The gum over the tooth is inflamed what to do. Solutions for rinsing

Redness and swelling of the gums in the cervical region of the teeth or between them is a problem with which patients go to the dentist quite often. These signs can indicate both stomatitis or gingivitis, as well as other diseases that can lead to tooth loss. Why does inflammation occur? What are the ways to treat the mucosa, and is it possible to prevent the development of pathology?

Possible causes of gum disease

If the gums are inflamed, in most cases the cause is the accumulation of plaque. Soft deposits, formed from the waste products of bacteria and food particles, gradually turn into stone, which mechanically irritates soft tissues. However, experts identify a number of other reasons that provoke the occurrence of inflammation of the mucous membrane around the tooth:

If a person has a sore gum between the teeth, then the cause may be injury to the soft tissues or an incorrectly installed filling with an overhanging edge. You can detect a defect when brushing your teeth with a floss - the thread will get stuck or break.

If the gum turns blue, do not panic. The bluish tint of soft tissues occurs with improper prosthetics, causing venous blood stagnation, as well as mucosal injuries and gingivitis. It is not recommended to carry out treatment on your own and delay a visit to the dentist.

Sometimes the cause of discomfort and inflammation is that a person has food stuck between chewing teeth or incisors. This trouble occurs due to poor-quality fillings or dentures, deformation of the dentition, or the presence of naturally wide interdental spaces.

Many patients suffer from this problem, but it can be easily corrected: dentures should be replaced, and diastemas on the front teeth or tremas between molars are eliminated with braces.

Types and stages of inflammation of the gums and concomitant symptoms

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There are several diseases that provoke pain and redness of the mucosa. One of the most common is stomatitis. The disease develops against the background of a decrease in immunity. Symptoms:

  • gums ache and become inflamed;
  • sores, vesicles or white plaque are observed on the affected areas (depending on the type of stomatitis) (we recommend reading:);
  • the occurrence of pain at the slightest impact from the outside (including when air enters the oral cavity).

From this article you will learn:

  • what to do if the gum around the tooth is inflamed,
  • what are the causes of inflammation
  • how to treat gum disease at home.

The article was written by a dentist with more than 19 years of experience.

Depending on the cause, it can be observed either in the region of most teeth (which is typical for gingivitis and chronic generalized periodontitis), or there may be a local inflammatory process that develops in the region of only 1-2 teeth. The latter is typical for localized periodontitis, as well as periodontitis of the tooth.

The choice of treatment methods will depend on the cause of the inflammation, as well as on the severity of the inflammatory process. With insufficient oral hygiene, accumulations of soft microbial plaque and calculus appear at the necks of the teeth (Fig. 1-6), which are the causes of the development of gingivitis and chronic periodontitis. The basic treatment in this case will be: 1) removal of dental plaque at the dentist, 2) a course of anti-inflammatory therapy at home.

A completely different treatment is required if the inflammation of the gums near the tooth is local in nature, i.e. observed in the area of ​​only 1-2 teeth. The causes of such inflammation may be the overhanging edge of the filling and crowns, traumatizing the gingival margin, or traumatic supercontacts between the upper and lower teeth. Therefore, if the gum is inflamed near the tooth - what to do in such situations usually consists in eliminating the factor (which caused the injury to the gum edge or chewing overload of the tooth), or in treating inflammation at the apex of the tooth root. We will tell you more about this below.

1. Inflammation of the gums with gingivitis and periodontitis -

If the patient complains of inflammation of the gingival margin and its bleeding when brushing in the area of ​​all or most of the teeth, then this is certainly a symptom of either chronic gingivitis (Fig. 1-3) or chronic periodontitis (Fig. 4-6). The development of these diseases is associated with insufficient oral hygiene, as a result of which soft microbial plaque accumulates on the teeth, as well as hard dental deposits.

Inflammation in the gums with gingivitis and periodontitis occurs due to pathogenic bacteria that are part of plaque and tartar. Bacteria release toxins and inflammatory mediators, which trigger a chain of inflammatory reactions in the gums. At the same time, gingivitis is the initial stage of such inflammation, manifesting itself exclusively by bleeding when brushing your teeth, pain in the gums, their swelling, redness or cyanosis. Inflammation in gingivitis captures only the gingival margin and is not accompanied by destruction of the bone tissue around the teeth.

In the absence of timely treatment of gingivitis, or if it is not properly treated, inflammation leads to the gradual destruction of the dentogingival attachment, as well as to the destruction of the bone tissue around the teeth. This stage of inflammation is already called chronic periodontitis. For periodontitis, all the above symptoms of gingivitis are still characteristic + tooth mobility appears, periodontal pockets form with purulent discharge, gradual exposure of the roots of the teeth, etc.

Inflammation of the gums: treatment for gingivitis and periodontitis

If the patient complains of generalized inflammation of the gums, treatment for gingivitis and periodontitis begins with the removal of dental plaque, and after that a course of anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed. Bacterial plaque and tartar can only be removed from the teeth by a dentist, and is usually used for this (Fig. 7-8), but the course of anti-inflammatory therapy itself can be carried out at home.

Removal of dental plaque by ultrasound: photo

anti-inflammatory therapy

Below we will tell you how to treat gum disease at home. But you must understand that such a course will be fully effective only after the removal of the causative factor of inflammation from the teeth (ie, microbial plaque and tartar). If you use the following remedies without first removing dental deposits, then you can only temporarily drown out the symptoms of inflammation by translating the inflammation into a chronic course.

Inflammation of the gums treatment at home usually lasts 10 days. Gum treatment is carried out 2 times a day (morning and evening), and it is important to do it only after meals and subsequent oral hygiene. Thus, in the morning you should have breakfast and brush your teeth, after which you will first need to rinse your mouth with an antiseptic solution. With a little inflammation, you can use the standard inexpensive one, which is sold at any pharmacy for 40 rubles.

But, if you have severe inflammation of the gums and there is severe bleeding during brushing, it is better to use solutions containing 0.2-025% chlorhexidine. The best remedy for inflammation of the gums with such a concentration of chlorhexidine is Lacalut Active rinse, or "PresiDent Antibacterial". To rinse, you need to take 10-15 ml of the solution into your mouth (one sip) and, without spitting anything, rinse your mouth for 1 minute.

After rinsing, it is necessary to apply a special anti-inflammatory gel to the gum. The best medicine for gum inflammation for these purposes is (it contains 2 active ingredients that penetrate deep into the mucous membrane and quickly relieve inflammation). With moderate inflammation, Parodontocid gel can also be used. The gel will be better fixed on the moist oral mucosa if you first dry the gingival margin with a dry gauze swab.

Next, squeeze the gel onto your finger and apply it to the gum line, which is adjacent to the front surface of the upper and lower teeth. Usually, the gel is applied to the gums only from the front surface of the dentition (on the lingual / palatal side, treatment is carried out if necessary). After applying the gel, do not drink for 30 minutes, do not rinse your mouth, and do not eat for 2 hours. Swallow the resulting saliva as usual, it does not need to be saved or spit. In the evening, repeat the treatment - rinse your mouth again after eating and brushing your teeth, and then apply the gel.


  • With gingivitis inflammation covers only the marginal part of the gums, so the above anti-inflammatory course and preliminary removal of dental plaque is quite enough for a complete cure of the patient. But to prevent inflammation from recurring, it is very important to maintain proper oral hygiene. Below the link you can read comprehensive information on the forms of gingivitis and their treatment -
  • With periodontitis, i.e. when the symptoms of gingivitis are joined by tooth mobility, root exposure, suppuration from periodontal pockets - just the removal of dental plaque and the above course of anti-inflammatory therapy will no longer be enough. Here, antibiotic therapy, washing of periodontal pockets, splinting of moving groups of teeth, as well as surgical treatment methods may be additionally required. Read more about this in the article -

2. Local inflammation of the gums near the tooth -

In this section, we will tell you how to relieve inflammation of the gums, if it has arisen in just 1-2 teeth. The reasons for such limited inflammation of the gums may be a localized form of periodontitis, or an exacerbation of chronic periodontitis of the tooth. Swelling of the gums with localized periodontitis, as a rule, is localized in the interdental space, and closer to the gingival margin (Fig. 9-10). Often, when you gently press on such a swelling, you can see that pus begins to secrete from under the gums.

Swelling of the gums with localized periodontitis: photo

The main causes of periodontitis localized in the region of 1-2 teeth are most often the following factors:

  • Traumatic bite(supercontact) -
    in the area of ​​some teeth, the so-called "premature biting" may occur, i.e. antagonist teeth do not close evenly, but there is premature biting on one of the teeth. The presence of such a supercontact causes a mechanical overload of the tooth, which leads to the destruction of the bone tissue around it and inflammation of the gums. Supercontacts can appear on their own, or be the result of poorly made fillings and crowns.
  • Overhanging edge of the filling in the interdental space
    when treating caries between the teeth, the dentist can leave an overhanging edge of the filling, which will injure the gingival papilla in the interdental space. This is a gross mistake of a dentist. In addition to traumatizing the gums, the overhanging edge of the filling creates conditions for retaining food debris in the interdental space, which also contributes to the development of inflammation.
  • No contact point between teeth
    when that part of the tooth that is in contact with the lateral teeth in the interdental space is destroyed, it is very important to restore the correct contact. This is a rather complicated and painstaking work that requires skill, and not every dentist knows how to restore the “contact point” between the teeth. Lack of good contact will lead to stuffing of food into the interdental space, followed by decay of food residues and the development of inflammation.

