In what order are permanent teeth erupted? The sequence of teething in children: order and scheme

In the first year of life, the most fast development human body. A child will never grow and change at such an amazing speed again. This time is rich in significant events, because everything happens for the first time: the first smile, the first word, the first step and, of course, the first tooth.

The period of teething occupies a special place in the life of a young family. Some expect it with joy and impatience, some with undisguised anxiety. But no one remains indifferent.

What you need to know about deadlines

On average, the first teeth in babies appear at 6-8 months. However, pediatricians call approximate age solely for the guidance of parents. And in no case do you need to worry if the process begins at a different time, because children develop each in their own rhythm.

The timing of eruption can be affected by:

  • heredity (everything happens in the same way as in the next of kin);
  • prematurity (terms may move forward);
  • the course of pregnancy (the harder, the later);
  • region of residence (in children from the southern regions, teeth are usually cut earlier);
  • food ( balanced diet contributes to the timely appearance of teeth);
  • failure to child's body to assimilation nutrients(the growth of teeth is delayed due to their lack);
  • diseases suffered by the child (rickets, pneumonia, frequent acute respiratory viral infections can disrupt the order and timing).

Thus, the time frame depends on many factors and is relative. In one baby, the first incisors appear already at 4 months, then all the teeth will come to the surface up to 2 years. Another has no teeth at all until 8-12 months, in which case they will finish cutting later. Both of these situations are variants of the norm.

Order of appearance of teeth

Baby teeth

The first teeth appear in early age and are called dairy. They are needed for:

  • biting and chewing;
  • jaw formation and development of masticatory muscles;
  • speech development.

Temporary teeth are different from permanent teeth. They are smaller, more round shape, their roots are wider and shorter, and the enamel is more fragile and thin.

Nature has laid down a certain order of teething. First appear temporary. As a rule, the scheme looks like this:

  • Central incisors: first lower - at 6-10 months, then upper - at 7-12.
  • Lateral incisors: first the upper ones at 9–13 months, then the lower ones at 10–16 months.
  • The first large molars (first molars): first the upper ones at 13–19 months, then the lower ones at 14–18 months.
  • Canines: upper - at 16-22 months, lower - at 17-23.
  • The second large molars (second molars): first the lower ones - at 23-30 months, then the upper ones - at 25-33.

A complete set includes 20 milk teeth, which erupt by 2.5-3 years. Despite the fact that each baby is unique, parents should pay attention to the timing and sequence of the appearance of teeth. Special attention, because it is directly related to the development and health of the child.

Permanent teeth

For an adult, the presence of 32 teeth is considered the norm. Although in recent times for many, wisdom teeth (third molars) increasingly remain in their infancy and do not erupt throughout life.

The change of temporary teeth to permanent ones occurs when the latter are already fully formed and ready to replace the milk ones. This is a long process that usually begins at the age of 6-7 years. The roots begin to dissolve, and the teeth themselves become loose and fall out. In their place, permanent ones immediately begin to grow. Unlike the eruption of milk teeth, the growth of molars in 90% of cases does not bring pain.

The replacement process occurs in a certain sequence:

  • first, the first molars appear behind the milk teeth;
  • then incisors: central - 2 each from above and below at 6–8 years old, lateral - also 2 each at 7–9 years old;
  • then the first premolars - at 9-11 years old and the second premolars - up to 12 years;
  • 4 fangs - up to 13 years;
  • then, up to 14 years, the second molars erupt;
  • and, finally, third molars, which may appear at any age from 15 years old (or may not appear at all).

It should be noted that the order should be exactly this, but the age is indicated approximately. As in the case of milk teeth, it all depends on genetics and a number of other factors, which have already been mentioned earlier.

Deviations from the norm

The following situations are considered abnormal:

  • For a long time there are no first teeth (for example, when there is not one after a year). This may be caused various reasons, including rickets or the absence of tooth germs (dentia).
  • Teeth appeared too early, which may signal problems with the endocrine system.
  • The order of eruption differs from the standard.
  • At the teeth atypical shape, color, or they grow unevenly.

In these cases, you need to show the child to the pediatrician and dentist.

Sometimes babies get teeth when they are still in the womb - this situation is also abnormal. After the birth of the baby, these teeth must be removed, since subsequently they interfere with both him and the mother during breastfeeding.


