Health tips for every day in the fall. How to improve your health in the fall?! The healing power of plants

Health lesson in 1st grade

"Me and my health"

Target: familiarizing children with the characteristics of their body and ways to preserve it.


  • activate students' personal experiences;
  • encourage you to take care of your health and the health of others;
  • introduce ways to preserve health.

Progress of the lesson:

1.Introductory remarks.


“The bell rang and stopped, the lesson begins. Sit down, guys! I really want to start our lesson with the wonderful word “hello.” Say it out loud and you will find this amazing word (children pronounce it).

Why is it so amazing? - you ask. The fact is that the word “hello” is special. When we say it, we not only greet someone, but also wish him health.

Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, say hello: Good morning!

Sun and birds, smiling faces

I wish everyone you meet good health!

We will call our lesson a health lesson (the entry HEALTH LESSON opens on the board).

And let the main words of each of you today and always be: “I take care of my health, I will help myself.”

After all, in order to grow well and be healthy, you need to want and be able to take care of your health, because no one takes care of yourself better than you, and you also need to know yourself well.

Man is a unique creation of nature. How is it built? What does our body consist of? To do this, we will play with you.”

Game "Body Parts"

Psychologist: “Guys! I will now play with you a game called “Body Parts”: I will name different parts of the body; If anyone has one, grab them right away.

Be careful: in order to check who is the real owner of your body, I will begin to name one thing and point out something completely different. Let's start!

I have ears (grabs the ears).

I have hands (holds hands).

I have a nose (grabs his ears).

I have elbows (grabs my knees).

I have eyes (jumps on his toes).

I have cheeks (walks on heels).

I have a belly (grabs his head).

Sit down, guys!

Psychologist: “Man has an amazing organism. He differs from all others not only in his structure and appearance, but also in his abilities. A person can do a lot of things, for example, talk, build houses, write, read (additions from the guys). But the most interesting thing is that a person knows how to learn and teach other people. And all this thanks to the abilities of your body. But the human body has enemies and friends. Friends support, strengthen, protect him, but enemies, on the contrary, make him old, sick and weak.

Now I will distribute letters on each desk, from which you need to make a word. This is how we recognize the friends and enemies of our body.”





















Having made up a word, the guys name it and explain why it can be a friend or an enemy. The words are written on the board.

Friends Enemies


______________ _________________

Healthy Sick

Psychologist: “When an organism has more friends, it is healthy; when it has more enemies, it is sick.

Are you guys enemies or friends of your body? (answers).

Tell us how you are friends with your body (3-4 answers).

Now look at the board and please answer, have we named all our friends or are there more? Or maybe you are familiar with other enemies? (children's answers) Our body has a lot of friends. And I invite you to remember them or maybe get to know them. You will recognize them if you complete the following task.

But even now we haven’t remembered all our friends. You will learn about them in other lessons and in other classes.

Now, as true friends of our body, we will conduct a physical training session. Try to remember the exercises so that you can do them at home to help your body.”

  • Eyes: look right - left, up - down. The head does not turn.
  • Neck: Write your name in the air with the tip of your nose.
  • Shoulders: raising and lowering the shoulders.
  • Torso: turns right - left.
  • Legs: walking in place.

Psychologist: “Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is inextricably linked with the rules of hygiene. And in observing the rules of hygiene, our assistants can be who you will find out by guessing the riddles.”


Smooth, fragrant,

Washes clean! (soap)

Bone back,

There are bristles on the abdomen.

Jumped along the picket fence

Got all the dirt out! (Toothbrush)

It's toothy, but doesn't bite.

What is it called? (comb)

I carry water in me,

We'll need some water.

You can wash without hassle

If there is... (plumbing)

Waffle, striped,

Smooth, shaggy,

Always at hand

What it is? (towel)

Psychologist: “The word “HEALTH” is written on the board. You need to select as many words as possible for each letter of this word that are related to sports and a healthy lifestyle.”


Z – charging, etc.

D – doctor, etc.

O – rest, etc.

P – mode, etc.

