The harm of fluoride - a conspiracy or reality? Fluoride in toothpaste: benefits and harms. Blend-a-med with active fluoride

Fluoride toothpaste has been the mainstay of tooth decay prevention for thirty years. Attentive consumers have noted that toothpastes can vary significantly in their composition. Some dental care products contain fluoride, while others do not. Since childhood, many people know that fluoride is good for teeth, at the same time last years the opinion began to spread that, on the contrary, it was harmful.

In small quantities, fluoride is safe and beneficial, optimal daily dose fluoride is 0.05-0.1 mg per kg of body weight.

Ingredients in toothpastes chemical element fluorine is included as salts - fluorides. The use of fluoride-containing toothpastes - effective remedy for the prevention of caries.

Using fluoride pastes

If you carefully examine a tube of toothpaste, in the part where the composition is described, you can see a similar text: “Content of fluoride ions 1176 ppm.”

The numbers for different brands of pastes may be different. But only with a fluorine concentration of 1000 ppm or higher toothpaste has preventive action against . And the higher the fluorine concentration, the higher this effect.

To care for children's teeth, it is better to use toothpastes without fluoride, especially if you are not sure that the child will spit out the toothpaste rather than swallow it. This is because if you swallow toothpaste, there is a high risk of developing fluorosis - a condition associated with an overdose of fluoride, when teeth appear dark spots. Poisoning is also possible.

Fluoride overdose

Fluoride that enters the body in excess can lead to the following negative consequences:

  • persistent bone deformation;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland and steam thyroid glands;
  • dysfunction of the nervous system;
  • metabolic disorders in the body;
  • discoloration of tooth enamel.

Such disorders are possible if fluoride-containing substances are systematically ingested.

Prevention of caries in dental clinics

Fluorides are also found in dental products, called fluoride varnish and fluorogel. These tools are used in dental clinics to strengthen tooth enamel.

It has been established that the use of fluoride varnish or fluorine gel is effective method caries prevention. However, fluoride varnish is easier to apply and has less risk of fluoride overdose.

Fluoride: precautions

Fluoride-containing products for local application are effective and safe. To avoid unwanted effects of fluoride compounds, it is necessary to rinse your mouth thoroughly after brushing your teeth and do not overuse chewing gum with fluoride, do not swallow toothpaste and contact a good specialist, which will prevent an overdose when applying fluoride varnish. It is also necessary to take into account individual tolerance fluorine

If regular use of one or another toothpaste reduces the number of visits to the dentist, does not lead to bleeding gums and hypersensitivity teeth - this means that this particular toothpaste is suitable for you, no matter whether it contains fluoride or not.

Fluoride in pure form is a yellowish gas with a characteristic pungent odor. It is poisonous, therefore living conditions it should be used with extreme caution. Among all the elements of the periodic table, it is one of the most chemically active. Compounds of fluorine with other substances are called fluorides: they exist great amount, therefore their areas of application are also very extensive. This includes dentistry. The first pastes containing fluoride appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century, and in the late 1940s an experimental program for water fluoridation began in the United States, which brought mainly positive results in the fight against caries. After some time, several dental associations of the leading countries of the world recognized fluoridated toothpastes as effective. prophylactic. At the same time, the number of opponents of fluorides increased, including quite well-known specialists.


Toothpastes and other oral care products use fluoride rather than fluoride itself.

Why do they argue about the benefits and harms of fluoride?

The main reason for the controversy is the properties of fluorine and compounds based on it. Let's start with the fact that without a minimum amount of this substance in the body it is impossible normal development not only teeth, but also nails, hair and skeletal bones in general. Fluorides are found in most foods and even earth's crust, so we get some portions of it anyway. Most experts and scientists agree that for an adult daily norm fluoride should be 3-5 mg, and for children - from 0.5 to 2 mg (depending on age). The deficiency leads to accelerated demineralization of enamel and the formation of caries, osteoporosis and other problems that go far beyond the oral cavity.

On the other hand, a few grams of fluoride in its pure form are considered fatal to humans, and a regular overdose can cause problems with bones and joints, liver, heart, respiratory system and provoke whole line diseases. Most dental patients are interested in the harm of fluoride to teeth when using special toothpaste and drinking fluoridated water. It so happens that they are the ones who most often become the subject of the most heated debates and the basis for the emergence of myths and prejudices.

Fluorides in food

The benefits and harms of fluoride in toothpaste

You need to understand that fluorine in this case is a generalized concept. For example, toothpaste does not contain fluoride itself in its primary state, but compounds based on it. Most often it contains the following types fluorides:

  • Sodium monofluorophosphate- practically absent in modern pastes due to the slow release of fluoride ions.

  • Sodium fluoride- a very popular component, which is characterized by fast action and good remineralizing properties. By the way, most opponents of fluoridation talk about the harm specifically from sodium fluoride.

  • Tin fluoride- another fairly common component used by several large toothpaste manufacturers.

  • Aminofluoride- is considered the most modern, effective and expensive type of fluoride in oral care products.

Conversations about the benefits and harms of fluoride in toothpaste have been going on for a long time. However, in reality, many theses are unverified or overly exaggerated. Below is a table showing objective positive and negative qualities fluoridated toothpaste.

  • Fluoridated toothpaste prevents (partly!) demineralization of enamel and the development of caries. Oral bacteria produce lactic acid, which lowers pH levels and “leaches” calcium from tooth enamel, leaving it vulnerable. When exposed to fluoride, calcium crystals form a strong compound that is less susceptible to acid attack.
  • Fluorides have antiseptic properties, preventing the growth of bacteria and the formation of plaque, as well as having a positive effect on the composition and protective properties saliva.
  • Excess fluoride provokes fluorosis - a disease of the enamel with the appearance of characteristic spots and depressions. The risk of its occurrence is especially high in childhood during the development of baby teeth. However, fluoridated toothpaste alone can rarely become the main cause of excess fluoride in the body.
  • Fluoride can negatively affect the saprophytic (friendly) microflora of the oral cavity. This is one of the modern theses from experts who talk about the harm of fluorides in toothpaste.

Fluoride in water - benefits and harms

When we talk about the benefits and harms of fluoride for teeth and the body as a whole, we must not forget about fluoridated water. According to many experts, it is this that can most effectively restore the lack of substances in the body.

On the other hand, fluoride is one of the most difficult elements to remove, and drinking fluoridated water contributes to its accumulation. Modern research they say that if a liter of water contains more than 1 mg of fluoride, it can potentially be dangerous to the body. In past years, especially at the beginning of experiments with fluoridation, the dosage could be much more severe, causing different reactions in some people.

Many fluoridation opponents argue that in the 1950s, American courts were inundated with fluoride poisoning lawsuits. Be that as it may, the fact remains: today, water fluoridation is carried out in many countries and regions. The harm of fluorine in water is most often discussed when its increased concentration is detected or when toxic compounds are used, in particular fluoroaluminates.

The benefits and harms of fluoride for humans: the most radical theses for and against

  • Using fluoridated toothpaste is mandatory for everyone. Not really. If there is a lack of fluoride, low oral pH and weakened enamel, the doctor may indeed recommend fluoridated toothpastes. However, in most cases the best prevention there will be high-quality hygiene and regular visits to the dentist.

  • The required level of fluoride can only be obtained from fluoridated water. No, fluorides are found in many foods: apples, fish, chicken, dairy products, etc. The amount of fluoride you receive can often be regulated by your normal diet.
  • Initially positive properties fluoride are imposed by interested corporations. Followers of this theory claim that in the middle of the 20th century, large American industrial companies, polluting the land and rivers with fluoride, decided to begin promoting its benefits, involving leading doctors and marketers. We all know the power of advertising and propaganda, so there may be some truth to this statement. At the same time, over the following years, a number of independent studies were carried out, which confirmed both the positive properties of fluorides in pastes, and the harm of fluoride to the body during intoxication, which is not used in its pure form in hygiene products Oh.

  • Excess fluoride in the body affects almost all organs, including the thyroid and pineal glands.

  • It's true: fluoride is a poison, so the above-mentioned complications are indeed possible during intoxication. However, toothpastes use fluoride, not fluoride. Using fluoridated toothpaste can lead to toxicity.

  • This is a myth; the harm of fluoride in toothpaste to humans is minimal: fluorides are not absorbed by the oral mucosa. To become poisoned, you need to eat several tubes of fluoridated toothpaste. Sodium fluoride leads to infertility, decreased cognitive abilities and premature aging.

Some experts talk about this, but these statements in the scientific community have the status of an alternative opinion.

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JASON Powersmile “Peppermint”

Excessive and prolonged intake of fluoride into the body is negatively reflected on tooth enamel: first it changes color, then wears off down to the dentin, thereby increasing the sensitivity of the crowns. This pathological condition is called dental fluorosis: in its development it goes through 5 stages.

At the first signs of fluorosis, you should immediately contact a dentist, otherwise, there is a risk of tooth loss and even bone damage.

The harm and benefits of fluoride for teeth - all the dangers for teeth from an excess of fluoride in the body Fluorine itself is a gas, and environment

it is often included in organic and inorganic compounds. Such compounds are called fluorides. Not a large number of this ion is found in ground and underground waters. Thus, fluorides penetrate into human body

through water and food, settling in tissues.

If Most toothpastes produced today contain sodium fluoride, which is more toxic than lead. Small child

Video: Dental fluorosis - causes and symptoms

Why is such a life-threatening substance added to toothpaste?

The main nuance is that fluoride eliminates bacteria that are in oral cavity and eat sugar. Specified harmful microorganisms provoke erosion of tooth enamel and the development of caries in the future.

However, fluoride destroys not only microbes, but also other cells that are beneficial to the body.

According to scientists, fluorine still brings more harm what's the use. It is eliminated from the body quite slowly, and over time settles on bones, teeth, and the pineal gland in the brain.

Regular use of fluoridated toothpastes and drinking fluoridated water leads to chronic poisoning— fluorosis of teeth and/or skeleton.

Where can a large amount of fluoride enter the human body - we study products, hygiene products and environmental factors

This substance can enter the human body in several ways:

What is fluorosis - classification of fluorosis in dentistry, causes of fluorosis

The disease in question is a pathological condition in which tooth enamel is destroyed against the background of regular and long-term intake of fluoride into the body.

There are two main groups of reasons why this pathological condition may occur:

1. Drinking water for a long period of time, the fluoride level of which significantly exceeds the norm: from 6 mg/l for adults

In this case they talk about endemic fluorosis . This type diseases are directly related to territorial location.

There are several forms of endemic fluorosis:

2. Working in an enterprise where the air is saturated with fluoride compounds - occupational fluorosis

With this pathological condition, spots on the enamel do not always make themselves felt, but the condition of the musculoskeletal system will significantly worsen.

Fluorosis Test, Signs and Symptoms – Do You Have Fluorosis and How to Spot It?

The disease in question is initial stage practically does not manifest itself at all.

Changes to the crown of the tooth may be barely noticeable. Although the dentist, who must be visited at least once a year, will notice the deformations that have occurred and take appropriate measures.

For more late stages Fluorosis manifests itself as follows:

  • Negative reaction of teeth to cold, hot, sour foods.
  • Discomfort when brushing your teeth.
  • The appearance of whitish, yellow or brown spots on the teeth (depending on the stage of development of dental disease).
  • Formation of erosions on enamel with or without a pigment bottom.
  • Crushing of a dental crown.

When involved in pathological process musculoskeletal system, the patient complains of frequent pain in the joints, general malaise, muscle weakness.

Video: Fluorosis - prevention and how to treat

Treatment methods for fluorosis in dentistry - is it possible to save teeth and restore aesthetics?

Treatment of the subject pathological condition they begin by identifying and eliminating the reasons that provoked it.

The patient should test drinking water for fluoride content. In case of significant deviations from the norm, it is necessary to change the source or install a cleaning filter.

In addition, you need stop using fluoride-containing hygiene products for dental and oral care. Modern market offers a variety of medical products alternative means of such kind.

Treatment measures will be determined by the form of dental fluorosis:

Prevention of fluorosis - how to avoid the harmful effects of excess fluoride in the environment on teeth?

Preventive measures in relation to the disease in question are as follows:

  1. If the reason lies in elevated level fluoride in water, you should buy purified water, or install special filters on your home taps. You can also use melt water. To do this, the liquid is collected in a plastic container and frozen. After freezing, the liquid cloudy sediment is drained, the rest is thawed and consumed.
  2. When working in hazardous industries, respirators are used. This will save Airways from the penetration of fluorine and other substances unsafe for health.
  3. Avoid using fluoride-containing oral and dental care products. It is better to opt for toothpastes that contain propolis, myrrh, baking soda or oil tea tree.
  4. Do not abuse sea ​​fish. Include in diet dairy products. Children can additionally be given calcium with vitamin D and vitamin C.
  5. Teach your child to brush their teeth correctly (a pea-sized amount of toothpaste should be used) and buy a special children's toothpaste for him.

Video: Stains on teeth - how to get rid of them?

Life modern man full of myths that are convenient for product manufacturers. Misleading people with half-truthful statements has become the order of the day. One of these “stumbling blocks” is fluoride, which is part of toothpaste, and discussions about its benefits and harms.

Companies that produce fluoride toothpastes talk about them as a panacea. Their opponents claim that V large quantities element is dangerous to life. The consumer needs to take an unbiased and intelligent look at the situation and draw appropriate conclusions for himself.

The effect of fluoride on human teeth

In 1990, students at the University of California staged social experiment. They spread alarming information that the water was contaminated with dihydrogen monooxide. Their statement had the effect of a “bomb exploding” among the public.

In fact, dihydrogen monoxide is one of the chemical names ordinary water (formula H₂O). A humorous, but very clear experience showed how gullible people ignorant of science can be, and how the lack of basic knowledge leads to increased panic. The experiment gave rise to the term “Zonerism,” when facts are used to draw false conclusions. It is used by toothpaste manufacturers.

Ardent opponents argue that in nature fluorine in its pure form is a poisonous gas. But it is introduced into oral hygiene products in the form of fluoride compounds, which have completely different properties.

It is worth agreeing that fluoride in large quantities is really harmful. But to paraphrase the words of Paracelsus, we can safely say that “all medicine and all poison, the difference is only in quantity.” And in order to “accumulate” an element in a dangerous concentration, it must be swallowed. It’s unlikely that anyone does this with toothpaste.

That is why, before making a conclusion about the benefits and harms of toothpaste containing fluoride, it is necessary to find out why fluoride is actually good or bad.

Beneficial fluoride

The positive effect of fluoride on teeth was discovered more than 100 years ago, and already in 1914, Americans began producing fluoridated toothpastes. The anti-carious effect of the element has been proven by numerous studies. His beneficial effect is expressed in an increase in the resistance of enamel to destruction from waste products of microorganisms living in the oral cavity by 35–40%. Fluorine in various compounds is still used in toothpastes, and isn’t this an indicator that it is necessary for dental health.

The main quality of fluoride, due to which it is needed and used in toothpaste, is its anti-caries ability. It is characterized by the following features:

  • Strengthening enamel. Fluorine, dissolved in various salts, when reacting with saliva, releases free ions. Which, in turn, react with calcium compounds. When they bind, they turn into the element fluorapatite, which is durable and resistant to microorganisms. It is he who is engaged in “patching” damaged areas of enamel. The process is called remineralization. Pastes with fluoride are better than others in inhibiting the rate of caries development.
  • Bactericidal action. Fluorine, being natural antiseptic, has an antibacterial effect on all types of cariogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity.
  • Fighting dental plaque. After using fluoride toothpastes, food debris does not stick to the walls of the teeth, and therefore stones do not form.
  • Strengthening the remineralization ability of saliva. Active salivation is very important for saturating the enamel with calcium and fluoride minerals. Pastes increase work activity salivary glands, which compensates for the demineralization process.
  • Participation in metabolic processes. Taking fluoride in microdoses is useful for improving metabolism. This phenomenon is important for women during pregnancy, as it contributes to the full formation of the fetus.

Despite the fact that the element has a large number of positive qualities, it is worth noting its disadvantages.

Harmful fluoride

In large quantities, fluoride can be not only harmful, but also hazardous to health. It is distinguished by its insidious quality of accumulating in the body, but it is almost impossible to remove it. In case of oversaturation, it will spread its toxicity to the body and poison it.

The element affects the appearance of joint mobility and the appearance of bone fragility. Full list The dangers of fluoride, including in toothpaste, for an adult, look like this:

Fluoride in toothpaste can be harmful, even if it contains it minimal amount. It just can become the “last straw” if there is an excess of the element in the body, and then negative impact on all life support systems cannot be avoided.

Fluoride compounds in toothpastes

To figure out whether fluoride in toothpastes is useful, you need to find out what its quantitative content is and what kind of compound it is represented by. Since in its pure form it is a gaseous substance, it is added to the paste in the form soluble salts. The difference between them is obvious, and therefore the influence is not the same.

Sodium fluoride in toothpaste breaks down into ions in the shortest possible time, releasing active fluoride. The substance has a high remineralizing ability, which directly affects the increase in the anti-caries effect. Sodium fluoride is preferred for making children's toothpastes. Since kids do not want to spend a lot of time on oral hygiene, the result should appear within short period time, which is what the paste with this compound provides.

Sodium monofluorophosphate salts in toothpaste dissociate into ions rather slowly. You will have to brush your teeth with this paste for at least three minutes, which in principle is not critical, but is completely unsuitable for children. To use monofluorophosphate paste, you need a patient adult.

Aminofluoride in toothpaste has another name - olaflur. This fluoride compound by far the most progressive. Paste with amino fluoride has the highest remineralizing properties and, in addition to providing an anti-caries effect, creates a kind of protective film on the tooth enamel, as if sealing it. Aminofluoride allows the process of saturation with minerals to last as long as possible.

The compound stannous fluoride has been actively used in toothpaste since the beginning. Salt has a high remineralizing ability, which is its positive quality. Negative properties tin fluoride are manifested in the fact that the compound bleaches unevenly tooth enamel, highlighting some of its areas more strongly. And over time, paradoxically, they begin to darken. Most companies have abandoned the use of stannous fluoride, replacing it with monofluorophosphate or other salts.

In addition to the above salts, “cosmetics” for teeth may include Sodium Monofluorophosphate, surfactants or SLS, saccharin, cocamidopropyl betaine, chlorhexine and much more.

Toothpastes with fluoride for children

Conscious parents strive to control the fluoride content in their children's toothpastes. Someone, believing that at a “tender” age it is both harmful and dangerous, replaces it with a product with calcium. Others, realizing that for good condition tooth enamel, it is beneficial, they strive to limit its influence by choosing products with regulated fluoride content.

Manufacturers adhere to the following standards for the ratio of age and fluoride content in the paste:

  • 1–4 years – up to 200 ppm fluorides;
  • 4–8 years – up to 500 ppm fluorides;
  • 8 years or more (as well as for adults) – up to 1400 ppm fluoride.

There is a clear trend that how older child, the more fluoride-rich toothpaste he can use. This happens because the older the baby, the less likely he is to swallow this tasty substance.

The best cosmetics for brushing teeth are those that are suitable for the child both in age and in solving a specific problem. If the teeth are susceptible to caries, then fluoride-containing toothpaste cannot be avoided, and in the case normal condition teeth, you can give preference to calcium.

The balance between the benefits and harms of fluoride for children's teeth early age ambiguous, so you should consult your dentist for advice on this issue.

Where else is fluoride found?

When a person thinks about how fluoride contained in toothpaste affects teeth, we can say that he is “digging in the wrong place.” People get the largest amount of the mineral from tap water, but in some areas there is a deficiency of fluoride, for example, in Moscow.

Many people think that if there is little fluoride in the water, then the only way to replenish the supply is by using fluoride-containing paste. But the worries are in vain, since the mineral is found in a large number of common products:

  • sea ​​and freshwater fish;
  • seafood;
  • all types of tea;
  • apples;
  • grapefruits;
  • spinach;
  • potato;
  • pumpkin;
  • offal (liver);
  • dairy products;
  • cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • cereals (rice);

Why is fluoride needed in toothpaste?

Those who wonder why fluoride is in toothpaste if... required amount can be obtained by organizing a proper diet, they may hear the following answer from the dentist: the difference is in the method and place of activation of fluoride in the body. You can eat as many apples as you like, but it will not save you from tooth decay. And brushing your teeth will not benefit your skeletal bones. Both the first and second options are useful, but each is used for a specific purpose and in moderation.

Instead of assessing the harm of toothpaste on the body and chasing pseudo-naturalness, it is better to fully and competently organize oral hygiene. Some tips:

  • hygiene procedures must be carried out regularly;
  • Children are taught to brush their teeth as early as possible, at first without toothpaste;
  • Cleaning with soda is permissible no more than once a week;
  • rinsing the mouth with elixirs and using dental floss is an excellent prevention of caries, periodontitis and tartar deposits;
  • change your toothbrush at least once a year;
  • You need to brush your teeth 2 times a day – in the morning and at night.