Inflammation of the gums near the tooth: treatment
if the cause is the overhanging edge of the filling or crown, then it is necessary to grind off the overhanging edge of the filling with a burr (if possible, otherwise completely replace the filling), make a new crown. In the absence of a good contact point between the teeth in the interdental space, it is also necessary to replace a poor-quality filling or crown, which caused the lack of contact. In the presence of traumatic supercontact, “selective tooth grinding” is performed.

All of the above is a basic therapy aimed at eliminating the causative factor that caused inflammation. Further, depending on the severity of inflammation and the degree of destruction of the bone tissue around the tooth, curettage of the periodontal pocket can be carried out with the insertion of synthetic bone tissue into the bone pocket (to restore the bone level), a course of anti-inflammatory therapy, splinting of the tooth.

Inflammation of the gums with periodontitis -

In localized periodontitis, inflammation develops in the interdental space, in which a periodontal pocket is formed by inflammatory resorption of the bone tissue around the tooth. In turn, swelling of the gums is associated with the development of purulent inflammation at the top of the tooth root (Fig. 13). Swelling of the gums in this case will appear most often in the projection of the top of the root of the diseased tooth.

Inflammation of the gums with periodontitis: photo

The reason for the development of periodontitis (inflammation at the top of the tooth root) is an infection in the root canals. Periodontitis occurs either as a result of the lack of timely treatment of caries and pulpitis of the tooth, or with poor-quality dental treatment, especially often with poor quality. Inflammation of the gums during periodontitis is usually limited to 1 causative tooth, but when a large purulent abscess is formed, it can spread to several teeth (Fig. 14).

In all cases, inflammation, as a rule, is localized and is located in the projection of the causative tooth. In a periodontitis tooth, a cyst (a bag filled with pus) forms at the top of the root, which causes swelling of the gums. Swelling and swelling of the gums in this case will periodically appear, then disappear, etc.

How to relieve inflammation of the gums with periodontitis -
if the inflammation is really caused by the development of periodontitis (and not gingivitis or periodontitis), then this must be verified by taking an x-ray and comparing it with the data of a visual examination of the teeth. The causative tooth will always have either a carious defect or a filling. And an x-ray will allow you to see inflammatory changes in the bone tissue in the area of ​​​​the apex of the tooth root, as well as the quality of root canal filling, if it was previously performed.

Next is the dental treatment. If root canal treatment in the tooth has not been previously performed, then first the nerve is removed and the root canals are mechanically treated, after which the inflammatory focus at the apex of the tooth root is treated with special pastes based on calcium hydroxide. Next, the root canals are filled with gutta-percha and the crown of the tooth is restored with a filling or crown. For comprehensive information on the treatment of periodontitis, read the article:

Gum treatment at home

1) With gingivitis and periodontitis at home, you can only carry out anti-inflammatory therapy (antiseptic rinses, applications of anti-inflammatory drugs). However, this will not cure the inflammation, but will only relieve the symptoms for a short time. In order for anti-inflammatory therapy to have an effect, it is necessary to first remove all dental deposits. This can be done qualitatively only with the help of an appointment with a dentist.

2) If we are talking about inflammation of the gums against the background of injury to its overhanging edges of fillings / crowns, then simply anti-inflammatory therapy will also not give the desired effect without eliminating the traumatic factor. Those. You still have to go to the dentist.

3) If you have periodic swelling of the gums in the area of ​​​​several teeth against the background of periodontitis of one of the teeth, then anti-inflammatory drug therapy (including antibiotic therapy) is completely useless. Inflammation in this case is caused by an infection in the root canals, and until the root canals of this tooth are properly sealed, the inflammation will not go anywhere.

Important : therefore, it is very important to understand that home treatment can be effective only in terms of conducting a course of anti-inflammatory therapy for chronic gingivitis and periodontitis, but again, only after professional cleaning of the teeth from plaque and calculus. Also, home treatment can be used to strengthen the gums between the main courses of anti-inflammatory therapy.

Inflammation of the gums: treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies are positioned as a "safe" replacement for professional anti-inflammatory drugs designed to treat inflammation. However, they have a tenfold weaker effect than professional antiseptics or anti-inflammatory gum gels. You can use folk remedies only as an additional remedy in complex therapy or for prophylactic purposes.

Non-alcoholic decoctions of herbs do have a slight anti-inflammatory effect, for example, eucalyptus, chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, oak bark ... But it is not recommended to constantly rinse your mouth with these decoctions, because. the pigments contained in such decoctions easily settle on the surface of the teeth, making their surface rough, and this facilitates the formation of tartar.

If you really want to definitely use plant-based rinses, then it’s better to buy ready-made factory-made plant-based rinse elixirs (the pigments have already been removed from them), or use anti-inflammatory ones. You can read about the ranking of the best toothpastes for gums at this link.

A large number of recipes circulate on the Internet, which not only are not able to cure gum inflammation, but on the contrary, contribute to the progression of inflammation. But most folk remedies, in the absence of professional treatment, only reduce the symptoms of the disease, masking them, and at this time the disease itself will progress imperceptibly.

The health of the teeth and the integrity of the dentition directly depend on the condition of the gums. Inflamed bleeding gums, bad breath - you should seek help from a doctor. No folk remedies will help eliminate the cause of inflammation, but only temporarily stop unpleasant symptoms. Only a doctor can find the cause of inflammation and eliminate it.

Inflammation of the gums

Causes of inflammation of the gums near the tooth

Inflammation is the most common gum disease that occurs in therapeutic dentistry. Inflammation of the gums occurs in patients of any age.

The oral cavity has its own microflora, and if the balance is disturbed, pathogenic bacteria cause an inflammatory process. Pathological processes in periodontal tissues have varying degrees of severity. And the sooner the patient seeks help, the easier it will be to cure the pathology.

The main causes of inflammation:

  1. Decreased immunity of the body.
  2. Insufficient or incorrect oral hygiene.
  3. Malnutrition and lack of vitamins.
  4. Smoking abuse.
  5. Pregnancy and hormonal changes during menopause.
  6. genetic predisposition.
  7. Mineralized dental deposits.

Often inflammation of the gums near the tooth at the end of the jaw occurs when the wisdom tooth is in the wrong position in the dentition. An impacted wisdom tooth presses on the roots of adjacent teeth and jaw joints, to which the gum tissue responds with swelling and pain. Pain and swelling also appear during the eruption of wisdom teeth.

Inflammation and bleeding of the gums

If the inflammation is accompanied by bleeding gums and bad breath, then this indicates pathological processes in periodontal tissues.

Diseases that cause inflammation

All dental diseases are interconnected, the differences are only in the intensity of the manifestation of symptoms and the severity of the course of the pathological process. A severe form of the disease provokes changes not only in soft tissues, but also affects the roots of the teeth.

The main pathological processes that provoke the appearance of inflammation of the gums near the tooth:


This term is used to denote the initial stage of gum disease. Violation of the microflora of the oral cavity and the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the gum tissue causes inflammation. Which is accompanied by swelling, bleeding and soreness of the gums.

Gingivitis early stage

When eating solid foods or brushing teeth, the patient notes reddening of the gums, their swelling, and slight bleeding. Rarely, gingivitis is accompanied by multiple formation of white dots at the roots on the gums without suppuration, and the accumulation of curdled plaque on the gums.

More complex than gingivitis is the stage of the inflammatory process in the tissues of the gums. It is accompanied by several times the symptoms of gingivitis. Sometimes the patient notes that the gum is reddened and swollen, and sometimes the gum may turn white. Whitening of the gums indicates the presence of a white purulent infiltrate in the tissues. Pathogenic microorganisms that provoke suppuration enter the periodontal pocket.

Chronic periodontitis

Mobility of the teeth appears, the gum above the tooth goes away and exposes the root. The patient notes a strong pain syndrome when eating and brushing teeth, persistent bleeding from the gums appears, and body temperature often rises.


Periodontitis is a severe form of gum disease. With periodontitis, the patient has swelling of the gums near the tooth, and at the top of the root on the gums, a white spot is seen (a fistula filled with purulent infiltrate). Inflammation of the gums around the tooth affects more than one part of the jaw, it spreads to neighboring tissues.

Chronic periodontitis of both central incisors

Gradually, suppuration gives swelling to soft tissues. Periodontitis is also often accompanied by inflammation of the periosteum, which requires surgical intervention. In this case, the patient notes the presence of signs of intoxication of the body (headache, fever, nausea, weakness).

