What medicine to treat fatty hepatosis. Basic principles of treatment

In most cases, fatty liver hepatosis is treated with conservative methods. The basis of therapy is weight loss, as well as taking medications aimed at improving the intercellular metabolic processes of hepatocytes. And how effective is it in this regard? traditional medicine? Is treatment allowed? fatty liver disease liver using folk remedies?

Treatment of fatty liver hepatosis with folk remedies

Is it possible to completely cure fatty liver disease? If the process of replacing organ tissue with fat has already begun, it is not reversible. But this process can be almost completely stopped by moving the disease into remission. The main thing is to start treatment in a timely manner, since in the later stages only surgery or liver transplantation.

You should not use only traditional medicine. The best option– consult your doctor about this, using folk remedies as an addition to the main prescribed therapy.

Blend of Twelve Herbs for Fast Weight Loss

This tool will remove body fat at the expense of . The decoction is prepared as follows:

  • mix 3 grams of lingonberry leaves, nettle, birch, rose hips, hawthorn, red rowan, bearberry, licorice, fennel, St. John's wort, as well as marshmallow and dandelion roots (almost all of the above ingredients can be purchased at any pharmacy);
  • pour 1.5 liters of boiling water and cook for 20 minutes;
  • the resulting broth is infused until it cools completely, then filtered through several layers of gauze.

The finished product should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day between meals. It is worth considering that some of the herbs have a diuretic effect, so for chronic diseases urinary system This product should be used with caution. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, then a break of 5 days.

Pumpkin with honey to strengthen the liver

In case of fatty hepatosis, pumpkin with honey helps to normalize the balance of minerals and metals in the blood, as well as provide the body with a whole range of antioxidants (they prevent the oxidation of hepatocytes with their subsequent destruction). This remedy is prepared as follows:

  1. Take a medium-sized ripe pumpkin, cut off the top along with the tail (the cut is not large, with an indentation literally 2 - 3 centimeters from the top).
  2. Completely gut the pumpkin, that is, remove the pulp and seeds from it.
  3. Pour honey into the pumpkin. Honeydew is best suited, but this variety is quite expensive. Instead of honeydew, you can also use buckwheat. The main thing is that he should not be subjected to heat treatment and be fresh.
  4. Next, the pumpkin with honey is closed with the previously cut “lid” and left to infuse for 2 weeks at room temperature. It is imperative to hide it in a dark place so that sunlight does not fall there ( ultra-violet rays are highly likely to lead to product spoilage due to the breakdown of organic matter).
  5. After infusing the honey, pour it into a separate bowl. Keep refrigerated.

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The finished product is taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day directly with meals.

Milk thistle seed decoction

In traditional medicine, the drug Silymarin is prescribed to slow down the process of liver cell destruction. But at the same time, it is produced by synthesis from milk thistle. Therefore, the so-called fatty liver can also be treated with a decoction based on the seeds of this plant. Therapeutic effect It turns out no worse than from taking Silymarin. At home, the decoction is prepared as follows:

  • Rinse a teaspoon of seeds thoroughly under running water (or soak 2 times for 5 minutes);
  • Pour the washed seeds into 1 cup of boiling water;
  • leave for 20 minutes, then strain.

The resulting decoction should be drunk throughout the day in several doses. It is best to drink in small sips immediately before meals. The course of treatment is 4 weeks, then a break of 1 week. In this case, liver dystrophy is significantly inhibited, but there is a possibility of side symptoms. These include: diarrhea, complex gastrointestinal disorder, nausea, shortness of breath, increased diuresis (diuretic effect). If any similar symptoms You should consult with your doctor - it is quite possible that the patient has already been prescribed drugs similar to Silymarin and has a simple overdose.

Carrots with milk to neutralize toxins

This remedy acts as one of the most powerful “natural” hepatoprotectors, that is, protecting liver cells from destruction. The product is prepared as follows:

  • mix 100 ml of fresh carrot juice and milk (preferably with minimal fat content);
  • add 1 grated apricot kernel to the resulting mixture;
  • Drink the finished product in one gulp on an empty stomach, 20 - 30 minutes before your planned breakfast.

Same folk remedy By the way, it will help relieve inflammation of the fatty liver, thereby preventing the complication of hepatosis in the form of liver cirrhosis. Should not be used for cooking medicinal mixture goat milk – it has a much higher casein content (which creates additional load to the liver).

Oat decoction to prevent complications

This method of treating hepatosis is one of the most effective, but at the same time gentle. Its use is allowed even in the late stages of the disease, combined with excessively excess body fat. The main therapeutic properties of this product:

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Substances contained in oats What effect do they have on the liver?
Essential amino acids (arginine, valine) Accelerate the regeneration of hepatocytes
Polyunsaturated fats (omega-6) Normalizes the secretory function of the liver (bile production), which has a positive effect on metabolism and the rate of fat breakdown
Vitamin E Antioxidant, prevents liver cell oxidation
Potassium, sodium These elements are responsible for normalizing the water-salt balance and preventing the development of complications of hepatosis that affect the activity of the cardiovascular system.
Vitamin B 12 Speed ​​up work digestive system, prevent intestinal stagnation, which ultimately helps normalize weight

How to prepare oat decoction? You will need 1 cup of unhulled seeds (sold in almost all grocery stores) add 2 liters of water, bring the mixture to a boil over low heat. Next, continue to cook until there is 2 times less liquid left in the container (that is, 1 liter of broth). Only after this is the broth removed from the stove and allowed to cool completely. All that remains is to strain it. Store the finished broth in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. Take 0.5 - 1 liter per day in 2 - 4 divided doses (30 - 45 minutes before meals). The course of treatment is 2 weeks, then a break is taken for the same period of time.


In summary, there are many traditional methods for treating fatty liver hepatosis. All of them do not cure the disease, but will contribute to the transition of the disease into remission. But the first thing you should do is remove fat from a person, lose excess weight. Without this, neither traditional medicine nor traditional methods will not bring the desired effect. And in advanced stages, hepatosis often causes cirrhosis, which is already considered precancerous condition body.

Our body itself tries to restore the liver, but we constantly poison it with something, like other organs. The main thing is that you need to try to eliminate, or at least reduce, the risk factors that relate to you. Otherwise, any drugs and treatment methods will be ineffective, or even useless. Today we will tell you how you can cure fatty liver hepatosis. This is the name for fatty liver caused by various disorders metabolism.

Symptoms of liver hepatosis disease

The full name of the insidious disease hepatosis is CGD, CGD. This disease affecting the liver, which is caused by increased sensitivity of liver cells to sex hormones and hereditary diseases, progressing in the absence of one or another enzyme in the body. Exchange disorders cholesterol and bile acids in human liver cells are typical signs manifestations of hepatosis in pregnant women. The combination of these signs leads to disturbances in bile formation and bile secretion in the body and provokes hepatosis.

Often the only sign of the disease is itchy skin. The intensity of itching varies greatly. Increased itching is observed at night. This is how skin scratches and scratches are often detected. The area of ​​skin itching is the hands, shins, forearms, front abdominal wall.

A variable symptom of the disease is jaundice. According to statistics, it is registered in 15% of cases.

Symptoms such as itching and jaundice often disappear within 1-2 weeks after delivery. It is possible that signs of the disease may recur with a second pregnancy. Recurrence of symptoms of hepatosis during subsequent pregnancies does not lead to changes in the mother’s liver.

Unbearable and painful itching forces artificial termination of pregnancy, which is a last resort. Although hepatosis itself is not an indicator for terminating a pregnancy. One of the subtypes of hepatosis is fatty hepatosis of pregnancy (FPH), which is the most severe form of jaundice. When determining FGB, immediate termination of pregnancy is recommended.

Clinical symptoms of early liver hepatosis

Mild, non-intense and intermittent pain in right side abdomen, below the section chest.

At the same time, there are no other signs of liver diseases: jaundice, vomiting, nausea, etc.

In the later stages of fatty liver hepatosis, palpation reveals an enlarged, painful liver with soft, rounded edges.


Increased blood sugar.

Increased lipid content.

Symptoms of progressive fatty liver hepatosis

One of the subtypes of the disease is fatty liver hepatosis. Most often women suffer from this disease. The disease can pass without pronounced symptoms. Often it is discovered by chance, while examining the patient’s complaints that are completely unrelated to the liver. At the same time, fatty hepatosis can be clearly expressed:

presence of nausea;

in pain in the right side;

in jaundice;

at elevated temperatures.

Signs of complications in liver hepatosis

This chronic illness liver, in which the functions of liver cells (hepatocytes) are degenerated into adipose tissue. At first, this happens painlessly, without unpleasant symptoms, therefore, doctors do not sound the alarm. Usually, they prescribe something like Essentiale Forte and the process develops further.

But after a while, problems arise with other organs whose work depends on the liver. This again affects the liver: it is less well supplied with blood, it receives more toxins from the intestines, and so on...

It is worth saying that if treatment is not started in time, then other health problems appear, namely:

suffers the cardiovascular system;

immunity decreases;

violated hormonal balance;

the digestive system is disrupted.

Diagnosis of fatty liver hepatosis

Upon examination and palpation by a doctor, the liver was not enlarged, without any features. Only when fat accumulates a large number of, the liver may become enlarged with soft, rounded edges and tender to the touch.

On early stages Fatty hepatosis usually does not show pronounced symptoms. In patients with diabetes mellitus, serious insulin dependence may occur due to hepatosis.

The disease manifests itself in a number of medical syndromes and diseases. For example, with polycystic ovary syndrome, congenital lipodystrophy (a birth defect when fat accumulates in the abdominal area), etc.

Before determining treatment tactics, you need to undergo following examination:

Ultrasound Examination (US)

Biochemical analysis blood

Bioresonance testing of the body. It precisely defines

  • all pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.),
  • intoxication of the liver and other organs.
  • the presence of atypical bile acids in the urine (formed in the absence of primary bile acids in the bile);
  • deficiency of vitamin K in the body.

Diagnostic symptoms of hepatosis in pregnant women:

Almost every third pregnant woman with CGD (cholestatic hepatosis of pregnant women) has already had premature birth, usually in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Pregnant women with hepatosis are more likely to experience allergic reactions mainly on antibacterial drugs. Diseases are often detected in pregnant women with hepatosis endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract.

Main signs of the disease

An increase in the size of the liver and pain are not typical;

The consistency of the liver tissue is homogeneous;

An enlargement of the gallbladder is observed.

For instrumental research liver using ultrasound.

The number of cases is growing postpartum hemorrhage in women with liver hepatosis. The reason is a lack of vitamin K in tissues, since the synthesis of coagulation factors is possible only with sufficient quantity this vitamin.

Hepatosis can progress, leading to abnormal liver function tests. This is fraught fatal fetus The disease usually appears in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Often pregnant patients with hepatosis are hospitalized with an incorrect diagnosis. Undoubtedly, this disease causes difficulties in diagnosis, so it is very important to contact qualified specialist to save the life of both mother and child. Dear women, take your health and the health of your child very seriously. Don’t ignore even minor symptoms if something is bothering you!

To summarize, we can say that the increased load on the liver, which is a consequence of the release of hormones during pregnancy, only reveals previously hidden liver dysfunction.

Consequently, hepatosis in pregnant women is a manifestation of the inferiority of enzymes that actively manifest themselves during pregnancy.

Features of the treatment of fatty liver hepatosis

Diet for fatty liver hepatosis is almost the most important element of therapy. The diet for such patients should dictate a strict restriction or absolute rejection of animal fats, food additives, canned food, sweets, etc. Diet is of additional importance when the patient is overweight. For successful treatment, the problem of obesity must be solved. Weight should not be lost abruptly, with the help of diet and an active lifestyle, you definitely need to move, gradually increasing the load. The patient should not overeat so as not to overload the liver;

treatment does not involve taking unprescribed medications, since all tablets, syrups, tinctures, etc. affect the liver. If you suddenly become ill with something else, you should consult your doctor about treatment. Do not self-medicate, it always harms the body, and in this case it is simply dangerous;

to produce effective treatment, the doctor will prescribe special medications. Some will eliminate the cause of the disease, the second group is responsible for restoring tissue in the liver and its functions. Drugs to improve metabolism are also prescribed.

Medication therapy is possible, and sometimes it needs to be combined with herbal medicine - your doctor will definitely tell you this. Pharmacies sell ready-made herbal teas, beneficial for the liver, increasing immunity, but you can also prepare such mixtures yourself or take one particular variety medicinal herbs. Such remedies support the body and speed up the patient’s recovery. After completing therapy, the former patient is recommended to be observed by a doctor for some time (a year or two - this will be determined by the doctor).

Diet for this disease - essential element treatment. In case of non-compliance with the diet full recovery will not come. It is even more important to adhere to a diet if the patient is overweight or obese. You need to lose weight during hepatosis gradually, without stressing the body, and never use diet pills, hunger strikes, etc. You need to eat about 5 times a day, in small portions. This reduces both weight and liver load.

Drug therapy for hepatic hepatosis

For treatment, drugs such as Troglitazone are used, which increase sensitivity to insulin and, therefore, reduce inflammation and scarring of the patient’s liver. Drugs that reduce blood fat levels are also used: for example, Gemfibrozil (Lopid).

Not long ago we received new information that statins reduce liver fat levels. The effectiveness of Actigall was also confirmed.

Taking into account numerous experiments and studies, scientists have come to the conclusion that losing weight and taking a certain number of drugs helps positive result. These drugs include the following:

Insulin-sensitizing medications, for example, thiazolidinediones: Pioglitazone, Rosiglitazone, Metformin.

Drugs that reduce the level of lipids, that is, fats in the body (statins).

Drugs for the treatment of liver hepatosis that improve blood flow in the body: Pentoxifylline.

One type of therapy will not be enough. It is necessary to combine all of these drugs, be sure to supplement them with drugs that improve metabolism (for example, Folic acid). The main condition for successful treatment is to find out the cause of the disease and its elimination. Diet and weight loss also help speedy recovery, reducing fat infiltration in the liver. Exactly A complex approach to treatment will be most effective. Sometimes gastroenterologists advise combining drug treatment with herbal medicine; it is believed that some herbal decoctions help accelerate liver regeneration. If desired or necessary, the doctor will select herbs for a specific patient.

Alternative treatment methods for hepatosis

Except drug treatment Doctors name a few more:

autohemaozone therapy with high ozone content;

synhalent oxygen;

ultrasound therapy;


Please note that not all liver cells will be restored, but preventive therapy after intensive treatment and diet will help maintain the normal, “working” state of the organ. That is, you have the power to direct and stimulate the regeneration of liver cells.

How to treat hepatosis during pregnancy?

I would like to highlight the following tips for pregnant women and patients with hepatosis:

Diet your diet;

To prevent hepatosis in pregnant women, avoid oral contraceptives (combined);

Monitor biological and chemical blood parameters regularly (7-14 days after birth, once a year thereafter);

Visit your hepatologist regularly;

In subsequent pregnancies, do tests to determine markers of cholestasis. Cholestasis is a disruption of the process of synthesis, secretion and excretion of bile.

Be careful when using antibacterial agents.

The liver is an organ capable of rapid regeneration, so if you start treatment on time, do it in combination, listen to the doctor’s recommendations, then the disease will be defeated soon, otherwise there is a risk of cancer diseases liver, cirrhosis. Take care of your health.

The patient at home must:

follow a diet that excludes fats, but rich in protein;

lead active image life, which will promote weight loss if necessary, as well as speed up metabolism;

take medications prescribed by your doctor, including folic acid, vitamin B12, etc. to improve digestion;

visit a doctor;

eat boiled and steamed food, if possible finely chopped or pureed.

Causes and prevention of fatty liver

Symptoms of the disease are caused by three main factors:

The presence of an excessive amount of bile elements in the blood;

Decrease in the volume of secreted bile in the intestines;

Toxic effect of bile on liver cells and tubules.

The disease can appear at any age, including in children over 10 years of age. Patients experience mild pain in the right side, in the right side of the abdomen (below the chest). This pain is not characterized by intensity; it appears from time to time and goes away.

Fat non-alcoholic dystrophy(or hepatosis) of the liver refers to a broad group of liver diseases. The essence of the disease is that fat accumulates in the liver cells (fatty liver). The cause of the disease is the excessive intake of fats into the body due to improper unbalanced diet, due to metabolic disorders or endocrine diseases.

The risk group includes people with excess weight (especially obesity in the abdominal area), patients with diabetes, etc.

Causes of hepatosis in pregnant women

Let us highlight the main reasons leading to the occurrence of hepatosis in pregnant women:

Increased sensitivity to sex hormones, genetically determined;

Deviations in the process of synthesis of enzymes that are responsible for transporting bile from liver cells to biliary tract;

Defects in the process of bile acid synthesis, resulting from a deficiency of enzymes that are involved in the production of atypical bile acids.

Did you know that the pituitary gland influences the activity of liver enzymes?

Excessive accumulation of placental hormones reduces the release of hormones from the anterior pituitary gland. During pregnancy, cholesterol synthesis increases. So, when the function of the pituitary gland decreases, the secretion of cholesterol by the liver also decreases. All this in total leads to disruption of processes such as bile formation and bile excretion.

Provoking factors of the disease

Increased levels of sex hormones during pregnancy;

Increased load on the liver;

Congenital deficiency of enzyme systems.

Genetics and features of hepatosis in pregnant women

In women who experience hepatosis, there is a genetically determined increased sensitivity To female hormones– estrogens. Hence, increased content estrogen in women leads to the development of intrahepatic cholestasis - a “disease synonymous” with hepatosis. The conclusion arises that taking oral contraceptives containing estrogen can lead to a disease such as cholestasis. Cholestasis is a disruption of the process of synthesis and excretion of bile. During recurrent cholestasis, the risk of death of the child increases 4 times. Dear women, be careful when using oral contraception.

During pregnancy, a fairly large amount of estrogen is produced.

The production of excess estrogen slows down the flow of bile during normal pregnancy. An excess dose of estrogen undergoes metabolic transformations in the mother’s liver.

Hepatosis during pregnancy can develop when the fluidity of liver cell membranes decreases, as well as damage to the walls of liver tubules.

In case of severe hepatosis, emergency delivery is necessary. Delivery is indicated at 38 weeks, with a positive effect of therapy. Possible natural childbirth in the absence of fetal developmental disorders.

Prevention of fatty liver hepatosis

It is necessary to eliminate or reduce the consumption of alcohol, baked goods, fatty foods. Monitor your weight, keep track of healthy image life, engage in feasible physical activity, and minimize the intake of synthetic medications.

To avoid fat deposition in the liver, you need vitamin B, which is found in apricot kernels. You need to eat at least 5 of them a day to improve liver function. This vitamin is also found in sunflower oil, eat it with vegetable salads.

Sergey Nikolaevich Maltsev

Gastroenterologist, therapist. Professional experience: 12 years

Fatty liver hepatosis

Lipids accumulate in the liver as a result of alcohol abuse, poor diet and physical inactivity.

The diagnosis is confirmed if the fatty part makes up 10% or more of the total liver mass. The deposits are predominantly located in the 3rd and 2nd hepatic lobes.

In the absence of therapy and diet, with obesity, alcohol abuse, hepatosis is dangerous due to the following complications:

  • low-grade inflammation;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • malignant formation.

At stages 1-2, a long-term diet will help remove fat deposits and return the organ to its previous performance, but the advanced form requires a strict and constant regimen, which concerns not only nutrition, but also lifestyle in general.

If there are signs of the disease, you must contact a medical facility for examination. To confirm hepatosis and determine its degree of development, it is necessary to use the following diagnostic methods:

  1. Consultation with a gastroenterologist (history collection, palpation);
  2. Ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound);
  3. Angiography;
  4. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  5. Laboratory analysis of liver enzymes.

After examining the patient, a course of therapy is drawn up aimed at detoxification, organ regeneration, correction of metabolic processes and elimination of risk factors. The basis of the course of treatment is a strict diet that must be followed for a long time.

Medicines that can overcome the disease without adjusting the diet, does not exist, but some drugs are used as a supplement and maintenance therapy for diet.

Diet for fatty hepatosis

Designed for patients with fatty hepatosis special diet- one of 15 therapeutic diets Pevzner.

The developed diet allows you to avoid oversaturation of the body with fats, but at the same time satisfy all the requirements of a person leading an active lifestyle.

Diet No. 5 helps reduce and total weight body - in 30 days it is possible to lose about 5 kg of weight. A slow pace of weight loss is the least stressful and allows you to maintain the results for a long time.

Allowed foods (diet No. 5 according to Pevzner):

  1. Lean meat (without films, tendons, cartilage). Use chopped or whole;
  2. Offal. From this category only language is possible;
  3. Poultry - turkey, chicken, but with skin and fat previously removed;
  4. Fish - low-fat varieties(sea bass, cod, pike perch). Black caviar and soaked herring are allowed in limited quantities;
  5. Pastries, bread - dried (yesterday's) rye and wheat, savory pastries, dry cookies and biscuits. This category of food should be limited if the patient is obese;
  6. Chicken eggs - 1 pc. per day;
  7. Soup: on the water, vegetable broth, milk with the addition of cereals or vegetables;
  8. Dairy products - cottage cheese, milk, kefir, fermented baked milk and others dairy products, mild cheeses. Fatty foods limit;
  9. Porridges, cereal dishes - boiled in water until crumbly, steamed or baked puddings;
  10. Only the highest grade pasta is allowed in limited quantities. For obesity - exclude;
  11. Vegetables, berries, fruits, greens. Everything except tomatoes, sorrel, garlic, onions, beans, radishes, sour berries and fruits;
  12. Sweets: marshmallows, marmalade, honey, sugar in limited quantities;
  13. Spices: bay leaf, coriander;
  14. Drinks: non-acidic fresh juices, rosehip decoction, weak tea. Coffee is acceptable, but very rarely.

Based on the permitted products, it is necessary to develop a menu that meets the following requirements:

  • The daily amount of protein consumed is 120 g;
  • The daily intake of fat is 80 g;
  • The daily intake of carbohydrates is up to 300 g (while sugar should not exceed 60 g);
  • Salt - up to 6 g;
  • Water, drinks (excluding liquid in dishes) - at least 2 liters.

In addition to diet, it is necessary to give up bad habits, especially drinking alcohol.

In addition to diet and sports (this is the basis of treatment), medications and dietary supplements are also used to maintain liver function.

Treatment of hepatosis with drugs

In addition to the diet, the doctor may recommend therapy using the following drugs:

  1. Hepatoprotectors - Essentiale, Essliver, Hepaforte, Essel Forte, Maksar, FanDetox, Liv 52, Ovesol, Gepabene, Galstena, Rezalut Pro. This group of drugs accelerates the metabolic process of the liver - toxins are eliminated faster, while maintaining the permeability of the cell membrane of the organ;
  2. Antioxidants - Retinol, Tocopherol;
  3. B vitamins;
  4. Preparations with selenium.

Antioxidants, selenium and B vitamins can be taken in the form of a vitamin-mineral complex.

Some features of current hepatoprotective agents, drugs based on them and dosage

Hepatoprotectors are developed on the basis of different active ingredients, but they work the same way. Some of them are combined, that is, they not only have the ability to maintain the permeability of the membrane and remove toxins, but also have an antidepressant, choleretic, regenerating, anti-inflammatory effect, and increase appetite.

Active drugs:

  1. Phospholipids are substances from which liver cell membranes arise. A deficiency of this substance interferes with the restoration of the organ. Preparations based on phospholipids are effective only when long-term use, can be prescribed for hepatosis that has developed against the background of alcoholism or diabetes mellitus. The functions of this active substance include: restoration cell membranes, detoxification, preventing the formation of scar tissue. Phospholipid-based drugs are produced: Essentiale forte N (treatment: 2 capsules/3 times a day, prevention: 1 capsule/3 times a day), Essliver forte (phospholipids + vitamins; initial dosage: 2 capsules/3 times a day). day, after a month take 1 capsule/3 times a day), Rezalut Pro (2 capsules/3 times a day), (1-2 capsules/3 times a day, or in the form of injections). They have virtually no contraindications and are available without a prescription. TO side effects include allergic reactions, diarrhea;
  2. Ornithine is not used to treat liver pathologies caused by alcohol abuse. Do not take during pregnancy, lactation, severe renal failure. Drugs: Ornithine ( daily dose- 3-6 g, divided into 1-2 doses);
  3. Ursodeoxycholic acid. It is recommended for use in hepatosis complicated by cholestasis: the drug has a choleretic effect, dissolves stones and prevents the formation of new ones, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. Do not use in case of liver and kidney failure, large stones, formations with high calcium levels, or bile duct obstruction. Drugs: , Ursodez, Urdoxa, . Dosage 10-15 mg/1 kg body weight, divided into 2-3 doses, taken for at least 6 months;
  4. Ademetionine - has a detoxifying effect on the organ and acts as an antidepressant. Can be used for diseases caused by alcohol abuse. Do not use in the 1st and 2nd trimesters of pregnancy and during lactation. Medicines: (1 tablet/3-4 times a day), (2 tablets/3-4 times a day);
  5. Milk thistle extract is a natural antioxidant, restores liver cells, increases appetite, but treatment of alcoholic hepatosis with this drug will be ineffective. Preparations: Gepabene (1 capsule/3 times a day), Silymar (2 tablets/3 times a day), Sibektan (2 tablets/4 times a day);
  6. Fumifera officinalis extract is a herbal preparation recommended for hepatosis, spasm of the gallbladder and ducts. It is forbidden to take during inflammation of the liver, biliary tract, pregnancy and lactation;
  7. Thioctic acid - used for hepatosis that occurs due to the development of diabetes mellitus or long-term use alcoholic drinks. Do not take during pregnancy, breastfeeding or lactose intolerance. Preparations: (2 tablets/1 time per day), Lipoic acid, Octolipen (2 tablets/1 time per day), Thiogamma, Thioctacid 600 T, Thioctacid BV, Thiolepta, Espa-Lipon.

Hepatoprotectors are the main medications in the treatment of hepatosis resulting from the development of diabetes or alcoholism.

Drug therapy is only a small part of a long course, which is based on dietary nutrition.

Herbal medicine and traditional medicine for fatty hepatosis. Preventive measures

The components necessary to restore the liver can also be obtained from natural, self-prepared products. In addition to its auxiliary function in treatment, herbal medicine is also well suited for prevention.

Useful tips traditional medicine:

Lemon Balm
  • Infusions from corn silk and rose hips - 50 g dry plant material pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 10-12 hours. Drink 200 g of infusion 2-4 times a day;
  • Good to use green tea, fresh carrot juice- they contain a large number of natural antioxidants;
  • Take 1 tsp daily. pine nuts;
  • Eat a handful of dried fruits per day. Particularly relevant in winter time of the year;
  • Add lemon or peppermint leaves to drinks (infusions, decoctions, tea).

In addition to traditional medicine, the following tips regarding nutrition and lifestyle can be used for prevention:

  1. Do exercises daily (at least 30 minutes a day);
  2. Monitor your weight;
  3. Prepare simple food, do not subject products to strong heat treatment;
  4. Stop drinking alcohol;
  5. Do not take medications without permission - any medications affect the functioning of the liver, and their uncontrolled use can aggravate the condition of the organ. At first glance, the harmless Paracetamol, Suprastin, Aspirin, if the dosage is exceeded or combined with alcohol, are dangerous for the liver.

The result of treatment for a patient who adheres to a diet will be noticeable in about a month - the state of health will improve, the symptoms will disappear, but this does not mean that the course of treatment is over and the organ has recovered.

A long-term diet and periodic examinations using ultrasound and laboratory tests- This is the only way to find out how quickly the liver regenerates.

Fatty liver hepatosis is curable, but it is a long-term struggle in which you can only rely on your willpower.

Count only on medical supplies it’s not worth it - this is a small part of the restorative methods used together with the main means of combating the disease - dietary nutrition.

Drugs for fatty hepatosis

Didn't confess independent disease, deserving serious attention and requiring special treatment. There are no clear recommendations on how to treat fatty liver hepatosis even now. Based on the test results and physical condition patients, a number of developed traditional techniques are used.

The premises have not been studied in detail. The main causes of its occurrence are known: eating disorders, alcohol abuse. Almost always, fatty hepatosis is accompanied by metabolic syndrome - a number of metabolic disorders.

It is natural to have concomitant diseases caused by impaired fat and carbohydrate metabolism: pancreatitis, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism. In cases of cholestatic fatty hepatosis, the disease is accompanied by biliary insufficiency - impaired bile production, dyskinesia.

There are known cases of the development of fatty hepatosis due to rapid weight loss and prolonged receipt of nutrition through the blood. Taking medications may be a provoking factor.

In its development, the disease goes through several stages:

  1. initial - completely asymptomatic. The liver performs its functions, the violation does not affect well-being in any way. Excess triglycerides are deposited in hepatocytes - focal accumulations of fat cells appear. The person feels quite satisfactorily, unaware of changes in the liver. On initial stage hepatosis is completely curable, but patients rarely take measures to treat it;
  2. the second stage is characterized by a significant accumulation of adipose tissue in the liver. Periodically, paroxysmal symptoms occur: faintness and weakness sets in, the mood sharply deteriorates, a bitter taste appears in the mouth and bitter belching, nausea, heartburn, and loss of appetite appear. An external examination reveals a significant increase in liver volume. Cholestatic hepatosis can cause icteric signs: lightening of stool, subictericity of the whites of the eyes and mucous membranes;
  3. third stage - adipose tissue replaces large areas of the liver, signs of degeneration of fat cells into connective tissue appear, fibrosis forms, and the liver loses its functions. In most cases, this stage of the disease is irreversible, threatens cirrhosis and requires transplantation.

Identification and treatment principles

Confirmation of the diagnosis of “fatty hepatitis” occurs after examination by a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, ultrasound, blood tests for: bilirubin, AST, ALT, sugar and cholesterol levels.

Both cholestatic and can be treated if the necessary conditions are met:

  • elimination of factors that caused the development of pathology;
  • diet and movement;
  • herbal and drug therapy.

The traditional treatment regimen involves two main stages:

The stages are not clearly demarcated recovery process can begin simultaneously with the elimination of factors destabilizing health. The liver is not only a very patient, but also a grateful organ that quickly responds to positive changes.

The use of medications for fatty hepatosis plays a supporting role. The main one is given to the first two points.

Priority measures

For a disease that has developed due to obesity, the patient is prescribed dietary food, which plays a key role in therapy. All foods that increase blood cholesterol levels are excluded from the diet. simple carbohydrates, sugar. With a high degree of obesity and impaired endocrine functions Sweet fruits and fruit juices are contraindicated for the pancreas.

Must be on the menu protein products, vitamins, fiber. Low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, lean varieties of meat and fish, oatmeal, buckwheat, and vegetables of all kinds are especially useful. Fats are strictly limited to 20–25 g per day, their source is unrefined vegetable oils, which can be added to ready-made dishes. It is impossible to completely exclude fat from the diet; its absence will impair the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and valuable organic acids.

Food is taken fractionally, in small portions and often. It is forbidden to starve. Depending on the degree of obesity and physical load, the energy value daily diet should be between 1200 and 2000 kcal. Lower calorie content is dangerous due to slower metabolism and worsening fatty infiltration of the liver. It is considered optimal to reduce body weight by a maximum of 1 kg per week. You need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day: plain and mineral still water, herbal tea, rosehip infusion, vegetable juices.

Restrictions are observed until the patient reaches weight upper limits norms. To enhance the effect of the diet, improve blood circulation and metabolism, feasible physical activity is recommended, combining aerobic and strength exercises, supplemented breathing exercises. Special classes do not eliminate the need to move a lot during the day - you need to walk at least 5 km (about 10,000 steps) per day. To track your exercise load, you can carry a pedometer with you.

Visceral fat

It is necessary to achieve the destruction of the so-called visceral, or internal, fat located inside abdominal cavity and enveloping the internal organs.

Visceral fat plays a role endocrine gland, synthesizes hormones, promotes metabolic syndrome.

Getting rid of visceral accumulations is much more difficult than getting rid of subcutaneous fat deposits. External indicator The presence of internal fat reserves is the waist circumference. If it exceeds 88 cm in women and 105 cm in men, the degree of development of visceral fat is quite high.

Alcoholic fatty hepatosis

When treating alcoholic hepatosis, even microscopic doses of alcohol-containing drinks, including those contained in medications and tinctures, are excluded. If there is no excess visceral fat and excess weight, there are no special dietary requirements. It is enough to give up hot, salty, spicy dishes and snacks, smoked, fried foods, stick to general recommendations By healthy eating. Otherwise, follow the dietary recommendations above.

Due to the ability of liver tissue to regenerate and the absence negative factors(alcohol, taking strong medications, detoxification) there is a high probability that steatosis will begin to reverse without the use of medications.

Drug treatment

In the first and second stages of hepatosis, medicinal complexes based on bile and amino acids can be prescribed, herbal preparations and hepatoprotectors. Therapy is aimed at improving absorption nutrients, cleansing and protecting hepatocyte membranes, stimulating the removal of metabolic products, correcting the processes of synthesis and outflow of bile.

Frequently prescribed remedies are:

  • Holosas - natural preparation based on rosehip extract, eliminates signs of cholestasis, replenishes vitamin deficiencies, stimulates intestinal motility, binds toxins;
  • Allohol - contains natural bile, garlic extract, Activated carbon, has a pronounced choleretic effect, improves food digestion;
  • Taurine is an amino acid that protects hepatocytes from the damaging effects of free radicals, removes toxins, improves blood circulation in the vessels of the liver;
  • Ademethionine is a complex action agent, including the acids adenosine and methionine, which restore impaired oxidation processes fatty acids and protein metabolism. Highly effective in the treatment of alcoholic hepatosis;
  • Essentiale is a phospholipid-based drug that supports and restores the structure of hepatocytes;
  • Ursosan - based on bile acid, suppressing the production and absorption of cholesterol, improving the properties of bile, preventing the formation of clots, deposition of sand, stones in the liver and bile ducts;
  • Hofitol - provides an antimicrobial effect, supports metabolic processes;
  • Lecithin is necessary for intracellular metabolism, the absorption of protein compounds, and the regulation of cholesterol levels.

In addition to medicines complexes containing vitamins B2 (riboflavin) and PP are prescribed.

If treatment conditions are strictly followed, the prognosis is quite favorable - most patients experience restoration of function and a decrease in the degree of fatty infiltration of the liver.

It is absolutely contraindicated after the end of the therapy period to return to drinking alcohol, unhealthy food addictions. In these cases, relapse of the disease is guaranteed.

Fatty liver disease (fatty liver) is a condition characterized by abnormal deposition of lipids in gland cells (hepatocytes). This is one of the most common forms chronic pathology hepatobiliary system, which can progress to cirrhosis. The disease has several names that are used in medical literature– liver steatosis, fatty degeneration liver, fatty infiltration liver.

According to clinical data, the pathological condition is most often diagnosed against the background of diabetes mellitus and in obese patients. Unfortunately, the development of the disease does not have a clear connection with gender and age; it can appear in young girls and boys, older people, and women during pregnancy. Steatosis is considered a benign condition because adequate therapy can start the process of gland cell restoration.

You can read more about what hepatic steatosis is.

Treatment of fatty liver hepatosis requires a comprehensive and individual approach. It depends on the stage of the disease, the general condition of the patients, the degree of development of changes in the gland cells, and the severity of the process. Experts recommend combining diet therapy, an active lifestyle and medication methods. Read more about whether liver hepatosis can be cured, and if so, how to do it.

Patient management tactics

As a rule, patients do not even suspect that they have a liver problem; the only thing that may bother them is aching pain on the right side under the ribs. More often, the symptom is attributed to quick snacks, consumption of fried foods, alcohol, etc., without even thinking about what processes are occurring in hepatocytes at this moment.

Not alcoholic fat disease Liver disease (NFLD) is often associated with metabolic disorders in the body. This can occur against the background of diabetes mellitus, high body weight, pathology of fat metabolism, or against the background of heart and vascular diseases. All of these pathologies are considered provoking factors for the development of steatohepatosis and steatohepatitis (steatosis in combination with inflammatory processes). Other provoking factors are:

  • the effect of toxic chemicals and poisons on the human body;
  • long-term use of medications that have a toxic effect on liver cells;
  • long-term nutrition using infusions against the background of serious illnesses and surgical interventions.

In most cases, patients are surprised by their diagnosis.

Often the diagnosis is made accidentally, for example, during a medical examination. In the absence of significant symptoms, treatment of liver hepatosis can be carried out on an outpatient basis. If pain syndrome, with a significant increase in the size of the gland, especially in combination with splenomegaly (enlarged spleen), with the appearance of nausea and vomiting, scleral icterus, the patient is hospitalized. The first treatment regimen is selected in a hospital setting.

TEST: What is the condition of your liver?

Take this test and find out if you have liver problems.

Treatment of fatty liver is based on the following points:

  • protection of gland cells from negative influences and restoration of their structure;
  • metabolism correction;
  • preventing further death of hepatocytes;
  • normalization of the patient's body weight.

An important place in the treatment of fatty liver is occupied by measures aimed at eliminating the causes of the development of the disease. Even with a successfully selected treatment regimen, effectiveness will depend on whether further Negative influence provoking factors on the patient's body. Experts recommend normalizing the level of physical activity, adjusting the diet, and avoiding being in a state of constant stress.

Important! It is unacceptable to use the same treatment regimen for all patients with the same diagnosis, since its choice depends on many criteria: the severity of the process, the duration of the pathology, the degree of damage to hepatocytes, etc.


Correction of the diet is a prerequisite for the treatment of liver diseases, because by limiting and including certain products in the patient’s menu, disrupted metabolic processes can be triggered. Hepatologists recommend reducing the intake of lipids and carbohydrates, giving preference to proteins. It is important to include dairy products in the menu that do not have high fat content - they will provide you with easily digestible protein. But it’s better to avoid cheese, even processed cheese.

Should be included in the diet:

  • green vegetables;
  • cabbage in all its forms;
  • unsweetened fruits;
  • berries;
  • bran;
  • fish and seafood;
  • rye bread and crackers.

You need to eat often and in small portions. This will reduce the load on the liver and gastrointestinal tract. You should avoid alcohol, soda, baked goods, fresh wheat bread, mushrooms, legumes, sweets and ice cream.

If we talk about the process of preparing food, it is better to use boiling, baking, stewing with a minimum amount vegetable oil. Fried and smoked foods should be excluded from the diet.

A multicooker is perfect for cooking

The daily caloric intake of patients ranges from 1900–2100 kcal, which depends on age, gender, weight, height and other indicators. Your doctor or nutritionist will help you calculate the amount of recommended calories. It is important to drink at least 2 liters of water per day, not counting weak tea and compotes.

Physical activity

An inactive lifestyle is a problem that will only worsen the course of the disease. Experts recommend performing sets of exercises daily. Will also be useful hiking, cycling, swimming. Sport not only improves metabolic processes in the body, but also allows you to get rid of excess weight. It is optimal if the patient loses 1.5–2 kg per month. More radical methods weight loss is not necessary, since it can serve as an impetus for activation inflammatory processes in iron.

Important! Losing weight through fasting is prohibited! It'll only make it worse general health and will lead to decompensation of fatty hepatosis.


On modern stage It is recommended to treat fatty liver with the following drugs:

  • insulin sensitizers - drugs that increase the sensitivity of tissues to the action of the hormone insulin. The result of use is a decrease in blood sugar levels;
  • hepatoprotectors - medications whose main task is to protect gland cells from external and internal negative influences and restore their structure;
  • drugs that affect metabolic processes - ursodeoxycholic acid, drugs based on thioctic acid;
  • antibiotics if necessary to sanitize the intestinal tract;
  • vitamins.


This is the main group of drugs that is used not only in the treatment of liver steatosis, but also in the treatment of other gland pathologies. There are several subgroups. The first is phospholipids. These agents restore the structures of hepatocyte membranes, have an antioxidant effect, prevent the development of fibrotic changes, and support the process of resuming normal metabolic processes.

Thanks to the intake of essential phospholipids, the metabolism of triglycerides and fatty acids is stabilized, the accumulation of which plays a role in important role in the pathogenesis of fatty liver infiltration. The drugs allow you to normalize fat levels in the bloodstream, and also support the functioning of hepatocytes in relation to their detoxification “work”. Representatives of the subgroup are Esliver, Essentiale.

The specialist selects the treatment regimen individually

The next subgroup is drugs plant origin. We are talking about LIV-52, Allokhol, Karsil. The products not only restore the structure of hepatocyte membranes, but also stimulate the processes of normal bile secretion and improve digestion.

Amino acids included in the list of hepatoprotectors: methionine, ornithine, ademetionine. Medicines based on them allow you to restore metabolism to its normal level. entry level. Taken directly in combination with essential phospholipids.

Ursodeoxycholic acid

The active substance is a natural component of human bile. Acid-based drugs are classified as a separate group, but are also classified as agents that have a hepatoprotective effect. The drugs reduce the production of cholesterol in the liver, its absorption into intestinal tract and concentration in bile, stimulate the process of bile production.

UDCA not only restores carbohydrate metabolism, but is also capable of reducing sugar levels in the bloodstream, which is important for patients with fatty infiltration, because diabetes mellitus is considered one of the common causes of development pathological condition. Pharmacy options - Ursosan, Ursoliv, Ursodez, Ursohol.

Thioctic acid preparations

Thioctic (alpha-lipoic) acid has antioxidant, hypolipidemic, hepatoprotective, hypocholesterolemic and detoxification effects. Preparations based on it improve the functioning of liver cells and reduce the negative impact of external factors. It is important to consider that acid-based drugs enhance the effect of tableted hypoglycemic drugs (specialists take this into account when treating type 2 diabetes). Representatives: Octolipen, Neurolipon, Berlition.


To cure fatty liver hepatosis, vitamins or vitamin-containing complexes should be used in parallel with other medications. The main element of therapy is vitamin E. It is able to prevent damage to cell membranes and has an antioxidant effect, that is, it inhibits oxidation organic compounds, which maintains the “youth” of the body. Also important components of therapy are B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12 and PP).

Important! A deficiency of such substances occurs even with good nutrition, and against the background of diseases there is nothing to talk about.

Gepagard Active is a drug that combines essential phospholipids, vitamin E and carnitine (a substance similar to representatives of B-series vitamins). All active ingredients drugs enhance each other's activity. The complex has the following actions:

  • protects hepatocyte membranes;
  • normalizes the metabolism of fats and cholesterol in the body;
  • improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • enhances the detoxification properties of other medications.

Take Gepagard Active 2 capsules twice a day for a month

Alternative Treatments

Some experts advise treating “fatty liver” alternative methods, but subject to combination with using medicinal methods and in the absence of contraindications.

Singlet oxygen

This method is aimed at combating free radicals, which appear in the body of patients against the background of the majority pathological processes. When electrons of singlet oxygen enter the human body, they emit energy quanta that have a therapeutic effect:

  • support the flow of biochemical processes;
  • restore antioxidant status;
  • strengthen defenses;
  • improve the condition of the blood, the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • cleared of toxic substances;
  • stimulate cell regeneration processes, including the liver.

Singlet oxygen enters the body through inhalation or internal cocktails. The duration of the inhalation procedure is 15 minutes, cocktails are used for 10 minutes.

Autohemoozone therapy

How to treat fatty liver hepatosis in a similar way? The patient's blood is taken from a vein in an amount of 100–150 ml. It is combined with an ozone-oxygen mixture and returned to the vein through the same needle. It is believed that ozone can replace even potent medications.


It is possible to fight fatty liver and its complications with the help of traditional medicine recipes, but it will not be possible to completely get rid of the problem. It is important to combine folk and traditional methods. With steatosis, you can cleanse the liver of toxic substances and support the functioning of gland cells.

At home, liver cleansing is carried out as follows:

  1. Cleanse the intestines through a two-day fast, you need to drink only clean water.
  2. An enema is given once a day (for 2 days).
  3. On the third day, you should drink 2 capsules of Allochol and lie on your right side.
  4. After 60 minutes, drink 3 tbsp. l. warm olive oil and 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice.
  5. Place a heating pad on your right side and lie there for 2 hours.

Eating cinnamon will help get rid of fatty hepatosis, reduce or eliminate its manifestations. It should be added as a spice to dishes. Turmeric also has antioxidant properties. The patient’s menu can include artichokes or the drug Hofitol based on it.

A medicine based on artichoke leaf extract is effectively combined with hepatoprotectors



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