Tempalgin application. Medicinal product tempalgin - instructions for use

To suppress the inflammatory process, reduce the severity pain syndrome and maintenance temperature regime doctors prescribe bodies medical drug Tempalgin. The medicine is inexpensive, and is characterized by a systemic effect on the body. Instructions for use of Tempalgin give Full description drug, but before starting treatment you should consult your doctor.

Composition and release form

Tempalgin is a representative of the pharmacological group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The medicine is produced in the form of round green tablets with a shiny surface, coated with an enteric coating. The drug is packaged in blisters (10 pcs.), 1 package contains 2, 10 or 30 blisters, instructions for use. Chemical composition of Tempalgin tablets:

Active components


metamizole sodium (500 mg)


tempidone (20 mg)

Magnesium stearate

Castor oil

microcrystalline cellulose

methyl methacrylate copolymer

wheat starch

titanium dioxide

polyethylene glycol



dibutyl phthalate

green dye

Eudragit L acetone

How the drug works

Tempalgin tablets have antipyretic, analgesic, anxiolytic, and anti-inflammatory properties. According to the instructions, they provide a therapeutic effect 15 minutes after taking a single dose. The therapeutic effect is formed by the active ingredients of the drug:

  1. Metamizole sodium, being a non-opiate pain reliever, reduces the intensity of pain medium degree.
  2. Tempdion soothes nervous system, reduces emotional excitement, weakens the inflammatory process.

After consuming a single dose, the active ingredients of Tempalgin are productively absorbed from the intestinal lumen and evenly distributed throughout the tissues. The metabolic process takes place in the liver. Inactive metabolites are excreted by the kidneys - with urine, in small concentrations through the intestines unchanged. The therapeutic effect is temporary, tablets do not cure the disease, they help stop acute stage.

What are Tempalgin tablets for?

The medication is prescribed for pain syndrome different localization and etiology. This is a good opportunity to provide a long-lasting analgesic effect. For example, Tempalgin helps very well with toothache, and it also stops moderate migraine attacks. IN detailed instructions on the use of the drug is presented full list indications:

  • pain of visceral origin;
  • renal and intestinal colic (in combination with antispasmodics);
  • neuralgia (inflammatory process peripheral nerves);
  • osteochondrosis with pronounced radicular syndrome;
  • arthralgia (joint pain);
  • myalgia (muscle soreness);
  • algodismenorrhea ( premenstrual syndrome);
  • intoxication of the body with infectious and non-infectious nature(as part of complex treatment).

According to the instructions, this medication is often used before invasive diagnostic or surgical interventions. The purpose of this pharmaceutical prescription is to reduce the severity of pain during instrumental examination or during an operation. The therapeutic effect is noticeable with increased nervous excitability.

Directions for use and dosage

Tempalgin is intended for oral use. According to the instructions, the tablets must be swallowed whole, without chewing first, and washed down big amount water. It is better to take a single dose after a meal, otherwise irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive canal may occur. Daily doses depend on the severity of the pain syndrome and are 1 table. 1–3 times per day. The maximum single dosage is no more than 2 tablets, daily dosage is 6 tablets.

Tempalgin during menstruation

According to the instructions, when painful menstruation(algodismenorrhea) Tempalgin tablets are allowed to be used. The recommended (safe) dosage depends on the age of the patient in a particular clinical case. For example, girls over 15 years old are prescribed no more than 2 tablets. per day. Adult women are allowed to take up to 3 tablets. per day. The course of treatment is 3–5 days. For algodismenorrhea, No-shpa is additionally recommended.

Tempalgin for headaches

When migraine attacks become more frequent, the doctor recommends Tempalgin as a reliable pain reliever. The patient is prescribed to drink 1 tablet. three times a day. If the medicine at this dosage does not help stop acute attack, you can take the second tablet. Maximum daily dose– 6 tables. The course of treatment lasts 5 days, after which you need to seek advice.

For toothache

When a tooth hurts, you need to drink 1 tablet. Tempalgina. If the pain has not subsided after 15 minutes, you are allowed to take a second tablet. Daily dosage– no more than 6 tablets, divided into 3 daily doses. It is recommended to continue treatment for no more than 5 days. If there is no positive dynamics, you need to consult a specialist on the 3rd day.

special instructions

According to the instructions for use, Tempalgin tablets are contraindicated for children under 14 years of age. For this category of patients, it is necessary to select an analogue with a mild, gentle effect. The instructions contain other, no less important instructions:

  1. If the medication is used for a long time (more than 7 days), careful monitoring of indicators is necessary. peripheral blood, functional state liver, kidneys.
  2. If you are experiencing acute pain in the abdomen, you should refrain from doing this. pharmaceutical drug until the etiology is clarified pathological process.
  3. Metamizole sodium provokes agranulocytosis (decrease in granulocytes in the blood), accompanied by the development of stomatitis, vaginitis, and sore throat unknown etiology, proctitis. Such clinical pictures immediate discontinuation of this drug is required.
  4. Since Tempion is in chemical composition provides sedative effect, for the period of treatment with Tempalgin it is necessary to temporarily give up control vehicle, do not engage in work that requires increased concentration.
  5. The course of treatment is 5 days. Afterwards, on the recommendation of the attending physician, it is necessary to alternate painkillers, otherwise the so-called “addictive effect” develops.