ABOUT – surgery, etc. posture

IN – vitamins, etc.

E – food, etc.

Let's play the game “What is good and what is bad.”

Answer yes or no:

There is food on the table. Should you wash your hands?

Before lunch I ate a lot of sweets. Is this what you're supposed to do?

Mom always sets the table. Do you sometimes help her?

Water is very beneficial for athletes. Do you wash your face in the morning?

It’s hot, he’s wearing a warm sweater. Is he hardened in your opinion?

Why does a person eat?

A person needs to eat

To stand up and to sit down,

To jump, tumble,

Sing songs, make friends, laugh,

To grow and develop,

And at the same time not to get sick,

You need to eat right

From a very young age to be able to.

Name your favorite dish, favorite food.

Unfortunately, not all foods that a person eats are good for his health.

Divide these foods into two groups: healthy foods, unhealthy foods. Explain your choice (pictures are shown).


If I say healthy food, you clap, if I say unhealthy food, you squat.

Lesson summary:

Psychologist: “Today we learned and remembered a lot. But it often happens that when the bell rings for recess, we forget everything we covered in class. Or we ourselves know, but other guys don’t. What to do in this case? (answers). What we remember longest is what we made with our own hands. Therefore, I suggest you publish a wall newspaper. She will remind you of the lesson, and the rest of the children will learn something interesting for themselves. Now I will give you 2 leaves of different colors. On a yellow sheet of paper, write down the friends of your body, what helps you be healthy. On the blue sheet are enemies of the body that are harmful to health.

Sheets with children's notes are collected and glued onto a pre-prepared newspaper layout, where you can depict the sun (friend) and cloud (enemy).

The newspaper is ready and our lesson is coming to an end. But I would like to know what useful things you learned from this lesson? What can you tell your friends about? (children's answers)

I wish you guys

Always be healthy

But to achieve results

Not possible without difficulty.

Try not to be lazy

Every time before meals

Before you sit down at the table,

Wash your hands with water.

And do exercises

Every morning.

And of course, toughen up,

This will help you so much.

Breathe fresh air

If possible, always

Go for walks in the forest

He will give you strength, friends.

Thank you, it was interesting to work with you. Goodbye".

October is traditionally considered a time of despondency and boredom. Let's change stereotypes! Autumn is a natural time-out to take care of yourself and strengthen the body before the winter cold. Don't believe me?

Autumn- not the time for colds and depression. This is the season of harvest and vitamin abundance, a time of change, bright colors, warm memories of summer holidays and grandiose plans for the future!

After all, you don’t need much to be healthy: nutrition, exercise and a good mood!

Autumn diets

The best fall diet is no diet! Starting in September, our “inner voice” demands calories more and more insistently. And for good reason! In cloudy, cool weather, a growing appetite is not a whim, but a natural need.

In the fall, do not deny yourself animal food! Meat, fish, poultry contain a large amount of vitamins, proteins, essential fatty acids, and finally, iron and zinc in an easily digestible form. All these “benefits” are extremely important for health.

They help us strengthen our immune system, increase efficiency, and feel cheerful and active in the coldest weather.

If there is a lack of animal food in the autumn diet, anemia develops, weakness and drowsiness appear, and the body’s defenses decrease.

It's no secret that temporarily giving up meat can have a beneficial effect on the body. However, autumn is not the best time for vegetarianism.

Don't forget about natural antibiotics: horseradish, onion And garlic. These vegetable seasonings have long been used to combat colds.

Horseradish contains 5 times more vitamin C than citrus fruits. The roots of this plant are stuffed with a huge amount of sugars, mineral salts, essential oils, phytoncides, and contain B vitamins, nicotinic acid and lysozyme.

Horseradish It has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect and can reliably protect us from colds when consumed regularly. It is used for loss of strength and fatigue.

Our ancestors cooked horseradish immediately before eating, without adding vinegar. Grated horseradish was poured with boiling water, cooled and served with sour cream, salt and sugar.

This seasoning is suitable for use for no more than 1-2 days, but retains all its beneficial properties and taste.

Addition vinegar to hell extends its shelf life to 2 months, but “kills” many of its beneficial properties.

Onion rich in essential oils, vitamins C and B, flavonoids, iron and minerals. Onion juice has an excellent antibacterial effect and contains plant hormones that lower blood sugar levels.

To protect against colds, you need to eat half a medium onion raw per day.

Garlic has excellent antibacterial, antiviral and immunostimulating effects.

Garlic has long been used to treat not only colds, but also plague, cholera, and smallpox. We now know that garlic has anti-cancer effects, lowers cholesterol and thins the blood.

Therefore, in the fall, do not neglect these savory seasonings. They were the ones who helped our ancestors cope with diseases in harsh weather conditions.

Proper nutrition

In autumn, store shelves are full of colorful fruits and vegetables. Some of us can boast of our own summer harvest.

Try to consume as much as possible ripe vegetables, dark leafy greens, fruits.

Tomatoes- contain plant fibers, vitamins A, C, E, group B, minerals, especially potassium. Tomatoes have an antioxidant effect and are good for the functioning of the heart and kidneys.

Tomato juice- an excellent component of face masks. Provides rejuvenating and
tonic effect.

Beet- contains fiber, which improves intestinal function, phosphorus, potassium and calcium. Serves as a source of plant iron, zinc and folic acid. Rich in vitamins C, PP, E and group B.

Cabbage- rich in vitamins C, A and group B, potassium, phosphorus and iron. It helps to gain femininity and slimness, removes excess fat from the body and optimizes intestinal function.

An excellent remedy for the prevention of flu and colds is sauerkraut A. Its vitamin C content increases several times.

Bell pepper- is a rich source of lutein, necessary for eye health, vitamins A, E, C, group B, manganese, iodine, copper, fluorine, zinc, silicon. Moreover, the fruits of the autumn harvest are much healthier than the summer ones.

Pumpkin- contains a large amount of carotene and vitamins D, C, group B, easily digestible fiber, and minerals. Pumpkin is good for vision, bones, liver, genitourinary system, proper functioning of the intestines, for hematopoiesis and the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Watermelon - An excellent mild diuretic, contains beneficial fiber, magnesium and potassium. Prevents the appearance of kidney stones, stabilizes blood pressure, improves intestinal function and fat metabolism.

Rose hip - an excellent source of vitamin C, which we need to strengthen connective tissue, absorb iron, form certain hormones and enzymes, beautiful skin, strong blood vessels. Rosehip decoction will be a good help at the first signs of a cold.

Pamper yourself sweets. Sweets are simply necessary for a good mood and increased performance in conditions of lack of light and heat.

Chocolate, hot cocoa or airy cake will add vigor and self-confidence.

A good help for a sweet tooth will be apples, baked in the oven or microwave. This dessert will perfectly replace high-calorie cupcakes or butter cookies, and will also enrich your body with dietary fiber, vitamin C, and potassium.

Every working day begins with stress: we are constantly in a hurry and still end up late. Want to cheat time? Get up 30 minutes earlier. You still won't get enough sleep in half an hour.

You can add 10 minutes to breakfast - and finally feel the taste of oatmeal, sandwich or juice, which you usually have to swallow without even sniffing!

And spend another 20 minutes charging. A few simple exercises accompanied by cheerful music will not only charge you with energy for the whole day, but will also lift the mood of you and your loved ones.

An excellent tonic is a cool shower. If you want to do without pills and mustard plasters this season, start right now. After your morning shower, douse yourself with water a couple of degrees colder than usual.

Start by dousing your legs, arms and face, after a couple of days - your buttocks and abdomen, and then your entire body. Gradually lower the water temperature, but in a way that makes it enjoyable! You should never do hardening by force.

This regime will require effort from you. However, there is a law: only the first 20 days are difficult. Continue the trial period, and after it, morning exercises and an invigorating shower will become your healthy habit.

We walk out of fatigue

With each autumn day the sun and warmth become less and less. In order not to freeze and fall into hibernation, you just need to move!

If the weather is good, walk one stop from work. Walking daily is a great way to improve your health in the fall.

In medicine, this is called “health path” and is considered a wonderful healing and restorative procedure.

If you don't mind an active lifestyle, it's time to think about the gym.

Regular physical activity will not allow you to gain extra pounds over the winter, and therefore in the spring you will not have to sit on kefir and sigh while trying on your favorite swimsuit.

Water will improve your health

If possible, buy a pool membership. During swimming, all muscle groups work evenly, reducing the load on the spine and joints.

Water has an excellent hydromassage effect on the body, the skin becomes elastic and smooth, blood circulation improves, and metabolic processes accelerate.

In addition, visiting the pool has a restorative and hardening effect on the body.

Autumn- it's time for a bath! A hot steam room will be a wonderful contrast to the autumn coolness and bad weather. In the bathhouse, sweating improves, the body is cleansed of excess salts, “slags” and other metabolic products.

Hot air trains the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, warms up joints and internal organs. It is not for nothing that the bath has long been considered the best remedy for colds and other diseases.

And in terms of effect on the skin, no salon lifting can compare with a bath. With regular visits to the bathhouse, the skin smoothes out and becomes 30-50% more elastic, acquiring a healthy color. If you take a bath in nature, on the shore of a pond, it’s a special pleasure!

Beat the blues

It has long been known that a lack of sunlight causes loss of strength, apathy, neuroses and depression. And a bad mood makes us more vulnerable to autumn infections. What to do?

Add light! Wash the windows, open the curtains, and let more autumn sun into your home. Don’t skimp on light bulbs; let your house be light and cozy in bad weather.

Try to spend as much time as possible outdoors. The lunch break is your rightful hour of rest. If it’s a clear day, don’t sit at the computer with a sandwich, it’s better to take a walk along the autumn alley.

Add some passion! Give yourself a “weekend vacation.” Surely there are places close to home that you have long wanted to visit. New emotions and impressions - what could be healthier?!

You can go into nature armed with a camera. After all, autumn is a time generous with masterpieces.

Barbecues with friends and active games with children in the fresh air will not leave a trace of the seasonal blues, and a romantic dinner with your loved one will be a harmonious end to the day!

Add some inspiration! Turn on the music, because even daily homework is “more fun with a song.”

Imagine: change your hairstyle, boring shoes. Buy yourself a bright umbrella, through which the rainy sky will seem less gloomy.

Autumn- it's time to change something in the interior, do some renovations. Then there will simply be no time left for autumn boredom!

And most importantly, try to laugh more. Even the ancient sages said that the arrival of one fakir in a city, who knows how to make people laugh, brings more benefits to the health of the townspeople than a whole caravan with medicines.

A smile is the only curve that makes the shortest path to health and beauty!

Reading time: 4 minutes. Views 373 Published September 20, 2016

Autumn is the time of year when it becomes cool outside and the sun's rays do not often look into our windows and illuminate our apartments and houses. Often it is in the fall that sadness creeps into our hearts and we are not in the best mood. Autumn is exactly the time of year when both men and women should think about how to improve their health and prepare the body for winter.

Let's start with work. Sometimes, after taking a vacation and having a good rest in the summer, in the fall we often get tired at work, we so want the vacation to never end and a small drop of laziness is still present. The boss demands that plans and standards be fulfilled; a certain lack of composure forces us to stay at work after the working day in order to complete all the work we have started. Sometimes such emotional stress often leads to depression. Therefore, to stay healthy in the fall, you need to follow a few tips:

Keep a daily routine . Go to bed so that you have at least 8 hours of sleep.

Try not to get caught up in your favorite TV shows that end late at night. When you wake up in the morning, you will notice that your body is full of strength because you got enough sleep.

Don't get distracted by small things at work . Social networks, constant calls and text messages on the phone - all this distracts from work and steals precious time.

Stay focused. Plan to complete tasks for the entire working day and stick to the schedule, this will allow you not to stay at your workplace after the end of the working day.

