Fatigue and overwork – you can’t rest when working. Slurred speech: causes and treatment features

Neurological pathologies are widespread among the population today. However, not many of us know what symptoms we should go to the doctor for and when exactly. Reasons for concern and contacting a neurologist should be frequent dizziness, recurring headaches that are poorly controlled by analgesics, as well as weakness. It is worth consulting a doctor if you experience back pain, a feeling of numbness or crawling, memory failure or sharply decreased vision. Let's discuss the 9 most common symptoms neurological pathologies.

Usually people go to the doctor when they can no longer endure the symptoms and the usual medications no longer help. And this is wrong, because any disease, especially a neurological one, is much easier to eliminate or significantly alleviate at the initial stage. And it is important to know that neurological pathologies, unlike most diseases of internal organs, do not occur without symptoms. There are always at least minimal manifestations, but a person may not pay attention to them, mistaking them for fatigue or stress. For most ordinary people far from medicine, neurological diseases are a mystery. If gastritis or dermatitis are pathologies with specific and well-known symptoms to people, then what should hurt or worry about neurological diseases?

1. Headache and its dangers

Almost every person sometimes suffers from headaches that occur with colds, severe overexertion or fatigue. However, if headache strong, provokes nausea with vomiting, localized in one half of the head, has an aura before the onset (visual, auditory visions, a feeling of unreality), puts pressure on the forehead - the reasons may be migraine or space-occupying processes in the brain, increased intracranial pressure. You should immediately consult a neurologist if you experience frequent or persistent headaches that suddenly begin, are severe and are difficult to respond to analgesics. You should also immediately consult a doctor if the headache is accompanied by numbness of a body part (arm, leg), problems with speech, or memory loss.

2. Having chronic pain

If you constantly suffer from pain in your neck or back, and it radiates to your arm, leg, or interferes with body movements, you should not wait for it to go away on its own. Pain with numbness of body parts is especially dangerous. The reason for visiting a neurologist should be lower back pain, thoracic region spine or neck, which causes dizziness, lumbago, general malaise or drowsiness. Also a reason for immediate consultation is pain in the lumbar region with problems with urination or defecation.

A symptom such as dizziness is difficult to describe; it is perceived subjectively by each person. But usually this is a feeling that objects are floating, rotating around the person’s body, or the body itself is spinning, although the patient is standing or sitting motionless. Attacks of dizziness when turning the head, a sudden change in body position, or sudden, with loss of orientation and balance are a reason for immediate appeal to the doctor. They can be a sign of both vascular problems of the brain and more serious and dangerous pathologies. No less dangerous is dizziness when traveling in public transport, with nausea or vomiting, as well as against the background of a headache or when lying on the bed.

4. The appearance of tingling sensations and numbness in parts of the body

If numbness, crawling or tingling is felt in the limbs or on the skin of the chest, abdomen or back, especially in combination with muscle weakness and impaired movement, these are signs serious problems with peripheral nerves and even the spine. Sometimes, when combined with dizziness or headaches, this can be a sign of more serious problems, including strokes or space-occupying processes, hemorrhages in the brain area.

5. Severe weakness at different times of the day

Weakness is a specific state of the body when even a rested person finds it difficult to lift a cup or spoon; any effort is difficult. Weakness may be localized to one muscle group or part of the body, or may be general character. You should be especially concerned if one of the limbs has become clearly weaker than the other. If such weakness is also combined with numbness, impaired movement and only in one half of the body, you should immediately call a doctor.

6. Movement disorders, tremor

Symptoms such as shaking (tremors) in the arms and legs, slowness of actions and sudden awkwardness, clumsiness of gait, difficulty walking and stumbling out of the blue cannot be ignored. These are signs of serious disorders in the structures of the brain that cannot be ignored. You should also consult a doctor if your gait is affected, there is lameness in one leg, it is difficult to lift your foot, or your legs shuffle on the floor.

7. Visual impairment

Of course, with age, many people notice a decrease in visual acuity, and this is a completely natural phenomenon. But if vision is impaired almost instantly, sharply, up to complete blindness, the fields of vision have sharply narrowed (a person sees as through binoculars), flashes, sparkles, dots, black spots, circles flash before the eyes, or all objects float, double, if visual orientation is disturbed in space - this is a symptom neurological problems and a reason to immediately visit a doctor.

Sleep problems are one of the most frequent complaints neurologist. If sleep suffers due to dizziness, painful sensations in the neck, headache or nausea, if memory and performance suffer, it’s time to see a neurologist. It’s also worth doing if you don’t stay for a long time at night. there is a dream, and after falling asleep he is restless with frequent awakenings, nightmares and a feeling of exhaustion in the morning.

9. Impaired short-term and long-term memory

If in usual conversations a person begins to lose the thread of the conversation, often selects words, if personality changes occur, tearfulness, aggression and irritation arise, if memory begins to deteriorate and even the names of close friends are forgotten, it’s time to see a doctor. It’s worth getting checked if you constantly lose things in home environment, if memory fails to remember past events or very recent incidents. It is especially important to see a doctor immediately if memory loss occurs after a head injury, loss of consciousness, or after a severe headache.

It is important to recognize and begin treatment in time neurological diseases- advanced pathology can lead to stroke and paralysis, personality disorders and impaired consciousness, muscle atrophy and disability.

