Treatment of arthritis with raw potatoes. Can children eat raw potatoes

100 grams of fresh potatoes contain 20 mg of vitamin C - about three times less than in a ripe orange. But oranges rarely reach our table fresh, and in order for the fruits to be stored better, the peel is treated with ethylene, diphenyl and paraffin. But in potatoes from their own garden, grown without chemicals, there are no harmful compounds.

To cover daily requirement organism in vitamin C, it would take 400 grams of raw potatoes, in potassium - 200-300 g (in 100 g of root - 568 mg of potassium). There is also magnesium in potato pulp, without which calcium is not absorbed, and sulfur, which contributes to normal growth hair, and vitamins of group B (cosmetologists call them beauty vitamins), vitamins A and E that strengthen blood vessels, 14 amino acids.

One problem: 70% of all vitamins and minerals contained in potatoes decompose or are washed out during heat treatment during cooking. Therefore, more and more naturopathic doctors recommend eating raw potatoes.

What potatoes can be eaten raw

Raw potatoes have the same light nutty flavor as Jerusalem artichoke. The taste of potatoes largely depends on the variety. Some varieties are more juicy, even a little sweet, others are drier and mealy. Yellow-skinned tubers are considered the most useful: they contain a lot of carotene.

You need to choose the potato that you like best. If the tuber is even a little bitter, you can’t eat it: solanine gives bitterness, which can cause food poisoning.

Yellow-skinned varieties are best suited for a raw food diet.

Potatoes are very healthy and rich in vitamins from June to December. Young tubers in June-July are especially tasty and juicy, but they can be eaten only if it is known for sure that young potatoes are not oversaturated with mineral fertilizers and other chemicals.

The highest concentration of vitamins and microelements is under the skin, so until the New Year you can eat raw potatoes unpeeled (of course, we are talking about a root crop grown in environmentally friendly conditions). The tubers are thoroughly washed with a brush, for greater safety - scalded.

Starting from January, the content of vitamins in potatoes decreases, and solanine accumulates under the skin. Therefore, from January to March, potatoes are peeled, and green, withered or sprouted tubers (even with broken sprouts) are not suitable for food.

Raw potatoes for the treatment of diseases

Deficiency in the body useful substances often causes serious illnesses. By replenishing the supply of vitamins and trace elements, you can improve your health and strengthen your immune system. In the composition of raw potatoes, these substances and compounds are in an easily digestible form.

Treatment with potato juice is very effective way, but very inconvenient, since the juice must be drunk within 10-15 minutes after squeezing. Usually it should be taken 3 times a day, however, a working person is forced to skip lunch (and sometimes morning) intake, which makes the treatment ineffective.

There is a simple way out: instead of juice, you can eat gruel from raw potatoes. Raw potatoes, chopped with a blender or grater, even have several advantages over juice:

  • in grated potatoes, vitamins are stored longer than in juice, so gruel can be made in the morning and taken with you to work;
  • potato gruel, unlike juice, is rich in fiber, which helps to remove toxins from the intestines (folk healers even call it a “broom” for the effectiveness of cleaning the intestinal walls);
  • raw potatoes reduce appetite and can replace the main course (for those who want to lose weight).

One serving of juice is replaced with 70–100 g of grated potatoes. It is better to grind the vegetable on a plastic grater, as the metal destroys vitamin C. To make the mass sweeter, sometimes they add grated carrot. If there is no time or opportunity to make gruel, tubers are allowed to be eaten, cut into slices (instead of taking juice - 1 medium-sized tuber).

Potato mass is consumed 1-3 times a day half an hour before meals (or as a main course for breakfast or dinner). It is necessary to start taking with a teaspoon once a day, gradually, as the body gets used to it, increasing the portion: raw potatoes weaken.

  • fatigue, nervousness, syndrome chronic fatigue;
  • weakened immunity;
  • constipation;
  • puffiness;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • heartburn;
  • migraine;
  • inflammatory processes in particular in the joints;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases gastrointestinal tract, except for gastritis with low acidity;
  • hair loss, premature aging skin, acne;
  • periodontal disease and other gum diseases;
  • oncological diseases.

Benefits of raw potatoes for gum disease

With periodontal disease and bleeding gums, it is recommended to gnaw raw tubers for 5-15 minutes 1-2 times a day, best in the morning after brushing your teeth, in the evening - half an hour before hygiene procedure. The potatoes are chewed thoroughly and for a long time, then spit out.

Treatment of arthritis with raw potatoes

For arthritis, a gruel is made from one potato weighing 80-100 g and poured with a glass of kefir or sour homemade milk. The mixture is drunk in the morning, 40-60 minutes before meals, according to the scheme:

  • 10 consecutive days;
  • 10 times a day;
  • 10 times - in two days on the third.

A break between courses is a month. In order to feel significant relief, you will need 2-3 courses.

The use of raw potatoes in cancer

The Austrian naturopath Rudolf Breuss noted that the use of potato juice and gruel from grated tubers gives strength to cancer patients and even stops the development of tumors in the early stages.

Dr. Boris Uvaydov, former doctor The USSR Olympic team, in his book Victory over Cancer, recommends that cancer patients eat a salad of 100 g of grated potatoes and 100 g of apples for 3 months in the morning and in the evening.

Raw potatoes during pregnancy

Potato contains folic acid that the fetus needs. If raw vegetable does not cause stomach upset, pregnant women are allowed to eat 50-100 g of gruel per day (preferably half an hour before breakfast).

Raw potatoes for vegetarians

The age-old problem of vegetarians is the lack of protein in vegetable food. Raw potatoes contain the protein tuberin, which contains essential acid- lysine, very rare in foods plant origin. The lack of lysine in the body contributes to a decrease in immunity, the occurrence of chronic fatigue syndrome, anemia, hemorrhages of the vessels of the eyeball.

Lysine is needed for tissue regeneration, hormone synthesis. In terms of the content of this amino acid, raw potatoes are only slightly inferior to egg yolk.

Can children eat raw potatoes

Even very young children love to nibble on freshly peeled potatoes. Toddlers have not yet acquired "adults" bad habits and have not forgotten how to listen to the needs of the body. If a child loves raw potatoes, then he lacks some of the nutrients that are in this root crop.

But do not panic to run to the pharmacy and buy multivitamins. It is better to add more other vegetables to the baby's diet and make sure that the child does not eat too many raw potatoes, and that the tubers are fresh, thoroughly washed and do not contain solanine.

In small quantities, children can eat raw potatoes

Contraindications to eating raw potatoes

You can not eat raw potatoes with:

  • severe forms of diabetes;
  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • gastritis with low acidity.

Some people, after tasting potato gruel, complain of indigestion or other unpleasant symptoms. In such cases, the harm of raw potatoes is explained either by the use of a large amount of pesticides and mineral fertilizers in the cultivation, or by the individual characteristics of the organism.

Raw potatoes are not a panacea, but good vitamin supplement. For the treatment of serious diseases, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

1. Why are proteins considered polymers?

Answer. Proteins are polymers, that is, molecules built like chains from repeating monomer units, or subunits, consisting of amino acids connected in certain sequence peptide bond. They are the basic and necessary components of all organisms.

There are simple proteins (proteins) and complex proteins (proteins). Proteins are proteins whose molecules contain only protein components. With their complete hydrolysis, amino acids are formed.

Proteins are called complex proteins, the molecules of which differ significantly from protein molecules in that, in addition to their own protein component contain a low molecular weight component of non-protein nature

2. What functions of proteins do you know?

Answer. Proteins perform following features: building, energy, catalytic, protective, transport, contractile, signal and others.

Questions after § 11

1. What substances are called proteins?

Answer. Proteins, or proteins, are biological polymers whose monomers are amino acids. All amino acids have an amino group (-NH2) and a carboxyl group (-COOH) and differ in the structure and properties of the radicals. Amino acids are linked together by peptide bonds, so proteins are also called polypeptides.

Answer. Protein molecules can take on various spatial forms - conformations, which represent four levels of their organization. The linear sequence of amino acids in the composition of the polypeptide chain represents the primary structure of the protein. It is unique to any protein and determines its shape, properties and functions.

3. How are secondary, tertiary and quaternary protein structures formed?

Answer. The secondary structure of a protein is formed by the formation of hydrogen bonds between -CO- and -NH- groups. In this case, the polypeptide chain is twisted into a spiral. The helix can acquire the configuration of a globule, since between the amino acid radicals in the helix there are various connections. Globule is the tertiary structure of a protein. If several globules are combined into a single complex complex, then a quaternary structure arises. For example, human blood hemoglobin is formed by four globules.

4. What is protein denaturation?

Answer. Violation of the natural structure of the protein is called denaturation. Under the influence of a number of factors (chemical, radioactive, temperature, etc.), the quaternary, tertiary and secondary structures of the protein can be destroyed. If the action of the factor stops, the protein can restore its structure. If the action of the factor increases, the primary structure of the protein, the polypeptide chain, is also destroyed. This is already an irreversible process - the protein cannot restore the structure

5. On what basis are proteins divided into simple and complex?

Answer. Simple proteins are composed exclusively of amino acids. Complex proteins may contain other organic matter: carbohydrates (then they are called glycoproteins), fats (lipoproteins), nucleic acids (nucleoproteins).

6. What functions of proteins do you know?

Answer. Construction (plastic) function. Proteins are structural component biological membranes and organelles of the cell, and are also part of the supporting structures of the body, hair, nails, blood vessels. enzymatic function. Proteins serve as enzymes, i.e., biological catalysts that accelerate the rate of biochemical reactions by tens and hundreds of millions of times. An example is amylase, which breaks down starch into monosaccharides. Contractile (motor) function. It is performed by special contractile proteins that ensure the movement of cells and intracellular structures. Thanks to them, chromosomes move during cell division, and flagella and cilia set the cells of protozoa in motion. The contractile properties of the proteins actin and myosin underlie muscle function. transport function. Proteins are involved in the transport of molecules and ions within the body (hemoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs to organs and tissues, serum albumin is involved in the transport fatty acids). Protective function. It consists in protecting the body from damage and invasion of foreign proteins and bacteria. Antibody proteins produced by lymphocytes create the body's defense against foreign infection, thrombin and fibrin are involved in the formation of a blood clot, thereby helping the body to avoid big losses blood. regulatory function. It is performed by hormone proteins. They are involved in the regulation of cell activity and all life processes organism. Thus, insulin regulates blood sugar and maintains it at a certain level. Signal function. Proteins embedded in the cell membrane are able to change their structure in response to irritation. Thus, signals are transmitted from external environment inside the cell. Energy function. It is extremely rare in proteins. With complete breakdown of 1 g of protein, 17.6 kJ of energy can be released. However, proteins are a very valuable compound for the body. Therefore, protein cleavage usually occurs to amino acids, from which new polypeptide chains are built. Protein hormones regulate the activity of the cell and all vital processes of the body. So, in the human body, somatotropin is involved in the regulation of body growth, insulin maintains a constant level of glucose in the blood.

7. What role do hormone proteins play?

Answer. The regulatory function is inherent in hormone proteins (regulators). They govern various physiological processes. For example, the best known hormone is insulin, which regulates blood glucose levels. With a lack of insulin in the body, a disease known as diabetes mellitus occurs.

8. What is the function of enzyme proteins?

Answer. Enzymes are biological catalysts, that is, accelerators of chemical reactions hundreds of millions of times. Enzymes have strict specificity with respect to the substance that reacts. Each reaction is catalyzed by its own enzyme.

9. Why are proteins rarely used as an energy source?

Answer. Amino acid protein monomers are a valuable raw material for building new protein molecules. Therefore, the complete cleavage of polypeptides to inorganic substances is rare. Consequently, the energy function, which consists in the release of energy during complete splitting, is performed by proteins quite rarely.

Egg white is a typical protein. Find out what will happen to him if he is exposed to water, alcohol, acetone, acid, alkali, vegetable oil, high temperature etc.

Answer. As a result of the action of high temperature on the protein of the egg, denaturation of the protein will occur. Under the action of alcohol, acetone, acids or alkalis, approximately the same thing happens: the protein folds. This is a process in which there is a violation of the tertiary and quaternary structure of the protein due to the breaking of hydrogen and ionic bonds.

In water and vegetable oil, the protein retains its structure.

Grind a raw potato tuber to a pulp. Take three test tubes and put in each a large number of chopped potatoes.

Place the first test tube in the freezer of the refrigerator, the second - on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, and the third - in a jar of warm water(t = 40 °С). After 30 minutes, remove the test tubes and drop a small amount of hydrogen peroxide into each. Observe what will happen in each test tube. Explain your results

Answer. This experience illustrates the activity of the living cell catalase enzyme on hydrogen peroxide. As a result of the reaction, oxygen is released. The dynamics of vesicle secretion can be used to judge the activity of the enzyme.

The experience allowed us to fix the following results:

The activity of catalase depends on temperature:

1. Test tube 1: there are no bubbles - this is because the potato cells were destroyed at low temperature.

2. Tube 2: there are few bubbles - because the activity of the enzyme at low temperature is low.

3. Tube 3: a lot of bubbles, the temperature is optimal, catalase is very active.

Put a few drops of water into the first test tube with potatoes, a few drops of acid into the second ( table vinegar), and in the third - alkalis.

Observe what will happen in each test tube. Explain your results. Draw your own conclusions.

Answer. When adding water, nothing happens, when adding acid, some darkening occurs, when adding alkali, "foaming" - alkaline hydrolysis.

Underground roots are white, forming fleshy edible tubers at the ends. Stems numerous, erect or ascending, faceted.
Leaves pinnately dissected, with several ovate leaflets. The flowers are large, white, purple, 2-4 cm in diameter, with a spike-shaped star-shaped corolla, collected in an inflorescence consisting of 2-3 whorls. The fruit is a poisonous, spherical multi-seeded black-violet berry. seeds yellow color, very small. The color of the tubers is different - white, red, purple.


WITH therapeutic purpose flowers, potato shoots, its peel and underground tubers are used, which are harvested during their ripening period, on the waning moon from noon to sunset. One feature of potato tubers should be remembered: they must be stored in a dark place. Otherwise (if the tubers lie in the light, especially in the sun), they take green color and become poisonous, unsuitable for food, let alone for medicinal use.

Chemical composition

According to some studies, potatoes contain a small amount of protein, which is extremely valuable, with a rich set of essential amino acids. Potato tubers on average contain about 76% water and 24% dry matter, including about 17.5% starch, 0.5% Sugars (sucrose and sucrose), 2% proteins, about 1% mineral salts, trace elements: potassium - 426 mg /%, calcium - 8 mg /%, magnesium - 17 mg /%, phosphorus - 38 mg /%, iron - 0.9 mg /%; vitamins: thiamine - 0.01 mg /%, riboflavin - 0.07 mg /%, a nicotinic acid- 0.67 mg /%, ascorbic acid- 7.5 mg /%. Amino acids are also found here: arginine, lysine, leucine, tyrosine, tryptophan, histidine, choline, acetylcholine, allantoin, xanthine, etc. Potato protein is called tuberin. It belongs to the group of globulins. All organs of the plant contain the steroidal alkaloid solanine. Most of all it is contained in the sprouts formed by the illumination of potatoes, flowers and peel.

Pharmacological properties

Fresh juice of potato tubers and starch obtained from potatoes are used as an enveloping anti-inflammatory agent in gastrointestinal diseases.

Starch has a pronounced antiulcer effect, the basis of the mechanism of which is blocking the action of pepsin on the gastric mucosa.

Application in medicine

Since the potato has alkaline properties, it is an excellent addition to all vegetables, milk and cheese.

It is introduced into the diet of renal and cardiac patients: high content potassium determines its good diuretic properties, and hence the prevention of edema.

Red and pink varieties of potatoes are considered especially effective.

Potato juice helps to reduce the secretion of acid by the gastric glands, slightly "muffles" the pain, accelerates the scarring of ulcers on the mucous membrane digestive tract. In addition, it somewhat weakens, which is extremely important for gastritis and ulcer patients, who usually suffer from constipation.

It relieves belching well and helps with various dyspeptic disorders.

Potato starch is used for chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract as an enveloping, emollient and anti-inflammatory agent.

Potato starch is also used as a base for powders and filler for powders and tablets.

IN folk medicine drinking potato juice to lower high blood pressure.

Potato juice lowers blood sugar levels, so it is useful in initial stage diabetes.

Raw potato juice is used in peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum. It inhibits the secretion of the stomach and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

In the peel of potatoes, substances were found that have positive impact on the human body with allergies, tachycardia, hypertension and painful shock.


Potato juice helps with headaches - due to the acetylcholine contained in it, which has hypotensive action. With a headache, lower the elbow to the hot water both hands and hold them until the pain stops, adding hot water. Tie thin slices of raw potatoes to the forehead.

Potato juice squeezed from tubers ripened in September-October should be taken for 2-3 weeks 2-3 times a day, 100 ml each (up to 200 ml if tolerated) for uterine myoma.

Fresh potato juice mixed with skimmed milk, sour cream is used to get rid of freckles and cracks from exposed parts of the skin.

Raw potato juice cleanses the entire body well. Mixed with carrot juice and celery juice, it helps a lot with digestive disorders, nervous disorders- for example, with sciatica and goiter. In these cases daily use 500 ml of carrot, cucumber, beet and potato juice very often gives positive result behind short term, provided that all meat and fish products are excluded.

Juice squeezed from fresh raw tubers is taken 2-3 times a day for half a glass half an hour before meals for gastritis with hyperacidity, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Raw potato tubers, crushed on a grater, are considered a good healing agent for burns, eczema and others. various lesions skin. The pounded mass is simply applied to the affected areas of the skin.
potato medium size peel, cut into small pieces and slowly chew one by one for heartburn.
Potato is effective tool cleansing the joints of toxins and is considered a good remedy with polyarthritis. To do this, within 3 days you need to eat 2-3 kg of potatoes, boiled with peel in plenty of water. Potatoes are mashed in broth and eaten with the peel. Do not take any other food during this time. To eat potatoes with skin, you need to cook it for a long time.

Mashed potatoes or gruel from raw potatoes relieve swelling, if applied to them 3 times a day in the form of compresses.

Steam from boiled unpeeled (in uniform) potatoes as inhalations are treated colds respiratory tract accompanied by cough, runny nose and headache.

To lengthen the session, i.e. not to let the pan cool down quickly, the patient throws some kind of cloth cover over his head, covering the pan as well. The effect of treatment is quite high, because here as healing factors both the volatile secretions of the potato and the heat of the water vapor come out. It is important only after the inhalation session not to go out into the cold.

Warming up with potato steam is very useful for sciatica and sciatica.

Pour 1 liter of water with one medium-sized potato, one medium-sized onion and an apple, cook until the water is reduced by half. Drink 3 times a day for 1 tsp. with chronic cough.

Potatoes with a greenish thick layer are peeled, which are finely chopped. The crushed fresh mushy mass is applied as a compress to damaged ligaments, muscles, tendons.
Cut long potato sprouts into small slices of 0.5 cm and dry in a dark, well-ventilated area. Put 200 g of these sprouts in a glass mortar, pour 200 ml of 70% alcohol, close tightly, insist in a dark place for 8 days, periodically shaking the contents, strain, squeeze. Store in a dark cool place. With various oncological diseases take 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals (drip tincture in 1/2 cup of warm water, starting with 1 drop, bring the intake to 25 drops and continue to take them in this amount).

Dry the potato flowers in the shade. Brew in 0.5 liters of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. flowers, insist in a thermos for 3-4 hours. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals with various malignant neoplasms. The course of treatment is 4 liters of infusion.

A decoction of flowers is used to lower blood pressure and stimulate respiration.

Potatoes are used to conspire faces. Take a knife and drive it around the face in a clockwise direction, saying: “Mug, mug, you are not pretty here. Aspen is waiting for you in the forest at the edge, mug, you will be very beautiful on the aspen, you will sing, have fun and burn. And leave the servant of God (name) alone. Amen. Amen. Amen". You can't touch your face with your hands!
saying three last words, baptize the face three times, then, take two potatoes, grate them. The patient should put this mass on his leg or other sore spot, bandage it and go to bed. If the plot is read in the morning or afternoon, the patient should change the bandage with potatoes for the night.


In the light, under the skin of tubers, glycoalkaloids accumulate, which can cause poisoning for humans and animals; during cooking, these compounds partially pass into water.

Potato berries containing solanine are also poisonous. This alkaloid is formed in leaves, young shoots, fruits and skins, especially during long-term storage. Children who have eaten potato berries experience severe poisoning, scratching in the throat, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, hand tremors. When providing first aid, it is necessary to wash the stomach, before the doctor arrives, give them sour or fresh milk or egg white.

It is impossible to prepare juice from tubers that have turned green and contain sprouted eyes - this is very dangerous.

In cases where livestock graze in potato fields and animals eat green tops and fruits, they may experience diarrhea, vomiting, severe poisoning, convulsions and disturbances in the work of the cardiac and respiratory systems.
Poisonous substances are formed only in this greenish surface part of the tuber, not penetrating into the depth at all. Therefore, you should not throw away green potatoes, it is enough to cut off only the green parts (they, as a rule, occupy a small fraction of the total mass).

The white shoots of potatoes are also poisonous, so when cooking potatoes “in their uniforms”, the shoots must be broken off.

A bit of history

There are about 200 wild and cultivated potato species, growing mainly in South and Central America. There are two main cultural species: Indian (since ancient times grown in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia) and Chilean (homeland - Central Chile), which are widespread in countries with a temperate climate. Potatoes began to be cultivated about 14 thousand years ago by the Indians South America, and it was introduced to Europe around 1565. Potatoes came to Russia thanks to Peter I, who sent a bag of tubers from Holland in 1698. As a result of the violent tsarist measures to introduce potato crops in 1834-1844, unrest among the peasants of the Vyatka and Vladimir provinces, the regions of the Urals, the Lower and Middle Volga regions took place.

Potato - perennial or annual herbaceous plant. The flowers are white, pink or purple. Blooms in July. The fruits are spherical multi-seeded berries. Ripen in August. Potato - the most important source vitamin C. It is rich in lysine, leucine, starch, potassium and sugars (mainly sucrose and glucose). The potato contains 32 trace elements, of which potassium is considered very important (it is 1.5 times more in the peel). For treatment, all organs of the plant are used, but most often tubers. The tubers have anti-ulcer and anti-inflammatory effects.

Treatment folk remedies(potato):

Allow fresh potato juice to stand for 1 hour, drain, combine with cranberry juice and drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

Periodically spend "potato days", drinking mainly potato juice, potato water or baked potatoes.

Drink raw potato juice 1/2 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

1) Take 14 days in a row on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals, controlling blood pressure, 1 tablespoon of grated raw potatoes or a solution of 15 g of starch in 1/2. cups of boiled water.
2) Drink a decoction of potatoes boiled in their skins (1-2 cups daily), and also eat baked potatoes in their skins with their skins.
3) Drink a decoction or broth from potato peels: thoroughly rinse the potato peels, pour boiling water over it, boil for 10 minutes, insist and drink 2 tablespoons 4 times a day before meals. The dosage can be increased.

Drink daily on an empty stomach 1 glass of raw potato juice, after that, do not eat anything for 1 hour, it is advisable to lie down for 30 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Reduced potency
There are baked potatoes.

Cancer tumor
At cancerous tumor(regardless of its location) drink an infusion of potato flowers. Brew 1 tablespoon of dried potato flowers with 0.5 liters of boiling water and infuse in a water bath for 3 hours (you can infuse for 3 hours in a thermos). Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Thus, for a course of treatment, you need to drink 4 liters of infusion.

Decreased vision
Pour 1 tablespoon of sprouts of potato tubers - germinated in the cellar, 1 glass of vodka. Insist 1 week. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Pulmonary tuberculosis
Eat potatoes cooked whole in their skins, and also drink raw potato juice from July to February.

Grate green tops, potatoes and squeeze juice. Drink juice, starting with 1/2 teaspoon and increasing to 1/2 cup.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, hyperacid gastritis, headache, spastic constipation
1) Grate raw potatoes, squeeze the juice. Take 1/2 cup 1 hour before meals, then lie down without getting up for 30 minutes. The course of treatment is 1 week, then take a break for 1 week and drink juice again for a week.
2) Take in the morning on an empty stomach 1/2 cup of potato juice with 1 tablespoon of honey and at night (also on an empty stomach) - 3/4 cup of potato juice with honey.
3) Peel potatoes, cut into cubes and cook without salt. Take 1/2-1 cup of decoction 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Alcohol intoxication
For sobering up, it is recommended to eat grated (preferably in the skin) raw potatoes on a fine grater.

Take small potatoes (tubers with sprouts and even potato peels are suitable). Wash the tubers thoroughly and boil in a small amount of water so that the steam comes from the potatoes, and not from the water, until a typical potato smell appears. Inhale steam through the nose and mouth for 10-15 minutes (you can add 2 tablets of validol). After inhalation, you should immediately go to bed so as not to overcool. If the inflammatory processes are particularly acute, you can carry out procedures in the morning and evening.

1) To relieve pain in the joints and legs, it is recommended to apply compresses from green potatoes chopped on a grater or in a meat grinder to sore spots. Wash the potatoes thoroughly and, without removing the peel, chop. Put the resulting mass into hot water and heat to a temperature slightly above 38 ° C. Then, without squeezing, put the potatoes in a bag made of burlap. Moreover, the bag itself should correspond in shape to the lower leg, ankle joint or fingers, depending on where you want to put the compress. Under the bag, you should first lay an oilcloth. The thickness of the potato layer should be 1.5-2 cm. Wrap the sore spot with this bag and cover it with oilcloth, then bandage it so that nothing flows out of the compress. With a compress, you should go to bed with your foot on the pillow. Sleep comes quickly as soon as warmth is felt. If the compress does not warm, then it is made poorly. The pain disappears within 20-30 minutes and does not recur until the next exacerbation. Apply the compress daily at night. This must be done within 7 days, and after that - according to the result. If in the first 2-3 days the pain disappeared and then does not appear, there is no need to apply a compress further.
2) Drink a decoction of potatoes in the morning on an empty stomach, then in the afternoon and before going to bed. It is also recommended to eat 1-2 potatoes - raw, finely chopped on a grater along with the peel.
3) The Indians use the following method of treatment: whole potato tubers are applied to diseased joints, and if the joints of the fingers are swollen, then the potato is sorted out in the hand like a ball, and at night they put a glove with a potato on the hand or tie the potato to the diseased joint.

Cut a raw potato in half and attach the cut to the wart, then connect both halves together and bury, but bury so that the potatoes do not germinate. Some modern healers recommend not to bury the potato, but to put it in the freezer. In a few days, the wart will disappear.

Places with swollen veins several times a day, soak the juice of fresh potatoes or apply bandages? soaked in this juice. It is good to combine this procedure with the use of potato juice.

Grate 2 raw potatoes on a coarse grater. Pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar into the resulting mass and put it on a clean cloth or gauze folded in several layers. The fabric should be as wide as possible so that the mashed potatoes can be wrapped in it. Put the finished compress on the forehead, and after a while change it by preparing a fresh one. In the same way, a potato compress is prepared for sore throat. Put potatoes wrapped in cloth on the throat. Wrap your neck well with a scarf or scarf.

1) To relieve pain and relieve inflammation, it is recommended to use potato candles. You can sit in a warm bath for 30 minutes before the procedure, then insert into anus a potato candle, cut from raw peeled potatoes, the size of a finger (6-8 cm). To facilitate the procedure, a potato candle can be lubricated with sunflower oil. It can be left for the whole day - it does not interfere with walking. If you need to go to the toilet, then the candle should be thrown away, and after cold washing of the anus (or rather cold douching of the rectum with a small enema with 1/2 cup of water), insert a fresh candle. If you carefully and carefully apply this method, then hemorrhoids disappear in a few days, but the procedure should be done within 10 days. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 1-2 months.
2) Grate a raw potato, squeeze the juice into 1 tablespoon and inject into the anus with a small syringe at night. This procedure is carried out within 10 days. Juice must be squeezed from a whole potato (with a peel).
3) Fill a pot with a capacity of 3-5 liters with potato peels, pour water so that the peels are only covered, and boil. Pour all the contents into a suitable vessel such as a chamber pot and, sitting on it, take a steam "inhalation" for 15-20 minutes. To reduce heat transfer to environment and keep the steam longer in this way, put the vessel with cleanings in a basin with hot water. In this case, after defecation, be sure to wash with cold water.

If the torn burr began to boil, then you should take potato peelings and attach them to your finger with the white side, tying it. Change the potato wrapper several times a day.

1) Cut the hot potato in their skins, attach to the chest, smeared with turpentine.
2) Boil 4-5 potatoes in their skins, but so that they do not boil. Lay several sheets of paper on your chest or back, and place a hot potato cut in half on them. Wrap up on top. Pull out sheets of paper as they cool. This procedure is carried out in the evenings.
3) Apply cut hot potatoes to the throat with a throat cough.
4) Boil the potato pieces (or peel), drain the water, put them in a double plastic bag, tie, then wrap in a linen towel (2-3 layers) and fix on the chest. Be careful not to get burned. Warm up the chest for 1 hour. Several such procedures - cough and hoarseness pass. Potato "takes" the negative field of the disease, and mild heat promotes good blood circulation in the diseased area. This method is especially good for an allergic child, who is contraindicated in mustard plasters.

Offset 1/2 cup potato starch and 1/2 cup sunflower oil. Put the mixture in a gauze bag and tie it to the chest for 1 hour.

Bags under the eyes
Apply a warm potato cut in half to the eyes; boiled with peel. Keep 30 minutes. It is advisable to lie down at this time.

1) Wrinkles around the eyes helps to remove the mask of mashed potatoes mixed with boiled beans.
2) For early neck wrinkles, it is recommended to add 1 teaspoon of liquid honey to 2 tablespoons of soft warm mashed potatoes, mix quickly. Put on a piece of cloth and wrap it around your neck. Cover with wax paper and bandage or tie with a scarf. Keep this compress for at least 30-40 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature. The compress can be applied 2-3 times a week.
3) Boil a large tuber in a peel, peel and mash. In warm mashed potatoes add 1 tablespoon warm milk. Heat the resulting mass in a water bath. hot mass thin layer apply on face, cover with a thick napkin or towel and leave for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, if the skin is dry, carefully remove the mask with a linen cloth moistened with hot (40-45°C) milk, if oily - with cool boiled water. Apply a nourishing cream that matches your skin type. After such a potato mask, the skin becomes elastic, smooth, tender, wrinkles disappear.
4) For aging, dry, sluggish, flabby skin, add 1 egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of milk to warm mashed potatoes. The mask is applied to the face and neck and then washed off with an infusion of mint and linden flowers, taken in equal parts.
5) Grate raw potatoes, mix it in equal parts with wheat flour and milk and apply on the skin of the face and neck. This mask is used by many American actresses who seek to avoid even the slightest signs of skin aging.

Runny nose, sinusitis
1) Boil potatoes in their skins, drain the water. Wrap yourself up and breathe over the potato steam. Potatoes can be additionally mashed.
2) Roll a hot potato quickly over the forehead, nose, ears, and then cut and attach one half to the forehead, and the other to the wings of the nose. You can “roll” 3-4 potatoes in this way in a day. After the procedure, be sure to put on a bandage made of soft woolen fabric on the forehead.

With reddening of the skin of the hands from frost, it is enough to hold your hands several times in warm potato water. For the treatment of frostbitten skin on the face, a potato compress is used. The tubers boiled in the peel should be quickly kneaded and immediately, while the puree is hot enough, apply on a piece of gauze or a rag to the affected area. Keep the compress until it cools down, and then wipe the frostbitten area several times with cotton wool soaked in lemon juice diluted with water.

1) Grate the peeled potato. Apply the resulting mass on a gauze napkin folded 4-5 times, and bandage it to the affected area of ​​the skin. After 2 hours, remove the potato mass and replace with fresh.
2) Immediately after a burn with boiling oil or a hot frying pan, and also after scalding with boiling water, apply fresh potatoes to the sore spot. The potato should be cut lengthwise and applied to the burn site. Apply new potato wedges every 2-3 minutes until the pain subsides. Thanks to the potato, blisters will not even appear at the site of the burn, the pain will soften and the wound will be covered with a protective layer of starch.
3) Apply the pulp of grated raw potatoes to the affected area, squeezing it a little and wrapping it in cotton cloth. This procedure should be carried out several times a day and at night, combining lotions and compresses with the intake of raw potatoes inside.
4) Moisten the burn places several times a day with the juice of fresh potatoes or apply dressings soaked in this juice on them. It is good to combine such a procedure with drinking potato juice, taking part of the juice from a serving to lubricate the burn.
5) Sprinkle the burn with potato starch mixed with drinking soda in a ratio of 1:1.
6) Apply a cold compress to the affected area. oatmeal jelly mixed with potato starch.
7) In case of burns of the esophagus with caustic substances, it is necessary to prepare potato juice as soon as possible (in a juicer or meat grinder) and drink 1/2 cup immediately and after 30-40 minutes another 1/2 cup.
8) In case of burns of the skin of the face, it is recommended to make a potato mask: boil the potatoes in their skins, peel, grind with sour cream and apply the resulting warm slurry to the face.

Take grated raw potatoes and honey in equal proportions, put the gruel on a napkin and apply to the spine for 2 hours. The pain passes.

Apply grated raw potato compresses or thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200braw potatoes to edematous places.

polyarthritis, rheumatism
Carry a raw potato with you throughout the day. After a while, the potato will turn black, it should be thrown away immediately.

Renal colic
When renal colic the patient benefit from a warm bath for 20 minutes. After the bath, go to bed and put a poultice of mashed, boiled potatoes on the stomach.


1) Do inhalations over boiled potatoes. Put the potato peel in a pot of water, cook and breathe over the steam for 10 minutes. The procedure is carried out daily 1-2 times a day until the cure.
2) At a high temperature, apply a potato compress on the forehead - the heat will subside within 1 hour. The compress is being prepared in the following way: grate 2 raw potatoes with peel on a coarse grater, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar, wrap the resulting mass in a clean cloth or gauze.

1) Grate 1 kg of raw potatoes (preferably pink). Fold the linen fabric in half, smear potato gruel in its middle, fold it, wrap it around the sore spot. From above it is good to tie something warm. Cover the patient with a blanket all night. Compresses do every other day. At the same time, daily take 5 drops of aspen tar, diluted in 1/4 cup of vodka, at night. Drink within 1.5 months. Used for rheumatic pains.
2) good effect gives a combination of external use of Potato with the intake of raw potato juice - at least 1/2 cup per day. The course of treatment is 1 month, sometimes to consolidate the treatment, repeated course after a week break.
3) Boil the broth from potato peel, drink it and put compresses on sore spots.

Apply to the areas affected by erysipelas a compress of potato starch on cotton wool.

To inflamed gums, apply raw potatoes, mashed into gruel or sliced.

Chronic tonsillitis
Boil 1 tablespoon of potato flowers in 1 cup of water. Gargle with this decoction 3 times a day for 10 days. Take a break for 1 month and repeat the course.

Insect bites
Attach a slice of raw potato to the bite site, the itching from the bite will soon pass.

Apply alternately baked onions and baked potatoes to the boil to ripen the boil.

Inhale the vapors of potatoes boiled in their skins. Apply cut, boiled potato tubers to the chest, smeared with turpentine or goat fat.

The structure of proteins.

Long protein chains are built from only 20 various types amino acids. Biologists call them "magic" amino acids. Amino acids have a common structural plan, but differ from each other in the structure of the radical. Connecting, amino acid molecules form so-called peptide bonds. The reaction, in Figure 13, is called the polymerization reaction. As a result of the interaction of the amino group of one amino acid with the carboxyl group of another amino acid, a water molecule is released, and the released electrons form a covalent bond, which is called a peptide bond.

Two amino acids combine to form a dipeptide, while three amino acids combine to form a tripeptide. Continue the row (4 - tetrapepsid, 5 - pentapeptide, 6 - hexa ..., and many - polypeptide). If you come across the terms “polypeptide”, “polypeptide molecule” in the text of the textbook, then you will already know that we are talking about the protein molecule. teacher information.

Protein molecules can be short or long, for example:

  1. Insulin is a hormone of the pancreas, consists of two chains: one has 21, and the other has 30 amino acid residues.
  2. Myoglobin is a protein muscle tissue, consists of 153 amino acids.
  3. Collagen - consists of three polypeptide chains, each of which contains about 1000 amino acid residues.

Help me formulate the definition of the concept of "protein".

Protein is

Low molecular weight compound or high molecular weight? (high molecular weight)

Can we call it a biopolymer? (Yes)

Argument your idea (biopolymers are large organic molecules consisting of monomers)

What is the monomer of a protein molecule? (amino acids)

How many types of amino acids can be included in a protein molecule? (20)

Is protein a homopolymer or a heteropolymer? Argument your thought. (to heteropolymers, because the composition of proteins includes monomers that differ from each other - 20 amino acids).

Protein is an irregular biopolymer whose monomers are amino acids.

Proteins can be classified according to their composition.:

  1. proteins - only made up of proteins
  2. proteins – protein + non-protein part:

A. glycoproteins - amino acids + carbohydrates

b. lipoproteins - amino acids + fats

V. nucleoproteins - amino acids + nucleic acid

d. metalloproteins - amino acids + metals (hemoglobin)

Levels of organization of a protein molecule(see presentation).

Protein molecules have a complex spatial structure.

The linear sequence of amino acids in the composition of the polypeptide chain isthe primary structure of a protein.It is unique to any protein and determines its shape, properties and functions.

secondary structureproteins is a helix or accordion. The coils of the helix or the ribs of the accordion are held by hydrogen bonds between the -COOH and -NH groups. 2 - . Although hydrogen bonds are weak, but thanks to them a significant number Together, they provide a fairly strong structure.

Tertiary structureis a bizarre, but specific configuration for each protein, which looks like a coil (globule). The strength of the tertiary structure is provided by ionic, hydrogen and disulfide (-S-S-) bonds between cysteine ​​residues, as well as hydrophobic interaction.

Quaternary structurenot typical for all proteins. It arises as a result of the combination of several globules into a complex complex. For example, human blood hemoglobin is a complex of four such subunits, insulin - of two.

Denaturation and renaturation of proteins.

Problem questions:

2. Why does a boiled egg never produce a chicken? (Egg proteins lose their structure irreversibly due to heat denaturation).

Denaturation - is the loss of a protein molecule structural organization: Quaternary, tertiary, secondary, and under more stringent conditions - and primary structure (Fig. 19). As a result of denaturation, the protein loses its ability to perform its function. Causes of denaturation may be high temperature, ultraviolet radiation, the action of strong acids and alkalis, heavy metals and organic solvents.

Denaturation can be reversible and irreversible, partial and complete. Sometimes, if the effect of denaturing factors was not too strong and the destruction of the primary structure of the molecule did not occur, upon the onset favorable conditions the denatured protein can regain its three-dimensional shape. This process is called renaturation, and he convincingly proves the dependence of the tertiary structure of a protein on the sequence of amino acid residues, that is, on its primary structure.

Questions to the text:

  1. What is called denaturation? (loss of a protein molecule of its structural organization)
  2. What can cause denaturation? (high temperature, ultraviolet radiation, strong acids and alkalis)
  3. In what case is it possible to restore the structure of a protein molecule? (if the destruction of the primary structure of the protein has not occurred)
  4. What is the name of this process? (renaturation)
  5. What structure of a protein molecule provides the properties of a protein and its spatial configuration? (primary)

Perform experiments and explain their results:

Egg white is a typical protein. Find out what will happen to it if it is exposed to water, alcohol, acetone, acid, alkali, vegetable oil, heat, etc.

Draw a table.What are the functions of proteins?





Formation of the membrane of cells and organelles, and other structures




Regulation of metabolism in the body





When foreign proteins and microorganisms enter the body, protective proteins are formed in leukocytes.

Protection against blood loss in wounds due to coagulation




Attachment and transfer chemical elements in the body



Implementation of all types of movement

actin, myosin


Reserve for the body, fetus

egg albumin


snake poison


Not the main, but the source of energy in the cell

Splitting 1g


Recognition of molecules by the cell membrane


enzymatic, catalytic

Catalytic acceleration of biochemical reactions in the cell

Enzyme proteins

Pepsin, trypsin

Let us study in more detail the catalytic function of proteins.

The catalytic function is one of essential functions proteins. All biochemical reactions proceed with great speed due to the participation in them of biocatalysts - enzymes. Definition:enzymes are proteinsaccelerating reactions.The rate of enzymatic reactions is tens of thousands (and sometimes millions of times) higher than the rate of reactions involving inorganic catalysts. For example, hydrogen peroxide without catalysts decomposes slowly: 2H 2 O 2 -> 2H 2 O + O 2 . In the presence of iron salts (catalyst), this reaction proceeds somewhat faster. Enzyme catalase for 1 sec. splits up to 5 million H molecules 2 O 2 .

More than 2000 enzymes are known. Despite the large number and variety of enzymes, all of them can be divided into two groups according to their structural features: simple proteins and complex proteins. In complex enzymes, in addition to the protein part, there is an additional cofactor group (for example, many vitamins).

active center The enzyme interacts with a substrate molecule to form an enzyme-substrate complex. The enzyme-substrate complex then decomposes into an enzyme and a reaction product(s).

According to the hypothesis put forward in 1890 by E. Fischer, the substrate fits the enzyme like a key to a lock, that is, the spatial configurations of the active center of the enzyme and the substrate correspond exactly to each other. The substrate is compared with a "key" that fits the "lock" - the enzyme.

In 1959, D. Koshland put forward a hypothesis according to which the spatial correspondence between the structure of the substrate and the active center of the enzyme is created only at the moment of their interaction with each other. This hypothesis is called the "hand and glove" hypothesis (the induced fit hypothesis).

Since all enzymes are proteins, their activity is highest when physiologically normal conditions: most enzymes are most active only whencertain temperature.When the temperature rises to a certain value (on average, up to 50 °C), the catalytic activity increases (for every 10 °C, the reaction rate increases by about 2 times). At temperatures above 50°С the protein is denatured and the activity of the enzyme decreases.

In addition, for each enzyme there isoptimal pH value,at which it is most active.

The reaction rate is also affectedsubstrate concentration and enzyme concentration.With an increase in the amount of substrate, the rate of the enzymatic reaction increases until the number of substrate molecules becomes equal to the number of enzyme molecules. In the future; an increase in the amount of substrate, the rate will not increase, since the active sites of the enzyme are saturated. An increase in the concentration of the enzyme leads to an increase in catalytic activity, since large quantity substrate molecules.



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