When the process of teething begins, babies cannot yet say that they feel discomfort. But attentive parents notice changes in the well-being and behavior of the child:

  • The gums become painful, red and swollen.
  • Body temperature may rise. However, if the matter is in the teeth, the thermometer readings will not exceed 38.5 degrees. And in the vast majority of cases, the temperature stays within 37.0–37.5 degrees from 1 to 3 days.
  • The baby often wakes up at night, the sleep is superficial and restless, as a result, all family members do not get enough sleep (which is not in the best way impact on well-being and mood).
  • The peanut refuses to eat or eats without appetite, while he often gets up at night and asks for breasts. When sucking, periodically bites the mother's nipple.
  • Salivation occurs, which, in turn, can cause irritation of the skin on the chin, coughing and a slight runny nose.
  • The child pulls everything he sees into his mouth: toys, household items, his own and parental hands.
  • Some children develop diarrhea, which is associated with salivation and increased intestinal motility. I must say, the chair in this case is broken for a period of not more than 3 days and defecation occurs 2-3 times a day.
  • There are frequent whims, tearfulness and general anxiety, which are a natural reaction of the child to pain and constant itching.

Some doctors do not consider fever, runny nose, cough, and diarrhea to be signs of teething. Despite the frequency of such manifestations, they believe that these symptoms indicate the presence of an undiagnosed infection. If any symptoms persist for more than 3 days, parents are advised to consult a pediatrician.

How to help a baby

This difficult period can be alleviated by taking certain measures:

  • Periodically massage the child's gums with your finger, after washing your hands. The same can be done with a special silicone nozzle on the finger or a brush for children under one year old.
  • Use cutters. it special devices in the form of toys made of plastic, silicone or rubber. The child chews them, thereby removing discomfort from cutting.
  • Apply gels for gums during teething (Kalgel, Dentinoks, Cholisal, Kamistad). They soothe, relieve pain and inflammation, and have an antibacterial effect.
  • If necessary, use anesthetics(for example, ibuprofen, which is also effective for fever) according to the instructions for use.

The numbering of the teeth is a generally accepted scheme for the structure of the lower / upper dentition, indicating the serial number of the teeth and their location. during therapy or surgical treatment the dentist has all the information regarding the course of therapy and accepted curative measures, is recorded using a standard numbering scheme - this facilitates the work of the doctor and makes it easier to navigate in the records of other specialists.

Knowing the numbers of milk and molars is necessary not only for dentists, but also for parents of children. If a mother understands the structure of the dentition and navigates the serial numbers of various dental groups, it is easier for her to perceive the information that she will have to face in the first year of a baby’s life, when he starts.

How many milk teeth does a child have?

The first milk teeth appear in children at the age of 5-8 months. AT rare cases a tooth can erupt at 2-3 months, as well as during the neonatal period. Premature infants and children with disabilities metabolic processes and genetic predisposition, the first teeth may appear around 10-12 months. Late eruption can be considered a variant of the norm if the child does not have signs of rickets - systemic disease, in which the transport of calcium and phosphorus to the bone and other tissues of the child's body is disrupted and these elements are no longer absorbed in the amounts necessary for the healthy functioning and growth of the musculoskeletal system. Rickets in childhood can lead to increased fragility bones and their destruction (osteoporosis), therefore, if by the age of one year the baby has not had a single tooth, you should consult a doctor.

In total, the child should have 20 milk teeth - in the absence of pathologies and metabolic disorders, this occurs up to 2.5-3 years. Medicine knows cases when in a year and a half children had 18-19 teeth in their mouths. This may also be an option individual norm if pathologies of development of the maxillofacial skeleton are excluded.

Scheme of milk teeth in a child - upper and lower jaws

Numbering of non-permanent teeth

The central incisors are usually cut first. serial number No. 1 (2 each on the lower and upper alveolar process). These teeth erupt quite painfully, so during this period the child may become restless, capricious. The first signs of the imminent appearance of the central incisors usually occur in 2-4 weeks, so parents have time to prepare and purchase (for example, special teethers, cooling gels and drugs from the group of analgesics intended for topical application).

After about a month, the baby's lateral incisors begin to erupt, which are located on the left and right sides from central teeth. They have serial number No. 2 and appear at the age of 7-9 months. The appearance of lateral incisors before the age of one is considered the norm, but in some children these teeth erupt only by the age of one and a half years. If the child does not have jaw formation pathologies, there is nothing to worry about.

Note! If the child is already one and a half years old, he should have eight teeth (4 central incisors and 4 lateral incisors). These teeth are necessary for biting food and tearing it into small pieces. After the child erupts at least 2-3 incisors, he can be given solid food: fresh apples and carrots, crackers, dryers, biscuits and baby biscuits.

What teeth appear after a year?

The third according to the scheme of milk teeth are fangs. These are teeth located on the side of the lateral incisors and completing the frontal (central) tooth group. They are a few millimeters longer than the central and lateral incisors and are cone-shaped.

The structure of the canines is denser and thicker, so the main functions of these teeth are:

  • tearing food;
  • product retention;
  • mechanical shredding.

Despite the fact that the fangs have a serial number of 3, they cut through later chewing teeth closing the dentition. In most children, fangs appear at the age of 18-20 months, but the situation when triplets erupt only by the age of two is also considered normal. Milk fangs fall out at the age of 9-12 years - during this period, the closing part of the upper and lower dentition changes, and the child grows molars and molars.

The molars (teeth designed for grinding, grinding and chewing food) are the last milk teeth and have serial numbers No. 4 and No. 5. In total, the child has 8 molars - 4 in each jaw. The last of them may appear by 2.5 years, but in most children they erupt before the age of two. Their appearance does not deliver severe discomfort child and resolves with little soreness, but some children may complain of moderate pain while chewing solid foods and brushing their teeth.

Important! Fangs in children younger age cut at the location ophthalmic nerves, therefore, about 10% of children may experience pain in the eye sockets and increased eye strain. During this period, parents are advised to limit the time they watch TV and avoid spending a long time in front of a computer monitor so as not to create additional load on the eyes.

Table. Scheme is not permanent teeth with serial numbers.

Serial numberNameEruption ageAt what age do they change
1 Front cutter (4 pieces)6-10 months6-8 years old
2 Side cutter (4 pieces)7-10 months7-9 years old
3 Fangs (4 pieces)1.5-2 years9-12 years old
4 First molar (4 pieces)1-1.5 years9-11 years old
5 Second molar (4 pieces)1.5-2.5 years10-12 years old

Molar teeth in children: numbering

The number of permanent teeth in children increases by 8 pieces. After the change of the dentition (this happens at the age of 7 to 12 years), 4 more teeth grow on each jaw, which are called the first and second large molars. These teeth have serial numbers 6 and 7. The teeth that grow in place of the first and second milk molars retain their serial number (4 and 5), but change their name: root fours and fives are called small molars (another name is premolars).

Fact! In a twelve-year-old teenager, the number of permanent teeth in any row should be 14 pieces (28 teeth in total).

Why not 32?

In 80% of adults, the number of teeth is 32. This number is considered physiological norm, because during the period prenatal development the fetus develops 32 tooth germs. The third molars, which have the serial number 8, close the upper / lower dentition. These teeth are popularly called "wisdom teeth" because they often erupt in adulthood. The appearance of "eights" in the period from 17 to 35 years is considered the norm, but in some people the third molars may not erupt at all or come out not in in full force(for example, 1-2 teeth out of four).

The eruption of these teeth is quite painful and is often accompanied by inflammatory processes. In some cases, a person may need to take strong drugs antibacterial action(mainly from the group of semi-synthetic penicillins or macrolides). In complex root interlacing or in other complicated cases, third molars can be removed under general anesthesia.

The number of teeth in a child depends on his age and living conditions (nutrition, climate, ecology, social and living conditions). Great importance has and physiological factor. Knowing the scheme of the appearance of milk and molars in a child will help to better navigate the ongoing processes and notice deviations from existing norms therefore, parents should be aware of this information and know how to use it.

Video - The order of eruption of milk teeth

How to understand that a child is teething? Symptoms of teething in a child.

Your beautiful baby is almost six months old. Behind the neonatal period, the regimen of the day and feedings is established, and colic no longer torments. The baby is showing activity with might and main and is about to start crawling. It seems that a wonderful period has come in his life and yours. Don't relax! Soon the child will begin to cut milk teeth, and this process does not always go smoothly. Read the article to find out the timing, sequence and symptoms of teething in baby. You will be able to distinguish these symptoms from a cold or intestinal infection learn to ease them.

When, at how many months, do babies cut their first teeth?

From doctors of the "old school" you can hear that the first teeth erupt in a baby at the age of 6 months. Modern pediatricians set a range of 4 to 8 months. The famous doctor Komarovsky generally claims that it is unfair to set any deadlines: one out of 2000 babies is born with 1-2 teeth, one out of 2000 does not have them until 15-16 months. Everything is individual here, since many factors influence when the baby’s first tooth begins to knock:

  1. Genetics. If the teeth of the mother and father of the child began to erupt from 3-4 months, it is likely that the baby will also be early. And vice versa, you should not worry that a nine-month-old baby still has a toothless smile if his parents had the same at that age.
  2. Features of the course of pregnancy. Pregnancy with pathologies delays the timing of teething.
  3. Features of the course and term of childbirth. If the baby was born prematurely, his teeth may begin to erupt later. In this case, one should take into account biological age the baby, and not his age according to the certificate.
  4. Diseases in a child (due to some infectious diseases, transferred by a child, his teeth may appear later), the sufficiency of his nutrition, climatic conditions, living conditions, etc.

IMPORTANT: If a child's first teeth did not come out in six months, you should never panic. Given the health of the baby, this is considered the norm. For your own peace of mind, discuss this issue with your pediatrician.

The order and timing of teething in a child.

Can teeth be cut at 2, 3, 4 months?

It is already obvious that teething in infants can be early, that is, one that occurs before six months (at 2, 3, 4 months). But this does not mean that you need to get into the mouth of a child if, in your opinion, he is without a reason:

  • getting restless
  • sleeping badly
  • refuses to eat
  • constantly puts toys and rattles in her mouth
  • temperature
  • coughing or showing other warning signs

Show the child to the doctor, first of all, it is necessary to exclude diseases, and then sin on early teeth.

Which teeth are cut first in children? In what order are teeth cut in babies?

The order of teething can be as individual as the timing. But in most babies, it still persists. Study the table in the figure to understand which teeth are cut first, which and when to wait after them.

Until what age do children cut their teeth?

The milk teeth that erupt last are the fangs. On average, they appear in a child at 1.5 - 2 years. Again, due to individual circumstances, this may happen sooner or later.

VIDEO: First teeth – School of Dr. Komarovsky

How to understand that a child is teething: symptoms. How does a child behave when teething?

How do you know if a child is teething? This process is accompanied by certain symptoms:

  1. The child is acting restless. He is capricious for no reason, it is difficult to distract him with something and not for long.
  2. The baby may be off food. Or, conversely, ask for breasts more often if he is breastfed. Mom may notice that the child seems to be chewing on the nipple - this is how he scratches the gums.
  3. The child has increased salivation. If the crumbs have a bittern around the mouth or on the chest, this may have happened due to saliva getting on the skin.
  4. The child pulls fingers, toys, objects into his mouth, bites a pacifier or a spoon. He wants to scratch his gums.
  5. The baby's gums swell, swell and become inflamed. Sometimes white vesicles are visible under the mucosa, sometimes cyanotic hematomas.

IMPORTANT: If you suspect that the baby's teeth are on the way, you do not need to climb into his mouth a hundred times a day, especially with dirty or unkempt hands. First, it will be painful and unpleasant for him. Secondly, the risk of getting into the body of infection is high.

Swelling and swelling of the gums are signs of teething in children.

What do gums look like when teeth are being cut in babies?

To see what a baby's gums might look like when they're teething, look at the photo.

First teeth: photo.
Photo of baby's gums during teething.
Hematoma on the gum during teething.

How long does it take for a child to cut their first teeth?

In a child who has just been born, there are 20 follicles of temporary teeth in the gums. Before they "thump" they go through bone tissue and gum. This requires a certain amount of time, strictly individual for each baby. Usually, the process of teething the first teeth in a baby takes from 1 to 8 weeks.

What temperature can a child have when teething? Teeth are cut in a child - temperature 37.5 ? C, 38 ? C, 39 ? C, runny nose, diarrhea, vomiting: what to do?

There is a category of mothers who write off all the troubles that happen to their child up to 2 - 2.5 years old "in teeth". Rhinitis, sneezing, coughing, fever almost up to 40 degrees, a rash on the body, constipation and diarrhea, they consider teething symptoms. This is a huge misconception that can cost a child's health. Similar symptoms accompany ARVI, influenza, tonsillitis, stomatitis, herpetic infection, a variety of intestinal infections, etc., occurring in parallel with teething.

  1. Normally, there is no temperature above 37.5 degrees during teething. Some increase may be due to local inflammation(gum). Subfebrile, febrile, pyretic or hyperpyretic temperature indicate that the child has a disease not related to the teeth.
  2. Diarrhea, vomiting, accompanied by fever, restlessness, various manifestations intoxication are symptoms of an intestinal infection. The child needs urgent medical care, since dehydration can occur very quickly, its consequences are often fatal.
  3. Rhinitis, sneezing, coughing are signs of colds. If the child has snot, he coughs dry or wet cough, while its temperature is normal or elevated, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

IMPORTANT: Indeed, due to increased salivation during teething, the child may sneeze and cough, thereby cleaning Airways from saliva. It happens irregularly. If salivation is too abundant, the child may even vomit.

Which teeth are cut most painfully in children?

It is very difficult to answer the question of what teeth deliver to the baby during eruption. greatest discomfort. Again, everything is individual. There are several reasonable options:

  1. Fangs. These teeth are sharp, they literally cut the gums. Besides, upper fangs(so called " eye teeth”), are in close proximity to the facial nerve.
  2. Molars. The surface of these teeth has the most large area, their eruption through the gum can cause pain.

Is it ok to walk while teething?

Walking with a child who is teething is possible and necessary. Fresh air and activity will only benefit him. And here are the places large cluster people where there is a high probability of catching an infection should be avoided during this period.

IMPORTANT: Starting from the first, the baby's teeth will be cut one by one. You can't sharpen it at home for 1.5-2 years!

Can I get vaccinated while teething?

Teething is not a contraindication for vaccination. The doctor will give a challenge for vaccinations only if during this period he reveals another disease not related to the teeth.

Teething is not a reason not to get vaccinated.

Can complementary foods be introduced while teething?

  1. Check with your doctor before introducing complementary foods.
  2. Introduce complementary foods carefully, strictly according to the recommendations.
  3. Pay close attention to your child's reaction to new foods.
  4. If the baby’s menu is already quite diverse, if possible, wait a little with the introduction of new products.

A conspiracy that will help if a child is teething

Unfortunately or fortunately modern medicine there are no known ways to help baby teeth erupt. You don’t need to tear his gums with a finger with a bandage, a spoon and other objects, let him gnaw apples and dryers (which, by the way, the baby can easily choke on). Somewhat facilitate the process certain medications, which should be prescribed only by a doctor, and special toys - teethers.
If you are one of those parents who simply cannot let the process go by itself, try the Teething plot. They say it works well.
You will need to say the following words three times: “A month, a month, you have Antiny’s brother, his teeth grew easily, they never hurt, and the servant of God (the name of the baby) does not have gums, his teeth grow and do not hurt. God grant that my child's teeth grow easily, do not hurt, do not pinch. Amen".

IMPORTANT: During the pronunciation of the words of the conspiracy, it is recommended to lubricate the child's gums with honey. But you know how strong this allergen is. The reaction to honey in an infant can be very strong, up to edema.


An urgent question for most young mothers: how teeth grow in children, the order of eruption and the behavior of the child in one of milestones life. What does the baby experience during the period of the appearance of teeth, in what sequence should milk teeth grow in children. All these questions and more will be discussed below.

The timing of the appearance of milkmen

The order of teething in children cannot be determined. The order of eruption is individual for each. Therefore, all the above schemes and tables in pediatrics are for informational purposes only. Teeth in infants up to a year old can erupt in absolutely the wrong order, as indicated in medical sources.

In "modern" children, the order of eruption of milk teeth is disturbed. Very rarely, the above sequence of teething in children coincides. And the timing of the appearance of teeth is different from table value. The first teeth may appear closer to 9 months, and the canine will please with its presence only by 2.5 years. Accordingly, the further sequence of teething depends on which teeth are cut first. The same applies to the number of erupted milk jugs: one tooth can be cut, and sometimes there are several teeth at once.

For example, in boys, this process is usually delayed, while young ladies already have a full mouth of snow-white milkmen by the year. Which teeth come out first?
Based on the average data, the pattern of teething in children looks like this:

It is believed that pairwise eruption infant tolerates well. Not always this statement can be attributed to a particular baby. Someone very violently endures the period when the teeth erupt. This is the most dangerous moment: many mothers, not knowing how teeth are climbing, confuse influenza and SARS with teething and do not go to the pediatrician. Eventually, colds progresses and is complicated by pneumonia. Even if you are an experienced parent and know how teeth are cut, do not be too lazy to show the baby to the doctor. An extra examination and a child will not hurt anyone. In addition, you will receive valuable advice on alleviating the symptoms that can sometimes bring distress to the baby.

