Diseases of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract

The gallbladder stores bile secreted by the liver and carries it through the bile ducts. The capacity of the gallbladder is 30 - 70 ml.

Liver is the largest digestive gland (weight approximately 1.5 kg) and “feeds” the bone marrow, which produces red globules (erythrocytes - red blood cells). It participates in metabolic processes, primarily in the formation of the body’s own protein from foreign “semi-finished products” received with food, and without protein life is generally impossible. The liver produces bile, which helps digest fats. All blood flowing from the intestines passes through liver, where up to 95% of toxic substances formed during the digestion process are neutralized. It cleanses the blood of the remnants of red cells that have outlived their age (120 days), of bilirubin. When the state of cells and vascular membranes between the bile ducts and capillaries in liver corresponds to the parameters set by nature, bilirubin is filtered and goes with bile into the duodenum or gallbladder, then released through intestinal tract, coloring the stool greenish and carrying it antiseptic treatment. If the condition of the tissues of the liver and bile ducts deviates from the norm, then the filtering and excretory abilities of this organ decrease, and the content of bilirubin in the blood also increases.

Liver takes part in the synthesis of blood proteins and some blood clotting factors. She accumulates useful material, vitamins. Without going into details, we can say that the liver performs more than 500 significant functions in the body. However, it should be noted that this particular important organ“does not like to reveal” his illnesses in advance.


To reduce the load on liver, it is recommended to follow 10 rules in everyday life:

It is important to go to the doctor at least once every 2 years and have this important organ checked, even if it does not bother you at all.

Avoid alcohol altogether for at least 3 days a week. This cleansing greatly strengthens the liver.

Don't use pills you don't know much about. Self-medication with pills without consulting a doctor is harmful for many other organs, and especially for the liver.

Oddly enough, but frequent use various means against dandruff when washing your hair, the use of deodorants, artificial dyes, hair sprays also negatively affects the liver. It turns out that the whole point here is strong odors: they “get to the liver.”

Remember also that harmful substances can penetrate the liver and through the skin. Therefore, try to cover all areas of the body well if you have to work with chemicals, paints, or solvents.

Pay attention to your companions and interlocutors who are sick with hepatitis (jaundice). It is important to know that this disease is infectious and is transmitted through saliva, semen, blood, and also through water. So it is not at all safe to make love to people with jaundice.

Heavy lunches, dinners, and especially fatty foods are also unsafe for the liver. It is better to eat 5 times a day, but little by little. Then the liver will cope with its duties much more efficiently, without unnecessary stress.

Do not neglect vaccinations against various infectious diseases. Any infection in the body is primarily a blow to the liver.

Less often, the liver reminds of itself to those who try to be calm, cool-blooded and not explode at every occasion.

Regular exercise strengthens the muscles, heart, lungs and thereby helps the liver to always be “in shape”.

If present in the body large quantity harmful substances(for example, with chronic digestive disorders, alcoholism, etc.) liver functions are impaired, which affects metabolic processes and leads to serious illnesses. The most common liver diseases are acute inflammatory processes(hepatitis), chronic processes (liver cirrhosis) and neoplasms (cancer).

Therefore, it is necessary to cleanse the liver once a year, but in the 1st year it must be done once a quarter.

It is necessary to take 200 g of olive oil and lemon juice for the procedure and clean according to the scheme. On days 1, 2, 3, they give an enema and eat only apple juice in unlimited quantities, but you only need to drink juice before 10 a.m. - the liver relaxes at this time. After 10 hours, go to bed, place a heating pad on the liver area and every 15 minutes. drink 3 tbsp. l. olive oil and then the same amount of lemon juice. After 120 minutes have passed, remove the heating pad.

Removal of toxins is carried out, as a rule, in 3 doses per 24 hours. 1.5 - 2 hours after the 3rd removal of toxins, it is recommended to give an enema, drink juice, and have a small breakfast of porridge or fruit.

After 12 hours have passed, perform one more cleaning using an enema. But observe all week vegetarian food, because all this time the intestines are being cleansed (the feces become light in color).

Do it once a week (preferably 2 times) following procedure: before going to bed, soak a piece of cloth in water, wring it out and wrap yourself in it, starting from the armpits and ending with the knees, higher is unnecessary and lower as well. Next, you need to be warm, wrap yourself up in bed, and lie quietly for about 90 minutes. This helps strengthen the digestive organs and protects against various diseases and colds.


To liver worked better, pour 250 gr. boiling water 2 tbsp. l. nettle leaves, wrap and let brew for 60 minutes. At the same time, make a decoction of nettle roots (put 1 tablespoon of finely chopped roots into 250 grams of boiling water, heat over low heat for 15 minutes, let sit for half an hour and strain) Next, you need to mix the 2 solutions, add to your taste honey or granulated sugar, take 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals.

Mix 125 gr. cabbage brine with 1/2 tbsp. juice from garden tomatoes. Take 250 grams 3 times a day after meals.

For any liver disease, use a decoction of 1 tbsp. spoons of birch buds per 1 glass of water, take 1 - 2 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals.

Use chestnut season to improve your liver health. Take 20 - 25 pcs. edible chestnut, peel, chop, pour honey until covered. The next day, honey is ready for use, 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.
Do not prepare for future use.


Quince, calamus, aloe, anise, orange, watermelon, banana, barberry, birch, birch mushroom, immortelle, crazy cucumber, lingonberry, budra, drop cap, valerian, verbena, speedwell, cherry, blueberry, pepper knotweed, mustard, pomegranate, grapefruit , walnut, pear, elecampane, gorse, oak, oregano, smokeberry, melon, blackberry, watercress, hare cabbage, St. John's wort, strawberry, golden root, centaury, calendula, viburnum, cabbage, potato, chestnut, dogwood, cranberry, coriander, corn, flax, hazelnut, lemongrass, linden, onion, coltsfoot, lemon balm, juniper, carrots, mint, sea buckthorn, cucumber, dandelion, mistletoe, parsley, tansy, sunflower, wormwood, tomato, millet, burdock, rice, rose, chamomile, rowan, lettuce, beet, plum, black currant, pine, sophora, sloe, thyme, pumpkin, yarrow, dill, beans, horsetail, horseradish, persimmon, chicory, blueberries, celandine, sage, rose hips, sorrel , domestic apple tree, ash, jasmine, barley.

FOLK REMEDIES - bitterness in the mouth

For bitterness in the mouth and severe pain Under the right rib, place a warming compress on the indicated place and take 125 g. olive oil. Then take by weight - 4 parts of soda, 1 part of table salt and 1 part of Glauber's salt, under the influence of which the separation of bile is enhanced. Pour half a teaspoon of this mixture into 125 g. warm boiled water and take this mixture 1st time, in the morning on empty stomach, and the second time around noon.
Effective in cases of jaundice and gallstones.

To cleanse the liver, apply a heating pad for 15 minutes, wrapped in a towel, for 3 days in a row before going to bed.

Take olive oil. You need to eat nothing for 1 day, drink only 100 g of oil. At the same time, the bile ducts are cleansed, and a lot of different harmful juices come out of them.

You need to beat well and take a couple of chicken yolks. After 5 minutes, take 250 g. warmed mineral water (without gases), then lie down for 2 hours on your right side with a heating pad under your side.


Quince, calamus, acacia, aloe, cherry plum, orange, peanut, immortelle, drop cap, watch, pomegranate, oregano, smokewort, St. John's wort, golden rod, calendula, chestnut, dogwood, coriander, corn, buckthorn, cat paws, linden, burdock, onion, toadflax, marjoram, daisies, olive, juniper, carrots, coltsfoot, oats, dandelion, shepherd's purse, tansy, sunflower, wormwood, wheatgrass, rhubarb, radish, rowan, licorice, pine, thyme, cumin, pumpkin, yarrow, dill, hops, cetraria, blueberries, celandine, rosehip, claspberry.


If you feel bitterness in your mouth, grind the flax seed, take enough so that you get 1 cup. l. flour, brew as liquid jelly and take in the morning and evening before meals.