Disorders of arterial circulation of the brain: forms, signs, treatment

IN last years the mortality rate from pathological lesions cerebral vessels, which were previously associated with the aging of the body and were diagnosed only in elderly people (after 60 years). Today, the symptoms of cerebrovascular accident have become younger. And people under 40 often die from strokes. Therefore, it is important to know the causes and mechanism of their development so that diagnostic and therapeutic measures give the most effective results.

What are cerebrovascular accidents (CVA)

The vessels of the brain have a unique, perfect structure that ideally regulates blood flow, ensuring the stability of blood circulation. They are designed in such a way that with an increase in blood flow into the coronary vessels approximately 10 times during physical activity, the amount of circulating blood in the brain, with increasing mental activity, remains at the same level. That is, a redistribution of blood flow occurs. Some of the blood from parts of the brain with less load is redirected to areas with increased brain activity.

However, this perfect circulatory process is disrupted if the amount of blood entering the brain does not satisfy its need for it. It should be noted that its redistribution across brain regions is necessary not only for its normal functionality. It also occurs when various pathologies, for example, (narrowing) or obstruction (closure). As a result of impaired self-regulation, the speed of blood movement slows down in certain areas of the brain and their.

Types of MC violations

There are the following categories of blood flow disorders in the brain:

  1. Acute (stroke), occurring suddenly with long course, and transient, the main symptoms of which (visual impairment, loss of speech, etc.) last no more than a day.
  2. Chronic, caused by. They are divided into two types: origin and caused.

Acute cerebrovascular accidents (ACI)

Acute cerebrovascular accident causes persistent disorders brain activity. It comes in two types: and (it is also called cerebral infarction).



Hemorrhage ( hemorrhagic disorder blood flow) can be caused by various arterial hypertension, congenital, etc.


As a result of the increase blood pressure There is a release of plasma and the proteins contained in it, which leads to plasma impregnation of the walls of blood vessels, causing their destruction. A peculiar hyaline-like specific substance (a protein whose structure resembles cartilage) is deposited on the vascular walls, which leads to the development of hyalinosis. The vessels resemble glass tubes and lose their elasticity and ability to hold blood pressure. In addition, permeability increases vascular wall and blood can freely pass through it, soaking nerve fibers(diapedetic bleeding). The result of such transformations can be the formation of microaneurysms and rupture of the vessel with hemorrhage and blood entering the white medulla. Thus, hemorrhage occurs as a result of:

  • Plasma impregnation of the walls of blood vessels medulla or visual hillocks;
  • Diapedetic bleeding;
  • Microaneurysm formations.

Hemorrhage in acute period characterized by the development of hematomas due to wedging and deformation of the brain stem into the tentorial foramen. In this case, the brain swells and extensive edema develops. Secondary hemorrhages occur, smaller ones.

Clinical manifestations

Usually occurs during the day, during physical activity. Suddenly your head starts to hurt and you feel nauseous. Consciousness is confused, the person breathes quickly and whistlingly, and occurs, accompanied by hemiplegia (one-sided paralysis of the limbs) or hemiparesis (weakening motor functions). Basic reflexes are lost. The gaze becomes motionless (paresis), anisocoria occurs (pupils different sizes) or divergent strabismus.


Treatment for this type of cerebrovascular accident includes intensive care, the main goal of which is to reduce blood pressure, restore vital (automatic perception of the outside world) functions, stop bleeding and eliminate cerebral edema. The following medications are used:

  1. Reducing - ganlioblockers ( Arfonad, Benzohexanium, Pentamin).
  2. To reduce the permeability of vascular walls and increase blood clotting - Dicynone, vitamin C, Vikasol, Calcium gluconate.
  3. To increase blood rheology (fluidity) - Trental, Vinkaton, Cavinton, Eufillin, Cinnarizin.
  4. Inhibiting fibrinolytic activity - ACC(aminocaproic acid).
  5. Decongestant - Lasix.
  6. Sedatives.
  7. To reduce intracranial pressure, a spinal puncture is prescribed.
  8. All drugs are administered by injection.



ischemic cerebrovascular accident due to atherosclerotic plaque

Ischemic circulatory disorders are most often caused by atherosclerosis. Its development can provoke strong excitement(stress, etc.) or excessive physical activity. May occur during night sleep or immediately upon awakening. Often accompanies a pre-infarction state or.


They may appear suddenly or grow gradually. They manifest themselves in the form of headaches, hemiparesis on the side opposite to the lesion. Impaired motor coordination, as well as visual and speech disorders.


An ischemic disorder occurs when a specific area of ​​the brain receives an insufficient amount blood. In this case, a focus of hypoxia arises, in which necrotic formations develop. This process is accompanied by disruption of basic brain functions.


Injections are used in treatment medicines recovery normal functioning of cardio-vascular system. These include: Korglykon, Strophanthin, Sulphocamphocaine, Reopoliklyukin, Cardiamin. Intracranial pressure is decreasing Mannitol or Lasix.

Transient cerebrovascular accident

Transient cerebrovascular accident (TCI) occurs due to arterial hypertension or atherosclerosis. Sometimes the reason for its development is their combination. The main symptoms of PNMK are as follows:

  • If the focus of the pathology is located in the basin of the carotid vessels, the patient’s half of the body (on the side opposite to the focus) and part of the face around the lips become numb; paralysis or short-term paresis of the limbs is possible. Speech is impaired and an epileptic seizure may occur.
  • If the patient's blood circulation is impaired, the patient's legs and arms become weak, it is difficult for him to swallow and pronounce sounds, and photopsia occurs (the appearance of luminous spots, sparks, etc. in the eyes) or diplopia (doubling of visible objects). He becomes disorientated and has memory lapses.
  • Signs of cerebrovascular accident due to hypertension are as follows: a severe headache and eyeballs, the person experiences drowsiness, he experiences ear congestion (like on an airplane during takeoff or landing) and nausea. The face turns red and sweating increases. Unlike strokes, all these symptoms disappear within 24 hours. For this they received the name.

