The influence of food on humans. Evolutionary and cultural considerations

In this article, I want to convey to every reader that it is imperative to know what you eat, when and why. It's no secret that the quality of nutrition of a modern person, despite the abundance of goods in supermarkets, leaves much to be desired. The manufacturer strives to surprise the buyer not with quality, but with beautiful wrapping, taste, and quantity. Moreover, most of the modern person’s diet consists of high-calorie fast food (instant foods). These include: hamburgers, French fries, hot dogs, chips and crackers, sandwiches, buns fried in oil, instant noodles, bouillon cubes, grilled chicken, sausages, that is, things that do not require long cooking.

Why is it so dangerous? fast food? The point is that it adds chemical substances, which add beauty (dyes), enhance the taste and cause addiction to this product (monosodium glutamate), chemical preservatives (formaldehyde, which is currently prohibited, etc.), causing a carcinogenic effect. Hence the massive addiction to fast food; these chemicals are a kind of drug for the brain. In addition to chemicals, fast food is dangerous because it is fried, and when frying (especially deep-frying), acrylamide is formed from the oil, which is carcinogenic substance.

Getting into the human body along with the fried, appetizing and beautiful crust on a piece of meat, fish, white meat, pie, they cause the formation of a tumor in the human body, not to mention the development of diabetes mellitus and obesity. You will be surprised, but fast food can cause an attack bronchial asthma, aggression, allergies and syndrome chronic fatigue.

Besides fast food, it is impossible to imagine a modern person without a cup of coffee. I’ll say right away that I’m not against coffee if you drink it wisely. The fact is that many, trying to save their time, are addicted to instant coffee. The main disadvantage of instant coffee is its weaker aroma than natural coffee. Therefore, many manufacturers add artificial or natural coffee oils to the product.

So, if, nevertheless, you are that modern person who cannot live without coffee, then you should drink it only after meals, as a dessert, and not in the morning on an empty stomach. The fact is that when we drink coffee in the morning on an empty stomach, we add stress after waking up, and then there will be no talk of any weight loss and healthy functioning of the adrenal glands. To make it clearer, I will have to step away a little from coffee and talk a little about our biorhythms, namely about sleep.

Sleep is the basis of health. It is during sleep that all our tissues and cells are renewed thanks to growth hormone (GH). This worker begins his work from 22:00 to 02:00. and, if we do not sleep at this time, then we deprive ourselves of updates. Now do you understand why many doctors say that you need to go to bed at 22:00-23:00?

In addition to GH, at night, closer to 5 am, its antagonist, cortisol, the stress hormone, resumes its activity. It can also be called a destroyer hormone or an invigorating hormone. Cortisol reaches its peak at 6-7 am, so it’s easier for us to get up at this time! But, if we don’t wake up at 6-7 in the morning, then it begins its work as a destroyer, and when you wake up and drink a cup of coffee on an empty stomach, you stimulate the adrenal cortex to produce even more cortisol, thereby driving the body into a state of stress with very morning.

After the adrenal cortex has increased the production of cortisol, the body is in a state of stress and its target becomes thyroid, which is responsible for many processes in the body, one of them is the maintenance of energy, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Cortisol inhibits hormone production thyroid gland: T3 and T4. This slows down energy metabolism.

So, what happens: a plentiful diet of fast food, a large amount of fatty, high-calorie food Drinking coffee on an empty stomach will certainly lead to obesity. After all, the calorie content of the diet is huge, and physical activity is reduced to a minimum, since modern man is mostly sedentary, and the work of the thyroid gland is “inhibited” by caffeine. So how can you drink coffee to avoid such problems? After eating, 20-30 minutes later, treating it as a dessert, besides, you need to limit yourself to 1 mug per day.

In addition to fast food and caffeine, the problem of modern man is great amount fruits and berries all year round. The fact is that our ancestors did not know what apples and strawberries were in winter. They only ate them in the summer. The body has not yet evolved in such a way that we can receive such an amount of fructose all year round. Because when fructose enters the liver, most of it goes into fat. Moreover, it is not in nature for there to be berries and fruits all year round, so the manufacturer, deceiving nature, uses different chemicals to achieve the desired result. And all the chemicals in products enter our body, causing a number of diseases.

How hard it is to be modern man! You don't know what you can eat and what you can't. Where is the product actually natural, and where is it counterfeit? Drawing an analogy between our diet and the diet of our ancestors, the following conclusion suggests itself: the food was meager, but of high quality. In addition, our energy consumption is much lower than that of our ancestors, but the calorie intake is many times higher, hence the huge number of obese people.

Being a modern person and eating right is difficult, but possible! Everything depends only on you: if you want to be a healthy person and have healthy offspring, then don’t be lazy, eat right, and I will help you improve your diet. You can order healthy meals delivered to your home or office at

Nutrition is the process of absorption by the body nutrients necessary to maintain life and health and performance.

With food, the body receives proteins, fats, carbohydrates necessary for life, as well as biological active substances - vitamins and mineral salts. Plays an important role in the processing of food in our body. digestive system, in which food products are broken down into beks, fats and carbohydrates, and those, in turn, into simpler substances.

