Sugar substitute: benefits and harms. Which sugar substitute is best to use?

Hello to all today's readers! Our family is very careful when choosing each product. We especially try to protect ourselves from all kinds of sugar in any form where this is possible for us. But the season of big holidays is coming soon, and I really want to allow myself cakes and sweets. As you know, sweeteners can easily be found on shelves for diabetics, but can they be eaten and is a sweetener harmful for a healthy person?
By the way, you can also read the article. Learn about many interesting alternatives. But unlike refined sugar, it is better not to completely exclude salt from the diet. True, this is a topic for a completely different article.

Why did I become interested in this? Yes, because I have not heard that experts and doctors recommend a sweetener to everyone without exception, and there is no less sugar on the shelves in supermarkets. Some time ago we discussed.

Synthetics have pros and cons, but these disadvantages do not lie in the high cost of the product or something similar, but in the negative effect on our body. Natural ones, such as fructose and xylitol, are more gentle for us. But today I realized one thing: it’s not enough for me to get a harmless sweetener, I want the safest one!

I went to the nearest store and decided to look in detail at the composition of sweeteners declared by the manufacturers. The first one that comes along has the following composition: sodium cyclamate (an absolute synthetic substance), lactose, leavening agent, acidity regulator. Yes, this is definitely not for me, I’m not giving up regular sugar at this price.

Imagine what happens in the body when low-carb sweeteners enter it: insulin is released into the blood, preparing to process much more sugar than it received.

And so every time. This “idle” insulin will, after some time, begin to provoke the creation of fat reserves. So you won’t be able to lose weight, but quite the opposite. Therefore, we can safely draw the following conclusion. Such a sweetener will be harmful to the health of any person.

How to choose a natural sugar substitute?

Why constantly remember and fear that synthetic sodium cyclamate cannot be consumed in case of kidney failure, aspartame generally breaks down into dangerous carcinogens at temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius (while we drink tea at 60 degrees), suclamate can cause allergies, and saccharin contributes to tumor formation. But not a single manufacturer has written all these precautions boldly on their jars.

I can boldly and confidently say that I have long found the safest and most organic sugar substitute for myself. This is stevia powder that simply has no competitors. I order it Here.

Indisputable advantages:

  • zero calories;
  • zero carbohydrate content;
  • no artificial ingredients;
  • no protein of various origins;
  • has a zero glycemic response (the body does not respond to its intake by releasing insulin in vain);
  • ideal for dieting and for diabetics.

Be careful with other products that you buy and give to children, because artificial sweeteners are harmful to humans. Ready-made store baked goods, soda, chewing gum - they all contain a synthetic sweetener.

It's even offensive... Because if you choose for yourself a healthy life without harmful artificial sweeteners, then why would anyone force this on you?

Video about the healthiest sweetener

I think so. What nature came up with and grew cannot be bad. The main thing for people here is not to spoil a product like stevia in production. .

In the comments, you can express your attitude towards sugar and sugar substitutes, and tell us what you buy for your family.

Sweeteners have been invented for quite some time. However, from the very first day of their appearance on the market, the question of whether these additives are beneficial or harmful has not been settled. For some, this is an opportunity to cook familiar dishes and not feel disadvantaged. This applies to patients with diabetes. Others remember such supplements when they want to lose extra pounds. Today we want to tell you about which sweetener is the best among those that can be found on store shelves and pharmacies. Among them there are also quite harmless ones, but you need to stay away from some representatives of this family.

History of sweet pills

Back in 1878, this discovery was made by a chemist while doing routine work in his laboratory. Due to his own negligence, he did not wash his hands after working with chemicals and started eating. The sweet taste caught his attention, and when he realized that its source was not food at all, but his own fingers, he hurried back to the laboratory to check his guess. At that time it was still difficult to say how sulfamine benzoic acid would affect our health, but a discovery was made and saccharin was invented. Later, he helped out during the war years when there was a shortage of sugar. However, progress does not stand still, and today not just saccharin, but several dozen different substitutes are sold in any pharmacy. Our task is to understand which is better. A sweetener can be a big help, but you need to be sure that it is completely safe.

What is better - regular sugar or its analogues?

This is an important question to ask your healthcare provider. What is the best sweetener and should you use it? Daily consumption of regular sugar does lead to serious problems or metabolic syndrome. That is, the metabolism is disrupted, and the result will be a number of serious diseases. This is our payment for the sweet life and love of which includes white flour and sugar.

What are sugar analogues?

Gradually we will come to the main topic, of all their diversity, which one is better. A sweetener is a substance that gives a sweet taste without the use of the usual product supplied in the form of sand or refined sugar. First of all, you should know that there are two main groups: high-calorie and low-calorie analogues. The first group is natural sweeteners. In terms of calorie content, they are identical to sugar, but you will have to add more of them, since they are much inferior to it in terms of sweetness. The second group is synthetic sweeteners. They contain virtually no calories, which means they are very popular for those looking for an alternative to sugar in order to reduce their weight. Their effect on carbohydrate metabolism is insignificant.

Natural sweeteners

These are substances that are closest in composition to sucrose. However, their family ties with healthy fruits and berries make them indispensable for making life easier for diabetics. And the most famous among this group is fructose. Natural sweeteners are perfectly digestible and completely safe, but they are also high in calories. The only exception is stevia, which has all the benefits of natural sweeteners, but does not contain calories.

So, fructose. Our body is very familiar with this substance. From early childhood, when you are not yet familiar with sweets and cakes, mothers begin to give you pureed fruits and vegetables. They are its natural sources. In addition, it should be noted that fructose does not have such a strong effect on blood sugar levels, which means that it can be consumed by diabetics. Plus, this is one of the few sweeteners that is used to make jams and preserves. An excellent effect is obtained by adding fructose to baked goods. However, in large quantities it increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it is permissible to consume no more than 30-40 g per day.

Stevia tablets

This is a common herb that grows in Brazil. The glycosides in its leaves make this plant very sweet. We can say that this is an ideal sugar substitute, wonderful and very healthy. Stevia is almost 25 times sweeter than sugar, so its price is very low. In Brazil, stevia tablets are widely used as a safe sweetener that contains 0 calories.

If you are planning to go on a diet, but can’t give up sweets, then this is your best assistant. Stevia is non-toxic. Most often it is well tolerated and has good taste. Some people note a slight bitter taste, but you quickly get used to it. It retains its properties even when heated, that is, it can be added to soups and porridges, compotes and tea. The benefit of the sweetener also lies in the fact that stevia is a source of vitamins. Its use is recommended for those whose diet contains few fresh fruits and vegetables and who have a poor diet. You can consume up to 40 g of stevia per day.

Synthetic sweeteners

This group includes a large number of different additives. These are saccharin and cyclamate, aspartame, sucrasite. These are pacifiers that deceive the taste buds and are not absorbed by the body. However, our body quickly recognizes deception. The sweet taste is a signal that carbohydrates are about to arrive. However, there are none, and therefore after a while you will develop a strong appetite. Moreover, after being deceived in the form of “diet” Coke, any carbohydrates that enter the body within 24 hours will cause a strong feeling of hunger. However, let's talk about everything in order. So whether a sweetener is harmful or, compared to regular sugar, it occupies a more advantageous position, we will find out further.


We can most often find it in various lemonades. It is the most popular sweetener today. There are no studies that indicate its harm, but any doctor will tell you that it is better to reduce its consumption to a minimum. In European countries they treat it with great caution and prohibit adding it to the diet of children under 14 years of age. Aspartame is not recommended for teenagers, but it is very difficult to exclude this substitute from the diet. But almost all lemonades with a minimum of calories are made with the addition of this sweetener. At high temperatures, aspartame is destroyed, so check the composition of the product in advance before using it in cooking. This applies primarily to the jams that we add to baked goods. Among the advantages, one can note the absence of an unpleasant aftertaste, as well as a sweetness that is 200 times greater than that of sucrose. Is the sweetener called aspartame harmful? Of course, it is quite difficult to call it useful, but it can be eaten in reasonable quantities.


