How to wash a newborn's eyes. Remedy for conjunctivitis

Parents are often faced with the problem of suppuration of the eyes of their baby, and this event always takes them by surprise. The disease is accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms– they water, hurt, itch. The main thing is to find out the reason why a child’s eyes fester, because in a month-old baby the problem may be related to the characteristics of the immune system, and in an older baby yellow discharge may indicate conjunctivitis. The pathology can be treated at home, but always under the supervision of a pediatrician.

What is pus in a child's eyes?

The appearance of pus (exudate) in the corners of the eyes is not a dangerous phenomenon, but the absence timely treatment can cause a lot various pathologies. No one is immune from the appearance of eye discharge, so at the first symptoms, the baby must be shown to an ophthalmologist. The specialist will supply accurate diagnosis after determining the cause of the pathology and examination, and prescribe adequate treatment.

Why do a child's eyes fester?

The main reasons why pus may come out of a child’s eyes:

  1. Conjunctivitis. The most common infection in which there is inflammation of the mucous membrane, redness eyeball. The baby constantly rubs his eyes because of which the eyelid swells, from under it pus is coming. There are bacterial, allergic and viral conjunctivitis.
  2. Failure to comply with hygiene rules. Infection and dirt get into the eyes if the baby has dirty hands.
  3. Infection through birth canal or non-sterile medical instruments. Often suppuration and inflammation of the eyes in infants occurs after probing the lacrimal canal or when improper care in the maternity hospital.
  4. Blockage of the tear duct (dacryocystitis). If the newborn’s protective film does not break through and the plug does not come out of the canal, then an infection develops.

The child's eye is red and festering

It is possible that the baby is developing stye. This inflammatory process, which affects the space near the ciliary sac. When purulent discharge from a child’s eyes appears with barley, this indicates the presence of staphylococcus. At first you can see a small grain on inside century. The baby's eye becomes inflamed, burns and itches. If barley recurs frequently, this indicates problems with immune system little patient.

Yellow discharge from the eye

If a child’s eyes are swollen and festering, and the color of the discharge is yellow, then it is likely that the baby has a viral, bacterial or allergic conjunctivitis. The infection is accompanied big amount discharged pus. Brown or yellow discharge sticks the eyelashes together, so the baby is sometimes unable to open his eyes. A thin film may form on the surface of the eyeball. Because bacterial conjunctivitis is transmitted by contact, then the child could become infected through unwashed hands, using other people's things or swimming in the pool.

Green discharge

Suppuration of the eyes in children with greenish exudate, accompanied by green snot, is a symptom of adenovirus. Often the infection begins acutely - children complain of a sore throat and pain in the eyes. Characteristic manifestation adenovirus – increase regional lymph nodes. If the infection is not stopped in time, then bronchitis with tracheitis occurs - the baby begins to cough, secreting greenish mucous sputum.

After sleep

The child has a fever and his eyes are festering

Untreated diseases such as tonsillitis, measles, colds, ARVI, adenoid or sinusitis can again make themselves felt by an increase in body temperature, fluid secreted from the eyes and nose. This disease can be accompanied by a number of symptoms: photophobia, deterioration of visual acuity, sleep and appetite disturbances, moodiness and irritability. If such symptoms appear, a doctor should be called to see the baby immediately.

How to treat pus in a child's eyes

It is not recommended to treat on your own 1-12 one month old baby. The specialist must take into account individual characteristics baby before prescribing effective therapy, especially if the cause of suppuration is viral or bacterial infections. If purulent processes develops in the spring, then most likely it is allergic conjunctivitis, so you need antihistamines. Infectious pathologies They are treated with antibacterial ointments, and if the eyes of a month-old baby are festering due to dacryocystitis, then only a special massage will help.

First aid

It is not always possible to see a doctor, so if there is redness of the eyeball, runny nose, swelling of the mucous membrane and purulent discharge from the child's eye, it is necessary to provide him with first aid:

  1. If after sleep the baby cannot open the eyelid, the crusts need to be softened. To do this, a cotton swab should be soaked in a warm 0.2% solution of furatsilin, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, weak tea or herbal decoction. Irrigation stimulates the opening of the optic ducts.
  2. After washing the eye, you need to drip it with a 10% solution of albucid. To do this, the lower eyelid should be pulled back and the pipette should be directed to the outer corner.
  3. Warm herbal infusions and tea for rinsing can be used every 2 hours. Use drops for instillation 4-6 times a day.
  4. It is contraindicated to further treat the baby on your own. Treatment with antibiotics without a doctor's prescription is prohibited.

