Women's secrets of youth and longevity. Healer tips for every day

Since ancient times, people have sought to resist aging, inventing means eternal youth. Scientists have already made many discoveries in this area, but the miraculous elixir of longevity has not yet been invented.

The answer to the question "Why do we grow old and die?" excited and continues to excite scientists, philosopher and ordinary people throughout the life of all mankind.

IN different time history, the main enemies of a long life were declared:

The cause was sought in the deficiency of certain substances or, conversely, poisoning by others. Each of these factors affects life expectancy, but still does not determine why we age.

But even modern science cannot give an answer to why a person grows old and dies. Now the most popular hormonal-genetic theory, according to which aging and longevity are embedded in the genes. What is the secret of youth and longevity?

The secret of longevity is in heredity

Not so long ago, a group of scientists discovered several such genes, which in popular sources were called "Methuselah genes" in honor of the biblical centenarian. Many centenarians from different parts of the earth have these genes in their DNA. Moreover, they are usually inherited!

Does this mean that everything is predetermined and our longevity depends only on genes? Of course not. A large number of studies have shown that even if you are the owner of the “Methuselah genes”, but do not care about your health at all, your life is significantly reduced.

On the other hand, many famous centenarians do not have any special genes, but thanks to a healthy lifestyle, they celebrated their 90th birthday and even crossed the line of 100 years.

Genes also determine predisposition to certain chronic diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Obesity.

If you have people with these diseases in your family, then there is reason to be wary and be more attentive to your health. However, heredity is not always predetermined. You have a higher risk, but if, knowing this, follow preventive measures, the likelihood of diseases is reduced.

Know your heredity, but do not be afraid of this knowledge. Use it to maintain and improve your health.

Lifestyle secret to longevity

Genetics are important, but the quality and length of life is determined primarily by lifestyle.

Regular exercise keeps you healthy worse than a doctor. Take a walk for 30 minutes a day and you will add 1.6 years to your life. And morning exercises for 30 minutes a week will add another 1.7 years.

Many centenarians love laughter and this is no coincidence. It has been found that laughter can extend the years of life from 1.7 to 8 years.

Normal and healthy sleep is an indispensable attribute of a long and healthy life. 7-8 hours of restful sleep per night will increase the chance of living 12 more years.

By constantly maintaining a normal weight that matches your design, you add another 6 years to yourself.

If you manage to avoid serious and severe stress, then you will significantly extend your life.

Quit smoking after 4 months last cigarette greatly reduces the risk of stroke or heart attack.

Complete balanced diet will add several years to you at once.

Statistics report that over the past century in most countries average duration life has multiplied. This is due to the state of medicine, the financial situation of the population, the level of hygiene, and working conditions.

But life expectancy is not individual longevity. Now the number of centenarians has also increased. If earlier old age and even old age The age of 60 years was considered, but now people who have crossed the 90-year mark are recognized as centenarians.

There are areas in the world where the concentration of centenarians is especially high. Scientists explain this by many factors - nutritional habits, a favorable environmental situation, following the traditions of a healthy lifestyle and, of course, genetics.

How many years can and should a person live? The Bible mentions 120 years. From the point of view of science, no limits due to biology or genes have yet been found. upper bounds no longevity. Therefore, you need to strive not for any specific figure, but for a long, long, happy and healthy life, without thinking about records.

The secret to longevity is hormonal balance.

Our bodies produce over 100 different compounds called hormones. Their role in maintaining health is enormous. They regulate metabolism and maintain constancy internal environment organism.

Thanks to hormones, stimulation or, conversely, suppression of the immune system occurs. Hormones regulate feelings of hunger and satiety. The condition of bones and teeth is controlled by the hormone calcitonin produced in the thyroid gland.

It is homons that largely determine such characteristics as resistance to stress and stress, physical endurance, performance, arterial pressure the number of erythrocytes in the blood.

Our sleep is also partly dependent on hormones, primarily melatonin. Hormones determine our psychological condition. And this is only a small part of the list of "work duties" of hormones.

Organs and cells are responsible for their production. endocrine system-pituitary, hypothalamus, pineal gland, adrenal glands, thyroid, thymus, gonads, islet cells of the pancreas, as well as the walls of the stomach, intestines and blood vessels.

There are a lot of enemies in the endocrine system - infections, injuries, malfunctions in the immune system, poisoning, deficiency useful substances in nutrition, stress. Any malfunction in it leads to a complete disorder of all functions in the body. Therefore, maintenance hormonal balance- an important component of a long and healthy life.

Treat endocrine diseases it is necessary only under the supervision of a doctor, self-medication is dangerous and can lead to even greater imbalance. Be sure to visit an endocrinologist if you notice at least one of the following symptoms.

  1. Sudden weight loss or gain while maintaining familiar image life.
  2. Swelling of the face, neck, arms and legs, often not associated with increased fluid intake.
  3. Pressing sensation in the neck when wearing collars that are not too tight, trouble swallowing, feeling foreign body in the throat.
  4. Various skin problems - increased dryness or sebum production, pallor skin, sticky sweat, frequent pustular and fungal diseases, poor healing of scratches and wounds.
  5. Hair loss and thinning, early graying, enhanced growth body hair, especially in women.
  6. Decreased vision, dry eyes, lacrimation, bulging eyes.
  7. Dry mouth, constant feeling of thirst, increased urination.
  8. Rapid or, conversely, reduced heart rate, heart rhythm disturbances, pressure surges, a sudden feeling of heat or chilliness of the limbs, hand tremors, muscle cramps.
  9. Unpredictable mood swings, tearfulness, excessive excitability, memory impairment, unreasonable anger.
  10. Chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, drowsiness, insomnia, restlessness, fussiness, if these characteristics are not characteristic of you.
  11. Violation menstrual cycle in women and a decrease erectile function in men.

The secret to longevity is protection from toxins

In popular literature, the word "slags" is often mentioned, which supposedly pollute the body and lead to disease. This term is absolutely unscientific, it has nothing to do with medicine and physiology.

No doctor has ever discovered deposits of slag. In the intestine at serious illnesses fecal stones may form, but in this case the reason is not slagging, but in violations of the intestines.

The deposition of salts in the joints (gout) is also associated with metabolic disorders that need to be treated.

Does this mean that there are no harmful foreign substances in our body? In fact, end products of metabolism are constantly formed in it, which have a toxic effect - urea, ammonia, various salts. Hazardous compounds can come from food, water, medicines.

At infectious diseases viruses and bacteria also produce toxins.

All these compounds must be removed from the body. At healthy person the kidneys, liver, intestines, skin (through sweat) completely cope with this. But with diseases, especially age-related and chronic ones, you need to provide support to your body in order to increased amount toxins did not lead to accelerated destruction and aging of cells.

You just have to do it right. How? This is the next secret of longevity and youth.

The secret to longevity is in your personal ecology

Your personal ecology is another secret to longevity and youth. Do life in big cities has its advantages, but ecological situation It's hard to call them good. You personally cannot change it, here the efforts of the whole society are needed, but you can completely reduce the adverse impact of bad ecology on yourself and your loved ones.

Get out as often as possible for walks in parks and forests. But walking at a brisk pace or running along city roads will bring more harm than good.

Regularly carry out wet cleaning and airing in the house. To reduce the amount of dust, insert mesh and ordinary gauze into the windows. Good cleaners in the apartment - potted flowers. Humidify the air, especially in winter. The easiest way is to put a container of water next to the batteries.

When carrying out repairs, try to choose safe materials. Solid wood is always better than fiberboard, acrylic or water-based paint emits less toxic substances than nitro enamel.

Do not cover the floors with carpets and do not hang carpets on the walls. They are dust collectors and breeding grounds for mites, the secretions of which cause allergies.

Keep books in closed cabinets and wash them regularly Stuffed Toys and decorative pillows.

Do not leave electrical appliances on unless they are needed. This will not only save electricity, but also reduce electromagnetic radiation which negatively affects health.

Protect yourself from noise pollution. Reading in silence is far more beneficial than watching endless TV. For good night in silence, use earplugs.

Reduce usage household chemicals. It can be replaced by no less effective, but much more safe means- soda, mustard, vinegar, citric acid and laundry soap.

Cleanse tap water using filters or jugs, or at least defend it and boil it.

The secret of longevity in intelligent cleansing

If there is no urgent need, you should not force your body by resorting to radical methods purification. This may be hazardous to your health.

Gross intervention in the work of the intestines with the help of regular flushes or laxatives leads to chronic disorders of its work, imbalance of microflora, acid-base balance, tone smooth muscle, mucosal injuries.

Many collections, teas and capsules for cleansing the blood, liver, general cleansing of the body are toxic in themselves, causing great harm health. The use of oil and lemon juice to cleanse the liver often leads to emergency hospitalization and operations - gallstones block the ducts and biliary colic develops.

