Why menstruation started after 55 years. At what age do periods end: what you need to know about menopause

How to prevent unpleasant menopause symptoms?

Lyudmila Alekseevna Ilchenko, a doctor of the first qualification category of the antenatal clinic of the Leninsky district of Voronezh, answers the readers' questions.

"What determines the age at which menopause usually occurs? Can the number of births, the regularity of intimate life, stress affect?"
V. Petrova, Saransk

The age of menopause is determined primarily by heredity. If the mother and female relatives had an early menopause, their daughter will almost certainly share their fate. It is impossible to stop or slow down the internal biological clock. To date, no means have been found that can prevent inherited insufficient ovarian activity.

Gynecological operations, severe and prolonged stress, infectious diseases during puberty can bring the onset of menopause closer. Menopause can begin earlier with severe illness, exhaustion.

The onset of menopause is caused by the removal of the ovaries or their dysfunction due to radiation or chemotherapy. It is believed that menopause occurs 1-3 years faster in women who smoke a lot.

The number of pregnancies and childbirth does not affect the age at which menopause occurs.

Thus, it is almost impossible to postpone the age of entering the menopause. But you can try not to speed up the internal biological clock. It is especially important to avoid smoking and, in case of prolonged stressful conditions, seek help from a specialist.

"I'm 48 years old. A year ago, my periods became less frequent and less plentiful. This went on for 8 months, then the cycle recovered and became the same as before. What was it? Did I really have a menopause?"
L. V., Tambov

The main manifestation of a normally flowing menopause is rare and less heavy menstruation.

A temporary violation of the menstrual cycle may indicate an approaching menopause. But to say that the menopause has already begun is not worth it. The change in the nature of menstruation was most likely a harbinger of the upcoming hormonal changes.

You need to see a gynecologist. Based on the results of a blood test for hormones - FSH, LH, prolactin - the doctor will be able to conclude what was the cause of the disruptions in the menstrual cycle.

"Is there any benefit to late menopause? My friend started it at 44 and I'm 56, but I still don't feel any change in my body."
Natalya Chetverikova, Moscow region

The average age of menopause in countries with a temperate climate, which includes Russia, is about 50 years. Most women stop menstruating between the ages of 45 and 55. In 5 women out of 100, regular menstruation continues after 55, and in some women even after 60 years. In 3% of women, a natural menopause begins before 40.

It has been noticed that menopause is most easily tolerated by those women in whom it has come at an average age. Early menopause, as a rule, lasts a long time and is often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.

The late age of menopause is somewhat beneficial. Estrogens, which protect the heart and blood vessels, affect the body for a longer time. A woman's skin and hair begin to age later, the femininity of the figure lasts longer.

The only real downside to late menopause is a slight increase in the chance of breast or ovarian cancer. Therefore, you, and everyone else, definitely need to undergo preventive examinations by a gynecologist once a year and do a mammogram.

"I am 53 years old, for several months now I have been suffering from hot flashes and irritability. What should I do to make it easier to endure menopause?"
Tatyana Vasilyeva, Moscow

Menopause is not a disease, but just a period of adaptation of the body to a low hormonal level. It is recommended not to smoke, limit the use of alcoholic beverages. It is important to enrich the diet with calcium, eat a well-balanced diet low in animal fats, and exercise.

Stay outdoors more, because under the influence of sunlight, a very important vitamin D is synthesized in the body. It is dangerous to go on strict, especially protein-free diets, as they are additional stress for the body.

Hot drinks, alcohol, spicy foods, physical stress, excitement, too warm clothes can provoke hot flashes. You need to track what factors cause hot flashes for you, and try to avoid them.

Vitamin E often helps women with moderate menopause symptoms. Wheat germ, nuts, and vegetable oils are excellent sources of it.

If these simple measures do not help, see your doctor. There are a number of modern hormone replacement drugs that can greatly alleviate the manifestations of menopause.

"Now they talk a lot about the dangers of hormones. How true is this? Maybe they should not be taken at all?"
Elena Grinevich, Novgorod

In fact, these drugs "deceive" the body. He receives the hormones he lacks in just the amount so as not to be "outraged", but in much less than what was produced by the ovaries. Therefore, the process of restructuring does not slow down, but proceeds smoothly and almost painlessly.

The question of how widely hormone replacement therapy should be used is still open. Many experts are inclined to believe that substitution therapy is justified, if only the woman feels very ill, and the symptoms of menopause significantly reduce her ability to work.

Although hormonal drugs alleviate the condition, help to age less, they are not indifferent to the body. Therefore, if the ailments can be endured, it is better to put up with the symptoms, but to avoid the dangers of prescribing therapy.

If there is no strength to endure, it is necessary that a very good specialist selects the scheme. In the treatment of hormonal agents, it is recommended to periodically do a mammogram.

