral discs and cartilage of the spinal column.

Between the vertebrae there are elastic discs that strengthen the spinal column, giving it mobility and elasticity. Each of these discs consists of a core located in a hard fibrous ring and covered with cartilage.

With the development of osteochondrosis, a disruption of the metabolic process and blood circulation in the spinal column occurs. At the very beginning of the pathology intervertebral disc loses strength and elasticity and dries out. The height of the disc decreases, the fibrous ring is no longer able to withstand the load, bulges and cracks. Developing in various parts of the spine, osteochondrosis can cause its curvature, loss of motor functions and, sometimes, disability.

Cervical osteochondrosis


Degenerative-dystrophic pathology, in the cervical spinal region. Most often, degenerative disorders occur in the most mobile parts, so the disease affects the nerve roots in the area of ​​the C5, C6 and C7 vertebrae. The main reasons for the development of the disease are metabolic disorders, sedentary lifestyle life, salt deposits in the neck area, poor nutrition and long-term stay in anatomically incorrect postures. Risk factors include:

  • hereditary factor;
  • spinal injuries in the neck area;
  • hypothermia;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • systemic pathologies.

Nature of pain

Cervical osteochondrosis is characterized by aching pain, which intensifies when coughing, moving the arms, or sharply turning the head.

Additional symptoms

In addition to the fact that the patient’s back hurts after sleep, cervical osteochondrosis has a number of characteristic symptoms:

  • aching pain in the back of the head, neck, shoulders, upper limbs;
  • an audible crunch in the cervical region when bending or turning the head;
  • burning in the area between the shoulder blades, feeling of numbness or tingling in the hands;
  • the back of the head hurts and the pain spreads to the parietal and temporal regions;
  • dizziness, fainting with sudden movements of the head;
  • general malaise;
  • noise in ears;
  • auditory and visual disorders.

Thoracic osteochondrosis


The least common form of the disease, which affects the nerves of the spinal canal at the level of the thoracic spinal column. Due to the similarity of the symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis with other pathologies, its diagnosis is very difficult.

Nature of pain

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region manifests itself in two conditions: dorsago and dorsalgia.

Pain syndrome with dorsago is characterized as acute, intense, sudden, paroxysmal. Often the pain is accompanied by difficulty breathing.

Additional symptoms

The pathology is also characterized by other symptoms, the most common of which are:

  • muscle discomfort;
  • chest pain when forced to remain in one position for a long time;
  • pain in the chest area during physical activity and movement;
  • pain in the interscapular area when moving your arms;
  • increased pain when breathing;
  • feeling of tightness in the chest area;
  • intercostal pain when walking;
  • skin numbness, tingling, goosebumps;
  • burning, itching and coldness of the lower extremities;
  • brittle nail plates, dry skin;
  • pain in the esophagus;
  • digestive disorders.

Osteochondrosis of the sacrolumbar region


The most common form of osteochondrosis due to the greatest mobility of the lumbar region. The pathology is manifested by rapidly progressing deformation and degeneration of intervertebral discs and cartilage. With absence necessary treatment the disease leads to serious complications and disability of the patient.

Nature of pain

Pain in this pathological process can be localized or spread to the entire lower spine.

Additional symptoms

The following symptoms are characteristic of lumbar osteochondrosis:

  • lower back pain, pain radiating to the lower limbs;
  • increased pain during physical activity;
  • stiffness in body movement after a night's sleep;
  • muscle spasms and tension in the ligaments of the back;
  • lumbar “lumbago” after hypothermia, even minor;
  • impaired sensitivity in the buttocks and lower extremities;
  • tingling feeling in the feet, legs;
  • cold feet;
  • arterial spasm in the feet, lack of pulse in them;
  • violation of the sweating process;
  • peeling of the skin at the site of pain localization.

Which doctor treats osteochondrosis?

The first person you need to consult is a general practitioner. It is he who, based on complaints and symptoms, will prescribe an additional consultation with a neurologist or veterinarian. They are the ones who prescribe the complex diagnostic measures and based on the research data, they make a decision on the necessary treatment.


Diagnosis of osteochondrosis of any part of the spine includes:

  • laboratory tests of the patient’s biological material - urine and blood;
  • radiography;
  • electrocardiography.

Osteochondrosis is a pathology that does not have special treatment. All therapeutic measures are aimed at relieving the patient of pain, eliminating disorders in the roots of the spinal canal and preventing rapid degeneration.

Treatment with medications consists of:

  • NSAIDs are nonsteroidal drugs that have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. NSAIDs are used in the form of tablets, injections and topical applications;
  • analgesics and painkillers, non-narcotic and narcotic (depending on the severity of the pain syndrome);
  • chondroprotectors that relieve degenerative and dystrophic processes in the vertebrae and perivertebral tissues;
  • muscle relaxants, which help the back muscles relax and, as a result, mobility in the spine is restored and back pain is eliminated in the morning;
  • vitamin and vitamin-mineral complexes;
  • steroid drugs and biostimulants;
  • psychotropic medications as a last resort. Such drugs are used for unbearable pain that cannot be relieved by other means.

After the exacerbation is relieved, the patient is often prescribed a number of physiotherapeutic procedures, such as:

  • shock wave therapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • iontophoresis;
  • laser therapy, etc.

The following can also be used for treatment:

  • massage;
  • acupressure;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • acupuncture.

Rheumatoid arthritis


Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic pathology of connective tissue that mainly affects small joints. The lesion occurs as a polyarthritis of destructive-erosive origin of unknown origin and with a complex autoimmune pathogenesis. Joint disease causes many complications and leads to disability in 70% of cases. People of both sexes and at any age are susceptible to the disease, but the main risk group is patients over 35 years of age.

The pathology is characterized by symmetrical inflammation of the joints and the duration of the course. The main symptom of rheumatoid arthritis is morning back pain, which patients feel in the morning after sleep.

Nature of pain

The pain in the initial stage of the disease is aching and can be relieved by taking painkillers. As it progresses, the pain syndrome becomes more intense, the pain is acute and sudden.


In addition to night and morning pain, rheumatoid arthritis has the following symptoms:

  • small and large joints hurt;
  • accumulation of fluid and swelling in the area of ​​the affected joint;
  • local temperature increase;
  • increased fatigue and weakness;
  • stiffness of movement in joints, especially small ones;
  • stiffness throughout the body in the morning;
  • the appearance of symptoms characteristic of acute respiratory infections, influenza;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • back pain when sitting for a long time;
  • alternating stages of exacerbation and remission;
  • muscle pain;
  • loss of appetite (decreased or complete absence);
  • weight loss;
  • cold feet and palms;
  • functional disorders of the salivary and lacrimal glands.

Which doctor treats you?

The pathology is treated by a rheumatologist.


If the development of the disease is suspected, the following diagnostic measures are carried out:

  • clinical and biochemical blood tests;
  • radiography.

Rheumatoid arthritis cannot be completely cured.

Drug treatment includes:

  • selective and non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • basic antirheumatic drugs;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • analgesics.

Also, during the remission stage, the patient may be prescribed physiotherapy, such as:

  • balneotherapy;
  • mud therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • ultrasound therapy;
  • UV irradiation;
  • electrophoresis.



A disease that develops due to wear and tear or degenerative changes in cartilage and bones. Progressive pathology leads to the formation of osteophytes. Osteoarthritis of the spinal column is characterized by damage to the intervertebral joints with subsequent involvement of the vertebra, ligaments and muscles in the pathology.

Nature of pain

Back pain in the morning with osteoarthritis of the spine is paroxysmal, dull. If left untreated, the pain syndrome becomes constant, the pain is characterized as acute, aching.


In addition to what the patient experiences severe pain in the back in the morning, osteoarthritis is characterized by the presence of the following symptoms:

  • joint deformation;
  • swelling of the affected area during exacerbation of the pathology;
  • cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • general weakness and malaise;
  • limited mobility due to pain;
  • crunching in the spine when turning the neck or torso.

Which doctor treats you?

Osteoarthritis is treated by a neurologist, arthrologist, rheumatologist, orthopedist and surgeon.


Diagnosis of osteoarthritis includes:

  • blood tests (clinical and biochemical);
  • synovial fluid analysis;
  • radiography;
  • Ultrasound of joints;
  • arthroscopy.

Drug treatment is carried out with the following groups of drugs:

  • NSAIDs;
  • corticosteroids;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • analgesics.

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the spine can be carried out using physiotherapy:

  • electrosleep;
  • electrophoresis;
  • acupuncture;
  • hyperbaric oxygen therapy;
  • diadynamic therapy;
  • ultraphonophoresis;
  • laser therapy, etc.



A disease characterized by degeneration of the joints of the spinal column, thinning and displacement of discs, loss of elasticity of cartilage, muscle damage and the formation of osteophytes. The pain syndrome that occurs as a result of pathology often leads to loss of ability to work and disability.

Nature of pain

The pain associated with the disease is aching and bothers the patient for a long time.

Other symptoms

Symptoms of spondyloarthrosis include:

  • morning stiffness of the spinal column;
  • discomfort in the lumbar region;
  • change in gait;
  • foot deformity.


Diagnosis of spondyloarthrosis is complicated by the fact that the pathology often occurs with other vertebral diseases, for example, osteochondrosis. For more precise definition diseases use:

  • radiography.

Treatment of pathology is carried out with medications, exercise therapy and massage, physiotherapy, and reflexology.

Drug treatment includes the use of NSAIDs, analgesics, muscle relaxants and chondroprotectors.

Ankylosing spondylitis


Chronic inflammation of the spinal column and joints. It is characterized by morning pain in the sacrum, groin and outer femoral side of the legs. The patient's sleep is disturbed; in the morning after sleep, stiffness and discomfort are felt in the back and neck. The mobility of the spine is impaired, pain occurs when sneezing, coughing and sudden movements.

Nature of pain

The pain associated with the disease is aching and acute, the pain spreads to the entire spine.

Which doctor treats you?

A rheumatologist treats ankylosing spondylitis.


The disease can be diagnosed using radiography and MRI of the joints.

Today for treatment they use:

  • NSAIDs;
  • glucocorticoids;
  • immunosuppressants.

Muscle pain

Sometimes back pain during sleep and after can be exclusively muscular and arise as a result of:

  • scoliosis;
  • overweight;
  • kyphosis;
  • falling asleep in an uncomfortable position;
  • previous physical activity;
  • joint displacement after injury.

Diseases not related to the musculoskeletal system

The causes of pain after waking up include:

  • functional disorders of the adrenal glands;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • estrogen deficiency in women;
  • tuberculosis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • epidural abscess;
  • diseases of the digestive and respiratory system;
  • diseases of the blood and circulatory system.

What does pain in the kidney area indicate?

If your back hurts in the kidney area in the morning, this may indicate both diseases of the musculoskeletal system and organ pathology, such as urolithiasis, hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis and insufficiency of kidney function.

In what cases should you consult a doctor immediately?

  • pain in the left side of the back, accompanied by numbness in the arm;
  • back pain radiating to left side jaws;
  • increased body temperature;
  • severe pain that is not relieved by painkillers;
  • the pain is constant, localized in one place;
  • formation of a hematoma at the site of pain localization;
  • back pain after sleeping for 3 or more days;
  • pain does not go away when lying down;
  • if the patient is taking any hormonal medications;
  • if there is a sharp weight loss.

How to relieve pain?

Before seeing a doctor, you can try to relieve back pain on your own. To do this you can:

  • take pain medication;
  • take a horizontal position;
  • perform several exercises for flexion-extension of the spine;

Watch a video on this topic

How to choose a bed and mattress that is optimal for your back?

  1. Length sleeping place(mattress) must be at least 10 cm larger than the person’s height.
  2. The width of the sleeping place (mattress) should be such that when you throw your arms behind your head and straighten your elbows, there is a small amount of space left.
  3. For people who prefer to sleep on their back, a medium-firm mattress is needed; for people who sleep on their stomach, a hard mattress is ideal.
  4. It is better to choose mattresses with an orthopedic effect.

Don't forget that timely diagnosis and treatment will help avoid unpleasant and sometimes dangerous consequences.

Back pain after sleep can occur in people of any age and gender. Pain syndrome brings a lot of discomfort and negatively affects a person’s daily activities. Most people do not attach much importance to morning back pain, attributing the occurrence of the syndrome to an uncomfortable body position during night sleep.

Of course, this factor does exist, but daily morning pain is unlikely to be its consequence. Most often, the pain that a person feels every day in the morning is a signal of the development or exacerbation of some pathology that may require urgent treatment.

What to do if you experience morning back pain? When should you consult a specialist and what could be the actual causes of pain?

You can understand the possible reasons why your back hurts in the morning after sleep by listening to your own body and answering several questions:

  • Where exactly is the pain syndrome localized?
  • How exactly does your back hurt in the morning (the nature of the pain)?
  • What additional symptoms are present?

Possible diseases


Degenerative-dystrophic chronic pathology that affects the intervertebral discs and cartilage of the spinal column.

Between the vertebrae there are elastic discs that strengthen the spinal column, giving it mobility and elasticity. Each of these discs consists of a core located in a hard fibrous ring and covered with cartilage.

With the development of osteochondrosis, a disruption of the metabolic process and blood circulation in the spinal column occurs. At the very beginning of the pathology, the intervertebral disc loses strength and elasticity and shrinks. The height of the disc decreases, the fibrous ring is no longer able to withstand the load, bulges and cracks. Developing in various parts of the spine, osteochondrosis can cause its curvature, loss of motor functions and, sometimes, disability.

Cervical osteochondrosis


Degenerative-dystrophic pathology in the cervical spine. Most often, degenerative disorders occur in the most mobile parts, so the disease affects the nerve roots in the area of ​​the C5, C6 and C7 vertebrae. The main reasons for the development of the disease are metabolic disorders, a sedentary lifestyle, salt deposits in the neck, poor nutrition and prolonged exposure to anatomically incorrect positions. Risk factors include:

  • hereditary factor;
  • spinal injuries in the neck area;
  • hypothermia;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • systemic pathologies.

Nature of pain

Cervical osteochondrosis is characterized by aching pain, which intensifies when coughing, moving the arms, or sharply turning the head.

Additional symptoms

In addition to the fact that the patient’s back hurts after sleep, cervical osteochondrosis has a number of characteristic symptoms:

  • aching pain in the back of the head, neck, shoulders, upper limbs;
  • an audible crunch in the cervical region when bending or turning the head;
  • burning in the area between the shoulder blades, feeling of numbness or tingling in the hands;
  • the back of the head hurts and the pain spreads to the parietal and temporal regions;
  • dizziness, fainting with sudden movements of the head;
  • general malaise;
  • noise in ears;
  • auditory and visual disorders.

Thoracic osteochondrosis


The least common form of the disease, which affects the nerves of the spinal canal at the level of the thoracic spinal column. Due to the similarity of the symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis with other pathologies, its diagnosis is very difficult.

Nature of pain

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region manifests itself in two conditions: dorsago and dorsalgia.

Pain syndrome with dorsago is characterized as acute, intense, sudden, paroxysmal. Often the pain is accompanied by difficulty breathing.

Additional symptoms

The pathology is also characterized by other symptoms, the most common of which are:

  • muscle discomfort;
  • chest pain when forced to remain in one position for a long time;
  • pain in the chest area during physical activity and movement;
  • pain in the interscapular area when moving your arms;
  • increased pain when breathing;
  • feeling of tightness in the chest area;
  • intercostal pain when walking;
  • skin numbness, tingling, goosebumps;
  • burning, itching and coldness of the lower extremities;
  • brittle nail plates, dry skin;
  • pain in the esophagus;
  • digestive disorders.

Osteochondrosis of the sacrolumbar region


The most common form of osteochondrosis due to the greatest mobility of the lumbar region. The pathology is manifested by rapidly progressing deformation and degeneration of intervertebral discs and cartilage. If left untreated, the disease leads to serious complications and disability for the patient.

Nature of pain

Pain in this pathological process can be localized or spread to the entire lower spine.

Additional symptoms

The following symptoms are characteristic of lumbar osteochondrosis:

  • lower back pain, pain radiating to the lower limbs;
  • increased pain during physical activity;
  • stiffness in body movement after a night's sleep;
  • muscle spasms and tension in the ligaments of the back;
  • lumbar “lumbago” after hypothermia, even minor;
  • impaired sensitivity in the buttocks and lower extremities;
  • tingling feeling in the feet, legs;
  • cold feet;
  • arterial spasm in the feet, lack of pulse in them;
  • violation of the sweating process;
  • peeling of the skin at the site of pain localization.

Which doctor treats osteochondrosis?

The first person you need to consult is a general practitioner. It is he who, based on complaints and symptoms, will prescribe an additional consultation with a neurologist or veterinarian. They are the ones who prescribe a set of diagnostic measures and, based on research data, make a decision on the necessary treatment.


Diagnosis of osteochondrosis of any part of the spine includes:

  • laboratory tests of the patient’s biological material - urine and blood;
  • radiography;
  • electrocardiography.

Osteochondrosis is a pathology that has no special treatment. All therapeutic measures are aimed at relieving the patient of pain, eliminating disorders in the roots of the spinal canal and preventing rapid degeneration.

Treatment with medications consists of:

  • NSAIDs are nonsteroidal drugs that have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. NSAIDs are used in the form of tablets, injections and topical applications;
  • analgesics and painkillers, non-narcotic and narcotic (depending on the severity of the pain syndrome);
  • chondroprotectors that stop degenerative and dystrophic processes in the vertebrae and perivertebral tissues;
  • muscle relaxants, which help the back muscles relax and, as a result, mobility in the spine is restored and back pain is eliminated in the morning;
  • vitamin and vitamin-mineral complexes;
  • steroid drugs and biostimulants;
  • psychotropic medications as a last resort. Such drugs are used for unbearable pain that cannot be relieved by other means.

After the exacerbation is relieved, the patient is often prescribed a number of physiotherapeutic procedures, such as:

  • shock wave therapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • iontophoresis;
  • laser therapy, etc.

The following can also be used for treatment:

  • massage;
  • acupressure;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • acupuncture.

Rheumatoid arthritis


Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic pathology of connective tissue that mainly affects small joints. The lesion occurs as a polyarthritis of destructive-erosive origin of unknown origin and with a complex autoimmune pathogenesis. Joint disease causes many complications and leads to disability in 70% of cases. People of both sexes and at any age are susceptible to the disease, but the main risk group is patients over 35 years of age.

The pathology is characterized by symmetrical inflammation of the joints and the duration of the course. The main symptom of rheumatoid arthritis is morning back pain, which patients feel in the morning after sleep.

Nature of pain

The pain in the initial stage of the disease is aching and can be relieved by taking painkillers. As it progresses, the pain syndrome becomes more intense, the pain is acute and sudden.


In addition to night and morning pain, rheumatoid arthritis has the following symptoms:

  • small and large joints hurt;
  • accumulation of fluid and swelling in the area of ​​the affected joint;
  • local temperature increase;
  • increased fatigue and weakness;
  • stiffness of movement in joints, especially small ones;
  • stiffness throughout the body in the morning;
  • the appearance of symptoms characteristic of acute respiratory infections, influenza;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • back pain when sitting for a long time;
  • alternating stages of exacerbation and remission;
  • muscle pain;
  • loss of appetite (decreased or complete absence);
  • weight loss;
  • cold feet and palms;
  • functional disorders of the salivary and lacrimal glands.

Which doctor treats you?

The pathology is treated by a rheumatologist.


If the development of the disease is suspected, the following diagnostic measures are carried out:

  • clinical and biochemical blood tests;
  • radiography.

Rheumatoid arthritis cannot be completely cured.

Drug treatment includes:

  • selective and non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • basic antirheumatic drugs;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • analgesics.

Also, during the remission stage, the patient may be prescribed physiotherapy, such as:

  • balneotherapy;
  • mud therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • ultrasound therapy;
  • UV irradiation;
  • electrophoresis.



A disease that develops due to wear and tear or degenerative changes in cartilage and bones. Progressive pathology leads to the formation of osteophytes. Osteoarthritis of the spinal column is characterized by damage to the intervertebral joints with subsequent involvement of the vertebra, ligaments and muscles in the pathology.

Nature of pain

Back pain in the morning with osteoarthritis of the spine is paroxysmal, dull. If left untreated, the pain syndrome becomes constant, the pain is characterized as acute, aching.


In addition to the fact that the patient experiences severe back pain in the morning, osteoarthritis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • joint deformation;
  • swelling of the affected area during exacerbation of the pathology;
  • cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • general weakness and malaise;
  • limited mobility due to pain;
  • crunching in the spine when turning the neck or torso.

Which doctor treats you?

Osteoarthritis is treated by a neurologist, arthrologist, rheumatologist, orthopedist and surgeon.


Diagnosis of osteoarthritis includes:

  • blood tests (clinical and biochemical);
  • synovial fluid analysis;
  • radiography;
  • Ultrasound of joints;
  • arthroscopy.

Drug treatment is carried out with the following groups of drugs:

  • NSAIDs;
  • corticosteroids;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • analgesics.

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the spine can be carried out using physiotherapy:

  • electrosleep;
  • electrophoresis;
  • acupuncture;
  • hyperbaric oxygen therapy;
  • diadynamic therapy;
  • ultraphonophoresis;
  • laser therapy, etc.



A disease characterized by degeneration of the joints of the spinal column, thinning and displacement of discs, loss of elasticity of cartilage, muscle damage and the formation of osteophytes. The pain syndrome that occurs as a result of pathology often leads to loss of ability to work and disability.

Nature of pain

The pain associated with the disease is aching and bothers the patient for a long time.

Other symptoms

Symptoms of spondyloarthrosis include:

  • morning stiffness of the spinal column;
  • discomfort in the lumbar region;
  • change in gait;
  • foot deformity.


Diagnosis of spondyloarthrosis is complicated by the fact that the pathology often occurs with other vertebral diseases, for example, osteochondrosis. To more accurately determine the disease, use:

  • radiography.

Treatment of pathology is carried out with medications, exercise therapy and massage, physiotherapy, and reflexology.

Drug treatment includes the use of NSAIDs, analgesics, muscle relaxants and chondroprotectors.

Ankylosing spondylitis


Chronic inflammation of the spinal column and joints. It is characterized by morning pain in the sacrum, groin and outer femoral side of the legs. The patient's sleep is disturbed; in the morning after sleep, stiffness and discomfort are felt in the back and neck. The mobility of the spine is impaired, pain occurs when sneezing, coughing and sudden movements.

Nature of pain

The pain associated with the disease is aching and acute, the pain spreads to the entire spine.

Which doctor treats you?

A rheumatologist treats ankylosing spondylitis.


The disease can be diagnosed using radiography and MRI of the joints.

Today for treatment they use:

  • NSAIDs;
  • glucocorticoids;
  • immunosuppressants.

Muscle pain

Sometimes back pain during sleep and after can be exclusively muscular and arise as a result of:

  • scoliosis;
  • overweight;
  • kyphosis;
  • falling asleep in an uncomfortable position;
  • previous physical activity;
  • joint displacement after injury.

Diseases not related to the musculoskeletal system

The causes of pain after waking up include:

  • functional disorders of the adrenal glands;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • estrogen deficiency in women;
  • tuberculosis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • epidural abscess;
  • diseases of the digestive and respiratory system;
  • diseases of the blood and circulatory system.

What does pain in the kidney area indicate?

If your back hurts in the kidney area in the morning, this may indicate both diseases of the musculoskeletal system and organ pathology, such as urolithiasis, hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis and insufficiency of kidney function.

In what cases should you consult a doctor immediately?

  • pain in the left side of the back, accompanied by numbness in the arm;
  • back pain radiating to the left side of the jaw;
  • increased body temperature;
  • severe pain that is not relieved by painkillers;
  • the pain is constant, localized in one place;
  • formation of a hematoma at the site of pain localization;
  • back pain after sleeping for 3 or more days;
  • pain does not go away when lying down;
  • if the patient is taking any hormonal medications;
  • if there is a sharp weight loss.

How to relieve pain?

Before seeing a doctor, you can try to relieve back pain on your own. To do this you can:

  • take pain medication;
  • take a horizontal position;
  • perform several exercises for flexion-extension of the spine;

Watch a video on this topic

How to choose a bed and mattress that is optimal for your back?

  1. The length of the sleeping place (mattress) must be at least 10 cm greater than the person’s height.
  2. The width of the sleeping place (mattress) should be such that when you throw your arms behind your head and straighten your elbows, there is a small amount of space left.
  3. For people who prefer to sleep on their back, a medium-firm mattress is needed; for people who sleep on their stomach, a hard mattress is ideal.
  4. It is better to choose mattresses with an orthopedic effect.

Do not forget that timely diagnosis and treatment will help avoid unpleasant and sometimes dangerous consequences.

Arthrosis is one of the most “popular” diseases musculoskeletal system. How to deal with it?

Portrait of a patient with arthrosis

Often, people who subsequently develop arthrosis go to the doctor, complaining of joint pain. These sensations are strong, interfere with movement, occasionally subside, but are generally painful. An experienced doctor can easily make a “rating” of painful areas. And although arthrosis affects any area, it has “favorite” places. These include the knees, hip joints, lumbosacral joints, joints between the phalanges of the fingers, and the big toe. A little less often, arthrosis affects the shoulder and ankle.

The patient's age often ranges from 50 to 60 years. Many patients previously worked hard physically or were athletes. However, there are also many patients who have spent their entire lives sitting at a desk, because their joints cannot tolerate overload and lack of physical activity. Among patients with arthrosis of the fingers, it is rare to find a man, since women are more likely to experience this subtype of the disease. Other joints hurt equally often in both sexes.

Do everything without delay

There are four stages of arthrosis: the first is characterized by minor changes, the fourth - almost complete wear and tear of the joint. The prognosis of treatment is largely determined by the stage at which the patient turned to the doctor: the earlier the therapy began, the easier it will be later.

And although arthrosis often affects the entire joint, the damage begins in the cartilage inside the joint. IN in good condition it is strong, elastic and dense, so it easily softens the load to which the joint is exposed during movement. With arthrosis, the height and elasticity of the cartilage decrease, cracks and delaminations form in it.

You can interrupt this process, but it is impossible to reverse it. Destroyed cartilage will not grow back. As the cartilage wears out, the tissues around it suffer more and more: the joint capsule, bones, muscles, tendons.

It is for this reason that it is better to consult a doctor at the first symptoms of arthrosis. They are stiffness in the joint in the morning, which disappears about half an hour after getting up and starting to move. And also pain in the joint in the evening, especially after physical labor.

The most important thing is cartilage

When fighting arthrosis, many techniques are used - from therapeutic exercises to installing artificial cartilage to replace the destroyed one. The latter method is applied to patients with stages 3-4 of arthrosis. Many patients begin therapy from the second stage, when the pain is already regular, but the cartilage is not yet completely destroyed. At this stage, therapy mainly consists of exercises, medications and physical therapy. The goals of therapy are as follows.

Pain relief. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs contribute to this. Their effect is immediate, so during an exacerbation they are quite effective. But they should not be taken for a long time, since they have serious side effects (for example, hemorrhages in the stomach and pressure changes). In addition, while alleviating pain, NSAIDs have a negative effect on cartilage and may subsequently even aggravate painful processes.

They also help alleviate pain slightly. therapeutic exercises. Helps strengthen the muscles around the joint, improving its mobility. They should be done every day, not missed, except during periods of exacerbation.

Eliminate inflammatory processes. This task is also assigned to NSAIDs. In case of severe inflammation, injections of glucocorticoid hormones into the joint are possible. But in our country they are sometimes abused. Patients, realizing that injections alleviate pain, persuade doctors to give an injection. But such therapy is not allowed without indications! Injections in the process of eliminating inflammation and pain have a bad effect on the metabolism in cartilage tissue. When the injection stops working, the disease often gets worse. Also, penetration into the joint itself can be fraught with infection and new inflammation.

Interrupting the destruction of cartilage is the main goal of therapy. Chondroprotectors are used to maintain cartilage. Their basic compounds are chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine (included in combination or separately). Promote the restoration of cartilage tissue and prevent its destruction, improving metabolism.

Nowadays, certain chondroprotectors have begun to include sodium hyalurinate and sulfur. Sulfur has anti-inflammatory properties, so taking medications containing it helps alleviate pain and stop inflammation. At the same time, NSAIDs are consumed less, which reduces the risk of side effects - chondroprotectors have fewer of them than NSAIDs, the main one being individual intolerance.

Thanks to sodium hyalurinate, moisture is retained in the joint. The joint is 80% water, which softens the load on it. During the process of arthrosis, some of the moisture decreases. Medicines containing sodium hyalurinate partially restore water balance.

Therapeutic exercises also help strengthen cartilage. During exercise, blood circulation in the joint improves and the cartilage receives enough useful substances, required for it to update. Massage can bring some improvement, however, there are many contraindications for it, so it is performed on the advice of an experienced specialist.

A comment

  • Chief orthopedist: “So that your joints and back never hurt...” 04.11.2017
  • The surgeons confessed! Joint pain is easy to treat! Write a recipe... 03.11.2017
  • Why can't you heal your joints? 03.11.2017
  • Joint diseases
    • Arthritis
    • Arthrosis
    • Synovitis
    • Bursitis
    • Dislocation
    • Cyst
    • Plexit
    • Contracture
    • Coxarthrosis
    • Injuries and bruises
    • Other diseases
    • Osteoarthritis
    • Heel spur
    • Gout
  • The doctor's consultation
  • News
  • Treatment of joints
    • Ankle treatment
    • Treatment of the knee joint
    • Treatment of the hip joint
    • Treatment of the elbow joint
    • Treatment of the wrist joint
    • Shoulder joint treatment
    • Treatment of the jaw joint
    • Traditional methods
    • Medications
    • Treatment of the temporomandibular joint
    • Useful
  • 04/29/2016 The operated Pele “got ready” for the Olympics
  • 04/26/2016 Mass exercise from Anna Alminova in Kirov
  • 04/23/2016 Nordic walking is gaining popularity in the capital
  • 04/20/2016 Smoking is more dangerous for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis
  • 04/18/2016 A 19-year-old participant in the casting for the group SEREBRO will commit suicide if unsuccessful
  • Chondroprotectors for rheumatoid arthritis: fiction or reality
  • Pain in ankle joint: don't miss the danger
  • Lateral epicondylitis of the elbow - tennis elbow
  • Bend tailbone: symptoms and treatment

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When pain in muscles and joints begins to bother you, the reasons can be different. Such pain may indicate the presence of many diseases. In this case, patients experience stiffness in movements, a feeling of fatigue, bad feeling and increased stress on muscles. In especially severe cases, the signs of the disease are so strong that the person is no longer able to move independently. Constant pain in the joints leads to degenerative and inflammatory processes that provoke the development of diseases.

As you know, joints serve as bone connectors for the entire body. At the same time, it simultaneously acquires two necessary qualities: mobility and stability. The structure of the connection includes two surfaces of bone, which are covered on top with cartilage, with a gap in the form of a gap between them. This gap is filled with joint fluid. And the joint itself has its location in the articular capsule. To fully ensure the normal functionality of the joints, connecting bursae, mucous surfaces and those fragments that increase the area of ​​the tendon, the tendons and ligaments themselves, are used.

Inflammation of the joints is accompanied by a feeling of stiffness during movements, swelling, redness and obvious external inflammation of a certain area, which is expressed in increased sensitivity to pressure and motor activity.

Joint diseases are conventionally divided into two main groups:

Inflammatory joint diseases can be classified as rheumatic changes.

In medical practice, the following ailments associated with joints occur:

  • degenerative changes that destroy processes (arthrosis);
  • rheumatic inflammatory processes in joints;
  • infectious processes;
  • deviations in the structure of the joint;
  • developmental defects, dysplasia;
  • secondary arthrosis, developed as a result of an injury.

In many cases, bones, ligaments, muscles, tendons and the joint itself are affected, most often in the knees. Degenerative diseases are common in older people.

The most typical manifestation is damage to the knee, hip and spinal joints. Increased load on the joint as a cause of arthrosis is most common among professional athletes and overweight people. At post-traumatic arthrosis The joints of the feet, knees and shoulders are affected. People involved in skiing and football most often suffer from torn menisci and cruciate ligaments. Dislocations, muscle and tendon injuries, ruptures of capsules and nerves are common occurrences.

The causative factor may be defects that were identified at birth. An example is dysplasia, when the acetabulum is too small and cannot fully accommodate the head of the femur. Inflammatory processes in the joints are diseases of autoimmune origin.

In rheumatoid arthritis, the hands are primarily affected, very in rare cases other joints and groups are affected. The disease has periodic “wandering” pains, accompanied by an active inflammatory process. The main cause of the disease is infection entering the joint along with blood.

The occurrence of arthritis against the background of psoriasis, metabolic disorders, ankylosing spondylitis and chondrocalcinosis, which is also called false gout, is noted. The development of the disease with concomitant ailments with an independent course most often reveals its appearance with weakened functionality of the immune system, the very first sign of which is intermittent pain in the joints.

