How to lead an active lifestyle. Health promotion and disease prevention

Good day, our dear readers! Irina and Igor are with you again. You began to notice that you are more tired, you do not have the strength to accomplish anything, and the frequency colds suddenly increased? What happened, who is to blame for this? Maybe ecology or government? No! Most often, the reason for this trend is your own lifestyle.

Let's talk today about why you need to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

We think there are no people who would not like to be healthy and always feel 100%, and maybe even 200%.

Our life constantly requires us to invest some kind of investment - time, money or health. If we consider health from the perspective of a resource, then many of us do not at all monitor where we spend it.

Poor nutrition, bad habits, poor ecology - all this, of course, leaves an imprint on our health.

No matter what physical abilities nature bestows on you, in the end, an incorrect lifestyle can bring its own unpleasant results. A healthy lifestyle and active longevity are what we should strive for, even for those who seem to have visible problems I have no health problems right now.

Motivation for a healthy and active lifestyle

Let us describe the main reasons why you should reconsider your lifestyle:

  • Health- this is the first thing worth changing for. After all, everyone wants to feel great, get sick less, and be full of energy
  • A slim body. For many, it is one of the first points in their quest for happiness. This is partly true, because a slim body, for example, will make you feel attractive, which will undoubtedly increase your chances in the eyes of the opposite sex. But, without a doubt, I will make your figure much slimmer.
  • Energy. As they say: “In healthy body, healthy spirit!
  • The right image life can add strength to you and give you a great boost of energy to achieve your life goals
  • Saving money. If your finances are your primary motivator, then consider the fact that changing your lifestyle will allow you to save a decent amount on medical care, as well as when refusing and , for example
  • Preservation of youth. This reason is probably more relevant for our readers. Since adherence to the daily routine, as well as sports training They will always make you look light and fresh. And vegetables and fruits in your diet will improve the condition of your skin and hair
  • Positive attitude. In people with in an unhealthy way life is often disrupted. This leads to stress and also to depression. Depressed psychological condition can lead to overeating, and this will certainly affect your figure. To forget about all these unpleasant consequences, you need changes in your lifestyle. After all wellness this in itself energizes us great mood, A proper food and an active life contribute to the production of joy hormones in our body (endorphins).
  • Life extension. , and can also work wonders in leading you to active longevity, as these actions increase your resistance various kinds ailments
  • Liberty. Yes! The right lifestyle can give you freedom - freedom from bad habits, freedom from poor nutrition, freedom of movement, after all.
  • Success. Changing your lifestyle can bring you benefits, even in financial terms. Yes Yes! You heard right! The right lifestyle can bring you money! This is perhaps due to the fact that healthy man he is much more productive, he has more energy, his thoughts become cleaner and clearer. And, accordingly, they are achieved much faster. In addition, these changes train your willpower, because sticking to it in the early stages can be very difficult
  • An example for the future generation. Your self-development and discipline, your personal example will help your children grow up healthy, active, and purposeful.

We hope that all these reasons are enough to motivate you to change your lifestyle.

Or maybe you have personal examples of motivation that pushed you to change your way of life? Share with us! Perhaps by your example you can help positive influence on someone else.

Components of a healthy and active lifestyle

We've sorted out motivation, now we need to understand what is directly included in the concept of a healthy and active lifestyle:

  • Physical activity. "Movement is life!" That is why you should stop living a passive life on the couch near the TV, and include at least morning exercises, and even better, full-fledged sports training. This also includes active walks, outdoor recreation, hiking, traveling.
  • Balanced diet. “We are what we eat.” So that your health is always normal, your digestive system, and food gave you energy, not heaviness, of course, you need to eat right
  • Maintaining a daily routine. Compliance with sleep and wakefulness regimes, as well as a reasonable alternation of work and rest, can preserve strength, give the body more energy, and increase working capacity
  • Personal hygiene. Taking care of yourself, your body, your clothes and shoes will allow you to normalize the condition of your skin, and this will lead to even deeper beneficial processes at the level of the digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems
  • Hardening. Regular use of hardening procedures can more than halve your incidence rate per year, and may even completely eliminate them
  • Rejection of bad habits
  • Positive psychological environment. Prevention has a beneficial effect on our mental health, and this, in turn, can have a positive impact on our mental health. beneficial influence on our physical health.