Proper cooking is important. Food should be tasty prepared, beautifully presented, then it sufficiently stimulates the appetite and promotes maximum production of food juices. Thus, the secretion of saliva contributes to the formation food bolus, and the enzymes contained in it help break down carbohydrates.

Proper nutrition ensures development and growth, maximum performance, well-being, longevity and health.

One-sided, unbalanced diet often causes health problems. According to available data, 40% of all diseases are caused to one degree or another by poor diet. Irregular eating is the most common nutritional deficiency in children school age. The mass of people remains unaware that poor health depends on common dietary mistakes.

The condition of the hair skin, the activity of our organs and systems largely depend on proper nutrition, from eating food that contains all the necessary substances and in certain quantities.

Human life, his development and growth, mental and physical activity associated with constant metabolism, during which a huge amount of energy is expended. We get this energy and building material for cells and tissues from food. That is why food is the main source of life for any organism.

In the spring, when the lack of vitamins in the body begins to be felt, it is necessary to take them additionally. This could be rosehip extract or infusion, brewer's yeast, multivitamins.

A healthy diet is a diet that does not interfere with metabolism.

The relevance of this topic is confirmed by the fact that the future generation of our country should be healthy, harmoniously developed and smart. And plays a huge role in the development of children good nutrition- in the family, at school.

Data on the state of children's health cannot but cause alarm. The number of students with visual impairment, diseases of the digestive system, and psychoneurological disorders is growing; more than half of schoolchildren are children with poor health. The reasons for this are not only the academic load, wrong mode day, weak medical control, but also poor nutrition.

I. What is proper nutrition?

Good health and proper nutrition are dependent on each other. Since ancient times, people have paid attention to this. IN Ancient China, according to historians, scientists tried to find the golden formula eternal youth, paying attention to correct ratio herbal ingredients food. Now people all over the world are trying to organize their meals so that it is quick, convenient and tasty, and the quality of the food they eat often suffers as a result. Very often in the morning, many children simply don’t feel like eating. IN best case scenario they will swallow the sandwich. At school, few of them manage to eat in a calm atmosphere

According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development, only 30% of Russian schoolchildren remain relatively healthy. At the same time, ten years ago, healthy schoolchildren were 50%. It is during school years that the number of children with chronic diseases increases by 20%, and the frequency of chronic pathology increases by 1.6 times.

Every year the number of children with various diseases gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, colitis, as well as peptic ulcer are detected in almost every fourth teenager.

Healthy nutrition is one of the fundamental aspects of a healthy lifestyle and, therefore, maintaining and strengthening health. This is an essential and constantly operating factor that ensures adequate processes of growth and development of the body. Rational healthy eating provides harmonious physical and neuropsychological development children, increases resistance to infectious diseases and resistance to adverse environmental conditions. It should be remembered that nutrition is one of the most important factors that can influence Negative influence on the developing organism of children and adolescents if it is not organized correctly.

Food is one of the most important factors environment, influencing the state of health, performance, mental and physical development, as well as the life expectancy of a person.

The expression > is understood differently in different countries people with different cultural traditions. Generally speaking, healthy eating should be an integral part of everyday life and contribute to strong physiological, mental and social health person. In general, healthy eating refers to the combined effects of the food we eat, our health status, and the efforts we make to improve the health of ourselves and those around us. Quality nutrition is achieved through the consumption of safe foods within balanced diet, as a result of which our body’s nutritional needs are fully satisfied.

All nutritionists agree that the menu of any person, and especially a child, should be varied. It should, if possible, include all the products that a person needs so that he receives all the important nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. It is especially important to eat vegetables, fruits, grains, and herbs.

The physiological characteristics of school-age children are characterized by the intensity of growth, the intensity of metabolic processes, sexual development, an increase in energy costs and the formation of a type of higher education. nervous activity. This period is characterized by an increase in mental and physical activity due to the combination of school activities and sports. To realize these costs, it is necessary to organize the right rational nutrition schoolchildren.

Fashion subjugates not only hairstyle, cosmetics or clothing. It is increasingly intruding into nutrition. “Of all the factors that influence a person and on which his well-being depends, diet is undoubtedly one of the most important,” said a prominent scientist of the last century. Oto Uel in his book "Nutrition and Human Development". This statement by a famous biologist carries a lot of meaning.

We must not forget that nature is very wise. In the process of evolution human body has developed a certain energy balance necessary to ensure its normal life. And the latter is only possible with proper nutrition.

It is necessary to ensure that daily food contains as many components as possible that protect the body from various functional changes.

It is not enough just to get a pleasant taste sensation and satisfy the feeling of hunger. We must give the tissues and cells of our body everything they need to normal operation.

For example, an abundance of sweet, spicy, hot and fatty foods contributes to the appearance of acne, negatively affects many organs.

The most effective means strengthening our health and, consequently, improving our appearance, are stored in nature’s pantry, and the key to success is their regular and correct use. Vitamin deficiency in the diet adversely affects the human body and its appearance. Thus, with a lack of vitamin A, dry and flaky skin appears, hair becomes dull and brittle, and nails become soft.

