Duphaston substitute is cheaper. How to replace Duphaston: are there cheaper analogues in Russia

Duphaston- Analogue of natural progesterone. Dydrogesterone in its molecular structure, chemical and pharmacological properties very close to natural progesterone. Due to the fact that dydrogesterone is not a derivative of testosterone, it does not have the side effects characteristic of most synthetic progestogens, the so-called androgenic progestogens.

Dydrogesterone does not have estrogenic, androgenic, anabolic, glucocorticoid and thermogenic activity. As a progestogen component of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), dydrogesterone helps maintain the beneficial effect of estrogens on lipid profile blood. However, unlike estrogens, which usually negatively affect the blood coagulation system, dydrogesterone does not affect coagulation parameters. Does not provide negative influence on carbohydrate metabolism and liver function.

Dydrogesterone at oral administration selectively affects the endometrium, thereby preventing increased risk development of endometrial hyperplasia and/or carcinogenesis in conditions of excess estrogen. It is indicated in all cases of endogenous progesterone deficiency.

The drug has no contraceptive effect.

When treated with dydrogesterone therapeutic effect achieved without suppressing ovulation or disrupting menstrual function. Dydrogesterone does possible conception and maintaining pregnancy during treatment.

Duphaston: a helper to the desperate - Analogues

Duphaston analogue

Currently, there is hardly at least one pregnant woman who, for the entire period, starting from conception, Conception - how life begins and ending with the birth of a child, would not take any medications. There are many reasons for this, including environmental degradation, late childbirth, and career growth, which exhausts women both physically and emotionally. The most common problem that gynecologists are increasingly faced with is the problem of conception and pregnancy. A medicine such as duphaston comes to the rescue. IN Lately An analogue of duphaston has also appeared, which has similar properties inherent to this drug - utrozhestan.

A little about progesterone

The main role of progesterone during pregnancy is to provide the best conditions for conception, implantation and development ovum. Lack of progesterone leads to infertility and spontaneous abortion. Therefore, progesterone is also called the pregnancy hormone. In addition, progesterone prepares the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity to receive a fertilized egg even before conception, and also stimulates the development of the mammary glands.

Duphaston analogue - utrozhestan

The similarity between duphaston and utrozhestan lies in the fact that both drugs contain progesterone. Only in Duphaston is progesterone synthetically synthesized, while Utrozhestan contains natural micronized progesterone (obtained from herbal ingredients). In addition, utrogestan has an antiandrogenic effect and neutralizes the effects of oxytocin, which causes uterine hypertonicity, which leads to termination of pregnancy.

Indications for the use of utrozhestan

Utrozhestan, which contains progesterone, is used not only in obstetrics, but also in gynecology. The main indications for its use are:

  • threat of miscarriage;
  • prevention of recurrent miscarriage;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • infertility;
  • climacteric disorders;
  • violation menstrual cycle;
  • mastopathy of the mammary glands;
  • prevention of endometriosis;
  • prevention of uterine fibroids.

Treatment with utrogestan during pregnancy

Utrozhestan is available in 100 mg capsules, which are used both for oral and intravaginal administration. To treat the threat of miscarriage, it is possible to use utrozhestan by any route of administration. The most effective is a combination of oral and intravaginal administration.

The daily dose of the drug is 400-600 mg. If there is no effect of treatment, the dose of utrozhestan is increased to 800-1000 mg.

After the symptoms of the threat of interruption are relieved, the drug is discontinued gradually, under the control of a blood progesterone analysis.

Disadvantages of Utrozhestan

Unlike duphaston, utrogestan causes side effects such as:

  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • general malaise, lethargy (due to increased body temperature);
  • absent-mindedness and others.

Benefits of Utrozhestan

But, despite its side effects, utrogestan also has several advantages. Considering that the drug can be taken either orally or intravaginally, it is convenient to prescribe it to women with early toxicosis. the antiandrogenic effect of utrozhestan allows the drug to be prescribed to women suffering from hyperandrogenism Hyperandrogenism . A sedative effect The product has a beneficial effect on pregnant women. Also, utrogestan does not affect carbohydrate and lipid metabolism(does not cause weight gain) and does not contribute to fluid retention in the body.