To answer the question of why muscles hurt, it is necessary to establish the cause, which often indicates the presence of a specific disease. Muscle pain, or myalgia, tends to appear as a result of inflammation.

The human muscle corset consists of elastic tissue capable of contraction under the influence of impulses. The muscles are designed to perform various body movements, activate the vocal cords and carry out respiratory processes.

Myalgia is characterized by the appearance of pain when moving muscles, or when pressing on certain areas of the body. Either one muscle or a specific muscle group can be affected. In this case, pain spreads to nearby tendons, fascia and ligaments. Most often, muscle pain occurs during heavy physical exertion as a result of sprains or injuries.

It is worth noting that in this situation, a certain muscle group is exposed to the disease some time after exposure to it. A number of other things may be related to the appearance of muscle pain: causal factors, for example, taking medications that help lower cholesterol levels, as well as enzyme inhibitors that can lower blood pressure.

Inflammatory process in skeletal muscles tends to appear as a complication after suffering viral and infectious diseases of a cold nature.

Characteristic signs of the disease include:

  • temperature increase;
  • the appearance of trembling, chills;
  • increased pain, swelling;
  • muscle tension with thickening and reddened skin on top.

According to studies, it is with fibromyalgia that periodic sleep disturbances may occur.

The disease is characterized by such symptoms as pain, feeling of stiffness in the morning, frequent insomnia, increased fatigue and fatigue. Fibromyalgia can be localized in different areas bodies. It is noted that the most common sites of lesions are the occipital region, lower back, neck, shoulder joints, chest, hips and knee joints. In this case, the occurrence of pain is most often observed in the female half of the population.

In the presence of physical exertion, insomnia, injury, dampness and systematic rheumatic diseases, the feeling of discomfort tends to intensify. Development fibromyalgia syndrome most often observed in young women with an anxious and receptive character who are in a state of stress and depression.

According to statistics, people are also susceptible to the disease adolescence, mostly girls. As for men, they get sick mainly due to physical overload associated with professional activities or playing professional sports. With primary fibromyalgia, muscle pain can be observed throughout the body with the presence of points of increased sensitivity that are easy to identify by palpation.

It goes without saying that when joints and muscles hurt, you cannot treat these symptoms superficially. In order to know what to do next and what measures to take, it is necessary first to conduct a detailed examination of the patient. After the appropriate diagnosis, the attending physician prescribes a course of treatment and exercises.

The diagnosis is clarified when pain in the joints and muscles appears through an external examination of the patient, clinical blood tests, x-rays of the joints, examination using magnetic resonance imaging and computer diagnostics, ultrasound, arthroscopy and endoscopy.

It may be necessary to reproduce the joint puncture to obtain more detailed data. With similar clinical manifestations, regardless of the cause of their occurrence, doctors usually prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets and gel. This is due to the need to eliminate pain, relieve swelling (for example, using the same gel), reduce inflammation, relieve temperature and fever. The tablets themselves contain organic acids:

  • aminoacetic;
  • salicylic;
  • propionic;
  • heteroarylacetic;
  • indole;
  • enolic.

Side effects when taking these drugs include a negative impact on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract due to the fact that they are made on the basis of the above acids. There are no other specific side effects when taking these medications. Basically, if joints and muscles hurt, treatment is carried out with the following drugs:

  • Ketorolac;
  • Ketorol;
  • Ketalgin;
  • Ketanov;
  • Diclofenac sodium;
  • Diclonac;
  • Voltaren;
  • Ortofen;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Analgin;
  • Piroxicam;
  • Meloxicam;
  • Nimesulide;
  • Naproxen;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Flurbiprofen;
  • Phenylbutazone;
  • Butadion;
  • acetylsalicylic acid.

The use of painkillers for joint and muscle pain is considered mandatory. After clarifying the diagnosis, the doctor himself selects necessary medicine for each specific patient. However, treatment of the disease involves A complex approach, aimed not only at relieving pain. Further actions involve the introduction of homeopathic treatment, correction of diet, prescription of a course therapeutic exercises and physical education, as well as manual therapy.

If pain appears in the muscles, as well as in the joints, especially if it begins to take on a persistent form, it is necessary to mandatory apply for medical assistance. This symptomatology is by no means harmless and can ultimately lead to more serious consequences.

Morning joint stiffness creates many problems, both physical and psychological.

This disease makes it difficult to perform ordinary actions(combing hair, brushing teeth, washing).

What is morning joint stiffness?

Joint stiffness due to symptoms inflammatory processes. Such manifestations are rare, but some people are constantly bothered.

The main reason for morning stiffness is the loss of the joint's ability to naturally slide.

To get rid of unpleasant sensations, you need to warm up a little, or wait certain time(1-3 hours).

When does joint stiffness occur?

A similar condition occurs in all chronic diseases joints - arthritis.

The disease is accompanied by synovitis of the joints (inflammation of the synovial membrane).

This shell is responsible for creating a special liquid. It serves as a lubricant for joints. When it becomes inflamed, the main characteristics change: quantity, viscosity, composition of the lubricant.

Morning joint stiffness also occurs with the following diseases:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • arthritis, which manifests itself in other diseases - psoriasis, rheumatism;
  • reactive arthritis;
  • Reiter's syndrome;
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • osteoarthritis.

Below we will briefly consider each of them.

Manifests itself in systemic inflammation of connective tissue. The small joints of the hands and feet are mainly affected.

Inflammation and swelling wrist joints is a sign of rheumatoid arthritis.

It has been established that the manifestations of this disease have autoimmune origin.

Course of the disease:

  • The appearance of pain of varying intensity in the joints and stiffness in the body in the morning. Difficulty in body movements with rheumatoid arthritis lasting about an hour.
  • The affected joints become deformed.
  • The disease is accompanied by fever and weakness.

Treatment involves therapy that is designed to reduce inflammation, remove discomfort, and improve the activity of articular surfaces. In addition to therapy, medications and non-drug agents are used.


  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. Basic antirheumatic drugs.
  3. Glucocorticosteroids.

Popular non-drug methods include: physiotherapy, exercise therapy, and diet.

Arthritis that occurs with other diseases

Similar types of arthritis occur exclusively during manifestations of another disease. Articular syndrome is often observed in psoriasis, rheumatism and other diseases.


Articular syndrome develops in those genetically predisposed to psoriasis.

Psoriasis affects small as well as large joints.

Osteoarthritis also has other names: spondylosis deformans and degenerative joint disease.

The disease is characterized by the fact that the cartilage tissue lining the articular surface is affected. Osteoarthritis develops as a result of wear and tear on the joints. Pathological changes in the joints begin at the age of 20-30 years, and by the age of 70 this disease can be observed in every person.

Most often, the disease affects the joints of the arms, legs, neck and back. The main symptoms of osteoarthritis are morning stiffness in the joints and pain in them.

Important! The mainstay of treatment for osteoarthritis is weight loss and regular exercise. The use of medications plays a minor role. The key to a favorable outcome of the disease is maintaining a good weight and an active lifestyle.

NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) can relieve symptoms to some extent. Pain and stiffness in the joints of the fingers, toes, knees and cervical diarthrosis can be relieved with glucosamine sulfate.

Some joints undergo irreversible pathological changes. In such cases, surgical replacement of the joint with a synthetic implant is indicated.

What is osteoarthritis

First of all, the disease affects the subchondral bones, which form diarthrosis and cartilaginous tissue of the joints. In the end, all tissues that are somehow connected with the affected joint undergo pathological changes. The cartilage lining the joint wears out.

The body tries to restore the damaged cartilage structure, resulting in bone tissue growing around it. It is these bone growths that irritate and destroy the joints of the fingers, toes, knees, neck and back.

The joints lose their physiological lubrication, flexibility disappears and crepitus appears - a crunching sound characteristic of osteoarthritis.

Causes of the disease

Until recently, doctors believed that the disease develops due to wear and tear of the joints. Today, the subtypes of osteoarthritis are taken into account. Some of them have a more complex etiology – immune.

The inflammatory process in cartilage, its erosion and degenerative changes in adjacent cartilage can develop as a result of a reaction of the body's immune system against itself. This subtype is called erosive osteoarthritis.

A complex system of biochemical and biological enzymatic mechanisms in the body constitutes immunity. Once even one element fails, osteoarthritis will not take long to occur.

The slightest change in the microenvironment of bone tissue can cause the development of pathological changes that initiate joint disease and stiffness in the morning.

Such deviations include:

  • genetic defects;
  • congenital joint pathologies;
  • infectious processes in diarthrosis;
  • metabolic disorders in cartilage tissue;
  • neuralgic diseases.

The probable causes of osteoarthritis are prolonged overload of the joints or their injuries.

Doctors are inclined to believe that the disease has a genetic etiology. This is especially true for osteoarthritis of the end joints of the fingers and the spine.

Who is at risk

Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease today. Typically, the first symptoms appear in the fourth decade of a person’s life. And on the seventh, the disease affects 60-70% of the planet's population.

The disease is more common in women, but as a person ages, these differences practically disappear. Osteoarthritis is hereditary, especially affecting the joints of the hands and fingers. It has been proven that the genes that contain the code for cartilage collagen may have abnormalities. This is what can explain the presence of the disease in the entire family.

The first symptoms at an early age and a hereditary predisposition to the disease increase the likelihood of developing osteoarthritis. A person whose both parents have a history of this disease will likely also become a victim of it.

Excess weight is an independent factor that can lead to stiffness of the knee joints. A patient who has weight problems may experience osteoarthritis after a certain period of time.

The connection between obesity and joint disease is obvious - excessive mechanical stress. Although a significant role in the development of joint disease is played by a violation of the metabolism of bone and cartilage tissue, which occurs as a result of excess weight.

Another risk factor is increased joint mobility. In some people, the joints are so mobile that this causes permanent injury or early onset of osteoarthritis in the joints of the hands, feet and fingers.

How does osteoarthritis manifest?

The joints of the hips, neck, small joints of the fingers and toes, and knee diarthrosis are the main “victims” of osteoarthritis. The disease begins with an inflammatory process. Stiffness in the hands and mild swelling are sure signs of the initial stage of joint damage. The disease begins to develop gradually and imperceptibly.

During physical activity, the patient begins to experience pain, which intensifies over time. Morning stiffness of the finger joints is temporary. Usually it lasts no more than half an hour, but after prolonged immobility or being in a “sitting” position, it can manifest itself again.

Physical exercise helps overcome stiffness in the joints. As the disease progresses, mobility in the joints decreases, and crunching and pain appear in them. Eventually, the articular surfaces of the fingers or knees increase in size, and this process is irreversible.

If the tendon, for example, in the knee joint weakens, the instability of the diarthrosis increases and the pain intensifies. A symptom of progressive osteoarthritis is unnatural rotation of the joint and pain on palpation. At this stage of the disease, patients experience pain caused by spasms and contractions of the muscles surrounding the joint.

The patient's own cells are used to restore bone and cartilage tissue. The question of surgical intervention arises when drug therapy does not bring results and the functions of the joint are impaired.

If an elderly patient does not have any contraindications to surgery, it can be safely prescribed. For younger patients, surgery is recommended only if the situation becomes critical.