Hunger is one of the first feelings that human nature imparts immediately after birth. Instinctively, a newborn baby reaches for food, realizing that it is the only source of life. Only food supplies the child with substances that allow him to grow and develop. So why do we eat?

II. Key Nutrient Characteristics

Eating right is very important for human health. The daily diet should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, and, of course, vitamins. A certain amount of each of them is vital for the human body.

Proteins are part of all living cells and are necessary for the formation of new cells, for the growth and restoration of tissues throughout the body. Animal proteins are found most in milk, meat, fish and eggs.

Vegetables, cereals, and bread are saturated with plant proteins. Special meaning Proteins found in fruits, cabbage and potatoes provide nutrition for nutrition.

Every day a person needs to consume 100-120 g of protein (for people engaged in physical labor, 150-160 g are needed). Of this amount, 60% should be proteins of animal origin.

Proteins are the structural elements from which bodies are built, which is why they used to be called > bodies. It is with proteins, as nutritionist A. A. Pokrovsky wrote, that the implementation of the main manifestations of life is connected: metabolism, the ability to grow, reproduce, participate in the process of assimilation of fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins, and even highest form movement of matter - thinking. Proteins make up one fifth (1/5) of human body, but unlike fats and carbohydrates, they do not accumulate in reserve and are not formed from other substances, and therefore are an irreplaceable part of food.

Based on their origin, proteins are divided into two groups - animal and plant. Soy is a champion in protein content of plant origin. Animal proteins are more valuable than plant proteins. Therefore, at every meal you need to combine vegetable proteins(bread, porridge, peas, soy) with animal proteins (milk, cottage cheese, cheese, meat, fish, eggs). Most daily value Complete proteins should be eaten at breakfast and lunch. The growing body's need for protein is much higher, so children should consume large quantity proteins than adults. Anemia, growth retardation, weak resistance to diseases, especially infectious ones, are the result of protein deficiency. b. Fats

Fats are the most energy-rich nutrients. They carry twice as much energy as proteins and carbohydrates. With their help, the body receives substances necessary for life: fat-soluble vitamins, especially A, D, E, essential fatty acids, lecithin. Fats ensure the absorption of minerals from the intestines and fat-soluble vitamins. They improve the taste of food and cause a feeling of fullness.

Excessive consumption of fats rich in saturated fatty acids contributes to the development of atherosclerosis, coronary disease heart, obesity. Excess fat in food impairs the absorption of proteins, calcium, magnesium, and increases the need for vitamins. The daily requirement for fats is 80-100g, of which 1/3 should be provided by fats of vegetable origin.

Fats are a source of energy for the body, they support the functioning of internal organs, and a person’s ability to work depends on their quantity.

There are, like proteins, fats of plant and animal origin.

The most useful fats are those from dairy products (butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, cream, milk), because they contain the most vitamins and are easily absorbed by the body. Vegetable fats have very high nutritional value. The average norm of fat necessary for a person is 80-110 g per day, half of which should be fats of animal origin (preferably dairy).

V. Carbohydrates

People consume much more carbohydrates during the day than others. nutrients. At the same time, their reserves in the body are relatively small. One of the functions of carbohydrates is to supply the body with energy. They're in different quantities found in products of plant origin: sugar, bakery and pasta products, legumes and potatoes. Carbohydrates are also found in food of animal origin - in milk and dairy products.

Excessive consumption of carbohydrates is a common cause of metabolic disorders. To avoid obesity, first of all limit the consumption of sugar, candies, sweets and bakery products. It is best to eat dark bread.

In total, the body requires about 60 g of protein per day, 107 g of fat, 400 g of carbohydrates. This means that ideally proteins should make up 12% of the daily diet, fats - 30-35%, and carbohydrates - 50-60%.

According to modern concepts, healthy nutrition is nutrition that ensures growth, normal development and vital activity of a person, contributing to the strengthening of his health and the prevention of diseases.

It begins to suffer when there is a lack of biologically valuable products in the diet - vegetables and fruits, milk, meat and fish. Negatively affects nutritional patterns excessive consumption carbohydrates, products saturated with chemical preservatives, improper storage and cooking of products. Dysfunctional ecological situation contributes to the contamination of food products with toxic elements.

Carbohydrates are another source of energy.

They are included in products, mainly in the form of fiber, sugar and starch. Starch and sugar are more valuable in large quantities they are present in products of plant origin: vegetables, fruits and berries, cereals, flour, bread. Fiber is needed for proper operation gastrointestinal tract, it is found in rye bread and vegetables.

d. Minerals.

Mineral salts are also vital for the human body. Calcium - for bones and normal functioning of muscles and heart, phosphorus - for bones, tissues and activity nervous system, magnesium - for of cardio-vascular system, iron - for blood.

Various vegetables, fruits and other foods are rich in mineral salts.