Now let's talk about family. On these cloudy, cold days, the health of the entire family also depends on the psycho-emotional state of all family members. Therefore, follow these tips:

Do not swear or quarrel with your husband, wife and children . The words of Leopold the cat “Let’s live together!” very suitable for this situation. We all know that almost all diseases are caused by nerves, or rather from nervous tension and depression. Wives and husbands must find a common language with each other and try to resolve conflict situations immediately. Don’t show your EGO, it’s better to give in for the sake of peace in the family. Family is a fortress, it is protection from the environment, and the foundation should not be undermined by meaningless disputes and abuse.

The health of your child in the autumn period depends on your attitude towards him. Autumn is the beginning of the school year and the child does not always have time to master the educational process. Don't scold him for bad grades. It’s better to think about how to get out of such a situation: help somewhere, joke somewhere, praise somewhere.

Eat more vegetables and fruits . Autumn is a wonderful time; a storehouse of useful substances contained in all vegetables and fruits is easily accessible in the fall. Salads from fresh vegetables should always be present on the dining table: tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, eggplant, zucchini; greens, onions and garlic.

Try to spend more time with your whole family in the fresh air.

Walks in the park, going out into nature in the forest, just walking around the city: a good and useful pastime.

And finally, pay attention to your friends . How well the mere thought of going to the cinema with a friendly group on the weekend improves your mood. Spend time together: take your families to bowling, sporting events, and theater shows. Follow the posters and try to attend entertainment and cultural events.

Of course, no one canceled friendly gatherings in cafes. When there is a conversation over a delicious dinner: when it’s fascinating, and when it’s intimate. In any case, friends will always support you in moments of sadness and sadness, and such emotional release is very important and beneficial for the health of the body.

These tips will be useful not only in the fall, but also suitable for the whole year. Be healthy and happy!

What is immunity? The body is able to protect itself from external threats, including various diseases. When an infection gets inside, a complex system of cells and tissues is activated. Defense cells work in two directions:

  • The pro-inflammatory system encounters a foreign cell and causes inflammation to defeat it. In this case, not only the virus dies, but also some healthy cells, so it needs time to recover. There is such a thing as cellular memory, that is, if the same infection enters the body a second time, it will spend much less energy fighting;
  • The anti-inflammatory system helps stop inflammation when harmful cells are already dead to prevent further damage to the immune system.

This is how strong immunity works. But if it is weakened, then even the simplest virus can cause a dangerous disease.

Causes of weakened immunity

Why does the body's defense system weaken? This is due to the lifestyle we lead. Common causes of a weakened immune system:

  • bad habits. Needless to say, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption harm not only one system of the body, but the whole body;
  • poor nutrition. Strict diets that exclude foods deprive you of essential vitamins and minerals;
  • insufficient or excessive physical activity depletes the body;
  • stress, neuroses;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions.

But there are also reasons that do not depend on us. The immune system may be weakened after suffering serious diseases of the liver, kidneys, and intestines. Chemotherapy for cancer is harsh, killing not only harmful cells, but also damaging the immune system.

Another reason for the body's defense system to malfunction may be autoimmune diseases. These are diseases in which a malfunction of the immune system occurs: cells begin to attack healthy tissues, mistaking them for harmful foreign ones.

Of course, systemic diseases require individual treatment, and simple ways to strengthen the immune system will not help. And we will talk about how to strengthen immunity weakened by lifestyle.

How to strengthen your immune system

In order not to let the disease take you by surprise, you need to constantly think about protecting the body. In other words, it is necessary to carry out complex therapy to strengthen the immune system. What should you pay attention to?


Diets, of course, can be useful. But you shouldn’t get carried away with them, because the body must constantly receive useful substances that help all systems work correctly. To prevent your immune system from malfunctioning, eat foods rich in vitamins A and E. These include carrots, vegetable oils, tomatoes, and rose hips. Vitamin C, useful for the general strengthening of the body, is found in citrus fruits, apples, currants - black and red cabbage, white cabbage.

