How is physiotherapy done in gynecology? What causes piriformis syndrome?

Reason for carrying out diagnostic measures is the absence of infertility for a year. After unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child, taking medications, doctors supplement the treatment by physical means therapy. Since this kind of reason can be caused various disorders, first it is necessary to conduct a detailed examination. Physiotherapy in gynecology for infertility is an auxiliary therapeutic method, used in cases of disorders that rarely respond to traditional drug treatment.

In gynecology, this treatment method helps reduce treatment time. pathological conditions. Physiotherapy shortens rehabilitation time and is used as a preventive measure.

The main indications for using the technique are:

  • restoration of the uterine mucosa before artificial insemination;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • erosion;
  • inflammatory processes in the uterus, appendages and nerves of the hip area;
  • functional ovarian cysts during remission;
  • diseases of chronic and acute stage development with localization in the female reproductive organs.

Physiotherapy for infertility in women is the best way out of this situation. Her methods are unique, she practically does not cause side effects, Unlike medications, and also improves general state appendages and uterus.


The positive effects of magnetic therapy are felt after several procedures. This treatment method helps:

  • pain reduction;
  • relieving the inflammatory process;
  • improvement of peripheral circulation.

The magnet accelerates blood circulation in the pelvic organs, but does not increase pressure. A woman's body begins to function better when it is fully supplied with oxygen. Thanks to the improvement of blood flow by low-frequency magnetic fields, the fetus begins to be more actively supplied with oxygen. During treatment, the mother's blood composition improves.

Magnetotherapy. Source:

In addition, magnetic therapy helps overcome stress, neuroses and depression. Doctors recommend using the treatment method if the first attempt at IVF was unsuccessful and the woman is in severe psycho-emotional depression.

Treatment with magnets is contraindicated for persons with epilepsy, elevated body temperature, exhaustion, hypertension and blood diseases of various etiologies.

Pulse current

These methods are actively used for therapy various diseases, since the pulse effect in a certain given rhythm corresponds to the physiological rhythms of functioning organs and systems. For the treatment of infertility the following are used:

  • electrical stimulation;
  • interference therapy;
  • amplipulse therapy.

It is also possible to use direct current. Women diagnosed with infertility are prescribed drug electrophoresis, galvanization. However, with such a problem, it is recommended to use pulsed currents. Because the movement of interstitial, intracellular ions occurs faster.

Action of pulse currents:

  • helps reduce vascular spasms and smooth muscle;
  • tissue nutrition improves due to the restoration of blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • relieves pain.

The effectiveness of treatment is higher if the fight against infertility is started without delay. The recommendations of a gynecologist or reproductive specialist should be followed strictly; procedures should not be skipped. The course of therapy ranges from 5 to 10 procedures, further treatment prescribed after repeated tests.


Ultrasound is truly one of the most popular methods of treating pathological conditions. reproductive system women and men with infertility. This technique operates as follows:

  • increases blood flow and heat to the problem area;
  • softens adhesions;
  • increases hormonal levels.

Ultrasound treatment helps improve the hormonal activity of the ovaries. For achievement best result must be passed full course therapy, consisting of 10 procedures.

Vaginal ultrasound treatment is possible. Therapy is carried out using a vaginal emitter. For treatment gynecological diseases use ultrasound no more than 1 W/cm².

Phototherapy problems

Phototherapy is used to get rid of diseases reproductive organs in men and women. The technique is used to treat inflammation of the mucous membrane of the external genitalia and vagina. Phototherapy treats:

  • endocervitis;
  • colpitis;
  • normalizes the growth of the endometrium through new cell formation.

Shortwave ultra-violet rays with a direct hit on pathogenic microorganisms have a bactericidal effect. Sensitivity to UV treatment decreases in summer and autumn, as well as after the use of calcium. Therefore, before use this method During treatment, patients stop taking calcium and insulin (if possible).

Beam penetration depth:

  • infrared - 5 cm;
  • visible - a few millimeters;
  • ultraviolet - up to 1 mm.

Infrared radiation before using UV enhances its effect. At the same time, these methods are contraindicated. In this case, when using UV after infrared rays, ultraviolet erythema weakens.


Considerable experience in the treatment of diseases of the pelvic organs inflammatory in nature For women complicated by infertility, specialists from the Matsestinsky resort provide assistance. The issue of inability to conceive naturally remains open. Gynecologists and reproductive specialists recommend using hydrogen sulfide waters from the Matsestinsky deposit.

Vaginal irrigation has proven effective in the treatment of pathological conditions; they help restore the functioning of the reproductive system. Action:

  • changes in the activity of a number of enzymes;
  • restoration of metabolism;
  • positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine glands.

Vaginal irrigation stimulates the effect on functional state hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system. They have bactericidal properties. At the same time with hydrogen sulfide waters use radon, iodine-bromine and sulfide. They are used on the same day at the beginning of the procedure.

EHF treatment of TPH

TPB is difficult peritoneal infertility. EHF therapy - the use of millimeter waves with therapeutic purpose. This method capable of:

  • improve tissue trophism;
  • restore mucous membranes at the cellular level;
  • stimulate immune processes in the body.

The course of therapy begins one month after the operation. Conducted from 5–7 days menstrual cycle. Women with infertility will need to undergo about 30 sessions.


Infertility is not a death sentence. Using all therapy methods at the same time increases the chances married couple on the possibility of conceiving a child. Mud therapy is one of these methods.

How to carry out the procedure:

  1. The mud is heated in a thermostat to the optimal temperature.
  2. Using a dispenser tip, the product is injected into the vagina.
  3. At the same time, local applications are placed on the lower abdomen.

The duration of one procedure is 10–30 minutes. The course of treatment consists of 12–18 sessions. The treatment regimen may vary. For infertility unknown origin procedures are carried out daily.

Such physiotherapy for infertility helps to cure chronic inflammatory processes of the uterus, restore hormonal levels, restore menstrual functions, facilitates the course of the adhesive process in the pelvis.


In addition to the previous physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, abdominal-vaginal vibration massage is used. The effect of this method of therapy:

  • increased tissue metabolism;
  • improves blood flow and lymphatic drainage;
  • normalizes contractile activity fallopian tubes;
  • prevents the occurrence of adhesive processes.

The therapy method involves mechanical shock of the pelvic organs. Abdominal-vaginal vibration massage is carried out in courses. To obtain a good result, sessions are carried out daily. Women undergo 10–12 procedures.

Physiotherapy in many cases can replace surgery. The procedures do not help immediately. It’s not for nothing that they are prescribed in courses; procedures cannot be skipped. Physiotherapy in gynecology for infertility, reviews of which are mostly positive, prepares the organs of the reproductive system for pregnancy. These methods are good when the pregnancy ends in miscarriage, or a couple for a long time cannot conceive a child.

Why are physiotherapeutic procedures needed in gynecology? What problems can be solved using physiotherapy in gynecology and who should not undergo such procedures?
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Why is physiotherapy needed in gynecology?

Indeed, there are a lot of effective and modern medicines for the treatment of almost any gynecological diseases, why resort to physiotherapy??
The fact is that, unlike medications, physiotherapy does not have any side effects. But that is not all. Many gynecological diseases cause congestion in the organs of the reproductive system. In such diseases, treatment of the disease is complicated precisely because poor circulation. Few medications are able to cope with such a problem. But physiotherapy is aimed at precisely this.

There are also gynecological diseases in which drug treatment unable to help at all. For example, if you have experienced pain associated with pelvic neuralgia, then you understand what we are talking about. Such pain has a very debilitating effect on a woman. They become an obstacle both for sexual intercourse and simply for normal life. And they can only be eliminated with the help of physiotherapy. Physiotherapeutic procedures also help remarkably during the body’s recovery after surgical interventions or difficult childbirth.