How to wash a child's eyes

Treating a child is a responsible and serious matter. If pus begins to accumulate in the baby’s eyes, dried chamomile or calendula flowers are suitable for washing them. Infusions are easy to prepare. To do this, put 1.5 tbsp in a 200 ml bowl. l. chamomile, calendula or a mixture of plants purchased at the pharmacy. Then fill it with boiling water to the brim, cover with a lid and let it brew for two hours. The temperature of chamomile decoction for instillation into a child’s eyes should not exceed 37 degrees.

Drug treatment

Suppuration of the eyes requires immediate treatment. Initially the doctor prescribes drug therapy, which is based on the causes of the pathology. If medications are not given positive result, and the child’s eyes are constantly festering, then it is required surgical intervention. For conjunctivitis, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  1. Acyclovir (tablets). The drug helps with viral infection caused by herpes. The recommended dose for children over 2 years of age is 200 mg 5 times a day for 5 days. Possible in case of overdose adverse reactions in the form of nausea, vomiting, headaches, confusion.
  2. Levomycetin ( alcohol solution). Local antimicrobial drug, which is used when bacterial infection eye. Children over 1 year of age are prescribed 2-3 drops 1-2 times a day. The doctor prescribes the duration of the course individually. Sometimes allergic reactions develop in children in the form of eye burning and itching.

Drops for pus in the eyes

Drops are prescribed to children for inflammation, when the eyes are watery and sticky due to pus flowing from them. The drugs are produced in the form of a solution placed in a special dropper bottle. Depending on the pathogen, eye drops may belong to the antibacterial or antiviral group. Most drugs have anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, analgesic and immunomodulatory properties. Popular drugs for children:

  1. Torbex. Antibiotic wide range action of the group of aminoglycosides. Prescribed for the treatment of conjunctivitis for children over 1 year of age. Rarely used for infants. Recommended dosage is 1 drop 5 times a day. Duration of treatment – ​​1 week. If the dose is exceeded, there is a danger of deterioration in kidney function and the development of muscle paralysis.
  2. Phloxal. Antibacterial drops, providing durable and fast therapeutic effect. Children's dosage – 1 drop every 6 hours for 14 days. Treatment should not be interrupted after symptoms disappear.

Eye ointments

There are many ointments for the treatment of eye diseases. They are used depending on the causative agent of the disease. It is easy to find non-steroidal antimicrobial, steroid hormonal, antihistamine and combination drugs on sale. medicines local application. For the treatment of childhood eye diseases, it is often prescribed the following drugs:

  1. Florenal ointment. Suppresses the reproduction of viruses, causing damage mucous membranes. Apply the ointment behind the eyelid 2 times a day, morning and evening. The duration of treatment depends on the degree of infection by the virus. In advanced stages of adenovirus, the ointment is used for 1-2 months. The drug should not be used by children with hypersensitivity to its components.
  2. Tetracycline ointment. A broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribed for children over 8 years of age. The recommended dosage for eye infections is to apply the ointment under the lower eyelid 3 to 5 times a day. Duration of use – from 3 to 30 days. The ointment is contraindicated for use in cases of abnormal blood composition, liver and/or kidney dysfunction.

Special massage

For dacryocystitis, ointments, drops and eye washes will not bring a therapeutic result. To improve the condition, you must first remove the film using a special massage, the technique of which should be shown to the parents by a doctor. Before performing the procedure, you should wash your hands thoroughly and ensure that your nails are trimmed. Massage in an up and down direction with your finger inner part The baby's eyes are very neat. 6-10 movements are done in one session. If there is a lot of pus coming out of the lacrimal sac, it means that the procedure is being performed correctly.

Traditional methods

If a child’s eyes are watery and purulent, then in addition to drug treatment, can be used folk recipes:

  1. Raw potatoes. When a child’s eyes are festering, they will help warm compresses before bedtime. To do this, you should use a paste made from raw potatoes. It should be wrapped in a warm napkin and applied to eyes closed for a few minutes.
  2. Aloe juice. To relieve inflammation, you can wash your eyes several times a day with freshly squeezed juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.


The newborn's body is vulnerable to various external influences. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to hygiene and proper care. A baby's delicate eyes require special care and attention. In addition, sometimes young parents have to deal with the problem of suppuration and inflammation of the eyes of their newborn babies. We will tell you in this article how and with what to wipe a newborn’s eyes.

Hygiene of healthy eyes of a newborn

In the first months of life, a newborn's eyes do not produce tears, so they must be regularly wiped and moisturized. Such simple procedure helps remove dust particles, germs, sweat and moisturizes the eyeball.

For daily care Ordinary boiled water, cooled to about 40°C (should be pleasantly warm), is suitable. The procedure is recommended to be carried out in the morning, after the child has woken up and after an evening bath.. There are certain rules for wiping a newborn’s eyes:

Eyewash procedures will prevent the development of eye infections
  1. Mom needs to wash her hands thoroughly with soap.
  2. Boil and cool the water.
  3. Apply a cotton pad soaked in water to outer corner eyes towards the nose. Impurities that have accumulated on the surface of the eye will be removed with a disc.
  4. Both eyes should always be cleaned.
  5. Use clean cotton wool for each eye.
  6. Do not reuse a used cotton pad.. It must be thrown away immediately. If necessary, take a blank disk and repeat the manipulation.

Do not pour a lot of water into your eye. The cotton pad should not be wet, but slightly damp.

What you need to have on hand for eye care

For one procedure you will need 4 cotton pads: 2 for wiping, 2 to remove excess water

How to wash newborns' eyes? Will fit the following means hygiene:

  • cotton wool in any form;
  • sterile bandage;
  • gauze;
  • boiled water;
  • dry towel, napkin.

Rinse your eyes with gentle movements, avoiding intense exposure. Be careful not to let cotton lint get into your child's eyes..

It is worth remembering that the immunity of newborns is not developed, and it is difficult for them to fight germs and infections. Therefore, special attention should be paid to cleanliness.

5 rules of cleanliness

  1. All family members should wash their hands before touching the baby.
  2. and the newborn's diapers must be clean and ironed.
  3. It is better not to put anything under the baby's head. If desired, you can use a diaper folded several times, which must be changed every day.
  4. To care for a child’s healthy eyes, it is enough to use simple boiled water.
  5. If suppuration, redness and abscesses are observed, anti-inflammatory treatment is necessary.

Causes of eye inflammation in infants

There can be many reasons. Most often, they are, in one way or another, associated with fragile immunity and physiological characteristics body. Most common reasons the following:

  • dacryocystitis (blockage of the tear duct);
  • conjunctivitis (read more about this disease);
  • infection.

A pediatrician should understand the causes of eye inflammation.

It is necessary to treat not only the sore eye, but both at once

When allergic reaction if the child is breastfeeding, first of all, the mother should exclude allergenic foods from her diet.

It is necessary to carry out daily cleaning more thoroughly, remove down and feather pillows, and keep pets away from the child. The doctor should tell and show at the appointment how to wipe the eyes of a newborn if he has allergies.

If we're talking about oh, then you need to consult an ophthalmologist. Massage has proven itself well for the treatment of this defect of the lacrimal canal. It allows nasolacrimal duct open up.

Press lightly on the inner corner of the eyes with a clean index finger, you should make rotational movements in one place, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. It is necessary to make 15 rotations in both directions. You can repeat the massage several times a day.

Help with eye inflammation

Often in babies in the first months of life, conjunctivitis and inflammation are observed. Don't be scared, usually similar troubles You can get rid of it at home using improvised means. For this purpose the following will come to the rescue:

  • Furacilin solution;
  • weak solution potassium permanganate;
  • chamomile decoction.
If you are using Furacilin to a newborn for the first time, monitor his reaction to see if there is any side effects

How to wash the eyes of a newborn with Furacilin? The Furacilin tablet is diluted in a glass of boiling water, cooled, and filtered through cheesecloth to get rid of grains. Can be used within 2 days.

If you use potassium permanganate, it will be enough to take a couple of crystals in half a glass of warm boiled water. It is necessary to carefully dissolve each crystal to prevent eye burns.. The color should be pale pink.

Chamomile is convenient to use in bags. Brew one sachet with boiling water. The decoction should not be too concentrated. If it's too strong, dilute it boiled water .

Often during inner corner In the eye after sleep, the child develops a yellowish lump, similar to pus. This phenomenon also occurs in adults. This natural process cleaning eyes from dirt.

How to treat the eyes of a newborn in this situation? It is enough to run a damp piece of cotton wool over the eye from the outer corner to the inner one. No further processing is required.

