Which ointment for wound healing is better and more effective? Pharmacy products for rapid healing of various types of wounds. Stages of treatment of open wounds

Human skin is often exposed to all sorts of injuries.

In some cases, it is necessary to use wound-healing ointments, the rapid effect of which can restore the skin in a short time. In addition to regenerative properties, such products have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial properties.

Depending on the damage to the skin, means for treating and healing wounds are selected.

Wound healing ointments can be intended for the treatment of ordinary abrasions and scratches, as well as for more serious injuries: burns or trophic ulcers.

These tools are mainly used for:

  • treatment of scratches, abrasions, cuts;
  • scratching insect bites;
  • treatment of scratching from animal bites;
  • healing of the skin after first or second degree burns;
  • treatment of skin areas affected by trophic ulcers;
  • healing of cracks caused by dry skin;
  • children's skin irritations, diaper rash, prickly heat;
  • sunburn or skin damage due to frostbite.

Damage, regardless of its origin, has two stages: the inflammation stage and the regeneration stage.

  1. A characteristic feature of the first stage is inflammation of the surface of the damaged skin, purulent discharge, and death of tissue around the damaged surface of the skin.
  2. The second stage is characterized by a drying surface and a decrease in purulent discharge. The wound gradually heals and a scar forms.

The speed of healing depends on the individual regenerative properties of the person. Some problems in the body can cause wounds to take a long time to heal. For example, high blood sugar levels, impaired metabolism, so the best ointment for wound healing should be selected individually.

Depending on the stage, medications are prescribed. It must be remembered that not all ointments have good antiseptic properties, but they contribute to rapid tissue restoration. The untreated surface, tightening, closes the exit of pus. This is dangerous due to inflammation under the skin and can lead to surgical opening.

Preparations for treating the first stage of a wound

The first stage is characterized by a weeping surface, as well as an accumulation of purulent discharge. Before using ointments for healing, it is necessary to pre-treat the surface of the affected area with antimicrobial agents. Treatment at the first stage involves the use of antibacterial and antiseptic drugs. For minor damage, iodine, brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide are suitable.

The following wound healing ointments have good antimicrobial properties.

The wide range of uses of the drug includes the treatment of injuries from minor cuts to serious, poorly healing ulcers and burns. This ointment is used after surgery to speed up the fusion of stitches.

The drug should be applied in a thin layer, with a sterile bandage applied on top. The procedure should be repeated 3-5 times a day.

Used as an ointment for healing purulent wounds. This product contains streptocide and netazol, which is an antibacterial substance that can resist most bacteria. This drug is widely used for suppuration, postoperative treatments, and abscesses. This ointment is recommended for treating second, third and fourth degree burns. In addition, it is recommended to treat inflammatory processes of the skin with this ointment. This drug is effective for deep purulent tissue damage. To treat them, gauze swabs with the product applied to them are placed in the wound, and then covered with a bandage.

  • For purulent lesions, the ointment is used once a day.
  • For burns, depending on the intensity of pus discharge, but at least 2 times a week.

The amount of product used depends on the surface being treated.

3. Streptoplaven

Promotes the dissolution of dead cells, therefore it is recommended for treating wounds caused by trophic ulcers. Miramistin, which is part of the ointment, promotes disinfection. Thanks to the water-based product, miramistin quickly and deeply penetrates the wound, preventing the formation of inflammatory processes. To treat deep purulent lesions, before using it, you should remove dead tissue, clean the areas of the wound that have become swollen with pus, and then use a solution of hydrogen peroxide. Apply a thin layer of ointment to the wound for healing. The recommended volume of ointment for one dressing is no more than 200 g.

This remedy is used for heavy purulent discharge. In the treatment of skin lesions such as:

  • Gangrene caused by diabetes or atherosclerosis;
  • Postoperative wounds;
  • Post-traumatic injuries;
  • Temperature lesions accompanied by purulent discharge.