Treatment of PNMK is carried out with antihypertensive, tonic and cardiotonic drugs. Antispasmodics are used, and. The following medications are prescribed:

Dibazol, Trental, Clonidine, Vincamine, Euphyllin, Cinnarizine, Cavinton, Furasemide, beta blockers. Alcohol tinctures of ginseng and Schisandra chinensis are used as tonics.

Chronic cerebrovascular accidents

Chronic cerebrovascular accident (CVA), unlike acute forms develops gradually. There are three stages of the disease:

  1. At the first stage, the symptoms are vague. They look more like a syndrome chronic fatigue. A person gets tired quickly, his sleep is disturbed, he often hurts and feels dizzy. He becomes hot-tempered and absent-minded. His mood often changes. He forgets some minor points.
  2. At the second stage, chronic cerebrovascular accident is accompanied by significant memory deterioration, and minor motor dysfunctions develop, causing unsteadiness of gait. There is a constant noise in my head. A person perceives information poorly, having difficulty concentrating his attention on it. He is gradually deteriorating as a person. Becomes irritable and unconfident, loses intelligence, reacts inadequately to criticism, and often becomes depressed. He constantly feels dizzy and has a headache. He always wants to sleep. Performance is reduced. He adapts poorly socially.
  3. In the third stage, all symptoms intensify. Personality degradation turns into memory loss. Having left home alone, such a person will never find his way back. Motor functions are impaired. This manifests itself in hand tremors and stiffness of movements. Speech impairment and uncoordinated movements are noticeable.

Cerebrovascular accident is dangerous because if treatment is not carried out in the early stages, neurons die - the main units of the brain structure, which cannot be resurrected. Therefore, diagnosing the disease in the early stages is so important. It includes:

  • Identification of vascular diseases that contribute to the development of cerebrovascular accidents.
  • Making a diagnosis based on patient complaints.
  • Conducting a neuropsychological examination using the MMSE scale. It allows you to detect cognitive impairment by testing. The absence of violations is indicated by 30 points scored by the patient.
  • Duplex scanning to detect damage to cerebral vessels due to atherosclerosis and other diseases.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging, which allows identifying small hypodense (with pathological changes) foci in the brain.
  • Clinical blood tests: complete blood count, lipid spectrum, coagulogram, glucose.


The main causes of cerebrovascular accident are as follows:

  1. Age. They mainly occur in people who have entered their fifth decade.
  2. Genetic predisposition.
  3. Traumatic brain injuries.
  4. Overweight. Obese people often suffer from hypercholesterolemia.
  5. Physical inactivity and increased emotionality (stress, etc.).
  6. Bad habits.
  7. Diseases: diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent) and atherosclerosis.
  8. Hypertension. High blood pressure- the most common cause of strokes.
  9. In old age, problems with blood flow in the brain can result from:


For chronic disorders of blood flow in the brain all therapeutic measures are aimed at protecting brain neurons from death as a result of hypoxia, stimulate metabolism at the neuronal level, normalize blood flow in brain tissue. Medicines for each patient are selected individually. They should be taken in a strictly prescribed dosage, constantly monitoring blood pressure.

In addition, for cerebral circulatory disorders accompanied by neurological manifestations, antioxidants, vasodilators, drugs that increase blood microcirculation, sedatives and multivitamins are used.

Chronic cerebrovascular accidents can be treated using traditional medicine using various fees and herbal teas. Particularly useful is an infusion of hawthorn flowers and a collection that includes chamomile, cudweed and motherwort. But they should be used as an additional treatment course, enhancing the main drug therapy.

People with increased weight who are at risk for developing atherosclerosis due to diabetes need to pay attention to nutrition. There are for them special diets, which you can learn about from a nutritionist who monitors the organization of nutrition for patients undergoing treatment in an inpatient department of any hospital. TO dietary products include everyone who has vegetable origin, seafood and fish. But milk products, on the contrary, should be with low content fat

If cholesterolemia is significant and the diet does not give the necessary results, medications included in the group are prescribed: Liprimar, Atorvakar, Vabarin, Torvacard, Simvatin. With a large degree of narrowing of the lumen between the walls carotid arteries(more than 70%) requires a carotid (surgical) operation, which is performed only in specialized clinics. For stenosis less than 60%, conservative treatment is sufficient.

Rehabilitation after acute cerebrovascular accident

Drug therapy can stop the progression of the disease. But she is unable to regain the ability to move. Only special gymnastic exercises can help with this. You need to be prepared for the fact that this process is quite long and be patient. Relatives of the patient should learn how to perform massage and exercises therapeutic exercises, since they are the ones who will have to do them for him for six months or more.

Kinesiotherapy is indicated as the basis for early rehabilitation after dynamic cerebrovascular accident in order to fully restore motor functions. It is especially necessary in the restoration of motor skills, as it contributes to the creation of a new model of the hierarchy of the nervous system for the physiological control of the motor functions of the body. The following techniques are used in kinesitherapy:

  1. Gymnastics “Balance”, aimed at restoring coordination of movements;
  2. Feldenkrais reflex exercise system.
  3. Voight's recovery system motor activity method of stimulating reflexes;
  4. Microkenisotherapy.