For bitterness in the mouth, as well as for any liver disorders, brew corn silk in a teapot as tea (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water) and drink 0.5 cup 3 times a day before meals warm, you can add 1 teaspoon honey Fibers from unripe fruit healing power Dont Have.

Take 500 g. per day infusion of immortelle flowers.

Pour 1 liter of boiling water 250 gr. oats and evaporate over low heat by approximately 0.25 of the initial amount of liquid. Take 250 g. 3 - 4 times a day. A very effective choleretic agent.

The first signs of liver and gallbladder disease. Disorders of the central nervous system

Hello, "Granny"!

Since my wife, when she had problems with the liver and gall bladder, had to face some difficulties in solving them, I decided to study this topic in more detail, placing the main emphasis on folk methods of eliminating ailments of these organs.

Aching, stabbing or cramping pain in the right hypochondrium, radiating to the right shoulder blade, shoulder and back, bad smell from the mouth, nausea, vomiting, bitterness in the mouth - all these are symptoms of biliary dyskinesia. The disease occurs due to impaired motor activity of the gallbladder and bile ducts, through which bile flows into the duodenum. There are two forms of dyskinesia - hypotonic and hypertonic. For hypotonic gallbladder it contracts poorly, and bile constantly flows out of it, and with hypertension, the bladder contracts, but does not release bile.

Maintaining a gentle diet and using products traditional medicine help cope with dyskinesia. It is effective for this ailment to chop and mix 1 tsp. chamomile flowers, peppermint herb, valerian roots and hop cones, pour 1 liter of boiling water over the mixture, strain after 30-40 minutes and drink in small sips 1 glass of infusion 3 times a day after meals.

If the disease lasts for a long time, it is recommended to periodically clean the gallbladder and liver. To do this, you need to drink a glass in the morning on an empty stomach. mineral water or 30 ml of vegetable oil mixed with freshly squeezed juice of 1 lemon, after half an hour, lie on your right side on a heating pad and lie there for 1 hour. After this, be sure to move actively. Perform such procedures once a week for 5 weeks.

Inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) is manifested by prolonged pain in the right hypochondrium, enlarged liver, jaundice and tachycardia. To eliminate it, you need 1 tbsp. with the top of the crushed horsetail herb, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into an enamel bowl, bring to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes over low heat, leave for 1 hour, strain and drink 1 glass in the morning and evening an hour after meals for 10 days. Take a break for 7 days and then repeat the treatment. It is effective for cholecystitis to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water with 1 tbsp. dry birch leaves (harvest in June-July), after boiling, boil for 10 minutes over low heat, add a pinch of dry crushed St. John's wort herb, leave for 45-50 minutes, strain and drink everything throughout the day in small sips. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Cook daily fresh decoction. Inflammation of the gallbladder the bubble will pass, if you pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into an enamel bowl with 2 tsp. chopped dry sage herb, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes over low heat, add a pinch of dry peppermint and St. John's wort to the decoction, strain after an hour and drink a glass in the morning and evening, regardless of meals. You can pour 1.5 cups in an enamel bowl boiled water 10 g of crushed corn silk, boil for 30 minutes after boiling over low heat, after cooling, strain and take 3-4 tbsp. every 3-4 hours. Cholecystitis stops bothering you if you drink half a glass of freshly squeezed water 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals cabbage juice or 1-2 times a day drink 1 glass of warm cabbage brine. It is useful to take 1 tsp 3 times a day for 6 months 40-60 minutes before meals. pharmaceutical milk thistle oil. Calendula relieves inflammation of the gallbladder. You need 1 tbsp. dry crushed flowers of the plant, pour 250 ml of boiled water, boil for 5-7 minutes over low heat, leave for 1-2 hours, strain and drink 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day. Cholecystitis will disappear if you pour 2 tablespoons of boiling water into a glass. chopped strawberry leaves, leave in a warm place for 2-3 hours, strain and take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

Symptoms of hepatitis (inflammation of liver tissue) sometimes resemble the flu: the disease begins with fever, headache, general malaise, aches throughout the body and in the joints. In addition, itchy rashes appear on the skin, unhealthy complexion, sunken cheeks, weight loss, general lethargy and dizziness. Milk thistle oil will prevent the disease from progressing. It should be taken 1 tsp. 3 times a day 1 hour before meals for 6 months. I also recommend chopping and mixing 1 tbsp. corn silk and plantain leaves, pour the mixture into 0.5 liters of water, boil for 5 minutes after boiling over low heat, leave for 1.5 hours, strain and drink sip 4 times a day. It is very good for hepatitis to mix 0.5 kg of honey, 0.5 liters of olive oil and freshly squeezed juice of 2 lemons, and then take 1 tbsp. mixture 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Excessive consumption of fatty and spicy foods, flour, whole milk, as well as foods with a high starch content, contribute to the formation of sand, stones in the gallbladder and the occurrence of cholelithiasis. About 5% of stones are calcium in origin and cannot be dissolved, but most of them dissolve and are removed from the gallbladder, but before you begin removing them, be sure to cleanse your intestines by choosing the one that suits you best from the cleansing methods suggested below.

1. Take 3 times a day 1 hour before meals olive oil, slowly washing it down each time with the same amount of freshly squeezed lemon or grapefruit juice. Start taking oil and juice with 1 tbsp, increasing the dose by 1 tbsp daily until you reach 5 tbsp. at a time.

2. Squeeze 0.5 liters of juice from unpeeled black radish and take 1 tablespoon at a time. 20-25 minutes after eating. If there is no pain, after a few days the dose can be increased to 50 ml per day. The course of treatment is 2-3 liters of juice. This method cannot be used during an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer and duodenum, and it is also contraindicated in acute kidney disease.

3. Drink 2 yolks of fresh chicken eggs and freshly squeezed juice of 2-3 lemons daily. Lemons can be eaten with the peel, adding honey to taste. You can drink lemon juice with yolk for the first time in the morning on an empty stomach, and the second time - an hour before meals in the afternoon. The course of treatment is 12-14 days. At increased rate cholesterol in the blood must be reduced.

4. Pour 2 tbsp of boiling water into an enamel bowl. chopped rosehip roots, bring to a boil, boil for 30 minutes over low heat, strain and drink in equal portions 3 times during the day. Drink in small sips. In addition, drink raw milk every morning on an empty stomach. egg yolk. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

During cleansing, it is necessary to regularly place a hot heating pad on the liver area, and also take a warm bath daily.

Once you have finished cleansing, begin removing gallstones from your gallbladder. For this purpose, do not consume anything for 24 hours, but only drink warm boiled water. After that put with warm water, adding a little vegetable oil to it, an enema. After an hour, drink a glass of olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice. This will cause nausea, so to avoid vomiting, lie down and suck on a lemon wedge.

When the nausea passes, start drinking homemade, not very sweet apple juice. In 3 days you need to drink 6 liters of juice. Do not eat or drink anything else during this time. The stones will come out painlessly. To eliminate cholelithiasis, it can be crushed and mixed equally by volume corn silk, rose hips, St. John's wort and immortelle herb, pour 2-3 tbsp. mixture in an enamel bowl with 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes over low heat, after cooling, strain and drink a warm glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals for a month. Gallstones will come out if you chop and mix 100 g of chamomile flowers, birch buds, strawberry leaves, St. John's wort and immortelle herbs, pour 2 tbsp. mixture in a thermos with 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 12 hours, strain and drink 100 ml 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals for 20 days. It is effective for cholelithiasis by grinding and mixing 1 tbsp. honey, freshly squeezed juices of onions, carrots and red beets, and then take 1 tbsp. mixture 3 times a day before meals until the stones are completely dissolved. It is very good to drink a glass of hot boiled water every hour during the day with the juice of 1 lemon dissolved in it. It is beneficial to drink a lot of natural tomato juice. The stones will dissolve and come out if 1 tsp. powdered dry madder herb, pour 300 ml of boiled water, cooled to 400C, leave for 8 hours, and then drink everything. Drink the infusion in this dose, preparing a fresh one each time, in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed. I also recommend that you wash 1 kg of large potatoes well, cut out the “eyes” from them, pour in 6 liters of water, bring to a boil and cook in their skins under a lid over low heat. Boil the potatoes for 4 hours, then add salt, mash to a liquid puree and leave overnight. In the morning, carefully drain the settled liquid from the potatoes and take 2 tbsp. 3 times a day half an hour before meals, preheating. Store the decoction in the refrigerator. You need to drink 3 liters of it. Don't drink if it's sour. Gallstone disease will recede if 2 tbsp. chopped dill (stems, leaves and flowers) pour 400 ml of boiling water, strain after 30 minutes and drink 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 3 weeks.