Hormonal causes

The period of hormonal changes during puberty in adolescents not only radically changes the entire body, but also changes the microflora of the oral cavity. If Insufficient oral hygiene, together with the changed microflora in the mouth, provoke inflammation of the gums. Inflammation of the gums near the tooth, caries of the molars and the formation of fluxes are far from a complete list of possible problems.

Inflammation of the gums near the tooth can also appear during another period of hormonal changes in the body - during pregnancy. If a pregnant woman has inflamed gums, then this also indicates a change in hormonal levels. Constant changes in mood and taste preferences make pregnant women alternate several foods of different acidity at one meal, which also affects the state of the microflora of the oral cavity. The immune system cannot cope with the mass reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, and inflammation forms in the oral cavity.

After another similar meal, the woman's gums became very inflamed, it is worth considering a visit to the dentist.

He will be able to select the necessary and safe drugs to combat inflammation and normalize the microflora of the oral cavity.

Inflammation of the gums in children

Why do teeth become inflamed in babies: the eruption of the first teeth, because of the children experience discomfort in the oral cavity. This is the main cause of inflammation. Often, teething is accompanied by pain and swelling of individual sections of the gums.

To eliminate inflammation and relieve symptoms during teething, it is necessary to massage the gums with a special rubber brush and use children's dental gels. The gel relieves redness and swelling at the site of teething and helps relieve pain for a while.

Children's products for gums

Sometimes the gums between the teeth become inflamed in older children due to poor oral hygiene or when eating hard foods that can injure tissues. Frequent gingivitis appears in the oral cavity in those children who abuse sweets. Carious cavities formed under the harmful influence of sugar are filled with actively multiplying bacteria. Bacteria also penetrate into the gum tissue, because of this they hurt and bleed.

To remove inflammation of the gums and heal caries at home will not work, and so that the inflammation does not develop into a more serious periodontal disease, you need to see a doctor.

What to do if the gum around the tooth is inflamed

Most do not know how to treat bleeding gums and what to do with inflammation of the gums near the tooth. The main rule before starting treatment is to establish the causes of inflammation. If the gum is inflamed during an injury with a sharp object, then infection of the tissues with pathogenic microorganisms should be excluded; for this, special wound healing antiseptic gels are used.

If gingivitis appeared due to unidentified factors, then the treatment of inflammation should be entrusted to a specialist. The doctor will establish the true cause that provoked the pathology, and will tell you how to treat inflammation.

Independent attempts to eliminate inflammation can provoke the progression of the disease or lead to irreversible processes for the whole organism as a whole. Traditional medicine is allowed to be used as an additional therapy only after consultation and diagnostic examination by a specialist.

If, in order to eliminate inflammation, it is necessary to remove the purulent infiltrate accumulated in the tissues, then a visit to the doctor cannot be postponed. If tightened with surgical excision, then inflammation can provoke a rarefaction of the bone structures of the maxillofacial apparatus or develop into sepsis.

After the excision procedure and complete tissue regeneration, the cured gum acquires a natural color, but a scar remains at the excision site.

How to rinse your mouth

If the doctor has established the cause of gum redness, swelling and pain and recommended rinsing as the main therapy, then it is better to use the following remedies:

  • Chlorhexidine. The product is sold in a pharmacy in liquid form and is ready for use. Chlorhexidine rinse the mouth several times a day and after each meal. To eliminate inflammation, a course of about five days is required.
  • Furacilin. A solution of furacilin can be purchased at a pharmacy ready-made, or you can make it yourself from tablets (two tablets per glass of warm water). Rinse your mouth with a solution of furacilin several times a day, and after each meal. The course of treatment should not exceed five days.
  • Miramistin. This multifunctional tool is also used to eliminate inflammation in the oral cavity. Miramistin solution is sold in a pharmacy ready-made.

Means for rinsing the mouth

If the reason that the gums are red and bleeding is a fungal infection, then the doctor prescribes the additional use of special antifungal drugs.

Medications to treat inflammation

In severe cases, experts suggest that patients use antibiotics to stop inflammation. Self-administration of drugs is excluded, because. high risk of irreversible consequences for the body.

The following types of antibiotics are most often used in therapeutic dentistry:

  • Erythromycin. A bacteriostatic antibiotic that can affect gram-positive pathological microorganisms. Erythromycin is used according to an individual treatment regimen, but in a course not exceeding ten days.
  • Ampicillin. An antibiotic of a semi-synthetic type capable of exerting an anti-infective effect on pathological organisms of the oral cavity. It is often used for infection of the upper respiratory tract with various microbes. The course of taking an antibiotic is not more than ten days.
  • Amoxicillin. A broad-spectrum antibiotic from the penicillin group. The drug is prescribed for both adults and children with a course of no more than seven days. Amoxicillin is prescribed as maintenance mandatory therapy for gingivitis, even if the patient has no symptoms of disease progression.
  • Metronidazole. Broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug. It has a bactericidal property and is used both locally (in the form of applications on the affected areas of soft tissues in the oral cavity) and orally in the form of tablets. The course of treatment with the drug is no more than ten days.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine for inflammation of the gums should not be used instead of the traditional one, because for the patient there is a risk not only of losing teeth, but also of blood poisoning.

If you do not know what to do when the gum near the tooth is inflamed, then the advice of traditional medicine will help to provide first aid before visiting a specialist. To stop inflammation at the initial stage, not only antiseptic solutions are suitable, but also decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs. There are also special recipes for lotions and baths using antiseptic traditional medicine.

Calendula tincture is an effective remedy

The most common and proven folk remedies for eliminating inflammation:

  • Rinsing the mouth with a decoction of chamomile and calendula. To prepare the solution, dry chamomile and calendula flowers are used. Herbs are mixed in equal proportions, a tablespoon of the collection is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted. After the broth has completely cooled, it is filtered and used for daily rinsing of the oral cavity after each meal.
  • Chamomile and oak bark. Chamomile is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, while oak bark has hemostatic and astringent properties. A mouthwash based on a mixture of these herbs is a great addition to traditional antibiotic treatment. The crushed oak bark is mixed with chamomile flowers in equal proportions and poured with boiling water. The proportions are similar to the decoction for rinsing the mouth of chamomile and calendula. Only a rinse based on oak bark must be simmered over low heat for no more than half an hour, and then cool and strain.
  • Mouthwash based on sage. It is an effective remedy for redness and inflammation of the gums. The decoction is prepared simply: for this, they take a tablespoon of herbs and brew with a glass of boiling water. After cooling, cool and filter. Rinse your mouth with a solution every time after brushing your teeth.

Symptoms of the disease

Inflamed gums bring a lot of troubles, there are painful sensations during meals, bleeding, redness, purulent discharge.

These symptoms can lead to serious problems in the oral cavity. In the absence of timely treatment, you can get such dangerous diseases as gingivitis, periodontitis, malocclusion and much more.

Important! With inflammation of the gums, treatment at home can be carried out, and many dentists say that it is even necessary. Various herbal decoctions help much better, and are much cheaper than medicines from pharmacies.

Causes of gum disease in adults

There are a sufficient number of factors that influenced the inflammatory process of the gums:

  • genetics;
  • bad habits (smoking);
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • fillings and crowns of poor quality;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes;
  • infections in the body;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • reaction to taking certain drugs.

Bacteria are the main cause.

Interesting! Read more about gum disease.

How to properly treat gums

Improvement of the oral cavity should be carried out by regularly rinsing with various infusions and decoctions based on medicinal herbs. The procedure must be carried out:

  • in the morning after waking up;
  • one hour before meals;
  • immediately after eating;
  • before bedtime;
  • according to the patient's well-being.

How to remove the flux with inflammation

To alleviate the symptoms, folk remedies are often used:

  • soda solution (1 tsp each of soda and salt, pour 200 ml of boiling water, let cool to room temperature, rinse every three hours);
  • decoction of sage (1 tablespoon of the plant pour 250 ml of boiling water, boil for 3 minutes, let it brew for half an hour, strain, rinse every 20 minutes for three hours).

Important! We have already written in detail about the treatment of gum tumors at home!

If the gums are inflamed with angina

The main symptoms of gums with angina are distinguished:

  • redness of the mucous membrane;
  • fever, general fatigue;
  • difficulty in eating, bad breath;
  • swelling of the gums, increased salivation;
  • the formation of gray plaque, leading to loosening of the teeth.

The first step is to get rid of the cause of the disease, then prescribe therapy for inflamed gums. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Purulent inflammation near the tooth

Conservative treatment includes:

  • removal of a crown or filling;
  • drilling of tissues affected by caries;
  • nerve removal;
  • expansion of root canals;
  • canal treatment with antiseptics;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • after a while, a permanent filling or crown is placed.

At home, you can use folk rinses: dilute hydrogen peroxide 3% with water in a ratio of 1:1.

With a cold

The main symptoms of gum inflammation due to a cold are acute toothache, reddening of the mouth, swelling, and swelling. During the treatment, tissues with purulent formations are removed. If a toothache has made itself felt after the onset of a cough and a temperature rise, then most likely it will recede on its own in a couple of days.

Inflammation of the gums under the crown

The course of treatment includes:

  • gum massage, eating hard, solid foods (apples, carrots, nuts);
  • enrich the body with vitamin C;
  • use of dental floss for cleaning, cleaning of tartar;
  • taking painkillers (Tempalgin, Paracetamol);
  • rinsing with antiseptic solutions (Furacilin, Miramistin, Chlororhexidine);
  • with bleeding, gels are used (Metrogil, Solcoseryl).

After tooth extraction

The inflammatory process of the gums after tooth treatment is a consequence of the body's reaction to the drug or incorrect treatment. Many medicines have side effects and contraindications that should be observed before use. They can cause irritation of the oral mucosa, which leads to inflammation.

The reason for this manifestation may be the negligent attitude of the patient - non-compliance with the prescriptions of the attending physician. If during the rehabilitation period you adhere to hygiene and the recommendations of a specialist, you can avoid the inflammatory process and unpleasant consequences.

How to treat gum disease at home

In order for a folk remedy to really benefit, you must definitely ask your dentist if the selected herb is suitable for your particular case. As statistics show, more and more people suffer from improper oral care today. This is due to life in the city, malnutrition, constant stress and lack of vitamins. How to help your gums?


To prevent infection in sore gums, eat 3-4 cloves of garlic a day or use it as a dietary supplement. You can also rinse your mouth with garlic:

  • grate garlic on a fine grater and mix with water in a ratio of 1: 3;
  • let it brew for half an hour, rinse your mouth with ready-made infusion three times a day.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil is successfully used in dentistry for the treatment of inflamed gums, it has a wound healing effect. The procedure is performed using a cotton or gauze swab dipped in oil. The patch must be applied to the inflamed area. Also, sea buckthorn oil can be rubbed with a finger into a sore spot.

Hydrogen peroxide

If the gums bleed, a regular 6% hydrogen peroxide solution will help. You will need to dilute it in a glass of water and rinse your mouth several times a day. To achieve a positive effect, rinsing is done for five days without interruption.

Oak bark

The next great remedy that at home helps to quickly cope with oral problems. For 0.5 liters of water, two large spoons of oak bark powder are brewed. It will be necessary to boil on fire for about ten minutes, and then insist until warm. Rinse your mouth three times a day. Each time use at least half a cup of broth.

Probably the most famous and common way to treat diseases of the oral cavity. In a glass of warm water dissolve a small spoonful of salt and half a small spoonful of soda. You can also add some sage. Rinse your mouth with this infusion.

herbal collection

Since many herbs have healing effects in different directions, you can immediately use herbal collection for rinsing. For two glasses of water, take a large spoonful of St. John's wort and black elderberries, add strawberry leaves. Boil for ten minutes, then remove from heat and leave covered for half an hour. You can rinse your mouth with this collection every hour.

Aloe leaves

For any folk treatment, those aloe leaves are taken that have already reached the age of three. The spines must be removed, and the leaf itself cut along. Apply to the gums at the site of inflammation. You can carry out this procedure up to seven times during the day.

Sea salt

Again, the method of folk treatment is simple and accessible to everyone. Dissolve sea salt in a glass of water and rinse your mouth up to three times a day. Instead of rinsing, salt can simply be rubbed onto the gums. It is this type of salt that can relieve inflammation and bleeding. Bacteria that destroy tooth tissue will die.

Dead sea mud

To treat inflamed gums, you need to use pure dead sea mud, without additives. Recipe for treatment:

  • Brush your teeth with mud 2 times a day (after breakfast and dinner);
  • after cleaning, with light massaging movements, rub Dead Sea mud into the gums with your finger;
  • rinse the mouth with a solution of salt and mud from the Dead Sea after each meal.


It is necessary to dissolve half a spoonful of soda in a glass of boiled water, add a quarter of the sage tincture. Mix all the ingredients and rinse the gums every half an hour.

Plantain use

If it is summer and you can find fresh plantain leaves in an ecologically clean area, then they will help in the treatment of inflammation of the oral cavity at home. In winter, you can also use dry leaves to make a decoction. They can be chewed, the gums stop bleeding literally within a few days.


To use sage against inflammation of the gums, you need to prepare an infusion (1 tablespoon per 1/2 cup of boiling water, let it brew for 1 hour under the lid, then strain). The prepared drink has a pleasant taste, slightly knits in the mouth. It is necessary to rinse several times a day, preferably after each meal until complete recovery.

Folk remedies based on chamomile and calendula

These are excellent folk remedies for the treatment of gums and their inflammation. It is enough to take a large spoonful of chamomile and calendula flowers, pour a glass of boiled water. After 30 minutes of infusion, you can safely proceed to rinsing.

Decoction of pine buds

Young pine buds are able to stop bleeding gums, relieve their redness and eliminate inflammation. A tablespoon of kidneys is taken and 500 ml of water is poured. Boil for 10 minutes over low heat, insist for a quarter of an hour. Rinse your mouth with 100 ml at least three times a day, and preferably more often.

propolis and alcohol

To prepare such a solution, you will need to take 20 drops of propolis alcohol infusion and dilute it in 0.2 liters of water. The solution is used exclusively for rinsing.

calamus root

A small spoonful of crushed root is poured with 0.2 liters of boiling water. Quarter of an hour to insist, then strain and engage in rinsing the mouth. Calamus, by the way, will not only relieve inflammation of the gums, but also help eliminate bad breath.

natural honey

Inflammation of the gums: home treatment can be carried out using honey (we take an exclusively natural product) and ordinary or sea salt. Four large spoons of salt are taken for one part of honey. Rub and apply the mixture on the inflamed gums.

Therapy with black radish juice

Of course, only fresh squeezed juice can be used in folk treatment. Radish gives an excellent effect with increased bleeding.

In children

To avoid complications with gum inflammation in children, it is necessary to take the child for a consultation with the dentist. Treatment is prescribed based on age, symptoms of the disease and individual characteristics of the organism.

  1. During teething, infants are helped to anesthetize, relieve unpleasant symptoms with gels (Dental, Kamistad) and homeopathic preparations (Dentakids).
  2. Older children are recommended to rinse the mouth with decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, oak bark) or pharmaceutical preparations (Rotokan). They have antiseptic properties and relieve inflammation.

Massage for inflammation of the gums

It is performed using special prophylactic pastes, done with a brush with soft bristles or cotton pads moistened with decoctions of medicinal plants.

This procedure will be most effective in the treatment of gum disease during pregnancy, absolutely safe and effective. Massage should start from the center to the wisdom tooth, the movements should be light and smooth, they should not cause pain.

This is one of the methods of excellent prevention of inflammation of the gums. A positive result will be visible after the systematic implementation of the full course of procedures, at least 10 for the entire period of treatment.

Massage should be done in the morning and in the evening, one session should last at least 5 minutes. After that, you can rinse your mouth with tincture of ginseng or radish. The main thing is not to cause additional irritation of the gum area.

How to Treat Severe Gum Inflammation with Antibiotics and Other Medications

If there is severe inflammation of the gums, then after washing the pus, the doctor prescribes antibiotic treatment to the patient. Most often prescribed "Metronidazole" 500 mg 3 times a day, the course of recovery is about 2 weeks. You can also use other types of drugs "Lincomycin", "Clindamycin", but only after being prescribed by a specialist. The dosage must be controlled by the attending physician, without self-treatment and arbitrariness.

Various ointments, balms and gels, both domestic and foreign, are effective in the treatment of gum disease at home.

  1. Gel Holisal.
  2. Balm Asepta.
  3. Cream for gums Forest balm.

All products are highly effective, in a short time they relieve inflammation, bleeding, eliminate soreness of the gums, block the development of harmful microorganisms in the oral cavity, and have wound healing effects.

It should be noted that anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointments are less effective than gels. Due to their fatty base, ointments do not adhere well to the mucous membranes, so most of them enter the body along with saliva. In rare cases, Heparin ointment may be prescribed to reduce pain and swelling and Troxevasin against bleeding, but their effect in these cases will be weaker.


On the pharmacy shelves, you can choose a gel that will help relieve discomfort during various inflammatory processes of the gums:

  • Dental (option for people with prostheses);
  • Metrogyl Denta (a unique active remedy against gingivitis, periodontal disease, cheilitis, stomatitis, periodontitis);
  • Slakoseril (for micro-wounds on the gums);
  • Halisal (for severe pain);
  • Parodium (periodontitis, gingivitis);
  • Kamistad (eruption of a wisdom tooth, wearing braces, prostheses, with gingivitis, stomatitis, cheilitis and erythrema);
  • Asepta (pain reliever, relieves itching and inflammation);
  • Retragel (for gum retraction, disinfects, stops bleeding).