Passive gymnastics “Balance” is prescribed to every patient with cerebrovascular accidents as soon as consciousness returns to him. Usually, relatives help the patient perform it. It includes kneading the fingers and toes, flexing and straightening the limbs. Exercises begin with lower sections limbs, gradually moving upward. The complex also includes kneading the head and cervical regions. Before starting the exercises and finishing the gymnastics, you should use light massaging movements. It is imperative to monitor the patient's condition. Gymnastics should not cause him to become overtired. The patient can independently perform eye exercises (squinting, rotating, fixing the gaze at one point, and some others). Gradually, with improvement general condition the patient's load is increased. An individual recovery method is selected for each patient, taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease.

Photo: basic passive gymnastics exercises

Feldenkrais Method is a therapy that has a gentle effect on nervous system person. It promotes complete recovery mental abilities, motor activity and sensitivity. It includes exercises that require smooth movement when performed. The patient must focus on their coordination, making each movement meaningfully (consciously). This technique forces one to divert attention from existing problem with health and concentrate it on new achievements. As a result, the brain begins to “remember” previous stereotypes and returns to them. The patient constantly studies his body and its capabilities. This allows you to find quick ways make him move.

The methodology is based on three principles:

  • All exercises should be easy to learn and remember.
  • Each exercise must be performed smoothly, without overstraining the muscles.
  • While performing the exercise, the sick person should enjoy the movement.

But most importantly, you should never divide your achievements into high and low.

Additional rehabilitation measures

Widely practiced breathing exercises, which not only normalizes blood circulation, but also relieves muscle tension arising under the influence of gymnastic and massage loads. In addition, it regulates respiratory process after performing therapeutic exercises and gives a relaxing effect.

In case of cerebrovascular accidents, the patient is prescribed bed rest for a long time. This may lead to various complications, for example, disruption of natural ventilation of the lungs, the appearance of bedsores and contractures (mobility in the joint is limited). Prevention of bedsores involves frequent changes patient's position. It is recommended to turn him over on his stomach. At the same time, the feet hang down, the shins are located on soft pillows, and under the knees there are cotton wool discs covered with gauze.

  1. Give the patient's body special provision. In the first days, he is transferred from one position to another by his relatives caring for him. This is done every two or three hours. After stabilizing blood pressure and improving the general condition of the patient, they are taught to do this on their own. Getting the patient into bed early (if well-being allows) will prevent contractures from developing.
  2. Perform the massage necessary to maintain normal muscle tone. The first days he includes light stroking (with increased tone) or kneading (if muscle tone is reduced) and lasts only a few minutes. Further massage movements are intensifying. Rubbing is allowed. Duration also increases massage treatments. By the end of the first half of the year, they can be completed within an hour.
  3. Perform physical therapy exercises, which, among other things, effectively combat synkinesis (involuntary muscle contractions).
  4. Vibration stimulation of paralyzed parts of the body with an oscillation frequency of 10 to 100 Hz gives a good effect. Depending on the patient’s condition, the duration of this procedure can vary from 2 to 10 minutes. It is recommended to carry out no more than 15 procedures.

For cerebrovascular accidents, alternative treatment methods are also used:

  • Reflexology, including:
    1. Treatment with odors (aromatherapy);
    2. classic version of acupuncture;
    3. acupuncture at reflex points located on the ears (auricolotherapy);
    4. acupuncture biologically active points on the hands (su-Jack);
  • Pine baths with the addition of sea salt;
  • Oxygen baths.

Video: rehabilitation after a stroke, program “Live Healthy!”

Read more about comprehensive rehabilitation after strokes and ischemic attacks.

Consequences of NMC

Acute cerebrovascular accident has serious consequences. In 30 cases out of a hundred, people who have suffered this disease become completely helpless.

  1. He cannot eat or perform independently hygiene procedures, getting dressed, etc. Such people have a completely impaired ability to think. They lose track of time and have absolutely no orientation in space.
  2. Some people retain the ability to move. But there are many people who, after a cerebrovascular accident, remain bedridden forever. Many of them maintain a clear mind, understand what is happening around them, but are speechless and cannot express their desires and feelings in words.

Disability is a sad result of acute and in many cases chronic disorder cerebral circulation. About 20% of acute cerebrovascular accidents are fatal.

But it is possible to protect yourself from this serious disease, regardless of what category of classification it belongs to. Although many people neglect it. This is an attentive attitude to your health and all the changes occurring in the body.

  • Agree that healthy person There should be no headaches. And if you suddenly feel dizzy, it means that some kind of deviation has arisen in the functioning of the systems responsible for this organ.
  • Evidence of problems in the body is elevated temperature. But many people go to work when it is 37°C, considering it normal.
  • Is there a short term? Most people rub them without asking the question: why is this happening?

Meanwhile, these are the companions of the first minor changes in the blood flow system. Often acute disorder cerebral circulation is preceded by transient. But since its symptoms disappear within 24 hours, not every person rushes to see a doctor to undergo an examination and receive the necessary drug treatment.

Today, doctors are armed with effective drugs- . They literally work wonders, dissolving blood clots and restoring cerebral circulation. However, there is one “but”. For achievement maximum effect they must be administered to the patient within three hours after the first symptoms of a stroke appear. Unfortunately, in most cases, applying for medical care is carried out too late, when the disease has reached a severe stage and the use of thrombolytics is no longer useful.