A large amount of calcium is found in vegetables, cereals and dairy products, phosphorus - in meat, fish, cheese, milk, cabbage, eggs and bread, magnesium - in cereals, rye bread and bran, iron - in fresh greens , meat and bread.

On average, the human body requires: calcium - 0.8-1 g, phosphorus - 1.5-1.7 g, magnesium - 0.3-0.5 g, iron - 1.4-1.6 g.

d. Vitamins

The word > was invented by the Polish biochemist Casimir Funk in 1912. He discovered that the substance (>) contained in the shell of rice grains is vital for people. By combining the Latin word vita (>) with >, I got the word >. But much earlier, in 1880. Russian scientist N.I. Lunin experimentally established that in food products There are unknown nutritional factors necessary for the life of both humans and animals. He found that white mice fed whole milk grew well and were healthy, but died when they were fed only a mixture of the main parts of milk: casein protein, fat, milk sugar, water and salts.

Currently, more than 20 vitamins have been studied, the deficiency or absence of which leads to significant disorders in the body and the development of certain pathological conditions. The most famous of them are vitamins A, B, C, D, E, PP and K.

Vitamin > preserves healthy skin, bones, teeth and gums. Treats acne, boils, ulcers. Contained in fish oil, liver, carrots, green and yellow vegetables, eggs, dairy products.

Group vitamins > normalize the functioning of nerves and muscles, prevent skin diseases, participate in hematopoiesis. Sources: dry yeast, bran, milk, liver, kidneys, eggs.

Vitamin > heals wounds and burns, lowers cholesterol levels, protects against many viruses and bacteria, and reduces exposure to allergens. Mainly found in citrus fruits, berries, green vegetables and herbs, cauliflower and tomatoes.

Vitamin > helps calcium and phosphorus strengthen bones and teeth. Its main sources are: sardines, herring, salmon, cheese, cottage cheese, tuna, sunlight.

Vitamin > slows down cell aging, increases endurance, protects lungs from pollution, reduces fatigue, heals burns. Contained in sprouted wheat, soy, broccoli, vegetable oil and eggs.

Vitamin > helps proper blood clotting. Sources: yolk, fermented milk products, soybean oil and fish fat. Vitamin > strengthens the walls of capillaries and gums, increases resistance to infections. Contained in apricots, blackberries, cherries, rose hips and buckwheat.

III. Problems with poor nutrition

The future generation of our country should be healthy, harmoniously developed and intelligent. And nutritious nutrition plays a huge role in the development of children - in the family, at school.

However, data on the state of children's health cannot but cause alarm. The number of students with visual impairment, diseases of the digestive system, and psychoneurological disorders is growing; more than half of schoolchildren are children with poor health.

The reasons for this are not only the academic workload, improper daily routine, poor medical control, but also poor nutrition.

One-sided, unbalanced nutrition is often the cause of health disorders. According to available data, 40% of all diseases are caused to one degree or another by poor diet.

Irregular eating is the most common nutritional deficiency in school-age children. Schoolchildren spend most of their time at school, so they must eat well.

The necessary substances discussed above are oxidized and converted into calories (the amount of heat required to heat 1 liter of water by 1 degree). For example, when 1 g of protein is oxidized, 4.1 calories are released, 1 g of fat - 9.3 calories.

It is the amount of nutrients and the calories released from them that influences the composition of the menu. To make it clear what this means and how it affects the composition of the menu, I will give a few examples.

A portion milk soup with rice weighing 500 g contains: proteins - 13.7 g, fats - 16.6 g, carbohydrates - 45.9 g. The calorie content of this dish is 399. Curd mass weighing 100 g contains 13.1 g of proteins, 12.5 g fat, 14.7 g carbohydrates. Energy value- 187 calories.

Speaking about rational nutrition, one cannot help but dwell on issues related to insufficiency and excess in the nutrition of modern man.

It is known that overeating is now so widespread that it has become the most important medical problem. Overeating leads to obesity with all the ensuing consequences. negative consequences(overload of the heart and lungs, interference with their work). Currently, a reliable and direct connection has been established between obesity and such serious illnesses, How diabetes and hypertension, myocardial infarction and even cancer. It creates favorable soil for their emergence and development.

Overeating has completely understandable, moreover, historical > reasons! Throughout the history of existence human society majority ordinary people, peasants and workers, were forced to work a lot physically and, due to the lack of high-quality food, be content with moderate nutrition, often with a reduced calorie content. From century to century the people's dream of a well-fed and fatty foods. Such food was an indicator of well-being and happiness. To some extent the situation has changed. As a result of the scientific and technological revolution, the share of hard work- this was taken over by mechanisms and machines. It has become possible to fully satisfy the demand for the most complete, from the point of view of previous ideals, nutrition. People began to eat foods such as meat, fats, sweets and, above all, sugar - in sufficient quantity. And they, obeying the previous tradition, by inertia sought to satisfy their eternal passion to eat to their fill, in reserve, found themselves in a disadvantageous situation: food was constantly supplied in excess, and the energy received was not spent enough (due to the reduced physical activity of the body), as a result of which people began to gain weight . So, excess high-calorie foods (primarily meat and fatty foods) and lack of physical activity currently determine the problem of overeating. It is necessary to develop such a regulator - conscious self-restraint, which will be based on knowledge about the usefulness of products and scientific data. That is why it is vital for each of us to understand and rebuild our lifestyle and nutrition according to the demands of today. Proper nutrition is, first of all, knowing what is good for the body and what is not, then putting this knowledge into practice, that is, acquiring the right habits, becoming second nature.

> products

Avoid using refined sugar - it does not supply the body with anything other than >. Its excess is a dominant factor in the development of dental disease and loss of appetite for natural views food.

Avoid white flour - it does not contain the most valuable components of the grain.

Avoid using products with various chemical additives such as preservatives, flavor and color stabilizers, sweeteners, etc.

Avoid animal meat and poultry that have been supplemented with hormones that stimulate their growth and weight.

Avoid using hydrogenated fats and oils, which result in high acid content (margarine is one of these)

If possible, avoid vegetables and fruits grown with chemical fertilizers, and especially those treated with pesticides.

Avoid consuming hot spices and stimulants (mustard, tomato sauce, tea, coffee, tobacco, alcoholic drinks).

Obesity problem

Not all chubby babies grow into obese children, and not all well-fed children grow into obese adults. However, with age, obesity increases in both men and women, and there is a good chance that obesity, which appeared in early childhood, will accompany you to the grave.

Overweight and obesity cause many problems in a child. In addition to the fact that childhood obesity threatens to increase with age, it is a leading cause of childhood hypertension, is associated with stage II diabetes, and increases the risk of developing coronary disease heart, increases pressure on weight-bearing joints, lowers self-esteem and affects relationships with peers. According to some experts, the most serious consequences of obesity are social and psychological problems.

Cause of childhood obesity

Like obesity in adults, obesity in children is caused by a whole set of reasons, but the most important of them is the discrepancy between the energy produced (calories obtained from food) and wasted (calories burned in the process of basal metabolism and physical activity) organism. Childhood obesity most often develops as a result of a complex interaction of dietary, psychological, hereditary and physiological factors.

Children whose parents are also overweight are most susceptible to obesity. This phenomenon can be explained by heredity or modeling of parental eating behavior, which indirectly affects the child’s energy balance. Half of schoolchildren's parents primary classes have never played sports and avoid physical activity.

Many regular products may provoke sensitivity in susceptible people. Wheat and products containing wheat flour, most often cause intolerance. Citra - owls and cow's milk, are also responsible for food sensitivities in large number of people.

There are many factors that may be involved in the development of intolerance. Intolerance to many foods develops at an early age. Very often, new foods are introduced into a child’s diet when he is digestive tract And the immune system are still relatively immature, which is why the child is unable to properly handle these foods, and this leads to development.

IV. Practical part

I compiled and presented a questionnaire to my classmates on the topic: >.

Pupils of the 2nd grade of school No. 3 answered as follows:

1. Do you have breakfast?

Always: 18 people Sometimes: 5 people.

2. Do you have lunch in the school canteen?

Yes: 19 people No: 4 people

3. Do you often eat dry food?

Yes: 3 people No: 20 people

4. What products do you love most?

Fruits and vegetables: 13 people.

Meat: 6 people

Pasta, bread: 3 people.

Confectionery (sweets, cakes, buns) 1 person.

5. Do you eat soup?

6. How many times a day do you eat?

2 times: 4 people

3 times: 11 people

4 times: 8 people

Conclusion: From the results of the survey it follows that of the 23 schoolchildren surveyed, the majority eat healthy, eat breakfast regularly, have lunch in the school canteen, prefer fruits and vegetables, and have soups in their diet.

Don't rush into food, eat slowly

More fresh and raw foods

Create your menu depending on the time of year

Do not add too much salt to your food or drink it while eating

Don't eat up yesterday's food

People predisposed to obesity or suffering from it must follow the following rules:

* eat 4 - 5 times a day, consuming copious amounts low-calorie foods (vegetables, unsweetened fruit, lean meat, milk and dairy products, eggs, fish). Eat slowly, chewing thoroughly;

* avoid stimulating foods spicy seasonings, salty and spicy food, flour and confectionery, confitures and alcoholic drinks;

* use vegetable fats for cooking.

Menu for 7 days

Breakfast: omelet, juice.

Lunch: borscht, cutlets, mashed potatoes, pickled cucumber, prune compote.

Afternoon snack: fruit

Dinner: carrot salad with dried apricots, chop, buckwheat, jelly.

Breakfast: eggs with canned fish, tea

Lunch: cabbage salad with prunes, pea soup, pilaf, berry juice.

Afternoon snack: cheesecake, yogurt

Dinner: schnitzel with fried eggs, croutons, juice

Breakfast: pasta with sausages and cheese, coffee with milk

Lunch: salad >, kharcho soup, chicken with rice, strawberry compote

Afternoon snack: apple roll, juice

Dinner: beef goulash, pizza, apple jelly

Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with condensed milk, tea

Lunch: raba fish soup, battered fish, bun, fruit drink

Afternoon snack: cake, juice

Dinner: salad, fish pie, fruit, dried fruit compote

Breakfast: pancakes with sour cream, cocoa

Lunch: soup >, meatballs with rice, meat pie, compote

Afternoon snack: fruit

Dinner: Siberian dumplings with meat, tea

Breakfast: dumplings with cottage cheese, yogurt

Dinner: vegetable salad, chicken soup with homemade noodles, zrazy, French fries, compote

Afternoon snack: fruit salad

Dinner: pasties, ice cream, juice

Breakfast: sausages with cheese, milkshake

Lunch: jellied fish, beetroot soup, cutlet, buckwheat, stuffed pancakes, tea

Afternoon snack: cherry pie, juice

Dinner: cabbage rolls with meat, compote

When preparing food, throw in a little love, a little kindness, a drop of joy, a piece of tenderness. These vitamins will add an extraordinary taste to any food and bring health.


In the course of our work, I found answers to questions that interested me. And I believe that proper nutrition is not only the key to health, but also to successful study and work. During the period of growth and development, a student's body undergoes numerous changes, and balanced nutrition becomes more important than ever before. For a balanced diet you need to choose different products from the main four groups, especially foods rich in calcium (milk, yogurt, cheese) and iron (meat, fish, eggs). The four main food groups include dairy products, food products high content protein, vegetables and fruits, as well as bread and cereals.

But very often, even in our school canteen, I observe that the children do not want to eat fish, liver, or milk porridge. How to be? But you can experiment with porridge. What if you add nuts, seeds, dried fruits, or maybe a handful to the porridge? fresh berries? What if you don’t just add it, but draw a funny face, making eyes out of raisins, a nose out of a nut, and a mouth out of a drop of bright jam?

Materials from specialized literature and Internet sources regarding the nutrition of schoolchildren were also studied.

A social survey was conducted among 2nd grade students, the data was obtained and analyzed.

I want to offer some nutritious dishes and decorate them in a way that will excite your appetite. Establishing order in the diet is within the power of any person, and those who want can overcome bad habit eat wrong.

Proper nutrition helps good health, and therefore health. Proper nutrition as a way of life is a varied, fresh food in in moderation, eaten for pleasure.

It was not for nothing that the ancients said: “We are what we eat.” Today this famous expression has received scientific basis. And not just one. It has been proven that the food we eat has a tremendous impact on the human body.

Food shapes the body

The cells of our body are formed by the foods we eat. More precisely, from the nutrients they contain - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc. Moreover, every 5 years our flesh is completely renewed (with the exception of nerve cells).

Food gives you energy

We live off chemical energy, which, when oxidized, is released by the organic substances of foods. Moreover, an interesting point: initially all the “energy” comes from the Sun, which only plants can receive (photosynthesis). The word “energy” should not be taken literally here; its production refers to the process of photosynthesis - i.e. formation by higher plants, photosynthetic bacteria, algae of complex organic matter, which are necessary for the life of plants and all other living things. After all, all other living organisms receive energy either from plants or from the bodies of those who ate these plants or ate animals that originally ate plants. This is the relationship, after analyzing which it becomes clear that all food is initially “sunny”, i.e. The sun launches the necessary chemical processes in plants that everyone else can live by eating. Only some people take it from direct suppliers - plants, while others receive it in processed form from animal bodies.

They say that there are people who are able to “eat” (that is, produce in their bodies the substances necessary for life due to exposure to light) from the rays of the Sun: Teresa Newman, Prahlad Jani and others. But this has not been scientifically confirmed, since it contradicts all the laws of chemistry and physics. In the human body there are no mechanisms by which photosynthesis could be carried out. One can only assume that people who are able to feed on the energy of the Sun (if this is indeed the case) have some kind of anomaly in their body.

Food affects the psyche

It has been proven that by eating certain foods, we become excited or calm, lazy or active, cheerful or sleepy, angry or kind. The fact is that bacteria that enter the human intestines with food directly affect the functioning of the brain. This fact was proven by the University of California staff. Let's look at what exactly they researched and what results they got.

It is known that the brain periodically sends signals to our intestines, this has been known for a long time. The discovery of scientists at the University of California was that the intestines, it turns out, are “responding”! According to Associate Professor Kirsten Tillisch, the brain-brain ligament gastrointestinal tract“This is a two-way road.

A study was conducted at the University of California involving 36 women aged 18-55 years. All participants were divided into three groups:

1. The first one ate yoghurts containing probiotics (bacteria beneficial for the intestinal microflora);

2. The second ate dairy products without probiotics;

3. The third group did not eat any food at all.

The results of the study showed that in women, on a regular basis Those who consumed probiotics had decreased activity in the somatosensory cortex during the period of emotional activity.

Participants in other groups showed unchanged or increased activity in the same areas of the brain.

Brain scans of participants who consumed probiotics during the rest period showed an increase in the number of connections between the cognitive areas of the prefrontal cortex and the gray matter of the brain. On the other hand, women who did not consume food at all showed more connections between gray matter and emotional-affective areas. The results of the group consuming dairy products not fortified with probiotics were intermediate between the previous groups of respondents.