In addition to vitamins, the microelements selenium and zinc help increase the level of protection. To get them, you need to eat fish and other seafood, meat, liver, garlic, and nuts. Microelements not only save you from the common cold, but also fight more serious infections, such as herpes or hepatitis.


Contrary to misconceptions, hardening is not just dousing with ice water. More precisely, this is not dousing with ice water at all. You need to harden yourself gradually. If one fine day you decide to pour a bucket of cold water on yourself, then you risk not just getting sick, but getting a shock to your whole body.

The hardening process begins with your daily routine. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time, and do exercises in the morning. Don't miss the opportunity to go for a walk in the park - fresh air helps strengthen the immune system.

But basically, hardening is teaching the body to quickly adapt to changing temperatures. Judge for yourself: epidemics of various diseases most often begin in the fall or spring, when climate change is especially strong.

To make sure your immune system gets through these times easily, take a contrast shower, but increase the temperature difference gradually. It is not necessary to immediately climb under the stream of cold water; you can start with your hands. Pour first your wrists, then your forearms, then your shoulders. Then you can wipe your chest, back, and then your legs. Spend a few minutes a day on this procedure and protect yourself from viruses.

Sports activities

An active lifestyle is recommended as a preventive measure for many diseases. This is correct because exercise has an overall positive effect. How does physical activity affect immunity? When you move actively, your body temperature rises, your breathing quickens, and the volume of oxygen increases, which enriches tissue cells. This helps the body get rid of germs and viruses.

It is worth remembering that activity should be moderate, because too much stress is harmful to health. To support the immune system, it is enough 2-3 times a week, do a warm-up and jog in the fresh air.


Severe nervous tension is recognized by the body as a source of threat to health or life. Therefore, the nervous system devotes all its resources to eliminating it. As a result, stress takes away all the energy a person has for life. This also reduces the degree of protection against viruses.

Dealing with stress is not always easy. How to get rid of stress - read.

Also read our article,.

Autumn is an extremely beautiful time. But due to the low air temperature and short daylight hours, we want to sleep more, we want warmth and comfort - it’s as if the body is shouting: “Take care of me!” To stay healthy in the fall, you need to give yourself little healthy pleasures more often, and your body will be grateful for it.

Large and cozy scarf
Buy or knit yourself a huge warm scarf in beautiful colors from soft yarn! Such a thing is simply irreplaceable during the period when the radiators do not warm enough and you want additional heat. You can also keep a scarf or stole in the office. Such an accessory at hand will help you get through long working days easier and will remind you of the comfort of home.

Long sleep
Long sleep in the fall is not a luxury. This is a necessity. Our ancestors also believed in its healing power. And modern scientists have found confirmation of this theory: the hormone melatonin, which is produced only during sleep, affects our physical and mental state. If there is a lack of melatonin in the body, the aging process accelerates, immunity declines and confusion begins with the time of day. To prevent this from happening, you should listen to your body and sleep as much as you need. Things will have to wait a bit.

Breath of air
To keep your head fresh and your thoughts clear, the brain needs oxygen. Therefore, get into the habit of walking outdoors every day. This will help organize your thoughts, calm your anxiety, and improve your sleep. If your busy schedule does not allow you to specifically leave the house in the evenings, simply leave the metro station earlier and cover this distance on foot. This is enough to take a little break from the bustle of the day, see the beauty in simple things that we hastily run past in the morning, and get enough oxygen.

Body protection
Autumn is the time when numerous viruses come out to hunt. If such a nuisance happens to you, it is important to help your body survive it with minimal losses. To do this, for example, you can supplement the usual scheme of supporting the body with bioflavonoids - natural substances that help protect the body from toxins and free radicals, including those formed under the influence of viruses. For example, the seeds and white partitions of grapefruit contain the bioflavonoid naringin, which can help maintain good health even during periods of weakened immunity. Thanks to this substance, which is useful for us, the seeds and interlobular partitions are bitter, and we do not eat them. Now this tool can be available to everyone. Grapefruit seed extract, the main active ingredient of the Citrolux ® biocomplex, contains a high concentration of naringin.

Not a medicine.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs