Utrozhestan is a hormone. Utrozhestan: instructions for use and what it is needed for, analogues, reviews

Reading time: 6 minutes

Violations hormonal levels often lead to miscarriages. Their main cause is a lack of progesterone. This sex hormone reduces contractility smooth muscle uterus and promotes the transition of the endometrium to the secretory stage. Gynecologists ask women to take Utrozhestan in the form of capsules or suppositories in accordance with the instructions during pregnancy if a lack of progesterone is detected.

What is Utrozhestan

This drug is herbal analogue progesterone. Utrozhestan is taken during pregnancy to prevent miscarriage. The hormone progesterone included in the drug is micronized, i.e. it is completely absorbed by the body and causes virtually no side effects. Doses of Utrozhestan are calculated by the doctor individually for each woman.

Composition and release forms

The drug is available in capsules. They are used as tablets and vaginal suppositories. Main active substance hormonal drug is progesterone. One capsule, depending on the concentration, may contain 100/200 mg of the hormone corpus luteum. Lecithin and sunflower oil. Full composition one capsule medicine shown in the table below.

pharmachologic effect

The drug is progestational (containing corpus luteum hormone). Utrozhestan is prescribed for the threat of miscarriage in the early stages and for pregnancy. The main active ingredient of the drug is natural progesterone obtained from plant extracts. It quickly binds to the cells of the target organ and stimulates the synthesis of pH by activating DNA.

Indications for use

The drug is an analogue of female progesterone, so it is prescribed for a deficiency of this hormone. Utrozhestan capsules are taken not only for the correction of disorders reproductive system. When forming a cycle for correction premenstrual syndrome the drug is prescribed to adolescents. Indications for oral administration medicine:

Utrozhestan is administered vaginally to maintain pregnancy and support the luteal phase during in vitro fertilization(IVF), compensate for progesterone deficiency during premature menopause. The drug is prescribed with caution if a woman is diagnosed with chronic renal failure, bronchial asthma, liver disease, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, diseases of cardio-vascular system.

How does Utrozhestan affect pregnancy?

The drug helps the fertilized egg to attach to the wall of the uterus and supports its development into an embryo. Pregnancy in Utrozhestan is easier because... it compensates for the lack of progesterone and reduces the tone of the uterus. The medicine does not affect the child. average price The price of the drug is 420 rubles. You can purchase it only with a doctor's prescription.

When planning

If a woman has problems conceiving or has had a miscarriage, the gynecologist may prescribe progesterone therapy. During development individual scheme taking medications into account the results of ultrasound and biochemical analysis blood. Normally, progesterone before ovulation should be at least 7 nmol/l. When the ovaries produce less of the hormone, a woman cannot become pregnant. Typically, the doctor prescribes 200-300 mg of the drug orally 2 times a day.

In the early stages

In the first trimester, capsules are administered vaginally. Utrozhestan in early pregnancy reduces the tone of the uterus and helps relax the nervous system. The body may experience a slight reaction in the form of nausea and dizziness. There are no uniform recommendations for all women. Possible daily dosage of the drug is 300-600 mg. The capsules do not cause any hormonal disturbances in the fetus.

In the later stages

The drug is prescribed in the second trimester of pregnancy if placental underdevelopment has been diagnosed. During this period, the drug is also indicated for women after IVF. If the patient has a history of problems carrying a child or a frozen pregnancy, then artificial progesterone is prescribed to prevent spontaneous abortion. Daily dosage the drug should not exceed 600 mg.

Instructions for use of Utrozhestan during pregnancy

The drug is taken orally or administered vaginally. The standard dosage is 200 mg. Take capsules twice a day. Utrozhestan is not dangerous for pregnant women, but may cause some side effects (headache, bloating, itching, acne). Often, after using the medicine, drowsiness and absent-mindedness appear, so doctors recommend refraining from driving a vehicle.


Oral administration of capsules reduces the risk of spontaneous abortion. Tablets are prescribed after conception at 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. If there is a threat of miscarriage, oral administration of capsules can be combined with vaginal administration. General dosage medication should not exceed 600 mg. Take the tablets with a glass clean water. Contact of progesterone with the gastrointestinal tract is contraindicated when chronic diseases liver, gastritis and other problems with the digestive system.


If there is a tendency to thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, the drug is prescribed intravaginally to prevent miscarriage, but the patient’s condition is monitored. If vaginal discharge is observed, the drug is discontinued. A gynecologist may prescribe progesterone suppositories if a woman has problems conceiving. They must be administered before bedtime.

Pharmacological enterprises produce capsules for vaginal administration of 100 and 200 mg. The product is quickly absorbed into the blood without affecting the liver. This form medicine goes well with vitamin complexes for pregnant women and sedatives. After conception, the drug is discontinued in the second trimester, reducing the dosage by 50-100 mg per week.

Cancellation of Utrozhestan during pregnancy - scheme

The dose is reduced every week by 100 mg. A woman should constantly monitor to avoid bleeding from the genital tract. Some patients are advised to reduce the dose by 50 mg every 3 days. The gynecologist describes the drug withdrawal regimen in detail. You should not deviate from it, because... If there is a sharp change in the amount of progesterone in the body, pregnancy can be terminated.

Analogues of Utrozhestan during pregnancy

The drug can be freely purchased in pharmacies in Moscow and St. Petersburg for 420 rubles. In the regions it is easier to find synthetic analogues of progesterone. Their cost is lower, and their efficiency is at the same level. Among the drug's analogues pharmacological action Duphaston is the closest. The active substance in this medicine is dydrogesterone. It is well absorbed in gastrointestinal tract. The average price of Duphaston is 560 rubles. In pharmacies you can find the following analogues of Utrozhestan:

  • Crinon;
  • Iprozhin;
  • Progestogel 1%;
  • Progesterone;
  • Prajeesan.

Many women dream of having children, but not everyone succeeds. Often pregnancy does not occur or it does occur, but a miscarriage occurs due to insufficient quantity progesterone in the body. Produced by the ovaries in sufficient quantities, it helps preserve the embryo and promotes its normal development. If there is a lack of progesterone, doctors prescribe the drug "Utrozhestan", pinning high hopes on it. In this case, the woman carries and gives birth to a child without any problems. As numerous reviews indicate, Utrozhestan is very effective during pregnancy.

Purpose and form of release

"Utrozhestan" is medicine, consisting of natural micronized progesterone hormone. Most often, doctors prescribe it during pregnancy to prevent miscarriage or premature birth. “Utrozhestan” is also used, and reviews of its use during this period are only positive. In addition, it is used to treat diseases that occur due to a lack of progesterone. This is fibrocystic mastopathy, menstrual irregularities. The drug is prescribed to women during menopause to eliminate climatic syndrome.

“Utrozhestan” is produced in capsules that can be used orally or topically, like vaginal suppositories (that’s why capsules are sometimes called suppositories; in fact, there is only one form of release of the drug). They contain 100 and 200 mg of active substance, which is micronized natural progesterone, which is well absorbed into the bloodstream. Excipients- peanut butter, gelatin, soy lecithin, titanium dioxide, glycerol. Utrozhestan suppositories are very effective during pregnancy. Reviews from patients and doctors indicate this.

Indications for use

Using the drug leads to the following positive aspects:

  • normal endometrium begins to form;
  • insulin concentration increases;
  • glycogen in the liver begins to accumulate intensively;
  • the excitability and contractility of the uterine muscles decreases and fallopian tubes;
  • the uterine mucosa enters the secretory phase.

"Utrozhestan" is used to treat diseases that arise due to insufficient amounts of progesterone in the body.

Oral administration is indicated in the following cases:

  • V complex therapy infertility caused by insufficiency;
  • if the menstrual cycle is disrupted;
  • to relieve symptoms during menopause;
  • relieving tension syndrome before the onset of menstruation;
  • for complex treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy.
  • with a lack of progesterone;
  • to maintain the luteal phase;
  • as a prevention of the formation of uterine fibroids and endometriosis;
  • to prevent a miscarriage;
  • for infertility associated with a lack of lutein;
  • as a result of premature menopause.

