What is the danger of mercury poisoning. Toxic dose for mercury poisoning from a thermometer

Mercury is classified as heavy metal, and is quite dangerous substance capable of causing serious poisoning in humans. What is its danger, and under what circumstances can mercury intoxication occur?

Today, this metal is widely used both in chemical production and in everyday life. This is a strong toxic substance that can actively evaporate and form toxic fumes. By virtue of these properties, mercury cannot but pose a threat to human health, regardless of whether it is in any compounds or in its pure form.

Hazardous substance poisoning at home

In everyday life, it is found quite often in familiar and familiar household items. These can be mercury lamps, energy-saving and heating devices based on mercury and zinc. But the conversation will be about the mercury thermometer familiar from childhood, which we use in moments of malaise to measure body temperature. Mercury vapor poisoning with such a small amount of it in the measuring device? It turns out you can.

The substance poses the greatest danger at those moments when it evaporates.. Our body is affected by toxic mercury vapors when inhaled along with the air, as well as exposed parts of the body through skin. This happens under the condition that the concentration of mercury vapor is over 0.25 mg/m3.

Mercury vapor poisoning by penetration through the epidermis proceeds slowly, much more dangerous is the penetration of toxic metal particles through the mucous membranes or by entering the esophagus. Here, the first and main blow falls on the liver. One of the heaviest options is direct absorption into the blood or direct inhalation of heavy vapors.

Toxic dose for mercury poisoning from a thermometer

Poisoning dangerous poison can occur with a certain amount of substance. Given the fairly frequent contact with this measuring device, especially if there are children in the house, you should know if mercury vapor poisoning can occur from a small dose in a thermometer.

There is very clear information about this. The amount of mercury content in one thermometer is about two grams. Lethal dose for a person with direct contact with the body - half of this amount.

Naturally, both age and body weight play an important role. In case of mercury poisoning, the size of the room in which this incident occurred, as well as the speed of response on the part of the victim or people nearby, matters. These factors can be dominant and directly affect the severity of poisoning. But, if we talk about the probability of damage to the body by a toxic substance from a thermometer, without taking appropriate measures, it is almost 100%. The proof of this is indisputable facts - average dose mercury toxicity is only 0.4 mg.

Signs of mercury poisoning

The course of poisoning can be:

  • sharp, when a person inhaled harmful fumes;
  • chronic, with prolonged and slow poisoning.

Pro acute course we can say that it is more related to production situations, and more often occurs in enterprises where a toxic substance is used. But mercury poisoning at home belongs to chronic damage to the body.

Symptoms of mercury poisoning with a broken thermometer can be as follows:

  1. First of all, react nervous system. This can be seen in the weakness of a person, fatigue, dizziness, the desire to lie down, drowsiness, memory loss and irritable behavior. There may be a characteristic tremor or trembling of the fingers (with severe poisoning and the whole body), often convulsive manifestations. The temperature is in elevated state and blood pressure drops. Observed excessive sweating. IN special occasions when intoxication severe form fainting and even coma are possible.
  2. On the part of the digestive system, there are also symptoms of mercury poisoning. Attacks of nausea and vomiting, manifestations of diarrhea and a distinct taste in the mouth. With severe poisoning, mucous lesions are observed in oral cavity and stomatitis may develop, accompanied by painful sensations, bleeding of the gum parts and active salivation. Ulcerative manifestations in the stomach, esophagus and intestines can be provoked. The most specific signs are seen on the gums. They will turn bright red, and through certain time a dark patch will appear.
  3. Symptoms of mercury poisoning with a broken thermometer are also visible from the reaction respiratory organs. Develops specific, non-infectious origin bronchitis and pneumonic symptoms. Sometimes a person begins to spit up blood, and in case of serious poisoning, pulmonary edema is possible.
  4. Kidneys and liver long acting also suffer from toxicity. The inability to remove metal provokes chronic form V parenchymal organs and causes failure. And acute kidney and liver failure can threaten a person with death.
  5. For pregnant women, such negative intoxication phenomena can threaten miscarriage.

Is it possible to get poisoned by mercury and not feel it? Yes, but as the poison continues to hit the body, the symptoms of poisoning become more noticeable and obvious. But, the classic and traditional symptoms are described above. As a rule, in practical situations, the symptoms are associated with a number of various factors: the state of human health at the time of poisoning, his immunity, age indicators and much more. In any case, if there is a fact of poisoning, you should immediately take appropriate measures and consult a doctor.

A certain indicator of the presence of poison in the body can only be given by a blood test. If the substances are more than 180 μg / l, intoxication is evident.

What to do if poisoning occurs?

  • in case you are sure that it was mercury that became the culprit of intoxication, urgently move away from the source of the poison. Open the windows or leave the room to the balcony or street;
  • first aid can be washing all the skin, as well as the mucous membranes of organs that can absorb poison, these are the nose, mouth, eyes. It is good if not introduced into the water a large number of manganese. All these activities are carried out in the first place, but only if there are no changes in breathing and heart function. When a life threat is on the face, resuscitation should be done;
  • among the main measures to neutralize the body from poison, gastric lavage is important. It is carried out by the probe method. cold water with special substances in order to reduce exposure to mercury and limit its cauterization inside the stomach. Similar procedures are performed several times a day, while the patient must use sorbents up to four times a day;
  • the patient is given a drip intravenous administration Unitiol;
  • further treatment involves diuretic drugs to remove the poison from the body, intramuscular injection Unitiol;
  • with symptoms of other diseases, appropriate therapy is prescribed;
  • most commonly used medical preparations facilitating the removal of poison from the body: succimer, taurine, allithiamin, methionine.

Necessary Precautions

To avoid such an emergency, precautions should be taken not only in relation to the thermometer, but also to other devices containing mercury. In families with small children, caution should be elevated to the rank of unquestioning. For parents and anyone who continues to use mercury thermometers, there are a few important rules:

  • never store thermometers without a special plastic case. They are usually sold with a measuring device;
  • do not give a thermometer in the hands of children, to measure the temperature, you should be near the sick child and monitor;
  • storage of the device should be in a certain place where a small child cannot penetrate. As a rule, this home first aid kit, and it should only be kept out of the reach of children;
  • do not leave the thermometer anywhere, accidentally hitting or crushing it, you will provoke a serious situation that can have the most negative consequences;
  • in case, nevertheless, the thermometer was broken, urgently try to isolate it by carefully collecting all the leaked substance. Use rubber gloves for your hands and shoe covers for your feet. Should be worn on the face gauze bandage before wetting it with water. For the convenience of collecting small drops, use tape or adhesive tape. If mercury has rolled into hard-to-reach places, you should use a syringe. All found droplets are placed in a jar of water. If items have come into contact with a hazardous substance in any way, dispose of them. The floor or surfaces touched by the poison must be wiped down. aqueous solution with potassium permanganate or bleach;
  • Do not dispose of mercury-containing devices with household waste. This may endanger the health and life of others. There are special containers for disposal of mercury. If there are none nearby, you need to place the broken remains of the device and mercury balls in a tight bag and take them to the disposal sites toxic substance. The correct decision would be to call the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • do not vacuum up the hazardous substance or throw it into the sewer. The first will turn against you, since the mercury will not disappear from the room anywhere, and the second can provoke mass poisoning, once in the reservoir.

Mercury thermometers are very convenient and easy to use devices, besides they are accurate. Being the most popular and economical medical gadgets, they are in great demand and are truly "folk". For this reason, you must strictly follow the rules of use.

The consequences of intoxication can become very severe, or they can pass into mild form. Scientists have not fully investigated the issue of mercury poisoning. Many of them believe that mercury is most directly related to the sad statistics associated with oncology and other serious violations internal systems human body. Therefore, be vigilant and careful in using mercury-containing devices and protect your children from this!

One of the most dangerous and serious intoxications of the human body is considered to be mercury poisoning, which huge list harmful, negative consequences for health and life. Similar state causes severe panic in children and adults, especially when an emergency occurs, namely, it breaks.

Mercury poisoning is a direct threat to human life, negative consequences health. It is very important to provide urgent medical assistance and treat the victim. In such cases, it is necessary to act in an organized and fast manner, it is necessary to know what and how to do in order to avoid tragic consequences and death.

Mercury and its characteristics

Mercury is a dangerous, poisonous transition metal. Metallic mercury has no effect on humans, but its vapors and organic compounds- are highly toxic and poisonous. Mercury is considered a cumulative poison.

A small amount of such a substance can cause serious problems and health implications. Toxins have a negative effect on the eyes, skin, digestive and nervous systems, liver, lungs, kidneys. This poisoning is accompanied unpleasant symptoms that are associated with the defeat of the above organs. If the first signs of poisoning are detected, urgent medical treatment is required.

The best-known mercury instrument is the human body temperature thermometer, which can cause ill health and death if broken.


Mercury vapor poisoning is quite difficult and acute. The first symptoms of mercury poisoning may include:

  • weakness, lethargy of the body;
  • severe nausea;
  • frequent and profuse vomiting;
  • gums suffer, namely, they begin to swell, bleed heavily, become sensitive;
  • constant dizziness;
  • there is a metallic taste in the mouth;
  • there is increased salivation;
  • severe, excruciating, paroxysmal headache;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • pain in the throat;
  • observed complete absence appetite.

A little later, the signs of mercury poisoning appear in the following ways:

  • body temperature rises to 40 degrees;
  • mercury can be detected in the urine (during examination);
  • severe, cramping pain in the abdomen that does not stop;
  • frequent diarrhea with blood;
  • fever;
  • impaired breathing, dry cough, shortness of breath develops;
  • severe chills;
  • pain in the chest.

Mercury vapor is highly toxic and dangerous, causing the symptoms and effects described above. The symptoms are similar in both adults and children. The difference is that the child clinical manifestations and the effects develop much faster and stronger. In such cases, it is required emergency treatment and medical care, on which future life person. You must do everything quickly, clearly and deliberately, and most importantly, do not panic.

chronic poisoning

Chronic manifests itself a little differently, and also has a special name - mercurialism. Similar phenomenon can develop from prolonged exposure to mercury vapor, namely about two to five months or several years. Requires timely medical treatment and constant monitoring of specialists. It is necessary to do certain manipulations to prevent the disease.

Chronic mercury poisoning manifests itself in the following ways:

  • severe fatigue;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • frequent migraine attacks;
  • dizziness, possible fainting;
  • apathy, muscle weakness;
  • failures and weakening of memory;
  • development of mercury tremor;
  • increased sweating;
  • charm worsens;
  • low pressure;
  • enlargement of the thyroid gland;
  • development emotional disorders: fear, indifference, shyness, depression, irritability.

There is also such a phenomenon as micromercurialism - this is chronic poisoning, which has the above signs of manifestation that occur with constant exposure to mercury and its vapors on human body at least five to ten years.

Mercury poisoning has the following serious consequences for life and health:

  • If missing timely treatment and medical care, the disease ends in death.
  • If chronic poisoning prevails - normal life ends, as the person becomes psychologically disabled.
  • A serious threat, such an ailment, carries a pregnant woman / girl. Exists high risk formation of intrauterine pathology.

Emergency care and prevention

When signs and symptoms are detected, you must do whatever it takes to get the victim back to health. Next, we will analyze how to remove mercury from the body. Your actions should be clear and consistent:

  1. call the clinic, call the doctor;
  2. take the victim out into the air, ensure a full flow of oxygen (after all, they are poisoned by mercury vapor);
  3. it is necessary to rinse the nose, mouth, eyes, open skin using a weak solution;
  4. in the absence of signs of life - you need to do indirect massage heart, artificial respiration;
  5. lavage the stomach with a probe using saline or manganese solution to remove mercury;
  6. induce vomiting;
  7. it is necessary to take sorbents - smecta, polysorb, activated carbon, enterosgel, enterosorbent;
  8. the use of a special antidote - Unitiol (dropper, intravenously);
  9. the introduction of diuretic solutions;
  10. symptomatic treatment is carried out.

That is why you must know how to remove mercury from the body. Timely assistance will help to avoid tragic consequences and death. Acute poisoning with mercury vapor will require urgent hospitalization. special role in the process of recovery medical preparations. The following are considered the most effective: Taurine, Unithiol, Methionine, saline solutions.