You should not start taking any antibiotic on your own. Amoxicillin is a drug that prevents infectious diseases and can reduce inflammation. Even pregnant women and children can be prescribed this antibiotic, which is undoubtedly its advantage. The dosage and course of treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the stage of inflammation.


Lincomycin is isolated from a variety of drugs for purulent, inflammatory processes. The medicine is produced in different forms (ointment, injections, capsules). In difficult cases, the injection is injected into the gum. With bleeding gums, the drug can be used at home. At night after brushing your teeth, it is necessary to lubricate the inflamed area with Lincomycin ointment.

How to rinse your mouth with chlorhexidine for gum disease

Chlorhexidine has an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect, is used for gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, aphthae, alveolitis, removable dentures. Mouth rinses should not exceed 12 days, so as not to cause oral dysbacteriosis. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

For rinsing, it is necessary to prepare a solution (0.05 g Chlorhexidine / 100 ml water). Despite the positive effects of the drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Prevention of such violations

The main methods of prevention:

  1. Every day, brush your teeth after waking up and before going to bed, carefully remove food debris at their base, use dental floss, rinse your mouth after each meal.
  2. Eat foods high in calcium, introduce more fiber, fruits and vegetables of natural growth into the diet. Less sweets and meat products, which adversely affect the "well-being" of the gums.
  3. Reconsider the pace of life, avoid stressful situations, relax more, walk in the fresh air, lead a healthy lifestyle.
  4. Massage the gums daily, rinse with decoctions of medicinal herbs.
  5. Stop smoking and abuse alcohol - these factors negatively affect the functioning of all systems of the human body.
  6. Change your toothbrush every three months, opt for an electric toothbrush, they do a better job of removing plaque and at the same time massage the gums.
  7. Brush not only your teeth, but also your tongue, which is a carrier of a million bacteria that enter the oral cavity.
  8. When the first signs of gum disease appear, immediately begin treatment, consult a doctor and use only proven methods of healing the body.

What to do if the gum is inflamed and sore near the wisdom tooth

The jaw of modern people is 10-12 mm smaller than that of the ancient inhabitants of the Earth, since the chewing load on it has decreased due to the transition to softer, thermally processed food in the course of evolution.

Therefore wisdom teeth. located last in the dentition, lost their chewing functions and began to be considered rudimentary.

Third molars, or “figure eights,” as dentists call wisdom teeth, usually begin to grow at 14-25 years old and even later. Although each person has two of their rudiments in the upper and lower jaws, quite often they may not erupt all, remaining impacted. closed by bone or gum tissue or cut through only part of the crown, remaining semi-impacted.

Eights grow and form for a very long time, for years, and for some even decades, with alternating periods of development and rest. They do not have dairy predecessors, by the time they appear so late, they may not have free space in the dentition, they are difficult to clean due to the inconvenient extreme location.

All these features can lead to the development of pathologies, complications during and after eruption, after removal. frequent traumatic.

The most common problem is inflammation, swelling and soreness of the gums around the wisdom tooth.

The causes of inflammation and swelling of the gums can be eruption and complicated germination of the wisdom tooth, pericoronitis. caries. inflammatory and infectious processes in the area of ​​the root and surrounding tissues.

Eruption and complicated germination

Wisdom teeth can erupt in several stages, in most people this process is accompanied by soreness, swelling and inflammation of the surrounding soft tissues.

This is due to the fact that eights do not have milk predecessors, and large third molars have to break through the thickened bone tissue of the alveolar process, causing a lot of discomfort.

The lack of space at the end of the dentition causes complicated germination, a dystopian position, when the figure eights grow in the wrong direction, on the cheek, at an angle, are injured by neighboring teeth, and damage the roots of neighboring teeth themselves.

A dystopic tooth exerts a load on the entire dentition, leading to bite deformation.

Development of pericoronitis

As a result of a prolonged or complicated germination of a wisdom tooth, the gum may partially recede, forming a gum hood over it.

Under the hood, food remains accumulate, causing the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, the mucous membrane is injured when biting on the tooth, which leads to the development of a non-infectious inflammatory process in the tissues surrounding the crown and the occurrence of pericoronitis.

In its course, this dental disease can be acute, catarrhal or purulent, and chronic.

Pericoronitis looks like this

The chronic form of the disease regularly recurs with symptoms of acute purulent pericoronitis.

The lack of timely treatment of pericoronitis threatens with extremely dangerous complications - the formation of perimaxillary phlegmon, osteomyelitis of the jaw. periostitis. abscess. Therefore, if there are signs of it, you should immediately consult a dentist.

The doctor prescribes treatment depending on the form and stage of the disease, it can be medical or surgical, consisting in dissection or complete excision of the inflamed hood.

Caries, infections and inflammatory processes

Inaccessibility, impeding full hygiene, complicated, delayed or incomplete eruption, structural features determine the predisposition of eights to caries. inflammatory and infectious processes in the area of ​​the root and surrounding tissues of the tooth.

If the gum is inflamed, swollen and sore, this may mean that the wisdom tooth is affected by one of the following dental diseases or conditions:

  1. Caries. including an impacted dystopic tooth. Often the third molars germinate already with signs of significant destruction of the outer part, and their presence in the gum does not protect against destruction.
  2. Pulpitis. periodontitis. which are a complication of advanced caries, as well as periodontal cysts.
  3. Fistula, flux, abscess. formed due to the penetration of microbes into the tooth and the development of purulent-inflammatory processes.

Relieve inflammation and pain

Few manage to avoid pain and swelling of the gums near the wisdom tooth during its eruption, even if it grows and develops correctly, without complications.

In this case, analgesics, special dental gels and ointments containing anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic components, and pharmacy rinsing solutions are effective.

In no case should the area of ​​the tooth with inflamed gums be heated, this can provoke the development of a purulent process.

First aid

What can be done to relieve inflammation and pain from the gums at home:

All these funds can not be used for more than 3 days without medical supervision. If the pain does not subside and the swelling of the gums does not go away, you should immediately consult a dentist to determine the cause of the inflammation and prescribe adequate treatment.

To relieve inflammation in pericoronitis, the pocket under the gingival hood must be washed with an antiseptic solution: Furacilin, Iodoform, Potassium permanganate.

Folk remedies

In the initial stages of inflammation, folk remedies can be used as auxiliary, in certain situations giving a good result. The most commonly used are infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs that have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and disinfectant properties.

Herbs are brewed with boiling water in the proportions of 1 teaspoon per glass of water, insist, filter and rinse your mouth 4-6 times a day. The most effective decoctions from the following plants:

A weak saline solution and a solution of baking soda in the proportions of a teaspoon per glass of water have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. They can rinse your mouth 3-5 times a day.

Professional help

The most correct thing to do if the gum hurts, inflamed and swollen near the wisdom tooth is to see a doctor.

The dentist will determine the cause with a visual examination or x-ray and prescribe the appropriate treatment:

What if the gums are swollen after tooth extraction

The removal of a wisdom tooth is most often traumatic due to its large size, uncomfortable position, and partial impaction.

If the gum swells after removal and hurts for more than 2-3 days, and the pain increases in intensity, this may be a sign of alveolitis - inflammation of the walls of the hole due to infection, bone fragments entering the wound.

The reason for the development of alveolitis can also be too early washing out of the blood clot from the wound from frequent rinsing of the mouth after tooth extraction.

The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • sharp pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hole and gums;
  • swelling and redness of the gum mucosa around the hole;
  • absence of a blood clot in the hole earlier than 7 days after tooth extraction;
  • purulent discharge from the hole, bad breath;
  • an increase in body temperature, a deterioration in well-being, an increase and soreness of the submandibular lymph nodes.

This condition should be treated as quickly as possible so that the infection does not penetrate into the deeper layers of the bone and does not cause tissue necrosis, osteomyelitis of the jawbone, phlegmon, periostitis, abscess, and even blood poisoning. At the slightest suspicion of alveolitis, you should immediately consult a dentist.

A swollen gum around a wisdom tooth can be the first sign of serious dental disease, leading to dangerous consequences. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, it is better to seek help from a dental clinic as soon as possible.

Only a doctor can determine the cause of inflammation and pain after a preliminary examination.

Inflamed gum near the tooth: what to do

Often, many patients complain to dentists about such a problem as reddening of the gums around the tooth. Initially, the inflammatory process occurs without any symptoms. However, after that, the tooth begins to stagger, hurt, and the patient's temperature rises. Few people can endure such a painful condition, ignoring the obvious symptoms. Many do not know how to cope with inflammation on their own and therefore turn to a dental clinic for specialists.

Periodontitis: causes, symptoms

Periodontitis is an inflammatory process that occurs between the tissues and the bone bed of the tooth.

Before starting treatment, you need to determine the root cause of the appearance of periodontal disease. Symptoms of the disease can be expressed in the following:

  • unsteadiness of the tooth;
  • severe pain;
  • swollen lips and cheeks;
  • an increase in the size of the gums;
  • occasionally there is a fistula (purulent discharge seeps from the infected gum).

How to relieve inflammation of the gums

Chronic periodontal disease

If an inflamed gum near the tooth bothers a person periodically, and the signs remind of themselves occasionally, then the disease can be detected by accident or it will imperceptibly progress further. The chronic form has hidden signs: mild pain, as well as slight discomfort during pressure on the tooth. Therefore, rarely does anyone go to the doctor because of such minor problems.

Periodontitis is an infectious disease that develops against the background of:

  • illiterate treatment of pulpitis, if the medicines have penetrated into the tissue space near the tooth);
  • lack of treatment of pulpitis;
  • the presence of osteomyelitis;
  • advanced sinusitis.

Gingivitis: symptoms and causes

When the gums around the tooth become inflamed, this may be a sign of the presence of gingivitis. At the same time, the integrity of the gingival tissues is not violated during the course of the disease. The following symptoms will help to recognize the disease:

  • increase in temperature;
  • swelling and bleeding of the gums;
  • fetid odor from the mouth;
  • visible deposits appear on the tooth;
  • necrosis (a white coating appears on the infected site);
  • blue or redness of the affected area;
  • tissue growth;
  • when cleaning the oral cavity, unpleasant sensations arise.

Relieve inflammation of the gums

Some symptoms remind of themselves only if the disease is at an advanced stage, in which the body itself cannot overcome intoxication. But in most people, inflammation of the gums near the tooth (photo below) proceeds more imperceptibly.

Causes of gingivitis:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • damage to the gums by filling particles or crusts;
  • poor-quality oral care, contributing to the appearance of tartar.

Periodontitis: symptoms, causes

With periodontitis, inflammation occurs in the tissues in the area of ​​the tooth, which leads to its destruction.

Signs of the disease:

  • bleeding gums;
  • throbbing and itching;
  • unsteadiness of the tooth;
  • exposure of the tooth base;
  • discomfort when chewing;
  • offensive odor from the mouth.

Inflammation of the gums around the tooth

In case of exacerbation of periodontitis, there is a significant increase and reddening of the gums, high fever, malaise, severe pain.

Infectious periodontitis is formed due to:

  • damage or curvature of the teeth;
  • malnutrition;
  • advanced periodontal disease or gingivitis;
  • bacterial plaque, which gradually becomes tartar;
  • inadequate oral care;
  • medical error (poor-quality prosthetics or restoration).

Important! Before dealing with an urgent disease, it is necessary to ask a dentist for advice on accompanying diseases.

Inflammation of the gums under the crown

Inflamed gum near the tooth: what to do? The question worries many suffering from unbearable pain. Often this unpleasant process occurs under the crown due to its improper installation. When the crown adjoins loosely, then particles of food penetrate into the micro-holes that have appeared, causing a feeling of pain. It happens that undertreated canals become the cause of inflammation under the crown. But doing home self-treatment is absolutely pointless, because you still have to go to the dentist to remove the crown.

Pills to help relieve pain before visiting a specialist:

How to remove inflammation of the gums near the tooth

For a short time, these painkillers will relieve pain, however, they will not have a long-term effect.

Medications to relieve the pain of gingivitis:

Few realize what to do if the gum near the tooth is inflamed, because most people are afraid of dental procedures since early childhood. Therefore, in order to solve the problem, a person goes to the pharmacy kiosk, so that they sell him a “magic pill”. Indeed, today there are a lot of tablets, sprays, tinctures that have an analgesic effect, but they only relieve pain for a short time. These include:

  • Holisal (gel);
  • Parodontocide (solution or spray);
  • Polyminerol (solution);
  • Maraslavin (solution);
  • Dental (drops);
  • Parodium (gel);
  • Kamistad (gel);
  • Asepta (gel).

These medicines reduce bleeding, suppuration, and they also have an analgesic and disinfecting effect. However, even they cannot be a substitute for visiting the dentist.


Many of us, if the gum is inflamed near the tooth, prefer to master the skills of folk self-treatment, rather than remove the problem from a professional dentist. Of course, there are a lot of non-traditional therapies that can delay a visit to the dentist for a while. For many years, healers have been suggesting the use of healing herbal decoctions from:

  • thyme;
  • lime flowers;
  • wild strawberry leaves;
  • oak bark;
  • calamus roots;
  • chamomile;
  • oregano;
  • hypericum;
  • mint.

Each type of herb must be boiled. The only exception is chamomile - it is poured with boiling water and infused. Regarding the oak bark, it should be boiled over low heat for about 25 minutes, and then poured with chilled boiled water.

Herbal decoctions should rinse the mouth after each meal.

Hydrogen peroxide remedies

  1. In 50 ml of boiled water, pour three teaspoons. peroxides. Initially, the active substance settles, and then almost completely dissolves. Rinse your mouth with the mixture for at least five minutes. Finally, rinse your mouth with clean water.
  2. Half tsp. soda should drip a couple of drops of lemon juice, and then 15 drops of peroxide. All components must be mixed into a gruel and brush your teeth with it. After such a cleansing, you can not eat anything for at least ten minutes.

The effect is achieved due to the disinfecting qualities of peroxide. In addition, it will not harm the enamel and gums. But modern medicine is negative about the use of this substance inside.

Important! Peroxide should not enter the digestive tract, because it will harm the walls of the esophagus, as well as the stomach.

Rinse solutions

It is useful to rinse the mouth with water with the addition of:

What to do if the gum is inflamed

It is important to remember that inflammation of the gums near the tooth, which is treated with alternative therapy, gives little results. The size of the swollen gums may become slightly smaller, but it will not swell completely. Therefore, without the qualified help of a dentist, it will not be possible to do.

How to remove the inflammatory process near the wisdom tooth?

The following factors may be the reason:

  1. Advanced form of caries. The wisdom tooth is located in the farthest place, so it is often subjected to poor-quality cleaning. As a result, a whitish plaque and caries form on it, which provokes the progression of periodontitis.
  2. Erupting tooth. The sensations are similar to when a baby teething. The incision site itches and hurts, occasionally there is an increase in temperature. These signs appear because the tooth grows through the tissues before climbing to the surface.

Important! It is necessary to contact the dentist in any situation, because the inflammatory process can be a sign that the tooth is developing incorrectly, so you should get rid of it.

Folk recipes to help relieve suffering during the germination of a wisdom tooth

If it is not possible to visit the dentist, then the following recipes will help relieve the pain a little:

  1. First you need to make a decoction, consisting of three tables. spoons of chamomile flowers. Then 2 tables are added to it. spoons of honey. Chamomile-honey solution should be regularly rinsed with a mouth during the day.
  2. In a quarter st. water is added 1 table. l. soda, two drops of iodine. Everything is gently mixed. You should constantly rinse your mouth with a healing agent to reduce pain and remove swelling.
  3. Chamomile, sage and calendula are mixed in equal proportions. Everything is poured with boiling water, and after 15 minutes it is filtered. In order for the product to infuse, it must be allowed to cool slightly. Infusion should rinse the mouth at least six times a day.

Prevention of gingivitis

So that after undergoing dental and alternative therapy there is no question: why the gums became inflamed after tooth treatment, preventive measures must be taken.

Rules that prevent the recurrence of the inflammatory process:

  1. Pay close attention to brushing your teeth. Most of the plaque that provokes inflammatory processes is collected in their bases.
  2. Eat foods high in vitamin C every day to prevent bleeding gums.
  3. Maintain a measured lifestyle. Lack of sleep, stressful conditions, work at chemical plants - such negative factors contribute to the inflamed gums between the teeth. Therefore, rest and the right pace of life is the right medicine that protects against many dental problems.
  4. There are raw fruits and vegetables. The fibers of the product are able to clean the surface of the teeth and massage the gums, which is an additional prevention.
  5. Massaging the gums in the morning and evening. Therapeutic massage is done like this: you need to put a little pressure on the gums with the help of the first and second fingers.
  6. To give up smoking. Such a negative habit is absolutely harmful to the whole organism. The oral cavity is no exception. And the use of alcoholic beverages is also harmful on a par with smoking.
  7. Take care of the timely replacement of the toothbrush. Even the most “fancy” and expensive brush should be used for no more than three months. It is better to choose electric brushes, because. they are more efficient at dealing with the raid.
  8. Strengthening bones. For preventive purposes, you should do daily physical exercises, as well as eat foods rich in calcium.
  9. Tongue cleaning. A lot of microbes gather on it, plaque accumulates. You can buy a tongue scraper from the pharmacy or replace it with the back of a toothbrush or a teaspoon.
  10. Diligent brushing of teeth. The cleaning process should take at least 3 minutes. It is advisable to repeat the procedure after each meal.

Interestingly, when a person breaks his leg, he does not try to heal the bone, resorting to recipes invented by traditional medicine. But his attitude to his own oral cavity is completely opposite. Therefore, if the gum over the tooth is inflamed, he can ignore the visit to the dentist and resort to self-therapy. However, this is a huge misconception, because the lack of timely treatment can cause more serious consequences.

