Transient movement disorders in newborns. Movement disorder syndromes in newborns

One of the pathologies motor activity is a syndrome motor disorders in children. The disease mainly manifests itself in infants. The risk group includes children who have suffered oxygen starvation (hypoxia), as well as those who have suffered a skull injury.

Types of DSN

The disease can progress, so the earlier it is identified, the greater the chance of a positive outcome. With adequate treatment, the baby can be cured. Doctors distinguish the following types of syndrome:

  • Muscular hypotonia. Main sign− decreased muscle tone. This type of movement disorder syndrome mainly occurs in children under one year of age, but is sometimes found at older ages.
  • Muscle hypertonicity. There is a significantly increased tone. The baby is not capable of maintaining balance for a long time. Parents may notice problems in the development of grasping ability.

Movement disorder syndrome in children

  • Cerebellar syndrome. With this pathology, a dysfunction of the cerebellum occurs. A patient with this syndrome has a gait that resembles a person under the influence of alcohol.
  • Tonic labyrinthine reflex. The baby is unable to sit up or roll over to the other side.
  • Cerebral palsy.

When determining the type of impairment in a patient, the most common disease is cerebral palsy.

Symptoms of the disease

A distinctive feature of the disease is that the syndrome of movement disorders does not have specific symptoms, found only in this pathology. Basically, these are signs that even healthy children can have. Parents should be very careful. Of course, you don’t need to take your child to the doctor for any little thing. However, ignore the signs possible pathology It’s also not worth it, otherwise everything could be very disastrous.
The main symptoms of movement disorder syndrome in children are:

  • poverty of facial expressions;
  • crying for no reason, most often monotonous;
  • the child constantly picks up toys, but doesn’t seem to know what to do next with them;

Crying for no reason is one of the symptoms of the disease

  • expression of emotions is delayed, for example, the first attempts to smile at three to four months;
  • slow reactions to external stimuli;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • problems with speech, as a result of which the child begins to speak late.

If you do notice several symptoms in your baby, monitor him more carefully. If you suspect infant motor impairment syndrome, you should consult a specialist.

Causes of movement disorder syndrome

In some cases, the risk of acquiring SDN increases. For example, if a pregnant woman or the newborn itself suffered from hypoxia, there is high probability get deviations in muscle function and coordination. There may also be a malformed musculoskeletal system in the womb.

Another reason is a central nervous system infection. A pregnant woman can infect the fetus through the placenta. However, sometimes movement disorder syndrome occurs after complications during childbirth, including when non-professional obstetricians try to force the baby out, causing injury. After this, the child runs the risk of developing movement disorder syndrome.

A pregnant woman can infect the fetus through the placenta

After childbirth, parents are required to closely monitor the baby. At two to four months it is already possible to diagnose SDN, but for this you need to carefully monitor your child. Parents should not be afraid to contact a specialist and hear the diagnosis. SDN cannot be called a sentence, because when proper treatment the baby will be absolutely healthy.


A sick child should undergo treatment under the supervision of a neurologist. The most effective methods are massage and physical therapy. Treatment of movement disorder syndrome in children is complex and multi-stage. Before making a prescription, the doctor must determine the child's specific abnormalities (problems with gait, sitting, or crawling).

Relaxing massage gives results and is considered the most effective treatment method. But this is provided that it is carried out by professionals. This method will not tolerate amateur activity, otherwise the syndrome may even worsen. It is recommended to have 15 massage sessions. If the syndrome was diagnosed before one year of age, then the child needs 4 courses. It is advisable that each consist of 20 massage sessions.

You can learn more about the number of visits to a massage therapist from the doctor, who will recommend the optimal number of sessions, depending on the type of SDN. Also, a certain ointment must be used during the procedure. A specialist will tell you which one is right for your child.