The discovery that intestinal microflora has an effect on the human brain that is extremely important for future work that can help in choosing diets and types of drug treatments to improve brain function. It turns out that with the help of food, it is possible to change not only a person’s mood, but also to exercise control over emotional state patients susceptible to chronic brain disorders, such as autism, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, as well as correct the course of the disease in patients with neurological disorders.

Do antibiotics affect the human brain?

Visually showing the effects of probiotics on human brain, the experiment raises new questions about what effect a course of antibiotics can have on the brain. Received antibiotics wide use in the treatment of various infectious diseases in children, especially in departments intensive care newborns. What long-term effects can suppression have on a child's brain development? normal microflora with these drugs? IN currently There is no convincing information about this effect of antibiotics on the brain.

All research conducted to study the effect of probiotics on brain function was carried out with funding from Danone Research, which provided the necessary products for the experiments.

on a person's mental state

It turns out that each emotion has a certain taste or aroma, and therefore, by consuming foods with a certain taste, you can significantly influence your psycho-emotional state.

Vedic medicine takes the process of human nutrition very seriously, and therefore examines it in great detail and deeply. The basics of the influence of food on human consciousness and psyche are discussed in the Bhagavad Gita, chapter 18, texts 7-10. And this is discussed in more detail in, in particular, in the lectures of the leading Ayurvedic specialist of the post-USSR countries - O.G. Torsunov in the subsection “Life Science”

The taste of food is our emotions

The influence of food taste is so great that even modern doctors have noticed that the factors are so strong that they often dominate treatment over physiological factors. It has also been noted that a person’s taste needs depend and are determined by his mental and emotional state, and not by reasonable expediency. And this is due to the fact that food is a source of not only nutrients for physical organism man, but also shapes him emotional background and mental potential. Simply put, it gives power to emotions.

Experiencing grief, a person unconsciously strives to diversify his diet as much as possible with such bitter products as: mustard, rye bread, coffee. As a result, there appear Great chance appearance chronic infections, diseases of the blood and skeletal system.

Pessimistic, touchy person constantly strives to eat sour things. And sour in excessive quantities harms the heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, joints, disrupts internal environment body.

Fussy, tense man just loves it salty food. He loves her so much that he is ready to eat even sweets and salt. And too much salty food is an enemy of the blood vessels of the whole body, bronchi, kidneys and joints.

Stubborn, assertive and unrestrained people they like things that are overly tart. An excess of such food leads to diseases of the hormonal organs, bronchi, spine, joints and bones.

Predilection for dominance spicy food tested in the diet angry, overly temperamental people, resulting in inflammatory processes in the liver, pancreas, stomach, heart and genitals.

The need for fried food in a person arises when there is a character rudeness, feeling tired and aversion to work. And this leads to overload of the blood vessels of the brain, liver, stomach, and hormonal and immune functions are disrupted.

Greedy people They love excessively fatty foods, which lead to diseases of the stomach, liver, skeletal system, and metabolic disorders.

Food taste and stress

People who are constantly mental stress, they do not know how to distract themselves from problems, they prefer to tone the body with tea, coffee, St. John's wort, and oregano.

Being in this state, a person, as a rule, starts smoking. When a man smokes, this is understandable: he is active, active and constantly on the move, which often leads to tension and excessive concentration. What will you say when you see a representative of the fair half of humanity smoking? Calmness and tranquility are the most important qualities character for the happy fate of girls and women. And they smoke, as a rule, from a lack of them...

One way or another, but physiological level the result of such habits is damage to the blood vessels of the brain, heart, kidneys, and liver. Moreover, the functions of the sex glands decrease and the circulatory system begins to suffer.

Irritable, stubborn, greedy, fussy people like to eat a lot, they are in a hurry to eat - appears excess weight, violations blood pressure, hormonal disorders, disorders in the spine, decrease protective forces body.

By indulging his negative character traits, a person acquires violations of harmonious taste sensations, which ultimately affects his physiological health in the form of diseases. This is how the mechanism of punishing a person for negative character traits works - a disharmonious life in the Universe.

Food and the modern world

With callousness, greed, bad attitude towards people, cruelty, excessive attachment to things appears craving for meat.
Cruelty and straightforwardness causes a huge demand for fish products.
The result in both cases is pessimism, constant irritability, malignant tumors, accidents.

In addition, meat and fish require a lot of energy to digest, which as a result leads to a weakening of all other functions of the body, including the body’s natural desire for self-healing, which is also significantly impaired. Diseases become chronic.

The influence of food: results

So, what emotions are associated with food? Let's summarize.
Grief is a bitter emotion, and fear has an astringent nature. These two emotions aggravate the psycho-energetic flows in the human body, called “vata” in Ayurveda.

Envy is a sour emotion, anger is a caustic emotion. These two emotions aggravate pitta.

Desire and passion are sweet emotions, greed is a salty emotion, these two increase kapha.

A person who is passionate about what he loves, who treats people kindly, is not prone to his perversions taste qualities, and thereby increases the opportunity to be healthy and happy.

Thus, by indulging our negative character traits, we acquire disturbances in harmonious taste sensations, which, in turn, forces us to eat meat, fish products, fried foods, tea, cocoa, and coffee. Excessively -sweet, -sour, -salty, -tart, -bitter, -fatty, -spicy.

And with poor nutrition, diseases develop. This is how the mechanism of punishing a person for negative character traits works.

Therefore, eat harmoniously and balanced, exclude meat, fish and coffee from your diet, reduce the amount of fried foods, and then you will help your body get rid of many diseases, and for yourself - acquire good qualities character that brings wide white stripes to fate.

    Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are! Man, unlike animals, eats culturally. Well, with the exception of certain categories of citizens who, due to certain circumstances, are forced to eat in a garbage dump. Even many animals are picky eaters. Nowadays it is especially fashionable to monitor your diet and lead healthy image life. We understand that our health depends to a large extent on how we eat: according to a schedule or at random, whether we eat fully or eat ridiculous snacks, what time we eat our last meal in the evening and what kind of food. Every person knows about their health problems. Some people can’t eat a lot of sweets, others can’t eat salty, peppery, floury, sour, bitter foods. But even healthy person Everything is good in moderation. Eating the wrong amount of food can lead to gastritis, stomach ulcers, and simply abdominal pain, cramps, and indigestion. So eat right and be healthy!!!

    The main thing is that a person does not starve or overeat. The problem of child malnutrition is now more pressing. Scientists believe that if the 2nd generation is malnourished, negative genetic changes may occur in the body in the 3rd generation.

    You are what you eat. Is everyone familiar with this phrase? Indeed, what we eat is the building material for our cells and our body. If the food is of poor quality, the body will not receive the substances it needs: minerals, vitamins, etc.

    It is necessary to care not only about the quality of food, but also about its quantity - you need to eat in moderation. Undereating, as well as overeating, will only harm you.

    There are a lot of sites on the Internet about proper nutrition and health in general.

    Nutrition is one of the most important factors that affects health. After all, the functioning of the digestive organs, weight, well-being, amount of energy depend on it... The main rule is that the products comply with environmental standards and are not contaminated with bacteria and viruses. And usefulness and everything else are in second place...

    Of course, nutrition affects both health and appearance person.

    Those who feed natural, healthy food, without overeating, balanced, look very good.

    They are cheerful, feel good, have an even complexion, good hair without dullness, good nails.

    They are easy to climb.

    Compare what poor and malnourished people look like in the USA, whose food is based are cheap GMO products.

    It depends on whether the composition of the products is suitable for the human body, for example, freshly picked fruits are healthier than imported ones that have been processed for storage. And especially canned ones.

    Food can give a person energy, like fresh vegetables and fruits. Or it can be harmful and lead to fatigue, like meat.

    A year has passed since the birth of this issue, a lot has happened, and we have learned a lot. It turns out in American products completely harmful additives. Chicken from the USA is hazardous to health. Products from Western Europe. The best way out here, as we understand, is to raise your farmer producer. Moreover, oil has already fallen and the dollar has risen. Its production will help both in boosting the economy and in improving the health of the population.

    As the wisest say - Everything was invented before us. And as a doctor, I know most of the sayings in Latin. There is one that makes sense - We are what we eat. Or: We do not live in order to eat, but we eat in order to live And that says it all. What is the essence of nutrition? These are molecules or atoms that, when broken down, are absorbed and penetrate into every cell of our body, and into the BRAIN, by the way, too, hence the conclusion - You are what you eat, and not only in terms of fat or muscle tissue, but even in in terms of your brain, and this is already consciousness!. By the way, you can regulate your mood and health with your diet, but more on that in the next lecture! :-)

    How? Yes, our health and appearance directly depend on what we eat! It is very important that the food is varied, balanced, rich in vitamins and microelements, because our body, like small bricks, uses all these to build and strengthen our body. And none of the numerous expensive cosmetics will help as much as if you start treating yourself from the inside!

    It completely affects our health; our health depends on proper nutrition. We are what we eat. After all, we replenish our body with nutrition. necessary substances and help the existence, restoration and reproduction of all cells of our body.

    Proper nutrition helps to avoid many health problems, properly selected foods can heal, they relieve many diseases. All the waste from junk food accumulate in the body and turn into diseases, this can even be noticed on the skin of the face, it immediately reacts to all unhealthy foods.

    We are what we eat. No matter how you diversify your diet, your body builds and restores itself only from what you ate, drank, and inhaled. If you eat genetically modified rubbish, this is what you will become. And so on. If you don’t eat food containing essential amino acids, for example, you risk dying from exhaustion.

    A man is what he eats. A beautiful, healthy person cannot eat garbage. Proper nutrition is the basis of health!!! This is sooo important!!

    Be sure to watch the science documentary As It Is about our everyday foods.

    You will be surprised how what we eat can affect our health, what everyday foods we eat cause this or that disease.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs