Black radish beneficial properties and contraindications recipes. Black radish - health benefits and harms

Black radish is called the queen or patriarch, and for good reason. Hippocrates himself said that this is one of the best products. It was used and used by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, and in later times it took pride of place.

Description and characteristics of the root vegetable

This is a biennial plant. In the first year of growth, only a root crop in the form of a rod and a rosette of basal leaves are formed. In the second year, a rather branched and almost meter-long stem appears, in the upper part of which a flower later forms.
The leaves are quite large, with symmetrically located parts, different in size and shape, as well as in the size of the blades. There can be up to a dozen of them in a socket. The length of the leaf plates ranges from 20 to 60 centimeters.

The root vegetable itself is round-flat in shape, juicy, with black skin and white flesh. The root can grow into the soil up to 30 centimeters. The fruit is a large pod with light brown seeds and ripens by the end of June. Depending on the variety, it ranges from 200 g to one kilogram.

It begins to bloom in May-June, and this process lasts about forty days. Small flowers are collected in crumbly inflorescences in the form of a brush.

Did you know? IN Ancient Greece the root crop was held in high esteem. Radish was served only on gold dishes, and people paid for this vegetable with pure gold, which was equal in weight to it.

Composition of black radish

According to its composition, 90% of black radish consists of water, or more precisely, in 100 g of the product there are 88 g of water, 1 g of ash, and the rest is sugar, fiber, sulfur-containing substances, acids, sodium salts, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, amino acids.

Vitamins and minerals

From vitamin group in 100 g of black radish:

  • A - 3 mcg;
  • beta-carotene - 0.02 mg;
  • B1 (thiamine) - 0.03 mg;
  • B2 (riboflavin) - 0.03 mg;
  • PP - 0.6 mg;
  • AT 5 ( pantothenic acid) - 0.18 mg;
  • B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.06 mg;
  • AT 9 ( folic acid) - 14 mcg;
  • E (alpha tocopherol, TE) - 0.1 mg;
  • C (ascorbic acid) - 29 mg.

For reference: vitamin PP - initial biooxidation; vitamin A - immunity; B1 - digestive and cardiovascular systems; B2 - biooxidation and energy generation; B6 - prevents the occurrence of anemia; vitamin E is an antioxidant.

From minerals per 100 g:

  • potassium - 357 mg;
  • calcium - 35 mg;
  • magnesium – 22 mg;
  • sodium - 13 mg;
  • phosphorus - 26 mg;
  • iron - 1.2 mg;
  • manganese - 0.033 mg;
  • copper - 0.099 mg;
  • selenium - 0.7 mcg;
  • zinc - 0.13 mg;
  • iodine - 8 mcg.

For reference: potassium - cardiac activity; calcium - strengthens bones, blood clotting; magnesium - vasodilation, intestinal motility, preventing the formation of stones; iron - hemoglobin and myoglobin.
From digestible carbohydrates per 100 g:

  • starch and dextrins - 0.3 g;
  • mono- and disaccharides - 6.4 g.

Calorie content and BZHU

100 g of black radish contains:

  • proteins - 1.9 g;
  • fat - 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 2.1 g;
  • organic acids - 0.1 g;
  • dietary fiber- 2.1 g.

100 g of black radish total 36 kilocalories.

Beneficial properties for men

This product did not spare men for its beneficial properties. Radish picks up vitality, protects blood vessels, promotes stable sexual success. Ascorbic acid improves immunity, gives energy. Dietary fiber removes toxins, and phytoncides relieve inflammation and anesthetize. And, in addition, they help solve typically male problem- hair loss.

Are common

Black radish is also remarkable because it contains amazingly and uniquely balanced vitamins, macro- and microelements, and thanks to this it has beautiful healing properties , namely:

  • has general strengthening qualities;
  • improves digestive tract fermentation;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • establishes normal functioning intestines;
  • eliminates bloating and gas accumulation;
  • removes unnecessary fluid and relieves swelling;
  • relieves the body of toxins;
  • helps with vitamin deficiency;
  • has stone-removing and diuretic properties;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • cleansing blood vessels, improves blood circulation;
  • fills the body with oxygen;
  • acts as an expectorant, helps with cough;
  • antiseptic, heals skin from ulcers and infectious lesions;
  • relieves suffering from rheumatism, bruises and sprains (in rubbing and compresses).

Important! For greatest benefit According to nutritionists, black radish should be consumed in fresh.

Man's health

There are also many useful things in this regard:

  1. Helps improve levels male hormone testosterone playing important role in sex, sperm production, red blood cells, support muscle mass and strength.
  2. Helps reduce inflammation of the prostate.
  3. Has diuretic properties. Promotes elimination harmful bacteria causing inflammation of the bladder.
  4. Relieves swelling, removing it from the body excess liquid.
  5. It has the ability to cleanse the kidneys and liver, eliminating slagging.
  6. Strengthens the heart and cleanses blood vessels, lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  7. Gives freshness to breath. Essential oils of root vegetables destroy disease-causing bacteria, make gums stronger and eliminate their bleeding.

Men need to consume no more than 100 g of this product per day - the root vegetable is highly fortified, and an excess of vitamins, like a deficiency, is harmful.

Harm of black radish

Despite the abundance medicinal qualities, this root vegetable is not useful for everyone. It should be forgotten by those who:

  • inflammation of the colon;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • serious heart disease;
  • individual intolerance to the product;

In addition, pregnant women should not consume radish and the product is strictly prohibited for men who have recently suffered a heart attack.

Important! Before consuming decoctions and tinctures of black radish, you must ensure that there are no contraindications or allergic reactions.

How to choose the right quality radish

There is three basic and indispensable conditions:

  1. The root crop must be hard, without external damage, mold, stains or spoilage.
  2. The tail should be whole, juicy and elastic.
  3. The diameter of the root crop is from 5 to 15 centimeters, ideally 7-10 centimeters.

In an apartment, black radish can be stored in the refrigerator along with vegetables, wrapped in plastic bag with several holes. But you need to use it within a month.

Useful properties: traditional medicine recipes

Found black radish wide application V folk medicine:

  1. Anemia: Grate and squeeze the radish on a fine grater. Pour into a clay pot and leave in a warm place or thermos (optimally in the oven) for a couple of hours. Drink two to three weeks 15 minutes before meals three times a day, a tablespoon.
  2. Cold: When symptoms of the disease appear, make a mixture of radish juice and honey. Mix in a ratio of 1 to 2 and drink a tablespoon several times a day.
  3. Cold and cough: cut into cubes, mix with sugar and place in the oven to simmer over low heat for a couple of hours. Use (pre-heated) before meals, a tablespoon.
  4. Hypertension: one tablespoon of radish juice and mix the roots. Add the juice of one to the resulting mixture. Drink a tablespoon three times a day before meals.
  5. Rheumatism: Make a mixture of a tablespoon of radish, half a spoon of vodka and a pinch of salt. Leave the composition for about two hours. Use as a rub during attacks of pain.
  6. Skin ailments: Mix a glass of root vegetable juice and a glass of wine. Send to low heat and evaporate until the liquid is gone and only a viscous mass remains. Lubricate the affected areas.
  7. Gout, osteochondrosis: make a compress from the slurry rubbed together with the radish peel; lubricating the sore spots with the pure juice of this vegetable will also help.
  8. Toothache: rinse your mouth with radish decoction several times a day.
  9. BPH: black radish salads as an essential element of the diet.
  10. Obesity: 30 minutes after eating, drink one third of a glass of fresh juice.
  11. Prevention of atherosclerosis: Combine radish juice and honey in equal parts. Mix. Drink for ten days, three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Radish - biennial or perennial, which belongs to the Brassica family. It has a large amount of vitamins and nutrients, so it is used to treat many diseases. Thanks to its properties, radish does not spoil until winter. This allows you to store it at home and use it to combat vitamin deficiency in winter period time.

Types of radish

There are many varieties of radish. The most A popular root vegetable is radish. It, in turn, is divided into several subspecies.

Black radish is a fairly large black root vegetable with white flesh inside. Weight ranges from 300 grams to 2 kilograms.

White very popular in Asia and Europe. This root vegetable has a large number of beneficial properties, so it is added to various vitamin salads. It has a pronounced pungent taste. Special substances are responsible for this - phytoncides.

radish very good for health, thanks to the content of a large number of vitamins and beneficial properties. It is widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology.

A vegetable crop whose roots are eaten. It is small in size, approximately 2.5 cm in diameter, covered with thin skin of red or Pink colour.

A root plant that differs from other types of radish in the absence mustard oils. It can reach a length of more than 60 cm and weigh more than 500 grams.

Chemical composition

Among all types of seed radishes, black and green ones are most often used to treat diseases at home. They are rich in vitamins and microelements.

It is the most useful of all types, due to its balanced chemical composition.

The nutritional value of 100 grams of black root vegetables is: the following indicators:

  • Calorie content - 36 kcal;
  • Proteins - 1.9 g;
  • Fats - 0.2 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 6.7 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 1.6 g;
  • Water - 88 g.

Benefits of black radish

Black radish contains a lot of useful substances, necessary for the body person to maintain or improve health. At the same time, there are very few contraindications to taking the vegetable.

Black radish contains:

  • Vitamins - A, B, C, E, PP, beta-carotene;
  • Microelements - potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine;
  • Amino acids;
  • Glucosides;
  • Cellulose;
  • Phytoncides.

Beneficial features:

  • High fiber content provides effective cleansing intestines from harmful substances. This contributes proper operation intestines;
  • Phytoncides have antiviral properties, which allows reducing the use of artificial antibiotics in the treatment of certain diseases;
  • The diuretic effect helps remove sand from the kidneys and relieve swelling;
  • The vegetable is useful for the prevention of various tumor diseases;
  • Improves performance nervous system;
  • The high iodine content in radish normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Radish treatment

In folk medicine, radish is highly valued due to its beneficial properties, large amount of vitamins and microelements. During treatment various ailments You can use the pulp, juice or seeds of the root vegetable. Most often the vegetable is used for treatment colds. The root vegetable is grated and mixed with honey or salt. You can also squeeze the juice and take only that. Now let's consider various recipes with healthy black radish.

For cough and bronchitis

Black radish is used because it has many beneficial properties. For cooking healthy recipe You need to take one black radish root vegetable, cut out the core to make a depression. Add 20 grams there. sugar and pour 30 ml of honey. Cover the vegetable with cellophane and let it brew for 2 hours. Next, pour the resulting juice into a glass. You need to take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day for one week.

For the cardiovascular system

Due to the high potassium content in black radish, it is recommended for consumption by people with hypertension and vascular diseases. The vegetable cleanses blood vessels and eliminates excess cholesterol. To prevent atherosclerosis, you need to take 2 tablespoons of vegetable juice 3 times a day. And for arrhythmia - 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

To improve digestion

For anemia

To treat anemia, you need to prepare a mixture of the juices of the following vegetables:

  • Beet;
  • Carrot.
  • Preheat oven to 100 degrees Celsius;
  • Pour the resulting mixture into a ceramic bowl;
  • Place in the oven;
  • Reduce the temperature to low and simmer this mixture for 3 hours.

You should take the medicine 2 tablespoons 3 times a day for a month.

For hypertension

Black radish with honey helps with hypertension. To prepare medicine from healthy vegetable you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. radish juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l. carrot juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cranberry juice;
  • 200 grams of honey.

All ingredients are mixed and taken 1 tsp. an hour before meals.

With stagnation of bile

To stimulate the secretion of bile, you should take 400 grams of black radish juice. To prepare the juice, you will need a root vegetable, which must be peeled, grated on a fine grater, and the resulting juice squeezed out. You need to drink juice starting from 100 grams. Gradually increase the dosage to 400 grams daily before bedtime. The course of treatment is 6-8 weeks.

For joint pain

Black radish juice is an excellent helper. Freshly squeezed root juice should be taken 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, an hour after meals.

For weight loss

Due to its low calorie content, radish is recommended for weight loss. It perfectly breaks down starch and eliminates the feeling of hunger for a long time. The vegetable has a large amount of useful substances, vitamins and minerals. They are quickly and easily absorbed by the body. For cooking diet salad You need to grate the root vegetable, add cold water and leave for 15 minutes. Then add 4 tablespoons hot water and cook until soft. Next, cool the radish, add honey and allspice.

Application in cosmetology

Radish is rich in vitamin C, which has an antiseptic effect. Due to this, the vegetable is used in cosmetology for preparing various masks. The juice of the root vegetable is used as a facial tonic. This helps to achieve vasoconstrictor effect and improve complexion.

For cooking lotion against acne you will need:

Squeeze out the crushed radish, mix the resulting juice with mineral water, add 4 drops of tea tree ether. Pour the resulting mixture into a bottle. You should wipe your face 2 times a day.

For anti-aging mask you will need:

  • Aloe juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Green tea - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Chopped radish.

Mix the ingredients and apply the resulting mask to your face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off warm water.

For moisturizing mask take 1 tbsp. l. grated radish, mixed with 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Contraindications for black radish

For all its usefulness, radish can become both a helper and an enemy. It is not advisable to use it for people suffering from certain diseases of the stomach, heart and kidneys. Before use, you should consult a doctor. Use is strictly contraindicated for people after a stroke, heart attack, with liver diseases, myocarditis, cardiosclerosis, with stomach or intestinal ulcers, during pregnancy, lactation.

Black radish is not a leader among vegetables in terms of the content of vitamins and minerals, however, its composition is simply perfectly balanced; it has a little bit of everything. A unique combination that includes minerals, essential oils, vitamins and much more, make black radish an effective medicine.

Black radish contains proteins, carbohydrates in the form of sucrose and fructose, fats, provitamin A (carotene), retinol (vitamin A), vitamin B9, K, C, microelements - iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc. Fresh black radish is most useful. 100 g of radish contains: almost 2 g of proteins, 0.2 g of fat, 6.7 g of carbohydrates, 2.1 g of dietary fiber (fiber), as well as organic acids, water, starch, ash, mono- and disaccharides.

Useful properties of black radish

Vitamins of groups B and C, which are part of black radish, are needed for the human body to function normally. Ascorbic acid, which is found in black radish large quantities, promotes recovery from diseases of the liver, gall bladder, bronchial asthma, restores the body after illness.

Vitamin B1 in black radish is needed for young children to grow and helps fat metabolism, cardiovascular and nervous system.

Miraculous healing and medicinal effect radish is achieved through potassium salts, which are easily digestible and beneficial for health. Potassium salts are excreted from the human body in urine poisonous products metabolism, excess fluid in tissues, contribute to the regulation water-salt metabolism. But in terms of the content of potassium salts, radish is the generally recognized leader: it contains 600 mg%.

In addition, black radish contains many useful organic matter, enzymes and phytoncides. It is also a natural antibiotic, which helps high content glycosides, which are antimicrobial substances.

Another irreplaceable wealth of black radish is the substance lysozyme. His important property is to suppress the growth of bacteria, fungi, and protozoa.

Harm of black radish

The recommendation of gastroenterologists is to introduce black radish into the diet gradually, with some caution, to see how the body reacts to this product. You should not eat it in large quantities right away.

Contraindications to the use of black radish

Black radish has an effect on mucous membranes, so there are cases when its use may be contraindicated. You should not include radish in your diet if a person has:

  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • gastritis with high acidity gastric juice;
  • just with increased acidity;
  • inflammatory liver diseases;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • organic heart disease
  • if a person recently suffered a heart attack.

In addition, a person may suffer from individual intolerance to radish.

Black radish juice recipe

Black radish is chopped and placed in a juicer or grated, and then squeezed well. The course of treatment begins with 50 g per day, on an empty stomach. After a few days, the dose is gradually increased to 200 g of juice per day (preferably in 4 doses); after this, its dose is again gradually reduced to 50 g per day.

Black radish juice is used for bronchitis, cough, colds and hoarseness, diseases of the gallbladder and liver, bronchi and heart, and rheumatism. Fresh Juice Radishes are used topically for radiculitis, neuralgia, and myositis.

Recipe for making black radish juice with honey

A large radish is grated, the resulting mass, as well as the juice that was released during the grating process, must be mixed with three tablespoons of honey, left for 10 hours, and then squeezed out. The resulting black radish juice is taken in a spoon several times a day.

Black radish with honey

There is also this option for preparing black radish with honey: cut off the top of a large radish (about one third) and clean out the middle. As a result of these actions, a cavity is formed in the radish, which is filled with honey or covered with sugar. After all this, the radish stays warm for several hours. Under the influence of honey or sugar, the radish will release juice into the cleaned cavity, which is drunk, and then the radish itself is eaten.

Black radish juice

Radish juice for anemia and low immunity:

  • 100 ml of radish juice is combined with 100 ml of beet juice. Take 100 ml twice a day before meals for one month.

Radish juice for bronchitis and cough:

  • Drink 100 ml of radish juice three to four times a day and gargle with it.

Radish juice for colds:

  • Combine 100 ml of radish juice with 15 g of honey and mix. Take 100 ml three times a day until complete recovery.

Radish juice with sugar for cough:

  • 100 g of radish are cut into slices, sprinkled with 20 g of sugar and left until the juice appears. Juice in the amount of 20 ml is taken every two hours.

Radish juice for the prevention of atherosclerosis:

  • 50 ml of radish juice mixed with 50 ml apple juice. The resulting mixture is taken 100 ml twice a day for one to two months. Repeat the course of treatment every six months.

Radish juice for sinusitis:

  • To eliminate the symptoms of sinusitis, 3-6 drops of freshly squeezed radish juice are instilled into the nose twice a day.

Radish juice with bay leaf infusion for diabetes:

  • 10 g of bay leaf is poured into 600 ml of water and infused for 3-4 hours. Usually take 100 ml of infusion, adding 20 ml of freshly squeezed radish juice to it, three times a day.

Radish juice for poor appetite:

  • Take 15-20 ml of radish juice three times a day fifteen minutes before meals.

Treatment with black radish

Since ancient times, black radish has been used in different ways for treatment. One of the most common uses of black radish is its juice. It is considered very healing and helps with many ailments.

Black radish for bile stagnation

Black radish is famous for its choleretic properties, which is why it is used in cases of obstructed bile passage and in situations where large amounts of salts accumulate. To get rid of bile stagnation, juice is extracted from black radish using any of the methods described above; in this case, it is best to simply squeeze the juice out of black radish using a juicer. To drive away bile, take one teaspoon of black radish juice after meals.

After starting a course of such treatment, in the first few days, pain may be felt in the liver area, which can be relieved with a hot heating pad. When the pain goes away and no longer makes itself felt, the volume of juice consumed can be gradually increased to 100 ml at a time. When undergoing treatment with black radish juice, it is better to follow a bland diet, avoid sour and salty foods.

When you extracted juice from a radish, there should have been a cake left behind - pulp separated from the juice. This cake must be mixed with sugar or honey in the proportion of half a kilogram of sugar or three hundred grams of honey per kilogram of radish pulp. The resulting mass is placed in a warm place under a press, it needs to be fermented, and then it will be ready for use. After drinking the juice, the second part of the treatment begins - the resulting fermented mass is taken one to three tablespoons during meals until it runs out.

Black radish for bronchitis

The black radish cake obtained after squeezing the juice is also used as mustard plasters. These are called rareberries, they are made from fresh cake, and it is good that there is a little juice left in it - do not squeeze it too much. Then spread it on gauze and place it like mustard plaster on a shoulder blade for 15-20 minutes. It is not recommended to use polyethylene, since air must flow to the thinning bed. After some time, a person will feel a burning sensation in the area of ​​the thinning area, similar to the burning sensation from mustard plaster. Redwood helps to draw out the viscous secretion that has accumulated in them from the bronchi.

After the skin under the ridge becomes red, the compress is transferred to another place, to the other side of the body. To make the effect more intense, it is recommended to also take 100 ml of black radish juice orally during this procedure.

Black radish compress

Black radish compresses can be used not only for bronchitis. In situations similar to use mustard plasters, you can use redwood plasters instead. To do this, apply grated black radish in a gauze bag to the sore spot.

Black radish for treating poor digestion

Black radish - indispensable assistant if you have poor digestion. You can make a salad from it by mixing it with carrots and beets and seasoning it with vegetable oil. If you eat this combination of vegetables at least once a day, the functioning of your stomach and intestines will noticeably improve.

Black radish for treating rheumatic pain in muscles and joints Black radish can be used to treat rheumatic pain in muscles and joints. To do this, mix one and a half glasses of radish juice with a glass of honey, add half a glass of 0.5 glasses of vodka and a tablespoon of salt. Shake the resulting mixture and rub it on the sore spots.

Black radish for constipation

Due to its high fiber content, black radish helps improve complete emptying intestines. Therefore, it is often used for atonic constipation. The main thing here is not to get carried away and eat no more than 50 g of black radish per day.

Black radish for anemia

Black radish is a wonderful remedy for anemia. It is treated by mixing three juices: black radish, carrot and beet juice. For example, they take half a kilo of each vegetable, extract the juice, pour it into one container (heat-resistant dish), cover it with a lid, and better effect cover with dough and put in the oven for three hours. The resulting mixture is consumed one tablespoon three times a day, fifteen minutes before meals, until the patient’s condition improves. It is not recommended to continue this treatment more than three months.

Black radish for hypertension

For people who suffer from hypertension, black radish is very useful. In this case, it is useful to consume a tablespoon of the following mixture three times a day: 20 ml of radish, beet, horseradish and carrot juice, juice of one lemon.

Black radish for severe cough

Black radish has an expectorant effect, so it is widely used in the treatment of severe cough. To get rid of cough, doctors recommend drinking black radish juice. It can be prepared this way: cut the radish into small cubes, cover with sugar and leave for eight hours. The resulting juice is drunk one tablespoon every hour.

Black radish for coughs for children

Black radish is often used to treat coughs in children. This is a strong expectorant that helps remove phlegm and get rid of cough.

To get rid of a cough in a child, radish with honey is most often used. It is prepared in one of the two most common ways - either by cutting off the “lid” of the radish and cleaning out the cavity, which will fill with juice under the influence of honey, or by cutting the radish into cubes and pouring honey. Both methods are good, your goal is to get radish juice, which is given to the child one teaspoon four to six times a day. The presence of honey makes the taste of honey more pleasant and sweet, so it will be easier for the child to accept it. The only thing you need to make sure is that the baby is not allergic to honey.

Black radish tincture

All kinds of black radish tinctures have wide range actions. They also treat various diseases.

Black radish tincture skin diseases: 100 ml of wine is mixed with 100 ml of radish juice and kept on low heat until all the liquid has evaporated. Apply topically, treat the affected areas.

Black radish tincture for neoplasms

An alcohol tincture made from black radish is good to use as a medicine for neoplasms. A pound of black radish is chopped and poured with two glasses of vodka. The resulting mixture is infused for two weeks in a dark place, then consumed 30 g per day before meals.

Black radish tincture for the treatment of arthrosis

In the treatment of arthrosis, a tincture of black radish, cranberry and cognac is effective. Cranberries, black radishes and beets, each in the amount of 500 g, are poured with a liter of cognac and left for fourteen days in open form. The tincture is consumed in an amount of one tablespoon in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Black radish tincture for cancer

Strange as it may seem, black radish is even used in treatment cancer diseases. In this case, black radish tincture is prepared in the following way: one kilogram of grated radish is poured with a liter of vodka and left for two weeks. A quarter glass of this tincture is drunk several times a day for half a month. The course is repeated every two months.

Black radish for weight loss

A set of substances contained in black radish help accelerate metabolic processes in the human body. Therefore, black radish juice is often used for weight loss - they drink small portions daily after each meal. The results become more noticeable if you eat right and limit fatty and starchy foods.

Black radish for hair

Black radish juice has a beneficial effect on hair. Cosmetologists use it to strengthen hair and improve its growth. Hair follicles revived when black radish juice is rubbed into the scalp, the presence in it nutrients promotes root nutrition and hair growth.

Hair masks are made from black radish. To do this, black radish is crushed (using a blender, grater, meat grinder). Then the pulp is squeezed through cheesecloth to obtain juice. Before washing your hair (an hour before this procedure), rub black radish juice into the hair roots. Black radish may cause your scalp to burn a little, but that's normal, there's nothing wrong with that. If the burning sensation is difficult to bear, then you can wash the radish from your hair earlier. Hair grows well after such a mask; if it was falling out before, it will stop. To make the effect more noticeable, use a black radish hair mask every week.

Black radish for baldness

Due to the fact that black radish has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair and scalp, strengthens hair and prevents hair loss, black radish juice and masks based on it are widely used as a remedy for baldness. The fact is that black radish contains a high content of microelements such as zinc, calcium, silicon and sulfur, and they are necessary for good growth hair.

Radish juice is rubbed into the scalp half an hour to an hour before washing. After the third or fourth such procedure, you can see fresh fluff on the bald areas.

Black radish shampoo works well against baldness. It takes two to cook it. large fruit black radish, one yolk raw egg, one small lemon. The radish is finely grated and the juice is squeezed out of it. Half a glass of black radish juice is mixed with one yolk and lemon juice. The prepared shampoo is rubbed into the scalp, gently massaging for two minutes. Wash off with cool water, adding a little vinegar to it.

Black radish during pregnancy

Black radish is contraindicated for use during pregnancy. Presence in it essential oils is the main reason why black radish should not be eaten by expectant mothers. In addition, many experts agree that black radish contributes to the tone of the uterus, and this is a threat to pregnancy. Because this folk medicine cannot be applied under any circumstances during pregnancy.

Although many expectant mothers still eat radish with honey, not knowing or turning a blind eye to such warnings. Of course, when radish is prepared with honey, it usually sits for several hours until the juice is released, and during this time the concentration of essential oils in it decreases. In addition, radish juice is usually taken as a medicine in very small quantities, so the likelihood of causing harm to the mother and child is very low. And in addition to the above, it is important what condition the uterus is in expectant mother: if the uterus is calm, its tone does not cause concern, nothing threatens pregnancy, then many allow themselves a little black radish as a medicine.

But doctors agree: black radish can be dangerous for pregnancy, so it’s better not to take risks and not consume it during this period, because you can never completely predict how it can affect the health of the expectant mother and her baby.

Black radish recipes

Black radish salads

Layered black radish salad – “Gorodeya” salad

Ingredients for making layered salad with black radish:

  • one black radish;
  • one carrot;
  • three potatoes;
  • one onion;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • 150 grams of mayonnaise;
  • two pinches of salt

The essence of this salad is its layering: it has a cylindrical shape. It can be difficult to achieve. You can use a deep plate and then turn the prepared salad onto a plate, but there is a risk of this procedure unsuccessfully, and the salad may fall apart, the layers may get mixed up, and the dish will take on a sloppy and unappetizing appearance.

To make everything work out as best as possible, it is good to use whatman paper or thin cardboard and line the inside with foil. After preparing the salad, the structure is pulled up and removed from the salad.

Potatoes are boiled “in their jackets”, cut into small cubes, then laid out in the lowest layer, covered thin layer mayonnaise and add a little salt. The chopped onion is sprinkled with the next layer. The radish is grated on a Korean carrot grater and applied in another layer, which is also smeared with mayonnaise. Carrots, grated on a coarse grater, are placed on top of radishes with mayonnaise. Then the apple is peeled and seeded and grated on a medium grater, the resulting apple mass is distributed over the carrots, and then generously poured with mayonnaise. Scatter the top of the salad with hard-boiled eggs, grated on a fine grater. After all the layers of salad have been laid, the foil form is removed - it can be pulled up and thus removed.

Black radish salad with meat

Ingredients for preparing black radish salad with meat (quantity is chosen at your discretion, to taste):

  • black radish;
  • onion;
  • boiled beef or veal;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt to taste.

To prepare the salad, first of all, boil the meat and finely chop it into strips. Then the peeled radish is grated on a coarse grater. Onion, cut into half rings, fried on vegetable oil until golden brown appears. All prepared ingredients are mixed and seasoned with mayonnaise, salt is added to taste. The salad can be served.

Black radish salad with carrots and sour cream

Ingredients for making black radish salad with carrots and sour cream:

  • one large black radish;
  • two carrots;
  • half a glass of sour cream;
  • salt to taste.

Black radish and carrots are grated on a beet grater, salt is added to taste and left to stand for twenty minutes to reduce bitterness. After this, everything is poured with sour cream and placed in a salad bowl. This salad goes well with hot and cold dishes, especially beef and lamb.

Black radish salad with sour cream and cottage cheese

  • three hundred grams of black radish;
  • one hundred grams of onion;
  • one hundred grams of tomatoes;
  • one hundred grams of cottage cheese;
  • one hundred grams of sour cream;
  • salt, sugar to taste.

The radish is peeled, grated, lightly squeezed to get rid of excess juice, and salted to taste. Then mix with finely chopped onion and sugar, mix everything, put in a salad bowl, pour sour cream on top and sprinkle with cottage cheese. The salad is topped with sliced ​​tomato slices.

French salad with black radish

Ingredients for cooking French salad with black radish:

  • one beet;
  • one carrot;
  • one radish (medium size);
  • two or three potatoes;
  • one bunch of greens (dill, parsley, green onions and so on.);
  • two hundred and fifty grams of mayonnaise.

Raw vegetables - beets, carrots, black radishes - are grated on a coarse grater or in a shredder. Potatoes cut into small strips are deep-fried until crispy and golden brown. On a flat dish, all vegetables and finely chopped greens are laid out in equal-sized piles. Mayonnaise is poured into the center. The recipe stipulates that there is no need to salt the salad; it is mixed already on the table.

Radish in Korean

Ingredients for making Korean radish:

  • half a kilogram of black radish;
  • one onion;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • vegetable oil;
  • black pepper;
  • allspice;
  • red hot pepper;
  • carnation;
  • cinnamon;
  • Bay leaf;
  • table vinegar;
  • salt.

Using a coffee grinder, all available seasonings are crushed and mixed - black, allspice, red hot pepper, cloves, cinnamon and bay leaf. Black radish is cut into thin strips, salted and left to stand for several hours. The garlic is passed through a press, after which a little vegetable oil is added to it. The radish is mixed with prepared spices and garlic, the entire resulting mass is left for fifteen to twenty minutes. Vegetable oil is heated in a frying pan, cooled and poured into the salad.

Salad "Chinese Emperor"

Ingredients required for Chinese Emperor salad:

  • three hundred fifty grams of sweet pepper;
  • three hundred grams of cucumbers;
  • three hundred grams of black radish;
  • two hundred and fifty grams of carrots;
  • two hundred grams of boiled chicken fillet;
  • garlic;
  • soy sauce.

The chicken fillet is boiled and then cut into small pieces. Peeled cucumber, black radish and carrot are grated on a medium grater. Bell pepper cleared of seeds and cut into thin strips. Chopped garlic is mixed with a small amount of soy sauce and water. It is best to place the salad on a flat dish so that in the center there is chicken fillet, and vegetables around it, after which everything is poured with garlic-soy sauce on top. Usually this salad is mixed after it is served.

Black radish with squid

Ingredients for preparing black radish with squid:

  • one hundred fifty to two hundred grams of squid;
  • one or two black radishes;
  • one or two tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • one or two tablespoons of vinegar;
  • parsley;
  • salt.

Boiled squid and peeled radishes are cut into thin strips, the whole thing is mixed, seasoned with vegetable oil, salt and vinegar, and then sprinkled with parsley.

Black radish dishes

Dumplings with black radish

Ingredients for making black radish dumplings:

  • two hundred to three hundred grams of black radish;
  • one hundred and fifty grams of carrots;
  • one tablespoon of butter (butter or vegetable);
  • one tablespoon of sour cream (thick);
  • one onion;
  • salt;
  • sugar (optional).

The radish is peeled and grated on a coarse grater, the same is done with carrots, a pinch of salt is added to taste, and sometimes sprinkled with a little sugar. Then the resulting mass is crushed a little with your hands so that the vegetables release their juice. In order for the bitterness to evaporate from the radish, it needs to stand for fifteen to twenty minutes. Spicy lovers can skip this step. Finely chopped onion is fried in oil until golden brown. After this, add the previously prepared mass of radishes and carrots to the frying pan, as well as a spoonful of thick sour cream (in the lean version - a third of a glass vegetable broth or water). Vegetables are stewed until the moisture is absorbed and evaporated, sometimes they are even fried a little. As a result, the vegetables should be soft, but not turn into porridge. The resulting minced meat is cooled.

Meanwhile, lean dough is kneaded, from which dumplings are made with prepared minced vegetables.

Dumplings with black radish are boiled in boiling salted water for ten to twelve minutes.

Serve with sour cream, you can prepare sour cream and garlic sauce, with butter and ground pepper.

Black radish with kvass

Ingredients for preparing black radish with kvass:

  • two small black radishes;
  • one glass of kvass;
  • two teaspoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Black radish is peeled and grated on a medium grater. After this, they are salted, seasoned with vegetable oil, poured with kvass and served in broth cups.

Storing black radish

Black radish is an extremely useful medicinal product that is widely used in folk medicine. In order to always have this healing root vegetable at hand at any time of the year, it is important to understand how to store it correctly, what storage conditions are best to create in order to preserve it as much as possible beneficial features black radish.

Young black radish from summer harvests can be stored at room temperature for a week. If you put summer radish in the refrigerator (with a temperature of +1...+2°C and a relative humidity of 94-96%), then it can lie there without problems for twenty days.

Winter radish varieties are subject to longer storage. If it is planned that the radish will be stored in the refrigerator, then it is advisable to immediately place it in the chamber immediately after harvesting. Winter radish tolerates storage well and can be safely used for 200-220 days. The best stored varieties are Winter round black and Winter round white.

Black radish is often stored in a cellar; it is best to do this in damp sand at a temperature of +2...+3°C with a relative room humidity of 80-85%. At the same time, root crops intended for storage must be intact without flaws or damage, since the process of rotting can begin and the damaged root crop can move on to all the others. You don’t have to cover the radish with sand, but it will keep longer and better this way.

According to experts, when proper storage radish not only does not lose its useful microelements And medicinal properties, but, on the contrary, increases them, therefore in winter and spring it is very useful for consumption and desirable for appearing on the table.

Black radish - extremely useful product, widely used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. In addition, her unusual taste makes it possible to prepare interesting and savory dishes.

The history of radish goes back several centuries. The ancient Greeks were the first to grow it. She decorated their tables and was given as a gift to the gods as a valuable product. Today, its position has not changed, and people still use it for many diseases, making salads, mixing with honey or squeezing juice.

Today we will look at the benefits and harms of radish juice and share several recipes.

Chemical "filling"

The most popular varieties of radish are green and black. The first is more pleasant to the taste than the second, which has a pronounced bitterness and pungency. In folk medicine, black radish mainly appears, known wide range medicinal action.

Chemical composition the two varieties are identical. It is presented:

  • vitamins of group A, B, C, E;
  • minerals: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium;
  • essential oils;
  • organic acids;
  • glucosides.

Attention! Freshly squeezed radish juice retains all the beneficial substances contained in the root vegetable.

15 healing qualities of black radish juice

Drinking black radish nectar is not entirely pleasant because of the pungent taste, but its benefits are enormous, and for the sake of health you can endure it! It has the following healing properties:

  1. Has a powerful effect antibacterial effect, excellent for viral diseases.
  2. It is considered a natural antibiotic - absolutely harmless and effective. Eliminates inflammatory processes in organism.
  3. Improves digestion by promoting the production of gastric juice and awakening a voracious appetite.
  4. Black radish juice is great for cholelithiasis, decisively dealing with gallstones.
  5. Activates the production of enzymes that disinfect gastrointestinal tract, and at the same time the nasopharynx and oral cavity.
  6. Speeds up metabolism, binds and “expels” toxins, waste, excess cholesterol, cleanses the walls of blood vessels.
  7. Bitter black radish juice helps with coughs and other cold symptoms, increases the resistance of the immune system in winter and spring, and produces a general strengthening effect.
  8. It has choleretic properties, so it is often prescribed for chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis.
  9. The phytoncides contained in the root vegetable improve the oxygen supply system to the brain.
  10. Useful for people fighting battles with extra pounds, since it has a low nutritional value– 36 kcal.
  11. Radish juice is used as an anthelmintic.
  12. Normalizes intestinal activity, fights constipation.
  13. Treats joint ailments (in the form of compresses).
  14. Heals purulent and ulcerative skin diseases (externally).
  15. Juice lotions treat bruises and sprains.
  16. Used in for cosmetic purposes: acting as a component of a face mask, cleanses the skin and gets rid of freckles.

Attention! To prevent black radish from causing you a lasting dislike, combine it with other vegetables and dilute the juice with water. This will help drown out its burning bitterness.


Black radish is widely used in folk medicine. Since this variety has a firm and tough structure, it is best consumed in the form of juice.

How to squeeze juice

To prepare black radish juice, use a juicer. However, you can do without it:

  • Rinse one small root vegetable thoroughly.
  • Without removing the peel, grate it on a fine grater.
  • Squeeze the resulting pulp through gauze.

Attention! The finished drink can be drunk at pure form or dilute with water.

With honey

Delicious, healthy juice black radish with honey helps with cough, increases lactation in nursing mothers, treats bronchitis and gallstone disease.

The product is prepared according to the following scheme:

  • Select one large root vegetable, cut off its upper part (in the form of a lid), remove the core and put honey (up to half) into the depression formed.
  • Close the “vessel” with the previously cut off top and take it to a warm place for 5-6 hours.
  • During this time, the vegetable will release juice, which should be taken 1-2 tbsp. spoons three times a day after eating.

For joint ailments (radiculitis, rheumatism, arthritis), black radish juice with honey is mixed with vodka in a ratio of 3:2:1. The mixture is applied to the affected areas.

Attention! Just 100 g of radish per day provides the body required quantity magnesium, calcium and potassium.

Radish damage

The beneficial properties of radish juice are impressive, but the drink can also cause harm to the body. It has an impressive set of contraindications.

Radish juice is prohibited for use:

  • at peptic ulcers stomach and duodenum;
  • with gastritis with increased acidity of digestive juice;
  • for colitis and enterocolitis;
  • for chronic cardiac diseases;
  • at inflammatory diseases liver and kidneys;
  • at acute form chronic pancreatitis;
  • for gout;
  • with a predisposition to allergic reactions;
  • patients with violations of tooth enamel;
  • pregnant women.

Factors such as the benefits and harms of radish juice are determined by the methods of its use. Uncontrolled and excessive use, ignoring contraindications can result in serious health problems for the patient. If used wisely, the drink will only benefit the body.

Attention! Eating radish causes bloating.

Radish juice in children's diet

Children should drink this drink with caution. Before drinking, it is better to mix black radish juice with honey. Be sure to follow how children's body reacts to the remedy.

Attention! Radish nectar is not recommended for babies under one year of age.

1-3 year old children are allowed to drink no more than 1 teaspoon per dose. After 7 years, the portion increases to 1 dessert spoon. The standard dose (1-1.5 tablespoons) is prescribed only upon reaching 12 years of age.

Be sure to include the drink in your diet! However, consult your doctor before doing this. Strictly follow the rules of use, since the benefits and harms of radish juice are separated by a thin line that is very easy to cross.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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Black radish This plant belongs to the Cabbage family, has white juicy pulp, black dense peel and is distinguished by a burning, pungent taste.

This root vegetable comes from Asia, and today it is cultivated in America, Russia, Europe and Australia. In ancient times, this vegetable was highly valued - by consuming it, a person had good health and excellent performance.

Calorie content of black radish

The advantage of black radish among other vegetables is that it can be stored for a very long time and does not lose its beneficial properties at all.

According to the amount of phytoncides and useful components The root vegetable is equated to horseradish and onions.

This vegetable unites a large number of valuable organic substances, not harmful to humans What explains the benefits of black radish? The composition of the root vegetable includes:

  • Vitamins of groups C, K, PP, B
  • Iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium
  • Plant fiber
  • Proteins fats carbohydrates
  • Oily glycosides
  • Myrosin enzyme
  • Ash compounds
  • Thiamine, riboflavin

The vegetable is a low-calorie dietary product. Its nutritional value is 36 kcal per 100 g. This allows you to regularly introduce the root vegetable into the diet of those who are losing weight, and also cleanses the body of toxins and harmful compounds.

In cooking, not only the fruits of the vegetable are used, but also young green leaves. The enzymes myrosin and glucosinolate give the leaves their distinctive peppery flavor. Dishes prepared with the addition of black radish leaves stimulate appetite and improve intestinal motility.


Damage to black radish

Fans of spicy taste sensations need to remember that the composition of this root vegetable is different high concentration active substances. Black radish will be harmful for those whose digestive system is sensitive to caustic components. The components of the spicy root vegetable affect the mucous membranes digestive organs and may cause problems in their operation.

The use of root vegetables is contraindicated:

People suffering from arrhythmia, cardiosclerosis, or angina pectoris should refrain from eating this vegetable, since black radish contains alkaloids that accelerate the heart rate.


Benefits of black radish

To improve health, this root vegetable is inexpensive and useful remedy. There are great benefits from black radish, its most famous recipe is in combination with honey, used for diseases respiratory tract. This combination has a calming, expectorant and antispasmodic effect on the lungs, helps to quickly get rid of bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, and helps with loss of voice.

The benefits of black radish have been identified in treatment oncological diseases. The root vegetable is also used to prevent adenoma prostate gland, in the treatment of joints and some skin diseases.

IN black radish high content of mustard oils, so it is a natural preservative and has a strong antiseptic effect.

Black radish during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Of course, black radish is beneficial for the body, but during pregnancy you should weigh the benefits and harms of this vegetable and it is better to temporarily postpone its intake.

Contraindications of this hot root vegetable during pregnancy are associated with the huge amount of essential oils and active ingredients. They increase the tone of the uterus and can provoke placental abruption and spontaneous abortion.

During the period breastfeeding The main benefit of black radish is the enhancement of lactation. However, it is recommended to use it no earlier than the baby reaches the age of 3 months. Black radish juice is diluted 1:1 with water, a few drops of honey are added. You should consume no more than 1 spoon of the mixture per day.

Black radish for the liver

Black radish – unique natural remedy, exhibiting powerful cleansing and choleretic effect. Due to these properties, the root vegetable is used to cleanse the liver and remove toxins. The benefit of black radish is to accelerate the process of liver detoxification and rapid removal of bile from the organ.

To prepare the cleanser, you need to squeeze the juice from the peeled root vegetable using a juicer. You can grate the vegetable and squeeze the juice out of it through cheesecloth. This is a very juicy root vegetable - from 1 kg you can get 300-400 grams of juice.

The course of treatment involves taking radish juice 3 times a day. You should start with 1 tbsp. spoons of juice (in the first week). Every week the juice intake increases by 1 spoon. The full course of treatment is 6 weeks, 6 tablespoons of radish juice are taken at one time. According to indications, you can take diluted root juice by adding 30% water to the required volume.

Sometimes when taking radish juice, there is obstruction in the passage of bile, causing severe pain in the liver. To alleviate the condition, apply to the right side warm heating pad. Pain is possible at the beginning of treatment, which goes away on its own.

Black radish for weight loss

For weight loss, the juice of this vegetable is mainly used, as it has low calorie content And great amount active components. The peeled root vegetable is crushed, the juice is squeezed out and stored in the refrigerator. Before meals, you need to take 2 tablespoons of juice for a month. To avoid harm to black radish, before using it for the first time, you should study its components and find out possible contraindications this root vegetable.

However, you should not rely only on the effect of black radish and expect rapid weight loss. Together with daily use root vegetable juice, the diet should be adjusted, harmful, high-calorie foods and do physical activity.


How to cook black radish

Since black radish has a hot taste, it is a delicacy for everyone. This vegetable is mainly consumed raw and added to salads. The recipes perfectly combine root vegetables with carrots, apples, lemons, beets, herbs and cucumbers.

You can stew radish with garlic and sour cream:

  1. Peel and cut the root vegetable into strips.
  2. Fry the radish in vegetable oil, onion, red pepper. At the end of frying, season with sour cream.
  3. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat until soft. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add garlic, sesame seeds, and salt.

You can serve stewed radish cold or hot, sprinkled with fresh herbs and green onions.

Black radish in cosmetology

For cosmetic purposes, black radish is used as a whitening agent. The juice of fresh radish root vegetable is applied to the pigmented area of ​​the skin as a lotion, and after 5-7 minutes it is washed off with water. This procedure is used for freckles, and the effect is visible after a week of skin whitening. To avoid harm to black radish and to avoid irritation, it is not recommended to leave lotions on the skin for more than the recommended time.

Black radish masks:

Nutritious. Honey + sour cream + drop olive oil+ raw radish gruel (1 tablespoon each). Action time: 7 minutes.

Rejuvenating. Grated radish pulp + green tea+ aloe juice (1 spoon each). Apply the mask for 20 minutes.

For oily skin. Grated radish + egg yolk(whipped). Apply to face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off with a weak brew of green tea.

For baldness. Black radish is a great remedy for baldness. Its burning components affect the hair follicles, irritate them and stimulate growth. To activate hair growth, you need to squeeze the juice from a fresh root vegetable and rub it into the places where the process of baldness has begun 3 times a week.



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