You can learn more about each component of a healthy and active lifestyle from the book "All about a healthy lifestyle" . The book describes in detail all the components healthy image life, recommendations are given for compliance certain regimes, be it diet, or sleep and wakefulness.

We hope that our article was useful to you and helped you make the right decision.

Recommend our article to those who still doubt whether to change their lifestyle. And in the next article we will tell you where to start on your path to a healthy and active lifestyle. Subscribe to our updates so as not to miss news from our blog. See you soon.

Best regards, Irina and Igor

We decided that, of course, it is necessary to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. The very awareness of this fact is already good, but, unfortunately, without practical action any good idea remains just an idea. In this article I want to talk about where to start leading a healthy lifestyle.

No matter how surprising it may be to hear, there are many people in the world who know that they need to take care of their health, they know what needs to be done for this, but they have absolutely no idea how to approach this matter. A healthy lifestyle is now a trend, you can easily see this by going to a newsstand or turning on the TV on a weekend morning. Another thing is that a trend remains a trend, but in fact, on a large scale, few people are now popularizing physical education, sports and proper nutrition.

And a person who wants to start leading a healthy lifestyle is simply lost: where to start? There are so many techniques around that promise to give you steel muscles, a firm butt or six-pack abs in five minutes a day. Crossfit, zumba, street workout, nutrition, callanetics, yoga, qigong, P90X, taibo - your eyes run wild.

Of course, the easiest way is to go and buy or download a training course or book, fortunately there is a lot of this stuff on the Internet. Work out, and if you like it, work out some more. Then quit because you're tired of it. An even simpler, but more expensive way is to go to a fitness club, pay individual sessions with the coach and do everything he says.

Unfortunately, this is also not the most Right way. Firstly, very often trainers in clubs start pushing you around the gym, without giving you even half of the loads that are needed to “shatter” your body. Secondly, working out for an hour in the gym, even every day, will not make you healthy if the rest of the time you sit at the computer and crack bread and cookies. I wrote about the uselessness of such hour-long exercises from a health point of view in an article, read it if you want a correct understanding to arise.

What do you need to start leading a healthy lifestyle?

In order to stay healthy, from my point of view, you need to follow five principles:

  1. Move actively
  2. Eat healthy
  3. Cleanse and strengthen your body
  4. Cultivate healthy thinking and develop willpower
  5. Strive to gain new knowledge about your health

As you can see, the above example with a coach only partially meets principle No. 1, and does not affect the other principles at all. Accordingly, you will not become healthier from such training. Girls who go on a diet in order to become slim and get sick less, but refuse training and conditioning, are just as mistaken, although, with due diligence, they can make some positive changes to their figure.

So, you have decided to take care of your health and want to start leading a healthy lifestyle. Without going into training systems without having to worry about choosing one best technique, you can lay a solid foundation now. With this foundation, you won't doubt what you're doing right or wrong, and you'll be able to choose what you enjoy doing and focus your efforts on that. I will not dwell on each of these points in detail, but I promise to analyze them in detail in the following articles (if I have not already discussed them in the previous ones - as the articles are published, the links will be updated!).

Active movement is the first thing you need to start leading a healthy lifestyle.

Voltaire once said a phrase that many years later became the motto of all athletes and athletes:

Movement is life!

Indeed, many philosophers, scientists and doctors since antiquity have recognized that man is created for movement, and the more he moves, the longer and happier he will live. Nowadays, when a computer with the Internet has become best friend and a human assistant, you can work, communicate and have fun without leaving the table or the sofa. Meanwhile, as discussed in detail in the last article, inactivity makes us weak and sick. The best way to start living a healthy lifestyle is to start moving more. But how to do that?

