Painkiller for a 5 year old. The most common side effects of their use

Non-narcotic analgesics, in particular NSAIDs, are used, as a rule, to eliminate mild or moderate pain.

Tolerance to non-narcotic analgesics does not occur even when using the maximum allowable doses. These drugs are relatively safe and do not cause physiological dependence. As a result, the pain is relieved. NSAIDs include derivatives of the following acids: salicylic (acetylsalicylic acid), anthranilic (flufenamic and mefenamic acids), aniline (phenacetin, paracetamol), indolacetic (indomethacin), propionic (ibuprofen, naprosen, voltaren). All drugs in this group cause side effects: dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, ulceration of the gastrointestinal mucosa with hemorrhages. More frequent such complications in the treatment of acetylsalicylic acid, indomethacin and ibuprofen. Paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen are the most effective for pain relief.
Paracetamol in a single dose of 10-15 mg/kg is the drug of choice for the elimination of moderate pain and fever in children. Side effects: methemoglobinemia, anemia, liver damage. In case of an overdose, fulminant hepatic failure is possible.
Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effect. The drug is prescribed at a dose of 0.2 g / year of life in 4-6 doses. Used for headache, arthralgia, myalgia.
Other NSAIDs (eg, indomethacin, ibuprofen, diclofenac) are similar in analgesic effect to acetylsalicylic acid.
Ibuprofen is prescribed orally at a dose of 10-15 mg / (kg-day) in 3-4 doses, it eliminates headache well. Ketoprofen, naproxen are similar in properties and are more often used for pain without a pronounced inflammatory process. The frequency of side effects of these drugs is lower than those of acetylsalicylic acid.
Diclofenac (Voltaren) on efficiency it is close to derivatives of propionic acid. It is used for moderate pain and inflammation that accompanies rheumatoid diseases, at a dose of 2-3 mg / (kg-day) in 2-3 doses. Side effects compared to those of indomethacin are less pronounced.
Indomethacin- highly effective anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic drug. It is used to relieve moderate and severe pain, as well as inflammation in rheumatoid diseases. Dose 2-3 mg / (kg "day) in 2-3 doses. It has a pronounced side effect on the gastric mucosa, can cause ulceration, bleeding, perforation. When taking this drug, migraine-like pain (due to swelling of the brain) may occur. The drug may aggravate the course of previous kidney disease. Not recommended for children under 14 years of age.
mefenamic acid used for mild or moderate muscle, toothache, post-traumatic and headache. Assign inside to children aged 5 to 10 years - 0.25 g 3-4 times a day, over 10 years old - 0.3 g 3-4 times a day. The main side effect is the development of hemolytic anemia.

Narcotic analgesics. Narcotic analgesics have a pronounced inhibitory effect on the central nervous system, but without impaired consciousness or sensitivity disorders. By activity, narcotic analgesics can be moderate-acting drugs used for mild to moderate pain (codeine, dehydrocodeine, dextroproxifen, pentazocine, nalbuphine), and potent drugs used for severe pain [morphine, diamorphine (heroin), pethidine (meperidine, a synthetic analogue of meperidine - proyedol), omnopon, methadone, buprenorphine, phenazocine, meptazinol, etc.] Morphine is the most effective. The introduction of this drug intramuscularly and subcutaneously provides a sufficient duration of its action. The high narcogenic potential limits the long-term use of morphine. In addition, already its 1-2-fold administration causes many adverse reactions, among which the most pronounced are respiratory depression, nausea and vomiting, and spasms of smooth muscle organs. The negative effects of morphine correlate with its concentration in the blood.
Buprenorphine has a high, close to fentanyl analgesic activity. The maximum analgesic effect lasts at least 6 hours. Depresses respiration.
Codeine(methylmorphine) is a low potency opioid. Its action is 10 times weaker than that of morphine. In high doses, codeine, unlike morphine, causes arousal. Dependence on codeine is less pronounced than on morphine. Assign mainly for mild to moderate pain, cough - orally and parenterally.
Korfapol effective when taken orally, has minimal side effects.
Methadone- a synthetic drug similar in pharmacological properties to morphine. The analgesic effect of methadone lasts up to 24 hours, so for chronic pain it is prescribed orally or injected subcutaneously every 12 hours.
Nalbufin in terms of analgesic activity when administered intramuscularly, it is similar to morphine, and when taken orally, its effectiveness is 4-5 times lower. The duration of action is 3-6 hours.
Omnopon(pantopon) is a mixture of opium alkaloids. Used for premedication in anesthesiology.

Pentazocine(fortral) is a synthetic narcotic analgesic. When administered parenterally, it penetrates through the BBB. It is 3-6 times weaker than morphine, causes severe respiratory depression, hypertension and tachycardia, worsens coronary blood flow. The rate of onset and duration of the analgesic effect are similar to those of morphine. It is used mainly in obstetrics, as it favorably affects the contractility of the uterus.
Pethidine(meperidine, lidol) has no structural similarity to morphine, but is similar in action to it. Pethidine is effective for pain that is not relieved by codeine, but does not relieve intense pain that is relieved by morphine.
Promedol- domestic synthetic analogue of meperidine. Usually, a 1% solution is used intramuscularly at a dose of 0.1 ml/year of life, which minimizes respiratory depression and practically eliminates changes in the tone of smooth muscle organs.
Tramadol(tramal) is a new synthetic analgesic with relatively high activity.
Fentanyl exhibits very good analgesic activity, but sharply depresses respiration, causes bradycardia. It is used for neuroleptanalgesia, for anesthesia, administered intravenously or intramuscularly. It penetrates well through the blood-brain barrier, which causes rapid and pronounced analgesia. Morphine-like side effects are rare with fentanyl.
The choice of an analgesic in a particular clinical case depends primarily on the pharmacokinetic properties of the drug and the characteristics of the patient's body (age, state of metabolic systems). In newborns, the half-life of most analgesics is longer. In children, the apparent volume of distribution of analgesics is greater due to a decrease in their fixation by plasma proteins, a smaller mass of lipids and an increased amount of water in the tissues. The elimination of narcotic analgesics is reduced due to the peculiarities of metabolism in the liver and kidney function, the peculiarities of the penetration of individual drugs into the central nervous system, which largely determine their activity and toxicity. Morphine and pentazocine are more toxic to newborns than adults, and the toxicity of promedol and fentanyl is the same for any age.

With minor pain, NSAIDs (acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, ibuprofen) are used. With their ineffectiveness or with pain of moderate intensity, narcotic analgesics with low activity (codeine, dehydrocodeine, dextroproxifen, pentazocine), combinations of NSAIDs with low-activity opioids are recommended. If such a combination is ineffective, highly active opioids (morphine, diamorphine, methadone, phenazocine, etc.) are prescribed, with persistent pain (in cancer patients), it is also possible to use NSAIDs.
Pain emanating from somatic structures (skin, muscles, bones, joints) is stopped by acetylsalicylic acid and paracetamol, which do not affect mental functions and do not cause severe dependence. For pain associated with diseases of the internal organs, narcotic analgesics, such as morphine, are effective in most cases, although NSAIDs may be used for mild pain. With postherpetic neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, analgesics have only an auxiliary value. In the treatment of seriously ill patients, very large doses of non-narcotic analgesics are used together with low-active narcotic analgesics, and sometimes highly effective narcotic analgesics.
The pain that accompanies inflammation is relieved by taking NSAIDs. Only sometimes it is necessary to prescribe additional low-potency opioids. Pain in minor injuries is often eliminated by local means that cause cooling of the skin (aerosol with chlorofluoromethane), with massive (for example, postoperative) - usually only narcotic analgesics. Bone pain is relieved with NSAIDs or when combined with opioids.
Treatment for headaches can be aimed at eliminating muscle spasm, vasoconstriction. For this purpose, non-narcotic drugs are used - paracetamol and acetylsalicylic acid. With migraine, acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, motilium are prescribed as an antiemetic. If the attack is provoked by emotional stress, it is advisable to use sedatives (benzodiazepines). With increased ICP, diuretics are added.
The general principle of pain treatment - the impact on its cause - is feasible, for example, in case of peptic ulcer, when analgesics are not used.

Local anesthetics. Many substances have local anesthetic properties, but only a small number of them are suitable for clinical use. Local anesthetics dissolve in water, do not irritate, their effect should develop quickly and persist for the time required for the operation. They do not have toxic properties when absorbed into the blood and do not cause unwanted reactions at the injection site. These drugs affect the nervous tissues and prevent both the occurrence and spread of a pain impulse, which is due to the formation of complexes of the drug with the receptor of membrane sodium channels, as a result of which the flow of sodium ions is blocked. The absorption of drugs from the mucous membranes is different. Easily absorbed drugs (cocaine, lidocaine, prilocaine) are used for surface anesthesia. The action of local anesthetics usually develops 5 minutes after application and lasts for 1-2 hours. Adding a vasoconstrictor drug (adrenaline) to them prolongs their action by 2 times. Local anesthetics are indicated for puncture and catheterization of veins and arteries, drainage of the pleural cavity, spinal and sternal punctures, suturing, for anesthesia of the mucous membranes.
Side effects (tinnitus, metallic taste in the mouth, drowsiness, irritability, headache, convulsions, decreased blood pressure) occur when the anesthetic enters the bloodstream or its dose exceeds the allowable one.
Alitocaine more similar to cocaine than novocaine. It is effective both when applied to mucous membranes and when administered parenterally.
Bupivacaine- a long-acting drug used for conduction anesthesia at a dose of 2 mg / kg. The maximum effect occurs after 30 minutes.
Cocaine used mainly for surface anesthesia, usually in the form of a 4% solution. It is used in otorhinolaryngological operations by applying to a limited area of ​​the mucous membrane, which is practically safe. Adrenaline is never added to a cocaine solution because of the potentiation of the action.
Lidocaine- an effective and relatively low-toxic agent for surface infiltration and conduction anesthesia, administered intravenously or intramuscularly at a dose of 1 mg / kg. When taken orally, it is ineffective. Adverse reactions are rare.
Novocaine. By its ability to cause surface anesthesia, it is less active than cocaine, but much less toxic, does not cause drug addiction, and has a wide range of therapeutic effects. Half-life - 0.7 min.
prilocaine used in the same way as lidocaine, but it is less toxic. In maximum doses, it contributes to the development of methemoglobinemia. Available in combination with adrenaline or felipresin.
Lidocaine is considered the most suitable and safe for superficial anesthesia. However, if a large amount of anesthetic is required, prilocaine is preferable. Lidocaine with prilocaine in the form of Terem is used for pain relief during venipuncture, vein catheterization. Solutions of lidocaine and diclonin are used for anesthesia of the oropharynx. A mixture of tetracaine, adrenaline and cocaine is used to wet the surface of the wound before suturing.

Can I give my child painkillers? Adepts of naturalness are sure that the unpleasant symptoms of any infantile disease can be stopped with the help of maternal affection alone, but their arguments are unlikely to seem convincing to those whose baby is tearing himself from crying due to teething teeth or colic in the stomach. Is it worth solving the problem with analgesics, or would it be wiser to look for an alternative to medications?

Indications for the use of painkillers for children

Over the past few years, the pharmaceutical industry has come a long way, thanks to which there are many painkillers in pharmacies that can be safely given even to babies. Most of these drugs additionally contribute to:

However, even a special medicine for newborns can harm a child's fragile body if you resort to its help too often. You can’t do without such funds when:

  • infections (ARVI, influenza);
  • otitis;
  • teething;
  • pain syndrome caused by trauma or exacerbation of a chronic disease.

Each of these cases is a direct indication to give the baby an anesthetic. When should this not be done?

When is painkillers contraindicated?

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Pain is the surest signal that something is not right with one of the internal organs. It is this symptom that allows you to most accurately and quickly recognize the clinical picture of many dangerous diseases and start treatment in a timely manner. The sensation stopped with the help of an analgesic will be “smeared”, which will greatly complicate the diagnosis and will not allow determining the moment when the patient's condition worsened.

That is why it is very dangerous to arbitrarily give any drugs to children complaining of headaches or abdominal discomfort. These symptoms may be signs of:

  • encephalitis and other brain damage;
  • appendicitis;
  • peritonitis;
  • peptic ulcer.

If the child's condition worsens (without analgesics, the pain does not decrease over time, nausea and vomiting begin, body temperature rises, etc.), the task of adults is to immediately take him to the doctor for an early examination. It is likely that a newborn or older baby needs urgent qualified medical care.

Does the baby often have headaches or stomachaches, but the examination did not reveal any health problems? In this case, parents should consult with their doctor about the choice of a suitable analgesic. Only a specialist can determine which of the drugs will be safe for a particular child.

What are the requirements for children's painkillers?

The main requirements for such drugs:

  1. quick effect;
  2. prolonged exposure without cumulative effect;
  3. low risk of adverse reactions;
  4. availability of a dosage form suitable for children.

What form of release of an analgesic to choose for a child?

Most popular children's painkillers are available in several options that are convenient for babies to use. The same analgesic can be presented simultaneously in the form of a suspension, syrup, powder, tablets, etc.

Which form of medication to choose depends on the age of the child:

The best pain relievers for newborns and older children

Determining which children's pain reliever is the best is difficult. According to international clinical studies, the most effective analgesic for babies is Ibuprofen, but it can only be used when the child reaches six months. Paracetamol, which is in the second position in the ranking, is allowed from 3 months, but an overdose of it is deadly.

To choose the most suitable analgesic for a child, responsible parents will have to comprehensively study the modern pharmaceutical market. What painkillers are there?

Tablet form

Syrups, drops, suspensions

Rectal suppositories

  • Efferalgan, Panadol and other suppositories based on paracetamol. They have a pronounced antipyretic effect. They can be used from birth, but they should only be used as directed by a doctor.
  • Viburkol. Fast-acting homeopathic suppositories based on herbal ingredients. Have no side effects. Good for teething pain.

Products for external use

  • Panthenol and Bepanthen, gels and sprays. Relieve pain in external skin lesions (burns, injuries, diaper rash). Suitable for children of all ages. Contraindicated with a tendency to allergic reactions.
  • Kamistad, gel (we recommend reading:). An instant remedy indicated for teething. It has a short-term effect (pain relief lasts no more than 10 minutes).
  • Holisal gel. A fast-acting preparation intended for application to the gums in case of toothache. It does not contain sugar, so it can be used for babies suffering from atopic dermatitis.

Non-drug methods of pain relief in children

In cases where the intake of analgesics in one form or another is contraindicated for a child, parents can use alternative methods to relieve an attack of pain. Toddlers up to 3 years will help:

  • light relaxing massage;
  • method of switching attention;
  • ethnoscience.

With older children, you can try breathing exercises and various relaxation exercises. The main thing is to create maximum comfort for the child, make sure that he empties his intestines in advance, takes a comfortable position and completely relaxes.

When something hurts a child, adults are ready to do everything for him - to give any painkiller, if only their child would feel better. But with a specific disease, you need to know exactly how to anesthetize it and in what cases it is better to immediately call an ambulance. In this article, we will tell you in which cases painkillers are applicable and which drugs are most safe for babies.

When painkillers are given

It is worth knowing that painkillers should not be given on an ongoing basis. Only one-time, when there is no possibility of a momentary visit to the doctor. Receiving such funds will not replace a visit to a specialist.
You can relieve the pain of the baby in such cases:

  • For toothache. If the disease has overcome on the weekend or the night before the dentist.
  • During . When the child is very hard, at night for better sleep.
  • At .
  • With a headache in schoolchildren caused by overexertion due to study.
  • With severe pain in Provided that there is no discharge from the ear.

Popular drugs

Below will be considered the most popular painkillers that give.

"Raspberry flavored ibuprofen" refers to a pediatric pain reliever. Used to relieve symptoms of teething pain and other toothaches, headaches, sore throats and earaches.

"Nimesulide" begins to act 15-20 minutes after administration. It is used to reduce acute pain (tooth, headache, muscle, in the ears). This pain reliever is not prescribed for children under 12 years of age. However, dispersible (water-soluble) tablets can be given to toddlers and older. Dosage for children - 3-5 mg per 1 kg of body weight. This amount should be evenly divided into 2-3 doses per day. For children weighing more than forty kilograms, the dosage is prescribed as adults.

"Nimesulide" in the form of a suspension (syrup) is allowed to be given to children from 2 years old. The daily dose is 1.5-3 mg per 1 kg of the child's weight. This amount is divided into 2-3 doses over 24 hours.

You can not take "Nimesulide" for children with gastrointestinal problems, kidneys and liver. The course of admission is not more than 15 days.

"Analgin" is one of the most popular painkillers. These tablets are used for mild pain. Help with headache, toothache, postoperative pain.

  • from 2 to 3 years - 0.05-0.1 g;
  • from 4 to 5 years - 0.1-0.2 g;
  • from 6 to 7 years - 0.2 g;
  • from 8 to 14 years - 0.25-0.3 g.
No more than three times in 24 hours.

Children under five years of age should not be given "Analgin" without a doctor's recommendation.

Very often, when deciding which painkiller to give a child, parents opt for Aspirin. However, recently this medicine has been banned from giving to children under 14 years of age in many countries of the world. The reason is the possibility of manifestation in a child. This is a condition in which the kidneys are affected and swelling of the brain develops. Without the intervention of doctors, Reye's syndrome can be fatal.

Important! Reye's syndrome appears a few days after the child's recovery..

In Russia, taking "Aspirin" is not officially prohibited and it can be prescribed by a therapist. The dosage for children is as follows:

  • from 2 to 3 years - one tablet per day;
  • from 4 to 7 years - two tablets per day;
  • from 8 to 9 years - three tablets per day.
Do not give to babies under 12 months. Contraindications are stomach and duodenal ulcers, poor blood clotting and.
Take the tablets after meals with water or milk.

Did you know? The prototype of the current "Aspirin" was known to the ancient Greeks in the form of a decoction of the bark of a willow tree. Such a decoction removed the heat and soothed the pain.

For children, it is used to relieve pain of moderate strength. This suspension can only be given to children older than three months and weighing over 5 kg.

  • 3-6 months - 2.5 ml 1-3 times in 24 hours;
  • 6-12 months - 2.5 ml 1-4 times in 24 hours;
  • 1-3 years - 5 ml 1-3 times in 24 hours;
  • 4-6 years - 7.5 ml 1-3 times in 24 hours;
  • 7-9 years - 10 ml 1-3 times in 24 hours;
  • 10-12 - 15 ml 1-3 times in 24 hours.
Do not take Nurofen for more than three days in a row. If during this time the condition of the baby has not improved, you should consult a doctor. For children up to six months, the period of improvement of well-being is 24 hours. Otherwise, you should also immediately consult a doctor.
Nurofen should not be given to children with ibuprofen intolerance, stomach ulcers, kidney and liver problems.

Important! The dosage indicated in the instructions for the preparations must not be exceeded.

Are painkillers always needed?

It is strictly forbidden to give painkillers to children when. In this case, the baby should be taken to the doctor immediately.

In situations where the baby has a very severe sore throat, to the point that he cannot open his mouth or with difficulty, you need to call an ambulance. Giving painkillers is not recommended.
You can not give the child a painkiller in case of a headache caused by. Especially if it is accompanied by nausea or loss of consciousness. A doctor's consultation is required. If the cheek is swollen from a toothache, then it is better to call an ambulance if it is not possible to immediately visit the dentist.

Now you know that not all drugs familiar to adults are suitable for children. In the desire to help the baby cope with pain, the main thing is not to harm. It should be remembered: only the attending physician can accurately indicate which tablets or syrups can be given to a child.

Sooner or later, every mother is faced with the need to relieve the pain of her child. Not all pain medications can be given to children under three years of age. In order not to harm the children's body, pediatricians recommend studying the list of approved medicines.

Indications for the use of painkillers for children

It is necessary to give painkillers to babies clearly according to the instructions. The main indications for prescribing medications are:

  • Acute respiratory viral diseases, influenza, otitis media, accompanied by abdominal pain, migraines, fever.
  • Teething.
  • Injuries of a different nature.
  • Pain during exacerbation of chronic or congenital diseases.

Many drugs not only relieve pain, but also have an antipyretic effect, relieve swelling, and reduce the symptoms of the inflammatory process. Such drugs help to fight several manifestations of the disease at once and are more often prescribed for infectious viral diseases.

What drugs are suitable for children

Medicines used in pediatrics must meet the following requirements:

  • Produced in a form convenient for children to take (gels, ointments, syrups, potions, solutions).
  • Have a minimum set of contraindications and a chance of unwanted side effects.
  • To have the ability to quickly reach the desired concentration, relieve pain in a short period of time and act for a long time.
  • Lack of cumulative effect of active components in soft tissues.

Safe Painkillers

Such drugs are produced in different dosage forms, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • Rectal suppositories. Compared with medicines for oral use, suppositories are much less likely to cause nausea and other side effects, do not put a strain on the digestive tract. The disadvantage of such dosage forms is that after the introduction it is necessary for the child to lie down quietly for 10 minutes, otherwise the contents of the candle will leak out.
  • Pills. They have a clear mechanism of action, are able to relieve pain for a long time. The main disadvantage of such medicines is their form of release. For children under three years of age, painkillers should be crushed and given mixed with milk or water.
  • syrups. Sweet syrups with different flavors are the most preferred dosage form. They act quickly and are easy to use. The disadvantage of such funds is the possibility of nausea or vomiting after ingestion.
  • Ointments and gels. They are convenient to use, but have only a local anesthetic effect, so they are used only for injuries.

Painkillers for children

A child under three years of age is given analgesics in tablets, after grinding the drug to a powder state and diluting it with water. Most commonly used for pain:





Action taken

has analgesic, antipyretic, weak anti-inflammatory action

has analgesic and antipyretic action

Indications for use

toothache, trauma, migraines, high fever

neuralgia, symptomatic treatment of acute respiratory viral infections or influenza

Dosage (up to three years)

0.5 tablets

selected individually

Method of administration

up to 4 times a day with water

up to 4 times a day with water


Sweet mixtures can be given to children under three years of age in pure form or diluted in half with water. The following medicines are preferred:




Action taken

reduces body temperature, relieves pain

has an analgesic effect, reduces inflammation, reduces temperature

Indications for use

childhood infections, muscle pain, toothache or headache

Dosage (up to three years)

with a weight of up to 8 kg - 2.5 ml, from 8 to 16 kg - 5 ml

30 mg/kg of child's weight per day

Method of administration

inside 1-2 hours after eating

External funds

Ointments, gels, anesthetic creams for children under three years of age are used for injuries. They quickly relieve pain, while the active substances are not absorbed into the systemic circulation. Preferred pain relief ointments for children:

Panthenol cream universal

Acryol Pro


lidocaine, prilocaine

Action taken

soothes irritated skin, improves tissue regeneration, anesthetizes

has a local anesthetic effect

Indications for use

injuries, burns

superficial anesthesia of the skin during injections, punctures and catheterization of vessels, superficial surgical interventions

Method of administration

apply a thin layer on the affected area of ​​the skin


Can be used to relieve pain even in newborn babies. Suppositories are introduced into the anus of the child after defecation 1-2 times a day. Preferred Pain Relief Suppositories for Children:


chamomile officinalis, plantain, belladonna, nightshade, meadow backache, calcium carbonate

interferon alpha-2 human recombinant

Action taken

has a calming, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, antispasmodic effect

has antiviral, immunomodulatory properties

Indications for use

complex therapy of respiratory diseases, teething

acute respiratory viral infections

Dosage (up to three years)

1 suppository

Method of administration

2 times a day rectally

2-3 times a day

Abdominal pain in a child is a fairly common problem at any age. The modern rhythm of life, unhealthy diet, lack of adequate physical activity contribute to the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in children. The main way to help the child in this situation is to use the medicines prescribed by the doctor.

The main causes of abdominal pain in a child

Among children in each age group, different mechanisms of the occurrence of pain in the abdomen predominate.

A feature of the digestion of newborn children is the immaturity of enzymes - the main proteins for the breakdown of nutrients. In addition, at this age, the formation of intestinal microflora from beneficial bacteria that help digest food occurs. In this regard, a common problem that causes abdominal pain in infants is increased gas formation.

At an early age (1–3 years), children need a special diet due to the immaturity of enzymes. The consequence of a violation of the diet is constipation or loose stools, accompanied by spastic contractions of the intestinal muscles. Spasms of the muscles of the wall of the gastrointestinal tract lead, in turn, to the occurrence of pain in the abdomen.

At school and adolescence, diseases of the pancreas and gallbladder are common, which negatively affect the digestive process and lead to the appearance of pain in the abdomen. Infection of the body with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is the main factor in the development of the inflammatory and ulcerative process in the stomach, which can also be accompanied by the development of painful sensations. Increased acidity of the gastric juice is also the cause of abdominal pain.

In children of all age groups, abdominal pain may be due to indigestion associated with the death of normal intestinal microflora after taking antibiotics or eating poor-quality foods.

Photo gallery of reasons

Spasms of the intestinal muscles - the cause of cramping abdominal pain Dysbacteriosis - the main cause of abdominal pain in a child after taking antibiotics Enzyme deficiency - the main cause of abdominal pain in young children Flatulence - one of the main causes of abdominal pain in newborns and young children Increased acidity gastric juice - the main cause of abdominal pain in older children The bacterium Helicobacter pylori - the main cause of gastritis and ulcers

The mechanism of action of drugs used for abdominal pain

Pharmacological drugs used to eliminate pain in the abdomen in children are divided into a number of groups according to the nature of their action.


The action of this group of drugs is based on their ability to block the conduction of pain signals from the pathological focus along the nerves to the brain. These drugs also have an anti-inflammatory effect due to the blockade of the chain of biochemical transformations triggered by the damaging agent.


The muscles of the gastrointestinal tract make up the middle layer of the wall of the stomach, intestines, and gallbladder. The special anatomical structure allows them to move food through the digestive canal. Pathological muscle contraction (spasm) occurs under the influence of increased calcium content in them. Antispasmodics block the entry of calcium into muscle fiber cells, relieving spasm.


The main component that determines the acidity of gastric juice is hydrochloric acid. Normally, it is produced by specific cells of the stomach wall (parietal) in an amount sufficient to create an acidity level of one and a half to two units. With an increase in acidity, gastric juice corrodes the gastric mucosa, leading to the appearance of its defects - erosions and ulcers. Antacids block the production of hydrochloric acid in the parietal cells, thereby eliminating its pathological effect on the stomach wall.


Helicobacter pylori is a microbe that lives in the stomach and calmly tolerates its extremely acidic environment. Currently, this bacterium is a proven cause of inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis) and peptic ulcer. Antihelicobacter drugs disrupt the vital processes of the microbe and lead to its death.

Enzyme preparations

Food enters the digestive tract, usually in the form of complex chemical compounds: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In order for nutrients to be absorbed from the lumen of the stomach or intestines into the blood, the body needs to break down complex compounds into simpler constituents. This process occurs under the influence of digestive juices: gastric, pancreatic and bile. Each of them contains specific substances of protein nature - enzymes. These chemical compounds are necessary to accelerate the processes of splitting and absorption. The lack of enzymes leads to digestive disorders. Enzyme preparations contain these chemical compounds in the required amount.


Very often, food poisoning from poor-quality products leads to a flood of the digestive tract with harmful substances - toxins that cause vomiting, loose stools (diarrhea) and increased gas formation (flatulence). Sorbents are special substances that capture all harmful chemical compounds with their surface and remove them from the body.


The process of digestion of food requires the active participation of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Most of the microflora of the digestive tract belongs to the genus bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Probiotics contain live beneficial microorganisms.


For the settlement of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the microflora. To solve this problem, there are prebiotics - special substances designed to become a "home" for beneficial bacteria.

Video: The main clinical aspects of abdominal pain in a child

Forms of drug release

The active drug substance can be produced by the manufacturer in various forms. For ease of use, there are the following forms of release of drugs:

  1. Tablets are a solid dosage form. The drug, as a rule, additionally contains excipients necessary to obtain a single structure that is convenient for ingestion. The following chemical compounds act as such: talc, corn starch, xylitol, sorbitol and many others.
  2. Capsules also belong to solid forms of release. In addition to the excipients described above, these preparations contain an integumentary membrane, due to which the active substance is released in a certain part of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Solutions for injection in ampoules are liquid dosage forms. In addition to the active substance, the drug usually contains sodium chloride or distilled water as a solvent.
  4. A suspension is a suspension of small solid particles of the active substance in a liquid. As the latter, distilled water, ethyl alcohol, glycerin, vegetable oils are present in the dosage forms. Suspensions are used, as a rule, orally, less often intramuscularly.
  5. The gel belongs to the soft forms of drug release. The combination of active substance and solvent in a minimum amount provides a viscous elastic consistency. Vaseline oil, lanolin, ethyl alcohol, glycerin are used as a formative substance.
  6. Syrup refers to liquid dosage forms. As a rule, an excipient is added to the active agent in the form of a sugar solution and vegetable oils.
  7. Powder refers to solid dosage forms. The active substance and the excipient are free-flowing. Magnesium carbonate, sodium alginate are used as auxiliary powder.
  8. Candles - a dosage form intended for introduction into the body. Rectal suppositories are used to treat constipation. The dosage form is injected through the anus into the lumen of the rectum. Rectal suppositories contain cocoa butter and medical glycerin as a formative substance.
  9. Microclyster is a liquid dosage form, with the help of which the active substance is delivered directly into the lumen of the rectum in a certain dosage. As an auxiliary component, the drug contains medical glycerin and purified water.
  10. Drops - liquid dosage form. Its basis is the aforementioned suspension. A distinctive feature of these drugs is the drip method of dosing.
  11. Emulsion is a dosage form, the main component of which is the essential oil of plants, distributed in the form of separate particles in purified water.

Photo gallery of types of medicines

Tablets - the easiest dosage form to use Powder - a form of release of probiotics and prebiotics The drug substance from capsules is released and acts in the intestines Solution for injection is applicable for severe nausea and vomiting Suspension - an effective form of antacid preparations Gel - a modern form of release of sorbents Syrup - a convenient drug form for use in children

Indications for use

Medicines are prescribed by a pediatric gastroenterologist for the following diseases of the digestive tract that cause pain in the abdomen:

  • inflammation in the stomach (gastritis);
  • inflammatory process in the intestine (enteritis, colitis);
  • inflammation in the pancreas (pancreatitis);
  • inflammation in the gallbladder (cholecystitis);
  • erosive and ulcerative lesions of the wall of the stomach and intestines;
  • digestive disorders (dyspepsia);
  • food poisoning;
  • colonization of the intestines with pathological microflora (dysbacteriosis);
  • insufficient amount of enzymes in digestive juices (gastric, intestinal, pancreatic, bile).

Contraindications to taking drugs and unwanted effects

There are quite a few contraindications to the appointment of certain drugs to eliminate pain in the abdomen in children:

  1. For all drugs without exception, a contraindication is the individual intolerance of its various components.
  2. Antispasmodic drugs should not be used for low blood pressure (hypotension). These substances relax not only the muscles of the stomach and intestines, but also the walls of blood vessels;
  3. Painkillers should only be used as directed by a doctor. The effect of these drugs significantly changes the symptoms of serious diseases of the stomach and intestines, requiring immediate medical attention: appendicitis, perforation of a stomach and duodenal ulcer, intestinal obstruction, internal bleeding.
  4. Painkillers in tablet form cannot be used for erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum, since their negative effect on the mucous membrane can aggravate the course of the pathological process.
  5. Preparations that promote the separation of bile are not used in the proven presence of stones in the gallbladder and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum.

In addition to the above undesirable effects, each drug has side effects that are not directly related to the mechanism of its effect on the body. Such effects include:

  • headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • stomach ache;
  • skin itching.

Side effects on the background of taking medications are very rare and are due to the manifestation of an individual reaction of the body.

Many drugs are prescribed only after reaching a certain age.

Application methods

Most drugs for abdominal pain in children are used exclusively inside: sorbents, antacids, enzymes, anti-Helicobacter drugs, probiotics, prebiotics. Painkillers and antispasmodics can be used orally or as injections, depending on the form of release.

After eating, painkillers, enzyme, antispasmodic drugs are usually taken. Antacids are used before meals for fifteen to twenty minutes, which are necessary to create a medicinal film that protects the mucous membrane. Antihelicobacter drugs and sorbents are also used before meals.

Liquid antacids and any other drugs should not be taken orally at the same time, since the absorption of the latter into the bloodstream from the lumen of the stomach or intestines is significantly reduced.

Combinations of drugs for the treatment of abdominal pain in a child

For the treatment of abdominal pain in children, depending on the cause of its occurrence, as a rule, combinations of several pharmacological drugs are used.

Pharmacological treatment of pain in the abdomen caused by an inflammatory process in the stomach

Name of the drug Active substance Release form Indications Contraindications Price
Magnesium hydroxide

Alzheimer's disease
Impaired kidney function
12 years From 142 rubles
Magnesium hydroxide
Chewable tablets Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum
Alzheimer's disease
Impaired kidney function
15 years From 238 rubles
Ranitidine Ranitidine Pills Gastritis
peptic ulcer
Individual intolerance 12 years From 8 rubles

Photo gallery of drugs for the treatment of abdominal pain in children with gastritis

Almagel - an antacid drug for children Maalox - a modern drug to protect the stomach wall from the damaging effects of gastric juice Gaviscon - an effective antacid drug

Pharmacological treatment of pain in the abdomen in children with ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum

Treatment of peptic ulcer is carried out according to standard schemes, including several drugs. The main goal of therapy is to eliminate the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which damages the wall of the stomach and duodenum. Currently, drug combinations are constantly being improved in order to minimize side effects.

Pharmacological treatment of abdominal pain in a child caused by cholecystitis

Name of the drug Active substance Release form Indications Contraindications Permissible age for prescribing the drug Price
Activated carbon
Nettle leaves
Garlic seed bulb
Pills chronic hepatitis
Obstructive jaundice
Acute hepatitis
peptic ulcer
7 years From 11 rubles
peptic ulcer
Glaucoma 2 years From 14 rubles
Metamizole sodium
Pitophenone hydrochloride
Fenpiverinium bromide

kidney failure
5 years From 91 rubles
papaverine hydrochloride Injection
Suppositories rectal
heart block
Kidney dysfunction
6 months From 29 rubles

Photo gallery of drugs for the treatment of abdominal pain in children caused by cholecystitis

The drug Allochol is used for choleretic purpose Drotaverine has a pronounced antispasmodic effect The drug Spazgan is an effective analgesic The drug papaverine is an effective antispasmodic

Pharmacological treatment of abdominal pain in children caused by pancreatitis


Suppositories rectal

Name of the drug Active substance Release form Indications Contraindications Permissible age for prescribing the drug Price
Metamizole sodium Injection
Suppositories rectal
Pain syndrome of various nature Bronchial asthma
Blood diseases
kidney failure
Liver failure
0 months From 10 rubles
Metamizole sodium Injection
Pain syndrome of various nature Bronchial asthma
Blood diseases
kidney failure
Liver failure
0 months From 196 rubles
diclofenac Diclofenac sodium Pills
Solution for injections Rectal suppositories
Pain syndrome of various nature Bronchial asthma
peptic ulcer
Blood diseases
6 years From 14 rubles
Ibuprofen IbuprofenPain syndrome of various nature Bronchial asthma
peptic ulcer
Blood diseases
6 years From 17 rubles
peptic ulcer
Glaucoma 6 years From 52 rubles
Nurofen Ibuprofen Pills
effervescent tablets
Pain syndrome of various nature Bronchial asthma
peptic ulcer
Blood diseases
6 years From 83 rubles


Chronic pancreatitis
cystic fibrosis
Acute pancreatitis 0 months From 16 rubles
Spazmalgon Metamizole sodium
Pitophenone hydrochloride
Fenpiverinium bromide
Pain syndrome of various nature peptic ulcer Crohn's disease
kidney failure
0 months for solution
5 years for tablets
From 102 rubles

Photo gallery of drugs to eliminate pain in the abdomen in children with pancreatitis

The drug analgin is the most popular painkiller The drug Baralgin effectively relieves pain The drug No-shpa is the main remedy for the treatment of pancreatitis

Drugs to eliminate pain in the abdomen caused by overeating

Name of the drug Active substance Release form Indications Contraindications Permissible age for prescribing the drug Price
Magnesium hydroxide
Lozenges Heartburn
peptic ulcer
kidney failure
Alzheimer's disease
6 years From 134 rubles
Pills Chronic pancreatitis
cystic fibrosis
Acute pancreatitis
Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis
3 years From 72 rubles
Dragee Chronic pancreatitis
cystic fibrosis
Acute pancreatitis
Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis
3 years From 125 rubles

Photo gallery of products for enzymatic aid to the digestion of a child

Pancreatin contains all the main digestive enzymes
Gastal is a modern enzyme remedy Mezim contains the main digestive enzymes in optimal amounts Festal is a powerful aid to digestion

Pharmacological treatment of abdominal pain in a child caused by food poisoning

Name of the drug Active substance Release form Indications Contraindications Permissible age for prescribing the drug Price
Activated carbon Activated carbonDyspepsia

Acute poisoning

peptic ulcer 0 months From 4 rubles
Paracetamol Paracetamol Injection
Suppositories rectal
Pain syndrome of various nature peptic ulcer Crohn's disease
kidney failure
0 months From 3 rubles
Polysorb Silicon dioxide colloidal Acute intestinal infections
Acute poisoning
peptic ulcer 0 months From 9 rubles
Smecta Smectite dioctahedralAcute intestinal infections
Acute poisoning
Intestinal obstruction 0 months From 140 rubles
Enterosgel Polymethylsiloxane polyhydrateAcute intestinal infections
Acute poisoning
Intestinal atony 0 months From 352 rubles
Espumizan Simethicone Intestinal obstruction 0 months From 236 rubles
Motilium domperidone Pills
Dyspepsia Intestinal obstruction 5 years for tablets From 367 rubles
Enterofuril Nifuroxazide Dyspepsia Intestinal obstruction 1 month for suspension, 3 years for capsules From 269 rubles

Photo gallery of modern sorbents for the treatment of abdominal pain in children

Drugs to eliminate pain in the abdomen in children caused by dysbacteriosis

Name of the drug Active substance Release form Indications Contraindications Permissible age for prescribing the drug Price
Acipol Lactobacillus acidophilus
Kefir fungi
Acute intestinal infections
3 months From 325 rubles
Bifidumbacterin Bifidobacterium bifidumAcute intestinal infections
Long term antibiotic therapy
Intolerance to the components of the drug 0 months From 137 rubles
Bifiform baby bifidobacteria
Streptococcus thermophilus
Oil solution Acute intestinal infections
Long term antibiotic therapy
Intolerance to the components of the drug 0 months From 496 rubles
Yogulact Lactobacillus acidophilus Constipation
Long term antibiotic therapy
Intolerance to the components of the drug 3 months From 201 rubles
Lactobacterin Lactobacillus acidophilus Pills Intolerance to the components of the drug 0 months From 178 rubles
liveo kid Lactobacillus acidophilus
Streptococcus thermophilus
Set Intolerance to the components of the drug 0 months From 300 rubles
Linex acidophilus bacteria
Intolerance to the components of the drug 0 months From 245 rubles
Hilak forte Lactobacillus acidophilus Drops for oral administration Intolerance to the components of the drug 0 months From 240 rubles
Enterogermina Bacillus clausii sporesIntolerance to the components of the drug 6 years for capsules
28 days for suspension
From 635 rubles
lyophilized Saccharomyces boulardiiIntolerance to the components of the drug 1 year From 259 rubles
Normobact acidophilus bacteria
Intolerance to the components of the drug 0 months From 412 rubles

Photo gallery of drugs for the treatment of pain in the abdomen in a child caused by dysbacteriosis

Rela Life is used from the first days of life. Enterol effectively restores beneficial intestinal microflora.

Folk remedies

For the treatment of pathological processes in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to the development of pain in the abdomen in a child, various folk remedies are used. With the permission of a gastroenterologist, the following remedies from the arsenal of traditional medicine are used:

  1. Burdock. The fresh root of the plant is used as raw material. Raw materials must be crushed, add half a liter of boiling water to it. The infusion process continues for twelve hours. The remedy is used in the amount of half a glass to be taken four times a day.
  2. St. John's wort. Dry raw materials (grass) in the amount of 15 grams are poured with one glass of boiling water and infused for eight hours. Then the infusion must be filtered, bring the volume to a glass with boiled water. Take 2 tablespoons three times a day. The duration of treatment is two weeks.
  3. Mumiyo. Two grams of dry raw materials must be crushed and mixed with half a glass of boiled water. The resulting remedy is used 1 teaspoon in the morning before meals. The duration of treatment is 10 days.


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