Contraindications to the use of utrozhestan

The drug should not be used in the following cases:

  • increased blood clotting (tendency to thrombosis and thrombophlebitis);
  • bleeding from the genital tract of unknown origin;
  • history malignant tumors mammary glands and genitals.

My mother-in-law's half-brother is a homeopathic doctor. We once touched on the topic of progesterone deficiency when trying to get pregnant. I told him that I also took Duphaston during the first B. Now Duf. I didn’t drink, I drank Utrozhestan. It is still more plant-based than Duf. To which he replied that all these hormones “make pigs and piglets out of women! There are other normal medications that increase progesterone levels, help normalize the cycle,” etc. He told me the name, I’m smart, I even wrote it down! Pascofemine.

I haven't gone to the pharmacy for them yet. But I'm going to.

I only resorted to homeopathy for the first time in the fall. My son and I ate small balls to boost our immunity before the flu season. I must say that we never got sick with anything, while our dad, who gave up on it all, got sick 3 times, and we lived, walked, breathed nearby and didn’t catch anything from him. So, theoretically and a little practically, I believe in the power and effect of homeopathy

In general, thanks to everyone for the objective answers.

Duphaston. Is there a cheaper analogue?

The Russian analogue of Duphaston is Utrozhestan herbal preparation, it also has a beneficial sedative effect for a pregnant woman and does not predispose to weight gain and does not affect the removal of fluid from the body. Of course, Duphaston analogues are much cheaper, but it is still worth consulting with your doctor whether they are worth taking.

Yes, maintaining the hormone progesterone in the body of any woman is a significant phenomenon.

And with low or insignificant levels of this “pregnancy hormone,” as many obstetricians and gynecologists call it, duphaston is very often prescribed.

You can replace or buy an analogue of duphaston!


It is these drugs that are able to cope with the task of producing and maintaining normal female hormones.

It is worth noting that you should not “prescribe” medications to yourself under any circumstances; only a specialist can prescribe the drug.

Self-medication can lead to an even more “confusing” picture of the medical history.

The drug "Utrozhestan" is an analogue of "Duphaston"

Recently, problems associated with pregnancy have become more and more common; it is becoming more difficult for women not only to become pregnant, but also to carry a child to term. Perhaps this is due to big amount abortions, or maybe our environment is to blame. To solve these problems, a remedy such as Utrozhestan, an analogue of Duphaston, is often used. Both of these drugs are hormonal, and their use often causes concern among women. So why are these drugs needed?

Scope of application of hormonal drugs

The drug "Duphaston" is prescribed to those women whose pregnancy is at risk of termination. This medicine contains a component similar to the natural hormone progesterone, the deficiency of which can lead to miscarriage or infertility. An analogue of Duphaston, Utrozhestan, is also designed to compensate for the lack of progesterone, because if its amount in the body is normal, then pregnancy proceeds normally. Due to the “pregnancy hormone”, the placenta is formed, thanks to it, fetal rejection does not occur, pregnancy develops, the mammary glands undergo changes, and the woman’s body is actively preparing for bearing, giving birth and feeding a baby.

Description of the drug "Duphaston"

This remedy is hormonal and its action is very similar to the action of the natural hormone progesterone. “Duphaston” seems to replenish the missing amount of progesterone in a woman’s body. The drug is synthetic, due to which its absorption occurs in digestive tract. The medicine does not interfere with liver function; during treatment, the woman’s blood sugar level does not change and metabolism is not disrupted. Clinical trials completed by the drug have made it possible to achieve quite early stages use Duphaston. Reviews from doctors about it are positive, and this is not surprising, because during treatment it does not affect the development of the fetus. Reception this tool does not cause drowsiness. The Russian analogue of Duphaston cannot boast of this, since the domestic drug Utrozhestan has a sedative effect, which means it causes drowsiness, so it is not recommended to drive after taking it.

The best analogue"Duphaston"

It's no secret that every year the state environment significantly deteriorates, which has a detrimental effect on people's health. Without the help of medications, many women cannot conceive and bear a child. But science does not stand still: many drugs appear that not only increase the likelihood of the desired pregnancy, but also bring it back to normal. women Health. One of these medicinal “helpers” for the fair sex is Duphaston. But not only this drug helps restore hormonal balance female body and allows you to make your dream of having a baby come true. The doctor can also prescribe an analogue of Duphaston, and more than one. But which one is better – let’s try to figure it out.

Why is Duphaston so good?

Before considering which drug can be a worthy alternative to this medicine, you should understand what properties it has and how it affects the woman’s body.

So, dydrogesterone, which is the basis of the drug, in terms of molecular structure, pharmacological and chemical properties close to natural progesterone. It is the deficiency of this hormone that can deprive a woman of the joy of motherhood. Despite the fact that it is a testosterone derivative, side effects does not have a hormone. It is worth noting that this characteristic is a huge advantage of the medicine. The same cannot be said about many synthetic progestogens, which are necessary components of hormone replacement therapy. Among other things, the drug does not affect the metabolism of carbohydrates and the functioning of the liver, its effect does not affect the processes of ovulation and metabolism.


A special feature of the drug "Duphaston" is that it quickly comes from gastrointestinal tract V bloodstream. The maximum concentration in the blood after taking the tablets is observed after 2 hours. Further, 97% of dydrogesterone binds to proteins and is hydroxylated in liver cells.

results clinical trials confirm that about 64% of the dose of dydrogesterone is excreted naturally, with urine. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to determine the endogenous level of progesterone. The instructions will help you obtain more specific information about the pharmacokinetics of the drug Duphaston.

Analogues of the drug do not have the properties mentioned above.

Indications for use

Before considering medications that can replace Duphaston, you should understand for what female problems it is prescribed.

Most often, doctors recommend taking the drug Duphaston to women who have been diagnosed with progesterone deficiency. Low level It is this hormone in a woman’s body that causes many troubles, such as the threat of fetal loss, menstrual irregularities, dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, infertility, secondary amenorrhea, dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

For all of the above ailments and conditions, doctors do not prohibit taking an analogue of Duphaston tablets, but if the budget allows, they recommend using the original drug.

How can I replace Duphaston?

Today, the most famous and most often used drug, which can fully replace the drug Duphaston, is Utrozhestan. But, fortunately, scientists did not stop at developing only this medicine. Therefore, today a woman who wants to conceive and safely carry a baby can purchase the most suitable option from a wide range of drugs. Of course, it is worth noting that this choice must be made entirely by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. But situations in life are different, therefore, after consulting with a pharmacist, you can independently purchase a worthy analogue of Duphaston.

The drug "Urozhestan"

The drug "Utrozhestan" is produced on the basis of plant raw materials diogenin - a Mexican plant, better known as wild yam. It has an antiandrogenic effect and neutralizes the effects of oxytocin, which causes uterine hypertonicity. Also this Russian analogue Duphaston has a sedative effect that is useful for pregnant women, but does not predispose to weight gain and does not affect the removal of fluid from the body.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug "Utrozhestan"

A distinctive negative characteristic of this drug is a significant number of side effects, which are not observed when using Duphaston tablets. It could be increased fatigue, dizziness, drowsiness, general malaise, confusion and other reactions.

But it is worth noting that the above side effects fully compensate for the advantageous characteristics of the drug. Thus, the medicine “Utrozhestan” can be used both orally and intravaginally. This allows the drug to be prescribed not only to pregnant women with early toxicosis, but also to achieve maximum therapeutic results in the development of other pathologies in expectant mothers.

The benefits of the medicine include its cost. After all, this analogue of Duphaston is an order of magnitude cheaper than the original. But it is worth remembering that it is strictly prohibited to independently replace the prescribed medicine. Therefore, before you buy this more affordable medication, you should consult your doctor, especially if we're talking about about maintaining the desired pregnancy.

Dydrogesterone remedy

Like the drug Duphaston, its analogs replenish the deficiency of progesterone in a woman’s body. In particular, the drug "Dydrogesterone" helps maintain the beneficial effect of estrogens on the blood lipid profile. The active substance of the drug does not affect coagulation parameters, as well as carbohydrate metabolism and liver function. In addition, the advantages of the drug include the absence of androgenic, estrogenic, thermogenic, corticoid or anabolic activity.

Today, Dydrogesterone is a good and affordable Russian analogue of Duphaston. This synthetic progestogen is indicated for endogenous progesterone deficiency.

Remedy "Prajisan"

This modern analogue"Duphaston" is hormonal agent with progesterone. It is used in the treatment of long-term infertility, as well as luteal phase deficiency. Effective for various disorders of the menstrual cycle, premenopause, fibrocystic mastopathy and other ailments.

Since the drug has more wide range action than Duphaston, it is used only before pregnancy. Exceptions are cases when the benefit to the mother's body exceeds possible risk negative impact on the fetus.

Which analogue is better?

Only doctors have the right to talk about what medicine can replace Duphaston. Analogs of the drug are selected by a professional, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the patient and the complexity of her disease. Self-appointment medications in this group can harm the health of both the mother and the baby, and sometimes cause spontaneous abortion (if the drug is abruptly discontinued).

Effective and inexpensive analogues-substitutes Duphaston tablets

Duphaston is synthetic medical device hormonal plan, the composition of which is a complete analogue of the key female secret responsible for the process of childbirth. Many may experience its deficiency and, accordingly, infertility and other gynecological ailments of the sexual sphere. Pharmaceutical products that combat diseases of this group have impressive price tags, but on the pharmacy market there are a number of generics at a more affordable cost.

Pharmacological properties and pharmacodynamics

The active substance of the pharmaceutical product being studied is Dydrogesterone. His molecular structure, chemical and other properties almost completely coincide with the natural female hormone responsible for the processes of pregnancy and the birth of a child - progesterone.

The active component of the drug is characterized by the absence of androgenic, estrogenic, thermogenic, anabolic and glucocorticoid properties. In addition, it does not harm the metabolism of nutrients, especially carbohydrates, and does not inhibit the functioning of the liver. It also has a positive effect on lipid profile indicators.

In what cases is the drug used?

Indications for use:

  • The presence of a lack of the hormone progesterone, which prepares a woman for childbearing;
  • Growth of the inner layer of the walls of the uterus;
  • Sterility;
  • Risk of miscarriage;
  • Destabilization of menstrual cycles, their absence.

Who is not prescribed?

Use during pregnancy

Sometimes it happens that a woman cannot get pregnant, and there is also a risk of losing a child due to a lack of a female hormone called progesterone in the body. It is to prevent such a tragedy that doctors often recommend an artificial substitute for this key hormone in the form of the medicine in question.

The active component is almost completely identical to the substance natural origin. When it enters a woman’s body, it is able to completely replace it. Normally, progesterone must be produced by the ovaries in conjunction with estrogen and form the uterine lining, which definitely changes during the monthly cycles.

During menstruation, progesterone is not expressed in the blood as much as estrogen, which helps uterine cells multiply and grow. In the days when a mature egg is released from the ovaries, a temporary gland is formed that is responsible for the production of progesterone, called the corpus luteum. A change in the concentration of this hormone can change the uterine mucosa, giving it looseness, which prevents cell growth and promotes the appearance of a number of blood vessels. This process is very important when fertilizing an egg, so that it can receive the most important nutrition for it.

That is why Duphaston is prescribed to women who fail to become mothers.

Drug absorption

The use of this pharmaceutical product can provoke some associated negative phenomena:

  • Hematopoiesis: pathologies affecting red blood cells, namely a shortening of their life cycle;
  • Immune system and skin: reactions hypersensitivity in the form of rash and urticaria;
  • Central nervous system: headaches;
  • Reproductive system: bleeding from the uterus.

How to carry out the healing process?

The prescribed dosage of the medication directly depends on the existing disease:

  • Presence of proliferation of uterine tissue - 10 mg from days 5 to 25 of the cycle 2 to 3 times a day;
  • Decline negative impacts PMS – 10 mg twice a day from 11 to 25 days of the cycle;
  • Stopping bleeding - 10 mg per day for a week;
  • Infertility – 10 mg from days 14 to 25 of the menstrual cycle. The duration of therapy should be at least 3 months and no more than six months;
  • Preventing premature births – a single dose of 40 mg of the drug. After that - 10 mg every eight hours;
  • Normalization of menstruation - 10 mg from days 11 to 25 of the cycle.

Consequences of excessive dosage

There are no data on overdose symptoms. If the dose is extremely large, it is recommended to perform gastric lavage.

Important points in therapy

  • Some patients may experience breakthrough bleeding. They can be eliminated by increasing the dosage of the medication;
  • Before carrying out the treatment process, in mandatory it is necessary to go through in-depth medical examination, including examination by a qualified gynecologist and mammologist;
  • The drug is allowed to be taken by managers of vehicles and other units, as it does not have an adverse effect on the speed of decision-making.

How much does Duphaston cost: price at the pharmacy

The medication can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy, but a doctor's prescription will be required. According to information from one of the largest websites selling pharmaceuticals, the cost of a pharmaceutical product can reach up to 737 rubles.

List of Russian and foreign similar medical products at low cost

Progesterone – (manufactured in Russia)

Indicated in the presence of uterine hemorrhages, absence of regular menstruation and spontaneous abortion.

Not used in patients with severe hepatic and renal dysfunction, thromboembolic diseases, vaginal bleeding of unknown origin, oncological lesion epithelial cells skin mammary glands. IN extreme cases and only after consulting a doctor is it possible to use the medication. Heart patients need to be especially careful vascular diseases, diabetes, asthma and epilepsy.

Possible increase as a side effect blood pressure, which is the most common occurrence. Quite rarely, vomiting, decreased libido, a feeling of chest tightness, headaches and depression can occur.

Utrozhestan – (Thailand)

Allowed for both oral and intravaginal use. In the first case, the medicine can prevent the risk of miscarriage, infertility, and prevent the development premenstrual syndromes and treat breast cysts. When inserted into the vagina, Utrozhestan is recommended for ovarian dysfunction, premature menopause and those who may give birth prematurely.

It is prohibited for those who cannot tolerate the constituent components of a pharmaceutical product, have thrombotic diseases, bleeding from the vagina of unknown origin, oncology of the liver, breast and genital organs, as well as minors and those in their period. breastfeeding. The medical product is not recommended in the last stages of pregnancy.

At the same time, malfunctions of the reproductive system and problems with a stable menstrual cycle are allowed. Sometimes there are pains in the head, a craving for sleep and skin rashes with itching.

Iprogine – (France)

Like the previous generic, this one French drug can be taken orally or inserted into the vagina. In both cases, Iprozhin effectively copes with syndromes that occur before menstruation, fibrocystic mastopathy. It is within his competence to prevent endocrine infertility, premature birth and development benign tumors uterus.

You should stop taking the medicine if you do not absorb its constituent substances, if there are unknown reasons for the release of blood from the reproductive organ, malignant formations in the reproductive system and mammary glands. Patients with severe heart failure, kidney problems, asthma, epilepsy and diabetes need to be especially careful. In addition, therapy during the lactation period is not recommended.

Side effects occur infrequently. The most possible are minor allergies, a feeling of fatigue and a desire to go to sleep, temporary dizziness and an unstable menstrual cycle.

Prajisan - (the most affordable substitute made in India)

Despite the significantly distinguished low cost, provides effective treatment female infertility, which is caused by luteal insufficiency, facilitates the premenstrual period and helps stabilize the cycle. Thus, by paying little money, you can get a similar pharmaceutical effect.

Contraindications are completely identical to all medications discussed above.

Parallel reactions of a harmful nature occur extremely rarely. Provoke tension in the mammary glands, excessive desire for sleep, periodic vestibular disorders, nausea and skin rash, can only be a long process of treatment.

Conclusion on low-cost generics

A studied European medicinal product that has a positive effect on the reproductive system of the fair sex. On Russian market, without special problems you can choose a similar substitute - many companies and pharmaceutical manufacturers (mostly foreign) are producing synonyms that are affordable in economic terms. At first glance, it may seem that choosing a substitute is not such a big deal. difficult task. However, the decision on this issue should be delegated to a qualified doctor. It is he who must prescribe a certain drug.

Duphaston is a famous drug in the gynecological field of diseases. The problem of conceiving and bearing a child is familiar to many women today.

A successful solution in this case is special medications, which perform part of the reproductive function of the body. A real find was the drug duphaston, which is produced in Germany, the Netherlands, and also in the USA.

The active ingredient in the medicine is dydrogesterone, which is an analogue of the natural hormone progesterone. It is this hormone that improves women's health, is responsible for the onset of pregnancy, as well as for its successful course.

Indications for the use of duphaston include conditions associated with progesterone deficiency:

  • Menstrual irregularities, with delayed menstruation.
  • Uterine bleeding.
  • Infertility. Threatened or habitual miscarriage.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Hormonal therapy.

Duphaston is a real salvation when a miscarriage begins, because if you have time to take required amount drug, you can stop the irreversible process. Great amount happy mothers around the world have the opportunity to hold their child in their arms thanks to duphaston or its close substitutes.

The release form of the medicine is tablets. This medication is rarely prescribed for a short period. Most often, long-term therapy is required. High price for medicine, from 600 rubles, determined the demand for cheap analogues drug.

Russian-made analogues

Synonyms of duphaston from domestic manufacturers are in high demand.

A drug Average cost in pharmacies Description
Progesterone From 578 rubles Progesterone is a hormone corpus luteum, belongs to the group of gestagens.

Its main function is to normalize the phases of uterine activity, creating conditions for the development of a fertilized egg.

Medicine Russian production Available in the form of a solution for intramuscular administration.

Pregnin From 450 rubles It influences changes in the endometrium, preparing it for egg implantation, reduces the contractility of the pregnant uterus, and has a positive effect on the development of milk-producing parts of the mammary glands.

Release form: tablets. It is a synthetic analogue of progesterone.

Dydrogesterone From 470 rubles A synthetic analogue of natural progesterone. Included in the main composition of the medicine discussed in the article.

Does not provide contraceptive effect, what is he doing possible reception drug during pregnancy.

Ukrainian substitutes

List of Ukrainian-made drugs that are analogues of duphaston or its close substitutes:

  1. Ingesta. Pharmacological group– gestagens. The active substance is progesterone. Produced in the form of a solution for injection. Used for amenorrhea, uterine bleeding, infertility, corpus luteum deficiency, miscarriage.

    The cheapest analogue of duphaston. Price – from 95 rubles.

  2. Oxyprogesterone capronate. Refers to gestagens, available in the form of a solution for injection. An artificial analogue of the corpus luteum hormone.

    The effect of the drug is slower than that of progesterone, but the gestagenic effect is longer - from 8 to 14 days. Price from 550 rubles.

  3. Folliculin. Not exactly an analogue of duphaston, it is an estrogenic drug. Has a stimulating effect on the uterus, regulates the normal course of female reproductive system.

    Participates in the normalization of the menstrual cycle and reproductive function together with progesterone. Injection. An effective inexpensive medicine. Price – from 150 rubles.

Belarusian generics

Among Belarusian medicines pharmaceutical market No modern drugs from the group of gestagens. Belarusian generics also do not include medications that are synthetic or natural analogues of progesterone. When choosing what to replace duphaston with, it is more advisable to pay attention to the table that lists imported synonyms.

Other foreign analogues

A drug Average cost in pharmacies Description
Utrozhestan From 330 Country of origin: France. The best, the most complete analogue duphaston, but cheaper.

The active ingredient is progesterone of natural origin, which is the main difference between the drug and duphaston.

Release form - suppositories, in the form of capsules, administered vaginally and orally.

The medicine is inferior to duphaston in popularity due to a significant list of side effects: fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness, general malaise.

Iprozhin From 381 Producing countries: Italy, France. Capsules from the group of gestagens.

Effective for PMS, fibrocystic mastopathy, conditions of pogesterone deficiency, during preparation for IVF, endometriosis.

Crinon From 2565 Producing countries: Great Britain, Germany.

Vaginal gel, which, upon contact with the vaginal mucosa, provides a gradual release of progesterone.

Supports the luteal phase when using assisted reproduction methods.

Prajeesan From 325 Country of origin: India. Great replacement for cheap drug. Hormonal medication.

The composition of the medicine includes progesterone, peanut oil and soy lecithin. Capsules for vaginal or oral administration.

Progestogel From 790 Producing countries: Belgium, France. Gel for external use increases the concentration of progesterone in the mammary gland.

Indicated for mastodynia, fibrocystic mastopathy.

Allylestrenol From 590 Country of origin: Hungary. The tablets are taken for habitual or threatened abortion, as well as for the risk of premature birth.

In conclusion, it should be noted that complete structural analogues Duphaston does not exist. This is absolutely unique medicine, which has virtually no side effects. Its only downside is its high cost, but most of its close substitutes are not low in price either.

When making the final choice, it is necessary to take into account the severity of the disease, the patient’s medical history, as well as his individual characteristics. The final decision must be made by the attending physician.

It is quite possible to overcome infertility today. Modern medicine foresaw all possible negative scenarios and made a counter move. Enjoy your pregnancy and easy birth!

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Most patients need long-term use medicines, sometimes it is not possible to buy the drug for yourself in sufficient quantity to pass full course, which forces them to look for cheap analogues of Duphaston. But are there any? And if so, how do they correspond to the prescribed remedy?

Duphaston- common in gynecological practice a drug containing a synthetic analogue of progesterone (the hormone responsible for the normal course of pregnancy) and is used for:

  • endometriosis;
  • disorders of the menstrual cycle (dysmenorrhea, secondary amenorrhea);
  • infertility resulting from luteal insufficiency;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • menopause or similar disorders of the female reproductive system as a means of replacement therapy;
  • premenstrual syndrome.
Now we will try to answer these and some other questions, and at the same time select a worthy replacement that meets all necessary requirements and providing therapeutic results that are no different from the original.

Criterias of choice

Analogues of the drug Duphaston should not only differ from it in price (downwards), but also have the same spectrum therapeutic activity(treat for the same or most of the diseases specified in the instructions for its use). However, they may not be absolutely identical and may not contain the same active ingredient. Therefore, when reviewing medicines, we will divide them into two conditional groups.

Necessary warning: all of the “Duphaston substitutes” listed below, despite the fact that data from reliable sources were used in their search, in no case replace the recommendations of the attending physician or cancel his prescriptions. And therefore, if it is necessary to change the drug to one of those provided in this article (except for specified cases), we strongly recommend notifying a specialist and undergoing additional consultation in order to prevent the occurrence of possible complications.

Identical drugs

Complete analogues of Duphaston are:
  • Duphaston;
  • Dydrogesterone.
Both drugs differ from the original only in name and contain the same active ingredient - dydrogesterone, which means that their action, indications and contraindications are completely identical. These drugs are something that can replace Duphaston without any health hazard. But even despite these qualities, each of them has its own characteristics that are important for potential buyers.

Duphaston: most likely this drug was just released a little later than the other pharmaceutical company. The only possible difference from the fixed asset is the price, which can be either lower or higher (depending on the place of sale). Possible differences: minor differences in additional components.

Dydrogesterone: active component of a fixed asset in pure form. The most complete and reliable analogue of tablets, and its price is several times lower than that of Duphaston. However, do not rush to rejoice: it is so rare in pharmacies that it is almost impossible to find it. This is especially true for small towns in remote regions. As for the additional components, their list is minimal and, most likely, they serve only to form the dosage form.

Means with similar effects

This group includes drugs containing active ingredients, similar to progesterone. All of them can be used to treat diseases listed in the indications for Duphaston.

Utrozhestan(Utrogestan) is an analogue of Duphaston from Thailand, which as an active component contains natural micronized progesterone obtained from volunteers or animals. Hence - more high efficiency and a relatively low probability of occurrence allergic reactions(hormones do not contain an antigenic structure and act equally well in various types animals). However, the drug is contraindicated for bleeding from birth canal women unknown origin and may cause drowsiness, which is why it is contraindicated for those who are busy active species activities or driving vehicles.

Progesterone(Progesterone) is a Russian analogue of Duphaston, containing gestagen - the hormone of the corpus luteum. Despite the obvious difference in the active component, it is used in the same cases as the main drug. A significant difference - the latter is produced exclusively in dosage form For injection, which makes it somewhat difficult independent use, which allows it to be used in a hospital setting. But on the other hand, it leads to achieving a therapeutic effect much faster than tablet forms and, as a result, can become the drug of choice for especially severe forms spontaneous abortion.

What we have

Small list available analogues, which may still provide some choice for buyers:
  • Duphaston;
  • Dydrogesterone;
  • Utrozhestan;
  • Progesterone.
In fact, no matter what Duphaston analogue a woman takes during pregnancy, if its further course depends on the drug, the only important thing becomes that the price of the Duphaston analogue is several points cheaper than the original. Only because of this, the majority of average patients will be able to afford long-term therapy and raise a new full-fledged member of our society.

During pregnancy, a woman goes through a difficult period, which requires careful attention to her health and the health of the unborn baby. Starting from the birth of a new life and ending with the birth of a child, the expectant mother has to take various medications. For successful gestation and a favorable pregnancy, duphaston is often prescribed, which has an excellent healing effect and restores hormonal balance. However, this drug is not always available in pharmacies, and its cost may not be affordable for some. Is there an analogue of duphaston among modern medications?

Duphaston is one of the most common drugs used to treat gynecological diseases. The main substance is an artificial hormone, similar to natural progesterone, which is necessary for successful. It normalizes hormone levels and promotes coordinated work female body during pregnancy.

Not in all cases, the duphaston substitute contains identical active components; they may differ slightly, but the therapeutic effect should apply to the same diseases that are treated with duphaston.

Therefore the search worthy replacement this drug should be based not only on the full compliance of the main active ingredient, but also on the similar nature of the therapeutic effect.

The first group of duphaston analogues includes drugs with absolutely identical active substance, dydrogesterone. They are sold in pharmacies under the names Dydrogesterone and Duphaston, with completely identical indications and medicinal effects. They can be used as a complete replacement for duphaston. In addition, each of them is an analogue of duphaston, several times cheaper than the original itself.

  • Duphaston

When comparing two drugs - duphaston and duphaston, many people wonder what is the difference between these two drugs? According to the latest data, these two drugs are interchangeable, absolutely identical in composition and dosage, but are produced by different manufacturers. In Russia, this drug is officially registered as duphaston, and in Ukraine - duphaston. Therefore the name medicine most often depends on the place of sale. Concerning therapeutic dosage, then these two medications cannot be taken at the same time, as there is a risk of overdose.

  • Dydrogesterone

Another identical drug is dydrogesterone, which is the main active substance of duphaston. This component is produced in its pure form as an independent drug, so its cost can be many times lower than the cost of duphaston itself. Pure dydrogesterone is a complete analogue of duphaston during pregnancy, which is prescribed by the doctor as an identical replacement for the main drug. The only drawback of dydrogesterone is that it is not always available in pharmacies.

Another group of drugs, which are a similar replacement, may have different active substances, but they are united by similar medicinal effect and the same indications for use. If it is not possible to purchase duphaston, analogues, cheaper and no less effective, can completely replace this drug.

  • Utrozhestan

As a result of recent medical developments, a drug has been released that has properties similar to duphaston. Each of these medications contains progesterone, female hormone. The difference is that this hormone in duphaston is of artificial origin, while the drug utrozhestan uses natural progesterone of natural origin. This contributes to better tolerability of the drug due to the absence of allergies to the components of the drug. However there is certain contraindications because of sedative effect, so it is better not to be taken by those who lead active work. The advantage of utrogestan is also quite low price compared to duphaston.

  • Progesterone

Indications for the use of progesterone, which contains the main substance gestagen, almost completely coincide with the use of duphaston. This drug differs in its release form - not in tablets, like duphaston, but in the form of an injection solution. Because of this, independent use of progesterone can cause certain difficulties, so its use is only possible with the help of a qualified medical personnel. Moreover, in some cases hormonal drug in tablets or capsules may not be absorbed well enough through the intestines, so the doctor may prescribe a course of injections. Taking progesterone in the form of injections helps achieve the desired result in a short time, which makes it very effective in critical cases. Compared to the price of the drug duphaston, the analogue is several times cheaper, but it has the same medicinal effect.

  • Ingesta

A worthy replacement for the drug duphaston - an analogue in the main therapeutic effect, the drug ingesta. This medicine comes in the form liquid solution in ampoules intended for injection. According to the instructions, as active substance progesterone appears, with some additional components. Indications for taking Ingesta include menstrual cycle disorders, infertility, difficulties in bearing a fetus and other disorders of the reproductive system, for the treatment of which duphaston is also used.

A comparison of duphaston with each of its analogues shows that when long-term therapy a woman can use one of these medications with a similar effect. This allows for significant cost savings, especially when long-term treatment. It should be remembered that a full replacement of each medicinal product should only be prescribed by a qualified doctor.



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