If there are nodules in the mammary gland, replacement therapy is not carried out. Hormonal treatment is also contraindicated in liver diseases, diabetes mellitus, disorders in the blood coagulation system and in tumors of any origin.

Instead of hormones, the doctor can choose homeopathic remedies and preparations containing phytoestrogens - "Klimaktoplan", "Remens" and others. They also relieve the symptoms of menopause, although the strength of their action, of course, is noticeably inferior to hormonal drugs. With increased irritability and insomnia, the new homeopathic preparation "Climased Clinic" helps a lot.

All manifestations of the climacteric syndrome are affected by the non-hormonal drug Enerlit-Klima.

Of the modern medicinal herbal preparations, the drug "Klimadinon" is successfully used, which is effective in the treatment of moderate menopausal symptoms. Klimadinon reduces hot flashes, relieves irritability, normalizes sleep, and also has a positive effect on the preservation of bone tissue.

Is it possible to get pregnant during menopause?
Svetlana, St. Petersburg

The ability to become pregnant decreases already at a time when a woman's menstruation becomes irregular or scarce after the age of 40.

However, sometimes there may be a temporary hormonal background favorable for conception. "Unexpected" pregnancies in women between the ages of 45 and 50 are not uncommon.

A hormonal blood test can most likely tell about a woman's ability to conceive. The main indicator that the doctor evaluates is the level of follicle-stimulating hormone - FSH. This hormone controls ovarian function. With a significant decrease in it, the eggs cease to mature.

It is believed that if there was no menstruation for one year, then it is impossible to get pregnant.


In general, I do not have a late period. I came across this article and thought I'd share some useful tips. I am sure that those who have already experienced menopause are well aware of what kind of discomfort they are talking about. I recommend the following - Menopace is not a hormonal drug and you can start drinking it regardless of the cycle. I had little faith in him, but it helps really well. Not quickly, but the hot flashes disappeared at about the 3rd week of admission and the mood appeared, strength increased, but this is not a hormonal drug either. I really like it, only they can say and save myself.

12/10/2015 12:16:37 pm, Valeria 770

Mom took remens, she liked it. And although the article talks about the milder effect of remens, my mother said that she noticed the effect after a few days.

The article is wonderful. In fact, it is very important for women at this age to know more information. And for the last post, I want to support. I just drink climafit myself. Well, it was in this preparation that I found support. After all, many are saved in different ways, someone does not accept anything. But I needed help, but the hormones did not fit. So, look for yourself every helper)

I have been taking Climafit (these are non-hormonal capsules) for about three months. I don't know how I lived before without it. Tortured: insomnia, palpitations, dizziness, jumping pressure. After I started taking Climafit 911, after about a week, the symptoms began to slowly go away. Now I feel good. Of course, this is all individual, but I advise you to try.

07/19/2012 22:04:04, Sofia

The article is interesting and useful, but alas, at the very end, a mistake was made that FSH decreases during menopause. Quite the contrary - it is the increase in FSH that indicates the approaching or onset of menopause. You can easily check by looking at the websites of laboratories for the norms for this hormone.

07/03/2009 03:27:59, karkade

Say, chto za preparat Mulimen S, help li on pri mastopatii i klimakse?

10/22/2006 11:23:53 AM, ella

The article is very interesting, useful, specific. It is not only interesting, useful, but also very important for all women to know such information for their health, to have the necessary available knowledge about their condition and the treatment of menopause, the onset of menopause, to have elementary literacy in such an important issue for themselves. I would completely trust such a qualified doctor.

10/13/2006 03:39:31 PM, Irina

Thank you for informing me about new drugs. For me and my girlfriends, this article just appeared on time! I tried to form my opinion from various sources on which drugs to use, and now I have this information. I have a question: What would they say about drugs such as Femicaps (hot flashes are not was able to remove) and the Female Doctor (removed the hot flashes)? How to support the heart, skin. bones? What tavas would you recommend? I use a tincture of Saphora Japonica - the result is amazing

05/17/2006 13:13:57, Hope

Thank you for informing me about new drugs. For me and my girlfriends, this article just appeared on time! I tried to form my opinion from various sources on which drugs to use, and now I have this information. I have a question: What would they say about drugs such as Femicaps (hot flashes are not was able to remove) and the Female Doctor (removed the hot flashes)? How to support the heart, skin. bones? What tavas would you recommend? I use a tincture of Saphora Japonica and the results are amazing.

May 17, 2006 01:13:15 PM, Nadia

Comment on the article "Late menopause"

I took the climafit 911 complex, containing phytoestrogen, vitamin and amino acids. All that is necessary for a woman with menopause. Removed the symptoms of menopause, and it got better ...


I took the climafit 911 complex, containing phytoestrogen, vitamin and amino acids. All that is necessary for a woman with menopause. He removed the symptoms of menopause, and the emotional state improved.

15.02.2019 10:35:33, marisha02

In general, it is necessary not only to take vitamins, but also to eat right. But even this did not help me. The drug qi-clim saved me. And all this together had a positive effect on my body.

03/21/2018 15:02:03, Anna1.2


I really didn’t like how I smelled during IVF and 1.5 months after it. I even wrote about it here.
The hormones are out and everything is gone

I myself am at that age and I work with several such colleagues: it smells of diabetics, from those who, after an illness with a fever, alone and in their youth smelled the same as they do now, the rest do not smell.


Now, early menopause is becoming more and more common, for various reasons, but there is no need to despair, because there are special drugs that help to survive changes in the body and reduce the manifestation of symptoms, mom drinks dietary supplements based on lignans, leads a healthy lifestyle, travels a lot and feels great!

Most women go through menopause between the ages of 45 and 52. Only in 5% the decline of reproductive function occurs much later - after 55 years. The opinions of doctors on this matter are ambiguous, since this condition can have both a positive color and a negative one. Late menopause is a phenomenon that requires careful monitoring by specialists. If a woman after 53-55 years of menstruation has not stopped, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination to exclude life-threatening pathologies.

The onset of menopause in women is associated with the extinction of the ovaries, which leads to a loss of reproductive function. At this time, there is a significant decrease in the concentration of sex hormones, which is a completely natural process. If menopause in women does not occur after 55 or even later, we can talk about a certain violation.

This condition occurs due to the following reasons:

  • hereditary factors. If late menopause was observed in the mother and grandmother, then it is very likely that the daughter will also. Age-related changes in a woman's body are determined by heredity, which is not a pathology;
  • the presence of tumors. In some women, menopause does not occur for a long time due to a pathological increase in the level of estrogen in the blood. In this case, the ovaries cease to function, and the tumor takes over the production of hormones. This pathology can appear at any age. The main sign that indicates the presence of a tumor is an abnormal increase in estrogen levels;
  • taking aggressive drugs. Late menopause is sometimes observed due to radiation or chemotherapy, which were used to treat oncological diseases of different localization.

Is there any benefit to late menopause?

If late menopause is caused by natural causes, and the woman does not have any pathologies leading to this condition, such a phenomenon should be considered as positive. Maintaining high levels of sex hormones after the age of 50 is of great benefit:

  • maintaining bone strength. In women, with the onset of menopause, the risk of developing osteoporosis and other diseases that affect the musculoskeletal system is significantly increased. The presence of a high level of sex hormones for a long time allows you to maintain the optimal concentration of calcium in the body longer. This prevents bone fragility, often observed during menopause;
  • psycho-emotional state is more stable. Women with delayed menopause have a clearer memory, sound sleep, no mood swings, tearfulness. They are less prone to depression than their peers;

  • best look. Women with high estrogen levels stay young longer. They do not have many wrinkles, because the body produces enough collagen. Also, gray hair does not appear longer, the splendor of the hair remains, the elasticity of the mammary glands, the weight remains stable;
  • women's ovaries working normally prevent the development of atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke. The presence of a high concentration of sex hormones in the blood increases vascular tone, has a positive effect on the state of the heart, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques;
  • the woman is sexually attracted. The release of vaginal lubrication remains the same, which does not allow you to experience discomfort during intimate intercourse;
  • preservation of reproductive function. Since the ovaries function normally, a woman has a chance to conceive a child even at that age.

Why is such a phenomenon dangerous?

With late menopause, the risk of ovarian, uterine, or breast cancer is significantly increased. Therefore, after 50 years, a woman should not forget to visit a gynecologist and a mammologist for preventive examinations. It is important to treat all diseases of the reproductive system in a timely manner and identify any potential danger. In the early stages, getting rid of cancer is not so difficult, and the risk of death is minimal. Women who observe a late onset of menopause should understand that the risk of developing malignant processes is possible, but this does not happen to everyone.

Also, in the absence of menopause, it is necessary not to forget about the preservation of reproductive function. But not many women after 50 want to have a baby. At this age, the issue of contraception should be treated no less responsibly than in youth.

Late menopause symptoms

What symptoms are observed in a woman with a late menopause? The decline of reproductive function after age 50 or later occurs in the same way as at a younger age. The appearance or absence of certain symptoms is individual. Many women note such signs of the imminent onset of menopause:

  • an increase in the interval between periods. Menstrual flow in a woman becomes scarce or, conversely, bleeding is observed;
  • discomfort in the vagina. There may even be significant itching due to the lack of natural lubrication;
  • the occurrence of tides. A woman feels a sudden feeling of heat, which is localized in the upper body. Hot flashes are accompanied by increased sweating, may appear at night, causing insomnia;

  • an unstable psycho-emotional state is observed. The woman becomes more whiny, prone to depression;
  • often develop severe headaches, migraines;
  • deterioration in appearance, which is caused by the rapid aging process. The skin of a woman loses its former elasticity, becomes covered with wrinkles, gray hair, excess weight appears;
  • jumps in blood pressure are observed;
  • diseases that affect the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems develop.

Is it possible for a woman to hasten the onset of menopause?

If late menopause is provoked by hereditary factors, there is no need to accelerate its onset. In this case, a woman only needs to be attentive to her health and visit a doctor regularly.

When a long period of preservation of reproductive function carries a certain danger, a decision may be made to artificially inhibit the functioning of the ovaries. Menopause is often caused in the presence of gynecological problems that cannot be eliminated with a high level of sex hormones. Premature menopause in a woman occurs when using the following drugs:

  • Buserelin and others.

It is strictly forbidden for a woman to be treated with these drugs on her own. They are used strictly according to a certain scheme, since they can cause various dangerous side effects.

How to improve well-being during the onset of late menopause?

Symptoms and treatment of menopause at any age are in direct relationship. If a woman complains of feeling unwell, she is often worried about hot flashes, migraines, pressure surges and other unpleasant signs of an approaching menopause, a decision is made on hormone replacement therapy. It allows you to eliminate the pronounced imbalance, which is the cause of all problems. The following groups of drugs are used:

  • drugs containing estrogens - Premarin, Estriol, Dermestil. These drugs are taken for 21-28 days, after which there is a break for a week. This pattern of use reflects the natural fluctuations of estrogen in a woman's blood throughout the normal menstrual cycle;

  • combined preparations containing estrogen and progesterone. Such drugs are taken strictly according to the scheme. It involves the use of estrogen-only tablets on certain days of the cycle, after which it is necessary to use the drug with a combined composition. The means of this type include Divina, Klimen, Angelik.

Hormonal preparations of different composition are most often used in the form of tablets or injections. Sometimes local application of funds is indicated. There are hormonal preparations in the form of suppositories or gels. Such funds will also help a woman get rid of dryness, itching in the vagina, and facilitate urination.

Homeopathy for menopause

Preparations that contain synthetic sex hormones are aggressive and potent. They are used only when a woman experiences a lot of unpleasant symptoms, her chronic diseases are exacerbated, which carries a potential danger to normal life. Also, hormonal drugs have many side effects. For example, many refuse them because of the high risk of tumor formation.

In many cases, the use of more gentle products containing plant components is indicated. Homeopathic remedies effectively help to cope with hot flashes, eliminate causeless anxiety, and help get rid of headaches. Herbal products include:

  • Klimadinon and others.

Symptomatic therapy

The symptoms of menopause are varied, therefore, depending on the presence of certain complaints, appropriate drugs are prescribed. If a woman suffers from pressure surges or she is worried about this problem all the time, tools such as:

They have a positive effect on blood vessels and the heart, eliminate and prevent repeated pressure surges.

In the presence of an unstable psycho-emotional state (which is accompanied by neuroses, tearfulness, insomnia), sedatives are prescribed. It is often recommended to take valerian or motherwort in the form of tablets, tinctures. In more severe cases, when a woman is in a state of persistent depression and simple drugs do not help, antidepressants are prescribed (Velaxor, Citalopram, Sertraline). These funds should be used with great care and under the supervision of doctors.

Also, many women with the onset of menopause are familiar with osteoporosis. This is due to calcium deficiency, against the background of which frequent and long-healing fractures are observed. As a result, menopausal arthrosis may develop. Therefore, in the presence of characteristic symptoms, special vitamin and mineral supplements are prescribed. They make up for the deficiency of calcium, vitamin D. You also need to carefully monitor your diet. In the diet of a woman should be present red fish, dairy products, hard cheese.

How to deal with late menopause on your own?

In many cases, the presence or absence of any symptoms of menopause depends on the woman's lifestyle. Therefore, in order to improve your well-being during hormonal changes in the body, it is necessary to consider several recommendations:

  • you need to completely abandon bad habits - smoking, occasional alcohol consumption in any form;
  • nutrition adjustment. A woman's menu should be made up of different products containing the optimal amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You should refuse fast food, food containing chemical additives;
  • it is necessary to subject the body to moderate physical activity. The best option is easy running, walking, cycling;
  • no need to isolate yourself from friends and relatives. Socializing can help prevent depression and improve your mood.

Also, a woman should not forget to visit doctors regularly, especially if something bothers her.

The onset of menopause at 50 is considered the norm. Deviations up or down are also possible. Much depends on heredity. If unpleasant signs appeared at this age, then there is practically no doubt about the cause. A woman is mentally prepared for the fact that a new period in life begins. Remedies that smooth out hormonal changes and calm the nervous system help to relieve symptoms. It is necessary to be attentive to any health problems, consult a doctor in time. This will help you stay active and alert for many years to come.


When and why does menopause occur in women

The onset of menopause is associated with the aging of the body, the gradual cessation of the production of female sex hormones in the ovaries, and the depletion of the supply of eggs. Due to the lack of these substances, the functioning of all systems is disrupted, so a woman develops various ailments and even serious diseases, and her appearance also changes. Hormonal restructuring occurs within a few years, after which menstruation stops, fertility fades.

Climax is conditionally divided into 3 periods:

  1. Premenopause is the time when the first signs of the decline of reproductive function appear.
  2. Menopause is the complete cessation of menstruation. It is believed that this period has come if they have not been within 1 year.
  3. Postmenopause is the completion of hormonal changes, after which the obvious manifestations of hormonal changes disappear, but the consequences of a lack of female hormones remain.

The normal age for the cessation of menstruation is considered to be 48-55 years. But signs of the onset of menopause in women appear already by 40-45. And the postmenopausal period sometimes comes only after 60 years.

Menopause, which began before the age of 45, is considered early. Its cause may be ovarian surgery, endocrine diseases, the use of hormonal drugs, the genetic characteristics of the body.

Heredity is considered the main factor determining the time of onset of menopause. As a rule, the grandmother, mother and daughter menopause occurs at about the same age. But there are other factors that can accelerate the aging of the body and the onset of menopause. These include the socio-psychological climate and the conditions in which a woman lives, the nature of the traumas and diseases experienced by her.

Symptoms of menopause

If menopause occurs in a 40-45-year-old woman, then interruptions in the cycle, a change in the nature of menstruation, as well as the appearance of ailments, she will most likely associate with some kind of disease. In order to dispel doubts about their nature, special tests may be needed to confirm that irreversible hormonal processes are taking place in the body.

At the age of 51-55, a woman usually already expects the onset of menopause and is unlikely to miss the appearance of its first signs:

  • increasingly meager periods, coming with an increasing break;
  • causeless short-term sensation of heat;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • bouts of irritability;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • decreased sex drive.

Note: Symptoms at this age for many women are not so painful. Realizing that they are natural, women do not always pay due attention to them. Meanwhile, the risk of developing serious diseases at this time is much greater.

50 is a critical age at which most women begin to show ailments that arise due to a lack of sex hormones.

Menstrual disorders

Menstruation comes with a break of 2-6 months, bleeding is replaced by spotting brown discharge until it disappears completely. If a woman is over 50 years old, then she is more likely to develop malignant tumors, the only symptom of which in the early stages is spotting. Therefore, it is recommended that she undergo annual preventive examinations by a gynecologist so that the symptoms of menopause do not miss the onset of a deadly disease.


Due to the slowdown of metabolic processes in the body, the absorption of nutrients from food is significantly reduced. Lack of calcium and magnesium leads to deterioration of the bone tissue. Bones become more fragile and the risk of fractures is increased. In addition, the production of collagen decreases, which leads to the destruction of cartilage. As a result, there are pains in the joints (arthritis), spine. The gait, posture changes, growth decreases.

Metabolic disease

The reason is the deterioration of the digestive system, liver, biliary organs due to the aging of body tissues. Violation of water-salt, fat, carbohydrate metabolism leads to an increase in body weight or a sharp weight loss, to the occurrence of diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases.

Disruptions in the digestive system lead to constipation. This can cause prolapse of internal organs (uterus, intestines, and others). This also contributes to the weakening of muscles and ligaments due to lack of collagen.

Vaginal dryness

At 51-55, all women suffer from this disease. The functioning of the glands that produce mucus in the cervix practically stops. The lack of lubrication leads to the fact that the surface of the vagina becomes vulnerable, microcracks and areas of atrophy appear on it. Since mucus also plays a protective role, preventing infection from entering the uterus, when it is lacking, a woman often develops inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. A woman is worried about pain in the bladder, frequent urination, burning and itching in the genitals, unusual discharge.

Disorders of the nervous system

They cause a change in character. A sweet and meek woman can become irritable and aggressive. The appearance of a depressive state, causeless anxiety, fear, apathy, insomnia is a sign of the onset of menopause at any age. But in youth it is easier to cope with them, while in old age, the fear of being left without work, becoming unnecessary for adult children, panic before the impending deterioration in health is added.

Hot flashes that occur as a result of a disruption in the work of the autonomic nervous system and a disruption in the work of the thermoregulation centers of the brain occur in most women during menopause at 50 years old, as well as at other ages. For some, seizures occur occasionally, lasting 5-15 minutes, for others they are long and very frequent, depriving women of strength. Hot flashes are accompanied by profuse sweating, reddening of the face, shortness of breath, and increased heart rate.

Cardiovascular pathologies

The lack of estrogen, first of all, affects the condition of the heart muscle and the walls of blood vessels. It is at 50-55 that a woman has symptoms of heart disease (atrial fibrillation, tachycardia, ischemia), attacks of hypertension and headaches in the morning.

Warning: Do not postpone a visit to the doctor when the first symptoms of such pathologies appear. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of delaying the development of the disease or getting rid of it. The main thing is not to self-medicate. Sometimes lost time becomes the cause of the most serious complications.

A woman at this age needs to undergo a general examination at least once a year: check the blood sugar, do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs in order to notice the occurrence of uterine diseases in time, undergo preventive gynecological and mammological examinations. It is important to seek advice from a therapist, urologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist in time.

Additional signs of the onset of menopause are dry skin and a sharp increase in the number of wrinkles, hair loss on the head, facial hair growth, reduction of pubic and underarm hair, flabbiness (involution) of the mammary glands, a sharp deterioration in vision, hearing, memory, teeth, numbness fingers on the hands.

What determines the severity of menopause

The following factors influence the severity of symptoms:

  • general health, the presence of diseases of the ovaries and uterus, endocrine disorders;
  • the number of pregnancies, childbirth, abortions, operations on the uterus and ovaries;
  • the presence or absence of sexual life, sexual activity;
  • state of immunity, physical form;
  • lifestyle, the presence or absence of bad habits.

Video: Signs of menopause, why pathologies develop, which ones are especially dangerous

How to ease the symptoms of menopause

If a woman can hardly endure the onset of menopause, painful attacks of hot flashes, headaches, signs of osteoporosis, cardiovascular and other disorders appear too often, the therapist directs her to specialist doctors, and also recommends a blood test for hormones. In some cases, hormone replacement therapy is used to alleviate the symptoms of menopause and prevent the development of diseases. Preparations based on female sex hormones can increase their content in the body and slow down the aging process. They are selected for each patient strictly individually, since exceeding the norm threatens with the occurrence of obesity, cancer.

Calming drugs are also prescribed, means to strengthen the immune system. When menopause occurs in women at the age of 50, vitamins are especially needed: A, C, PP, E, D, K, group B, as well as mineral components based on calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iodine, selenium. Therefore, doctors recommend taking them in the form of complex preparations.

Moderate sports (swimming, cycling, walking), hardening of the body, the fight against excess weight contribute to an easier flow of this period. We must try to calmly respond to stress that provokes the development of hypertension and heart disease. It is necessary to stop smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, too spicy food and strong coffee.

Video: How you can relieve symptoms yourself. Psychologist's advice

Menopause is a special stage in a woman's life, you should not be afraid of it, since its onset is due to a normal physiological process, but everyone should know the features of its course.

In a healthy woman, menopause begins at age 45–49 and lasts until age 55–58. Climax is a long period, it has no clear boundaries, three stages can be distinguished, which gradually replace each other:

  • premenopause - the stage when the restructuring of the female body begins, is characterized by a decrease in the production of the main sex hormones, as a result of which menstrual irregularities occur. This period lasts from one to three years - depending on the lifestyle of a woman and the characteristics of her body;
  • menopause is the stage when menstruation stops. If there was no discharge within 12 months after the last menstruation, then the doctor confirms the onset of menopause;
  • postmenopause is the final stage. At this stage of menopause, menstruation is completely excluded, and any discharge from the vagina may indicate pathologies and various diseases.

The nature of the flow of menstruation during menopause depends on the stage in which the woman is. At the first stage, menstruation can go once a month, but their duration and intensity begin to change. If this period occurs before the age of 40, then you should consult a doctor - at this stage, hormone therapy can be used and the reproductive period can be extended.

Early onset of menopause is due to ovarian dysfunction or other serious conditions, and the consequences can be much more serious than weight gain, skin aging and premature aging. Therefore, you should be attentive to your health and regularly visit a gynecologist, and after 40 years, a consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist is desirable.

Features of the menstrual cycle during premenopause

Menopause begins with a change in the functioning of the ovaries - paired glands, which, in addition to producing eggs, also secrete the main part of female sex hormones. The menstrual cycle is completely dependent on the production of a particular hormone.

At the initial stage, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) enters the blood in large quantities. Under its influence, the growth of follicles in the ovaries begins, and the production of estrogen is also stimulated. In the middle of the cycle, the amount of FSH decreases, and the production of luteinizing hormone (LH) increases, which actively affects the corpus luteum, formed after the release of the egg from the follicle. The corpus luteum is a temporary gland responsible for the production of progesterone, a hormone that prepares the uterine endometrium for egg implantation.

Such hormonal cycling ensures not only the normal functioning of the genital organs and the woman's ability to bear children, but also affects the general condition of the body. With the onset of menopause, the ovaries decrease in size, lose sensitivity to hormones. There is an imbalance:

  • the amount of FSH and LH increases (two to three times);
  • estrogen and progesterone decrease.

Therefore, menstruation during menopause begins to go irregularly. The cycle goes astray, and the timing of each next menstruation is already difficult to predict. Most often, there are delays in menstruation, initially for 8–10 days, then up to 20 or more. During this period, it is desirable to fix on the calendar how the menstruation goes, to mark not only the first day of the cycle, but also its duration, most often it is reduced to 3-4 days. If a woman has prolonged periods before menopause, which last 7–10 days and are accompanied by heavy bleeding, this may indicate possible pathologies:

  • growing fibroids;
  • the presence of polyps;
  • benign or malignant tumors;
  • endometrial hyperplasia.

Long periods during menopause are considered the norm, if the discharge is meager, not abundant.

What menstruation is considered normal during menopause

There is no consensus among doctors about how many days and how menstruation goes before menopause. Before menopause occurs, the nature of the menstrual cycle may be as follows:

  • reduction in the number of allocations;
  • long period between periods. Initially, there may be delays of several days, then increase to several months. In this case, a delay in menstruation with menopause and up to 6 months can be considered normal. But if menstruation is absent for 12 months, then this is already evidence of the onset of menopause;
  • cycle irregularity: menstruation can go on for several months in a row, then disappear for two to three months and resume;
  • pieces of mucus may be observed in the discharge. If the color of the blood is not scarlet and not dark brown, then the presence of mucus is considered normal, since the endometrium begins to change during the premenopausal period;
  • menstruation during menopause is accompanied by painful sensations, general well-being worsens, dizziness appears, and emotional vulnerability increases.

Gradually, the interval between periods increases more and more. Despite the extinction of ovarian function, an egg is still maturing in them, which can be fertilized. In general, during this period, there are high risks of an unwanted pregnancy, since a woman cannot control ovulation at all. During premenopause, special attention should be paid to contraception.

Over time, menstruation in the menopause disappears altogether. And in their absence for more than one year, doctors ascertain menopause. All discharges that will be present during this period should alert the woman, as they may indicate various pathologies.

What may indicate various discharges during the postmenopausal period

Irregular, meager, prolonged periods during menopause are considered the norm, but the appearance of discharge during the postmenopausal period indicates a violation in the genitourinary system:

  • if frequent and profuse spotting is observed, then the cause of this may be tumors, including cancerous ones;
  • if spotting suddenly appeared during the postmenopausal period, this indicates a rupture of the vessels of the uterus. Only a specialist can find out the reasons for this;
  • yellowish discharge, accompanied by an unpleasant odor, and an increase in body temperature indicates the presence of an infection in the vagina;
  • secretion of ichor is an unfavorable symptom that indicates an inflammatory process of the genital organs;
  • white mucus was considered the norm before the onset of menopause - it contained dead epithelial cells, however, during postmenopause - this is a manifestation of thrush;
  • watery fluid discharged from the vagina is not normal, the reason for its appearance should be found out from the gynecologist.

It is important to remember that if menstruation occurs during menopause, then this indicates two things:

  • menopause has not yet occurred;
  • tumors or other pathologies develop in the body.

Most often in women after 55 years of age there are:

  • polyps;
  • hyperplastic changes in the endometrium;
  • myoma.

If bleeding is found in women after 65 years, then this is almost always a symptom of endometrial cancer. In any case, it is not worth drawing independent conclusions, and if there is any discharge from the vagina in postmenopause, you should consult a doctor.

For every woman, there will come a moment when menstruation stops, and menopause begins. Many of the fair sex have heard about him, many have read, and many know from their female ancestors how it happens.

But, let's see what the essence of this terrible "monster" by name is menopause. Maybe "the devil is not so terrible as he is painted"?

The age at which menstruation stops is very individual. World statistics show that the average period is from 45 to 55 years, and five percent of women continue to have periods even after 55.

History knows cases when menstruation went on at 60 years old, but this is more a unique case than a regular one. It is clear that at the age of 55, the cycle becomes irregular, scarce, and it becomes almost impossible to conceive a child.

For some representatives of the female gender, menopause begins at the age of 40, more precisely, every eighth woman on the planet has an early menopause.

In nature, there are three periods of menopause:

  • premenopause(premenopausal). Comes after 40 years. Menstruation, during the period of premenopause, goes on, but in most cases without the formation of an egg. It turns out that they are no longer menstruating in full, because they pass without ovulation. The general hormonal background goes astray and there is a high probability of gaining extra pounds (5-10 kg) during this period. Changes also affect the condition of the skin: the number of wrinkles increases, the elasticity of the epidermis is lost. The sexual activity of a woman decreases. The premenopausal period lasts from 1 to 10 years.
  • The second period is called menopause. The follicles that remain in the ovaries change. Menses also change. The volume of secretions decreases, shortens or, conversely, the interval between cycles lengthens. Critical days become irregular, which is the norm and does not require treatment. That is, the number of follicles in the ovaries is reduced, which leads to a decrease in estrogen production. And this means that progesterone decreases. As a result, the follicles end completely, and menstruation stops forever. This period is characterized by an exacerbation of chronic diseases, an increase in overweight, and in some cases obesity. The risk of cardiovascular diseases and the development of diabetes mellitus increases. The menopause period lasts from 1 year or more.
  • And the last, third, period is called - postmenopause. Their beginning falls a year after the end of the last menstruation. The general condition of the woman returns to normal. The hormonal background is balanced, health improves, metabolic processes in the body are restored. Any female representative can judge the cessation of menopause by an elevated level of the hormone FSH, which can be detected in the blood or urine.

All these processes are only individual in nature. Some women will not notice any special changes in the body, while others, on the contrary, will feel all the changes. Basically, heredity plays a big role here. So, if a woman wants to know what awaits her during menopause, let the older generation of women ask.

Of course, if there were no outside interventions, for example, ovarian surgery, chemotherapy, etc. And also, the woman does not abuse alcohol and tobacco.

menopause symptoms

Any woman, by nature, is unique, therefore the “bouquet” of the first signs will be different and unique. Sometimes in reproductive age, a woman seems to feel the symptoms of an approaching menopause. But it could be amenorrhea - violation of the menstrual cycle, in which menstruation does not go.

In rare cases, there is menopause even at 30–35 years old, but this is not a pattern, but an exception to the rule.

All symptoms of menopause are divided into:

  • Early (premenopausal phase);
  • Medium (menopause);
  • And, later (postmenopausal phase).

We will try to consider the most complete list of possible first menopause bells:

1. Early:

  • The most common symptom of the upcoming menopause is the failure of the menstrual cycle. They can go whenever they want. They can be plentiful or scarce. The interval between menstruation increases, and over time, critical days end forever.
  • Tides. This is a sudden increase in temperature in the upper parts of the body: face, neck, chest.
  • Sweating. Occurs as a result of tides. May be profuse, in the form of perspiration on the body.
  • Sudden chills, which are not related to natural phenomena.
  • Insomnia.
  • Drowsiness, lethargy, weakness throughout the day - all this occurs due to insomnia. Often these conditions can lead a woman to depression.
  • The early stage also affects the pressure drops, the heartbeat may become more frequent.
  • Due to poor health and lack of sleep, a woman becomes irritable and aggressive.
  • Decreased or lost sex drive.
  • A woman becomes dissatisfied with her life, headaches, migraines appear. As a result, all of the above often fail.

2. The middle stage implies the following features:

  • The internal mucous membranes reduce the abundance of secretions, which causes dryness and burning of the genitals. This is all due to low levels of progesterone and estrogen.
  • There are pains during sex, because the amount of lubrication in the vagina decreases.
  • Wrinkles, dry skin, loss of elasticity, brittle nails, hair loss - this is the aging of the body.
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet, urinary incontinence as a result of hormonal failure and low immunity.

3. Late period:

  • Osteoporosis is a bone disease.
  • Disease of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Disease of the veins.
  • Loss of ability to memorize new knowledge and skills. This refers to the older (senile) age.

If a woman has several of the above symptoms and she is already over 40 years old, it is recommended not to make a diagnosis on her own, but to contact a specialist. A gynecologist will help you cope with your body in the best possible way.

How to alleviate the condition with menopause

There are several ways to eliminate or alleviate the condition of women when menstruation ends irrevocably:

  • Hormone treatment. During menopause, a woman's progesterone and estrogen levels drop sharply, which leads to health problems (osteoporosis, blockage of blood vessels, stroke, etc.). Taking hormones balances progesterone and estrogen. As a result, hot flashes, sweating decrease, insomnia disappears, the general condition of the woman improves significantly. But, recently, it has been found that when treated with hormones, the risk of cancer increases dramatically. Therefore, it is recommended to look for other ways to treat menopause.
  • Dietary supplements or phytohormones. They also replenish the body with the necessary estrogen. True, there are contraindications: a tumor and people whose metabolism is slowed down, because the drugs cause excess weight.
  • Homeopathy. Such funds are very successfully used for a long time and successfully remove the signs of menopause.
    But that's not all, you need to reconsider your lifestyle and adjust some of the nuances that will help you endure this difficult period with ease:
  • Do morning exercises your friend. A little warm-up, swinging your arms and legs will improve your well-being, cheer you up and relieve your headache.
  • Try every day to walk outside especially before bed. This will help you understand your inner feelings and “work up” your appetite for the night. You can connect your relatives to walks, and this will further strengthen the family.
  • Don't forget to pamper yourself active pursuits. For example, dancing, yoga, fitness, sports. These ways will perfectly help to relax to satisfy your mental and physical state.
  • To the max to refuse from bad habits. Drink less alcohol, eat right, quit smoking, drink more clean water. All this is a guarantee of health.
  • Important "do not seize" feeling unwell sweets and carbohydrates. Extra pounds do not decorate anyone and you will not be healthier from what you eat.
  • Try sleep at least 8 hours a day. Healthy sleep is the key to a good mood.
  • Avoid stressful situations, be less nervous and believe only in the good, because it has long been known that thoughts are material. And with an integrated approach to menopause, you can avoid many negative factors, improve your condition as much as possible and you won’t notice how menopause ends.


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