Does this mean that purification is not needed? Not certainly in that way. The body needs help, but for this, softer and at the same time effective ways. First of all, this proper nutrition, fasting days or therapeutic fasting.

A bath, baths and herbal medicine will help, but chosen correctly. Drink plenty of water and move more, and then no emergency methods cleansing, hazardous to health, you do not need.

The secret to longevity is rest

The secret to longevity is rest. During sleep, the body has time to rest, restore strength, and sometimes even heal, since in these few hours all the forces that are spent on daily activities during the day go to “repair” damaged cells. There is a reboot of the brain, it gets rid of unnecessary information.

Recently, the fact was discovered that it is during sleep that the brain gets rid of toxins. This greatly reduces the risk of diseases such as stroke and Alzheimer's disease.

It is recommended to sleep about 8 hours. During this time, we manage to go through several full cycles, consisting of two important phases - slow and REM sleep. People who sleep less or more than this time are more likely to get sick and age faster.

It is known that in the Mediterranean countries there are more long-livers than in the north. Some scientists believe that part of the secret lies in the traditional daytime rest - siesta.

It helps to relax and relieve tension accumulated in the morning. The level of joy hormones, endorphins and serotonin increases, which improves mood and performance.

Reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Such sleep is much healthier than coffee or energy drinks. Physicians consider the most beneficial sleep between 13.00 and 15.00.

But there is important condition- its duration should not exceed half an hour.

The secret to longevity is a positive attitude

Youth is not just a face without wrinkles, a slim body And tripping. All this can be achieved with cosmetics, exercises, diets. But if you have an attitude like a deep old man, no interest in life, no anti-aging techniques will help you.

The main attributes of true youth are the feeling of flight and the presence of interest in what is happening around, in everything new that is happening. This is what makes young even those who have long entered retirement age.

Never tell yourself or others that you don't look good, and genuinely enjoy compliments. You are charming, you like yourself, and others have noticed your beauty, so enjoy it.

Be sure to compliment yourself, first right in bed, and then in the morning in front of the bathroom mirror. Repeat the formula regularly: “I enjoy life and am completely satisfied with myself. I am satisfied with my abilities and opportunities. I am calm and confident."

Do what you are really interested in, actively express yourself in this, whatever it is. And do not blame the age - the one who loves to dance will do it at any age.

Try to communicate with those with whom you feel good and joyful. Be interested in the latest fashion, science, politics, to keep abreast of modern life.

Love yourself at any age and remember that everything is in your power, including your youth.

Best regards, Olga.

HEALING SOUNDS FOR VARIOUS HEALTH DISORDERS To relax the body and have a nice rest It is recommended to practice every day before going to bed. healing sounds. These healing sounds are used for various violations health. You can devote more time to any particular organ if you feel any problems in it or the emotions associated with it. If you don't have time to do the whole practice, practice only the Lung Sound and the Kidney Sound. "SSSSSSSS" - THE SOUND OF THE LUNGS It is used for colds, feelings of sadness and sadness. Technique: deep breath. Raise your arms in front of you with your palms facing you. At eye level, turn your palms outward while continuing to raise your arms. At the end of the movement, the palms seem to make a push up, the elbows are rounded, the fingers are pointed at each other, the teeth are closed, but not tightly, and the lips are slightly parted. Exhale slowly through your teeth with a long “sssssss” sound. Feel how with this sound the lungs are filled with energy and freed from all evil. Full exhale. As you lower your arms, hold them at the level of your lungs and imagine that they are filled with bright white light. "CHUUUUUUUUUU" - THE SOUND OF THE KIDNEYS It is used for fear, fatigue, dizziness, ringing in the ears, back pain. Technique: deep breath. Bring your legs together. Bend over and clasp your knees with your hands, connecting your fingers into the lock, and arch your back. At the same time, raise your head so that your gaze is directed forward, and tighten the muscles of your arms. Feel the stretch in your back. Round your lips as if you were blowing out a candle, and exhale slowly with the sound of “whoa.” Pull your stomach in at the same time. When you have completely finished exhaling, spread your legs and place your palms on your lower back. Imagine that the kidneys are saturated with blue light, everything goes away discomfort if they were. "SHSHSHSHSHSH" - THE SOUND OF THE LIVER It is used for feelings of anger and irritation. Technique: deep breath. Spread your arms out to the sides, palms up. Slowly raise your hands to the top of your head, following their movement with your eyes. Now interlace your fingers and turn your palms towards the ceiling, as if pushing out the air. Lean slightly to the left. Open your eyes wider and slowly exhale the sound “shhhhhh”. Feel how the energy you receive cleanses the liver. When you finish exhaling, bring your hands to the area of ​​the liver. Imagine that green light comes from them. "ХХХААААУУ" - SOUND OF THE HEART It is used for heart disease, tonsillitis, herpes, nervousness Technique: deep breath. Take the same position as in the previous exercise. You just need to lean slightly to the right. Open your mouth as if you are about to yawn, and slowly exhale the sound "hhhhhhhhhhh". When you finish exhaling, bring both hands to your heart, sending it red light, love and joy. "ХХХУУУУУУ" - THE SOUND OF THE STOMACH AND SPLEEN It is used for digestive disorders, nausea. Technique: deep breath. Place the middle fingers on the left under the sternum. Look up and lightly press with your fingers while exhaling and making the sound "hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Feel it vibrate vocal folds. The stomach and spleen begin to work better. Now bring your hands to these organs and imagine that they are filled with yellow light. "XXXIIIIIIIII" - THE SOUND OF THE TRIPLE HEATER It is used for insomnia, internal tension. A triple heater is a conditional organ consisting of a hot part (brain, heart, lungs), a warm part (liver, kidneys, stomach, pancreas, spleen) and a cold part (thick and small intestine, bladder, sexual organs). Technique: deep breath. Lean back in your chair, bring your hands to your face. As you exhale, utter the sound “xxxiiiiiiiii” barely audibly until the chest is slightly retracted, then the area solar plexus and finally the lower abdomen. The hands at this time slowly move down along the body, as if directing energy from the top of the head to the feet. When you finish exhaling, focus your attention on the digestive tract.

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TEA FROM POLYPS IN THE INTESTINE In the treatment of intestinal polyps, you can use a collection of herbs that have the necessary healing properties. To do this, you need celandine, yarrow grass, calendula flowers. Celandine and yarrow take one part, calendula flowers two parts. Two tablespoons of this collection is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused until warm. Then the infusion is filtered and added to it. corn oil. Microclysters of 100 ml are made from the resulting liquid every day after a bowel movement. Viburnum tea prevents the growth of polyps in the intestines and their transformation into tumors. Berries of dry or fresh viburnum are brewed in the form of tea, honey is added to taste, and such a drink should be taken three to four times a day in equal amounts.

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VISION IS RESTORED WITHOUT SURGERY 0.5 kg fresh leaves aloe (removed so as not to damage the stem of the plant) is wrapped in thick black paper or foil so that light does not penetrate inside. There is no need to wash or cut the leaves. Place this bundle in the refrigerator and keep for 2 weeks at a temperature of 3-5 degrees. Then take out the aloe, cut off the thorns with a razor, rinse and quickly pass through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting slurry with 0.5 kg good honey(if the honey is hard, it must first be softened by placing the jar in warm water) and 0.5 l Cahors. Mix everything well and store tightly sealed. glass jars in a refrigerator. Take the mixture in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. spoon, drinking warm water. The author of the recipe - Professor Filatov - recommended taking this mixture for general strengthening throughout the winter, regardless of age and health status. This remedy keeps the eyes sharp.

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THE OLD CHINESE PRACTICE OF DETOXIFYING THE BODY harmful substances, an increasing number of which can adversely affect the work of all organs. Can partially cope with them natural breeding toxins. And to further reduce their impact, detoxification of the body will help. And the best way to do it is a foot bath. Detoxification of the body according to the ancient Chinese practice medical practice. In fact, this various techniques in which the legs are involved. After all, it is in them that numerous energy zones are located that are directly related to the functioning internal organs and influencing their work. Detoxification of the body through the legs can be carried out in several ways. Removing Toxins Through Your Feet: 1st Detox Method You will need an ionic foot bath. With its help, it will be possible to quickly and reliably remove harmful substances from the body. The action of the bath is based on electrolysis using electric current. How to use the detox bath First, place your feet in a container of warm water. This will open up the pores. After that, add special salt to remove toxins into the water (preparation method below) and wait until the legs absorb the salt ions. Salt will help prevent inflammation in the body. You will understand that the elimination of toxins is taking place when the salt water bath turns a darkish tint. How to prepare a special salt for removing toxins You will need 250 grams sea ​​salt, 250 grams of Epsom salts for hypertension, 2 cups (about 450 grams) of soda and a mixture essential oils. Combine all ingredients and mix well. Preparing a bath to remove toxins First, bring a pot of water to a boil (about 10 liters), pour special salt into it in turn, and wait for it to dissolve completely. After that, pour the mixture into a container in which it will be convenient to soak your feet for 30 minutes. Such a foot bath will remove harmful substances from the body and prevent the occurrence of skin diseases. Removal of toxins through the legs: 2nd method of detoxification Foot bath for removing toxins Do you want to remove harmful substances from the body? A foot bath with oxygen detoxification will help you. The basis of the bath is 450-500 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tablespoon of dry ginger in powder form. How to prepare a bath for removing toxins Pour into a container hot water, add hydrogen peroxide and ginger powder to it. Soak your feet in the solution for 30 minutes. In addition to the fact that harmful substances will be removed from the body, such a foot bath will be a godsend for those who want to get rid of annoying allergies or skin irritations. Removal of toxins through the legs: 3rd method of detoxification Removal of toxins with a bath based on bentonite clay. The basis of the bath is 150 grams of bentonite clay, half a glass of Epsom salts against hypertension. How to prepare a bath for removing toxins hot water add Epsom salt and wait for it to completely dissolve. Dilute the clay with a small amount of water until a viscous mixture is formed, which is poured into the bath. Soak your feet in the solution for about 20 minutes. In addition to each method, you can buy special pads at the pharmacy to remove toxins through the legs. Use them while you sleep, putting them under your feet and wearing socks over the pads. If in the morning you see that the linings have become darker, this means that toxins and other harmful elements have been removed from your body. Detoxification of the body ensures the reliable elimination of toxins. If you care about your health and control its condition, make this procedure a part of your life. This will help to remove harmful substances, stay healthy and see a doctor only within the framework of medical examinations.

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CASTOR - ITS USEFUL PROPERTIES UNDESERVED FORGOTTEN In not so distant times, castor oil was in every home. And now it is not deservedly forgotten. Treatment with castor oil, when applied externally, will provide an invaluable service. So with what diseases will castor oil treatment help? How to use it? With help castor oil you can get rid of papillomas and warts. Every day, before going to bed, you need to rub castor oil into the formations for so long until the oil is absorbed. The course of treatment - up to complete deliverance from papillomas. With age on the face and hands appear dark spots. And in this situation, castor oil will help. Every day, rub oil into age spots until they disappear completely. Just don't do it in the summer. Castor oil helps with dry corns and corns. 2 times a week, before going to bed, rub the oil on your feet and put on cotton socks. Gradually, the corns will become soft, and then completely disappear. Castor oil well heals cuts, abrasions, long-term non-healing wounds. Lightly, barely touching the wound, apply oil and bandage the wound until the next day. At colds, especially with a strong cough, rub chest and back with a mixture of castor oil and turpentine (2:1). Mix these ingredients in a cup, warm in a water bath (the mixture should not be very hot) and rub before going to bed. Castor oil stimulates hair growth. Mix oil and alcohol 70% (1:1), rub into the scalp once a week (previously beat in a bottle until emulsified), cover your hair with a cap or bag and hold for 1 hour. Then wash your hair with shampoo and rinse your hair with acidified water (lemon, lemon acid or vinegar). Hair will grow faster. As you can see, everything is new, it is a well-forgotten old. And most importantly - natural!

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THE JUICE THAT CURES CANCER. Amazing news from the University of Windsor, where scientists have been studying the effects of dandelion since 2009. The project began when an oncologist discovered a link between dandelion root and a lower risk of developing cancer. Pamela Ovadie is a doctoral candidate at a university who has found the root's benefits. “One oncologist who worked with us told us about incredible property daily use tea by patients. We immediately started researching this tea to see how other patients reacted to it, however we were quite skeptical. I thought that the dandelion grows everywhere, and if there is something great in it, people would have recognized it long ago,” she recalls. “Since we started this project, we have been able to use it in the treatment of many types of cancer in the laboratory. We have observed its efficacy in the treatment of leukemia, colon and pancreatic cancer, and chronic myelomonocytic leukemia. We found that dandelion root has an extremely strong effect on them without harming healthy cells.” How it works? The extract works by inducing apoptosis in cancer cells. In simpler terms, it forces cancer cells commit suicide without hurting healthy cells in any way. Although research is still on early stages, it has shown great potential and could be the basis for future treatments

That the secrets of youth and longevity lie largely in working on your physical body. Let's take a historical digression on this topic, and then consider the four secrets of youth and longevity from Georgy Nestorovich Speransky - Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor, an outstanding pediatrician who lived a long 96-year life.

Physical muscle tension is a natural phenomenon. A newborn baby makes uncoordinated movements. The child has a direct relationship between his exercise and speech development. Some time ago, scientists conducted a series of experiments with white mice and found that of the mice trained (they were forced to climb a pole) survive after lethal dose radiation exposure is 60 percent more than untrained. Trained mice are better at surviving cancer.

Why do we need sports

The secret is in the oxygen exchange that occurs in the muscles. Oxygen is the source of life, it “works” much more efficiently in a trained body.

Sport for today's person - a worker, manager or scientist - is equally needed not only for simple maintenance of tone. It is needed, like air, food, a book, for a person to be happy at 100 years old just like at 20. However, longevity will not come to everyone by itself. You have to fight for it.

Doctors appeared on our planet in order to prolong human life. Since then, medicine has served longevity. But the path to the goal is difficult. " living water”,“ Elixir of Youth ”,“ The Secret of Immortality ”... what real and imaginary healers did not invent to prolong youth and continue life.

Ancient historians helped science with facts. Herodotus reported on macrobians - long-lived inhabitants of Ethiopia. They ate only milk and fried meat. Plutarch talked about the ancient Britons. In winter and summer, they walked with bare arms and legs.

Scientists of all stripes, times and peoples have continuously searched and continue to search for the key to the remoteness of old age. Only in the past 20th century, more than 200 hypotheses were born in this regard. In the last twenty years alone, more than 35,000 studies have been conducted on increasing life expectancy in the world.

The oldest scientist of our country, 96-year-old academician Georgy Nestorovich Speransky (1873 - 1969), in one of his last interviews with journalists, spoke about the dramatic words of Friedrich Engels: "To live means to die." IN human body there is a continuous process of "self-immolation", ticking, counting the time protein amino acids. However, the human body is not a robot or a machine that gradually wears out and the wear of which can be calculated using formulas. Living tissues have their own calendar.

Looking into the past can lead interesting examples. Michelangelo, Newton, Voltaire, Goethe, Verdi, Tolstoy, Edison, Repin. They lived a long life (more than 80 years) and worked as fruitfully in their old age as in their youth. Of the lesser known examples, the Hungarian family of John and Sarah Rovel celebrated two diamond weddings. The wife died at 164, the husband at 170. And in the 90s of the last century, the leader of the tribe, Mahammed Afzal, died in Pakistan. He was 180 years old and his father was over 200.

Secrets of youth and longevity

The story of Georgy Nestorovich Speransky in the first person: I am often asked: "What is the secret of longevity?" It is difficult to answer this. You can’t tell about your age-old life in just one phrase. But I think that:

First secret

Proper alternation of work and rest. The main thing is not to let the body overwork. Now even young people are suffering from hypertension. Why is it? People have not learned to alternate work and leisure.

Second secret

Youth and longevity are synonymous with hardening. Gotta get hardened. I wrote my first article on hardening in 1910. And he himself began hardening later, when he had already become an adult and mature doctor. I want to emphasize that it is not necessary to go too far in hardening. Recently I was shown the Nikitin children - these are the kids who walk barefoot in the snow. Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote about them. I examined the children and found that, nevertheless, their development was not entirely correct.

In my life, I had to deal with hundreds of examples when there were excesses in hardening. Parents are to blame for this, first of all, who are trying to experiment on children, neglecting the experience of science.

I myself am not afraid of frost - in winter I go in a demi-season coat. I wear a white scarf only so as not to stain my shirt.

Third secret

Daily regime. Be sure to follow the regimen. I've been waking up at seven in the morning all my life. I go to bed no later than eleven. I do not allow myself to work at night, no matter what inspiration comes to me. Believe me, lack of sleep (as well as oversleeping) will affect over time.

Fourth secret

It is known that Tibetan lamas, even having stepped over a hundred years of age, have a youthful appearance and good health which many young people can envy. The monks of Tibet have been hiding the secrets of their longevity for thousands of years. About the amazing gymnastics of the ancient lamas to preserve youth and health (five Tibetans or five pearls) became known after the publication of the book “The Eye of the Renaissance. ancient secret Fountain of Youth by Peter Calder.

According to the ancient monks, this gymnastics complex (5 Tibetan pearls) is aimed at unwinding a complex system of energy centers (vortices, chakras) in the human body. Let's try to explain it in a simpler way - in the human body there are 19 energy vortices, seven of which are located along the spine, the remaining 12 are located in the nodes of the limbs of the arms and legs.

These are quite powerful energy fields associated with electromagnetic field earth. All of them are responsible for a specific system in the body, providing it with prana (universal energy). When a whirlwind fades, the vital energy weakens, and this leads to aging and poor health.

For human health, it is important that energy vortices rotate at maximum speed. Gymnastics complex - five Tibetans are able to increase the influx vital energy and restore health. Even if you do at least one exercise, it will be great benefit for the body. The effect of doing full complex will increase several times

Technique for performing the complex five pearls or five Tibetans

A set of exercises is performed daily, it can be morning or evening, everyone chooses for himself. At a slow pace. Breathing plays an important role in this. You can start with three repetitions of each exercise. Add two more after a week. Add two reps each week until you reach 21 reps.

After each exercise, be sure to take a rest: Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth with a tube. Repeat three times. During all the exercises, five Tibetans, exhalation can be done through the mouth or nose, whichever is convenient for you. The exercises are easy and age restrictions not available for this complex.

  • Tibetan pearl - 1

Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, spread both arms to the sides.

Rotation around itself right side(only to the right!). Breathing is arbitrary.

So unwind energy chakras, and this significantly improves well-being, blood circulation of the brain and the whole body.

  • Tibetan pearl - 2

Lie down on the mat on your back. Lower relaxed arms along the body, palms down. Legs straight, heels towards you.

On inspiration, the chin is pressed to the chest, at the same time or alternately try to raise the straightened legs up, pull the socks towards you. On exhalation, we return to the starting position.

The press is strengthened, the back muscles are strengthened, and this has a positive effect on the spine. After all, everyone knows that a healthy back is the key to health.

  • Tibetan pearl - 3

This exercise will help to remove the pain in the press and back, which may appear after the first pearl.

Stand straight, kneeling about shoulder-width apart. The toes are bent behind and rest on the floor. Hands are located slightly behind the hips. Press the chin to the chest.

While inhaling, bend as far back as possible. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

With the help of this exercise, the joints of the lower extremities are effectively developed. And most importantly, the flow of energy to the whole body is renewed through lower limbs.

  • Tibetan pearl - 4

Sit on the mat on the floor on the buttocks. The legs are extended in front of us, we pull the socks towards us. Rest your hands on the floor. Press the head to the jugular cavity.

While inhaling, resting your hands and heels on the floor, raise your buttocks as much as possible up, bend over. The head is tilted as far back as possible. As you exhale, take the starting position.

Train cervical vertebrae, headaches disappear, as well as pain in the neck.

  • Tibetan pearl - 5

Take emphasis lying down. Feet shoulder-width apart, rest your toes on the floor (posture - dog face up). At the same time, bend as far back as possible. For starters, you can touch the floor with your knees. Ideally, the knees should not touch the floor.

While inhaling, press your head to your chest, raise your buttocks as high as possible. The arms and legs remain straight. As you exhale, take the starting position.

Regularly performing a set of exercises by Tibetan monks (five Tibetans or five pearls), in a month you will be pleasantly surprised by the result, your body and attitude will change so much!

Sugar and alcohol abuse, bad habits, sedentary image life or vice versa excessive loads, constant and stress, lack of sleep, low fluid intake, which leads to dehydration of the body - these are the most dangerous enemies of youth. These factors lead to early withering of the skin and the whole organism. Bad feeling and just the first warning signs of disaster. It is in your power to reconsider preferences and change the regime, then time will turn back.

First of all, give up bad habits, no matter how hard it is. smoking in to a large extent affects not only the appearance, condition of the skin and its color, but also the body as a whole. Heavy smokers have an earthy skin tone, yellowish plaque on the teeth and bad smell from the mouth, age-appropriate shortness of breath. Just think that smoking hurts 14 various bodies and affects almost all systems. This bad habit hits the heart, lungs, digestive organs, promotes early appearance and mouth. Having made a choice in favor of the “non-smoking room”, you will discover the first secret of youth and beauty.

But this is not all and youth. To be beautiful and healthy, consider the following ...

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Due to the lack of movement, the process of cell regeneration is slower, which is why the body wears out faster. During training in human body growth hormone begins to be actively produced and young blood cells, the protein structures of cells are continuously updated. As a result, efficiency increases, rejuvenation and healing of all organs occur.

Sports help fight excess content bad cholesterol. Fats do not have time to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels and in fat cells, they turn into useful energy that feeds working muscles.

At active people all metabolic processes proceed faster, optimized hormonal background, the digestive and respiratory system and the risk of developing osteoporosis is significantly reduced.

Any training, whether it be fitness, colonetics, even ordinary morning runs can strengthen your immune system. Hypothermia, temperature fluctuations, infections and jumps atmospheric pressure you will endure more easily or even forget about their existence.

However, everything is good in moderation. Even this useful secret long youth and beauty requires care. If your body is not used to heavy loads, you should not try to immediately complete the entire training program, this will only harm yourself. Start small, or make it a rule to run in the morning and do exercises in the evening, give preference to walking. And the result will not keep you waiting.

Less sugar!

If your decision to stay healthy and beautiful is unshakable, then get ready for one more restriction - a ban on excess consumption of sugar. Give up sweet tea, desserts for lunch and sweets. Sweet drinks are also best replaced with natural juices or purified water.

Strange as it may seem, but this "sweet drug" causes a lot of problems that are not limited to overweight and caries. Sweet tooth risk buying diabetes?? type, obesity, diseases of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

Sugar is necessary for the body, but its excess is the enemy of your youth and beauty. It negatively affects the condition of the skin, making the fibers inelastic, which leads to its rapid fading. Great content blood glucose significantly reduces the amount of vitamin B, which is why it suffers nervous system, there is irritability, fatigue, weakness and a tendency to depression.

The daily norm of an adult is 60-80 grams of sugar (6 teaspoons). Therefore, everything that does not exceed this indicator can find a place on your table.

Think pleasant!

Appearance is an indicator of the state of your psyche. positive attitude and a good mood has the same effect on the skin as rejuvenating masks. Therefore, learn to protect yourself from stress and enjoy life as much as possible.

The emotional background is the same important factor youth and beauty, as well as physical. To see this, compare the appearance of a woman who has undergone stress and is in constant nervous tension, with the appearance of a happy young mother who, together with her baby, rejoices in buying a new comfortable stroller tako jumper x. In addition, constant nervous shock is reflected in behavior. The person becomes nervous and irritable. Stress affects posture (stoop and stiffness in movements appear), cause radiculitis and pain in the nerves, lead to lethargy, fatigue and loss of efficiency.

It has long been proven that excessive intellectual work affects the state of gastrointestinal tract, failures in personal life provoke the development of hypertension and heart pain, an imbalance in metabolism may appear.

People who are satisfied with their lives look better, live longer and get sick less often. Therefore, look for more positive and do not allow negative emotions.

More liquid!

Water is one of the main secrets of youth and beauty. Due to dehydration, the skin becomes thin, as if dried up, therefore, in order not to think about it, you need to drink more.

Sufficient fluid intake (preferably purified water) is necessary not only for constantly moisturizing the skin, but also for the whole organism as a whole. In a dehydrated body, the blood thickens, its circulation slows down, due to a lack of oxygen, the work of all organs deteriorates, fatigue appears, constant headache, dizziness. One of the signs of a lack of water is a crunch in the joints, which appears due to the lack of a special lubricant that reduces their friction.

Among other things, the liquid removes toxins and toxins, thereby cleansing the body of unnecessary decay products. To preserve youth and beauty, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Get enough sleep!

Healthy and restful sleep is the key to vivacity and beauty. Try to fall asleep thinking about pleasant and positive, so you will provide a positive charge for the whole next day. How else, if not in time healthy sleep, the body will recover and replenish energy reserves. Full sleep should last at least 8 hours, but overfilling is also harmful. “Lack of sleep” or “oversleeping” is immediately reflected in appearance(swelling of the skin and bags under the eyes appear), mood (a person is nervous and not restrained) and performance (it is difficult to concentrate with a heavy head).

Limit alcohol!

A glass of beer, a glass of martini or a glass of liquor doesn't count, otherwise I don't drink at all. It depends what you compare it to...

Of course, such diseases as - the last stage in a series of diseases caused by alcohol. But, your skin will have enough and your norm to lose its glow and healthy look. healthy image life - main secret long youth and beauty, and there is no place for alcohol in it. In addition to the harm done to the body, alcohol, due to its high-calorie content, leads to the appearance of extra pounds. It stimulates appetite, and the ability to endure hunger, on the contrary, decreases, which will inevitably lead to an increase in body weight. The exception is dry red wine, which you can treat yourself to 2-3 times a week, but not more than 100 grams.



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