Physiotherapy will not cause you any inconvenience at all and discomfort. Physiotherapeutic procedures can prevent the return of the disease or unpleasant phenomena related to treatment. Sometimes the use of physical therapy can reduce the number of medicines by increasing efficiency.

What methods of physiotherapy are used in gynecology?

All methods can be divided into three large groups: These are procedures carried out using various devices. To this group medical procedures include exposure to magnetic fields, currents of different voltages, thermal and cold procedures, irradiation with various spectra.

The second group of methods is based on the use of natural “helpers”, such as mud, baths with various fillers, various kinds souls and so on.

AND last group method is gynecological massage. During such procedures, patients usually get rid of of various nature pain. In each case, the number of procedures, their duration and intensity are selected individually.

Who should not undergo physical therapy?

Yes, such patients really exist. General contraindications are the presence of cancer, the presence of mental disorders, as well as uterine bleeding. But methods such as heating are not recommended for endometriosis or uterine tumors. In any case, all physiotherapy procedures in gynecology are prescribed strictly individually. When choosing procedures, the doctor will take into account both your age and your disease, and in some cases even earlier past illnesses. Therefore, methods will be selected very carefully.

Physiotherapy in gynecology is a constantly developing field. As new devices and technologies are created, more and more new methods of physiotherapy appear. At the same time, these have not lost their relevance for a long time proven methods, such as electrophoresis, baths, the use of various radiations.

Physiotherapy can greatly improve your condition. And its use together with the use of dietary supplements (biologically active additives) is an opportunity to be treated without drugs and side effects.

Physiotherapy or the use of physical factors for the benefit of health is one of the important components of prevention and treatment gynecological problems. Physiotherapeutic procedures are characterized by maximum efficiency and at the same time bring a minimum of harm to the female body, which allows them to be used as the main or helper method recovery.

What are the benefits of physical therapy?

Many gynecological diseases are caused stagnation in the pelvic organs, which significantly complicates the process of treatment and restoration of their functions. In addition, to eliminate similar problems Medicines alone are clearly not enough, so physical factors are the only thing that can really help in this case.

Physiotherapy is a specific irritant that has a stimulating and training, but generally beneficial effect on female body. Thanks to physiotherapeutic procedures:

In addition, treatment using physical factors:

  • allows to significantly reduce recovery time
  • is an excellent prevention of relapses and complications
  • combines well with medications, other procedures, and manual techniques
  • allows you to reduce the drug burden on the body, avoid its unpleasant side effects, or even stop taking medications altogether
  • has long lasting effect aftereffects lasting from several weeks to six months.

What factors are related to physiotherapy?

The following main groups of physical factors are used to treat gynecological diseases:


This healing methods based on usage mineral waters and healing mud. They contain great amount biologically active substances, which have a complex restorative and stimulating effect on the body. In almost all cases, after such treatment, there is an improvement or permanent cure for many female diseases.


These methods include paraffin and ozokerite treatment, which stimulate the production of estrogen by the ovaries and have an anti-inflammatory and absorbable effect.

Gynecological massage

This type of therapy is carried out to stretch scars, cords and adhesions that have arisen after inflammatory processes. It allows you to improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, increase metabolism and reduce the intensity of inflammation, improve ovarian function and normalize menstrual function.

Hardware Impact

Currently, the most commonly used in gynecology are:

  • (characterized by anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects and is often used after surgical interventions)
  • electrotherapy(improves blood circulation, relieves pain, relieves spasms of muscles and blood vessels)
  • ultrasound therapy(provides pain relief, softens adhesions, enhances the production of hormones by the ovaries, improves blood circulation)
  • phototherapy(infrared rays and laser radiation have a good anti-inflammatory, restorative and restorative effect on the uterus and ovaries, and ultraviolet rays have a pronounced bactericidal effect and are used to treat inflammation of the external genitalia and vagina)

The result of physiotherapeutic treatment depends on the type of factor, number and dose of procedures received. As a rule, the optimal effect occurs after several procedures or courses of treatment.

Indications and contraindications for physiotherapy

Physiotherapy may be prescribed by a doctor if the following diseases and states:

In addition, such treatment can be carried out:

  • during pregnancy - to reduce the tone of the uterus, with toxicosis, or to introduce certain medications into the mother’s body in order to reduce their adverse effects on the fetus
  • V postpartum period to reduce the likelihood of complications, better healing sutures, for the prevention and treatment of cracked nipples, lactostasis, mastitis (ultrasound therapy is most often used for this)

However, physiotherapeutic procedures also have a number of contraindications. This:

But even if there are some contraindications, the doctor may decide to use one or another physiotherapeutic treatment method: an individual approach is important in each case.

Features of physiotherapy

  1. Existing methods of physiotherapy are carried out both in an extra-cavitary way (impact on skin), and intracavitary (vaginal or rectal), while intracavitary, as a rule, are more effective.
  2. With absence urgent testimony, the course of treatment for gynecological diseases begins on days 5-7 of the cycle. This is due to the fact that the coincidence of the first procedures with the period of ovulation often leads to all sorts of adverse reactions body, and therapy during menstruation causes increased bleeding.
  3. Physiotherapy procedures are carried out after bowel movement Bladder, and after the session you should stay indoors for 20-30 minutes. In addition, during treatment you need to beware of hypothermia.
  4. As shown practical experience, therapeutic physical factors used in the composition complex treatment obstetric and gynecological problems, help women improve and maintain reproductive health.
by Notes of the Wild Mistress

How is physiotherapy useful in gynecology?

We are used to physiotherapy being used to treat colds and joint diseases. But it is difficult to overestimate the role of physiotherapy in the treatment of gynecological diseases, when it is not only an auxiliary, but in some cases the main method of treatment. Moreover, for some diseases, physiotherapy is the only treatment. It's about about chronic pelvic pain due to adhesions or neuralgia of the pelvic nerves, when medications cannot help at all.

Physiotherapy significantly reduces postoperative period, prevents the formation of adhesions, restores damage to the uterine mucosa, and also solves the problem of poor blood circulation, which is not always possible to do medicines.

In addition, physiotherapy has no side effects, and its use in healing process allows you to reduce or completely eliminate your use medications. But it should be remembered that Physiotherapy is prescribed by the attending physician and strictly individually.

Goals of physical therapy treatment

When and why does a doctor prescribe physiotherapeutic treatment, and what does he expect from such a decision? It is possible to identify the main motives for the use of physiotherapy in gynecology. This:

Relieving pain,

Reducing the recovery time for tissues damaged during surgery,

Restoration of hormonal metabolism,

Reducing the inflammatory process,

Stabilization of the autonomic nervous system,

Strengthening immunity.

The effectiveness of physiotherapy methods in the treatment of gynecological diseases is based on the fact that electrical, radiation, magnetic, etc. (depending on the type of physiotherapy) energy absorbed by tissues is converted into biological reactions. Does a positive therapeutic effect depend on several factors? Number of procedures, choice of treatment type, as well as single dose.

Which method the doctor prescribes depends on established diagnosis, age, hormonal levels, the presence of contraindications to certain physical factors, from individual tolerance procedures, and also in some cases from previous diseases.

For what diagnoses is physiotherapy prescribed:

The list of diseases for which physiotherapeutic treatment is prescribed is large.

Subacute and chronic diseases pelvic organs ( chronic inflammation uterine appendages);

Infertility due to obstruction fallopian tubes;

Rehabilitation after operations to restore patency of the fallopian tubes, after induced abortion, spontaneous miscarriage or curettage of the uterine cavity;

Preparing for pregnancy women who have had spontaneous miscarriages and missed pregnancies;

Preparation of the uterine mucosa before the IVF program (physiotherapy increases the effectiveness of IVF).

What types of physiotherapy are used in gynecology?

Today in gynecology the following methods are used:

Magnetotherapy, which has an anti-inflammatory effect;

Electrotherapy: electrophoresis, electrical stimulation, etc. So, treatment pulse currents relieves spasms of blood vessels and smooth muscles, and this helps improve blood supply to tissues and has an analgesic effect;

Ultrasound therapy, which creates an analgesic effect, “softens adhesions,” and also helps improve blood supply to tissues and increase hormonal activity of the ovaries;

Phototherapy and light therapy are methods that use UV and infrared rays that have a bactericidal effect;

Laser therapy.

Is physiotherapy prescribed during pregnancy?

Just during pregnancy, when the use of medications is often contraindicated, physiotherapy for the treatment of diseases comes to the fore, as it gives positive effect with minimal adverse effects on the fetus.

Physiotherapy will help expectant mothers with early toxicosis, with the threat of miscarriage (with the help of physiotherapy they reduce the tone of the uterus), etc.

Physiotherapy is also indicated after childbirth - thanks to it, sutures heal faster after caesarean section or in case of ruptures. Physiotherapy is used to treat cracked nipples and to prevent mastitis. Physiotherapeutic methods help well with lactostasis, facilitating the release of milk. And darsonvalization - excellent remedy for the treatment of postpartum hemorrhoids.

Contraindications for physiotherapy

Unfortunately, there are contraindications for the use of physiotherapeutic treatment in gynecology. There are few of them, but it is imperative to follow the recommendations. Physiotherapy should not be given to patients with cancer, mental disorders, or uterine bleeding These are general contraindications.

It is not recommended to do warming for endometriosis or uterine tumors. But modern physiotherapy It is developing rapidly, and new methods have been found for the treatment of fibroids, endometriosis and other problems in which overheating is prohibited.

Along with traditional medicines, gynecologists widely use in their practice physiotherapeutic methods based on the action of current, magnetic field, laser and ultrasound. In many cases, these techniques become an important addition to treatment, and often the only thing that can help with

Every day more and more new devices and, accordingly, methods appear, but the basic ones (baths, electrophoresis, healing) have not lost their relevance.

Treatment is selected individually and depends not only on age, level of reproductive system disorder, but also on the effectiveness of previous treatment.

Majority women's diseases associated with impaired blood supply to the pelvic organs, and physical methods eliminate this phenomenon. We also must not forget about neuralgia typical of women in a position where it is not recommended to take many medications. Representatives of the fair sex know that physiotherapy, the treatment of which is absolutely painless and safe, improves general health and benefits the entire body.

For what diseases is physiotherapy prescribed in gynecology?

This mainly concerns inflammatory diseases and adhesive process. Fixed cervical curvature, menstrual irregularities (up to amenorrhea), infertility, and hormonal deficiency (primary and secondary) can be corrected. Some methods are used for recovery after surgery and childbirth, as well as to prepare for an upcoming pregnancy after a miscarriage. Physiotherapy in gynecology is used for menopausal problems, menopause, and also for painful coitus.

The most common pathology for which such therapy is prescribed is adhesive process c After the course, the adhesions become softer and more extensible, which reduces pain syndrome and improves intestinal function. Certainly, radical method Treatment can only be surgery, but after that physiotherapy is still prescribed to prevent the formation of new adhesions.

Contraindications to physiotherapeutic procedures

Procedures cannot be performed if:

Fever and general serious condition;

Infectious diseases and exacerbation viral infections sexually transmitted diseases;

Tuberculosis in active phase;

Blood diseases;

Acute renal and liver failure;

Oncological diseases;

Mental disorders;

Pathologies of the genital organs (cysts and polyps of the uterus, bleeding unknown etiology, early post-abortion period, cervical pathologies, vaginal condylomas).

TO relative contraindications can be attributed following states:


Gallstones and urolithiasis disease;

Heavy endocrine diseases (diabetes, diencephalic obesity);

Psycho-emotional arousal.

Physiotherapy in gynecology should be used wisely, like any other treatment. All procedures must be prescribed experienced doctor. You should not self-medicate without a full examination. Home physical therapy is not the best way to help yourself. The method will be beneficial only if it is applied according to all the rules and taking into account the woman’s contraindications.



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