Video: blood supply to the brain and the consequences of stroke

Speech difficulties are a speech disorder that makes normal communication and communication impossible. social interaction people with society. A violation is indicated by deviations in the functioning of the psychophysiological mechanisms of speech if the development does not correspond to age.

One of the defects is slurred speech, which makes it difficult for a person to communicate. Speech therapists, neurophysiologists, neurologists, otolaryngologists and other specialists study and treat such difficulties. They work with adults and children.


Pathology can be expressed in the absence of speech or in impaired pronunciation. This may be manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Speech is unclear, slow and unintelligible.
  • A person has difficulty choosing words and names things incorrectly.
  • Fast speech, but meaningless.
  • Hasty thinking.
  • Separating syllables and placing stress on each of them.

Why does it appear in adults?

Slurred speech in adults may appear suddenly or develop gradually. It can also occur in children. Specialists first find out why this happened, and only then begin treatment. Slurred speech can occur due to several factors. The reasons are as follows:

  • Brain disorders.
  • Brain injuries caused by stroke or thrombosis.
  • Head injuries.
  • Brain tumors.

  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Weakness of facial muscles.
  • Weak or tight fastening of dentures.

Types of disorders in children

Slurred speech in a child is associated with various ailments. The main ones include:

  • The external design of an utterance is a pronunciation disorder.
  • Internal design - systemic speech disorder.

Types of violations

Slurred speech of phonation (external) design manifests itself separately and together with other disorders. In speech therapy, there are the following types of disorders:

  • Aphonia and dysaphonia. There is a disorder or absence of phonation due to pathologies voice apparatus. Usually there is a violation of the pitch, strength, and timbre of the voice.
  • Bradylalia. Speech rate slows down. A particular feature is the slow implementation of the articular speech program.
  • Tahilalia - acceleration of the rate of speech. Accelerated articulatory speech program.
  • Stuttering. The organization of speech is disrupted when the muscles undergo spasms. Usually appears in children.

  • Dislalia. This pathology is presented in the form of a disorder in the pronunciation of sounds, when hearing and innervation speech apparatus in humans is normal. The distorted sound design of words appears. This is slurred speech. The sound may be pronounced incorrectly, replaced or mixed up.
  • Rhinolalia. The pronunciation of sounds and voice timbre is impaired, which is associated with disorders of the speech apparatus. Changes in voice timbre appear when the vocal stream of air passes into the nasal cavity during exhalation and pronunciation. This causes resonance.
  • Dysarthria. Pronunciation is impaired, which is associated with insufficient innervation of the speech apparatus. This disease occurs due to cerebral palsy, which is detected at an early age.

Structural and semantic design of speech

Based on this criterion, disorders are divided into 2 types: alalia and aphasia. Each type of disease has its own symptoms. Alalia manifests itself in the form of absence or incomplete development of speech. This occurs due to damage to the areas of the brain that are responsible for it. The disorder may appear during intrauterine development or at an early age.

With alalia, slurred speech appears. is considered one of the most difficult because speech activity not fully formed. Aphasia is the loss of the ability to speak due to local lesion brain. Why does slurred speech occur with this disorder? It is associated with traumatic brain injuries, neuroinfections and brain tumors.

Diagnostic features

It is necessary to analyze the complaints expressed by the patient. The medical history is also taken into account. Experts usually ask when the slurred speech appeared and whether there are any relatives suffering from such an illness. You definitely need to visit a neurologist and get examined by him. The doctor will check the mandibular and pharyngeal reflexes, examine the pharynx, and make sure there is atrophy

The reflexes of the lower and upper limbs. You should be examined by a speech therapist. The doctor evaluates speech indicators, identifies tempo disturbances and difficulties. An examination by an otolaryngologist is necessary, which will protect against processes in the mouth such as ulcers and tumors, which can cause problems.

Performed CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging of the head, which will reveal why slurred speech appeared. The causes in adults and children are determined in consultation with a neurosurgeon. Only after full diagnostics treatment methods are prescribed.

Principles of treatment

If slurred speech is detected, what to do? It is necessary to treat the main disease that caused the disorder:

  • Tumors are removed surgically.
  • Resection of the hematoma if it is on the surface.
  • Surgical removal of ulcers in the skull followed by the administration of antibacterial agents.
  • Normalization of pressure.
  • Using drugs to restore metabolism and cerebral blood flow.

People with various disorders need to visit a speech therapist so that the deficiency can be corrected with the help special exercises. Regular classes are required.

Rules for correcting speech

Speech impairment appears not only due to pathology of the articulatory apparatus, neurological pathology and the habit of incorrect pronunciation. Another factor is psychological reason. When excited, a person’s speech becomes barely audible and almost incomprehensible.

The work of a speech therapist to restore speech is based on the following principles:

  • Personal orientation.
  • Creating an emotionally favorable environment.
  • Interaction with parents.
  • Positive motivation.

Speech therapy classes involve improving the mobility of the articulatory apparatus. We are also working on sounds and restoration. phonemic hearing. Specialists work with children in a playful way, using speech games and a computer. Combined activities are carried out, involving from one activity to another.

Rules for speech formation

Classes with a specialist for children allow them to form competent speech, phonetically clear. But such events will not be enough. The speech therapist only helps with sound production. Everything else depends on the child and parents.