​Eventually, restriction of movement in the joint develops due to misalignment of the articular surfaces, capsule contracture, muscle spasm and mechanical block created by osteophytes and articular muscles. During the examination, local tenderness and pain may be detected during passive movements, especially with maximum flexion/extension. The joint crunch can be heard or detected by touch. It reflects unevenness of the articular surface and loss of cartilage tissue. Often the joint area increases in size due to soft tissue changes, fluid accumulation, or osteophytes. The progression of the disease ultimately leads to gross deformity, subluxation and a low range of motion.​


​The disease in its initial stage often occurs without any obvious manifestations. As articular cartilage deteriorates, joint pain occurs. Initially, it appears only during physical activity - “mechanical” pain. Then the pain bothers you at rest.

​Rheumatoid arthritis.​

    ​when the nerve roots are compressed, a sensitivity disorder occurs: hyperesthesia or, conversely, paresthesia;​

    ​constant back pain;​


    ​severe pain when moving due to thinning of the cartilage layer;​

    ​enlargement of the spleen - splenomegaly - and liver - hepatomegaly;

​lymph nodes swell;​

    Kidney amyloidosis is a disorder of protein metabolism.


​Global computerization is increasingly immobilizing humanity. This has a detrimental effect on the musculoskeletal system. Lack of physical activity destroys it.​

Treatment of ankylosis

​In addition to pain, stiffness of movement in the morning is typical. It is usually short-lived – up to 20–30 minutes. As the affected limb moves, the stiffness disappears.​

    Arthritis, as one of the manifestations of another disease - rheumatism, psoriasis, etc.

    ​fluctuation phenomenon.​

    ​osteophyte formation;​



​portal hypertension;​

    ​subcutaneous “rheumatoid” nodules appear;​

    ​Cure is impossible. The patient's suffering is alleviated by pain relief and reduction of inflammation. Physiotherapy, exercise therapy, manual therapy. It is advisable to reduce physical activity and use an orthopedic mattress.​


    ​Ankylosis is the immobility of a joint due to fusion of the articulating articular surfaces.​

With the progression of the disease, a crunch in the joint, pathological mobility, or a sharp limitation of movements in it also appears. All these changes can lead to disability over time.​

​ Reactive arthritis.​

    ​Conservative methods rarely produce results, so the tumor is removed surgically. Bursectomy does not take much time.​

    ​gait disturbance;​

    ​growth of bone spurs - osteophytes.​

​inflammatory process;​

    Lymphadenopathy - swelling of the lymph nodes;


    Still's disease is a type of arthritis. It appears in children under 16 years of age and is accompanied by systemic inflammation.​

​endocrine diseases;​

Treatment of arthralgia

​Causes of ankylosis:​


​The main method for diagnosing osteoarthritis is x-ray. In this case, there are several characteristic signs of the disease: narrowing of the joint space, osteophytes (bone growths), hardening of bone tissue, etc. Sometimes a CT or MRI is required.

    ​Synovioma is a tumor on a joint. It can grow from the wall of the synovium, vagina or bursa. Malignant sarcomas are formed anywhere in the body, even where there are no joints.​

    ​immobility and fusion of intervertebral joints;​

    ​Articular cartilage disappears and the bones rub directly against each other. Without treatment, the patient becomes lame. He cannot walk without a cane, crutches or a walker. The modern level of medicine can only stop the development of the disease. Ibuprofen is prescribed to relieve inflammation and relieve pain. Surgery - arthroplasty - improves the situation slightly. The endoprosthesis is inserted. A rehabilitation program is required.​

    ​reduced joint mobility - physical inactivity;​


​narrowing of joint spaces;​

    ​The causes of Still's disease have not been identified.​

    ​disorders of nervous regulation.​


    ​Osteoarthritis therapy is complex. Includes a protective regime, taking medications and not medicinal methods treatment.​

    ​Osteoarthritis (osteoarthritis) various localizations and others.​

    The causes of synovioma have not been precisely established. There are assumptions about its genetic condition. A weak connection with injuries and physical overload was revealed.​

Arthritis treatment

​spondylosis – formation of bone spines.​

​Osteochondrosis is a type of arthrosis accompanied by degeneration of articular cartilage.​

​muscle and ligament atrophy;​

    ​leukopenia – decrease in the number of leukocytes;​

    ​Marginal bone growths.​

    ​Symptoms of the disease:​

    ​Symptoms of arthropathy:​

    ​inflammatory arthritis;​

​It is necessary to reduce the load on the affected joint. For this, various bandages, orthoses, etc. are used.

    ​Below we will briefly look at the main manifestations of these diseases. More detailed information information about a particular disease can be found in the corresponding section of our website.​

    Symptoms of synovioma:

    ​Manual correction is required (for initial stages diseases), chondroprotective treatment. If inflammation begins, anti-inflammatory drugs are additionally prescribed. Muscle spasms are relieved with muscle relaxants and acupuncture. Traction therapy is also beneficial - stretching the spine, for example, using a mechanical bed. Physiotherapy can also be used.

Treatment of arthropathy

​Causes of osteochondrosis:​

Chondrocalcinosis or pyrophosphate arthropathy

​joint deformation;​

Thrombocytopenia or thrombopenia - a decrease in the number of platelets;

    Pain is relieved by analgesics:

    ​multiple arthritis;​

    ​arthralgia - pain;​


    ​Drug therapy is aimed at reducing the intensity of pain and inflammation. Drugs are also prescribed that improve blood supply to the affected joint and cartilage. Physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage, and treatment in specialized sanatoriums are widely used.​

    ​Of course exact reason This condition should only be diagnosed by a doctor.​

  • Epicondylosis is a type of arthrosis that affects the elbow joint.

    ​inactivity, weakness of the back muscles due to lack of exercise, and therefore constant overload of the spinal column;​

    ​softening, defibration, ulceration and thinning of cartilage;​


    ​Acetylsalicylic acid;​

    ​inflammatory changes in synovial fluid;​

    ​asymmetry of the lesion;​

    ​degeneration, long-term immobilization - immobility due to plaster;​

    ​As we can see, stiffness in the joints in the morning is a manifestation of a fairly wide range of joint diseases. But we should not forget that the final diagnosis of this pathological condition should only be carried out by a doctor.​

The cause of this disease is still unknown. It has been established that joint damage and other extra-articular manifestations of this disease are of autoimmune origin.​

    ​limited movements;​

    ​The cause of epicondylosis is the monotony of hand movements, for example, in some sports.​

    ​flat feet;​

    ​osteosclerosis - pathological hardening of the bone;​

    ​brown skin pigmentation;​


    ​internal swelling of soft tissues;​

    ​swelling in the periarticular area.​

Treatment of chondrocalcinosis

​trauma, for example, intra-articular fracture.​

Osteoarthritis is also known by the following names:

The prevalence of this disease among the population is approximately 2%. Men get sick more often. The peak age for the onset of the disease is 30–55 years.​

​increase in body temperature;​

    ​Symptoms of epicondylosis:​


    Synovitis accompanied by edema.

    ​formation of rheumatoid nodules - focal thickening of the skin;​


    ​accumulation of intra-articular effusion;​

    ​The disease always occurs secondary, against the background of other diseases. Therefore, treatment is aimed mainly at the underlying disease. After getting rid of the underlying cause, arthropathy usually disappears.​

    ​Symptoms of ankylosis:​

    ​degenerative disease, spondylosis deformans.​

    ​The disease can begin acutely or gradually. Characteristically, several small joints of the fingers and/or toes are affected (polyarthritis). Sometimes large joints are also involved - shoulder, knee. Course of the disease:​

    ​worsening of appetite;​

    ​constant pain of varying strength in the hand;​

    ​poor posture, for example, due to carrying heavy bags on one shoulder;​

Treatment of ankylosing spondylitis

​After inflammation is relieved priority becomes rehabilitation. It is carried out with with the help of physical therapy and physiotherapy. Among the medications, in addition to anti-inflammatory drugs, anesthetics and chondoprotectors are prescribed that activate tissue regeneration: Chondroitin sulfate or Glucosamine. In severe cases, endoprosthetics may be required.​

​"dry" Sjögren's syndrome - dystrophy of the secretory glandular apparatus, accompanied by pathological dryness of all mucous membranes;

Anti-inflammatory drugs include adrenergic steroids and NSAIDs – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These include:​

​periarticular osteoporosis;​

    Chondrocalcinosis is a type of arthropathy accompanied by the deposition of salts in the articular cartilage.

  • ​Osteoarthritis (OA) is a disease that affects the cartilage and tissue lining the surface of the joint.​

    ​The onset of the disease is characterized by pain varying intensity in the affected joints, morning stiffness in them. Difficulty in movement with rheumatoid arthritis lasts for at least an hour. Muscle weakness is observed, which is manifested, for example, by a decrease in hand grip strength. The skin over the affected area remains unchanged.​

    ​weight loss;​

    ​Thompson and Welsh symptoms.​


    Hemarthrosis is a type of arthrosis, internal hemorrhage.

    ​ulcers on the skin of the legs;​


    ​bone erosion or ankylosis;​

    The causes of chondrocalcinosis have not been precisely established, but a connection with the following pathologies has been identified:

    ​immobility in the joint.​

    ​Osteoarthritis is a consequence of wear and tear on the joints.​

    ​As the disease progresses, a characteristic deformation of the affected joints develops with profound impairment of their functions.​

    ​general malaise;​

    Pain relief is carried out using injections of anesthetics: Novocaine or Lidocaine. Physiotherapy is also used.


    ​The cause of hemarthrosis is trauma that provokes rupture blood vessels. In patients with hemophilia, hemorrhage can begin even with minor injuries. This sensitivity is caused by poor blood clotting.​



    ​eye damage;​


Treatment of Still's disease

​The symptoms increase gradually. At first the pain only bothers me in the morning. Then the discomfort increases. Suddenly the pain disappears. This is an indication that the joint deformity is complete. It is fixed in a bent, half-bent or straightened state.​

Infectious arthritis or infectious nonspecific polyarthritis

​Joint damage begins at the age of 20-30, and by the age of 70 this disease affects almost everyone.​

​Rheumatoid arthritis is usually accompanied by general manifestations: increased body temperature, progressive weakness, weight loss. This disease often affects other organs and systems: heart, lungs, skin, nervous system etc.​

    ​increased fatigue;​

    ​Hip dysplasia is a congenital dislocation of the hip.​


​Symptoms of hemarthrosis:​

    ​To block the process, medications are administered and plasmapheresis is used. Cell destruction is stopped with splenectomy - surgical removal spleen


    ​increase in temperature;​

    ​hemolytic anemia;​

    ​Can be applied conservative treatment:​

    ​The joints most often affected by osteoarthritis are the arms, neck, hips, knees and back.​

    ​Based on specific clinical symptoms and results additional research. In addition to general clinical tests, specific immunological studies play an important role in identifying rheumatoid arthritis.​

    ​metastasis of sarcoma.​

    ​The cause of hip dysplasia is abnormal development fetus during intrauterine development.​

    ​metabolic disorders;​

    ​tumor due to internal hemorrhage;​

    ​Synovioarthritis is a type of arthritis, inflammation of the synovial membrane.​


  • ​primary hyperparathyroidism;​


    ​Main symptoms:​

    ​These include: determination of rheumatoid factor (RF) and antibody titer to cyclic citrulline-containing peptide - ACCP or anti-CCP.​

    ​The tumor is removed surgically. Relapses are possible. Benign neoplasms tend to degenerate into sarcomas.​

    ​Symptoms of hip dysplasia:​

    ​aging of the body;​

    ​stiffness of movements;​

Treatment of infectarthritis

​Causes of synovioarthritis:​


    ​intoxication syndrome;​



    ​joint pain and stiffness.​

    ​Additional research methods (radiography, CT, MRI, etc.) allow us to identify the degree of damage to joints and other organs.​

    ​Scleroderma is a systemic progressive sclerosis that affects internal organs and tissues.​

    ​asymmetry skin folds with unilateral pathology;



​Mefenamic acid.​

    ​the appearance of contractures;​


    ​manual therapy;​

    ​In the treatment of osteoarthritis, the main aids are physical exercise and weight loss. Medicines play a minor role.​

​Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is a long process. Both medicinal and non-medicinal agents are used. Medicines that have found widespread use include:

​Causes of scleroderma:​

    ​shortening of the thigh;​

    ​increased temperature.​

​repetitive injuries;​

    If problems with immunity occur, immunosuppressants are prescribed, for example, Azathioprine. Physical and occupational therapy is recommended. Deformations that greatly complicate the patient’s life are removed through surgery. Artificial implants are often inserted.​


Treatment of periarthritis




​An active lifestyle and maintaining a normal weight are the key to a positive outcome of the disease.​

    ​Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.​

    ​genetic predisposition;​

    ​Marx-Ortolani “click” symptom;​

    ​wearing the wrong shoes;​

    ​Provides peace to the joint. If the hemorrhage is small, it is enough to immobilize the limb. Otherwise, the blood is pumped out from the cavity and a pressure bandage is applied. For rehabilitation, exercise therapy and physiotherapy are prescribed. If, as a result of tissue rupture, loose fragments are found in the joint, ligaments or menisci are severely damaged, arthroscopy is performed. This surgical procedure is performed endoscopically. The “joint mouse” - a pathological particle, a fragment - is removed with the help of instruments; this requires a second puncture. Sometimes the joint is replaced with a prosthesis. A period of rehabilitation is required, because the diseased limb is immobilized for a long time.

    ​neuroendocrine and metabolic disorders;​

    Periarthritis is a type of arthritis, inflammation of the periarticular tissues:

    ​skin hyperemia with subsequent pigmentation;​


    ​medicines: anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, hormones.​

    ​Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can relieve symptoms.​

    ​Basic (or disease-modifying) antirheumatic drugs.​

    ​infectious diseases;​

    ​limited hip abduction.​

Treatment of gout


Hydrarthrosis is a type of arthrosis, dropsy of the joint.

​allergic and chemical factors.​


    ​allergic rash;​

    ​neuropathic arthropathy;​

    ​Otherwise the operation is performed:​

    ​Glucosamine sulfate relieves pain and joint stiffness.​

    ​Medicines for treatment accompanying symptoms– damage to the heart, lungs, anemia, etc.


    ​It is obligatory to use fixing orthopedic means. But they should not completely restrict the child’s movements. The key to success in treatment in the early stages. Gymnastics are performed daily special complex exercises. Massage shown. In severe cases, surgery is necessary.​


    ​Causes of hydrarthrosis:​

    ​Synovioarthritis symptoms:​


    ​lymph node hyperplasia;​

    ​renal stone disease;​

Treatment of Felty's syndrome


Synovioarthritis or synovitis

​Some permanently damaged joints (hips and knees) are successfully replaced through surgery.​

​Non-drug methods - exercise therapy, physiotherapy, diet, etc., are auxiliary and are used in conjunction with drug therapy.​

    ​injuries of different nature;​

    Bursitis is an inflammation of the periarticular bursa.





    ​enlargement of the liver and spleen;​

    ​Forestier syndrome;​



    ​Such joint inflammations (arthritis) are not an independent nosological entity. They act as one of the symptoms of some other disease. Very often, articular syndrome, in which there is stiffness of the joints in the morning, occurs with psoriasis, rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus and some other diseases.​

    ​endocrine shifts.​

Treatment of synovioarthritis

​Causes of bursitis:​

​Symptoms of osteochondrosis:​


    ​smoothing the contours of the joint;​

  • ​progressive wasting;​



    ​is a disease that primarily affects the cartilage tissue of the joints and the bones that form the joint (subchondral bones). Ultimately, all tissues surrounding the affected joint undergo pathological changes. The cartilage lining the joint wears away. The body strives to repair damaged cartilage, causing bone tissue to grow around the joint. These bone growths irritate and destroy the joints, which lose their natural lubrication, flexibility, and produce crepitus (a characteristic “crunching” sound).​

    ​Articular syndrome occurs in approximately 6% of patients with psoriasis. It occurs together with skin manifestations, but sometimes precedes them. With psoriasis, there is damage to both large and small joints of the extremities and, as a rule, asymmetrical.

​Scleroderma symptoms:​

    ​excessive load on the joint;​

    ​pain in various parts of the body;​

    Osteochondritis dissecans – inflammation of the cartilage;

    ​increase in local temperature;​

    ​The most common cases are shoulder or glenohumeral inflammation.​

    ​lag in physical development;​

    ​diabetes mellitus;​


    ​It was previously believed that osteoarthritis developed as a result of wear and tear on the joints. Currently, subtypes of the disease are being considered, some of which are distinguished by a more complex development mechanism - immune. The inflammatory process, erosion of cartilage and adjacent bones, occurs as a result of the body's immune system reacting against itself. This subtype is called erosive osteoarthritis. The immune system is a complex system of biological, biochemical and enzymatic mechanisms. Once at least one or more mechanisms are disrupted, osteoarthritis will not take long to occur. Any change in the microenvironment of a bone cell can become the starting point for the development of abnormalities that initiate joint disease. These include congenital disorders joints, genetic defects, infectious processes, metabolic disorders and neuralgic diseases. Possible causes of osteoarthritis are injuries or prolonged overload of a joint (group of joints). Scientists are inclined to believe that this disease has genetic origin, especially osteoarthritis of the end joints of the fingers and the spine.​

    ​Characteristic of psoriatic arthritis is “axial” damage to the finger of the hand: redness and swelling from the base to the very tip.​

Treatment of spondyloarthritis

​dense swelling, thickening and then atrophy of the skin;​

Arthrosis or osteoarthritis


​numbness and aching in the limbs with their gradual atrophy;​

​Bekhterev's disease;​


    ​Causes of periarthritis:​

    ​muscle atrophy;​

    ​Wilson's disease;​

    Arthralgia is pain in a joint. This is a harbinger of illness or the illness itself. Appears before the onset of organic damage. Occurs as a result of irritation of neuroreceptors bursa. Polyarthralgia affects more than 5 joints at once. There is disagreement about whether arthralgia can be considered a separate disease.​

    Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease. The first symptoms usually appear in the fourth decade of life, and by the age of 70, 60-70% of people become ill with this disease. Osteoarthritis occurs more often in women than in men. But with age, gender differences level out. This disease is inherited, especially osteoarthritis of the hand joints in women. It has been proven that genes encoding cartilage collagen may be abnormal. This fact explains the presence of the disease in the whole family. Onset of symptoms at an early age and genetic predisposition increase the risk of developing osteoarthritis. A patient whose both parents suffer from this disease will most likely become a victim of it.​

    ​Such changes in the finger resemble a “sausage”. These joint changes are accompanied by pain and a brief feeling of stiffness in the morning. The pathological process of psoriasis often involves the mucous membrane of the eyes, mouth and genitals.​


    ​inflammatory and autoimmune diseases;​

Treatment of arthrosis

​limited movements;​



​pain on palpation;​

​traumatic injuries;​



    ​Causes of arthralgia:​


Treatment of hemarthrosis

​Diagnosis of the disease is usually not difficult. Treatment of articular syndrome is carried out in conjunction with therapy of the underlying disease.​


​metabolic disorders;​

    ​muscle spasms;​

    ​allergic reaction.​

    With the progression of the disease, the nature of the inflammatory effusion changes;


    ​arterial hypotension;​



    ​is an independent risk factor causing the occurrence of osteoarthritis of the knee joint. After 30 years, an overweight person may face the problem of osteoarthritis. Connection excessive weight with joint disease, which this article is devoted to, lies on the surface - this is a mechanical load. However, metabolic disorders resulting from excess weight play an important role in the development of osteoarthritis.

    ​It is a systemic disease caused by the pathological influence of beta-hemolytic streptococcus group A. That is why there is a direct connection between the occurrence of rheumatism and previous streptococcal infection pharyngeal area - acute sore throat, pharyngitis, chronic tonsillitis.​

    ​vascular and trophic disorders;​


Treatment of hydrarthrosis

​vertebral artery syndrome;​


​Symptoms of hydrarthrosis:​

The purulent form is accompanied by fever.



    ​surgical intervention.​

    ​tumor (paraneoplastic syndrome);​

    ​Increased joint mobility​

    Joint damage due to rheumatism has several characteristic signs:

    ​articular syndrome from mild pain to deformation;​

Treatment of gonarthrosis

​violation of skin integrity;

​displacement of intervertebral discs;​

​significant increase in the size of the joint, changes in its external contours;​

    The diseased joint needs complete rest, it is immobilized by special means. Apply dry heat. If there is excessive accumulation of synovial fluid, a puncture with lavage is performed.

    ​Symptoms of periarthritis:​

    ​blood leukocytosis.​

    ​Symptoms of chondrocalcinosis:​

    ​immune system disorders.​

- Another factor that can cause the disease. In some patients, hypermobility is so severe that it leads to permanent injury or early development of osteoarthritis of weight-bearing joints.​

    ​Involvement of mainly large joints in the inflammatory process.​



    Damage to the nerve roots.

Treatment of coxarthrosis

Spondyloarthritis is a type of arthritis, multiple inflammation of the intervertebral joints.


​pain syndrome;​

​Medicinal methods are used. Additional measures are taken in accordance with the course of the disease.​

    ​destruction of the surface of the articular cartilage;​

    ​Symptoms of arthralgia:​

    The joints of the neck, hips, knees, back, small joints of the fingers are the main “victims” of osteoarthritis. The inflammatory process initiates the disease. Mild tumor and stiffness of the hands and affected joints are sure signs of the initial stage. It develops imperceptibly and gradually. Pain that gets worse with exercise is the first symptom. Joint stiffness is temporary. In the morning it usually does not last long (less than 30 minutes) and can make itself felt again after prolonged sitting or immobility. Exercise helps overcome stiffness. As the disease progresses, joint mobility decreases, pain and crunching appear in the joints. Eventually, the articular surfaces begin to increase. And this process is irreversible. If a ligament in, for example, a knee joint weakens, instability increases and pain increases. A sign of progressive disease is pain on palpation or rotation of the joint. At this stage, many patients are also concerned about pain caused by muscle spasms and contractions of the muscles surrounding the joint. Osteoarthritis of the hip joints is characterized by increased stiffness and decreased range of motion. For a person affected by this disease, going up or down stairs or lacing shoes can be difficult tasks. Osteoarthritis of the knee differs from a similar disease of the hip in that it is characterized by sprained ligaments.​

    ​Symmetry and “volatility” of the lesion.​

    ​pneumosclerosis and other types of sclerosis;​


    The disease is incurable. Traditional methods are used to make the patient feel better. If an intervertebral hernia occurs, surgery is performed.​


    ​Causes of spondyloarthritis:​

    ​slight limitation of movement in the joint.​

    Infectarthritis is a type of arthritis, a common infectious-allergic disease.