Tempalgin during pregnancy

When carrying a fetus, the medication is prohibited for use. Both active ingredients penetrate the placental barrier and cause severe intrauterine pathologies. It is necessary to refuse such treatment throughout the entire period of pregnancy, otherwise you can harm the health of the unborn baby. Tempalgin is also contraindicated during lactation, since both components are excreted with mother's milk. When treating young mothers with this medication, the question arises of temporarily stopping breastfeeding and transferring the baby to artificial formula.

Drug interactions

Tempalgin is often prescribed as part of complex therapy. For such clinical cases The detailed instructions for use contain information about drug interactions:

  1. In combination with Chlorpromazine or other phenothiazine derivatives, symptoms of severe hyperthermia develop.
  2. At joint use With sedatives, tranquilizers enhance the analgesic effect of Tempalgin.
  3. In combination with Allopurinol, tricyclic antidepressants, non-opioid analgesics, oral contraceptives arise toxic effects selected drug therapy.
  4. Thiamazole and cytostatics for simultaneous use with Tempalgin increase the risk of developing leukopenia.
  5. Metamizole sodium in combination with GCS, indirect anticoagulants and Indomethacin increases the therapeutic effect of the latter.
  6. In combination with Cyclosporine, the concentration of the immunosuppressant in the blood plasma decreases, and when used simultaneously with Phenylbutazone and other inducers of microsomal liver enzymes, barbiturates, the effect of Tempalgin is weakened.
  7. Combination with penicillin, radiopaque agents, and colloid blood substitutes is prohibited.
  8. Histamine H2 receptor blockers, Codeine and Propranolol slow down the elimination of the active substances of the drug and enhance the therapeutic effect.

Tempalgin and alcohol

The instructions for use state that combining this analgesic with alcoholic beverages is strictly contraindicated. If this rule is violated, an excessive inhibitory effect on the brain leads to serious complications with the patient's health. Visual and auditory hallucinations appear, normal operation organs of the central nervous system (CNS).

Side effects

After the start conservative treatment the patient's condition may deteriorate sharply. The detailed instructions describe side effects, which extend to many internal organs and systems:

  • from the gastrointestinal tract: dry mouth, jaundice, increased bilirubin, cholestasis, burning sensation in the chest, pain epigastric region;
  • from the authorities of cardio-vascular system: recession blood pressure (arterial hypotension), tachycardia, acceleration heart rate, outflow disturbance venous blood;
  • from the central nervous system: migraine attacks, dizziness, auditory and visual hallucinations, emotional instability, drowsiness, tendency to depression;
  • from the urinary system: red urine, decreased kidney function, oliguria, anuria, proteinuria;
  • from the hematopoietic organs: thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis;
  • from the outside skin: soft tissue swelling, urticaria, cyanosis (yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes), angioedema Quincke's disease, bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock, exudative erythema.

Tempalgin overdose

According to the instructions for use, if daily doses are systematically exceeded, signs of tachycardia occur, attacks of vomiting become more frequent, and blood pressure. Other symptoms of Tempalgin overdose are shortness of breath, abdominal pain, drowsiness, muscle cramps, noise in ears. The patient is prescribed urgent rinsing stomach, oral administration enterosorbents. Forced diuresis to cleanse the blood and hemodialysis are mandatory. Further treatment on the recommendation of a doctor - symptomatic.


According to the instructions for use, not everyone is allowed to use the product. Medical contraindications:

  • arterial hypotension;
  • “aspirin” asthma;
  • hepatic and renal failure;
  • deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • periods of pregnancy, lactation;
  • inhibition of hematopoiesis in red bone marrow;
  • intolerance to the active ingredients of Tempalgin.

The instructions contain relative medical contraindications. In such clinical pictures, the medication is taken with extreme caution:

Terms of sale and storage

Tempalgin is not prescription drug. You can buy tablets at any pharmacy in the city. Store the medicine in a dry, cool, dark place out of the reach of small children. Shelf life: 4 years from the date indicated on the package.


If a drug causes side effects or does not help achieve the desired therapeutic effect, doctors medical indications introduce a replacement. Analogues of Tempalgin:

  1. Tempanginol. White tablets for oral use. Recommended dosage for adult patients: 1 table. three times a day, maximum – 6 tablets. The course of treatment is no longer than 5 days.
  2. Paracetamol. This is an analgesic available in every pharmacy, which is used for high fever and pain. For children over 12 years old single dose Paracetamol is 250 mg; it is not recommended to take more than 1 g in 24 hours.
  3. Cardiomagnyl. These are enteric-coated tablets. The recommended dosage is 75 mg once a day. It is advisable to take the medicine at evening time days. Maximum dose– 150 mg.
  4. Amizon. This antiviral agent with an immunostimulating effect in the form of tablets. The instructions provide doses for various diseases. The course of treatment lasts 7–10 days.
  5. Tantum Verde. This is a series of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. A solution for external use, lozenges, and a spray are available. Daily doses depend on the type of medicine. The course varies from 7 to 10 days.

Tempalgina price

average cost tablets in the amount of 20 pcs. varies between 100–150 rubles. If you order online, the purchase will be even cheaper:


  • Does Tempalgin really help with toothache?
  • Reviews ordinary people about the use of this drug;
  • How does Tempalgin act on the body and the effects it provides? side effects;
  • And also what much stronger analogues the drug has.

Tempalgin is an example of one of the fairly popular painkillers that people often try to use to relieve toothache. It is produced in the form of tablets and sold in pharmacies without a prescription (over-the-counter dispensing immediately explains the fact that Tempalgin is significantly inferior in effectiveness to many other painkillers available by prescription).

Well, let us immediately note that Tempalgin does not always save you from toothache and is not as effective as some other remedies that will be mentioned below.

In its properties and potency, Tempalgin is quite reminiscent of today's obsolete Analgin (the latter, by the way, is prohibited for use in many countries of the world, but for some reason not in Russia). As practice shows, Tempalgin allows you to completely get rid of only mild toothache, and sharp pain, for example, with various pulpitis and periodontitis, it only slightly weakens - and this is well confirmed by numerous reviews.

“Two months ago I had something I wouldn’t wish on my enemy. By evening, the tooth was shot, as if a needle had been inserted into it, and my legs began to give way. Previously, it sometimes hurt me, but not too much, but now it’s become completely unbearable. Usually I saved myself from any pain with Tempalgin, but here there was no effect at all. There was also Analgin and Nurofen, but they didn’t help either. And as luck would have it, it's Saturday. I called the dentist on my personal mobile phone, but he can only see me on Monday, and then he inserted it between the registered patients. So I suffered until Monday, until the nerve was removed...”

Ekaterina, Novosibirsk

Composition and principle of action of Tempalgin

Tempalgin is sometimes prescribed for dental and other types of pain for those patients whose pain syndrome is not severe. The instructions stipulate that “moderate or mild pain syndrome.”

The drug contains two active ingredients:

  1. Metamizole sodium is the same analgesic that is the basis of the drug Analgin;
  2. Triacetonamine-4-toluenesulfonate (Tempidone) is a sedative and tranquilizer.

The principle of action of metamizole sodium is that it blocks the formation of prostaglandins - substances responsible for the initiation inflammatory processes in the body and the development of pain. In general, this substance does reduce pain to some extent, but its anti-inflammatory properties are much less pronounced.

In parallel, triacetonamine-4-toluenesulfonate, when released into the blood, acts on the nervous system, providing a pronounced sedative, calming effect. By the way, it is thanks to this compound that Tempalgin has proven itself to be effective in relieving toothache in impressionable people who do not so much have a toothache as they “harm” themselves.

According to studies, triacetonamine-4-toluenesulfonate enhances the analgesic effect of metamizole sodium by approximately 2-3 times.

The anti-inflammatory properties of Tempalgin are very weakly expressed, and therefore it is pointless to hope that taking the drug will help relieve, for example, swelling of the gums or cheek next to a sore tooth.

Perhaps the main charm of Tempalgin is high speed his actions. Pain relief with its use occurs within 15-20 minutes and lasts about 4-5 hours, and the calming effect is even longer - up to 6-7 hours.

“For me, Tempalgin is a purely narrow-profile painkiller exclusively for home use. If you are ready to lie down after taking the pill under a warm blanket, watching movies, and so on for at least half a day, this is your option. But if there is an active day ahead and you need to be lively, then this is not an option at all, because you won’t get any liveliness, you can easily fall asleep in an hour. Very relaxing."

Ekaterina, Moscow

On a note

The severity of the effect after using Tempalgin (as, indeed, when taking many other drugs) greatly depends on individual characteristics each person. For some, Tempalgin helps even with a seemingly quite severe toothache, but for others it may not work at all. Therefore, you should be prepared that Tempalgin may have to be replaced with another drug.

Dosage and correct use of the product

According to the instructions, Tempalgin is prescribed to be taken during or after meals, 1 tablet up to 3 times a day, depending on the severity of the pain. The tablets are quite large, but thanks to their smooth coating they can be swallowed without effort. They are equally effective both with and without chewing.

If the pain does not subside or quickly reappears, then a slight increase in the frequency of taking the drug is possible. For example, you can take two Tempalgin tablets at a time, or you can take the drug 4-5 times a day. However maximum amount The dose of the drug should not be more than 6 tablets per day and 2 tablets at a time.

It is important to understand that if Tempalgin does not help with toothache or the effect of its use differs from the desired one, then it is pointless to increase the number of tablets taken in hopes of a miracle. It is much more effective and safer to take another drug.

Tempalgin should not be taken for toothache for more than 5 days in a row.

“Tempalgin helps me very well for toothache. If it happens that I can’t get to the doctor immediately as soon as my tooth hurts, then I take one tablet and it’s enough for half a day. A couple of times it happened that I had to be patient for 2-3 days, then I went to Tempalgin. It’s just that it really makes you want to sleep.”

Lena, Samara

Children under 14 years of age are prohibited from taking Tempalgin in any quantity.

Contraindications and side effects of the drug

Perhaps the main and most dangerous possible side effect from the use of Tempalgin is the ability to disrupt the process of hematopoiesis and lead to the development of agranulocytosis. IN acute form this disease can be fatal, although correct use Tempalgina occurs extremely rarely. However, in many countries around the world, drugs based on metamizole sodium are prohibited for use precisely for this reason.

Other possible side effects from taking Tempalgin are:

  1. Leukopenia (decreased level of leukocytes in the blood);
  2. Headaches and dizziness;
  3. Blood pressure surges;
  4. Kidney dysfunction;
  5. Allergies, including epidermal necrolysis and Quincke's edema;
  6. Liver disorders.

For these reasons, and also because of possible toxic effects on the fetus and newborn child, Tempalgin is completely contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It is also impossible to relieve toothache with Tempalgin in cases where a person has one of the following diseases:

  1. Kidney failure;
  2. Liver failure;
  3. Hypotension;
  4. Hematopoietic disorders;
  5. Alcoholism.

In addition, for any kidney or liver diseases, Tempalgin can be used only after the appropriate doctor’s conclusion. A contraindication to its use, although not absolute, is also bronchial asthma. In these cases, it is better to replace the drug with one of its analogues.

Analogs that can replace Tempalgin

It may seem strange, but Tempalgin is very similar in its analgesic effect to regular Aspirin, although it is also contraindicated for children under 15 years of age, and is only prescribed for kidney disease in some cases. Aspirin also relieves only mild or moderate pain, but thanks to a completely different active ingredient, it can give results in cases where Tempalgin does not work at all.

As for Analgin - as mentioned above, this drug contains the same active substance, as Tempalgin, and therefore its effectiveness against toothache will be quite comparable.

Such drugs as Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Burana and some others, available in pharmacies without a prescription, are approximately equal in strength to Tempalgin.

Much stronger than Tempalgin are Nimesil powder, Ketorol, Ketanov and Ketorolac tablets - they help to quickly relieve even acute toothache. However, all these products are sold in pharmacies only with a doctor’s prescription, so using them at home for toothache can be quite problematic.

“The real problem started later, on the sixth day of the hike. Just imagine, the Polar Urals in winter, the nearest village is more than 80 km away, the whole group confidently walks the route, I also have plenty of strength. But you literally can’t eat or sleep because of a toothache. I tried to suppress the pain with Tempalgin, but it didn’t help. Ketanova took 10 tablets for the whole group, and even then only extreme case, if someone breaks something. Plus, Tempalgin turns you into an amoeba; if you drink it at the beginning of the day, then you’ll go skiing like in a dream. There is a week until the end of the trip. And there is no way out! At least hang yourself on the nearest pine tree! I thought that I wouldn’t live to see the end of the hike, but somehow within two days I had a toothache and the pain eased a little. Already when we went to Polyarny, I didn’t feel it at all, I even decided that I could make it home. Didn't make it. In Labytnangi, while everyone was walking around the city, I sat at the dentist and had my tooth treated.”

Alexey, Voronezh

In any case, Tempalgin or other painkillers should not be used as a replacement. full treatment teeth. Such drugs are intended only to alleviate a person’s condition before a visit to the doctor, but not to avoid this visit. In addition, when using any drug, you should carefully read the instructions for it, and ideally, consult a doctor.

Be prudent and treat your teeth on time - then you are unlikely to have to suffer from toothache.

If you have ever saved yourself from a toothache with Tempalgin, do not forget to leave your review at the bottom of this page.

How to quickly relieve toothache at home without pills

Useful video about the main causes of toothache

Many people in their home medicine cabinets contain a drug such as Tempalgin, which is used for moderate and mild pain different localization. Its main active ingredient is metamizole sodium, which is also used in the production of Analgin. But these two drugs are not identical, because Tempalgin contains the tranquilizer Tempidone, as a result of which it acts somewhat differently.

Let's try to figure out what Tempalgin is, what this remedy helps with, and can it relieve toothache?

Tempalgin is non-narcotic anti-inflammatory drug, sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. It is inexpensive, and according to the indications for its use, it is practically universal drug. Thanks to this, Tempalgin is very popular among other painkillers, and it is produced only in tablet form.

Metamizole sodium, which is the active component of the drug, when entering the body, prevents the production of prostaglandins - special substances located in the area of ​​​​any inflammation and responsible for the appearance of pain. Therefore, after taking the pill, after 20 minutes the pain syndrome begins to subside and may not appear for four hours. In addition to the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, Tempalgin has an antipyretic effect. But you should remember what it is medicine poorly copes with the inflammatory process.

Second active ingredient Tempalgin tablets are tempidone, which several times enhances the analgesic effect of metamizole sodium. Moreover, this medicine counts psychotropic drug which has a calming effect. While taking Tempalgin you may experience:

  • decreased psychomotor excitability;
  • inhibited reaction;
  • drowsiness;
  • little activity during the day.

The sedative effect of the tablets usually lasts up to 6 hours. Therefore, the instructions for use of the drug clearly indicate that while using Tempalgin it is prohibited to engage in activities that require increased alertness and quick response. This remedy gives a strong pronounced relaxing effect, therefore, it is not recommended to take it if any important matters are planned for the day. Due to drowsiness and inability to concentrate on anything, all plans can be disrupted.

What does Tempalgin help with?

Tempalgin is an analgesic drug that is recommended to be taken for painful syndrome in muscles, joints, and headaches. It also reduces painful sensations after a burn, injury, in postoperative period. Quite often, women use pills for painful periods.

Due to its antipyretic effect, Tempalgin is used to reduce body temperature during colds. It is also prescribed as part of complex therapy for intestinal, renal and hepatic colic . Due to the fact that the medication contains a tranquilizer, such tablets are recommended for patients with increased excitability of the nervous system.

As for the use of Tempalgin for toothache, this drug is able to relieve pain, but only of weak and moderate intensity. It can be eliminated without medications, for example, by rinsing the mouth with a soda-saline solution. For toothache caused by such serious dental diseases, How gumboil or pulpitis, the effect of Tempalgin is practically zero. To avoid dangerous side effects, it is best to use the following to relieve pain: potent drugs, How:

  • Ketorol;
  • Ketanov;
  • Ibuprofen.

How to take Tempalgin correctly and how safe is it?

This painkiller must be taken during or after meals, washing it down clean water. It is prohibited to use tea, juice, milk or other liquids for these purposes. As prescribed by the doctor, take one tablet three times a day. In some cases, it is recommended to take two tablets at a time, but it is forbidden to take more than six tablets per day. In addition, it is extremely undesirable to take this drug for more than five days.

Not everyone knows that Analgin, which contains metamizole sodium, has been banned from sale in some developed countries, for example, in England, Denmark, and Italy. This is explained by the fact that such an active substance provokes the occurrence of severe allergic reactionsanaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema. In addition, if you take a drug containing metamizole sodium for a long time, it can cause serious illness blood – leukopenia.

Therefore, it is worth thinking about how safe Tempalgin is, since it also contains metamizole sodium. Moreover, this medication is not able to relieve severe and acute pain, but only reduces it. Therefore, it is best to replace this remedy with a safer one.

But situations arise when, apart from Tempalgin, there are no other painkillers at hand, and the pain needs to be relieved. In this case, you can take these pills, but you cannot drink them long time. Even a single use of the drug can cause allergies. Moreover, it is forbidden to use it to relieve pain during chronic diseases, because the dangers of metamizole sodium have been confirmed by various studies.

Side effects

Tempalgin has the following side effects:

  • dizziness, headache;
  • "jumps" in blood pressure;
  • 3. itching, rash, redness of the skin.

More serious side effects are much less common, but there is a possibility that they will appear. These include:

If the dosage of the drug is exceeded, symptoms may develop the following diseases kidneys: oliguria, proteinuria, anuria. While taking Tempalgin, the urine may turn red.


There are many contraindications to the use of Tempalgin tablets. This should be taken very seriously and under no circumstances should you take the drug if they are present. Thus, It is prohibited to take this medicine if:

Tempalgin is strictly prohibited during pregnancy, especially in early and later. Both tempidone and metamizole sodium are unimpeded penetrate into breast milk , therefore it is not prescribed while breastfeeding the baby.

Thus, Tempalgin is a very popular drug sold without a prescription. But it is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. Taking it can seriously harm your health. If possible, it is best to replace it with a safer pain reliever.

Many people buy the drug Tempalgin at the pharmacy in order to get rid of sudden pain. Buying this product is quite simple because it is sold without a prescription. It is often used by those who want to relieve toothache. You should not purchase this product without hesitation, since the drug has certain indications and some side effects.

If you found out that Tempalgin is good for toothache and decide to use it, then if you have contraindications, there is a high probability of harming your health. Before using the product, you must read the instructions for use. In this case, you can eliminate the pain and eliminate harm to the body.

Tempalgin: description of the drug

This medicine differs in that, when taken, it affects the human body complex impact. This drug has the following properties:

  • analgesic;
  • antipyretic;
  • sedative.

What does Tempalgin help with?- many people who often have to deal with this know about various types pain. When a person feels pain, to eliminate the unpleasant sensations, most often, this particular medication is purchased at the pharmacy. It should be said that the drug Tempalgin is quite effective means to eliminate pain. Regardless of the factor that provoked the pain experienced by a person, taking this drug in correct dosage helps to cope with unpleasant symptom. Often, people who often suffer from severe migraines purchase this remedy to relieve discomfort.

Toothache is a common cause of discomfort for many people. To eliminate it, you can use Tempalgin. This remedy also helps to cope with other factors that provoke pain.

If you decide to use this medicine to relieve pain, you should know that Tempalgin is an antibiotic. Therefore, you need to know in advance, from which, in addition to toothache, taking this remedy can relieve a person. The drug is often used for feverish conditions. This medicine also works well with elevated temperature and helps with the flu. Taking this medication provides an opportunity to eliminate such negative manifestations as motor agitation and anxiety. Taking this remedy helps reduce blood pressure.

The peculiarity of Tempalgin is that it has a rapid effect on human body. Therefore, after taking a dose of this medicine, expect the desired therapeutic effect. If we talk about characteristic For this drug there is a sedative effect, then its occurrence occurs half an hour after taking the drug. 2 hours after taken pills You can feel the analgesic effect of Tempalgin.

Tempalgin: composition and release form

The manufacturer produces this medicine in tablet form. Active components it consists of:

  • metamizole sodium;
  • triacetonamine-4-toluenesulfonate.

Additional components The medicine contains:

  • wheat starch;
  • povidone;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • methacrylic acid.

In pharmacies, Tempalgin is sold only in film-coated tablets. They are packed in blisters. Each contains 10 pieces. One pack may contain 2, 10 or 30 blisters.

Tempalgin tablets: what do they help with?

In order to alleviate your condition, treatment with this drug must be carried out by following all the recommendations contained in the instructions. It indicates in what dosage this drug should be taken. The drug Tempalgin helps with the following conditions:

  • a febrile state resulting from an emerging disease of infectious etymology;
  • after surgical interventions. Tempalgin tablets are used as an auxiliary pain reliever;
  • emerging mild visceral pain. In this case, the drug is often prescribed in the presence of hepatic, renal or intestinal colic. The drug is prescribed simultaneously with antispasmodics;
  • the presence of moderate dental, headache or muscle pain, as well as joint pain;
  • during menstruation, which occurs with severe pain. This medicine is also prescribed to patients with increased nervousness.

Application and dosage

In order to experience the strong therapeutic effect of taking these tablets, they should be taken immediately after a meal. Under no circumstances should you chew the medicine you take. When the patient has swallowed the pill, the medicine should be washed down with plenty of water. Duration of treatment This drug should not be used for more than three days. The period of taking the drug can only be extended by the attending physician. It is he who determines the dosage of the drug, taking into account the nature of the pain that has arisen, as well as the individual sensitivity of the patient to the drug.

For the sick different ages The dosage of this remedy will vary.

Adults. Typically, adult patients are prescribed one tablet twice a day. A single dose of this drug should not be more than one pill. IN in rare cases A one-time dose of 2 tablets is prescribed. If you need to visit the dentist, then half an hour before the doctor’s intervention you should take a tablet of this drug.

Patients over 65 years of age. For this category of patients, one-time the dose should be no more than 2 pills. The duration of taking the medicine should be short.

Children under 12 years old. In young patients, the drug should be given at maximum dosage- one tablet per day.

The presence of malfunctions in the liver. If the patient has liver dysfunction, this drug should be taken with extreme caution. This recommendation is due to the fact that when treated with this drug, the liver can only partially remove metamizole metabolites. If there is serious damage to this organ, then you should take only half the dose prescribed by your doctor.

Kidney dysfunction. Patients prescribed this medication should take only half the prescribed dose. The whole point is that active substance This drug, which provides the main therapeutic effect, is excreted through the kidneys.


Before taking Tempalgin, you should find out about the contraindications that this drug has. This important information contained in the instructions for use. These tablets have certain contraindications, therefore, in order to avoid harm to the body, you should find out about this in advance. If you read carefully instructions for Tempalgin, you can see the following contraindications:

When prescribing this remedy Special attention should be given to patients who have the following pathologies:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • kidney disease;
  • renal failure;
  • predisposition to hypotension;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • prolonged drinking of alcohol.

Side effects

Any medication, regardless of its composition, can provoke the appearance of certain negative manifestations in the patient. If we talk about Tempalgin, then it also has certain side effects. So that they don't become for you an unpleasant surprise, you should find out about this in advance.

Note that in general the drug Tempalgin is It is quite safe and side effects are quite rare in people who take it. Negative manifestations during treatment with this drug can only occur if Tempalgin is taken for a long course or the patient, neglecting the doctor’s recommendations, takes the drug in a large dosage. In some cases, the occurrence negative reactions during treatment with this remedy may appear due to simultaneous administration Tempalgin with other medications.

Quite a common side effect when treated with this remedy is individual intolerance components that are present in this product. The main side effects that occur in patients can be expressed in the following symptoms:

  • dry mouth;
  • jaundice;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • tachycardia;
  • pressure change;
  • anuria;
  • itching, skin rash, urticaria.


Effective relief of pain with Tempalgin is ensured only if this drug is taken in accordance with the treatment regimen determined by the doctor. Under no circumstances should you violate the dose of the drug prescribed by the doctor. Otherwise high the risk of an overdose, which threatens a person with the appearance of many unpleasant manifestations. In case of an overdose of this drug, the patient experiences the following symptoms:

If an overdose of the drug occurs, the patient, in order to reduce harm to his health, should perform gastric lavage as a first measure. After this you need to drink saline solution or take sorbents. Then you should consult a doctor to be prescribed symptomatic therapy for elimination negative consequences overdose.


Although the drug Tempalgin is a common drug, it cannot always be found in the pharmacy. In that case, people Those who are experiencing toothache or other pain can use a substitute. Tempanginol has a composition similar to Tempalgin. However, there are other drugs that, when taken, provide similar impact on the human body. Good substitutes The following drugs are Tempalgin:

  • Betalok;
  • Askofen;
  • Analgin;
  • Novigan.


Every person who constantly faces headaches or unpleasant sensations in the joint area, of course, begins to show concern about his state of health. At a doctor's appointment, patients are often prescribed the drug Tempalgin. A patient who has never encountered this remedy wants to know what Tempalgin tablets are for.

This remedy helps in the fight with various types of pain. If you are often bothered toothache, then taking a Tempalgin tablet will eliminate the discomfort that has arisen. This drug will help eliminate pain in the joints and cope with colic in the intestines. But in order to feel the full power of this remedy, you must take it as prescribed by a doctor and only in the dosage prescribed by a specialist. Otherwise, you can harm your body. Carrying out treatment with this remedy and not knowing what dose is optimal for you, instead of providing relief, you can aggravate the body’s condition.

We must not forget about the side effects and contraindications that this medication also has. The doctor is well aware of them, so at the appointment he will be able to give an accurate answer as to whether this remedy is suitable for you to eliminate the pain syndrome. If, due to contraindications, the patient cannot use this drug, the doctor will prescribe a substitute and determine the optimal dosage for the period of treatment. Following all doctor's recommendations, you can get rid of pain without negative consequences for your body.

The pharmacy assortment is rich in all kinds of painkillers. However, not every one of them is able to cope with severe pain, regardless of its location.

Today we are going to get acquainted with a prominent representative of this group of drugs - Tempalgin. What does it help with, how to take the pills correctly, what are the contraindications and side effects?

It's time to learn more about this modern medicine.

In contact with

Pharmacological group and composition

Belongs to group analgesics-antipyretics. It has a therapeutic effect of analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, sedative nature.

  • metamizole sodium;
  • tempidon;
  • starch;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • glycerol;
  • cellulose;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • dibutyl phthalate;
  • crospovidone;
  • talc;
  • Castor oil;
  • dye.

In the drug Tempalgin the composition is quite powerful, in particular due to the content of components such as sodium metamizole and tempidone. Metamizole is a non-opioid analgesic, and tempidone is a mild but strong tranquilizer (anxiolytic).

Attention! The components included in the composition provide strong effect on the human body. You can take it only on the recommendation of a doctor!

Tempalgin - tablets.

Indications for use

Used to eliminate:

  • mild or moderate pain syndrome, in particular in patients with increased nervous excitability;
  • moderate visceral pain;
  • mild to moderate pain that occurs after diagnosing the patient or undergoing surgery;
  • elevated temperature, including that manifested in acute respiratory infections viral infections, flu.

Indications for use have a wide area, the drug can have a therapeutic effect in the following cases:

  1. Headache, migraine. The most common use is aimed specifically at eliminating migraines. Renders good effect, allows you to get rid of ailments due to weather dependence.
  2. Neuralgia. Allows you to eliminate attacks of pain that arise from damage to peripheral nerves.
  3. Toothache. It is considered an effective remedy for toothache, eliminating even severe pain.
  4. Colic (renal, intestinal, hepatic). The tablets relieve dull, moderate pain, spasms, and eliminate the manifestation of colic.

Tablets can be prescribed not only as monotherapy, but also in complex treatment one or another illness.

Attention! It is not enough to simply temporarily relieve yourself of pain. For example, when using the drug Tempalgin for toothache, it is important to determine the cause of its occurrence. When the pill stops working, there is a high chance of another attack of pain. To establish the cause of its appearance, you need to visit a medical facility!


Contraindications for use

Prohibited for use at:

  • heart diseases;
  • pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
  • asthma;
  • low blood pressure;
  • impaired blood supply;
  • glucose deficiency.

Contraindications also apply to those patients who have not reached the age of fourteen.

Possible side effects

May be accompanied by side effects:

  • yellowness of the skin;
  • feeling of dry mouth;
  • cholestasis;
  • allergic reactions.

If they begin to appear side effects, you must stop taking it and inform your doctor about any ailments that arise.

Before using Tempalgin, read the contraindications.


A drug overdose is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the stomach;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • dyspnea;
  • tinnitus;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of creation;
  • drowsiness in daytime;
  • convulsions.

In case of overdose, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance. You can also provide first aid to the patient yourself. medical care. To do this, you need to lavage the stomach, give the victim a drink a large number of liquids. Activated carbon will help relieve intoxication.

It is worth noting that overdose is rare. If the dosage and time between doses are strictly observed, negative manifestations practically excluded.

An overdose may cause unpleasant symptoms.

special instructions

Tempalgin during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. It is also not recommended for use during the lactation period. In case of emergency, it is prescribed by a doctor (if the woman’s health condition worsens). Breast-feeding at the moment therapeutic therapy needs to be suspended.

You need to carefully combine painkillers with other medications. Categorically unacceptable combination of Tempalgin and Penicillin!

Cannot be stored in place high temperatures. The most comfortable temperature for tablets is no more than 22°C.

Instructions for use

Intended for oral administration. Should be taken after meals with plenty of purified water.

The dosage is determined by the doctor, depending on the patient's diagnosis and general condition his health. The tolerability of Tempalgin is also taken into account if it is necessary to increase the therapeutic dosage.

The standard course of treatment is one tablet three times a day. Course duration should not exceed 7 days! If after finishing therapeutic activities the patient's condition has not improved, the doctor decides to increase the dosage. However, it is also possible to replace the drug.

The dosage is determined by the doctor.

Approximate cost in Russian pharmacies

It is a Bulgarian-made drug. Makes it pharmaceutical company Sopharma.

Available in the form of tablets, packaged in blisters of 10 pieces. They go on sale in a cardboard box. Additionally included in the drug kit Tempalgin - instructions for use use.

approximate cost in Russian pharmacies:

Cost may vary slightly depending on region.

Can it be combined with alcohol?

Tempalgin and alcohol cannot be combined! This rule applies to all medications. However, many people neglect this restriction, believing that a glass of red wine or a bottle of beer will not negatively affect their health after taking the pill. This is wrong!

If you combine Tempalgin and alcohol, numerous side effects may occur. Drinking alcohol can greatly enhance the effect of the drug. First of all, it is dangerous due to the symptoms that are characteristic of a drug overdose. As a result, the patient will not receive the expected benefit from the pill, but the opposite effect.

The instructions for use state that the drug has a mild sedative effect; in case of overdose, drowsiness is observed during the daytime. Under the influence of alcohol, a mild sedative effect turns into an effect that can be a strong tranquilizer. If you not only combine medicine and alcohol, but also do it in large dosages, coma may occur. Doctors note that often there are cases of death after combining incompatible components - tablets and alcohol.

Tempalgin and alcohol cannot be combined!

Substitute drugs

How are the analogues different? First of all, the price. On the shelves of pharmacies you can find more affordable medicines, which at the same time have similar action with the original.

Let's look at the Top 3 best analogues"Tempalgina".

"Citramon". The most popular and inexpensive pain reliever, known since Soviet times. The composition includes substances such as acetylsalicylic acid, caffeine and paracetamol.

Refers to combination drugs wide range actions. What does it help with?:

  • from migraine;
  • for toothache;
  • from neuralgia;
  • from myalgia.

In addition, it is actively used in as an antipyretic. Indispensable in the treatment of flu and colds. Helps improve low blood pressure.

The cost is more than affordable - about 10 rubles for 10 pieces.

Another cheap analogue, the price of which is no more than 10-12 rubles per package.

It is used in many areas, including as a pain reliever. Effectively eliminates pain syndrome(weak to moderate), regardless of the area of ​​its localization.

"Coficil." High quality, and most importantly - inexpensive Russian analogue"Tempalgina". The tablets contain caffeine, paracetamol and acetylsalicylic acid. Belongs to group analgesic, antipyretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory drugs.

The approximate cost is about 15 rubles for 10 tablets. Doctors say that Coficil is in no way inferior to Tempalgin in terms of effectiveness therapeutic effect, while being much more affordable.

Enough wide list, what the drug helps with. However, its main focus is elimination of pain syndrome of various origins. Effectively copes with pain, from mild to moderate.

Do not forget that no matter what drug is chosen for therapeutic therapy, you should not self-medicate! Required in advance consult your doctor. Every pharmaceutical drug has its own characteristics, contraindications and side effects. To get the necessary therapeutic result without harming your body, it is recommended to trust the choice of drug an experienced doctor!

Video Tempalgin

What conclusions can be drawn about Tempalgin? Enough powerful drug, which has a high-quality analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Please remember that before use instructions for use should be well studied. Any deviation from the permitted dosage can lead to serious consequences.



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