How to wake up in the morning cheerful and good. How to wake up on time

I broke free, but the sheet Grabbed me by the leg:

- Wait, my friend, You won’t run away, You’ll lie down a little more!

- Getting up is an unpleasant thing, - A wadded blanket whispered,

At least half an hour, at least half a minute. But I jumped up and shouted: “Dudki!”

I defeated laziness today, And it will be every day.

Vladimir Danko

Unfortunately, in the morning we often have to wake up much earlier than we would like. And we do it with great difficulty. How to wake up refreshed? Is it even possible? Sometimes the next morning, trying to get rid of severe drowsiness, you have to catch yourself in gloomy calculations. “There are 5 working days in a week… There are 4 weeks in a month… There are 12 months in a year… Another 10 (15, 20) years before retirement. How many times do I have to get up so painfully in the morning?

Yes, getting up on the wrong foot all your life is not a very encouraging prospect. But everything can be fixed. Follow a few simple tips, and start the day will be much easier.

Go to bed early

It may be difficult for you to get up because you simply do not get enough sleep. If it is true, try to go to bed early. Leisure on the Internet, household activities, work - everything that prevents you from going to bed at an acceptable time should be postponed for the next day, and you yourself should get enough sleep.

Get the best sleep for yourself

Comfortable mattress and pillow, darkness and silence, optimal temperature and humidity... This will give you a quality, calm, full sleep without difficult falling asleep, waking up and painful sleepiness in the morning. How to wake up refreshed if the conditions for sleep are inappropriate? No way... So put this item on your priority list.

Choose the right alarm ringtone

“The song helps us to build and live!” And also music makes it easier to wake up. The best thing to do is to choose music that is energetic enough to your liking and play it at a gradual volume increase (to avoid "shaking" at the moment the sound starts). If you want to start dancing at the sounds of a particular melody, this is the best choice for an alarm clock. If you are not a supporter of dance rhythms, even a quiet melody that evokes pleasant associations is good for awakening.

An excellent choice are the sounds of nature - the singing of birds, the murmur of a stream. But not all natural compositions are optimal for the morning. For example, "singing whales", rain and rustling leaves, on the contrary, lull you to sleep.

In the ringtone for an alarm clock, the most important point is that the sounds are pleasant to the ear. A person begins to hear and perceive them even when he sleeps, and as a result, he passes from a sweet dream into a complacent and joyful wakefulness. He hears a pleasant, beautiful, inspiring melody - and he has no choice but to wake up early in the morning!

Use special alarms

There are "smart" alarm clocks that determine the phases of sleep. They wake a person at the moment when he sleeps most superficially and when it is easiest for him to wake up. True, they have some error in determining the phases of sleep, so these devices do not always ideally "fall" on the most successful period of time for awakening. In addition, most models are not suitable for those who sleep more than one, or for pet owners.

The fact is that many devices determine the phases of sleep by human movements (sleeping every 1.5-2 hours at the beginning of each new cycle toss and turn in bed, changing their position). If the “neighbor” or the sleeping cat starts tossing and turning, the device may receive incorrect data and make mistakes in its calculations.

Don't be discouraged if a smart alarm doesn't work for you. You can wake up refreshed without it.

Turn on the "internal alarm"

Do you want to know how easy it is to wake up in the morning? Here is another secret. Before going to bed, not only set the wake-up signal on your phone, but also try to set your "internal alarm".

Think about any day when you had an important event coming up - for example, an exam. You set an alarm clock for 7 o'clock in the morning and, going to bed, you knew for sure: you must definitely get up at this time and in no case oversleep! And you didn’t wake up: you miraculously woke up in an absolutely alert state a couple of minutes before the signal.

In some cases, such an “internal alarm clock” perfectly helps to easily wake up early in the morning. True, many people notice that it becomes more difficult to “start” it every time, and it’s generally difficult to use it every day. Over time, the body begins to ignore the mantra “I need to wake up at 7 am”, and you have to rely on a regular alarm clock.

Set yourself up for a regular routine

Go to bed and let your body get used to it and take your routine for granted. Then the question of how easy it is to wake up will stop bothering you. 2-3 weeks - and easy awakenings are guaranteed. This recommendation can also be given for many other sleep problems, such as difficulty falling asleep and insomnia. And in all cases, advice is wonderfully helpful!

Light up the bedroom

It will be easier for you to wake up if it is light in the bedroom when you wake up. Light stops the production of the sleep hormone melatonin in the body, and with it all the torment associated with awakenings. In summer, it is especially easy to provide morning lighting in the bedroom - you just need to sleep with the curtains open or open them immediately after the alarm goes off. And how to cheer up in the morning in the cold season, when you need to wake up before dawn? You can use dawn simulators - special devices that flare up with bright light by the specified time and help you wake up. Most models combine artificial dawn with pleasant sounds to make waking up even easier.

A few more words about dimming and lighting the bedroom. Those who are willing to spend money on comfort install automatic blinds in their homes. They are controlled by a remote control from the bed. One touch of a button in the evening - and the room plunges into darkness, ideal for a sound sleep. One more press upon awakening, and sunlight bursts into the bedroom. You don’t have to get out from under the blanket and look for slippers - automatics are responsible for lighting ...

Find motivation to get out of bed

Have you noticed that on the day when you have some important event or a joyful event, you always wake up easily and quickly? Do you remember childhood? The next morning after the holidays, you briskly jumped out of bed to be the first to get to the refrigerator and the rest of the treat. A simple conclusion follows from this: in order to wake up easily, try to plan some pleasant or useful business for yourself in the first half of the day, or better both together.

People who use this method admit that waking up fresh in the morning helps them ... "snacks" and the Internet. A delicious cake that's stashed away for morning coffee and a bunch of social media posts inspire many of us to get up in bed quickly and enthusiastically. It turns out that it is easy to wake up early in the morning - not so difficult!

Be ruthless

Few people now use classic alarm clocks, most people resort to using their mobile phones. All models have a snooze function or even the ability to set several alarms at once.

At first glance, this is quite convenient, but from the point of view of a vigorous awakening, such “improvements” are from the evil one. If a person knows that he can push back the time of awakening later and later, under the power of morning sleepiness, he will definitely do this. And how easy it is to wake up in the morning if in half an hour you open your eyes five times, fall asleep again five times and as a result you will still be pulled out of sleep by a call? A person does not wake up easily, but, on the contrary, prolongs his drowsiness. Often he does not even get satisfaction from the fact that he was able to "roll around." If you want to wake up easily in the morning, get up as soon as you hear the alarm.

Do exercises

Sometimes you open your eyes in full confidence: no, I definitely won’t get out of bed! How is it even possible to wake up cheerful in the morning if a person has not slept at all ?! However, a full bladder prevents further sleep and forces you to get up to go to the toilet. Reluctantly, you go there. Then, with a sense of accomplishment, you return, are going to dive under the covers for another ten ritual minutes of sleep, and suddenly you understand: there is no trace of drowsiness left!

Familiar? Then you just learned another way to wake up easily in the morning. Physical activity will help you.

When you wake up, get up and move around a bit, then do some standard 5-10-minute morning exercise routine. This will cheer you up! For lazy people, there is exercise in bed. For the very lazy, a promise (and broken) to yourself that after you wash your face you will go back to sleep.

For those who want not only to cheer up, but also to have fun, there is another secret on how to wake up cheerful in the morning - sex. Those who practice this "method" claim that it is even better than a large cup of the most amazing cappuccino!

Color the kitchen

On one of the sites we came across the following recommendation on how to wake up refreshed: “hang orange shorts or a T-shirt in the kitchen so that you can look at it during breakfast.” Apparently, in such a strange form, people were advised to look at bright colors, although the idea with shorts is more likely not to invigorate, but to make you laugh (however, laughter also relieves drowsiness!).

We will refrain from such advice and give a recommendation in a slightly different vein: work on the interior of the kitchen. You don't have to make walls and furniture a shockingly bright red: choose lime green, orange, yellow, aquamarine, or another nice intense color. If there is no desire to make repairs, you can greatly simplify your task by purchasing a colored tablecloth and bright dishes.

have breakfast

When a person begins to move and eat in the morning, complex biochemical processes are launched in his body, “switching” him to the vigor mode. Use it - be sure to have breakfast in the morning to feel fresh and full of energy faster.

Some people refuse breakfast due to the fact that it takes a long time to cook. People do not want to wait for the kettle to warm up while the porridge is cooked. They don't want to eat scrambled eggs burnt by their drowsy inattention, or wash the cezve and stove from the escaped coffee.

Forget about the suffering you endured for the sake of getting breakfast. A coffee machine and a slow cooker will make sure that in the morning you come to the kitchen, press a couple of buttons and enjoy a pleasant full breakfast piping hot. In general, you can load the ingredients into the slow cooker for the night, and in the morning by the specified time, without any effort, get a portion of milk porridge with prunes or a plate of hot sandwiches.

Follow these tips. Within a couple of weeks, you will learn how to easily shake off morning sleepiness, and then you will completely forget about what difficulties with awakening are.

We have long divided people into owls and larks according to the time when they wake up and when they work better. I am more of an owl than a lark, because the night for me is something special. It is at night that wonderful thoughts and ideas come to mind. But inspiration is inspiration, and life dictates its own rules, and we can’t always go to bed and get up when we please. You still have to wake up early in the morning.

The child needs to be taken to the kindergarten by 8:30, and the manager vaguely resembles the headmaster of my school, so I'm a little afraid of her - it's better not to be late. You still have to get up early anyway, and often it turns into a whole quest: wake everyone up, feed, wash, and dress some. Folk wisdom "Raise - raised, but forgot to wake up" - this is about me. And, as always, interesting tips and a look at the problem of getting up early from a slightly different angle come to the rescue.

10. Avoid "night traps". This is when your hand reaches for an interesting magazine or book, or maybe a TV remote control or computer to see if someone has commented on your post. The latter is especially dangerous, since we are all familiar with "Honey, someone on the Internet is wrong!".

11. Dinner should be light. And avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks at night.

12. Accept bath before bed. Can be with lavender oil - very relaxing. For children, it is good to brew a sedative collection and add to water. Although on particularly difficult days, this will suit you.

13. Try to go to bed always at the same time.. And even on weekends.

14. Turn off all lights completely. It is best to sleep in total darkness. If the night light is on, your body will not be able to fully relax and will be on guard all the time. And what is healthy and sound sleep here ?!

15. Find the right alarm ringtone. It should not be too soft, otherwise you just won't wake up. But it is also better not to choose too sharp and loud. She can be quite annoying. It would also be nice to put the alarm clock somewhere far away so that you have to get up for it.

16. Woke up? What about stretching? Good and correct sipping is very useful. They should not be sharp, otherwise you risk pulling your leg or back or getting a cramp as a gift. Stretch gently and sweetly.

17. Charger. As children, we were forced to do exercises in kindergartens and primary classes without fail. And who can boast of a daily morning routine now?

18. Glass of water. After waking up, it would be nice to drink a glass of water. Water will help your body wake up and remove the substances accumulated during the night.

19. An unobtrusive reminder. Still can't wake up? Try, for example, hanging your plan for the week or day in the bathroom next to the mirror. While you wash your face and recognize yourself in the mirror, at the same time you will read what you have planned.

20. Comfortable morning wake up clothes. It can be a bathrobe, slippers or warm socks (very important in winter, when you don’t really want to get out of bed).

21. Find a friend in misfortune, that is, someone who will not allow you to stay in bed after the alarm. And even better if this person is very positive and energetic. Then the kick will be something like a charge of vivacity.

22. Be prepared for bad surprises. When you are sleeping sweetly, you may be awakened by a late call or a bad dream. And after you wake up, falling asleep quickly again may not work. So it would be great if you could find your own way to fall asleep.

23. Cheer up. Cheerful music of your favorite artist in the morning is the best soundtrack for getting ready for work. Plus, coffee, tea or your favorite fresh juice is the key to a good morning and high spirits.

24. And open the window again. Only after waking up. More fresh air - we drive sleep out of the apartment!

A friend of mine said that she found the perfect time to sleep - from 23:00 to 6:00. And she feels great if she goes to bed and wakes up in this time frame. Perhaps everyone has such a comfortable time for sleep, it remains only to find it.

If you are from the squad of those whom no force can get out of bed in the morning, who runs to work at the last minute, and for whom every morning is one big stress, we will try to help you.

First of all, in order to get up early in the morning, two conditions must be met:

  • Come up with a strong motivation for getting up early. It could be an urgent job, going to the hairdresser, charging your phone, cooking a delicious breakfast for your beloved family, or… well, come up with something, everyone has different reasons for breaking up with Morpheus.
  • To get up earlier, you have to go to bed earlier. This is a simple but very important condition, do not ignore it. The body cannot be fooled. Provide yourself with 7-8 hours of good sleep, please.

9 best recipes for cheerfulness in the morning - how to learn to get up early, and at the same time - get enough sleep?

  • Walk outside before bed. Usually performed by non-working pensioners and young people in love. Join now!
  • Sleep in a well ventilated room with an open window. Available to everyone.
  • Sleep on a comfortable pillow. With age, the height of the pillow should increase. Pay special attention to the cervical spine, all its seven vertebrae!

  • Listening to good music before bed , reading your favorite book, watching programs about nature and animals.
  • Don't eat before bed! The body will digest food and will not let you sleep soundly. The heavier the food, the harder it will be to sleep. The inner part of your body also requires rest, at least at night, because in the morning the endless processing of more and more portions of the food you supply will begin again.
  • Avoid discussing difficult issues before bed , including with yourself, do not solve unsolvable problems. Most of the problems, oddly enough, will resolve themselves after a while, and difficult tasks are solved in the early morning: while you sleep, your brain solves this problem. Remember the genius saying "Morning is wiser than evening". Sometimes the most "tricky", the most brilliant ideas come to mind in the early morning, at 4-5 in the morning. That's when the brain clicks problems like a computer!
  • Large bed and clean linen. These are essential conditions for healthy sleep. Do not spare money on this, because in a dream we spend a third of our lives.
  • Quick shower before bed. Works instantly. Just imagine how good it feels to be in a clean bed after a shower under a warm blanket…
  • Come up with a good reward for yourself tomorrow for such a feat
    It can be an interesting business that is waiting for your fulfillment, shopping and buying a long-looked-for thing, it can be a meeting with friends - otherwise you have already begun to forget what they look like, everything is a phone, yes a social network.

    Each person has their own reasons for happiness and good mood, and for many people this work is a hobby! But try to add variety to the necessary routine, each time you can do something in a new way, add your own zest. Rearrange the furniture, finally!
  • Towards the rays of the sun
    Getting up early in the summer is quite simple - let the sun's rays into your bed, they will warm you and wake you up.

    Sunlight stimulates the production of an important substance in the human body - serotonin - the hormone of happiness, and also regulates the daily rhythm.
  • Don't waste your precious morning time!
    Schedule the most important things for yourself in the morning. For information: it is most productive to engage in mental activity around 10 am, well, for the sake of objectivity, even at 2 and 6 pm. You can check!
  • We charge with energy and cheerfulness in the morning
    And if possible - run in the morning, preferably with a companion. Well, if there is not enough willpower for this, no one has canceled a couple of squats and sips.

    After all, it is necessary not only to wake up the brain, it is necessary that the whole body wakes up, the muscles work, the blood runs merrily through the veins. “Shut up your shoulder, swing your arm!” After all, during the day we have a lot of things to do. Good and kind.
  • Starting the biological clock
    A person who is too tired during the day falls asleep with difficulty. Having washed himself all night, he gets up in the morning with difficulty. Everyone has a moment during the day when their eyes close by themselves. So close them and sleep, if possible, for 20 minutes. So tell your body: Sleep 20 minutes! You will be surprised, but you will wake up in exactly 20 minutes, like Stirlitz. Our biological clock runs smoothly.

    The biological clock works in the morning too. Many people wake up 5 minutes before the alarm goes off. What happiness - you can lie down for another five minutes! During this time, you can just think about what needs to be done in the morning and during the day, how to do it most expediently and at lower cost, and also think over the logistics of all these actions. Look for non-standard solutions. And the most important thing is to wake up refreshed and well-rested.
  • Pleasant environment for happy early awakenings
    You need to wake up and get up in a pleasant environment: a tidy room, a clean work desk, a good picture on the wall, the anticipation of a cup of good tea with honey, the hope of meeting your loved ones and just good good friends.

    And let the number of pleasant events always outweigh the number of unpleasant ones. All in our hands!

Welcome back to my blog pages, friends! Want to learn how to wake up refreshed in the morning? Today I will tell you what methods and techniques I use myself. I hope they are of use to you.

This problem is relevant for workaholics, students and, of course, new mothers. If you sleep little, it is difficult to keep up the mark during the day, to keep up with everything, to remain full of strength and energy. To feel at "5" you will have to learn a few rules:

  1. Consider. Scientists long ago determined that our sleep consists of several successive, repeating cycles. The phases alternate with each other. The slow phase corresponds to deep sleep, and the fast phase corresponds to superficial sleep. A person can “turn around”, breathe often. It is in this cycle that we dream. How much sleep do you need to wake up refreshed? Your minimum is 4.5-5 hours, no more and no less.
  2. Fall asleep right away. Do not go over in memory the events that filled the day. No need to analyze, think, dream. To fall asleep quickly try to completely, consciously, relax the body, every muscle. Away with unnecessary thoughts, friends, tomorrow is an important day!
  3. Appreciate comfort. To feel rested in the morning is worth spending a little. A good mattress, pillow, affects the quality of sleep.
  4. Room temperature is an important indicator. The temperature in the room should not exceed 22 degrees Celsius. Ventilate the room well before going to bed.
  5. Alarm. The right melody on the alarm clock will help you wake up cheerfully early in the morning. Do not choose lingering, or vice versa, too intrusive music. It will either put you to sleep or annoy you in the morning. Best of all, set a radio alarm or program your TV to automatically turn on a music channel.
  6. Let there be light. Before you go to bed, do not forget to open the curtains. As soon as darkness leaves your room, and the rays of sunlight (albeit diffused) light touch the body. The awakening mechanism will start in the body. Gradually, the sleep hormone melatonin ceases to be produced.
  7. natural stimulants. For a cheerful morning and well-being all day, you can use natural tonic products. For example, Eleutherococcus or Gotu Kola. I prefer iherb products. They do not contain impurities or harmful substances. Kotu Cola, by the way, does not contain caffeine. It acts gently, giving energy and strength.

Oolong tea Gotu Cola Eleutherococcus

If you had to not sleep at night, then how to restore energy and be cheerful in the morning? I will write about what helps me in such situations:

  • strong hot tea/coffee with lemon;
  • exercise / dancing;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • rubbing of the hands: palms, finger massage;
  • rubbing the ears (very invigorating);
  • breathing exercises in front of the window or on the street.

Don't do this before bed.

You can wake up in a good mood if:

  • spend the evening in a relaxed atmosphere;
  • avoid alcohol, drinks containing caffeine;
  • turn off your smartphone / tablet, turn off the TV;
  • you will not overeat and drink a lot before going to bed;
  • walk a little at a calm pace (there is nothing better than evening walks).