In order to preventive measures personal hygiene, cleanliness in the house is necessary. It is necessary to rinse the oral cavity with a special solution prepared on the basis of potassium permanganate. A person who has suffered such a disease should carefully monitor their own health.

Everyone knows well since childhood how dangerous mercury balls are. Severe poisoning, in some cases leading to disability and even lethal outcome, - one of possible consequences such intoxication.

But far from all cases, mercury really poses a significant threat to health. In this article, you will learn when to be wary of it and what to do to minimize the risks.

Why is mercury dangerous?

Mercury belongs to substances of the 1st hazard class. When ingested, this metal tends to accumulate - 80% of inhaled vapors are not excreted. In acute poisoning, it can cause severe intoxication and death; in chronic poisoning, it can lead to severe disability. First of all, those organs that accumulate the substance best of all suffer - the liver, kidneys, and brain. That's why common result mercury poisoning becomes dementia, renal and liver failure. When vapors are inhaled, poisoning first affects the condition respiratory system later affects the central nervous system (CNS) and internal organs, and with prolonged exposure, all body systems gradually suffer. Mercury is especially dangerous for pregnant women, because it affects intrauterine development, and children.

However, it is not the metal itself that causes such serious consequences, but its vapors - they are the main danger in everyday life. Balls of mercury from a broken thermometer begin to evaporate already at a temperature of +18°C. Therefore, at home, where the air temperature is usually much higher, the substance evaporates quite actively.

Mercury compounds, such as methylmercury, are no less dangerous for the body. In 1956, a mass poisoning caused by this particular compound was revealed in Japan. Chisso systematically poured mercury into the bay from which the fishermen fished. As a result, 35% of those poisoned by infected fish died. After this incident, such intoxications were called Minamata disease (after the name of the local city). In everyday life, a person practically does not encounter such severe poisoning.

Acute mercury poisoning is different pronounced signs. Typical symptoms include the following:

  • Weakness.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Headache.
  • Pain in the chest and abdomen.
  • Diarrhea, sometimes with blood impurities.
  • Difficulty breathing, swelling of mucous membranes.
  • Salivation and metallic taste in the mouth.
  • An increase in temperature (in some cases up to 40 ° C).

Symptoms of poisoning develop within a few hours after exposure. high concentration vapors or mercury compounds into the body. If during this time the victim does not receive a qualified medical care, poisoning will lead to irreversible consequences. A person develops a violation of the functions of the central nervous system, damage to the brain, liver and kidneys, loss of vision, and with a large dose of a toxic substance, death can occur. Acute poisoning is extremely rare: more often in industrial accidents, in living conditions such a situation is practically impossible.

Mercurialism, or chronic mercury poisoning, is much more common. Mercury is odorless, so it is almost impossible to notice balls of the substance that, for example, rolled under the baseboard, into the gap between the floorboards or remained in the pile of the carpet. But even the smallest droplets continue to emit deadly vapors. Since their concentration is negligible, the symptoms are not so pronounced. At the same time, small doses during long period lead to grave consequences Because mercury has the ability to accumulate in the body.

Among the first characteristic features:

  • General weakness, fatigue.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Headache.
  • Vertigo.

Long-term exposure to mercury vapor can lead to hypertension, atherosclerosis, brain and central nervous system damage, and increases the risk of tuberculosis and other lung damage. Suffers from mercury vapor poisoning thyroid, heart disease develops (including bradycardia and other rhythm disturbances). Unfortunately, the symptoms of mercurialism on initial stages poisonings are non-specific, so people often do not attach due importance to them.

In the event that a mercury thermometer breaks in the house or metal enters the open space from another source (for example, from a mercury lamp), it is important to make sure that the mercury is completely collected. It is also necessary to contact the services that will help dispose of the substance - the collected mercury thrown into the garbage container is no less a threat.

Of course, the main source of mercury vapor in domestic conditions is mercury thermometer. On average, one thermometer contains up to 2 grams of mercury. This amount is not enough for severe poisoning (if mercury is collected correctly and on time), but it is quite enough for mild and chronic intoxication. As a rule, special services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations do not come to domestic calls, but they will give advice on a specific case. In addition, they will tell you where to hand over the collected metal.