In order for speech to be successfully formed, the following rules must be observed:

  • You should not scold your child for slurred speech, you just need to carefully correct it.
  • Simple exercises should be shown.
  • There is no need to focus on mistakes or stumbles.
  • It is necessary to have a positive attitude towards classes with a speech therapist.
  • Parents also need to watch their speech.

Prognosis and prevention

Speech disorders can be corrected if you start this work with early age or at early stage. Important role the people around and the efforts of the person himself influence the improvement of the condition. If the disorder is identified in a timely manner and treatment is started, speech can be normalized. Such children continue to study in regular schools and get along well with the kids.

In complex forms of the disease, achieving improved speech is not easy. You can only correct your speech function. In such situations, the range of measures is broader, and the patient needs to visit a specialized institution. It is necessary to maintain the continuity of speech therapy organizations: go to special kindergartens, correctional schools. It is also important to be treated in psychoneurological hospitals if it was prescribed by a doctor.

Prevention involves implementing effective measures from birth. The child must be protected from neutroinfection, skull and brain injuries. It should not be affected by toxic factors.

It must be borne in mind that success comes with a systematic approach and complex organization events. Together with traditional treatment should not be forgotten unconventional methods. It is important to carry out physical activity activities. Using a variety of methods can provide excellent results if used correctly.

Everyone is afraid of having a veil before their eyes: the causes of the problem are numerous. When a person sees a veil before his eyes, he worries, especially if it is painted in a certain color. This phenomenon may indicate ophthalmological diseases, the neglect of treatment of which is dangerous to health. The appearance of the disease leads to a sharp decrease in visual acuity.

A veil appears before the eyes in people with central nervous system disorders. If it is accompanied by flashes of light, retinal detachment can be assumed. The veil is dangerous: if you notice this phenomenon, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible!

There are cases when the problem is not related to ophthalmological diseases. If the ophthalmologist does not detect any violations, he will refer you to other specialists. You may need to consult a neurologist or endocrinologist. The causes and treatment of the disease are always different. When a veil appears, a person usually has difficulty seeing in one eye.

Possible diseases

The cause of white fog may be cataracts. The disease develops due to the fact that the visual organs age. Cataracts are often associated with metabolic disorders ( similar problems affect the functioning of the lens). The lens is the refractive medium of the eye; without it, a person cannot distinguish objects. Cataracts often develop in people over 50. As this disease progresses, a veil appears and the person sees objects in two, with an uncharacteristic yellow color.

A patient diagnosed with cataracts finds it difficult to perceive book font, working with small details is difficult and causes pain in the head. With cataracts, vision decreases gradually, and a person sees poorly in the dark. If your eyes are exposed to bright light, your eyes will become watery.

An extremely dangerous ophthalmological disease is glaucoma. It is characterized by increased intraocular pressure. Glaucoma is dangerous because it can lead to blindness. Intraocular pressure increases if outflow is disrupted intraocular fluid. Open-angle glaucoma is safer than closed-angle glaucoma. Angle closure often causes blindness.

Open glaucoma is easier. As the disease progresses, it is observed. Glaucoma often affects 2 eyes. Some people experience an acute attack of the disease. If measures are not taken to treat glaucoma, blindness will occur. An acute attack of the disease occurs when the body is exposed to stress.

An attack may occur when working with the head tilted. A person experiences pain in the eye and cannot see objects normally. A blurred vision in the morning leads to nausea. If glaucoma worsens, dizziness occurs.

Diseases affecting the retinal vein

A veil appears before the eyes if the patency of the retina is impaired. The progression of the disease leads to changes in blood flow in the retina. In this case, the vessels may be compressed by the tumor. Against the background of pathology, intraocular pressure increases, and venous tissue may become inflamed. If your cholesterol is high, there is Great chance development of the disease. A predisposing factor is diabetes mellitus. If the patency of the retinal vein is disrupted, a veil appears in front of one eye. A person sees objects distorted.

The cause of the problem in question may be occlusion central vein retina. The pathology occurs against the background of retinal spasm; the cause may be the presence of cholesterol plaques. Predisposing factors are calcifications, rheumatic heart valve diseases, atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, VSD.

Corneal injuries, farsightedness and other pathologies

The cause of blurred vision may be injury to the cornea. If degenerative-dystrophic processes occur in this organ of vision, fog appears in the field of vision. Diseases that arise due to exposure to microorganisms are dangerous. Such pathologies require timely treatment!

A veil on one eye may appear in a person with allergic keratitis or a corneal ulcer. When the cornea is injured, its transparency decreases, and as a result, a white veil may appear before the eyes. Injury to the organs of vision leads to the fact that a person begins to feel pain in the eyes and photophobia arises.

A possible cause of the symptom in question is farsightedness. This disease often occurs in the elderly. The appearance of the veil is associated with age-related changes lens Against the background of such changes, refraction is impaired. Age-related farsightedness leads to decreased vision. It becomes difficult for a person to distinguish between objects that are nearby. If the veil is due to a malfunction visual apparatus, headaches occur, eyes get tired quickly.

Some people are diagnosed with congenital ophthalmological pathologies, from others - acquired. There are cases when the veil before the eye is associated with the special structure of the organs of vision. The problem can arise due to overwork; as a rule, it goes away after rest.

Blurred vision and blurry vision may be associated with. Macula - yellow spot, located in the center of the retina. It forms an image that combines different shades. The image enters the brain through the optic nerve. To avoid damage to the macula, you need to protect your eyes from direct sun rays. Ultra-violet rays disrupt the functioning of the macula, which leads to the development of pathology.

A possible cause of blurred vision is... The disease occurs as a result inflammatory processes. Neuritis is characterized by damage to the diameter of the nerve. If the nerve is completely damaged, the impulses are interrupted and the person subsequently loses vision. If in pathological process Only one part of the nerve is involved, vision is preserved. A person begins to see spots before his eyes.

Why does this symptom appear, what other reasons are there? It might be a brain tumor. appears if malignancy located in the back of the head. Gradually defeat occurs optic nerves. A brain tumor is accompanied by headaches, decreased vision, and hormonal disorders.

Stroke and migraine

The cause of the problem under consideration may be a stroke - dangerous condition, in which areas of the brain are affected. With a stroke, there is insufficient blood supply to the brain. A stroke often occurs because blood puts pressure on certain areas of an organ. A stroke causes blurred vision. Other symptoms are noise in the head, speech impairment. A microstroke develops due to pathological reactions in which an artery occludes. People with an attack have impaired hearing, vision, and thinking abilities.

Symptoms last for several hours and then go away. The cause of dark fog before the eyes may be a migraine. With the development of this pathology, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted. Migraine is accompanied by pain in one side of the head; it can be inherited. An exacerbation of the disease occurs due to changes in weather, physical or emotional fatigue. The main symptom of migraine is headache. In severe cases, hallucinations are observed.

Therapeutic measures

If the doctor has detected retinal detachment, he will prescribe medications to help restore vascular patency. Separately, medications are prescribed to improve retinal metabolism. If the veil does not go away on the eyes, an operation is recommended, during which the retina is “welded” to choroid. Keratitis requires drug treatment. In this case, agents are used to help destroy microbes. The goal of therapy is also to eliminate the infection. Depending on the nature of the disease, injections may be required. If the cornea is severely damaged, transplant surgery is recommended.

Treatment of immature cataracts involves instillation of drops with vitamins. Cataracts should not be allowed to develop and become mature! If your doctor recommends a lens transplant surgery, you need to listen to his advice. For mature cataracts, a procedure is prescribed during which the lens is replaced with a lens.

Glaucoma is treated with medications that restore intraocular pressure. If the disease leads to acute attacks, the doctor prescribes surgery. Brain tumor being treated operative method. What to do if you notice a veil before your eyes? It is necessary to urgently contact an ophthalmologist. You should not start treatment without first consulting your doctor. Therapy depends on the cause of the disease and accompanying symptoms.


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A harbinger of the condition is constant fatigue, which, in the absence of treatment, turns into overwork.

Overfatigue is an indefinable feeling of fatigue and weakness of the entire human body.

If the sleep-wake pattern is disrupted, there is no opportunity to rest, in 90% of cases this leads to overwork. The risk group includes men 50-60 years old and women 30-39 years old.

According to an annual survey in the United States, this problem has reached epidemic proportions. About 16% of adult women who completed special study, characterize their condition as “exhausted.” The number of men surveyed is 2 times less.

Overwork carries a serious health risk: a person becomes irritable, loses sleep and loses interest in activities. labor activity. Doctors put it in the category of dangerous because it can lead to depression, emotional exhaustion and neurosis.

It is important not only to have general idea about this condition, but also know its first signs. This article will help you respond to the body’s “signals” in a timely manner and quickly restore your strength.

Fatigue and overwork

Many people understand by these concepts a state in which a person feels physically and emotionally exhausted.

Overfatigue is a temporary state of the body, for which there is always a reason: excessive physical, intellectual or emotional stress during a certain and very stressful period of life.

For example, overwork in students during a session, in an employee during the reporting period, etc.

There is not always a reason for fatigue. Or rather, there is a reason. But it does not necessarily accompany this condition in a specific period.

Fatigue˗ this is fatigue accumulated over time. This is a condition that requires serious psychotherapeutic correction, both as one of the symptoms of depression and somatic treatment the whole body.

Causes of overwork

Causes Description
  • The result of irrational physical activity in athletes;
  • People who did not calculate their strength when performing physical exercises;
  • Engaged in physical labor that is too much for the body;
  • People who ignore.
  • Stressful situation;
  • Intense intellectual loads;
  • An acute emotional reaction to the event that provoked it.

Mental fatigue is fraught with depression and can increase, gradually turning into chronic nervous exhaustion.

Medicinal Cold medicines, antihistamines, contraceptives and other medications can lead to overwork if taken uncontrollably.
Diseases The duration of the disease affects subsequent rehabilitation periods for the entire body.

Stages of overwork

Stage I

The most easy stage overwork, for which objective signs have not yet been diagnosed.
  • A person notices that it is difficult for him to regain strength even after rest;
  • Waking up in the morning is painful;
  • Appetite is impaired.

Subsequently, there is a decrease in attention, performance and appetite. The first warnings come from the endocrine system.

Main signs: rapid increase in body weight or, conversely, its decrease. The adrenal glands begin to work in increased mode, to which the young body reacts with the appearance of acne.

If you take care of your own body in a timely manner, you will not have to consult a doctor, and overwork will not go beyond the first stage.

Stage II

In addition to the subjective signs of fatigue, objective ones are added, which indicates the need for medical assistance.
  • Heart rhythm is disturbed;
  • Indicators are changing laboratory research blood and urine;
  • Blood pressure is characterized by sudden changes;
  • Dream .
  • Significant drop in work dynamics;
  • Disorder of many organs and systems.

