Patches for colds and bronchopulmonary diseases. Runny nose patch for children

For colds, medicinal and non-medicinal remedies are used. A runny nose patch is a drug for relieving inflammation that is used at any age. It is a convenient and effective device that alleviates symptoms of illness and relieves colds.

What is it and how does it work?

A nasal patch for a runny nose is a piece of fabric with essential oils. It comes with adhesive tape to make it easy and convenient to secure.

Some types of stickers are attached to clothing close to the face (on the collar), others - to parts of the body - nose, forehead, temples. After sticking the sticker, the essential oils slowly evaporate and the person breathes them. The cold patch is available without a prescription and is not a cure. The device will not bring the desired effect if a person has a severe cold, but it helps to improve well-being. It is most advisable to glue the product at the first symptoms of the disease, when the nose is stuffy. It can be effectively used as part of complex treatment along with medications.

Purpose of the patch:

  • eliminating nasal congestion;
  • improving the removal of mucus from the nasal passages;
  • ensuring increased blood circulation.


Depending on the type of impact, the patches are:

  • warming;
  • cooling;
  • inhalation


This remedy can be effective for up to 8 hours.


These types of devices help reduce temperature, improve breathing through the nose and have a slight vasoconstrictor effect. They are glued to the forehead or temples. They are soaked in essential oils such as:

  • menthol;
  • pine;
  • chamomile;
  • eucalyptus.


The action of these anti-cold devices is aimed at improving the functionality of the respiratory system. These types of products are impregnated with natural extracts and essential oils. They help reduce swelling of the mucous membranes and remove mucus. Inhalation patches have bactericidal and antiviral properties. They are fixed to clothing.

“Breathe” stickers

This device perfectly replaces inhalation procedures.

This type of product is inhaled and is prescribed for children over 2 years of age and adults. Contains levomenthol, turpentine and oils:

  • lavender;
  • turpentine;
  • fir;
  • menthol;
  • mint;
  • eucalyptus.

The device should be glued to clothing during the day and to the pillow (crib wall) at night. After attaching the product, the oils slowly evaporate and penetrate into the patient’s respiratory tract. As a result, swelling of the mucous membranes decreases. The device helps improve breathing through the nose and facilitates the separation of mucus. Children's patch "Breathe" has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, tonic and analgesic effects.


This type of sticker must be glued to non-synthetic clothing in the chest area. Consists of eucalyptus and camphor oils. These substances have a bactericidal effect and relieve inflammation. The product soothes, helps eliminate a runny nose, separates phlegm, and has vasoconstrictor properties. “Snopelka” is used for children from 2 years old. The drug can act for up to 8 hours. In some situations, after the doctor’s approval, the “Sopelka” runny nose patch for children is used for babies up to one year old. There are no side effects when using the device. This type of sticker cannot be attached to the skin.


They are produced in the form of a hydrogel adhesive white plate with curves that follow the shape of the nose. The patch consists of L-menthol, patchouli and cedar essential oils. When using the product, oils that affect the mucous membranes gradually evaporate. Cedar oil has antiviral, immunomodulatory, and antibacterial properties.

Patchouli oil, which is part of this product, helps fight viral infections.

Eucalyptus has an antiseptic effect and helps eliminate inflammation. Patchouli gets rid of viruses and helps to recover from the flu. Menthol soothes and cools, promotes vasoconstriction and reduces swelling. The sticker can be used once. The product should be worn for 8 hours, it does not cause discomfort. After use, it can be easily removed without pain.

Many parents prefer to treat runny noses in children with natural remedies. It is believed that natural preparations are better tolerated by the child’s body and cause less harm. One of the favorite remedies for mothers is the Sopelka inhalation patch. We will tell you how to use it correctly in this material.

About the drug

According to the register of medicines, the Sopelka patch belongs to the category of herbal remedies for colds. It is called inhalation because its main function is to “release” the aromas of essential oils, which a child with a runny nose inhales quite naturally. Treatment with this remedy does not require persuasion and persuasion on the part of parents: usually children willingly agree to have a small piece of fragrant plaster attached to their pajamas or T-shirt. It's not painful, not scary, not bitter. And therefore, from the child’s point of view, it is ideal.

The patch is packaged in boxes; there are 4, 7, 10 and 15 sachets with a single “dose”. The structure of the miracle patch is quite simple - its fabric part is impregnated with medicinal herbal compounds, and the adhesive part is covered with a film. This film is removed only immediately before use. The sticky side of the patch is glued to the child’s clothes, the impregnated fabric part remains on the surface.

The patch is manufactured by the Italian pharmaceutical company Bouty S. p. A.

Composition and mechanism of action

The Sopelki medicinal impregnation contains only two ingredients that are well known to all parents from their own distant childhood. True, they were previously given for colds and coughs in a different form - in ointments, in liquid form. We are talking about substances such as eucalyptus oil and racemic camphor. No other additives or components are provided in Sopelka for children.

Eucalyptus oil


These essential substances are capable of rapid evaporation, which determines the pharmacological effect of the patch. The volatile substances of essential oils ease difficult nasal breathing during a runny nose, have a certain antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, and also have a mild sedative effect, due to which the child’s sleep improves.

Most of the action is due to the presence of eucalyptus oil - it is this oil that has a gentle effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs and the nervous system of the child. And camphor only complements the effect, mainly acting in the nose, relieving congestion during rhinitis.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for use are few. Manufacturers recommend using the inhalation patch for signs of a cold, runny nose and cough to relieve symptoms. In practice, “Sopelka” is often recommended to improve the quality of night sleep in children with neurasthenia and hyperactive children characterized by shallow and shallow sleep.

Sopelka is contraindicated for children with bronchial asthma. Essential oils can worsen the baby's condition and provoke an attack of suffocation. It is also not recommended to treat children with a tendency to allergies to plant components, especially eucalyptus, pine, resin, laurel and camphor laurel, with an inhalation patch.

Despite the plant origin of the drug, there are specific age restrictions. They should be described in more detail.

Age restrictions

Essential oils are contraindicated in any form for infants, as they are a strong allergen and can cause serious consequences for the baby’s health.

Children under 1 year of age are prescribed other drugs, local drugs, as well as systemic drugs that the doctor deems necessary. The fact is that the nasal passages of such babies are narrow, and the outflow of mucous secretions can be difficult. In combination with the inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, which is natural during illness, “Nozzle” is highly likely to cause an allergy, which will aggravate the situation and worsen the child’s condition.

At 2 years of age and older, parents should use inhalation patches in accordance with the instructions included in each pack.

Instructions for use

Despite the word “inhalation” in the name of the drug, you should not try to use the patch in any way other than the recommended method - externally. Using the “Nozzle” is as easy as shelling pears. To do this, just open a small multi-layer bag with a piece of adhesive tape, take it out, peel off the top layer and stick the sticker where it is supposed to be.

Where it should be is the first fundamental question. Some parents believe that it will only be better if the patch is attached closer to the child’s nose - on the cheek, on the neck, some even tried to stick it on the little one’s chin. These body parts are not suitable for Nozzle appliqué.

It is recommended to attach the patch exclusively to a dry surface. It is best to place it on the upper chest part of the pajamas or T-shirt in which the baby sleeps, or on the head of his bed. Contact with skin is undesirable due to the high likelihood of developing an allergic reaction.

Usually a single application is used - at night. But in case of severe nasal congestion, you can apply the application twice a day - in the morning and in the evening before bed. It should be understood that one piece of patch is valid for no more than 8 hours, and therefore reusing it is unreasonable and useless.

Each time you apply a new sticker, use a new one.

Side effects and overdose

Manufacturers in the official instructions for their drug indicate that there has been no data on overdoses or side effects. Indeed, if you use the patch correctly, the likelihood of any negative consequences for the child’s health will be minimal.

The appearance of a frequent dry cough approximately 20-30 minutes after application may indicate that the patch is being used incorrectly, or that parents have not read the section on contraindications. An allergic reaction can manifest itself both locally - in the form of redness, erythema and swelling in the area of ​​contact with the patch, and systemically - by respiratory phenomena, headache, dizziness, nausea. With bronchial asthma and other ailments that accompany obstruction, difficulty breathing and a feeling of lack of air may occur.

If such symptoms appear, the sticker must be removed as soon as possible to stop the effect of essential substances on the child’s body. If there is difficulty breathing, immediately after removing the application, call an ambulance for the child, open the windows and provide a flow of fresh air.

When using an inhalation patch, parents should remember the following safety precautions:

  • the patch should not come into contact with damaged skin;
  • the child should not touch it with his hands to avoid subsequent contact of hands with the eyes and mucous membranes;
  • Before making an appliqué on clothes, be sure to make sure that the child’s pajamas or T-shirt are made from natural fabrics without the use of synthetics or semi-synthetics; it is prohibited to glue “Nozzle” onto such fabrics;
  • If a child accidentally or intentionally swallows a piece of an inhalation patch, you should consult a doctor for emergency help;
  • you need to visit a doctor if a week’s use of “Nozzle” does not at all alleviate the baby’s condition;
  • ensure proper storage of unused patches and prevent free access to them for the child;
  • don’t be afraid to glue the patch on clothes: the composition of the adhesive layer is thought out to the smallest detail - it does not leave stains, marks, or “pellets” on the fabric, and the clothes will not be damaged.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Well-known pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky believes that treatment of a runny nose in a child should not be limited to the use of pharmaceutical medications, since drops, ointments and tablets can quickly relieve unpleasant and painful symptoms, but, alas, are not able to eliminate the very cause of rhinitis.

An inhalation patch is a good treatment, according to Komarovsky, for the very reason that it practically does no harm, and the parents create the right attitude - they are treating the child and are not inactive.

If you choose between drops with a vasoconstrictor effect and the “Nozzle”, herbal stickers definitely have more advantages.

Regarding the benefits of the patch, this is a controversial issue. No application will bring the desired result if the child continues to be in a dusty, stuffy room, even if he is covered all over with miracle plasters. Therefore, immediately after going to the pharmacy for a package of Sopelka, mom should thoroughly wash the floor in the house, wipe off the dust, and ventilate well.

It is better to put books in the closet so that they are stored behind glass, and it is better to remove soft toys from the children's room, since they are universal mega-accumulators of house dust.

If parents decide to use the Nozzle, in addition to gluing (twice or once a day), the doctor advises providing the child with plenty of warm water throughout the day, as well as rinsing the nasal passages with a homemade saline solution or pharmaceutical products based on sea water. This will help avoid the worst thing - drying out nasal mucus. If it dries out, the snot stops flowing, and an inflammatory process is likely to develop, which can have long and serious consequences.

For the duration of treatment (and better yet, afterwards), according to the Komarovsky method, sufficient air humidity (50-70%) and a certain temperature should be maintained in the room - about 21-22 degrees Celsius. This is also necessary to thin and remove nasal and bronchial mucus and prevent complications.

Only when all these conditions are met will the Sopelka patch work most effectively and the child will be able to recover faster.

Although even without the Nozzle, when the correct and optimal conditions are created, a runny nose goes away on average in 3-6 days. But without Sopelka it is difficult for parents for whom it is very important to “at least treat” their son or daughter with something.

Analogs and prices

The disadvantage of preparing it yourself is the inability to accurately measure the required ratio of two ingredients in grams, which again increases the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction.

As for the cost, it is quite high for the original drug: as of June 2018, a package of 4 patches costs an average of 260 rubles, for a box of ten patches you will have to pay 540-580 rubles.

For comparison: the Golden Star balm costs from 120 rubles, and Vicks Active with menthol and eucalyptus costs from 180 rubles.

An approximate calculation for self-production is as follows: eucalyptus oil - 50 rubles, camphor oil - 30 rubles, plus another 30-50 rubles for a patch. Draw your own conclusions.

Review Reviews

Judging by the reviews of parents on the Internet, allergic reactions to Sopelka occur somewhat more often than the manufacturers promise in the instructions, although this is also the fault of the parents themselves: many find it difficult to figure out whether the pajamas contain synthetic fabric, which is why the skin In the morning, children have redness and inflamed areas where the patch came into contact with pajamas or a nightgown.

Some parents use the patch for prevention - during seasonal viral diseases, they attach the “Nozzle” in the car in the morning on the way to school or kindergarten so that the child can breathe in essential oils and gain strength.

You don’t have to worry about the safety of the patch on your clothes. According to mothers' reviews, it is attached tightly, and even with a restless and constantly tossing child, it does not come off overnight and remains in place.

Despite the age ban (up to two years), some parents stick applications of inhalation patches on the crib of their infants; reviews of this use are quite positive.

Some children, according to their mothers, do not like the smell; they find it pungent. In this case, mothers resort to little tricks - they stick a sticker on their pajamas a couple of hours before bedtime, and when it’s time to go to bed, the smell becomes less pungent, and the child calmly agrees to put on such pajamas.

Observant parents noted that the patch helps a sick child sleep more soundly and makes breathing a little easier, but, alas, it cannot speed up recovery. Dr. Komarovsky and thousands of other children’s doctors completely agree with them. They prescribe Sopelka and its analogues only as part of a complex treatment as a symptomatic remedy.

See what mothers think about the Sopelka runny nose patch in the following video.

The problem of the runny nose has been relevant at all times and among all peoples, which is why it is not surprising that a lot of means have been created to quickly and effectively cope with this problem. Aerosols, sprays, drops, solutions, tablets - all of this in its own way allows you to fight a runny nose and other symptoms of a cold. But if we talk about a practical and convenient device, then the runny nose patch undoubtedly deserves special attention.

Despite the fact that such a device is considered quite popular and widespread today, not every person knows the principles of its operation and use. Today, there are quite a lot of varieties of cold stickers, but the pepper patch is still consistently effective.

Features of pepper patch

Pepper patch is a pepper-based product that has an irritating effect. That is why the use of such a device must be treated very carefully and used exclusively locally. This drug has existed for quite a long time, and for a very long time its features and composition remain unchanged. This product contains additives such as rubber, petroleum jelly, rosin and belladonna. The basis of the pepper patch is a special fabric, which is impregnated with the above substances.

When using pepper patch, you must strictly follow the instructions for use. Under no circumstances should you increase the duration of use of the product, as this may cause a burn.

The main effect of the pepper patch is a warming effect, but in addition it can have an anti-inflammatory effect, as well as relieve pain. That is why such a remedy is a panacea for many diseases, not just the runny nose. But you should understand that using such a device for children is strongly not recommended, since sensitive children’s skin may react negatively to the components of the sticker. It is important to apply the sticker correctly as its effectiveness and the healing process also depend on this.

Rules for using pepper patch

As already indicated, pepper patch can be used to treat various diseases, but if a person wants to get rid of a cold with its help, then the device must be applied correctly. So, you need to apply a pepper patch to treat a runny nose as follows:

  • cut off a small piece from the overall piece of the product;
  • cut the flap into several small pieces;
  • glue the pieces in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses;
  • Glue the remaining parts of the sticker in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose at the beginning of the eyebrows.

The pepper patch has a warming effect and thereby helps eliminate the disease.

Contraindications for use

As already noted, the use of a pepper-type device should be treated with extreme caution, as side effects may occur. Pepper patch also has a number of contraindications, and this must also be taken into account when using it. This device is not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • the occurrence of an allergic reaction after the first use of the product;
  • hyperemia or itching at the site of application of the patch;
  • vegetative-vascular varicose veins;
  • areas of the body with sensitive skin.

As for children, as already noted, it is also not recommended to use such a product for them.

The pepper patch can be used starting from the age of 14; children under this age are advised to use a special children's patch.

Now there are quite a lot of options for children's runny nose patches, but if we talk about the most popular and effective, then this is undoubtedly the drug “Sopelka”. This device is an adhesive tape impregnated with essential oils. The main components of this product are camphor and eucalyptus oil, it is thanks to these substances that the product can have an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and also sedative effect. When using the product for children, you can also achieve a vasoconstrictor effect, as well as the removal of phlegm.

Just like the pepper patch, Sopelka gives a warming effect, but at the same time this remedy is more gentle and has fewer contraindications. But even despite its many advantages, this remedy cannot be used for infants under one year old. This is due to the fact that the components of the drug can cause severe allergic reactions on the delicate baby skin. Experts recommend using the Sopelka product only when the child reaches two years of age. Moreover, when using the patch for up to a year, there is a risk of laryngeal edema.

The Sopelka patch has certain instructions for use, which must be strictly followed to avoid side effects and negative consequences.

Before gluing the Sopelka product, it is very important to study the instructions for use in detail, since only correct use of the drug will allow you to achieve the maximum effect.

Rules for using the drug "Sopelka"

If a person is interested in the question of where to glue the Sopelka patch, then the main thing he needs to remember is that the product cannot be applied to a naked body, as this can provoke an allergic reaction or irritation. For children, this patch should be applied to dry and clean clothing, such as pajamas or a dressing gown. To treat a runny nose, the patch is best placed on the top of your clothing.

This product has an excellent adhesive base, so it is securely fixed on any fabric except synthetics. Apply the patch as follows:

  • print out the individual packaging and remove the patch;
  • remove the protective layer from the adhesive part of the device;
  • apply the flap with the adhesive side to dry and clean clothes, preferably to the area near the collar or chest;
  • Press the patch well onto your clothing.

Such a device can be glued not only to children’s clothes, but also to any objects that are close to them, for example, at the head of the bed, on a night light, and so on.

Precautionary measures

Despite the fact that the Sopelka patch is designed for children and is considered, in principle, harmless, certain precautions must be taken when using it. Firstly, you need to ensure that the product does not come into contact with the skin and, of course, mucous membranes. Secondly, you need to avoid contact of the surface of the device with the eyes, damaged skin areas and the oral cavity. One sticker can only be used once, since after a certain time it loses its properties, since the components of the patch simply erode.

If the use of stickers causes side effects, you should immediately stop treatment and consult a specialist. If there is no effect from such treatment, you also need to seek help from specialists to prescribe more effective therapy.

Alternative patch options for children

Another quite effective and popular cold patch for children is MAGICOPLAST. The main active ingredients of such stickers are natural essential oils of cedar, patchouli, eucalyptus and menthol. The principle of using such stickers differs from the use of “Nozzle”. These stickers are applied directly to the skin. Since this is a remedy to combat the runny nose, it should be applied to the bridge of the nose. If the standard sticker size is too large, it can be adjusted using scissors. This remedy can also be used for children over two years of age.

One MAGICOPLAST sticker is designed for an eight-hour effect, that is, it can be glued overnight, and while the child is sleeping, the product will act. The sticker is very easy to remove, does not irritate the skin and does not leave irritation. Otherwise, you should stop using the product and consult a doctor.

Among the large number of adhesive products, especially from manufacturers from China, it is customary to include medicinal plasters against the common cold in a separate group, which can be more effective than mustard plasters and inhalation preparations. These remedies are especially popular among mothers, whose children very often get colds. Children's patches for runny nose and colds come in different forms, so before purchasing, it is important to carefully consider the drug and its effect.

Description of means

Many mothers note that after using a certain patch, the child’s health improved and he began to breathe normally. Effective strips help both in winter and summer. It is important to carefully review each type of cold patch for children.

In appearance, anti-runny nose patches look like simple adhesive plasters, which everyone uses in case of calluses. Cold stickers differ in size and shape.

The fabric in the product is impregnated with a medicinal composition, which has a positive effect. All transdermal products can be divided into three main groups:

  • patches for inhalation containing essential oils;
  • warming strips;
  • a patch that raises the wings of the nose (has certain restrictions on the age of patients).

Many children do not like to put drops in their nose or make mustard plasters, so they strongly resist. In this case, special safe stickers of various shapes and types are ideal; they help well in the presence of rhinitis and other serious colds in children. Features of the effect - during use, the essential oils in the fabric material begin to evaporate, which helps eliminate the clinical manifestations of the disease.

“Breathe” patch

Stickers from the company "Breathe" include the following essential oils: eucalyptus, mint, fir, gum turpentine (turpentine oil), lavender, as well as levomenthol of plant origin. The drug helps eliminate the acute symptoms of a cold, relieves the body of a viral infection, suppresses pain, swelling, and nasal congestion. It has a positive effect on the respiratory tract, cleansing them. Also, this drug helps improve the baby’s sleep, as a result of which he continues to sleep soundly until the morning.

Strips for inhalation against a runny nose include antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, tonic, and analgesic effects.

Sticker "Magikoplast"

The product has an effective effect; it helps to ease breathing during a runny nose and eliminate congestion. The drug was created taking into account the physiology of the child, which made it completely safe for the baby’s body and its developing systems. The medicine contains the following essential oils: patchouli, cedar, eucalyptus, as well as the effective levomenthol.

The medicine has several effects at once - antiviral, anti-inflammatory. It helps suppress the spread of germs, improves immune system protection, and constricts blood vessels due to its cooling effect.

Chinese funds

Products from Chinese manufacturers - “Tuntse Bite”, “Breathe Correctly”, “Yukan Zhuting” - can significantly facilitate a child’s breathing. They lead to increased blood circulation and eliminate swelling.

Accurate information about the components contained in such products is not provided and it cannot even be found on the packaging. It can only be noted that the patch does not contain medicinal components. The manufacturer of the medicine claims that it is a completely safe snot patch for children.

Pepper strips

If you follow the instructions for the drug, then there is no special principle for its use. The drug is contraindicated in children under the age of six, but it is very often prescribed for older children in the presence of a cold infection. Helps relieve nasal congestion, has a warming and irritating effect, improves blood circulation.

Features of application

Transdermal medications to eliminate a runny nose are represented by simple adhesive plasters. Despite the natural ingredients in the products, it is important to study the instructions in detail before use, and also strictly follow all the manufacturer’s requirements. Before using such a remedy, it is also important to consult with your child’s pediatrician. All patches are used externally only.

The products are considered easy to use. To do this, you just need to remove the protective film and glue the strip itself to the desired area of ​​the body with the sticky side.

If you have a cold, experts recommend placing pepper patch on the skin in the chest area. A pre-selected area of ​​the body must be treated with alcohol or cologne, and then wiped dry. This patch can also be applied to the face (bridge of the nose, forehead). The patch has a positive effect on the body for two days, but how long it should be held in case of a runny nose depends on the specific case. After removing the sticker, Vaseline should be applied to the skin.

The “Nozzle” and “Breathe” patches, if you follow the instructions for use, are installed on the baby’s clothes in the upper chest area, on any dry object that is located in close proximity to the respiratory tract. It is very important that the clothes are made of natural fabric. The drug continues to act for eight hours. Applications can be applied to the skin no more than several times a day.

Plasters for children against runny nose from Magikoplast, depending on the variety installed on the skin using the following method:

  • in case of a runny nose - to the child’s nose area (the protrusion in this case should be directed to the bridge of the nose, and the notch to the tip of the nose);
  • to normalize respiratory activity during a cold - on the fabric of clothing.

The effectiveness of the product lasts for eight hours. You can use several stickers in one day: in the morning and in the afternoon.

The Chinese products “Yukan Zhuting” and “Tuntse Bite” are installed on the bridge of the nose on both sides, on the maxillary sinuses or on the upper point of the nasolabial triangle. If you have chronic rhinitis, you can glue it to the wings of the nose. The drug continues to maintain its effect for two to twelve hours (determined by the treating specialist). Before sticking the strip, it is important to wipe the surface of the skin with a special lotion or wash it with warm, non-soapy water and wipe dry.

Main contraindications

Like other drugs, Anti-rhinitis stickers have some contraindications:

  • allergic reactions and hypersensitivity to medicinal components in the composition;
  • age under two years;
  • presence of seizures, asthma.

It is better not to use the pepper patch until the age of 14 years, the Chinese one - until the age of five. Official instructions for runny nose patches do not allow their use by children under one year of age. But in some cases, pediatricians prescribe Sopelka or Magikoplast for children of this age (at the same time, they adjust the time of exposure of the patch to the body).

When using cold stickers for children, it is very important to carefully ensure that there is no contact with the mucous membrane or ingestion.

Products created for application to fabric are not allowed to be used on exposed skin, as such products most often lead to allergic reactions and cause burns. Anyone who installs the strip on the surface of the skin should not use areas with wounds or scratches.

If an allergic reaction, redness, itching, burning and other negative symptoms occur (some reactions are acceptable only for pepper-shaped patches), it is important to immediately stop using them.

Transdermal drugs have gained wide popularity among mothers due to their rapid action and relative safety in the fight against runny nose. A wide selection of effective products helps parents of their baby choose a more effective and efficient patch.

Description of the “Sopelka” patch

Nozzle is a ready-made drug against runny nose and colds, which can be freely purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription from a treating specialist. The sticker for children includes a special combination of medicinal components. Stickers are released to the pharmaceutical market in special packages containing 4 to 10 disposable strips. The patch is not a medicine that deals with the main cause of the onset of the disease; it only helps the child breathe normally, which is important for proper sleep, and it also reduces coughing and sneezing attacks.

Effective composition

Such cold tablets are classified as inhalation products that contain only natural ingredients. The main active ingredients in the drug are camphor vapor and eucalyptus oil. The vapors of such substances help relieve acute coughing attacks and congestion during a severe runny nose.

The active substances in the Sopelka patch include:

When to start taking

The runny nose patch helps improve the baby's breathing, has a calming effect, and improves sleep. Experts prescribe Sopelka patches for the following diseases:

  • flu;
  • angina;
  • laryngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • ARVI;
  • rhinitis.

According to pediatricians, this drug effectively helps a sick child, but when using it, it is important to take into account some features. It is forbidden to use the product for those who are susceptible to asthma attacks and children under the age of two years. Before using the medicine, it is important to know for sure that the baby does not have any allergic reaction to camphor or eucalyptus oil. It is forbidden to use the product if you have epilepsy or seizures, as well as for women who are pregnant.

When applying it is important to follow some rules:

  • you need to clearly explain to the child that tasting the patch is prohibited, that it is only used for application to the body;
  • It is forbidden to stick to the surface of the skin, as this may cause a burn. The product is used exclusively on clothing;
  • all strips are used only once;
  • Avoid contact with mucous membranes, eyes, and affected areas of the body;
  • If the Nozzle does not help within seven days of use, the child has a fever, headaches or skin irritation, you should consult your doctor.

Because of the appearance of the product, some parents simply do not pay attention to the correct use of it, but this is wrong.

It is important to remember that the strip should only be applied to natural fabric, and not to synthetics. After eight hours of use, the plate must be replaced with a new one.



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