How to prepare melt water for weight loss. How to make melt water yourself at home? Melt water - what is it?

Water is the basis of all life on planet Earth. Many works by scientists from various fields are devoted to its study. Nutritionists are also actively studying this liquid and its effects on internal processes body. Much attention attracts melt water, which is effective means for weight loss and a source of many useful substances.

Benefits of melt water

  • the absence of deuterium in it, a substance that is great content is poisonous to humans;
  • it does not contain hard salts that have harmful effects on the human body

Useful properties of melt water

  • normalization of metabolism;
  • rejuvenation of the body;
  • improving the functioning of all body systems;
  • increasing immunity;
  • lowering blood cholesterol levels;
  • reduction of nervousness and fatigue;
  • increased brain activity;
  • helps cure allergies and some skin diseases;
  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • decreased appetite and, as a result, weight loss

Methods for preparing melt water

We present to your attention several recipes demonstrating how to prepare melt water.
  • Pour filtered tap water into an enamel saucepan and place, covered, in the freezer. Check the freezer periodically. When a crust of ice forms on the surface of the water, remove it and discard it. Do this procedure twice and only then freeze the remaining water. Let the water melt at room temperature before using.
  • Cut off the neck of a transparent plastic bottle and pour purified water into it. Place the container in the freezer and let the water in it freeze completely. Remove the resulting piece of ice from the bottle and rinse under hot water the middle of the ice floe, the same place where the ice formed white. Place the resulting transparent piece of frozen water in a non-metal container and leave to defrost. in a natural way.
  • Boil water over high heat, cool and pour into a saucepan. When the first one appears thin ice remove it and pour the liquid into a plastic container. Freeze the water already in plastic until two-thirds of it turns into ice. Then make a hole in the crust and drain the liquid into another container - it is this that will be used in the future, like “correct” water.

The main rule that must be followed by those who drink melt water is that it must be defrosted immediately before consumption and only at room temperature. Water retains its beneficial features no more than seven hours after thawing

There are several schemes for receiving melt water:

  • Drink a glass of melt water four times a day half an hour before meals.
  • Drink the first glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach, the second and third an hour before meals. During these sixty minutes you cannot eat or drink anything.
  • Calculate your daily intake of melt water. To do this, multiply your weight in kilograms by 5. The resulting figure is yours. daily norm in milliliters. Divide it into three servings and drink one hour before meals.

Video on how to prepare melt water

Ilona, ​​27 years old
I have always been categorically against losing weight using various unnatural chemical additives and teas. If you are already losing weight, thank you natural remedies. And what could be more natural and natural than water?! So I chose a diet for myself based on taking melt water three times a day before meals. In three months I was able to say goodbye to 5 kg excess weight without any harm to health! Therefore, I strongly recommend that all ardent opponents of everything unnatural drink melt water.

Victoria, 32 years old
Instead of melt water, I use structured water purchased at the pharmacy. What is the result? In 1.5 months, the volume of my hips decreased by 4 cm, and my waist - by 3 cm. True, the joints in my legs and arms ached for the first week, they say that’s how salts came out of me. I don’t know for sure, but now there are no problems with joints, but energy and vitality became more.

Oleg, 36 years old
I started drinking melt water five months ago solely because of skin problems. The fact is that I had wen, which caused me a lot of inconvenience. Now they have completely disappeared, plus I have also lost noticeably weight. It turns out that the reason for this is this magic water. I didn’t know when I started drinking, but I’m very pleased with the result!

Katerina, 42 years old
My family and I have been drinking defrosted water for over 9 months now. A neighbor recommended this product to us. Then I read it on the Internet: the reviews are good. So all four of us began to drink this water every day, always on an empty stomach and two more times before meals. This winter, for the first time, no one got sick, although usually during the season we all catch a cold 2-3 times. The whole family is healthy and happy, and I have a special joy - I have become two sizes slimmer. And my daughter’s acne on her face is almost gone. Good remedy, drink and be good!

Water is the most powerful carrier of information that can exist in the world. It has a certain molecular structure on which the quality of water depends. From this we can say that the information that water carries with it, as well as its structure, influence its properties.

The benefits of melt water.
Water itself does not provide any benefits to the body. nutritional value, however, it is a mandatory component of all biochemical processes, occurring in living organisms, in particular in the human body. Naturally, the purity of the water affects the efficiency of these processes. The consumption of melt water provides exceptional benefits for the human body, since the regular ordered structure of ice is similar to the ordered structure cell membranes our body, which is why it is easily absorbed. According to its chemical and energy composition it is as close as possible to natural clean water.

IN natural conditions water, as it were, absorbs information from everything it comes into contact with during the flow. That is why spring water and water from forest streams is considered the cleanest and healthiest, because it has undergone natural filtration with the help of pebbles, all kinds of snags, and silt that come along its way. This water affects a person healing effect, as it has the ability to heal and charge. She is considered good folk remedy for increase physical activity body, especially after winter. Long noticed by residents rural areas that animals willingly drink this water during the period of snow melting from the fields, and domestic ones - from puddles of melt water, and in the fields where this water accumulates, a rich harvest awaits. Even agronomists these days carry out snow retention for these purposes.

What can we say about the water we get from a water pipe? After all, before it reaches us, it is purified with various chemicals, chlorinated, and then released into the water supply, where it continues its journey through hundreds of thousands of pipes, absorbing the energy of thousands of homes. In this case, the pipes can be located at right angles, but this destroys the structure of the water. As a result, we get water not only enriched with chlorine and other chemical compounds, but also energetically dirty.

After freezing, water again restores its original structural, informational and energetic state, which is a benefit for our body. In addition, after thawing, many crystallization centers form in such water, which, when absorbed into the desired zone in the body, trigger chain reaction recovery is vital important functions. The main difference between melt water and at the same time its property is its purity. That is why the most valuable and useful water in the world is considered to be water from Arctic ice. In its structure, melt water is identical to the liquid that makes up the blood.

The exceptional properties of melt water are explained by the fact that, compared to ordinary tap water, there are practically no impurities in it, including isotopic molecules in which the hydrogen atom replaces the heavier isotope - deuterium. This element has a detrimental effect on all living things and causes significant harm to the body. Its absorption by the body is very difficult, which requires the expenditure of additional energy. High concentration of this element comparable to the effect of the strongest poison. Melt water gives a person a good energy boost.

It has been proven that people who regularly drink melt water live much longer than those who drink regular water. Here we're talking about about residents of mountainous regions who drink melt water from glacial rivers. This miracle water triggers the body’s self-rejuvenation processes. It significantly accelerates regeneration processes in the body. Its use has a positive effect on work internal organs, metabolism, helps strengthen the immune system. Thanks to the activation metabolic processes Destroyed cells begin to be eliminated from the body, interfering with the formation of new ones. As a result, the aging process of the body slows down.

Drinking melt water has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and brain, which has been scientifically proven. That is why it is recommended for use by people suffering from hypertension, atherosclerosis, and ischemia. Not less benefit This water will bring benefits to people who have suffered heart attacks and strokes. Water will trigger a recovery mechanism at the cellular level, which will improve the course of the disease and speed up recovery. If you consume just a couple of glasses of this daily healing liquid, then there is a significant improvement in health and well-being. There is a normalization of the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and spinal cord, blood composition and muscle function are significantly improved. It also helps reduce the level bad cholesterol in blood. This water is especially useful when treating hunger and during fasting days, since it facilitates the process of removing toxins from the body.

By the way, for those who have problems with overweight, it is also recommended to drink melt water. When consumed, the processes of fat mass reduction are activated. Extra pounds will go away painlessly, you just need to drink this water more than the body needs. As a result of this, the body will begin to urgently remove excess water, but half of fat consists of water. Here's some simple arithmetic for you.

You should only consult your doctor before drinking melt water, as it is not recommended for people with kidney problems.

This miracle liquid, when consumed regularly, increases the body's resistance to stress, reduces fatigue, filling it with much-needed energy. Positive properties melt water also has a relation child's body. It also provides additional energy boost to a child of any age, which makes it easier for them to cope with the curriculum.

Treatment with melt water helps improve the general condition of the body. It was noticed that the effect of taking medicines significantly higher if washed down with melt water.

During treatment bronchopulmonary diseases The effectiveness of treatment will significantly increase if inhalations are done using melt water. The recovery period is reduced (by two to seven days), the temperature returns to normal, cough, wet and dry wheezing disappear. The body's immunity to viruses and bacteria increases, and the condition of the mucous membranes improves. When treating allergic patients with structured liquid skin diseases(eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, etc.) on the third to fifth day of use, a decrease in hyperthermia, weakening or complete disappearance of itching is observed. As a result acute illness goes into a regressive stage.

Preparation of melt water at home.
Many people believe that melt water can be obtained by quickly freezing it in the refrigerator and then thawing it. But this is far from true. So, to prepare “living” water you need clean drinking water. Tap water, purified by a filter, or boiled water are not suitable, since they have a changed structure, impurities, and boiled water is generally “dead.” Therefore, we take water from a spring, if possible. If this is not possible, we buy it in the store. Preference should be given to the water that is produced in your region; it will be the most useful, since its composition is closest to the water in your body.

Then you should select a container in which, in fact, you will freeze the water. Since water expands when frozen, this requires “elastic” dishes. Metal pans (especially aluminum and iron), except for silver ones, cannot be used, since water in contact with iron and aluminum loses some of its properties. A two-liter plastic or nylon bucket is ideal for this purpose. It should be washed thoroughly and doused with boiling water. After that pour drinking water, close the lid (to prevent the entry of germs, debris and dust) and place in the freezer.

Since everyone’s freezers work differently, you should determine approximately how long it will take for your water to freeze to such a state that an unfrozen cavity the size of a man’s fist remains in the center of the bucket. Heavy metal salts and various contaminants accumulate in this cavity, but they do not freeze. Therefore, as soon as such a cavity has formed, it is necessary to remove the ice bucket from the freezer, use a knife to split the ice in half and drain all the crap from the core.

After this, you need to wait until the water melts, then pour it back into the bucket and freeze it. In general, to prepare “correct” melt water, the water should be frozen three times, only then will it regain its natural structure and energy.

After the third freezing, we take the ice out of the refrigerator and split it into pieces, which we put in glass jar. Since glass is a neutral material, it is ideal for storing melt water.

Cook immediately a large number of There is no need for water, as its benefits and effectiveness remain for four to five hours after thawing. Therefore, it is worth calculating the volume you need so that there is no excess left.

There are no contraindications to the use of melt water, therefore, no side effects Same. After all, this pure water, purified by almost 90% of impurities.

Drinking melt water.
Drinking melt water is recommended in the amount of two glasses per day every day. Drink the first glass in the morning an hour before meals, the second at lunch, also an hour before meals. According to many experts, it is better to drink water with the addition of pieces of ice. This is especially useful for people who want to lose weight, because the body will spend additional energy on warming the water.

Melt water should be drunk without any additives. Under no circumstances should this water be heated. It should thaw naturally at room temperature. You should drink water immediately after defrosting in small sips, holding them in your mouth.

IN medicinal purposes structured water Take thirty minutes before meals daily 4-5 times for 30-40 days. During the day required volume water makes up a percentage of body weight.
That is, with a weight of 70 kg, this volume will be 700 g. During the course, you should gradually reduce the dose of water so that by the end the volume is reduced by half.

For preventive purposes, the water norm will be 2 times less (0.5% of body weight).

Melt water for weight loss is a proven method for losing weight and shaping your figure over the years. It is this that becomes the mechanism that will allow you to forget about extra pounds without harm to your own health.

Melt water is used to lose weight in the abdomen, thighs, arms, and total mass bodies. The proposed methods are good because they do not take any time for the body, and are accessible to literally everyone.

Melt water: benefits and harms for weight loss

The benefits of melt water for weight loss are invaluable. In general, any process of body shaping is not complete without moisture. You should drink at least 2–2.5 liters every day to start metabolic processes in the body. However, the proposed method uses melt water for weight loss - how to prepare it is suggested by the recommendations of those who have managed to lose extra pounds.

Among the noted advantages of the technique:

  • Saturation of the body with a fundamentally new energy reserve;
  • Using a product that has smaller molecules than tap, bottled, or boiled water. This is what allows melt water to penetrate deep into cell membranes and saturate them;
  • Exception from life-giving moisture impurities of salts, solid particles, heavy metals that are present in store or tap water;
  • The ability to start metabolic processes, which will allow you to lose weight.

Additional advantages are the availability of the method and the ability to prepare melt water for weight loss at no cost - reviews from those who have lost weight offer several options for preparing the main product of the program.

What water should I use for freezing?

To prepare really tasty and healthy liquid, follows:

How to freeze melt water for weight loss?

Numerous reviews of melt water for weight loss note the value of such recipes:

  • Use airtight plastic trays with a tight-fitting lid. It protects moisture from absorbing unpleasant odors in the freezer;
  • After freezing for an hour and a half, you will need to open the tray and remove the thin crust;
  • 3 hours after the start of freezing, you need to take out a tray in which almost all the water for weight loss will be frozen. The part that remains liquid should be drained.

The temperature in the freezer should be set to -4 - -8 degrees. Place the container level so that all the liquid freezes evenly.

To prepare melt water for weight loss, you can use enamel dishes with a lid, plastic trays made of food material, or a plastic bottle with the top cut off. In this case, you will need to leave the container until it hardens completely, and then remove it and wash the whitish part with hot water. The rest should defrost evenly in a convenient glass container.

How to drink melt water correctly for weight loss?

You can find out how to drink melt water for weight loss from the reviews:

  1. The first glass - in the morning on an empty stomach, the next - 4 hours before meals;
  2. 4 times a day – 30 minutes. before meals;
  3. Do not drink anything between drinking a glass of melt water and eating.

Each person has his own norm. To find out how much and how to drink melt water for weight loss, you should multiply your body weight in kg by 5. The result obtained will be the desired value (in ml).

Some reviews additionally advise reading prayers over a glass of water to make it healing.

For all women who care about their health and slim figure, it will be useful to learn about the properties of melt water, how to prepare melt water at home, and how you can use melt water for weight loss.

Properties of melt water

The phrase “melt water” does not hide any homeopathic secrets: when a piece of ice or a mountain of snow melts under the influence of heat, a puddle of melt water remains in its place. Meltwater remains after the melting of icebergs and ice shelves over the oceans. Melt water is often found in the zone where glaciers are washed away, where the level of their snow cover decreases. In addition, melt water can result from volcanic eruptions.

And it turns out that drinking this water is much healthier than ordinary water.

The main beneficial property of melt water is that it does not contain harmful impurities that are added, for example, to tap water for its purification, and its molecular structure is particularly ordered, which makes it a source of additional energy reserves.

Another useful property of melt water is that it accelerates metabolic processes in human body. This is achieved due to the size of the melt water molecule: it is smaller than the ordinary water molecule, making it easier to penetrate the cell membrane. Unlike melt water, tap water, which we, of course, do not drink in pure form, but we still use it for cooking, consists of molecules different types, the size of many of which does not allow them to pass freely through cell membranes. Consequently, these molecules do not participate in metabolism. Therefore, when following a water diet, it is often not simple water that is used, but melt water.

The benefits of melt water

Thanks to the features molecular structure Melt water has certain benefits for the health of the body at any age. The benefit of melt water is primarily that its use helps the body fight the aging process. In the human body, the process of cell replacement does not stop for a second. At the same time, old, outdated cells prevent the formation of new ones. The benefit of melt water is that due to the metabolism it accelerates, dead cells leave the body faster, and young cells come to replace them.

This process causes the strengthening immune system and improving the functioning of all organs. Another benefit of melt water is that it can significantly reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Regular consumption of melt water has a beneficial effect on brain activity and performance. Melt water has a positive effect on recovery processes in the body, with its help you can cope with the symptoms of allergic and dermatological diseases. And of course, drinking melt water has a beneficial effect on digestion, which means the benefit of melt water is that it can be used to combat extra pounds. But more on that below.

How to prepare melt water at home

There are several ways to prepare melt water at home. The most common one is as follows. You need to fill a liter container with ordinary water (it is better to choose plastic containers for this, since glass ones can crack in the freezer) and put it in the freezer. After turning the water into a piece of ice, the container must be removed from the freezer so that the ice cube thaws. The most common is not always the most effective, and this method is just such a case. The melt water that we obtained in this way is not completely purified from harmful impurities.

Another way to prepare melt water at home: the container filled with water must be placed back in the freezer, but there is no need to wait until the entire volume of water turns into ice. Freeze until the first ice crust forms. This ice needs to be separated and liquidated; it contains the bulk of harmful impurities, including deuterium. The water that remains in the container should be kept in the freezer until most of it turns into ice.

Now you need to get rid of unfrozen water, which also contains impurities, but of a different kind. The remaining ice, when melted, will give us clean melt water that can be consumed. It should be borne in mind that to prepare melt water you use tap water; it must sit for several hours so that dissolved gases leave it.

If you are planning to prepare melt water at home, you need to learn a number of things. Firstly, it is better to put water in the freezer in plastic containers. Metal utensils will interact with water, reducing its effectiveness, and glass may burst due to low temperatures.

Secondly, when you get melt water at home, use it in its pure form, do not add any flavoring additives.

Thirdly, unfortunately, you cannot prepare anything from such water, because when melt water is heated above 37 degrees, it loses its beneficial properties. It's best to just use it for drinking. Fourthly, it is obvious that melt water must be stored in a container with a tightly screwed lid, otherwise the water will absorb foreign odors. Finally, when you defrost ice, don't try to speed up the process by heating it, you're not helping the melting water, you're only making it worse.

Melt water for weight loss

The idea of ​​using melt water for weight loss is based on its properties, which accelerate metabolism. The methods may be different, but they all, in one way or another, repeat the same advice - periodically drinking melt water throughout the day. For example, drink a glass of melt water before each meal.

Some experts on the use of melt water for weight loss recommend drinking one glass in the morning on an empty stomach, and in the afternoon and evening before meals, after which do not consume either water or food for an hour.

Remember that it is best to use melt water for weight loss that has just been thawed. It is at this moment that its beneficial properties are at their maximum.

Even a schoolchild is familiar with the formula of water. It is amazingly simple and amazing in that two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen are capable of giving life to all living organisms. A simply structured molecule ensures the turgor (elastic state) of cells and is the main component of blood and lymph. But more unique are the properties of melt water, the benefits of which are difficult to overestimate. Changing your crystal structure, it gives a person additional strength and energy.

The water turns into melt water after defrosting. The manipulations are simple: take tap water, freeze it, melt it and get the same liquid molecules, but with a different structure. They become smaller, which makes them look like cellular protoplasm - the main internal semi-liquid substance of the cell. In addition, it retains the structure of ice crystals for some time.

What properties does revived water have?

She is capable of:

  • pass freely through cell membranes;
  • increase speed chemical reactions, and, therefore, metabolic processes;
  • “push” young cells to grow;
  • easier than ordinary water to interact with substances.

Internal processes proceed more smoothly, since the molecules of melt water work “at the same frequency”, without making chaotic movements. Due to this, the body produces more energy and the person becomes more active.

The regenerated liquid does not contain “heavy water” or deuterium, which is a heavy isotope and is found in tap water. It negatively affects the functioning of a living cell. Its disappearance stimulates the body’s vital functions, releasing additional energy.

The phenomenon of melt water is its purity. After defrosting, it is cleared of compounds harmful to the body:

  • salts, including chlorides;
  • isotope molecules;
  • other impurities.

On a note! Our ancestors have long noticed the purity of melted snow or ice. They placed a trough in the yard, collected snow, melted it and used it for drinking and washing. People living in mountainous areas drank water from mountain glaciers. Their health was good and their lives were long.


Water, changing its structure, has a positive effect on the functioning of the body, regardless of biological age. Frozen ice and melted ice are used in the form of compresses, douses, washes, drinks, and massages. It brings general health to the body:

  • metabolic processes are intensifying;
  • allergic manifestations are reduced;
  • unnecessary “stale” decomposition products are removed;
  • the immune and protective barrier is strengthened;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves;
  • When you are overweight, you are actively losing weight.

Against this background, increased performance, strengthened memory, deep sleep are no longer surprising. May vary biological rhythm, which leads to an increase in wakefulness time and a reduction in sleep duration, which in no way affects general condition person.

Noted positive influence on cardiovascular activity:

  • blood concentration and its composition are normalized;
  • rhythmic work of the heart muscle is noted;
  • the amount of “bad” cholesterol is reduced.

Modified water also helps with skin problems: eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatitis, psoriasis and others. If to complex treatment add " healing spring", then unpleasant manifestations are relieved faster: itching; irritation; hyperthermia.

Important! Thanks to melt water, the aging process slows down. By accelerating metabolism, young cells grow and divide faster. The body is healed and rejuvenated.

With continued use of a new fluid source, a person will require less medication over time. medical procedures. And the use of prescribed medicines becomes more effective, they have maximum impact on the body. It is especially useful to drink this liquid after operations: wounds heal faster and the healing process is accelerated.

Cosmetologists for the elastic condition of the skin, its healthy looking It is recommended to wipe your face with ice cubes in the morning. The cold increases blood circulation, tissues receive more oxygen, and regeneration processes (restoration of the epidermis) are accelerated. Washing with melt water also brings tangible benefits.

Possible harm

Melt water is not capable of causing harm if the technology for its preparation is not violated. At proper freezing and defrosting ice, its benefits are fully manifested. Contraindications and side effects no melt water was detected.

But you shouldn’t suddenly switch to a “new drink”: 100 ml per day will be quite enough. With prolonged use, modified water accounts for one-third of all liquid consumed daily. The rest comes from filtered or bottled water.

On a note! Melt water retains its beneficial properties for up to 12 hours, after which its structure changes and becomes the same. Biological activity is also disrupted when heated to +37 °C or defrosted with hot water. It is advisable to consume it immediately after preparation.

How to prepare melt water?

Do not use plastic containers to freeze water, as plastic releases dioxin into the liquid, a rather dangerous carcinogen. In addition, plastic products are artificial, so the water in it loses its healing properties.

How to properly prepare melt water?

Option 1

  1. Pour the filtered and purified water into the selected container and place it in the freezer.
  2. After about 30-40 minutes, remove the surface film of ice containing deuterium.
  3. Place the container in the freezer for 9-10 hours and then take it out again. Ice will form, the center of which will contain unfrozen liquid.
  4. We drain the liquid, it is harmful because it contains heavy metals. If you can’t drain it, you need to pierce it upper layer ice.
  5. Melt the remaining ice cylinder (cube) naturally and use it for drinking.

Important! The freezing time depends on the volume of the container and the power of the freezer, so the given approximate dates manipulations with liquid and its defrosting.

Option 2

The method is similar to the first. Freeze the water for 40 minutes until an ice crust forms, which is removed. We expose the water to long-term freezing and the liquid freezes completely. We melt the water, in the center of which there will be an opaque piece with harmful impurities, which needs to be deleted. Then you can use the “healing source” at your discretion.

Option 3

We do not monitor the transformation of water into ice and the composition freezes completely. We take it out and look at those parts where ice cube lost transparency. Jet hot water wash away opaque areas. Melt the rest of the ice and drink the healthy liquid. Or just wait until the clear ice melts and throw away the white core.

Option 4

This implies a slightly different approach:

  1. We bring the water to the boiling point, its temperature should be approximately +94 °C.
  2. Cool quickly by placing the hot liquid in a bowl of ice water.
  3. Place the cooled mixture in the freezer and freeze it whole.
  4. During defrosting, an unmelted piece of ice remains in the center, containing components we do not need, which we remove.
  5. The water is ready to drink. We drink and gain strength and energy.

On a note! You cannot use a “snow coat” that freezes over the freezer as a source of melt water. The melted liquid has unpleasant smell, contains refrigerants and whole line harmful compounds.

How to drink melt water correctly?

Taking revived water does not require any special schedules or specific recommendations. It is important to take it immediately after defrosting at temperatures up to +10 °C. You need to drink by taking small sips and holding the water in your mouth for a short time. It is not recommended to add juices, drinks, or decoctions to water; it should simply be clean.

Usually it is taken on an empty stomach after sleep and before breakfast, in the evening an hour before meals. If the liquid is used during treatment, then it is used orally half an hour before meals for a month.

The melted “healing spring” dries up after 12 hours, losing its beneficial properties. Melt water is prepared regularly, using the rules of freezing and thawing, not forgetting to remove the surface film and remove harmful compounds.

Melt water (video)

From the video you will learn the scientist’s opinion about melt water and his method of preparing it.

Modern people consume a lot of products that contain impurities, ranging from preservatives to sweeteners or flavorings. There are harmless additives, and some cause significant harm to health. Against this background, the use of melt water is not just a cleansing of the body, but also its revival.



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