False croup: symptoms and treatment in children, first aid rules. Causes of acute laryngitis in children

Most often, the disease affects young children, although cases of the development of false croup in adults are also known to medicine. The danger of such a condition is that in the absence of qualified assistance, the threat to the life of the patient increases.

General information

False croup, or stenosing laryngotracheitis, is a disease in which stenosis (narrowing) of the larynx is observed. Due to the fact that the development of a false croup provokes edema and inflammation, the disease is classified as infectious-allergic. It usually occurs as a complication of the upper respiratory tract. At risk are children of younger preschool age, which is explained by the peculiarities of the structure of their trachea and larynx.

Important! According to statistics, false croup is diagnosed several times more often in boys than in girls.

In adults, the disease manifests itself in one single case, when an allergen enters their body and provokes a strong allergic reaction, accompanied by edema and stenosis of the larynx. At this moment, the lumen of the respiratory tract narrows, an asthma attack begins.

Note! Along with the concept of false croup, there is also a concept in medical practice. The latter develops under the condition of damage to the larynx and is distinguished by the appearance of a film and plaque on the mucous membranes. With a false croup, there is simply redness and swelling of the soft tissues, which provokes squeezing of the respiratory tube.

The peak of the development of the disease falls on the off-season. During this period, children decrease, and the risk of developing a bacterial or viral infection increases. In most cases, false croup goes away on its own if the patient has been provided with optimal conditions for staying in the room, facilitating his condition. However, for 5-10% of children, such a disease is incredibly dangerous and requires immediate hospitalization.

A suddenly appeared false croup can be carried by a child once in a lifetime. Meanwhile, in practice, it is almost always repeated. Most of all, emotional, excitable children, who, moreover, have an allergic predisposition, are most susceptible to it. In some of them, stenosis occurs literally with any runny nose or with any mild infection. However, by 6 to 8 years of age, cereals usually stop. It is believed that the child outgrows them, but in fact everything is explained by the expansion of the lumen of the larynx, in which the edema ceases to pose a serious danger to life.

Cause and effect

Most often, false croup develops against the background of another disease.

In this case, the development of pathology can provoke:

Bacterial infections can also cause laryngeal edema and stenosis, namely:

  • enterococci and;
  • pneumococci.

Important! Bacteria cause false croup extremely rarely. However, if this happens, the patient's condition worsens, and the disease is more severe. Sometimes false croup can develop as a result of chronic tonsillitis.

It is worth remembering that not every child of primary preschool age is susceptible to the disease.

Usually its appearance is promoted by:

  • transferred;
  • , which was diagnosed during childbirth;
  • frequent diathesis;
  • lack of breastfeeding in the first months of a baby's life;
  • avitaminosis;
  • low, including in the period after vaccination;
  • prone to allergic reactions.

The mechanism of development of false croup is extremely simple: the larynx becomes inflamed, which entails severe swelling in the area under the vocal cords and narrowing of the lumen of the larynx. The reflex spasm of the constrictor muscles aggravates the situation. In response to inflammation, the glands of the mucous membrane begin to secrete more secretions - thick sputum, and the person has difficulty breathing.

Important! At the initial stages of the development of the disease, the lack of oxygen is compensated by intensive breathing and increased work of the respiratory muscles. When the stenosis worsens, the flow of air becomes difficult. In the absence of qualified medical care, in this case, the onset of oxygen starvation is possible, which entails damage to the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, and after them - damage to organs and tissues. That is why false croup is the main cause of death in children of the first year of life.

Symptoms of false croup

Doctors distinguish several stages of false croup, each of which is characterized by its own symptoms:

Note!Usually, the disease makes itself felt at night, after 2-3 days have passed since the development of the disease, which served as an impetus for the appearance of stenosis of the larynx. Symptoms can persist from several hours to several days.

In the case of timely assistance, the prognosis is favorable.

In order not to waste time, doctors advise seeking medical help as early as when:

  • hoarseness;
  • restlessness and irritability;
  • sharp "barking" cough;
  • shortness of breath and rapid breathing;
  • kind of squeaky breath.

First aid for false croup

The success and speed of treatment of false croup directly depends on the timeliness of first aid. Any delay can provoke the progression of the disease and serious complications.

Therefore, in the event of shortness of breath against the background of an acute viral infection, it is necessary:

Usually, such procedures alleviate the condition of the child, but if this did not happen, and the team of doctors has not arrived yet, you can additionally give the patient:

  • in age dosage;
  • antispasmodic, for example, No-shpu;
  • preparation with salbutamol in the composition (bronchoril syrup or Ventolin inhalation).

Important! If there is no drug with salbutamol, you can inhale the respiratory tract with saline. The main thing is that the child at this moment should not be capricious and not nervous, as excessive anxiety provokes new attacks. It is also important to replace clothing that restricts breathing with the most spacious.

Treatment of false croup

The younger the child, the more likely it is that he will be treated for false croup in a hospital under the supervision of an experienced specialist.

To alleviate the condition, small patients are prescribed:

  • various decongestants, including inhalations with saline or naphthyzinum;
  • hormone injections, as they quickly relieve swelling and prevent the development of complications;
  • or drugs, depending on the nature of the disease that provoked stenosis of the larynx;
  • to remove ;
  • antitussive drugs if the condition is accompanied by a severe cough.

If all the above remedies do not help, doctors prescribe tracheal intubation or tracheostomy with the installation of a breathing tube, which remains in place until the swelling subsides.

Additionally, at this stage, the condition can be alleviated by daily ventilation and humidification of the room, bed rest, refusal of hot, cold or overly spicy food.

Do not smoke near the patient, as well as spray aerosols, as such a smell can provoke complications.

Important! During an attack of false croup, a person may develop a reflex spasm of the larynx, which can be prevented by pressing on the root of the tongue and, thereby, provoking vomiting. It is also worth tickling the patient’s nose and making him sneeze, which further alleviates the condition.

What can not be done with a false croup

The desire to help the child in any way at the time of an exacerbation of the disease can force parents to take various measures to prevent the worst. In a normal situation, of course, they can help, but in the case of a false croup, they will only harm.

This is about:

  • rubbing, especially with essential oils, which can increase swelling in a small allergic person;
  • the use of mustard plasters;
  • the use of honey, raspberry jam, citrus fruits, which accelerate stenosis;
  • the use of drugs with codeine, which suppress cough - a protective function of the body, thanks to which it tries to help itself.

Prevention of false croup

It is impossible to protect a child from a suddenly appeared false croup, but it is quite possible to prevent its development.

  • Start hardening the throat. It is carried out as follows: the child is given a glass of water to gargle. At first, this water should be at room temperature, but gradually become cooler. Only after a few months of daily procedures, you can gradually switch to rinsing with cold water. However, haste in this case is a sure cause of the child's illness.
  • Review the diet. Most often, citrus fruits, bright fruits, chocolate, spices provoke the development of allergic reactions, which cause the development of false croup.

False croup (acute stenosis of the larynx, laryngotracheitis) is a special condition that develops mainly against the background of acute respiratory infections. It is called false in order to differentiate from true croup, which develops with diphtheria and has similar symptoms (difficulty inhaling, barking cough, hoarseness). Most often, laryngotracheitis affects children 1-5 years old.

The disease can carry a danger to the life of the child, therefore, at its first signs, urgent qualified assistance is needed.

Reasons for the appearance

In most cases, the development of false croup is promoted by viral infections:

  • flu;
  • adenovirus;
  • herpes.

Laryngotracheitis of a bacterial nature is less common, but it occurs in children in more complex forms than viral. Bacteria that can cause false croup:

  • hemophilic bacillus;
  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • pneumococci.

The disease can occur as a complication:

  • tonsillitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • adenoiditis;
  • after vaccination.

Children with overweight and a tendency to allergic reactions can be attributed to a special risk group. False croup often develops in children who have had:

  • birth injury;
  • hypoxia;

The peak incidence of laryngotracheitis in children under 5 years of age is due to the anatomical features of the structure of their respiratory organs. According to statistics, girls suffer false croup less often than boys. After 6-8 years, children "outgrow", false cereals disappear.

Classification and types of disease

By its nature, acute stenosis of the larynx can be viral or bacterial. Downstream - complicated and uncomplicated.

There are 4 degrees of false croup:

  • compensated (1 degree)- characterized by difficulty in breathing during physical exertion or experiences;
  • subcompensated (grade 2)- Difficulty breathing is also observed in a calm state;
  • decompensated (grade 3)- characterized by heavy paradoxical breathing, severe shortness of breath;
  • terminal (4 degree)- a severe attack with hypoxia, which can lead to death.


Basically, acute stenosis of the larynx occurs against the background of acute respiratory infections. Symptoms of the disease appear a few days after the onset of acute respiratory infections. This usually happens in the evening. In the daytime, the child may have a fever, runny nose. In the evening, the nature of breathing changes. It becomes bubbling, wheezing and difficult (stridor), the child has difficulty breathing and lacks oxygen.

The stronger the swelling of the larynx, the stronger the noise becomes when inhaling and exhaling. A harbinger of stridor in many cases is a dry, barking cough. Hoarseness can be considered a symptom of laryngotracheitis if it is accompanied by stridor. In other cases, it is considered a sign of laryngitis, which occurs without pronounced swelling of the larynx.

In addition, there are symptoms characteristic of colds:

  • general weakness;
  • joint pain;
  • enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • lethargy.

With 4 degrees of stenosis, the symptoms are as follows:

  • cessation of barking cough;
  • the disappearance of noise during breathing;
  • pressure drop;
  • arrhythmia and weakness of breathing;
  • There are seizures and bradycardia.

The child's consciousness is confused, he may faint. Without timely first aid measures, asphyxia is possible.

Acute stenosis of the larynx must be differentiated from bronchial asthma. With a false croup, inhalation is very difficult, the noise during exhalation is almost inaudible. Asthma attacks, on the contrary, are accompanied by a free breath and a difficult whistling exhalation.


To identify false croup and start the right treatment in a timely manner, the ENT or pediatrician prescribes a thorough examination of the patient. He examines the child's larynx, listens to the airways.


  • microlaryngoscopy;
  • bakposev material from the pharynx;
  • otoscopy;
  • x-ray of the lungs and sinuses;
  • rhinoscopy;
  • pharyngoscopy;
  • blood tests (PCR and ELISA, gas composition).

Treatment Methods

It is desirable to carry out treatment in a hospital, attacks of false croup are very dangerous. Be ready to give first aid to the child.

Important! At the first symptoms of acute stenosis of the larynx, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Swelling of the larynx can be a danger to the life of the child.

On our site you can learn about other diseases of the ENT organs in children. Read about sinusitis; it is written about catarrhal angina; about what to do if a child has an earache, find out the articles. About tracheitis written page; we have an article about the treatment of the common cold with folk remedies.

First aid during an attack

Before providing qualified medical assistance, parents should take measures to alleviate the condition of the baby:

  • Reassure the child, put him on the bed. The upper part of the body should be on a hill. A regular pillow will do.
  • Open a window, humidify the air in the room (with a humidifier or with wet towels);
  • Release the child from squeezing clothing that constrains the chest.
  • Let the child drink a warm alkaline liquid (2% soda solution or Borjomi). This will help moisturize the mucous membranes and thin the mucus.
  • Make an inhalation with mineral water. It is good to use a nebulizer. (For more information about inhalation with a nebulizer, read the article).
  • Drip vasoconstrictor drops into the nose.
  • To relieve swelling, you can give an antihistamine (Erespal, Fenistil).
  • At temperature and fever, give an antipyretic (Nurofen, Paracetamol).
  • If breathing stops, induce vomiting. This will excite the respiratory center.

Medical therapy

After the arrival of the ambulance, the doctor will assess the severity of the child's condition and determine his treatment regimen. In severe attacks, you can not risk the health of the child and hospitalize him in a hospital.

Therapeutic measures for 1 degree of false croup:

  • good air supply;
  • plentiful frequent drinking in a warm form;
  • mustard plasters on the calf muscles;
  • inhalations with a solution of sodium bicarbonate, vitamin A, hydrocortisone, aminophylline;
  • taking antispastic drugs (Papaverine, Atropine);
  • taking hyposensitizing and sedative drugs (Pipolfen, Dimedrol);
  • vitamin therapy.

If there is no effect from such treatment, a novocaine blockade is performed in the nose. It reduces swelling of the mucous membranes, relieves reflex spasm. With fever at stage 1 of laryngotracheitis, antibiotics are prescribed.

False croup 2 degrees are treated in the same way as 1. Additionally apply:

  • humidified oxygen;
  • hypertonic solutions of glucose, calcium gluconate are injected intravenously to relieve edema;
  • hormone therapy (hydrocortisone, prednisolone);
  • intravenously prescribed cardiac solutions (Korglikon, Strofantin);
  • neuroleptic drugs (Promazin, Aminazin).

With stenosis of the 3rd degree, Prednisolone is administered intravenously. The first dose should be ½ daily. Expand the intake of cardiac drugs, give sodium oxybutyrate.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics are administered:

  • Tetraolean;
  • Tseporin.

If there is no result from the treatment, laryngoscopy is done. During the procedure, mucus, blood crusts are sucked off using a polyethylene catheter. Then the mucosa is lubricated with ephedrine, hydrocortisone, vaseline or peach oil. Sometimes bronchoscopy is indicated. With it, the bronchi are washed, pus and mucus are removed, antibiotics are administered intratracheobronially.

If all measures are ineffective or the child has severe progressive grade 4 stenosis, intubation or tracheostomy is indicated.

At the address, read about how to make a gauze diaper for a newborn with your own hands.

Prohibited actions

Laryngotracheitis is especially dangerous for children prone to allergies, overly excitable, with lymphoid growths in the nasopharynx. Therefore, therapy for them must be selected with caution. Tips:

  • In order not to increase the swelling in allergy sufferers, you can not give citrus juice, honey, raspberry jam.
  • In order not to cause a spasm of the muscles of the larynx, do not use essential oils, mustard plasters.
  • No need to rush to give antitussives. Wet cough is a protective function of the body. When coughing, sputum with harmful toxins is excreted.

Prevention measures

Since false croup in most cases is a consequence of colds and viral diseases, preventive measures are effective to help prevent them:

  • harden the child;
  • strengthen immunity; (Learn articles on how to increase a child's immunity with the help of folk remedies);
  • provide adequate nutrition;
  • use natural phytoncides;
  • carry out vitamin therapy during seasonal colds;
  • do not overcool the child;
  • observe the rules of hygiene;
  • ventilate the child's room more often and moisten it.

False croup is a common condition in children, which is facilitated by the anatomical structure of their respiratory organs. It can occur with any manifestation of ARI. Therefore, parents should be prepared for an attack and provide all the means at hand to stop it. Need to call an ambulance with symptoms of false croup, since there is a risk of complications, up to asphyxia.

False croup is an obstruction of the upper respiratory tract due to inflammation of the larynx with the development of edema of the subglottic region.

False croup is mainly observed in children of the first three years of life. This is due to the age-related features of the structure of the larynx (small size, funnel-shaped shape, loose subcutaneous tissue), which contribute to the rapid increase in edema against the background of the inflammatory process. False croup in adults is rare and is mainly of bacterial etiology.

Accession of a secondary infection leads to the development of bacterial complications of false croup: pneumonia, otitis media, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, tonsillitis, purulent meningitis.

The incidence has a pronounced seasonality, the peak falls on the autumn-winter season.

Synonyms: stenosing laryngitis, subglottic laryngitis, subglottic laryngitis, acute obstructive laryngitis.

Causes of false croup and risk factors

Most often, viral infections lead to the development of false croup (influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus, varicella-zoster virus or herpes simplex). Much less often, bacterial infections (pneumococcal, staphylococcal, streptococcal) become the cause of false croup. False croup of bacterial etiology is characterized by a severe course. If stenosing laryngitis develops against the background of laryngeal diphtheria, a diagnosis of true croup is made.

Usually, false croup develops as a complication of SARS, scarlet fever, chicken pox, measles, influenza, adenoiditis, acute pharyngitis, exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis. Factors that increase the risk of developing stenosing laryngitis are:

  • consequences of birth trauma;
  • hypoxia of the fetus or newborn;
  • exudative (allergic) or lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis;
  • mixed or artificial feeding;
  • immunodeficiency states of various origins.

In the development of false croup, several main pathogenetic mechanisms can be distinguished:

  1. Inflammatory process- leads to swelling of the mucous membrane under the vocal cords, which, in turn, causes a decrease in the lumen of the larynx in this area and creates an obstacle to the flow of air during breathing.
  2. Reflex spasm of the muscles that constrict the pharynx (constrictor muscles)- leads to aggravation of the severity of stenosis.
  3. Increased secretory activity of the glands of the epithelium of the larynx- leads to the formation of thick and viscous sputum in large quantities.
In a serious condition of the patient, he is placed in an oxygen tent or tracheal intubation is performed and transferred to assisted or artificial ventilation of the lungs.

At the initial stages of the development of a false croup, the frequency of breathing increases and the work of the respiratory muscles increases. Further progression of laryngeal stenosis is accompanied by an increase in respiratory failure, hypoxic damage to all organs and tissues, but, above all, to the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In the terminal stage of the disease, breathing becomes barely noticeable, superficial, and the pulse is thready. Diffuse cyanosis develops, blood pressure drops sharply. If intensive therapy is not carried out during this period, the patient falls into a hypoxic coma, against which a fatal outcome occurs.

Forms of the disease

Depending on the etiological factor, false croup is divided into viral and bacterial, and according to the absence or presence of complications, it is divided into uncomplicated or complicated.

Stages of the disease

As the stenosis of the larynx progresses during the false croup, the following stages are distinguished:

  1. compensated stenosis. There is an inspiratory dyspnea that occurs during physical or emotional stress, i.e., breathing is difficult.
  2. Subcompensated stenosis. Inspiratory dyspnea is observed not only during exercise, but also at rest.
  3. decompensated stenosis. It is characterized by severe inspiratory or mixed dyspnea. In some cases, paradoxical breathing may develop, in which there is an increase in the volume of the chest at the time of exhalation and its decrease during inhalation.
  4. terminal stenosis. Accompanied by the development of severe acute respiratory and cardiovascular failure, severe hypoxia. This stage of the disease is often fatal.
Treatment of false croup is aimed at stopping the attack and preventing its recurrence, removing swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx.

Symptoms of false croup

Symptoms of false croup usually occur on the second or third day from the onset of an acute disease of the upper respiratory tract of viral or bacterial etiology. The attack most often develops at night with the appearance of inspiratory dyspnea and noisy breathing. Characterized by a dry barking cough. There may be some hoarseness of voice, but complete aphonia never develops with false croup. In a child, during screaming and strong crying, the hoarseness of the voice disappears, and its sonority is completely restored.

With severe stenosis of the larynx at the moment of inspiration, the intercostal spaces, the jugular fossa are retracted. The increase in respiratory failure is accompanied by the development of cyanosis, tachycardia, agitation. A change in the nature of shortness of breath from inspiratory to mixed is an unfavorable prognostic sign.

The terminal stage of false croup is characterized by the following features:

  • disappearance of barking cough;
  • superficial arrhythmic breathing;
  • convulsions;
  • development of hypoxic coma.

The severity of the condition of children with false croup can vary significantly during the day.


Diagnosis of false croup in most cases does not cause difficulties and is based on the characteristic symptoms of the disease, history (acute upper respiratory tract infection) and physical examination.

With false croup of presumably bacterial etiology, a bacteriological examination of a throat swab is indicated to identify the causative agent of the disease, as well as to determine its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

If false croup is suspected due to mycoplasmal or chlamydial flora, serological diagnostics (ELISA, PCR) is necessary.

False croup in adults is rare and is mainly of bacterial etiology.

To assess the severity of hypoxia, a study of the gas composition of the blood and the determination of its acid-base state are carried out.

To identify possible complications of false croup, according to the indications, radiography of the lungs and nasal sinuses, otoscopy, rhinoscopy, and pharyngoscopy are prescribed.

False croup should first of all be differentiated from true croup associated with diphtheria. True croup is characterized by slow progression of stenosis of the larynx and increasing hoarseness of the voice up to the complete loss of its sonority (aphonia). When examining the larynx, characteristic diphtheria plaques are found.

Also, false croup must be differentiated from a number of other diseases, namely:

  • congenital stridor;
  • lesions of the larynx in congenital syphilis;
  • tumors of the larynx;
  • acute epiglotitis;
  • foreign body of the larynx;
  • allergic edema of the larynx.

Treatment of false croup

Treatment of false croup is aimed at stopping the attack and preventing its recurrence, removing swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. The child needs to create a calm environment, provide an influx of fresh air and warm alkaline drink. Considering that the condition of children with false croup can change significantly during the day, their hospitalization in a specialized department is indicated.

Drug treatment of false croup includes taking antitussive and antihistamine drugs, corticosteroids, and sedatives. Children are shown alkaline inhalations. In a serious condition of the patient, he is placed in an oxygen tent or tracheal intubation is performed and transferred to assisted or artificial ventilation of the lungs.

Antibiotics are prescribed for bacterial false croup or the development of complications.

A change in the nature of shortness of breath from inspiratory to mixed is an unfavorable prognostic sign.

To relieve the reflex spasm of the muscles of the constrictors of the larynx and thereby weaken the severity of an attack of false croup, the following methods can be used:

  • prevention of contact with patients with infectious diseases;
  • increasing the body's defenses (compliance with the daily routine, proper nutrition, regular walks, adequate and regular physical activity);
  • vaccination against measles, influenza and other potentially dangerous infections.

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A fairly common syndrome during a viral or, less commonly, bacterial infection of the respiratory tract is false croup in children. Its danger lies in the rapid, and sometimes lightning-fast development, the need to take certain measures even before the arrival of the medical team. The most susceptible to it are children from one to 5 years old, especially those who have suffered a birth injury, hypoxia in childbirth or are fed artificially.

But even absolutely healthy, rarely ill children can suffer from false croup: an excessive immune response to the introduction of certain viruses and bacteria into the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs is expected.

False croup is a lack of air intake into the child's body, caused by a narrowing of the glottis due to edema. The child's larynx is narrow (from 0.5 cm), and in case of infection, its walls thicken, swell, which significantly reduces the lumen of the windpipe. Increased mucus production in response to infection also reduces the diameter of the airways. In addition, a reflex spasm of the ligaments often joins, which makes it difficult for air to enter the lungs.

The cause of false croup is catarrhal diseases: SARS, and parainfluenza (most often), scarlet fever,. If microbes from the tonsils with angina penetrate the larynx, then a false croup of bacterial origin may develop. It happens less often than viral croup, but is no less difficult to tolerate.

A predisposition to the development of croup during the period of an infectious disease is in children prone to allergies.

Important! Unlike true croup, when dense diphtheria membranes blocking the throat create an obstacle to air movement, false croup occurs precisely because of the narrowing of the glottis.

Most often, false croup in children is an acute and ongoing condition. A subacute (gradually developing) course is observed in children with chronic processes - tonsillitis, adenoids, nasal polyps, oral diseases. In this case, the symptoms of the disease are not detected at once, but appear gradually, the body adapts to new conditions before the condition worsens. Therefore, often stenosis of the larynx is not detected immediately. Children with a clear picture of croup in subacute development feel satisfactory when, in an acute course, the condition is most severe.

False croup in children symptoms and treatment

Symptoms of false croup and stages of development of the syndrome

The main sign that the likelihood of developing a false croup in a respiratory disease is high is respiratory failure. The slightest signs of shortness of breath should alert parents, make them alert, take preventive measures.

Croup can come on suddenly, develop quickly, and in a short period of time go from a mild ailment to a severe, irreversible condition. But in most cases, it does not reach the terminal stage; from the vivid manifestations of the disease, the body returns to its original state just as rapidly. But for this you need to know the symptoms and be able to help the child in time.

False croup proceeds in 4 stages. If timely measures are taken, the negative dynamics can be stopped at stages 1-3. Symptoms of the disease are shown in the table.

Stage I. Compensation

Features of breathing: shortness of breath only during emotional or physical exertion. It is expressed not so much by an increase in breathing, but by a lengthening of inhalation, the disappearance of a pause between inhalation and exhalation.

Feeling satisfactory, symptoms of the underlying disease (fever, cough, runny nose, etc.)

Outcome: Recovery or transition to the second stage.

Stage II. subcompensation

Respiratory features: shortness of breath, even at rest, rapid breathing. Breathing is difficult and accompanied by wheezing. To ensure breathing, auxiliary muscles are connected - the muscles of the chest, abdomen, when inhaling, the wings of the nose swell. Cyanosis (cyanosis) of the nasolabial triangle. Rough barking cough.

The child is restless, touches the shirt collar, feels fear, cries.

Outcome: Regression of the syndrome or transition to the stage of decompensation.

Stage III. Decompensation

Features of breathing: suffocation, paradoxical breathing - superficial and infrequent, pallor of the skin.

The child is lethargic, apathetic, there is no activity, consciousness is unstable, confused.

Important! Spontaneous elimination of the syndrome at this stage is rare, urgent help is needed.

Stage IV Terminal

Features of breathing: respiratory arrest and a drop in cardiac activity.

Increased pallor, loss of consciousness, involuntary discharge of urine and feces.

Outcome: Clinical death.

Treatment of false croup syndrome

At the first signs of shortness of breath, it is necessary to take measures to stop the attack and eliminate the conditions for its development. The patient's parents should:

  • Immediately call an ambulance - if croup is suspected, the child needs a medical examination and, according to the results, hospitalization or outpatient treatment;
  • Create a calm atmosphere around the patient - do not shout, do not even talk loudly, express confidence in your behavior that the situation is under control;
  • If the patient is frightened, take the child in his arms, do not leave him alone in the room - nervous tension causes a reflex contraction of the muscles of the ligaments, which aggravates the situation;
  • Provide an influx of cool moist air - it is best to open the window, even in winter (pre-wrap the child) - cool air reduces the volume of mucous membranes, and moisture dilutes the secret;
  • You can carry out inhalation with a nebulizer - inhalation of cold vapor will improve the child's condition;
  • In the absence of an inhaler, the child is brought into a bathroom filled with steam (it cools in the air), where it is useful to carry out distracting foot baths.

These simple, but urgent measures should help stop the development of false croup and wait for the arrival of doctors.

Important! In most cases, doctors offer hospitalization - you should not refuse it: only in a hospital is it possible to provide round-the-clock qualified monitoring of the development of the disease.

Prevention of false croup

False croup is a disease of young children. This condition can occur repeatedly in one child, as a relapse during one illness or with the next illness.

And in adults and children over 6 years of age, croup is extremely rare, as in infants under one year old. By the early school age, the danger of a severe development of events is very unlikely - the experience of overcoming various childhood illnesses affects.

Since false croup in children occurs during infectious diseases, it is obvious that it is required to ensure that the child is less sick. However, this does not mean that isolation is necessary to prevent infection. In children, whose immunity rarely meets with infection, the body's reaction to accidental contact with the causative agent of the disease, even the most banal, may be excessive. And this is a direct road to cereals.

The most important thing is the hardening of the body. It is necessary to ensure that a change in ambient temperature, wind or draft does not become a problem or cause the introduction of infection. From the first days of life, children should breathe clean air, walk a lot every day, and be active. Warm and dry air irritates the respiratory tract more than frosty air. Good nutrition will ensure proper metabolism and age-appropriate development.

Contact with peers will teach the immune system to properly respond to germs and viruses, most of which will not harm the child. These measures, of course, do not guarantee that the child will avoid croup, but it will be easier for the body (and parents) to cope with it.

Remember that only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis, do not self-medicate without consultation and diagnosis by a qualified doctor. Be healthy!

Acute stenosing laryngotracheitis is the official name for a disease in which the larynx is compressed, which is manifested as a result of a viral infection. This disease has a second, more common name - false croup. Symptoms of it, as a rule, are manifested in hoarseness of the voice, noisy breathing, "barking" cough, cyanosis of the lips and the constant restless state of the child.

As a rule, attacks of the disease appear at night, during the day the false croup does not bother. This is due to the fact that at night under the ligaments there is swelling of the fiber due to blood flow to it. Usually, attacks can occur within two to three days, but sometimes the form of the disease becomes protracted.

False croup in adults is extremely rare, as a rule, this diagnosis is made in children. There is a logical explanation for this: the reason is the narrow lumen of the larynx in babies. As a result, edema in the child occurs much faster and causes serious consequences in the form of respiratory failure. Adults can only have true croup, which accompanies diphtheria.



2022 "kingad.ru" - ultrasound examination of human organs