The shower helps you wake up. Therefore, before going to bed, it is better to take a warm (not hot) bath with aromatic oils and sea salt.

A set of real essential oils to uplift the mood

Good morning

What time do you wake up to be alert? It depends on when you go to bed. And a table that is easy to find on the World Wide Web will help you with this. The main thing is to try to fall asleep as soon as you go to bed. Learn to disconnect from everyday life. This is a useful skill.

What to do if you can't sleep? I came up with a scheme for myself - if I can’t fall asleep on time, then I don’t sleep, but I do what I want. The main thing in the morning is to get up at the appointed time and then there will be no problems falling asleep the next day))) It turns out that there are exercises that will help

What to drink for energy, strength and vigor

Warm drinks will help you wake up early in the morning in winter. Start your day with warmth. Coffee / tea in large quantities adversely affect the nervous system. I chose my drink. Fermented oolong tea helps keep you warm and energized. After all, green tea has more caffeine than black tea, but it affects the body more gently.

Be sure to take your vitamins. Due to the lack of some micro and macro elements, the body is depleted. There is a feeling of fatigue, immunity weakens.

What can replace coffee in the morning?

Some dietary supplements will help to cope with a chronic lack of vitality, give energy, energize for the whole day. Food supplement "Energy" by its name attracts attention. It contains young sprouts of wheat, barley, brown rice. I dilute the powder with water and get a fragrant drink that gently affects the body, gives a lasting impulse.

Energy drink powder mix on iherb

Amino acids also help to cope with fatigue. In conditions when the body is constantly under stress, its protective functions are weakened. I use pure L-lysine. During the course of taking the capsules, after a few days I felt the result: it accelerates cellular metabolism, strengthens the immune system, and gives vitality to solve everyday affairs.

Morning exercises, exercises for cheerfulness

A small set of exercises that will enrich the blood with oxygen:

  1. Step in place. Raise your knees high and arms bent at the elbows, march in place.
  2. Twisting. Raise your arms in front of you, bend at the elbows parallel to the floor. Perform intensive twisting of the body to the right / left.
  3. Slow rotation of the head, hands. Circular movements of the shoulders. Hip rotation.
  4. slopes in different directions: left / right / forward and backward.
  5. Squats.
  6. Pushups.
  7. "Birch". Lying on the floor, lift straight legs up, perpendicular to the floor. During the movement, support the hips with your hands, leaning on your elbows.
  8. "Barrel". Sitting on the floor, pull your knees to your chest, wrap your arms around them. Press your head to your knees. Lean back, “rolling” on your back and return to the starting position. Perform the movement several times.
  9. "Boat". Lying on your stomach, raise your arms and legs off the floor, stretch up. Freeze for a few seconds, then return to the starting position.

Just 10-15 minutes of charging and you are back in the ranks. Be sure to turn on upbeat music.


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Folk wisdom says: how you start the day, so you will spend it. How to wake up cheerful and full of energy in order to spend the whole day just as cheerfully? We offer you some proven recommendations on how to start the day with a smile and optimism.

1. Morning starts in the evening.
Prepare your day the day before: think over breakfast, prepare clothes, gather everything you need. By planning the day in advance and even completing some of the tasks, you can go to bed more calmly.

2. Sleep well.
Most of us spend all day in front of a screen, and when we do this before bed, we trick our brains into thinking a bright screen is a sign of being awake. Therefore, it is necessary to turn off all equipment at least an hour before bedtime, and devote the remaining time to evening rituals - walking, reading, communicating. Invaluable benefits will bring relaxation techniques or auto-training. Throw away the bad memories of the past day, think about how you will wake up in the morning refreshed and refreshed. Say to yourself: "I go to sleep healthy and wake up cheerful and cheerful." Mentally pat yourself on the head and fall asleep with a smile.