Relaxing massage gives results and is considered the most effective treatment method

Physical therapy is somewhat less effective than massage, but is an integral element successful treatment. At exercise therapy classes need to be given Special attention lower limbs. Before starting the exercises, it is recommended to put woolen socks on the baby’s feet. It wouldn’t hurt to make paraffin boots after finishing physical education. They can be replaced with baths of boiled oats.

Another treatment method is physiotherapeutic procedures. These include:

  • electrophoresis,
  • ultraviolet irradiation,
  • phonophoresis.

These procedures will help in speedy recovery, but you shouldn’t count on them alone.

Also sometimes prescribed drug treatment child. However, despite its high effectiveness, parents prefer to abandon it.

Traditional medicine for SDN has not shown itself to be good; it does not produce results. But this does not prevent some parents from forgetting about the doctor’s prescriptions and looking for more and more new recipes on the Internet or in old books, notebooks of mothers and grandmothers. Thus, they miss time and opportunity to help their child.

Most effective method treatment for delays in the development of the central nervous system - reflexology.


It is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later. First of all, a pregnant woman needs to do everything to ensure that the baby in the womb does not need oxygen and nutrients. You need to take your choice of obstetrician-gynecologist seriously.

When the child is already able to sit and crawl, give him the opportunity to explore objects around him. Give him as many toys and colorful pictures as possible. But do not forget about precautions, exclude the possibility of the child reaching sockets, climbing out onto the windowsill, or swallowing small things. Also, don’t forget about gymnastics. Play finger games with your child and, if possible, give him a separate room.

The physical activity of a baby is one of the main factors by which it is customary to judge the state of his health. But there are cases when parents of a baby hear from a neurologist a diagnosis of “motor disorder syndrome.” What is this? What symptoms accompany the disease? Is it possible to get rid of it? Are there ways to help avoid the occurrence trouble like this? The article will discuss the answers to these and some other questions.

What is neonatal movement disorder syndrome?

This disease is diagnosed in cases where an infant experiences a decrease or increase in motor activity and weakening muscle strength. Babies aged 2 to 4 months are most susceptible to it.

Movement disorder syndrome is divided into several main types:

  1. Muscle hypertonicity.
  2. Muscular hypotonia.
  3. Cerebellar syndrome.
  4. Cerebellar dysarthria.
  5. Symmetrical cervical tonic reflex.
  6. Tonic labyrinthine reflex.

Each type of disease has its own characteristics. We'll talk about this later when considering the symptoms of movement disorder syndrome.

Causes of the disease

Movement disorder syndrome in infants can occur as a result of exposure to certain factors.

Firstly, the cause of the disease can be hypoxia. This phenomenon is accompanied by a disruption of the blood supply to the brain, which leads to its damage.

Secondly, movement disorder syndrome can occur as a result of an intrauterine infection.

Third, common cause diseases are received birth injuries as a result of too much weight of the fetus, breech, incorrect insertion of the head, and so on. In all these cases, the newborn's spinal cord may be affected.

Fourth and last reason lies in the wrong apparatus.

Symptoms of hypertension

Movement disorder syndrome in a newborn, manifested as hypertonicity, may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • The baby's body in a supine position bends in the form of an arc;
  • the baby learned to hold his head before even reaching one month of age;
  • by the age of three months, the child has not learned to open his hand in order to take a toy or other object, he presses his clenched fists to his body;
  • the baby's head is always turned in one direction;
  • if you put the baby on his feet, he will not stand on his full foot, but on just his toes;
  • the child can only roll over on one side;
  • at the age of one, he does not use both hands, but prefers one.

All of the above signs mean that an excessive number of impulses are coming from the central nervous system. You shouldn’t put off going to a neurologist.

Symptoms of hypotension

Unlike the previous option, hypotonicity is characterized by a reduced supply of impulses from the central nervous system to muscle tissue, as a result of which their voltage decreases.

This type of movement disorder syndrome is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • lethargy of the baby, he makes very few movements with his legs and arms;
  • the baby cannot hold the toy in his hand;
  • the baby's cry is very weak;
  • the baby cannot hold his head in vertical position for long period time and constantly throws it back;
  • the baby does not begin to crawl, sit and stand up at the appropriate time;
  • the child begins to smile much later than expected;
  • Children with hypotonia have very poor balance while sitting: even at 6-7 months they sway from side to side.

This type of disease has a very bad effect on the spine and posture, causing high risk joint dislocations. Severe forms can make even such important processes, like breastfeeding, chewing and swallowing food. In addition, children with this type of disease long time do not show speech skills.

General symptoms of the disease

What else can be accompanied by movement disorder syndrome? Symptoms by which one can judge the disease are also the following:

  • The child cannot take pathological positions. It is very difficult for him to bend and straighten his upper limbs. In addition, he cannot bend his fingers.
  • Another sign is the monotony of the baby’s screaming and crying.
  • Significant delay in auditory and visual reactions.
  • The baby is lagging behind physical development, it is more difficult for him to learn to roll over, sit down, maintain balance, and so on.

Diagnosis of the disease

Even if there is obvious signs problems should not be diagnosed independently, much less self-medicated. It is necessary to contact a neurologist who will conduct full examination and based on its results will be able to determine the presence of the disease and its type.

During diagnosis, the perinatal history is first taken into account. The doctor needs to know whether the child has had previous infections, toxic-metabolic disorders, or signs of hypoxia. Special attention is paid to assessing the condition of a newborn baby using the Apgar scale.

If there is a baby being examined whose fontanel has not yet become overgrown, he is prescribed a Doppler study. cerebral blood flow and neurosonography. In particularly severe cases, a CT or MRI of the brain may be needed.

Additionally, the child’s skills are compared with developmental standards for his age. Neurologists and pediatricians in this case use special tables.

Movement disorder syndrome in children: treatment of the disease

Do not despair if your child has been given such a terrible, at first glance, diagnosis. To date, a lot has been developed effective ways, which will help get rid of such a problem as movement disorder syndrome. Treatment may include massage, reflexology, osteopathy, physical therapy. Let's look briefly at each of these methods.

Let's start with physical therapy and massage. To carry them out, it is usually necessary to use special ointments. The specialist will tell you which ones before performing the procedures. Particular attention in this case is usually paid to the lower extremities. There are two more small but important nuances: before starting massage and physical education, you need to wrap the baby’s legs in wool clothes, and at the end, make baths with boiled oats or paraffin boots.

In order to determine the set of necessary exercises, the doctor focuses primarily on where exactly the disorders are observed: in sitting, crawling, walking, and so on.

Children under one year of age must undergo at least four courses of therapeutic massage and physical education. Moreover, one course includes about 20 sessions, which consist of a clearly established set of exercises.

Parents need to remember that they should not relax between sessions with a specialist. During this period, they must massage the baby themselves.

Next, let's look at what osteopathy is. The procedure is an alternative official medicine. The positive effect in this case is achieved by influencing the desired points of the body and massage internal organs.

Reflexology is used in cases where the syndrome of movement disorders in children is accompanied by delays in maturation and development. This type of therapy shows the greatest effectiveness.

In some cases, in order to eliminate movement disorder syndrome in newborns, the doctor may prescribe the use of homeopathic medicines. Their choice will depend on the nature of the disease and the characteristics of the baby’s body.

No less important role The child’s properly formed diet also plays a role. It must contain a large number of vitamin B. Otherwise, you will need to give injections.

Forecast for the future

How successful the treatment will be depends primarily on the type of disease.

Mild movement disorder syndrome (provided there is no persistent hypoxia) can be overcome within the first year of the baby’s life.

More severe types of the disease can cause many complications: mental retardation, epilepsy, difficulties with walking, learning and concentrating, weather sensitivity, headaches, manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Disease prevention

The main prevention of movement disorder syndrome is to provide the child with freedom of action. Of course, within the limits of safety rules. There is no need to limit its space with a cradle. If possible, it is recommended to allocate a separate room for the baby.

The baby must develop and learn something new. Colorful pictures, bright toys, and so on can help in this matter.

Additionally, you can let your child walk barefoot, exercise with him on a fitball, spend massotherapy and gymnastics. Touching objects of different textures is also very useful.

Let's sum it up

Many mothers perceive movement disorder syndrome as a death sentence and give up, having lost hope that their baby will recover. Under no circumstances should you do this! As you can see, this disease today is no longer included in the group of incurables, which means that the chances of full recovery The child's are very large. As a rule, by the age of two, all signs of the disease disappear in 90% of children. This is especially true in cases where the problem was detected early enough and has not yet had time to worsen. The only thing that is needed from parents in such a situation is to show perseverance and patience. And then everything will be fine with their beloved baby. Be healthy!

When a baby is born, its internal organs and body systems are not yet fully formed. This also applies to the central nervous system, which is responsible for the normal social functioning of a person. For the formation process to be completed, a certain period of time is required.

IN last years the number of central nervous system pathologies in infants has increased significantly. They can develop during intrauterine period, and will also appear during childbirth or immediately after it. Such lesions, which negatively affect the functioning of the nervous system, can cause serious complications and even disability.

What is perinatal CNS damage?

Perinatal Central Nervous System Damage, abbreviated as PCNSL, is a whole line pathologies that are related to disruptions in the functioning of the brain and developmental abnormalities in its structure. Similar deviations from the norm are observed in children in perinatal period, the time frame of which ranges from the 24th week of pregnancy to the first 7 days of life after birth, inclusive.

IN currently PPCNSL in newborns is a fairly common phenomenon. This diagnosis is established in 5-55% of children. The wide range of indicators is due to the fact that often lesions of the central nervous system of this kind resolve easily and quickly. Cases severe forms perinatal lesion occurs in 1-10% of children who were born on time. Premature babies are more susceptible to the disease.

Classification of the disease

IN modern medicine It is customary to classify deviations into normal functioning The central nervous system in accordance with the reasons that caused this or that pathology. In this regard, each disorder has its own forms and symptoms. There are 4 main pathological types of central nervous system lesions:

  • traumatic;
  • dismetabolic;
  • infectious;
  • hypoxic genesis.

Perinatal lesions in the newborn

Perinatal lesions of the central nervous system are those that develop during the perinatal period, the main part of which occurs in the prenatal period. The risk of depression of the central nervous system in a child increases if during pregnancy a woman suffered:

  • cytomegalovirus infection (we recommend reading:);
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • rubella;
  • herpes infection;
  • syphilis.

The child can get intracranial injury and injuries spinal cord or the peripheral nervous system during childbirth, which can also cause perinatal lesions. Toxic effects on the fetus can disrupt metabolic processes and negatively affect brain activity.

Hypoxic-ischemic damage to the nervous system

Hypoxic-ischemic damage to the nervous system is one of the forms perinatal pathology, which is caused by fetal hypoxia, that is, insufficient oxygen supply to the cells.

A manifestation of the hypoxic-ischemic form is cerebral ischemia, which has three degrees of severity:

  • First. Accompanied by depression or stimulation of the central nervous system, which lasts up to a week after birth.
  • Second. In addition to depression/excitation of the central nervous system that lasts more than 7 days, convulsions, increased intracranial pressure and vegetative-visceral disorders.
  • Third. It is characterized by a severe convulsive state, dysfunction of the brain stem, and high intracranial pressure.

Disease of mixed origin

In addition to ischemic genesis, hypoxic lesions of the central nervous system can be caused by hemorrhages of non-traumatic origin (hemorrhagic). These include hemorrhages:

  • intraventricular type 1, 2 and 3 degrees;
  • subarachnoid primary type;
  • into the substance of the brain.

Combination of ischemic and hemorrhagic forms, is called mixed. Its symptoms depend solely on the location of the hemorrhage and the severity.

Features of the diagnosis of PPCNSL

After giving birth to children mandatory examined by a neonatologist, assessing the degree of hypoxia. It is he who can suspect perinatal damage based on changes in the condition of the newborn. The conclusion about the presence of pathology is confirmed or refuted in the first 1-2 months. During this entire time, the baby is under the supervision of doctors, namely a neurologist, pediatrician and an additional specialist with a narrow focus (if required). Deviations in the functioning of the nervous system require special attention in order to be able to correct them in time.

Forms and symptoms of the disease

Perinatal damage to the central nervous system of a newborn can occur in 3 different forms, which are characterized by their own symptoms:

  1. light;
  2. average;
  3. heavy.

Knowing the symptoms that indicate inhibition of the central nervous system, you can make a diagnosis in the early stages and promptly treat the disease. The table below describes the symptoms that accompany the course of the disease for each of its forms:

PPCNS formCharacteristic symptoms
  • high excitability of nerve reflexes;
  • weak muscle tone;
  • sliding squint;
  • trembling of the chin, arms and legs;
  • wandering movements of the eyeballs;
  • nervous movements.
  • lack of emotions;
  • weak muscle tone;
  • paralysis;
  • convulsions;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • spontaneous motor activity of the eyes.
  • convulsions;
  • renal failure;
  • disruptions in bowel function;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • impaired functioning of the respiratory system.

Reasons for development

Very often, the cause of the development of PPCNSL is fetal hypoxia during the intrauterine period.

Among the reasons leading to perinatal damage to the central nervous system in an infant, it is worth noting four main ones:

  1. Fetal hypoxia during the intrauterine period. This deviation is due to a lack of oxygen entering the baby’s blood from the mother’s body. Provoking factors are harmful conditions work of a pregnant woman, bad habits, such as smoking, past infectious diseases and previous abortions.
  2. Injuries caused during childbirth. If a woman is weak labor activity, or the baby is delayed in the pelvis.
  3. Violation metabolic processes. They can be caused by toxic components that enter the body of a pregnant woman along with cigarettes, alcoholic drinks, narcotic substances and potent medications.
  4. Viral and bacterial infections that entered the mother's body during pregnancy, abbreviated as IUI - intrauterine infections.

Consequences of the disease

In most cases, by the time the child is one year old, almost all the symptoms accompanying damage to the nervous system have passed. Unfortunately, this does not mean at all that the disease has receded. Usually after such an illness there are always complications and unpleasant consequences.

After undergoing PCNSL, parents may experience child hyperactivity

Among them are:

  1. Hyperactivity. This syndrome characterized by aggressiveness, tantrums, learning difficulties and memory problems.
  2. Developmental delay. This applies to both physical and speech and mental development.
  3. Cerebroasthenic syndrome. It is characterized by the child's dependence on weather conditions, mood swings, restless sleep.

The most serious consequences of inhibition of the central nervous system, which lead to disability of the baby, are:

  • epilepsy;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • hydrocephalus (we recommend reading:).

Risk group

The widespread diagnosis of perinatal damage to the nervous system in a newborn is due to many factors and conditions affecting the intrauterine development of the fetus and the birth of the baby.

In pregnant women who had healthy image life, and the child was born at term, the probability of PPCNS is sharply reduced to 1.5-10%.

To the group increased risk, which is 50%, includes kids:

  • with breech presentation;
  • premature or, conversely, post-term;
  • with a high birth weight exceeding 4 kg.

It is also essential hereditary factor. However, it is difficult to predict exactly what may cause CNS depression in a child and depends more on the situation as a whole.


Any disturbances in brain activity are difficult to diagnose early stage. Babies are diagnosed with perinatal central nervous system damage during the first months of life, based on the presence of problems with motor and speech apparatus, and also taking into account violations mental functions. Closer to the year, the specialist should already specify the type of disease or refute the previously made conclusion.

Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system represent serious danger for the health and development of the child, so it is important to diagnose the problem in time in order to carry out proper treatment. If a newborn baby behaves uncharacteristically and the first symptoms of illness appear, parents must take him to the doctor. First he carries out an inspection, but for accurate diagnosis Such a procedure alone may not be sufficient. Only A complex approach will help identify the disease.

If there is the slightest suspicion that a child is developing PPCNS, it is necessary to immediately show a doctor

For this reason, the following clinical and laboratory tests are usually additionally prescribed:

  • neurosonography (we recommend reading:);
  • CT – CT scan or MRI - magnetic resonance imaging of the brain;
  • Ultrasound - ultrasound diagnostics;
  • X-ray examination;
  • echoencephalography (EchoES), rheoencephalography (REG) or electroencephalography (EEG) - methods functional diagnostics(we recommend reading: );
  • Consultative examination by an ophthalmologist, speech therapist and psychologist.

Treatment methods depending on symptoms

Treatment of any pathologies of the central nervous system in newborns must be carried out in the first months of life, since at this stage almost all processes are reversible, and the damaged ones can be completely restored. brain functions.

In the first months of life, PPCNS is easily treated

For this purpose, appropriate drug therapy, which allows:

  • improve nutrition of nerve cells;
  • stimulate blood circulation;
  • normalize muscle tone;
  • normalize metabolic processes;
  • relieve your baby from seizures;
  • relieve swelling of the brain and lungs;
  • increase or decrease intracranial pressure.

When the child’s condition stabilizes, in combination with medications carry out physiotherapy or osteopathy. The therapeutic and rehabilitation course is developed individually for each case.

Intracranial hypertension

Syndrome intracranial hypertension manifests itself as an increase in comparison with the norm, swelling of the large fontanel and divergence of the sutures of the skull (we recommend reading:). The child is also nervous and easily excitable. When similar symptoms The baby is prescribed diuretics and undergoes dehydration therapy. In order to reduce the likelihood of hemorrhages, it is recommended to take a course of Lidaz.

Plus, the baby is given special gymnastic exercises that help reduce intracranial pressure. Sometimes they resort to acupuncture and manual therapy to correct the outflow of fluid.

IN complex treatment PPCNS must include general strengthening gymnastic exercises

Movement disorders

When diagnosing movement disorder syndrome, treatment consists of a series of measures aimed at eliminating the problem:

  • Drug therapy. Drugs such as Galantamine, Dibazol, Alizin, Proserin are prescribed.
  • Massage and physical therapy. For children under one year of age, a minimum of 4 courses of such procedures are required, each of which consists of approximately 20 sessions with specially selected exercises. They are selected depending on what is subject to deviations: walking, sitting or crawling. Massage and exercise therapy are carried out using ointments.
  • Osteopathy. It consists of performing a massage of internal organs and influencing the desired points of the body.
  • Reflexology. Has established itself as the most effective method. Its help is resorted to in cases where SDN leads to a delay in the maturation and development of the nervous system.

Increased neuro-reflex excitability

One of possible manifestations perinatal lesions in acute phase is increased neuro-reflex excitability.

Relating to mild form the course of the pathology, it is characterized by:

  • decreased or increased muscle tone;
  • extinction of reflexes;
  • superficial sleep;
  • causeless shaking of the chin.

Massage with electrophoresis helps restore muscle tone. In addition, drug therapy is carried out, and treatment can be prescribed using pulsed currents and special baths.

Epileptic syndrome

For epileptic syndrome characterized by periodic epileptic seizures, which are accompanied by convulsions, which are shuddering and twitching of the upper and lower extremities and head. The main goal of therapy in this case is to get rid of convulsive state.

Finlepsin is prescribed if the child has convulsive syndrome

A course of the following medications is usually prescribed:

  • Difenin;
  • Radodorm;
  • Seduxen;
  • Finlepsin;
  • Phenobarbital.

Minimal brain dysfunction

Minimum brain dysfunction, better known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a low-symptomatic form of neurological disorders. Treatment medications mainly aimed at eliminating specific manifestations, while methods physical impact, namely massage or physical exercise, are capable of more high efficiency adjust pathological condition child.

Recovery period

The recovery period plays an important role in the full recovery of the baby.

At the rehabilitation stage during the first year of life, the main focus is not drug therapy, but all kinds of procedures that help activate those functions that have been impaired and restore normal operation CNS.

These include:

  • electrophoresis with medications;
  • therapeutic ultrasound;
  • physical therapy and gymnastics;
  • acupuncture;
  • swimming lessons;
  • impulse currents;
  • massage;
  • balneotherapy;
  • thermal procedures;
  • pedagogical methods of correction;
  • therapy through music.

In addition, parents must create certain living conditions for their child with PPCNS.

Natalya Mizichenko

Dear Irina Viktorovna, I really need your advice. My youngest girl was diagnosed with SDN by a neurologist at 6 months old. A little about the baby: born at 38 weeks, urgent birth, 8-9 points, naturally. weight and height at birth 3200 and 52, now 8150 and 67, on IV + complementary feeding PEP, intrauterine hypoxia, at 16 days he was admitted to the hospital with prolonged jaundice. Now all tests are normal. My daughter is now 7 months old speech development, emotional and fine motor skills are age appropriate. but general motor skills... the child does not roll over from his stomach to his back, he tries from his back to his stomach, but it doesn’t always work, if you lightly pull the handle, he will roll over, he really wants to sit, but he can’t, he sits with support from one armpit, There’s no talk of getting up, I’m still relying on my fingers. Generally active cheerful child, loves to play, sit in my arms and move around in space, sleeps well. In 7 months of treatment, we received 2 courses of massage, electrophoresis with euphilin, 2 monthly courses of Magne B6, 10 Cortexin injections, this month we are planning another massage, we are working out on a ball, we are doing exercises. I ask for your opinion on how serious our problems are, what else can we do for our baby, based on your experience, what are our prospects for overcoming this diagnosis. Very worried. Thanks in advance.

Hello, Natalia! It seems to me that you did everything possible and even beyond that for your baby. Apparently we're talking about about impaired muscle tone. If it is associated only with PEP and does not have any basis organic basis(type genetic disorder), everything should work out. She is not lagging behind in physical development (weight and height indicators). Judging by your story, the neuropsychic side does not suffer either. A child should start sitting down independently only at 8 months - as well as standing near a support (this site has articles about medical aspects raising children; in them I cited average standards of psycho-physical development; you can see). For now, we can only “reproach” the baby for her reluctance to roll over. I don't, but I know for sure that restorative abilities child's body amazing. I have been convinced many times that care, affection, and attention from relatives work wonders. Is not common words- in our family there grew up a girl who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy in childhood and who was very much behind in development (she began to sit and walk much later than her peers - I don’t even want to remember!). Her initial data were much worse than in your case. Now she is finishing school, studying well, and is going to college. Problems with increased tone Some of them remain in the legs, but are barely noticeable. I think that it was her mother who simply went out and nursed her (and, of course, massage courses and observation by a neurologist helped). In my opinion, you have a lot of maternal feelings. Everything should work out. Patience and strength to both of you!

Movement disorder syndrome in infants is a disease in which the baby experiences disturbances in motor activity (decreased or increased), weakened muscle strength and muscle dystonia.

Most often affected by this disease are infants between the ages of two and four months. The risk of getting this disease increases if the child has suffered hypoxia (oxygen starvation) or brain injury. Like many other diseases, movement disorder syndrome (MDS) is divided into several types.

Types of DSN

  • Muscle hypertonicity – increased muscle tone. The child is unable to maintain balance for a long time.
  • Muscle hypotonia is decreased muscle tone. This type of SDN also applies to older children.
  • Cerebral palsy – .
  • Cerebellar syndrome is a disorder of the work and functions of the cerebellum. (Drunken gait).
  • TLR - tonic labyrinthine reflex. Children cannot go to sitting position, cannot roll over from one side to the other.


  1. Complications during childbirth. Quite often, an impatient obstetrician-gynecologist, in order to speed up the process of the birth of a child, begins to push the baby out, using force, which has an adverse effect on the fetus, injures it, as a result of which the baby receives SDN.
  2. If the mother suffered during pregnancy or the child during childbirth oxygen starvation(hypoxia), then you can be sure that the baby will receive SDN.
  3. Nervous system infection. The source of this infection is a sick mother, who infects the fetus through the placenta.
  4. Improperly formed apparatus of the musculoskeletal system.

It is very important to diagnose SDN as early as possible. Therefore, a young mother should full responsibility monitor the health and behavior of your child, especially in the first months of his life.


  • Weak muscle strength is the main symptom of the disease. All the baby’s movements occur “in slow motion.” Child without outside help cannot hold up his head, neck, or raise his arms and legs.
  • The baby is not able to take pathological positions. Difficulty, almost impossible, in flexion and extension of the upper and lower and upper limbs. The child cannot bend his fingers.
  • The monotony of crying and screaming is also characteristic feature movement disorder syndrome.
  • The facial expressions of a sick child are significantly different from the facial expressions of a healthy child. She is quite poor, the baby starts smiling late. For example, if a healthy baby begins to please his parents with his smile in the first month of life, then a baby suffering from motor impairment syndrome shows a smile in best case scenario- at three months of age.
  • Visual and auditory reactions are significantly delayed.


Osteopathy, massage, physical therapy, and reflexology take first place in the effectiveness of treating movement disorder syndrome in children. In any case, the child must be observed by a neurologist and undergo the treatment prescribed by him.

Osteopathy is an alternative to official medicine. It is a gentler way to treat DSD in children than drug and invasive treatment. Therapeutic effect It is provided through a massage of internal organs, in particular - influencing the desired points of the body.

Massage and physical therapy. Children under the age of one year must undergo at least 4 courses of physical therapy and massage. One course consists of at least 20 sessions, a session consists of a specific complex therapeutic exercises. In the intervals between courses, parents should massage their child themselves.

To perform massage procedures, it is necessary to use ointments. A specialist should tell you which ointment you should buy for your baby.

To obtain the desired result, special attention must be paid to the lower extremities. Before starting the exercises, wrap your baby’s feet in wool clothes. After finishing gymnastic exercises, you can make boots from paraffin or baths with boiled oats.

Your child's attending physician must carry out special diagnostics, which contributes to the specific definition of types of violations. (Sitting, walking, crawling, etc.)

Having made the results based on this, the neurologist can prescribe a series of homeopathic medicines and shape the child’s diet. In particular, with SDN, the baby should eat foods containing vitamin B. Or prescribe injections.

Reflexology. This type of treatment is most effective if the child has delays in the development and maturation of the nervous system.


Provide your child with complete freedom of action (Do not overdo it. Safety rules have not been canceled.) Do not limit him to a narrow cradle. If possible, it would be a good idea to provide the baby with a separate room. The child must develop, have an interest in life, in learning about the world around him. Provide him with more objects to explore: bright toys, colorful pictures, etc.

Another important and useful for the development of the nervous system of children is barefoot walking, gymnastics, therapeutic massage without fail. Exercises on a big ball () also have positive effect in the prevention of SDN.

Play finger games with your child as often as possible, touch him, and walk on textured surfaces.

Modern mothers perceive the diagnosis of “motor disorder syndrome” as a death sentence, despair and give up. This is the wrong reaction! This disease is curable and must be fought. And if you really love your child, you will never give up, but will fight for your child’s health to the end.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs