Diuretic mineral waters. Mineral water for the kidneys and bladder: beneficial properties and applications

The main characteristic of urolithiasis is the occurrence in the kidneys and the deposition of sand or stones in them. To date this phenomenon V varying degrees occurs in a third of the population. Grains of sand in the kidneys usually do not exceed 1 mm in diameter; this size does not cause discomfort and is not a pathology, since the sand is freely excreted urinary system. But multiple sand deposits over time form into large - from 0.5 to 1.5 cm - stones.

It is often difficult to remove them on your own; certain therapeutic measures are required. At the specified sizes and increase the volume of liquid drunk. Even when large stones form, surgery is not a mandatory solution to the problem; there are alternatives therapeutic methods. And almost all experts, telling how to get rid of kidney stones, talk about the need to use mineral water as a medicine in case of kidney stone pathology.

There is a list of kidney pathologies for which the use of balneological therapy is recommended. These include:

  • urolithiasis;
  • urinary diathesis.

Despite the effectiveness of the method, certain limitations should be remembered; mineral water as remedy not used for the following diseases:

Considering the extensive list of contraindications, the dissolution of kidney stones and their removal with the help of mineral water is carried out only after thorough examination, after which the doctor determines required dose and a specific brand of medicinal fluid.

Benefits of mineralized liquid

You should carefully select medicinal water. It is preferable to use low-mineralized liquid, which will allow you to correct processes without saturating the body additional elements. The properties of the mineral water should be:

  1. Diuretic, which allows for intoxication, release of the kidneys and all genitourinary system from infectious agents. Cleaning makes it easier for stones to come out later.
  2. Anti-inflammatory, for which bicarbonate-alkaline liquids are used to relieve colic.

When treating with mineral water, you can use it without restrictions; it does not contain harmful elements added to ordinary water, but it does contain useful minerals. Mineral water An excellent diuretic that enhances the removal of fluid through the urinary canals, providing mechanical cleansing of the kidneys.

Depending on the etiology of stone formation and its own composition, mineral water can provoke fragmentation of formations and their dissolution.

How should mineral water be used for treatment?

When diagnosing urolithiasis, three types of stones are observed - urate, phosphate and oxalate stones. Selected according to the type medicinal water, promoting fragmentation and dissolution of formations:

  1. Alkaline mineral water resists the formation of urate stones; the use of Essentuki 17, Borjomi and other brands is recommended.
  2. Oxalate stones are dissolved by calcium, slightly carbonated water of the Essentuki 20, Sairme brands.
  3. When forming phosphate stones, it is necessary to use acidic mineral liquids, including Dolomite Narzan and Arzni.

Treatment of urolithiasis using mineral water occurs in two stages, in the first stage the dissolution and removal of excess formations from the body occurs, in the second the body forms protective colloids. Excess formations include not only stones and sand, but also mucus, pus, and hostile microorganisms accumulated in the urinary system. Protective colloids are necessary for better dissolution of salt in urine. As a result, they do not precipitate and thus do not form stones in the kidneys and bladder.

This process is quite long; treatment of urolithiasis using this method takes from four to six weeks. It is not recommended to continue using mineral water to avoid violations water-salt metabolism. Symptoms affect the number of courses; they are carried out up to three times a year. The best option– drinking water directly at resorts from sources, if similar treatment impossible, the healing liquid must be real, purchased from trustworthy stores and pharmacies.

Mineral water is not for oral use

Mineral water can be used not only as a means for oral administration, urolithiasis is treated with healing baths, which have anti-inflammatory and desensitizing effects. Baths improve blood circulation in the kidneys while producing nervous regulation their functionality. Usually sodium chloride procedures are prescribed, bath temperature 36–37 ºС, mineralization 20–30 g/l. One procedure lasts 10–15 minutes, every other day or two days in a row and a break on the third. The course of treatment consists of 10 or 12 procedures. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to individual tolerance temperature conditions, duration of the procedure.

For urolithiasis, ordinary hot water can be used for baths; a certain improvement is achieved due to the thermal effect.

Mineral water is also used for intestinal lavages. When a warm therapeutic liquid is introduced into the rectum, not only thermal, but also chemical and mechanical effects are applied to the intestinal receptors. irritant effect. At the same time, the overall diuresis reflexively increases, the intestines are cleared of waste formations, the work of the kidneys is facilitated, and the walls of the ureter are warmed up. The liquid temperature is 37–38 ºС, salinity is 2–9 g/l, the volume of wash water in general during the initial procedure is about 6 liters dosed, during subsequent procedures the volume is up to 12 liters. The criterion for filling is the occurrence of a urge to empty the intestines. The break between washings is 2–3 days, each procedure lasts 20–30 minutes. The course consists of 5 or 6 procedures.

The kidneys exist in the body as a filter. The less harmful substances enter the digestive organs, the less load falls on the filters. Therefore, the diet should be dominated by foods for the kidneys that benefit, cleanse and support the excretory system. Such nutrition is ultimately beneficial for the whole body.

Healthy foods for the kidneys

A large number of healthy foods for the kidneys are found in the vegetable and fruit group. And this is natural, because vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, are well absorbed, have a diuretic effect, do not irritate the mucous membranes of the urinary duct, and protect against the formation of sand. It is clear that we are talking about environmentally friendly products grown without the use of fertilizers and pesticides.

  1. Parsley, celery, carrots, other leafy vegetables, bell pepper, asparagus, sea buckthorn, contain vitamin A; essential oils dissolve stones.
  2. Pumpkin is a separate line in the list of products for the kidneys. Smoothies, cereals, purees and other dishes remove excess fluid from the body.
  3. Watermelon is an indispensable product during the peak blossom season. Effectively removes sand and saturates it with vitamins.
  1. Peeled apples and plums cleanse the kidneys and liver of poisons and toxins. Three apples a day can prevent uric acid in high concentrations.
  2. Cranberry, fruit juice from this berry prevents the formation of stones, removes liquid and sand.
  3. Rosehip enriches with vitamin C, which resists infections and turns kidney stones into fine sand.

But not only plant foods a healthy person eats. In products of animal origin, fish is especially useful - a source of protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and many minerals. We are talking about fresh or frozen fish, but not about dried or dried fish, which is processed big amount salt.

Rye bread coarse also belongs to the group of friends of the kidneys. Vitamins and fiber improve digestion and metabolism, support the kidneys in their activity.

For stable functioning of the organ, you should drink 2 liters of plain water daily. There is no need to be afraid of an overdose: the kidneys will get rid of the excess themselves. But if there is not enough fluid, they try to hold on to it “by force,” and this leads to edema.

In addition to water, the kidneys need liquid in the form of fresh juices, various teas, and fruit drinks. A sufficient amount of these drinks can prevent the formation kidney stones.

Kidney Recovery Products

Every minute, human kidneys pass more than one and a half liters of blood through themselves. This is a lot, but as long as the organ functions within normal limits, no one really thinks about: how does this happen?

Ideally, you don’t need to think about it, and this is possible if you follow simple rules: do not get carried away with alcohol, drink clean water, do not catch a cold and do not overload the body, including with low-quality products for the kidneys. Then you won’t need products to restore your kidneys.

But if a failure does occur, then you cannot do without recovery. And here there are possible options. An alternative pharmaceuticals I can be traditional methods, must be agreed with your doctor.

  1. A popular method is cleansing. kidney tea. It consists of a whole bunch of herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties ( Birch buds and leaves, nettle, elderberry, horsetail, bearberry, etc.).
  2. Vitamin tea from rosehip: normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and urinary organs.
  1. Egg scramble: prepared from homemade eggs, milk, honey. The recipe is ancient, complex, few people are ready to recover in this way, especially, as recommended, twice a year.
  2. May burdock juice: effectively removes toxins from the body and kidney sand.

Particularly dangerous alcoholic impairment kidneys, fraught with complications such as renal failure, dystrophy, proteinuria, severe pyelonephritis. In chronic alcoholics or in case of one-time poisoning due to poor-quality drinking, it is impossible to completely restore kidney cells. In milder cases, a menu of the following products to restore the kidneys is suitable:

  • spicy and leafy greens, onion;
  • carrots, sea buckthorn;
  • pumpkin, apples;
  • watermelons;
  • fish;
  • Rye bread coarse grind.

Kidney Cleansing Products

In order for the kidney filter to work reliably and stably, it must be cleaned periodically (preferably twice a year). This procedure evens out the acid-base balance, removes sand and stones, excess fluid, and accumulated mucus.

It is important to consider the following: if you have kidney stones larger than 1 cm in size, you cannot clean the kidneys yourself. The ducts may become clogged, which may require surgery. Therefore, there is a rule: before starting cleaning, it is necessary to do an ultrasound examination.

If during the procedure you feel pain when urinating or lumbar area, then that's how it should be. A warm bath helps relieve pain.

There are several proven ways to cleanse with kidney cleansing products.

  • Watermelon

It is carried out during the season of mass collection of ripe watermelons grown without chemical additives. During the week you should eat black bread and watermelons. Weakness and cloudy urine confirm the fact that everything is going according to plan.

  • Cucumber

They eat fresh cucumbers and new potatoes in their jackets (all without salt). The course is one to two weeks.

  • Berry

A preventive diet involves supplementing the menu with berries: every day for a month you need to eat a glass of diuretic berries - cranberries or lingonberries. If there are stones, this method of cleaning is contraindicated.

  • "Juicy"

Prepare juice from a kilogram of strawberries or wild strawberries and 100 g of sugar. Keep the berries covered with sand in the refrigerator, drink the resulting juice before meals, half a glass.

  • Other juices

They cleanse the kidneys well of toxins and sand, and at the same time strengthen the body. natural juices from pumpkin, carrots, birch. The drink is chosen depending on the season, the course lasts from 3 weeks to 2 months. It is important to follow several rules: drink juices between meals, cook no earlier than 20 minutes in advance. before this, and do not dilute with water. You can add a little honey to birch.

  • Radish juice

Sand and small stones are removed. The juice is obtained by rubbing a thoroughly washed, unpeeled root vegetable. Throughout the day they drink several tablespoons. spoons sweetened with honey. The effect is achieved after 2 – 3 weeks.

  • Bay leaf

Prepare a decoction of 2 leaves per glass hot water. Boil for 2 minutes, drink daily. And so for 3 days in a row, then a 2-week break and repeat course. Requires up to 4 repetitions.

  • Medicinal collection

Standard recipe: 1 tsp. linden and elderberry flowers, flaxseeds, blackberry leaves, St. John's wort, chopped pumpkin seeds and a tablespoon of chamomile, pour half a liter of boiling water, cook in a water bath for 40 minutes. Drink a day, in 4 doses, an hour before meals. Duration – 5 days.

  • Lemon with parsley

Grind 2 fruits with peel in a meat grinder, chop several sprigs of parsley and 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Take on an empty stomach according to Art. spoon until the mixture is finished.

  • Infusions of horsetail and oat straw

First, use an infusion prepared from 1 liter of dry oat stalks and 2 liters of water; leave for 2 hours. Drink half a glass three times a day, adding 20 drops of calendula tincture to each serving. The course is 5 days, then a 5-day break. Then a horsetail infusion is prepared: 0.5 liters of the herb are boiled for an hour in a liter of water, infused for another hour. Drink in the same way, with calendula, dose – 50 ml.

When planning a kidney cleanse, you should be prepared for the fact that the procedures are accompanied by a diuretic effect. During the procedures you must adhere to healthy eating, excluding spicy seasonings, broths, strong coffee, alcohol, pickles, canned food, cheeses, smoked meats and other products from this group.

Foods to improve kidney function

The kidneys eliminate everything unnecessary that appears due to various problems in the body. And it is clear why, in case of any ailments, doctors always prescribe a urine test to each patient.

If excretory system fails, the body is poisoned. Products to improve kidney function can prevent critical condition, improve the situation and support the body as a whole.

  1. Water in sufficient quantity(up to 2 l) maintains water-salt balance, helps remove toxins in a timely manner.
  2. Watermelons, melons, plums, apples are useful due to their diuretic properties.
  3. Pumpkin: smoothies and purees, porridge with cereals support stable functioning; seeds are also useful.
  4. Carrots, peppers, and greens are rich in vitamin A, which is necessary for the kidneys.

  1. Natural juices, milk.
  2. Infusions of medicinal herbs.
  3. Cranberry juice is one of the favorite products for the kidneys.
  4. Sea ​​buckthorn.
  5. Rosehip root tea.
  6. Fish.

The kidneys love boiled, stewed, steamed food. It retains vitamins and does not contain harmful components. Frying, smoking, prolonged heating over a fire - this is not for the kidneys.

Healthy foods for the kidneys and bladder

While much has been said about the kidneys, the bladder has been unfairly ignored. But he is directly connected with them, therefore he reacts to poor nutrition and products for the kidneys.

Thus, a lack of fluid leads to the formation of highly concentrated urine, which irritates the mucous membrane of the bladder. Fried and spicy food, alcoholic and carbonated drinks are also undesirable, and honey and sugar, large doses caffeine, fatty cheeses and cream, citruses and pineapples can even be dangerous for this organ.

Healthy foods for the kidneys and bladder the following:

  1. Cranberry – to prevent the formation of stones and protect against infection.
  2. Apples, bananas, plums - with pectins remove toxins.
  3. Bran is rich in B vitamins, which improve local blood supply.
  4. Rosehip is a source of vitamin C, which maintains wall tone.
  5. Sea buckthorn – restores kidneys, supports contractile functions Bladder.

  1. Pumpkin seeds – contain vitamin E, which is necessary for the regulation of accumulated fluid.
  2. Fatty fish – supplies valuable fats and vitamin D.
  3. Herbal teas– help eliminate poisons, cleanse from sand and salts.
  4. Water provides normal process formation and removal of urine, along with everything harmful; reduces the risk of inflammation and cancer diseases these organs.
  5. Coffee, although it contains caffeine, in limited doses does not harm, but helps the excretory organs: it washes and, according to experts, halves the risk of bladder tumors.

Both the kidneys and the bladder must function in accordance with daily biorhythms: work in the morning and afternoon, and rest in the evening and at night. The following mode meets these requirements: more heavy food We eat it in the first half of the day, and the dietary one in the afternoon.

Harmful foods for the kidneys

Harmful foods for the kidneys are, first of all, many popular drinks: strong and mild alcohol, soda, coffee. Pickles and marinades, smoked meats and fast food are also in first place in the anti-rating. This is due to the fact that they are stuffed with table salt, without which long-term storage of such food products is impossible.

Excess salt (read sodium) retains fluid and displaces potassium from the blood. It negatively affects the heart, and appearance a person is distorted due to the formation of edema on the face.

Products with an abundance of protein components also overload the organ, and therefore are considered undesirable foods for the kidneys. They do not transform into simpler compounds, so they form wastes and poisons. The kidneys especially do not like old beef, pork, and offal; they are saturated with iron, and its excess negatively affects the functions of the excretory organs.

  • For preventive purposes, it is useful to resort to fasting days. But not to diets: the kidneys do not like stress, even if it is for the good, that is, for weight loss. By the way, when you lose weight, your kidneys drop, which is not good for them. Salt-free, protein-free and other newfangled diets are also undesirable for the kidneys.

Alcohol destroys healthy cells, and that's it. Abuse is fraught big troubles, up to renal failure. Beer lovers should be aware that this, according to some, harmless drink, actually severely dehydrates the body and can cause serious problems with the kidneys. So it is absolutely forbidden to abuse beer.

Even soft drinks, such as coffee and carbonated water, are unacceptable for the kidneys because they act as irritants to the mucous membrane urinary tract. And mineral water in medicinal purposes Moreover, it should not be consumed without consulting a doctor.

For lovers early vegetables and greens, it is recommended to hold off and not attack the greenhouse cucumbers, tomatoes, first watermelons and fruits. Grown using modern industrial methods, they are often oversaturated with chemicals that are harsh on the kidneys and liver. The toxins and poisons resulting from such food accumulate in the body because they are difficult to eliminate.

Some medications have a bad effect on the system, especially analgin and antibiotics.

There is a group of products that are considered controversial for the kidneys. This various mushrooms, hot spices, legumes. Healthy people They are recommended to be consumed in small doses, with caution.

The liver and kidneys suffer greatly from the whims of the stomach and bad human habits. It’s quite simple to save them (that is, yourself) from unnecessary suffering: you just need to give up unhealthy and low-quality food, and instead introduce dishes from foods for the kidneys into the menu. There are enough of them, they are tasty, and most importantly healthy - both for the kidneys and other organs and systems.

Kidney treatment mineral water carried out only with the help natural waters, which are extracted directly from sources or wells. They contain a large amount of salts and other organic impurities.

Biologically contained in waters play an important role. active substances, such as bromine, iodine, fluorine, arsenic and iron. As a result, this liquid has a special physical and chemical composition, and also heals the human body. In addition, mineral water long time may not lose its healing properties.

It is important!

The strongest therapeutic effect provide water containing calcium, sodium and magnesium bicarbonate. But not all mineral water is suitable for treatment.

Experts classify all mineral waters into table, table-medicinal and medicinal, depending on the salt content in them. Table mineral water contains from 2 to 5 g minerals per one liter. This water is allowed to be consumed without restrictions by both sick and healthy people.

IN table medicinal water per 1 liter there are from 5 to 15 g of mineral components. The consumption of such water can be prescribed by your attending physician.

Therapeutic effect

The effect of a particular mineral water depends on the composition of the components included in it. Such components can be: sulfates, chlorine, bicarbonate, sodium, potassium, magnesium and sometimes aluminum and iron.

Chlorine affects excretory function in the kidneys.

Sulfate when combined with calcium, magnesium and sodium may reduce secretion gastric juice and her activity.

Bicarbonate activates the secretion of gastric juice.

Sodium and potassium supports normal pressure in tissue fluids. Potassium affects the functioning of the heart and central nervous system, and sodium delays the passage of urine.

Calcium enhances the contractile forces of the heart muscle, improves immunity, produces an anti-inflammatory effect, affects the process of bone growth and dehydrates the body. Thus, hot calcium waters help in the treatment of stomach ulcers and gastritis.

Magnesium is perfectly absorbed in the human body, reduces spasms in gallbladder. Understand the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and provide positive influence on the activity of the nervous system.

This water also contains many microelements that are necessary for normal operation the body as a whole, namely:

  • Iodine - activates work thyroid gland, takes part in the processes of recovery and resorption.
  • Bromine - normalizes brain activity.
  • Fluoride - insufficient fluoride content provokes the destruction of bones, especially teeth.
  • Manganese - has a positive effect on sexual function and enhances protein metabolism.
  • Copper allows iron to be converted into hemoglobin.
  • Iron - lack of iron in the body causes the development of anemia.

It is important!

Mineral water mainly contains hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide mineral waters affect metabolic processes in the body, improving them. Carbon dioxide, which is already absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, activates respiratory activity and increases muscle tone.

Hydrogen sulfide water is used mainly for baths. Hydrogen sulfide normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system and has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels.

What are mineral waters?

By temperature conditions all mineral waters are divided into:

  1. cold - less than 20 degrees;
  2. warm - from 20 to 35 degrees;
  3. hot - from 35 to 42 degrees;
  4. very hot - more than 42 degrees.

Medicinal waters, as a rule, have an alkaline or neutral environment. When they enter the stomach, then into the intestines, they change their own environment in the body, therefore affecting the functioning of digestive enzymes.

Rules for treatment with mineral water

The volume of this water that should be taken at a time may vary depending on the nature of the disease, the composition of the water and its mineralization. Doctors generally recommend using warm water, but the temperature may also depend on the nature of the pathology.

The effect of this water may vary depending on the time of its use. It will need to be taken before, during or after meals. Drinking water on an empty stomach is often recommended, but if you have diarrhea, drinking water on an empty stomach is not recommended.

Mineral water treatment process

At the first stage of treatment, mucus, pathogenic microorganisms, and pus that have accumulated in the urinary canals are removed and dissolved from the body. At the second stage of treatment, the body begins to produce protective colloids, while the solubility of salts in the urine increases and they stop precipitating, and therefore the formation of stones is greatly reduced.

It is important!

When exposed to mineral water, the kidneys receive good prevention from re-formation, because there is a decrease specific gravity urine.

Many women sometimes complain of cystitis. Mineral water without gases is the main means of preventing exacerbation of this pathology. You must drink at least two liters of water per day.

Drinking treatment for kidney and urinary diseases ways. Drinking mineral waters – the main natural healing factor for the prevention and treatment of patients with pyelonephritis, urolithiasis and urinary diathesis. Mineral waters dissolve and wash away accumulated urinary tract mucus, pus, pathogenic microbes. Taking water from mineral springs leads to restoration of disorders mineral metabolism. At the same time, the production of protective colloids is enhanced, the solubility of salts in urine increases and their precipitation stops. Consequently, one of the conditions for stone formation or further growth of existing stones is eliminated. As a result, the size of kidney stones, surrounded by mucus and layers of salts, decreases. However, it should be noted that kidney and urinary tract stones cannot be dissolved with any mineral waters. For kidney diseases, low-mineralization mineral waters of various chemical compositions are indicated. Drinking mineral waters used for the prevention and treatment of pyelonephritis, urolithiasis and urinary diathesis must: have a pronounced diuretic effect; enhance renal plasma flow and urine filtration in the renal glomeruli; have an anti-inflammatory and mucus-dissolving effect; have an antispasmodic effect in pathological spasms of smooth muscles urinary system; have a tonic effect on smooth muscles upper urinary tract; have an analgesic effect. The diuretic property of mineral waters means not only the removal of water from the body, but also the removal along with water unnecessary for the body minerals and products of nitrogen metabolism. Hot spring waters increase the excretion of urine from the body with high content in it table salt. When taking such mineral waters, the water content in the blood temporarily increases with its subsequent excretion in the urine. The ability of mineral waters to change the pH of urine and thereby create unfavorable conditions for development pathogenic microorganisms It has great importance For effective treatment inflammatory processes in the urinary tract, but this is especially important in the treatment of patients with urolithiasis and urinary diathesis. The pH level of urine should be adjusted according to the chemical composition urinary salts and stones. For uric acid diathesis and oxaluria, alkaline mineral supplements are indicated. drinking water(pH 7.2 – 8.5). In the presence of phosphaturia and phosphate stones It is necessary to recommend acidic mineral drinking waters (pH 3.5 – 6.8). It should be remembered that when drinking mineral waters, the pH of urine changes faster than when prescribing an appropriate diet. Chemical composition mineral water is of decisive importance in assessing its physiological and therapeutic effect. Mineral water contains gases (carbon dioxide, radon, hydrogen sulfide), as well as complexes of ions (anions and cations), which constantly combine to form various salts and are separated, which is one of the reasons for the more pronounced therapeutic action source water versus bottled water. Presence in these waters large quantity ions promotes faster absorption of water by the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and its entry into the blood. This leads to an increase in hydrostatic blood pressure and increased ultrafiltration, accompanied by more intense evacuation of intermediate metabolic products from the tissues through the kidneys and increased diuresis. The main anions of mineral waters are bicarbonate, sulfate and chlorine; cations - sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium. In Russia, the most famous mineral waters are Zheleznovodsk and Krainui, the predominant anions of which are sulfates and bicarbonates. These waters contain chlorides in small quantities, which eliminates the possibility of irritation. renal tissue when used for drinking purposes. Some trace elements in mineral waters (fluorine, silicon, copper, iron, tungsten) promote the dissolution of oxalate and phosphate salts. During the period of remission, treatment in sanatoriums with medical profile: treatment of kidney and urinary tract diseases. Treatment should be carried out for recovery period in the conditions of local sanatoriums, as well as resorts with the presence of therapeutic mud, as well as sulfide and other mineral waters. Balneological and mud resorts are recommended for the treatment of kidneys and urinary tract: "Bobruisk", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "Kemeri", " ", "Kozhanovo", " ", " ", " ", " ", Medvezhye (" "), " ", "Nizhneivkino", "New Keys", " ", " ", "Rogachev", " ",

Every day, doctors advise drinking up to 1 liter of plain water, and nutritionists recommend starting your morning meal with a glass of water and washing down your food with water, replacing sweet juices and unhealthy soda with it. However, not all carbonated drinks are harmful. Mineral water, on the contrary, is beneficial, and its effect is quite broad, covering the entire body. Is it really worth clarifying the type of this water and how it helps remove, for example, accumulated stones in the kidney area?

Natural sources of pure mineral waters are very popular for a reason. Thousands of people go there every year to improve their health. And it's not just about favorable climate, clean air and a pleasant, stress-free environment. Water plays a huge role in healing people.

That's why next to everyone mineral spring a sanatorium was built. Real doctors and other medical staff work there, trying to show people qualified assistance. People come to the springs with many diseases. Known healing properties waters against . How does it work and what kind of water can you drink?

For example, Borjomi water is extremely useful; it is sold in both glass and ordinary plastic bottles. It is salty and contains metals. You can safely drink water without a prescription, but without going overboard with the quantity, excess salt is also harmful to the body. How can mineral water get rid of stones? For treatment is suitable not any mineral water, most of them regular drinks, without useful properties.

Truskavets or Morshyn water can crush stones if taken regularly, monitoring the amount. Every single stone will come out, it helps even in hopeless cases, when a real monolith forms in the organ, which doctors refuse to take on. Yes, when there are too many stones or they large sizes, specialists may refuse surgical intervention for fear of bringing more harm than good.

People are prescribed other procedures and are often advised to go to special medical sanatoriums, where there are sources of natural mineral water. The liquid in such sources contains a certain amount of metals and has a certain taste. Different sanatoriums have different water and it has different properties. This water should not be drunk as usual; excess metals can harm the body.

For proper treatment you need to visit a doctor. He will accurately determine the severity of the problem and advise which type of treatment is most effective. The number and size of stones, their presence are visible only through ultrasound. But sometimes the device does not detect stones if they have not yet hardened.

This cannot absolutely indicate their absence. Therefore, the doctor never completely trusts ultrasound. He orders tests and conducts examinations. Then, if he approves of treatment with mineral waters, he can advise where exactly to go. Of course, the sanatorium will cost a decent amount. A lot of healing springs is located in the Krasnodar region, so you don’t have to travel far.

All recommendations and the doctor’s diagnosis are reflected on the pages medical card patient. If you take it with you, it’s worth visiting the sanatorium. Upon arrival, medical dispensaries send each guest to an appointment with a local specialist and, after studying the map, he will advise what procedures are needed, how much water to drink and which one.

Often people take some amount healthy water take it with you and continue to drink it, following the recommendations. Here, in order to get rid of all the unfortunate stones, you need to be patient and control the dosage, especially with water of complex composition.

How to replace water

Kidney stone disease is a real scourge for many people modern generation. Moreover, both elderly and young people, even children, suffer from it. There are many reasons for this, the most common are:

Daily, severe stress, without which it is sometimes impossible;
poor nutrition - snacking on something unknown, the habit of satisfying hunger with fast food and other quick dishes;
heredity - yes, some people are predisposed to certain diseases from birth and need to be doubly careful;
bad habits, such as drinking alcohol and;
sedentary life.

However, these simple reasons can cause a dozen other diseases that also affect people: stomach problems, immune system, liver, etc. But send to a sanatorium closer to the source amazing water Not everyone has the opportunity.

Most work all year round and can afford to travel only on vacation, for others it is expensive in material terms, for others they have not been able to escape for many years, they are not allowed to go by their busy schedule. The fourth are still too young to travel independently.

What should I do? Mineral water is also really good for the kidneys, many doctors note this, because such sources release water from underground when, washing the rocks, it is saturated with metal particles, acquiring healing powers. However, spa water possible to replace.

Instead of mineral water, get into the habit of drinking regular, warm water, but always boiled. It is better to boil the kettle in advance and then pour some water into a carafe or jar. Drink as much as you can 1.5-2 liters, each time a few minutes before meals, so that it gets into empty stomach and managed to “go” further away before food got there.

Boiling will rid the water of bacteria and viruses and will also give it desired temperature. What is important is warm, not cold or hot water.
Take regular parsley, brew it in boiling water every day like tea, add herbs to all dishes when you eat. Let her become a constant companion in the kitchen. Pour into soup, on salads, drink as a decoction. Parsley is extremely useful.

Buy fresh cucumbers, preferably natural ones, which are brought from dachas or neighboring cities. Of course, it’s hard to find these in winter, it’s not the season. Then take regular, salad long ones. Do cucumber juice or eat it like this, sprinkled with a pinch of salt. Very healthy and cucumbers contain a lot of liquid.

People suffering from kidney problems should avoid fried, too salty or spicy food, red tomatoes and your favorite smoked meats. Also limit your intake of any animal fats. Find lists of foods and dishes containing such fats and temporarily eliminate them from your diet.

Be sure to visit your doctor and carefully follow all recommendations. He can prescribe something difficult, complex treatment, this is a justified measure, because the presence of stones in the kidney area negatively affects the functioning of other systems. For example, the closest one is the urinary tract. Stones cause unpleasant spasms and can cause irritation and impair the efficiency of the kidneys. Therefore, the problem cannot be started, because the kidneys, although paired organ, but they are the main “cleaners” for the body; tens of liters of liquid pass through them every day.

You can also try it with rice. The method is not harmful; the Chinese highly value rice and eat it daily instead of bread, considering it a healthy food. True, to turn rice into a cleanser, rinse and soak it for a week so that the grains lose all their starch and open as much as possible. The rice grain has special cells that can absorb toxins.

For the procedure, purchase a kilogram of unpolished rice of any kind, rinse it for 20 minutes with cool water, then simply leave it to soak in a small saucepan, filling it with water. Let it sit for a day, change the liquid and so on for up to 7 days, until the poured water stops becoming cloudy (this is how starch manifests itself). Then put the rice out to dry.

How to take: every morning you start with a glass of water - of course, spring or melted water is healthier, if you don’t have it, boiled and cooled. Then you eat a large spoonful of rice already soaked in boiling water, without adding any oil or spices. You can cook it, of course, but raw is healthier.

Full breakfast can only be done by waiting 4 hours! For the effect to last, follow the dietary recommendations (no fried foods, flour, no animal fats) so as not to burden the kidneys during the cleansing period.
Important: Be sure to coordinate each home procedure with your doctor.



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