It is most often added to products that come under the “sugar-free” logo. It is obtained from corn cobs and cotton seed husks. The calories and sweetness are equal to regular sugar, so you won't get much benefit from using it if your goal is weight loss. True, unlike simple sugar, it has a very beneficial effect on the condition of teeth and prevents the development of caries. It is not popular on the market and is quite rarely found in the form of a food additive, that is, a sweetener.


This is the very first substitute, which was discovered by a well-known chemist from that time. Sweetener tablets quickly became known and gained high popularity. They have amazing quality; sugar is 450 times less sweet than them. It should be noted that in acceptable doses it is normally tolerated by our body. The maximum daily dosage is 5 mg per 1 kg of weight. Regular increases in this dose can cause various problems in the body. It should be noted that the chances of receiving a significant dose of this substance every day are quite high. It is widely used in the production of ice cream and creams, gelatin desserts and other confectionery products. Look for the additive E 954, this name hides saccharin. When preparing jam or compotes, you need to take into account that this substitute is not a preservative.


This is the second large group of synthetic sugar substitutes. Experts do not recommend their use by pregnant women or children under 4 years of age. However, this does not mean that everyone else can use it without restrictions. The permissible dosage is 11 mg per 1 kg of weight. Cyclamate and saccharin are an optimal duet that gives the perfect sweet taste. This is the formula that underlies almost all popular sweeteners in our country. These are “Zukli”, “Milford” and a number of other popular names. All of them are suitable for dietary nutrition, but this group (like saccharin) is constantly accused by doctors of being carcinogenic.

"Milford" - a sweetener for you

This is a cyclamate-based sweetener and that is, this is a complex food supplement that contains lactose. The drug is produced in Germany, which already creates trust. It is registered in the Russian Federation, and there are studies confirming its safety. "Milford" is a sweetener that is produced both in the form of tablets and in the form of drops. It is very convenient to use, 1 tablet can replace 1 teaspoon of regular sugar. And the calorie content of 100 g of the drug is only 20 kcal. This sweetener is very widely used in the production of low-calorie compotes, preserves and jams. The use of this product during pregnancy is not recommended. It is also necessary to note a fairly strong choleretic effect, so regular use in food may be unsafe in the presence of cholelithiasis.

Sucralose - a safe sweet to be

We have come to such a sugar substitute as sucralose. Whether it is harmful or beneficial to the body, let’s look at it together. In fact, this is the only synthetic sugar about which doctors and nutritionists speak quite normally. Experts say that it can be safely consumed by pregnant women and small children. There is, however, a limitation - no more than 5 mg per 1 kg of weight. However, sucralose is almost never used in industry. We have already determined the harm or benefit of it; according to nutritionists, it is absolutely safe. It seems that this should determine the popularity of this sweetener. However, it is quite expensive, which means that the palm is being taken over by more affordable analogues.

"Fit Parade"

This is a real hit today, which is only gaining popularity. The main feature is the absence of a specific taste for which stevia is famous. "Fit Parade" was created specifically for those who follow a strict diet and cannot afford to consume sugar. It contains polyol-erythritol and rose hips, as well as intense sweeteners such as sucralose and stevioside. Calorie content is only 19 kcal per 100 g of product, this alone indicates that it is worth taking “Fit Parade”. Reviews from endocrinologists confirm that this is a natural sweetener of a new generation, which is devoid of the shortcomings of most of its predecessors. Like stevia, it is an all-natural product that has a great sweet taste. It does not contain GMOs and is absolutely harmless to health.

What does the “Fit Parade” sweetener contain? Reviews from nutritionists say that, in addition to everything, this is a real sweet pharmacy, which contains vitamins and macroelements, inulin and pectin substances, fiber and amino acids. That is, a glass of sweet tea will not only be harmless, but also beneficial for your health. Its main components are stevioside, erythritol, Jerusalem artichoke extract and sucralose. We have already talked about stevia extract, and about sucralose too. Jerusalem artichoke is also a source of fiber. Erythritol is a polyhydric sugar alcohol found in many fruits and vegetables. At the same time, it is almost not absorbed by the body, which determines its low calorie content. Thus, the “Fit” sweetener is an innovative sweetener of the highest quality. If you are concerned about your health, then try using it along with sugar. It is heat-resistant, which means it can be added to baked goods. It can be used by diabetics for whom sugar is contraindicated. It is also widely used by the fair half of humanity during tedious diets, when one craves something sweet.

Novasweet from the company "NovaProduct AG"

This huge concern of the year produces high-quality diabetic products. Moreover, the products are widely known not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Novasweet (a sugar substitute) is based on fructose and sorbitol. We have already described the pros and cons of fructose, let's now talk about sorbitol. It is a natural sweetener found in apricots and apples, as well as rowan berries. That is, it is a polyhydric sugar alcohol, but simple sugar is three times sweeter than sorbitol. In turn, this sweetener has its pros and cons. Sorbitol helps the body reduce the consumption of vitamins and improve the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. This is an excellent choleretic agent. However, sorbitol has 50 times more calories than sugar and is not suitable for those watching their figure. If consumed in large quantities, it may cause nausea and stomach upset.

Who uses this sweetener? Reviews suggest that these are usually people suffering from diabetes. The main advantage of the product is that Novasweet is made exclusively from natural ingredients. That is, it contains vitamins C, E, P, and minerals. Fructose and sorbitol are substances that our body regularly receives from vegetables and fruits, that is, they are not foreign and do not cause metabolic problems. For a diabetic patient, safety is one of the main selection criteria.

This sweetener does not contain any GMOs, which could be harmful to patients' health. The use of this substitute allows you to slow down the process of processing sugar in the blood and thereby control glucose levels. Numerous reviews indicate that this particular sweetener is the optimal choice for diabetics. It has no side effects and does not harm the body. But such a sweetener is not suitable for weight loss, since it is too high in calories; it is much easier to simply reduce the consumption of regular sugar.

Thus, we have listed the main sweetener tablets that exist on the market today. After analyzing their pros and cons, you can choose the one that suits you best. All of them have undergone studies that have confirmed their safety. Depending on your goals, they can be used both on an ongoing basis and as a sugar substitute during a short-term diet. However, some should be consumed in limited quantities, which must be taken into account. Be sure to discuss your choices with a dietitian first to ensure you are making the right choice. Be healthy.

Harm of sweeteners

Most of us love sweet taste, and some of us are completely addicted to it. There is no need to convince anyone of the dangers of sugar, but giving up sweets is difficult. What to do? Should I use a sweetener instead of sugar? Is it safe? And if so, which one is the best?

Simple sugars are not only harmful to health, but also to your figure, because... if consumed in large quantities, they are stored as fatty tissue. Excess sucrose, glucose-fructose syrup or disrupts carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and also acidifies the body.

I suggest reading in detail about the dangers of sweeteners below in the articles I have collected on this topic.

All sweeteners and sweeteners can be divided into 2 categories:

  1. Synthetic sweeteners.
  2. Natural sweeteners.

Synthetic sweeteners

There are many synthetic sweeteners and sweeteners: aspartame (the most common), suclamate. All synthetic sugar substitutes are hazardous to health. The harm of these sweeteners is difficult to overestimate. Their only advantage - low calorie content - upon closer examination turns out to be a disadvantage and leads to weight gain.

Natural sweeteners

There are also natural sweeteners and sweeteners - for example, fructose, xylitol,. The main disadvantage of natural sweeteners is their calorie content. Overuse of these sugar substitutes can cause significant harm to your figure. In addition, almost all of them have unpleasant side effects and can be harmful to health.

Diseases caused by sweeteners: the sweetener aspartame is the most harmful and the most common at the same time. At a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius, it breaks down into formaldehyde (class A carcinogen), methanol and phenylalanine (toxic in combination with other proteins).

Causes dizziness, nausea, indigestion, headaches, rapid heartbeat, allergies, insomnia, depression and... increases appetite. The sweetener saccharin is a carcinogen and can cause tumor formation. Sweetener suclamate – causes allergies (dermatitis).

Sweeteners xylitol and sorbitol - have a choleretic and laxative effect (xylitol to a greater extent than sorbitol). Xylitol can cause bladder cancer. Advantage - unlike sugar, it does not worsen the condition of teeth (which is why it is often used in toothpastes and chewing gums).

The sweetener fructose causes an imbalance in the acid-base balance in the body. Additional harm from synthetic sweeteners is that they are not absorbed by the body and cannot be eliminated in the usual way!

The effectiveness of sweeteners for weight loss: synthetic sweeteners and sweeteners not only do not help you lose weight, but often lead to the opposite effect. Why is this happening? The fact is that when sugar enters the body, insulin begins to be produced and drops.

The same thing happens when we eat low-calorie sugar substitutes. The body prepares to receive and process carbohydrates, but does not receive them. The next time carbohydrates are consumed, the body produces increased amounts of insulin and creates fat reserves.

Natural sweeteners do not help you lose weight due to their calorie content. With the exception of stevia, which contains no calories and does not affect blood glucose levels. Conclusion: the use of synthetic and natural sweeteners and products containing them (advertised as dietary) can lead to weight gain and cause serious harm to health.

What else can you replace sugar with?

In addition to the above sweeteners, you can use honey, which is not only a safe, but also a healthy product. To give a sweet taste, you need less honey than sugar. Honey contains many useful minerals and vitamins. strengthens the immune system and increases endurance.

You can also use maple syrup. Maple syrup contains 5% sucrose and some monosaccharides. Maple syrup can be used to make solid maple sugar. And a separate article about the only healthy sweetener containing 0 calories - Stevia sweetener.


Sweeteners: benefits and harms

For many people who play sports and watch their diet, the urgent question is how to reduce, and ideally, completely eliminate the consumption of sugar and sweet foods. Habitual foods and drinks without sugar lose their taste appeal.


In addition, many women experience attachment to sweets on an emotional level. After all, chocolate instantly lifts your mood, and a cup of aromatic, invigorating sweet coffee in the morning is generally a necessary ritual, without which the whole day will go down the drain. The logical way out of this situation is to purchase a sugar substitute.

Today we will talk about which sugar substitutes you can use to brighten up your sweet-deprived dietary routine, as well as whether you can use such drugs in your daily diet without fear of harming your own health.

So, all the substances that industry produces to replace sugar are divided into two types: Sweeteners (sugar substitutes) are substances that have a calorie content close to sugar and are involved in metabolism. These products include fructose, isomaltose and xylitol.

Sweeteners are substances that have zero calorie content and do not participate in energy metabolism. These substances include saccharin, cyclamate, aspartame, sucralose and stevioside. Sweeteners, like sweeteners, can be natural or synthetic.

Natural substances include, firstly, substances obtained from natural raw materials, and, secondly, compounds obtained artificially, which nevertheless occur in nature. Synthetic sugar substitutes are chemically produced compounds that do not occur in nature.

Of course, when choosing between a natural and a synthetic substance, you should prefer the first option. This is at least safer for your health. But how do you know, looking at the diet food shelf in the supermarket, which of the ten jars to put in your cart?

Let's figure out together what this or that sugar substitute or sweetener is, and what should be chosen by those who want to lose weight and not harm their own health. The advantage of sugar substitutes over sugar is that they are absorbed more slowly and have a lower concentration.

But still, due to their calorie content, sweeteners are contraindicated for people who want to lose excess weight. It is recommended to either completely replace them with sweeteners or alternate with them. Substances. The truth about food chemistry and sweeteners. All sweeteners are practically harmless, as they are of natural origin.

But with many sweeteners things are different. The harm of sweeteners actually comes down to their calorie content. But the harm from consuming some sweeteners is due to their carcinogenic effects on the body. Let's look at the most common food additives that are used as an alternative to regular sugar.

The most popular sweeteners: fructose

As the name suggests, fructose is fruit sugar. This sugar substitute is absorbed more slowly than sucrose (classic sugar), but during metabolism it turns into the same glucose. Fructose should be consumed only if there is no other alternative to sugar, and you cannot live without it.

Natural origin. Not suitable for those wishing to lose weight. The advantage over sugar is that it is absorbed more slowly. Isomaltose It is also a natural sugar that is commercially produced by fermenting sucrose. Isomaltose is also a natural component of honey and cane sugar.

Actually, this sugar substitute has approximately the same basic properties as fructose. Natural origin. Not suitable for those wishing to lose weight. Slowly absorbed without causing an insulin surge in the body.


Xylitol sweetener crystals. Xylitol, no matter how strange it may sound, is a crystalline alcohol. Transparent sweet crystals are obtained from waste plant materials: corn cobs, sunflower husks, and wood. Xylitol, despite its calorie content, is absorbed very slowly.

In addition, consuming this sugar substitute has a positive effect on the condition of teeth and gums. Natural origin. Partially suitable for those wishing to lose weight (in small quantities). Slowly absorbed, has a positive effect on dental and oral health. An overdose of xylitol can cause stomach upset.

Saccharin (E954)

This is the first artificial sweetener to start our list. So, rejoice, young chemist, saccharin is 2-sulfobenzoic acid imide. Colorless crystals, poorly soluble in water. Saccharin is many times sweeter than sugar and contains no calories. On its basis, drugs such as Sukrazit have been developed. Synthetic origin.

Suitable for those who want to lose weight, as it does not contain calories. There are hypotheses that consuming saccharin may cause cancer. But they have not been scientifically proven, so decide for yourself whether to eat this product or not. The drug is currently approved for use and is widely used in food production.

Aspartame (E951)

The sweetener aspartame in the human body breaks down into two amino acids and methanol. Like saccharin, aspartame is a chemical whose name is L-Aspartyl-L-phenylalanine methyl. Aspartame has a calorie content close to sugar, but since the amount required to obtain a sweet taste is truly negligible, these calories should not be taken into account.

There have been no studies that have revealed the harmful effects of aspartame on the human body. However, it is known for certain that in the body it breaks down into two amino acids and methanol. Amino acids, as we know, do not bring us any harm, on the contrary, but methanol, in turn, is a strong poison.

Synthetic origin. Suitable for those who want to lose weight, due to the fact that very little is required for the sweet taste. The breakdown of aspartame produces methanol, which is subsequently oxidized to formaldehyde.

This substance affects the nervous and cardiovascular systems of the body. Therefore, we do not recommend using aspartame as an alternative to sugar. By the way, it is found in carbonated drinks and chewing gum.

Cyclamate (E952)

Cyclamate or sodium cyclamate is a chemical that is widely used in the production of carbonated drinks. Cyclamate contains no calories and is not absorbed by the body. At the moment, cyclamate is prohibited in the United States, as it can cause disturbances in the embryonic development of the fetus in pregnant women.

Synthetic origin. Suitable for those who want to lose weight, does not contain calories. Can cause disturbances in fetal development in. Strictly prohibited for pregnant women. In general, we do not recommend using this substance, even if you are not a pregnant woman, but, say, a well-fed and well-mannered man.

Stevioside (E960)

The only natural sweetener is stevioside. Stevioside is the first natural product on our list of sweeteners. It is obtained from the extract of the stevia plant. The substance has a faint herbal aftertaste and dissolves in water, but not instantly, but within a few minutes.


Stevioside contains some calories, but they are very small and may not count for anything overall. Scientific discussions have been raging around stevia extract since the 30s of the twentieth century. With varying success, this substance is either accused of having mutagenic properties, or again rehabilitated.

Currently, no evidence of harmful effects of stevia extract on the body has been found. Natural origin. Suitable for those who want to lose weight. There is a hypothesis that stevioside may be a mutagen, but it has not been confirmed by anything.

Sucralose (E955)

Sucralose is a relatively new member of the sweetener family, first discovered in the 80s. No harmful effects of sucralose on the human body have been identified. This supplement is not absorbed by the body.

Synthetic origin. Suitable for those who want to lose weight, as it is not absorbed by the body. No harmful effects on the body have been identified. What to choose as a sugar substitute? So, after reading our article, you yourself can quite form an opinion about which sugar substitute you prefer.

