Hepatosis (liver steatosis). Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of fatty hepatosis

Fatty hepatosis can be attributed to a disease of civilizations, the development of which is associated with a change in the type of human diet (fat and simple carbohydrates predominate), limitation of physical activity, urbanization and other factors.

The danger of this disease is that it does not manifest itself in the initial stages. The patient begins to be bothered by the symptoms of steatosis when the disease reaches its apogee of development.

One of the complications is a cyst - a non-cancerous formation surrounded by scar tissue. In advanced forms, fatty liver disease leads to liver failure and even death. It is important to notice the first manifestations of fatty liver in time to avoid serious consequences for the body.


Any liver disease most often occurs in people who abuse alcohol or narcotic (toxic) substances. The severity of diffuse liver changes such as fatty hepatosis is directly proportional to the duration of substance use and their quantity.

But contrary to general stereotypes, fatty liver can be caused by other factors:

  • diseases with metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, steroid diabetes, hereditary pathologies of enzyme systems);
  • pathologies of the digestive system;
  • poisoning with toxic substances or medications;
  • food enriched with fats and simple carbohydrates;
  • hypokinesia (decreased physical activity);
  • prolonged malnutrition, hunger (protein nutritional deficiency, Kwashiorkor);
  • obesity;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus.

All these reasons trigger one mechanism of lipid accumulation and cause diffuse changes in the liver such as fatty hepatosis. As the disease develops, the functions of the gland are disrupted, its biochemistry and physiology change.

In the first stages, there is an increase in the level of lipids, cholesterol and fatty acids in the blood (due to excess intake or breakdown of their own). Normally, they should be used to produce energy or synthesize substances (sex hormones, vitamin D, components of cell membranes and triglycerides of adipose tissue). If the body does not have time to utilize these fats, then they accumulate in the parenchyma of the organ: at the initial stages in the hepatocytes themselves, and then outside them.

There is an idiopathic form in which fatty hepatosis can occur. It is characterized by the absence of a visible cause. The patient does not have factors in his life that provoke the development of fatty liver, but the disease, nevertheless, progresses and requires immediate treatment.


The severity of the clinical manifestations of steatosis depends on how severely the organ is affected. In the first stages of the development of the disease, an asymptomatic course is observed. Such patients may show general signs of fatty infiltration to a small extent, but most often they go unnoticed - people attribute them to fatigue or malaise.

Fatty hepatosis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pain on palpation in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen;
  • tendency to edema;
  • apathy, drowsiness, fatigue;
  • causeless increase in body temperature;
  • bitterness in the mouth, nausea, loss of appetite;
  • jaundice (in severe forms of the disease).

These are common symptoms characteristic of diseases of the fatty infiltration type. Most often, the patient does not have all the signs, but only some.

Diagnosis of steatosis

If at least two of the above symptoms are detected, it is recommended to contact a gastroenterologist for examination. Based on complaints, symptoms, examination, laboratory and instrumental research methods, the doctor will make a diagnosis and decide how to treat the patient.

Basic methods for diagnosing steatosis:

  • examination, palpation of the liver;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • computed and magnetic resonance imaging;
  • liver tissue biopsy (microscopic examination of a sample of the organ);
  • general blood and urine analysis.

Painful palpation is not necessary for this disease. Its appearance accompanies fatty hepatosis in alcoholics and diabetics. When palpating the borders of the liver, its enlargement and thickening are noted.

Using radiation diagnostic methods (ultrasound, CT), a specialist detects areas with altered density in which ultrasound or X-ray radiation is absorbed to a greater extent (echo signs change). This means that the tissues of the organ have undergone changes.

The final confirmation of fatty infiltration of the liver can be a biopsy of a tissue sample from the organ. To do this, the patient undergoes a puncture - using a long needle under local anesthesia, a small amount of liver tissue is collected. Next, these samples are examined under a microscope and using biochemical tests.

On a microslide stained with special dyes, the medical worker will see diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma, namely, cells in which large drops of fat fill their entire space and even destroy hepatocytes. The fatty infiltrate is also localized around the cells - in the stroma of the organ. In some cases (alcoholic fatty hepatosis), signs of fibrosis are added to the signs of fatty liver - the growth of connective tissue in place of damaged functional cells. This condition threatens the development of liver cirrhosis.

In the blood of a patient with steatosis, there is an increase in the level of free lipids, fatty acids and liver enzymes, which enter the blood from destroyed hepatocytes. An increase in transaminase activity in the blood means that the liver parenchyma is being destroyed.


Treatment of fatty liver should be comprehensive: they resort to etiotropic (targeted at the causes), symptomatic treatment, and diet therapy. The first thing that needs to be done after confirming the diagnosis is to eliminate the pathogenic factor if possible: give up alcohol, stop the intake of toxic substances into the body, normalize nutrition, adjust the diet, etc. If complete elimination of the cause is impossible (a genetic disease or an irreversible form of an acquired disease), then it is necessary to minimize the effect of the underlying disease on the body - carry out symptomatic therapy. In such patients it should be constant and systemic.

If the cause of fatty liver hepatosis lies in alcoholism or poor diet, then if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, the disease can be defeated in a relatively short time (a month or two).

Patients diagnosed with hepatosis (fatty) are prescribed a special diet No. 5. Its essence is to exclude refractory animal fats and simple carbohydrates from the diet. The daily menu should include healthy vegetable fats and foods rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (fish, nuts, olive oil, etc.). It is also necessary to optimize the water regime. The optimal daily volume of water is 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

You should pay attention to foods rich in lipotropic substances - they promote the synthesis of phospholipids in the liver and inhibit additional fat synthesis. These products include lean beef, cheese, cottage cheese, chicken eggs, and vegetable oils. The diet of a patient with hepatosis should be divided (5-6 meals per day).

You should take medications with caution, as this puts a strain on the diseased organ. Any medications should be prescribed by a doctor; you should not self-medicate. Liver hepatosis is an indication for the use of hepatoprotectors, which include:

  • phospholipids (Gepabene, Essentiale Forte, etc.);
  • amino acids (methionine, ornithine);
  • drugs of natural origin (alohol, karsil);
  • vitamins B and E;
  • synthetic lipotropic drugs.

If you follow all the recommendations, within a week the patient will feel an improvement in health. The processes of bile formation are optimized, the signs of fatty degeneration disappear, and along with this, digestion. The patient regains appetite and energy.

Fatty hepatosis - symptoms and treatment, diet, complications, prevention of liver hepatosis

Fatty hepatosis or fatty liver, fatty degeneration, is a reversible chronic process of hepatic degeneration, which occurs as a result of excessive accumulation of lipids (fats) in liver cells.

Currently, this disease is rapidly growing due to systematic nutritional disorders, as well as poor human lifestyle. It is possible to stop the development of the disease by identifying the factors influencing the occurrence of fatty hepatosis. Changes for the better are observed after a month with timely treatment.

Fatty hepatosis: what is it?

Fatty hepatosis is a chronic disease in which functional liver cells (hepatocytes) degenerate into adipose tissue.

With fatty hepatosis, liver cells (hepatocytes) lose their functions, gradually accumulating simple fats and degenerating into adipose tissue. With steatosis or fatty infiltration, the fat mass exceeds 5%, small accumulations of it are scattered, this is what diffuse fatty liver hepatosis looks like. When its content is more than 10% of the total weight of the liver, more than half of the hepatocytes already contain fat.

It is almost impossible to recognize fatty hepatosis at first. Unfortunately, the symptoms are especially pronounced at the last stage, when the disease has already progressed. The patient develops:

  • feeling of heaviness in the liver area;
  • rashes on the skin and dull color;
  • digestive disorders, frequent nausea, possible vomiting;
  • blurred vision.

One of the symptoms that characterize diffuse changes in the liver like fatty hepatosis is an increase in its size - hepatomegaly. A diseased liver takes up a huge space in a person’s internal cavity, causing discomfort. The reasons for the increase in size are:

  • an increase in the number of cells to combat toxic substances;
  • tissue augmentation to restore lost functions;
  • excess number of fat cells.


Based on the reasons that led to hepatosis, the disease can be divided into two groups: hereditary and resulting from metabolic disorders in the body.

The main causes of fatty hepatosis include:

  • obesity;
  • metabolic diseases;
  • physical inactivity;
  • binge eating;
  • vegetarianism with impaired carbohydrate metabolism;
  • diets for weight loss;
  • long-term use of certain medications:
  • cordarone, diltiazem, expired tetracycline, tamoxifen;
  • deficiency of alpha-antitrypsin in the body;
  • antiviral treatment for HIV;
  • overdose of vitamin A;
  • diseases of the internal secretion organs;
  • systematic abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • exposure to radiation;
  • diseases of the digestive system.

The progression of cell degeneration leads to an inflammatory process, which in turn leads to tissue death and scarring (cirrhosis). At the same time, concomitant pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, and metabolic disorders develop:

  • diabetes;
  • gallstones;
  • deficiency of digestive enzymes;
  • bile duct dyskinesia;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • cardiac ischemia.

With fatty liver hepatosis, the patient has a hard time suffering from any infections, injuries and interventions.

There are risk factors for the formation of fatty liver disease, including:

  • high blood pressure;
  • female;
  • decreased platelets;
  • increased alkaline phosphatase and GSH;
  • PNPLA3/148M gene polymorphism.

Based on the reasons, we can say that the development of hepatosis can be prevented. Changing your lifestyle will not only prevent the disease from appearing, but will also eliminate it at the initial stage.


As fat accumulates, fatty liver disease is divided into three degrees of development:

  1. The first degree is characterized by a slight accumulation of simple fat cells. If these accumulations are observed in several foci and a large distance is diagnosed between them, then this is diffuse fatty hepatosis.
  2. The second degree is placed when the volume of fat in the liver increases, and areas of connective tissue appear in the structure of the organ.
  3. The most severe third degree of the disease is observed when areas of liver cells overgrowing with connective tissue and large deposits of fat are clearly visible.

Symptoms of fatty liver disease in adults

Liver hepatosis is a silent disease. Often, until the process becomes advanced, a person develops cirrhosis of the liver, nothing is noticeable. However, this is only an appearance. If you listen carefully to your own body, you can notice something that was not observed before. The first symptoms of fatty liver disease include:

  • Soreness in the right side.
  • Enlarged liver size, noticeable on palpation.
  • Digestive disorders: vomiting, diarrhea, nausea or constipation.
  • Deterioration of skin and hair condition.
  • Predisposition to colds, poor immunity and allergic reactions.
  • Reproductive dysfunction, inability to conceive.
  • Women experience irregularities in the menstrual cycle, heavy or irregular bleeding.
  • Impaired blood clotting.

Typically, anxiety symptoms do not appear suddenly, but increase over time. First, patients complain of pain and discomfort, then symptoms of intoxication of the body appear, because the affected organ ceases to perform its function.

If treatment is not carried out at the initial stage, symptoms characteristic of different stages of liver failure begin to appear:

  • characterized by nausea and weakness, drowsiness,
  • decreased performance,
  • there is aversion to food,
  • coordination deteriorates;
  • manifests itself as jaundice,
  • swelling,
  • indigestion,
  • diathesis,
  • general weakness appears,
  • abdominal hydrops may develop
  • characterized by changes in internal organs,
  • metabolic disorders.

In severe cases it is possible:

If fatty liver disease is not treated, symptoms of liver cirrhosis and liver failure appear:

  • behavior change; jaundice;
  • monotony of speech;
  • weakness;
  • aversion to food;
  • ascites;
  • lack of coordination.

It is important to diagnose fatty liver hepatosis at an early stage - symptoms and treatment are determined and prescribed only by a doctor. Then there is a higher probability of completely restoring its functions. The patient can reduce the healing time if he follows all the instructions. Unfortunately, the symptoms of fatty liver disease do not appear at an early stage.

People at risk should be screened periodically to identify diffuse changes and initiate treatment.


Fatty hepatosis leads to liver dysfunction, which is fatal for the patient. Gradual intoxication of the body negatively affects the functioning of the heart, kidneys and even lungs, causing irreversible damage. Most often, hepatosis develops into cirrhosis, but this disease cannot be cured at all.

Consequences for the body:

  • Stagnation appears in the gallbladder, which leads to cholecystitis, pancreatitis, and the formation of stones. As a result, food ceases to be completely digested, this overloads the intestines and provokes dysbiosis.
  • Poor liver function leads to a deficiency of vital microelements. As a result, cardiac activity and the condition of the blood arteries worsen, hypertension and varicose veins occur, and visual acuity decreases.
  • In addition, there is a decrease in immunity, which leads to frequent colds, infectious and fungal diseases.


Upon examination and palpation by a doctor, the liver was not enlarged, without any features. Only when a large amount of fat accumulates can the liver become enlarged with soft, rounded edges and painful to the touch. In the early stages of fatty hepatosis, pronounced symptoms are usually not detected. In patients with diabetes mellitus due to hepatosis.

The list of necessary measures to make an accurate diagnosis includes:

  • Ultrasound of the liver. Traditionally, an ultrasound examination of the liver helps to detect its enlargement, and this almost always indicates problems with the organ.
  • Tomographic research. MRI allows you to evaluate the structure of the liver. If fat is deposited in an organ, this will be visible on an MRI.
  • Blood chemistry. ALT and AST indicators are assessed. When they increase, we are talking about liver disease.
  • Biopsy. It doesn't happen that often. Allows you to find out whether fat is present in the structure of the organ.

How to treat fatty liver hepatosis?

The main treatment for fatty hepatosis is aimed at eliminating the factors that caused the disease, improving the regenerative abilities of the liver, improving metabolism, and detoxification. With fatty hepatosis, you need not only to take medications, but also to adjust your lifestyle and diet. Medications are used in combination - an effective membrane-stabilizing agent and antioxidants are needed.

Drug therapy for fatty hepatosis includes taking medications to improve the function of the liver and its cells:

  • essential phospholipids (essliver, essentiale forte, berlition),
  • group of sulfamino acids (taurine or methionine),
  • herbal hepatoprotector preparations (karsil, LIV-52, artichoke extract),
  • taking antioxidant vitamins – tocopherol or retinol,
  • taking selenium supplements,
  • Group B drugs intramuscularly or in tablets.
  • Berlition is prescribed in a dose of up to 300 mg (1 tablet) twice a day for up to 2 months. In case of severe dynamics, Berlition is administered intravenously up to 600 mg for two weeks, followed by a transition to taking 300–600 mg per day in tablets.
  • Essentiale is prescribed up to 2 capsules (600 mg) 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is up to 3 months. Gradually reducing the dosage to 1 capsule 3 times a day.
  • An effective membrane-stabilizing drug is artichoke - Chofitol. Prescribe three tablets before meals (3 times a day) for a course of 3 weeks.

Before use, consult your doctor, as... there are contraindications.

The patient at home must:

  1. Follow a diet that excludes fats but is rich in protein;
  2. Lead an active lifestyle, which will help you lose weight if necessary, and also speed up your metabolism;
  3. Take medications prescribed by your doctor, including folic acid, vitamin B12, etc. to improve digestion;
  4. Visit a doctor;
  5. Eat boiled and steamed food, finely chopped or pureed if possible.


A person diagnosed with fatty hepatosis needs to completely reconsider his lifestyle and diet, in which it is necessary to exclude the consumption of animal fats. At the same time, the diet should include foods that help dissolve fats deposited in the liver. You need to eat food 5 times a day, in small portions, in order to reduce the load on the liver.

  • fresh boiled and steamed vegetables;
  • vegetarian soups and borscht (without meat);
  • milk soups;
  • low-fat and mild cheese;
  • boiled eggs (1 per day);
  • steamed omelette;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina and rice porridge;
  • milk;
  • low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese;
  • kefir, low-fat yogurt.
  • Replace cocoa and coffee with unsweetened tea.
  • meat broths,
  • fatty meat and fish,
  • fresh onions and garlic,
  • beans and legumes,
  • tomatoes,
  • mushrooms,
  • radish,
  • canned food,
  • salted and smoked products,
  • fat cottage cheese and sour cream.

Patients with hepatosis should also eat the following foods in any quantity:

  • artichoke to stabilize processes occurring in the liver;
  • pine nuts, which help restore tissue cells;
  • sorrel, which acts as a stabilizing component and eliminates fatty formations in the affected organ;
  • cinnamon, which also breaks down fat deposits;
  • turmeric, which neutralizes sugar and free radicals formed in the blood during hepatosis and negatively affecting liver function.

Menu for the day for hepatosis

An approximate menu for the day should meet dietary requirements and include:

  • First breakfast - oatmeal with water and milk, low-fat cottage cheese, black tea.
  • Second breakfast - dried fruits, apples, prunes.
  • Lunch – vegetable soup with vegetable oils (corn, olive), buckwheat porridge, compote.
  • Afternoon snack – bread, unsweetened cookies, rose hip decoction.
  • Dinner – mashed potatoes with steamed fish, beet salad, low-fat kefir.

Folk remedies for hepatosis

Before using folk remedies, be sure to consult a gastroenterologist.

  1. Tea with mint and lemon balm, which is brewed and drunk symptomatically, will relieve nausea and heaviness, i.e. when symptoms are of immediate concern.
  2. Milk thistle (or milk thistle). Designed to improve the flow of bile, normalize the functioning of not only the liver, but also the gallbladder. It also has a membrane-forming function, promotes the restoration of liver cells and helps synthesize protein.
  3. Often, an infusion based on peppermint helps with hepatosis. One tablespoon of such a dried plant (usually crushed mint leaves) is poured with 100 grams of boiling water and left overnight. In the morning, the infusion is filtered, after which it must be divided into three equal portions. Each serving is drunk before meals throughout the day.
  4. Dog-rose fruit. They help remove toxins from the body and enrich it with microelements and vitamins. About 50 g of rose hips are infused in 500 ml of boiling water for 12 hours. Take 150 ml three times a day.
  5. The liver collection is designed for treatment for 2 months. Contains: St. John's wort, plantain, agrimony, moshenica (3 parts each), immortelle, eleutherococcus (2 parts), chamomile (1 part). 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the collection, strain after 30 minutes. Drink 30 ml before meals, without sweetening, three times a day.


If you want to avoid the occurrence of this disease, it is very important to follow preventive measures. What will be relevant in this case?

  • Proper nutrition.
  • Maintaining normal weight.
  • You need to lead an active lifestyle. Walking in the fresh air is very important, as well as moderate physical activity on the body.
  • You need to drink at least two liters of water per day.
  • You also need to give up bad habits. Especially from drinking alcohol.
  • It is important to monitor your blood sugar levels.

Fatty liver disease is a reversible liver disease. This pathology can be successfully treated in the early stages. There is no specific treatment. It all comes down to changing your lifestyle, reviewing your diet, and eliminating etiological (causal) factors.

Fatty liver

Doctors say that fatty liver is due to the accumulation of fat in this organ. This happens for various reasons: some antibiotics, alcohol or other factors.

In many cases, the disease is not life-threatening if treated in the early stages. However, if left untreated, the disease can be fatal.

Main clinical symptoms and diagnosis

Fatty infiltration of the liver is associated with abundant accumulation of fat on the cells and tissues of the liver. In the first stages, the patient does not feel any pronounced symptoms at all. The thing is that the liver begins to change slightly. As soon as the first initial symptoms begin to appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Main symptoms and signs

  • Diffuse changes in the liver occur: the norm is 1.5 kilograms, and it can reach up to 5 kilograms.
  • The presence of pain in the right lower hypochondrium during palpation.
  • A slight increase in body temperature, as well as nausea and vomiting, after which appetite disappears.
  • The visible symptom is swelling of the entire body, arms and legs, and the abdominal area becomes unnaturally round.

Such symptoms appear due to disruption of the liver and pancreas, as well as the quality of their functions.

Causes of the disease

Once we understand what exactly this disease is, we can look at certain factors that cause it and may continue to develop. To date, doctors have clearly established the factors due to which the disease develops:

Firstly, it is excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Since alcohol destroys liver cells, and due to the fact that alcoholic beverages are consumed frequently, the organ does not have time to regenerate. Instead of normal liver tissue, they are filled with fatty tissue.

There are often cases when the disease manifests itself after poisoning with pesticides or due to the use of large quantities of medications.

Sometimes the disease can be detected in pregnant women; it mainly manifests itself in those who practice frequent hunger.

Other causes are: diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases (gastrointestinal tract) and other chronic diseases.

Fatty liver disease mainly occurs in obese people.


Fatty infiltration is detected as a result of diagnostics by a gastroenterologist. First, it is necessary to conduct an external examination of the patient. The disease is easily detected by examination by palpation or routine examination.

It is possible to see puffiness and swelling of the patient's body. In addition, the doctor may palpate the lower hypochondrium. If the liver is abnormally enlarged, the doctor will immediately feel it, and the patient, in turn, will feel acute pain with slight pressure on this organ.

It is necessary to understand that external diagnosis of the liver is not a confirmation of the diagnosis. In order to specifically determine the disease, it is necessary to conduct a computed tomography or ultrasound examination. Tomography can reveal diffuse changes in the liver - this is the heterogeneity of its tissues.

Still, this does not indicate a disease. Diffuse changes can confirm certain disturbances in the functioning of this organ. Thanks to ultrasound, changes in the liver are detected.

Doctors say that the disease can be diagnosed after a liver biopsy. What is it? The procedure involves taking samples of liver tissue using a special needle. After analysis in the laboratory, it will be possible to notice fat cells and deposits in the liver.

Why can you get sick and how to treat this disease?

The main thing is not to panic, as this disease can be cured within the first month if correct and timely treatment is prescribed. The thing is that the liver is an organ that can recover on its own, and auxiliary medications will speed up the healing process.

How is fatty liver treated?

The doctor must prescribe and carry out complex treatment, which is divided into two stages. At the first stage, something similar to the elimination of the main cause of the disease occurs. If it is caused by systematic alcohol consumption, the doctor will prescribe a complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages.

If fatty infiltration is caused by certain diseases, then these diseases need to be treated, and then normal liver function is restored. At the second stage, the damaged organ is restored.

Once all causes of fatty infiltration have been eliminated, the patient is prescribed a course to restore the affected organ. The first thing every doctor prescribes is strict adherence to a diet. As we said, the liver has the ability to recover on its own, by regenerating damaged cells. Your doctor may recommend taking medications such as Hepabene.

For severe cases, special injections of medications that have a strong effect may be prescribed. It must not be forgotten that the main treatment for the liver will be diet, thanks to which it is possible to reduce the workload on the organ, this will give it an excellent opportunity for recovery and a speedy recovery.

It is important to know that if treatment for fatty liver is not prescribed in a timely manner, the disease can have more serious consequences, including death.

This will happen due to the fact that the liver will never be able to recover again, and subsequently the organ will stop working and perform its functions.

Fatty liver can be caused by chronic alcohol consumption. If treatment is not started, this can develop into cirrhosis of the liver, and also cause death in a patient with failure of this organ.

In order to prevent the above diseases from spreading and developing complications, it is necessary to promptly consult medical specialists and not self-medicate, as this may cause not an improvement, but a deterioration in the patient’s condition.

Steatosis or fatty liver

Steatosis is commonly called fatty infiltration of the liver. Literally, it is the accumulation of fat in the liver cells. This disease is considered the most common among all hepatoses.

It occurs due to the liver’s reaction to various types of toxic effects. In addition, the cause of this process is certain diseases and various pathologies. It can also develop due to fasting.

Steatosis in mild cases occurs without any pain and can be short-term. Severe cases of the disease are extremely painful. The weight of the liver sometimes increases up to five kilograms, although normally its weight reaches 1.5 kg. Particularly severe cases can lead to liver failure and further death. Fatty infiltration is, in principle, reversible. Treatment today involves the patient carefully following all the doctor’s recommendations and completely abstaining from drinking alcohol.

Causes of fatty liver

Pathology most often haunts people who abuse alcohol. Depending on the amount of alcohol consumed, the severity of liver infiltration is observed.

Other causes of fatty liver:

  • Diabetes;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Overdose of medications;
  • Hunger, malnutrition;
  • Pesticide poisoning;
  • Obesity;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Systemic diseases.

Symptoms of fatty liver

Symptoms largely depend on the level of liver damage. In the initial stages, the pathology may be completely asymptomatic. In many patients, signs include tenderness to palpation and liver enlargement. Standard symptoms of the disease:

  • Edema;
  • Fever;
  • Pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • Vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite.

Diagnosis of fatty liver

Fatty liver can be diagnosed by a qualified physician. He pays special attention to those people who suffer from alcoholism, diabetes, and obesity. In addition, when diagnosing, the doctor is based on the presence of standard symptoms for the pathology. To confirm the diagnosis, a blood test and needle biopsy are performed.

Despite the fact that with fatty hepatosis the functional state of the organ necessarily decreases, it is almost impossible to confirm these disorders using standard laboratory tests. Patients, taking into account the etiology, often exhibit certain objective or subjective symptoms that are associated with the underlying disease. For example, fatty degeneration, which develops against the background of chronic alcohol intoxication, is usually characterized by anorexia, shortness of breath and other symptoms. However, the clinical course of the disease is practically asymptomatic. Sometimes patients have complaints of discomfort and heaviness in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, which intensify with movement.

Pain on palpation in the liver area is extremely rare. Its appearance may be associated with active accumulation of fat in the liver due to alcoholism or decompensation of diabetes mellitus. With fatty hepatosis, the liver is often enlarged, but everything will depend on the underlying pathology. The echogenicity of liver tissue in the case of fatty hepatosis during ultrasound can be quite normal (rarely increased), but such changes are difficult to distinguish from fibrosis and cirrhosis. Only CT (computed tomography) and magnetic resonance imaging can detect fatty liver in most cases.

During ultrasound, lesions can be detected in the form of areas of high echogenicity; during computed tomography, areas with a reduced absorption coefficient are detected. But even in such situations, the diagnosis can only be confirmed by a needle biopsy of the liver under computer control. Over time, lesions may change or disappear, therefore, if studies are carried out over time, especially during treatment, their probable disappearance cannot be ruled out, which has great diagnostic value.

In this regard, excessive accumulation of fat in the liver can only be confirmed by histological examination of biopsy specimens. When a section of the liver is stained with eosin or hematoxylan, empty vacuoles are found in hepatocytes, as well as a nucleus displaced to the periphery of the cell. If fatty degeneration is formed due to alcohol intoxication, then, along with droplet obesity of liver cells, pericellular fibrosis, neutrophilic infiltration of intralobular and interlobar parts of the liver, enlargement (swelling) of hepatocytes, and deposition of Mallory hyaline bodies in cells begin to form. In case of fatty degeneration, elevated levels of g-glutamyl transpeptidases are often observed in the blood serum, which is probably associated with alcohol abuse.

The activity of alkaline phosphatase and serum transminases is usually slightly elevated, and the levels of albumin, bilirubin and prothrombin are often normal.

Fatty liver, which appears against the background of general obesity, is one of the most common causes of increased transminase activity, and often other manifestations of metabolic syndrome (hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia, etc.).

Fatty degeneration often develops in people without any reason. In any case, sometimes doctors simply fail to discover any explicable reason for its formation. This disease belongs to the idiopathic (cryptogenic) form.

Treatment of fatty liver

Due to the wide variety of causes for the development of this disease, systematization of treatment is very difficult. Treatment is aimed, first of all, at completely eliminating or correcting the cause due to which fatty infiltration began to develop. For example, a similar pathology caused by alcoholism can be treated by completely abstaining from alcohol and maintaining proper nutrition. In this case, the liver can recover within a month.

If the cause of fatty liver infiltration is poor nutrition, you need to follow a special diet that contains the required amount of proteins. In any case, non-aggravating therapy should be carried out, following a diet and taking medications that bring liver function back to normal. Excellent results are demonstrated by long-term use of the herbal product “Gepabene”.

Due to this, the formation of bile and bile secretion are stimulated, and the functions of the organ are improved. After treatment, the patient is advised to remain under medical supervision for some time.

Self-treatment of steatosis

It is worth knowing that fatty liver can be treated very well, but only if the doctor’s instructions are carefully followed.

A person who suffers from alcoholism should attend periodic Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. In addition, today there are a variety of rehabilitation centers that are focused on helping alcoholics and their families.

In the fight against excess weight, you need to choose and follow a diet that will not limit the patient in nutrients. In addition, when switching to a diet, you need to consult with qualified specialists.

  • frequent nausea and vomiting;

Fatty infiltration

Fats constantly accumulate in the organ, which leads to the displacement of normal structures from its tissues and problems in the functioning of those that still remain in their natural state. Any degree of fatty infiltration of the gland and liver is a direct symptom of metabolic disorders in the body.

Often this diagnosis is made to those patients who have acute or chronic pancreatitis due to frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages. There are many cases of fatty infiltration in those who are overweight. In this case, the pancreas itself will not be significantly increased in size, and its contours will be smooth, the ducts will not be modified. In such circumstances, infiltration is also combined with liver problems.

In the body of each person, none of the processes can occur independently. Whatever the disease, it always provokes quite unpleasant consequences. If a patient is diagnosed with pancreatitis, then in many cases it becomes the result of activation of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes can cause destruction of the pancreas in those who are overweight. Such deviations from the norm do not occur in isolation and are diagnosed after the onset of characteristic changes in the liver.

Fatty infiltration of the pancreas, like the liver, appears during the following processes in patients with pancreatitis:

  • with improper treatment of the disease;
  • if you do not follow a special diet.

The existing consequences of pancreatic inflammation are greatly enhanced by obesity. Such modifications indicate that, due to disruption of the normal functioning of the organ, the replacement of pancreatic tissue with fat begins. It is important to know that such a process is irreversible.

A condition such as infiltration cannot always develop against the background of inflammation. In addition, the inflammatory process does not always become a prerequisite for degeneration of organ tissue. As a rule, people who suffer from fatty changes:

  • with a congenital predisposition;
  • with excess body weight;
  • elderly patients.

It is for this reason that these categories of people will be under the close attention of the doctor.

Fat deposits in the pancreas and liver

Almost always, pancreatic obesity is accompanied by fatty infiltration of the liver. This is due to the fact that the human body is a whole system in which absolutely all processes are interconnected and none of them can occur on their own.

If we consider pancreatitis, it often becomes the cause of diabetes mellitus and the death of pancreatic cells. This organ affects the liver and leads to certain changes in it, and the progression of the disease can go so far that removal of the pancreas is required.

It is important to understand that obesity of these vital organs is a completely irreversible process. For this reason, the doctor should take such a patient under close control, examining him twice a year.

In addition, diet must be present in the life of a sick person without fail. It is proper nutrition that becomes the key to preventing relapses by eliminating fatty foods.

Symptoms of infiltration

Obesity of the pancreas does not give any symptoms, because the adipose tissue is located on different parts of the organ, and in small areas. The resulting lesions are not capable of disrupting the functions of the gland and do not lead to compression of the ducts and parenchyma. The only thing that may bother the patient:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • the appearance of small ulcers on the oral mucosa;
  • dry mouth.

A fatty gland can only be diagnosed by ultrasound.

The disease is mild and characterized by slow progression. At subsequent stages, more clear signs of fatty infiltration appear:

  • dull pain of a girdle nature, especially under the right rib;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • excessive gas formation;
  • gagging.

In particularly serious cases there may be:

  • patient weight loss;
  • development of hepatitis;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • the skin may be very itchy.


Fatty infiltration and obesity should be treated together. This process involves four areas of treatment for the disease:

  • getting rid of the preconditions of pathology;
  • treatment with medications;
  • taking vitamin complexes and medications based on traditional medicine recipes;
  • special diet and physical activity.

In each specific case, treatment will be selected individually, according to the course of the disease and its history. As a rule, recovery requires more than 2 months.

Principles of nutrition during illness

With fatty infiltration, it is important to eat in such a way as not to overload the pancreas; this is also a kind of treatment. A special diet should include vegetable oils, as well as non-fatty acids. If diabetes mellitus develops in parallel, which can lead to complications such as diabetic retinopathy, then it is important to limit the consumption of foods high in simple carbohydrates, which have a negative impact on health.

After completing the course of treatment, it is necessary to donate blood for biochemistry and undergo an ultrasound of all abdominal organs. Due to the fact that this disease is a consequence of metabolic disorders, it is important to carry out courses of treatment twice a year.

If you adhere to proper nutrition, this will be the key to recovery and will be an excellent prevention of pancreatic obesity, in combination, combining treatment and diet. The diet is based on the fact that foods that increase the inflammatory process and slow down digestion should be kept to a minimum. In addition, it is important to limit your consumption of:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • sweet dishes and confectionery;
  • fatty foods;
  • spicy and salty.

A sick person should eat small portions and not skip meals. You need to eat your last meal at least 2 hours before you are supposed to go to bed. It is always important to remember that it is forbidden to go to bed immediately after eating, because this will cause digestive problems and put even more strain on the pancreas.

The diet for pancreatic obesity includes a fairly large volume of drinking. To be specific, this is at least 3 liters of clean water. It is best to use special medicinal water, for example, mineral magnesium sulfate. You can also include decoctions of medicinal plants:

Fermented milk products have a good effect on the condition of the pancreas.

The diet and its principles must be drawn up by the attending physician individually for each such patient.

The most important things about the pancreas

Surely everyone knows and has heard about hardware. The pancreas is part of the human gastrointestinal tract and is considered the largest in size among the glands. It has an elongated structure, consists of three sections: head, body, tail. On top of the iron is covered, as it were, with a capsule.

The pancreas is located near several organs at once, deep in the peritoneum. The head is surrounded by the duodenum, the body passes almost under the stomach, and the tail almost approaches the spleen. As for the purpose of the organ, the gland performs two functions.

The first of them is the production of a number of hormones, for example, insulin, glucogen, and the second function is the synthesis of pancreatic juice. Juice is needed to digest food that enters the body. It is in an inactive state in the gland, but when it enters the duodenum through the ducts (where the further stage of food breakdown occurs), it is converted into an active state, and each individual juice enzyme changes proteins, fats and carbohydrates to an elementary digestible level.

When disturbances occur in the functioning of the pancreas, the body malfunctions and certain diseases related to this organ begin to set in. Most often, diseases are associated with a person’s poor diet, this can be either violations of the eating regimen, or the consumption of unhealthy foods (fried, fatty, smoked, spicy, etc.) or alcoholic beverages.

Today Russia is among the leaders in glandular diseases. And why all? Because our people have begun to eat much better, more varied, more colorful, move less, and therefore waste less energy. Much more of it enters the body than is spent.

So pancreatic obesity creeps up on many people unnoticed. Those who have any other problems with metabolism, general weight loss, these people are probably at risk of fatty infiltration of the gland with this lifestyle. What is fatty infiltration of the pancreas? Where does it come from and what are its consequences?

The main symptoms of a diseased pancreas:

  1. Pain of varying strength, character, location, often girdling, minutes after eating or drinking alcohol, directed mainly from bottom to top, in the right hypochondrium.
  2. Nausea, vomiting without relief, upset stomach.
  3. Abdominal bloating (the peritoneum is tense on palpation).
  4. Fever, lethargy, fatigue.
  5. Dry mouth.
  6. Changes in the skin (turns yellow), etc.

Pancreatic obesity, infiltrate

Fatty infiltration (obesity) is a latent disease in which changes occur in the structure of organ tissue (infiltrate) with the simultaneous replacement of normal cells with fibro-fatty ones.

Due to poor nutrition and an inactive lifestyle, fats (lipocyte cells) constantly accumulate in the gland. All this can be characterized by the medical term “infiltrate”, in which an area of ​​living tissue is characterized by the presence of elements unusual for it.

In addition to the fact that poor diet, alcohol and an inactive lifestyle can contribute to the development of the disease, there are a number of other causes that give rise to it:

  1. The presence of chronic or acute pancreatitis.
  2. Incorrect treatment of pancreatic inflammation.
  3. Liver hepatosis.
  4. General human obesity.
  5. Genetic (hereditary) predisposition.
  6. Diabetes.
  7. Elderly age.

Often the pancreas itself is not greatly increased in size, its contours are not disturbed, smooth, and the ducts are without obvious visible changes. The forms of the organ remain, but its functionality is lost. Symptoms develop indirectly, usually hidden.

A person seeks medical help from doctors when adipose tissue, progressing greatly, covers almost the entire area of ​​the organ, leading to its dysfunction. Because of this, the coordinated functioning of the digestive tract organs, which are directly dependent on the pancreas, is disrupted.

Pancreatic steatosis occurs in parallel with fatty liver. In such cases, experts say that in addition to the pancreas, there is fatty infiltration of the liver. Steatosis of the liver and pancreas are processes recognized by doctors as irreversible.

Treatment of fatty infiltration

If timely measures are not taken, this condition may eventually develop into pancreatic cancer or cirrhosis of the liver. An urgent request for help will ensure that the patient receives competent treatment in a timely manner, which is aimed both at curbing the process of obesity and eliminating the causes that cause it.

There are three stages of pancreatic obesity:

  1. When changes affect up to 30% of the cells of an organ.
  2. In the range of 30–60% the presence of fat cells.
  3. Over 60% lipocytes.

Fatty infiltration of the pancreas is treated either conservatively or surgically.

If it is discovered that the fatty inclusions are small, dispersed throughout the pancreas and do not compress the ducts, then the doctor prescribes conservative treatment to the patient. The main thing in it is adherence to a certain therapeutic diet (table No. 5), with the help of which you can remove excess fat from the cells of the organ, prevent compression of the ducts and prevent further progress of the disease.

A diet for pancreas obesity involves:

Fatty liver: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Fatty liver infiltration, or hepatosis, is a fairly common and dangerous disease. It is accompanied by the so-called fatty degeneration, when simple fats begin to accumulate in functional cells - hepatocytes. As the disease progresses, the liver tissue begins to be replaced by fatty tissue, which leads to disruption of the normal functions of the organ and, accordingly, affects the normal functioning of the entire body.

Fatty liver and its causes

In fact, hepatosis can occur under the influence of many factors, both external and internal.

  1. For example, fatty degeneration is often associated with a disorder of lipid metabolism in the body. Sometimes a person’s blood contains an abnormally large amount of free lipids, which accumulate in the liver tissue. The risk of developing hepatosis increases with obesity or diabetes.
  2. The disease can also be associated with poor nutrition, for example, a deficiency of protein foods or fasting, which puts the body into a state of stress and disrupts the normal functioning of the liver.
  3. Not least on the list of causes is toxic effects. Liver infiltration often develops against the background of chronic alcoholism.
  4. Statistics confirm that people living in areas of high radiation have a similar problem more often.
  5. There is also danger in taking antibiotics unsystematically over a long period of time.
  6. Fatty infiltration of the liver can be the result of hormonal imbalances. It has been proven that a deficiency of thyroxine, as well as an excess amount of adrenal hormones, leads to the development of such a disease. In addition, the risk of developing hepatosis increases during pregnancy.
  7. In some cases, the cause is a disruption in the normal digestion and absorption of fats in the digestive tract.

Fatty liver and its main symptoms

Unfortunately, the first stages of fatty degeneration are rarely accompanied by any serious symptoms, and patients often do not pay attention to minor ailments. You need to understand that it is very important to detect the disease in time, because in the last stages of development, conservative treatment is unlikely to bring results. The main signs of hepatosis include:

  • constant dysbiosis, which manifests itself as bloating and abdominal pain, flatulence, problems with stool;
  • frequent nausea and vomiting;
  • heaviness in the abdomen on the right side;
  • deterioration of the skin, which becomes dull and thin as the disease progresses;
  • Over time, a decrease in visual acuity is observed.

Fatty liver: treatment and diagnosis

As a rule, even during the examination, the doctor detects an enlargement of the liver, which is the reason for additional studies - ultrasound, tomography and biopsy. Treatment directly depends on the stage of development of the disease and the cause of its occurrence. For example, if hepatosis is caused by alcohol consumption, then the patient needs to stop drinking alcohol. In addition, it is necessary to follow a strict diet, eliminating spicy, fried, fatty and spicy foods from the diet. Sometimes hormone therapy is required. Unfortunately, in the final stages of the disease, the only possible treatment is a liver transplant.

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Diffuse changes in the liver such as fatty infiltration

Fatty infiltration of the liver occurs due to the accumulation of fat in it. Such changes occur for various reasons, including exposure to alcohol, certain medications and other factors. This is a harmless disease if treated on time. In the most severe cases, such a liver disease can lead to death of the patient.

Clinical symptoms and diagnosis

Due to the fact that fatty infiltration is a disease that is associated with the accumulation of fat in the tissues and cells of the liver due to exposure to toxic substances, the diagnosis of this disease has its own specifics.


In the first stages, the patient will not feel pronounced symptoms, since minor changes in the liver will occur. But after the first symptoms appear, it is better to immediately contact a specialist.

Fatty infiltration has the following symptoms:

  • first of all, swelling appears throughout the body, the arms and legs become soft, and the abdominal area becomes unnaturally round;
  • the volume of the liver increases: with its normal volume of 1.5 kilograms, it can reach 5 kilograms;
  • Nausea and vomiting appear, which causes loss of appetite;
  • body temperature may increase;
  • there is a pain syndrome that manifests itself upon palpation of the right lower hypochondrium.

Such symptoms are caused by the fact that changes that have occurred in the liver affect the quality of its functions.


The diagnosis that reveals fatty infiltration will be as follows.

  • The first thing the specialist does is conduct an external examination of the patient. This disease can be detected during an external examination, when puffiness and swelling of the body is observed. In addition, the lower hypochondrium is palpated, and if the liver is enlarged, the doctor will feel it, and the patient will feel pain when pressing on this organ.
  • External liver diagnostics do not confirm this diagnosis. In order to determine it, a computed tomography or ultrasound examination is prescribed. In the first case, diffuse changes will be detected. Diffuse changes in the liver are the heterogeneity of its tissues. But such changes do not mean that the patient may have this disease. Diffuse changes only confirm disturbances in this organ. In the second case, changes in this organ are also detected using ultrasound.
  • The most accurate test is a biopsy. It involves taking samples of liver tissue using a special needle. Then, during the study, fat cells and deposits in it are revealed.

What causes this disease and its treatment

It is important to know that this disease does not have serious consequences in the early stages, since with proper treatment, within a month the organ will fully recover and begin to perform its functions in full.


Having understood what fatty infiltration is, you need to pay special attention to what causative factors contribute to its development.

Doctors have clearly established the factors contributing to the development of this disease:

  • the very first thing is the abuse of alcoholic beverages, this is caused by the fact that alcohol destroys the cells of this organ, and its periodic use does not allow them to recover, as a result of which they are replaced by adipose tissue;
  • the following are various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), diabetes mellitus and other chronic diseases;
  • this disease manifests itself after poisoning with pesticides or consuming a large number of medications;
  • This disease is often found in pregnant women and those who experience frequent hunger;
  • People who are diagnosed with obesity are also susceptible to this disease.

It is these factors that cause changes in this organ.


Treatment is complex and divided into two main stages.

  • The first stage of treatment is based on the elimination of the cause of the disease. For example, if it is caused by systematic alcohol consumption, then you first need to completely abandon it. If this is caused by diseases, then these diseases are treated, and then the functioning of this organ is restored.
  • The second stage of treatment takes place according to the type of restoration of the organ itself. After eliminating the causes of fatty infiltration, a course of restorative treatment is prescribed. The very first thing is diet, as the liver begins to recover on its own, regenerating damaged cells. Treatment with medications (for example, Hepabene) is recommended. In the most severe cases, injections of stronger medications may be prescribed.

In general, the most important treatment is diet, which allows you to reduce the load on this organ and give it the opportunity to begin to recover.

It is important to know that if this disease is not treated in a timely manner, the patient may die, since the liver will never be able to recover, and the organ itself will cease to function.

This disease is primarily caused by chronic alcohol consumption. If it is not treated in time, then it can develop into cirrhosis or cause death in a patient with failure of this organ.

Fatty infiltration of the pancreas: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Fatty degeneration involves the replacement of normal pancreatic cells with fatty cells. The process is irreversible. Symptoms of the disease are usually hidden. Treatment is aimed at curbing obesity and eliminating the causes that cause it.

Fatty infiltration of the pancreas is closely related to a disease such as fatty liver hepatosis.


Changes in the cellular composition of the pancreas, expressed in fat deposition, are explained by metabolic disorders. The dying cells of the pancreas are replaced by fat cells - thus the body maintains the physical integrity of the gland. Most often this disease is detected in the following cases:

  • there is chronic or acute pancreatitis;
  • improper treatment of pancreatic inflammation;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • non-compliance with diet for diagnosed pancreatitis;
  • present liver hepatosis;
  • general obesity of the patient;
  • genetic predisposition.

Most often, obesity of the pancreas and hepatosis of the liver occur in older people. For example, up to 40 years of age, the liver can independently cope with existing loads, however, after this age, its internal reserves run out.


The initial stages of the disease do not manifest themselves in any way. If fatty tissue changes are located in different parts of the pancreas, then they do not compress it and do not impair functionality and that is why they can go unnoticed for a long time. Slight increased fatigue, dry mouth, and the formation of ulcers on the oral mucosa may be the only signs of incipient fatty infiltration.

At further stages of the development of the disease, more pronounced symptoms appear:

  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • dull pain of a girdle nature with a beginning in the right hypochondrium - simultaneously with obesity of the pancreas, hepatosis of the liver begins to appear;
  • flatulence.

In exceptional cases, the patient may experience weight loss, itching of the skin, and severe pain in the peritoneum.

Fatty infiltration of the pancreas is a latent disease in which changes occur in the normal tissues of the organ and the formation of fibro-fatty cells.

Stages and diagnosis of the disease

It is customary to distinguish 3 degrees of pancreatic obesity:

  1. The changes affect no more than 30% of the gland cells.
  2. Fat cells make up from 30 to 60% of organ tissue.
  3. More than 60% of cells are fat.

However, this classification does not determine the severity of the disease. The true picture depends on the location, as well as the crowding of fat deposits.

Ultrasound of the pancreas is the most reliable way to diagnose fatty infiltration (lipodystrophy) of the organ. The changes do not affect the shape and size of the pancreas. Only its echogenicity changes, which indicates the existing pathology.

Anti-fat therapy

The prescribed treatment will be most effective if the true cause of the disease is identified and, if possible, eliminated. If this is fatty liver hepatosis, then its therapy is also necessary, for example, taking the drug “Hepatosan” gives good results. This will reduce the load on the pancreas and stop the death of its cells.

Treatment of fatty infiltration is carried out in two ways:

  • conservative therapy - based on following a gentle diet, avoiding alcohol, eating in small portions, prescribing enzymes and insulin;
  • surgical intervention - used if there are changes in the tissues of the pancreas at the level of 3 degrees of infiltration, it involves cutting out areas of fat from the pancreas, and is a complex operation.

Since the process of lipodystrophy is irreversible, the patient is under constant supervision of the attending physician with mandatory examination twice a year. This applies to the entire abdominal cavity, because obesity of the pancreas can provoke diseases of neighboring organs, for example, causing hepatosis of the liver.

Why treat pancreatic obesity?

Fatty changes in the tissue of the pancreas can lead to complete inhibition of its functions - the production of insulin, glucagon and pancreatic juice. The worse the pancreas performs its role in the body, the greater the load on nearby organs and the entire digestive system.

Pancreatic obesity is closely related to the health of other gastrointestinal organs. The occurrence of pancreatic lipodystrophy is strongly influenced by developed fatty liver hepatosis, so complex treatment of these diseases will be most effective.

Diet, giving up bad habits and following your doctor’s recommendations are the key to minimizing fat deposits in the pancreas.

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Video about the functions of the pancreas

Causes of pathological changes

Fatty infiltration of the liver develops due to a violation of fat metabolism in the liver tissue. The disease progresses due to toxic poisoning, as well as a lack of essential vitamins and minerals.

The following reasons for changes in liver tissue are identified:

  1. Alcohol addiction. Ethyl alcohol contained in alcoholic beverages is a powerful poison, which is converted and eliminated by the liver. With regular and large doses of alcohol entering the body, the organ cannot cope with the increased load, so infiltration (compaction in the liver tissue) occurs, and subsequently steatohepatosis.
  2. Pathological changes in the large or small intestine. Intestinal diseases provoke disturbances in the absorption of nutrients, which affects the condition of the liver.
  3. Frequent and prolonged stress, uncontrolled use of steroid drugs, hyperfunction of the adrenal glands increase the production of cortisol, which increases the rate of fat synthesis in liver cells.
  4. Food additives and flavorings, some medications with a complex structure contain toxic substances that are difficult for the body to neutralize.
  5. Diabetes mellitus type 2.

The proper functioning of the liver depends on a complete and balanced diet, so pathological changes in the organ can begin in the case of systematic overeating, abuse of fatty and fried foods, as well as long-term diets or fasting.

Problems with excess weight, when all organs experience increased stress, as well as periods of pregnancy and menopause, accompanied by a hormonal surge, also provoke the appearance of the disease.

Symptoms and diagnostic methods

The initial stage of the disease is practically asymptomatic, since changes in the liver tissue are just beginning. However, as the pathology develops, the symptoms become pronounced.

The following signs of fatty infiltration are distinguished:

  • Swelling of the body and limbs;
  • The stomach takes on an unnaturally round shape;
  • Bitter taste in the mouth;
  • The volume of the liver can reach five kilograms;
  • Nausea accompanied by vomiting, lack of appetite;
  • Stool disorders;
  • Thinning and dry skin;
  • Significant increases in body temperature are possible;
  • Pain localized in the lower part of the right hypochondrium, which intensifies with palpation.

The occurrence of these symptoms indicates the development of pathological changes in the liver tissue, therefore, at the first manifestations of the disease, you should contact a medical institution for a full diagnosis.

Diagnostic studies are carried out in several stages, each of which is necessary to confirm the disease.

Fatty infiltration of the liver is a pathological process consisting in the gradual replacement of natural cells of the liver parenchyma - hepatocytes - with adipose tissue cells. The mechanism of the disease is the negative impact of a large number of factors on the functioning of liver tissue cells.

Carrying out early diagnosis and timely adequate therapy allows you to fully restore the performance and functionality of the gland.

If the manifestations of progressive pathology are ignored and there is no comprehensive treatment, liver destruction occurs, which leads to the development of cirrhosis, which most often ends in death for the patient.

Causes and types of pathological condition

Liver infiltration develops as a result of disturbances in fat metabolism in liver cells.

Signs of fatty infiltration can appear as a result of toxic poisoning, as well as when there is an acute lack of certain vitamins and mineral components in the body.

Excess fat in the cells of the liver tissue provokes disturbances in their functioning.

The occurrence of problems with excess weight provokes an increased load on all organs; in addition, pregnancy and menopause are periods accompanied by hormonal imbalances; these factors also contribute to the development of the pathological process.

Types and stages of fatty liver infiltration

There are alcoholic and non-alcoholic forms of fatty infiltration; in addition, primary and secondary damage to the gland is distinguished. The alcoholic form of pathology most often occurs in adult men.

Depending on the degree of development of the disease, it is customary to distinguish between focal, severe, zonal and diffuse damage to liver tissue.

Diffuse changes in the liver develop gradually; doctors distinguish three stages of development of the pathological condition - initial severe and severe.

At the initial and first stages, an accumulation of small fat droplets in hepatocytes is detected. Such fat accumulations do not have a significant effect on the functioning of the organ.

When the second stage occurs, irreversible processes occur in the cells. At this stage, the formation of pathological intercellular cavities - cysts - occurs.

The last stage is the most severe, the process of degeneration of liver parenchyma cells occurs, and a pre-cirrhosis condition develops, which cannot be treated.

Characteristic symptoms of the pathology

The initial stage of the pathology is practically asymptomatic. As the disorders progress, the symptoms of the disease become more pronounced

One of the characteristic signs of the disease is the development of moderate hepatomegaly and an increase in the size of the gland, which is revealed during a palpation procedure or ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

The appearance of the slightest ailment can mean the development of serious disorders in the functioning of the gland and the body as a whole, therefore, when the first signs characteristic of pathology appear, you should immediately seek the help of a doctor.

The most characteristic signs of the development of the disorder are:

  1. The appearance of signs of swelling of the body and limbs.
  2. The belly takes on an unnaturally round shape.
  3. The appearance of a bitter taste in the mouth.
  4. The occurrence of attacks of nausea, the appearance of vomiting, the disappearance or significant decrease in appetite.
  5. Abnormal stool.
  6. The appearance of dryness and thinning of the skin.
  7. A significant increase in body temperature may occur.
  8. The emerging pain in the right hypochondrium can significantly intensify with palpation.

When contacting a doctor, he will examine the patient and, if steatosis is suspected, will refer him for examination and testing.

Diagnosis of fatty liver

To identify the fact of the development of fatty infiltration of liver tissue and the degree of development of pathological changes, a whole range of studies and analyzes is required. The types of pathology diagnostics can be divided into laboratory and instrumental. Based on the results of the study, the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis and prescribes an appropriate course of treatment.

Diagnostic measures are carried out in several stages, including an external examination and questioning of the patient, as well as palpation of the area where the gland is located. Further studies are carried out using CT, ultrasound and biopsy. In addition, the patient will need to donate blood to a clinical laboratory for general and biochemical analysis.

MRI can be used as an additional diagnostic method if necessary.

To carry out an ultrasound examination, a special echo sounder device is used, with the help of which the echographic characteristics of liver tissue are determined. The main echo sign of the development of pathology is moderately compacted liver parenchyma.

The use of ultrasound diagnostics makes it possible to determine the localization of the pathological process and the degree of its severity.

The use of biopsy is carried out in extreme cases, when the use of other methods does not allow obtaining a reliable picture of the pathological process; this is due to the high degree of painfulness of the procedure for collecting biomaterial for histological examination.

Methods of therapy for fatty liver infiltration

Treatment of fatty infiltration should be carried out comprehensively, using medication and diet therapy.

Immediately after confirmation of the diagnosis, the effect of a pathogenic factor, which may be alcohol consumption and exposure to toxic compounds on the body, should be excluded.

After eliminating the action of the pathogen, it is necessary to adjust the diet and diet.

The following should be completely excluded from the patient’s menu:

  • chocolate;
  • citrus;
  • strong coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • food containing many artificial additives;
  • refined food;
  • fast food.

The patient's diet should reduce the amount of foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates and fats.

In addition, it is necessary to remove smoked, spicy and fried foods from the patient’s menu.

The menu of a person suffering from fatty infiltration should include a large number of different vegetables and fruits, which help normalize the digestive processes.

Drug treatment is aimed at restoring the functionality of the organ. For this purpose, medications belonging to the group of hepatoprotectors are used:

Such means are:

  1. Essentiale.
  2. Gepabene.
  3. Galstena.
  4. Karsil.
  5. Silibor.
  6. Heptral and some others.

One of the most optimal dietary supplements when a disorder occurs is one containing:

  • oats;
  • turmeric;
  • Volodushka;
  • immortelle;
  • peppermint.

The composition of the drug is balanced, which allows it to be taken safely, restoring the balance of active components in the body.

To speed up the healing process, after consultation with your doctor, you can use traditional medicine based on milk thistle.

Fatty liver is a problem not only for obese people and people who abuse alcohol. People with chronic diseases of the endocrine system, as well as disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, suffer from this disease. Intoxication with carbon tetrachloride and food with synthetic additives, which are difficult for the liver to neutralize, are among the factors of hepatosis. Steatohepatosis (one of the synonyms for fatty liver) can lead to the infamous cirrhosis and death.


Fatty hepatosis is characterized by the accumulation of neutral fat in the liver cells. This is a disorder of fat metabolism in the liver that occurs due to intoxication with endotoxins or exotoxins, or a lack of vitamin-like substances. Occurs for the following reasons:

1) Alcohol intoxication. Ethyl alcohol is a toxic substance that must be converted and eliminated from the body. When the load increases, the liver cannot cope, oxidative stress and fat accumulation in hepatocytes occur.

2) Diseases of the small and large intestines. In case of intestinal diseases associated with impaired absorption of vitamins or wall permeability, the liver also suffers.

  • If absorption is impaired, as in celiac disease or Crohn's disease, then the supply of vitamins will be difficult. For normal liver function, B vitamins are necessary, which will be discussed later.
  • The second problem after absorption is increased permeability, or “leaky gut” syndrome, in which the pores of the mucous membrane are enlarged. At the same time, harmful substances enter in excess into the portal vein leading to the liver. Accordingly, the detoxification load increases.
  • The third intestinal problem that affects liver function is excess small intestinal bacteria (SIBO). This syndrome develops for various reasons: magnesium deficiency and weakness of connective tissue, decreased stomach acidity, and pancreatic insufficiency. With magnesium deficiency and weak connective tissue, the valve between the small and large intestines cannot close normally. The concentration of bacteria in the large intestine is higher than in the small intestine. If the Bauhinium valve does not close, bacteria from the large intestine enter the small intestine, specifically the ileum. This leads to the growth of microflora in the ileum. When the acidity of the stomach decreases, food is not processed properly and microbes multiply. The microflora secretes toxins that enter the portal vein and poison the liver. In addition, bacteria convert beneficial substances (choline, lecithin, betaine, carnitine) into harmful ones (trimethylamine), which affects the metabolism of fat and cholesterol.

3) Cushing's syndrome due to hyperfunction of the adrenal glands or when taking steroids or stress. An increase in cortisol leads to increased synthesis of neutral fats.

4) Food additives, especially flavorings and medicines, have a complex chemical structure. Therefore, the liver faces the difficult task of neutralizing them.

5) Diabetes mellitus type 2.


The liver has a high self-healing potential. However, she needs to help her with this. Treatment should be aimed at both eliminating the cause of steatohepatosis and its consequences. Fatty infiltration can be successfully treated with an integrated approach: diet, the use of supportive medications and vitamins, and general strengthening procedures.

The diet is aimed at obtaining vitamins that regulate metabolism in hepatocytes, as well as at eliminating harmful microflora. The main substances that prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver are cobalamin and folates, choline, lipoic acid, lecithin, betaine, zinc. These are lipotropic substances that help the liver utilize fat. Choline can be found in cottage cheese, betaine in beets, lipoic acid in cabbage juice. Nutritionists advise eating 200 grams of cottage cheese every day to treat steatohepatosis. Cottage cheese is an easily digestible product (if there is no lactose or casein intolerance) that inhibits putrefaction in the intestines.

The diet should contain as little refined food as possible, which is food for pathogenic microorganisms and also disrupts the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. It is necessary to include fiber in the diet, which removes fat and rotting products.

Magnesium is used for the deficiency of the intestinal valve. The macroelement improves liver function and relaxes the sphincter of Oddi, which regulates the flow of bile into the intestines. In addition, magnesium reduces the production of cortisol by the adrenal glands, which is harmful to fat metabolism in the liver.

Increased intestinal permeability occurs with the abuse of chocolate and citrus fruits. Allergies affect liver health. Therefore, it is necessary to follow an elimination diet, eliminating allergens from food.

Coffee and alcohol are excluded due to their toxicity to hepatocytes. Coffee stresses the enzyme system and increases cortisol levels in the blood. Overeating also harms the liver.


Fatty infiltration is also accompanied by an increased risk of cholelithiasis. To reduce the thickness of bile, bile acid preparations are prescribed: Urdox, Livodex, Henofalk. With hepatosis, digestion is disrupted due to a deterioration in the emulsifying properties of bile, which leads to the proliferation of microflora in the intestines and aggravation of the pathology. In case of digestive disorders, they resort to the prescription of enzymes (Pancreatin, Ermital).

To restore impaired fat metabolism, S-adenosylmethionine (Heptral in injections), lipoic acid, Cobalamin injections (if absorption in the gastrointestinal tract), and folic acid are prescribed. Lipotropic compounds are essential phospholipids found in the drug Essentiale.

Probiotics and prebiotics are used to normalize liver function. These are drugs for optimizing intestinal microflora. Lactulose is used in the treatment of liver diseases. Fatty infiltration is an indication for the use of drugs with lactulose (Lactusan, Duphalac).

Physical therapy normalizes fat metabolism in overweight people. It is worth warning patients against crosses. Long running puts increased stress on the liver. If you are obese, running is harmful to your joints. Physical activity for steatohepatosis should be aimed at improving blood circulation in the abdominal cavity.

This diagnosis can be made not only to overweight people or alcoholics, but also to those who suffer from disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system.

How to recognize the disease in time and how to treat it

How to determine the symptoms of the disease

With fatty infiltration (steatosis), functional liver cells are replaced by simple fat cells. The organ increases in size and stops working normally. In this case, the whole body suffers.

Fatty infiltration of the liver can be focal or diffuse. With focal infiltration, an isolated area of ​​increased echogenicity is formed. Diffuse infiltration is more common. It can be mild, moderate or severe depending on the degree of change in liver cells.

At the initial stages of the disease, there are no obvious symptoms yet. But if the slightest signs appear, it is better to immediately contact a specialist.

Symptoms such as swelling of the body, an unnaturally round belly, and enlargement of the liver itself should alert you. In addition, the person loses his appetite. Eating is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and the temperature may rise. When palpating the right lower hypochondrium, pain is felt.

The pancreas can also be affected by fatty infiltration.

To make a diagnosis, the doctor first conducts an external examination of the patient and listens to his complaints. If there
puffiness and swelling, then this is a high probability that the patient has liver problems. This examination will be complemented by palpation of the lower hypochondrium. The doctor may determine that the organ is enlarged, and the patient will experience pain when pressing on the liver. But it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis based only on external signs; additional examinations are necessary.

The specialist prescribes the patient for laboratory tests. This includes blood biochemistry, analysis for markers of viral liver diseases, general analysis of urine and feces.

Using ultrasound or computed tomography, diffuse changes in the liver are detected. The most accurate diagnosis of the disease is a biopsy. Liver tissue is taken from the patient using a needle, and the material is examined. In this way, it can be determined whether there are fat cells and deposits in the liver.

When examining a liver with focal or diffuse accumulation of fat, increased echogenicity of the hepatic parenchyma is revealed.

Causes of the disease

Alcohol abuse most often contributes to the disease. Liver cells begin to deteriorate, and constant drinking does not allow them to recover. This is how they are replaced by adipose tissue.

Another reason is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Especially intestinal diseases associated with impaired absorption of vitamins and wall permeability, diabetes mellitus and other chronic diseases.

Fatty infiltration of the liver can appear after various types of poisoning.

The disease is often detected in women during pregnancy, with poor diet and in people who are overweight.

Treatment of steatosis

If the disease is detected in the initial stages, it can be treated without serious consequences. In about a month, the liver restores its functions.

Treatment is usually carried out in two stages:

  1. Eliminating the cause of the disease.
  2. Liver restoration.

Let’s say that if the cause of steatosis is alcohol abuse, then first there is a complete abstinence from it. If the cause of the disease is chronic illnesses, they should be treated at the first stage.

This is followed by a recovery period. First of all, a diet is prescribed. It is very important in this disease. Substances that prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver are found in cottage cheese, beets, and cabbage juice. The food should not contain allergens. It is also undesirable to drink coffee.

With such support, the organ will begin to independently restore damaged cells. Medicines and vitamin preparations are used.

With steatosis, there is a risk of cholelithiasis. Therefore, bile acid preparations are prescribed. For digestive disorders, enzymes are prescribed. Antibiotics are used if necessary.

Probiotics and prebiotics are used to normalize liver function.

In advanced cases, injections with medications are required.

If the diseased organ is not treated, the consequences may be not only a deterioration of the patient’s condition, but also the spread of inflammation to neighboring tissues, and complete failure of the liver. The disease can progress to cirrhosis and lead to death.

Prevention of the disease is primarily a healthy lifestyle.



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