3. Get enough sleep.
This is the most obvious advice. Healthy sleep is a very important component of our health, all recovery processes take place during sleep, and morning weakness indicates that the body did not have enough time to recover. Try going to bed an hour earlier and you will be pleasantly surprised by how much better you feel in the morning. Pay attention to the factors that improve sleep: skip a heavy dinner, ventilate the room before bedtime, take a warm relaxing bath, drink a cup of mint tea.

4. Wake up at the right time.
There are two ways to determine the optimal time to wake up. The first one is experimental, it assumes that you will set an alarm clock at different times for several days and note what time it is easier for you to wake up. The second is technological. Now there are many gadgets and applications for smartphones, such as Sleep Time or Sleep Tracker, that monitor sleep. Try to use them, it will help solve the problem of morning weakness.

5. The right alarm clock.
Choose an alarm melody that is as close as possible to the birds singing in the Garden of Eden, but on the contrary, rhythmic and energetic. It's great if you associate this melody with some funny event from your life and evoke pleasant emotions.

6. Don't jump out of bed.
Set an alarm clock ten minutes ahead of time, give yourself the opportunity to fantasize about an unseen dream, and gradually enter a new day. Think of something pleasant, warm up your body with a sweet sip. Another effective way to activate yourself before the start of the working day is to simply hang upside down from the bed.

7. Invigorating colors.
For the day to be bright, it must be brightly met. Let the first thing you see after waking up be painted in positive colors - yellow, orange, shades of green - the color of lime, spring grass. They will set you on an optimistic wave, cheer you up, improve your efficiency and get rid of negative emotions. It is not necessary to urgently repaint the walls, you can buy bedding in juicy shades or buy a special fun “morning” mug in a bright color.

8. More light!
After waking up, turn on bright lights everywhere. Special bright invigorating lamps are now on sale. There is even such a method of treating depression - light therapy. Make sure you also get enough sunlight during the day. Go outside more often or at least sit near a window.

9. The best start to the day is morning exercises.
It has been scientifically proven that even a 10-minute warm-up not only tones the body, but also saturates the blood with oxygen. This means that the brain will be better supplied with useful substances: your productivity and vigor will increase, and you will become more protected from stress.
Unfortunately, many business people neglect morning activity, but just take a few examples of very famous people - from Charles Darwin and Pyotr Tchaikovsky to Arnold Schwarzenegger and Richard Branson, and you will see that they all actively trained in the morning.

10. Bath amenities.
Rinse your face with cold water. The feeling of freshness after the water washes the face will be an awakening signal for the whole organism. Wash your face with products that contain essential oils that tone the skin and activate the nervous system - jasmine, lavender, mint, lemon, cedar. Surround yourself with your favorite things: buy a shower gel or toothpaste that tastes like strawberries, wild berries, bananas. Seductive aromas will gently wake you up and put you in a positive mood. A contrast shower will also be indispensable.
Go to the mirror and smile at yourself. This stimulates the production of serotonin, the happy hormone.

11. Never go without breakfast.
Missed breakfast - missed the day. It is ideal to start the morning with a glass of water: this activates the stomach and starts all the internal processes in the body.
Treat yourself to something delicious. Love chocolate? Do not deny yourself the pleasure - after all, chocolate stimulates the production of serotonin, so that a charge of good mood for the whole day will be provided. In addition, chocolate is a great antioxidant. Can't live without cakes? In the morning, it's time to feast on them: it is in the early hours that the body needs a shock dose of carbohydrates - a source of energy for humans.
Turn on good energetic music, drink a cup of tea or coffee in a measured way, enjoying its aromas, read an inspiring book. Roger Sipe, author of Brain Development, calls this time the "Hour of Power" and simply idolizes it.

12. Reward yourself for success.
If after the next morning "feat" you make yourself a small gift, it will cheer you up and allow you to treat the morning awakening positively. Rewarding your efforts is a great motivator, and thinking that you will be rewarded for your efforts can overcome laziness.

Good morning and have a great day!



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