Mode of application

At orally If a woman is planning a pregnancy, Utrozhestan is taken 2 times a day. In some cases, the doctor may increase the dose to 400 mg per day. For the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy, as well as premenstrual syndrome, the dosage is 400 mg per day, the duration of treatment is 10 days.

For intravaginal use, if a woman completely lacks progesterone, the drug is used for at least 3 months. The dosage is selected by the doctor in each individual case. If it exists in the first and second trimester of pregnancy, Utrozhestan is used twice a day, inserted deep into the vagina.

special instructions

You should not use the drug as a means of contraception, as it does not have contraceptive effect. When used in the first half of the menstrual cycle (before ovulation), a shortening of the cycle or bleeding may occur.

If it occurs uterine bleeding, then “Utrozhestan” is not recommended to be taken until the cause of this pathology is clarified.

Whenever the following symptoms The drug should be stopped as soon as possible:

  • double vision;
  • retinal vascular lesions;
  • unbearable headache;
  • loss of vision;
  • thrombosis of veins and arteries;
  • migraine.

In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

"Utrozhestan" during pregnancy

Reviews from most women taking this drug during pregnancy are positive, as it promotes successful pregnancy. It is allowed to be taken in the first and second trimester, up to the 27th week. After this period, it should be used with caution and only if there are indications for this.

The drug helps prevent miscarriage and prevents premature birth, especially if a woman is diagnosed with complete ovarian dysfunction or progesterone deficiency. Moreover, there is a high probability that pregnancy will occur after Utrozhestan. Reviews eloquently testify to this.

Indications for taking the drug if pregnancy is only planned

In what cases should Utrozhestan be taken when planning pregnancy? Reviews from doctors indicate that the indication for taking the drug is It is characterized by low body temperature in the period following ovulation, and various disorders menstrual cycle. Such a disruption in the functioning of the body occurs quite often. That is why, to prevent a miscarriage, Utrozhestan suppositories are prescribed during pregnancy. Reviews from women indicate that they are quite effective.

Another indication for taking artificial progesterone during pregnancy planning is the prevention of endometriosis. In this state of the body, the mucous membrane of the uterus grows very strongly or it begins to penetrate into the deeper layers of the tissue. Most often, endometriosis is observed in women aged 30 to 45 years with a short menstrual cycle, with impaired metabolism, in whom estrogen levels are significantly increased, and who have constantly used intrauterine contraceptives.

Because of this disease, you can wait a very long time for pregnancy, because with endometriosis, cysts begin to form on the wall of the uterus, in the ovaries, inside fallopian tubes. All this leads to a decrease in the patency of the tubes, the functioning of the ovaries is disrupted, and the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall is significantly more difficult. This is why doctors prescribe Utrozhestan when planning pregnancy. Feedback from women on this matter is also positive.

The drug normalizes the menstrual cycle, creates necessary conditions in order to ovum fixed in the uterus, and in the event of a threatened miscarriage, it helps to maintain pregnancy.

Contraindications and side effects of the drug when planning

A woman who dreams of becoming pregnant should know that although this drug helps fulfill the dream of having a child, its use is only possible as prescribed by a doctor. "Utrozhestan" may have the following contraindications:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • liver diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • phlebeurysm.

Very rarely, side effects occur when using the drug "Utrozhestan" (suppositories). Reviews about this drug when planning pregnancy indicate that short-term drowsiness and dizziness may occur. But you should be careful while driving, because a slight impact on the central nervous system has an adverse effect on the reaction speed when driving a car.

Indications for taking the drug during pregnancy

As numerous reviews show, Utrozhestan is of great benefit during pregnancy. U healthy women Progesterone produced begins to build up the endometrium, and the uterine mucosa thickens and becomes richer blood vessels, and the embryo receives sufficient oxygen and nutrients.

For women with progesterone deficiency, the drug is prescribed to prevent miscarriage. In addition, it is prescribed if it exists due to increased uterine tone. The drug helps to reduce it, allowing the woman to bear the child normally.

Contraindications of the drug during pregnancy

"Utrozhestan" should not be taken in the following cases:

  • vaginal bleeding of unknown origin;
  • porphyria;
  • intolerance or allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
  • incomplete miscarriage;
  • tumors of the genital organs or mammary glands that are malignant;
  • thromboembolism;
  • tendency to develop blood clots;
  • severe liver diseases.

These contraindications are considered absolute, that is, taking the drug if they exist is strictly prohibited.

The drug Utrozhestan (suppositories or tablets) contains a progestogenic sex hormone. The drug is needed in order to become pregnant, as well as during pregnancy.

Active element of this medication- These are granulosa cells of the ovarian follicle that produce an endogenous steroid. When it enters a woman’s body, it helps normalize secretory transformations in the uterine cavity.

Enhances the transformation of the mucosal layer, which promotes the formation and process of formation and growth of the embryo. During pregnancy, it reduces the tone of the uterus and causes the end sections of the milk ducts in the breast to transform.

In the process of recovery normal level biologically active form testosterone, which blocks the production of pituitary gonadotropins, leads to a decrease in androgen levels. The antimineralocorticoid effect is manifested by increased urine output.


The composition of the drug Utrozhestan includes:

Release form and cost

The drug Utrozhestan is suppositories and tablets at the same time. The drug is manufactured so that it can be used, if necessary, both vaginally and orally.

Available in dosed form medicinal tablets round shape. They have a sparkling egg-colored surface. In the middle of the preparation there is a homogeneous ointment-like mixture of milky color. Tablet or candle: 0.1 g – 30 pcs. in a plate, 0.2 g - 14 pcs. in the plate. The plate is placed in a container made of thick paper.

The cost of the drug Utrozhestan varies from 400 rubles. up to 500 rub. for 1 package.

Taking the drug if pregnancy is only planned

Utrozhestan (during pregnancy at the planning stage) is used both orally and vaginally.

1. Oral:

  • if it is impossible to conceive;
  • in case of luteal phase disturbance;
  • in the absence of ovulation;
  • when there is a violation of the release of the egg from the ovary into the fallopian tubes.

2. Vaginally:

Utrozhestan (during pregnancy or when planning it) has limitations and unwanted manifestations. Only a doctor can prescribe a medicine after examination and determine whether there are contraindications or not.


Undesirable manifestations:

  • at oral administration passivity, lethargy, drowsiness, unsteadiness of gait;
  • decreased severity of reaction;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • astheno-neurotic syndrome.

Features of use during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is necessary to take the drug in the following situations:

  • threat of spontaneous abortion;
  • How prophylactic in case of threat of miscarriage;
  • inflammatory manifestations of the uterine cavity;
  • inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes;
  • to relieve uterine tone.

Utrozhestan has restrictions on its use during pregnancy.

Such manifestations include:

Effect on the body

The drug Utrozhestan has different actions, depending on the period of use: before becoming pregnant, or while bearing a child.

1. When planning pregnancy:

2. Mechanism of action during pregnancy up to 20 weeks:

  • the drug must be used vaginally, which relaxes the walls of the uterus;
  • taking Utrozhestan has a positive effect on nervous system due to hormonal changes;
  • reduces the risk of miscarriage;
  • to protect against a history of spontaneous abortions;
  • history of infertility;
  • with nervous excitability;
  • reduces the body’s response to toxicosis;
  • used for bloody vaginal discharge due to the threat of miscarriage - relieves spasm;
  • relieves pain in the lower abdomen;
  • relaxes the hardened uterus, as a consequence of the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • with fetal hypoxia;
  • in case of threat of abortion;
  • removes inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system;
  • restores progesterone levels, which affects termination of pregnancy;
  • for supporting intrauterine development fetus until the placenta is formed.

3. Utrozhestan on later pregnancy:

Instructions for using candles

Utrozhestan (during pregnancy or when planning it) must be taken in the form of round tablets, the same as oral ones, but with higher dosage– 0.2 g.

When planning pregnancy, suppositories should be used in the following pathological conditions:

  • hormone replacement therapy in the absence of one of the two paired female genital organs - the ovary;
  • in case of violation hormonal function paired organ;
  • before IVF fertilization;
  • in the absence of ovulation;
  • at irregular ovulation, due to disruption of the endocrine glands;
  • How preventive actions spontaneous abortions due to endogenous deficiency;
  • history of threats of spontaneous abortion;
  • treatment of uterine fibroids when planning pregnancy;
  • treatment early menopause when planning pregnancy;
  • How preventative method treatment of expanding connective tissue uterus when planning pregnancy.

Only a doctor can treat pathological processes.


During pregnancy, Utrozhestan suppositories should be used for the following pathological conditions:

  • with insufficient production of endogenous steroid;
  • with hypoxia of the uterine layer;
  • in case of circulatory disorders of the uterine cavity;
  • with spontaneous bleeding;
  • at premature detachment placenta;
  • at increased tone muscular layer of the uterus;
  • to increase the number of days of pregnancy - so that childbirth occurs on time;
  • warning early date childbirth or miscarriage, which is already in the anamnesis;
  • to improve blood circulation in the blood vessels of the muscular layer of the uterus and child's place;
  • to prevent fetal hypoxia;
  • decrease contractile activity uterine cavity;
  • prevent untimely labor.

If a woman has a history of hormonal disorders, then vaginal form Utrozhestan should be used immediately from the moment of pregnancy.


Use of tablets

Utrozhestan for oral use is available in a dose of 0.1 g - 1 pc. Tablets must be taken when planning, as well as during pregnancy.

When planning pregnancy, Utrozhestan tablets should be used for the following pathological conditions:

  • habitual spontaneous abortions;
  • endogenous steroid infertility;
  • problems with the uterine cavity;
  • spontaneous abortions due to hormonal imbalance;
  • pathological (genetic) deficiency of endogenous steroid hormone;
  • absence of one paired sexual female organ ovary;

Therapy should only be prescribed by the attending physician.


  • Utrozhestan tablets when planning pregnancy should be consumed from 0.2 g to 0.3 g per day - 1 piece in the morning, afternoon and evening. at regular intervals. Do not chew. Needs to be washed down sufficient quantity liquids. The duration of therapy with Utrozhestan tablets lasts from 10 to 14 days, you need to use the drug from the 14th day to the 26th day of menstruation. If pregnancy occurs, use of the drug Utrozhestan should be continued until 14 weeks, and sometimes up to 28 weeks of pregnancy. Prescription and discontinuation of the drug Utrozhestan occurs under the strict supervision of a physician.

During pregnancy, the tableted drug Utrozhestan should be used in pathological conditions:

Treatment with Utrozhestan tablets must be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.


  • the usual amount of the drug is 0.2 g - 0.3 g per day - morning and evening, at regular intervals;
  • IVF tablets Utrozhestan must be taken before artificial insemination. It is necessary to take from 0.2 g to 0.6 g of the drug per day - 3 times in complex therapy with injections pituitary hormones. The course of therapy with Utrozhestan tablets is 28 weeks from the moment of fertilization;
  • if there is a threat of spontaneous abortion, tablets are prescribed from 0.2 g to 0.4 g per day, can be taken in 2-4 doses at regular intervals;
  • for the prevention of spontaneous abortions in history - 0.2 g in the morning and evening. Treatment must be carried out before the 14th week of pregnancy if the pregnancy is progressing well.

Correct use of medication hormonal agent Utrozhestan during pregnancy pathological pregnancy requires strict adherence to medical recommendations.

Utrozhestan tablets:

  • preventive measures for repeated spontaneous abortions: it is necessary to use the drug during 14 weeks of pregnancy. In case not positive result in treatment, then the period of therapy needs to be extended;
  • in case of bleeding, it is necessary to use Utrozhestan tablets until 24-28 weeks of pregnancy.

In case of urgent need, the tablet form of the drug Utrozhestan can be used until the 38th week of pregnancy.

Utrozhestan suppositories usually need to be prescribed before the 28th week. If there is an urgent need, the use of the vaginal medicine Utrozhestan should be extended until the 33-35th week of pregnancy.

Drug withdrawal regimen

If a woman used the drug Utrozhestan from 14 to 28 weeks of pregnancy, she needs to smoothly and gradually reduce the dose of the medicine.

For example: a pregnant woman takes 0.4 g of the hormonal drug Utrozhestan per day, then in the next week the dose must be reduced by ¼. And this must be done every next 7 days until the drug is completely discontinued.

Doctors usually advise starting to reduce the dose of Utrozhestan no later than 30 weeks of pregnancy, or even earlier. When the drug is discontinued, it usually appears bloody issues, which should not be considered as pathological process– the discharge will go away on its own in a couple of days.

The drug Utrozhestan when planning pregnancy and its further gestation, as well as a drug for hormonal pathologies in women - has established itself as an effective remedy.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Lack of progesterone, the main hormone of pregnancy, leads the list of causes of miscarriages in the first trimester. The specificity of the drug Utrozhestan is that it contains a synthetic version of this hormone, which, unlike endogenous progesterone, can be absorbed by the intestines. Moreover, the structure of the analogue molecule is absolutely identical to the structure of the natural hormone molecules.

Indications for taking Utrozhestan

An important condition for the development of pregnancy is sufficient production of progesterone, which begins from the moment of conception. A constant level of the hormone is maintained first by the corpus luteum of the ovaries, then progesterone is produced by the placenta. It is thanks to this that the correct development of the fetus is ensured and uterine contractions are prevented. In addition, the action of progesterone determines the timely onset and normal course childbirth

Utrozhestan may be prescribed during pregnancy in the following cases:

  1. Lack of progesterone, threatening miscarriage.
  2. Presence of abnormally colored discharge containing blood.
  3. Prevention of miscarriage.
  4. Recovery hormonal balance and pregnancy planning.

Side effects and contraindications for use

There are a number of contraindications when taking Utrozhestan during pregnancy. If Utrozhestan is taken intravaginally during pregnancy, the capsule ingredients can only cause local allergic reaction: oily vaginal discharge, itching, burning.

Some women may experience dizziness, drowsiness, and increased symptoms of toxicosis. System data side effects have not been confirmed, but these risks are also worth keeping in mind.

Contraindications for the drug Utrozhestan during pregnancy:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • suspicions and presence oncological diseases reproductive organs and mammary gland;
  • diseases of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems (thrombophlebitis, strokes, heart attacks, etc.);
  • porphyria;
  • incomplete abortion;
  • vaginal bleeding of unknown origin.

Liver and kidney failure is a reason to be wary of taking Utrozhestan during pregnancy. The doctor must compare possible risks and the expected benefit of the drug before prescribing it, and then constantly monitor biochemical parameters blood and urine.

Directions for use and dosage

Utrozhestan is prescribed to be used during pregnancy intravaginally, that is, placing the capsule deep into the vagina. Before the procedure, you must take a shower.

How to use Utrozhestan during pregnancy:

  1. If there is a threat of miscarriage, a daily dose of 200-400 mg of the drug is prescribed, which is divided into two doses. Utrozhestan 200 is taken daily during pregnancy in the first and second trimesters. Reception is gradually reduced and canceled by the end of the 2nd trimester.
  2. In the third trimester, a preventive course of Utrozhestan is carried out in cases of risk premature birth, with an unfavorable medical history, shortening of the cervix. Such patients can be prescribed the drug from the 22nd to the 34th week, 200 mg. The dose of the drug is taken once a day before bedtime.
  3. With IVF, the gynecologist selects the dosage individually. Taking the drug begins simultaneously with the hCG injection and continues until the 26th week. Maximum dose reaches 600 mg, usually divided into 3 doses per day. The dosage of Utrozhestan is increased and discontinued gradually in accordance with individual indications.

The dosage of Utrozhestan depends on the hormone level of a particular patient, so the doctor can change the dosage regimen in each specific case. Stopping or skipping the drug on your own is not allowed.

Use of Utrozhestan when planning pregnancy

At the stage of pregnancy planning, the drug Utrozhestan can be prescribed in the following cases:

  • A decrease in the concentration of progesterone in the blood, occurring without pronounced symptoms.
  • Infertility due to lack of progesterone.
  • Previous history of miscarriage caused by hormonal imbalance– decreased progesterone levels.

Utrozhestan is prescribed only after laboratory tests, which should confirm the need to take the drug. To do this you need to select optimal time, which depends on the menstrual cycle. The fact is that natural progesterone levels fluctuate constantly, so studies should be carried out after ovulation in the second phase of the cycle.

Progesterone deficiency is common among women. This condition makes it difficult to conceive and threatens the harmonious development of the fetus. To prevent miscarriage, progesterone medications should be taken while pregnant. As a result, Utrozhestan is not only prescribed when planning a child, but also in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Progestin drug.


Active substance: progesterone
ATX code: G03DA04
KFG: Gestagen
Reg. number: LS-000186
Registration date: 04/22/05
Owner reg. cred.: Laboratoires BESINS INTERNATIONAL (France)


Capsules soft gelatinous, round, shiny, yellowish color; the contents of the capsules are an oily, whitish homogeneous suspension without visible phase separation.


15 pcs. - blisters (2) - cardboard packs.

Capsules soft gelatinous, oval, shiny, yellowish in color; the contents of the capsules are an oily, whitish homogeneous suspension without visible phase separation.

Excipients: peanut butter, soy lecithin, gelatin, glycerol, titanium dioxide.

7 pcs. - blisters (2) - cardboard packs.

The description of the drug is based on the officially approved instructions for use.


Progestin drug. Progesterone, active substance The drug Utrozhestan is a hormone of the corpus luteum. By binding to receptors on the surface of cells of target organs, it penetrates into the nucleus, where, activating DNA, it stimulates RNA synthesis.

Promotes the transition of the uterine mucosa from the proliferation phase caused by follicular hormone to the secretory phase. After fertilization, it promotes the transition to the state necessary for the development of a fertilized egg. Reduces the excitability and contractility of the muscles of the uterus and fallopian tubes, stimulates the development of the end elements of the mammary gland.

By stimulating protein lipase, it increases fat reserves and increases glucose utilization. By increasing the concentration of basal and stimulated insulin, it promotes the accumulation of glycogen in the liver and increases the production of gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland; reduces azotemia, increases nitrogen excretion in urine.

Activates the growth of the secretory section of the acini of the mammary glands, induces lactation.

Promotes the formation of normal endometrium.


When taken orally


Micronized progesterone is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The concentration of progesterone in the blood plasma gradually increases during the first hour, Cmax is observed 1-3 hours after administration.

The concentration of progesterone in the blood plasma increases from 0.13 ng/ml to 4.25 ng/ml after 1 hour, to 11.75 ng/ml after 2 hours and is 8.37 ng/ml after 3 hours, 2 ng/ml after 6 hours and 1.64 ng /ml - after 8 hours.


The main metabolites that are detected in blood plasma are 20-alpha-hydroxy-delta-4-alpha-pregnanolone and 5-alpha-dihydroprogesterone.


It is excreted in the urine in the form of metabolites, 95% of which are glucurone-conjugated metabolites, mainly 3-alpha-pregnanediol and 5-beta-pregnanediol (pregnanediol).

These metabolites, which are determined in blood plasma and urine, are similar to substances formed during the physiological secretion of the corpus luteum.

With intravaginal administration


Absorption occurs quickly, progesterone accumulates in the uterus. High level progesterone is observed 1 hour after administration. Cmax of progesterone in blood plasma is achieved 2-6 hours after administration. When the drug is administered at a dose of 100 mg 2 times a day, the average concentration remains at the level of 9.7 ng/ml for 24 hours.

When administered in doses of more than 200 mg/day, the concentration of progesterone corresponds to the first trimester of pregnancy.


Metabolized to form predominantly 3-alpha-pregnanediol and 5-beta-pregnanediol. Plasma 5-beta-pregnanolone levels do not increase.


It is excreted in the urine in the form of metabolites, the main part being 3-alpha-pregnanediol and 5-beta-pregnanediol (pregnanediol). It's confirmed constant increase its concentration (C max 142 ng/ml after 6 hours).


Conditions associated with progesterone deficiency, including:

for oral administration

Premenstrual tension syndrome;

Disorders of the menstrual-ovarian cycle due to ovulation or anovulation disorders;

Fibrocystic mastopathy;


Hormone replacement therapy for menopause (in combination with estrogen drugs).

for intravaginal use

Hormone replacement therapy for progesterone deficiency with non-functioning (absent) ovaries (with egg donation);

Maintaining the luteal phase during preparation for in vitro fertilization;

Maintaining the luteal phase in the spontaneous or induced menstrual-ovarian cycle;

Premature menopause;

Hormone replacement therapy (in combination with estrogen drugs);

Infertility due to luteal insufficiency;

Prevention of habitual or threatened abortion due to progestin deficiency;

Prevention of uterine fibroids;

Prevention of endometriosis.


The duration of therapy is determined individually, depending on the clinical situation.

Oral route introduction

The drug should be taken orally with water. In most cases with progesterone deficiency daily dose Utrozhestan is 200-300 mg, divided into 2 doses (morning and evening).

At luteal phase deficiency(premenstrual tension syndrome, menstrual irregularities, fibrocystic mastopathy, dysmenorrhea, premenopause) the daily dose of the drug is 200 or 400 mg, divided into 2 doses (morning and evening), for 10-12 days (usually 17-26 days of the cycle ).

At hormone replacement therapy in premenopausal women taking estrogen, Utrozhestan is used at a dose of 200 mg/day for 10-12 days.

Intravaginal route of administration

At complete absence progesterone in women with non-functioning (absent) ovaries(egg donation) the drug is administered intravaginally against the background of estrogen therapy, 200 mg/day on the 13th and 14th days of the cycle, then 100 mg 2 times/day from the 15th to 25th day of the cycle, from the 26th day and in case to determine pregnancy, the dose increases by 100 mg/day every week, reaching a maximum (800 mg/day), divided into 3 administrations. This dose is usually used for 60 days.

For maintaining the luteal phase during an in vitro fertilization cycle It is recommended to administer intravaginally from 400 to 800 mg/day, starting from the day of injection human chorionic gonadotropin throughout the entire pregnancy.

For maintaining the luteal phase in the spontaneous or induced menstrual-ovarian cycle, with infertility associated with dysfunction of the corpus luteum, it is recommended to administer intravaginally 200-300 mg/day, starting from the 17th day of the cycle for 10 days; in case of delayed menstruation and diagnosis of pregnancy, treatment should be continued.

At threat of termination of pregnancy or for the purpose of preventing habitual abortions that occur against the background of progesterone deficiency, prescribed intravaginally at 200-400 mg daily in 2 doses (morning and evening) in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy.

Capsules are inserted deep into the vagina.


From the side of the central nervous system: when taken orally - drowsiness, transient dizziness (1-3 hours after taking the drug).

From the reproductive system: when taken orally, very rarely - intermenstrual bleeding.

Others: allergic reactions.


Tendency to thrombosis;

Acute phlebitis or thromboembolism;

Bleeding unknown etiology from the genital tract;

Incomplete abortion;


Established or suspected malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands;

Established or suspected malignant neoplasms of the genital organs;

Severe liver dysfunction (for oral administration);

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

WITH caution the drug should be used for diseases of the cardiovascular system, arterial hypertension, chronic renal failure, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, migraine, depression, hyperlipoproteinemia, in the third trimester of pregnancy and lactation.


Utrozhestan is indicated for use in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy.

Use with caution in the third trimester of pregnancy (due to the risk of liver dysfunction) and during lactation.


Utrozhestan should not be used for contraception.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

When taking the drug orally, caution should be exercised when exercising potentially dangerous species activities requiring increased attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.


Side effects most often indicate an overdose and disappear spontaneously when the dose of the drug is reduced.


At joint use Utrozhestan enhances the effect of diuretics, antihypertensive drugs, immunosuppressants, and anticoagulants.

Utrozhestan reduces the lactogenic effect of oxytocin.


The drug is available with a prescription.


List B. The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 3 years.



2023 “kingad.ru” - ultrasound examination of human organs