Good news for night owls and those who can't get out of bed when the sun comes up: you can learn to love your mornings. Even small changes to your morning routine can boost your mood and energy. These little tricks can help you wake up quickly. If you have a good rest, then morning awakening will not turn into a big problem for you.

Leave your alarm clock away from your bed

Let's face it: constantly hitting the snooze button will do nothing to make you feel less tired (unless you have another hour or two to spare). But there's another reason to get up the first time you hear that annoying alarm sound. Waking up and going to bed at the same time every day will help keep your body clock in sync. As a result you will on a cheerful morning and sleepy when it's time to go to bed.

Let the light in

As soon as you wake up, open the curtains or blinds. Or go outside. Natural light will get your brain into gear and keep you from wanting to crawl back into bed. If the morning outside is gloomy, turn on the light. A light alarm clock can also help you. Its light is less harsh than sound signal. If you cannot concentrate in the morning, or have seasonal affective disorder or depression, try turning on a lightbox (or solar lamp). This will help you lift your spirits and feel energized.

Enjoy your morning routine

To curb the urge to stay under the covers, schedule activities that you can look forward to every morning. You can, for example, read your favorite website for delicious breakfast, or go for a walk in a picturesque park. Anything that excites or brings you pleasure will help wake up your brain and ward off drowsiness.

Have a cup of coffee

Just make sure your morning coffee contains caffeine. He will pump up the brain like this chemicals, like serotonin and dopamine. They not only boost your mood, but also your energy levels and help you focus. People who regularly drink coffee are much less likely to feel blues or depression than those who rarely do so. Not a coffee fan? Brew a cup of black or green tea. It not only contains caffeine, but also other healthy compounds.

Create a morning exercise schedule

Jumping rope or brisk walking will help you increase blood flow and speed. nervous system. You will feel more focused not only in the morning, but also throughout the day. If you exercise in the morning, you will find it easier to fall asleep at night than if you exercise during the day. At the very least, try to finish all your workouts a few hours before bed. Otherwise, you will have difficulty falling asleep. Or try yoga, which has been proven to relieve insomnia.

Refill with fuel

No appetite? In any case, try to eat at least a small portion in the morning. Even a simple breakfast like an egg with a piece of whole grain toast or a cup of yogurt with berries will give your body the energy it needs. Plus, eating breakfast will help you focus. It will also protect you from sudden feelings of hunger.

Turn off the lights before going to bed

Bright lights at night can reduce levels of melatonin (this is the hormone that helps you feel sleepy). And we're not just talking about light bulbs. The glow from smartphones, computers and televisions also slows down melatonin production. To prevent this, keep the lights in the house dim and turn off all screens and technology devices at least an hour before you plan to go to bed.

Give up alcohol

Yes, alcohol makes you feel sleepy. But such sleep will not be strong and complete, so in the morning it will be very difficult for you to feel rested. If you do plan to drink strong drinks, limit yourself to one glass at lunch or at least 2-3 hours before bed.

Try melatonin

This hormone helps your body prepare for sleep. He also plays important role in maintaining proper operation yours internal clock. If you're having trouble falling asleep due to an unplanned trip or new routine, you might want to try a melatonin supplement before bed. Take a small dose (0.3-1 mg) an hour before you go to bed. Additionally, it's always a good idea to check with your doctor before taking any new medications.

Plan a relaxing evening

A relaxing evening will help you fall asleep. Avoid stressors such as emails and tough conversations with family members at least an hour before bed. To get into the mood for sleep, you can meditate, do yoga exercises, take warm shower or a bath or read a book in a dimly lit room. If you get at least 7 hours of sleep every night and still feel tired, see your doctor. You may have health problems or sleep disorders, such as apnea.

For many, waking up in the morning is torture. This continues almost every day throughout life. But your suffering can be alleviated, and sometimes stopped altogether. In this article I will tell you how to make waking up less painful.

When you wake up early in the morning, you should not get up suddenly and run about your business. Awakening must be gradual. To wake up smoothly, you can set your alarm 10 minutes earlier than usual. It is advisable that it not be with a sharp annoying sound. The ideal alarm clock is when the sound gradually increases. If you are afraid of oversleeping, have two, the last of which will probably wake you up.

IN Soviet times, in the morning, it was customary to do exercises. Since we live in the 21st century and have already become quite lazy with scientific technical progress, you can do the exercises without getting out of bed. I present to you the charger modern man consisting of 8 simple exercises:

1. Legs straight. We bend our feet - socks towards ourselves. We straighten our feet - toes point forward. Then we perform this exercise alternately - the left toe is facing you, the right one is looking forward. Then vice versa. If you are in a hurry, this exercise will be enough.

2. We take hold of it with both hands right thigh and pull the knee towards the chest. Then we repeat the exercise on the left leg.

3. Bend your knees. Perform body lifts. First we touch the left knee with the right elbow, then the right knee with the left elbow.

4. Connect the brushes into a lock. Raise your arms up perpendicular to your body. First we move our hands to the left, then to the right.

5. Turn onto your right side. We perform abductions of the left leg.

6. Lie on your stomach. We do push-ups. Just lean not on your feet, but on your knees.

7. Turn over onto your left side. We perform abductions of the right leg.

8. Sit down on the bed. Feet on the floor. We perform head tilts: forward-backward, left-right.

The quality of the exercises does not matter, the number of times does not matter either. It is important that upon receiving the command, your body reacts.

One of the reasons for problematic morning awakening may be a lack of vitamins and microelements, which we especially lack starting in the fall. Therefore, our body needs help available means. Take a course of multivitamins periodically. It is advisable to buy vitamins from domestic manufacturers (Complevit, Gerimax-Energy, Supradin, Alphabet, Duovit, etc.). You don't need to take multivitamins all the time. It is enough to take a course for 1 month, after which you should take a month off from them.

To give your body additional tone, you can take it before breakfast. alcohol tinctures tonic herbs and roots (eleutherococcus, aralia, Rhodiola rosea, ginseng, Leuzea, lemongrass, etc.). Tinctures are cheap, but the results from taking them are expensive.

Another cause of morning weakness may be poisoning of the body with toxins. There are many ways to get rid of toxins, one of which does not require much effort:

Take a small sip vegetable oil and begin to dissolve it in the mouth without swallowing. After a few minutes, we spit out the “used” oil along with the toxins that have been absorbed into it. It is best to carry out this procedure before breakfast and at night.

I hope that now your morning awakening will be easy and joyful.

Good morning to you!

Easy awakening or how to wake up quickly. Create a morning exercise schedule

People suffer from sleep disorders different ages, but if in old age the body requires less sleep than before, young people should most often perceive insomnia as a symptom of a more serious illness. A psychotherapist from the Minsk Regional Medical Center told a Sputnik correspondent about what to do if you can’t sleep, how to make waking up painless, and about night trips to the refrigerator. clinical center“Psychiatry-narcology” Olga Zueva.

If a cold pillow doesn't help

When I say I can't sleep, I'm usually told to drink cocoa. What to do if neither cocoa nor an entire season of a TV series before bed helps?

We are rarely talking purely about insomnia, which is usually considered as a psychosomatic syndrome that signals other problems. Usually people start their trip to the doctors with a visit to a therapist, who sends them to a neurologist; if the neurologist has not found the causes of insomnia, the patient comes to a psychotherapist.

Insomnia is common symptom depression, anxiety disorders, most neuroses. More often than not, people see a symptom, but do not notice other problems; the body adapts to a low mood quite quickly, but when sleep is disturbed, it affects both ability to work and well-being.

Psychotherapist at the Minsk Regional Clinical Center "Psychiatry-Narcology" Olga Zueva

Is it enough to choose the right medications to fall asleep peacefully and wake up painlessly?

Medication can always be considered as a treatment option. There is a group of drugs that help regulate sleep, but the risk of taking such medications depends on the addiction to which they lead. Because on a long period they are not prescribed by time, but are suitable for situational insomnia associated with changes in time zones, transition from night work to daytime or with an acute situation of grief. In such situations, sleeping pills - a good option, which will allow you to maintain sleep for the necessary time.

The norm for taking sleeping pills is three weeks or more long reception medication leads to addiction. Unfortunately, the instructions for a number of drugs state that they do not cause addiction. This is not true; long-term use of any drugs disrupts the natural sleep formula, and it is very difficult to correct the addiction.

In addition to sleeping pills, there are popular means - soothing teas, herbal and non-prescription sleeping pills. They can alleviate the condition if we're talking about about situational anxiety, for example, on the eve of an exam, but they do not treat the disorder. If they can help you traditional means- shower before bed, cold pillow and Fresh air in the room, you should not contact a psychotherapist.

You won't get enough sleep in retirement

At what age do people most often complain of sleep disorders?

With age, the body's need for sleep decreases. A baby can sleep for twenty hours, but in humans retirement age the need for sleep is reduced to 4-6 hours.

If people come to you with problems young Most likely, we are talking about psychological difficulties. There are a small number of people who need four hours of sleep, and a small number of people who need more than eight hours to get enough sleep. Most young people need six to eight hours to get enough sleep; anything else is not the norm. If a person cannot fall asleep for a long time, we are most likely talking about anxiety. But early awakenings - woke up at dawn, looking at the ceiling - this is probably a depressive disorder.

At first, traditional remedies can help with insomnia - a shower before bed, a cold pillow and fresh air in the room.

Elderly people are more likely to have conflicts: a person no longer needs eight hours of sleep, but he has developed free time and he wants to spend it on sleep. If in old age a person wakes up at five in the morning, this is not insomnia, but time for life that needs to be filled not with sleep.

In young people under 25-30 years of age, sleep is more easily regulated, so they are able to sleep for four hours during the week and sleep on the weekends. The body compensates for the lack of sleep during the week. But with age, the brain loses the ability to react so flexibly to lack of sleep, so in old age it is important to stick to a routine. Less and less sleep is needed, but achieving quality sleep is more difficult. A student on a class slept for half an hour, woke up and was cheerful, but at forty years old it is almost impossible to sleep a little during the day and feel a surge of strength. A routine becomes important, your own bed in which you sleep better and which needs to be laid out at a certain time.

It turns out that anxiety causes insomnia, but also a lack of healthy sleep leads to increased anxiety. Where to start in the fight for sleep in this vicious circle?

The doctor always starts by looking for the cause that led to the sleep disorder, and then there are two ways of treatment. The first one is medicinal, and someone comes purely for a prescription. The second is psychotherapeutic, and in this case the therapist begins by working with the situation that led to insomnia.

There can be many options: when waking up and falling asleep, a person controls himself less than during the day, and if a person severely limits himself in nutrition during the day, at the moment of waking up his craving for food also wakes up. If a person has diabetes, the body may signal a lack of nutrients in the middle of the night and this can cause nocturnal urges. The most unpleasant option is when food becomes a way to reduce anxiety.

Many people consider the psyche to be of secondary importance and believe that experiences should not be of concern as much as physical well-being. As a result, people suffer, and there are many patients with insomnia. People treat it on their own, including with alcohol, and this is a road to nowhere, because a glass of wine before bed can very quickly become insufficient.

Sometimes in the morning, looking at my reflection in the mirror, you are horrified: there are pillow marks on your face, your hair is tangled. Poor husband: he went to bed with a pretty young lady, and woke up with a sleepy gnome. How can you make your husband feel awe of his beautiful wife in the morning?

First of all, it is important to have the correct awakening. It’s not for nothing that they say “don’t stand up when you get up” if the day is not going well in the morning. To feel great during the day, you need to wake up very correctly.

No need to jump out of bed at the first signal alarm clock During sleep, all vital processes in our body slow down, and we need to “start” them carefully in the morning. Stretch while lying in bed - this will stretch your spine and increase the production of joy hormones, which we so need in the morning.

Then turn on soft light. The signal transmitted through the visual receptors will signal the brain to stop producing melatonin (the sleep hormone). While sitting on the bed, massage your fingers and earlobes, they contain many nerve endings, massage of which awakens all body systems.
And finally, you need to make five deep inhale and exhale, holding your breath for a few seconds. This way you will wake up completely.

The easiest way to bring skin toned up - that's contrast procedures(pouring alternately cold and hot water, wiping the face with ice cubes). But not everyone dares to undergo such procedures. In this case, they can be replaced with compresses. To perform them you need a terry towel. First we wet it in hot water, squeeze it out and apply it to your face. After two minutes, wet the towel in cold water and apply it to the face in the same way. You need to repeat this action 3-4 times, after which you need to rinse your face with cool water.

The effect is not only you you'll see, but you will also feel it. Contrast compresses promote expansion blood vessels and pores, increasing the flow to the skin, the skin becomes ruddy and elastic. Compresses can be made even in the evening, moistening a towel in decoctions of chamomile, calendula, and sage.
Very helpful fulfill exercises for the face. They are aimed at preventing skin aging and provide a sipping effect.

First exercise. Close your eyes tightly, then open them tightly, looking around.
Second exercise. Wrinkle your nose tightly, then relax.
Third exercise. Puff out your cheeks and pat them lightly. It is also useful to roll air from one cheek to the other. Fourth exercise. Pull your lips out with a tube - as much as you can, then roll them inward just as tightly. Hold in both positions for 5 seconds.

Repeat each exercise 5 times.
Compulsory condition wellness day is hearty breakfast. Don't forget about this rule, include small pieces of fish or meat in your breakfast. Thanks to products with high content squirrel, hunger will not manifest itself until lunch. Eat for breakfast cereals, dairy products, nuts, fruits. Eat breakfast slowly, chewing your food slowly. After full breakfast you will feel light and at the same time invigorated.

Paint generously with morning no need, it’s better to do with light makeup. To highlight individual parts of the face, it is good to use a highlighter with reflective particles. To highlight the face from the inside, it is enough to highlight the middle of the eyelids (on top of the shadows), as well as the corners of the lips, with a highlighter.

As you can see, morning procedures don't contain anything complicated. Do not forget that it is better to go to bed no later than eleven o’clock, since skin renewal occurs from one in the morning, and at this time you should sleep soundly. And so that your skin looks fresh and without swelling in the morning, try to refrain from drinking liquids an hour before bedtime. And also give yourself a foot massage before bed, this will speed up the process of elimination from the body. excess liquid and toxins.

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