How to know when your teeth will erupt soon

During the period of eruption of milk teeth in children, various failures in the body can occur. While teeth are being cut, body temperature may rise, symptoms of SARS appear, as well as a number of other disorders. While the tooth is trying to get out of the gum, the body is under tremendous stress, despite the fact that teething is a physiological process.
Symptoms, as well as the sequence of teething, are individual and depend on the characteristics of the child's body.

In a child, at the time of the appearance of milk makers, the following are noted:

  • Salivation;
  • Tearfulness, lack of appetite;
  • The need to scratch the gums, the child does not release his hands from his mouth, pulls various objects into his mouth;
  • Insomnia;
  • Swelling and hyperemia of the gums.


Drooling is one of accompanying symptoms how babies' teeth grow. because of increased work salivary glands may appear:

  1. Runny nose;
  2. Hoarseness of voice;
  3. Dry cough without sputum;
  4. Minor indigestion;
  5. Irritation on the chin, around the mouth and on the chest.

Disordered stool and vomiting

When teeth erupt in infants suffer digestive system. The stool is broken, a single vomiting may occur. It's connected with increased salivation. Saliva flows into the stomach, causing vomiting reflex. If an increase in temperature joins these symptoms, it is most likely that children do not cut their teeth, but develop infectious process in gastrointestinal tract. Uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhea may indicate:

  • Rotavirus infection;
  • food poisoning;
  • adenovirus infection.

Help the child requires qualified and immediate, in order to avoid dehydration. Feel free to call ambulance It is better to be safe than to blame yourself for negligence later.

The process of teething in a child is accompanied by a violation emotional sphere. This is associated with pain and itching in the gums. That is why the baby refuses to eat, cries and behaves unusually for his character.

Rise in body temperature and weakness

While the teeth are growing in children, the mother may detect an increase in body temperature. The condition of the baby depends on how milk teeth grow. For example, if one milkman is cut, the child may not react to this process in any way, and if the number and order of teething in infants is disturbed, 2 or even 3 milkmen climb at once - the reaction can be more than acute.

Doctors have one rule, if the temperature rises above 38.5 ° C and does not stabilize for more than 5 days - this has nothing to do with teething. It is necessary to exclude possible inflammatory processes in the body or viral infections.

What contributes to delayed eruption

Very often, the pattern of teething in infants is violated and it is impossible to predict in what order the teeth of a child climb. They are late, the wrong ones grow, and the teething table does not carry any information at all. What determines how children's teeth climb?

The pattern of eruption of milk teeth is violated due to:

  1. The genetic factor of the baby;
  2. Features climatic conditions(in children living where it is always summer, the first teeth erupt faster);
  3. The diet of the baby (meager and monotonous food slows down and disrupts the sequence in which teeth grow in children);
  4. The presence of endocrine diseases;
  5. Peculiarities of child care.

The rudiments of milkmen are laid at 6 - 7 weeks of pregnancy. There are cases when a newborn at the time of birth has one erupted tooth and this is far from uncommon.

Delayed eruption may be physiological in nature. If the mother is concerned about the lack of milk makers on time, she should contact the dentist, it is likely that this fact is associated with the presence pathological processes in the body, for example, rickets or adentia.

Rickets is a disease characterized by a deficiency of vitamin D. Due to impaired absorption and intake of calcium in the body, milk makers are late. Treatment of rickets is long and complex, it is impossible to cope with the disease on your own.

No less dangerous congenital anomaly- adentia. With this pathology, there are no tooth germs. Diagnose the disease with the help of X-ray examination.

As soon as the teeth begin to erupt in babies, the task of the mother is to help the baby cope with the pain and itching of the gums. Usually the front milk jugs erupt first, the child pulls toys into his mouth to alleviate his condition. Do not let your baby chew on everything, as there is a risk of injury to the gums. Provide the child with all kinds of devices that help the erupting "first-born" to be born.

So, you assume that teeth have begun to grow, help the child.

What can help:

  • Teether. It is made of latex and has a liquid or gel-like filler. Cool the device in the refrigerator and offer to the baby. Enjoying a useful toy will eliminate itching and burning sensation;
  • Massage your baby's gums. Soak a gauze pad in cool water, wrap around forefinger and lightly massage your child's irritated gums. This procedure will not only help relieve itching, but also serve as a good hygiene measure. Be careful in movements, too much friction can cause injury to the crumbs' mouth;
  • Brush - fingertip. Provides a complete hygiene care behind the oral cavity and helps relieve discomfort from the eruption site;
  • Bottles and pacifiers. Completely satisfy the need of the crumbs to scratch the gums. Important to choose correct form and product material. To avoid the formation malocclusion give preference to orthodontic pacifiers made of latex or silicone.

Do not worry about the timing of the appearance of teeth in children and the order of teething, it is important to help the child survive this period.

Not all children have milk ducts going smoothly. Trying to cope on her own, a tired mother gives up and goes to the pharmacy to purchase funds that alleviate the child's condition. There are a lot of drugs, but what can really help the baby?

Lozenges Dentokind. Relieve the main symptoms associated with the appearance of dairy residents oral cavity. Children up to one year old are allowed. If the child does not appreciate the taste of the tablets, you can dissolve the product in a bottle with a drink or crush it in a teaspoon and dilute with water. The drug is not cheap, for 150 pills you will have to say goodbye to 1000 rubles. You can buy it at any pharmacy without a prescription from a doctor.
Kamistad. Available in the form of a gel. Relieves inflammation, swelling, reduces pain and eliminates itching. Contains lidocaine and chamomile extract. Allowed from three one month old. the cost is quite affordable and is about 200 rubles for a ten-gram tube.
Dantinorm Baby. Available in solution, removes pain in the oral cavity, normalizes digestive function. You can buy it without a prescription at any pharmacy. the price of the solution is about 350 rubles.
Solution or gel Dentinox. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. For packing you need to pay about 200 rubles.
Gel Holisal. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Do not use on children under 1 year old. A package of gel costs about 450 rubles (15 g).
Kalgel. Gel preparation based on lidocaine. Allowed for children from 5 months of age. anesthetizes and cools, relieving itching.

Gels are not always effective during the period of mass appearance of teeth. In this case, pediatricians are advised to give the baby analgesics that are allowed by age.

Paracetamol suspension helps a lot. The drug is given no more than 1 time in 8 hours. It has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic properties. Medicine can be given no more than 3 days.

Children's Panadol is an antipyretic and analgesic based on paracetamol. Syrup and candles are suitable for children.

Under no circumstances should you give your child acetylsalicylic acid. The drug in children can cause stomach bleeding. Even if you give a quarter of a tablet, the body's response can be unpredictable.

Reason to see a dentist

There are situations when the child should be shown to the dentist. If your child has teeth:

  • Got out very early;
  • Absent for a long time;
  • Curves come out or one is missing;
  • grow incorrectly;
  • With a changed color of enamel;
  • With weak enamel that breaks off, cracks appear;
  • They break off and wash off.

All of the above factors, of course, require an appeal to specialists. But do not despair, it happens that an elementary adjustment of the diet or the introduction of fortified food helps to restore healthy teeth.

Babies are growing fast, and, it would seem, they have just been taken from the hospital - and it is already time to study the pattern of teething in children, because the baby began to have all characteristics appearance of the first teeth. This process is very complex and often very unpleasant, both for the child and for the mother. A storm of emotions and feelings at this time is experienced by the child, and most of them are negative. In most children, all this begins at the age of six months, although significant deviations are possible both in one direction and in the other.

The classic scheme of eruption of milk teeth

There are only 20 milk teeth in children. The milk bite, unlike the permanent one, does not have small molars - the premolar. The front incisors are cut first - 4 on the lower and upper jaw. According to the standard scheme, at 6-8 months, two central incisors are first cut from below, followed by two central upper ones. Due to this antagonistic appearance of the teeth (alternately on opposite sides), contact is established between the first teeth. It is very important, because at the same time the bite is built up, and the baby gradually begins to chew hard food. The lateral incisors - like the central ones, first on the lower and then on the upper jaw - erupt at 8-12 months. According to the standard scheme of eruption of milk teeth, by the age of one year, the baby becomes the owner of eight incisors.

This is followed by a short break, after which two fangs erupt on each jaw. At the age of 16-20 months, fangs first grow from below, then from above. These are the most difficult teeth in terms of eruption, the reason for which is their location and the characteristics of the fangs themselves.

After fangs have appeared in the mouth, the baby can fully bite off pieces of hard food, but he still does not have a mechanism for chewing it. For this, molars or molars subsequently appear - the chewing group. There are four of them on each jaw, two on the right and two on the left. Eruption of the chewing group along the usual pattern Teething begins at the age of 20 to 30 months. When these teeth have grown, the baby can fully chew hard food. By about 3 years old, there should be 20 teeth in the oral cavity - the entire milk group.

