What are the best vitamin complexes to take to increase and strengthen the immune system? Vitamins for immunity for adults: rating of drugs. Duovit for women

Feature immune system is a tendency to exhaustion. As a result, the risk of morbidity increases, and the general state of health often leaves much to be desired. To avoid such unpleasant symptoms V Everyday life, vitamin therapy is required. The question immediately arises, which vitamins are best for adults to take for immunity.

The best vitamins to boost immunity

If an organic resource is depleted, you should not ignore the alarming symptoms. You need to immediately contact your doctor and decide together comprehensive solution emerging health problem. In modern pharmacology, vitamins for immunity for adults are presented in a wide range, but how to understand which one? medical drug meets the definition of “good”.

All representatives of this pharmacological group have a similar chemical composition, and the intensity of the immune response depends entirely on the degree of their digestibility. To good vitamins for immunity benefit the body, their connection with protein at the cellular level is necessary. Otherwise, they are excreted unchanged and do not help strengthen weakened immunity. Before choosing a good drug, a person should consult with their doctor.

A complex of vitamins to improve immunity for adults

The adult body also needs strengthening, and income useful substances Food alone is sometimes not enough to achieve the desired effect. This is where the need to purchase poly arises. vitamin complexes, the action of which is aimed at weakened immunity. The choice is large, but modern therapists recommend paying attention to certain medications.

Vitamins to boost immunity in adults in spring

  1. Selmevit – natural complex, relevant for use during periods of exacerbation of seasonal viruses and infections. Such good vitamins for immunity are contained in chemical composition 11 vitamins and 9 microelements. For supporting general condition health in autumn perfect option Moreover, the price is affordable.
  2. Alvitil is a good vitamin for adult patients with seasonal vitamin deficiency, severe stress, nervous overstrain. Available in capsule form for oral administration, are inexpensive, have no contraindications or side effects, and are prescribed by the attending physician.
  3. Berocca is a medical product in the form of capsules with a high content of vitamins B, C, and zinc. Used for seasonal vitamin deficiency in the autumn-winter period. The drug provides a powerful immune response to pathogenic infections, improves health, and its price is affordable for everyone.
  4. Centrum - vitamins for immunity for adults, which are used as prophylactic from hypovitaminosis to strengthen the immune system. They are especially relevant during a seasonal epidemic; they can be given even to a child after consultation with a pediatrician.

Vitamin complex for immunity in autumn

  1. AlfaVit is a good drug for the whole family, which in its natural composition contains 10 minerals, 13 vitamins, selenium, zinc, lipoic and succinic acid. Increases the body's immune response, is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of colds and viral diseases. Available in tablet form, intended for oral administration.
  2. Pregnavit is another worthy answer to the main question, which vitamins for immunity are best to buy. This multivitamin complex, who, thanks to his unique properties And safe action in the body, even expectant mothers are allowed to take it.
  3. Duovit is an excellent solution for the whole family, since autumn the period will pass without viruses and colds. Fast promotion weakened immunity is guaranteed, and the effect in a weakened body is multifaceted. The natural composition contains almost all vitamins and microelements.
  4. Oxyvital is a powerful antioxidant of natural origin that strengthens the immune system. The cost of the drug is affordable, and preventive effect obvious after the first course completed. Prescribed for adults, especially patients of retirement age.

How to choose vitamins to support immunity in adults

Before buying good multivitamins, it is recommended to change your normal diet by enriching your daily diet with vegetables and fruits. The power of nature also helps to improve weakened immunity, but it needs to be helped with the help of pharmacological developments. Choosing a good multivitamin complex is as easy as shelling pears, you just need to consult with your doctor, study general diseases body. Main selection criteria:

  1. High degree of digestibility in the stomach. Before purchasing, it is important to consider the problems of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Compound. The natural formula should contain only familiar names that are effective in strengthening weakened immunity.
  3. Release form. It is much more practical to use multivitamin complexes in tablets; it is not for nothing that the same drugs are somewhat more expensive.
  4. Manufacturer. In this case, it is recommended to trust only known brands, do not agree to questionable experiments with your health.
  5. Price. Individual criterion for choosing good medications.

Price for vitamins to strengthen immunity for adults

Multivitamin complexes can always be ordered and purchased in an online store, and the cost is an order of magnitude lower than the market price. The catalogs contain not only prices, but also instructions for each medical product. By studying valuable information, you can protect yourself from a very reckless purchase. On average, the cost of good vitamins varies from 200 to 700 rubles.

Video: vitamins that boost immunity for adults

Why do we need vitamins? Why, speaking of healthy eating, do we always mention these elements? Yes, simply because without vitamins the human body cannot fully function, problems with organs begin, and he gets sick.

The body has a large reserve; it is designed in such a way that for a certain period of time it can continue its work, even if it does not receive all the substances it needs.

Some of them may be put aside for a so-called “rainy day,” but not vitamins. With their deficiency, vitamin deficiency occurs, metabolic processes are disrupted, the body's resistance to all kinds of diseases drops sharply, that is, immunity decreases. When following a monotonous diet and fasting, a person may not receive certain vitamins.

Alphabet is perhaps the best vitamin complex, cost from 250 to 500 rubles

Why is this dangerous? The fact is that the activities of the entire body system are absolutely interconnected. A gap in one place entails the inevitable failure of other elements.

Vitamins help accelerate biochemical reactions, stimulate the production of hormones and affect the reproductive system.

That's why it's so important vitamins for immunity for adults. Inexpensive or more high price– it’s an individual matter.

  • "Alphabet"- this vitamin complex indispensable during epidemics. Thanks to its composition (succinic and lipoic acids, 13 vitamins and 10 minerals), it not only prevents the penetration of viruses into the body, but also promotes a speedy recovery of the patient. It is very important that it does not cause allergic reactions.

    "Alphabet" has proven itself much better than other similar complexes. During its development, the features of separate and joint administration of substances were taken into account. The price of this complex varies between from 250 to 500 rubles.

    Vitrum (cost ranges from 560-1500 rubles) - an excellent option for seasonal epidemics

  • "Vitrum"– contains 30 vitamins and microelements, is an excellent option for support during an epidemic or at a time when the body is exposed to intense physical activity. It is prescribed during a course of treatment with antibiotics. Estimated cost – 560-1500 rubles.

  • "Duovit"– this drug is designed individually for women and men. Applicable for the prevention of viral diseases, and as a supporting agent with weak functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Helps the body adapt tidy up under heavy physical and mental stress. Price – 300-400 rubles.

    Duovit (300-400 rubles) is designed for both women and men

  • "Complivit" – vitamins for immunity adults women. Inexpensive, but proven to be excellent. It is designed for those who are over 45 years old. It is during this period that problems with calcium absorption begin. It boosts immunity well, but has contraindications: hypervitaminosis A, pernicious B12-deficiency anemia, urolithiasis disease . Cost of the drug – 130-250 rubles.

  • "Multi-tabs Perinatal" – assistant for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Does not contain chemical dyes, preservatives and glucose. It completely satisfies the need for iron, which is why it is often prescribed by doctors to expectant mothers. Price – 400-500 rubles.

    Complivit - vitamins for immunity for women, cost from 130 to 250 rubles

  • "Vitrum Centuri" – this vitamin complex is designed specifically for those people over 50. It has a wide vitamin and mineral composition and is distinguished by precise dosages. The course of administration lasts one year, if it is reduced, the effect of the drug will disappear. Estimated cost 120-200 rubles.

Some people don't take vitamins seriously, considering them harmless sweets.

This behavior can lead to an overdose and lead to unpleasant consequences for the body.

Vitamins for immunity for adults (inexpensive) or body problems due to lack of vitamins

It has already been said that each of these little helpers has its own unique role, but I’m curious what it is?

Vitamin A. He is responsible for strength and reliability heart muscle , output hormones and stability metabolic processes . But when it is deficient, the skin becomes dry, medical card diagnoses such as gastritis and colitis appear. To prevent the development of atherosclerosis and tumors, consume products with this organic substance.

B vitamins contribute mental development , have a beneficial effect on nervous system , saturate the brain with oxygen.

If you Lately If you feel extremely irritable, this may be a sign that you need vitamin B12. Its absence in the body can cause paralysis, numbness of the limbs, anemia and oxygen starvation cells.

Multi-tabs Perinatal - vitamins for pregnant and lactating women, price - 400-500 rubles

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid helps strengthen vessels , participates in the creation antiviral barrier and process regeneration . It lowers cholesterol levels, the likelihood of heart attack, stroke and cancer.

Vitamin D makes the body immune to infections . Adults need it and other vitamins for immunity. Inexpensive, but very effective, they help a person not to let viruses into his body. Vitamin D also regulates blood glucose levels and supports muscular and nervous systems , provides strength teeth and bones and prevents the occurrence of tumors.

And to those who works hard a certain type sports, you should pay special attention to this representative. He is responsible for normal level calcium and its absorption. Without calcium bone the person cannot function normally. With its deficiency, rickets and osteoporosis occur, bones become vulnerable, and the risk of various injuries and fractures increases.

That's why pediatricians are so careful about to ensure that every child receives the required dose of vitamin D . And those who are supporters of vegetarianism should know that the lack of animal fats can lead to big problems.

Vitrum Centuri is intended for people over 50. Price - 120-200 rubles

Vitamin E Thanks to this element your skin and hair look great. It is a stabilizer of activity gonads , maintains state nervous, muscular systems .

Vitamin K Promotes wound healing , helps vitamin D to be absorbed. You can say thank you to him for your youth.

Vitamin PP. To convert sugar into energy, go well oxidative and recovery processes , you just need this vitamin.

It would seem, what could be simpler? Take vitamins for immunity for adults - inexpensive or more expensive. What problems might there be? But the fact is that even with varied diet, with a wide selection of fruits and vegetables, it is quite difficult to get the required amount, since if the requirements for storing products are violated and heat treatment approximately 70% of vitamins are destroyed.

And the solution is simple - vitamin complexes.

Synthetic vitamins, their benefits and differences

In addition to natural vitamins there are also man-made . They have a number of advantages:

  • they are complex, which means they can complement each other;
  • there is no need to calculate the dosage, it is already strictly observed;
  • they are convenient for those who are active in life and do not always have time to eat properly;
  • if you stick food systems without the consumption of animal proteins and fats, That synthetic vitamins will help you;
  • they have long shelf life;
  • you don't have to spend effort to grow and care for plants and animals;
  • Such vitamins are available to you all year round, regardless of the season.

Regarding how these vitamins are absorbed, it can be noted that in this indicator they are not inferior to natural ones. But count how many kilograms of fruit you will have to eat to get the same dose contained in a small tablet? If you prefer synthetic representatives, then o It is very important that vitamins for immunity for adults and children are not only inexpensive, but also of high quality.

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Taking into account environmental and other factors, the problem of which vitamins are best for adults to take for immunity has been of interest to more than one generation. It is very important to choose the right vitamin complex in order to strengthen the immune response after illness or seasonal vitamin deficiency. weak body.

Differences in Immune Enhancers

The range of medicines is huge. Particularly pleasing is the large selection of medications whose action is aimed at activating the immune system. The first step is to consult a doctor and find out the cause of progressive vitamin deficiency, and then, together with a specialist, determine the vitamin complex. The main differences in immune strengthening drugs are the specifics of natural or chemical formula, release form, method of use. Thus, vitamin A guarantees stability immune cells, and vitamin C ensures their formation.

Very often, in a treatment regimen, a doctor prescribes vitamins for the immune system for adults; the rating of representatives of this pharmacological group allows one to judge which drugs are the most in demand. According to classification, these can be:

Women's vitamins for immunity

Taking immunostimulants is important for every representative of the fairer sex, and it is recommended to repeat the preventive course up to 3 times a year. Teenage girls need this to normalize the menstrual cycle. During pregnancy, vitamins for a woman's immunity are recommended to give birth to a healthy and strong child. At the age of 50 years and older, it’s time to strengthen the immune response to hot flashes and other signs of impending menopause using multivitamin complexes. The best vitamins for immunity for adult women are:

  1. Retinol. Accepts Active participation in the creation of new immune cells, protects the female body from viruses and bacteria, regulates the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
  2. Tocopherol. Another natural compound that stimulates the production of specific antibodies. This is an excellent prevention of the formation cancer cells and tumors, as well as an effective component for removing free radicals.
  3. Ascorbic acid. A source of interferon that stimulates basic functions internal organs and systems. Leads the ranking of immune strengthening products.

Men's vitamins to boost immunity

As for a man’s health, in this case it is necessary to pay attention to slightly different organic compounds for a sustainable immune response of the body. These are not only representatives of groups C, E, A, but also other, no less popular components that improve the functioning of the immune system in the shortest possible time. It's about not about intramuscular injections, and about healthy products nutrition. So, required components Men's vitamins for immunity are presented below:

  1. Representatives of group B who help cope with negative factors, which suppress the functions of the immune system.
  2. Selenium. Increases the number of specific antibodies, i.e. accelerates destruction pathogenic flora.
  3. Iron. Responsible for the production and concentration of leukocytes - red blood cells responsible for the vital functions of the body.
  4. Zinc. Important element in the composition of vitamins, useful to the body to counter the infectious, viral environment.


This is a series effective means, capable of boosting the immunity of adults and children. Complivit occupies a leading position in the ranking of multivitamin complexes, has preventive action, has proven itself in the pharmaceutical industry. The drug is sold in any pharmacy and comes in tablets. Before starting the course, it is recommended to talk with your doctor or carefully read the annotation:

  1. The natural composition of vitamins for immunity for adults, Complivit, contains 11 vitamins and 8 minerals in acceptable concentrations.
  2. If you choose these vitamins for immunity for adults, the conditional rating is supplemented by several of the manufacturer’s favorites - Complivit for women 45+, Complivit Antistress.
  3. Adults take 1 tablet once a day; the course of therapy is individually discussed with the attending physician.
  4. Cases of overdose are excluded, contraindications and side effects V minimum quantity(only increased sensitivity to natural substances).


In the rating of effective drugs for enhancing the immune response, we can highlight vitamins for increasing immunity in adults Vitrum. Many women choose them for problems with teeth, nails and hair, since the antioxidants, selenium, magnesium and zinc present in the natural composition help to quickly restore feminine beauty and external attractiveness. Prescribed for both physical and emotional fatigue, seasonal weakening of immunity, after past illness.

Vitrum is contraindicated in case of hypervitaminosis and childhood, has side effects in the form of allergic skin reactions on the skin. These vitamins for supporting immunity in adults are not allowed for pregnant women, if breastfeeding. If there are no such restrictions, take 1 tablet per day orally after meals, with a sufficient amount of liquid.


This effective drug has already become an integral part of the ranking complex treatment viral and colds. It can fully restore destroyed immune cells, guarantees effective action, collects only positive reviews. Before starting treatment, consultation with a specialist is required, however, if increased employment general recommendations How to take Immunal to increase immunity for adults can be found in the instructions.

These are not vitamins, but an immunostimulating drug, the main component of which is Echinacea purpurea extract. The substance is natural, but, nevertheless, there are contraindications for use due to age, and side effects in the form of local and allergic rashes cannot be ruled out. An overdose of the drug is completely excluded, but it is still important to follow the dosage. Adults take 1 tablet three times a day for 3-4 weeks.


The rating of multivitamin complexes, especially effective for an adult, continues with the medical drug Alphabet for the whole family. This series includes a wide range of products for all ages. The result of strengthening the immune system is beyond doubt, and the vitamins themselves are inexpensive and available to everyone. Vitamins for boosting immunity in adults “Alphabet” demonstrate general strengthening, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. Other features are presented below:

  1. Prescribed in conditions of seasonal vitamin deficiency, after operations.
  2. You need to take the tablets between meals, wash it down big amount water. There should be an interval of 10-15 days between preventive courses.
  3. Contraindications and side effects are minimal, with the exception of local and allergic rashes in chronic allergy sufferers.
  4. Before choosing a drug, it is important to consult your doctor about drug interactions.
  5. The complex contains tablets different colors. Differ and natural compositions pills, so it is important to strictly follow the dosage regimen.

Inexpensive vitamins for adults

When studying the proposed rating of drugs, you should not forget about the price of the issue. There is an erroneous reasoning that good vitamins for adults cannot be inexpensive. Reality proves the opposite, because today you can buy an effective multivitamin complex at quite reasonable prices. Below are effective vitamins for immunity in adults inexpensive:

  • Pentavit;
  • Duovit;
  • Pikovit;
  • Selmevit;
  • Undevit.


Most people among necessary conditions For happiness they will call their health and that of their loved ones. Even if a person does not have serious illnesses, he may encounter a problem such as decreased immunity, as a result of which he will begin to get sick often. In this case, it will be useful to find out what vitamins for immunity are needed for adults.

Immunity is the whole system our body, which helps it resist negative influence various microorganisms and toxins, and also prevents mutations and degeneration of one’s own cells. It’s hard to even imagine how many microscopic creatures unfriendly to humans attack our body every day. Without immunity, even one of these microorganisms could kill us. Without immune defense we would have to live in a sterile, locked room for the rest of our lives.

Sometimes the immune defense weakens and a person begins to experience symptoms such as:

  • frequent and prolonged colds;
  • pustular rashes, peeling, skin and nail fungi, prolonged wound healing;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • recurrent chronic diseases respiratory, genitourinary systems;
  • general weakness, constant fatigue.

One of the reasons for decreased immunity is insufficient fortification of the body. Without adequate replenishment of vitamins, the body works in “wear and tear” mode, wasting its energy reserves and not having time to renew them. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor what vitamins and in what quantities we consume during the day in order to prevent the weakening of the immune defense and not to develop any dangerous disease against this background.

Vitamin charge for immunity

Vitamins regulate the activity of all body systems, participate in biochemical reactions, energy production, are part of hormones and enzymes. Even if a person constantly lacks only one vitamin, this will certainly affect the state of his immune system.

The most important vitamins to boost immunity:

  1. Vitamin A, or retinol. It is not for nothing that this substance is called the first letter of the alphabet. It is of paramount importance for the functioning of the central nervous system, hormonal, circulatory and cardiac systems. The body first signals a lack of vitamin A external manifestations- dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails. Daily norm retinol for adults - 1 mg.
  2. Vitamin D (calciferols). Scientists have found that it is vitamin D that activates the so-called T cells, which are needed to detect and destroy foreign microorganisms. Thus, it stimulates the immune system to fight infections. An adult needs to receive 10 mcg of vitamin D per day.
  3. Group of vitamins B. These vitamins are involved in all biochemical processes body. The daily norm differs depending on the specific type of vitamin: B1 - 1-2.5 mg; B2 - 1.2-3 mg; B3 - 13-25 mg; B6 - 1.5-2.8 mg; B12 - 2-3 mcg.
  4. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). It is an antioxidant and plays the role of a liberator from foreign microorganisms, promoting the production of antibodies to them. An adult needs about 60 mg of vitamin C per day.
  5. Vitamin E (tocopherol). Studies have shown that people who took vitamin E required dose, has improved immune status by more than 30% compared to those who received less. It's all about vitamin E's ability to produce antibodies to fight infections. The daily amount of Vitamin E for an adult should be 15 mg.
  6. Vitamin F (omega 3). This is a complex fatty acids necessary to improve cell functioning. Vitamin F is needed to ensure the absorption of other vitamins. An adult will need about 1 g of vitamin F per day.

A person also needs other vitamins, such as P, H, K. The need for vitamins may vary depending on age, gender and social activity person.

For example, women during pregnancy and subsequent feeding of the child need a slight increase in the dose of each substance. In adults, the need for vitamins is higher than in children, and in men it is higher than in women.

Ways to get essential vitamins

In order not to suffer from a lack of vitamins, you need to replenish their reserves in a timely manner. This can be done in two ways - by adjusting your diet or using vitamin complexes from the pharmacy.

Proper nutrition for immunity Eating a varied and balanced diet is the most The right way enrich the body with vitamins. Nutrients in sufficient quantity contained in food products. These are vegetables and fruits, cereals, low-fat milk and its derivatives, legumes, nuts and seeds, herbal infusions. For example, vitamin C is found in large quantities in greens, citrus fruits, and sweet and sour fruits. And in fermented milk products , eggs and butter

you can take vitamin D.

It is necessary to ensure that the diet is simple, but rich in fresh, uncooked foods. Semi-finished products and various ready-made products from supermarkets not only do not contain vitamins, but can even be harmful to health. It is better to refuse them.

Pharmacy to help the immune system

The environment adversely affects the absorption of vitamins by the body and their content in products. Elderly age, pregnancy or chronic diseases reduce immunity and increase the need for vitamins. In this case, you can purchase special complexes from the pharmacy, adapted for a specific category of the population.

Among the drugs medical origin To boost immunity, it is worth highlighting vitamin complexes that have proven themselves due to their proven effectiveness:

  1. "Multi-Tabs Immuno Plus"- a Danish-made preparation that includes the main vitamins: A, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, C, D, K, as well as minerals: chromium, selenium, iron, zinc, iodine, manganese and lactobacilli to improve immunity in intestines. These vitamins are taken by people from 12 years of age, 1 tablet per day, for a month. Designed to enrich the body with vitamins. The price is about 450 rubles for 30 tablets.
  2. "Vitrum"— the drug contains 13 vitamins and 17 minerals and is used to prevent vitamin deficiency and improve immunity. The required daily amount of nutrients is contained in 1 tablet. Manufacturer: USA. The cost of 30 pieces is approximately 530 rubles.
  3. "Centrum"- another complex of vitamins from Austria, designed to improve immune status. Contains most known vitamins and minerals and prevents their deficiency in the body - 1 tablet per day is enough for this. 30 tablets cost about 530 rubles.
  4. "Alphabet Classic"- these are the most inexpensive vitamins for strengthening the immune system - 60 pieces cost only 260 rubles. Contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals, selected taking into account their compatibility with each other.
  5. "Gerimaks"— in addition to 10 vitamins and 7 minerals, it contains ginseng extract. Serves as a preventive measure during the cold season. People over 15 years old should take 1 tablet with breakfast. The Danish drug costs about 470 rubles for a package of 30 pieces.

There are many vitamin complexes, varying in price and effectiveness, and also aimed at solving the problems of a certain category of people. For example, if a woman feels that her immune system is weakened during pregnancy, her doctor may prescribe her special multivitamins for pregnant women. This will avoid vitamin deficiency caused by their increased consumption.

Decreased immunity due to hypovitaminosis is a solvable problem. With sufficient intake of vitamins into the body, whether from food or vitamin preparations, the immune system will definitely work better. Therefore, it is important to start with fortifying the body, and then many diseases can be avoided.

In order for your immune system to fully protect your body, you should definitely monitor its condition. Vitamins for this will help, which are aimed at maintaining the normal functioning of the body and all its systems. There are vitamins for both adults and children. In order to choose the best ones for yourself, you can use the list presented in the ratings of the most effective vitamin complexes.

How does the immune system work?

Human life without immunity is impossible. Its main function is to protect the body to maintain consistency in it. At normal operation immune system, a person gets sick much less often, feels cheerful and healthy. The immune system protects us from millions every day pathogenic microorganisms. Moreover, it is able to combat stress, heavy loads on the body, both physical and mental, and will also help cope with adverse influence weather conditions. There are many factors surrounding us that can seriously impact the immune system.

Every day the immune system is affected ultraviolet radiation and various chemical substances. Also worsens the immune system bad habits, chronic diseases, and, of course, irreversible age-related changes. Therefore, to support defense mechanisms It is advisable for the body to take useful complexes of vitamins and minerals, which will have a beneficial effect on your health. But you cannot think like this: “I take vitamins, which means I am protected from diseases,” since the vitamin complex must be suitable for a specific person.

What exactly does the adult body need?

Today it is not so difficult to find good vitamins for the immune system for adults. But first of all, it is very important to understand what they are and what their effect is.

Vitamin A or as it is also called “retinol” is considered one of the most useful and necessary vitamins for the body. This substance has a positive effect on visual acuity and prevents the development of cataracts. Vitamin A is very important for the bodies of both women and men, since it prevents the development of breast cancer and. The presence of sufficient amounts of retinol slows down the aging process. The importance of this vitamin for the immunity of adults lies in the fact that it influences the process of antibody formation. In addition, it can improve the condition of the skin, its color, as well as strengthen nails and hair.

Vitamin B (folic acid) is also included in vitamins to boost immunity. Work depends on him bone marrow. If there is a shortage folic acid the formation of antibodies is disrupted, important substances for the body, since they are directly involved in the fight against bacteria, viruses and cancer cells. Moreover, vitamin B normalizes activity nervous system. This makes it easier to cope with stressful situations and remain calm.

Next, you should definitely mention vitamin C (ascorbic acid). In addition to participating in the formation of antibodies, this vitamin, at a certain concentration, can greatly increase the body’s strength in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms. Vitamin C affects the activity of phagocytes, which destroy bacteria.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) and vitamin P are also beneficial for the immune system of adults. Tocopherol is an antioxidant. With sufficient concentration in the body, it can prevent drying out skin and also slow down the formation of wrinkles. This property will be appreciated by representatives of the fair sex who want to stay young for as long as possible; for this you need to take complexes of vitamins and minerals containing vitamin E. So don’t be surprised why your friend took vitamins and looks so good. Tocopherol also promotes more fast healing wounds, fight against inflammatory phenomena and elimination of blood clots.

Vitamin P is important for the body because it can significantly increase defense mechanisms against radiation and inflammation. This vitamin is useful for the prevention of neoplasms, preventing the formation of tumors. Thus, due to flavonoids, an adult’s immunity becomes a stone wall, which is now much more effective and stronger against harmful factors.

How do vitamins work?

If you want to achieve the maximum possible effect from consuming vitamins, they must be taken in combination with micro- and macroelements. This is how the body's defense mechanisms will be able to resist stress, harmful microorganisms and other undesirable factors. It is especially worth highlighting the importance of zinc for men. Thanks to him, a man will never have problems sexually. Moreover, zinc is part of many hormones and is preserved in combination with vitamins reproductive function both men and women.

What vitamins are best for adults to take for immunity?

Now on modern pharmaceutical market presented a large number of a variety of vitamin complexes that help improve immunity. Almost every popular pharmaceutical company there will be tonic. Therefore, from such a variety it is very difficult to choose just one option.

All vitamin complexes can be divided into several groups:

  • Vitamins that are not divided by gender and age. In addition, there are drugs that are sold at a high price and inexpensive options. Relatively cheap ones include such a popular vitamin complex as "Alphabet". This drug can be used to strengthen the immune system throughout the year. The drug contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, so it can be used not only in preventive, but also in medicinal purposes during recovery from illness. Feature this drug is that it comes in tablet form different color. Tablets of different colors should be consumed in certain time at a certain interval. Thus, the therapeutic effect of this tool will be much higher and more noticeable.

Also to inexpensive means can be attributed to the complex "Complivit." This product contains basic set vitamins and microelements, as well as lipoic acid. The complex should be used as a prophylactic during colds.

  • Vitamins that are great for men. There are vitamin complexes that are designed specifically for men. Their action is aimed at strengthening and improving the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and of cardio-vascular system. Such male medications contain a large amount of fluorine and phosphorus. One of the most common drugs is "Duovit." It is designed for people who are active, moving image life. The complex perfectly helps relieve fatigue, increases a man’s stamina, and slows down the aging process.

    A good and quite popular vitamin complex "Velman." It is used most often in the autumn-winter period when there is a lack of nutrients in the body. However, this complex should be used with caution, after consulting with your doctor, because the drug may cause allergic reactions.

  • Vitamins for women. Female body has other needs nutrients ah and minerals to maintain consistency internal environment body. Because there are periods (pregnancy, breastfeeding) when additional support for the body is needed. Wonderful complex of vitamins "Multitabs" helps to recover faster after courses of antibiotics, chemotherapy, and surgical interventions.

    Also good drug is "Supradin." It contains a large amount of vitamin elements and minerals and is excellent for treating vitamin deficiency.

  • Vitamins for the elderly. With age, the body's strength is exhausted, but the need for nutrients and minerals does not decrease. Therefore, even in old age it is worth paying due attention to the use of vitamin preparations. Complex "Vitrum" contains three dozen useful substances that help maintain vitality at the proper level. Moreover, to achieve a therapeutic effect, it is enough to drink one capsule or tablet per day.
  • Vitamins used for weight loss. It is not surprising that vitamins that help fight excess weight have become very popular. It is worth mentioning the vitamin complex "Gerimaks". It contains 10 vitamins, 7 minerals, but also green tea extract, but what is the basis positive action aimed at weight loss. In particular for good health it is important to systematically receive all existing vitamins and minerals, full list which will surprise anyone. But, if you seriously decide to start losing weight, then complexes of vitamins and minerals will doubly help you in this difficult task. Moreover, compared to other promoted products, the price is not bad.

  • Vitamins in the fight against shingles. Once the herpes virus enters the human body, it will remain there forever. But he calls clinical manifestations only in case of weakened immunity. In this case, vitamins help carriers of the herpes virus prevent the development of the disease. When using vitamin complexes, the likelihood of herpes zoster will be minimal. Moreover, if there are already rashes, then such measures will become doubly necessary. If you are looking for vitamins to strengthen your immune system, you should pay attention to B vitamins, ascorbic acid and tocopherol. Therefore, when choosing vitamins against herpes zoster, you must definitely use the above substances. At systematic use patients noted that the itching was significantly reduced, and the wounds healed faster. This is confirmed by numerous reviews from those who have experienced this amazing effect. So why not take vitamin complexes to forget for a long time what herpes zoster is?

How to choose vitamins to boost immunity in adults

Since most pharmacies have an impressive range of vitamin complexes, when choosing the right one you will need to take into account some criteria:

  1. Compound. You should always find out the composition of a particular drug, especially if allergic reactions have previously been noted. In addition, there is no need to be lazy to find out what the action of each component of the complex is aimed at.
  2. Manufacturer. It is not necessary that drugs from foreign companies will differ in composition and effectiveness from medicinal complexes produced domestically.
  3. Price. There are drugs in completely different price categories. It all depends on their composition, degree of purification medicinal substances and their dosages. It is worth remembering that purchasing vitamins that are more expensive and used for prevention does not always live up to expectations. Because almost every expensive product has inexpensive and equally effective analogues.

Important! In addition to following the above criteria, it is advisable to listen to the advice and recommendations of your doctor. It will help you choose the right complex and increase the amount of missing nutrients and mineral elements in your body.

How to take vitamins correctly

Taking vitamins, like any other medicinal substances, should be taken strictly according to schedule. In addition, be sure to follow the instructions that come with the drug and adhere to the doctor’s recommendations. Whenever side effects after consuming any medicinal drug should immediately contact medical institution to receive medical care.

We must not forget that vitamins for adults can be taken not only orally, but also parenterally. There are many vitamins available in injection form. Most often these are monovitamins, and the doctor prescribes them for therapeutic rather than preventive purposes. Injections are usually prescribed intramuscularly and are injected in a course. This ensures that vitamins and nutrients enter the bloodstream more quickly and are distributed throughout the body. Such injections for immunity are indicated for weakened patients after surgical interventions, with severe metabolic disorders, loss of large amounts of fluid. They perfectly raise and strengthen weakened immunity.



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