The decision about which toothpaste is better - with fluoride or without fluoride - is made by everyone for themselves. Still, it would be a good idea to consult your dentist about this.

How often do people brush their teeth?

Most likely, as expected, no more than twice a day. And most of them don’t even think about what the toothpaste consists of. It’s unlikely that people read the ingredients listed on the packaging box.

It is believed that toothpaste with fluoride has a good preventive effect against the development of caries.

Since childhood, many may have heard about the benefits of fluoride for teeth, but not many know about the real qualities of this substance. In fact, in small quantities fluoride is not dangerous for teeth and is even beneficial, but excessive amounts can lead to unpleasant consequences for the whole body and for teeth, in general.

Amazing facts

Multiple tests on animals were carried out, their results were able to prove the neurotoxicity of fluorides, which affect the ability to remember, speak, and think. In other words, sodium fluoride contributes to a significant decline in intelligence.

At one time, those doctors who wanted to tell society about the dangers of fluoride were imprisoned, ridiculed, and fired. All due to the fact that in society this substance was positioned as the most useful. And there was no one to destroy the created stereotype. Over the past decades, a number of works have appeared that describe in detail the dangers of sodium fluoride, even when used in an acceptable dosage.

A lot of fluoride is found in the most famous toothpastes, which are often advertised on TV. Consumers did not start buying because of the enormous benefits. It’s just that every day people heard advertised lies on the screen. This is just a simple marketing ploy.

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral element, which belongs to the class of halogens. At natural conditions This substance is a diatomic gas. Found in small quantities in drinking water and certain foods.

Fluoride is the fluoride ion. Fluorides are compounds of inorganic and organic origin that contain fluorine.

Despite their natural origin, these compounds are considered toxic. For a lethal dosage, 3-6 grams of fluoride is enough.

Fluoride paste contains exactly this amount of this chemical substance, which is quite enough to cause significant harm to a child’s health if a whole bottle of paste is used at once. The composition of this product contains an increased concentration of the substance, in contrast to its amount in the natural environment.

What effect does fluoride have on the body in general?

This substance is very necessary for the human body because:

  • normalizes hair growth;
  • takes part in the development of the bone skeleton;
  • actively participates in many biochemical reactions;
  • strengthens the nail plate;
  • strengthens the body's immunity;
  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis;
  • responsible for the release of metal salts from the body;
  • provides prevention against caries and periodontal disease;
  • suppresses the activity of pathogenic microflora.

Effect on dental tissue

The main effect of fluoride on the condition of enamel and teeth:

  • halogen helps enamel during remineralization;
  • due to the concentration of this substance, a durable layer of enamel appears on the teeth of adults;
  • At the stage of development of baby teeth in children, fluoride is concentrated in the resulting dental tissues, this contributes to the creation of a strong enamel layer.

After eating food, a person begins to secrete saliva containing acids, which lead to demineralization. As a result of this process, the tooth surface lacks phosphorus and calcium. To restore the required balance, it is necessary to treat teeth with fluoride to activate the remineralization process in order to replenish the lack of lost substances.

Fluorine has t oxidative effects on pathogenic microorganisms , which lead to the appearance high acidity in the oral cavity. The natural microelement poisons them, thereby preventing the process of demineralization.

Alas, fluorides are so highly toxic that they have a toxic effect on both pathogenic microflora and other cells of the human body.

What could be the consequences of microelement deficiency?

The first symptoms that indicate a lack of fluoride in the human body:

Lack of halogen may pose significant problems to a person's health. To begin with, this begins to affect bone tissue, it becomes quite fragile. Patients quite often begin to receive fractures, nails acquire a certain yellow tint and peel, gums bleed and hurt, and teeth become loose. In times of shortage of this element Iron is poorly absorbed, which can further lead to severe anemia.

Excessive amount in the body

Excessive quantity This chemical can easily provoke a negative reaction in the body. Main complications:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the parathyroid and thyroid glands;
  • significant deformation of bone tissue;
  • change in enamel color;
  • disruption of metabolic processes;
  • instability of the nervous system.

Excess fluorides considered one of the main causes of cancer. Their dosage in the region of 3 grams causes very severe poisoning, and when it is exceeded to 5 grams, it can lead to fatal outcome. This can happen as a result of periodic ingestion of fluoride-containing products, and fluoride in toothpaste is no exception.

Results of studies of benefits and harms

There is a very small line between the benefits and harm that fluoride can bring to the teeth and the whole body. Certain doctors claim that an excessive amount of this substance is even more harmful than its lack in the body.

It is for this reason that certain scientists do not consider it necessary to fluoridate water.

Fans of this chemical are convinced of its very great benefit. They assure that this particular element prevents the appearance of caries in adults and children. As soon as its content in the body becomes insufficient, a large number of health problems immediately appear.

But many scientists and professors who have closely studied this issue agree that these two points of view are the main truth.

During the study, it was determined that approximately 20 years ago, water fluoridation was of no small importance. That period is characterized by insufficient levels of this substance on the planet. Therefore, the body’s need for it was acutely felt. But today everything is happening completely differently.

Due to development industrial production There is plenty of fluorine everywhere: in soil, air, food, water. Certain regions can literally be defined as fluoride poisoned.

Fluoride toothpaste: Dangerous or not?

From television advertising you can hear every day about the extraordinary benefits of toothpaste with added fluoride. From one point of view, this is true, since this substance plays an important role in the prevention of caries. In addition, it suppresses the appearance of painful microflora in the oral cavity and has a strengthening effect on the enamel surface.

For these purposes, the paste must contain only a small amount of this natural element.

The main advantages of this paste:

  • increased metabolism;
  • antiseptic property;
  • removal of bacterial plaque;
  • activation of the salivary glands.

Why, in this case, do toothpastes for children not contain fluoride, since it is so necessary for the development of teeth? This is due to the fact that the body is just maturing, all the required vital important systems. And excessive amounts of fluoride can cause resistance in the body.

What are the dangers of products that contain fluoride? This natural element is found not only in toothpaste, but also in various products. 3 milligrams daily is daily dosage this element. After drinking several liters of regular drinking water, the daily dosage is already in the body.

When it is significantly exceeded, then intoxication may develop. Therefore, pasta without this substance is chosen by those people who drink the required amount of water and eat natural products and lead correct image life.

Fluorides tend to accumulate in tissues and enamel. After increasing required dosage A destructive process called fluorosis may begin to develop. The main signs of this disease are the formation of white spots and dots on the tooth surface. Thus, gradual destruction of the enamel occurs.

On this moment people get fluoride from many sources. Therefore, buy again special paste with the content of this substance, there is no need. Since an excess of fluoride in teeth can lead to significant complications for the condition of the crown, dentin and enamel.

If there is a need to strengthen dentin, enamel and gums, then it is advisable to use products containing other natural substances that actually have beneficial features. Such as mint, propolis, tea tree leaves or chamomile.

Are there any benefits to fluoridation?

When fluoride treatment of teeth is practiced regularly, this can lead to negative effect - damage to bone tissue throughout the body, as well as destruction of enamel.

The main signs of these conditions:

  • bone fragility;
  • anemia;
  • tightening of ligaments;
  • quick loss weight;
  • poor joint flexibility.

Greater caution should be exercised by people diagnosed with diabetes.

There are several options for fluoridation of teeth. medical indications. The main one is countering the emergence carious lesions , due to the elucidated toxicity of fluorine relative to pathogenic bacteria.

Quite rarely, a person is diagnosed with a lack of halogen, and in this case, this procedure will be useful to replenish it. The most important thing is not to forget that moderation is necessary in everything.

How to remove fluoride from the body?

During the first symptoms of an overabundance of this substance, it is necessary to limit its intake from food. An important step in the treatment of intoxication is to determine the amount of fluoride compounds in both tap water and in the body. Change toothpaste when fluorosis symptoms appear in children.

How else can fluoride be removed from the body? It can be easily bound by calcium preparations (lactate and gluconate), prescribed by a doctor under the supervision of a blood test. Poisoning must be treated only in a hospital setting under the supervision of doctors.

What else do you need to know?

Local use of fluoride products, as a rule, does not pose a danger. When using a fluoride-containing toothpaste, you just need to rinse your mouth well after brushing your teeth and avoid swallowing even a small amount of the product. Before using this paste, it is best to carry out tests for definition individual intolerance this substance to prevent allergies and serious consequences.



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