But in general, we can give the following recommendation: if you are not overweight and you do not have a goal to lose weight, you can consume both regular sugar and any natural sweeteners. Substitutes are preferable in that they take time to be absorbed by the body and your blood glucose levels do not rise too sharply.

If you intend to lose weight and need something sweet and low-calorie, choose stevia extract or preparations containing sucralose. The main thing is to always remember that before adding any substance to food, you should familiarize yourself with the recommended dosage and never exceed it.

If you do not have these sweeteners readily available, refrain from purchasing preparations based on aspartame or cyclomate. It's better to get fat than to be poisoned, isn't it? Eat right, don’t forget about physical activity, and then, even if you drink a glass of tea with the most ordinary white sugar, nothing bad will happen.


More about sweeteners

Since the invention of artificial sweeteners, debate has continued about whether they are harmful or not. In fact, there are quite harmless sweeteners, but there are also those that can harm the body. Therefore, you need to have a good understanding of which sugar substitutes you can use and which ones you shouldn’t.

How were sweeteners invented? The chemist Fahlberg is considered the inventor of saccharin. He realized that there were sugar substitutes by accident when one day, taking a piece of bread into his mouth, he felt a sweet taste. It turned out that he forgot to wash his hands after working in the laboratory.

So he returned to the laboratory and confirmed his guess. This is how synthesized sugar appeared. Sweeteners: benefit or harm? Sweeteners can be synthetic or natural. Synthetic ones are artificially produced and contain much fewer calories than natural ones.

But they also have a side effect: they increase appetite. This is due to the fact that the body senses a sweet taste and expects the intake of carbohydrates. And since they do not arrive, during the day all the absorbed carbohydrates will cause a feeling of hunger.

And this will negatively affect your figure. Therefore, is it worth sparing a few calories for the body if you realize that you will eat more? Synthetic sweeteners include sucrasite, saccharin, aspartame and others. But there are also natural sugar substitutes. Some of them are not inferior in calorie content to sugar, but are much healthier.

In addition, the existence of such sugar substitutes for diabetics is an excellent way out of a situation where it is not worth consuming sugar. Natural sweeteners include honey, xylitol, sorbitol and others.

Sugar substitute - fructose, benefits of fructose

It is loved because it is sweeter than sugar, which means less fructose is used to sweeten something. It can also be used by diabetics.

Cons of fructose (possible harm)

Don't get too carried away. Firstly, by abusing fructose, there is a risk of developing heart problems, and secondly, fructose in the body serves as the basis for the formation of fat. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, it is better to limit fructose. A safe dose of fructose in 24 hours is about 30 grams.

Sweetener – sorbitol (E 420)

Sorbitol is another natural sugar substitute found mainly in apricots and rowan berries. It is usually used by diabetics. It is not very suitable for weight loss - it is three times less sweet than sugar. And in terms of calorie content it is not inferior to it.

Pros of sorbitol

Sorbitol helps foods not to spoil for a long time. In addition, it stimulates the stomach and prevents beneficial substances from leaving the body prematurely. Disadvantages of sorbitol (possible harm) Not only can you gain weight by consuming sorbitol in large quantities, but you will also get an upset stomach. The safe dose of sorbitol is the same as that of fructose - within 40 grams.

Sugar substitute – xylitol (E967)

You won't be able to lose weight by consuming xylitol either, because it contains the same calories as sugar. But if you have problems with your teeth, it would be better to replace sugar with xylitol. Pros of Xylitol Xylitol, like other natural sugar substitutes, can be consumed by diabetics. In addition, it speeds up metabolism and improves the condition of teeth.

Cons of xylitol (possible harm)

If you consume xylitol in unlimited quantities, there is a risk of getting a stomach upset. Safe daily dose is within 40 grams. Sweetener - saccharin (E-954) It is also used in the production of tableted sugar substitutes. It is hundreds of times sweeter than sugar.

In addition, it is low in calories and is not absorbed by the body. Pros of saccharin Promotes weight loss, as it is much sweeter than sugar, which means you need to consume less of it. And there are no calories in it.

Cons of saccharin (possible harm)

Saccharin can harm the human stomach. In some countries it is even banned. Also contains carcinogenic substances that cause serious illness. In general, if saccharin is worth consuming, it should be consumed very rarely. Safe dose: it is better not to exceed a daily dose of 0.2 grams.

Sugar substitute – cyclamate (E 952)

Cyclamate is not as sweet as saccharin, but still much sweeter than sugar. In addition, it has a more pleasant taste than saccharin. Pros of cyclamate If you need to lose weight, you can use cyclamate instead of sugar. It dissolves well in water and can be used to sweeten tea or.

In addition, it is very low in calories. Disadvantages of cyclamate (possible harm) There are several types of cyclamate: calcium and sodium. So, sodium can be harmful to a person suffering from kidney failure.

It should also not be taken while breastfeeding or pregnant. In addition, it cannot be found in the EU countries and the USA. But it is quite inexpensive, so it is popular among Russians. A safe dose should not exceed 0.8 grams in 24 hours.

Sweetener – aspartame (E 951)

This sugar substitute is used to make confectionery and drinks sweeter because it is much sweeter than regular sugar, and therefore more profitable to use. It is available in powder and tablet form. It has a pleasant taste.

Pros of aspartame

Aspartame has no calories. It is also beneficial to use. Cons of aspartame (possible harm) This sugar substitute is unstable in high temperatures. In addition, it can cause serious harm to people with phenylketonuria. A safe dose of aspartame is approximately 3 grams in 24 hours.

Sugar substitute – acesulfame potassium (E 950 or Sweet One)

Acesulfame potassium is much sweeter than sugar, like previous sweeteners. This means that they are actively used for making drinks and sweets. Pros of acesulfame potassium It contains no calories, is not absorbed by the body and is eliminated quickly.


In addition, it can be consumed by allergy sufferers - it does not cause allergies. Cons of acesulfame potassium (possible harm) The first disadvantage of this sweetener is the effect it has on the heart. The functioning of the heart is disrupted, which is fraught with serious consequences. The reason for this is methyl ether.

In addition, due to the stimulating effect it has on the nervous system, it is not recommended for use by young mothers and children. A safe dose is up to one gram per 24 hours.

Sweetener – sucrasite

This sugar substitute can be used by diabetics. It is not absorbed by the body. The tablets also contain an acid regulator.

Pros of sucrasite

Sukrasite is ten times sweeter than sugar and contains no calories. Moreover, it is economical. One package can replace 5-6 kilograms of sugar.

Cons of sucrasite (possible harm)

One of the ingredients included in the tablets is toxic to the body. But these pills have not yet been banned. Therefore, if possible, it is better not to use them. A safe dose should not exceed 0.6 grams per day.

Stevia - natural sugar substitute (SWETA)

Stevia grows in South and Central America. Drinks are made from it. It is, of course, not as sweet as synthetic sugar substitutes, but it is natural. In addition, it benefits the body. Stevia comes in various forms, but it is most convenient to use in powder.

Pros of Stevia Stevia is tasty and inexpensive. Moreover, it does not increase blood sugar levels, which means that diabetics can consume it. In addition, stevia is lower in calories than sugar, so it will be useful for anyone who wants to lose weight. Cons of Stevia: Stevia has no disadvantages.

The safe dose is up to 35 grams per day. When we see what side effects synthetic sweeteners sometimes have, we can’t help but be glad that we don’t use them. But don't rush to conclusions! But what about all the products that we buy in stores?

Will the manufacturer really spend money on using natural sweeteners? Of course not. That’s why we consume a huge amount of sweeteners without even knowing it. This means that you need to carefully read the ingredients on food packages and try to eat healthy and natural products, including sweeteners.


Is sweetener harmful?

Reasonable consumption of sugar (especially in the form of dried fruits and honey) does not cause harm, which cannot be said about sweeteners, which have a very harmful effect on the body.

First, let's understand the mechanism of sugar processing. So, taste buds give a signal about the arrival of something sweet, then the production of insulin begins and intensive burning of sugar contained in the blood. Consequently, its level drops significantly. At the same time, the stomach, having received a similar signal, “awaits” carbohydrates.