The stones will come out painlessly along with the feces even after using this method, the main thing is to strictly observe the time of its implementation and the dose of the products used. Treatment begins at 7:00 p.m. sharp, so set a clock in front of you. On this day there is nothing to eat from 12.00. So, you need to squeeze the juice out of 10 lemons and strain it through a thick strainer. In addition, you should have 0.5 liters of olive oil on hand. Exactly at 19.00 (every minute is important here!) Drink 4 tbsp. oil and immediately take 1 tbsp. lemon juice. Exactly after 15 minutes, drink 4 tbsp again. butter and 1 tbsp. juice Repeat the procedure every 15 minutes until the oil runs out. Drink the remaining juice in one gulp. You may feel sick, but if you want to avoid surgery, complete the treatment.

Cirrhosis of the liver - a very serious disease, but it can also be overcome in initial stage, using traditional medicine recipes for this purpose. Grind the dry dandelion roots and flowers very well, mix equally by volume, then 2 tbsp. pour 2 cups of boiling water over the mixture, soak for 20 minutes in a boiling water bath, after cooling, strain and take 2 tbsp. 4-5 times a day half an hour before meals and always at night. Improvement comes from regular consumption of fresh pumpkin pulp, as well as taking 1-2 tsp 3 times a day before meals. freshly squeezed juice from celery roots. Cirrhosis will not progress if you pour 0.5 liters of vodka into 5 large horseradish leaves dried in the shade, leave for 5 days in a dark place, strain, and then take 1 tbsp. tinctures 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for a month. It is effective to mince raw rabbit liver and take 1 tsp 3 times a day before meals. this mass. The course of treatment will require the liver of two rabbits. It is very good for cirrhosis to grind 800 g of milk thistle seeds into powder, and then take 1 tsp. 4-5 times a day, washed down with warm boiled water. You can pour 30 g of milk thistle seeds, ground into powder, with 0.5 liters of water, boil over very low heat until 250 ml of liquid remains in the pan, strain and take 1 tbsp. every hour during the day. Cirrhosis will recede if you eat 300-400 g of boiled beef liver, and after half an hour take a steam bath, drinking diaphoretic tea all the time. After this, do not take it under any circumstances. cold shower and don't jump into the pool with cold water. When leaving the steam room, be sure to dress warmly.

To remove lamblia from the liver, you need to drink 0.5 cups of cabbage brine 20-30 minutes before meals. You can add water to cover, green Pine cones, boil for several hours over low heat, strain, mix the cones with the same amount by volume of sugar, make jam and eat it. Giardia will come out if you swallow 5-10 tansy flowers (not inflorescences, but single yellow flowers!) during the day. Taking 5-6 drops of birch tar in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed on a piece of sugar will also defeat giardiasis. For Giardia in children, pour 1 tbsp of water into a small metal mug, just enough to cover. lovage seeds, keep on the fire until steam appears, immediately remove the dishes from the stove and in the morning on an empty stomach the child should swallow the steam for 5 minutes. And so on for a week. After this, rest for 7 days and then repeat treatment course. Conduct 3 such courses with breaks.

You can bring the liver back to normal if it is enlarged if 2 tbsp. without a hill of crushed wormwood herb, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, wrap the bottle in a dark cloth, leave for 2 days in a warm place, then a week at room temperature, then strain and take 2 tbsp. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. A course of treatment requires 3 bottles of tincture. It is very good to take 2 crushed lemon seeds every morning on an empty stomach, eating them with honey. You can pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over 3 cut lemons in the evening, and drink this infusion in the morning on an empty stomach.

If the liver is affected by staphylococcus, to eliminate it, you need to grind 300 g of raw, peeled pumpkin seeds to a paste, mix them with 50 ml of cold boiled water and eat the resulting mixture in the morning on an empty stomach, lying in bed, for an hour. After 30 minutes, give a cleansing enema. Staphylococcal infection can be expelled if 1 tbsp. flowers and tansy grass, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 25 minutes, and then drink 2-3 sips every 3-4 hours for no more than 2 days.

Treatment of the gallbladder and liver will be more effective if you follow a certain regime nutrition. You need to eat often, but little by little. Be sure to exclude meat with a crispy crust from your diet, spicy seasonings and canned food. Drink only natural drinks by completely giving up alcohol consumption. Do not smoke under any circumstances.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Sincerely - Anatoly Iosifovich Khirilov

According to I. Magyar’s systematization, the liver and gall bladder can be susceptible to primary (primary) and secondary (secondary) diseases. Liver diseases are difficult to recognize at first, but the same cannot be said about the symptoms of gallbladder diseases, which most often have a pronounced character.

What diseases are classified as primary and secondary?

An absolutely healthy person will never immediately determine where the liver is, but someone who has problems with the liver or gall bladder will do everything just to forget about the pain in this area. Although often no discomfort bothers the patient even at serious stages of the disease, and therefore the liver is considered to be an insidious organ capable of hiding illnesses for a long time. Less often, this situation persists with the gallbladder, but in this case the absence of symptoms is preserved until the limiting moment, for example, it is impossible to understand symptomatically whether stones are forming in the bladder cavity or whether bile is stagnating, but after certain time When the process reaches its peak, the signs become extremely clear.

Primary liver diseases

Primary (primary) diseases usually include acute processes in the structure of the organ:

This can similarly include:

  • liver infarction;
  • blood clots in the hepatic vein;
  • pilethrombosis and phlebitis.

And acute stages biliary tract diseases:

  • cholangitis;
  • cholecystopathy;
  • cholangiohepatitis.

Secondary liver diseases

Secondary liver diseases include:

  • tumor lesions of the liver, the presence of neoplasms;
  • liver dysfunction during pregnancy;
  • endocrine diseases of established origin;
  • inadequate blood circulation;

Diseases of the gallbladder of the secondary type are:

But, before classifying the disease, it is necessary to unambiguously confirm the diagnosis, which only a qualified person can do. It is difficult to independently identify the disease based on its symptoms, and even more so you should not begin self-medication, which is dangerous due to unforeseen consequences. However, it is possible to understand that the cause of the discomfort is hidden precisely in the liver by isolating the visible symptoms, which will clearly help the doctor during diagnosis.

Common signs of liver disease

Typically, the liver and gallbladder make themselves known through:

  • prolonged weakness;
  • aggression, giving way to tearfulness or apathy;
  • pain in the area where the liver is located, a feeling of a “heavy” liver;
  • itchy, yellowed skin with a vascular pattern;
  • belching with a bitter taste;
  • dark urine and light feces;
  • swelling.

Weakness and mood swings may be the first to appear. Later, the skin begins to react, acquiring a yellow tint, becoming covered with a vascular pattern and hemorrhages, aching joints, and sore muscles. Skin they itch unpleasantly. Of course, until the patient or his therapist (family doctor) understands that he needs the help of a hepatologist, you can visit many doctors: a dermatologist, gastroenterologist, rheumatologist, urologist, and specialists, unfortunately, are not always able to suspect changes in the biliary system.

The main symptom indicating the need for an urgent consultation with a hepatologist is jaundice. And when the therapist palpably notices an increase in the liver in size, it is necessary to visit a liver specialist as soon as possible. An equally dangerous symptom is pain.

How does your liver hurt?

Having determined the nature of the pain, you can relatively understand what kind of disease has affected the right hypochondrium.

Acute pain is most likely a symptom of hepatic colic, cholelithiasis or calculous cholecystitis. It can appear suddenly and sharply and end just as quickly, but it often happens when the pain lasts quite a long time and this direct reading to calling emergency services or treatment in a hospital hospital.

Dull, prolonged pain that gradually increases may indicate an exacerbation of a chronic process.

Aching - can serve as a sign of acalculous cholecystitis.

Please note that throbbing, stabbing pain in the right side can also indicate intestinal spasm or pleurisy, so a doctor's examination is always essential.

What are the symptoms of liver disease?

Let's take a closer look at the causes and consequences of popular symptoms of liver and gallbladder diseases.

Itchy skin

Skin itching in liver diseases is most often caused by impaired liver functionality, in particular, its neutralizing and excretory ability. All microparticles that are usually broken down and processed enter the bloodstream and accumulate in the skin with its current. If the symptom is not given meaning, it reaches a painful equivalent.


Jaundice is usually called the acquisition of a yellow tint by the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes. This happens due to improper processing of bilirubin, as a result of which it is not neutralized and excreted, but the toxic effect on the body is deposited with the flow of blood into the above membranes.

Vascular pattern on the skin and causeless bruises

A vascular pattern that has become noticeable can become a direct sign of liver cirrhosis, which has already developed. And the appearance of bruises for no reason (not from a blow or other injury) indicates impaired blood clotting due to insufficient production of substances that control clotting by the liver.


Increased wall load blood vessels can affect their elasticity, as a result of which they stretch and form varicose veins veins The esophagus is often affected.

Violation of water and electrolyte balance negatively affects the structure of the tissues of the legs, which is why they swell significantly. Cirrhosis and fatty hepatosis often cause the discharge of blood through adjacent vessels, due to which a certain volume of fluid leaves the bloodstream and ascites develops - the accumulation of fluid volume in the abdominal tissues and its rapid growth.

Unnatural color of stool and urine

Damage to the liver and gallbladder can also change the color of discharge, particularly urine and feces. With such diseases, the usual digestive process is persistently disrupted, and fats are not digested as usual, fully. They go straight to the intestines in their original form. Since bilirubin does not enter the intestines, but remains in the skin, the stool becomes discolored, gradually changing in color from yellow to pale yellow and white. Urine, on the contrary, darkens, sometimes even turning brown, which can be a sign of hepatitis.

But when the patient notices black stool, this may indicate bleeding that has occurred in the digestive tract, apparently in upper sections, which should be reported to your doctor immediately.

Disorders of the central nervous system

Due to the toxic effects of bilirubin and the insufficient cleansing function of the liver, brain function may also be impaired, and severe liver diseases lead to permanent, severe changes. Most often, the first manifestations of dysfunction of the central nervous system can be:

  • fatigue during any type of work;
  • weakness, even after a long rest;
  • inattention, difficulty concentrating;
  • insomnia.

These are undoubtedly signs of poisoning of the body with harmful substances due to inadequate biliary function. Brain cells are very sensitive to direct metabolic products and toxins, so neurasthenia that develops due to serious untreated diseases of the liver and gall bladder is a fairly common occurrence. She expresses herself:

  • in mood instability;
  • in emotionality or vice versa, apathy, lethargy;
  • in unmotivated aggression or tearfulness.

The above symptoms will be accompanied by headache and dizziness. Sexual function will also suffer from such changes.

Hormonal changes

Severe liver and gallbladder diseases can affect hormonal state body, and such manifestations can confuse even doctors. We are talking about hormones of the reproductive system, so women get confused menstrual cycle, and the menstruation that occurs can be quite painful and cause attacks of the underlying disease. In men, due to impaired secretion of sex hormones, potency decreases and libido drops. And protein metabolism disorders that occurred as a result of malfunction liver, push muscles to atrophy and weight loss.

In any case, you should not delay a detailed examination, because prolonged, untreated diseases of the liver and gallbladder can lead to unexpected, permanent changes, and sometimes death due to complications of the underlying disease. And this is not intimidation, but an insistent recommendation to start taking care of yourself and your own health.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of liver diseases, but the main ones are poor diet, alcohol abuse, sedentary lifestyle and viral infections.

Women are more likely to develop gallbladder disease than men. This can be explained by the fact that pregnancy promotes the formation of gallstones (the enlarged uterus moves internal organs, changes the position of the gallbladder, compresses the bile ducts, and increases the level of cholesterol in the blood). It is also known that women breathe with their chests, and men with their stomachs. During male breathing, the movement of the diaphragm promotes the flow of bile along the bile ducts; during female breathing, the diaphragm moves little and the bile stagnates. But a disease such as cirrhosis, caused mainly by alcohol abuse, occurs more often in men.

Everyone is susceptible to hepatitis, regardless of gender and age. Although those who practice good hygiene and who have healthy liver, after all healthy organ Even a virus is difficult to defeat. Therefore, do not strain your liver, give it a break from heavy food, and give it periodic cleansing. Imagine that our hostess, the liver, got tired and began to work not at full capacity. What will happen? Now we’ll figure it out, but first of all, let’s find out why the liver can get tired.

Liver fatigue can be caused by protracted and chronic diseases of other organs, such as the stomach, biliary tract, and intestines. Various long-term occupational hazards, chronic infections (tuberculosis, syphilis), insufficient and poor nutrition - all this has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of the liver and can cause its fatigue.

I have no doubt that many people know about viral hepatitis (also called Botkin's disease). This disease often occurs in school groups, in kindergartens, etc. Doctors impose strict quarantines, but still the hepatitis virus spreads quickly, and many people suffer from hepatitis. The virus penetrates the liver and begins its destructive work.

A healthy liver resists viruses. And at first the person does not notice any deviations in well-being. But the enemy is stronger, and the liver, tired of the fight, usually gives up. It is important not to miss the moment and start treatment on time. After all, if hepatitis is not treated or treated incorrectly, then acute hepatitis gradually turns into chronic.

Signs of chronic hepatitis

The most difficult thing in a doctor’s job is to determine the disease. This may not seem funny to you, but sometimes it is easier to get a patient back on his feet than to diagnose him. Why? Yes, because the doctor makes a diagnosis based on three factors: the patient’s complaints, examination of the patient and test results. And sometimes these factors do not want to interact with each other. The patient complains about one thing, the examination shows something else, and the test results say nothing at all. Puzzle. And the local doctor usually doesn’t have time for puzzles. And the disease, without receiving proper resistance, develops to its fullest extent. What should I do?

First of all, you need to learn how to correctly talk about your symptoms. If something is bothering you, you are not feeling well, and you decide to go to the doctor, then think in advance what you will say. Your complaints should be clearly formulated; this does not require any special knowledge; speak in your own language, but in such a way that the doctor understands you. Don't miss any little things, even if they seem insignificant to you. Headache or dizziness, loss of appetite, fatigue - these are all symptoms that you need to tell your doctor about, but briefly, without unnecessary emotions and descriptions of, say, your childhood illnesses.

And two more important points: never come to the doctor after diagnosing yourself, and never listen to your fellow human beings in turn before medical office. I'll give you two cases.

One patient, a fairly young woman, came to the doctor with a demand to urgently admit her to the hospital, as she supposedly had appendicitis, which was about to burst. She made a fuss, called the doctor a murderer, shouted that everything hurt and was about to burst. The doctor called an ambulance and the girl was taken to surgery department the nearest hospital. There she continued to swear, but surgeons are people with strong nerves and they didn’t give in to her cries and persuasion and, thank God, they didn’t perform an operation on her. The girl did not have appendicitis, but viral hepatitis. She was transferred to infectious diseases hospital, and the surgical department was quarantined for hepatitis...

And the second incident happened to my patient.

She came to my appointment, almost bent in half. “How long have you been having pain?” – I asked. “Two weeks ago,” I heard in response. “Why didn’t you come right away?” – It seemed strange to me. “I came, but I couldn’t get to the office. While I was sitting in line, I talked to people, they told me that this is definitely what I have kidney pain, and I went to the urologist. But my kidneys turned out to be healthy. And the second time I went to you, but downstairs I got into a conversation with your cloakroom attendant, she claimed that I had an ectopic pregnancy, they say, it happened to her too. I went straight from her to the gynecologist... And today again in line I was confused, some woman said that I have osteochondrosis, after all, all diseases can be caused by the spine, she knows everything about this disease, I really wanted to get a number from a neurologist , but then my turn came.”

I looked at the sufferer with pity, listened to her and thought that I should probably hang a sign on the door of my office: “We ask patients not to exchange recommendations for the treatment of diseases. This makes it very difficult to make a diagnosis.” And the woman turned out to have gallstone disease, and she had to undergo surgery.

Now let's talk about the symptoms and signs of chronic hepatitis.

Symptoms of chronic hepatitis. The very first symptom is pain. Pain in chronic hepatitis is rarely acute, more often it is a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, dull pain in the liver area, which are periodic in nature. The second symptom is known to everyone - jaundice. Yellow discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as the sclera and cornea (the visible transparent membranes of the eye) occurs only periodically during exacerbations of the disease in a mild form.

Chronic hepatitis that developed as a result of an acute infectious hepatitis, most often proceeds benignly (that is, with rare periodic exacerbations). During exacerbations, the liver may become slightly enlarged and is usually painful when palpated. General condition is satisfactory. At the same time, the liver continues to work normal rhythm, performing all functions.

Less commonly, chronic hepatitis takes on a progressive course. And then the patient begins to complain of weakness, increased fatigue, dull, aching pain, heaviness or other unpleasant sensations in the right hypochondrium, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, nausea, belching. Appetite decreases, and indigestion is often observed.

With exacerbation of chronic hepatitis may appear skin itching, slight jaundice and increased pain in the right hypochondrium. The same symptoms, albeit less pronounced, accompany gallstone disease, so the doctor should pay attention to external signs. On the body patient with chronic hepatitis appear spider veins - small vessels of a reddish hue in the shape of stars, visible through the layers of skin, the size of which is about 1 cm. The patient also has the so-called liver palms - palms are reddish in color. As the exacerbation decreases, the number of spider veins also decreases or they disappear completely, but the redness of the palms lasts a long time.

During the period of severe exacerbation, the liver, as a rule, is enlarged and protrudes from under the edge of the costal arch by 4–5 cm (while in healthy person the edge of the liver does not extend beyond the level of the costal arch), rather dense and painful to the touch. When the disease recedes a little (remission period), the size of the liver noticeably decreases and almost returns to normal. But then everything can happen again, and a period of exacerbation will begin again.

In general, it should be noted that chronic hepatitis occurs with frequent exacerbations (the cause of which may be errors in nutrition, heavy physical work, nervous tension). And each time, performance decreases and liver activity is disrupted.

But if you behave sensibly and do not abuse your own body, but try to follow the correct diet and work regimen, you can ensure that chronic hepatitis proceeds favorably, with long-term remissions of up to several years. And it may very well be that everything will end in your victory, that is, recovery.

For those who neglect the rules of nutrition and regime, I want to remind the words of Oscar Wilde: “Everything can be survived, except death.” And it won’t keep you waiting long, because chronic hepatitis, if left untreated, can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, which (if left untreated again) can lead to a sad end.

Cirrhosis of the liver

In almost half of cases, cirrhosis is due to untreated viral hepatitis. The second half is the influence of alcohol. This is, of course, a rough division. Poisoning with arsenic, fluorine, antibiotics, and sulfonamides can also lead to cirrhosis, but their exposure should be long-lasting—a pill taken, say, ampicillin trihydrate, will naturally not cause cirrhosis.

With cirrhosis, some of the liver cells die and the size of the liver gradually decreases. Serious changes in the functions of the liver and the whole body occur, which leads to drastic violation appetite, digestion, stool, exhaustion, weakness, constant jaundice with a grayish-yellow tint to the skin. And the longer the disease lasts, the brighter the symptoms become. More often there is an elevated temperature, sharp abdominal pain, as well as symptoms of increased pressure in the liver vessels, such as bleeding from digestive tract, manifested by stool or vomiting blood, dropsy of the abdomen and a pattern of veins visible on the skin of the abdomen (the so-called symptom jellyfish heads).

The course of the disease can be rapid and progressive, or it can be slow and sluggish. The rapid course of the disease is characteristic of alcoholic cirrhosis.

Alcoholic liver damage

Alcoholic hepatitis - is the term adopted to refer to acute inflammatory changes in the liver caused by alcohol. This type of hepatitis has other names: toxic hepatitis, fatty hepatitis, alcoholic steatonecrosis. Spicy alcoholic hepatitis- a disease to which alcoholics are susceptible, that is, it develops when systematic use alcohol. In alcoholic hepatitis, all liver cells are affected. People with insufficient noticed hereditary predisposition to alcoholic hepatitis. Repeated attacks of acute alcoholic hepatitis lead to liver damage similar to chronic hepatitis.

The prognosis of alcoholic hepatitis in case of cessation of drinking is favorable: after 3–5 weeks, complaints decrease or disappear, usually a slight enlargement of the liver remains. But if a person cannot stop and continues to drink, then acute alcoholic hepatitis can lead to end-stage liver cirrhosis. It happens that after 3–4 months, alcoholic hepatitis turns into cirrhosis of the liver.

There are sad statistics. According to foreign literature, the most common complications that lead to death are: hepatic coma(55.8%), bleeding (30.8%), joint damage to the liver and kidneys (27.8%), infectious complications (14.9%). Of course, cirrhosis can also occur in a non-drinker, but based on the same statistical data, we have to state that cirrhosis is detected 7 times more often in alcohol abusers than in non-drinkers. The likelihood of severe liver damage after 15 years of excessive alcohol consumption is 8 times greater than after 5 years. So think for yourself...

True, I don’t believe that these statistics can scare anyone. Doctors' reports, in my opinion, have not yet forced anyone to stop drinking, but maybe they will spoil the pleasure of vodka at least a little. Although any alcoholic, firstly, does not recognize himself as an alcoholic, secondly, he necessarily has a “valid” reason why he is forced to drink. For example, my former neighbor in a communal apartment, himself a former doctor, and now an avid drunkard, spoke, waving in front of my nose index finger: “You meet old drunkards more often than old doctors, so let’s go, Alexandra, let’s have a drink.” I began to be indignant, and he said: “You shouldn’t argue - it wasn’t me who said it, but the French writer Rabelais, and, mind you, he blurted this out a long time ago, and still no one has refuted it.” Well, alcoholics probably have their own statistics.

And I am writing these lines not for them, but rather for their relatives, since I always remember how a sixty-year-old woman was kneeling in my office, asking me to save her alcoholic son, who was dying of cirrhosis of the liver. But neither I nor any of the doctors could help him, it was too late...

Diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts

First of all, I would like to tell you not about inflammatory diseases, but about those in which first there is a disruption in the functioning of the gallbladder and bile ducts, about the so-called functional diseases.

Functional diseases

This is the name for those diseases that arose for any reason, and, as a rule, with proper treatment they go away. Biliary dyskinesia refers specifically to such diseases.

Biliary dyskinesia

I often watch patients look up at me in surprise when I give them a diagnosis. biliary dyskinesia. What kind of disease is this, how often does it occur, why and in whom? Let's try to figure it out.

My friend’s daughter, Anyutka, was diagnosed with biliary dyskinesia as a child. The treatment was proposed to be simple: adherence to the correct daily routine and diet. And what a regime there is! My friend had a crazy job, long working hours, my grandmothers lived in other cities, and Anyuta’s dad had a different family. In general, the girl was left to her own devices almost from the cradle, from kindergarten she was the last to be picked up; a neighbor brought her from afterschool. The child always fed on his own, according to the principle: I cook what I can, what is in the refrigerator, I eat.

As Anyutka grew older, the abdominal pain began to intensify, nausea and problems with stool appeared. The girl became lethargic, often cried, or even simply cried hysterically for no reason. A friend said: “ Hormonal changes, transitional age, will pass.”

My friend raised the alarm only when Anna began to study poorly, not from laziness, but from the fact that her memory had deteriorated and absent-mindedness appeared. And my mother, I must say, had a clear attitude: my daughter should be the smartest! And instead of sending the girl to the doctor, she started checking what she was doing after school. I called her constantly, checked to see if she was home, if the phone was busy and if her daughter was chatting with her friends, gave the TV to a neighbor, and used bookmarks to keep track of how many pages Anya had read in a day (although I tried to convince my friend that reading would only benefit the girl). In general, in my opinion, my friend became intolerable, which is what I warned her about.

As a result of such actions from her mother, Anya began to cry even more often and lay huddled on the sofa for hours. And one day, when I was tired of listening to my friend’s telephone news, I called Anya to the phone and said:

- You know what, Princess Nesmeyana, tomorrow you will come to see me, you will do all the tests... It doesn’t matter that you are still in the children’s clinic, your illnesses are already quite adult. I will prescribe you a treatment that will definitely help. But you must follow all the recommendations. Otherwise, I’m not responsible for the consequences... And you go for a consultation with a psychologist.

- Oh, Aunt Sasha, I’ll do everything. I’m so tired of these pains, you feel like an invalid... - an adult child whined into my phone.

Do you know how long it took me and Anya to cure her? Year. Upon examination, it turned out that the girl has accompanying illnesses: gastritis, duodenitis, dysbacteriosis... And all this was aggravated by a depressive state. But the girl turned out to be smart, she not only took medications regularly, but also established a regimen herself. I bought a book by Gennady Malakhov and cleansed my liver, drank herbal infusions, I started doing aerobics at home using a video cassette. In general, a doctor can only dream about such patients.

Now Anya is 18 years old, she got married early and is expecting a child. Thank God, there are no problems with the liver yet.

We have already talked about what the gallbladder is, where it is located and what it looks like externally. Now let's find out what's inside. And inside the walls of the gallbladder and bile ducts there is thin layer muscles. It is needed so that the gallbladder can empty itself of bile. How does this happen?

Because muscle layer is located inside the wall, then when the muscles contract, a forward movement of the entire wall of the gallbladder and bile ducts occurs. That is, at the same time, a coordinated contraction of some muscles and relaxation of others occurs, as a result of which bile regularly (as needed) flows from the gallbladder into the intestines.

Due to certain reasons, this correct coordinated movement of the muscles is disrupted, which is where the name of this disease comes from (the word dyskinesia consists of the roots of two Latin words: dis - violation and kinesis - movement). Motor skills, the activity of which is controlled by the central nervous system, are impaired.

The reasons for the development of this disease there may be dysfunction of the nervous system (neurosis, mental trauma, vegetative-vascular dystonia), lack of physical activity, chronic diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract, infections, other organ diseases abdominal cavity(gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer, enteritis, colitis), gynecological diseases, hormonal disorders, congenital abnormal structure of the gallbladder and bile ducts. As well as muscle weakness of the biliary tract (most often in sick, weakened people), which occurs when sedentary life and lack of natural nutrition.

Most often this disease is observed in women (77% of patients), and mainly in at a young age(up to 40 years old). What are the manifestations of this disease?

Signs of biliary dyskinesia.

The main feature is pain in the right iliac or epigastric region, which can be sharp and intermittent (more often), occurring several times a week or a month, less often they can be dull and long-lasting. Attacks of these pains can occur after excitement, neuropsychic stress, less often after a diet violation, intense physical activity or even without visible reasons. Most often, these attacks go away on their own.

In addition to pain, there may be constipation, diarrhea or alternating them, as well as periodic attacks of nausea or even vomit.

What to do if you suspect this disease?

Treatment of dyskinesia. Regardless of the cause of dyskinesia, to reduce pain attacks it is necessary to avoid neuropsychic and physical stress. You need to structure your daily routine in such a way that it suits you, so that you feel comfortable both at work and at home. Of course, you can say, it’s easy to give advice, but how to do it in practice?

Try to analyze what you did for at least one day and determine whether there was anything unnecessary on which you spent too much energy and emotions. Maybe it was worth spending less feelings and worries on some events? Maybe you need to rest, despite the accumulated work? After all, if health demands it, then business can wait.

For example, I know that many women, coming home from work, barely having time to take off their outerwear and wash their hands, rush to the kitchen to cook dinner for the family or do laundry and clean. And I advise you to start the evening with something else: with a shower and a fifteen-minute rest on the couch. Maybe at first your loved ones will look at you with displeasure, but believe me, your actions are completely justified. Water will wash away all the negative energy that has accumulated on your skin during the day, and rest will give you the opportunity to gain new, positive energy, which you can easily spend in the kitchen.

If you have already been examined and received a diagnosis of “biliary dyskinesia,” then the type must be indicated - hypotonic (with decreased tone) or hypertensive (with excessive increase in tone).

In the first case, to slightly increase tone, it is good to take tonics such as ginseng, aralia, eleutherococcus, aloe extract and other stimulating drugs. If these remedies are in the form of a tincture, then it is good to take them 15–20 drops per glass of cool water 1–2 times a day. It is also recommended to take mineral waters, for example Essentuki No. 17, Arzni (well No. 15), Batalinskaya. Any water should be taken cold or slightly warmed, without gases, 1 bottle per day in 2-3 doses, half an hour to an hour before meals.

At increased tone (hypertensive type) you should take sedatives, such as tincture of valerian, peony, hawthorn, motherwort. In this case, it is better to take the following mineral waters: Slavyanovskaya, Smirnovskaya of the Zheleznovodsk resort, Essentuki No. 4 and No. 20, Narzan No. 7 in hot (warm) form. An amount of 0.5 to 1 liter is divided into 5-6 doses per day.

It will be nice if you can cleanse the liver (read about this in the following chapters).

Inflammatory diseases

Now let's talk about inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract, such as cholecystitis, cholangitis and cholelithiasis.

Cholecystitis and cholangitis

Let's figure out what it is. If the inflammatory process is more pronounced in the gallbladder, this disease is called cholecystitis, and if in the bile ducts - cholangitis (or angiocholitis). A gallbladder infection easily spreads to the bile ducts and vice versa. That is why doctors often use a general term that characterizes the inflammatory state of the entire biliary tract system - angiocholecystitis.

Diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract can also be acute and chronic, and they are caused by numerous microbial pathogens.

Causes of inflammation of the gallbladder and ducts.

Cholecystitis and cholangitis develop most often when there are stones or sand in the gallbladder or ducts that interfere with the free flow of bile. Inflammation can also be caused by microorganisms that penetrate the gallbladder mainly from the intestines. Inflammation of the gallbladder and ducts can also be caused by gastritis with insufficient acid in the gastric juice. Chronic angiocholecystitis is often accompanied by chronic hepatitis or develops after acute hepatitis.

Chronic cholecystitis may develop after acute cholecystitis or against the background of common chronic diseases ( chronic appendicitis, sore throat, syphilis, tuberculosis, malaria, inflammatory gynecological diseases).

Risk factors.

Who most often suffers from cholecystitis? If the frequency of detection of gallstones increases with age, then acalculous cholecystitis occurs more often at a younger age, 30–45 years. In women, bacterial acalculous cholecystitis occurs approximately 2–3 times more often than in men, while in gallstone disease this ratio is 5–6:1.

Predisposing factors the occurrence of chronic cholecystitis is obesity, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis.

The gallbladder is a storage place for bile, so it is not difficult to imagine the gallbladder as a kind of storage room. In it, reserves constantly accumulate, but for some reason they are not consumed and begin to deteriorate. Approximately the same thing happens in the gallbladder, that is, stagnation and changes in the properties of bile develop in it. Stagnation of bile is usually a consequence movement disorders– dyskinesia, which we just talked about. Stagnation of bile, which develops with dyskinesia, creates conditions under which microorganisms can become aggressive and lead to inflammation of the biliary tract.

Stagnation of bile is promoted by irregular nutrition, overeating, abuse of animal fats, smoked meats, hot and spicy dishes. It goes without saying that alcohol in excessive doses contributes to the occurrence of cholecystitis and cholangitis.

Heredity also plays a role in the manifestation of the disease, but probably not as significant as previous factors. Rather, it is even worth talking not about genetic heredity, but about the heredity of habits. After all, we get used to a certain type of nutrition from childhood in the family where we grow up. And if mom is used to being fat and spicy food, then she will feed her family in the same way, according to her taste. Consequently, the child will develop the habit of eating the same, and the shape of his body will repeat the shape of the parents’ body, and the same chemical reactions will occur inside as in the older generation. Therefore, most likely, a plump mother will raise a plump daughter or son, and in a thin family you can rarely see a fat child.

Although there are exceptions.

For example, I knew one mother who was not overweight herself, her husband was generally thin, and her daughter was extremely curvy. And all because in her youth, mother really liked plump children, with thick smooth cheeks, “bandages” on arms and legs, etc. And when her daughter was born, she simply fed her child. She achieved her goal - the girl resembled a baby doll. Do you think the girl, when she grew up, said thank you to her mother? Not at all. At school, my daughter had problems in physical education lessons; the boys called her names. When I grew up, it became difficult to choose clothes - you can’t wear a short skirt, you can’t find a fitted dress - you can’t find the waist. Young people don't indulge in attention. Why did I start talking about this girl - have you guessed? Yes, she is my patient, she is suffering, poor, with cholecystitis, she is being treated in every possible way, she dreams of losing weight. And her mother cannot forgive herself for having caused so much trouble to her own child through her own stupidity.

Therefore, my dears, I ask you to monitor the diet of your children, it should be varied and balanced, both overeating and undereating are bad. And most importantly, make sure that the child eats at the same time. The habit of proper nutrition begins in childhood.

For example, in my parents’ family it was customary to have dinner at seven o’clock in the evening. This was an immutable rule. All day long everyone ate in different places: some at school, some at work, but by seven o’clock everyone had to sit at the round home table and watch grandma pour soup into bowls.

In childhood and adolescence I really didn’t like this, I thought it was violence against the individual, because sometimes I had to drop everything halfway and rush home as soon as possible so as not to be late for the table (if any of the family members were absent, inform me about this in advance without warning, everyone was waiting for him to come, and it was awkward to make oneself wait, so no one was late).

As I grew older, I realized that my mother, who adhered to such a strict routine, was right: firstly, we were all used to eating at the same time (and I kept this habit for the rest of my life), and secondly, every day When the whole family gathered around the table, we could talk and discuss common family matters. You see, not separately - mother and daughter, father and mother, etc., but all together. A community was created, which is called a family, where every person is its worthy member and has the right to vote. There was also a third positive aspect: a tribute to my grandmother, because all day long, while we were all studying or working, she was busy with the housework, preparing dinner for us, taking care of our food, we had to somehow thank her, at least come on time, so that she doesn’t have to reheat the food once again, and after dinner, thank her for her concern.

For my school friend Irina, everything was the other way around in her family. No, they lived well. They didn't quarrel, they took care of each other. But we ate like this: I want to eat, I want not. If there is no hot lunch, then a bottle of kefir will do. I wanted to eat at twelve at night - please, a piece of sausage from the refrigerator. As a result, Irina’s dad developed an ulcer, my mother has already been operated on twice, the stones were cut out, Irishka herself, and now Irina Igorevna, suffers from chronic cholecystitis, Ira’s daughter has been complaining of abdominal pain since childhood...

Here's heredity for you: adjust your diet, change your daily routine, adhere to basic rules in food - and heredity will change.

Signs of cholecystitis.

Like many internal diseases, cholecystitis can be acute or chronic.

Acute cholecystitis manifests itself as painful attacks in the right hypochondrium and epigastric region. Nausea and vomiting may occur. The temperature jumps very high – up to 38–39 °C. The pain can be very strong, simply unbearable, and can radiate to the right shoulder and shoulder blade. It most often occurs suddenly, but if you ask the patient, it will most likely turn out that 3-4 hours before the attack he ate something spicy, fatty, or drank alcohol. Yellowness of the skin may appear 2–3 days after the attack occurs. The urine will become dark in color.

If an attack of acute cholecystitis occurs, surgical intervention may be required (if a pebble is stuck in the duct), so an ambulance must be called. And before her arrival, under no circumstances put a heating pad on the patient or try to cleanse the stomach.

Chronic cholecystitis manifested by increased temperature (during exacerbations), decreased appetite, aversion to fatty, fried foods, dryness, bitterness in the mouth, belching, nausea, periodic vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, unstable stool. In addition, during an exacerbation, there may be an unpleasant odor from the mouth and a thick, pale yellow coating on the tongue. This disease is characterized by dull, aching, pressing, periodic or constant pain in the right hypochondrium, intensifying after eating fatty, fried, cold foods, overwork, physical activity and during the period of other infections (even the common cold). With this disease, referred back pain may also be felt, right shoulder blade, right shoulder, neck, back of the head, and also in the lower back.

Sometimes chronic cholecystitis occurs without severe pain and is accompanied only by a feeling of awkwardness in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium. In addition to the listed complaints and objective data, gallbladder disease is judged by the nature of the bile obtained during duodenal intubation in medical institutions.

Since the gallbladder and bile ducts are closely connected anatomically and functionally, inflammation occurs, as a rule, not in isolation in the gallbladder or in the bile ducts, but together. Therefore, the signs of chronic cholecystitis and chronic angiocholitis are similar. Only a doctor can distinguish between these diseases by analyzing bile obtained through duodenal intubation.


I recently overheard a story on the bus. Two elderly women were talking.

“Imagine,” the plump, gray-haired woman said to her friend, “I almost gave up here. My son has long threatened to send me to the south, to see the sea and relax, but now he has been honored and bought me a ticket to Anapa. They escorted me and my daughter-in-law to the train, and I went on a cultural vacation for the first time in my life. But, apparently, it was not my destiny to swim in the sea...

I met good fellow travelers in the carriage, a husband and wife, cheerful and hospitable. They fed me everything with lard, smoked sausage, eggs and pickled cucumbers, I just couldn’t refuse. The night and day passed calmly, but in the evening I felt bad: first my right side began to ache, then my shoulder. I went to bed early. But I couldn’t sleep, the pain was terrible, even if I screamed, there was some kind of bitterness in my mouth, nausea, chills.

In general, they took me off the train and took me by ambulance to a hospital in Krasnodar. I spent almost three weeks there. And the funniest thing was when my son met me at the station and said: “Mommy, you’re a little tanned, just a little yellow.” I didn’t tell him that I was in the hospital, he had no idea how or where I “sunbathed,” and the yellowness that he mistook for a tan was from my sick liver. That’s how I “rested,” it’s good that I remained alive,” she sighed.

Her story seemed to me to be taken from some medical textbook, where it is written how people with gallstone disease should not behave. After all, everything contributed to this woman developing hepatic colic: emotional and physical stress was probably present (how can you get ready for the trip without them?). This is the first. The second is the shaking in the carriage. And third - the most important - food. Fatty lard and sausage, sour-salted cucumbers... A nightmare! I think that if her liver could talk, this woman would hear little pleasant things about herself.

Now let's talk in more detail about this disease. Gallstone disease is one of the most widespread diseases. It is characterized by the formation of stones in the bile ducts and gall bladder, which include cholesterol, bilirubin and lime salts.

This is a very common disease. But it has age and gender boundaries. Thus, in young people (up to 20–30 years of age), stones are formed very rarely, but after 40–60 years of age, many are already affected by this disease; after 70 years of age gallstones found in every third person. Moreover, it is much more common in women than in men.

The disease is usually accompanied by an inflammatory process in the gallbladder, which is why cholelithiasis is also called “ calculous cholecystitis" You already know what cholecystitis is. The word “calculous” refers to the presence of stones.

Predisposing factors. Many factors contribute to the development of this disease.

Undoubtedly, the most significant role is played by poor nutrition. Particularly favorable for the development of the disease excessive consumption foods rich in fats containing cholesterol (fatty meats and fish, butter, eggs, etc.). The increased content of cereals and flour dishes in the diet is also important, as this promotes certain reactions, as a result of which the solubility of cholesterol decreases. People whose diet is rich in vegetables, fruits and milk rarely carry stones.

Various metabolic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, gout, kidney stones, metabolic arthritis, atherosclerosis, lack of vitamin A, also predispose to the formation of gallstones.