A large drop of mercury and the same amount of metal in small balls will evaporate differently. Due larger area surface, fine droplets will emit more dangerous vapors in a short period. Namely, they are often missed by people who independently eliminate the consequences broken thermometer.

The most dangerous situations:

  • The metal got on upholstered furniture, children's toys, carpet, fabric slippers (it is impossible to completely collect mercury from such surfaces, things will have to be thrown away).
  • Mercury has been in a room with closed windows for a long time (this increases the concentration of vapors).
  • Balls of mercury rolled on the heated floor (evaporation rate increases).
  • The floor is covered with parquet, laminate, wooden boards. In order to completely remove all mercury, it will be necessary to remove the coating at the place of its spill - small balls easily roll into cracks.

In addition to thermometers, mercury is contained in some devices, in mercury discharge lamps and energy-saving fluorescent lamps. The amount of substance in the latter is quite small - no more than 70 mg of mercury. They pose a danger only if several lamps were broken in the room. Do not throw fluorescent lamps into the trash, they must be handed over to special recycling centers.

The dangers of mercury are often discussed in the context of vaccinations. Indeed, its compound thiomersal (merthiolate) has been used as a preservative in many vaccines. Back in the 1920s, the concentration was quite dangerous; since the 1980s, its content in one dose does not exceed 50 mcg. The half-life of mercury compounds in this amount is about 4 days even in infants, and after 30 days the substance is completely eliminated from the body.

Despite this, most vaccines today do not contain merthiolate at all. This is due not so much to the danger of the preservative as to the scandal that began 20 years ago. In 1998, the most prestigious medical journal Lancet published an article by researcher Andrew Wakefield, who linked vaccination (in particular, the MMR vaccine containing thiomersal against measles, rubella, mumps) with the development of autism. The material caused heated discussions in the medical community and a real panic among ordinary citizens. However, a few years later it was proved that Wakefield's article was based on fake data, it is based on no real facts, and the association of autism with thiomersal has not been proven. A refutation of the material was published in the same Lancet magazine. Nevertheless, it is this article that is actively cited by representatives of the anti-vaccine movement. Today, vaccines produced in Europe and the US do not contain merthiolate and therefore cannot pose any risk of mercury poisoning.

Small amounts of mercury can be found in marine fish and seafood. hit significant amounts metal with food, as a rule, causes mild intoxication, the consequences of which are easy to eliminate. First aid for such poisoning is simple - you need to induce vomiting, and then drink a few pills. activated carbon or take any other sorbent. After that, be sure to consult a doctor. This is especially important for pregnant women and children, since mercury poisoning is the most dangerous for them.

Symptoms of mercury intoxication:

  • Nausea.
  • Dizziness.
  • Noticeable taste of iron in the mouth.
  • Mucous edema.
  • Dyspnea.

If the thermometer breaks in the house, do not panic - quickly Taken measures help avoid negative consequences. Pharmacies sell special sets for demercurization, but you can collect mercury without them.

Ventilation and air temperature reduction
Open window help to reduce the concentration of mercury vapor. It is advisable not to enter the room where the thermometer broke for a few more days, and keep the windows there constantly open. In winter, you should turn off the warm floor and screw on the batteries - the lower the temperature in the room, the less mercury evaporates.

  • Collection of mercury

For large drops you can use a syringe, for small ones - ordinary adhesive tape, plasticine, wet cotton wool. Before cleaning, shine a lamp on the place of the broken thermometer - so everything, even the smallest balls, will be visible. Mercury is collected in gloves, shoe covers and a respirator, only in a sealed container (plastic or glass container). All items that got mercury, including what it was collected with, are also placed in a sealed container.

  • Treatment of the place where the mercury was spilled

Surfaces are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or a chlorine-containing preparation (for example, "Whiteness" at a concentration of 1 liter per 8 liters of water). Leave the floor and surfaces for 15 minutes, then rinse off clean water. The final stage is the treatment of the floor with potassium permanganate (1 g of potassium permanganate per 8 liters of water). As a result, mercury compounds are formed that do not produce vapors.