This feeling is very similar to neurosis (you can read in one of our articles about).


  • Appear;
  • The eyes become cloudy and dry;
  • The face becomes pale;
  • Lips turn blue.

Many people complain that they lose clarity of thought and the ability to concentrate.

Women are characterized by a violation menstrual cycle, for men - sexual function.

A person may feel energized in the morning, but by the evening will not be able to walk to bed. Violated psycho-emotional state, sexual arousal decreases.

III stage

This stage is the most dangerous. In addition to the fact that the symptoms of the first two stages are quite aggravated, overwork at this stage is fraught with systemic symptoms and other serious diseases that accompany chronic fatigue.
  • Neurasthenic manifestations develop;
  • There is increased excitability or loss of strength.

In the first case, it is possible to continue to perform the work, but without the proper quality. Fatigue and overwork have a painful effect on the body, but mental condition does not allow you to take a break, abstract, or switch.

Click here to find out what to do if you have stage three fatigue.

Types of overwork

Physical fatigue

It is found among athletes and can have a detrimental effect on their career.

  • Characterized by decreased muscle strength;
  • Increased time for the body to recover after exercise;
  • Sleep disturbance and other harmful consequences for the body.

Due to physical fatigue, exercise technique is lost. Instead of new achievements, the athlete is forced to take a temporary break.

For ordinary person who strives to quickly achieve maximum results in gym, the problem of physical fatigue may be more real. For the first time, having worked out to the limit of his strength, the next morning he simply cannot get up, so he has to give up physical activity for a while.

To prevent this from happening, it is better to consult a fitness trainer who will select you for training on exercise machines.

Mental fatigue

Accompanies people of intellectual professions: teachers, scientists, programmers, physicists and other specialists who have to think a lot, and also observes students during sessions.

It occurs in deadline situations, when a person, making every mental effort, “lives at work.”

To avoid mental fatigue, doctors recommend alternating mental stress with physical ones, visit more often fresh air and don't neglect sleep.

Nervous fatigue

Associated with experiencing a stressful situation, psycho-emotional stress, anxiety before an upcoming important event, conflicts and other troubles in a person’s life.

Often accompanied somatic disorders. In some situations, hospital treatment may be required and qualified assistance psychotherapist.

Emotional fatigue

Other name - . Can be described as “bored to the point of...(nausea, heart pain, vomiting, etc.).”

The best solution would be a change of scenery, a vacation in another country or city. Sometimes you need to radically change something in your life in order to avoid the adverse consequences of emotional fatigue, even serious mental problems.

Features of overwork in pregnant women

Pregnancy is associated with certain stresses on a woman’s body. During this period, it is better to refuse work that may cause overwork.

Excess hormones produced during pregnancy can cause mental stress, increased sensitivity, excessive emotionality.

Overexertion can provoke, and later, premature birth.

Consequences and complications

A state of overwork can be provoked by an excess of the hormone adrenaline, which is included in. It leads to various violations of cardio-vascular system.

    Physical fatigue:

    It's fraught somatic diseases, muscle strain and other injuries.


    It affects cognitive processes and also provokes other types of fatigue.


    Causes problems with gastrointestinal tract, blood pressure disorders and other diseases of a psychogenic nature.


    Disastrous for mental health, causes changes in a person’s behavior and affects relationships with loved ones and colleagues.

Overwork can lead to chronic fatigue, associated depression, and other consequences for the body that are difficult to reverse.

Diagnosis of overwork

IN currently There is no specific method for determining overwork. This is associated with certain difficulties in diagnosing the disease.

A family therapist is able to assess the patient's condition by carefully examining his work pressures, family problems and other vital circumstances.

In combination with objective signs of fatigue, a diagnosis can be made and prescribed further treatment. We recommend reading our article on how to treat fatigue without the help of a doctor.

Frequently asked questions and answers

Can overwork cause fever?

Nervous fatigue may cause an increase in body temperature. This is due to the fact that under the influence of stress, dilated brain vessels accumulate a large number of blood, and internal organs, on the contrary, they are bleeding. Nervous fatigue can be accompanied by infections and a general decrease in immunity.

What diseases do severe overwork lead to?

The most common diseases include peptic ulcer stomach, gastritis, disorders heart rate, vascular diseases and even a heart attack.

Is there a connection between overwork and lack of sleep?

There is a very direct connection between overwork and lack of sleep. The fact is that for normal functioning the body requires at least 8 hours of sleep daily. At regular lack of sleep The body does not have time to recover, which leads to fatigue.

Are overwork and overtraining the same thing?

Overtraining is a more destructive condition than overwork.

Actually, overtraining is a consequence of overwork, and is considered pathological condition organism requiring immediate medical intervention.

Can stimulants (alcohol, coffee, tea) combat fatigue?

Often, in a state of overwork, a person begins to take stimulant drugs, trying to deceive the body. Such stimulants include tea and coffee, which in large doses can cause reverse effect; cigarettes, energy drinks - all these stimulants have only a temporary effect, and, in fact, lead to even greater depletion of the body.



Some people treat their body quite neglectfully, which can lead to the most disastrous consequences for health. In fact, overwork requires serious
rethinking your lifestyle. In some situations, a short pause in the pursuit of success can help improve life and health, and excessive loads, on the contrary, to the hospital bed.

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