Heredity, undoubtedly has significant significance (according to various authors, from 8 to 45% of patients had relatives with this pathology). But at the same time, as I already said, not only the tendency to metabolic disorders plays a role, but also the commonality of nutrition in the family and living conditions.

Stagnation of bile will definitely sooner or later lead to cholelithiasis, because when bile stagnates, the balance of bile components is disturbed, which leads to their loss. Rare meals, a sedentary lifestyle, constipation, wearing tight belts, neuropsychic disorders accompanied by biliary dyskinesia - all these factors that cause stagnation of bile in the gallbladder contribute to the formation of gallstones.

Infection, penetrating to the liver from other organs can cause the formation of stones. Increasingly, cases have begun to be observed in which stones begin to form in people with initially diagnosed acalculous cholecystitis.

Manifestations of gallstone disease. To better understand the manifestations of gallstone disease, let's imagine that a harmful brownie has appeared in our crowded pantry. If he is in a good mood, then you do not feel any manifestations of the disease. But as soon as he gets angry, as among " full health"you suddenly have acute attack pain in the right hypochondrium, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, bloating, constipation, and short-term fever.

What can make a capricious brownie so angry and provoke an attack? Sometimes he doesn’t like rich food, sometimes he doesn’t like alcoholic drinks, excitement, overwork, cooling, shaking, working at an angle (for example, long-term weeding of beds) are contraindicated for him.

In fact, all of the above actions provoke the movement of stones inside the gallbladder, which causes these signs of the disease. The sequence of manifestations is usually as follows: after severe attacks of biliary colic, fever occurs, then jaundice appears, and soon an enlarged liver may be noted. Typically, an attack lasts from several hours to 1–2 days. When the duct is blocked by a stone, jaundice occurs, which is accompanied by itching, discoloration of stool and disappears soon after the attack. The blockage can be partial, and the stone in the duct can move, sometimes covering or opening the opening of the duct, like a valve. At the same time, jaundice changes in intensity, it can completely disappear and reappear periodically. With persistent blockage, all manifestations characteristic of jaundice are more pronounced, body temperature can rise to 39–40°. In this case, in the absence surgical treatment the consequences can be extremely severe and irreversible.

With a relatively mild course, attacks are rare, and years may pass between them. In other cases, colic occurs more often, it happens every day. Outside of an attack, patients usually feel quite healthy.

Complications. Gallstone disease is considered chronic disease and sometimes, especially without treatment, compliance with the appropriate regimen and diet, can lead to a number of complications. The most common complication of cholelithiasis is duct blockage; if this condition is prolonged, it can lead to hydrocele of the gallbladder. If there is an infection - to purulent cholecystitis. Such complications, if they do not go away within 2-3 weeks, in most cases also require surgical treatment.

Liver and gallbladder diseases can impair the normal functioning of organs, and this will have a significant impact on the functioning of all processes in the human body. The activity of these two organs is of great importance for the normal functioning of the entire organism. They are involved in the processes of blood circulation, digestion and metabolism. The liver is one of the main organs that is involved in many processes, as well as blood purification. For liver damage a long period symptoms of the disease do not appear, because this organ has a powerful self-healing mechanism.

But if symptoms do appear, then you urgently need to pay attention to your daily diet, and it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Diseases associated with the liver and organs are often similar in their symptoms and causal factors, since the liver performs similar functions in the gastrointestinal tract and is interconnected.

Symptoms of liver disease

Symptoms of liver disease do not immediately appear, so a person may not feel a problem in the functioning of the organ for a long time.

The main advantage of the liver property is its unusual ability to independently regenerate organ cells. Therefore, the symptoms are not very pronounced and sometimes a person simply does not notice them.

The main signs of liver damage are the following symptoms:

  • Constant feeling fatigue and lethargy.
  • Severe drowsiness appears and therefore performance decreases much faster.
  • Attacks of nausea, in some cases vomiting may occur. In addition, the patient may suffer from heartburn.
  • May be accompanied by excessive appetite or extreme thirst.
  • Cramps or anemia may also occur.
  • A dull aching pain in the right hypochondrium is the first sign of liver disease.

It is worth remembering that the liver is one of the main organs that ensures the normal functioning of the entire body, so its damage should be diagnosed on early stages.

Symptoms of gallbladder disease

The gallbladder is one of the most important organs that is involved in the digestive system. These two organs, such as the gallbladder and liver, are located very close to each other. They are connected to each other using thin tubes. Its system of operation is responsible for the rational distribution and accumulation of bile.

Signs of gallbladder disease may include: the following symptoms:

  • Colic on the right side of the hypochondrium.
  • Immediately after sleep, a bitter taste appears in the mouth.
  • Severe sharp pain that can radiate to the back.

Gallbladder diseases in the first stages are usually not expressed in a bright form. Therefore, many people confuse their symptoms with other stomach disorders. This can lead to complications and significant deterioration general condition sick.

The functions of these two organs in the digestive processes, which ensure the normal functioning of the body, are quite significant and varied. Therefore, it is necessary to diagnose diseases in time in the early stages to avoid complications.

Causes of diseases of these organs

Diseases of the gallbladder and liver have the same symptoms.

Their appearance can be influenced by a number of factors, such as:

  • Bacteria and viruses that have infectious nature.
  • Overdose alcoholic drinks, medications and some chemical additives.
  • Eating spicy and fatty foods.
  • Irrational eating.

If you prevent diseases of these organs and follow the correct daily diet, you can avoid the appearance of symptoms of diseases and complications from them.

Types of diseases of these two organs

There are a number of diseases that can occur when these organs are affected. Each of them has special manifestations, so it is necessary to become better acquainted with them in order to know their main symptoms. Gallbladder disease is quite common today and brings many problems.

The main diseases of this organ can be the following:

  • Biliary dyskinesia is a malfunction of the biliary system, resulting in stagnation or, conversely, excess bile. The disease begins due to physical fatigue and transferred stressful situations. Symptoms are expressed in sharp pain in the right hypochondrium.
  • Gallstone disease is a disease in which stones occur. If cholesterol is formed in large quantities and the gallbladder cannot cope with its excretion, stones may form. This disease is inherited. Also at risk may be people who suffer from impaired metabolism.

  • Chronic cholecystitis is expressed by a disease that carries inflammatory nature and begins as a result of infection entering the body. It is severe and is accompanied by pain that is cramping in nature. Vomiting may also begin. At severe attacks immediate treatment is required.

The liver is an important organ that is involved in many processes.

You can select the following diseases liver:

  • Hepatitis is a common liver disease in which damage and death of organ cells occurs. There are many reasons for this disease, but regardless of its occurrence, there are two main forms - chronic and acute.
  • Liver cirrhosis is a chronic disease that results in complete dysfunction of the organ.
  • Liver cancer is malignant in nature, resulting in complete destruction of the organ.
  • Cholangitis is expressed in severe inflammation bile ducts, which causes bile duct obstruction and is accompanied by infection.

Effective therapeutic therapy

Such diseases are considered quite serious and can cause severe complications.

Therefore, for their treatment it is used whole line medications, which include:

  • Hepatoprotective drugs, they are divided into herbal and animal products, and drugs that fully restore the functioning of the organ, and amino acids. They are prescribed during liver diseases, they effectively restore the process of its functioning.
  • Choleretic drugs are herbal remedies and synthetic drugs.
  • In some cases they can be used antivirals, mainly with viral hepatitis.
  • Antibacterial therapy used for diseases that are manifested by inflammatory processes.


Nowadays, the use of herbs, infusions and decoctions is considered to be quite effective methods of treating these diseases.

The following folk remedies can be used:

  • In order to improve the functioning of the liver and relieve heaviness, an infusion of anise and mint will help.
  • Severe pain can be relieved by a decoction of sage and an infusion of oats.
  • Immortelle helps relieve strong painful sensations and normalizes the flow of bile.

But it is worth remembering that during exacerbations it is best to refrain from folk remedies.

In order to prevent complications and remove symptoms of diseases, you need to diagnose the disease in time and choose the right treatment regimen.

Hepatitis (symptoms) Liver cirrhosis - treatment


2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs