Why do we need probiotics and prebiotics for the intestines? About the functioning of the intestines and the connection with the immune system

Snezhanna Verobey,
general practitioner, 1st category medical center"Kravira"

About the work of the intestines and the connection with immune system

— The functioning of all our organs and systems depends on the functioning of the intestines. Because nutrients, coming from food, in any case pass through the intestines. It is the quality of the products that influences the functioning of the enzyme system, as well as which microorganisms will live in the intestines: beneficial or not.

The specialist notes: the intestines today are under the close attention of scientists and doctors. Microbiomes and the causes of dysbiosis (microbial imbalance within the body - note by I.R.) are being studied.

— The intestinal microbiome is a unique collection of microorganisms, a separate ecosystem where there are not only bacteria, but also viruses, fungi, protozoa... It lives and coexists with the body as a whole.

Deviations from the composition of the microbiome in the intestines can lead to the development of certain diseases and conditions. Including obesity diabetes mellitus, allergic and autoimmune diseases.

It turns out that for the development or non-development of diseases, not only a person’s lifestyle and nutrition matters, but also the intestinal microbiome.

“Currently, publications have appeared in authoritative medical publications that intestinal microorganisms influence gene expression, that is, under certain conditions they activate human genes, which, for example, are responsible for the immune response and the development of allergic reactions.

About the fashion for probiotics and their real benefits

— I think they talk so much about the benefits of probiotics now because managers have done a good job pharmaceutical companies who produce these drugs.

The specialist explains: when drugs are promoted, potential buyers are presented with the results of clinical trials, during which certain positive effects are observed. However, in large multicenter studies These effects have not been proven. Real benefits not proven scientific level. Many of these drugs are registered pharmaceutical market Belarus as dietary supplements.

— Probiotics are live microorganisms (usually bifidobacteria and lactobacilli), which do not always even take root in the human intestines. The craze for them is not good for everyone. If we're talking about about taking the drug, the decision on its prescription must be made by the doctor.

The body does not always need a probiotic during/after taking an antibiotic

Even in a situation where a person takes antibiotics, he does not always need probiotics.

Clinical protocols no on this topic. It has not been scientifically proven that this is a necessity. In this matter, I would recommend focusing on “ golden mean"and personal characteristics of a person. This is not to say that a probiotic during/after a course of antibiotics is not needed at all or, on the contrary, is necessary for everyone.

It is better to entrust the decision to this issue to your doctor. It is he who prescribes the antibiotic, knows the characteristics of the patient’s body and can give the right recommendation. Everything also depends on the frequency and duration of taking the drug.

— How true is it that in the cold season the human body needs more probiotics than warm?

- It is a myth. In any season you just need to lead healthy image life. Regarding prevention viral infections, all we can do is have good immunity and get vaccinated against the flu.

The specialist says: the real benefits for the body are not probiotics, but prebiotics, that is, those substances that contribute to the development of normal microflora in the intestines. They just pass through the stomach and intestines and are not digested.

— Prebiotics (oligo- and polysaccharides) are lactulose, fiber, cellulose (not used in pure form, but we get it with products), inulin and others.

The doctor says that bananas will be beneficial for the body in this regard. There is always a lot of controversy about their benefits, but they contain indigestible substances needed by the body.

Prebiotics are found in bran, dairy products with lactulose and inulin, and even in dried fruits. However, you need to eat all this in moderation.

As for yoghurts, these products will be healthier homemade, not store-bought ones. They contain at least fewer additives: stabilizers, dyes.

Difference between probiotics and prebiotics?

Probiotics are drugs and food products containing live bacteria from members of the normal intestinal microflora. As a rule, these are lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, or combinations thereof. All people have similar microorganisms, but each has its own strain, that is genetic variety. At constant use probiotics may begin to compete with the body's own strains. Therefore, they are not enough to restore the microflora, and they are usually prescribed for a relatively short period of time—7-10 days.

The task of prebiotics is to stimulate the development of a person’s own microflora. They contain a food substrate for “normal” bacteria in the body, in particular fiber. Many also create a certain pH at which beneficial microbes feel good, and pathogenic ones slow down their development. But it is not always possible to limit yourself to prebiotics alone: ​​not only helper bacteria feed on fiber.

— What foods, on the contrary, spoil the intestinal microflora and the functioning of the body as a whole?

— Alcohol, refined foods. For example, buns and cakes, creams. Not useful either saturated fats. They pass through the intestines in transit, often settling on the walls of the organ. Particularly dangerous in this regard Palm oil. It can often be found in crunchy cookies, candies and other sweets. All these foods can stimulate putrefaction processes in the intestines.

They are beneficial for the intestines, as well as for the body as a whole. physical exercise(walking, swimming).

What's happened ? Why are these bacteria important and beneficial not only for our intestines, but for the entire body as a whole. Symptoms of unhealthy intestinal microflora. What foods contain Probiotics?

My serious relationship Things began to get serious with Probiotics after numerous and never-ending cases of thrush. And I still believe that these beneficial bacteria are one of the significant reasons my life without thrush and even herpes on the lip, from which I suffered for many years.

Our bodies need probiotics not only for digestion and absorption of food, but also to prevent and even treat many serious diseases and conditions. Autoimmune diseases, autism, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, diseases of cardio-vascular system- the list can be continued endlessly.

For many people, it will be a revelation to learn that 80% of our entire immune system is located nowhere but in the intestines! And the intestines are connected with such important organs, like the brain, heart, skin.

This is why it is so important to support normal microflora in the intestines, which is what Probiotics will help you with.

What are Probiotics?

- these are special living microorganisms that live on and in our body.

WITH Greek language The word “probiotic” itself translates as “for life.” And indeed it is.

Our body contains 100 trillion!!! various types bacteria, which is 10 times greater than the number of all our cells combined. That is, we are more bacteria than people

When we are born into this world, we already receive our first dose of Probiotics. From Mom.

That is why I cannot even explain how important it is to maintain healthy intestinal microflora and birth canal for women. Together with life, you give your baby immunity and protection from many chronic diseases.

A couple of days ago I was listening interesting interview, which was taken from Natasha McBride, a Russian doctor who immigrated to England and opened her own clinic natural approach and treatment of children with autism and other neurological diseases. And according to her, all mothers of children suffering from intestinal microflora are disturbed!

That's how important these seemingly insignificant bacteria are. But such global problem I will devote a separate post to the relationship between autism and Probiotics.

How do you know if you have healthy intestinal microflora?

Our intestines are their own separate state. In which both “good” and “bad” bacteria coexist in balance. And this balance is incredibly important for our body.

Seemingly simple things like wrong diet and taking antibiotics, destroy " good bacteria in our intestines, resulting in an abnormal overgrowth of “bad” bacteria.

This leads to inflammation of the cells of the intestinal walls, which can provoke the formation of tiny tears in the intestinal mucosa, through which partially digested food particles and all kinds of toxin breakdown products enter the bloodstream, spreading throughout the body, weakening our immune system.

All this taken together gives rise to allergic reactions and other serious illnesses, such as: Crohn's disease, Hashimoto's goiter, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, arthritis.

Factors leading to imbalance of healthy intestinal microflora:

  • taking antibiotics
  • eating sugar
  • eating simple carbohydrates
  • usage
  • chronic stress
  • chronic infections
  • alcohol consumption
  • smoking

Symptoms of unhealthy gut flora:

  • constipation or diarrhea
  • bloating, flatulence
  • desire to eat sugar and
  • chronic fatigue
  • weak immune system, frequent colds
  • herpes rash on lips
  • depression, depressed mood

How to restore normal intestinal microflora?

Since ancient times, our ancestors have eaten fermented/fermented foods.

In Russia it is sauerkraut and kefir, in India the fermented milk drink lassi, in Asia - fermented vegetables and even ginger.

To increase the number of beneficial bacteria and maintain a healthy balance in your body, you need to consume foods from the list below at least once a day:

  • or yogurt (store-bought ones are pasteurized and usually devoid of all living bacteria, and, moreover, most are stuffed with sugar)
  • or other pickled vegetables (don’t use store-bought ones, always ferment them yourself)
  • Also, for “feeding” Probiotics , try to eat foods rich in indigestible fiber: vegetables and fruits.

Probiotics and their beneficial properties:

  • Helps digest and absorb food.
  • Participate in the synthesis of vitamins B and K.
  • Struggling with chronic inflammation organism, which leads to the same chronic diseases.
  • Strengthen the immune system.
  • Balancing the feminine internal environment and help fight and prevent .
  • Strengthen urinary system and prevent the occurrence of cystitis and kidney disease.
  • Fight allergies.
  • Improves the health and condition of the skin: psoriasis, eczema, acne.
  • Prevents the growth of bad bacteria in oral cavity, preventing caries and gum disease.
  • They also have a positive effect on cholesterol levels, high pressure, liver disease, and even mood.

Hippocrates, the father of medicine, had a rather famous expression: all diseases begin in the intestines. AND latest research this is confirmed once again. Without healthy, balanced intestinal flora, there is no complete health!

IN Lately gastroenterologists and therapists prescribe along with the main therapy additional medications- probiotics and prebiotics. What is this? Many patients encounter these drugs for the first time, and they are interested in how they work and whether they can harm health, especially children's health.

What are probiotics and prebiotics?

For a long time, scientists debated which definition to choose for these drugs so that it would be clear, accessible and correct. It was only in 2002 that the WHO adopted the exact wording.

What are probiotics? These are drugs that contain non-pathogenic microorganisms that are normally found in the intestines.

They are distinguished by types and strains. Each strain has its own effect on the body, but it is always positive. It has been established that all probiotics improve intestinal function, because the stomach (in ancient Russian the word meant “life”) is the most important regulator of the health of the entire body.

Probiotics are available in different forms- capsules, drops, powder. Some of them must be refrigerated, without which the bacteria die and become ineffective. Among the most popular bacteria are non-pathogenic strains of bifidobacteria, enterococci, enterococci.

Prebiotics are substances that feed non-pathogenic microorganisms in our intestines and contribute to their improved growth and development.

Prebiotics are not absorbed into small intestine, but create a favorable environment for his work. These substances are found in a large number of products - primarily dairy products (which is why they are recommended for poor digestion), corn, bread, onions, garlic, beans, bananas. Many manufacturers add various products(cereals, yoghurts, etc.) prebiotics. Their composition varies - they include lactulose, inulin, oligofructose, chitosan, arginine, vitamins A, E, C, etc.

They go on sale in the form of medicines or In addition, they are added to ready-made food products.

How are probiotics different from prebiotics?

Prebiotics - what are they? They are chemical structures and food components. Probiotics are live microorganisms that die if stored incorrectly. Therefore, you should definitely read the instructions when purchasing these drugs.

From the above information, it becomes clear that intestinal prebiotics are food for bacteria that are part of the main composition of probiotics. The main task of both the first and second groups of drugs is to improve the performance of digestive system, in what ways they are similar. However, this is where their similarities end (with the exception of similar names and indications for use).

What are the indications for the use of pro- and prebiotics?

Their sphere therapeutic use almost the same. They are prescribed for digestive disorders and gastrointestinal diseases. Let's look at the readings in more detail.

Irritable bowel syndrome. It is a disorder of the intestines, which is manifested by disturbances in stool (diarrhea/constipation) and flatulence. The drugs help normalize stools and reduce flatulence, but which one is the most effective is still unknown.

Intestinal inflammation occurs due to disruption of the immune system. It is chronic and periodically worsens. Symptoms also include bowel movements, colic, and even blood in the stool. Research reports that gut probiotics and prebiotics reduce inflammation.

Dysbacteriosis is an increase in the number of pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria in the intestines. If you increase the number of beneficial bacteria to normal, dysbiosis will go away - it will simply be “crushed” by non-pathogenic microorganisms.

Diarrhea. There are several types of diarrhea that can be treated with pro- and prebiotics. They are especially effective in treating rotavirus infection in children.

Benefits and effects of pro- and prebiotics

Probiotics have next action on the human body:

  1. Colonization of the intestines with positive microflora, which suppresses viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.
  2. Production of biotin, vitamin K, niacin and folic acid.
  3. Reducing cholesterol due to the breakdown of bile salts.
  4. Improving digestion and eliminating such unpleasant symptoms, like flatulence, colic.
  5. Reduced intoxication due to immune activation.
  6. Destruction of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which causes gastritis and ulcers.
  7. Reducing the harmful effects of antibiotics on the intestines. The latter destroy beneficial microflora Gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Relief of diarrhea caused by intestinal infections in acute form.

Almost all probiotics have these effects to one degree or another, but the mechanisms of their action are still unclear.

Let's look at prebiotics. Preparations whose composition is rich in these substances contribute to:

  1. Intestinal suppression and increase in beneficial bacteria.
  2. Eliminating mucus from the intestinal walls if it is released in excess.
  3. Accelerates the healing of the colon mucosa.
  4. Maintaining normal acidity, under which bacteria can grow.
  5. Improving intestinal motility.
  6. Reducing gas formation.
  7. Production of vitamins K and group B.
  8. Increasing local immunity.

That is, probiotics and prebiotics for the intestines are often prescribed in combination, as they successfully complement each other.

Classification of pro- and prebiotics

Drugs are classified according to their composition and effect on the body. Since this is a very large group, we will conditionally divide them into 4 subspecies.

  1. Monocomponent ones contain only one type of probiotic bacteria: “Acilact”, “Bifidumbacterin”, “Biosporin”, “Colibacterin”, “Euflorin”.
  2. Symbiotics include several types of bacteria: "Acidobac", "Bifidin", "Linex", "Symbiolact", "Enterol".
  3. Synbiotics are a combination of pro- and prebiotics: “Bioflor”, “Maxilak”, “Narine Forte”, “Kalsis”, “Evitalia”.
  4. Probiotic complexes - probiotics + enterosorbents: "Bifidumbacterin forte", "Bifikol forte", "Probioflor", "Ecoflor".

The drugs must be prescribed by a doctor, since each group has its own differences. In addition, they also drink them according to a certain scheme, which is announced by the doctor.

The most well-known prebiotics on the pharmacy market are:

1. “Lactusan”, “Prelax”, “Lactofiltrum” (contain lactulose).

2. "DiRezen" and "Gastrointestinal Transit Prebiotic" (inulin).

3. Pikovit syrup.

4. "Evalar MCC Ankir-B" (microcrystalline cellulose).

How to take medications?

The method of application depends on the age of the patient and the form of release of the probiotic. Children under one year of age are prescribed liquid formulations(biogaya), and older children are shown powder, which is diluted with liquid, or capsules. Children under two years old drink one capsule per day, but the dosage increases with age.

Baby formulas

Children are especially susceptible to digestive disorders, so there are special mixtures on sale to reduce the frequency of bloating, regurgitation and bowel problems in children. Formulas for children that contain prebiotics - what are they? This is a small group baby food, enriched with lactobacilli, lactulose, etc. That is, they are a mixture of pro- and prebiotics.

Among them:

  • "Agusha";
  • "NAN fermented milk" (Nestle);
  • "Humana" with prebiotics;
  • "Nutrilak Premium";
  • "Nanny" with prebiotics;
  • "Similac Premium".

Harm or benefit?

Of course, the question of the harmlessness of probiotics and prebiotics for the intestines has arisen more than once. Scientists are constantly conducting research to find out the effectiveness and safety of probiotics, because the demand for them has especially increased over the past few years. Probiotics are also actively purchased by absolutely healthy people - so to speak, “for prevention.”

As a result of multiple studies, it was revealed that probiotics themselves do not benefit the body if there are no indications for their use. That is, people who do not experience digestive problems can refuse them. In the presence of dysbacteriosis, they have little therapeutic effect.

Also, probiotics and prebiotics have a certain list of side effects. First of all, this is flatulence, which passes quickly enough and does not pose a health hazard. The most serious complications after taking medications it is allergic reactions on the components of probiotic preparations.

Children should buy probiotics only as prescribed by a doctor.

Attention! Probiotics may be harmful for children with Crohn's disease.

Pro- and prebiotics: reviews

The Internet is full of messages from those who have already taken probiotics and prebiotics. Impressions about them are mostly positive; there are practically no side effects. Especially a lot positive feedback Parents of children who have encountered dysbacteriosis report them.

Of course, there are also negative impressions about drugs, because each organism is individual, but there are very few of them.

Today we looked at what prebiotics and probiotics are, how they act on the body, and how to take them correctly.

The world heard about these bacteria at the beginning of the last century, when Russian biologist, laureate Nobel Prize Ilya Mechnikov first spoke about the benefits of fermented milk products. He found out that they contain the same living microorganisms as ours. gastrointestinal tract that help it function successfully. Process of creation fermented milk product is simple: milk is fermented with the help of one or another type of bacteria, and the result is yogurt, kefir, curdled milk - it all depends on what kind of bacteria was involved in the process. However, no matter how different the taste of fermented baked milk, acidophilus or ayran, beneficial effect they have a similar one. “Those fermented milk products that we see on store shelves, “ narrow specialization“does not exist,” explains Natalya Efimochkina, leading researcher at the laboratory of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. - Their action and goal are approximately the same: normalization intestinal microflora and boosting immunity.”

Protection system

“Intestinal microflora are microorganisms that participate in the process of food digestion and provide the intestines with immune protection, producing antibiotic-like substances, says gastroenterologist Natalya Bredikhina. “They also help neutralize toxins produced during digestion.” Another one important function These bacteria produce vitamins, such as vitamin B12, which regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the body, and folic acid, which is necessary for the development of the circulatory and immune systems. (And by the way, it practically does not come to us through food.)

The microflora of our body is a complex and unstable system. Overwork, emotional stress, infections, chronic diseases, long-term use antibiotics, unbalanced diet, changing sleep and rest patterns - all this can kill some bacteria and create favorable conditions for the development of others, of which there are too many as a result. The consequences of such shifts in the intestinal microflora can be very diverse: impaired motility of the gastrointestinal tract (in other words, diarrhea or constipation), increased susceptibility to infections, possible allergic reactions associated with a decrease in immunity. “In addition, when we experience stress, we stop eating regularly,” says pediatric immunologist Andrei Prodeus, “and then nausea, pain and discomfort may occur due to intoxication with our own pathogenic microflora. Among other things, there is a known condition called “traveler’s diarrhea,” when intestinal disorders occur due to changes in water, climate, and nutrition.” Such “shifts” are exactly what doctors call a state of dysbiosis or dysbiosis. This is a disease, and it is treated with the same bacteria, only the patient receives them not from yogurt, but from drugs prescribed by the doctor based on the results of the analysis in order to restore the microflora. It is the doctor, emphasizes Natalya Bredikhina, because “uncontrolled intake of probiotic medicinal product depending on its duration, it will either lead to the same dysbacteriosis or will not have any positive effect" But in order to prevent dysbiosis, there are probiotic products with their preventive effect. Beneficial bacteria found in yeast bread, kvass, cereals... but in almost imperceptible quantities. Their main source is fermented milk products.

Create a comfortable environment

"For intestinal microflora proper nutrition“This is a varied diet,” says Andrey Prodeus. “And of course, including fermented milk products to maintain balance in the microflora.” Also, a comfortable environment for her is created by fiber and organic acids contained in cereals, nuts, vegetables, fruits and especially sprouted grains. But the products with high content chemical components - for example, sweet carbonated drinks - lead to a significant decrease in the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. They are badly affected by foods high in sugar (it causes fermentation and rotting processes), as well as an excess of refined foods that do not contain sufficient quantity fiber.

Only the living

Today, no one doubts the benefits of fermented milk products. “They can be classified as so-called functional nutrition*,” explains Andrei Prodeus, “which, in addition to its own nutritional benefits, also has the ability to benefit our health.” However, for these benefits to truly occur, several steps must be taken. important conditions. “The probiotic strains contained in fermented milk products must pass through upper sections gastrointestinal tract, where they occur, for example, with stomach acid, explains Natalya Bredikhina. “So they must have qualities that allow them to overcome such barriers and colonize the colon.” One of these qualities is, paradoxically, the sheer number of bacteria. “For a fermented milk product to work effectively to prevent dysbacteriosis, general content there should be no less than one million microorganisms per milliliter,” explains Natalya Efimochkina. “In medicinal preparations with probiotics, the dose increases many times.” But for microorganisms to “work”, they must remain alive. And for this they need special conditions, primarily temperature - then they will be able to remain active for six weeks. The recommended storage temperature for fermented milk products is from 4 to 8 °C. But in the heat, the activity of bacteria increases, and they life cycle may end before we have time to benefit from yogurt or kefir.

Have a question?

International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics, www.isapp.net

From a store or pharmacy?

How to choose “your” fermented milk product? According to your own taste, experts are encouraging. “Today, scientists count up to 600 strains,” says Natalya Efimochkina. - Fermented milk products usually contain three main types: bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and enterobacteria ( coli). Each of them should always be present in our microflora in balance with the others.” Do we all need probiotics? The answer is simple: everyone! “Restrictions are possible only if a person has an allergic reaction to the product or if he has lactose intolerance, that is, milk intolerance,” clarifies Andrei Prodeus. Probiotics can help us prevent many diseases: allergies, gastritis.

stomach ulcers, liver diseases. " To a healthy person It is enough to consume two to four glasses of fermented milk product per day. But if he suffers for a long time from changes in stool or stomach pain, then it is worth talking only about probiotics prescribed by a doctor,” emphasizes Natalya Bredikhina. And a few more thoughts. It is not recommended to use it in excess sour drinks(for example, acidophilus or matsoni) for those who have increased stomach acidity. And people with overweight It is worth paying attention to the fat content of the product. In any case, if doubt remains, help will come a nutritionist or nutritionist who can select fermented milk nutrition taking into account the individual needs of the body.

* In 1980, this term was introduced into use by Japanese nutritionists, describing a complex of food products, the daily consumption of which helps prevent a number of diseases. Functional foods include products containing fiber (muesli, bran, cereals, raw vegetables and fruits...), as well as fish and seafood.

Beneficial prebiotics

“In addition to living bacteria, other substances called prebiotics also help our body function,” explains gastroenterologist Natalya Bredikhina.

Prebiotics are substances of non-microbial origin that are not broken down digestive enzymes and are not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. They create conditions for the reproduction of “personal” bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. This is the main difference between probiotics and prebiotics: probiotics are live bacteria that make up our microflora, and prebiotics create a favorable environment for them, they are, as it were, their food. Scientists formulated the concept of prebiotics only 1 5 years ago*. According to the International scientific association According to the Study of Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP), these substances are found in small quantities in dairy products, oats, wheat, bananas, garlic, and beans. But their content there is very small, so if necessary, drugs with prebiotics are prescribed by a doctor.

* G. Gibson, M. Roberfroid “Dietary modulation of the human colonic microbiota: introducing the concept of prebiotics.” The Journal of Nutrition, June 1995.

While classical medical wisdom teaches people to avoid bacteria, some microorganisms can promote health. These include bacteria and yeast, called probiotics.

Probiotics are microorganisms that naturally presented in digestive tract person. They take part in the digestion of food and reduce inflammatory processes.

If necessary, people can take nutritional supplements with probiotics, but these microorganisms can also be consumed through food.

In this article, we will talk about the benefits of probiotics, talk about the risks associated with them, and also provide a list of foods with probiotics and touch on the topic of supplements.

The exact mechanism of action of probiotics is unknown

Scientists are trying to figure out the exact principle of action of probiotics, but so far this goal has not been achieved. Presumably, probiotics can affect the body in the following ways:

  • When a person loses “good” bacteria, for example as a result of taking antibiotics, probiotics can replace these bacteria.
  • Probiotics can maintain a balance of “good” and “bad” bacteria and thus help the body function properly.

How can probiotics benefit the body?

If there is a lack of probiotics, people may develop the following: side effects:

  • digestive disorders;
  • skin problems;
  • candidiasis;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • frequent flu and colds.

Historically, the human diet included a large number of probiotics. People consumed beneficial bacteria through fresh food food grown in fertile soil, as well as through fermentation, a processing process that preserves food.

However, at present, due to freezing of food and some production processes, used in agriculture, most foods contain little or no probiotics.

By adding probiotic foods to the diet, people can gain next benefit for your health:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • improve digestion;
  • increase the amount of energy that is generated thanks to;
  • improve breathing, since probiotics destroy candida microorganisms;
  • improve skin health as probiotics reduce symptoms of eczema and psoriasis;
  • relieve cold and flu symptoms;
  • reduce weight;
  • improve healing in leaky gut syndrome.

People who want to get maximum benefit from probiotics, can start consuming them today.

Foods with probiotics

There are many various types and classes of probiotics. Some of the most common ones include the following.

  • Bifidobacteria. They are found in some dairy products. Bifidobacteria help improve the condition of patients with irritable bowel syndrome and other diseases.
  • Lactobacilli. These bacteria are the most common type of probiotics. They can be consumed along with yoghurts and other fermented foods. Certain strains help with diarrhea and also benefit people who are unable to digest lactose, the sugar found in milk.
  • Saccharomyces boulardii. This is the yeast found in probiotics. They appear to help combat diarrhea and other digestive problems.

Food manufacturers also refer to probiotics as “live cultures” or “active cultures.” Fermented food products often includes probiotics, meaning they contain live bacteria.

Bacteria are often killed during food production. If a product sits on a shelf and is not refrigerated, it may no longer contain live and active probiotics.

Both dairy and non-dairy yogurts can contain probiotics

Examples of dairy products containing probiotics include the following:

  • mature cheeses such as cheddar, gouda or mozzarella;
  • kefir - an acidified milk drink;
  • buttermilk;
  • yogurt.

Probiotics are not only found in dairy products. Non-dairy products containing the microorganisms in question include the following:

  • non-dairy yogurts;
  • salted cucumbers;
  • kimchi;
  • kombucha (kombucha);
  • miso;
  • natto - a dish made from fermented soybeans;
  • sour cabbage;
  • tempeh - popular in countries South-East Asia meat substitute.

How to add more probiotics to your diet?

Fermented cabbage - a product that contains probiotics

Exists wide range probiotic foods, so people can include probiotics in their food in the amounts they require. The choice of products depends on the individual gastronomic preferences of a particular person.

For example, you can supplement your diet with probiotics in the following way.

At breakfast, enjoy probiotic yogurt with berries, flax seeds and nuts.

Make a stir-fry using tempeh as a meat substitute. However, it is best to add tempeh at the end of frying the food, as excessive heat can kill active bacteria.

Add miso to soups. Below is a great recipe for Black Bean Miso Ginger Soup.

Show miso soup recipe


  • 1 tablespoon canola or olive oil.
  • 1 small chopped onion (about half a cup).
  • 1 medium carrot, chopped (about 1 cup).
  • 2 crushed cloves of garlic.
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger.
  • 2 200g cans rinsed and dried black beans.
  • 4 cups lightly salted vegetable broth or water.
  • 1 tablespoon red miso paste.
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice.
  • 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro.
  • ginger root (1-1.5 cm long), cut into thin slices, about 1 tablespoon (add as desired).


  1. Heat oil in a thick-bottomed frying pan. Add the onions and carrots and fry them over medium heat until they become soft, that is, for about five minutes. Add the garlic and ginger and continue the frying process for a few more minutes.
  2. Add black beans and vegetable broth, then bring it all to a boil. Reduce temperature, cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Turn off the heat.
  3. Pour about a quarter of the soup liquid into a small bowl or glass. Add miso paste to it and mix thoroughly. Do this carefully so that the paste has time to dissolve in the soup.
  4. Before using, add lemon juice to the pan.
  5. Add seasonings to taste and lightly crush the soup with a potato masher. This will thicken the dish without compromising its structure.
  6. Sprinkle the soup with chopped cilantro and, if desired, add some fresh ginger to the pan.

For a second breakfast, drink drinks rich in probiotics, such as kefir or kombucha.

Prepare sauerkraut as a side dish for main dishes.

Keep in mind that some probiotic foods, such as yoghurt, contain added sugar.

Opt for those food products that contain minimal amounts of sweeteners, sugar and artificial flavors.

Myths about probiotic foods

There are several common misconceptions about probiotic foods.

While some food groups contain probiotics, not all foods that belong to these groups are probiotic. For example, not all yogurts contain live or active bacteria. Those that do usually have a mention on the packaging.

Additionally, not all fermented foods contain live bacteria. Fermented foods without probiotics include the following:

  • beer;
  • chocolate;
  • soy sauce;
  • bread made from yeast dough;
  • wine.

These and some other products go through production stages during which living microorganisms are killed. For example, this may occur during baking, filtration or pasteurization.

Side effects

Some people experience side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, gas and bloating when consuming foods rich in probiotics.

You can minimize side effects by adding one or two new probiotic foods to your diet each week.

Pregnant women, people who are following a specific diet due to existing medical conditions or who have a suppressed immune system should discuss increasing the proportion of probiotic foods in their diet with their doctor.

How to use probiotics safely?

Despite the fact that probiotics have significant effects on the human body, in most countries they are considered foods and not medicines. Thus, the Office of Sanitary Supervision of Quality food products and Medicines, the United States controls the production and sale of probiotics according to the rules applicable to products. That is, manufacturers of probiotic supplements do not have to prove that such products are safe and work effectively.

People who are interested in taking probiotics can discuss this option with their doctor. IN general case Probiotic foods and related supplements are considered safe for most people, although they are not recommended for patients with weakened immune systems or other serious medical conditions.

In some cases, people may experience the side effects listed above, but they usually only appear within the first few days of starting antibiotics and then go away.

In addition, probiotics can cause allergic reactions. If people experience any problems after starting supplementation, they should tell their doctor.


Scientists are constantly conducting research to study the benefits of probiotics and find out what effects they have on various medical conditions- from colds to inflammatory disease intestines.

Experts do not make precise recommendations about specific dosages of probiotics or specific foods that may provide top scores. However, we can definitely say that the inclusion of probiotics in daily diet may improve the digestion process.

Before purchasing food products, you must study the information on the packaging. This way you can make sure that a particular product contains live and active bacteria.



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