Inflamed gum near the tooth - what to do? Inflammation of the gums near the tooth What to do if the gums are inflamed How to remove inflammation of the gums near the tooth Relieve inflammation of the gums Fight inflammation of the gums How to remove inflammation of the gums

What to do with swelling of the gums near the tooth: first aid and dental treatment

Inflammation of the gums near the tooth is accompanied by pain, bleeding and pus. Most often, pathology occurs as a result of periodontal infection due to trauma, insufficient hygiene or incorrect treatment. Rapidly developing, the disease leads to abscesses, destruction of connective tissues and inflammation of the jaw bones.

Symptoms and causes

In the early stages, the tumor on the gum is practically not noticeable. Only slight pain and bleeding of the mucous membranes are possible. But over time, the inflammation becomes more complicated:

  1. The formation of a tumor with purulent contents - an abscess.
  2. An increase in body temperature.
  3. Change in the shape of the face: puffiness and swelling of the cheeks appear.
  4. Loosening of the affected tooth.
  5. The pain becomes pronounced, disturbs when eating, brushing teeth, accidental touches.
  6. Bleeding even with minor impacts.
  7. When pressed, pus comes out of the gums.

The periodontium can become inflamed due to trauma to the mucous membranes or gum disease. In the first case, they may swell as a result of:

  1. Acute purulent gingivitis. It develops against the background of insufficient oral hygiene. Rapidly progressing, accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes, redness, pain.
  2. Periodontitis- infectious inflammation of the periodontium. Appears as a result of advanced gingivitis. Symptoms include connective tissue atrophy and tooth mobility.
  3. Periodontitis- suppuration of the gums occurs due to the formation of granulomas and cysts at the top of the root. Occurs with poor-quality or untimely canal treatment.

Inflammation of the gums near the tooth can also provoke injuries:

  1. Too hard toothbrush.
  2. Periodontal damage by fish bone, nutshell, toothpick, floss.
  3. Overhanging edge of a filling or crown.
  4. A shard of a broken tooth.

Most often, pathology occurs as a result of periodontal infection.

Important! Periodontal diseases and injuries account for 90% of the causes of inflammation of the gums near the tooth. The remaining 10% include edema, outwardly similar to the formation of an abscess, but caused by other factors: precancerous formations, oncogenic tumors, HIV infection, hormonal disruptions, diabetes mellitus.

Before deciding what to do when the gum around the tooth is swollen, it is necessary to find out what caused the pathology. Treatment of an abscess directly depends on the concomitant disease.

The initial dental treatment for pus in the gums is standard, regardless of the reason why it may have become inflamed. It consists of several stages :

  1. opening of an abscess.
  2. Drainage of pus.
  3. Cleansing the cavity with antiseptic agents.
  4. Prescribing medications as adjuvant therapy: antibiotics, painkillers, anti-inflammatory, rinsing solutions.

Further treatment depends entirely on the causes that caused the swelling of the gums. If the abscess was formed due to an injury, prophylactic medication is sufficient. With gingivitis, plaque and hard deposits are removed from the teeth, antiseptic rinses and ointments are prescribed. With advanced periodontitis, splinting will be required - strengthening and fixing the teeth with fiberglass materials.

If swollen gums are due to periodontitis, a completely different approach to treatment is required. It depends on the form of the disease - acute or chronic, and the condition of the root canals. Two types of therapy are possible: conservative or surgical.

Important! It is especially dangerous when the gums around the upper teeth become inflamed, as the process can go into the maxillary sinuses.

Conservative treatment of acute periodontitis is carried out in several stages :

  1. Opening the cavity of a problematic tooth, removing damaged dentin tissues and inflamed pulp.
  2. Expansion and passage of root canals. The most difficult part: if the dentist does not get access to the root tip, the treatment will be unsuccessful.
  3. Antiseptic treatment with sodium hypochlorite, temporary tooth filling.
  4. After 2-3 days, the cavity is opened again, antiseptic preparations are re-introduced into the canal.
  5. If the patient has no complaints of pain, and the x-ray shows a decrease in inflammation, it is possible to fill the canals and restore the crown part of the tooth.

Treatment depends entirely on the causes of gum swelling.

Treatment of chronic periodontitis takes from 1 to 4 months. It is similar to acute form therapy, but has its own characteristics:

  1. After the channels are widened, they are sealed with a special material based on calcium hydroxide. It has a disinfecting effect and promotes bone tissue regeneration.
  2. A temporary filling is placed. Within three months, periodic unsealing and re-filling of the channels with antiseptic preparations and calcium hydroxide is carried out. The frequency of procedures depends on the clinical picture.
  3. After 3 months, a control image is taken and, if the problem is resolved, the canals and the tooth are finally sealed.

Important! If the gums become very inflamed, there is a temperature, pain - the tooth will have to be removed.

Surgical intervention is possible if only the tops of the canals are poorly sealed, and the rest of the canals are treated with high quality. In this case, resection of the root apex is performed:

  1. Access to the root is provided through an incision.
  2. The tip with the unsealed part is cut off.
  3. The cavity is cleaned, the cyst or granuloma is removed.

First aid

Pain medication can be taken to relieve pain.

When thinking about how to remove a tumor with improvised means, it should be remembered that they are used only as a first aid measure. If the gum fester, it is impossible to get rid of edema and abscess at home.

To improve the condition and reduce inflammation will help:

  1. Baths from solutions of soda, salt, potassium permanganate and iodine.
  2. Rinsing with 3% hydrogen peroxide and chlorhexidine.
  3. Taking painkillers (Ketanova, No-shpy) and anti-inflammatory drugs (Nimesila, Affida Fort).
  4. Applying cold to the cheek.

Important! If the gum is inflamed, it can not be heated. Heat will accelerate the development of the disease.

The tumor is provoked by injuries, infectious diseases of the gums and dental canals. Treatment depends on the cause and severity of the pathology. As a temporary measure, you can use rinsing and taking anti-inflammatory medications.

Causes of inflammation

Inflammatory reactions of the mucous membranes usually occur as a consequence of diseases such as gingivitis and stomatitis. Inflammation of the gums under the tooth or above may also indicate that the infection from the tooth affected by caries or pulpitis has penetrated into the periodontal tissues through perforation in the tooth root; often inflammation and the appearance of a fistula accompanies the formation of a cyst in the region of the root apex. If the gum is inflamed, and the tooth hurts, this almost always means the presence of a pathological process in the crown, pulp or roots.

Inflammation of the gums during teething can also be called a frequent phenomenon. Of course, this problem most often affects patients in early childhood, but the appearance of a wisdom tooth can be accompanied by inflammation in adulthood, since this tooth, which does not have previous milk teeth, literally cuts the gum during its development.

Other cases of inflammation are also associated with gum injuries, such as those that occur after dental procedures, after too intensive brushing of the teeth or eating solid foods. In this case, the cause of inflammation is mechanical, chemical or thermal damage to the mucous membrane, which makes it more sensitive and disrupts barrier functions, opening the gate for infection. Injuries can also occur as a result of wearing poor-quality or improperly fitted orthodontic appliances.

The cause of inflammation can also be a change in the hormonal background. This can be caused by pregnancy, thyroid disease, dysfunction of the genitourinary system, etc.

In addition, the disease can be caused by smoking, weakening of the immune system, vitamin deficiency in the body, genetic predisposition and other factors.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • There are painful sensations in the gums.
  • The gums may swell or become red.
  • The appearance of ulcers on the gums.
  • As a result of inflammation of the gums around the tooth, body temperature may rise.
  • Bleeding occurs from the gums while brushing teeth or biting on hard foods.

Due to painful sensations in the gums, a person avoids long-term brushing. A superficial and short-term procedure leads to the fact that plaque gradually accumulates in the problem area, which provokes inflammatory processes and the occurrence of abscesses.

Inflamed gum near the tooth - what to do?

First, try to determine the cause of the inflammation - could it have been trauma, processes associated with tooth decay, other factors?

Regardless of the cause, the treatment regimen for inflammatory reactions usually includes the use of symptomatic agents - for example, anti-inflammatory gels. Such products are available in the ASEPTA line - to relieve inflammation, we recommend using an adhesive gum balm and a gel with propolis. These funds are kept on the gums for a long time and not only relieve inflammation, but also have an antimicrobial and analgesic effect, reducing the risk of complications.

Rinses based on chlorhexidine and other antiseptics help to strengthen the antiseptic effect. Means of similar action, ASEPTA and ASEPTA Fresh, can be used to clean the oral cavity for the entire period of the disease and after it for preventive purposes.

But it is most correct when one of the symptoms of this disease appears, to urgently contact a dentist, who will accurately determine the stage of development of the disease. Following an appointment with a doctor, the following procedures may be recommended:

  • Relief of the root causes of the disease.
  • Local effect on specific plaques.
  • Surgical treatment, etc.

Medical treatment of the disease

Treatment of inflammation of the gums near the tooth involves the use of local medicinal applications and rinsing the mouth.

The list of medicines used for anti-inflammatory applications:

  • Sanguirythrin.
  • Retinol.
  • Befungin.
  • Metronidazole.
  • Usninate sodium.
  • Vasoconstrictor drugs (only if there is bleeding from the gums).

Types of rinses to relieve symptoms of inflammation of the gums near the tooth and treat the disease:

  1. Rinse with baking soda solution. Held every half an hour throughout the day. The solution is prepared as follows: a teaspoon of soda is diluted in a glass of hot water.
  2. Rinse with chlorhexidine solution. It is advisable to purchase a 0.05% product. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day - after each meal. It is forbidden to exceed the recommended number of manipulations.
  3. Rinsing with a solution of furatsilina. The agent is prepared in the following sequence: first, two tablets of the drug must be completely dissolved in hot water, and then the liquid must cool to room temperature. The procedure must be repeated hourly throughout the day.
  4. If inflammation of the gums near the tooth has led to the development of stomatitis, a 0.01% Miramistin solution is suitable as a rinse. It is recommended to carry out the procedure three times per knock (but after brushing your teeth).

Treatment of the disease with folk remedies

The list of effective folk ways to get rid of inflammation of the gums around the tooth:

  1. Rubbing tincture of calendula on alcohol into the gums.
  2. Strained and chilled decoction of chamomile and calendula in equal proportions. Used for rinsing three times a day.
  3. Kalanchoe juice - rubbed into inflamed gums.
  4. Rinsing with sage infusion. With severe bleeding, oak bark and sage are used in equal proportions. For maximum effect, baking soda can be added to the solution.
  5. Rinsing the mouth with an infused mixture of St. John's wort and chamomile.
  6. Use of pharmacy chamomile for rinsing. The procedure must be carried out at least 7 times a day.

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453 03/08/2019 5 min.

Inflammation of the gums is a common problem, all adults have complained about it at least once in their lives. The first thing to do is to visit a doctor so that he evaluates your condition and gives recommendations on how to improve it. It is important to understand that inflammation can be the first stage of diseases such as gingivitis or periodontitis, which in advanced stages can lead to complete loss of teeth. In this review, you will learn why inflammatory processes in the gums occur and what can be done to eliminate them, but remember that the treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

Causes of the inflammatory process

Consider the main causes of the development of the inflammatory process in the gums:

Prolonged inflammation of the gums can lead to tooth loss, so you should definitely contact your dentist.

  1. Microbes- inflammation is caused by pathogenic microorganisms that live on the oral mucosa, teeth. They do not pose a threat in themselves, but under the condition of poor immunity, they can cause unwanted reactions.
  2. Improper or simply insufficient oral care. If you regularly “forget” to brush your teeth, use the wrong toothpastes and brushes, don’t know what flosses and rinses are, don’t be surprised when dental problems appear. The fact is that the nutrient medium for bacteria - plaque - is constantly present and creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of microbes. Read more about how to get rid of brown plaque on your teeth.
  3. Tartar- This is a hard coating that is formed from a soft one under the influence of certain microorganisms. The stone injures the gums, they sink, and the bacteria begin to penetrate into deeper tissues.
  4. Other reasons- for example, beriberi, smoking, improper installation of fillings and prostheses, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, problems with the immune system.

It turns out that the tendency to inflammation of the gums is inherited.

Manifestations of gingivitis

Gingivitis is the most common gum disease. The pathological process develops gradually, and the main task for you is not to miss the onset of the disease in order to take timely action.

Symptoms of gingivitis:

  1. , swelling, painful reaction to the touch of a toothbrush.
  2. The teeth react very painfully to sweet, sour, cold and hot foods.
  3. It starts - first after brushing your teeth or using dental floss, and then with a normal touch.
  4. The structure of the gums becomes loose, and the contours become heterogeneous.
  5. Sensitivity increases, the gum drops,.
  6. There is an unpleasant odor from the mouth.

With gingivitis, there is a characteristic bad breath that does not go away as a result of brushing your teeth.

Types of inflammation:

  1. - the gums itch, bleed, but practically do not swell, they do not cause other inconveniences.
  2. Ulcerative- the next stage in the development of the inflammatory process. It is provoked by hypothermia, beriberi, weakened immunity. This stage is characterized by severe swelling, bluish tinge of soft tissues.
  3. atrophic- the gum descends, the tooth root is exposed, an acute reaction to cold and hot foods develops.
  4. - with this type of inflammation, papillae appear on the gums, which constantly increase in size and begin to cover the teeth.

Please note that there are no pronounced painful sensations in the initial stages of the hairstyle, which makes it difficult to diagnose. Most often, inflammation affects the anterior sections of the upper and lower jaws.


Periodontitis is an inflammatory process in the tissues between the tooth and the bone bed. Symptoms of periodontitis:

  • strong;
  • swelling of the lips, cheeks;
  • severe swelling of the gums;
  • loosening of the tooth;
  • possibly - the formation of a fistula (gingival opening through which pus comes out).

In chronic periodontitis, pain is not very pronounced, patients usually complain of discomfort when chewing and strong clenching of the teeth. Therefore, they rarely go to the doctor, and the disease progresses in the meantime. The main reason for the development of periodontitis is infectious. Pathology develops as a result of osteomyelitis, sinusitis, untreated or improperly treated pulpitis.

Influence of wisdom teeth

Often the gums become inflamed near the figure eights - that is, the wisdom teeth. Causes:

  1. teething- the gums itch, become inflamed, the general body temperature may rise.
  2. - it is difficult to clean the eights, so caries often appears in them.

If the gum is swollen near the figure eight, be sure to consult a doctor. This symptom may be an indication that the tooth is not growing properly and needs to be removed.

If you need to alleviate the condition, rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile, calendula 5-6 times a day or soda solution every 30 minutes until improvement. You can add a drop of iodine to the soda solution.

Prosthetics and installation of crowns

The gums can also become inflamed as a result of improper prosthetics. For example, if the crown or bridge is inaccurately fitted, food debris will get into the gap between the gum and the tooth, which is the main cause of painful sensations and a putrid odor. Probably, the reason is poor-quality canal treatment before prosthetics. Pain and bad breath can be signs of poor therapy. For more information on the causes and elimination of unpleasant odors under the crown of the tooth, see.

Consult a doctor, he will examine and accurately determine the problem. With severe pain, you can take tempalgin, paracetamol, analgin or ketanov. Remember that pills provide only temporary relief.

inflammation during pregnancy

Pregnant women often complain of gum disease. Lack of vitamins, the work of the body for wear and tear "for two", constant fluctuations in hormonal levels have a negative impact on the immunity of the expectant mother. Even with careful hygiene in the oral cavity, a breeding ground for harmful microorganisms is formed.

The microflora of the oral cavity is conditionally pathogenic - that is, if everything is in order, there will be no problems, but with a decrease in immunity during pregnancy, they are likely to begin.

The craving of pregnant women for sweet, salty foods also plays a role. Be sure to carefully monitor the condition of the oral cavity and regularly visit a doctor - he will carry out the necessary manipulations and give recommendations on improving the health of teeth and gums. Particular caution should be exercised in pregnant women who have a history of periodontal disease.


The main directions in the treatment of gum inflammation are the relief of the inflammatory process and the elimination of traumatic mechanical factors.

Anti-inflammatory therapy

The main anti-inflammatory drugs used for gum disease are:

Antibiotics must be prescribed by a doctor. It might be possible to do without them.

Elimination of traumatic injuries

One of the main reasons for the development of gingivitis is soft plaque and tartar - accordingly, for a complete cure, it will be necessary to remove them and prevent active formation in the future. Dental deposits are removed using professional pastes, ultrasonic instruments, abrasive tips.

If there are not very many deposits, one visit will be enough, in other cases, long-term therapy may be required.

With severe inflammation, dental deposits are removed with a manual dental instrument and polishing pastes. During the second visit, the final treatment of the surface of the teeth is performed with a special ultrasound instrument. It is also recommended to use antimicrobial solutions and anti-inflammatory applications, most likely, doctors will recommend you, physical therapy may be prescribed.


The main measure for the prevention of inflammation of the gums is the prevention of stone formation, the improvement of general oral hygiene, good immunity, and the maintenance of healthy microflora. Be sure to visit the dentist regularly, undergo extraordinary examinations as needed. If diseases of the oral cavity or other systemic pathologies are diagnosed, treat them in a timely manner.

Properly selected paste and brush - already 30% success. Make sure you use the right hygiene products and tools.

Include more fibrous vegetables and fruits in your diet, eat them only raw. The most affordable options are carrots, apples, celery.


For more information on eliminating gum disease, see the video


Gum disease is caused by mild bacterial plaque and tartar. Provoking factors - smoking, poor oral hygiene, low immunity, pregnancy, the presence of systemic diseases. For a complete cure, competent anti-inflammatory therapy and the exclusion of the action of mechanical factors are needed.



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