  • What is prohibited

Do not collect mercury with a broom, mop or vacuum cleaner. It is also impossible to wash contaminated clothes, slippers, soft toys - the substance is difficult to wash off, in addition, it may remain in the mechanism washing machine. All items contaminated with mercury must be disposed of.

  • How to help yourself

The person who collected mercury should wash his hands well after the procedure and rinse his mouth, brush his teeth. You can drink 2-3 tablets of activated charcoal. Gloves, shoe covers and clothing, if mercury has got on it, must be disposed of.

Update: October 2018

Mercury poisoning is one of the serious intoxications of the human body, which leaves a number of negative health consequences. given state adults and children are afraid, especially panicking at the moment of breaking household mercury thermometers. In this article, we will look at the symptoms of chronic and acute mercury poisoning and under what circumstances it can actually be obtained.

Characteristics of mercury

Mercury is a substance of the first hazard class. It is a transition metal, which is a silvery-white liquid with a heavy mass, the vapors of which are very toxic (at the usual temperature of living quarters).

metallic mercury as such does not provide toxic effects on the body. But vapors and soluble (especially organic) mercury compounds are very toxic - they are cumulative poisons.

Even in small amounts, mercury can cause significant health problems. Renders toxic effect on the digestive, nervous and immune system, kidneys, liver, lungs, skin and eyes. Therefore, in case of mercury poisoning, the symptoms are associated with a violation of the functions of these systems and organs of the body.

Despite this, mercury is widely used in manufacturing and industry. The most famous mercury object is a thermometer with a "silver" center, which many people use to measure body temperature.

Poisoning that occurs as a result of breaking household mercury thermometers is extremely rare and can occur in families that completely disregard safety rules or often break thermometers without further demercurization. If mercury poisoning from a thermometer has occurred, the symptoms are likely to be chronic.

Acute mercury poisoning is possible with accidental breaking a large number fluorescent lamps (see).

Where can a person encounter mercury in everyday life?

Despite such a danger of the metal, it is not so easy to meet with mercury, especially in such an amount as to get serious pathologies.

Thus, to poison yourself with mercury, you still need to look for it! Which is what some inquisitive people do, bringing home or garage unknown appliances or devices that can be a source of dangerous mercury vapor.

Sometimes, extremely rarely, chronic mercury poisoning is found in people who once bought secondary housing a long time ago, in the crevices of the floors and walls of which there was mercury that had inexplicably got there.

With all this, special vigilance should be exercised - if a “domestic catastrophe” has already occurred - a thermometer or a mercury lamp has broken (see detailed instructions -), a series of simple actions that will protect you, your loved ones and pets from mercury poisoning.

The specific effect of mercury vapor on the human body

Inhalation of air with mercury vapor in concentrations up to 0.25 mg/m³ leads to the accumulation of metal in lung tissue. With more high level Mercury can be absorbed through intact skin. Depending on the duration of mercury intake into the body and the amount of metal ingested, acute and chronic poisoning occurs. Micromercurialism belongs to a separate category.

Symptoms of mercury vapor poisoning

Acute poisoning

The first manifestations are noted a couple of hours after direct poisoning:

  • general weakness;
  • headache;
  • lack of appetite;
  • pain when trying to swallow something;
  • metallic taste;
  • salivation;
  • bleeding and swelling of the gums;
  • nausea;
  • vomit.

A little later there are:

  • Very severe pain in the abdomen, diarrhea with blood,
  • cough and shortness of breath - inflammation of the lung tissue joins, catarrh respiratory tract, chest pain, severe chills
  • characterized by a rise in body temperature to 38-40 ° C.
  • mercury is found in the urine during the study.

The symptoms of mercury poisoning are the same in adults and children. Only in a child, symptoms develop faster, the clinical picture is brighter, and immediate help is required!

chronic poisoning

Mercurialism is a general poisoning due to chronic exposure vapors and mercury compounds, far exceeding the standards, for 2-5 months or years. Manifestations depend on the state of the body and the nervous system:

  • increased fatigue;
  • causeless drowsiness;
  • general weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • migraine;
  • emotional disorders: self-doubt, shyness, depression, irritability.

There is a loss of self-control and a weakening of memory, a decrease in attention. Gradually develops bright characteristic symptom- "mercury tremor" of the fingers and toes, lips, eyelids, which occurs during excitement. There are urges to defecate and urinate, a drop in smell, tactile sensitivity, taste, sweating increases. Significantly increases the thyroid gland, there are failures heart rate, pressure drop.

micromercurialism- chronic poisoning with the symptoms described above, which occurs with the constant action of small amounts of mercury for many (5-10 or more) years.

Consequences of mercury poisoning

  • With absence timely assistance acute mercury poisoning can result in death.
  • People with chronic mercury intoxication cannot drive habitual image life, become psychologically disabled.
  • Mercury is especially dangerous for pregnant women, since there is a high risk of developing intrauterine pathology.

Is it possible to detect excess concentrations of mercury vapor in the room?

Of course, after any situation that carries the risk of exceeding the MAC of mercury in the air, you should invite an accredited laboratory and take measurements (the standard is not more than 0.0003 mg / m³).

There are also household tests that help to tentatively estimate the concentration of mercury in the indoor air (paper impregnated with selenium sulfide or copper iodide), which allows, during 8-10 hours of observation, to find out if there is an excess of the MPC. They can be purchased on the territory of the countries of the post-Soviet space with an estimated cost of about 150 rubles.


Acute poisonings are treated only in hospitals, in a complex and differentiated way, taking into account the lesions. Chronic mercury poisoning can be treated in a hospital, require sanatorium treatment and transfer to another job. Specific drugs are used for treatment: Unithiol, Methionine, Taurine, Dimercaptosuccinic acid, etc.


  • If the thermometer is accidentally broken or fluorescent lamp carry out the whole complex necessary measures to eliminate the accident.
  • People working in occupations that involve contact with mercury are advised to rinse their mouth with a solution of potassium permanganate or chlorate during the shift and after work.
  • In case of poisoning with mercury salts, the adsorbent is raw egg white– several proteins should be taken orally.

Mercury is a dangerous chemical substance that, when ingested, leads not only to poor health, but in some cases to death. Mercury can enter the human body in different ways, so you need to know what symptoms indicate mercury, and how to provide first aid to the victim, and how to protect yourself from the phenomenon in question.

Ways of possible mercury poisoning

There are three main sources of mercury that are potentially harmful to the human body:

  1. food . We are talking about shellfish and marine fish that live in polluted waters. In such cases, shellfish and sea ​​fish accumulate a large amount of mercury, and even after thorough / deep heat treatment of products, the level of acceptable safety is not achieved.
  2. Domestic . Thermometers and energy-saving lamps contain mercury, so they must be handled with extreme care. IN original state these household items do not pose a danger to humans, but if they are broken, then it is necessary to collect the leaked mercury as quickly as possible, since its vapors are really harmful. In everyday life, mercury can also be detected in mercury tonometers (a tool for measuring blood pressure), but now they are not used, as there are modern devices.
  3. Medical . Mercury is also widely used in the production of vaccines, amalgams, and certain drugs.

The effect of mercury on the human body

The most dangerous is the inhalation of mercury vapor by a person, and the ingress of the chemical in question into gastrointestinal tract, on the contrary, poses a minimal threat to health - it is practically not absorbed. If mercury enters the human body in the form of salts, it will appear almost immediately and will be pronounced.

Note:mercury salts are found in medicines for external use, so they should be used only in strict accordance with the instructions. In addition, mercury salts are part of some fungicides used in agriculture and pari production of paints and varnishes - when working with these substances, safety rules must be observed.

Mercury negatively affects human health, regardless of age, but the symptoms of poisoning are especially pronounced in children and women. The problem is that mercury molecules are very difficult to remove from the body, and in some cases this process is not possible at all, harmful substance remains in tissues and cells, continuing to have a detrimental effect on the functioning of organs and systems.

The consequences of such a “delayed” mercury poisoning are:

  • pathological disorders of the genitourinary system;
  • development of inflammatory / infectious diseases of the digestive system;
  • pathological damage to the central nervous system.

Symptoms of mercury poisoning

Mercury poisoning can be acute or chronic. Acute mercury poisoning occur in connection with production violations or accidents, but chronic poisoning is diagnosed against the background of constant inhalation of vapors of the chemical in question - for example, if a thermometer was broken and the leaked mercury was not completely removed.

Symptoms acute poisoning mercury:

Note:in especially severe cases of acute mercury poisoning, the victim rapidly develops pulmonary edema, kidney necrosis, and other dangerous complications that lead to death.

Symptoms chronic poisoning mercury:

  • constant feeling;
  • regular weak intensity;
  • unmotivated irritability;
  • apathy towards the outside world;
  • persistent tremor of the upper limbs (trembling of the hands);
  • decreased sense of smell and taste.

Note:if the negative impact on the human body is long time, then there are pathological and problems in the work of the heart and vascular system.

It is worth remembering that in case of poisoning with salts and / or mercury vapor, the central nervous system first suffers - the victim becomes overly irritable, experiences severe fatigue, complains about constant headache, he starts . Then, if no action is taken to improve health during this period, mercury poisoning leads to a steady increase in body temperature, foci of inflammation appear in the oral cavity (sores / wounds similar to stomatitis), upper limbs and the whole body begins to tremble, it is noted increased sweating and disorders of the digestive system.

The most common mercury poisoning household level occurs after the thermometer has crashed - a banal case, but very dangerous to health, if some measures are not taken. Often this problem concerns young children - they can not only break a thermometer, but also swallow balls of mercury.

What to do if the thermometer breaks

First of all, there is no need to panic - it is quite possible to carry out measures to eliminate the danger from spilled mercury at home on your own. The following procedure must be observed:

  • all things and surfaces in the room where the thermometer crashed are carefully examined - everything that is contaminated must be put in plastic bags and taken out of the apartment / house. To make it easier to see mercury, you can use a bright flashlight;
  • collect all the fragments from the thermometer and balls of mercury - for this, use a rubber pear ("syringe"), a scoop, a sheet of thick cardboard, and in order to comply with the safety rules for working with chemicals, you need to wear rubber gloves;

Note:it is not recommended to collect mercury balls with a vacuum cleaner, although demercurization professionals use this household appliance. But, firstly, after collecting balls of mercury, it will not be possible to use an ordinary vacuum cleaner for its intended purpose, and secondly, even a washing vacuum cleaner will be suitable for further use only after it has been treated with special disinfectant solutions.

  • floors and all objects on which mercury has fallen should be thoroughly washed with a chlorine-containing solution, and then with a solution of potassium permanganate. Moreover, it is necessary to comply certain sequence: first, the floors / objects are washed with a chlorine solution, then (after 10 minutes - this is the time it takes for hard surfaces to dry) - with a solution of potassium permanganate.

What is the purpose of this "event"? Mercury ceases to be liquid - salt compounds of this chemical are formed, which absolutely do not emit toxic fumes, but are dangerous when they enter digestive system person.

In addition to everything written, you need to take care not only about the cleanliness of the room, but also about your own health:

  • wash the shoes in which they were in the room with soap and soda solution or potassium permanganate;
  • rinse mouth and throat thoroughly weak solution potassium permanganate (it should be slightly pink in color);
  • brush your teeth;
  • drink 2-3 activated charcoal tablets.

What to do if a child swallowed a ball of mercury:

  • give him plenty of water to drink;
  • induce vomiting;
  • call the ambulance.

How to dispose of collected mercury from a broken thermometer

This question is asked by many - just throwing it in the trash would be wrong, even dangerous for others. Need collected in plastic bag take the mercury to the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - they are obliged to accept mercury for disposal. True, most often you have to be persistent in this matter. There is another option - to collect mercury in a plastic bag and cover it with bleach or chlorine-containing substances. Then this bag is wrapped in a few more and you can be sure that the chemical in question has been neutralized - we can safely throw it in the trash.

Note:if there are doubts about the proper disposal of mercury from a broken thermometer, then you need to call specialists. Environmentalists will not only carry out cleaning work, but also measure the content of mercury vapor in the air.



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