Teething Formula

In order to make it easier to remember when teeth should erupt, a special formula has been created. She looks like this:

In it, the value M denotes the age of the child, expressed in months; the value of K is the number of teeth. However, this formula can only be used for milk bite. After the age of two, the relevance of the formula is lost. And in many cases, the timing of teeth eruption deviates greatly from all standard formulas and schemes.

Violations of the pattern of eruption of milk teeth

The delay in the appearance of the first tooth in the baby's mouth is a fairly common phenomenon. It happens and vice versa - eruption much earlier than the established average statistical terms. If the eruption is delayed by 1.5-2 months - you should not worry, this is within the normal range. Nutritional habits, heredity, birth season can affect here (it is believed that born in spring or in winter, babies begin to cut their teeth earlier). But if at the age of one year the baby still does not have a single tooth, this should cause concern, referral to specialists: an endocrinologist, dentist, pediatrician. A delay in the appearance of teeth may indicate metabolic disorders, bone diseases, problems in endocrine system organism. The endocrinologist should also show the child when teeth appear much earlier than the average time - at the age of 2-3 months.

Not only the timing of eruption is important, but also the order in which the teeth appear. It should also not be forgotten that baby teething pattern may be disturbed due to hereditary factors. Therefore, it is desirable for parents to find out how their teeth were cut - perhaps this is how the first teeth will appear in a child. It affects the process and many other factors, among which - bad habits mothers, which she kept during pregnancy and feeding, the date of birth, the course of childbirth. Have an impact chronic diseases parents, as well as previous illnesses of the baby himself. The type of feeding, the dynamics of growth and weight, and much more are important.

Scheme of eruption of milk teeth: first signs of eruption

You can learn about teething long before it appears in the baby's mouth. Carefully observing the behavior of the child, you will definitely notice the harbingers joyful event. These signs themselves are quite unpleasant - loosening of the stool, nervousness and whims, sleep and appetite disturbances, fatigue and drowsiness of the child, even observed. The cause of the whims of the child are unpleasant, often very painful sensations, while the tooth, rising from the inside, cuts through the gum. Very often, children suffer at this time from itching, burning, pain. They try to "scratch" the painful place with hard objects, which they begin to forcefully drag into their mouths. Such actions do not need to be stopped, on the contrary, it is better to give the child a special teether.

Unpleasant sensations make the baby often refuse to eat, especially if it is hot. When breastfeeding, babies begin to cause pain to the mother, trying to bite the nipple. To reduce these appearances, before eating, you can give the child a gum massage - then the feeding process will be easier.

Cause fatigue there may be an increase in temperature, which often occurs even if the classical scheme of eruption of milk teeth is observed. If the temperature is above 38 degrees, you need to look for other reasons - it can be something much more serious than teething. As the period of the appearance of the first teeth approaches, parents should mentally prepare for the constant rocking of the child and several sleepless nights.

For any teething pattern local immunity decreases, as a result of which there is a short and slight increase temperature. The body tries to protect itself with its help, and saliva, which is especially abundant at this time, plays the role of a protector: it performs many functions, including anti-inflammatory and bactericidal. That is why it is observed profuse salivation in this period.

May cause restlessness and the child's stool, which can be loosened. If this manifests itself only in a little more loose stool, which does not occur too often, you should not worry. If the diarrhea is frequent and very liquid, very heat, rashes appear, vomiting, consciousness is disturbed - there is no need to constantly write off all these signs for teething. The traditional scheme of eruption of milk teeth allows the occurrence of such manifestations, but not for a long time, and not in a very pronounced form. If the signs are strong, this may indicate an intestinal infection that requires immediate medical attention. The temperature should not last longer than three days at an elevated level.

Permanent teeth in the teething pattern

The appearance of permanent teeth also has its forerunners. Before their growth, temporary milk teeth leave the oral cavity. This process begins with the growth of the first permanent large molars at the age of 6-7 years. Teeth should appear first mandible, then - on the top. Further teething pattern- the same as in dairy. The central incisors change, followed by the lateral incisors. At the age of 9-10 years, permanent lower canines erupt, and premolars appear, which are absent in dairy row. Four such teeth should grow on each of the jaws. The canines of the upper jaw grow at the age of 11-12, simultaneously with them the second molars appear on both jaws. This period is the final in the formation of dental arches and bite height.

And only years later, it happens that even after the age of 25, third molars - "wisdom teeth" may appear. Often they are completely absent, which is considered quite normal. Sometimes all 4 of these teeth are missing, sometimes several of them. There is often not enough space in the jaw for the emergence of third molars, which is the cause of problems with their eruption.



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