  • Start doing morning exercises. A regular exercise, consisting of swinging arms and legs, jumping, bending, lasts only ten to fifteen minutes, energizes, kneads and stretches muscles that are stiff and sluggish after sleep, preparing them for the day's stress, accelerates the blood, which allows you to saturate all the organs and tissues of the body oxygen. It is very important that exercise brings joy. Open the curtains to fill the room with light, turn on your favorite music, in general, do everything to make you have fun. And it’s great if you do exercises not only in the morning, but also in the evening, just don’t do it before bed - you’ll have trouble sleeping.
  • Devote part of your day to exercise. These are just the aforementioned workouts in the gym, or cardio training, yoga, gymnastics, etc. Let this be the main part of your activity during the day - you should make the most of this time. Most importantly, do not forget that when intensive loads You need to give your muscles a rest for a day or two. However, it all depends on your body.
  • During the day, avoid simple sedentary ways of doing something if you can do it “actively.” Instead of the elevator, take the stairs. If you go to public transport, get off at the stop earlier and walk part of the way. Go for a walk at lunchtime or in the evening. If you have a sedentary job, get up from time to time and walk around, do a few squats or push-ups where no one can see you. If you can drag something, lift it, help carry it, do it. Look for any reason to move. Don’t be surprised, but if you walk all day without bothering with anything else, you still get a big plus in terms of activity. I conducted an experiment where I described how I doubled my activity during the day without training or jogging.
  • Spend actively free time. Find an active hobby, play sports. Rollerblade, run, swim. – hiking, playing football, badminton, table tennis. In winter - skis and skates. Don't sit at home in front of the computer or TV when there are so many opportunities to move around.
  • Go jogging. Just give yourself regular runs and marathons. There is one limitation here - if you have excess weight or you are an elderly person, then jogging should be treated with caution. Consult your doctor; you may be advised not to run, but to walk or swim.

Proper nutrition

In theory, eating healthy is not difficult. It is known that things that are not recommended to be eaten are definitely beneficial for the body. There are a number of controversial products. It would seem that you create a menu based on available data on the benefits of a particular dish, and eat to your heart’s content. The problem is that very often there is not enough willpower to force yourself to change your usual unhealthy (and for the vast majority of Russians this is exactly what it is) diet to a healthy one. However, this is a separate topic - how to force yourself to eat healthy instead of harmful.

Everything related to healthy eating can be easily summarized in one simple rule:

You can eat natural foods, that is, things that either grew on the ground or moved on the ground.

These are fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts, meat, fish, seafood, dairy products, eggs and so on. Currently underway various studies trying to prove or disprove the benefits of some of the above products, but in general natural food is much better fuel for your body than unnatural. Therefore, get started, and later you will figure out for yourself how useful and healthy bread, meat or milk is for you.

And, conversely, you need to minimize the consumption of artificial foods, as well as natural products containing artificial chemical additives.

These are semi-finished products, carbonated drinks, all kinds of chemical curds and yoghurts, synthetic juices, sausages and sausages, mayonnaise and other seasonings, bouillon cubes, ready-made breakfasts, “fast food”, sweet flour, just sweets, and much more.

99% of all additives are used to extend the shelf life of the product, reduce its cost and improve its taste and appearance. This is beneficial to product manufacturers who strive to get maximum profit from sales, but it is completely unprofitable for us, because the body is not adapted to this type of fuel. Try refueling your car sunflower oil instead of gasoline. Will you go far? And we regularly fill up with chemicals and live, losing shape, getting sick and dying.

Some enthusiasts natural nutrition adhere to the following rule: if a product contains more than five components, then it cannot be eaten.

It’s worth adding that drinking alcohol, even if not to drink, but to have fun, is also contrary to a healthy lifestyle, but you already know that. However, this is more relevant to the next section.

Cleansing and strengthening the body

An important step for those who want to start leading a healthy lifestyle is following the rules of hygiene. Here, by hygiene I do not mean the generally accepted “wash your hands before eating”, but taking care of your body and maintaining it normal functioning. Take this as an addition to the rules motor activity and nutrition.

  • The most important and obvious thing is to give up bad habits. Everyone knows about the dangers of smoking, alcohol and drugs; people even have sayings like “Yesterday I fought a battle with drunkenness, drunkenness won” or “Whoever doesn’t smoke or drink will die healthy”. Cigarettes, beer and vodka are no longer just products that destroy people and bind them to themselves, they are already part of our national culture, unfortunately. And if you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, then you simply must stop smoking and reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum, for example, only on holidays, and even then only a little.
  • Hardening will bring great benefits to your health. Most people associate hardening with dousing cold water, swimming in an ice hole and walking barefoot in the snow. However, it is not at all necessary to immediately rush into such an extreme, besides, it will not be useful, but harmful for an unprepared body. Start by taking a morning contrast shower and then drying off with a towel. Cold and hot shower is an alternation of cold and warm water, for example, you stand under warm streams for a minute, and then for ten seconds under cold ones. The cycle is repeated several times, and subsequently the time for taking a cold shower increases. Another option is to use the method
  • Another one useful thing- This therapeutic fasting and posts. There is an opinion that Christian fasts were invented specifically to enable people to cleanse themselves of physical impurity and become purer in both body and soul. Regardless of your attitude towards religion, you can also practice fasting, and believe me, this can give your body a break and an opportunity to recover. Arrange for yourself fast days, during which you will eat the simplest food - bread and vegetables, and if your body is young and strong, then practice one-day fasting- it will not harm you and will only bring benefit.

Development of healthy thinking and strong-willed qualities

Healthy thinking, in my understanding, is an attitude towards the surrounding reality that does not harm health and excludes the emergence of destructive emotions and conditions, such as resentment, anger, pity, stress, and the like.

Starting to lead a healthy lifestyle by strengthening not only your body, but also your thinking is the right step.

Every moment of our lives we are in contact with the people around us, and this contact causes different emotions, both positive and negative. It happens that in some situation we are simply overwhelmed by negative “toxic” emotions that continue to act for several hours and even days. Any such strong emotion negatively affects our physical and spiritual condition, causing us pain and undermining our health.

There are two ways to free yourself from negative emotions - this is cultivation positive emotions and a positive attitude towards the world and the desire for complete refusal from any emotions. The second method has its own truth, but let’s leave it for those who are looking for balance and harmony, consciously refusing the joys of the life around us. If you have just embarked on the path of an active and healthy lifestyle, then choose the first method.

Willpower - no less important assistant in life, and everyone knows that strong-willed and persistent people always achieve greater success than weak and prone to change their minds. A strong will will allow you to stay on the path of a healthy lifestyle and find the strength to overcome all obstacles that arise.

On this site you can find many articles about how to deal with negative emotions, pump up willpower and develop healthy anti-stress thinking.

Gaining new knowledge about health

No amount of practical effort can give you tangible results, either in training, or in diet, or in any other matter, if you do not understand how your body works and how certain of its reactions are justified. Why do push-ups make muscles grow? Why is fat deposited on the waist and hips? Why does heavy weight build strength? big number Does repetition train your heart? Why is it so hard for you to climb to the fifth floor? Why does my side ache after running?

In order to find any answers to emerging questions, as well as draw up action plans yourself and choose what will be useful for you and what will not, you need a good theoretical basis. Of course, health sciences are not yet able to explain many processes and phenomena, and yet there are hundreds of thousands of books and films in the world, thanks to which you will learn a lot about your body and understand how it works. Buy and download books, videos, podcasts, attend seminars, discuss certain issues with friends, colleagues and teachers. There are many social networks and forums on the Internet where you can share your results and discuss everything related to the topic of a healthy lifestyle.

In this article, I have given basic directions on how to live a healthy lifestyle. the main objective my site is to help you with this and take you to the bright side. I would be glad if I could inspire you to have a healthy attitude towards your body and your thoughts.

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Active and passive image life

“Since Monday I’ve been leading new life! - you promise yourself. But Monday comes, followed by Tuesday, and nothing changes. There are two main reasons for this:

  1. Lack of motivation (fatigue, health does not allow it, etc.).
  2. You want to change everything at once: instead of watching TV, run 20 kilometers, instead of chops, eat celery, instead of five hours, sleep ten.

The first point is literally treated by visiting a doctor to check what exactly is preventing you from changing your life. Maybe your thyroid hormone levels have increased or, for example, your body lacks B vitamins. Of course, if you simply don’t have the desire to get up and go somewhere, only you yourself can change the situation. But if you have been diagnosed with depression, you may need strong remedies.

The second reason is easier to deal with. Everything needs to be done gradually. It’s not for nothing that scientists have found that it takes three weeks for a person to form a habit. One habit, not a whole healthy lifestyle! So if you solve problems gradually, everything will work out.

How to lead an active lifestyle in the city

For some reason, a healthy life is often associated with running, but if you don’t feel strong enough for morning jogging, you can replace it with walking. Yes, instead of taking the bus 3 km to work, walk them! You need to leave the house a little earlier, but the air in the morning is clean, the sun is shining (at least from behind the clouds), people are smiling more. From all sides - complete benefit.

By the way, it’s easier to develop the habit of walking if you get a fitness bracelet or a simple device that counts steps. You'll be surprised how easy it is to get that 8,000 or 10,000 steps you need just by getting outside more often!

Another option for an active lifestyle is to ride a bicycle or scooter to work, run errands, or visit. IN major cities Bike parking is gaining popularity, where you can rent a two-wheeled friend, and there are more and more parking spaces for your own transport. If you don't have anywhere to store it at home, you can consider purchasing a folding bike. And the scooter can be placed anywhere. As a result, you move quickly, train almost your entire body and do not waste time on “trifles” like working out in the gym.

By the way, about them. For many, this is an excellent solution that does not always come to mind, even if the fitness club is located right in the house. It’s not at all as expensive as it seems; in many centers you can come one time or buy a subscription not for all types of classes and not for a year at once, but, for example, for a month. Of course, regular attendance requires motivation, but it can often be seen right in the mirror.

What about sports?

If you don't like the idea of ​​walking or riding a scooter "uncontrollably", you might want to consider starting a full-time sporty image life.

One of the options is the same fitness club, but not group classes, A Gym with a personal trainer. He will help you create a program depending on your goals (healthy body, losing weight, building muscle mass etc.), and then you just need to exercise, gradually increasing the weight on the machines and the number of approaches.

For those who decide to surprise everyone and run a marathon (or a half-marathon, or at least 5 kilometers), there are running coaches. They will show you how to bend your legs correctly, hold your body, and help you choose the right shoes and places to run.

Another great option active leisure - swimming, which is suitable for literally everyone, even those who have medical card as thick as your hand. Again, it’s best to start with a lesson with a trainer to move correctly in the water and set an interesting goal for yourself.

Whatever you come up with, the main thing is to do it regularly. Then the desire to lie on the couch will arise less often, and this, consider, is almost half of a healthy lifestyle!

Summer is the most favorable time for change. Why not stop putting off self-care? Now is the time to think about a more active lifestyle!

Follow these tips to help you start an active lifestyle and noticeably improve your health.

Always say yes

The first rule that you need to accept to start an active lifestyle is to say “yes” to offers to actively spend your leisure time, because most often we stay at home precisely because of our indecisiveness. Take the risk of agreeing to participate in a hiking trip, charity race or flash mob. Agree to go on walks, trips, and attend events that are offered to you, even if you still feel the urge to stay home. Such a vacation will serve as inspiration to become better and take care of yourself.

Attend events

Subscribe to community news on health and active lifestyles on social networks and attend their events. This way you will not only have fun and diversify your leisure time, but also learn a lot useful information and make new acquaintances with like-minded people who, like you, have decided to lead an active lifestyle.

Change your diet

Your health and lifestyle directly depend on your diet. Follow the rules healthy eating and try to eliminate it from your diet junk food high processing. The healthier your diet, the easier it will be for you to maintain an active lifestyle.

Do exercises

Just 20 minutes of simple exercise in the morning will give you a boost of energy for the whole day. Train yourself to do exercises every day, and this will significantly improve your well-being and help you lead a more active lifestyle. A morning jog will be even more effective.


Give up the stereotype that traveling is expensive and go on a trip this weekend. Depending on your budget, choose the distance and type of transport and go explore new places. You will be surprised when you find out how many colorful landscapes there are just in your region, not to mention Ukraine as a whole. Such a vacation will not only have a positive effect on your health and inspire you to an active lifestyle, but will also help you recuperate and relax.

Find your sports hobby

Find a sporting hobby you like and devote your free time to it. This way you will quickly adapt to a healthy lifestyle, have additional motivation for training and have fun.

Increase your knowledge about health

Try to read more about health, the nuances of nutrition and the effects of external and internal factors on the human body. The more you know about a healthy lifestyle, the easier it will be to do right choice in favor of a healthy diet, proper rest and active pastime.

Take advantage of every opportunity

If you decide to lead an active lifestyle, use every opportunity for this: walk and move more, climb the stairs on foot, don’t be lazy to cook healthy meals. If you are active in such little things, you will get used to a healthy lifestyle much faster and over time, what seemed too tiring to you will become easy and fun entertainment.

Eternal bustle and lack of time accompany everywhere modern man. With such busyness, people often put aside concerns about their own health, forgetting that it is impossible to live without it. full life. Leading an active lifestyle - the most important step on the way to a healthy body.

Modern society

Fast food, social networks, alcohol, smoking, cars... All these are the realities of modern man. An accelerated pace of life, constant bustle and fatigue have become indispensable attributes of society. Therefore, spending a day off lying on the sofa with the TV remote seems to be a more pleasant and easier pastime than walking and other ways of doing things. active rest.

Besides, Newest technologies and automation greatly simplify life and reduce the need to be active. Machines do all the hard work today. For a picnic in nature, you no longer need to walk with a backpack on your back. It is enough to get into a comfortable car that will easily take you to the desired point.

Life has become simpler, but time has become less. As a consequence of these two factors, today the percentage of the population suffering from obesity is growing exponentially, depression has become a scourge modern society, addiction to the Internet and television is officially recognized as a serious problem psychological illness. Constant shortage time and effort is a logical excuse for those people who have put taking care of their health into the background.

Healthy lifestyle

The problems of modern society lead to a significant deterioration in physical and emotional state person. This is why it is so important to lead a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle includes several interrelated elements:

  1. Rejection of bad habits. Such habits include alcohol abuse, smoking, and drug use.
  2. Proper distribution of rest and physical activity.
  3. Healthy sleep. It should be complete and regular and allow both body and mind to rest.
  4. Control of emotional state. It is important to try to avoid stress and try to saturate your life with positive emotions.
  5. Proper nutrition. Reception healthy food strengthens the immune system, helps control weight and improves physical well-being.
  6. Personal hygiene. “Cleanliness is the key to health,” the proverb says quite rightly.
  7. Social aspect. It represents human behavior in society, the acquisition of communication skills.

Compliance with the above principles is aimed at improving health and can increase a person’s life span.

Movement is life!

It should be noted that an active and healthy lifestyle is various concepts. The concept of a healthy lifestyle is broader and more general and includes elements of an active lifestyle.

IN Lately An active lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular; it is promoted by television, radio and the press. Social media are full of photographs of fit young men and women, evoking a desire to be the same. What is an active lifestyle? The answer to this question is very simple. IN daily life need to add more movement. This could be walking, sports tourism, or going to the gym. Simply put, an active lifestyle includes all periods of time that are spent in dynamics.

The benefits of this lifestyle are obvious. Physical exercise tone and strengthen the body nervous system and immunity, heal the body as a whole.

Reasons for leading an active lifestyle

At a young age, people rarely have to think about their health. The body is full of strength and it seems that it will always be so. However, after years, the energy supply dries up, fatigue sets in even after minor exertion. The main desire becomes to do “doing nothing.” And the more time a person spends in a passive state, the more difficult it becomes to be active.

The first and main reason to lead an active lifestyle is the desire to restore youth to your body. Physical activity brings particular benefits to the health of the body. cardiovascular system person, normalizing blood pressure and stabilizing the functioning of the heart muscle. In addition, blood sugar decreases, which eliminates the risk of disease diabetes mellitus. And pleasant fatigue after, for example, jogging or swimming is radically different from constant feeling exhaustion that accompanies people leading a passive life.

We should not forget about such a reason as the feeling of self-satisfaction that certainly arises when looking at your reflection in the mirror.

Running from laziness

Where should a person who decides to lead an active lifestyle start? First of all, you need to overcome laziness. Gathering your willpower and getting off the couch is the first step on the path to health! Will definitely help overcome laziness positive attitude. Any undertaking should be approached with pleasure. In case of starting a new, more mobile and interesting life this is easy enough to do. One has only to imagine all those positive points that comes with an active lifestyle. Sports don’t have to be exhausting and debilitating. You should choose the type for yourself active work which you will like.

Without the right attitude, attempts to change your life are unlikely to be successful. You should also not refer to lack of time. For an active lifestyle, it is not at all necessary to travel to the gym on the other side of town every day. It will be enough to just get to work on foot. This will help you wake up and activate your brain. In addition, switching from physical activity to mental activity increases the effectiveness of the latter.

Basic Rules

As mentioned above, the most important thing in an active lifestyle is to enjoy it. Any activity should bring joy, otherwise stress and fatigue will not only not disappear from life, but will also increase significantly. Therefore, the load must be chosen correctly; there is no point in overstraining the body. It is also important to learn to alternate between activity and rest. Healthy sleep is an integral part of a healthy life.

Before you start changing your lifestyle, you need to have a clear picture of your health. This requires a complete medical history and consultation. qualified specialist. Availability of some chronic diseases maybe in to a large extent adjust plans for sports, tourism and other outdoor activities.

The next step is to carefully consider your diet. You should exclude from the menu foods that do not benefit the body and saturate it with vitamins. An important aspect healthy eating is regular intake of clean still water. This not only improves digestion, but helps the body better tolerate physical activity. The fact is that during sports the body spends a large number of liquids. If you do not replenish water supplies in time, muscles lose elasticity and wear out.

Physical culture of the body

Physical Culture body is a broader concept than sports tourism, sports or hardening. It is part of human culture, which has its own values, knowledge and traditions. These are activities aimed at developing and improving physical data. human body. Physical education classes include several components:

  1. Morning exercises. Many people habitually call it “charging”. It really aims to charge the body with energy after a night's rest. During sleep, muscles relax and morning exercises help them tone up.
  2. Commitment physical exercise and playing sports. These activities are aimed at developing physical abilities. Leading a passive lifestyle, a person does not use even a small part of the potential given to him by nature.
  3. Physical activity. The manifestation of physical activity affects the functioning of the entire body and is the prevention of many diseases.

Elements of physical culture of the body can also include personal hygiene and hardening. This strengthens the body, making it more resistant to various diseases.

Sports tourism

Sports tourism is a type of active recreation that is a journey along natural routes overcoming various natural obstacles. This could be walking, river rafting, cycling or skiing.

This type of tourism is a team one. Therefore, it not only improves a person’s physical abilities, but also develops communication skills. This is a fairly economical form of recreation and therefore very popular among young people. In addition, participation in such events helps to learn mutual assistance, understand your capabilities, and develop willpower.

The result is obvious

The benefits of leading an active lifestyle are obvious. It is especially noticeable in the age of nanotechnology and robotization. It helps fight fatigue and depression, illness and aging. Physical activity strengthens the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems of the human body.

An active life can and should be led at any age, only by adjusting and changing the load. It's never too late to start taking care of your health. An active lifestyle will make the body healthy and the body beautiful. He will bring peace of mind and harmony with the surrounding world.



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