And we give him “zero calories” - and don’t deny yourself anything. The body “remembers” the stressful situation, and the next time carbohydrates are supplied, it “takes revenge” with a powerful release of glucose, which leads to the production of insulin and the deposition of fat “in reserve.” This is such a vicious circle: we reduce calorie content by using a substitute, but we end up with extra pounds and health problems.

If you do not use a substitute in tablets, that’s very good. But! Take any sugary diet food product and read the label. It definitely doesn't contain sugar. But it is possible that it contains those same synthetic sweeteners: such as aspartame, saccharin, cyclamate, thaumatin.

The most harmless of the above is aspartame (E 951). “This is the only product with a relatively large body of clear evidence of health hazards and deaths associated with it,” said Betty Martini, a member of Mission Possible.

The fact is that when heated to 30 degrees, aspartame breaks down into methanol and phenylalanine. Methanol, in turn, is converted to formaldehyde, which is a strong carcinogen. And phenylalanine becomes toxic when combined with other proteins.

Cases of poisoning from food doses of aspartame have been reported. Headaches, indigestion, nausea, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, weight gain, depression - this is not a complete list of the body’s reactions to the use of aspartame.


Saccharin (E 954) is the first sweet synthetic substance. It is a component of electrolytes used in electroplating. The carcinogenicity of saccharin has been confirmed by many years of research. The World Health Organization has stated that a dose of 5 mg per kilogram of body weight per day is hazardous to health.

Cyclamate (E 952) has been banned in the United States since 1969 on charges of carcinogenicity. Thaumatin (E 957) disrupts hormonal balance, its use is also prohibited. In addition, being “foreign” substances, sweeteners cannot be absorbed and excreted from the body like products familiar to it (Note from the site editor: this statement by the author is controversial).

Thus, an additional burden is created, which again affects our health. So why do manufacturers continue to use synthetic substitutes if they are so dangerous?


  • “chemistry” is much cheaper than natural sugar;
  • saccharin and other saccharin-based substitutes are preservatives;
  • the same aspartame increases appetite and causes thirst, which significantly increases sales volumes of manufactured products.

In this article we focus specifically on natural sugar substitutes. About synthetic substitutes.

People with a sweet tooth often cannot lose weight precisely because of their love for sweets that contain sugar, and therefore fast carbohydrates that are converted into fat deposits. People have always been looking for sugar substitutes that are sweet, but at the same time safe and calorie-free. The industry produces many types of sweeteners, which are used in the production of confectionery, sweet soda, and nectars. They are added to supposedly low-calorie products for those suffering from obesity or diabetes. But are sweeteners safe, do they really not add extra calories, what sweeteners can be used without fear of gaining weight or compromising your health. Let's figure it out.

Types of sweeteners and sweeteners

All sugar substitutes are divided into two main categories: synthetic and organic.

Organic or natural sweeteners:

Their main advantage is that they are completely absorbed by the body, add a sweet taste to dishes, replacing sugar and even surpassing it in sweetness. The downside is that they also contain calories, which means you won't be able to lose weight by using them.

Synthetic sweeteners include:

  • cyclamate;
  • aspartame;
  • sukrasite;
  • Acesulfame potassium.

They sweeten foods and can be used to replace sugar in tea or coffee when you are on a diet. Some of them have zero calories and are convenient to use. After all, they are produced in the form of tiny tablets, each of which replaces a teaspoon of sugar.

You can also purchase sweeteners and sweeteners in liquid form. In industry, sweeteners come in small plastic containers, each of which replaces 6-12 kg of pure sugar.

Harm of sweeteners

Synthetic sweeteners are not absorbed and are excreted from the body naturally. It would seem that this is the solution to the problem! But the sad news is that almost all artificial sweeteners disrupt the functioning of the endocrine system, and in particular the production of insulin. Whenever you eat something sweet, all organs and systems perceive this as a signal to release insulin into the blood. But, in essence, there is nothing to process; there is no sugar as such, there is only its taste. This means that insulin is useless. In order to somehow use it up, the body begins to wait for the arrival of carbohydrates, which provokes an even greater attack of hunger. This wait drags on for almost a day, until you eat something really sweet - fruit or candy - it doesn’t matter anymore. This is also due to the conditioned reflex that causes our appetite when we ingest something sweet.

If you have ever drunk drinks such as Coca-Cola light or Coca-Cola 0 calories, then you probably remember how they make you want to drink or eat even more after them.

The sugar substitutes used to make these drinks are designed to eliminate sweets from the menu, but they whet the appetite even more. Therefore, by deceiving the body in this, you will not be able to suppress the feeling of hunger in general, which means that taking such sweeteners will not benefit you.

Here you can watch a video about the dangers and benefits of sweeteners:

Which sweeteners are harmless and safe?

But there are also safe sweeteners, which are distinguished by the fact that they have no calories, do not cause the release of insulin and can sweeten the life even of those who suffer from diabetes. We are talking about stevia, a natural sweetener that is made from an herb that grows in Paraguay and Brazil.

It is not for nothing that stevia is considered the best sweetener, and is allowed in almost all countries of the world. In America, Japan, Brazil, and Europe it is even recommended for use. Of course, moderation is good in everything and the sugar substitute stevia should not be consumed more than 40g per day.

Benefits of Stevia Tablets

  • Stevia tablets are 25 times sweeter than sugar.
  • The sweetness comes from glycosides contained in the leaves.
  • It is a safe and calorie-free sugar substitute.
  • Stevia powder or tablets can be added to any dishes that are cooked, hot drinks, and confectionery products.
  • It is used in the form of powder from crushed leaves, infusion, and sweet tea is made from its leaves.
  • Stevia is processed by the body without the participation of insulin.
  • Stevia is non-toxic and suitable for those suffering from diabetes or obesity.
  • The sugar substitute stevia dissolves easily and does not change its properties when heated.
  • Low calorie stevioside - 1g. Stevia contains 0.2 kcal. So you can compare, 1g of sugar = 4 kcal, which is 20 times more.
  • Withstands heating up to 200 degrees, so it can be used in cooking.

Many scientists note that with regular use of stevia, health only improves.

  • the digestive system, liver, pancreas begins to work better;
  • the walls of blood vessels are strengthened;
  • allergic reactions to sweets disappear in children and adults;
  • the growth of tumors slows down;
  • vigor appears, mental and physical performance increases, activity, which is very important for those who diet and play sports.

It will help those who are forced to eat only freeze-dried foods, monotonous and thermally processed dishes.

Harm of the sweetener stevia

  • No harmful or side effects have been identified from consuming stevia.
  • It is recommended to consume no more than 40g of this sweetener per day.

How and where to buy stevia

You can buy stevia in pharmacies or in special sections of grocery stores intended for diabetics. Stevia solution with different flavors, 30 ml each, can be used in the form of drops. For a glass of liquid, 4-5 drops or two tablets are enough. As stated in the instructions, stevia stimulates metabolic processes, participates in the mobilization of sugar from the blood, lowers cholesterol levels, helps normalize blood pressure, and restores collagen in the joints.

There are no side effects; allergies may occur if there is individual intolerance.

The price of stevia in Moscow pharmacies ranges from 150 to 425 rubles per jar. 100g of pure stevia extract costs about 700 rubles. At Pyaterochka you can buy a jar of 150 stevia tablets for 147 rubles. Liquid sweetener stevia is available in different flavors: mint, orange, vanilla, raspberry, strawberry, chocolate, etc. This means that you can add tablets to water, as well as to any dishes and drinks, so as not to lack sweets.

Stevia reviews

The reviews are most positive. Those who have managed to appreciate the merits of this sugar substitute say that they have learned to cook using a liquid or tablet preparation, adding it to ready-made dishes or drinks.

Anna, 45 years old, housewife
Since childhood, I was overweight, and as I grew older, it turned out that I had high blood sugar and excess cholesterol. The doctor forbade me to eat sweets, confectionery, and baked goods. And I love all this very much, I may not even eat, but have sweets at hand. At first I suffered until the doctor advised me to use the sugar substitute stevia. I was afraid of side effects, as with other substitutes, but Stevia is completely safe, and now I have healed in a new way. Sugar is normal, weight decreased by 6 kg in the first month. Even my blood tests have improved!

Evgeniy, pensioner, 71 years old.
I haven’t eaten sweets since I was 56, all because of the diagnosis of stage 3 obesity. I learned about stevia from a neighbor, I immediately bought it for myself, now I drink my favorite sweet tea, I learned how to add drops to porridge and compote. The most amazing thing is that the weight began to decrease, lightness appeared, and there was no fatigue as before.

Marina, 23 years old, lawyer.
I didn't really like stevia. It is really inexpensive and safe, but the taste is not at all what I expected. It's kind of sweet and didn't suit me.

Of course, whether or not to use this sweetener is up to you, but stevia is considered the best, natural and affordable sugar substitute today. To understand which sweeteners you can use and which you shouldn’t, let’s learn more about each of them.

Natural sugar substitutes


Fructose is a natural sweetener

Many products, sweets, candies, and cookies for diabetics are made with fructose.

This natural sugar is obtained from fruits, berries, and is found in the nectar of flowering plants, honey, seeds and herbs.

Benefits of Fructose

  • 1.7 times sweeter than sucrose;
  • 30% fewer calories than sucrose;
  • does not increase blood sugar levels sharply, therefore it is allowed for diabetics;
  • has preservative properties, so you can prepare compotes, jams, marshmallows, jams, etc. for future use;
  • breaks down alcohols in the blood, so it can be used in case of toxic reactions of the body to alcoholic drinks;
  • pies and other baked goods made with fructose are more fluffy and airy.

Harm from fructose

  • at large doses that exceed 20% of the daily diet, it can cause problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • It is recommended no more than 30-40g per day.

Organic sugar substitute Sorbitol (E420)

The sweetener Sorbitol is made from apples, apricots, and rowan.

It tastes 3 times sweeter than regular sugar. It is allowed to be consumed by diabetics. It has been recognized as a food product by the European Community of Experts. If Sorbitol is contained in finished products, then manufacturers must put the E420 symbol on the packaging.

Benefits of Sorbitol

  • Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, heals the intestinal microflora.
  • Used as a choleretic agent.
  • Dishes prepared using sorbitol do not spoil for a long time.

Disadvantages of Sorbitol

  • In large quantities, Sorbitol can cause bloating, nausea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Sorbitol has a high calorie content, it is 53% higher than the calorie content of sugar.
  • Not recommended for those who decide to lose weight.
  • You should not consume more than 30-40g of Sorbitol per day.

Sugar substitute Xylitol

Another fairly common sugar substitute is Xylitol, which is obtained from the husks of cotton seeds and corn cobs.

Benefits of Xylitol

  • Improves the condition of the oral cavity, as it does not destroy tooth enamel and prevents the development of caries. Due to this property, it is often included in chewing gums and mouth rinses, medicinal syrups, and toothpastes.
  • Slowly enters the bloodstream without increasing sugar levels.
  • Strengthens the secretory functions of the stomach, promotes the outflow of bile.

Cons of Xylitol

  • In case of overdose, it acts as a laxative.
  • The calorie content is equal to regular sugar - 2.43 kcal/g for xylitol and 3.8 kcal/g for sugar.
  • It is not recommended to consume more than 40g per day.

Erythritol - natural sweetener (E968)

This substance is obtained from fruits such as plum, pear, grapes, which contain up to 40 mg per kilogram of product, as well as from melon, which contains even more - 50 mg per 1 kg.

Erythritol is also obtained from the industrial processing of corn, tapioca and other starch-containing products.

Benefits of Erythritol

  • low calorie content - 0.2 kcal/g;
  • ability to withstand heat up to 180 degrees C;
  • excellent taste characteristics corresponding to regular sugar;
  • energy value 0 kcal;
  • prevention of caries and oral problems;
  • can be used for obesity and diabetes;
  • cooling effect, like after mint.

Disadvantages of Erythritol

  • If you consume more than 50g per day, diarrhea may begin.

Buy erythritol

You can buy erythritol at the following prices:

  • “Sukrin” from Funksjonell Mat (Norway) - 620 rubles for 500 g
  • 100% erythritol" from Now Foods (USA) - 887 RUR for 1134 g

Erythritol is often included in complex preparations, for example, the sweetener Fitparad.

And here’s what Dr. Kovalkov thinks about sweeteners:

In the following article, you can learn about synthetic sweeteners such as saccharin, cyclamate, aspartame, acesulfame potassium, sucrasite.

Sweeteners Fit Parade, Milford - reviews

Synthetic sugar substitutes are more often called sweeteners, since they are not fully sweeteners. They are not absorbed by the body, creating only the illusion of a sweet taste.

Many manufacturers create new sweeteners by combining synthetic drugs with natural sugar substitutes.

In the table you can see the most common sweeteners and learn about their benefits and harms.

Name Commercial names Included in other drugs Advantages Harm Allowed quantity per day
Saccharin (E954) Sweet io, Sprinkle Sweet, Sweet"n"Low, Twin Sweet Sugar, Milford Zus, Sukrasit, Sladis Contains no calories;
100 tablets = 6-12 kg of sugar;
heat resistant;
resistant in acidic environment
Unpleasant metallic taste;
Contains carcinogens; should not be consumed. On empty stomach;
May aggravate gallstone disease;
Banned in Canada
No more than 0.2g
Cyclamate (E952) Potassium cyclamate;
Sodium cyclamate
Tsukli, Susli, Milford, Diamant 30-50 times sweeter than sugar;
contains no calories;
stable when heated
Increases the risk of developing bladder cancer;
Prohibited in the USA and EEC countries;
Strengthens the effect of other carcinogens;
Do not use if you have kidney failure, during pregnancy or breastfeeding
10 mg per 1 kg of body weight or no more than 0.8 g per day.
Aspartame (E 951) Sweetly, Slastilin, Sucrazide, Nutris-Vit Surel, Dulko, etc. In its pure form it is produced under the names NutraSweet or Sladex 180-200 times sweeter than sucrose;
has no aftertaste;
contains no calories;
replaces 4-8 kg of regular sugar
thermally unstable;
Contraindicated for people suffering from phenylketonuria;
the breakdown of aspartame produces methanol, which is subsequently oxidized to formaldehyde
No more than 3.5 g
Acesulfame potassium (E950) Sunett;
acesulfame K;
"Eurosvit", "Slamix", "Aspasvit" 200 times sweeter than sucrose;
long shelf life;
no calories;
not allergic;
does not cause caries
does not participate in metabolism, is not absorbed, does not accumulate in internal organs and is excreted unchanged from the body. Conditionally harmless, but was banned in the USA for a long time as a poison No more than 1g
Sukrazit Surel, Sladis, Milford Suss, Sweet time Sweet sugar, Sladex, Argoslastin, Marmix, Sweetland, Fit Parade, Tsukli, Rio, Nutri Sweet, Novasit, Ginlight, Stastilin, Shugafri 1200 tablets-6kg of sugar;
0 kclal;
Meals can be boiled and frozen
Contains toxic fumaric acid No more than 0.7g

Even if these data did not please you and made you want to give them up, most likely you will not succeed, because all these sweeteners are actively used in the confectionery production and bakery industry. Sweet carbonated drinks are rich in them, they are added to medicines to suppress bitterness.

Sweetener Fit parade

One of the most popular sweeteners has become fit parad, which is a complex preparation containing, as indicated on the packaging:

  • erythritol();
  • sucralose
  • rosehip extract
  • stevizoid (E960).

Calorie content is 3.1 kcal per 100g

Stevia sugar is obtained by extracting it from the leaves of this plant. However, the difference between natural stevia and stevioside is still great - stevioside is no longer as natural as the plant itself, it is an extract obtained by chemical processing in a factory.

Rosehip extract is the most natural substance of all that is contained in the Fit Parade sweetener.


Manufacturers say the drug is harmless, but the same thing happened with aspartame, which was later recognized as dangerous. The chlorine contained in the composition can be harmful to the body.

Watch the video about FitParade safety

Unofficial reviews of Fit Parad

From consumer reviews of the Fit Parade sweetener, it follows that this drug is not so harmless. Here's what data was collected from different people who complained about:

  • decreased immunity;
  • gaining extra pounds;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the occurrence of tumors;
  • nervous disorders.

You can buy Fitparad sweetener at a pharmacy or in specialized departments of supermarkets. The cost of Fitparad ranges from 180 to 500 rubles per 400g. Produced in bags, jars, sachets, tablets.

Sweetener Milford

This sweetener is produced in different formulations under different names.

These can be the following types:

  • Milford Suss (Milford Suess): base - cyclamate, saccharin;
  • Milford Suss Aspartame (Milford Suss Aspartame): based on aspartame, produced in 100 and 300 tablets;
  • Milford with inulin (contains sucralose and inulin);
  • Milford Stevia (based on stevia leaf extract);
  • Milford Suss in liquid form: contains cyclamate and saccharin.

You can learn about each of the constituent substances in the table and draw your own conclusions about the dangers and benefits of these sugar substitutes.

The video will tell you about the properties of Milford:

Dietitian's opinion

The love for sweets is the same habit as all other human addictions. Whether or not to use sweeteners is a matter for everyone responsible for their health. If you cannot overcome your love for sweets, use natural and non-contraindicated sweeteners (), for example, Stevia. But if you decide to give up sweets, you can overcome your cravings in about three weeks. This is exactly what is required to acquire any habits. It is quite possible not to consume any sugar or sugar substitutes. after all, it is still found in natural vegetables, fruits, ready-made store-bought dishes and products. This will be beneficial not only for those who already suffer from diabetes or obesity, but also for healthy people.

Modern fashion and life itself dictate one rule - a person must be fit and slim.

Many of us make unimaginable sacrifices in the desire to lose weight: we exhaust ourselves with physical exercises, change our usual rhythm and lifestyle, go on all kinds of diets that exclude sweet foods and sugar from our diet.

But, since unsweetened tea or morning coffee is so unusual, it is not easy to resist eating sweet foods, especially difficult for those with a sweet tooth.

Many see an alternative and switch to sugar substitutes, motivating their choice by the fact that they replace sugar, are not as high in calories, and do not differ in taste. But is this the right choice and are we not harming our body?

Today we will talk about sweeteners, why exactly they can be dangerous to our health.


It is important to immediately understand that the market for sugar substitutes is NOT an honest market! A lot of information about the dangers of certain substances is hidden from the average consumer - from you and me! It has been proven for certain that many sugar substitutes allowed for consumption cause a very dangerous disease - cancer!

The purpose of this article is to provide our readers with up-to-date and truthful information. It may be tough and not too rosy, but, without a doubt, we all need it to maintain our health and save lives!

I really hope that this article will become a good helper for you, serve you well and protect you from harm.

Sweeteners - what is the danger to human health?

Let's look at the questions in detail:

  • Safe sweeteners - do they really exist?
  • Are sweeteners harmful or beneficial when losing weight?

A little about the dangers of consuming sugar

We all know that eating white sugar is quite harmful. Here are just a few very compelling arguments that may make you think about the advisability of consuming this sweet product:

  1. Sugar provokes liver disorders, due to which it increases in size, excess fat accumulates in it, and this causes liver steatosis, and subsequently can lead to cirrhosis or even cancer!
  2. One of the reasons for the formation of malignant tumors is excessive sugar consumption.
  3. Sugar can cause hormonal imbalances in the body.
  4. Consumption of sweet products provokes dangerous Alzheimer's disease.
  5. Causes migraines and headaches, makes our tendons brittle.
  6. It provokes kidney disease, causes stones and disrupts the normal functioning of the adrenal glands.
  7. Sugar can cause frequent digestive disorders, since its consumption slows down the rate of food absorption and destroys digestive enzymes.
  8. Excessive sugar consumption can cause gallbladder cancer.
  9. Sugar is a drug of its own, as it is addictive, like alcohol, and this product is also toxic!


It is worth adding that the American Heart Association recently announced that the generally accepted “norm” of sugar consumption, which existed previously, has now been halved!!!

There's a lot to think about, isn't there?

A very big danger is that almost all the foods we eat contain sugar. This is a rather impressive list of products in our diet: bread, sausages, sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup), confectionery, any alcohol.

People are not even aware of how much sugar they eat in one day, thinking that it is nothing at all or very little!

Well, just think, a spoonful of sugar in your tea, a couple in your coffee, or you can afford a piece of cake, and that’s about it. But it turns out that this is not all! It turns out that it is precisely the “hidden” consumption of sugar that is the biggest threat to our health.

Is it realistic for you, friends, to consume 10-16 cubes of refined sugar at one time? No?

How about drinking a half-liter bottle of Coca-Cola at one time? Yes?

But half a liter of Coca-Cola contains exactly that amount of sugar!!!

This is a simple example of what “hidden” sugar consumption means and why it is dangerous, because we don’t even know or see visually what and how much we eat, and therefore we think that it doesn’t seem to exist.

More well-read people, those who know about this, are quicker to switch to sweeteners. And if they see on the packaging that the product does not contain sugar, they do not worry and remain quite satisfied with their choice, believing that nothing threatens their health.

Sweeteners - what are they?

Sugar substitutes are, in fact, chemical substances, special compounds that taste quite sweet, but do not contain glucose, that is, carbohydrates.

At their core, these are real “deceiver substances” that can deceive human taste buds, and at the same time do not contain any useful substances or energy for the body.

It is precisely this property – the absence of carbohydrates, and therefore calories (energy) – that manufacturers use to successfully advertise their chemical sweeteners.

After all, if there are no carbohydrates, then there are no calories either, right, isn’t it?

Therefore, everyone who wants to lose weight, very willingly, purchases various food products that contain sweeteners in their composition. The goal is the same - not to eat a lot of extra calories.

After all, everything is great, right? You can eat all kinds of sweets to your heart’s content, and at the same time not get excess calories, which means you won’t gain weight!

However, not everything here is as rosy and wonderful as it might seem to us at first glance.

What is the “trick” of sugar substitutes, and do sweeteners bring benefit or harm when losing weight?

American scientists conducted a fairly serious study that lasted a long time and in which they involved many people. According to the published results of this study, it turns out that absolutely ALL sweeteners have a very clever effect on metabolism in the human body.

As a result of this impact, the overall metabolism of the body is disrupted, and a strong desire arises to eat more and more!


It has been proven that in many people, sugar substitutes provoke a strong appetite, just a real “glutton”, which, for some time, a person is able to keep under control. However, when the strength to combat increased appetite becomes insufficient, and the desire to eat is unbearably strong, then a person, in this situation, begins to eat everything.

It turns out that as a result of this gluttony, you still gain extra calories, and the unfortunate excess weight that you managed to lose with such difficulty returns.

If only all those “who are always losing weight” and those with a sweet tooth knew what a cruel and unhealthy test they are subjecting their body and psyche to by so blindly trusting all these sweeteners!

We can definitely conclude that sugar substitutes are very dangerous for human health!


The article is about CHEMICAL sweeteners, and not about natural, natural “analogues” that can replace sweets - these are dried fruits, honey, stevia!!! All this sweet splendor is created by nature and brings only benefits to humans!

If sugar itself is dangerous to health and very harmful to the body, then sweeteners are real poison!

Moreover, the poison is very SLOW... a “quiet” and unnoticeable “poison”.

But this “quietness” does not make it any less dangerous and poisonous!

They give our favorite foods and drinks a sweet taste, and are often presented by manufacturers as completely low-calorie (although this is often NOT the case!).

Moreover, manufacturers, almost at the official level, declared them as completely harmless to human health, but this, as a rule, is a lie!

Large food companies have been adding chemical sweeteners to their products instead of sugar for a long time! And consumers regard this as “good.” Well, it's not harmful sugar! So, everything is fine, so we think, and how wrong we are!

In fact, there are many dozens of varieties. We, friends, will introduce you, in this article, to the most common sugar substitutes, so that you can recognize them and identify them when you read the ingredients on the packages.

Aspartame (E 951)

This substance is approximately 200 times sweeter than regular white sugar. Aspartame is currently the most popular and... at the same time, the most dangerous sweetener!

Its composition is simple: phenylalanine and aspartic acid. Absolutely all manufacturers claim that aspartame, if consumed in moderation, does not cause any harm.

However, if we are talking about a toxic chemical, then what kind of measure can we talk about?

The normal “dose” or “measure” is when the person did not die, right? If he didn’t die, it means he used this very “measure”...

But how toxic and harmful it is to the body is a secondary question, right?

And this is just one moment.

But the second thing is that we may not even suspect exactly how much of this supposedly harmless aspartame we eat per day!

And all because it is now being added everywhere.

After all, it is very cheap and you need very, very little of it. What else do manufacturers need to make a good profit?

The biggest danger with aspartame is that when it is heated to 30 degrees Celsius, it produces phenylalanine and methanol. And methanol is then converted into the most dangerous carcinogen, formaldehyde - this is a real poison!

The kidneys are the first to suffer and react to this harmful substance. This is where swelling of the body appears, although “I haven’t eaten anything THAT harmful!”, is this a familiar situation?

The dangers of aspartame are eloquently demonstrated by the results of one experiment. It’s unpleasant to talk about this, and it’s a pity for innocent animals, but facts are facts and they are reliable.

For several months, aspartame was gradually added to the animals' feed. As a result of such feeding, after a fairly short time, absolutely ALL the animals on which this experiment was carried out developed brain cancer!

As they say, further comments are unnecessary!

Neotame (E 961)

It is a “relative” of aspartame and has an identical composition to it.

It is currently the sweetest known sweetener because it is TEN THOUSAND times sweeter than regular white sugar!

Acesulfame potassium (E 950)

This sugar substitute was declared "NOT lethal" and officially "approved" in 1988.

It has a highly stimulating effect on the human psyche.

This sweetener is quite actively and widely used in almost all food production and even in pharmaceuticals.

Note! In England, Canada and many countries of the world, acesulfame potassium is prohibited for use at the legislative level!

Saccharin (E954)

It was obtained back in the 19th century to alleviate the suffering of people with diabetes. We can say that this is one of the very first artificial sweeteners.

Saccharin was used quite widely during the First World War, due to the inaccessibility and high cost of sugar.

This substance is 400 times sweeter than regular sugar and is therefore very beneficial to food manufacturers.

There is reliable scientific research data that indicates that saccharin has a high level of carcinogenicity, and this can lead to the formation and development of malignant tumors in the body!

Most often, it is added to almost all known confectionery products: candies, creams, ice cream, jelly, sweet carbonated drinks, chips, crackers, etc.

Can you imagine what kind of poison you can buy for your children in the store? Therefore, carefully study the ingredients of the products you purchase; if dangerous substances are present, it is better to discard them. Remember that health is more expensive and cannot be bought!

Cyclamate (E952)

About 35 times sweeter than regular sugar. It withstands high temperatures well and dissolves well in water. These features make it possible to use this substance in the food industry in cooking.

Cyclamate is the most common sugar substitute in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union.


In the USA and Western European countries, this substance has been prohibited since 1969! The reason is a negative effect on the kidneys, up to COMPLETE inhibition of work functions! Strictly prohibited for use by: children, pregnant women and nursing mothers!

But here it is allowed, please eat poison! No comments.

Check out the table of harmful food additives that can cause serious health problems.

Xylitol (E967)

It is extracted from the shell of cotton seeds, corn cobs, and some types of fruits and vegetables. This is a pentahydric alcohol, which is completely identical to regular sugar in terms of calories and sweetness. That is why it is completely unprofitable for industrial production.

Xylitol destroys tooth enamel much less than other sweeteners, so it is added to many toothpastes and chewing gums.

The permissible dose of xylitol is 50 grams per day. If it is exceeded, then intestinal upset (diarrhea) will begin almost immediately. We see that there is a clear suppression of the intestinal microflora and all the negative consequences associated with this.

Maltodextrin (maltodextrose)

This substance has a very high glycemic index, so it sharply increases blood sugar levels. This sweetener is a real poison for diabetics.

Maltodextrin is absorbed very quickly and enters the bloodstream, just like sugar. If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, then this harmful substance will accumulate and be deposited in the body tissues in the form of fat!

  1. Almost all studies have proven that maltodextrin is able to change the composition of intestinal bacteria, increases the growth of “harmful” microorganisms and suppresses the growth of beneficial ones.
  2. Another study has shown that consuming maltodextrin can lead to Crohn's disease.
  3. It promotes the survival of dangerous salmonella, and this leads to very frequent inflammatory diseases.
  4. A laboratory study conducted in 2012 showed that maltodextrin can increase the persistence of e.coli bacteria in intestinal cells, and this causes autoimmune disorders!
  5. A 2013 study showed that if you consume maltodextrin, you can develop serious gastrointestinal problems (diarrhea, bloating, gas).
  6. A research center in Boston (USA) is also conducting a study that showed that the substance maltodextrin greatly weakens the antibacterial reactions of cells. Suppresses the natural protective mechanisms in the intestines, and this leads to serious inflammatory processes and diseases in the intestines!

Some participants in these experiments experienced significant allergic reactions, itching and skin irritation, all of which were caused by the use of this sugar substitute.

Maltodextrin is most often made from wheat, so it contains gluten, which cannot be removed during the production process. And for those people who cannot tolerate gluten, maltodextrin is a very big hidden danger!

Sucralose (E955)

Another food additive that is used as a sweetener in food production, as well as to enhance smell and taste. It is 600 times sweeter than regular sugar.

Sucralose is made from regular white sugar. This is done using chlorine treatment! The purpose of this manipulation is to reduce the calorie content of the product that is received.

The result is that “we treat one thing, and cripple the other”

This is just a small amount of the most popular sweeteners that manufacturers love to use, thereby putting us all in mortal danger! I think you have every right to know about this.

A logical and interesting question arises: if sugar substitutes are so harmful to human health, then why are they not banned, but rather used?

  1. The fact is that sweeteners are tens and even hundreds of times sweeter than sugar. For example, just one kilogram of aspartame can replace 250 kilograms of white sugar. And one kilogram of neotame can replace 10,000 kilograms of sugar.
  2. Sugar substitutes are several times cheaper than regular sugar, and this is a good saving and net profit for the company! And these substances - substitutes - are cheap, for the reason that they are the most real, pure “chemistry”.
  3. Following normal business logic, we can easily understand that the pharmaceutical industry benefits from and even needs our diseases. It's sad to realize this, but these are the facts.

It’s sad to realize this, but nothing can be done, this is our harsh reality.

It is also worth saying that as soon as the first information articles began to appear about the dangers of sweeteners for human health, then immediately, many manufacturers who use this chemical stopped mentioning their content on product packaging!

At the same time, without hesitation, manufacturers write “sugar”, but in fact there is a substitute for it, and the purest chemistry!

Where else can sweeteners be found?

These substances that replace sugar, in addition to the food products described above, are almost ALWAYS contained:

  • in pharmaceutical vitamins, tinctures, vitamin-mineral complexes, any tablets and mixtures, in a word - in all pharmaceutical products;
  • in products recommended for sports nutrition: gainers, proteins, amino acids and various complexes;
  • Dietary supplements (dietary supplements), as well as any other products from companies that specialize in selling “health” products.


Now that you know how dangerous sweeteners are for our health, we can draw the following conclusions.

Be sure to carefully study and read the ingredients on packages in stores before making purchases. Try to refrain from purchasing products that contain chemical components.

Avoid unhealthy foods and confectionery products that contain sugar substitutes!

I love and study herbal medicine, and also use medicinal plants in my life. I cook tasty, healthy, beautiful and fast food, which I write about on my website.

All my life I've been learning something. Completed courses: Alternative medicine. Modern cosmetology. Secrets of modern kitchen. Fitness and health.



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