    ​pain syndrome;​

    ​pain of various types, localized or “wandering” in the joints;​

    When making a diagnosis, the signs and symptoms of the disease, as well as radiography, are taken into account. Blood tests are performed mainly to rule out suspicion of other types of arthritis. In the initial stages, x-rays may not reveal any abnormalities. But without radiation x-rays It is not possible to observe the further development of the disease. The bottom line is that clinical examination and x-rays (not blood tests) are the main ways to diagnose osteoarthritis.​

    ​Redness skin over the affected joints. The skin feels hot to the touch.​

​significant weight loss;​

    ​Symptoms of bursitis:​

    Pseudoarthrosis is the formation of a new joint. The neoplasm may arise at the site of an old injury, or its appearance may be provoked by surgeons where the joint is needed. This operation is performed for older people. False joint may be congenital or acquired.​

    ​expansion of the joint space.​

    ​infectious nonspecific polyarthritis - “infectious arthritis”;​

    ​Immobilization of the joint using a fixing bandage, physiotherapy, and anesthesia help alleviate the patient’s condition.​

    The causes of infectarthritis have been tentatively established:

Treatment of osteochondrosis

Myalgia – discomfort in the muscles;

Pseudo- or neoarthrosis

It is impossible to prevent the development of this disease. But staying active and maintaining a healthy weight can relieve symptoms. An important point is to identify risk factors (for example, joint hypermobility) at an early stage.​

​Painful sensations are sometimes very intense.​


    ​accumulation of exudate - inflammatory fluid;​

    ​Causes of pseudarthrosis:​

​The joint becomes immobilized. A puncture is made to remove effusion fluid. Getting rid of the disease is very difficult. Relapses are frequent. In rare cases, radiation therapy is performed. The affected area is exposed to ionizing radiation. Intermittent hydrarthrosis - intermittent dropsy of the joint - is practically untreatable.


    ​Gout is a type of arthritis. There is a deposition of urate salt crystals in the tissues uric acid. Gouty nodules - tophi - are formed due to impaired renal function. More often, “bumps” appear near the joints.​


    ​restricted mobility, morning stiffness;​

    Ossalgia - a feeling of aching.

Treatment of pseudarthrosis

​The more the patient knows about his illness, the better. It is necessary to convey to him that, despite the pain, it is vitally important to maintain physical activity. Exercises expand the range of motion, relieve muscle and tendon tension. Daily muscle stretching is very beneficial. Partial or complete immobility of a joint, even for a short period of time, can accelerate the course of the disease and worsen the outcome. A well-designed exercise program can slow the progression of osteoarthritis of the hip and knee.​

Spondyloarthrosis or facet arthropathy

​Morning stiffness in the joints does not last long, usually up to half an hour.​

​increase in ESR.​

    ​pain syndrome;​

    Long-term dislocation or intra-articular fracture;

    Gonarthrosis is a type of arthrosis that affects the knee.


    ​Causes of gout:​

    ​autoimmune tissue destruction;​


​The symptoms of this disease are very variable.​

    ​Therapies are symptomatic and disease-modifying. The first type of treatment is carried out with the help of analgesics - painkillers: paracetamol, drugs based on paracetamol, codeine or even tramadol (an opium-based drug that relieves pain). These medications are safe and provide relief. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) treat inflammation and pain. These include aspirin and others non-steroidal drugs. They represent potential danger for the stomach. New drugs - selective NSAIDs - have a higher safety profile. These are celecocoxib and etoricoxib. They reduce risk serious complications from the gastrointestinal tract. However, their effect on the cardiovascular system has not been fully studied. Therefore, people with heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke survivors should exercise caution. Oral forms of cortisone are ineffective against osteoarthritis. If signs of inflammation appear, cortisone injections are given into the joint. But the need for them rarely arises. There is evidence that glucosamine sulfate plays an important role in the treatment of joint pain and stiffness. It is obtained from the exoskeletons of crustaceans. This drug is contraindicated for those with seafood allergies. Chondroitin sulfate (derived from cattle and shark cartilage) may also have beneficial effects. Hyaluronic acid is a major component of joint synovial fluid. The source of its production is the combs of a rooster. This medicine is expensive. Its therapeutic effect has not yet been proven. In this regard, the use of this drug is not recommended.​

    In addition to articular syndrome, rheumatism often affects the heart with the formation of defects. Diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is carried out in conjunction with the underlying disease.​

    ​Drugs such as:

    ​limited movements;​

    ​congenital dislocation of the hip;​

Treatment of spondyloarthrosis

The causes of primary gonarthrosis are unknown, but secondary gonarthrosis occurs after injury or as a result of impaired development of the joint.


​poor diet with excess by-products;​



    ​Taking or applying analgesics and eliminating the causes of illness. Exercise therapy, a physical therapy complex, and physiotherapy also help relieve pain.​

Treatment of epicondylosis

​Joint replacement operations are very successful. Nowadays, you won’t surprise anyone with surgery of the knee and hip joints. In 95% of cases, hip replacement restores mobility and eliminates joint pain. The endoprosthesis functions normally for at least 10-15 years. Percent successful operations for the replacement of small joints of the fingers and shoulders is growing. It is worth noting the achievements of surgery in the treatment of progressive osteoarthritis of the joint at the base of the thumb. Specialists restore cartilage and bone tissue using the patient’s own body cells. The operation is performed in case of helplessness drug therapy or joint dysfunction. Age alone, without taking into account other factors, is not a contraindication to surgery. But, if the situation allows, it is recommended to postpone joint replacement by surgical intervention in younger people.​

Hip dysplasia

​Reactive arthritis​


​deposits of lime salts in the walls of the bag;​

    ​palliative surgery.​

    ​Symptoms of gonarthrosis:​


    ​drinking alcohol, especially beer;​

Treatment of hip dysplasia

​Symptoms of infectarthritis:​

​persistent increase in ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate;​

​Arthritis is inflammation of a joint. Polyarthritis affects several joints at the same time.​

    ​Osteoarthritis does not always lead to complete loss of mobility if you lead an active lifestyle and keep your weight under control. But the insidiousness of this disease lies in the fact that the process of damage to the joint usually begins before symptoms appear. Therefore, it is sometimes impossible to take action at an early stage of the disease.​

    ​Develops as a reaction to infection entering the body. Most often to appear reactive arthritis leads to infection genitourinary system(gonococci, chlamydia, ureaplasma) and the gastrointestinal tract. A typical manifestation of reactive arthritis is Reiter's syndrome.​


  • ​Symptoms of pseudarthrosis:​

  • ​injury;​



    ​dysfunction of joints.​

    ​Causes of arthritis:​

    ​Consultation with a doctor is necessary in the following cases:​

    Appears in response to infection with pathogens of the genitourinary tract, most often chlamydia and gonococci. Reiter's syndrome is characterized by a triad of symptoms:

    ​Acetylsalicylic acid;​


    Painless mobility at the site of the former injury;

    ​morning stiffness;​



Treatment of bursitis


​Intra-articular injections of corticosteroids are given. Crystals of calcium pyrophosphate salts provoke the development of inflammation. Therefore, the synovial fluid is washed to remove dangerous crystals. Physiotherapy and a massage course are indicated.

​metabolism disorder;​

    ​If the joint begins to swell and hurt.​

    ​Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes - conjunctivitis.​

    ​vitamins B1 and B6;​

    ​increase in local or general body temperature up to 40°;​

​lack of fusion of fragments;​


    ​Symptoms of spondyloarthritis depend on its type:​

    ​arterial hypertension;​


    ​Bechterew's disease is ankylosing spondylitis or Strumpell-Bechterew-Marie disease.​

Treatment of hygroma


Synovioma or synovialoma

​If the joint suddenly lost mobility and began to hurt.​

​Joint syndrome.​


    ​general malaise, weakness;​

    ​immobility of the limb;​


    ​limitation of spinal mobility in the morning, and then at other times;​



    The causes of ankylosing spondylitis have not been precisely established. A connection has been identified with heredity and some chronic infectious diseases.​


Treatment of synovioma

​If the joint bothers you when moving (especially when going up or down stairs), and you have previously observed pain and swelling of the knee joints.​

Systemic scleroderma or dermatosclerosis

​Defeat genitourinary organs– urethritis, as well as cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix) in women.​



    The bone marrow canals are blocked by the endplate;

    ​destruction of cartilage;​

    ​increase in temperature;​

    ​increased catabolism of purine nucleotides, for example, during antitumor therapy;​

​weight loss;​

    ​Symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis:​


    ​You know that you suffer from osteoarthritis of weight-bearing joints, are overweight, and you need to consult a doctor about ways to lose weight and help in developing a set of physical exercises.​

    ​When articular syndrome Most often, several joints on the lower extremities are affected - both small and large. Inflammation of the joints is asymmetrical, accompanied by pain and swelling. Morning stiffness is short-lived and sometimes may be absent. Often the pathological process involves small joints of the foot with inflammation of their tendons (tendonitis) and joint capsules– bursitis.​


    ​Lymphadenopathy - enlargement of surrounding lymph nodes.​

    ​Cartilage and false joint capsule are formed.​

    ​degeneration and deformation of the joint.​


    ​renal failure.​

Treatment of scleroderma

​decrease in performance;​

    ​girdling pain radiating to the spine;​

    ​Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or genitourinary system.​

    ​If the measures you are taking are ineffective and you are considering the possibility of undergoing joint replacement surgery.​

    ​Comprehensive treatment of genitourinary infections is decisive in the treatment of reactive arthritis.​


    The therapeutic course includes suppression of the inflammatory process with antibiotics, anesthesia, strengthening the immune system, physical rest, massage and physiotherapy. If conservative treatment does not work, surgery is performed. The bursa is opened and cleaned or partially/completely removed.​

    ​Persistent bone tissue defect can only be cured surgically. The “dangling” joint is removed, and homografts are inserted to speed up healing.​

    ​In addition to the traditional complex of anti-inflammatory and painkillers, drugs that replace synovial fluid are prescribed. The patient is recommended to use a cane, orthosis, or orthopedic insoles when walking.

​accelerated ROE - erythrocyte sedimentation reaction;​

​Symptoms of gout:​

​acute synovioarthritis;​

Joint stiffness in the morning - symptoms of what disease?

  • ​back muscle tension;​

​Arthritis symptoms:​

What it is?

​Before use, you should consult a specialist.​

This disease is otherwise called ankylosing spondylitis. Represents chronic inflammation joints with predominant damage to the spinal column. Young men are more often affected. The disease has a genetic predisposition.​

​In addition to medications, exercise therapy, physiotherapy and massage are used.​

When does joint stiffness occur?

​Hygroma is an accumulation of fluid in the synovial bursa.​

​Spondyloarthrosis is a type of arthrosis, aging of the intervertebral joints.​

Coxarthrosis is a type of arthrosis that affects the hip joint.

  • ​progressive ossification of the ligamentous apparatus of the spine;
  • ​pain;​
  • ​enlargement and deformation of joints;​
  • ​stoop;​
  • ​swelling;​

​Osteoarthritis - also called degenerative joint disease, is known as the most common cause of joint pain. In men over 50 years of age, this disease, in terms of the frequency of loss of working capacity caused by it, is second only to coronary disease hearts. The heterogeneity of osteoarthritis complicates its classification. Traditionally, it is divided into a primary (or idiopathic) form, the cause of which is unknown, and a secondary form, which occurs as a consequence of metabolic, anatomical, traumatic or inflammatory damage.​

With ankylosing spondylitis, a mandatory symptom is damage to the spine, most often in the lumbosacral region.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Joint diseases are very diverse. But among them there is not a single one that could not cause serious damage to human health. Health is a fragile thing, it requires care and attention. Some diseases of the musculoskeletal system are incurable at the current level of medical development, while others inevitably lead to death.​

​Causes of hygroma:​


​Causes of spondyloarthrosis:​

  1. ​Causes of coxarthrosis:​
  2. ​pain radiating to the thigh;​
  3. ​redness;​


​pain and limited movement;​


​constant pain syndrome;​


​Select the symptoms that bother you and get a list of possible diseases​

  • ​Often in parallel with this, there is involvement of large or small joints of the extremities in the inflammatory process.​
  • ​Author of the article: Muravitsky Igor Valerievich, rheumatologist​
  • Tenosynovitis - inflammation of the tendons;

​increased pressure on the vertebrae;​

Arthritis that occurs with other diseases

​hereditary predisposition;​


​atrophy of the back muscles;​

​increase in temperature;​

​increase in temperature at the site of edema;​

​ankylosis of intervertebral joints;​


​stiffness in the morning;​

​Osteoarthritis can also be classified according to the number of joints affected, and there are: monoarticular, oligoarticular or polyarticular (generalized) forms of the disease. Terms such as erosive, inflammatory, atrophic and destructive are also used to describe osteoarthritis. None of the classifications by themselves are perfect; obviously, the most accurate is the pragmatic, descriptive approach, which uses many of the features mentioned.​

  • ​Characteristic symptoms are intense pain in the lumbosacral region and stiffness of movement in the same area. Stiffness occurs at rest and in the second half of the night, closer to the morning. It usually lasts several hours; to reduce its intensity, it is sometimes necessary to perform special exercises.​
  • ​2.4.3 Treatment​
  • ​bursitis;​
  • ​decreased production of synovial fluid;​
  • ​old age;​

​lordosis of the cervical spine;​

​hyperuricemia - increased concentration of uric acid in the blood;​

​muscles in the affected area atrophy;​

Reiter's syndrome

​stopping the growth of the chest;​

  1. ​inflammation;​
  2. Pathophysiological theories of osteoarthritis describe disruption of normal joint structure, capsule changes, and cartilage damage. Researchers have described osteoarthritis as the result of remodeling of a normal joint. Osteoarthritis results from the interaction of mechanical and biological factors. This process begins as changes in cartilage or subchondral bone, either as a result of disease within these tissues themselves (for example, gene defects of type 11 collagen, ochronosis), or from external abnormal mechanical stress (for example, joint instability, increased load, injuries).​
  3. ​As the disease further progresses, stiffness of the spine occurs, and the ability to turn to the sides and bend over sharply decreases. The back muscles are tense, and subsequently atrophy occurs - a decrease in strength and size.​

​One of the symptoms of joint disease is the phenomenon of stiffness in the joints in the morning. This problem of joint mobility causes both practical and psychological difficulties for the patient. After all, difficulties in performing basic actions (brushing your teeth, combing your hair, etc.) do not at all improve your mood at the very beginning of the day.​


​poor posture;​


​kyphosis of the thoracic spine;​


​obesity, hypertriglyceridemia or hypertension.​

​neutrophilic leukocytosis;​


Diagnosis and treatment

​hyperemia - redness of the skin;​

​As it progresses, these changes in osteoarthritis become more pronounced. There is evidence that the occupational risk of femoral osteoarthritis occurs with increased physical stress associated with work. However, it has not yet been established whether the risk of hip or knee osteoarthritis increases with exercise. different types non-work activities. A study found that women who experienced non-work physical activity before menopause may have increased risk appearance of clinical and radiological signs osteoarthritis of the hip joint.​


With ankylosis – fusion of the intervertebral joints, stooping occurs and a sharp decrease in the patient’s height. Ankylosing spondylitis often affects the heart, eyes and kidneys.​

​Patients describe this condition as difficulty in the first movements after a long period of rest or in the morning. You can also hear complaints about stiffness of the limbs or a feeling of “the presence of a corset”, “wearing gloves or stockings”. After performing the movements, these unpleasant sensations disappear.​

Monotonous movements requiring muscle tension.


​congenital anomalies of the spine;​

​traumatic injury;​

​uneven contours of the sacroiliac joints.​


The patient is admitted to the hospital. Inflammation is usually relieved with Colchicine. The drug is effective, but use it with caution. Overdose is very dangerous. Indomethacin, Naproxen, Phenylbutazone, Etoricoxib may also be prescribed. Prevention of urolithiasis is also important.


​hypochromic anemia;​

​Iridocyclitis - inflammation of the eye;​


​Search for a doctor​

All about osteoarthritis

​A specific antigen B 27 is detected in the blood of patients HLA systems(HLA-B27). Changes in the joints are determined by MRI and radiography.​ The duration of morning stiffness depends on the cause of the joint damage. It is believed that the duration and severity of morning joint stiffness reflects the degree of local inflammation.​

Main points

  • ​Symptoms of hygroma:​
  • ​injuries;​
  • ​hip dysplasia.​
  • The infectious focus is sanitized. Pyrazolone (Butadione, Reopirin, Pirabutol) and hormonal drugs (ACTH - Adrenocorticotropic hormone, Prednisolone, Triamcinolone) are prescribed. Exercise therapy, massage and physiotherapeutic procedures are also necessary.​
  • Felty syndrome is a type of arthritis, a complication of rheumatoid arthritis. There is disagreement about whether this syndrome should be considered a disease or a symptom.​​increased ESR;​
  • ​aortitis - inflammation of the aortic wall;​
  • ​Anti-inflammatory (Acetylsalicylic acid, Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Brufen) and painkillers (Capsaicin, Tylenol, Oxycodone, Methadone, Tramadol), hormones - corticosteroids (Hydrocortisone, Triamcinolone).​
  • ​Recently, special attention has been paid to the biochemical changes that contribute to osteoarthritis. Apparently, this disease develops when enzymes that cause cartilage degradation (for example, proteases, cytokines, aggrecanases, substance P, nitric oxide) outweigh the functions of proteins responsible for maintaining the integrity of cartilage (such as tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases, kininogens, inhibitor -1 plasminogen activator, transforming growth factor-beta, insulin-like growth factor-1, interferon gamma).​
  • There is no specific treatment. Symptomatic treatment is carried out aimed at reducing the intensity of pain and inflammation.
  • ​Most often, stiffness occurs in one or several joints of the limbs, less often in the spine.​

What is osteoarthritis?

​the appearance of foci of hemorrhage and necrosis in the walls of the bag;​​metabolism disorder;​

Causes of osteoarthritis

​Symptoms of coxarthrosis:​

Who is at risk?

​Arthrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic disease of the joint, leading to its immobility. Synonyms: osteoarthritis, arthrosis-arthritis.​ ​The cause of Felty's syndrome is rheumatoid arthritis.​​fibrinogenemia;​ ​aortic valve insufficiency;​ Arthropathy is a type of arthritis, a secondary inflammatory disease. It is included in the triad of signs of Reiter's syndrome or disease along with urethritis and conjunctivitis.​

Matrix metalloproteinases, including collagenases, stromelysins, gelatinases, membrane proteases and metalloelastase, are found in osteoarthritis cartilage, and their concentrations generally correlate with the histological extent of the damage. Various cytokines, including interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor, can also cause joint damage and cartilage loss through activation of metalloproteinase degeneration enzymes and other mechanisms.​

Diagnosis of osteoarthritis

In osteoarthritis, articular cartilage is primarily damaged. As it is destroyed, various manifestations of this disease arise. Any joints can be involved in the pathological process of osteoarthritis.​

Prevention of osteoarthritis

This condition occurs in almost all chronic inflammatory diseases of the joints - arthritis. In most cases, arthritis is accompanied by inflammation of the synovium (synovitis). This membrane is normally responsible for the production of a special fluid, which is a “lubricant” for the rubbing articular surfaces.​

Treatment of osteoarthritis

Exercise stress

​increased pain as the tumor enlarges;​

Drug treatment

​flat feet.​

Surgical intervention

​discomfort in the pelvic area in the morning;​

Outcome of osteoarthritis

​The cause of arthrosis is premature aging, wear and tear of cartilage tissue, for example due to injury, inflammation, dysplasia or metabolic disorders. Not only the cartilage, but also other parts of the joint may be affected. The process of formation of cartilage and bone tissue cells is disrupted.

Seeing a doctor

​Symptoms of the disease:​
  • ​globulinemia;​
  • ​pericarditis - inflammation of the lining of the heart;​
  • ​Causes of arthropathy:​
  • Osteoarthritis usually affects the following joints: distal interphalangeal, proximal interphalangeal, first carpometacarpal, first metatarsophalangeal, hip, knee, cervical and lower lumbar spine. The metacarpophalangeal, wrist, elbow, and shoulder joints are rarely affected by primary osteoarthritis. This disease is characterized by pain, stiffness and limited movement in the joint. The cardinal symptom is pain that initially appears after joint movements and is relieved by rest.​
  • However, most often osteoarthritis occurs in those joints that bear the greatest physical load, that is, they are subject to greater trauma. These are hip, knee, shoulder.​
​When the synovial membrane becomes inflamed, the quantity, composition, viscosity and other characteristics of this “lubricant” change. Articular surfaces lose the ability to slide normally.​

Osteoarthritis. Symptoms and treatment of osteoarthritis.

Description of osteoarthritis

​venous stagnation;​

​Symptoms of spondyloarthrosis:​

​pain that gets worse with physical activity;​

Causes and mechanism of osteoarthritis

​Symptoms of arthrosis:​

​general exhaustion;​

​increased capillary permeability;​


​changes in the level of hormones of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus;​

Signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis

​Patients often say that it is “aching” and not clearly localized. As osteoarthritis progresses, pain begins to occur. minimal activity, and in advanced cases it can even wake the patient in the middle of the night. Stiffness is also quite common, especially in the morning and after a period of little activity. However, unlike inflammatory joint diseases, joint stiffness due to osteoarthritis is short-lived, usually lasting no longer than 15 minutes.​

​The disease is quite common - depending on the region of residence, it affects 20-40% of the world's population. Older people, mostly women, are more often affected.

​Morning joint stiffness is just one of the symptoms of some illness. It can occur with the following diseases or conditions:



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