The drug is based on natural ingredients and is intended for the treatment of abrasions, scratches, and bruises. It has analgesic, disinfecting, healing, and protective properties. This ointment for rapid wound healing is recommended for treating damaged skin of children. Thanks to its calming effect, this remedy is well suited for the treatment of childhood injuries, diaper rash, burns, dermatitis, and acne. The natural components of the ointment rarely cause side effects.

This is one of the products that should be in a child's first aid kit. At the first sensation of sunburn, apply a thin layer of balm to the surface of the skin.

Since this product is able to moisturize the skin, it is well suited for treating cracked nipples of a nursing woman, as well as other cracks in dry skin.

The balm is applied to the wound in a middle layer, fixed with a bandage and covered with an insulating layer, which enhances the effect of the product.

Preparations for treating wounds in the healing stage

As healing progresses, purulent discharge decreases, dead tissue is removed with the drugs used in the first stage, and the wound begins to heal. For the speedy restoration of skin cells, wound healing and scar formation, after the surface has dried and strong purulent discharge has disappeared, it is recommended to use the following products.

This ointment is wound-healing, quickly restores cellular metabolism, and helps strengthen collagen fibers. The ointment contains dexpanthenol, which is a derivative of pantothenic acid, which is necessary for the epithelium. The drug has a weak anti-inflammatory effect, so before application it should be treated with an antiseptic.

  • baby diaper dermatitis,
  • diaper rash, sunburn,
  • treatment of cracked nipples during feeding,
  • temperature damage to the skin associated with hypothermia.

The product should be applied to the damaged surface, rubbing in with light movements.

To treat diaper rash in children, lubricate the damaged surface with ointment after each change of clothes, as well as after bathing.

Nursing mothers should lubricate their nipples after each feeding and wash off the ointment before feeding.

Normalizes skin cell turnover. When interacting with the skin, it promotes its rapid regeneration due to the dexpanthenol contained in it. It quickly penetrates deep into the skin, turning into pantothenic acid, which tissues need for speedy recovery.

The use of ointment is recommended for the formation of cracks due to dry skin, for the treatment of skin irritations in children, and for accelerating the healing process of abrasions, scratches and burns. The drug quickly penetrates deep into the wound and prevents inflammation. Strengthens local immunity and also has a healing effect.

Using the ointment involves applying a thin layer of it to damaged skin. It is recommended to use the ointment at least 2 times a day.

3. Actovegin - this wound healing ointmentcan be used both in the second and first stages of the wound. In addition to its regenerative properties, the ointment has good disinfecting properties. This remedy is widely used in the treatment of burns, including boiling water or steam. As well as weeping and long-not healing wounds.Wound healing ointmentApply a thin layer on a clean, purulent-free surface. To clean the ulcerative surfaces, the ointment is applied in a thick layer and fixed with a bandage.

The range of uses of Actovegin is varied and includes the treatment of the following problems:

  • Thermal burns, chemical and radioactive burns;
  • Minor abrasions, scratches and cracks;
  • Damage with inflammatory processes and profuse suppuration;
  • Surface treatment before skin grafting;
  • Bedsores and trophic ulcers.

4. ointment for healing wounds and cracks. Used after pre-treatment of the wound with antimicrobial agents. Promotes rapid cellular turnover, transports oxygen to skin cells, resulting in faster healing.

This drug is effective in treating:

  • Mild burns;
  • Various cuts, scratches, cracks and abrasions;
  • Trophic ulcers;
  • Frostbite;
  • Bedsores and diaper rash.

Solcoseryl ointment is recommended for use only at the stage of granulation, because it contains fatty components that form a film on the surface. Applying the drug to untreated surfaces may cause undesirable consequences in the form of inflammation or suppuration.

Apply the product to the cleaned wound in a thin layer. The number of uses per day is at least 2 times.

All of the ointments listed can be found at any pharmacy and are available without a doctor's prescription.

Treatment at home is possible for minor wounds or: abrasions, scratches, minor burns, scratched insect bites, minor cuts or cracks. For larger and more dangerous injuries: 4th degree burns, trophic ulcers, gangrene and other diseases, you should consult a doctor.

Some of the most annoying injuries people encounter are facial wounds. They are noticeable to the naked eye, spoil a person’s appearance and lower their self-esteem. With improper treatment and care of such injuries, scars remain, which sometimes cannot be hidden even with the help of cosmetics.

Small wounds on the face can be quickly treated at home; large injuries require a visit to a surgeon and the use of special medications.

Features of facial skin damage

Wounds can form in any area of ​​the face for various reasons:

  • mechanical and thermal damage;
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • surgical intervention;
  • acne;
  • dermatological or infectious diseases.

Compared to wounds on other parts of the body, the treatment of injuries on the face has some peculiarities due to anatomical features:

  • active facial expressions;
  • constant muscle movement;
  • close location of blood vessels;
  • a very thin layer of fat cells.

In case of significant damage to the skin and muscles of the face, sutures can be applied within 36 hours. In other areas of the body, tissues need to be sutured within 24 hours to avoid microbes from penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin.

Possible difficulties during treatment

Anatomical features may cause some difficulties in the healing process of injuries on the face:

  • Edge separation. If large wounds occur in the lower two-thirds of the face, healing may be slower due to facial movements.
  • Intense bleeding that is difficult to stop.
  • Infection. The penetration of microbes occurs when the rules of wound treatment are violated, therefore, in case of significant damage to the facial skin, local and general antibiotics are often prescribed.
  • The occurrence of edema accompanies almost all injuries on the face. This not only affects the appearance of the victim, but can also slow down the tissue healing process.

In addition, almost all wounds on the face cause discomfort to a person when eating and communicating. Due to the constant movement of the facial muscles, the victim experiences discomfort and pain.

At the same time, healing of wounds on the face occurs faster than with tissue damage in other areas. This is due to a large number of capillaries and intense blood circulation. Active nutrition of tissues with oxygen accelerates regeneration. Healing of injuries near the mouth occurs faster than in other areas of the face due to the special structure of the tissues.

Treatment rules

Minor injuries can be successfully treated at home. To do this, you must first clean them of contaminants and treat them with an antiseptic. If the injury is large, contacting a surgeon cannot be delayed.

Professional help may also be needed after a few days of treating a small wound at home. The reason for contacting a medical facility may be a sharp deterioration in the condition of the wound (the appearance of pus, swelling, separation of the edges), or the opening of bleeding.

The specialist will assess the severity of the damage using several parameters:

  • size;
  • depth;
  • presence of infection.

Possible infection is indicated by redness, severe swelling of the tissue, and high temperature at the site of injury.

After the examination, the surgeon performs several actions:

  • treats the edges of the wound with a professional antiseptic;
  • applies stitches to the damage (if necessary);
  • gives an anti-tetanus injection (if necessary);
  • informs about the rules of care.

The wound on the face needs to be treated several times a day. If the damage is deep or covers a large area, this should be done in a clinic.

Whatever the wound, you should follow several recommendations:

  • Treatment cannot be delayed; the sooner therapy is started, the faster tissue healing will occur and the lower the risk of complications.
  • Do not treat the wound with iodine or medical alcohol. Concentrated liquids will burn the edges, which may delay tissue healing. In addition, such actions can leave marks on the skin, which will be very difficult to get rid of.
  • For initial treatment, it is recommended to dilute alcohol or iodine with boiled water, or use hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin solution or boric alcohol.
  • Do not stop bleeding with adhesive tape. It will reduce oxygen supply to damaged tissues and slow down scarring. If the wound is bleeding, after treatment you need to stop the bleeding using sterile wipes. The patch is applied a few days after the injury and changed several times a day.
  • To increase overall immunity, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes during treatment. During this period, it is recommended to cancel all diets and eat more protein and plant foods. Improving your health will speed up the regeneration process.
  • Choose the right form of medications. At the initial stage, it is forbidden to use oily ointments and fatty creams; they are much more effective after tightening the edges of the wound.
  • If the damage does not heal for several days or signs of infection appear, antibiotics are prescribed.

First aid immediately after an injury to the face is carried out in several stages:

  • removal of contaminants;
  • antiseptic treatment;
  • applying a bandage (sterile bandage or napkin).

You cannot keep the wound closed all the time; the bandage must be removed several times a day to ensure oxygen access.

To speed up the healing process, you must strictly follow your doctor's recommendations and protect the wound from exposure to high and low temperatures, high humidity and ultraviolet radiation. Until the end of regeneration, it is not recommended to visit the beach, swimming pool, solarium and sauna.

Medicines, creams, ointments for quick treatment of wounds on the face

The rate of healing of a facial wound depends on the medications used and adherence to the care instructions received at the hospital.

Wound treatment products can be divided into several groups:

  • bactericidal;
  • drying;
  • accelerating cell regeneration;
  • antibiotics (if necessary).

Wounds are treated with bactericidal agents immediately after injury and before each application of other medications to wet areas. These include the already mentioned hydrogen peroxide, manganese solution and iodine and medical alcohol diluted with water. After the wound has dried, these drugs are not used.

Drying agents include drugs in the form of aqueous solutions or jelly. They do not block the access of oxygen to tissues, protect against penetration of microbes into the wound and accelerate the formation of a crust. These include:

  • Solcoseryl (gel).

The drug from Switzerland is obtained from purified calf blood, which activates the production of collagen in the skin. The gel is applied to the damaged area in a thin layer several times a day. The drug is used for all types of burns, ulcers, deep and superficial injuries.

  • Actovegin is a Russian analogue of Solcoseryl.
  • Eplan (water solution or napkins). The drug has antibacterial, analgesic and regenerating effects. The product is applied to the skin several times a day, the wound heals approximately three days after the start of use.

After the wound heals and stops getting wet, you can apply ointments and creams to it. They will create a protective film on the surface, speed up recovery and soften dry skin.

Tissue regeneration occurs due to components that accelerate collagen synthesis and metabolic processes in cells. Such drugs include:

  • Levomekol is a combined action ointment: regenerating, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. It can even be applied to infected wounds. Levomekol is used to heal burns, incised wounds, and purulent boils.
  • Rescuer is an ointment that is used for any skin damage. The product has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes blood circulation and relieves swelling.
  • Bepanten. The ointment stimulates tissue regeneration, moisturizes and protects against the penetration of microbes.
  • Contatubex is an ointment that heals wounds and prevents the formation of scars.
  • Panthenol. The regenerating, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent is available in the form of a spray, ointment and cream.
  • Solcoseryl and Actovegin in the form of ointment.

When wounds on the face become inflamed, antibacterial agents are applied to them after treatment with an antiseptic. This group includes several drugs: Baneocin (powder), Tetracycline ointment, Levomekol.

You cannot use the listed remedies without consulting a doctor.

Traditional medicine to speed up healing

You can also take care of damaged facial skin using products you prepare yourself:

  • Lotions of fresh aloe or Kalanchoe juice are applied to the wounds for 10-15 minutes several times a day.
  • Homemade ointment made from Vaseline (butter) and plantain. 1 part of the crushed leaves of the plant is mixed with 5 parts of Vaseline. The product is applied to the lesions 3-5 times a day. An ointment with calendula is prepared in the same way.
  • To speed up healing, apply a thin layer of badger fat to the skin several times a day.

You can use the above remedies only after the wound stops getting wet in combination with medications.

How long can wounds take to heal?

Regeneration of tissue on the face takes place in 2 stages. Their duration depends on the size of the damage and the state of health of the person. How long it takes to heal a wound is difficult to determine. The healing stage lasts from several days to a month, during which time the wound becomes scarred. At the next stage, the appearance of the damaged area is finalized.

The final result (whether the scar will remain and what size it will be) depends to a large extent on how the damage was cared for and treated.

Possible consequences

If the wound on the face is not properly cared for, tissue infection may occur. This will not only slow down the healing process, but also threaten unpleasant complications:

  • general blood poisoning;
  • necrotization of surrounding tissues;
  • damage to the facial nerves.

One of the consequences of facial damage is the formation of scars. To reduce them, you can use special creams that activate collagen production, exfoliate dead cells and even out the color of tissues.

The products are applied several times a day only to the scar, without affecting healthy skin. You can start using such products only after the scar has hardened (after 2-3 months).

In addition to scar creams, you can use oils that are rubbed into colloidal tissue.

The scar remedy is effective if the injury mark is small. In cases where the scar area is significant, they resort to cosmetic procedures, for example, laser facial resurfacing or acid peeling.

Any wound, even the smallest one, requires mandatory treatment, which begins with the initial treatment of the injury with solutions that prevent infection of the injury. At the same time, it is important that the treatment is constantly adjusted, not only depending on the location of the wound and its etiology, but also on the course of the processes of restoration of injured tissue and the characteristics of healing.

In this section you will learn how to properly treat an open wound and what you can apply to the damaged area. You will also find answers to questions such as how to disinfect abrasions and scratches at home, how to properly treat deep and post-operative wounds.

Rules for treating wounds

When treating any wound, regardless of its location and origin, it is important to follow a number of certain rules.

An open wound is treated by following the following recommendations:

How to treat an open wound

During the initial treatment of the wound, as well as during all subsequent treatments carried out when changing dressings, antibiotic drugs are not used, even those that have a fairly wide range of effects.

In most cases, antibiotic drugs eliminate various types of bacteria, but in addition to them, fungi, as well as viruses and other pathogenic microorganisms, against which antibiotics would be powerless, could also enter the wounded area.

To treat wounds, you should use special antiseptic solutions that can destroy almost all types of pathogenic microflora, including the dangerous tuberculosis bacillus.

Of course, antiseptics do not accelerate the healing process or stimulate tissue regeneration; their goal is to destroy microbes, which significantly slow down and complicate all these processes, taking away useful elements and oxygen from the tissues for their own development.

But it is important to remember that if antiseptics are used incorrectly, the healing process can be significantly slowed down. At each stage of regeneration of damaged tissues, it is recommended to use suitable products.

What to apply to an open wound to make it heal faster? You will learn about healing in detail in a separate article. Also, to heal deep damaged areas of the skin, special medical glue is used, in particular.

Most often when treating wounds they use:

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Treatment of abrasions and scratches

Such damage forms on the skin in cases where there is an impact on any hard surface or blunt object.

Often abrasions and various scratches occur as a result of a fall. As a result, the top layer of the epidermis is usually removed and the smallest vessels are damaged, which causes pinpoint bleeding. Such damage also requires mandatory treatment to prevent infection and the development of the inflammatory process.

First of all, the abrasion must be thoroughly washed with running water and soap (laundry or regular baby soap). This treatment allows not only to eliminate contamination, but also to destroy many pathogenic microorganisms.

After washing, the abrasion should be treated with an antiseptic solution. To do this, you need to moisten a gauze swab in hydrogen peroxide and gently wet the surface of the damage. After this, you can take a cotton pad, soak it in Chlorhexidine solution and apply it to the abrasion, securing it with pieces of plaster. This bandage should be left on for about an hour.

Next, the surface of the injury needs to be dried a little in the air, after which you can sprinkle the injury, for example, Boneacin, or any other, and apply a dry sterile bandage. When a crust (scab) forms on the surface of the abrasion, the bandage is removed and left in the air.

Treatment of deep wounds

If you receive a deep wound, such as a cut, it is not recommended to immediately try to stop the bleeding. The blood coming out of the wound washes out any contaminants that have gotten inside, which helps clean the wound cavity.

It is important to treat the wound with antiseptics, remembering that the use of alcohol is not recommended, as it causes necrosis of damaged tissue. Pouring hydrogen peroxide onto such injuries is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to an embolism.

To properly treat an injury, you should soak a cotton pad or gauze swab in peroxide and gently blot the surface of the wound and the skin around it.

After this, apply a sterile bandage using a sterile gauze cloth attached with a bandage or plaster. The bandage must be changed the next day or as it becomes saturated with blood.

It is not advisable to apply the ointment immediately after receiving a wound. Most of these drugs are recommended for use only when granulation processes have already begun at the wound site or suppuration with active inflammation has appeared. It is popular in the treatment of purulent wounds.

If immediately upon receipt of a wound there is a serious danger of infection of damaged tissues, for example, in cases where the wound was inflicted by a rusty nail, a piece of rusty iron, glass located in the ground, and in other similar situations, then in order to avoid complications after treating the wound with antiseptics Antibacterial ointment should be applied immediately. In such cases, it is best to use an ointment that is water-based and, when heated on the surface of the body, easily penetrates into the very depths of the wound cavity, killing pathogenic microflora.

If the wound is deep and narrow (from a nail), it is permissible to inject ointment heated to body temperature from a syringe directly into the wound cavity.

You may find information such as an algorithm or (PHO) wounds useful - you will also find detailed information about this in the relevant articles.

When to go to the doctor

It is important to correctly assess the extent of the injury received. Of course, minor abrasions, scratches and cuts can be treated independently at home, using the right products and carrying out the necessary treatments in a timely manner.

If you have minor injuries, you should consult a doctor only if, despite all the treatments, an inflammatory process has begun in the wound and suppuration has appeared.

Cuts should be given special attention. It is important to remember that only shallow cuts, the length of which does not exceed 2 cm, can be treated independently without contacting a doctor.

If you receive a larger cut after initial treatment, you should immediately consult a doctor, as stitches may be required.

If you receive serious or large wounds, you should contact a doctor immediately, and it is important to provide the victim with proper first aid before the ambulance arrives.

The main factor influencing how long wounds take to heal is correct and timely recognition of the type of wound. This is necessary in order to begin immediate and effective treatment.

Types of wounds

According to their structure, wounds, regardless of origin, whether it is a fresh cut or postoperative sutures are healing, are divided into two categories: wet and dry wounds.

Wet wounds are characterized by strong moisture on the wound surface and are mostly pinkish in color. From such a wound, clear fluid is constantly released and epithelization occurs very slowly.

Dry wounds are characterized by the presence of crusts around the wound. It often appears in a protracted, almost healed form, but still requires careful treatment.

First aid for injuries

One of the main conditions for the rapid healing of wounds is first aid, the provision of which can be decisive on the path to recovery.

Immediately after injury, it is necessary to treat the edges of the wound and immediately remove all foreign substances from it to avoid infection. In order to avoid excessive damage to an existing wound, it is necessary in no case to disturb the resulting layer of crusts. If the injury causes severe bleeding, you need to try to stop it by applying a pressure bandage or briefly applying a tourniquet slightly above the wound.

The best first aid for any type of wound is to treat it with an alcohol solution of brilliant green, iodine, boric acid or salicylic acid. The next step is to apply a sterile bandage to ensure air access; do not forget about the damage for a long time and at first try to change the bandage every 2 hours.

Treatment of wounds at home

If the nature of the damage is minor and surgical intervention is not required, wounds can be treated at home. To do this, you need to stock up on sterile dressings and instruments that can easily be sterilized.

Wounds require dressing and careful examination at least 2 times a day. The person who performs the dressing and inspection of the wound must observe the rules of hygiene and thoroughly disinfect their hands before the procedure. It is recommended to first wash your hands with soap, dry them with a clean, lint-free cloth and then treat your hands with an antiseptic, which may include rubbing alcohol or other modern means to achieve sterility.

Inspection of the wound during the dressing process can be decisive in choosing a treatment method, since wet and dry wounds require different treatment methods. And the use of medicines for healing in the wrong form or release can lead to disastrous consequences.

Healing agents in the form of ointment or cream can be applied to a dry wound, but these products are absolutely not suitable for a wet wound. Applying an ointment or cream to an oozing wound creates an impenetrable film on its surface, causing your wound to fail to heal. This is due to the oily structure of the healer. Therefore, it is more advisable to lubricate a damp wound with a healing agent in the form of a gel, which does not interfere with the passage of air to the wound, and thereby promotes the most effective healing.

To improve the recovery process after injury, at the end of a series of dressings, it is useful to leave the wound without a bandage, which helps improve tissue epithelization. It is recommended to increase the time spent without the bandage. Also, do not forget about nutrition during the recovery process and try to eat more protein foods.

Purulent wounds can appear at any age in any person. If treated incorrectly or untimely, this leads to complex complications.

Therefore, it is extremely important to know what drugs and other means to use, how to carry out the procedures correctly.

If infection occurs when the integrity of the skin is damaged, then the issue of treating purulent wounds at home becomes acute. After all, suppuration leads to the most unpleasant consequences, including gangrene.

Abscesses are a lumen with purulent fluid, around which an inflammatory process occurs. The disease occurs against the background of infection of any wound (cut, scratch, puncture, etc.).

Simply put, pus is formed due to the penetration of a pathogenic microorganism into the wound.

A purulent formation can occur in any part of the body, but is most often found on the leg, arm, buttocks, abdomen, and fingers. Pus can have a thick or liquid consistency, as well as a different color.

It is the shade that allows you to determine the type of pathogen:

  • the whitish and yellowish color of the thick structure indicates infection with the staphylococcus bacterium;
  • with a liquid consistency of a brownish-yellow hue, we are talking about E. coli;
  • a watery structure of yellow and green color is characterized by infection with streptococcus;
  • brown, foul-smelling liquid – anaerobic microbes;
  • if the shade of pus inside is yellow, but changes color when in contact with air, then it is Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Symptoms of purulent wounds

  1. Bursting, throbbing or pressing pain.
  2. Redness of the skin around the lesion.
  3. On palpation, the skin feels hot.
  4. Change in skin color at the site of pathology.
  5. Swelling and headache.
  6. Increased body temperature, chills, weakness.
  7. Loss of appetite and increased sweating.

Causes of infection

As you know, purulent wounds occur due to infection. But why then does one person immediately notice the inflammatory process, while the other does not? It turns out that there are certain factors that influence the transformation of a simple wound into a purulent form.

First of all, this is a weakened immune system and the presence of certain pathologies (diabetes mellitus, HIV, etc.). Climatic conditions (high humidity) and extensive pollution of the area also play a huge role.

A pathogenic microorganism can be introduced into a wound through dirty hands or the use of non-sterile materials for processing.

The first question that arises is how to treat a purulent wound. Because the effectiveness and duration of subsequent therapy depends on this.

Not every person is ready to go to the clinic with such a minor problem. And it’s not always possible to see a doctor right away.

Therefore, it is necessary to know the rules of primary processing:

  1. Wound disinfection and rinsing. What to wash with? Every home has hydrogen peroxide, so use this liquid. You can use Furacilin, potassium permanganate diluted in water, or a solution of Chlorhexidine.
  2. Next you need to treat the area around the wound. To do this, you can take brilliant green or iodine. After this, you need to make a dressing (apply a sterile bandage).
  3. Further care includes application of ointments, daily rinsing and other types of processing.
  4. In particularly advanced cases, the doctor prescribes surgery. For example, if the wound is lacerated, open, with the presence of foreign bodies, etc. The surgeon performs a deep cleaning, removing blood clots, fragments, dead tissue and cells. This will speed up the healing process. If necessary, the doctor excises the uneven edges and then applies sutures.

Quite often, the doctor suggests administering a special anti-tetanus serum, and for bites from unvaccinated animals, a rabies vaccine. You should not refuse the procedure, as this will prevent complications.

The basis of the algorithm for treating purulent lesions is to remove dead epithelium, cleanse purulent fluid, accelerate regeneration processes and prevent the development and growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

For processing, you will need a sterile bandage and gauze pads, scissors washed in alcohol, sterile gloves, adhesive tape, solutions and ointments.

Initially, the area around the wound is washed and treated with hydrogen peroxide, manganese or other solutions. Next, use scissors to cut a sterile napkin to the size of the wound, apply ointment to it and apply it to the lesion. After this, bandage it. All manipulations must be done with gloves.

If you remove a bandage with accumulated pus, do it with rubber gloves. After removing the purulent napkin, be sure to change your gloves. Otherwise, you risk spreading the infection throughout your body.

Treatment methods for purulent wounds

Before treating purulent wounds, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic methods. Medical principles of treatment include the following:

  • cleansing of purulent fluid and dead tissues and cells;
  • neutralization of swelling and other symptoms;
  • destruction of bacteria.

If the pus cannot be removed naturally, drainage is performed. It can be passive or active.

In the first case, drainage from tubes, strips, turundas and napkins soaked in antiseptics is used. Active drainage involves the use of suction devices.

Since purulent wounds belong to the infectious group, the use of antibiotics is necessary. Depending on the severity of suppuration, various forms of drugs are used.

For example, with minor suppuration, local exposure is sufficient, and in more complex cases, complex treatment is prescribed. That is, the wounds are treated with antibacterial ointments and solutions, and the patient takes tablets orally. Injections are also prescribed quite often.

The most popular antibiotics for purulent wounds:

  • tetracyclines;
  • cephalosporins;
  • penicillins.

Modern pharmacology produces a huge number of universal ointments that have a comprehensive effect. But what ointment to use for purulent wounds in a particular case will be decided by the attending physician and directly by you.

List of the best ointments:

The most common and popular drugs:

Treatment at home: traditional medicine recipes

Modern medicine does not deny the positive effects of medicinal herbs and other components used in folk medicine.

After all, many drugs are made from plant extracts. Therefore, folk remedies are popular.

Juna is a folk healer, thanks to whom many people got rid of various pathologies. One of her recipes is Juna's unique ointment.

Although, she personally claimed that this remedy came from the people, and she only recommended it. The ointment can draw out any purulent fluid in a short time.

So, you will need 1 raw egg yolk, 1 tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. l. wheat flour. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and store in the refrigerator.

If necessary, apply the resulting mixture directly to the hearth, covering the top with a piece of toilet paper or a paper napkin. Be sure to apply a protective bandage.

The ointment can be changed every 3 hours throughout the day.. If you want to leave it overnight, feel free to leave it. After removal, you will find accumulations of pus that need to be removed. If there is no purulent liquid yet, then apply another layer of the mixture on top.

Almighty aloe flower

Aloe is a bactericidal plant that destroys pathogens, draws out pus and heals.

But how to use aloe correctly to achieve maximum effect? There are several ways:

  1. Wash the plant leaf and cut it lengthwise. Apply to the affected area and secure. To enhance the antibacterial effect, you can drop a little iodine.
  2. Peel the aloe and finely chop. Apply the paste to the wound.
  3. Squeeze the juice out of the cleaned plant, soak a gauze cloth in it and apply it to the damaged area.

Aloe needs to be changed every 2-3 hours. Try to use a 3 year old plant. Be sure to treat the wound with any solution before the procedure.

Horseradish recipes

Horseradish is a powerful antibacterial plant, so it is used to treat purulent formations. Horseradish infusion is used as lotions, compresses and rinsing solutions.

Grind the root part, take 1 tbsp. l. and pour boiling water over it. It is advisable to insist in a thermos for 1 hour.

You can make a tincture from fresh leaves. Weigh 200 grams of the plant and twist the leaves through a meat grinder. You should end up with a paste that needs to be poured with 1 liter of boiled water (temperature slightly above room temperature).

Now place the mixture in a glass jar and close the lid tightly. You need to insist for 12 hours. Do not forget to periodically stir the ingredients during this time.

Other recipes

Try not to self-medicate, this can lead to complications.. It is better to consult your doctor, as separate groups of drugs may be prescribed for each type of bacteria. And then you can easily get rid of the purulent wound!



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