Serous mastitis in cows. Which doctor treats mastitis? List of used literature

One of dangerous diseases is mastitis – processes inflammatory in nature in the tissues of the mammary glands. There are also milder stages of the disease that cause less discomfort and are effectively treated, for example - serous mastitis. This is the initial stage of the disease, so it is necessary to take timely measures so as not to start it.


Awareness of the causes that provoke the development of serous mastitis will allow you to avoid it through prevention. This is an inflammation of the mammary glands, in which the process of suppuration has not yet begun. If the disease appears, it is better to carry out therapy at the initial stage so that it does not turn into purulent mastitis.

Inappropriate breast care often provokes the development of serous mastitis. Maternity hospital specialists explain how to do this correctly, so you must follow all important points. There is no need to wash your breasts before and after each breastfeeding. Rubbing your nipples with a drop of milk will suffice. When carrying out such manipulations, there is no need to vigorously rub the nipple to prevent cracks from appearing. For hygiene purposes, it is enough to take a shower in the morning. The fewer interventions, the more successful it will be. breast-feeding.

During feeding, the baby should grasp the nipple correctly, not pull it and eat food calmly. In this way, it will be possible to avoid the appearance of cracks, which can provoke serous mastitis. The disease develops when the full outflow of milk is disrupted and stagnation begins. Breast milk provides a nutritious environment for pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria. The outflow of intercellular fluid is also disrupted, resulting in mammary glands with serous contents become inflamed. The penetration of bacteria through damaged skin into the serous infiltrate contributes to the development of inflammation and the appearance of purulent mastitis.

Serous mastitis can also occur in women who do not breastfeed. The most common reason for this phenomenon is the conduct surgical intervention on the mammary gland. If a woman resorted to the services plastic surgeon By increasing the size of the breast, the anatomical component of the mammary glands, which are compressed by the implant, may be disrupted. This picture provokes the onset of artificial lactostasis, leading to the appearance of mastitis.

Classification and stages of development

Initially, serous fluid consists of a small number of leukocytes and protein. When the disease begins to actively develop, white blood cells begin to die, as a result of which the liquid becomes thick and has a yellow tint. The process of putrefaction begins in it, which spreads into nearby healthy structures - infiltration. This phenomenon gives the name to the stage of the disease - infiltrative, and its form - acute infiltrative mastitis.

The structure of the mammary glands is considered to be a factor that contributes to the infiltration process. There are no dense connecting partitions between the individual parts of the tissues that prevent the active development of purulent mastitis. When suppuration spreads into healthy tissue, the disease enters the stage of acute destructive mastitis.

A purulent inflammatory process in the mammary glands can lead to the appearance of abscesses (an abscess that is located inside the capsule) or phlegmon (the abscess is not limited to the capsule from tissues that are not yet affected), which can be located near the nipples, under the skin, behind the mammary gland.

Purulent or acute destructive mastitis is more difficult to resolve than serous and infiltrative mastitis. It is necessary to remove the accumulated pus through surgery so that the disease does not affect healthy tissue outside the mammary gland and does not lead to sepsis.

Signs of serous mastitis

You can assume the presence of a disease when they begin to appear painful sensations during breastfeeding, and it is clear that the baby did not satisfy his needs after eating. The resulting infiltrate begins to put pressure on the milk ducts, and affects the process of complete outflow. The child tries to make every effort to get sufficient quantity milk. This behavior leads to pain that appears during breastfeeding.

Painful sensations may be varying intensity and character. Lactation gradually becomes more difficult, because the emerging serous mastitis interferes with the outflow of not only breast milk, but also intercellular fluid. Full blood flow in the mammary gland is disrupted, complicating the process of resorption of the infiltrate.

The disease at the initial stage is accompanied by other characteristic symptoms:

  • uncomfortable feeling of heaviness;
  • increase in size of one gland (without redness and high body temperature);
  • discharge of clear serous fluid from the nipple before feeding.

When the disease begins to spread, serous fluid is distributed throughout the gland, enlarging it even more. It becomes difficult not only to feed the baby, but also to express the breast on your own. When this phenomenon is present for a week, we can talk about the presence of acute serous mastitis. Chronic nature The disease is extremely rare.

Every woman needs to know the symptoms of serous mastitis. This will help you seek help in a timely manner so that the disease does not progress to the acute infiltrative stage.

