How to heal cracked heels. Causes of cracked heels

What to do if your heels are cracked? In this article, we will analyze the causes and treatment of cracked heels with folk remedies at home.

Why do heels crack?

Cracks in the heels of the feet appear for the following reasons:

  1. Fungal infection (foot fungus)
  2. Dry skin on legs which cracks easily.

If you suspect a fungal infection, you should consult a doctor and get tested. In the second case, you should figure out why the skin on the legs dries and cracks.
Causes of dry skin and cracking:

  • Wrong, slow metabolism. The reasons for this are age (after 40, the metabolism slows down, the skin condition worsens), chronic diseases(gastritis, diabetes, obesity).
  • Lack of vitamins in the diet.
  • Increased stratum corneum formation on the feet: this may be due to walking barefoot or walking in uncomfortable flip flops and mules that constantly slap on the heels. Constant mechanical impact leads to roughening of the skin.
  • Improper foot care. This may be the wrong cream, excessive friction when removing the stratum corneum, wearing synthetic socks.

What to do if the skin dries and the heels crack?

What is the first thing to do at home? First, you need to analyze the causes of cracked heels and choose the appropriate treatment method. If the cause of the appearance of cracks is a fungal infection, then it is advisable to use products with the addition of vinegar. If the disease is caused by dry skin, then remedies with the addition of honey will help, medicinal herbs, potato and linen compresses, vinegar, and in this case will benefit. Below are the most effective folk recipes that helped the readers of the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" to cure cracked legs.

Folk remedies for cracked heels.

  1. Treatment of heels with wood lice.
    To get rid of cracked heels, steam your feet in a decoction of chamomile, calendula. Then put fresh wood lice in your socks, put on your socks and walk like this all day. Cracks will heal quickly. (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2011, No. 20, p. 39).
    Plantain leaves can be added to wood lice. Fresh plantain will instantly relieve pain. (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2007, No. 13, p. 34).
  2. What to do to make the wounds shrink faster?
    The reader claims that the best remedy for cracked heels is not to lubricate them with anything. You need to steam your legs every evening and go to bed, the cracks will begin to dry and shrink, and only in the morning anoint them with a fat cream. If the wounds are anointed immediately, then the cream or ointment will not allow them to shrink as much as possible. ( Folk way from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2008, No. 18, p. thirty).
  3. How to treat cracked heels with resin.
    Lubricate the cracks with liquid resin - the pain disappears immediately, and the cracks will heal in 1-2 days. The woman experienced this method on herself when she lived in the summer in the village, where she was taught to do this. Feet from resin (resin from pine or spruce) turned black, but this is temporary. ( folk method from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2007, No. 17, p. 32).
  4. Treatment of cracked heels at home with lipstick.
    A woman cured cracked heels with a simple lip balm. Before that she tried to treat them different means, but this method turned out to be saving. Every evening, after washing, she smeared her feet with colorless lipstick - everything quickly dragged on. (Folk method from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2007, No. 20, p. 32).
  5. How to make a paraffin compress.
    If the heels are cracking, you need to take a candle and cut it into a tin can. Take the same amount of butter by volume. Put on fire and stir until smooth. When the mixture has cooled slightly to a tolerable state, pour it on the damaged heel, tie it with parchment and put on socks. Cracks heal quickly. (Folk recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2004, No. 1, p. 24).
  6. Treatment of heels on the legs with honey.
    If the skin on the soles of the feet is cracking, then you can do simple procedure: smear them with honey before going to bed, wash off in the morning. Legs heal quickly. (Folk treatment from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2004, No. 4, p. 24).
  7. Medical glue BF tightens cracks in the legs.
    If the heels dry and crack, I resort to my ambulance: I buy BF glue at the pharmacy and wear them on them. If the crack is deep, then until the glue has dried, I glue it on thin layer fleece. The pain subsides instantly, the lining lasts a long time, you can walk barefoot and swim. (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2013, No. 15, p. 33).
  8. Treatment of heels with foil at home.
    If the skin bursts and it hurts to walk, you need to cut off a piece of foil of a suitable size and fix the foil in the problem area with strips of adhesive tape. Put on thin socks on top and walk like this for three days. Even sleep in socks at night. After three days, peel off the foil and steam the heels, then wipe them with a pumice stone and spread with a fat cream with vitamin A. If after the first procedure the victory is not final, do it again. In addition, include more yellow-orange fruits and vegetables in your diet. They contain a lot of vitamin A, which is necessary for skin health. ( home treatment from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2014, No. 1, p. 28).
  9. Patch.
    If the skin on the heels cracks, then the easiest, fastest and cheap way treatment - the usual plaster. Seal them with wounds - and that's it! Wait, without looking under the patch and without removing it, for about five days (Folk method from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2014, No. 15, p. 31).
  10. Herbal flour will help get rid of cracks.
    From fungus, sweating, cracks in the legs, a simple folk remedy will help: put a pinch of herbs: mint, sage, chamomile, celandine, nettle in clean socks in the morning. Wear these socks all day. When walking, herbs turn into powder and fall into all wounds. Do this every morning, laying a new portion of the dry mixture of herbs. The wounds will heal quickly, the bad smell from the feet will disappear. (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2004, No. 3 p. 25).
  11. How to quickly cure cracks with grease. Review.
    This remedy helped to cure the legs in just 2 applications. The woman's feet were cracking for many years, she could not put on sandals, before they were terrible. On Saturday, after the bath, after steaming her legs well and wiping them dry, she smeared the cracks with grease. I wrapped my feet in polyethylene, put on socks on top and went to bed. A week later, the procedure was repeated. The skin on the legs became even and soft. (Review from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2003, No. 13, p. 23-24)
    Usually 3-4 such nightly procedures are enough. In advanced cases - 10. (Recipe from the newspaper "Vestnik healthy lifestyle" 2012, No. 2, p. 38)
  12. How to treat cracks at home - Interior fat and pork skin.
    • Smear the heels at night with overheated interior beef fat, rubbing fat into cracks with a cotton swab. In the morning there will be no more pain (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2003, No. 17, p. 26)
    • Cut off the skin from a piece of unsalted lard so that a layer of lard 2-3 mm thick remains above it. Rub the greasy side on a cracked heel before going to bed. Then put on socks so as not to stain the bed. The skin can be used repeatedly, stored in the refrigerator in a plastic bag (it's just more convenient to use it). (Home treatment from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2016, No. 1, p. 20-21).
    • If the heel bursts, you can use interior lard , after a few procedures, significant progress in treatment will be noticeable. Use as above. (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2014, No. 17, p. 27).
    • Instead of pork fat or lard can be applied and olive oil.(Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2014, No. 14, p. 29).
  13. Review of the treatment of burst heels with lemon.
    The woman had cracked and sore heels in the summer. She cured cracks at home with simple lemon. Before that, I didn’t try anything: I did various baths, smeared myself with different creams. It worked, but temporarily. And in summer, in open shoes, the skin roughened and cracked especially quickly.
    After the woman read that the metabolism improves if the soles are rubbed with lemon at night, she began to do this procedure regularly. In addition, I decided to combine it with foot baths - one evening with soap, the other with soda. Then she removed the stratum corneum with a pumice stone and rubbed the soles with lemon.
    What would you think? The feet stopped overgrowing with rough skin and the woman forgot about the wounds. Now, every evening, for prevention, she uses a slice of lemon after a shower. Sometimes, in order to save money, he takes a slice from a mug after drinking tea. (Review from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2012, No. 13, p. 27).

Folk remedies for cracks. Review
The woman's legs were in a terrible state: the feet were deeply cracked, covered with many warts, all the tights were torn in the first hour of wearing. The woman tried to treat them various means, but with the onset of improvement, she abandoned the treatment, and the problem returned. In addition, after a dislocation of the foot, a bump began to grow with inside thumb, the surgeon said that it was the articular fluid that leaked out and the lump should be removed with the help of an operation. Then the woman decided to take care of her health more systematically. I applied a number of activities, and the feet became soft and healthy. In addition, there was a lump on the finger.
What exactly helped, the woman cannot say, but here is what she did:
1. At night, I wrapped my feet with a cloth moistened with urine, over a bag and socks. Washed off in the morning.
2. Tied a cake made of flour, garlic, vinegar to wounds
3. I tied a baked onion, they ate resin.
4. For the night or for the whole day I made a compress with tincture of potato flowers.
5. Cases of a bath of potato decoction or a decoction of herbs of burdock, celandine, calendula, nettle, wormwood - in arbitrary proportions.
6. Lubricated the soles with an ointment that she prepared from honey, vegetable oil and wax. (Folk recipes from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2005, No. 15, p. 10).

How to quickly get rid of cracked heels - compresses.

Feedback from readers of the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle".

Honey cake is an effective folk remedy for cracks.
Knead the dough from 1 tbsp. l. honey and 2 tbsp. l. flour. Divide into 2 parts. At night, steam your feet for 10-15 minutes, wipe them off, and put a honey cake on each heel, wrap with polyethylene and secure with a bandage. Put on socks. Remove everything in the morning, roll the cakes into a ball until the next evening. Do this procedure 5-6 days in a row. All the old rough skin will come off, and dry soles will become pink and smooth. (Review from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2011, No. 12 p. 32).

Fast crack healing apple cider vinegar.
If the skin on the feet has coarsened, begun to crack, it became painful to walk, then the following folk remedy will help: mix apple cider vinegar and water in a 1: 1 ratio. Soak a cloth in this solution and wrap your legs overnight, pull plastic bags on top and put on socks. During the night, rough skin will become limp and easily cleansed. Wash and lubricate feet in the morning nourishing cream. (home method from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2010, No. 9, p. thirty).

Curdled milk treatment.
If the heels hurt and crack, it is necessary to make compresses from curdled milk or sour cream for 7-8 days. (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2006, No. 11, p. 33).

Raw onion compress at night.
Take a raw onion, scroll it in a meat grinder or chop it on a grater, put it in a bag. Put a bag of onion porridge on your leg, fix it and put on a warm sock. Do this before bed. In the morning, scrape the sole and grease with a greasy cream. This tool will help for 1-3 times. (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2012, No. 10, p. 32).

The woman applied an onion compress before going to bed, and in a few days the cracks on her legs healed. A few years have passed since then, and there have been no more problems. Before that, she used various homemade ointments and creams that dermatologists prescribed for her, but they were ineffective. From the onion, the effect came faster and lasts for a very long time. (Review from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2013, No. 18, p. 33).

How to quickly get rid of cracked heels at home with the help of cabbage.
The woman's feet often cracked to the point of blood, it was painful to walk. The woman used different folk remedies, but the cabbage leaf helped the best - after these compresses, the legs have been fine for 10 years. It is necessary to steam the feet, let them dry, then grease with honey, wrap cabbage leaf and secure with a plastic bag and bandage overnight. Repeat the procedure 5-7 times. This recipe has helped a lot. (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2006, No. 27, p. 31).

How to treat dry heels with potatoes
If the heels dry and crack, covered with corns, it will help raw potatoes- you need to grate 3-4 potatoes, add the same amount of alcohol, divide the mass into two parts and put in two plastic bags. Put your feet on this mixture, after smearing your feet with cream so that there is no burn, fix it. Sit in front of the TV for three hours, then wash everything off and smear with cream. With the same portion of potatoes, you can make compresses 3-4 times. (Folk treatment from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2004, No. 16, p. 22).

How to get rid of cracked heels laundry soap.
Soak a linen cloth in strong brewed tea and lather with laundry soap. Attach the fabric to the cracked foot, polyethylene on top and fix it overnight. It is necessary to do 3-4 such procedures. (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2003, No. 23, p. 27).

If you have dry heels and cracks, tomatoes will help.
Who has a lot of extra tomatoes in the garden, this method is suitable. Tomato juice acts on the heels as effectively as vinegar, but it is more beneficial for the skin.
Ripe tomatoes should be cut into pieces (2-3 pieces each), put them in plastic bags, lower the legs into the bags, fasten them with socks on top and sit like this for 2-3 hours. Then rinse your feet and lubricate the skin with a moisturizer. After 5-6 procedures you will see the result. (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2014, No. 10, p. 28-29).

What else can you smear cracked heels with? The most effective folk remedies.

Vinegar and glycerin will help to quickly get rid of cracks.
This is the simplest and effective remedy, if you smear the heels with a mixture of vinegar and glycerin every day, then cracks can be cured in 7-10 days. This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of readers of the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle". Here are some tips for making a healing mixture.

  • Buy a vial of glycerin at the pharmacy, top it up (usually in a bottle of 2/3 of its volume) with vinegar. In the morning, lubricate the feet and fingers with this composition. Then put on socks. After two days, rough, cracked skin will become soft and pink. It will take more time to treat cracks - you need to take 5 vials of glycerin for the course. ( home method from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2010, No. 11, p. 30, 2010, No. 14, art. 23).
  • Another article says that glycerin and vinegar essence should be taken in a 1: 1 ratio - after bathing, lubricate the soles, they will not crack and peel off. (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2009, No. 16, p. 10)
  • And here is a similar folk recipe, it was given to the reader by an old paramedic. Only here it is necessary to mix glycerin with ammonia in a ratio of 1: 1. Steam legs in warm water, wipe and smear the heels with this mixture. With the help of this remedy, the woman managed to cure cracks in her fingers, and her niece completely healed the skin on her legs - she was covered with scales, swollen, with diseased layered nails. A week later, the scales and swelling disappeared, and a month later, the nails became beautiful, strong, shiny, as if varnished. (Review from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2010, No. 15, p. 30).
  • Another variation of the recipe: mix 3 parts glycerin, 3 parts 70% vinegar and 2 parts alcohol - rub into the soles every evening after washing. This product is well absorbed and does not stain the bed. (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2008, No. 5, p. 30)
  • Review of the treatment of burst heels - glycerin and vinegar.
    In the summer, my heel disease worsens: they crack badly. I found a life-saving remedy: I ​​mix 25 g of glycerin with 1.5-2 tsp. vinegar essence, shaking this mixture in a small bottle. The medicine is ready!
    Before applying the mixture to the problem area, I steam it in water, treat it with pumice. I do procedures every other day. Everything heals very quickly. (Review from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2014, No. 5, p. 34).
  • Review of treatment with glycerin.
    I will tell you how I cured cracked heels. I suffered from this disease from the age of 23 to 71. Couldn't wear sandals. Than just not treated, but the relief was only temporary. Last winter, I remembered that when chicks appeared on my hands, glycerin helped get rid of them. I decided to use glycerin for this problem as well. After four procedures, the cracks disappeared. (Review from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2015, No. 21, p. 29).

How to prepare an ointment for cracked heels at home.

Vinegar treatment

  • The most effective ointment from cracks.
    White egg wash, put in a glass and pour 70% acetic acid, close the lid and put in a cool place for 7 days. Then carefully remove the egg with a spoon, put on a plate, mix with 200 g of butter, kneading with a fork into a homogeneous mass. Apply like a cream, rubbing lightly. The course of treatment - until it ends.
    For many years, the man's feet were very cracked, at times he could not walk because of the pain. Lotions from onions, potatoes, herbs did not help him, turned out to be powerless and expensive medicines prescribed by doctors. And this folk remedy immediately showed its effectiveness (Review from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2009, No. 18, p. 32).
  • How to prepare an ointment from cracks - Yolk, oil and vinegar.
    Mix 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. vinegar. You will get an ointment that looks like yellowish sour cream. After foot bath apply ointment to the feet, put on plastic bags and socks. In the morning, wash everything off and treat with a pumice stone. After 2-3 procedures, the feet will become smooth. (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2010, No. 22, p. 38,).
    Another similar folk recipe: 1 egg, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. vinegar essence - mix.
  • Ointment based on boiled eggs.
    Many suffer from cracked heels, especially those with diabetes. This is how I deal with this scourge. I grind 1 boiled egg with a fork, add 1 tablespoon of unrefined sunflower oil and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar essence. It turns out an ointment with which I treat cracks, after which they heal very quickly. (Review from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2013, No. 11, p. 37).
  • Tetracycline ointment and apple cider vinegar.
    The woman had problems with the soles of her feet for many years - thick, dry skin constantly grew on them, which cracked. used a lot folk recipes but the following method helped:
    Steam your feet in water with soda, clean your heels with pumice, generously lubricate with 3% tetracycline ointment, put on bags, socks and go to bed. Wash your feet in the morning, gradually the wounds will heal. After that, change tactics: take gauze, moisten it with plenty of apple cider vinegar and wrap the foot, secure with a pin, a bag and a sock. In the morning, rough skin is easily removed with a pumice stone. This procedure should be done every 2-3 months as the skin grows, there will be no cracks at all, and the feet will be smooth. (Recipe for ointment from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2009, No. 21, p. 39).

How to treat cracked heels with herbal ointment at home.
Take 4 bunches of lilacs with leaves, 10 marigold flowers, 10 plantain leaves, a handful of cinquefoil and 2 leaves of aloe. Mash all this with a crush and pour 200 g of hot (60-70 degrees) chicken fat. When cool, refrigerate for two days, then heat again and strain. Rub the resulting ointment at night into steamed feet, put on socks. The wounds will heal quickly. (Folk treatment from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2011, No. 11, p. 28).

Homemade heel ointment based on oil and wax.
Heat 100 g of sunflower or olive oil to 40 degrees, remove from heat, add beeswax the size of half a matchbox, stir until the wax dissolves, add 1 tsp. glycerin and 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil. Mix until smooth, store the ointment in the refrigerator. Before going to bed, steam your legs, apply ointment, put on socks and sleep until morning. First, the treatment is carried out every day, then as needed. The skin on the feet will become very soft and smooth (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2009, No. 14, p. 31).

Gum will help heal any wounds.
Heat a good butter in an enamel mug, remove the foam, drain the clean butter, and discard the residue with impurities. For 1 cup of ghee, take natural wax with a volume of two matchboxes and the same amount of resin (frozen in the refrigerator and grated). Mix all this, heating no higher than 80 degrees. When everything is dissolved, strain through double cheesecloth, when the mass begins to thicken, add 1 tsp. honey and stir again. It will turn out a healing ointment with the aroma of pine needles, slightly bitter. Store in the freezer in a glass jar.
The properties of the ointment are simply extraordinary: it is able to treat cracked heels, wounds, erosion (tampon), hemorrhoids, trophic ulcers, boils. When taken orally, it helps with stomach ulcers, heartburn. (2009, No. 19, p. 26).
You can add 5-10 grams of propolis to this mixture along with resin. (Folk method from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2007, No. 4, p. 32).

Ointment for the treatment of heels from onions.
Warm up 1 glass unrefined oil and throw in 2 chopped onions. Saute onion in oil until browned. Then quickly strain and add beeswax to the hot oil. Mix, cool, store in the refrigerator. After washing, lubricate the feet with this composition. (Recipe for ointment from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2006, No. 5, p. 32, No. 23, p. 8,).

If the heels are very cracked, hellebore will help.
Dried and ground into flour roots of hellebore are used for treatment. The resulting powder is mixed with an equal amount of butter. Lubricate with a mixture of sore spots at night, insulate with a bandage. Healing occurs within a week. (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2005, No. 21, p. 28).

If the heels are cracked, the marshmallow root will help out.
Since childhood, I had deep cracks that hurt a lot. Once I read a recipe in a book and decided to use it. He turned out to be my salvation.
For treatment, I took 100 g of fresh crushed marshmallow root and 500 g of interior pork fat. Mixed and languished in a water bath for 2 hours. Then you need to strain, cool. Smear the heels several times a day, this ointment is absorbed for about 20 minutes.
(Review from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2013, No. 8, p. 43).

Treatment of cracked heels at home - baths.

Treatment of heels with onion peel.
handful onion peel pour 2 liters of boiling water, wrap and leave for 1 hour. Pour the infusion into a bowl, add 1 tbsp. l. salt and soda. Soar your feet until the water cools down. Then wipe and smear the entire foot with vegetable oil, then egg yolk, put on cotton socks, then a plastic bag and woolen socks - and go to bed. To recover, 4-5 procedures are enough. (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2009, No. 9, p. 32).

plantain roots
Cracked feet are very easy to treat. Wash plantain roots, pour boiling water, when the water cools to warm, lower your legs, hold for 20 minutes, it is better to do this before going to bed. Dry heels will become soft, cracks will heal. (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of healthy lifestyle" 2007, No. 20, p. 31).

Treatment of heels from cracks at home with nettle baths.
Per liter of boiling water - 2 tbsp. l. nettles. Steam your feet in this solution, then smear with cream or fat, make light massage. Instead of nettle, you can take starch - 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2002, No. 16, p. 4).

starch solution.
In 1 liter of warm water add 1 tbsp. l. potato starch, stir and take a foot bath for 20 minutes. Then wipe the soles dry, lubricate castor oil or make a compress: put on cotton socks soaked in warm vegetable oil, then wrap with cling film, and put on already dry socks on top. (Recipe from the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" 2016, No. 6, p. 30).

Pharmacy preparations

In a pharmacy, you can buy the following creams and ointments for the treatment of cracked heels:

  1. "BEFORE AND AFTER"- cream for cracked feet. Contains corn and mineral oil, sage and linden extracts, vitamin F, allantoin. The drug stimulates cell regeneration, promotes healing and prevents the formation of corns. The skin becomes soft and supple.
  2. "GREEN PHARMACY"- sea buckthorn healing crack cream. Helps to remove dry calluses; moisturizes, nourishes, softens even the most rough areas, relieves pain.
  3. EVO(EVO) foot cream with urea. Along with big amount synthetic components contains an extract of oak bark, sage, celandine, needles, vitamin E and glycerin. Intensively softens very dry and chapped feet. Safely removes calluses and corns. Contains 10% urea. Urea is produced by the human body. It is urea that makes the skin soft and supple.
  4. Cream "DOCTOR WITH UREA" Designed to combat corns, dry calluses. For the care of cracked skin.
  5. "911 ZAZHIVIN"- ointment for cracked feet. Ingredient: oil tea tree, milk thistle oil, vitamin F, sage extract. It has a wound healing and disinfecting effect. Softens, nourishes and deodorizes the skin of the feet.
  6. PANTHENOL spray, BEPANTEN ointment. Ingredients: dexpanthenol. A drug that improves tissue regeneration. The active substance of the drug - dexpanthenol - passes into pantothenic acid who plays important role in the processes of metabolism and cell regeneration. Dexpanthenol penetrates well into the affected tissue.
  7. "Ointment STELLANIN". Composition 1,3-diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide, povidone, dimexide, glycerol, petrolatum. The drug with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and tissue regeneration-improving action for external use with minor "dry" skin lesions (abrasions, cuts, scratches, cracks, scratches). For "weeping" wounds, Stellanin-PEG should be used.

The problem of painful cracked heels is familiar to many. This phenomenon is very common, but it is rarely perceived as a pathology that requires serious treatment. Patients find cracked skin just a nuisance aesthetic problem. But this is far from true. Cracks in the heels in most cases are a manifestation of the disease and may indicate serious violations in the body (immune, endocrine, metabolic). If changes on the skin are not associated with the disease, then there is little pleasant either. Cracks can be very painful, cause significant discomfort when walking and interfere active image life. What are the reasons for the violation of integrity skin and how to get rid of cracked heels, we will tell in this article.

There are many factors that cause cracking of the skin on the heels, the cause of the pathology can be:

In addition, there are more serious problems, leading to the appearance of heel cracks:

In addition, skin lesions can provoke helminthic invasions, hormonal changes body during pregnancy or menopause, obesity, diseases of the nervous and digestive system and other diseases manifested by thinning of the skin and decreased immunity.

In addition, there are external factors that contribute to the development of the problem, they have an adverse effect on the skin and lead to the progression of the pathology.

  • climate factor. The skin of the feet can suffer from temperature changes, under the influence of heat, wind or cold. Both excessive humidity and dry air adversely affect the skin.
  • Professional Factor. Contributes to skin breakdown professional activity associated with prolonged wearing shoes (military, police) or work in hazardous industries, in hot shops.
  • Bad habits(smoking, alcohol) affect the condition of the skin in an extremely negative way.
  • Use of household chemicals. The fabric of socks after washing absorbs harmful chemical compounds contained in powders and conditioners, and negatively affects the condition of the skin of the feet.
  • Unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins, a variety of diets and starvation, insufficient fluid intake have pernicious influence on the condition of the skin.

The reasons that can cause pathology are diverse. To effectively fix the problem, you will need the help of a specialist who will determine what caused this condition and explain how to remove cracked heels.

Clinical picture of the disease

Cracked skin on the heels is a kind of indicator of the state of the body. The appearance of cracks indicates possible malfunctions and becomes the reason for going to the doctor and undergoing a comprehensive examination. What manifestations should make you alert and pay close attention to your health?

  • Itching and burning sensation in the skin of the feet
  • Discomfort and pain not only when walking, but also at rest
  • Dryness and flaking of the skin on the heels
  • Damage to the skin on the heels and the formation of cracks of various depths
  • Appearance bad smell from the feet

Sometimes install exact reason causing a pathological condition is difficult. In the event of an incorrect diagnosis, the patient may receive treatment aimed only at eliminating the symptoms. As a result, unpleasant manifestations are able to fade for some time, but then return with renewed vigor, significantly increasing discomfort, complicating the life of the patient and increasing the risk infectious complications. Therefore, for the effective elimination of pathology, timely and correct diagnosis is very important.


To identify the cause that causes cracking of the skin on the heels, the patient is prescribed laboratory and instrumental studies:

  • Blood test (general and biochemical)
  • Determination of body mass index in the diagnosis of obesity
  • Glucose tolerance test (for diabetes)
  • Dopplerography of vessels lower extremities
  • Microscopy method

A doctor may prescribe Dopplerography of the vessels if there is a suspicion of a violation of the blood supply to the lower extremities. Microscopy is used to detect fungal infections. For the study, a scraping of the affected skin is taken, treated with a special solution and examined under a microscope. General analysis blood will help identify another common cause of cracked heels - iron deficiency anemia. A glucose tolerance test will show the presence of diabetes mellitus.

After clarifying the diagnosis, the doctor will determine the treatment regimen, taking into account the patient's condition, the presence of concomitant diseases, and tell you how to treat cracked heels.

Treatment of cracked heels

If cracked heels are caused by comorbidities(diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal disorders, hormonal disruptions), the first step is to medical measures aimed at fighting disease.

In case of fungal infections, the doctor will prescribe antimycotic drugs for external use (Terbizil, Nizoral, Mycoterbin creams). If the problem is caused by circulatory disorders, taking venotonic agents (Troxevasin, Venoruton) will help.

In other cases, drugs are used local action, whose medicinal components maintain skin elasticity, moisturize, soften and promote healing of injuries. Deep cracks in the heels are treated with ointments containing antibiotics, they prevent the attachment of a secondary infection.

beautiful therapeutic effect have preparations based on vaseline, which moisturize and soften the skin, promote the speedy healing of cracks. Before using them, the legs are steamed in hot water with the addition of a small amount boric acid(one teaspoon per 200 ml of water), then lubricate the heels with a medicine, stick a band-aid and leave it all night. I do the procedure daily until the cracks heal.

mechanical cleaning

For the skin of the legs is necessary regular care help eliminate cracks salon procedures. In the beauty salon, the master will treat the cracked areas, remove the keratinized layer of the skin and polish the surface of the heels. Such procedures are recommended if the pathology is not complicated by fungal or bacterial infections. Doctors do not advise getting carried away and often peeling the feet, such treatment will prevent normal recovery skin and may cause cracking.

In addition, you can use a pedicure grater, pumice stone or scrub to clean your heels. Before using them, the legs must be steamed in a soda-soap solution. For its preparation for 1 liter hot water take one tablespoon of soda and some liquid soap. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

  1. pedicure grater. Use a special grinding pedicure grater. The skin is processed from the center of the foot to the heel. During the procedure, the heels are moistened with a damp towel or napkin.
  2. Pumice. For the treatment of cracks, natural pumice with pores is used. medium size. The treatment is carried out in a circular motion, affecting the rough skin and without affecting healthy areas. If pain occurs during the procedure, grinding should be stopped.
  3. Scrub. use special means With abrasive particles, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or made at home. Natural ground coffee, fine sea salt or corn flour are used as the main ingredient. Any of these ingredients are mixed with liquid soap to the consistency of thick sour cream and rub in a circular motion into problem areas. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. After its completion, the feet are washed warm water and wipe dry.

After removing dead skin, cracks must be treated disinfectant. For these purposes, hydrogen peroxide (3%) can be used. A cotton pad is impregnated with a solution and cracks on the heels get wet. After that, the problem areas are smeared with a cream containing milk, glycolic or salicylic acid. At the end of the procedure, the feet should be bandaged and put on cotton socks.

In addition to cleansing procedures, the skin of the legs should be taken care of daily with a variety of ointments, creams and gels. Pick up required drug a dermatologist can help. Let's talk more about the most popular tools.

External means: ointments, creams

Ointments and creams for cracked heels are an effective and safe method of treatment that helps eliminate excessive dryness of the skin, increase its elasticity, reduce soreness, burning and itching. The use of a variety of local means allows you to achieve fast healing cracks and restoration of the skin.

In addition to these preparations for heel skin care, you can use creams and ointments containing lanolin and vitamins A, E, D, F. pharmacy network a wide range of such products is presented, a dermatologist will help you make a choice.

Treatment with folk remedies

Apart from medical devices, in addition to the main treatment, you can use folk recipes. For the treatment of cracked heels ethnoscience offers to use foot baths, homemade ointments and compresses.

Foot baths provide the most effective action. As a medicinal ingredient in water, you can add herbal infusions, sea salt, white wine, starch.

  1. Baths with herbal decoctions . For the preparation of infusions, medicinal plants are used: sage, chamomile, elecampane, succession, oak bark, calendula. A tablespoon of vegetable raw materials is poured with a liter of water and boiled over low heat for 20 minutes. The resulting broth is diluted with cool water and feet are kept in it for 30 minutes.
  2. Baths with starch. A spoonful of potato starch is diluted in one liter of hot water and the feet are lowered into this solution. As it cools, add hot water. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. After it, the feet are wiped dry, lubricated with a nourishing cream and put on socks.
  3. Baths with sea salt. They have a softening and exfoliating effect, increase blood circulation. 100 g is diluted in warm water sea ​​salt and one tablespoon of soda, keep your feet in the solution for 15 minutes. After the procedure, the heels are smeared with vegetable oil and socks are put on.

The basis of home-made ointments for the treatment of cracked heels can be petroleum jelly, pork and badger fat. Apply them on the foot before going to bed. For better efficiency legs are wrapped with plastic wrap and warm socks are put on.

Compresses allow you to speed up recovery, have a nourishing and moisturizing effect on the skin. For the treatment of cracks, you can use compresses based on onion, potatoes, apples. Oil compresses soften the skin well, for which they use olive, almond, castor, sunflower oil. For achievement positive effect, after setting the compress, the feet are wrapped with plastic wrap and insulated. After removing the compress, the legs are washed with warm water, the heels are lubricated with a nourishing cream.

There are a lot of reasons why women's heels crack. What to pick effective treatment you need to consider them all and understand what led to cracks in the skin of the feet.

Cracked heel skin

Causes of cracked skin on the heels

  • Damage to the heels with a fungal infection (mycosis);
  • Injuries to the heels with rough and improper care;
  • Availability dermatological diseases(psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema);
  • Diseases of internal organs (stomach, liver, gallbladder);
  • The presence of diabetes;
  • Hormonal changes (menopause);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • A small amount of fluid taken per day, beriberi, strict diets;
  • Wearing improperly selected, low-quality shoes;
  • The presence of extra pounds, obesity.

Fungal infection of the heels (mycosis)

Various fungal diseases are often the reason why women's heels crack. Experts identify the most common disease called mycosis.

Mycosis affects the skin of the feet, through microcracks and spreads throughout the human body, provoking diseases of the internal organs. The disease is transmitted from person to person through infected skin cells that are shed.

Doctors recommend regularly treating the feet with an antiseptic. to the most effective antiseptics for skin treatment, pharmacists include ointments, most of which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Among them:

  • Betadine;
  • Dioxidine;
  • Miramistin;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • Ichthyol ointment;
  • Levomekol;
  • Zinc ointment;
  • Resorcinol;
  • Boric ointment;
  • Salicylic ointment.

If the feet have already burst, you must contact the laboratory for PCR diagnostics. Deal with the results clinical research a dermatologist can help. He will also prescribe a treatment plan.

Injury to the heels with rough and improper care

Why do women's heels crack? There can be several reasons, and one of them is improper care.

Foot injuries can be the result of injuries received with improper care. Apart from cosmetic defect, such injuries are painful and are the easy way for infection to enter the body.

You can only treat the skin on the legs by steaming and disinfecting it. All instruments must be individually used and decontaminated after each procedure.

Rough rubbing with hard brushes and pumice stones will not make your heels smooth, but may leave abrasions on the leather. A variety of baths with chemical solutions dangerous for burns and allergies.

Cosmetologists say that women who take care of the skin of their feet on their own are more likely to crack their heels due to mechanical damage epidermis, so pedicure is recommended to be done by the master in the salon, where sterility and safety are ensured, and the skills of a specialist allow you to remove keratinized skin without harming healthy cells.

The presence of dermatological diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema)

Another reason for the appearance of cracks in the feet is the presence of skin diseases such as eczema, dermatitis and the chronic stage of dermatitis - psoriasis. Their provocateurs are the presence of an allergen in the blood, Not proper nutrition and stress.

Psoriasis is one of the causes of cracked heels.

The symptoms of these diseases are similar and are expressed in itching and the appearance of small papules, which eventually increase in size and merge into a single plaque. After exfoliating, skin blemishes remain.

Listed skin diseases are not transmitted to others, as they are provoked by the state of the body, but cannot be treated. With the right therapy, sustained remission can be achieved.

Diseases of internal organs (stomach, liver, gallbladder)

According to research results, any diseases of the stomach, liver and gallbladder in chronic stage are the reason why women's heels crack.

In diseases of the internal organs, blood enters from food fewer vitamins and oxygen, which adversely affects the condition of the skin and leads to its peeling and cracking.

At an advanced stage of the disease, cosmetic treatment the skin of the legs will not give a positive result. To put the heels in order, for starters, you need to get rid of the bacteria that provoked the disease of the digestive system.

The presence of diabetes

Elevated blood sugar leads to drying and thinning of the skin.

Diabetes leads to dry and thin skin. The soles of the feet are the first to be affected.

The soles of the feet suffer the most from these manifestations. The skin of the feet peels off, itches, and in the absence ancillary treatment, cracking. Through the cracks, the infection enters the bloodstream.

The body weakened by diabetes is not able to recognize and destroy pathogenic microbes. Therefore, the main thing is to exclude infection, for example, using a bactericidal patch.

Hormonal changes (menopause).

According to gynecologists, the onset of menopause entails a change in hormonal status and is the reason for:

  • why do women's heels crack?
  • why hair becomes dry and brittle;
  • why capillaries and small vessels break.

Hormonal imbalance adversely affects the walls of blood vessels, leading to their thinning and fragility. Because of this, the elasticity of the epidermis deteriorates, which leads to dryness of the skin, an increase in wrinkles and the appearance of cracks in the feet.

In this case, only therapy using hormonal agents will be effective.

hereditary predisposition

As diseases may not be acquired, but obtained with a set of genes, so the tendency to develop cracked heels can also be a hereditary predisposition.

In this case, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the shoes. It must be clean and dry. It must be disinfected at least once every 3 days.

At hereditary predisposition to cracking of the heels, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the shoes and regularly disinfect

A small amount of fluid taken per day, beriberi, strict diets

Nutritionists are convinced that not only diseases harm the body, but also malnutrition can provoke many defects in appearance.

With a strict diet, the body enters an insufficient amount nutrients avitaminosis sets in. The lack of vitamins of group A leads to the formation of cracks, which deepen over time, causing pain when walking.

Violation of the water-salt balance leads to the fact that internal organs draw moisture from connective tissues and skin.

In women who do not follow the diet and drink, heels are more likely to crack.

Wearing ill-fitting, low-quality shoes

Roughening of the heels is caused not only internal problems body, but also wearing poor-quality or improperly selected shoes harm the condition of the feet.

The skin of the legs, in open shoes, is more susceptible to fungal infections. And in low-quality closed shoes, the feet sweat, which is a nutritious area for life and reproduction of microbes.

If the shoes are of high quality, but the size or block is incorrectly selected, then the foot is deformed, which leads to the formation of corns, the appearance of corns and cracks on the soles of the feet.

When wearing high heels, the pressure on the foot is distributed incorrectly, which leads to its deformation and cracking of the skin in places of increased load.

At irreversible changes in the foot neither cosmetic nor drug treatment will not help. Treatment is only surgical intervention or wearing orthopedic shoes.

Excess weight, obesity

Proper shoes will not protect against foot skin problems, with obesity. In the presence of excess weight, there is excessive pressure on the foot and tendons. This leads to growth connective tissue and as a result, cracking of the skin.

Regular caring procedures will not bring results, since skin rashes are not only external, but also internal.

Which specialist should be consulted for deep cracked heels

With deep cracks in the heels, it is worth visiting a therapist who, by the nature of the cracks, will be able to determine which narrow specialist apply.

It could be:

  • dermatologist who will prescribe tests to identify skin infections and take samples from problem areas of the skin to identify fungal spores;
  • a gastroenterologist who will help identify diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • a gynecologist, in women, is also a must-see.

In order not to spend a lot of time visiting the clinic, it is recommended to spend comprehensive examination organism.

A visit to a cosmetologist should be regular, as specialized devices treat the skin gently and kill pathogenic microbes.

Treatment of cracked heels

Pharmacy funds

At self-treatment cracks on the heels, you should pay attention to creams, ointments and gels. The basis for many of them is Vaseline.

Behind medicines it is better to go to the pharmacy, where their wide range is presented.

For example:

  • "Healing foot cream", manufacturer "Green Pharmacy" at a price of 55-80 rubles. for 75 ml;
  • "Losterin", at a price of 480-570 rubles. for 75 ml;
  • "Radevit" at a price of 400-510 rubles. for 35 ml;
  • "Aquapeeling", at a price of 180-250 rubles. for 75 ml.

Folk recipes for the treatment of cracked heels

Folk remedies will also help in healing cracked feet.

Lubrication with honey

The simplest recipe is to lubricate steamed, dry skin with a small amount of honey, which is left on the skin overnight. In the morning, grease residues are removed with a damp sponge.

Boiled potato compress

Bath and compress a good option treatment of ruptures of the feet. You need to boil 3-4 potatoes in 2 liters of water. Pour the resulting broth into a bath, add 2 teaspoons of soda and lower your legs there for 15-20 minutes.

Mash the boiled potatoes, apply a thick layer on the heels and wrap with a film. In the morning, wash off the compress with warm water and rub the sole with a pumice stone, then rinse your feet in cold water.

How else to treat the skin on the heels

Suitable for steaming legs salt in the amount of 1 teaspoon diluted in 2 liters of water with 2 teaspoons of shower gel.

Good for healing wounds baby cream, left to soak for 6-8 hours on problem areas, for best effect put on cotton socks.

In women, the skin is more sensitive, so if the treatment of cracked heels, for a long time does not give results, then you will have to stop wearing synthetic socks, shoes made of artificial materials and shoes with an open heel.

Doctors say - the best treatment this is prevention, so you should not bring the skin to the point where the heels begin to crack.

Each modern woman a visit to a gynecologist and a beautician should be obligatory event on regular basis. Compliance with personal hygiene, cold and hot shower And proper nutrition is the key to the health of not only the feet, but the whole body.

A healthy person is a happy person. Be healthy!

Useful video materials on why women's heels crack and how to make their skin soft and smooth

How to remove rough and cracked heel skin with a razor:

What to do if your heels crack. How to treat:

Answers to the question "why do heels itch":

Cracked heels appear for a variety of reasons. If supplement traditional treatment regular use of folk remedies and homemade recipes, the fight will go much faster.

Causes of dry feet

  • wrong, slow metabolism. The reasons for this are age (after 40 years, the metabolism slows down, the skin condition worsens), chronic diseases (gastritis, diabetes, obesity), lack of vitamins in the diet.
  • increased formation of stratum corneum on the heels: this may be due to walking barefoot or walking in uncomfortable flip-flops and mules that constantly flap on the heels. Constant mechanical impact leads to coarsening of the heels.
  • improper foot care. The causes of cracked heels can be an incorrectly selected cream, excessive friction when removing the stratum corneum, wearing synthetic socks

How to get rid of cracked heels

Folk remedies will help cure heels. First you need to analyze the causes of cracks and choose the appropriate method of treatment. If the cause is a fungal infection, then it is advisable to use products with the addition of vinegar. If the disease is caused by dry skin, then remedies with the addition of honey, herbs, potato and linen compresses, as well as recipes with vinegar will help in the treatment of dry heels. Below are folk recipes that helped the readers of the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" to cure heels and get rid of cracks

Honey cake for cracked skin of the legs

Knead the dough from 1 tbsp. l. honey and 2 tbsp. l. flour. Divide into 2 parts. At night, steam your feet for 10-15 minutes, wipe them off, and put a honey cake on each heel, wrap it with polyethylene and a bandage. Put on socks. Remove everything in the morning, wash your feet, roll the cakes into a ball until the next evening. Do this procedure 5-6 days in a row. All the old rough skin will come off, and dry heels will become pink and smooth. (Bulletin of healthy lifestyle 2011, No. 12 p. 32).

Mokritsa in folk treatment

The second name of wood lice is asterisk

To get rid of cracked heels, steam your feet in a decoction of chamomile, calendula. Then put fresh wood lice in your socks, put the socks on your feet and walk like this all day. Everything will drag on quickly. (HLS 2011, No. 20, p. 39). Plantain leaves can be added to wood lice (2007, No. 13, p. 34).

Cracked toes, feet, heels - apple cider vinegar treatment

If the skin on the soles of the feet has coarsened, started to crack, then the following folk remedy will help: mix apple cider vinegar and water in a 1: 1 ratio. Soak a cloth in this solution and wrap your legs overnight, pull plastic bags on top and put on socks. During the night, rough skin will become limp and easily cleansed. In the morning, the feet should be washed and lubricated with a nourishing cream. (2010, No. 9, p. 30).

If the soles of your feet are cracking, glycerin and vinegar will help.

This is the simplest and most popular remedy, it effectively treats cracked heels, cracked toes and feet. Buy a bottle of glycerin at the pharmacy, top it up (it is not full) with vinegar. In the morning, lubricate the feet and toes with this composition. Then put on socks. After two days, rough, cracked skin will become soft and pink.

It will take more time to treat cracks - you need to take 5 vials of glycerin for the course. (HLS 2010, No. 11, p. 30, 2010, No. 14, p. 23). Another article says that glycerin and vinegar essence should be taken in a 1: 1 ratio - after bathing, lubricate the soles, they will not crack and peel off. (2009, No. 16, p. 10)

And here is a similar folk recipe, it was given to the reader by an old paramedic. Only here it is necessary to mix glycerin with ammonia in a ratio of 1: 1. Steam your feet in warm water, wipe and grease with this mixture. With the help of this remedy, the woman managed to cure cracks in her fingers, and her niece completely healed the skin on her legs - she was covered with scales, swollen, with diseased layered nails. A week later, the scales and swelling disappeared, and a month later, the nails became beautiful, strong, shiny, as if varnished. (2010, No. 15, p. 30).

Another variation of the recipe: mix 3 parts of glycerin, 3 parts of 70% vinegar and 2 parts of alcohol - rub into the soles every evening after washing the feet. This product is well absorbed and does not stain the bed. (Healthy lifestyle 2008 No. 5, p. 30)

Making herbal salve at home

Take 4 bunches of lilacs with leaves, 10 marigold flowers, 10 plantain leaves, a handful of cinquefoil and 2 leaves of aloe. Mash all this with a crush and pour 200 g of hot (60-70 degrees) chicken fat. When cool, refrigerate for two days, then heat again and strain. Rub at night into steamed cracks on the heels, put on socks. Cracks will heal quickly. (2011, No. 11, p. 28,).

Yolk cracking ointment

The yolk is often used not only in treatment recipes, but also in the creation of beauty products: masks for hair, face and body skin.

Mix 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. vinegar. You will get an ointment that looks like yellowish sour cream. After the foot bath, apply the mixture on the heels, put on plastic bags and socks. In the morning, wash everything off and treat with a pumice stone. After 2-3 procedures, the feet will become smooth. (2010, No. 22, p. 38,). Another similar recipe: 1 egg, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. vinegar essence - mix.

Useful composition for tender heels

Heat 100 g of sunflower or olive oil to 40 degrees, remove from heat, add beeswax the size of half a matchbox, stir until the wax dissolves, add 1 tsp. glycerin and 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil. Mix until smooth, store in the refrigerator. Before going to bed, steam your legs, apply ointment, put on socks and sleep until morning. First, the treatment is carried out every day, then as needed. The skin on the heels will become very soft and smooth (2009, No. 14, p. 31).

Effective Vinegar, Egg and Oil Remedy

Wash a white chicken egg, put in a glass and pour 70% acetic acid, Close the lid and put in a cool place for 7 days. Then carefully remove the egg with a spoon, put on a plate, mix with 200 g of butter, kneading with a fork into a homogeneous mass. Apply like a cream, rubbing lightly. The course of treatment - until it ends.

The man had cracked heels for many years, and at times he could not walk because of the pain. Lotions from onions, potatoes, herbs did not help him, and expensive medicines prescribed by doctors did not help either. And this folk remedy immediately helped (2009, No. 18, p. 32).

Gum as a means of traditional medicine

Heat a good butter in an enamel mug, remove the foam, drain the clean butter, and discard the residue with impurities. For 1 cup of ghee, take natural wax with a volume of two matchboxes and the same amount of resin (frozen in the refrigerator and grated). Mix all this, heating no higher than 80 degrees. When everything is dissolved, strain through double cheesecloth, when the mass begins to thicken, add 1 tsp. honey and stir again. It will turn out a healing ointment with the aroma of pine needles, slightly bitter. Store in the freezer in a glass jar. The properties of the ointment are simply extraordinary: it heals wounds, erosion (tampon), hemorrhoids, trophic ulcers, boils, cracked heels. When taken orally, it helps with stomach ulcers, heartburn. (2009, No. 19, p. 26). You can add 5-10 g of propolis to this ointment along with resin (2007, No. 4, art. 32).

Lubricate cracks with liquid resin - the pain disappears immediately, and the wounds will heal in 1-2 days. Resin heels will be black, but this is temporary. (2007, No. 17, p. 32).

Tetracycline ointment and apple cider vinegar for chapped feet

Please note: there are a number of contraindications to tetracycline

The woman had problems with her heels for many years - thick dry skin constantly grew on them, cracks often appeared. I used many folk recipes, but the following method helped.

Steam your feet in water with soda, clean your heels with pumice, generously lubricate with 3% tetracycline ointment, put on bags, socks and go to bed. Wash your feet in the morning, the cracks will gradually heal. After that, change tactics: take gauze, moisten it with plenty of apple cider vinegar and wrap the heel through the entire foot, secure with a pin, a bag and a sock. In the morning, rough skin is easily removed with a pumice stone. This procedure should be done every 2-3 months as the skin grows, there will be no cracks at all, and the heels will be smooth. (2009, No. 21, p. 39).

Treatment of heels with onion peel: recipes for healers

Pour a handful of onion peels with 2 liters of boiling water, wrap and leave for 1 hour. Pour the infusion into a bowl, add 1 tbsp. l. salt and soda. Soar your feet until the water cools down. Then wipe your feet and smear the entire foot with vegetable oil, then with egg yolk, put on cotton socks, then a plastic bag and woolen socks. - and to bed. 4-5 procedures are enough to cure heels from cracks (2009, No. 9, p. 32).

Rest treatment

The reader claims that the best remedy for cracked heels is not to lubricate them with anything. You need to steam your legs every evening and go to bed, the cracks will begin to dry and shrink, and only in the morning anoint them with a fat cream. If the wounds are anointed immediately, then the cream or ointment will not allow them to shrink as much as possible. (2008, No. 18, p. 30).

Plantain roots heal wounds on the feet

Cracked heels are very easy to treat. Wash plantain roots, pour boiling water, when the water cools to warm, lower your legs, hold for 20 minutes, it is better to do this before going to bed. Dry heels will become soft, the wounds will heal. (2007, No. 20, p. 31).

Lipstick treatment: a golden remedy for women

Do not be stingy - choose a lipstick with the most oily texture

The woman had cracks on her heels for a long time, she tried to treat them with various means, but a simple hygienic lipstick helped - every evening after washing her feet she smeared her feet with lipstick - the cracks quickly disappeared. (2007, No. 20, p. 32).

Onion ointment to eliminate pain

Heat 1 cup of unrefined oil and throw 2 chopped onions into it. Saute onion in oil until browned. Then quickly strain and add beeswax to the hot oil. Mix, cool, store in the refrigerator. After washing the feet, lubricate the feet with this composition. Cracks on the feet pass quickly (2006, No. 5, p. 32, No. 23, p. 8,).

Therapeutic curdled milk

If the heels crack, it is necessary to make compresses from curdled milk or sour cream for 7-8 days. (2006, No. 11, p. 33).

How to be treated with a cabbage compress

The woman's heels often cracked to the point of blood, she used various folk remedies, but the cabbage leaf helped the best - after these compresses, the heels have been in order for 10 years. It is necessary to steam out the legs, let them dry, then grease with honey, wrap with a cabbage leaf and secure with a plastic bag and a bandage for the whole night. Repeat the procedure 5-7 times. This recipe has helped a lot. (2006, No. 27, p. 31).

Cheremitsa against keratinization of the skin and corns

For the treatment of heels, dried and ground into flour roots of hellebore are used. The resulting powder is mixed with an equal amount of butter. Lubricate with a mixture of sore spots at night, insulate with a bandage. Healing occurs within a week. (2005, No. 21, p. 28).

Cheremitsa also has antifungal properties

The woman's heels were in a terrible state: covered with cracks, many warts, all the tights were torn in the first hour of wearing. She tried to treat them with various means, but with the onset of improvement, she abandoned the treatment, and the problem returned. In addition, after a dislocation of the foot, a bump began to grow on the inside of the thumb, the surgeon said that it was the joint fluid that had leaked out and that the lump should be removed through surgery.

Then the woman decided to take up her legs more systematically. I applied a number of activities, and the heels became soft and healthy. In addition, there was a lump on the finger. She can’t say exactly what was wrong, but here’s what she did:

1. At night, I wrapped my feet with a cloth moistened with urine, over a bag and socks. Washed off in the morning.
2. Tied a cake made of flour, garlic, vinegar to wounds
3. I tied a baked onion, they ate resin.
4. For the night or for the whole day I made a compress with tincture of potato flowers.
5. I soared my legs in a potato decoction or a decoction of herbs of burdock, celandine, calendula, nettle, wormwood - in arbitrary proportions.
6. Lubricated her legs with honey, and her heels with an ointment, which she prepared from honey, vegetable oil and wax. (2005, No. 15, p. 10).

How to treat dry skin of the feet with potatoes

If the heels are dry, covered with corns and cracks, then raw potatoes will help - you need to grate 3-4 potatoes, add the same amount of alcohol, divide the mass into two parts and put it in two plastic bags. Put your feet on this mixture, after smearing your feet with cream so that there is no burn, fix it. Sit in front of the TV for three hours, then wash your feet and smear with cream. With the same portion of potatoes, you can make compresses 3-4 times. (2004, No. 16, p. 22).

The paraffin method

Be careful not to get burned!

If the heels are cracking, you need to take a candle and cut it into a tin can. Take the same amount of butter by volume. Put on fire and stir until smooth. When the mixture has cooled slightly to a tolerable state - pour on the heels, tie with parchment and put on socks. everything heals in the morning (2004, No. 1, p. 24).

herbal flour

From the fungus, sweating, cracks in the legs, a simple remedy will help: put a pinch of herbs: mint, sage, chamomile, celandine, nettle in clean socks in the morning. Wear these socks all day. When walking, herbs turn into powder and fall into all wounds. Every morning lay a new portion of the herb. So you can cure cracked heels, bad smell from the feet. (2004, No. 3 p. 25).

Honey for heel cracks

If the heels crack, then you can do a simple procedure: smear them with honey before going to bed, wash them off in the morning. Everything will heal quickly. (2004, No. 4, p. 24).

Solidol: when there is not enough money for expensive treatment

This tool helped in just 2 applications. The woman had cracks on her heels for many years, she could not wear sandals before they were terrible. On Saturday, after the bath, after steaming her legs well and wiping them dry, she smeared her heels with grease. She wrapped her feet in plastic and went to bed. A week later, the treatment was repeated. All dry skin on the heels went away, they became even and soft, scars remained from cracks. (2003, No. 13, pp. 23-24)

Fat heals wounds

Rub melted interior beef fat into cracks overnight with a cotton swab. In the morning there will be no more pain (HLS 2003, No. 17, p. 26)

Cleansing with laundry soap

Soak a linen cloth in strong brewed tea and lather with laundry soap. Attach the fabric to the heel, polyethylene on top and fasten all night. It is necessary to do 3-4 such procedures to cure cracked heels. (2003, No. 23, p. 27).

Simple nettle baths for illness

Per liter of boiling water - 2 tbsp. l. nettles. Steam your feet in this solution, then smear with cream or fat, make a light massage. Instead of nettle, you can take starch - 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. (2002, No. 16, p. 4).

Signs of cracking of the skin appear after 40 years. The surface is rough, looks unattractive, tears stockings or socks, causes inconvenience when walking. Cracks in the heels are associated with wearing tight shoes, various diseases.

Causes of cracked heels

The cosmetic defect is due to an increase in dryness and a slowdown in the rate of regeneration of the skin and metabolic processes in cells.

Reasons for cracking hormonal changes, deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

Yellow keratinized skin with thickening signals poor digestion, gastritis, dysfunction of the stomach,.

Cracked heels also appear for the following reasons:

  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • wearing socks or stockings made of synthetics;
  • improper foot care.

To exclude skin diseases (mycosis), it is worth contacting a dermatologist, only after consultation to treat heel cracks.

For the prevention of beriberi, experts recommend taking complexes with vitamins A and E in spring and autumn, they are especially necessary for the health of the skin. To heal the heels, it is worth including the appropriate foods in the diet.

  • Add 1s.l. to 5 liters of clean hot water. 3% hydrogen peroxide.

During the procedure, periodically remove the softened keratinized layer of skin from the heels with a scrub and a hard washcloth.

Apply baths with peroxide at intervals of 2-3 days.

Glycerin and Vaseline:

  • mix in equal parts vodka, ammonia, glycerin, petroleum jelly.

Apply to heel cracks, put on cotton socks.

  • Lubricate the heels with honey at night, cover with parchment or paper for compresses, put on socks.

In the morning, wash off the composition, apply the cream.

  • apply honey on the heated heel, cover the cracks with a fresh cabbage leaf, fix with a bandage.
  • Heat a glass of almond oil in a water bath, add 10g of propolis, 30g beeswax, 1 tsp honey, wait for dissolution

Apply the ointment in a warm form on steamed cracks at night.

Oil treatment.

  • Put on your heels at night a compress from a mixture of castor, almond, sea buckthorn, olive oils, as well as wheat germ oil.
  • For 1 s.l. base oil add 3 drops of oil, geranium, thyme, lavender, juniper.

Moisten a soft cotton cloth in oil, place on the heel where cracks have formed, wrap with polyethylene, put on a sock. Wash your feet after half an hour.

Wash your feet with warm water, grease with cream.

  1. vegetable oil insist on fresh St. John's wort: place the herb in a glass dish, pour oil and keep in the sun for two weeks until ruby ​​color, ready composition strain;
  2. pass onions through a meat grinder.

Apply the gruel on the heels for 2 hours, wash the feet, then the oil infused with St. John's wort.

  • Get gruel from green onion feathers.

Place on a napkin, fix with a bandage on the heel cracks for the night.

  • Pour 1s.l. flowers with a small amount of water, boil for 5 minutes, let cool, strain. Add a small onion, mashed into gruel, 1 tbsp. crushed Kalanchoe leaves.

Mix the components, apply on the heels for 2-3 hours. Treat cracks for 2-3 weeks.

Recipe 5 (onion ointment):

  1. stew a glass of finely chopped onion in one glass, let it cool, strain the oil.
  2. Put onion oil on a steam bath, add 30 g of beeswax, let it melt.

Apply ointment at night after baths.

  • Brew 1 tsp. celandine herbs 50 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours in a sealed container, strain.
  • Mix 30 ml of flower honey and kalanchoe juice, add 1s.l. the resulting decoction of celandine.

Place the mass on the affected area for 1-2 hours. At the end, remove the keratinized skin, grease with a fat cream.

  • Dilute vodka in half with water

Soak the fabric, apply to the affected area, cover with polyethylene, fix with a bandage. The next morning the skin will be clean.

Ointment from the roots of the cinquefoil.

  • Brew 5 g of finely chopped roots with a glass of hot milk, boil for 5 minutes, strain while warm, until the ointment has acquired a jelly-like consistency.

Lubricate heel cracks. The composition has no contraindications, does not cause side effects, allergic reactions.

The study confirms that the inclusion of milk in the diet improves the condition of dry skin.

Modified: 01/17/2019


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