Help with improvised means

Young parents do not always have on hand such remedies as potassium permanganate, chamomile or Furacilin to combat eye inflammation. Then it will help relieve inflammation improvised means, like regular tea leaves.

You need to brew one tea bag, cool it, dilute it with boiled water to get a not too strong infusion. You can wipe your eyes every few hours.

Remember that you need to wipe the eye from the outer corner to the inner one.

Our grandmothers also used it for eye inflammation in children. breast milk. To do this, they dripped a few drops of milk directly from the breast into the eyes of their baby.

Scientifically effective this recipe neither proven nor disproved. But pediatricians use this method not recommended. Milk healthy woman will not harm the child's eye. The anti-inflammatory ability of milk is questionable.

In addition, sometimes mother's milk may contain harmful microorganisms, such as, for example, staphylococci. Such milk can only worsen the situation.

The health of newborns is very fragile. Even a small infection and foreign microflora can provoke eye inflammation and conjunctivitis. Therefore, prevention and hygiene come first.


Treating a newborn's eyes should become a habitual daily ritual.. The procedure should be carried out in a calm atmosphere, slowly, creating for the baby comfortable conditions. Then even such a routine procedure will be pleasant for both mother and child.

If infant If you are sick, you should never self-medicate. You can start with available treatment methods. Every young mother should know how to wipe the eyes of a newborn. But consultation with a pediatrician or pediatric ophthalmologist necessary.

How to wipe a newborn's eyes? This question interests many young mothers who are faced with this task for the first time. This article contains information that will make it easier for mothers to carry out hygiene procedures.

The birth of a child is an important step in the life of a family. After all, in order for him to grow up healthy and happy, it is necessary to surround the baby with love and care. And you should start with daily hygiene procedures - caring for your eyes and ears. Let's consider the question: how often, with what and how to wash the eyes of newborns as part of daily care and in case of possible problems?

A newborn baby, like an adult, needs to be washed. With the help of daily hygiene procedures, you can prevent germs and infections from getting into your baby’s eyes, which can harm the still fragile body. How to wipe a newborn's eyes?

To carry out the procedure you will need boiled water, cooled to room temperature, cotton wool or cotton pads. Every young mother can perform this procedure, as there are no difficulties in it.

During childbirth, when the baby passes through the birth canal, the mucous membrane of the eyes can become infected. Wiping the eyes is of a preventive nature.

Doctors strongly do not recommend neglecting the hygiene of a newborn and you need to start caring for the eyes from the first day of life. This advice may seem unnecessary, but in practice there are cases when a young mother and relatives are in stressful situation and do not always adequately understand the standards of care for a newborn child.

It should be borne in mind that the eyes are a vulnerable spot. They also need to be carefully looked after, such as the umbilical cord or folds on the baby’s body, the rules of which are described. Treatment of a newborn's eyes has the following goals:

  • Protect your eyes from various infections.
  • Release tear ducts from discharge.
  • Moisten the eyes, as babies do not have tears in the first days of life.

What and how to wipe

A separate cotton swab or disc is taken for each eye. The movement should be carried out from the outer corner of the eye to the inner

Daily eye treatment is carried out with boiled water and cotton wool. The water is first boiled and then cooled. This will allow the procedure to be carried out efficiently without causing discomfort to the child.

Doctors note that Use cotton wool rather than napkins to carry out the procedure.. This is explained by the fact that the latter have a dense structure, which can harm the delicate skin of the eyelids.

How to wipe a newborn's eyes:

  • Take sterile cotton wool or a disk and moisten it in the prepared water.
  • Rub one eye. You need to move from the outer corner to the inner one.
  • Repeat the procedure with the other eye. In this case, you need to use new material.

If the baby's eyes are very sensitive, then wiping can be done using herbal infusions. Before doing this, you need to consult a doctor about what is best to use in a particular case. Read about it in a separate publication.

Causes of inflammatory processes

When a child has problems with his eyes, especially if we are talking about an infant, you should not self-medicate. This may lead to complications.

There are situations when young mothers are faced with a problem such as suppuration of the baby’s eyes. The reasons for this may be:

  • allergic reaction to certain irritants;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • infection entering the mucous membrane;
  • dacryocystitis;
  • physiological accessories.

It is easy to diagnose suppuration. The child's eyelashes stick together, and pus accumulates in the corners. As a result of irritation, he begins to rub his eyes with his hands.

It is necessary to take into account that the discharge of pus can cause not only discomfort, sleep disturbances and poor appetite, but also a sudden increase in body temperature. What to do if a child has seizures at fever is the topic of the article.

Principles of care for inflammation

If a child has conjunctivitis or inflammation of the eyes, then improvised means are used to solve the problem. How to treat a newborn's eyes:

In any case, before starting treatment, you must consult a doctor. Let's take a closer look at common eye problems and how to fix them.


Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye caused by an infection (virus or bacteria), accompanied by colds. If the baby’s eyelids stick together and pus accumulates in the corner, then we can say with confidence that this is exactly the disease.

Eye diseases require adequate treatment. In some cases, the use of antibiotics may be necessary. To do this, you need to seek help from to a specialized specialist at the place of residence.

To combat conjunctivitis, solutions that contain antibiotics are used. Of the “grandmother’s” methods for solving the problem, the most common among mothers is breast milk, which is used to wipe the sore eyes of a newborn. I don’t recommend experimenting with your child’s health. and seek help from a medical facility.

Experts differ on this method. Some believe that breast milk is effective antibacterial agent. Others believe that it is nutrient medium For favorable conditions development of pathogenic microorganisms. I am a supporter of the second opinion.

Chamomile solution, furatsilin and potassium permanganate are also widely used in the fight against inflammation. Two eyes must be treated, even if only one is inflamed.

If after a few days there is no positive result, then you should immediately seek help from a doctor. May need to be applied antibacterial ointments and special solutions.


If other methods and remedies for dacryocystitis do not help, probe the lacrimal canal

When diagnosed with dacryocystitis, it is prescribed home treatment, which is based on eye rinsing and massage of the lacrimal canal. In this case, the doctor must show exactly how to carry out this procedure correctly.

If treatment does not produce results, then flushing in the hospital with the use of special solutions or probing of the lacrimal canal is prescribed. In this case, the recovery period is delayed up to 2 weeks if the treatment proceeds without complications.

To prevent the occurrence of dacryocystitis, it is necessary to carry out proper care behind the eyes. Special attention pay attention to cleanliness in the house, because at infant weak immunity to infections that can cause serious illness.

Primary signs of purulent discharge

How to wipe the eyes of a newborn if they are festering:

  • chamomile decoction or black tea brewing;
  • furatsilin solution, which is diluted in the ratio of one tablet per glass of boiled water;
  • a solution of potassium permanganate, diluted to a light pink tint.

Daily care: the best treatment

Plain water is used to clean the eyes from dust and dirt. The procedure should be carried out before and after sleep. Never forget about the rules of the procedure, i.e. safety precautions.

How to wipe the eyes of a newborn from improvised means? A remedy familiar to our mothers and grandmothers: brewing black tea. It can help you calm down delicate skin child. For this purpose, compresses are used, the preparation of which is carried out using the following technology:

  • Make a strong brew of black tea and cool it. To do this, you should use loose leaf tea, which does not contain artificial colors, flavorings and other additives.
  • Strain the tea leaves and get rid of the leaves.
  • Cotton wool or a cotton pad is soaked in tea and lightly wrung out. The compress is applied to the eyes for 10 minutes. A weak brew is used for daily eye rinsing.


Features of the use of pharmaceutical chamomile - quick fix inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes. The infusion is used to prevent and eliminate suppuration of the eyes in a child.

How to prepare the infusion:

  • 4 tbsp pour a glass of boiling water;
  • the infusion should be infused for one hour;
  • strain thoroughly.

Eyes should be washed morning and evening.


Furacilin – antimicrobial agent for external use, which has high efficiency in the fight against streptococci, staphylococci and other microbes. The drug is available in tablet form or ready solution. Make your own remedy from tablets.

In the case of a child, it is better to use ready-made pharmaceutical solution. You also need to find out in advance from your pediatrician how to wash the eyes of a newborn with furatsilin correctly, because This raster does not help in the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis.

Potassium permangantsovka

Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) is widely used for washing the eyes of both infants and older people. It must be diluted so that the solution has a light pink tint. At the same time, in mandatory Mix the contents thoroughly so that no undissolved crystals remain.

What not to do

When it comes to the baby and his eyes, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not use dubious means, including traditional methods, to wash your eyes.
  • Before using this or that product, you must consult a doctor.
  • For rinsing use sterile materials.

At the first consultation, the doctor shows the technique of eye treatment. Visual exercises make it easier to do hygiene procedure later at home.

From parents' reviews

Irina, son 1 month old, Tyumen

The baby’s eyes began to fester, and I immediately called a pediatrician to the house. He said the child had a tear duct obstruction in his right eye.

We were prescribed massage and eye rinsing with furatsilin. We did the procedure for a week, the result was positive.

Marianna, twins 2 months old, Kursk

When my baby's eyes became inflamed, I was advised to use breast milk. But, I decided not to experiment, and treated my eyes with tea leaves.

There were no results, so I went to the doctor. We were prescribed the antibiotic Tobrex, because... Simple washings did not solve the problem. As a result, the inflammation went away and the eyes became clean.


Eye hygiene in a newborn is very important. It should be carried out daily, following the doctor's recommendations. If suddenly your baby has problems, you should immediately seek help from specialists. They will be able to appoint effective treatment and after a few days the baby’s condition returns to normal.

Often mothers are faced with the problem of festering eyes in a newborn. And often deal with it on our own they just can't. In fact, washing the eyes is a mandatory procedure even when they are healthy. But the next question immediately arises: how, and most importantly, with what to wash the baby’s eyes? Today modern market Newborn care products offers a lot of tools with which mothers can take care of their baby’s hygiene. But eye treatment is not included in this list.

Eye washes

In fact, everything is not so scary, and eye wash products can be found in almost every home. These include the following:

How to properly treat eyes

It is up to the mother to decide how to wipe the eyes of a newborn baby. But everyone should know how to properly treat them with the chosen product. After all, any carelessness can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Observation and mindfulness

In order to exclude pathological diseases the child’s eyes and take time to eliminate the problem, mothers should carefully monitor the condition of the baby’s eyes every morning. If you notice that your baby's eyelashes are stuck together, and there is pus or yellow mucus in the corners of the eyes, then you should visit a doctor. This may indicate that the baby has conjunctivitis or a blocked tear duct. These problems should not terrify you, since with timely treatment they can be quickly eliminated.

Conjunctivitis often occurs due to non-compliance hygiene standards. In such cases, the doctor prescribes medications that are instilled directly into the diseased eye and gives recommendations on how to wash the baby’s eyes. The main rule is not to rinse both eyes with the same disc.

Blocked tear ducts are treated with massage. The doctor usually talks in detail about its implementation and clearly shows how to open the canal at home.

To keep the baby's eyes healthy, the mother must wash and wipe them daily, taking into account all the recommendations listed above. And any deviations you notice should only be corrected by a specialist. Self-medication and wasting time can lead to rather disastrous results, and your baby may develop vision problems in later life.

Many mothers, after the birth of their baby, think about why vision is extremely important body feelings in a person. And it is laid down from birth. Eye problems not only cause discomfort to the baby, but will also bring a lot of trouble in the future. Therefore, you should get to know several simple rules eye hygiene in children. And carry out certain procedures with a certain frequency. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. And it’s possible without special problems Carry out proper care for the eyes of a newborn.

Is it necessary?

The first question that interests young mothers is whether it is necessary to wipe the child’s eyes with anything at all? Maybe we can do without this procedure? After all, babies are bathed every day, hygiene and the atmosphere in the house are monitored!

In fact, the process of rubbing the eyes is considered mandatory. Not that you can't do without it, but it significantly reduces the likelihood of problems occurring. For example, putrefaction. Therefore, you should think about how to wipe newborns’ eyes. Extra security can't hurt. Moreover, the procedure under study will not require any special knowledge from new parents.

First time

Initially, a small procedure is required in the first days of the child’s life. The thing is that after the maternity hospital you will have to carry out separate eye hygiene for the newborn for about a month (at least) for preventive purposes. This does not require any special substances.

How to wipe newborns' eyes? Modern doctors recommend doing this with boiled water. In no case is it flowing. You can replace it with drinking water, but this is also far from the most the best option. Basic hygiene at first requires wiping the baby’s eyes daily with boiled water.


The next question that must be learned is the technique of performing the procedure. It is suitable for any occasion. Not all parents know how to properly wipe the eyes of newborn children. In fact, everything is very simple.

When carrying out procedures, you need to use a well-twisted cotton pad or swab. Such that it does not have any lint sticking out. If they get into your eyes, they can cause serious harm.

Moisten with a solution (for example, boiled water), then squeeze out a little. So that the cotton wool is not too wet, it must be damp. Next, the baby's eyes are wiped. In the direction? It is required to carry out movements from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. You could say, from cheek to nose. And then, if some particles remain on the cotton pad, move pus or dust accumulations closer to the spout using top-down movements. And after that, remove them using a moistened cotton swab.

From dirt and dust

There is such a thing as “sleep” or “rest of sleep.” When a person sleeps, small lumps of dirt and dust accumulate in his eyes. They are what is commonly called the “remnant of sleep.” In some ways, such accumulations resemble pus. But actually it is not. These lumps can accumulate in the eyes during the day, not necessarily at night. And they appear in both adults and children.

How to wipe a newborn’s eyes if these “remnants of sleep” are found there? It is recommended to either use boiled water to remove lumps, or even do this with a dry cotton pad/stick/swab. The method of movement remains the same.

There is no need to panic - no one is immune from the “remnants of sleep”, this is quite normal phenomenon. Therefore no by special means Do not rub your baby's eyes.


Parents often ask great amount questions regarding newborn hygiene. It’s easy to understand this topic if you listen to doctors. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to wipe a newborn’s eyes with tea leaves. This technique recommended experienced mothers. Especially if you have problems with your eyes.

In fact, tea leaves do not pose any harm to the baby. And it can be used to care for the visual organs of a newborn. Only weak brewing is recommended, not strong.

You should not use this technique every day. Doctors who also suggest using tea leaves for baby's eye hygiene recommend this method if vision problems occur. Or for preventive purposes.

There are several treatment options - either the parents give it a good squeeze and use it to blot the child’s eyes (not recommended), or they brew a weak tea in which the tampon is moistened and applied according to the already known principle.

Chamomile to the rescue

How can you wipe a newborn's eyes? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. In general, if there are no problems with your eyes, you can either not wipe them at all (from 1-2 months, when the first tears appear), or make do with ordinary boiled water.

But if we are talking about suppuration or any problems, then you will have to use special decoctions and tinctures. Instead of weak tea, it can be used to treat, for example, conjunctivitis. It kills germs very well and helps to quickly get rid of pus in the eyes.

If you don’t have chamomile, you can try using chamomile tea. The effectiveness of this step is lower, but in critical situations it helps. So chamomile is something that can be used to wipe a newborn’s eyes.


What else can you use to wipe a newborn’s eyes? "Furacilin"! Or rather, its solution. This is the most suitable remedy, which helps get rid of festering eyes. It disinfects and disinfects eyes well without irritating them. Perfect for both children and adults. Does not cause allergies, does not harm delicate children's eyes.

It is “Furacilin” that helps well against problems that may arise in newborns. Apply solution of this medication should be exactly the same as boiled water. It is recommended to carry out the eye treatment procedure 2 times a day until full recovery. There is no need to use Furacilin as a preventative measure, only if you have any problems with your eyes. For example, redness appeared for no reason or suppuration began.

Potassium permangantsovka

What other advice can you hear? Old-school doctors, when asked about how to wipe a newborn’s eyes if they fester, answer that you can use potassium permanganate. A light solution of this substance serves as a disinfectant. Therefore, you should pay attention to it.

Indeed, they used to even bathe babies in potassium permanganate. But progress does not stand still. And some modern doctors point out that only doctors should treat a child’s eyes in this way. They will be able to dilute a fairly safe solution. And no harm will be caused during the procedure. But parents risk causing burns to their child if potassium permanganate is dissolved incorrectly. Therefore, it is possible to treat your eyes with this substance yourself, but it is not recommended. This is a rather outdated method.

In the maternity hospital

What should you use to wipe newborns’ eyes before they come home from the maternity hospital? Parents should not think about this. After all, doctors themselves perform this procedure.

In maternity hospitals, weak is still used. This has already been said. Parents during their stay in this medical institution should not think about the question posed. Usually all recommendations for caring for the baby are given upon discharge. And many people strongly do not recommend using manganese on your own.


How can you wipe a newborn's eyes? Some people recommend using breast milk. If the mother has it, then for the purpose of prevention infectious diseases You can drop a little milk into your child's eyes. Or use a cotton pad or swab soaked in this liquid.

Perhaps breast milk is recommended only by people without medical education. Doctors are unlikely to offer this option. How to wipe the eyes of a newborn baby? There are a lot of options. But using breast milk is not recommended. It is better to use "Furacilin". The effectiveness of this product has been proven. But in the case of milk, the situation is ambiguous. Therefore, it is not worth risking the baby’s health.



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