Breastfeeding with mastitis

Regardless of the appearance of pain during breastfeeding, it is necessary to continue the process. At acute form mastitis makes it difficult for milk to flow out. Stimulating the nipple during feeding also helps with extra breast milk. Interruption of feeding is necessary in extreme cases, only on the recommendation of a doctor. It is not necessary to transfer the child to artificial feeding unless there is an urgent need.

When there is a possibility of drugs entering the baby’s body with milk, or the serous infiltrate transitioning to the purulent stage, experts may recommend expressing. This will help the nursing mother maintain lactation until the end of therapy.

Feeding should be done when the baby requires it, and not by the hour, so that the baby can fully absorb the breast, and stimulate the production of hormones that do not allow milk to stagnate.

Complications of serous mastitis

A complication of the disease is often the onset of infiltration, during which purulent mastitis or an abscess appears. If you don't carry out necessary therapy serous mastitis, or treatment will be ineffective, phlegmon may appear mammary gland– an inflammatory process that provokes the destruction of glandular tissue. Such complications pose a danger because when purulent mastitis The baby should not be fed breast milk. This may in the future affect his health and full development.

Another consequence of incorrectly carried out therapy for serous mastitis is the appearance of cysts or galactoceles. They form when the distal parts of the mammary glands expand, accumulating fluid in them. Such cystic neoplasms are very dangerous. They may fester, or complicate breastfeeding in the future.


The disease must be diagnosed in a timely manner so as not to lose breastfeeding. If symptoms of serous mastitis appear, you should immediately go to the doctor.

First of all, the specialist takes a medical history of the patient and finds out when problems with breastfeeding and milk stagnation arose. Be sure to monitor your body temperature. The doctor performs an external examination and palpation of the breast. If a woman has serous mastitis, you may notice a lump that appears, which causes pain. When the gland is slightly squeezed, the nipple may secrete fluid. If it is transparent, then serous mastitis has not yet turned purulent.

To exclude the presence of other pathological processes in the body, the doctor refers the patient to a urine and blood test (general and sugar). At serous mastitis test results do not differ from normal values.

If the acute inflammatory process continues in the chest for a long time, they resort to instrumental diagnostics- Ultrasound. With the help of ultrasound, penetrating through all layers of the mammary gland, it is possible to see the existing lactostasis or serous infiltrate, as well as the location of their localization. This method can be used to monitor the effectiveness of therapy.


The most important thing in the treatment of serous mastitis is stimulation of milk flow. This will help eliminate swelling, improve blood flow and lymph flow in the mammary glands, so that the serous fluid will begin to be absorbed and the problem will disappear. Application medicines carried out symptomatically or for preventive purposes.

If a woman does not take medications with antibacterial effect, there is no need to interrupt breastfeeding. In the process of sucking, the baby stimulates the outflow of milk, helping to overcome the disease naturally.

The beginning of treatment for serous mastitis should be with proper expression of milk. If you cannot carry out the procedure with your hands, massaging the breast along the line of the ducts, it is better to entrust this matter to a breast pump.

In the process of treating the disease, medications are used that have a local symptomatic effect on the body. Carrying out systemic treatment not required. Main medicines, used for serous mastitis are:

  • No-shpa – myotropic antispasmodic drug, expanding arterial vessels and reducing the pressure in them. No-shpa is often used for compresses that promote the flow of milk and eliminate painful sensations in the breast. Also, when carrying out complex therapy, the drug can be prescribed intramuscularly or in tablet form;
  • Malavit is a medicinal product plant origin, which has an anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect, relieving itching and painful sensations in the chest. Use it only as compresses, adding Dimexide;
  • Progestogel is a medicine containing progesterone. When treating mastitis, the drug is used in gel form. The hormone penetrates the tissue of the mammary glands, eliminates swelling and improves the mitotic activity of milk duct cells. The drug is not absorbed into systemic blood flow, however, it is not recommended to use it for longer than two weeks;
  • Menovazin is an anesthetic ointment that dilates blood vessels and stimulates blood flow in the mammary glands. Apply it to chest lungs massage movements. Its use is prohibited for women who have individual intolerance novocaine

In progress complex therapy For serous mastitis, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes approved for nursing mothers. Also, in order to improve the outflow of intercellular fluid, blood flow, relieve inflammation, swelling and pain, physiotherapeutic treatment (electrophoresis, infrasound, magnetic therapy) is recommended.


One of the reasons for the appearance of serous mastitis in a nursing woman is improper hygiene. For prevention purposes it is necessary:

  • Take a shower twice a day. Recommended to use hygiene products with neutral PH, which do not dry out skin, and do not damage their protective layer;
  • Stop wearing socks underwear which will compress the breasts and block the milk ducts;
  • Correctly attach the baby to the breast. If it captures not the areola, but the nipple, cracks will appear through which infection can penetrate into the mammary glands;
  • Lubricate cracks with ointment that has bactericidal properties;
  • Feed the baby when he requires it, and not by the hour. This way he will be able to suck out as much as possible what has arrived. breast milk;
  • Express the remaining milk in the breast;
  • Eat food rich in vitamins, or special vitamin complexes. This will help maintain immune system, who weakened after childbirth.

If signs of serous mastitis appear, you need to pay attention to them and go to the doctor. Timely treatment will help avoid its transition to purulent mastitis, and maintain breastfeeding.

Serous mastitis is characterized by pain in the chest, the presence of dense areas, elevated temperature body, general malaise. The reasons for its occurrence may be the following factors:

  • Lactostasis is stagnation of milk that occurs as a result of improper breastfeeding.
  • Milk is a source of development of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Cracks and defects in the nipples, which are the result of improper attachment to the breast.
  • Injuries of the mammary glands.
  • Poor breast hygiene.
  • Decline protective forces the mother’s body due to pregnancy, childbirth, and poor nutrition.
  • The presence of chronic inflammation in the body.
  • Severe hypothermia.


The symptoms of mastitis in the initial stage are identical to those of a cold. Increased body temperature, deterioration in general condition, weakness, nausea, dizziness are the symptoms present. After a few days it starts acute stage, which is distinguished by specific characteristics.

Signs of serous mastitis are:

  • A rapid increase in body temperature to 40 degrees and above.
  • Breast pain and enlargement.
  • Swelling and redness at the site of inflammation.
  • The flow of milk is disrupted, resulting in the loss of the ability to breastfeed.
  • Deterioration of general condition.
  • Nausea, dizziness.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.

Serous mastitis is distinguished by the fact that after pumping the woman’s condition does not improve.

Diagnosis of serous mastitis in a nursing mother

Diagnosis of mastitis begins with examination and palpation of the breast. Laboratory research necessary to establish a diagnosis, general analysis blood and milk testing for bacteria. Microbiological examination of milk is carried out from both mammary glands. It is necessary to determine the type of bacteria, sensitivity to them and evaluate the contamination indicators of milk. In some cases it is shown ultrasound diagnostics mammary glands.


Serous mastitis is dangerous due to the development of a purulent form, which is serious complication. Purulent mastitis can provoke the development of abscesses, phlegmon and gangrene of the mammary glands. In particularly severe cases, there is a risk of sepsis spreading, in which pus and bacteria enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. Sepsis is a condition life-threatening nursing mother.

Mastitis may contribute to the development different forms mastopathy is a benign dishormonal disease of the mammary glands.


What can you do

It is strictly forbidden to treat mastitis on your own. Treatment of serous mastitis should be carried out by a specialist. A necessary condition for treating mastitis is expressing milk. This prevents another stage of mastitis from developing. A nursing mother can express by hand or using a breast pump. Maintaining good breast hygiene is also necessary condition get well soon and a preventative measure. To relieve swelling from the chest and alleviate the condition, you can use cold compress. It is applied for 5 minutes after feeding or pumping. Swelling in the nipples will be relieved by a massage with twisting.

What can a doctor do?

Serous mastitis requires conservative treatment at home. Constantly expressing milk will prevent reproduction pathogenic flora. The optimal interval between pumping is three hours. Pain sensations are blocked using local anesthesia- novocaine blockades.

Antibiotics are the main drugs in the treatment of mastitis. They are used intramuscularly or intravenously using injections, as well as tablets.

If you stop lactation, the treatment of mastitis will be more effective and painless. Hormonal agents are used to suppress lactation.

Breastfeeding with serous mastitis is allowed. Stimulation of the nipple by the baby relieves swelling and promotes the production of necessary for a woman hormones.


Mastitis is promoted by dirt, wounds and other skin defects, decreased immunity and severe hypothermia. Preventive measures for mastitis are as follows:

  • Strict adherence to breast hygiene. During the feeding period, a woman should regularly change her bra and wash her breasts and hands before feeding.
  • Selection of high-quality and comfortable underwear. A nursing mother's bra should support and not squeeze her breasts. Natural fabrics And convenient form priority during this period.
  • Any damage to the nipples is a risk factor. Therefore, to avoid this, treat your nipples and the skin around them with vegetable oils and lanolin.
  • An effective measure against the appearance of lactostasis is breastfeeding on demand and regular pumping. Therefore, if there is milk left in the breast after feeding, it must be expressed.
  • The resulting lumps need to be massaged until they disappear.
  • Proper nutrition, long stay fresh air and physical exercise helps strengthen the immune system. This is a necessary prevention of mastitis.
  • Timely treatment of infections and inflammations.
  • See a doctor if you experience pain or enlarged mammary glands.

A significant proportion of women after childbirth suffer from inflammation of the mammary glands, therefore, to ensure adequate feeding of the child, treatment of serous mastitis must be started promptly and correctly. If the disease is not treated, it can be complicated by the appearance of ulcers - abscesses - in the tissues of the mammary glands, which are removed only surgically. Except serious problems With the health of the mother, a serous abscess threatens to deprive the newborn of milk, which is unfavorable for the development of the child.

Brief information about serous mastitis

The disease is one of the types of lactation mastitis.

The causative agents of the disease are staphylococcus, E. coli, streptococcus or protozoa. They penetrate the skin through microscopic damage, cracks, and into the nipple through the milk ducts. After getting inside, pathogenic microorganisms quickly develop and provoke suppurative processes, which are defensive reaction organism to the pathogen. One of the factors aggravating the disease is lactostasis, since stagnant milk provides the most favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Vivid symptoms of mastitis are breast swelling, hardening, painful milk production, and redness. Possible increase in temperature.

Therapy for serous mastitis

To treat serous mastitis, conservative measures are used, while the treatment of other types of disease requires surgical intervention. For effective treatment disease, the patient is recommended the following:

1. Bed rest to limit physical activity on a weakened body after childbirth. The regime includes constant stay in bed, walking around the ward is prohibited. Eating should also be done in bed. If it is necessary to visit the toilet, they resort to the help of nannies or nurses. If you don't comply bed rest, the disease can cause complications on the cardiovascular system;

2. wearing a special bra for nursing mothers, which does not compress the breasts, but provides comfortable and correct position breasts, without disrupting the processes of formation and outflow of milk;

3. Frequent pumping is one of the main preventive methods to prevent lactostasis and serous mastitis. Frequent pumping is also used to treat serous mastitis. The benefits of this procedure are enormous. Firstly, the breasts are freed from stagnant milk that can ferment. Secondly, bacteria are deprived of their nutrient medium a habitat. Thirdly, timely expressed milk does not compress the gland tissue and milk ducts and does not provoke stagnation in new areas. Doctors recommend organizing pumping 8-9 times a day;

4. Breastfeeding is mandatory. At the initial stage of mastitis, which is serous mastitis, breastfeeding is not prohibited. On the contrary, the child helps the mother empty the breast of stagnant milk;

5. reducing the amount of fluid consumed. A young mother will definitely be advised to drink less if her body produces enough milk for the baby’s needs. Therefore, a slight reduction in milk production will not negatively affect the baby’s needs, but will significantly help the mother cope with the problem of serous mastitis;

6. prescription of medications. Lactation mastitis In women, treatment involves conservative treatment. The drugs are prescribed immediately, because after just two days, if you delay antibacterial therapy the disease may progress to the infiltrative stage and surgery will be required. In order to stop the suppurative process, the following drugs are recommended:

Flemoxin Solutab;

The choice of drug is made by the doctor depending on individual characteristics patients. To improve milk flow, oxytocin and drotaverine are administered for pain relief.

Should not be used when treating a disease folk methods- decoctions, compresses, washes. This can aggravate the process and lead to a worsening situation. Only a doctor should treat pathology.

Prevention of serous mastitis

Serous mastitis will not occur in a woman’s life if all preventive measures are taken. Nipples should be washed daily, especially at night. warm water and wipe dry with a towel. This procedure must be done before birth. After the baby is born Special attention paid to breast hygiene during feeding. If a lot of milk is produced and it leaks, special pads that absorb excess milk are useful. Before and after feeding, the breasts must be washed and blotted with a dry cloth.


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In order for a child to grow healthy and strong from the first days of his life, he must receive good nutrition. And most the best product for feeding a newborn baby is, of course, breast milk. However, during lactation a woman may face a very serious problem - the development of mastitis. Underneath this medical term refers to inflammation of the mammary gland, which is most often found in first-time nursing mothers. The occurrence of this pathology is facilitated by two main provoking factors: lactostasis and infection in the mammary glands.

Features of the development of mastitis

During the first birth, a woman’s body is not yet sufficiently prepared for breastfeeding. During this period, the mammary glands produce much more milk than a newborn baby can suck. In addition, the delicate tissue of the nipples becomes rougher and cracks form on it. Excess milk accumulates in the milk ducts and interferes with the flow and flow of newly formed milk. natural product. As a result, lactostasis develops - stagnation of milk, which can be eliminated by expressing its remains. If this procedure is not done, then the stagnant milk will quickly turn into a sour curdled mass. In such a kind of “traffic jam” they are created favorable conditions for the propagation of infections - staphylococci, streptococci, fungi and even coli. Pathogenic microflora penetrates the mammary glands through the bloodstream, including lymphatic system, or through cracks in the nipples due to poor hygiene. As a result, an inflammatory process occurs in the glandular tissues, which leads to the development of mastitis. Of course, one cannot discount such an important predisposing factor as a decrease in the immunity of a nursing mother in the postpartum period.

Types of mastitis

There are three varieties of this extremely unpleasant and painful disease: serous, infiltrative and purulent mastitis. Although it is more correct to call them stages.

Serous stage

The first consequence of unresolved lactostasis is the development of the serous (uninfected) stage. It is characterized by the beginning inflammatory process. It is caused by intercellular fluid and lymph accumulated in the pathological focus, but the infection does not multiply yet. Milk rejection becomes insufficient, appears negative symptoms, but with immediate consultation with a doctor and timely treatment, this process can be quickly stopped.

Infiltrative stage

The next stage in the development of mastitis, the infiltrative stage, develops literally in a couple of days. In a place of accumulation cellular elements and lymph, an infiltrate is formed - a compaction with a diameter of 2 - 3 cm, which can be easily felt by palpation. The patient's condition worsens, the symptoms of the pathology worsen, and their intensity increases significantly. The flow of milk becomes so difficult that in most cases even attempts to express it do not help. In order for the infiltrate to resolve, urgent health care, up to surgical intervention.

Purulent stage

The most severe form of mastitis is the purulent stage. It also occurs quickly: 48 hours after the formation of a pathological lump in the mammary gland. The infection multiplies rapidly, pus forms in the infiltrate, and the patient experiences severe intoxication. Milk production almost completely stops. The third stage is life-threatening because it threatens the development of an abscess (formation of multiple purulent cavities) or phlegmon (spilled purulent inflammation without clear boundaries). So

this situation requires acceptance radical measures, therefore, there is no way to do without hospitalization and immediate surgery.


Stage I

As with any inflammatory process, clinical manifestations Mastitis begins with an increase in body temperature. This means that lactostasis has transformed into the serous stage of the disease. The temperature rises to 38°C, there is pain in the mammary gland, there is a feeling of fullness and weight. The breasts swell and increase in size. Due to constant aching pain the nursing mother feels unwell, loses her appetite, and has trouble sleeping.

Stage II

The infiltrative stage of mastitis is characterized by an increase in temperature to 39°C or more. Pain syndrome in the chest increases, the woman periodically shudders, aches in the joints appear, muscle spasms. The skin over the resulting infiltrate turns red. Axillary lymph nodes on the affected side they increase. Touching the infiltrated area causes burning pain.

Stage III

During the purulent stage of the disease, the patient’s general condition deteriorates sharply. The present symptoms indicate a progressive form of intoxication caused by suppuration of the infiltrate: severe febrile state, body temperature under 40°C (possibly higher), severe weakness, headache, increased sweating. The chest becomes stone. In this case, the compacted area softens slightly, which indicates the formation of purulent foci. The skin over the infiltrate becomes purple-bluish in color.

Traditional treatment

Any stage of mastitis requires immediate appeal to the doctor.

Serous stage

On early stage For the development of this pathology, the most important thing is to ensure maximum emptying of the mammary glands. During the serous stage of the disease, the mother continues to breastfeed the child with the obligatory expression of excess milk. This procedure for mastitis is quite painful, but it is this procedure that primarily allows you to eliminate lactostasis and prevent the formation of new stagnant areas.

To stimulate the flow of milk, a nursing mother is prescribed injections hormonal drug Oxytocin, and to heal cracked nipples it is usually recommended to use the regenerating ointment Bepanten. At the onset of the disease, an integral part healing process is a periodic gentle manual massage of the affected breast from its edges to the nipple. This procedure promotes complete emptying mammary glands and resorption of congestive lesions.

To reduce body temperature, it is possible to take antipyretics allowed during lactation (Panadol, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol), but only with the permission of the attending physician.

Do not heat the sore breast or use alcohol compresses, since under the influence of heat the inflammatory process can worsen. At strict implementation everyone medical recommendations a stagnant focus at the serous stage can most often be successfully eliminated.

Infiltrative and purulent stages

The infiltrative form of the disease already requires antibacterial therapy, since the inflammatory process develops into a phase infectious lesion. At this stage, breastfeeding of the baby stops due to high risk negative influence drugs on his body. During the mother's illness, her baby is transferred to artificial feeding.

Considering that mastitis develops rapidly, drug treatment start immediately, without waiting for the results of a test for the sensitivity of the infection to a particular antibiotic. Assign antibacterial drugs wide range actions, and they can be not only in tablets, but also intended for intramuscular or intravenous administration. As a rule, doctors opt for antibiotics from the category:

  • penicillins (Ampicillin, Oxacillin, Amoxicillin, etc.;
  • cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone, Cefmetazole, Cefazolin, etc.);
  • macrolides (Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, Erythromycin, etc.).

The antibacterial course of therapy lasts an average of 10 days, after which breastfeeding can be resumed. To improve the condition of the inflamed gland, all previously mentioned therapeutic measures (expressing milk, breast massage, lubricating rough nipples) remain valid. Well, with the development of purulent mastitis there is only one way out - urgent hospitalization to the surgical hospital.


If a nursing mother requires the help of a surgeon, this means that her breasts are in in a terrible state. Fortunately, this rarely happens, since most women try not to bring the situation to a critical stage and consult a doctor at the first manifestations of the inflammatory process. Therefore, most often the patient ends up on operating table after calling an ambulance, when for some reason a visit to the doctor was ignored at an early stage of the development of the disease. Operations for mastitis are carried out under general anesthesia, and the technique for their implementation depends on the location of the purulent focus.

Superficial mastitis

With superficial mastitis, an abscess or phlegmonous infiltrate is located directly under the skin of the chest. Its purulent contents are enclosed in a capsule adjacent to the lobes of the mammary gland. The surgeon makes a radial (longitudinal) incision from the border of the areola (the round pigmented area) of the nipple to the location purulent accumulation. Then the doctor opens the capsule, cleans out the pathological exudate from it, rinses antiseptic solution, after which he places stitches on the incisions.

Intrathoracic mastitis

If intrathoracic mastitis is diagnosed, the purulent infiltrate is located between the lobes of the mammary gland. It is attached to them by peculiar thin partitions. To remove it, a radial incision is again made, not reaching the areola of the nipple. Then the surgeon pushes the lobes apart with his finger and carefully breaks the places where they come into contact with the purulent focus. The resulting independent (single) cavity is opened, freed from pus, and treated with an antiseptic. At the same time, nearby tissues that have undergone necrosis are excised. After this, temporary drainage is installed - lateral punctures are made and a tube is inserted to constantly rinse the cavity with medicinal solutions.

Substernal mastitis

Surgical treatment of chest mastitis is a more labor-intensive procedure, since getting to the purulent accumulation located in the depths of the chest is not an easy task. With this type of localization, the infiltrate forms between the deep (posterior) lobe of the mammary gland and the pectoral fascia - a superficial plate covering the large pectoral muscle. In this situation, a so-called transverse Bardenheier incision is performed - along the lower transitional fold of the mammary gland. To access the abscess, the gland is shifted (lifted) upward, practically peeling it off from the pectoral fascia. The pathological focus is opened, the purulent contents are cleaned out, disinfected, and then a flow-through drainage system is installed. Then the gland is lowered and placed on old place, the incision is sutured.

Treatment with folk remedies at home

Many people do not believe in the effectiveness of using natural healing ingredients for mastitis. Indeed, this method of treatment is controversial, but people in ancient times still found ways to combat this female disease. Therefore, you can try, but you should be aware that folk recipes can only help with lactostasis and serous uninfected mastitis and always in combination with prescribed therapeutic measures. And our ancestors used those natural remedies, which were nearby: in the garden, in the apiary, in the fields and forests.

The most effective method Compresses on the chest were used to relieve the condition of a nursing mother with mastitis. They were periodically placed in place of the pathological compaction, secured with gauze, a scarf, a scarf or a piece of cotton fabric. Most effective means traditional medicine The following are considered to help relieve breast swelling, resolve infiltrate and reduce the intensity of inflammation:

  • Fresh leaves white cabbage or burdock, slightly beaten to soften and release juice.
  • Leaves of the coltsfoot plant.
  • Pumpkin pulp boiled in milk. Before applying to the chest, it is recommended to sprinkle with granulated sugar.
  • Chopped baked onions mixed with linseed oil in a 2:1 ratio.
  • Honey mixed with wheat flour And vegetable oil until soft dough. Roll the mass into a flat cake and apply it to your chest.

Before use folk remedies It should be reminded once again: compresses should not be warming. No hot ones herbal infusions, drugs based on alcohol or vodka cannot be used.


The main measure to prevent the development of mastitis is, of course, to prevent the appearance of lactostasis. First of all, to maximize the emptying of the milk ducts, it is necessary to establish a feeding regimen for the newborn. The baby should be put to the breast when he wants to eat (at the first hungry cry). In other words, it is recommended to feed the child freely, and not by the hour. After each feeding, be sure to express excess milk.

Second important preventive measure is to prepare the nipples for breastfeeding recent months pregnancy and care during lactation. Before the birth of the baby, the nipples and their areolas should be carefully massaged, and absorbent pads should be used in the bra to prevent the nipples from coming into contact with the underwear. By the way, a nursing mother should change her bra every day, as drops of milk may remain on it after putting the newborn to the breast. At the end of each feeding, the breasts should be washed with a weak soap solution and the nipples should be lubricated Vaseline oil, and if cracks form, treat them with antiseptic ointments. Finally, a nursing mother should monitor her general health: maintain a daily routine, eat rationally, and prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases.

From all of the above, the conclusion is obvious: mastitis is very serious pathology, which literally in 4–5 days can be aggravated by purulent inflammation of the mammary glands. Therefore, it is important to prepare for the lactation period in advance and with maximum responsibility. Then happy Days the birth of a child will not be overshadowed by any complications, including mastitis.

Non-lactation mastitis is a condition that affects the mammary gland. It occurs outside the period of breastfeeding. Among the main causes, doctors note those occurring during menopause or menopause. For girls in adolescence mammary gland tissues increase under the influence of estrogens. But rapid development the body affects the functioning of the immune system. Decline protective functions- This is another cause of mastitis. Timely treatment of this disease can minimize the likelihood of complications. To do this, you need to know the signs of mastitis in non-breastfeeding women. Symptoms pathological process, the main causes, as well as treatment methods will be discussed in this article.

Why does mastitis occur?

The main cause of the disease is considered hormonal disorders. Non-lactation mastitis occurs in women during menopause, when estrogen levels drop, and in girls puberty. Symptoms of this disease are not excluded even in young children.

Certain factors can also provoke mastitis in non-breastfeeding women:

  • mechanical damage and injury if infection gets into the wound;
  • weakened immunity due to certain diseases (diabetes mellitus, vitamin deficiency);
  • operations on the mammary gland.

In infants, mastitis is usually diagnosed in the first weeks of life. The mammary glands swell and secretion accumulates in them, which cannot be squeezed out. The main cause of non-lactation mastitis in young children is hormonal disbalance. The disease does not require treatment and goes away on its own in about a month.

Signs of non-lactation mastitis

The development of the pathological process begins with inflammation of the mammary glands. Initially, the symptoms of mastitis in non-breastfeeding women are mild. Then the secretion of the mammary glands increases, minor discomfort and swelling appear. At the site of inflammation, the skin sometimes darkens and retracts. Such symptoms force a woman to see a doctor. At this stage, the disease is highly treatable.

Breast mastitis in non-lactating women has several development options. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the clinical picture of the disease in relation to each form of the disease.

Acute and chronic mastitis

Considering the severity of the pathological process and its duration, two forms of this disease can be distinguished.

In acute non-lactation mastitis the woman is concerned about a minor gland problem, which may be accompanied by redness of the skin in this area. As the disease progresses, discomfort is noted in axillary region, which is associated with the involvement of regional lymph nodes in the pathological process. Sometimes the temperature rises and chills appear. All these symptoms fully characterize acute mastitis in non-lactating people. Signs of mastitis indicate major changes in a woman’s body, so you should not self-medicate. You should consult a doctor immediately.

Chronic non-lactation mastitis outside the period of exacerbation is rarely a concern. However, a dense infiltrate may form in the area of ​​inflammation. Some patients note the appearance chest pain of varying intensity, which radiate to the arm or shoulder. Such symptoms intensify before the start of the cycle. When the pathological process worsens, fistula tracts with purulent contents open. Externally, the disease resembles cancer in all its symptoms. Therefore, you should not hesitate or put off visiting a doctor. Lack of proper therapy can complicate mastitis in non-breastfeeding women. Treatment with antibiotics minimizes the risk of negative consequences.

Other forms of the disease

Non-lactation mastitis very rarely develops into more complex purulent stages and responds well to therapy. If this physiological state, treatment is not required at all. The symptoms of this disease are largely determined by its form.

  1. Serous mastitis in non-breastfeeding women it is usually borderline state. Symptoms are often absent and more reminiscent of mastopathy. Some women note moderate swelling and swelling of the breasts, and a slight increase in temperature.
  2. Infiltrative non-lactational mastitis differs in a more pronounced clinical picture. Patients complain of increased temperature and heaviness in the mammary gland. The breasts may be hot to the touch.
  3. Purulent mastitis in non-breastfeeding women it is characterized by pronounced symptoms: chest pain, swelling, high temperature. The patient's condition deteriorates sharply. This is due to the entry of toxins into the blood from a purulent focus of inflammation. The disease in this form resembles pathological condition, which develops during lactation.

Depending on the form of the disease, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment. However, to determine it, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.

Diagnostic measures

Confirming the disease is usually not difficult. The diagnosis of “non-lactation mastitis” in non-lactating women is determined on the basis of complaints and clinical picture. The doctor may also order an ultrasound and biopsy of the affected area. In particularly serious cases it is required microbiological examination secretion from ulcers. In addition, there is full examination patients in order to determine the underlying disease that caused the hormonal imbalance.

Basic principles of therapy

Treatment of the disease depends on its form, stage and the presence of concomitant ailments. As mentioned above, mastitis in non-breastfeeding women is sometimes physiological norm. In this case specific therapy not required, limited dynamic observation for health status. Severe disease is treated with antibiotics and antihistamines. All drugs are selected individually.

Depending on what caused mastitis in non-breastfeeding women, treatment may be prescribed simultaneously by several specialists. If the disease occurs against the background hormonal imbalances, therapy is selected by an endocrinologist. When mastitis is a consequence infectious process in the chest or injury, consultation with a surgeon is required.

Treatment with folk remedies

At the same time with conservative therapy Doctors recommend using traditional medicine. On initial stage disease, you can include procedures for washing the affected breast with a special infusion. To prepare it, you need two tablespoons of a dry mixture of chamomile and yarrow flowers (1:4) poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water. This infusion has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect.

To relieve swelling, you can prepare a honey cake. To do this, you need to mix a tablespoon of honey with two tablespoons of flour and knead the dough. The cake must be applied to the affected area and covered with gauze on top. Such a compress must be kept for at least 10 hours.

Mastitis in non-lactating women, the symptoms of which are described in this article, requires qualified treatment. Should not be used High temperatures may cause suppuration. The use of traditional recipes is permissible only after consulting a doctor.

Preventive measures

There is no specific prevention for this disease. It is enough to monitor the state of immunity and treat in a timely manner infectious pathologies. These are the two most common reasons why mastitis occurs in non-breastfeeding women. Signs of mastitis should not be ignored; you should immediately consult a doctor. Be healthy!



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